
  1 G3588 The G3024.1 concern G3739 which G1492 [4saw G* 1Habakkuk G3588 2the G4396 3prophet].
  2 G2193 For how long, G4214   G2962 O lord, G2896 shall I cry out, G2532 and G3766.2 in no way G1522 should you listen? G994 For how long shall I yell G4314 to G1473 you G91 being wronged, G2532 and G3756 you should not G4982 deliver?
  3 G2444 Why G1166 did you show G1473 to me G4192 toils G2532 and G2873 troubles, G1914 to look upon G5004 misery G2532 and G763 impiety? G1828.2 Right opposite G1473 me G1096 takes place G2920 judgment, G2532 and G3588 the G2923 judge G2983 takes away.
  4 G1223 On account of G3778 this G1286.1 [2is effaced G3551 1 the law], G2532 and G3756 [2is not G1326.6 3administered G1519 4unto G5056 5 the end G2917 1judgment], G3754 for G765 the impious G2616 tyrannize over G3588 the G1342 just. G1752 Because of G3778 this G1831 [2shall go forth G3588   G2917 1judgment] G1294 being perverted.
  5 G1492 Behold, G3588 O G2707 despisers, G2532 and G1914 look! G2532 and G2296 wonder G2297 wonders, G2532 and G853 vanish! G1360 For G2041 [3a work G1473 1I G2038 2work] G1722 in G3588   G2250 your days G1473   G3739 which G3766.2 in no way G4100 you shall believe G1437 if G5100 any G1555 should tell of it in detail.
  6 G1360 For G2400 behold, G1473 I G1825 awaken G3588 the G* Chaldeans, G3588 the G1484 [4nation G3588   G4089 1bitter G2532 2and G3588   G5031 3quick]; G3588 the one G4198 going G1909 upon G3588 the G4114 widths G3588 of the G1093 earth, G3588   G2624.1 to inherit G4638 tents G3756 not G1473 of his.
  7 G5398 [2fearful G2532 3and G2016 4apparent G1510.2.3 1He is]; G1537 [3of G1473 4himself G3588   G2917 1his judgment G1473   G1510.8.3 2will be], G2532 and G3588   G3024.1 his concern G1473   G1537 of G1473 himself G1831 shall come forth.
  8 G2532 And G1814 [2shall leap G5228 3more than G3917 4leopards G3588   G2462 1his horses], G1473   G2532 and G3691 are sharper G5228 than G3588 the G3074 wolves G3588   G* of Arabia. G2532 And G1837.5 [2shall ride forth G3588   G2460 1his horsemen], G1473   G2532 and G3729 shall advance G3113 far off; G2532 and G4070.3 they shall spread out G5613 as G105 an eagle G4289 eager G1519 for something G3588   G2068 to eat.
  9 G4930 Consumption G1519 [2unto G765 3 the impious G2240 1shall come] G436 opposing G4383 their fronts G1473   G1828.2 right opposite, G2532 and G4863 he shall gather G5613 [2as G285 3 the sand G161 1 the captivity].
  10 G2532 And G1473 he G1722 [2among G935 3kings G1792 1shall revel], G2532 and G5181 sovereigns G3806.2 are his playthings. G1473   G2532 And G1473 he G1519 [2at G3956 3every G3794 4fortress G1702 1shall mock], G2532 and G906 shall throw up G5560.1 an embankment, G2532 and G2902 shall prevail over G1473 it.
  11 G5119 Then G3328 he shall turn G3588 the G4151 spirit, G2532 and G1330 shall go through, G2532 and G1837.2 shall make atonement, saying, G1473 This G3588   G2479 strength G3588 is to G2316 my god. G1473  
  12 G3756 Are you not G1473   G575 from G746 the beginning, G2962 O lord G3588   G2316 my God, G1473   G3588   G39 my holy one? G1473   G3766.2 In no way G599 should we die. G2962 O lord, G1519 for G2917 judgment -- G5021 you have ordered G1473 it. G2532 And G4111 he shaped G1473 me G3588   G1651 to reprove G3809 for his discipline. G1473  
  13 G2513 Pure G3588 is the G3788 eye G3588   G3361 to not G3708 see G4190 evil things, G2532 and G1914 [2to look G1909 3upon G4190 4evils G3756 1you are not able]. G1410   G2444 Why G1914 should you look G1909 upon G2706 ones disdaining? G3902.1 Shall you remain silent G1722 in G3588 the G2666 [2swallowing down G765 1impious] G3588 the G1342 just?
  14 G2532 And G4160 will you make G3588 the G444 men G5613 as G3588 the G2486 fishes G3588 of the G2281 sea, G2532 and G5613 as G3588 the G2062 reptiles G3756 not G2192 having G2233 one taking the lead?
  15 G4930 [2consumption G1722 3with G44 4a hook G385 1He pulled up], G2532 and G1670 drew G1473 it G1722 with G293 his casting-net, G1473   G2532 and G4863 gathered G1473 it G1722 in G3588   G4522 his dragnets. G1473   G1752 Because of G3778 this G2165 he shall be glad G2532 and G5463 shall rejoice.
  16 G1752 Because of G3778 this G2380 he will sacrifice G3588 to G4522 his dragnet, G1473   G2532 and G2370 burn incense G3588 to G293 his casting-net; G1473   G3754 for G1722 by G1473 them G3044.1 he fattened G3310 his portion, G1473   G2532 even G3588   G1033 [3foods G1473 1his G1588 2choice].
  17 G1223 On account of G3778 this G292.2 he will cast G293 his casting-net, G2532 and G1275 always G615 to kill G1484 nations -- G3756 not sparing? G5339  
  1 G3588 το G3024.1 λήμμα G3739 ο G1492 είδεν G* Αμβακούκ G3588 ο G4396 προφήτης
  2 G2193 έως πότε G4214   G2962 κύριε G2896 κεκράξομαι G2532 και G3766.2 ου μη G1522 εισακούσης G994 βοήσομαι G4314 προς G1473 σε G91 αδικούμενος G2532 και G3756 ου G4982 σώσης
  3 G2444 ινατί G1166 έδειξάς G1473 μοι G4192 πόνους G2532 και G2873 κόπους G1914 επιβλέπειν G5004 ταλαιπωρίαν G2532 και G763 ασέβειαν G1828.2 εξεναντίας G1473 μου G1096 γέγονε G2920 κρίσις G2532 και G3588 ο G2923 κριτής G2983 λαμβάνει
  4 G1223 διά G3778 τούτο G1286.1 διεσκέδασται G3551 νόμος G2532 και G3756 ου G1326.6 διεξάγεται G1519 εις G5056 τέλος G2917 κρίμα G3754 ότι G765 ασεβής G2616 καταδυναστεύει G3588 τον G1342 δίκαιον G1752 ένεκεν G3778 τούτου G1831 εξελεύσεται G3588 το G2917 κρίμα G1294 διεστραμμένον
  5 G1492 ίδετε G3588 οι G2707 καταφρονηταί G2532 και G1914 επιβλέψατε G2532 και G2296 θαυμάσατε G2297 θαυμάσια G2532 και G853 αφανίσθητε G1360 διότι G2041 έργον G1473 εγώ G2038 εργάζομαι G1722 εν G3588 ταις G2250 ημέραις υμών G1473   G3739 ο G3766.2 ου μη G4100 πιστεύσητε G1437 εάν G5100 τις G1555 εκδιηγήται
  6 G1360 διότι G2400 ιδού G1473 εγώ G1825 εξεγείρω G3588 τους G* Χαλδαίους G3588 το G1484 έθνος G3588 το G4089 πικρόν G2532 και G3588 το G5031 ταχινόν G3588 το G4198 πορευόμενον G1909 επί G3588 τα G4114 πλάτη G3588 της G1093 γης G3588 του G2624.1 κατακληρονομήσαι G4638 σκηνώματα G3756 ουκ G1473 αυτού
  7 G5398 φοβερός G2532 και G2016 επιφανής G1510.2.3 εστιν G1537 εξ G1473 αυτού G3588 το G2917 κρίμα αυτού G1473   G1510.8.3 έσται G2532 και G3588 το G3024.1 λήμμα αυτού G1473   G1537 εξ G1473 αυτού G1831 εξελεύσεται
  8 G2532 και G1814 εξαλούνται G5228 υπέρ G3917 παρδάλεις G3588 οι G2462 ίπποι αυτού G1473   G2532 και G3691 οξύτεροι G5228 υπέρ G3588 τους G3074 λύκους G3588 της G* Αραβίας G2532 και G1837.5 εξιππάσονται G3588 οι G2460 ιππείς αυτού G1473   G2532 και G3729 ορμήσουσι G3113 μακρόθεν G2532 και G4070.3 πετασθήσονται G5613 ως G105 αετός G4289 πρόθυμος G1519 εις G3588 το G2068 φαγείν
  9 G4930 συντέλεια G1519 εις G765 ασεβείς G2240 ήξει G436 ανθεστηκότας G4383 προσώποις αυτών G1473   G1828.2 εξεναντίας G2532 και G4863 συνάξει G5613 ως G285 άμμον G161 αιχμαλωσίαν
  10 G2532 και G1473 αυτός G1722 εν G935 βασιλεύσιν G1792 εντρυφήσει G2532 και G5181 τύραννοι G3806.2 παίγνια αυτού G1473   G2532 και G1473 αυτός G1519 εις G3956 παν G3794 οχύρωμα G1702 εμπαίξεται G2532 και G906 βαλεί G5560.1 χώμα G2532 και G2902 κρατήσει G1473 αυτού
  11 G5119 τότε G3328 μεταβαλεί G3588 το G4151 πνεύμα G2532 και G1330 διελεύσεται G2532 και G1837.2 εξιλάσεται G1473 άυτη G3588 η G2479 ισχύς G3588 τω G2316 θεώ μου G1473  
  12 G3756 ουχί συ G1473   G575 απ΄ G746 αρχής G2962 κύριε G3588 ο G2316 θεός μου G1473   G3588 ο G39 αγιός μου G1473   G3766.2 ου μη G599 αποθάνωμεν G2962 κύριε G1519 εις G2917 κρίμα G5021 τέταχας G1473 αυτόν G2532 και G4111 έπλασέ G1473 με G3588 του G1651 ελέγχειν G3809 παιδείαν αυτού G1473  
  13 G2513 καθαρός G3588 ο G3788 οφθαλμός G3588 του G3361 μη G3708 οράν G4190 πονηρά G2532 και G1914 επιβλέπειν G1909 επί G4190 πονηρούς G3756 ου δυνήση G1410   G2444 ινατί G1914 επιβλέπεις G1909 επί G2706 καταφρονούντας G3902.1 παρασιωπήση G1722 εν G3588 τω G2666 καταπίνειν G765 ασεβή G3588 τον G1342 δίκαιον
  14 G2532 και G4160 ποιήσεις G3588 τους G444 ανθρώπους G5613 ως G3588 τους G2486 ιχθύας G3588 της G2281 θαλάσσης G2532 και G5613 ως G3588 τα G2062 ερπετά G3756 ουκ G2192 έχοντα G2233 ηγούμενον
  15 G4930 συντέλειαν G1722 εν G44 αγκίστρω G385 ανέσπασε G2532 και G1670 είλκυσεν G1473 αυτόν G1722 εν G293 αμφιβλήστρω αυτού G1473   G2532 και G4863 συνήγαγεν G1473 αυτόν G1722 εν G3588 ταις G4522 σαγήναις αυτού G1473   G1752 ένεκεν G3778 τούτου G2165 ευφρανθήσεται G2532 και G5463 χαρήσεται
  16 G1752 ένεκεν G3778 τούτου G2380 θύσει G3588 τη G4522 σαγήνη αυτού G1473   G2532 και G2370 θυμιάσει G3588 τω G293 αμφιβλήστρω αυτού G1473   G3754 ότι G1722 εν G1473 αυτοίς G3044.1 ελίπανε G3310 μερίδα αυτού G1473   G2532 και G3588 τα G1033 βρώματα G1473 αυτού G1588 εκλεκτά
  17 G1223 διά G3778 τούτο G292.2 αμφιβαλεί G293 αμφίβληστρον αυτού G2532 και G1275 διαπαντός G615 αποκτείνειν G1484 έθνη G3756 ου φείσεται G5339  
    1 G3588 T-NSN το   N-NSN λημμα G3739 R-ASN ο G3708 V-AAI-3S ειδεν   N-PRI αμβακουμ G3588 T-NSM ο G4396 N-NSM προφητης
    2 G2193 PREP εως G5100 I-GSM τινος G2962 N-VSM κυριε G2896 V-FMI-1S κεκραξομαι G2532 CONJ και G3364 ADV ου G3165 ADV μη G1522 V-AAS-2S εισακουσης G994 V-FMI-1S βοησομαι G4314 PREP προς G4771 P-AS σε G91 V-PPPNS αδικουμενος G2532 CONJ και G3364 ADV ου G4982 V-FAI-2S σωσεις
    3 G2443 CONJ ινα G5100 I-ASN τι G1473 P-DS μοι G1166 V-AAI-2S εδειξας G2873 N-APM κοπους G2532 CONJ και G4192 N-APM πονους G1914 V-PAN επιβλεπειν G5004 N-ASF ταλαιπωριαν G2532 CONJ και G763 N-ASF ασεβειαν G1537 PREP εξ G1727 A-GSF εναντιας G1473 P-GS μου G1096 V-RAI-3S γεγονεν G2920 N-NSF κρισις G2532 CONJ και G3588 T-NSM ο G2923 N-NSM κριτης G2983 V-PAI-3S λαμβανει
    4 G1223 PREP δια G3778 D-ASN τουτο   V-RMI-3S διεσκεδασται G3551 N-NSM νομος G2532 CONJ και G3364 ADV ου   V-PMI-3S διεξαγεται G1519 PREP εις G5056 N-ASN τελος G2917 N-NSN κριμα G3754 CONJ οτι G3588 T-NSM ο G765 A-NSM ασεβης G2616 V-PAI-3S καταδυναστευει G3588 T-ASM τον G1342 A-ASM δικαιον   PREP ενεκεν G3778 D-GSN τουτου G1831 V-FMI-3S εξελευσεται G3588 T-NSN το G2917 N-NSN κριμα G1294 V-RMPNS διεστραμμενον
    5 G3708 V-AAD-2P ιδετε G3588 T-VPM οι   N-VPM καταφρονηται G2532 CONJ και G1914 V-AAD-2P επιβλεψατε G2532 CONJ και G2296 V-AAD-2P θαυμασατε G2297 A-APN θαυμασια G2532 CONJ και   V-APD-2P αφανισθητε G1360 CONJ διοτι G2041 N-ASN εργον G1473 P-NS εγω G2038 V-PMI-1S εργαζομαι G1722 PREP εν G3588 T-DPF ταις G2250 N-DPF ημεραις G4771 P-GP υμων G3739 R-ASN ο G3364 ADV ου G3165 ADV μη G4100 V-AAS-2P πιστευσητε G1437 CONJ εαν G5100 I-NSM τις   V-PMS-3S εκδιηγηται
    6 G1360 CONJ διοτι G2400 INJ ιδου G1473 P-NS εγω G1825 V-PAI-1S εξεγειρω G1909 PREP εφ G4771 P-AP υμας G3588 T-APM τους G5466 N-APM χαλδαιους G3588 T-APM τους   N-APM μαχητας G3588 T-ASN το G1484 N-ASN εθνος G3588 T-ASN το G4089 A-ASM πικρον G2532 CONJ και G3588 T-ASN το G5031 A-ASN ταχινον G3588 T-ASN το G4198 V-PMPAS πορευομενον G1909 PREP επι G3588 T-APN τα G4114 N-APN πλατη G3588 T-GSF της G1065 N-GSF γης G3588 T-GSN του   V-AAN κατακληρονομησαι G4638 N-APN σκηνωματα G3364 ADV ουκ G846 D-GSN αυτου
    7 G5398 A-NSM φοβερος G2532 CONJ και G2016 A-NSM επιφανης G1510 V-PAI-3S εστιν G1537 PREP εξ G846 D-GSM αυτου G3588 T-NSN το G2917 N-NSN κριμα G846 D-GSM αυτου G1510 V-FMI-3S εσται G2532 CONJ και G3588 T-NSN το   N-NSN λημμα G846 D-GSM αυτου G1537 PREP εξ G846 D-GSM αυτου G1831 V-FMI-3S εξελευσεται
    8 G2532 CONJ και G1814 V-FMI-3P εξαλουνται G5228 PREP υπερ G3917 N-APF παρδαλεις G3588 T-NPM οι G2462 N-NPM ιπποι G846 D-GSN αυτου G2532 CONJ και G3691 A-NPMC οξυτεροι G5228 PREP υπερ G3588 T-APM τους G3074 N-APM λυκους G3588 T-GSF της G688 N-GSF αραβιας G2532 CONJ και   V-FMI-3P εξιππασονται G3588 T-NPM οι G2460 N-NPM ιππεις G846 D-GSN αυτου G2532 CONJ και G3729 V-FAI-3P ορμησουσιν G3113 ADV μακροθεν G2532 CONJ και G4072 V-FPI-3P πετασθησονται G3739 CONJ ως G105 N-NSM αετος G4289 A-NSM προθυμος G1519 PREP εις G3588 T-ASN το G2068 V-AAN φαγειν
    9 G4930 N-NSF συντελεια G1519 PREP εις G765 A-NPM ασεβεις G1854 V-FAI-3S ηξει   V-RAPAP ανθεστηκοτας G4383 N-DPN προσωποις G846 D-GPM αυτων G1537 PREP εξ G1727 A-GSF εναντιας G2532 CONJ και G4863 V-FAI-3S συναξει G3739 CONJ ως G285 N-ASF αμμον G161 N-ASF αιχμαλωσιαν
    10 G2532 CONJ και G846 D-NSM αυτος G1722 PREP εν G935 N-DPM βασιλευσιν G1792 V-FAI-3S εντρυφησει G2532 CONJ και G5181 N-NPM τυραννοι   N-NPN παιγνια G846 D-GSM αυτου G2532 CONJ και G846 D-NSM αυτος G1519 PREP εις G3956 A-ASN παν G3794 N-ASN οχυρωμα G1702 V-FMI-3S εμπαιξεται G2532 CONJ και G906 V-FAI-3S βαλει   N-ASN χωμα G2532 CONJ και G2902 V-FAI-3S κρατησει G846 D-GSN αυτου
    11 G5119 ADV τοτε G3328 V-FAI-3S μεταβαλει G3588 T-ASN το G4151 N-ASN πνευμα G2532 CONJ και G1330 V-FMI-3S διελευσεται G2532 CONJ και   V-FMI-3S εξιλασεται G3778 D-NSF αυτη G3588 T-NSF η G2479 N-NSF ισχυς G3588 T-DSM τω G2316 N-DSM θεω G1473 P-GS μου
    12 G3364 ADV ουχι G4771 P-NS συ G575 PREP απ G746 N-GSF αρχης G2962 N-VSM κυριε G3588 T-NSM ο G2316 N-NSM θεος G3588 T-NSM ο G40 A-NSM αγιος G1473 P-GS μου G2532 CONJ και G3364 ADV ου G3165 ADV μη G599 V-AAS-1P αποθανωμεν G2962 N-VSM κυριε G1519 PREP εις G2917 N-ASN κριμα G5021 V-RAI-2S τεταχας G846 D-ASM αυτον G2532 CONJ και G4111 V-AAI-3S επλασεν G1473 P-AS με G3588 T-GSN του G1651 V-PAN ελεγχειν G3809 N-ASF παιδειαν G846 D-GSM αυτου
    13 G2513 A-NSM καθαρος G3788 N-NSM οφθαλμος G3588 T-GSM του G3165 ADV μη G3708 V-PAN οραν G4190 A-APN πονηρα G2532 CONJ και G1914 V-PAN επιβλεπειν G1909 PREP επι G4192 N-APM πονους G3364 ADV ου G1410 V-FMI-2S δυνηση G2443 CONJ ινα G5100 I-ASN τι G1914 V-PAI-2S επιβλεπεις G1909 PREP επι G2706 V-PAPAP καταφρονουντας   V-FMI-2S παρασιωπηση G1722 PREP εν G3588 T-DSN τω G2666 V-PAN καταπινειν G765 A-ASM ασεβη G3588 T-ASM τον G1342 A-ASM δικαιον
    14 G2532 CONJ και G4160 V-FAI-2S ποιησεις G3588 T-APM τους G444 N-APM ανθρωπους G3739 CONJ ως G3588 T-APM τους G2486 N-APM ιχθυας G3588 T-GSF της G2281 N-GSF θαλασσης G2532 CONJ και G3739 CONJ ως G3588 T-APN τα G2062 N-APN ερπετα G3588 T-APN τα G3364 ADV ουκ G2192 V-PAPAP εχοντα G2233 V-PMPAS ηγουμενον
    15 G4930 N-ASF συντελειαν G1722 PREP εν G44 N-DSN αγκιστρω G385 V-AAI-3S ανεσπασεν G2532 CONJ και   V-AAI-3S ειλκυσεν G846 D-ASM αυτον G1722 PREP εν G293 N-DSN αμφιβληστρω G2532 CONJ και G4863 V-AAI-3S συνηγαγεν G846 D-ASM αυτον G1722 PREP εν G3588 T-DPF ταις   N-DPF σαγηναις G846 D-GSM αυτου   PREP ενεκεν G3778 D-GSN τουτου G2165 V-FPI-3S ευφρανθησεται G2532 CONJ και G5463 V-FPI-3S χαρησεται G3588 T-NSF η G2588 N-NSF καρδια G846 D-GSM αυτου
    16   PREP ενεκεν G3778 D-GSM τουτου G2380 V-FAI-3S θυσει G3588 T-DSF τη G4522 N-DSF σαγηνη G846 D-GSM αυτου G2532 CONJ και G2370 V-FAI-3S θυμιασει G3588 T-DSN τω G293 N-DSN αμφιβληστρω G846 D-GSM αυτου G3754 CONJ οτι G1722 PREP εν G846 D-DPM αυτοις   V-AAI-3S ελιπανεν G3310 N-ASF μεριδα G846 D-GSM αυτου G2532 CONJ και G3588 T-APN τα G1033 N-APN βρωματα G846 D-GSM αυτου G1588 A-APN εκλεκτα
    17 G1223 PREP δια G3778 D-ASN τουτο   V-FAI-3S αμφιβαλει G3588 T-ASN το G293 N-ASN αμφιβληστρον G846 D-GSM αυτου G2532 CONJ και G1223 PREP δια G3956 A-GSN παντος G615 V-PAN αποκτεννειν G1484 N-APN εθνη G3364 ADV ου G5339 V-FMI-3S φεισεται
HOT(i) 1 המשׂא אשׁר חזה חבקוק הנביא׃ 2 עד אנה יהוה שׁועתי ולא תשׁמע אזעק אליך חמס ולא תושׁיע׃ 3 למה תראני און ועמל תביט ושׁד וחמס לנגדי ויהי ריב ומדון ישׂא׃ 4 על כן תפוג תורה ולא יצא לנצח משׁפט כי רשׁע מכתיר את הצדיק על כן יצא משׁפט מעקל׃ 5 ראו בגוים והביטו והתמהו תמהו כי פעל פעל בימיכם לא תאמינו כי יספר׃ 6 כי הנני מקים את הכשׂדים הגוי המר והנמהר ההולך למרחבי ארץ לרשׁת משׁכנות לא׃ 7 אים ונורא הוא ממנו משׁפטו ושׂאתו יצא׃ 8 וקלו מנמרים סוסיו וחדו מזאבי ערב ופשׁו פרשׁיו ופרשׁיו מרחוק יבאו יעפו כנשׁר חשׁ לאכול׃ 9 כלה לחמס יבוא מגמת פניהם קדימה ויאסף כחול שׁבי׃ 10 והוא במלכים יתקלס ורזנים משׂחק לו הוא לכל מבצר ישׂחק ויצבר עפר וילכדה׃ 11 אז חלף רוח ויעבר ואשׁם זו כחו לאלהו׃ 12 הלוא אתה מקדם יהוה אלהי קדשׁי לא נמות יהוה למשׁפט שׂמתו וצור להוכיח יסדתו׃ 13 טהור עינים מראות רע והביט אל עמל לא תוכל למה תביט בוגדים תחרישׁ בבלע רשׁע צדיק ממנו׃ 14 ותעשׂה אדם כדגי הים כרמשׂ לא משׁל׃ 15 כלה בחכה העלה יגרהו בחרמו ויאספהו במכמרתו על כן ישׂמח ויגיל׃ 16 על כן יזבח לחרמו ויקטר למכמרתו כי בהמה שׁמן חלקו ומאכלו בראה׃ 17 העל כן יריק חרמו ותמיד להרג גוים לא יחמול׃
IHOT(i) (In English order)
  1 H4853 המשׂא The burden H834 אשׁר which H2372 חזה did see. H2265 חבקוק Habakkuk H5030 הנביא׃ the prophet
  2 H5704 עד how long H575 אנה how long H3068 יהוה O LORD, H7768 שׁועתי shall I cry, H3808 ולא and thou wilt not H8085 תשׁמע hear! H2199 אזעק cry out H413 אליך unto H2555 חמס thee violence, H3808 ולא and thou wilt not H3467 תושׁיע׃ save!
  3 H4100 למה Why H7200 תראני dost thou show H205 און me iniquity, H5999 ועמל grievance? H5027 תביט and cause to behold H7701 ושׁד for spoiling H2555 וחמס and violence H5048 לנגדי before H1961 ויהי me: and there are H7379 ריב strife H4066 ומדון and contention. H5375 ישׂא׃ raise up
  4 H5921 על therefore H3651 כן therefore H6313 תפוג is slacked, H8451 תורה the law H3808 ולא doth never H3318 יצא go forth: H5331 לנצח doth never H4941 משׁפט and judgment H3588 כי for H7563 רשׁע the wicked H3803 מכתיר doth compass about H853 את   H6662 הצדיק the righteous; H5921 על   H3651 כן   H3318 יצא proceedeth. H4941 משׁפט judgment H6127 מעקל׃ wrong
  5 H7200 ראו Behold H1471 בגוים ye among the heathen, H5027 והביטו and regard, H8539 והתמהו and wonder marvelously: H8539 תמהו and wonder marvelously: H3588 כי for H6467 פעל a work H6466 פעל will work H3117 בימיכם in your days, H3808 לא ye will not H539 תאמינו believe, H3588 כי though H5608 יספר׃ it be told
  6 H3588 כי For, H2005 הנני   H6965 מקים I raise up H853 את   H3778 הכשׂדים the Chaldeans, H1471 הגוי nation, H4751 המר bitter H4116 והנמהר and hasty H1980 ההולך which shall march H4800 למרחבי through the breadth H776 ארץ of the land, H3423 לרשׁת to possess H4908 משׁכנות the dwelling places H3808 לא׃ not
  7 H366 אים terrible H3372 ונורא and dreadful: H1931 הוא They H4480 ממנו of H4941 משׁפטו their judgment H7613 ושׂאתו and their dignity H3318 יצא׃ shall proceed
  8 H7043 וקלו also are swifter H5246 מנמרים than the leopards, H5483 סוסיו Their horses H2300 וחדו and are more fierce H2061 מזאבי wolves: H6153 ערב than the evening H6335 ופשׁו shall spread H6571 פרשׁיו and their horsemen H6571 ופרשׁיו themselves, and their horsemen H7350 מרחוק from far; H935 יבאו shall come H5774 יעפו they shall fly H5404 כנשׁר as the eagle H2363 חשׁ hasteth H398 לאכול׃ to eat.
  9 H3605 כלה all H2555 לחמס for violence: H935 יבוא They shall come H4041 מגמת shall sup up H6440 פניהם their faces H6921 קדימה the east wind, H622 ויאסף and they shall gather H2344 כחול as the sand. H7628 שׁבי׃ the captivity
  10 H1931 והוא And they H4428 במלכים at the kings, H7046 יתקלס shall scoff H7336 ורזנים and the princes H4890 משׂחק shall be a scorn H1931 לו הוא unto them: they H3605 לכל every H4013 מבצר stronghold; H7832 ישׂחק shall deride H6651 ויצבר for they shall heap H6083 עפר dust, H3920 וילכדה׃ and take
  11 H227 אז Then H2498 חלף change, H7307 רוח shall mind H5674 ויעבר and he shall pass over, H816 ואשׁם and offend, H2098 זו this H3581 כחו his power H430 לאלהו׃  
  12 H3808 הלוא not H859 אתה thou H6924 מקדם from everlasting, H3069 יהוה   H430 אלהי my God, H6918 קדשׁי mine Holy One? H3808 לא we shall not H4191 נמות die. H3069 יהוה   H4941 למשׁפט them for judgment; H7760 שׂמתו thou hast ordained H6697 וצור and, O mighty God, H3198 להוכיח them for correction. H3245 יסדתו׃ thou hast established
  13 H2890 טהור   H5869 עינים eyes H7200 מראות than to behold H7451 רע evil, H5027 והביט look H413 אל on H5999 עמל iniquity: H3808 לא not H3201 תוכל and canst H4100 למה wherefore H5027 תביט lookest H898 בוגדים thou upon them that deal treacherously, H2790 תחרישׁ holdest thy tongue H1104 בבלע devoureth H7563 רשׁע when the wicked H6662 צדיק more righteous H4480 ממנו׃ than to behold
  14 H6213 ותעשׂה And makest H120 אדם men H1709 כדגי as the fishes H3220 הים of the sea, H7431 כרמשׂ as the creeping things, H3808 לא no H4910 משׁל׃ ruler
  15 H3605 כלה all H2443 בחכה of them with the angle, H5927 העלה They take up H1641 יגרהו they catch H2764 בחרמו them in their net, H622 ויאספהו and gather H4365 במכמרתו them in their drag: H5921 על therefore H3651 כן therefore H8055 ישׂמח they rejoice H1523 ויגיל׃ and are glad.
  16 H5921 על   H3651 כן   H2076 יזבח they sacrifice H2764 לחרמו unto their net, H6999 ויקטר and burn incense H4365 למכמרתו unto their drag; H3588 כי because H1992 בהמה by them H8082 שׁמן fat, H2506 חלקו their portion H3978 ומאכלו and their meat H1277 בראה׃ plenteous.
  17 H5921 העל   H3651 כן   H7324 יריק empty H2764 חרמו their net, H8548 ותמיד continually H2026 להרג to slay H1471 גוים the nations? H3808 לא and not H2550 יחמול׃ spare
  1 H4853 The burden H2265 which Habakkuk H5030 the prophet H2372 [H8804] envisioned.
  2 H3068 O LORD, H7768 [H8765] how long shall I halloo, H8085 [H8799] and thou wilt not hear! H2199 [H8799] even cry out H2555 to thee of violence, H3467 [H8686] and thou wilt not liberate!
  3 H7200 [H8686] Why dost thou show H205 me nothingness, H5027 [H8686] and cause me to behold H5999 toil? H7701 for plundering H2555 and violence H5375 [H8799] are before me: and there are that raise H7379 strife H4066 and contention.
  4 H8451 Therefore the law H6313 [H8799] is feeble, H4941 and judgment H5331 doth never H3318 [H8799] go forth: H7563 for the wicked H3803 [H8688] doth surround H6662 the righteous; H4941 therefore judgment H3318 [H8799] goeth forth H6127 [H8794] perverted
  5 H7200 [H8798] Behold H1471 ye among the nations, H5027 [H8685] and regard, H8539 [H8690] and wonder H8539 [H8798] marvellously: H6466 [H8802] for I will work H6467 a work H3117 in your days, H539 [H8686] which ye will not believe, H5608 [H8792] though it be told you.
  6 H6965 [H8688] For, lo, I raise up H3778 the Chaldeans, H4751 that bitter H4116 [H8737] and hasty H1471 nation, H1980 [H8802] which shall march H4800 through the breadth H776 of the land, H3423 [H8800] to possess H4908 the dwellingplaces that are not theirs.
  7 H366 They are terrible H3372 [H8737] and dreadful: H4941 their judgment H7613 and their dignity H3318 [H8799] shall proceed from themselves.
  8 H5483 Their horses H7043 [H8804] also are swifter H5246 than the leopards, H2300 [H8804] and are more sharp H6153 than the evening H2061 wolves: H6571 and their horsemen H6335 [H8804] shall spread H6571 themselves, and their horsemen H935 [H8799] shall come H7350 from far; H5774 [H8799] they shall fly H5404 as the eagle H2363 [H8804] that hasteth H398 [H8800] to eat.
  9 H935 [H8799] They shall come H2555 all for violence: H6440 their faces H4041 shall sup up H6921 as the east wind, H622 [H8799] and they shall gather H7628 the captives H2344 as the sand.
  10 H7046 [H8691] And they shall scoff H4428 at the kings, H7336 [H8802] and the princes H4890 shall be a laughingstock H7832 [H8799] to them: they shall laugh at H3605 every H4013 strong hold; H6651 [H8799] for they shall heap H6083 dust, H3920 [H8799] and take it.
  11 H7307 Then shall his spirit H2498 [H8804] change, H5674 [H8799] and he shall pass over, H816 [H8804] and be guilty, H2098 imputing this H3581 his power H433 to his god.
  12 H6924 Art thou not from everlasting, H3068 O LORD H430 my God, H6918 my Holy One? H4191 [H8799] we shall not die. H3068 O LORD, H7760 [H8804] thou hast ordained H4941 them for judgment; H6697 and, O Rock, H3245 [H8804] thou hast established H3198 [H8687] them for correction.
  13 H2889 Thou art of purer H5869 eyes H7200 [H8800] than to behold H7451 evil, H3201 [H8799] and canst H5027 [H8687] not look H5999 on toil: H5027 [H8686] why lookest H898 [H8802] thou on them that deal treacherously, H2790 [H8686] and keepest silence H7563 when the wicked H1104 [H8763] swalloweth up H6662 the man that is more righteous than he?
  14 H6213 [H8799] And makest H120 men H1709 as the fishes H3220 of the sea, H7431 as the creeping things, H4910 [H8802] that have no ruler over them?
  15 H5927 [H8689] They take up H2443 all of them with the hook, H1641 [H8799] they catch H2764 them in their net, H622 [H8799] and gather H4365 them in their drag: H8055 [H8799] therefore they rejoice H1523 [H8799] and are glad.
  16 H2076 [H8762] Therefore they sacrifice H2764 to their net, H6999 [H8762] and burn incense H4365 to their drag; H1992 because by them H2506 their portion H8082 is fat, H3978 and their food H1277 plenteous.
  17 H7324 [H8686] Shall they therefore empty H2764 their net, H2550 [H8799] and not spare H8548 continually H2026 [H8800] to slay H1471 the nations?
Vulgate(i) 1 onus quod vidit Abacuc propheta 2 usquequo Domine clamabo et non exaudies vociferabor ad te vim patiens et non salvabis 3 quare ostendisti mihi iniquitatem et laborem videre praeda et iniustitia contra me et factum est iudicium et contradictio potentior 4 propter hoc lacerata est lex et non pervenit usque ad finem iudicium quia impius praevalet adversus iustum propterea egreditur iudicium perversum 5 aspicite in gentibus et videte et admiramini et obstupescite quia opus factum est in diebus vestris quod nemo credet cum narrabitur 6 quia ecce ego suscitabo Chaldeos gentem amaram et velocem ambulantem super latitudinem terrae ut possideat tabernacula non sua 7 horribilis et terribilis est ex semet ipsa iudicium et onus eius egredietur 8 leviores pardis equi eius et velociores lupis vespertinis et diffundentur equites eius equites namque eius de longe venient volabunt quasi aquila festinans ad comedendum 9 omnes ad praedam venient facies eorum ventus urens et congregabit quasi harenam captivitatem 10 et ipse de regibus triumphabit et tyranni ridiculi eius erunt ipse super omnem munitionem ridebit et conportabit aggerem et capiet eam 11 tunc mutabitur spiritus et pertransibit et corruet haec est fortitudo eius dei sui 12 numquid non tu a principio Domine Deus meus Sancte meus et non moriemur Domine in iudicium posuisti eum et fortem ut corriperes fundasti eum 13 mundi sunt oculi tui ne videas malum et respicere ad iniquitatem non poteris quare non respicis super inique agentes et taces devorante impio iustiorem se 14 et facies homines quasi pisces maris et quasi reptile non habens principem 15 totum in hamo sublevavit traxit illud in sagena sua et congregavit in rete suo super hoc laetabitur et exultabit 16 propterea immolabit sagenae suae et sacrificabit reti suo quia in ipsis incrassata est pars eius et cibus eius electus 17 propter hoc ergo expandit sagenam suam et semper interficere gentes non parcet
Clementine_Vulgate(i) 1 Onus quod vidit Habacuc propheta. 2 [Usquequo, Domine, clamabo, et non exaudies? vociferabor ad te, vim patiens, et non salvabis? 3 Quare ostendisti mihi iniquitatem et laborem, videre prædam et injustitiam contra me? Et factum est judicium, et contradictio potentior. 4 Propter hoc lacerata est lex, et non pervenit usque ad finem judicium; quia impius prævalet adversus justum, propterea egreditur judicium perversum. 5 Aspicite in gentibus, et videte; admiramini, et obstupescite: quia opus factum est in diebus vestris, quod nemo credet cum narrabitur. 6 Quia ecce ego suscitabo Chaldæos, gentem amaram et velocem, ambulantem super latitudinem terræ, ut possideat tabernacula non sua. 7 Horribilis et terribilis est: ex semetipsa judicium et onus ejus egredietur. 8 Leviores pardis equi ejus, et velociores lupis vespertinis: et diffundentur equites ejus: equites namque ejus de longe venient; volabunt quasi aquila festinans ad comedendum. 9 Omnes ad prædam venient, facies eorum ventus urens; et congregabit quasi arenam captivitatem. 10 Et ipse de regibus triumphabit, et tyranni ridiculi ejus erunt; ipse super omnem munitionem ridebit, et comportabit aggerem, et capiet eam. 11 Tunc mutabitur spiritus, et pertransibit, et corruet: hæc est fortitudo ejus dei sui.] 12 [Numquid non tu a principio, Domine, Deus meus, sancte meus, et non moriemur? Domine, in judicium posuisti eum, et fortem, ut corriperes, fundasti eum. 13 Mundi sunt oculi tui, ne videas malum, et respicere ad iniquitatem non poteris. Quare respicis super iniqua agentes, et taces devorante impio justiorem se? 14 Et facies homines quasi pisces maris, et quasi reptile non habens principem. 15 Totum in hamo sublevavit, traxit illud in sagena sua, et congregavit in rete suum. Super hoc lætabitur, et exsultabit. 16 Propterea immolabit sagenæ suæ, et sacrificabit reti suo, quia in ipsis incrassata est pars ejus, et cibus ejus electus. 17 Propter hoc ergo expandit sagenam suam, et semper interficere gentes non parcet.]
Wycliffe(i) 1 The birthun that Abacuk, the profete, sai. 2 Hou longe, Lord, schal Y crye, and thou schalt not here? Y suffrynge violence schal crie an hiy to thee, and thou schalt not saue? 3 Whi schewidist thou to me wickidnesse and trauel, for to se prey and vnriytwisnesse ayens me? Whi biholdist thou dispiseris, and art stille, the while an vnpitouse man defoulith a riytfulere than hym silf? And thou schalt make men as fischis of the see, and as crepynge thingis not hauynge a ledere; and doom is maad, and ayenseiyng is more miyti. 4 For this thing lawe is `to-brokun, and doom cometh not til to the ende; for the vnpitouse man hath miyt ayens the iust, therfor weiward doom schal go out. 5 Biholde ye in hethene men, and se ye, and wondre ye, and greetli drede ye; for a werk is doon in youre daies, which no man schal bileue, whanne it schal be teld. 6 For lo! Y schal reise Caldeis, a bittir folk and swift, goynge on the breede of erthe, that he welde tabernaclis not hise. 7 It is orible, and dredeful; the dom and birthun therof schal go out of it silf. 8 His horsis ben liytere than pardis, and swifter than euentyd woluys, and hise horse men schulen be scaterid abrood; for whi `horse men schulen come fro fer, thei schulen fle as an egle hastynge to ete. 9 Alle men schulen come to preye, the faces of hem is as a brennynge wynd; and he schal gadere as grauel caitifte, 10 and he schal haue victorie of kyngis, and tirauntis schulen be of his scornyng. He schal leiye on al strengthe, and schal bere togidere heep of erthe, and schal take it. 11 Thanne the spirit schal be chaungid, and he schal passe forth, and falle doun; this is the strengthe of hym, of his god. 12 Whether `thou, Lord, art not my God, myn hooli, and we schulen not die? Lord, in to doom thou hast set hym, and thou groundidist hym strong, that thou schuldist chastise. 13 Thin iyen ben clene, se thou not yuel, and thou schalt not mowe biholde to wickidnesse. Whi biholdist thou not on men doynge wickidli, and thou art stille, while the vnpitouse man deuourith a more iust man than hymsilf? 14 And thou schalt make men as fischis of the see, and as a crepynge thing not hauynge prince. 15 He schal lifte vp al in the hook; he drawide it in his greet net, and gaderide in to his net; on this thing he schal be glad, and make ioie with outforth. 16 Therfore he schal offere to his greet net, and schal make sacrifice to his net; for in hem his part is maad fat, and his mete is chosun. 17 Therfor for this thing he spredith abrood his greet net, and euere more he ceesith not for to sle folkis.
Coverdale(i) 1 This is the heuy burthe, which the prophet Abacuc dyd se. 2 O LORDE, how longe shal I crie, & thou wilt not heare? How longe shall I complayne vnto the, suffrynge wronge, and thou wilt not helpe? 3 Why lettest thou me se weerynesse and laboure? Tyrany and violence are before me, power ouergoeth right: 4 for the lawe is torne in peces, and there can no right iudgment go forth. And why? the vngodly is more set by then the rightuous: this is the cause, yt wronge iudgment procedeth. 5 Beholde amonge the Heithen, and loke wel: wondre at it, and be aba?shed: for I wil do a thinge in youre tyme, which though it be tolde you, ye shal not beleue. 6 For lo, I wil rase vp ye Caldees, that bytter and swifte people: which shal go as wyde as the londe is, to take possession of dwellinge places, that be not their owne. 7 A grymme & boysteous people is it, these shal syt in iudgment & punyshe. 8 Their horses are swifter then the cattes of the mountayne, & byte sorer then ye wolues in ye euenynge. Their horsmen come by greate heapes from farre, they fle hastely to deuor as the Aegle. 9 They come all to spoyle: out of them commeth an east wynde, which bloweth and gathereth their captyues, like as the sonde. 10 They shall mocke the kinges, and laugh the prynces to scorne. They shal not set by eny stronge holde, for they shal laye ordinaunce agaynst it, and take it. 11 Then shal they take a fresh corage vnto them, to go forth & to do more euell, & so ascrybe that power vnto their God. 12 But thou o LORDE my God, my holy one, thou art from the begynnynge, therfore shal we not dye. O LORDE, thou hast ordened them for a punyshmet, and set them to reproue the mightie. 13 Thine eyes are clene, thou mayest not se euell, thou canst not beholde ye thinge that is wicked. Wherfore then dost thou loke vpon the vngodly, and holdest thy tunge, when the wicked deuoureth the man that is better the himself? 14 Thou makest men as the fish in the see, and like as the crepinge beestes, that haue no gyde. 15 They take vp all with their angle, they catch it in their net, & gather it in their yarne: wherof they reioyce and are glad. 16 Therfore offre they vnto their net, and do sacrifice vnto their yarne: because that thorow it their porcion is become so fat, and their meate so pleteous. 17 Wherfore they cast out their net agayne, & neuer ceasse to slaye the people.
MSTC(i) 1 This is the heavy burden, which the Prophet Habakkuk did see. 2 O LORD, how long shall I cry, and thou wilt not hear? How long shall I complain unto thee, suffering wrong, and thou wilt not help? 3 Why lettest thou me see weariness and labour? Tyranny and violence are before me, power overgoeth right: 4 for the law is torn in pieces, and there can no right judgment go forth. And why? The ungodly is more set by than the righteous: this is the cause that wrong judgment proceedeth. 5 Behold among the Heathen, and look well: wonder at it, and be abashed: For I will do a thing in your time, which though it be told you, ye shall not believe. 6 For lo, I will raise up the Chaldeans, that bitter and swift people: which shall go as wide as the land is, to take possession of dwelling places that be not their own. 7 A grim and boisterous people is it, these shall sit in judgment and punish. 8 Their horses are swifter than the cats of the mountain, and bite sorer than the wolves in the evening. Their horsemen come by great heaps from far, they flee hastily to devour as the Eagle. 9 They come all to spoil: out of them cometh an east wind, which bloweth and gathereth their captives, like as the sand. 10 They shall mock the kings, and laugh the princes to scorn. They shall not set by any strong hold, for they shall lay ordinance against it, and take it. 11 Then shall they take a fresh courage unto them, to go forth and do more evil, and so ascribe that power unto their God. 12 But thou, O LORD my God, my holy one: thou art from the beginning, therefore shall we not die. O LORD, thou hast ordained them for punishment, and set them to reprove the mighty. 13 Thine eyes are clean, thou mayest not see evil, thou cannot behold the thing that is wicked. Wherefore then doest thou look upon the ungodly, and holdest thy tongue, when the wicked devoureth the man that is better than himself? 14 Thou makest men as the fish in the sea, and like as the creeping beasts, that have no guide. 15 They take up all with their angle, they catch it in their net, and gather it in their yarn: whereof they rejoice and are glad. 16 Therefore offer they unto their net, and do sacrifice unto their yarn: because that through it their portions is become so fat, and their meat so plenteous. 17 Wherefore they cast out their net again, and never cease to slay the people.
Matthew(i) 1 This is the heauye burthen, whiche the Prophet Abacuc did se. 2 O lord how long shal I crye, and thou wilt not heare? How long shal I complayn vnto the, sufferynge wrong, & thou wilte not helpe? 3 Why lettest thou me se weerynesse and laboure? Tyranny & vyolence are before me, power ouergoeth righte: 4 for the lawe is toarne in peces, and there can no ryghte iudgemente go forthe. And why? the vngodly is more set by then the rightuous: this is the cause, that wronge iudgemente procedeth. 5 Beholde, amonge the Heathen, & loke well: wondre at it, and be abashed: for I wyll do a thynge in youre tyme, whiche thoughe it be tolde you, ye shall not beleue. 6 For lo, I wyll rase vp the Caldees, that bitter and swifte people: whiche shall go as wyde as the land is, to take possessyon of dwellyng places, that be not theyr owne. 7 A grymme and boysteours people is it, these shall sit in iudgement, and punish. 8 Their horses are swifter then the cattes of the mountayne, & byte sorer then the wolues in the euenynge. Theyr horsmen come by greate heapes from farre, they fle hastely to deuour as the Aegle. 9 They come all to spoyle: oute of them commeth an easte wynde, whiche bloweth and gathereth theyr captyues, lyke as the sande. 10 They shall mocke the kynges, and laughe the princes to scorne. They shal not set by any stronge holde, for they shall laye ordynaunce agaynst it, and take it. 11 Then shall they take a freshe courage vnto them, to go forth, and to do more euil, & so ascrybe that power vnto theyr God. 12 But thou O Lorde my God, my holy one thou arte from the begynnynge, therfor shall we not dye. O Lorde, thou hast ordened them for a punyshment, and set them to reproue the myghtye. 13 Thyne eyes are clene, thou mayest not se euyll, thou canst not beholde the thynge that is wycked. Wherfor then doest thou loke vpon the vngodly, and holdest thy tung, when the wycked deuoureth the man that is better then hym selfe? 14 Thou makest men as the fysh in the sea, and lyke as the crepynge beastes that haue no gyde. 15 They take vp all with theyr angle, they catche it in theyr net, and gather it in theyr yarne: whereof they reioyce, and are glad, 16 Therfore offre they vnto theyr net, and do sacryfyce vnto theyr yarne: because that thorowe it theyr porcyon is become so fat, & theyr meate so plenteous. 17 Wherfore they cast oute theyr net agayne, and neuer cease to slaye the people.
Great(i) 1 This is the heuy burthen, which the Prophet Abacuk dyd se. 2 O Lorde, how longe shall I crie, & thou wylt not heare? How longe shall I complayne vnto the, suffrynge wronge, & thou wylt not helpe? 3 Why lettest thou me se werynesse and laboure? Tyranny & violence are before me, power ouergoeth right: 4 for the lawe is toarne in peces, & there can not right iudgement go forth And why? the vngodly is more set by then the ryghtuous: this is the cause, that wronge iudgement procedeth. 5 Beholde, amonge the Heathen, and loke well, wondre at it, and be abashed: for I wyll do a thynge in your tyme, whych though it be tolde you, ye shall not beleue. 6 For lo, I wil rayse vp the Caldees, that bitter and swyfte people: which shall go as wyde as the land is, to take possession of dwelling places, that be not their awne. 7 A grymme and boysterous people is it, these shall sit in iudgement & punishe. 8 Their horses are swyfter then the cattes of the mountayne, & byte sorer then the wolues in the euening. Their horsemen come by greate heapes from farre, they fle hastely to deuour as the Aegle. 9 They come all to spoyle: out of them commeth an east wynde, whych bloweth and gathereth their captiues, lyke as the sande. 10 They shal mocke the kynges, and laughe the princes to scorne. They shall not set by eny stronge holde, for they shall laye ordinaunce agaynst it, and take it. 11 Then shall they take a fresh corage vnto them, to go forth & to do more euel, and so ascribe the power vnto their God. 12 But thou O Lorde my God my holy one, thou art from the begynninge, therfore shal we not dye. O Lord, thou hast ordened them for a punishement, and sett them to reproue the myghtye. 13 Thyne eyes are clene, thou mayest not se euel, thou canst not beholde, the thinge that is wycked. Wherfore then dost thou loke vpon the vngodly, and holdest thy tunge, when the wycked deuoureth the man that is better then him selfe? 14 Thou makest men as the fishe in the see, and lyke as the crepyng beastes, that haue no gyde, 15 they take vp all with their angle, they catch it in their net, & gather it in their yarne: wherof they reioice and are glad. 16 Therfore offre they vnto their net, & do sacrifice vnto their yarne: because that thorowe it their porcyon is become so fat, & their meate so plenteous. 17 Wherfore, they cast out their net agayne, & neuer cease to slaye the people.
Geneva(i) 1 The burden, which Habakkuk the Prophet did see. 2 O Lord, howe long shall I crye, and thou wilt not heare! euen crye out vnto thee for violence, and thou wilt not helpe! 3 Why doest thou shewe mee iniquitie, and cause me to beholde sorowe? for spoyling, and violence are before me: and there are that rayse vp strife and contention. 4 Therefore the Lawe is dissolued, and iudgement doeth neuer go forth: for the wicked doeth compasse about the righteous: therefore wrong iudgement proceedeth. 5 Beholde among the heathen, and regarde, and wonder, and maruaile: for I will worke a worke in your dayes: yee will not beleeue it, though it be tolde you. 6 For lo, I raise vp the Caldeans, that bitter and furious nation, which shall goe vpon the breadth of the lande to possesse the dwelling places, that are not theirs. 7 They are terrible and fearefull: their iudgement and their dignitie shall proceede of theselues. 8 Their horses also are swifter then the leopards, and are more fierce then the wolues in the euening: and their horsemen are many: and their horsemen shall come from farre: they shall flie as the eagle hasting to meate. 9 They come all to spoyle: before their faces shalbe an Eastwinde, and they shall gather the captiuitie, as the sand. 10 And they shall mocke the Kings, and the princes shalbe a skorne vnto them: they shall deride euery strong holde: for they shall gather dust, and take it. 11 Then shall they take a courage, and transgresse and doe wickedly, imputing this their power vnto their god. 12 Art thou not of olde, O Lord my God, mine holy one? we shall not die: O Lord, thou hast ordeined them for iudgement, and O God, thou hast established them for correction. 13 Thou art of pure eyes, and canst not see euill: thou canst not behold wickednesse: wherefore doest thou looke vpon the transgressors, and holdest thy tongue when the wicked deuoureth the man, that is more righteous then he? 14 And makest men as the fishes of the sea, and as the creeping things, that haue no ruler ouer them. 15 They take vp all with the angle: they catch it in their net, and gather it in their yarne, whereof they reioyce and are glad. 16 Therefore they sacrifice vnto their net, and burne incense vnto their yarne, because by them their portion is fat and their meat plenteous. 17 Shall they therefore stretch out their net and not spare continually to slay the nations?
Bishops(i) 1 The burde which Habacuc the prophete dyd see 2 O Lorde, howe long shall I crye, and thou wilt not heare? [euen] crye out vnto thee for violence, and thou wilt not helpe 3 Why doest thou shew me iniquitie, and cause me to beholde sorowe? for spoyling and violence are before me, & there are that rayse vp stryfe and contention 4 Therfore the law is dissolued, & iudgement doth neuer go foorth: for the wicked doth compasse about the righteous, therfore wrong iudgement proceedeth 5 Behold among the heathen, and regarde, and wonder, and marueyll: for I will worke a worke in your dayes, ye will not beleue it though it be tolde you 6 For lo, I rayse vp the Chaldeans, that bitter and furious nation, whiche shall go vpon the breadth of the land, to possesse the dwelling places that are not theirs 7 They are terrible and fearfull: their iudgement and their dignitie shall procede of them selues 8 Their horses also are swifter then the leopardes, and are more fierce then the wolues in the euening, and their horsemen shall come from farre: they shall flee as the Egle hasting to meate 9 They come all to spoyle: before their faces shalbe an eastwinde, and they shall gather the captiuitie as the sande 10 And they shall mocke the kinges, and the princes shalbe a scorne vnto them: they shall deride euery stronghold, for they shall gather dust, and take it 11 Then shall they take a courage, and transgresse, and do wickedly, [imputing] this their power vnto their god 12 Art not thou of olde, O Lord my God, my holy one? we shall not dye, O Lord thou hast ordeined them for iudgement, and O God thou hast established them for correction 13 Thou art of pure eyes, and canst not see euyl, thou canst not behold wickednesse: wherfore [then] doest thou loke vpo the transgressours, and holdest thy tongue, when the wicked deuoureth the man that is more righteous then he 14 And makest men as the fishe of the sea, and as the creeping thinges that haue no ruler ouer them 15 They take vp all with the angle, they catche it in their net, and gather it in their yarne: wherof they reioyce and are glad 16 Therfore they sacrifice vnto their net, and burne incense vnto their yarne: because by them their portion is fat, and their meate plenteous 17 Shall they therfore stretche out their net, and not spare continually to slay the nations
DouayRheims(i) 1 The burden that Habacuc the prophet saw. 2 How long, O Lord, shall I cry, and thou wilt not hear? shall I cry out to thee suffering violence, and thou wilt not save? 3 Why hast thou shewn me iniquity and grievance, to see rapine and injustice before me? and there is a judgment, but opposition is more powerful. 4 Therefore the law is torn in pieces, and judgment cometh not to the end: because the wicked prevaileth against the just, therefore wrong judgment goeth forth. 5 Behold ye among the nations, and see: wonder, and be astonished: for a work is done in your days, which no man will believe when it shall be told. 6 For behold, I will raise up the Chaldeans, a bitter and swift nation, marching upon the breadth of the earth, to possess the dwelling places that are not their own. 7 They are dreadful, and terrible: from themselves shall their judgment, and their burden proceed. 8 Their horses are lighter than leopards, and swifter than evening wolves; and their horsemen shall be spread abroad: for their horsemen shall come from afar, they shall fly as an eagle that maketh haste to eat. 9 They shall all come to the prey, their face is like a burning wind: and they shall gather together captives as the sand. 10 And their prince shall triumph over kings, and princes shall be his laughingstock: and he shall laugh at every strong hold, and shall cast up a mount, and shall take it. 11 Then shall his spirit be changed, and he shall pass, and fall: this is his strength of his god. 12 Wast thou not from the beginning, O Lord my God, my holy one, and we shall not die? Lord, thou hast appointed him for judgment: and made him strong for correction. 13 Thy eyes are too pure to behold evil, and thou canst not look on iniquity. Why lookest thou upon them that do unjust things, and holdest thy peace when the wicked devoureth the man that is more just than himself? 14 And thou wilt make men as the fishes of the sea, and as the creeping things that have no ruler. 15 He lifted up all them with his hook, he drew them in his drag, and gathered them into his net: for this he will be glad and rejoice. 16 Therefore will he offer victims to his drag, and he will sacrifice to his net: because through them his portion is made fat, and his meat dainty. 17 For this cause therefore he spreadeth his net, and will not spare continually to slay the nations.
KJV(i) 1 The burden which Habakkuk the prophet did see. 2 O LORD, how long shall I cry, and thou wilt not hear! even cry out unto thee of violence, and thou wilt not save! 3 Why dost thou shew me iniquity, and cause me to behold grievance? for spoiling and violence are before me: and there are that raise up strife and contention. 4 Therefore the law is slacked, and judgment doth never go forth: for the wicked doth compass about the righteous; therefore wrong judgment proceedeth. 5 Behold ye among the heathen, and regard, and wonder marvelously: for I will work a work in your days which ye will not believe, though it be told you. 6 For, lo, I raise up the Chaldeans, that bitter and hasty nation, which shall march through the breadth of the land, to possess the dwellingplaces that are not their's. 7 They are terrible and dreadful: their judgment and their dignity shall proceed of themselves. 8 Their horses also are swifter than the leopards, and are more fierce than the evening wolves: and their horsemen shall spread themselves, and their horsemen shall come from far; they shall fly as the eagle that hasteth to eat. 9 They shall come all for violence: their faces shall sup up as the east wind, and they shall gather the captivity as the sand. 10 And they shall scoff at the kings, and the princes shall be a scorn unto them: they shall deride every strong hold; for they shall heap dust, and take it. 11 Then shall his mind change, and he shall pass over, and offend, imputing this his power unto his god. 12 Art thou not from everlasting, O LORD my God, mine Holy One? we shall not die. O LORD, thou hast ordained them for judgment; and, O mighty God, thou hast established them for correction. 13 Thou art of purer eyes than to behold evil, and canst not look on iniquity: wherefore lookest thou upon them that deal treacherously, and holdest thy tongue when the wicked devoureth the man that is more righteous than he? 14 And makest men as the fishes of the sea, as the creeping things, that have no ruler over them? 15 They take up all of them with the angle, they catch them in their net, and gather them in their drag: therefore they rejoice and are glad. 16 Therefore they sacrifice unto their net, and burn incense unto their drag; because by them their portion is fat, and their meat plenteous. 17 Shall they therefore empty their net, and not spare continually to slay the nations?
KJV_Cambridge(i) 1 The burden which Habakkuk the prophet did see. 2 O LORD, how long shall I cry, and thou wilt not hear! even cry out unto thee of violence, and thou wilt not save! 3 Why dost thou shew me iniquity, and cause me to behold grievance? for spoiling and violence are before me: and there are that raise up strife and contention. 4 Therefore the law is slacked, and judgment doth never go forth: for the wicked doth compass about the righteous; therefore wrong judgment proceedeth. 5 Behold ye among the heathen, and regard, and wonder marvellously: for I will work a work in your days, which ye will not believe, though it be told you. 6 For, lo, I raise up the Chaldeans, that bitter and hasty nation, which shall march through the breadth of the land, to possess the dwellingplaces that are not theirs. 7 They are terrible and dreadful: their judgment and their dignity shall proceed of themselves. 8 Their horses also are swifter than the leopards, and are more fierce than the evening wolves: and their horsemen shall spread themselves, and their horsemen shall come from far; they shall fly as the eagle that hasteth to eat. 9 They shall come all for violence: their faces shall sup up as the east wind, and they shall gather the captivity as the sand. 10 And they shall scoff at the kings, and the princes shall be a scorn unto them: they shall deride every strong hold; for they shall heap dust, and take it. 11 Then shall his mind change, and he shall pass over, and offend, imputing this his power unto his god. 12 Art thou not from everlasting, O LORD my God, mine Holy One? we shall not die. O LORD, thou hast ordained them for judgment; and, O mighty God, thou hast established them for correction. 13 Thou art of purer eyes than to behold evil, and canst not look on iniquity: wherefore lookest thou upon them that deal treacherously, and holdest thy tongue when the wicked devoureth the man that is more righteous than he? 14 And makest men as the fishes of the sea, as the creeping things, that have no ruler over them? 15 They take up all of them with the angle, they catch them in their net, and gather them in their drag: therefore they rejoice and are glad. 16 Therefore they sacrifice unto their net, and burn incense unto their drag; because by them their portion is fat, and their meat plenteous. 17 Shall they therefore empty their net, and not spare continually to slay the nations?
  1 H4853 The burden H2265 which Habakkuk H5030 the prophet H2372 did see [H8804]  .
  2 H3068 O LORD H7768 , how long shall I cry [H8765]   H8085 , and thou wilt not hear [H8799]   H2199 ! even cry out [H8799]   H2555 unto thee of violence H3467 , and thou wilt not save [H8686]  !
  3 H7200 Why dost thou shew [H8686]   H205 me iniquity H5027 , and cause me to behold [H8686]   H5999 grievance H7701 ? for spoiling H2555 and violence H5375 are before me: and there are that raise up [H8799]   H7379 strife H4066 and contention.
  4 H8451 Therefore the law H6313 is slacked [H8799]   H4941 , and judgment H5331 doth never H3318 go forth [H8799]   H7563 : for the wicked H3803 doth compass [H8688]   H6662 about the righteous H6127 ; therefore wrong [H8794]   H4941 judgment H3318 proceedeth [H8799]  .
  5 H7200 Behold [H8798]   H1471 ye among the heathen H5027 , and regard [H8685]   H8539 , and wonder [H8690]   H8539 marvellously [H8798]   H6466 : for I will work [H8802]   H6467 a work H3117 in your days H539 , which ye will not believe [H8686]   H5608 , though it be told [H8792]   you .
  6 H6965 For, lo, I raise up [H8688]   H3778 the Chaldeans H4751 , that bitter H4116 and hasty [H8737]   H1471 nation H1980 , which shall march [H8802]   H4800 through the breadth H776 of the land H3423 , to possess [H8800]   H4908 the dwellingplaces that are not theirs.
  7 H366 They are terrible H3372 and dreadful [H8737]   H4941 : their judgment H7613 and their dignity H3318 shall proceed [H8799]   of themselves.
  8 H5483 Their horses H7043 also are swifter [H8804]   H5246 than the leopards H2300 , and are more fierce [H8804]   H6153 than the evening H2061 wolves H6571 : and their horsemen H6335 shall spread [H8804]   H6571 themselves, and their horsemen H935 shall come [H8799]   H7350 from far H5774 ; they shall fly [H8799]   H5404 as the eagle H2363 that hasteth [H8804]   H398 to eat [H8800]  .
  9 H935 They shall come [H8799]   H2555 all for violence H6440 : their faces H4041 shall sup up H6921 as the east wind H622 , and they shall gather [H8799]   H7628 the captivity H2344 as the sand.
  10 H7046 And they shall scoff [H8691]   H4428 at the kings H7336 , and the princes [H8802]   H4890 shall be a scorn H7832 unto them: they shall deride [H8799]   H4013 every strong hold H6651 ; for they shall heap [H8799]   H6083 dust H3920 , and take [H8799]   it.
  11 H7307 Then shall his mind H2498 change [H8804]   H5674 , and he shall pass over [H8799]   H816 , and offend [H8804]   H2098 , imputing this H3581 his power H433 unto his god.
  12 H6924 Art thou not from everlasting H3068 , O LORD H430 my God H6918 , mine Holy One H4191 ? we shall not die [H8799]   H3068 . O LORD H7760 , thou hast ordained [H8804]   H4941 them for judgment H6697 ; and, O mighty God H3245 , thou hast established [H8804]   H3198 them for correction [H8687]  .
  13 H2889 Thou art of purer H5869 eyes H7200 than to behold [H8800]   H7451 evil H3201 , and canst [H8799]   H5027 not look [H8687]   H5999 on iniquity H5027 : wherefore lookest [H8686]   H898 thou upon them that deal treacherously [H8802]   H2790 , and holdest thy tongue [H8686]   H7563 when the wicked H1104 devoureth [H8763]   H6662 the man that is more righteous than he?
  14 H6213 And makest [H8799]   H120 men H1709 as the fishes H3220 of the sea H7431 , as the creeping things H4910 , that have no ruler [H8802]   over them?
  15 H5927 They take up [H8689]   H2443 all of them with the angle H1641 , they catch [H8799]   H2764 them in their net H622 , and gather [H8799]   H4365 them in their drag H8055 : therefore they rejoice [H8799]   H1523 and are glad [H8799]  .
  16 H2076 Therefore they sacrifice [H8762]   H2764 unto their net H6999 , and burn incense [H8762]   H4365 unto their drag H1992 ; because by them H2506 their portion H8082 is fat H3978 , and their meat H1277 plenteous.
  17 H7324 Shall they therefore empty [H8686]   H2764 their net H2550 , and not spare [H8799]   H8548 continually H2026 to slay [H8800]   H1471 the nations?
Thomson(i) 1 The vision which Ambakum the prophet saw. 2 [p] How long, O Lord shall I cry, and thou not hearken? How long shall I being injured cry to thee, and thou not save? 3 Why hast thou pointed out to me to behold labours and sorrows, misery and impiety? A suit is instituted against me and the judge receiveth [bribes] 4 therefore law is disregarded and the cause is not brought to an issue. Because a wicked man oppresseth the just, therefore wrong judgment will be given. 5 [J] See ye despisers! and view intently and be amazed at wonderful things and vanish. For in your days I am doing a work which you will not believe though one tell you. 6 For lo! I am raising up the Chaldeans that bitter and hasty nation, which marcheth over the breadth of the earth, to possess dwellings which belong not to them. 7 He is terrible and illustrious; his judgment will be from himself, and from himself his prophesy will proceed. 8 His horses can out leap leopards and are swifter than the lynxes of Arabia. When his horsemen have mounted, they will rush impetuously from afar, and will fly like an eagle, eager for prey. 9 Destruction will come on the wicked who set themselves against him; and he will gather captives like the sand. 10 He indeed will riot in kings; and petty princes will be his scorn. Of every fortress he will make a scoff and will raise a mount and take it. 11 Then he will change his mind and depart and be pacified. [p] This is the majesty which belongeth to my God. 12 Art not thou from everlasting? Lord, my God, my Holy One! let us not die. Thou, Lord, hast appointed this for judgment: and formed it that its correction may work conviction in me. 13 Thine eye is too pure to behold wicked deeds, or to look on the labours of sorrow. Why lookest thou upon despisers? Wilt thou be silent when the wicked swallow up the righteous? 14 Wilt thou make these men like the fishes of the sea, and like those reptiles which have no leader? 15 He hath drawn up destruction with a hook, and hath dragged out one with a dredge, and enclosed another with his sweep net. For this cause he will rejoice and his heart will be glad; 16 therefore he will sacrifice to his net and burn incense to his dredge. Because by these he made his mess rich and his food delicious, 17 shall he on the account of this cast his dredge, and not spare to slay nations continually?
Webster(i) 1 The burden which Habakkuk the prophet saw. 2 O LORD, how long shall I cry, and thou wilt not hear! even cry out to thee of violence, and thou wilt not save! 3 Why dost thou show me iniquity, and cause me to behold grievance? for devastation and violence are before me: and there are that raise strife and contention. 4 Therefore the law is slackened, and judgment doth never go forth: for the wicked doth encompass the righteous; therefore wrong judgment proceedeth. 5 Behold ye among the heathen, and regard, and wonder marvelously: for I will work a work in your days, which ye will not believe though it be told you. 6 For lo, I raise up the Chaldeans, that bitter and hasty nation, which shall march through the breadth of the land, to possess the dwelling-places that are not theirs. 7 They are terrible and dreadful: their judgment and their dignity shall proceed from themselves. 8 Their horses also are swifter than the leopards, and are more fierce than the evening wolves: and their horsemen shall spread themselves, and their horsemen shall come from far; they shall fly as the eagle that hasteth to eat. 9 They shall come all for violence: their faces shall sup up as the east wind, and they shall gather the captivity as the sand. 10 And they shall scoff at the kings, and the princes shall be a scorn to them: they shall deride every strong hold; for they shall heap dust, and take it. 11 Then shall his mind change, and he shall pass over, and offend, imputing this his power to his god. 12 Art thou not from everlasting, O LORD my God, my Holy One? We shall not die. O LORD, thou hast ordained them for judgment; and O mighty God, thou hast established them for correction. 13 Thou art of purer eyes than to behold evil, and canst not look on iniquity: why lookest thou on them that deal treacherously, and keepest silence when the wicked devoureth the man that is more righteous than he? 14 And makest men as the fishes of the sea, as the creeping animals that have no ruler over them? 15 They take up all of them with the angle, they catch them in their net, and gather them in their drag: therefore they rejoice and are glad. 16 Therefore they sacrifice to their net, and burn incense to their drag; because by them their portion is fat, and their food plenteous. 17 Shall they therefore empty their net, and not spare continually to slay the nations?
  1 H4853 The burden H2265 which Habakkuk H5030 the prophet H2372 [H8804] saw.
  2 H3068 O LORD H7768 [H8765] , how long shall I cry H8085 [H8799] , and thou wilt not hear H2199 [H8799] ! even cry out H2555 to thee of violence H3467 [H8686] , and thou wilt not save!
  3 H7200 [H8686] Why dost thou show H205 me iniquity H5027 [H8686] , and cause me to behold H5999 grievance H7701 ? for plundering H2555 and violence H5375 [H8799] are before me: and there are that raise H7379 strife H4066 and contention.
  4 H8451 Therefore the law H6313 [H8799] is feeble H4941 , and judgment H5331 doth never H3318 [H8799] go forth H7563 : for the wicked H3803 [H8688] doth surround H6662 the righteous H4941 ; therefore judgment H3318 [H8799] goeth forth H6127 [H8794] perverted
  5 H7200 [H8798] Behold H1471 ye among the heathen H5027 [H8685] , and regard H8539 [H8690] , and wonder H8539 [H8798] marvellously H6466 [H8802] : for I will work H6467 a work H3117 in your days H539 [H8686] , which ye will not believe H5608 [H8792] , though it be told you.
  6 H6965 [H8688] For, lo, I raise up H3778 the Chaldeans H4751 , that bitter H4116 [H8737] and hasty H1471 nation H1980 [H8802] , which shall march H4800 through the breadth H776 of the land H3423 [H8800] , to possess H4908 the dwellingplaces that are not theirs.
  7 H366 They are terrible H3372 [H8737] and dreadful H4941 : their judgment H7613 and their dignity H3318 [H8799] shall proceed from themselves.
  8 H5483 Their horses H7043 [H8804] also are swifter H5246 than the leopards H2300 [H8804] , and are more fierce H6153 than the evening H2061 wolves H6571 : and their horsemen H6335 [H8804] shall spread H6571 themselves, and their horsemen H935 [H8799] shall come H7350 from far H5774 [H8799] ; they shall fly H5404 as the eagle H2363 [H8804] that hasteth H398 [H8800] to eat.
  9 H935 [H8799] They shall come H2555 all for violence H6440 : their faces H4041 shall sup up H6921 as the east wind H622 [H8799] , and they shall gather H7628 the captives H2344 as the sand.
  10 H7046 [H8691] And they shall scoff H4428 at the kings H7336 [H8802] , and the princes H4890 shall be a scorn H7832 [H8799] to them: they shall laugh at H4013 every strong hold H6651 [H8799] ; for they shall heap H6083 dust H3920 [H8799] , and take it.
  11 H7307 Then shall his mind H2498 [H8804] change H5674 [H8799] , and he shall pass over H816 [H8804] , and offend H2098 , imputing this H3581 his power H433 to his god.
  12 H6924 Art thou not from everlasting H3068 , O LORD H430 my God H6918 , my Holy One H4191 [H8799] ? we shall not die H3068 . O LORD H7760 [H8804] , thou hast ordained H4941 them for judgment H6697 ; and, O mighty God H3245 [H8804] , thou hast established H3198 [H8687] them for correction.
  13 H2889 Thou art of purer H5869 eyes H7200 [H8800] than to behold H7451 evil H3201 [H8799] , and canst H5027 [H8687] not look H5999 on iniquity H5027 [H8686] : why lookest H898 [H8802] thou on them that deal treacherously H2790 [H8686] , and keepest silence H7563 when the wicked H1104 [H8763] devoureth H6662 the man that is more righteous than he?
  14 H6213 [H8799] And makest H120 men H1709 as the fishes H3220 of the sea H7431 , as the creeping things H4910 [H8802] , that have no ruler over them?
  15 H5927 [H8689] They take up H2443 all of them with the hook H1641 [H8799] , they catch H2764 them in their net H622 [H8799] , and gather H4365 them in their drag H8055 [H8799] : therefore they rejoice H1523 [H8799] and are glad.
  16 H2076 [H8762] Therefore they sacrifice H2764 to their net H6999 [H8762] , and burn incense H4365 to their drag H1992 ; because by them H2506 their portion H8082 is fat H3978 , and their food H1277 plenteous.
  17 H7324 [H8686] Shall they therefore empty H2764 their net H2550 [H8799] , and not spare H8548 continually H2026 [H8800] to slay H1471 the nations?
Brenton(i) 1 The burden which the prophet Ambacum saw. 2 How long, O Lord, shall I cry out, and thou wilt not hearken? how long shall I cry out to thee being injured, and thou wilt not save? 3 Wherefore hast thou shown me troubles and griefs to look upon, misery and ungodliness? judgment is before me, and the judge receives a reward. 4 Therefore the law is frustrated, and judgment proceeds not effectually, for the ungodly man prevails over the just; therefore perverse judgment will proceed. 5 Behold, ye despisers, and look, and wonder marvelously, and vanish: for I work a work in your days, which ye will in no wise believe, though a man declare it to you. 6 Wherefore, behold, I stir up the Chaldeans, the bitter and hasty nation, that walks upon the breadth of the earth, to inherit tabernacles not his own. 7 He is terrible and famous; his judgment shall proceed of himself, and his dignity shall come out of himself. 8 And his horses shall bound more swiftly than leopards, and they are fiercer than the wolves of Arabia: and his horsemen shall ride forth, and shall rush from far; and they shall fly as an eagle hasting to eat. 9 Destruction shall come upon ungodly men, resisting with their adverse front, and he shall gather the captivity as the sand. 10 And he shall be at his ease with kings, and princes are his toys, and he shall mock at every strong-hold, and shall cast a mound, and take possession of it. 11 Then shall he change his spirit, and he shall pass through, and make an atonement, saying, This strength belongs to my god. 12 Art not thou from the beginning, O Lord God, my Holy One? and surely we shall not die. O Lord, thou hast established it for judgment, and he has formed me to chasten with his correction. 13 His eye is too pure to behold evil doings, and to look upon grievous afflictions: wherefore dost thou look upon despisers? wilt thou be silent when the ungodly swallows up the just? 14 And wilt thou make men as the fishes of the sea, and as the reptiles which have no guide? 15 He has brought up destruction with a hook, and drawn one with a casting net, and caught another in his drags: therefore shall his heart rejoice and be glad. 16 Therefore will he sacrifice to his drag, and burn incense to his casting-net, because by them he has made his portion fat, and his meats choice. 17 Therefore will he cast his net, and will not spare to slay the nations continually.
Brenton_Greek(i) 1 ΤΟ λῆμμα ὃ εἶδεν Ἀμβακοὺμ ὁ προφήτης.
2 Ἕως τίνος Κύριε κεκράξομαι, καὶ οὐ μὴ εἰσακούσῃς; βοήσομαι πρὸς σὲ ἀδικούμενος, καὶ οὐ σώσεις; 3 Ἱνατί ἔδειξάς μοι κόπους καὶ πόνους ἐπιβλέπειν, ταλαιπωρίαν καὶ ἀσέβειαν; ἐξεναντίας μου γέγονε κρίσις, καὶ ὁ κριτὴς λαμβάνει. 4 Διατοῦτο διεσκέδασται νόμος, καὶ οὐ διεξάγεται εἰς τέλος κρίμα, ὅτι ἀσεβὴς καταδυναστεύει τὸν δίκαιον, ἕνεκεν τούτου ἐξελεύσεται τὸ κρίμα διεστραμμένον.
5 Ἴδετε οἱ καταφρονηταὶ, καὶ ἐπιβλέψατε, καὶ θαυμάσατε θαυμάσια, καὶ ἀφανίσθητε· διότι ἔργον ἐγὼ ἐργάζομαι ἐν ταῖς ἡμέραις ὑμῶν, ὃ οὐ μὴ πιστεύσητε, ἐάν τις ἐκδιηγῆται. 6 Διότι ἰδοὺ ἐγὼ ἐξεγείρω τοὺς Χαλδαίους, τὸ ἔθνος τὸ πικρὸν, καὶ τὸ ταχινὸν, τὸ πορευόμενον ἐπὶ τὰ πλάτη τῆς γῆς, τοῦ κατακληρονομῆσαι σκηνώματα οὐκ αὐτοῦ. 7 Φοβερὸς καὶ ἐπιφανής ἐστιν, ἐξ αὐτοῦ τὸ κρίμα αὐτοῦ ἔσται, καὶ τὸ λῆμμα αὐτοῦ ἐξ αὐτοῦ ἐξελεύσεται. 8 Καὶ ἐξαλοῦνται ὑπὲρ παρδάλεις οἱ ἵπποι αὐτοῦ, καὶ ὀξύτεροι ὑπὲρ τοὺς λύκους τῆς Ἀραβίας· καὶ ἐξιππάσονται οἱ ἱππεῖς αὐτοῦ, καὶ ὁρμήσουσι μακρόθεν, καὶ πετασθήσονται ὡς ἀετὸς πρόθυμος εἰς τὸ φαγεῖν. 9 Συντέλεια εἰς ἀσεβεῖς ἥξει, ἀνθεστηκότας προσώποις αὐτῶν ἐξεναντίας, καὶ συνάξει ὡς ἄμμον αἰχμαλωσίαν· 10 καὶ αὐτὸς ἐν βασιλεῦσιν ἐντρυφήσει, καὶ τύραννοι παίγνια αὐτοῦ, καὶ αὐτὸς εἰς πᾶν ὀχύρωμα ἐμπαίξεται, καὶ βαλεῖ χῶμα, καὶ κρατήσει αὐτοῦ· 11 τότε μεταβαλεῖ τὸ πνεῦμα, καὶ διελεύσεται, καὶ ἐξιλάσεται· αὕτη ἡ ἰσχὺς τῷ Θεῷ μου.
12 Οὐχὶ σὺ ἀπʼ ἀρχῆς Κύριε ὁ Θεὸς ὁ ἅγιός μου; καὶ οὐ μὴ ἀποθάνωμεν· Κύριε εἰς κρίμα τέταχας αὐτὸ, καὶ ἔπλασέ με τοῦ ἐλέγχειν παιδείαν αὐτοῦ. 13 Καθαρὸς ὁ ὀφθαλμὸς τοῦ μὴ ὁρᾶν πονηρὰ, καὶ ἐπιβλέπειν ἐπὶ πόνους οὐ δυνήσῃ· ἱνατί ἐπιβλέπεις ἐπὶ καταφρονοῦντας; παρασιωπήσῃ ἐν τῷ καταπίνειν ἀσεβῆ τὸν δίκαιον; 14 Καὶ ποιήσεις τοὺς ἀνθρώπους ὡς τοὺς ἰχθύας τῆς θαλάσσης, καὶ ὡς τὰ ἑρπετὰ τὰ οὐκ ἔχοντα ἡγούμενον; 15 Συντέλειαν ἐν ἀγκίστρῳ ἀνέσπασε, καὶ εἵλκυσεν αὐτὸν ἐν ἀμφιβλήστρῳ, καὶ συνήγαγεν αὐτὸν ἐν ταῖς σαγήναις αὐτοῦ· 16 ἕνεκεν τούτου εὐφρανθήσεται καὶ χαρήσεται ἡ καρδία αὐτοῦ. Ἕνεκεν τούτου θύσει τῇ σαγήνῃ αὐτοῦ, καὶ θυμιάσει τῷ ἀμφιβλήστρῳ αὐτοῦ, ὅτι ἐν αὐτοῖς ἐλίπανε μερίδα αὐτοῦ, καὶ τὰ βρώματα αὐτοῦ ἐκλεκτά. 17 Διατοῦτο ἀμφιβαλεῖ τὸ ἀμφίβληστρον αὐτοῦ, καὶ διαπαντὸς ἀποκτέννειν ἔθνη οὐ φείσεται.
Leeser(i) 1 The prophecy which Habakkuk the prophet foresaw. 2 How long, O Lord, have I entreated thee, and thou wouldst not hear? how long shall I cry out unto thee because of violence, and thou wilt not save? 3 Why wilt thou let me see wickedness, and wilt look on trouble, and the robbery and violence that are before me: while there is strife, and contention lifteth up its head? 4 Therefore is the law powerless, and justice cometh not forth victorious; for the wicked encompasseth about the righteous; therefore doth justice come forth perverted. 5 Look ye about among the nations, and behold and be astonished and astounded; for God will fulfill a work in your days, ye would not believe it, if it were only told you. 6 For, lo, I will raise up the Chaldeans, that bitter and impetuous nation, that march to the wide spaces of the earth to conquer dwelling-places that are not theirs. 7 Terrible and dreadful are they: from themselves go forth their judicial laws and their dignity. 8 And swifter than leopards are their horses, and fiercer than the evening wolves; and their horsemen spread themselves abroad: and their horsemen will come from afar; they will fly like the eagle hastening to eat. 9 They all will come for violence: the front of their faces is like the east wind, and they gather captives as the sand. 10 And they will make sport with kings, and princes will be a play unto them: at every strong-hold will they laugh, and they will cast up earth-mounds and capture it. 11 Then doth their spirit become arrogant, and they are surpassingly proud, and offend, imputing this their power unto their god. 12 Art thou not from everlasting, O Lord my God, my Holy One? we shall not die. O Lord, thou hast ordained them for judgment; and, O Protector, thou hast appointed them to correct nations. 13 Thou, who art too pure of eyes to behold evil, and canst not look on trouble, wherefore wilt thou look upon those that deal treacherously, be silent when the wicked swalloweth up him that is more righteous than he? 14 And why makest thou men as the fishes of the sea, as the creeping things, that have no ruler over them? 15 All of them he bringeth up with the angle, he draggeth them up in his net, and gathereth them in his drag: therefore he rejoiceth and is glad. 16 Therefore he sacrificeth unto his net, and burneth incense unto his drag; because through them is his portion fat, and his food marrowy. 17 Shall he therefore always empty his net, and continually slay nations without sparing?
YLT(i) 1 The burden that Habakkuk the prophet hath seen: 2 Till when, O Jehovah, have I cried, And Thou dost not hear? I cry unto Thee—`Violence,' and Thou dost not save. 3 Why dost Thou shew me iniquity, And perversity dost cause to behold? And spoiling and violence are before me, And there is strife, and contention doth lift itself up, 4 Therefore doth law cease, And judgment doth not go forth for ever, For the wicked is compassing the righteous, Therefore wrong judgment goeth forth.
5 Look ye on nations, and behold and marvel greatly. For a work He is working in your days, Ye do not believe though it is declared. 6 For, lo, I am raising up the Chaldeans, The bitter and hasty nation, That is going to the broad places of earth, To occupy tabernacles not its own. 7 Terrible and fearful it is, From itself its judgment and its excellency go forth. 8 Swifter than leopards have been its horses, And sharper than evening wolves, And increased have its horsemen, Even its horsemen from afar come in, They fly as an eagle, hasting to consume. 9 Wholly for violence it doth come in, Their faces swallowing up the east wind, And it doth gather as the sand a captivity. 10 And at kings it doth scoff, And princes are a laughter to it, At every fenced place it doth laugh, And it heapeth up dust, and captureth it. 11 Then passed on hath the spirit, Yea, he doth transgress, And doth ascribe this his power to his god.
12 Art not Thou of old, O Jehovah, my God, my Holy One? We do not die, O Jehovah, For judgment Thou hast appointed it, And, O Rock, for reproof Thou hast founded it. 13 Purer of eyes than to behold evil, To look on perverseness Thou art not able, Why dost Thou behold the treacherous? Thou keepest silent when the wicked Doth swallow the more righteous than he, 14 And Thou makest man as fishes of the sea, As a creeping thing—none ruling over him. 15 Each of them with a hook he hath brought up, He doth catch it in his net, and gathereth it in his drag, Therefore he doth joy and rejoice. 16 Therefore he doth sacrifice to his net, And doth make perfume to his drag, For by them is his portion fertile, and his food fat. 17 Doth he therefore empty his net, And continually to slay nations spare not?
JuliaSmith(i) 1 The lifting up which Habbakuk the prophet saw. 2 How long, O Jehovah, did I cry for help, and thou wilt not bear? I will cry to thee violence, and thou wilt not save. 3 Wherefore wilt thou cause me to see vanity and cause me to look at labor? and oppression and violence before me, and there will be contention, and strife will be raised up. 4 For this, the law will be slack, and judgment will not go forth forever: for the unjust surrounds the just; for this perverted judgment will go forth. 5 See ye among the nations, and look, and wonder; ye shall wonder: for the working a work in your days ye will not believe if it shall be recounted. 6 For behold me raising up the Chaldeans, the nation bitter and hasty, going upon the wide places of the land to possess the dwelling not to him. 7 He terrible and dreadful: his judgment and his elevation shall come forth from himself, 8 And his horses were swift above panthers, and they were sharp above the wolves of the evening: and his horsemen were spread, and his horsemen shall come from far off; they shall fly as the eagle hastening to eat 9 Wholly for violence shall he come: the host of their faces forwards, and he shall gather a captivity as the sand. 10 And he shall scoff at kings, and princes a derision to him: at every fortress he shall deride, and he shall heap up dust and take it 11 Then the spirit changed, and he will pass over, and he transgressed: this his strength is his God. 12 Art thou not from of old, O Jehovah, my holy God? We shall not die. O Jehovah, thou didst set him for judgment; and O Rock, thou didst found him for correction. 13 Being pure of eyes from beholding evil, and wilt not be able to look upon labor: wherefore wilt thou look upon the transgressors? wilt thou be silent in the unjust swallowing the just above him? 14 And wilt thou make man as the fishes of the sea, as the creeping thing no ruler over him? 15 And he brought up a completion with the book, he will drag him in his net, and he will gather him in his fishnet: for this he will rejoice and be glad. 16 For this he will sacrifice to his net and burn incense to his fish-net; for by them his portion fat and his food. growing fat 17 For this, will he empty his net; and he will not spare to slay the nations continually.
Darby(i) 1 The burden which Habakkuk the prophet did see. 2 Jehovah, how long shall I cry and thou wilt not hear? I cry out unto thee, Violence! and thou dost not save. 3 Why dost thou cause me to see iniquity, and lookest thou upon grievance? For spoiling and violence are before me; and there is strife, and contention riseth up. 4 Therefore the law is powerless, and justice doth never go forth; for the wicked encompasseth the righteous; therefore judgment goeth forth perverted. 5 See ye among the nations, and behold, and wonder marvellously; for [I] work a work in your days, which ye will not believe, though it be declared [to you]. 6 For behold, I raise up the Chaldeans, that bitter and impetuous nation, which marcheth through the breadth of the earth, to possess dwelling-places that are not theirs. 7 They are terrible and dreadful: their judgment and their dignity proceed from themselves. 8 And their horses are swifter than the leopards, and are more agile than the evening wolves; and their horsemen prance proudly, and their horsemen come from afar: they fly as an eagle that hasteth to devour. 9 They come all of them for violence: the crowd of their faces is forwards, and they gather captives as the sand. 10 Yea, he scoffeth at kings, and princes are a scorn unto him; he derideth every stronghold: for he heapeth up dust, and taketh it. 11 Then will his mind change, and he will pass on, and become guilty: this his power is become his +god. 12 -- Art thou not from everlasting, Jehovah my God, my Holy One? We shall not die. Jehovah, thou hast ordained him for judgment; and thou, O Rock, hast appointed him for correction. 13 [Thou art] of purer eyes than to behold evil, and canst not look on mischief: wherefore lookest thou upon them that deal treacherously, [and] keepest silence when the wicked swalloweth up a [man] more righteous than he? 14 And thou makest men as the fishes of the sea, as the creeping things, that have no ruler over them. 15 He taketh up all of them with the hook, he catcheth them in his net, and gathereth them into his drag; therefore he rejoiceth and is glad: 16 therefore he sacrificeth unto his net, and burneth incense unto his drag; for by them his portion is become fat, and his meat dainty. 17 Shall he therefore empty his net, and not spare to slay the nations continually?
ERV(i) 1 The burden which Habakkuk the prophet did see. 2 O LORD, how long shall I cry, and thou wilt not hear? I cry out unto thee of violence, and thou wilt not save. 3 Why dost thou shew me iniquity, and look upon perverseness? for spoiling and violence are before me: and there is strife, and contention riseth up. 4 Therefore the law is slacked, and judgment doth never go forth: for the wicked doth compass about the righteous; therefore judgment goeth forth perverted. 5 Behold ye among the nations, and regard, and wonder marvelously: for I work a work in your days, which ye will not believe though it be told you. 6 For, lo, I raise up the Chaldeans, that bitter and hasty nation; which march through the breadth of the earth, to possess dwelling places that are not theirs. 7 They are terrible and dreadful: their judgment and their dignity proceed from themselves. 8 Their horses also are swifter than leopards, and are more fierce than the evening wolves; and their horsemen spread themselves: yea, their horsemen come from far; they fly as an eagle that hasteth to devour. 9 They come all of them for violence; their faces are set eagerly as the east wind; and they gather captives as the sand. 10 Yea, he scoffeth at kings, and princes are a derision unto him: he derideth every strong hold; for he heapeth up dust, and taketh it. 11 Then shall he sweep by [as] a wind, and shall pass over, and be guilty: [even] he whose might is his god. 12 Art not thou from everlasting, O LORD my God, mine Holy One? we shall not die. O LORD, thou hast ordained him for judgment; and thou, O Rock, hast established him for correction. 13 Thou that art of purer eyes than to behold evil, and that canst not look on perverseness, wherefore lookest thou upon them that deal treacherously, and holdest thy peace when the wicked swalloweth up the man that is more righteous than he; 14 and makest men as the fishes of the sea, as the creeping things, that have no ruler over them? 15 He taketh up all of them with the angle, he catcheth them in his net, and gathereth them in his drag: therefore he rejoiceth and is glad. 16 Therefore he sacrificeth unto his net, and burneth incense unto his drag; because by them his portion is fat, and his meat plenteous. 17 Shall he therefore empty his net, and not spare to slay the nations continually?
ASV(i) 1 The burden which Habakkuk the prophet did see.
2 O Jehovah, how long shall I cry, and thou wilt not hear? I cry out unto thee of violence, and thou wilt not save. 3 Why dost thou show me iniquity, and look upon perverseness? for destruction and violence are before me; and there is strife, and contention riseth up. 4 Therefore the law is slacked, and justice doth never go forth; for the wicked doth compass about the righteous; therefore justice goeth forth perverted.
5 Behold ye among the nations, and look, and wonder marvellously; for I am working a work in your days, which ye will not believe though it be told you. 6 For, lo, I raise up the Chaldeans, that bitter and hasty nation, that march through the breadth of the earth, to possess dwelling-places that are not theirs. 7 They are terrible and dreadful; their judgment and their dignity proceed from themselves. 8 Their horses also are swifter than leopards, and are more fierce than the evening wolves; and their horsemen press proudly on: yea, their horsemen come from far; they fly as an eagle that hasteth to devour. 9 They come all of them for violence; the set of their faces is forwards; and they gather captives as the sand. 10 Yea, he scoffeth at kings, and princes are a derision unto him; he derideth every stronghold; for he heapeth up dust, and taketh it. 11 Then shall he sweep by [as] a wind, and shall pass over, and be guilty, [even] he whose might is his god.
12 Art not thou from everlasting, O Jehovah my God, my Holy One? we shall not die. O Jehovah, thou hast ordained him for judgment; and thou, O Rock, hast established him for correction. 13 Thou that art of purer eyes than to behold evil, and that canst not look on perverseness, wherefore lookest thou upon them that deal treacherously, and holdest thy peace when the wicked swalloweth up the man that is more righteous than he; 14 and makest men as the fishes of the sea, as the creeping things, that have no ruler over them? 15 He taketh up all of them with the angle, he catcheth them in his net, and gathereth them in his drag: therefore he rejoiceth and is glad. 16 Therefore he sacrificeth unto his net, and burneth incense unto his drag; because by them his portion is fat, and his food plenteous. 17 Shall he therefore empty his net, and spare not to slay the nations continually?
  1 H4853 The burden H2265 which Habakkuk H5030 the prophet H2372 did see.
  2 H3068 O Jehovah, H7768 how long shall I cry, H8085 and thou wilt not hear? H2199 I cry out H2555 unto thee of violence, H3467 and thou wilt not save.
  3 H7200 Why dost thou show H205 me iniquity, H5027 and look H5999 upon perverseness? H7701 for destruction H2555 and violence H7379 are before me; and there is strife, H4066 and contention H5375 riseth up.
  4 H8451 Therefore the law H6313 is slacked, H4941 and justice H5331 doth never H3318 go forth; H7563 for the wicked H3803 doth compass H6662 about the righteous; H4941 therefore justice H3318 goeth forth H6127 perverted.
  5 H7200 Behold H1471 ye among the nations, H5027 and look, H8539 and wonder H8539 marvellously; H6466 for I am working H6467 a work H3117 in your days, H539 which ye will not believe H5608 though it be told you.
  6 H6965 For, lo, I raise up H3778 the Chaldeans, H4751 that bitter H4116 and hasty H1471 nation, H1980 that march H4800 through the breadth H776 of the earth, H3423 to possess H4908 dwelling-places that are not theirs.
  7 H366 They are terrible H3372 and dreadful; H4941 their judgment H7613 and their dignity H3318 proceed from themselves.
  8 H5483 Their horses H7043 also are swifter H5246 than leopards, H2300 and are more fierce H6153 than the evening H2061 wolves; H6571 and their horsemen H6335 press proudly H6571 on: yea, their horsemen H935 come H7350 from far; H5774 they fly H5404 as an eagle H2363 that hasteth H398 to devour.
  9 H935 They come H2555 all of them for violence; H4041 the set H6440 of their faces H6921 is forwards; H622 and they gather H7628 captives H2344 as the sand.
  10 H7046 Yea, he scoffeth H4428 at kings, H7336 and princes H4890 are a derision H7832 unto him; he derideth H4013 every stronghold; H6651 for he heapeth H6083 up dust, H3920 and taketh it.
  11 H2498 Then shall he sweep H7307 by as a wind, H5674 and shall pass over, H816 and be guilty, H2098 even he whose H3581 might H433 is his god.
  12 H6924 Art not thou from everlasting, H3068 O Jehovah H430 my God, H6918 my Holy One? H4191 we shall not die. H3068 O Jehovah, H7760 thou hast ordained H4941 him for judgment; H6697 and thou, O Rock, H3245 hast established H3198 him for correction.
  13 H2889 Thou that art of purer H5869 eyes H7200 than to behold H7451 evil, H3201 and that canst H5027 not look H5999 on perverseness, H5027 wherefore lookest H898 thou upon them that deal treacherously, H2790 and holdest thy peace H7563 when the wicked H1104 swalloweth H6662 up the man that is more righteous than he;
  14 H6213 and makest H120 men H1709 as the fishes H3220 of the sea, H7431 as the creeping things, H4910 that have no ruler over them?
  15 H5927 He taketh up H2443 all of them with the angle, H1641 he catcheth H2764 them in his net, H622 and gathereth H4365 them in his drag: H8055 therefore he rejoiceth H1523 and is glad.
  16 H2076 Therefore he sacrificeth H2764 unto his net, H6999 and burneth incense H4365 unto his drag; H1992 because by them H2506 his portion H8082 is fat, H3978 and his food H1277 plenteous.
  17 H7324 Shall he therefore empty H2764 his net, H2550 and spare H2026 not to slay H1471 the nations H8548 continually?
JPS_ASV_Byz(i) 1 The burden which Habakkuk the prophet did see. 2 How long, O LORD, shall I cry, and Thou wilt not hear? I cry out unto Thee of violence, and Thou wilt not save. 3 Why dost Thou show me iniquity, and beholdest mischief? And why are spoiling and violence before me? so that there is strife, and contention ariseth. 4 Therefore the law is slacked, and right doth never go forth; for the wicked doth beset the righteous; therefore right goeth forth perverted. 5 Look ye among the nations, and behold, and wonder marvellously; for, behold, a work shall be wrought in your days, which ye will not believe though it be told you. 6 For, lo, I raise up the Chaldeans, that bitter and impetuous nation, that march through the breadth of the earth, to possess dwelling-places that are not theirs. 7 They are terrible and dreadful; their law and their majesty proceed from themselves. 8 Their horses also are swifter than leopards, and are more fierce than the wolves of the desert; and their horsemen spread themselves; yea, their horsemen come from far, they fly as a vulture that hasteth to devour. 9 They come all of them for violence; their faces are set eagerly as the east wind; and they gather captives as the sand. 10 And they scoff at kings, and princes are a derision unto them; they deride every stronghold, for they heap up earth, and take it. 11 Then their spirit doth pass over and transgress, and they become guilty: even they who impute their might unto their god. 12 Art not Thou from everlasting, O LORD my God, my Holy One? We shall not die. O LORD, Thou hast ordained them for judgment, and Thou, O Rock, hast established them for correction. 13 Thou that art of eyes too pure to behold evil, and that canst not look on mischief, wherefore lookest Thou, when they deal treacherously, and holdest Thy peace, when the wicked swalloweth up the man that is more righteous than he; 14 And makest men as the fishes of the sea, as the creeping things, that have no ruler over them? 15 They take up all of them with the angle, they catch them in their net, and gather them in their drag; therefore they rejoice and exult. 16 Therefore they sacrifice unto their net, and offer unto their drag; because by them their portion is fat, and their food plenteous. 17 Shall they therefore empty their net, and not spare to slay the nations continually?
Rotherham(i) 1 The oracle of which Habakkuk the prophet, had vision: 2 How long, O Yahweh, have I called out, and thou wouldst not hear me? Have I kept crying unto thee of violence, and thou wouldst not save? 3 Wherefore shouldst thou let me see iniquity, and, wrong, shouldst let me behold, and, force and violence, be straight before me,––and there should have ever been someone who, contention and strife, would uphold? 4 For which cause, benumbed is the law, and there is never any going forth of justice,––for, the lawless, doth circumvent the righteous, for which cause, justice doth go forth perverted?
5 Behold ye, among the nations, and look around, Yea stand stock still––stare,––for, a work, is being wrought in your days, ye will not believe, when it is recounted. 6 For, behold me! raising up the Chaldeans, the bitter and headlong nation,––that marcheth to the breadths of the earth, to take possession of habitations, not his. 7 Awful and fearful, is he,––from himself, his decision and his uprising, proceed. 8 Then, swifter than leopards, are his horses, and, more sharply they attack, than evening wolves, and forward have leapt his chargers,––Yea, his chargers, from afar, will come in, they will fly as an eagle hath hastened to devour. 9 Solely for violence, will he come, the intent of their faces, is––To the east! And he hath gathered, as the sand, a captive host; 10 And, he, over kings, will make merry, and, nobles, will be a scorn to him: he, at any fortress, will laugh, once he hath heaped up dust, he hath captured it! 11 Then, hath he become arrogant in spirit, and hath committed excess, and so is guilty,––this his violence, is due to his god.
12 Art not, thou, from of old, O Yahweh, my God, my Holy One? Thou diest not! O Yahweh, to judgment, hast thou appointed him, and, O Rock, to correction, hast thou devoted him: 13 [Thou] whose eyes are too pure to look with approval on wrong, to respect oppression, canst not endure,––Wherefore, shouldst thou respect the treacherous? Be silent, when the lawless, swalloweth up, one more righteous than he? 14 So wouldst thou have made Men, like the fishes of the sea,––like the creeping thing that hath no ruler over it: 15 All of which, with a hook, one bringeth up, raketh together with his drag, and hath gathered with his net,–– 16 On which account, he is glad and exulteth: on which account, he sacrificeth to his Net, and burneth incense to his Drag; because, thereby, rich, is his portion, and his food––fatness! 17 Shall he, on this account, empty his net? And, the continual slaying of nations, deem to be no pity?
CLV(i) 1 The load which Habakkuk the prophet perceived. 2 Till when, Yahweh, do I implore, and You are not hearkening! I am crying out to You of violence, and You are not saving!" 3 Why are You showing me lawlessness? And at toil are You looking, and devastation and violence are in front of me, and contention is coming to be, and quarreling am I bearing? 4 Therefore the law is torpid, and judgment is not faring forth permanently, for the wicked one is compassing about the righteous one; therefore tortuous judgment is faring forth." 5 See, despisers, and look, and be utterly amazed, for I contrive a contrivance in your days you will not believe though it were being related." 6 For, behold Me raising the Chaldeans, the bitter and hasty nation, going the widths of the earth to tenant tabernacles not his own." 7 Dreadful and fearful is he! His judgment and his dignity are faring forth from him. 8 His horses are fleeter than leopards and sharper than evening wolves, and his horsemen are diffused; and his horsemen will come from far. They will fly as a vulture that hurries to eat." 9 All of them will come for violence. The endeavor of their faces is toward the east; and they shall gather the captives as sand. 10 And he will scoff at kings, and chancellors will be sport to him; he will sport with every fortress and pile up soil and seize it." 11 Then he will pass on as a wind, and he shall trespass and be guilty. This, his vigor, becomes his eloah." 12 Are You not from aforetime, Yahweh? My Eloah, my Holy One, You shalt not die. Yahweh, for judgment do You place him, and, O Rock, for correction, You do found him." 13 You are of cleaner eyes than to see evil, and to look at toil You are not able. Why are You looking at the treacherous, are silent when the wicked swallow one up more righteous than he? 14 And You are making humanity as fish of the sea, as the moving animal with no ruler over it." 15 All of them he brings up with a fishhook; he is impounding them in his seine net and is gathering them in his dragnet, therefore his heart is rejoicing and exulting." 16 Therefore he is sacrificing to his seine net and is fuming incense to his dragnet, for his portion is stout by them, and his food plump." 17 Will he therefore empty his seine net, and not spare to kill the nations continually?
BBE(i) 1 The word which Habakkuk the prophet saw. 2 How long, O Lord, will your ears be shut to my voice? I make an outcry to you about violent behaviour, but you do not send salvation. 3 Why do you make me see evil-doing, and why are my eyes fixed on wrong? for wasting and violent acts are before me: and there is fighting and bitter argument. 4 For this reason the law is feeble and decisions are not effected: for the upright man is circled round by evil-doers; because of which right is twisted. 5 See among the nations, and take note, and be full of wonder: for in your days I am doing a work in which you will have no belief, even if news of it is given to you. 6 For see, I am sending the Chaldaeans, that bitter and quick-moving nation; who go through the wide spaces of the earth to get for themselves living-places which are not theirs. 7 They are greatly to be feared: their right comes from themselves. 8 And their horses are quicker than leopards and their horsemen more cruel than evening wolves; they come from far away, like an eagle in flight rushing on its food. 9 They are coming all of them with force; the direction of their faces is forward, the number of their prisoners is like the sands of the sea. 10 He makes little of kings, rulers are a sport to him; all the strong places are to be laughed at; for he makes earthworks and takes them. 11 Then his purpose will be changed, over-stepping the limit; he will make his strength his god. 12 Are you not eternal, O Lord my God, my Holy One? for you there is no death. O Lord, he has been ordered by you for our punishment; and by you, O Rock, he has been marked out to put us right. 13 Before your holy eyes sin may not be seen, and you are unable to put up with wrong; why, then, are your eyes on the false? why do you say nothing when the evil-doer puts an end to one who is more upright than himself? 14 He has made men like the fishes of the sea, like the worms which have no ruler over them. 15 He takes them all up with his hook, he takes them in his net, getting them together in his fishing-net: for which cause he is glad and full of joy. 16 For this reason he makes an offering to his net, burning perfume to his fishing-net; because by them he gets much food and his meat is fat. 17 For this cause his net is ever open, and there is no end to his destruction of the nations.
MKJV(i) 1 The burden which Habakkuk the prophet saw. 2 O Jehovah, until when shall I cry and You will not hear? I cry out to You of violence, and You do not save! 3 Why do You show me evil, and You look on toil? For destruction and violence are before me; and there is strife, and contention rises up. 4 Therefore the law has become helpless, and justice does not always go forth. For the wicked entraps the righteous; therefore justice goes forth, being perverted. 5 Look among the nations, and behold and wonder marvelously; for I will work a work in your days which you will not believe, not even if it is declared to you. 6 For lo, I raise up the Chaldeans, the bitter and hasty nation, which shall march through the breadth of the land to possess homes not their own. 7 He is terrible and fearful; his judgment and his majesty comes forth from Himself. 8 His horses also are swifter than the leopards, and are more fierce than the evening wolves. And their horsemen shall spread themselves, and their horsemen shall come from afar. They shall fly like the eagle hurrying to eat. 9 All of him shall come for violence; the gathering of their faces is forward; and they gather captives like the sand. 10 And they shall scoff at the kings, and the rulers shall be a scorn to them. They shall laugh at every stronghold, for he shall heap up dust and capture it. 11 Then he sweeps on like a wind, and he transgresses and is guilty, crediting his power to his god. 12 Are You not from everlasting, O Jehovah my God, my Holy One? We shall not die. O Jehovah, You have ordained them for judgment; and, my Rock, You have established them for correction. 13 You are of purer eyes than to behold evil, and can not look upon vexation. Why do You look upon those who deal deceitfully? Will you be silent when the wicked swallows one more righteous than he? 14 For You make man like the fish of the sea, like creeping things with no ruler over them. 15 He takes up all of them with the hook; he drags him with his net and gathers him with his seine; therefore he rejoices and exults. 16 So he sacrifices to his net and burns incense to his seine; because by them his portion is fat and his food rich. 17 Shall he then empty his net, and shall he not spare to continually slay nations?
LITV(i) 1 The burden which Habakkuk the prophet saw: 2 O Jehovah, until when shall I cry for help, and You will not hear? I cry out to You, Violence! But You do not save. 3 Why do You show me evil, and You look upon toil? For destruction and violence are before me; and there is strife, and contention rises up. 4 On account of this the law has become helpless, and justice does not continually go forth. For the wicked hems in the righteous, so justice goes forth, being perverted. 5 Look among the nations and see, and be amazed. Be amazed! For a work is working in your days which you will not believe, though it be told to you. 6 For, behold, I raise up the Chaldeans, the bitter and impetuous nation which is going into the broad spaces of the land, to possess dwellings not his own. 7 He is terrible and fearful; his judgment and his glory comes from himself. 8 His horses also are swifter than leopards and are fiercer than the evening wolves. And their horsemen spread themselves; yea, their horsemen come from afar; they shall fly as the eagle hurrying to eat. 9 All of him shall come for violence; the gathering of their faces is forward; and they gather captives like the sand. 10 And he shall scoff against the kings, and officials shall be a scorn to him. He shall scorn every fortress, and he shall heap up dirt and capture it. 11 Then he sweeps on like a wind; and he transgresses and is guilty, crediting this power of his to his god. 12 Are You not from of old, Jehovah our God, my Holy One? We shall not die, Jehovah, for You have appointed him for judgment. And, my Rock, You have established him for correction. 13 You are of purer eyes than to behold evil, and You are not able to look upon vexation. Why do you look on those who deal deceitfully? Will You be silent when the wicked swallows one more righteous than he? 14 For You make man like the fish of the sea, like creeping things with no ruler over him. 15 He takes up all of him with the hook; he drags him with his net and gathers him with his seine. On account of this he rejoices and exults. 16 So he sacrifices to his net, and burns incense to his seine; because by them his portion is fat, and his food rich. 17 Shall he therefore empty his net, and shall he not spare to continually slay nations?
ECB(i) 1
The burden Habakkuk the prophet sees: 2 O Yah Veh, how long cry I, and you hear not! - even cry out to you of violence, and you save not? 3 Why show me mischief, and have me to scan at toil? With ravage and violence in front of me? And strife and contention lifting themselves? 4 So the torah is exhausted and judgment goes not in perpetuity: for the wicked surround the just; so twisted judgment proceeds. 5
See among the goyim and look; and marvel marvellously: for he works a work in your days which you trust not though it is scribed. 6 For, behold, I raise the Kesediym, that bitter and hasty goyim, to walk through the expanse of the land; to possess the tabernacles which are not theirs: 7 - terrible and awesome: their judgment and their exalting proceeds from themselves: 8 with horses swifter than leopards and sharper than the evening wolves: and their cavalry spread themselves and their cavalry comes from afar; they fly as the eagle hastening to devour: 9 they all come for violence; their faces suck the easterly and they gather the captivity as the sand. 10 And they ridicule sovereigns, and potentates are their laughingstock: they ridicule every fortress; for they heap dust and capture it. 11 Then his spirit passes on and he passes over; yes, he guilts his force is unto his elohah. 12
Are you not from antiquity, O Yah Veh my Elohim, my Holy One? We die not, O Yah Veh: you set them for judgment; and O Rock, you founded them for reproof: 13 - eyes, purer than to see evil, that cannot look on toil: Why look on them who deal covertly? And hush when the wicked swallow him who is more just? 14 Works humanity as the fishes of the sea? As the creepers who have no sovereign over them? 15 He ascends them all with the hook; he catches them in their net and gathers them in their dragnet: so he cheers and twirls: 16 so he sacrifices to his net and incenses to his dragnet; because by them his allotment is fat, and his food fattens. 17 So drags he not his net? And spares he not from continually slaughtering the goyim?
ACV(i) 1 The burden which Habakkuk the prophet saw. 2 O LORD, how long shall I cry, and thou will not hear? I cry out to thee of violence, and thou will not save. 3 Why do thou show me iniquity, and look upon perverseness? For destruction and violence are before me, and there is strife, and contention rises up. 4 Therefore the law is slacked, and justice never goes forth. For the wicked man surrounds the righteous man, therefore justice goes forth perverted. 5 Behold ye scoffers, and look, and wonder marvelously. For I am working a work in your days, which ye will not believe though it be told you. 6 For, lo, I raise up the Chaldeans, that bitter and hasty nation, who march through the breadth of the earth to possess dwelling-places that are not theirs. 7 They are fearful and dreadful. Their judgment and their dignity proceed from themselves. 8 Their horses also are swifter than leopards, and are more fierce than the evening wolves. And their horsemen press proudly on. Yea, their horsemen come from far. They fly as an eagle that hastens to devour. 9 They come all of them for violence. The set of their faces is forwards, and they gather captives as the sand. 10 Yea, he scoffs at kings, and rulers are a derision to him. He derides every stronghold, for he heaps up dust, and takes it. 11 Then he shall sweep by as a wind, and shall pass over, and be guilty; he whose might is his god. 12 Are not thou from everlasting, O LORD my God, my Holy One? We shall not die. O LORD, thou have ordained him for judgment, and thou, O Rock, have established him for correction. 13 Thou who are of purer eyes than to behold evil, and who cannot look on perverseness, why do thou look upon those who deal treacherously, and hold thy peace when the wicked man swallows up the man who is more righteous than he, 14 and makes men as the fishes of the sea, as the creeping things, that have no ruler over them? 15 He takes all of them up with the hook. He catches them in his net, and gathers them in his drag. Therefore he rejoices and is glad. 16 Therefore he sacrifices to his net, and burns incense to his drag, because by them his portion is fat, and his food plentiful. 17 Shall he therefore empty his net, and not spare to kill the nations continually?
WEB(i) 1 The revelation which Habakkuk the prophet saw. 2 Yahweh, how long will I cry, and you will not hear? I cry out to you “Violence!” and will you not save? 3 Why do you show me iniquity, and look at perversity? For destruction and violence are before me. There is strife, and contention rises up. 4 Therefore the law is paralyzed, and justice never prevails; for the wicked surround the righteous; therefore justice comes out perverted. 5 “Look among the nations, watch, and wonder marvelously; for I am working a work in your days, which you will not believe though it is told you. 6 For, behold, I raise up the Chaldeans, that bitter and hasty nation, that march through the width of the earth, to possess dwelling places that are not theirs. 7 They are feared and dreaded. Their judgment and their dignity proceed from themselves. 8 Their horses also are swifter than leopards, and are more fierce than the evening wolves. Their horsemen press proudly on. Yes, their horsemen come from afar. They fly as an eagle that hurries to devour. 9 All of them come for violence. Their hordes face the desert. He gathers prisoners like sand. 10 Yes, he scoffs at kings, and princes are a derision to him. He laughs at every stronghold, for he builds up an earthen ramp, and takes it. 11 Then he sweeps by like the wind, and goes on. He is indeed guilty, whose strength is his god.” 12 Aren’t you from everlasting, Yahweh my God, my Holy One? We will not die. Yahweh, you have appointed him for judgment. You, Rock, have established him to punish. 13 You who have purer eyes than to see evil, and who cannot look on perversity, why do you tolerate those who deal treacherously, and keep silent when the wicked swallows up the man who is more righteous than he, 14 and make men like the fish of the sea, like the creeping things, that have no ruler over them? 15 He takes up all of them with the hook. He catches them in his net, and gathers them in his dragnet. Therefore he rejoices and is glad. 16 Therefore he sacrifices to his net, and burns incense to his dragnet, because by them his life is luxurious, and his food is good. 17 Will he therefore continually empty his net, and kill the nations without mercy?
  1 H4853 The oracle H2265 which Habakkuk H5030 the prophet H2372 saw.
  2 H3068 Yahweh, H7768 how long will I cry, H8085 and you will not hear? H2199 I cry out H2555 to you "Violence!" H3467 and will you not save?
  3 H7200 Why do you show H205 me iniquity, H5027 and look H5999 at perversity? H7701 For destruction H2555 and violence H7379 are before me. There is strife, H4066 and contention H5375 rises up.
  4 H8451 Therefore the law H6313 is paralyzed, H4941 and justice H5331 never H3318 goes forth; H7563 for the wicked H3803 surround H6662 the righteous; H4941 therefore justice H3318 goes forth H6127 perverted.
  5 H7200 "Look H1471 among the nations, H5027 watch, H8539 and wonder H8539 marvelously; H6466 for I am working H6466 a work H3117 in your days, H539 which you will not believe H5608 though it is told you.
  6 H6965 For, behold, I raise up H3778 the Chaldeans, H4751 that bitter H4116 and hasty H1471 nation, H1980 that march H4800 through the breadth H776 of the earth, H3423 to possess H4908 dwelling places that are not theirs.
  7 H366 They are feared H3372 and dreaded. H4941 Their judgment H7613 and their dignity H3318 proceed from themselves.
  8 H5483 Their horses H7043 also are swifter H5246 than leopards, H2300 and are more fierce H6153 than the evening H2061 wolves. H6571 Their horsemen H6335 press proudly H6571 on. Yes, their horsemen H935 come H7350 from afar. H5774 They fly H5404 as an eagle H2363 that hurries H398 to devour.
  9 H935 All of them come H2555 for violence. H4041 Their hordes H6440 face H6921 the desert. H622 He gathers H7628 prisoners H2344 like sand.
  10 H7046 Yes, he scoffs H4428 at kings, H7336 and princes H4890 are a derision H7832 to him. He laughs H4013 at every stronghold, H6651 for he builds H6083 up an earthen H3920 ramp, and takes it.
  11 H2498 Then he sweeps H7307 by like the wind, H5674 and goes on. H816 He is indeed guilty, H2098 whose H3581 strength H433 is his god."
  12 H6924 Aren't you from everlasting, H3068 Yahweh H430 my God, H6918 my Holy One? H4191 We will not die. H3068 Yahweh, H7760 you have appointed H4941 him for judgment. H6697 You, Rock, H3245 have established H3198 him to punish.
  13 H2889 You who have purer H5869 eyes H7200 than to see H7451 evil, H3201 and who cannot H5027 look H5999 on perversity, H5027 why do you tolerate H898 those who deal treacherously, H2790 and keep silent H7563 when the wicked H1104 swallows H6662 up the man who is more righteous than he,
  14 H6213 and make H120 men H1709 like the fish H3220 of the sea, H7431 like the creeping things, H4910 that have no ruler over them?
  15 H5927 He takes up H2443 all of them with the hook. H1641 He catches H2764 them in his net, H622 and gathers H4365 them in his dragnet. H8055 Therefore he rejoices H1523 and is glad.
  16 H2076 Therefore he sacrifices H2764 to his net, H6999 and burns incense H4365 to his dragnet, H1992 because by them H2506 his life H8082 is luxurious, H2506 and his food H1277 is good.
  17 H8548 Will he therefore continually H7324 empty H2764 his net, H2026 and kill H1471 the nations H2550 without mercy?
NHEB(i) 1 The oracle which Habakkuk the prophet saw. 2 LORD, how long will I cry, and you will not hear? I cry out to you "Violence." and will you not save? 3 Why do you show me iniquity, and look at perversity? For destruction and violence are before me. There is strife, and contention rises up. 4 Therefore the law is paralyzed, and justice never goes forth; for the wicked surround the righteous; therefore justice goes forth perverted. 5 "Look, you scoffers, and watch, and be utterly amazed, and perish; for I am working a work in your days which you will not believe, though it is told you. 6 For, look, I raise up the Chaldeans, that bitter and hasty nation, that march through the breadth of the earth, to possess dwelling places not his own. 7 He is feared and dreaded. His judgment will be from himself, and his authority will come from himself. 8 His horses also are swifter than leopards, and are more fierce than the evening wolves. And their horsemen press proudly on, and, their horsemen come from afar. They fly as an eagle that hurries to devour. 9 All of them come for violence. Their hordes face the desert. He gathers prisoners like sand. 10 And he will scoff at kings and deride rulers. He laughs at every stronghold, for he builds up an earthen ramp, and takes it. 11 Then he sweeps by like the wind, and goes on. He is indeed guilty, whose strength is his god." 12 Aren't you from everlasting, LORD my God, my Holy One? We will not die. LORD, you have appointed him for judgment. You, Rock, have established him to punish. 13 You who have purer eyes than to see evil, and who cannot look on perversity, why do you tolerate those who deal treacherously, and keep silent when the wicked swallows up the man who is more righteous than he, 14 and make men like the fish of the sea, like the crawling creatures, that have no ruler over them? 15 He takes up all of them with the hook, and he catches them in his net and gathers them in his dragnet. Therefore he rejoices and is glad. 16 Therefore he sacrifices to his net, and burns incense to his dragnet, because by them his life is luxurious, and his food is good. 17 Will he therefore continually empty his net, killing the nations without mercy?
AKJV(i) 1 The burden which Habakkuk the prophet did see. 2 O LORD, how long shall I cry, and you will not hear! even cry out to you of violence, and you will not save! 3 Why do you show me iniquity, and cause me to behold grievance? for spoiling and violence are before me: and there are that raise up strife and contention. 4 Therefore the law is slacked, and judgment does never go forth: for the wicked does compass about the righteous; therefore wrong judgment proceeds. 5 Behold you among the heathen, and regard, and wonder marvelously: for I will work a work in your days which you will not believe, though it be told you. 6 For, see, I raise up the Chaldeans, that bitter and hasty nation, which shall march through the breadth of the land, to possess the dwelling places that are not their's. 7 They are terrible and dreadful: their judgment and their dignity shall proceed of themselves. 8 Their horses also are swifter than the leopards, and are more fierce than the evening wolves: and their horsemen shall spread themselves, and their horsemen shall come from far; they shall fly as the eagle that hastens to eat. 9 They shall come all for violence: their faces shall sup up as the east wind, and they shall gather the captivity as the sand. 10 And they shall scoff at the kings, and the princes shall be a scorn to them: they shall deride every strong hold; for they shall heap dust, and take it. 11 Then shall his mind change, and he shall pass over, and offend, imputing this his power to his god. 12 Are you not from everlasting, O LORD my God, my Holy One? we shall not die. O LORD, you have ordained them for judgment; and, O mighty God, you have established them for correction. 13 You are of purer eyes than to behold evil, and can not look on iniquity: why look you on them that deal treacherously, and hold your tongue when the wicked devours the man that is more righteous than he? 14 And make men as the fishes of the sea, as the creeping things, that have no ruler over them? 15 They take up all of them with the angle, they catch them in their net, and gather them in their drag: therefore they rejoice and are glad. 16 Therefore they sacrifice to their net, and burn incense to their drag; because by them their portion is fat, and their meat plenteous. 17 Shall they therefore empty their net, and not spare continually to slay the nations?
  1 H4853 The burden H834 which H2265 Habakkuk H5030 the prophet H2372 did see.
  2 H3068 O LORD, H5704 how H5704 long H7768 shall I cry, H8085 and you will not hear! H2199 even cry H2555 out to you of violence, H3467 and you will not save!
  3 H4100 Why H7200 do you show H205 me iniquity, H5027 and cause me to behold H5999 grievance? H7701 for spoiling H2555 and violence H5048 are before H5375 me: and there are that raise H7379 up strife H4066 and contention.
  4 H5921 Therefore H3651 H8451 the law H6313 is slacked, H4941 and judgment H3808 does never H5331 H3318 go H3318 forth: H7563 for the wicked H3803 does compass H6662 about the righteous; H5921 therefore H3651 H6127 wrong H4941 judgment H3318 proceeds.
  5 H7200 Behold H1471 you among the heathen, H5027 and regard, H8539 and wonder H8539 marvelously: H6466 for I will work H6467 a work H3117 in your days H539 which you will not believe, H3588 though H5608 it be told you.
  6 H2009 For, see, H6965 I raise H3778 up the Chaldeans, H4751 that bitter H4116 and hasty H1471 nation, H1980 which shall march H4800 through the breadth H776 of the land, H3423 to possess H4908 the dwelling places that are not their’s.
  7 H366 They are terrible H3372 and dreadful: H4941 their judgment H7613 and their dignity H3318 shall proceed of themselves.
  8 H5483 Their horses H7043 also are swifter H5246 than the leopards, H2300 and are more fierce H6153 than the evening H2061 wolves: H6571 and their horsemen H6335 shall spread H6571 themselves, and their horsemen H935 shall come H7350 from far; H5774 they shall fly H5404 as the eagle H2363 that hastens H398 to eat.
  9 H935 They shall come H3605 all H2555 for violence: H6440 their faces H4041 shall sup H6921 up as the east H622 wind, and they shall gather H7628 the captivity H2344 as the sand.
  10 H7046 And they shall scoff H4428 at the kings, H7336 and the princes H4890 shall be a scorn H7832 to them: they shall deride H3605 every H4013 strong H4013 hold; H6651 for they shall heap H6083 dust, H3920 and take it.
  11 H227 Then H7307 shall his mind H2498 change, H5674 and he shall pass H5674 over, H816 and offend, H2098 imputing this H3581 his power H430 to his god.
  12 H6924 Are you not from everlasting, H3068 O LORD H430 my God, H6918 my Holy H6918 One? H4191 we shall not die. H3068 O LORD, H7760 you have ordained H4941 them for judgment; H6697 and, O mighty H6697 God, H3245 you have established H3198 them for correction.
  13 H2889 You are of purer H5869 eyes H7200 than to behold H7451 evil, H3201 and can H5027 not look H413 on H5999 iniquity: H4100 why H5027 look H898 you on them that deal treacherously, H2790 and hold H2790 your tongue H7563 when the wicked H1104 devours H6662 the man that is more righteous than he?
  14 H6213 And make H120 men H1709 as the fishes H3220 of the sea, H7431 as the creeping H3808 things, that have no H4910 ruler over them?
  15 H5927 They take H3605 up all H2443 of them with the angle, H1641 they catch H2764 them in their net, H622 and gather H4365 them in their drag: H5921 therefore H3651 H8055 they rejoice H1523 and are glad.
  16 H5921 Therefore H3651 H2076 they sacrifice H2764 to their net, H6999 and burn H6999 incense H4365 to their drag; H3588 because H2506 by them their portion H8082 is fat, H3978 and their meat H1277 plenteous.
  17 H3651 Shall they therefore H7324 empty H2764 their net, H2550 and not spare H8548 continually H2026 to slay H1471 the nations?
KJ2000(i) 1 The burden which Habakkuk the prophet did see. 2 O LORD, how long shall I cry, and you will not hear! even cry out unto you of violence, and you will not save! 3 Why do you show me iniquity, and cause me to behold trouble? for plundering and violence are before me: and there are those that raise up strife and contention. 4 Therefore the law is slacked, and justice does never go forth: for the wicked does surround the righteous; therefore perverse judgment proceeds. 5 Behold you among the nations, and regard, and wonder and be astonished: for I will work a work in your days, which you will not believe, though it be told you. 6 For, lo, I raise up the Chaldeans, that bitter and hasty nation, which shall march through the breadth of the earth, to possess the dwelling places that are not theirs. 7 They are terrible and dreadful: their judgment and their dignity shall proceed from themselves. 8 Their horses also are swifter than the leopards, and are more fierce than the evening wolves: and their horsemen press proudly on, their horsemen shall come from afar; they shall fly as the eagle that hastens to eat. 9 They shall all come for violence: their faces are set like the east wind, and they shall gather captives as the sand. 10 And they shall scoff at the kings, and the princes shall be a scorn unto them: they shall deride every stronghold; for they shall heap up earth, and take it. 11 Then shall his mind change, and he shall transgress, and offend, ascribing this his power unto his god. 12 Are you not from everlasting, O LORD my God, my Holy One? we shall not die. O LORD, you have ordained them for judgment; and, O mighty God, you have established them for correction. 13 You are of purer eyes than to behold evil, and can not look on iniquity: why do you look upon them that deal treacherously, and hold your tongue when the wicked devours the man that is more righteous than he? 14 And make men like the fish of the sea, like the creeping things, that have no ruler over them? 15 They take up all of them with the hook, they catch them in their net, and gather them in their dragnet: therefore they rejoice and are glad. 16 Therefore they sacrifice unto their net, and burn incense unto their dragnet; because by them their portion is luxurious, and their food plentiful. 17 Shall they therefore empty their net, and continually slay the nations without mercy?
UKJV(i) 1 The burden which Habakkuk the prophet did see. 2 O LORD, how long shall I cry, and you will not hear! even cry out unto you of violence, and you will not save! 3 Why do you show me iniquity, and cause me to behold grievance? for spoiling and violence are before me: and there are that raise up strife and contention. 4 Therefore the law is slacked, and judgment does never go forth: for the wicked does compass about the righteous; therefore wrong judgment proceeds. 5 Behold all of you among the heathen, and regard, and wonder marvelously: for I will work a work in your days which all of you will not believe, though it be told you. 6 For, lo, I raise up the Chaldeans, that bitter and hasty nation, which shall march through the breadth of the land, to possess the dwelling places that are not their's. 7 They are terrible and dreadful: their judgment and their dignity shall proceed of themselves. 8 Their horses also are swifter than the leopards, and are more fierce than the evening wolves: and their horsemen shall spread themselves, and their horsemen shall come from far; they shall fly as the eagle that hastes to eat. 9 They shall come all for violence: their faces shall sup up as the east wind, and they shall gather the captivity as the sand. 10 And they shall scoff at the kings, and the princes shall be a scorn unto them: they shall deride every strong hold; for they shall heap dust, and take it. 11 Then shall his mind change, and he shall pass over, and offend, imputing this his power unto his god. 12 Are you not from everlasting, O LORD my God, mine Holy One? we shall not die. O LORD, you have ordained them for judgment; and, O mighty God, you have established them for correction. 13 You are of purer eyes than to behold evil, and can not look on iniquity: wherefore look you upon them that deal treacherously, and hold your tongue when the wicked devours the man that is more righteous than he? 14 And make men as the fishes of the sea, as the creeping things, that have no ruler over them? 15 They take up all of them with the angle, they catch them in their net, and gather them in their drag: therefore they rejoice and are glad. 16 Therefore they sacrifice unto their net, and burn incense unto their drag; because by them their portion is fat, and their food abundant. 17 Shall they therefore empty their net, and not spare continually to slay the nations?
  1 H4853 The burden H2265 which Habakkuk H5030 the prophet H2372 did see.
  2 H3068 O Lord, H7768 how long shall I cry, H8085 and you will not hear! H2199 even cry out H2555 unto you of violence, H3467 and you will not save!
  3 H7200 Why do you show H205 me iniquity, H5027 and cause me to behold H5999 grievance? H7701 for spoiling H2555 and violence H5375 are before me: and there are that raise up H7379 strife H4066 and contention.
  4 H8451 Therefore the law H6313 is feeble, H4941 and judgment H5331 does never H3318 go forth: H7563 for the wicked H3803 do compass H6662 about the righteous; H6127 therefore wrong H4941 judgment H3318 proceeds.
  5 H7200 Behold H1471 among the heathen, H5027 and regard, H8539 and wonder H8539 marvelously: H6466 for I will work H6467 a work H3117 in your days, H539 which you will not believe, H5608 though it be told you.
  6 H6965 For, behold, I raise up H3778 the Chaldeans, H4751 that bitter H4116 and hasty H1471 nation, H1980 which shall march H4800 through the breadth H776 of the land, H3423 to possess H4908 the dwellingplaces that are not theirs.
  7 H366 They are terrible H3372 and dreadful: H4941 their judgment H7613 and their dignity H3318 shall proceed of themselves.
  8 H5483 Their horses H7043 also are swifter H5246 than the leopards, H2300 and are more fierce H6153 than the evening H2061 wolves: H6571 and their horsemen H6335 shall spread H6571 themselves, and their horsemen H935 shall come H7350 from far; H5774 they shall fly H5404 as the eagle H2363 that hastens H398 to eat.
  9 H935 They shall come H2555 all for violence: H6440 their faces H4041 shall sup up H6921 as the east wind, H622 and they shall gather H7628 the captivity H2344 as the sand.
  10 H7046 And they shall scoff H4428 at the kings, H7336 and the princes H4890 shall be a scorn H7832 unto them: they shall deride H4013 every strong hold; H6651 for they shall heap H6083 dust, H3920 and take it.
  11 H7307 Then shall his mind H2498 change, H5674 and he shall pass over, H816 and offend, H2098 imputing this H3581 his power H433 unto his god.
  12 H6924 Are you not from everlasting, H3068 O Lord H430 my God, H6918 my Holy One? H4191 we shall not die. H3068 O Lord, H7760 you have ordained H4941 them for judgment; H6697 and, O mighty God, H3245 you have established H3198 them for correction.
  13 H2889 You are of purer H5869 eyes H7200 than to behold H7451 evil, H3201 and can H5027 not look H5999 on iniquity: H5027 therefore look H898 you upon them that deal treacherously, H2790 and hold your tongue H7563 when the wicked H1104 devours H6662 the man that is more righteous than he?
  14 H6213 And make H120 men H1709 as the fish H3220 of the sea, H7431 as the creeping things, H4910 that have no ruler over them?
  15 H5927 They take up H2443 all of them with the hook, H1641 they catch H2764 them in their trap, H622 and gather H4365 them in their dragnet: H8055 therefore they rejoice H1523 and are glad.
  16 H2076 Therefore they sacrifice H2764 unto their trap, H6999 and burn incense H4365 unto their dragnet; H1992 because by them H2506 their portion H8082 is fat, H3978 and their food H1277 plentiful.
  17 H7324 Shall they therefore empty H2764 their net, H2550 and not spare H8548 continually H2026 to kill H1471 the nations?
EJ2000(i) 1 ¶ The burden which Habakkuk the prophet saw. 2 O LORD, how long shall I cry, and thou wilt not hear; and raise my voice unto thee because of the violence, and thou wilt not save? 3 Why dost thou cause me to see iniquity and cause me to behold grievance and destruction and violence before me, in addition to those that raise up strife and contention? 4 Therefore the law is weakened, and the judgment does not go forth true: for the wicked compasses about the righteous; therefore wrong judgment proceeds. 5 ¶ Behold among the Gentiles and regard and wonder marvelously, for a work shall be done in your days which ye will not believe, though it be told you. 6 For, behold, I raise up the Chaldeans, that bitter and hasty nation, which march through the breadth of the earth to possess the dwellingplaces that are not theirs. 7 She is terrible and dreadful: from her herself shall go forth their rights and their grandeur. 8 Their horses shall be swifter than tigers and are sharper than the evening wolves, and their horsemen shall multiply themselves, and their horsemen shall come from far; they shall fly as eagles that hasten to eat. 9 All of her shall come for the prey, before their faces an east wind, and they shall gather the captives as the sand. 10 And he shall scoff at the kings, and the princes shall be a scorn unto him, he shall deride every fortress and shall heap dust and take it. 11 Then he shall become arrogant against God, and he shall pass ahead and shall be found guilty, imputing this his power unto his god. 12Art thou not from the beginning, O LORD my God, my Holy One? we shall not die, O LORD, thou hast ordained him for judgment, and thou hast established him strong for chastisement. 13 Thou art of purer eyes than to behold evil and canst not look on iniquity: why dost thou look upon those that deal treacherously and hold thy tongue when the wicked devour the man that is more righteous than he? 14 And dost make men as the fishes of the sea, as reptiles that have no lord? 15 He shall take up all of them with his hook; he shall catch them in his net and gather them in his drag: therefore, he shall rejoice and be glad. 16 Therefore, he shall sacrifice unto his net and burn incense unto his drag because by them his portion is fat, and his food plenteous. 17 Shall he therefore empty his net, or have pity to stop slaying Gentiles continually?
CAB(i) 1 The burden which the prophet Habakkuk saw. 2 How long, O Lord, shall I cry out, and You will not hear? How long shall I cry out to You being injured, and You will not save? 3 Why have You shown me troubles and grievances to look upon, misery and ungodliness? Judgment is before me, and the judge receives a reward. 4 Therefore the law is frustrated, and judgment never goes forth, for the ungodly man prevails over the just; therefore perverse judgment will proceed. 5 Behold, you despisers, and look, and wonder marvelously, and vanish: for I work a work in your days which you will by no means believe, though a man declare it to you. 6 Wherefore, behold, I stir up the Chaldeans, that bitter and hasty nation, that walks upon the breadth of the earth, to inherit tabernacles not his own. 7 He is terrible and infamous; his judgment shall proceed of himself, and his dignity shall come out of himself. 8 And his horses shall bound more swiftly than leopards, and they are fiercer than the wolves of Arabia: and his horsemen shall ride forth, and shall rush from far; and they shall fly as an eagle that hastens to eat. 9 Destruction shall come upon ungodly men, resisting with their adverse front, and he shall gather the captivity as the sand. 10 And he shall be at his ease with kings, and princes are his toys, and he shall mock at every stronghold, and shall cast a mound, and take possession of it. 11 Then shall he change his spirit, and he shall pass through, and make an atonement, saying, This strength belongs to my God. 12 Are You not from everlasting, O Lord God, my Holy One? And surely we shall not die. O Lord, You have established it for judgment, and He has formed me to chasten with His correction. 13 His eye is too pure to behold evil doings, and to look upon grievous afflictions: why do You look upon despisers? Will You be silent when the ungodly swallows up the just? 14 And will You make men as the fish in the sea, and as the reptiles which have no guide? 15 He has brought up destruction with a hook, and drawn one with a casting net, and caught another in his drags: therefore shall his heart rejoice and be glad. 16 Therefore will he sacrifice to his drag, and burn incense to his casting net, because by them he has made his portion fat, and his meats choice. 17 Therefore will he cast his net, and will not spare to slay the nations continually.
LXX2012(i) 1 The burden which the prophet Ambacum saw. 2 How long, O Lord, shall I cry out, and you will not listen? [how long] shall I cry out to you being injured, and you will not save? 3 Therefore have you shown me troubles and griefs to look upon, misery and ungodliness? judgment is before me, and the judge receives a reward. 4 Therefore the law is frustrated, and judgment proceeds not effectually, for the ungodly [man] prevails over the just; therefore perverse judgment will proceed. 5 Behold, you⌃ despisers, and look, and wonder marvelously, and vanish: for I work a work in your days, which you⌃ will in no wise believe, though a man declare [it to you]. 6 Therefore, behold, I stir up the Chaldeans, the bitter and hasty nation, that walks upon the breadth of the earth, to inherit tabernacles not his own. 7 He is terrible and famous; his judgment shall proceed of himself, and his dignity shall come out of himself. 8 And his horses shall bound [more swiftly] than leopards, and [they are] fiercer than the wolves of Arabia: and his horsemen shall ride forth, and shall rush from far; and they shall fly as an eagle hasting to eat. 9 Destruction shall come upon ungodly men, resisting with their adverse front, and he shall gather the captivity as the sand. 10 And he shall be at his ease with kings, and princes are his toys, and he shall mock at every strong-hold, and shall cast a mound, and take possession of it. 11 Then shall he change his spirit, and he shall pass through, and make an atonement, [saying], This strength [belongs] to my god. 12 [Are] not you from the beginning, O Lord God, my Holy One? and surely we shall not die. O Lord, you have established it for judgment, and he has formed me to chasten [with] his correction. 13 [His] eye is too pure to behold evil [doings], and to look upon grievous afflictions: therefore do you look upon despisers? will you be silent when the ungodly swallows up the just? 14 And will you make men as the fishes of the sea, and as the reptiles which have no guide? 15 He has brought up destruction with a hook, and drawn one with a casting net, and caught another in his drags: therefore shall his heart rejoice and be glad. 16 Therefore will he sacrifice to his drag, and burn incense to his casting-net, because by them he has made his portion fat, and his meats choice. 17 Therefore will he cast his net, and will not spare to kill the nations continually.
NSB(i) 1 This is the message Jehovah revealed to Habakkuk the prophet: 2 How long, O Jehovah (YHWH), will I call for help and you do not hear? I cry out to you, save me from violence! And yet you do not save. 3 Why do you make me see wickedness and immorality? Destruction and violence are before me. Strife exists and contention arises. 4 The law is paralyzed and justice is never delivered. The wicked surround the righteous and deliver perverted justice. 5 »Look among the nations, watch, and be amazed. Though you are told you will not believe the work I do today. 6 »Behold, I bring the Chaldeans to power, that bitter and impetuous nation. They march through the expanse of the earth to possess dwelling places that are not theirs. 7 »They are feared and dreaded. Their justice and dignity are of their own being. 8 »Their horses are swifter than leopards. They are fiercer than the evening wolves. Their horsemen proudly press on. Yes, their horsemen come from afar. They fly like an eagle in a hurry to eat. 9 »They all come for violence. Their crowds look straight ahead and gather prisoners like the sand. 10 »They scoff at kings, and princes are derision to them. They laugh at every stronghold, for they build earthen ramps and capture them. 11 »They will sweep by like a wind and continue on. They will be held guilty for might is their god.« 12 You are from everlasting, O Jehovah my God, my Holy One, You are eternal. O Jehovah, you have appointed them (the Chaldean) to execute judgment. You, O Rock, have established them for correction. 13 Your eyes are too pure to look at evil. You cannot look at perversity. Why do you look at treacherous persons and not act? Why do you keep quiet when the wicked destroy the man who is more righteous? 14 Why do you make men like the fish of the sea, like creeping things that have no ruler over them? 15 He brings them all up with the hook. He gathers them away in his net. He gladly gathers them and rejoices. 16 He offers sacrifices and burns incense to his fishing net. For it is through this their catch is great and the food is plentiful. 17 Will they keep on emptying their nets and keep on destroying nations without mercy?
ISV(i) 1 Habakkuk’s OracleThe pronouncement that the prophet Habakkuk perceived.
2 The Prophet’s First Complaint“How long, LORD, must I cry out for help, but you won’t listen? I’m crying out to you, ‘Violence!’ but you aren’t providing deliverance. 3 Why are you forcing me to look at iniquity and to stare at wickedness? Social havoc and oppression are all around me; there are legal conflicts, and disputes abound. 4 Therefore, the Law has become paralyzed, and justice never comes about. Because criminals outnumber the righteous, whenever judgments are issued, they come out crooked.”
5 God’s Response: The Coming Chaldean Invasion“Look out at the nations and pay attention! Be astounded! Be really astounded! Because something is happening in your lifetime that you won’t believe, even if it were described down to the smallest detail. 6 Watch out! For I am bringing in the Chaldeans, that cruel and impetuous people, who sweep across the earth dispossessing people from homes not their own. 7 They are terrible and fearsome; their brand of justice and sense of honor derive only from themselves! 8 Their horses are swifter than leopards, and more cunning than wolves that attack at night. Their horsemen are galloping as they approach from far away. They swoop in like ravenous vultures. 9 “They all come to oppress— hordes of them, their faces pressing onward— they take prisoners as numerous as the desert sand! 10 They make fun of kings, deriding those who rule. They laugh at all of the fortified places, constructing ramps to seize them. 11 Then like the wind sweeping by they will pass through— they’re guilty because they say their power is their god.”
12 The Prophet’s Second Complaint“Haven’t you existed forever, LORD my God, my Holy One? We won’t die! LORD, you’ve prepared them for judgment; Rock, you’ve sentenced them to correction. 13 Your eyes are too pure to gaze upon evil; and you cannot tolerate wickedness. So why do you tolerate the treacherous? And why do you stay silent while the wicked devour those who are more righteous than they are? 14 “You have fashioned mankind like fish in the ocean, like creeping things that have no ruler. 15 The adversary captures them with a hook, gathering them up in a fishing net. He collects them with a dragnet, rejoicing and gloating over his catch. 16 Therefore he sacrifices to his fishing net, and burns incense in the presence of his dragnet, because by them his assets increase and he gets plenty of food. 17 Is he to continue to empty his fishing net? Will he ever stop killing entire nations without mercy?”
LEB(i) 1 The oracle that Habakkuk the prophet saw. 2 O Yahweh, how long shall I cry for help and you will not listen? How long will I cry out to you, "Violence!" and you will not save? 3 Why do you cause me to see evil while you look at trouble? Destruction and violence happen before me; contention and strife arise. 4 Therefore the law is paralyzed, and justice does not go forth perpetually.* For the wicked surround the righteous; therefore justice goes forth perverted. 5 "Look among the nations and see; be astonished and astounded. For a work is about to be done in your days that you will not believe if it is told. 6 For look! I am raising up the Chaldeans, the bitter and impetuous nation, the one who walks through the spacious places of earth to take possession of dwellings not belonging to it.* 7 They* are dreadful and awesome; their* justice and their* dignity proceed from themselves.* 8 Their* horses are more swift than leopards; they are more menacing than wolves at dusk. Their* horsemen gallop; their* horsemen come from afar; they fly like an eagle that is swift to devour. 9 All of them* come for violence, their faces pressing forward. They gather captives like the sand. 10 And they themselves scoff at kings and rulers are a joke to them. They laugh at every fortification, and they heap up earth and take it. 11 Then they sweep like the wind and pass on; they become guilty, whose might is their* god!" 12 Are you not from of old, O Yahweh my God, my Holy One? You* shall not die. O Yahweh, you have marked them* for judgment; O Rock, you have established them* for reproof. 13 Your eyes are too pure to see evil, and you are not able to look at wrongdoing.* Why do you look at the treacherous? Why are you silent when the wicked swallows up someone more righteous than him? 14 You make humankind like fish of the sea, like crawling creatures that have no ruler among them. 15 He brings up all of them with a fishhook; he drags them up with a fishnet; he gathers them in his dragnet. Therefore, he rejoices and exults. 16 Therefore he sacrifices to his fishnet and makes offerings to his dragnet, for by them he makes a good living* and his food is rich. 17 Will he therefore empty his fishnet and continually kill nations without showing mercy?
BSB(i) 1 This is the burden that Habakkuk the prophet received in a vision: 2 How long, O LORD, must I call for help but You do not hear, or cry out to You, “Violence!” but You do not save? 3 Why do You make me see iniquity? Why do You tolerate wrongdoing? Destruction and violence are before me. Strife is ongoing, and conflict abounds. 4 Therefore the law is paralyzed, and justice never goes forth. For the wicked hem in the righteous, so that justice is perverted. 5 “Look at the nations and observe—be utterly astounded! For I am doing a work in your days that you would never believe even if someone told you. 6 For behold, I am raising up the Chaldeans—that ruthless and impetuous nation which marches through the breadth of the earth to seize dwellings not their own. 7 They are dreaded and feared; from themselves they derive justice and sovereignty. 8 Their horses are swifter than leopards, fiercer than wolves of the night. Their horsemen charge ahead, and their cavalry comes from afar. They fly like a vulture, swooping down to devour. 9 All of them come bent on violence; their hordes advance like the east wind; they gather prisoners like sand. 10 They scoff at kings and make rulers an object of scorn. They laugh at every fortress and build up siege ramps to seize it. 11 Then they sweep by like the wind and pass on through. They are guilty; their own strength is their god.” 12 Are You not from everlasting, O LORD, my God, my Holy One? We will not die. O LORD, You have appointed them to execute judgment; O Rock, You have established them for correction. 13 Your eyes are too pure to look upon evil, and You cannot tolerate wrongdoing. So why do You tolerate the faithless? Why are You silent while the wicked swallow up those more righteous than themselves? 14 You have made men like the fish of the sea, like creeping things that have no ruler. 15 The foe pulls all of them up with a hook; he catches them in his dragnet, and gathers them in his fishing net; so he rejoices gladly. 16 Therefore he sacrifices to his dragnet and burns incense to his fishing net, for by these things his portion is sumptuous and his food is rich. 17 Will he, therefore, empty his net and continue to slay nations without mercy?
MSB(i) 1 This is the burden that Habakkuk the prophet received in a vision: 2 How long, O LORD, must I call for help but You do not hear, or cry out to You, “Violence!” but You do not save? 3 Why do You make me see iniquity? Why do You tolerate wrongdoing? Destruction and violence are before me. Strife is ongoing, and conflict abounds. 4 Therefore the law is paralyzed, and justice never goes forth. For the wicked hem in the righteous, so that justice is perverted. 5 “Look at the nations and observe—be utterly astounded! For I am doing a work in your days that you would never believe even if someone told you. 6 For behold, I am raising up the Chaldeans—that ruthless and impetuous nation which marches through the breadth of the earth to seize dwellings not their own. 7 They are dreaded and feared; from themselves they derive justice and sovereignty. 8 Their horses are swifter than leopards, fiercer than wolves of the night. Their horsemen charge ahead, and their cavalry comes from afar. They fly like a vulture, swooping down to devour. 9 All of them come bent on violence; their hordes advance like the east wind; they gather prisoners like sand. 10 They scoff at kings and make rulers an object of scorn. They laugh at every fortress and build up siege ramps to seize it. 11 Then they sweep by like the wind and pass on through. They are guilty; their own strength is their god.” 12 Are You not from everlasting, O LORD, my God, my Holy One? We will not die. O LORD, You have appointed them to execute judgment; O Rock, You have established them for correction. 13 Your eyes are too pure to look upon evil, and You cannot tolerate wrongdoing. So why do You tolerate the faithless? Why are You silent while the wicked swallow up those more righteous than themselves? 14 You have made men like the fish of the sea, like creeping things that have no ruler. 15 The foe pulls all of them up with a hook; he catches them in his dragnet, and gathers them in his fishing net; so he rejoices gladly. 16 Therefore he sacrifices to his dragnet and burns incense to his fishing net, for by these things his portion is sumptuous and his food is rich. 17 Will he, therefore, empty his net and continue to slay nations without mercy?
MLV(i) 1 The burden which Habakkuk the prophet saw.
2 O Jehovah, how long shall I cry and you will not hear? I cry out to you of violence and you will not save. 3 Why do you show me wickedness and look upon perverseness? For destruction and violence are before me and there is strife and contention rises up. 4 Therefore the law is slacked and justice never goes forth. For the wicked man surrounds the righteous man, therefore justice goes forth perverted.
5 Behold you* scoffers and look and wonder marvelously. For I am working a work in your* days, which you* will not believe though it is told you*. 6 For behold, I raise up the Chaldeans, that bitter and hasty nation, who march through the breadth of the earth to possess dwelling-places that are not theirs.
7 They are fearful and dreadful. Their judgment and their dignity proceed from themselves. 8 Their horses also are swifter than leopards and are more fierce than the evening wolves. And their horsemen press proudly on. Yes, their horsemen come from far. They fly as an eagle that hastens to devour. 9 They come all of them for violence. The set of their faces is forwards and they gather captives as the sand.
10 Yes, he scoffs at kings and rulers are a mocking to him. He derides every stronghold, for he heaps up dust and takes it. 11 Then he will sweep by as a wind and will pass over and be guilty; he whose might is his god.
12 Are not you from long-ago, O Jehovah my God, my Holy One? We will not die. O Jehovah, you have placed him for judgment and you, O Rock, have established him for correction.
13 You who are of purer eyes than to behold evil and who cannot look on perverseness, why do you look upon those who deal treacherously and hold your peace when the wicked man swallows up the man who is more righteous than he, 14 and makes men as the fishes of the sea, as the creeping things, that have no ruler over them?
15 He takes all of them up with the hook. He catches them in his net and gathers them in his drag. Therefore he rejoices and is glad. 16 Therefore he sacrifices to his net and burns incense to his drag, because by them his portion is fat and his food plentiful. 17 Shall he therefore empty his net and not spare to kill the nations continually?

VIN(i) 1 The oracle that Habakkuk the prophet saw. 2 How long, O LORD (YHWH), will I call for help and you do not hear? I cry out to you, save me from violence! And yet you do not save. 3 Why do you show me iniquity, and look at perversity? For destruction and violence are before me. There is strife, and contention rises up. 4 Therefore the law is paralyzed, and justice never prevails; for the wicked surround the righteous; therefore justice comes out perverted. 5 Look among the nations and see, and be amazed. Be amazed! For a work is working in your days which you will not believe, though it be told to you. 6 Watch out! For I am bringing in the Chaldeans, that cruel and impetuous people, who sweep across the earth dispossessing people from homes not their own. 7 "They are feared and dreaded. Their justice and dignity are of their own being. 8 Their horses are more swift than leopards; they are more menacing than wolves at dusk. Their horsemen gallop; their horsemen come from afar; they fly like an eagle that is swift to devour. 9 All of them come for violence. Their hordes face the desert. He gathers prisoners like sand. 10 "They scoff at kings, and princes are derision to them. They laugh at every stronghold, for they build earthen ramps and capture them. 11 Then he sweeps by like the wind, and goes on. He is indeed guilty, whose strength is his god." 12 Aren't you from everlasting, LORD my God, my Holy One? We will not die. LORD, you have appointed him for judgment. You, Rock, have established him to punish. 13 Your eyes are too pure to see evil, and you are not able to look at wrongdoing. Why do you look at the treacherous? Why are you silent when the wicked swallows up someone more righteous than him? 14 You have fashioned mankind like fish in the ocean, like creeping things that have no ruler. 15 He takes up all of them with the hook; he catches them in his net, and gathers them in his dragnet. Therefore he rejoices and is glad. 16 Therefore he sacrifices to his net, and burns incense to his dragnet, because by them his life is luxurious, and his food is good. 17 Will they keep on emptying their nets and keep on destroying nations without mercy?
Luther1545(i) 1 Dies ist die Last, welche der Prophet Habakuk gesehen hat. 2 HERR, wie lange soll ich schreien, und du willst nicht hören? Wie lange soll ich zu dir rufen über Frevel, und du willst nicht helfen? 3 Warum lässest du mich sehen Mühe und Arbeit? Warum zeigest du mir Raub und Frevel um mich? Es gehet Gewalt über Recht. 4 Darum gehet es gar anders denn recht und kann keine rechte Sache gewinnen; denn der Gottlose übervorteilt den Gerechten, darum gehen verkehrte Urteile. 5 Schauet unter den Heiden, sehet und verwundert euch; denn ich will etwas tun zu euren Zeiten, welches ihr nicht glauben werdet, wenn man davon sagen wird. 6 Denn siehe, ich will die Chaldäer erwecken, ein bitter und schnell Volk, welches ziehen wird, soweit das Land ist, Wohnungen einzunehmen, die nicht sein sind, 7 und wird grausam und schrecklich sein, das da gebeut und zwinget, wie es will. 8 Ihre Rosse sind schneller denn die Parden; so sind sie auch beißiger denn die Wölfe des Abends. Ihre Reiter ziehen mit großen Haufen von ferne daher, als flögen sie, wie die Adler eilen zum Aas. 9 Sie kommen allesamt, daß sie Schaden tun; wo sie hin wollen, reißen sie hindurch wie ein Ostwind und werden Gefangene zusammenraffen wie Sand. 10 Sie werden der Könige spotten und der Fürsten werden sie lachen. Alle Festungen werden ihnen ein Scherz sein; denn sie werden Schutt machen und sie doch gewinnen. 11 Alsdann werden sie einen neuen Mut nehmen, werden fortfahren und sich versündigen; dann muß ihr Sieg ihres Gottes sein. 12 Aber du, HERR, mein Gott, mein Heiliger, der du von Ewigkeit her bist, laß uns nicht sterben, sondern laß sie uns, o HERR, nur eine Strafe sein und laß sie, o unser Hort, uns nur züchtigen! 13 Deine Augen sind rein, daß du Übels nicht sehen magst, und dem Jammer kannst du nicht zusehen. Warum siehest du denn zu den Verächtern und schweigest, daß der Gottlose verschlinget den, der frömmer denn er ist, 14 und lässet die Menschen gehen wie Fische im Meer, wie Gewürm, das keinen, HERRN hat? 15 Sie ziehen's alles mit dem Hamen und fahen's mit ihrem Netze und sammeln's mit ihrem Garn; des freuen sie sich und sind fröhlich. 16 Darum opfern sie ihrem Netze und räuchern ihrem Garn, weil durch dieselbigen ihr Teil so fett und ihre Speise so völlig worden ist. 17 Derhalben werfen sie ihr Netz noch immer aus und wollen nicht aufhören, Leute zu erwürgen.
  1 H4853 Dies ist die Last H5030 , welche der Prophet H2265 Habakuk H2372 gesehen hat .
  2 H3068 HErr H7768 , wie lange soll ich schreien H2199 , und du H8085 willst nicht hören? Wie lange soll ich zu H2555 dir rufen über Frevel H3467 , und du willst nicht helfen ?
  3 H5375 Warum lässest du mich H7200 sehen H205 Mühe H5999 und Arbeit H7701 ? Warum zeigest du mir Raub und Frevel H7379 um mich? Es gehet Gewalt H4066 über Recht .
  4 H5331 Darum gehet es gar H4941 anders denn recht H3318 und H4941 kann keine rechte H7563 Sache gewinnen; denn der GOttlose H3803 übervorteilt H6662 den Gerechten H3318 , darum gehen H6127 verkehrte Urteile.
  5 H1471 Schauet unter den Heiden H6467 , sehet und H8539 verwundert H7200 euch; denn ich will H6466 etwas tun H3117 zu euren Zeiten H5027 , welches ihr nicht H539 glauben H5608 werdet, wenn man davon sagen wird .
  6 H3778 Denn siehe, ich will die Chaldäer H6965 erwecken H4751 , ein bitter H4116 und schnell H1471 Volk H4800 , welches ziehen wird, soweit H776 das Land H4908 ist, Wohnungen H3423 einzunehmen, die nicht sein H1980 sind,
  7 H3318 und H366 wird grausam und schrecklich H3372 sein H4941 , das da gebeut und zwinget, wie es will.
  8 H5483 Ihre Rosse H935 sind H7043 schneller H5774 denn die Parden; so sind sie H2061 auch beißiger denn die Wölfe H6153 des Abends H6571 . Ihre Reiter H6335 ziehen H7350 mit großen Haufen von ferne H5404 daher, als flögen sie, wie die Adler H2363 eilen H398 zum Aas .
  9 H6440 Sie H2555 kommen allesamt, daß sie Schaden H935 tun H4041 ; wo sie hin wollen H6921 , reißen sie hindurch wie ein Ostwind H622 und werden H7628 Gefangene H2344 zusammenraffen wie Sand .
  10 H3920 Sie H4428 werden der Könige H7046 spotten H7336 und der Fürsten H4890 werden sie lachen H4013 . Alle Festungen H7832 werden ihnen ein Scherz sein; denn sie werden Schutt machen und sie doch gewinnen.
  11 H816 Alsdann werden H7307 sie einen neuen Mut H2098 nehmen, werden fortfahren und H5674 sich versündigen; dann muß ihr H433 Sieg ihres Gottes H2498 sein .
  12 H3068 Aber du, HErr H430 , mein GOtt H6918 , mein Heiliger H6924 , der du von Ewigkeit H4191 her bist, laß uns nicht sterben H3068 , sondern laß sie uns, o HErr H4941 , nur eine Strafe H3198 sein H7760 und H6697 laß sie, o unser Hort H3245 , uns nur züchtigen!
  13 H5869 Deine Augen H898 sind rein, daß du H7451 Übels nicht H7200 sehen H5999 magst, und dem Jammer H3201 kannst H2790 du H5027 nicht H5027 zusehen H7563 . Warum siehest du denn zu den Verächtern und schweigest, daß der GOttlose H6662 verschlinget den, der frömmer H2889 denn er ist,
  14 H6213 und H120 lässet die Menschen H1709 gehen wie Fische H3220 im Meer H7431 , wie Gewürm H4910 , das keinen, Herrn hat?
  15 H622 Sie ziehen‘s alles mit dem Hamen und fahen‘s mit ihrem Netze und sammeln‘s H2764 mit ihrem Garn H8055 ; des freuen H5927 sie sich und sind H1523 fröhlich .
  16 H2076 Darum opfern H1992 sie H6999 ihrem Netze und räuchern H2764 ihrem Garn H2506 , weil durch dieselbigen ihr Teil H8082 so fett H3978 und ihre Speise H1277 so völlig worden ist.
  17 H7324 Derhalben werfen sie H2764 ihr Netz H8548 noch immer H2550 aus und wollen nicht H1471 aufhören, Leute H2026 zu erwürgen .
Luther1912(i) 1 Dies ist die Last, welche der Prophet Habakuk gesehen hat. 2 HERR, wie lange soll ich schreien, und du willst mich nicht hören? Wie lange soll ich zu dir rufen über Frevel, und du willst nicht helfen? 3 Warum lässest du mich Mühsal sehen und siehest dem Jammer zu? Raub und Frevel sind vor mir. Es geht Gewalt über Recht. 4 Darum ist das Gesetz ohnmächtig, und keine rechte Sache kann gewinnen. Denn der Gottlose übervorteilt den Gerechten; darum ergehen verkehrte Urteile. 5 Schaut unter den Heiden, seht und verwundert euch! denn ich will etwas tun zu euren Zeiten, welches ihr nicht glauben werdet, wenn man davon sagen wird. 6 Denn siehe, ich will die Chaldäer erwecken, ein bitteres und schnelles Volk, welches ziehen wird, soweit die Erde ist, Wohnungen einzunehmen, die nicht sein sind, 7 und wird grausam und schrecklich sein; das da gebeut und zwingt, wie es will. 8 Ihre Rosse sind schneller denn die Parder und behender denn die Wölfe des Abends. Ihre Reiter ziehen in großen Haufen von ferne daher, als flögen sie, wie die Adler eilen zum Aas. 9 Sie kommen allesamt, daß sie Schaden tun; wo sie hin wollen, reißen sie hindurch wie ein Ostwind und werden Gefangene zusammenraffen wie Sand. 10 Sie werden der Könige spotten, und der Fürsten werden sie lachen. Alle Festungen werden ihnen ein Scherz sein; denn sie werden Erde aufschütten und sie gewinnen. 11 Alsdann werden sie einen neuen Mut nehmen, werden fortfahren und sich versündigen; also muß ihre Macht ihr Gott sein. 12 Aber du, HERR, mein Gott, mein Heiliger, der du von Ewigkeit her bist, laß uns nicht sterben; sondern laß sie uns, o HERR, nur eine Strafe sein und laß sie, o unser Hort, uns nur züchtigen! 13 Deine Augen sind rein, daß du Übles nicht sehen magst, und dem Jammer kannst du nicht zusehen. Warum siehst du denn den Räubern zu und schweigst, daß der Gottlose verschlingt den, der frömmer als er ist, 14 und lässest die Menschen gehen wie Fische im Meer, wie Gewürm, das keinen HERRN hat? 15 Sie ziehen alles mit dem Haken und fangen's mit ihrem Netz und sammeln's mit ihrem Garn; des freuen sie sich und sind fröhlich. 16 Darum opfern sie ihrem Netz und räuchern ihrem Garn, weil durch diese ihr Teil so fett und ihre Speise so völlig geworden ist. 17 Sollen sie derhalben ihr Netz immerdar auswerfen und nicht aufhören, Völker zu erwürgen?
  1 H4853 Dies ist die Last H5030 , welche der Prophet H2265 Habakuk H2372 gesehen hat.
  2 H3068 HERR H7768 , wie lange soll ich schreien H8085 , und du willst nicht hören H2199 ? Wie lange soll ich zu dir rufen H2555 über Frevel H3467 , und du willst nicht helfen ?
  3 H205 Warum lässest du mich Mühsal H7200 sehen H5027 und siehest H5999 dem Jammer H7701 zu? Raub H2555 und Frevel H5375 sind vor mir. Es geht H7379 H4066 Gewalt H5375 über Recht.
  4 H8451 Darum ist das Gesetz H6313 ohnmächtig H4941 , und keine rechte H5331 H3318 Sache kann gewinnen H7563 . Denn der Gottlose H3803 übervorteilt H6662 den Gerechten H3318 ; darum ergehen H6127 verkehrte H4941 Urteile .
  5 H7200 Schauet H1471 unter den Heiden H5027 , sehet H8539 und verwundert H6467 euch! denn ich will etwas H6466 tun H3117 zu euren Zeiten H539 , welches ihr nicht glauben H5608 werdet, wenn man davon sagen wird.
  6 H6965 Denn H3778 siehe, ich will die Chaldäer H6965 erwecken H4751 , ein bitteres H4116 und schnelles H1471 Volk H1980 , welches ziehen H4800 wird, soweit H776 die Erde H4908 ist, Wohnungen H3423 einzunehmen, die nicht sein sind,
  7 H366 und wird grausam H3372 und schrecklich H4941 sein; das da gebeut H7613 und zwingt H3318 , wie es will .
  8 H5483 Ihre Rosse H7043 sind schneller H5246 denn die Parder H2300 und behender H2061 denn die Wölfe H6153 des Abends H6571 . Ihre Reiter H935 ziehen H6335 in großen Haufen H7350 von ferne H5774 daher, als flögen H5404 sie, wie die Adler H2363 eilen H398 zum Aas .
  9 H935 Sie kommen H2555 allesamt, daß sie Schaden H6921 tun; wo sie hin wollen, reißen sie hindurch wie ein Ostwind H7628 und werden Gefangene H622 zusammenraffen H2344 wie Sand .
  10 H4428 Sie werden der Könige H7046 spotten H7336 , und der Fürsten H4890 werden sie lachen H4013 . Alle Festungen H7832 werden ihnen ein Scherz H6083 sein; denn sie werden Erde H6651 aufschütten H3920 und sie gewinnen .
  11 H7307 Alsdann werden sie einen neuen Mut H2498 nehmen H5674 , werden fortfahren H816 und sich versündigen H2098 ; also H3581 muß ihre Macht H433 ihr Gott sein .
  12 H6924 Aber H3068 du, HERR H430 , mein Gott H6918 , mein Heiliger H6924 , der du von Ewigkeit H4191 her bist, laß uns nicht sterben H7760 ; sondern laß H3068 sie uns, o HERR H4941 , nur eine Strafe H7760 sein H3245 und laß H6697 sie, o unser Hort H3198 , uns nur züchtigen!
  13 H5869 Deine Augen H2889 sind rein H7451 , daß du Übles H7200 nicht sehen H5999 magst, und dem Jammer H3201 kannst H5027 du nicht zusehen H5027 . Warum siehst H898 du denn den Räubern H2790 zu und schweigst H7563 , daß der Gottlose H1104 verschlingt H6662 den, der frömmer als er ist,
  14 H6213 und lässest H120 die Menschen H1709 gehen wie Fische H3220 im Meer H7431 , wie Gewürm H4910 , das keinen HERRN hat?
  15 H5927 Sie ziehen H2443 alles mit dem Haken H1641 und fangen’s H2764 mit ihrem Netze H622 und sammeln’s H4365 mit ihrem Garn H8055 ; des freuen H1523 sie sich und sind fröhlich .
  16 H2076 Darum opfern H2764 sie ihrem Netze H6999 und räuchern H4365 ihrem Garn H1992 , weil durch diese H2506 ihr Teil H8082 so fett H3978 und ihre Speise H1277 so völlig geworden ist.
  17 H2764 Sollen sie derhalben ihr Netz H8548 immerdar H7324 auswerfen H2550 und nicht aufhören H1471 , Völker H2026 zu erwürgen ?
ELB1871(i) 1 Der Ausspruch, welchen Habakuk, der Prophet, geschaut hat. 2 Wie lange, Jehova, habe ich gerufen, und du hörst nicht! Ich schreie zu dir: Gewalttat! und du rettest nicht. 3 Warum läßt du mich Unheil sehen, und schaust Mühsal an? Und Verwüstung und Gewalttat sind vor mir, und Streit entsteht, und Hader erhebt sich. 4 Darum wird das Gesetz kraftlos, und das Recht kommt nimmermehr hervor; denn der Gesetzlose umzingelt den Gerechten: darum kommt das Recht verdreht hervor. 5 Sehet unter den Nationen und schauet und erstaunet, staunet; denn ich wirke ein Werk in euren Tagen - ihr würdet es nicht glauben, wenn es erzählt würde. 6 Denn siehe, ich erwecke die Chaldäer, das grimmige und ungestüme Volk, welches die Breiten der Erde durchzieht, um Wohnungen in Besitz zu nehmen, die ihm nicht gehören. 7 Es ist schrecklich und furchtbar; sein Recht und seine Hoheit gehen von ihm aus. 8 Und schneller als Pardel sind seine Rosse und rascher als Abendwölfe; und seine Reiter sprengen einher, und seine Reiter kommen von ferne, fliegen herbei wie ein Adler, der zum Fraße eilt. 9 Sie kommen zur Gewalttat allesamt; das Streben ihrer Angesichter ist vorwärts gerichtet, und Gefangene rafft es zusammen wie Sand. 10 Und es spottet der Könige, und Fürsten sind ihm ein Gelächter; es lacht jeder Festung, und es schüttet Erde auf und nimmt sie ein. 11 Dann fährt es daher wie der Wind, und zieht weiter und verschuldet sich: diese seine Kraft ist sein Gott! 12 Bist du nicht von alters her, Jehova, mein Gott, mein Heiliger? Wir werden nicht sterben. Jehova, zum Gericht hast du es gesetzt, und, o Fels, zur Züchtigung es bestellt. 13 Du bist zu rein von Augen, um Böses zu sehen, und Mühsal vermagst du nicht anzuschauen. Warum schaust du Räubern zu, schweigst, wenn der Gesetzlose den verschlingt, der gerechter ist als er? 14 und machst die Menschen wie die Fische des Meeres, wie das Gewürm, das keinen Herrscher hat? 15 Er hebt sie alle mit der Angel herauf, er zieht sie herbei mit seinem Netze und sammelt sie in sein Garn; darum freut er sich und jubelt. 16 Darum opfert er seinem Netze und räuchert seinem Garne, denn durch sie ist sein Teil fett und seine Speise feist. 17 Soll er deshalb sein Netz ausleeren, und beständig darauf ausgehen, Nationen schonungslos hinzumorden?
ELB1905(i) 1 Der Ausspruch, welchen Habakuk, der Prophet, geschaut hat. 2 Wie lange, Jahwe, habe ich gerufen, und du hörst nicht! Ich schreie zu dir: Gewalttat! und du rettest nicht. 3 Warum läßt du mich Unheil sehen, und schaust Mühsal an? Und Verwüstung und Gewalttat sind vor mir, und Streit entsteht, und Hader erhebt sich. 4 Darum wird das Gesetz kraftlos, und das Recht kommt nimmermehr hervor; denn der Gesetzlose umzingelt den Gerechten: darum kommt das Recht verdreht hervor. 5 Sehet unter den Nationen und schauet und erstaunet, staunet; denn ich wirke ein Werk in euren Tagen, ihr würdet es nicht glauben, wenn es erzählt würde. 6 Denn siehe, ich erwecke die Chaldäer, das grimmige und ungestüme Volk, welches die Breiten der Erde durchzieht, um Wohnungen in Besitz zu nehmen, die ihm nicht gehören. 7 Es ist schrecklich und furchtbar; sein Recht und seine Hoheit gehen von ihm aus. 8 Und schneller als Pardel sind seine Rosse und rascher als Abendwölfe; und seine Reiter sprengen einher, und seine Reiter kommen von ferne, fliegen herbei wie ein Adler, der zum Fraße eilt. 9 Sie kommen zur Gewalttat allesamt; das Streben ihrer Angesichter ist vorwärts gerichtet, und Gefangene rafft es zusammen wie Sand. 10 Und es spottet der Könige, und Fürsten sind ihm ein Gelächter; es lacht jeder Festung, und es schüttet Erde auf und nimmt sie ein. 11 Dann fährt es daher wie der Wind, und zieht weiter und verschuldet sich: diese seine Kraft ist sein Gott! 12 Bist du nicht von alters her, Jahwe, mein Gott, mein Heiliger? Wir werden nicht sterben. Jahwe, zum Gericht hast du es gesetzt, und, o Fels, zur Züchtigung es bestellt. 13 Du bist zu rein von Augen, um Böses zu sehen, und Mühsal vermagst du nicht anzuschauen. Warum schaust du Räubern zu, schweigst, wenn der Gesetzlose den verschlingt, der gerechter ist als er? 14 Und machst die Menschen wie die Fische des Meeres, wie das Gewürm, das keinen Herrscher hat? 15 Er hebt sie alle mit der Angel herauf, er zieht sie herbei mit seinem Netze und sammelt sie in sein Garn; darum freut er sich und jubelt. 16 Darum opfert er seinem Netze und räuchert seinem Garne, denn durch sie ist sein Teil fett und seine Speise feist. 17 Soll er deshalb sein Netz ausleeren, und beständig darauf ausgehen, Nationen schonungslos hinzumorden?
  1 H2265 Der Ausspruch, welchen Habakuk H5030 , der Prophet H2372 , geschaut hat .
  2 H3068 Wie lange, Jehova H2199 , habe ich gerufen, und H8085 du H3467 hörst nicht H7768 ! Ich schreie zu dir: Gewalttat! und du rettest nicht.
  3 H7200 Warum läßt du mich Unheil sehen H5375 , und H205 schaust Mühsal H7701 an? Und Verwüstung H7379 und Gewalttat sind vor mir, und Streit entsteht, und Hader H5027 erhebt sich .
  4 H8451 Darum wird das Gesetz H4941 kraftlos, und das Recht H3318 kommt nimmermehr hervor H6662 ; denn der Gesetzlose umzingelt den Gerechten H4941 : darum kommt das Recht H3318 verdreht hervor .
  5 H7200 Sehet H6467 unter den Nationen und schauet und erstaunet, staunet; denn ich wirke ein Werk H3117 in euren Tagen H6466 - ihr H5027 würdet es nicht H539 glauben, wenn es erzählt würde.
  6 H3778 Denn siehe, ich erwecke die Chaldäer H1980 , das grimmige und H1471 ungestüme Volk H776 , welches die Breiten der Erde H4908 durchzieht, um Wohnungen H3423 in Besitz H6965 zu nehmen, die ihm nicht gehören.
  7 H7613 Es ist H366 schrecklich H4941 und furchtbar; sein Recht H3318 und seine Hoheit gehen von ihm aus .
  8 H7043 Und H5483 schneller als Pardel sind seine Rosse H5774 und H6571 rascher als Abendwölfe; und seine Reiter H6571 sprengen einher, und seine Reiter H935 kommen H7350 von ferne H5404 , fliegen herbei wie ein Adler, der zum Fraße eilt.
  9 H6440 Sie H935 kommen H622 zur Gewalttat allesamt; das Streben ihrer Angesichter ist H7628 vorwärts gerichtet, und Gefangene H2344 rafft es zusammen wie Sand .
  10 H4428 Und es spottet der Könige H7336 , und Fürsten H7832 sind ihm ein Gelächter; es lacht H6083 jeder Festung, und es schüttet Erde H3920 auf und nimmt sie ein.
  11 H7307 Dann fährt es daher wie der Wind H816 , und zieht weiter und verschuldet H3581 sich: diese seine Kraft H433 ist sein Gott!
  12 H6924 Bist du nicht von alters H3068 her, Jehova H430 , mein Gott H6918 , mein Heiliger H4191 ? Wir werden nicht sterben H3068 . Jehova H4941 , zum Gericht H3198 hast H7760 du es gesetzt H6697 , und, o Fels, zur Züchtigung es bestellt.
  13 H898 Du H2889 bist zu rein H5869 von Augen H7451 , um Böses H7200 zu sehen H5999 , und Mühsal H2790 vermagst du H3201 nicht H1104 anzuschauen. Warum schaust du Räubern zu, schweigst, wenn der Gesetzlose den verschlingt H6662 , der gerechter H5027 ist als er ?
  14 H6213 Und H120 machst die Menschen H1709 wie die Fische H3220 des Meeres H7431 , wie das Gewürm, das keinen Herrscher hat?
  15 H622 Er H5927 hebt sie alle mit der Angel herauf H4365 , er zieht sie herbei mit seinem Netze H1523 und sammelt sie in sein Garn; darum freut H8055 er sich und jubelt.
  16 H2076 Darum opfert H4365 er seinem Netze H6999 und räuchert H1992 seinem Garne, denn durch sie H2506 ist sein Teil H8082 fett H3978 und seine Speise feist.
  17 H2550 Soll er H2764 deshalb sein Netz H7324 ausleeren H2026 , und beständig darauf ausgehen, Nationen schonungslos hinzumorden?
DSV(i) 1 De last, welken Habakuk, de profeet, gezien heeft. 2 HEERE! hoe lang schreeuw ik, en Gij hoort niet, hoe lang roep ik geweld, tot U, en Gij verlost niet! 3 Waarom laat Gij mij ongerechtigheid zien, en aanschouwt de kwelling? Want verwoesting en geweld is tegen mij over, en er is twist, en men neemt gekijf op. 4 Daarom wordt de wet onderlaten, en het recht komt nimmermeer voort; want de goddeloze omringt den rechtvaardige; daarom komt het recht verdraaid voor. 5 Ziet onder de heidenen, en aanschouwt, en verwondert u, verwondert u, want Ik werk een werk in ulieder dagen, hetwelk gij niet geloven zult, als het verteld zal worden. 6 Want ziet, Ik verwek de Chaldeeën, een bitter en snel volk, trekkende door de breedten der aarde, om erfelijk te bezitten woningen, die de zijne niet zijn. 7 Schrikkelijk en vreselijk is hetzelve; zijn recht en zijn hoogheid gaat van hemzelven uit. 8 Want zijn paarden zijn lichter dan de luipaarden, en zij zijn scherper dan de avondwolven, en zijn ruiters verspreiden zich; ja, zijn ruiters zullen van verre komen, zij zullen vliegen als een arend, zich spoedende om te eten. 9 Het zal geheellijk tot geweld komen, wat zij inslorpen zullen met hun aangezichten, zullen zij brengen naar het oosten; en het zal de gevangenen verzamelen als zand. 10 En hij zal de koningen beschimpen, en de prinsen zullen hem een belaching zijn; hij zal alle vesting belachen; want hij zal stof vergaderen, en hij zal ze innemen. 11 Dan zal hij den geest veranderen, en hij zal doortrekken, en zich schuldig maken, houdende deze zijn kracht voor zijn God. 12 Zijt Gij niet van ouds af de HEERE, mijn God, mijn Heilige? Wij zullen niet sterven; o HEERE! tot een oordeel hebt Gij hem gesteld, en o Rots! om te straffen, hebt Gij hem gegrondvest. 13 Gij zijt te rein van ogen, dan dat Gij het kwade zoudt zien, en de kwelling kunt Gij niet aanschouwen; waarom zoudt Gij aanschouwen die trouwelooslijk handelen? Waarom zoudt Gij zwijgen, als de goddeloze dien verslindt, die rechtvaardiger is dan hij? 14 En waarom zoudt Gij de mensen maken, als de vissen der zee, als het kruipend gedierte, dat geen heerser heeft? 15 Hij trekt ze allen met den angel op, hij vergadert ze in zijn garen, en hij verzamelt ze in zijn net; daarom verblijdt en verheugt hij zich. 16 Daarom offert hij aan zijn garen, en rookt aan zijn net; want door dezelve is zijn deel vet geworden, en zijn spijze smoutig. 17 Zal hij dan daarom altoos zijn garen ledig maken, en zal hij niet verschonen, met altoos de volken te doden?
  1 H4853 De last H834 , welken H2265 Habakuk H5030 , de profeet H2372 H8804 , gezien heeft.
  2 H3068 HEERE H5704 ! hoe H575 lang H7768 H8765 schreeuw ik H8085 H8799 , en Gij hoort H3808 niet H2199 H8799 , [hoe] [lang] roep ik H2555 geweld H413 , tot H3467 H8686 U, en Gij verlost H3808 niet!
  3 H4100 Waarom H205 laat Gij mij ongerechtigheid H7200 H8686 zien H5027 H8686 , en aanschouwt H5999 de kwelling H7701 ? Want verwoesting H2555 en geweld H5048 is tegen mij over H1961 H8799 , en er is H7379 twist H5375 H0 , en men neemt H4066 gekijf H5375 H8799 op.
  4 H5921 H3651 Daarom H8451 wordt de wet H6313 H8799 onderlaten H4941 , en het recht H3318 H0 komt H3808 H5331 nimmermeer H3318 H8799 voort H3588 ; want H7563 de goddeloze H3803 H8688 omringt H6662 den rechtvaardige H5921 H3651 ; daarom H3318 H0 komt H4941 het recht H6127 H8794 verdraaid H3318 H8799 voor.
  5 H7200 H8798 Ziet H1471 onder de heidenen H5027 H8685 , en aanschouwt H8539 H8690 , en verwondert u H8539 H8798 , verwondert u H3588 , want H6466 H8802 Ik werk H6467 een werk H3117 in ulieder dagen H3808 , [hetwelk] gij niet H539 H8686 geloven zult H3588 , als H5608 H8792 het verteld zal worden.
  6 H3588 Want H2009 ziet H6965 H8688 , Ik verwek H3778 de Chaldeen H4751 , een bitter H4116 H8737 en snel H1471 volk H1980 H8802 , trekkende H4800 door de breedten H776 der aarde H3423 H8800 , om erfelijk te bezitten H4908 woningen H3808 , die de zijne niet zijn.
  7 H366 Schrikkelijk H3372 H8737 en vreselijk H1931 is hetzelve H4941 ; zijn recht H7613 en zijn hoogheid H3318 H0 gaat H4480 van hemzelven H3318 H8799 uit.
  8 H5483 Want zijn paarden H7043 H8804 zijn lichter H5246 dan de luipaarden H2300 H8804 , en zij zijn scherper H6153 H2061 dan de avondwolven H6571 , en zijn ruiters H6335 H8804 verspreiden zich H6571 ; ja, zijn ruiters H4480 zullen van H7350 verre H935 H8799 komen H5774 H8799 , zij zullen vliegen H5404 als een arend H2363 H8804 , zich spoedende H398 H8800 om te eten.
  9 H3605 Het zal geheellijk H2555 tot geweld H935 H8799 komen H4041 , wat zij inslorpen zullen H6440 met hun aangezichten H6921 , [zullen] [zij] [brengen] naar het oosten H7628 ; en het zal de gevangenen H622 H8799 verzamelen H2344 als zand.
  10 H1931 En hij H4428 zal de koningen H7046 H8691 beschimpen H7336 H8802 , en de prinsen H4890 zullen hem een belaching H1931 zijn; hij H3605 zal alle H4013 vesting H7832 H8799 belachen H6083 ; want hij zal stof H6651 H8799 vergaderen H3920 H8799 , en hij zal ze innemen.
  11 H227 Dan H7307 zal hij den geest H2498 H8804 veranderen H5674 H8799 , en hij zal doortrekken H816 H8804 , en zich schuldig maken H2098 , [houdende] deze H3581 zijn kracht H433 voor zijn God.
  12 H859 Zijt Gij H3808 niet H6924 van ouds H3068 af de HEERE H430 , mijn God H6918 , mijn Heilige H3808 ? Wij zullen niet H4191 H8799 sterven H3068 ; o HEERE H4941 ! tot een oordeel H7760 H8804 hebt Gij hem gesteld H6697 , en o Rots H3198 H8687 ! om te straffen H3245 H8804 , hebt Gij hem gegrondvest.
  13 H2889 Gij zijt te rein H5869 van ogen H4480 , dan dat H7451 Gij het kwade H7200 H8800 zoudt zien H413 , en H5999 de kwelling H3201 H8799 kunt Gij H3808 niet H5027 H8687 aanschouwen H4100 ; waarom H5027 H8686 zoudt Gij aanschouwen H898 H8802 die trouwelooslijk handelen H2790 H8686 ? [Waarom] zoudt Gij zwijgen H7563 , als de goddeloze H1104 H8763 dien verslindt H6662 , die rechtvaardiger H4480 is dan hij?
  14 H120 En [waarom] zoudt Gij de mensen H6213 H8799 maken H1709 , als de vissen H3220 der zee H7431 , als het kruipend gedierte H3808 , dat geen H4910 H8802 heerser heeft?
  15 H5927 H0 Hij trekt H3605 ze allen H2443 met den angel H5927 H8689 op H1641 H8799 , hij vergadert H2764 ze in zijn garen H622 H8799 , en hij verzamelt H4365 ze in zijn net H5921 H3651 ; daarom H8055 H8799 verblijdt H1523 H8799 en verheugt hij zich.
  16 H5921 H3651 Daarom H2076 H8762 offert hij H2764 aan zijn garen H6999 H8762 , en rookt H4365 aan zijn net H3588 ; want H1992 door dezelve H2506 is zijn deel H8082 vet geworden H3978 , en zijn spijze H1277 smoutig.
  17 H5921 H3651 Zal hij dan daarom H2764 [altoos] zijn garen H7324 H8686 ledig maken H2550 H8799 , en zal hij niet verschonen H8548 , met altoos H1471 de volken H2026 H8800 te doden?
Giguet(i) 1 ¶ Vision d’Habacuc, le prophète. 2 Jusques à quand, Seigneur, crierai-je sans que Tu m’écoutes? Jusques à quand Te crierai-je que l’on me fait violence? N’en me sauveras-Tu pas? 3 Pourquoi m’as-Tu affligé et m’as-Tu donné la douleur de voir la misère et l’impiété? Je suis en procès, et le juge reçoit des présents. 4 À cause de cela, la loi a été déchirée, et le jugement n’arrivera pas à bonne fin, parce que l’impie opprime le juste, et la sentence sera torturée. 5 ¶ Voyez, contempteurs de la loi, regardez et admirez ces merveilles, et soyez anéantis: car, de vos jours, Je vais faire une œuvre que vous ne croirez pas, quoiqu’on vous l’annonce. 6 Voilà que Je vais susciter les Chaldéens, nation cruelle et rapide, qui marche sur les plaines de la terre, pour prendre possession de tentes qui ne sont point les siennes. 7 Redoutable et fameuse, c’est d’elle que le jugement procédera; tout son butin proviendra d’elle-même. 8 Et ses chevaux s’élanceront plus agiles que le léopard; ils courront plus rapides que les loups de l’Arabie. Et ses cavaliers sortiront à cheval, et ils prendront de loin leur élan, et ils se déploieront comme l’aigle ardent à dévorer sa proie. 9 La perdition tombera sur les impies qui leur feront face, et leur tiendront tête; et l’envahisseur emmènera des captifs aussi nombreux que les grains de sable. 10 Et il se raillera des rois, et les tyrans seront pour lui des jouets, et il rira de chaque forteresse, et il l’entourera de levées de terre, et il la prendra de force. 11 Alors son esprit changera, et il se transformera, et il fera pitié; telle est la force de mon Dieu. 12 ¶ Seigneur, mon Dieu et mon Saint, n’es-Tu pas dès le commencement? Est-ce que nous mourrons? Tu as établi ces choses pour le jugement, et Tu m’as formé, Seigneur, pour annoncer Ton châtiment. 13 L’œil du Seigneur est trop dur pour regarder le mal et s’arrêter sur les labeurs de l’affliction. Pourquoi, Seigneur, considères-Tu ceux qui Te méprisent? Pourquoi gardes-Tu le silence quand l’impie dévore le juste? 14 Traites-Tu les hommes comme les poissons de la mer, ou comme les reptiles qui n’ont point de guide? 15 Il a pris toute l’espèce à l’hameçon; il en a tiré un avec le filet; il en a enfermé un autre dans sa nasse. À cause de cela, il sera plein d’allégresse, et se réjouira en son cœur. 16 À cause de cela, il sacrifiera à sa nasse, il encensera son filet, parce qu’avec leur aide il aura engraissé sa part, et recueilli des aliments de choix. 17 Et, à cause de cela, il jettera encore son filet, et ne se fera jamais faute de tuer les nations.
DarbyFR(i) 1
L'oracle qu'a vu Habakuk, le prophète. 2 Jusques à quand, Éternel, crierai-je, et tu n'entendras pas? Je crie à toi: Violence! et tu ne sauves pas. 3 Pourquoi me fais-tu voir l'iniquité, et contemples-tu l'oppression? La dévastation et la violence sont devant moi, et il y a contestation, et la discorde s'élève. 4 C'est pourquoi la loi reste impuissante, et le juste jugement ne vient jamais au jour; car le méchant cerne le juste; c'est pourquoi le jugement sort perverti. 5
Voyez parmi les nations, et regardez, et soyez stupéfaits; car je ferai en vos jours une oeuvre que vous ne croirez pas, si elle vous est racontée. 6 Car voici, je suscite les Chaldéens, la nation cruelle et impétueuse, qui marche par la largeur de la terre pour prendre possession de domiciles qui ne lui appartiennent pas. 7 Elle est formidable et terrible; son jugement et sa dignité procèdent d'elle-même. 8 Ses chevaux sont plus rapides que les léopards, plus agiles que les loups du soir; et ses cavaliers s'élancent fièrement, et ses cavaliers viennent de loin: ils volent comme l'aigle se hâte pour dévorer. 9 Ils viennent tous pour la violence; leurs faces sont toutes ensemble tournées en avant; ils rassemblent les captifs comme le sable. 10 Et il se moque des rois, et les princes lui sont une risée; il se rit de toutes les forteresses: il entassera de la poussière et les prendra. 11 Alors il changera de pensée, et passera outre et péchera: cette puissance qu'il a, est devenue son dieu! 12
-Toi, n'es-tu pas de toute ancienneté, Éternel, mon Dieu, mon Saint? Nous ne mourrons pas! O Éternel, tu l'as établi pour le jugement, et tu l'as fondé, ô Rocher, pour châtier. 13 Tu as les yeux trop purs pour voir le mal, et tu ne peux contempler l'oppression. Pourquoi contemples-tu ceux qui agissent perfidement, et gardes-tu le silence quand le méchant engloutit celui qui est plus juste que lui? 14 Tu rends aussi les hommes comme les poissons de la mer, comme la bête rampante qui n'a personne qui la gouverne. 15 Il les fait tous monter avec l'hameçon; il les tire dans son filet, et les rassemble dans son rets; c'est pourquoi il se réjouit et s'égaie: 16 c'est pourquoi il sacrifie à son filet, et brûle de l'encens à son rets, parce que, par leur moyen, sa portion est grasse et sa nourriture succulente. 17 Videra-t-il pour cela son filet, et égorgera-t-il toujours les nations, sans épargner?
Martin(i) 1 La charge qu'Habacuc le Prophète a vue. 2 Ô Eternel! jusques à quand crierai-je, sans que tu m'écoutes ? jusques à quand crierai-je vers toi, on me traite avec violence, sans que tu me délivres ? 3 Pourquoi me fais-tu voir l'outrage, et vois-tu la perversité ? Pourquoi y a-t-il du dégât et de la violence devant moi, et des gens qui excitent des procès et des querelles ? 4 Parce que la Loi est sans force, et que la justice ne se fait jamais, à cause de cela le méchant environne le juste, et à cause de cela le jugement sort tout corrompu. 5 Regardez entre les nations, et voyez, et soyez étonnés et tout interdits, car je m'en vais faire en votre temps une oeuvre que vous ne croirez point quand on vous la racontera. 6 Car voici, je m'en vais susciter les Caldéens, qui sont une nation cruelle et impétueuse, marchant sur l'étendue de la terre, pour posséder des demeures qui ne lui appartiennent pas. 7 Elle est affreuse et terrible, son gouvernement et son autorité viendra d'elle même. 8 Ses chevaux sont plus légers que les léopards, et ils ont la vue plus aiguë que les loups du soir; et ses gens de cheval se répandront çà et là, même ses gens de cheval viendront de loin; ils voleront comme un aigle qui se hâte pour repaître. 9 Elle viendra toute pour faire le dégât; ce qu'ils engloutiront de leurs regards sera porté vers l'Orient, et elle amassera les prisonniers comme du sable. 10 Elle se moque des Rois, et se joue des Princes; elle se rit de toutes les forteresses, en faisant des terrasses, elle les prendra. 11 Alors elle renforcera son courage, et passera outre, mais elle se rendra coupable, en disant que cette puissance qu'elle a est de son Dieu. 12 N'es-tu pas de toute éternité, ô Eternel! mon Dieu! mon Saint ? Nous ne mourrons point; ô Eternel! Tu l'as mis pour faire jugement; et toi, mon Rocher, tu l'as fondé pour punir. 13 Tu as les yeux trop purs pour voir le mal, et tu ne saurais prendre plaisir à regarder le mal, qu'on fait à autrui. Pourquoi regarderais-tu les perfides, et te tairais-tu quand le méchant dévore son prochain qui est plus juste que lui ? 14 Or tu as fait les hommes comme les poissons de la mer, et comme le reptile qui n'a point de dominateur. 15 Il a tout enlevé avec l'hameçon; il l'a amassé avec son filet, et l'a assemblé dans son rets; c'est pourquoi il se réjouira, et s'égayera. 16 A cause de cela il sacrifiera à son filet, et fera des encensements à son rets, parce qu'il aura eu par leur moyen une grasse portion, et que sa viande est une chose moelleuse. 17 Videra-t-il à cause de cela son filet ? et ne cessera-t-il jamais de faire le carnage des nations ?
Segond(i) 1 Oracle révélé à Habakuk, le prophète. 2 Jusqu'à quand, ô Eternel?... J'ai crié, Et tu n'écoutes pas! J'ai crié vers toi à la violence, Et tu ne secours pas! 3 Pourquoi me fais-tu voir l'iniquité, Et contemples-tu l'injustice? Pourquoi l'oppression et la violence sont-elles devant moi? Il y a des querelles, et la discorde s'élève. 4 Aussi la loi n'a point de vie, La justice n'a point de force; Car le méchant triomphe du juste, Et l'on rend des jugements iniques. 5 Jetez les yeux parmi les nations, regardez, Et soyez saisis d'étonnement, d'épouvante! Car je vais faire en vos jours une oeuvre, Que vous ne croiriez pas si on la racontait. 6 Voici, je vais susciter les Chaldéens, Peuple furibond et impétueux, Qui traverse de vastes étendues de pays, Pour s'emparer de demeures qui ne sont pas à lui. 7 Il est terrible et formidable; De lui seul viennent son droit et sa grandeur. 8 Ses chevaux sont plus rapides que les léopards, Plus agiles que les loups du soir, Et ses cavaliers s'avancent avec orgueil; Ses cavaliers arrivent de loin, Ils volent comme l'aigle qui fond sur sa proie. 9 Tout ce peuple vient pour se livrer au pillage; Ses regards avides se portent en avant, Et il assemble des prisonniers comme du sable. 10 Il se moque des rois, Et les princes font l'objet de ses railleries; Il se rit de toutes les forteresses, Il amoncelle de la terre, et il les prend. 11 Alors son ardeur redouble, Il poursuit sa marche, et il se rend coupable. Sa force à lui, voilà son dieu! 12 N'es-tu pas de toute éternité, Eternel, mon Dieu, mon Saint? Nous ne mourrons pas! O Eternel, tu as établi ce peuple pour exercer tes jugements; O mon rocher, tu l'as suscité pour infliger tes châtiments. 13 Tes yeux sont trop purs pour voir le mal, Et tu ne peux pas regarder l'iniquité. Pourquoi regarderais-tu les perfides, et te tairais-tu, Quand le méchant dévore celui qui est plus juste que lui? 14 Traiterais-tu l'homme comme les poissons de la mer, Comme le reptile qui n'a point de maître? 15 Il les fait tous monter avec l'hameçon, Il les attire dans son filet, Il les assemble dans ses rets: Aussi est-il dans la joie et dans l'allégresse. 16 C'est pourquoi il sacrifie à son filet, Il offre de l'encens à ses rets; Car par eux sa portion est grasse, Et sa nourriture succulente. 17 Videra-t-il pour cela son filet, Et toujours égorgera-t-il sans pitié les nations?
  1 H4853 ¶ Oracle H2372 révélé H8804   H2265 à Habakuk H5030 , le prophète.
  2 H3068 Jusqu’à quand, ô Eternel H7768  ? …  J’ai crié H8765   H8085 , Et tu n’écoutes H8799   H2199 pas ! J’ai crié H8799   H2555 vers toi à la violence H3467 , Et tu ne secours H8686   pas !
  3 H7200 Pourquoi me fais-tu voir H8686   H205 l’iniquité H5027 , Et contemples H8686   H5999 -tu l’injustice H7701  ? Pourquoi l’oppression H2555 et la violence H7379 sont-elles devant moi ? Il y a des querelles H4066 , et la discorde H5375 s’élève H8799  .
  4 H8451 Aussi la loi H6313 n’a point de vie H8799   H4941 , La justice H5331 n’a point H3318 de force H8799   H7563  ; Car le méchant H3803 triomphe H8688   H6662 du juste H3318 , Et l’on rend H8799   H4941 des jugements H6127 iniques H8794  .
  5 H7200 ¶ Jetez les yeux H8798   H1471 parmi les nations H5027 , regardez H8685   H8539 , Et soyez saisis d’étonnement H8690   H8539 , d’épouvante H8798   H6466  ! Car je vais faire H8802   H3117 en vos jours H6467 une œuvre H539 , Que vous ne croiriez H8686   H5608 pas si on la racontait H8792  .
  6 H6965 Voici, je vais susciter H8688   H3778 les Chaldéens H1471 , Peuple H4751 furibond H4116 et impétueux H8737   H1980 , Qui traverse H8802   H4800 de vastes étendues H776 de pays H3423 , Pour s’emparer H8800   H4908 de demeures qui ne sont pas à lui.
  7 H366 Il est terrible H3372 et formidable H8737   H3318  ; De lui seul viennent H8799   H4941 son droit H7613 et sa grandeur.
  8 H5483 Ses chevaux H7043 sont plus rapides H8804   H5246 que les léopards H2300 , Plus agiles H8804   H2061 que les loups H6153 du soir H6571 , Et ses cavaliers H6335 s’avancent H8804   H6571 avec orgueil ; Ses cavaliers H935 arrivent H8799   H7350 de loin H5774 , Ils volent H8799   H5404 comme l’aigle H2363 qui fond H8804   H398 sur sa proie H8800  .
  9 H935 Tout ce peuple vient H8799   H2555 pour se livrer au pillage H6440  ; Ses regards H4041 avides se portent H6921 en avant H622 , Et il assemble H8799   H7628 des prisonniers H2344 comme du sable.
  10 H7046 Il se moque H8691   H4428 des rois H7336 , Et les princes H8802   H4890 font l’objet de ses railleries H7832  ; Il se rit H8799   H4013 de toutes les forteresses H6651 , Il amoncelle H8799   H6083 de la terre H3920 , et il les prend H8799  .
  11 H7307 Alors son ardeur H2498 redouble H8804   H5674 , Il poursuit H8799   H816 sa marche, et il se rend coupable H8804   H3581 . Sa force H2098 à lui H433 , voilà son dieu !
  12 H6924 ¶ N’es-tu pas de toute éternité H3068 , Eternel H430 , mon Dieu H6918 , mon Saint H4191  ? Nous ne mourrons H8799   H3068 pas ! O Eternel H7760 , tu as établi H8804   H4941 ce peuple pour exercer tes jugements H6697  ; O mon rocher H3245 , tu l’as suscité H8804   H3198 pour infliger tes châtiments H8687  .
  13 H5869 Tes yeux H2889 sont trop purs H7200 pour voir H8800   H7451 le mal H3201 , Et tu ne peux H8799   H5027 pas regarder H8687   H5999 l’iniquité H5027 . Pourquoi regarderais H8686   H898 -tu les perfides H8802   H2790 , et te tairais H8686   H7563 -tu, Quand le méchant H1104 dévore H8763   H6662 celui qui est plus juste que lui ?
  14 H6213 Traiterais H8799   H120 -tu l’homme H1709 comme les poissons H3220 de la mer H7431 , Comme le reptile H4910 qui n’a point de maître H8802   ?
  15 H5927 Il les fait tous monter H8689   H2443 avec l’hameçon H1641 , Il les attire H8799   H2764 dans son filet H622 , Il les assemble H8799   H4365 dans ses rets H8055  : Aussi est-il dans la joie H8799   H1523 et dans l’allégresse H8799  .
  16 H2076 C’est pourquoi il sacrifie H8762   H2764 à son filet H6999 , Il offre de l’encens H8762   H4365 à ses rets H1992  ; Car par eux H2506 sa portion H8082 est grasse H3978 , Et sa nourriture H1277 succulente.
  17 H7324 Videra H8686   H2764 -t-il pour cela son filet H8548 , Et toujours H2026 égorgera H8800   H2550 -t-il sans pitié H8799   H1471 les nations ?
SE(i) 1 La carga que vio Habacuc profeta. 2 ¿Hasta cuándo, oh SEÑOR, clamaré, y no oirás; y daré voces a ti a causa de la violencia, y no salvarás? 3 ¿Por qué me haces ver iniquidad, y haces que mire molestia, y destrucción y violencia delante de mí, habiendo además quien levante pleito y contienda? 4 Por lo cual la ley es debilitada, y el juicio no sale verdadero; por cuanto el impío asedia al justo, por eso sale torcido el juicio. 5 Mirad entre los gentiles, y ved, y maravillaos pasmosamente; porque obra será hecha en vuestros días, que aun cuando se os contare, no la creeréis. 6 Porque he aquí, yo levanto a los caldeos, gente amarga y presurosa, que camina por la anchura de la tierra para poseer las habitaciones ajenas. 7 Espantosa es y terrible; de ella misma saldrá su derecho y su grandeza. 8 Y serán sus caballos más ligeros que tigres, y más agudos que lobos de tarde; y sus jinetes se multiplicarán; vendrán de lejos sus caballeros, y volarán como águilas que se apresuran a la comida. 9 Toda ella vendrá a la presa; delante de sus caras viento solano; y juntará cautivos como arena. 10 Y él escarnecerá de los reyes, y de los príncipes hará burla; él se reirá de toda fortaleza, y amontonará polvo, y la tomará. 11 Entonces él se ensoberbecerá contra Dios, y pasará adelante, y ofenderá atribuyendo ésta su potencia a su dios. 12 ¿No eres tú desde el principio, oh SEÑOR, Dios mío, Santo mío? No moriremos oh SEÑOR, para juicio lo pusiste; y fuerte lo fundaste para castigar. 13 Limpio eres de ojos para no ver el mal, ni puedes ver el agravio; ¿por qué ves a los menospreciadores, y callas cuando destruye el impío al más justo que él. 14 Y haces que sean los hombres como los peces del mar, como reptiles que no tienen señor? 15 Sacará a todos con su anzuelo, los cogerá con su malla, y los juntará en su red; por lo cual se regocijará y hará alegrías. 16 Por esto hará sacrificios a su malla, y ofrecerá sahumerios a su red; porque con ellos engordó su porción, y engrasó su comida. 17 ¿Vaciará por eso su red, o tendrá piedad de matar gentiles continuamente?
ReinaValera(i) 1 LA carga que vió Habacuc profeta. 2 ¿Hasta cuándo, oh Jehová, clamaré, y no oirás; y daré voces á ti á causa de la violencia, y no salvarás? 3 ¿Por qué me haces ver iniquidad, y haces que mire molestia, y saco y violencia delante de mí, habiendo además quien levante pleito y contienda? 4 Por lo cual la ley es debilitada, y el juicio no sale verdadero: por cuanto el impío asedia al justo, por eso sale torcido el juicio. 5 Mirad en las gentes, y ved, y maravillaos pasmosamente; porque obra será hecha en vuestros días, que aun cuando se os contare, no la creeréis. 6 Porque he aquí, yo levanto los Caldeos, gente amarga y presurosa, que camina por la anchura de la tierra para poseer las habitaciones ajenas. 7 Espantosa es y terrible: de ella misma saldrá su derecho y su grandeza. 8 Y serán sus caballos más ligeros que tigres, y más agudos que lobos de tarde; y sus jinetes se multiplicarán: vendrán de lejos sus caballeros, y volarán como águilas que se apresuran á la comida. 9 Toda ella vendrá á la presa: delante su sus caras viento solano; y juntará cautivos como arena. 10 Y escarnecerá de los reyes, y de los príncipes hará burla: reiráse de toda fortaleza, y amontonará polvo, y la tomará. 11 Luego mudará espíritu, y pasará adelante, y ofenderá atribuyendo esta su potencia á su dios. 12 ¿No eres tú desde el principio, oh Jehová, Dios mío, Santo mío? No moriremos. Oh Jehová, para juicio lo pusiste; y tú, oh Roca, lo fundaste para castigar. 13 Muy limpio eres de ojos para ver el mal, ni puedes ver el agravio: ¿por qué ves los menospreciadores, y callas cuando destruye el impío al más justo que él. 14 Y haces que sean los hombres como los peces de la mar, como reptiles que no tienen señor? 15 Sacará á todos con anzuelo, cogerálos con su red, y juntarálos en su aljerife: por lo cual se holgará y hará alegrías. 16 Por esto hará sacrificios á su red, y ofrecerá sahumerios á su aljerife: porque con ellos engordó su porción, y engrasó su comida. 17 ¿Vaciará por eso su red, ó tendrá piedad de matar gentes continuamente?
JBS(i) 1 La carga que vio Habacuc, el profeta. 2 ¿Hasta cuándo, oh SEÑOR, clamaré, y no oirás; y daré voces a ti a causa de la violencia, y no salvarás? 3 ¿Por qué me haces ver iniquidad, y haces que mire molestia, y destrucción y violencia delante de mí, habiendo además quien levante pleito y contienda? 4 Por lo cual la ley es debilitada, y el juicio no sale verdadero; por cuanto el impío asedia al justo, por eso sale torcido el juicio. 5 Mirad entre los gentiles, y ved, y maravillaos pasmosamente; porque obra será hecha en vuestros días, que aun cuando se os contare, no la creeréis. 6 Porque he aquí, yo levanto a los caldeos, gente amarga y presurosa, que camina por la anchura de la tierra para poseer las habitaciones ajenas. 7 Imponente es y terrible; de ella misma saldrá su derecho y su grandeza. 8 Y serán sus caballos más ligeros que tigres, y más agudos que lobos de tarde; y sus jinetes se multiplicarán; vendrán de lejos sus caballeros, y volarán como águilas que se apresuran a la comida. 9 Toda ella vendrá a la presa; delante de sus caras viento solano; y juntará cautivos como arena. 10 Y él escarnecerá de los reyes, y de los príncipes hará burla; él se reirá de toda fortaleza, y amontonará polvo, y la tomará. 11 Entonces él se ensoberbecerá contra Dios, y pasará adelante, y será hallado culpable atribuyendo ésta su potencia a su dios. 12 ¿No eres tú desde el principio, oh SEÑOR, Dios mío, Santo mío? No moriremos oh SEÑOR, para juicio lo pusiste; y fuerte lo fundaste para castigar. 13 Limpio eres de ojos para no ver el mal, ni puedes ver el agravio; ¿por qué ves a los menospreciadores, y callas cuando destruye el impío al más justo que él. 14 Y haces que sean los hombres como los peces del mar, como reptiles que no tienen señor? 15 Sacará a todos con su anzuelo, los cogerá con su malla, y los juntará en su red; por lo cual se regocijará y hará alegrías. 16 Por esto hará sacrificios a su malla, y ofrecerá sahumerios a su red; porque con ellos engordó su porción, y engrasó su comida. 17 ¿Vaciará por eso su red, o tendrá piedad de matar gentiles continuamente?
Albanian(i) 1 Profecia që pati në vegim profeti Habakuk. 2 Deri kur, o Zot, do të bërtas dhe ti nuk do të më dëgjosh? Unë këlthas: "Dhunë!", por ti nuk jep shpëtim. 3 Përse më bën të shikoj paudhësinë dhe më bën të shoh çoroditjen? Përpara meje qëndron grabitja dhe dhuna, ka grindje dhe përçarja po shtohet. 4 Prandaj ligji nuk ka forcë dhe drejtësia nuk ia del të fitojë, sepse i pabesi e mashtron të drejtin dhe drejtësia shtrëmbërohet. 5 "Shikoni midis kombeve dhe këqyrni, do të mbeteni të habitur dhe të shastisur, sepse unë do të kryej në ditët tuaja një vepër, që ju nuk do ta besonit edhe sikur t'jua tregonin. 6 Sepse ja, unë do t'i nxis Kaldeasit, komb mizor dhe i furishëm, që përshkon dheun në gjerësinë e tij për të shtënë në dorë banesa jo të vetat. 7 Éshtë i tmerrshëm, i llahtarshëm; gjykimi i tij dhe dinjiteti i tij dalin nga ai vetë. 8 Kuajt e tij janë më të shpejtë se leopardët, më të egër se ujqërit e mbrëmjes. Kalorësit e tyre përhapen kudo, kalorësit e tyre vijnë nga larg, fluturojnë si shqiponja që sulet mbi gjahun për ta gllabëruar. 9 Vijnë të gjithë për të bërë dhunë, fytyrat e tyre shtyhen përpara dhe grumbullojnë robër si rëra. 10 Ai tallet me mbretërit dhe princat janë për të objekt talljeje; përqesh çfarëdo fortese, sepse mbledh pak dhe, dhe e pushton. 11 Pastaj përparon shpejt si era, kalon tutje dhe e bën veten fajtor, duke ia atribuar këtë forcë të tij perëndisë së vet". 12 A nuk je që nga fillimet, o Zot, Perëndia im, i shenjti im? Ne nuk do të vdesim, o Zot, sepse ti e ke caktuar për të bërë drejtësi dhe e ke caktuar, o Shkëmb, për të ndëshkuar. 13 Ti i ke sytë tepër të pastër për të parë të keqen dhe nuk e shikon dot paudhësinë. Pse rri dhe shikon ata që veprojnë me hile, dhe hesht kur i ligu gllabëron atë që është më i drejtë se ai? 14 Pse i bën njerëzit si peshqit e detit dhe si rrëshqanorët, që nuk kanë zot? 15 Ai i zë të gjithë me grep, i zë me rrjetën e tij dhe i mbledh me rrjetën e tij të peshkimit; pastaj kënaqet dhe ngazëllon. 16 Prandaj i bën flijime rrjetës së tij dhe djeg temjan për rrjetën e tij, sepse me to pjesa e tij është e madhe dhe ushqimi i tij i bollshëm. 17 A do të vazhdojë ai, pra, të zbrazë rrjetën e tij dhe të masakrojë kombet pa mëshirë?
RST(i) 1 Пророческое видение, которое видел пророк Аввакум. 2 Доколе, Господи, я буду взывать, и Ты не слышишь, буду вопиять к Тебе о насилии, и Ты не спасаешь? 3 Для чего даешь мне видеть злодейство и смотреть набедствия? Грабительство и насилие предо мною, и восстает вражда и поднимается раздор. 4 От этого закон потерял силу, и суда правильного нет: так как нечестивый одолевает праведного, то и суд происходит превратный. 5 Посмотрите между народами и внимательно вглядитесь,и вы сильно изумитесь; ибо Я сделаю во дни ваши такое дело, которому вы не поверили бы, если бы вам рассказывали. 6 Ибо вот, Я подниму Халдеев, народ жестокий и необузданный, который ходит по широтам земли, чтобы завладеть не принадлежащими ему селениями. 7 Страшен и грозен он; от него самого происходит суд его и власть его. 8 Быстрее барсов кони его и прытче вечерних волков; скачет в разные стороны конница его; издалека приходят всадники его, прилетают как орел, бросающийся на добычу. 9 Весь он идет для грабежа; устремив лице свое вперед, он забираетпленников, как песок. 10 И над царями он издевается, и князья служат ему посмешищем; над всякою крепостью онсмеется: насыплет осадный вал и берет ее. 11 Тогда надмевается дух его, и он ходит и буйствует; сила его – бог его. 12 Но не Ты ли издревле Господь Бог мой, Святый мой? мы не умрем! Ты, Господи, толькодля суда попустил его. Скала моя! для наказания Ты назначил его. 13 Чистым очам Твоим не свойственно глядеть на злодеяния, и смотреть на притеснение Ты не можешь; для чего же Ты смотришь на злодеев и безмолвствуешь, когданечестивец поглощает того, кто праведнее его, 14 и оставляешь людей как рыбу в море, как пресмыкающихся, у которых нет властителя? 15 Всех их таскает удою, захватывает в сеть свою и забирает их в неводы свои, и от того радуется и торжествует. 16 За то приносит жертвы сети своей и кадит неводу своему, потому что от них тучна часть его и роскошна пища его. 17 Неужели для этого он должен опорожнять свою сеть и непрестанно избивать народы безпощады?
Arabic(i) 1 الوحي الذي رآه حبقوق النبي ـــ 2 حتى متى يا رب ادعو وانت لا تسمع اصرخ اليك من الظلم وانت لا تخلّص. 3 لم تريني اثما وتبصر جورا. وقدامي اغتصاب وظلم ويحدث خصام وترفع المخاصمة نفسها. 4 لذلك جمدت الشريعة ولا يخرج الحكم بتّة لان الشرير يحيط بالصدّيق فلذلك يخرج الحكم معوّجا 5 انظروا بين الامم وابصروا وتحيّروا حيرة. لاني عامل عملا في ايامكم لا تصدقون به ان أخبر به. 6 فهانذا مقيم الكلدانيين الامّة المرّة القاحمة السالكة في رحاب الارض لتملك مساكن ليست لها. 7 هي هائلة ومخوفة. من قبل نفسها يخرج حكمها وجلالها. 8 وخيلها اسرع من النمور وأحدّ من ذئاب المساء وفرسانها ينتشرون وفرسانها يأتون من بعيد ويطيرون كالنسر المسرع الى الأكل. 9 ياتون كلهم للظلم. منظر وجوههم الى قدام ويجمعون سبيا كالرمل. 10 وهي تسخر من الملوك والرؤساء ضحكة لها. وتضحك على كل حصن وتكوّم التراب وتاخذه. 11 ثم تتعدّى روحها فتعبر وتأثم. هذه قوتها الهها 12 ألست انت منذ الازل يا رب الهي قدوسي. لا نموت. يا رب للحكم جعلتها ويا صخر للتأديب اسستها. 13 عيناك اطهر من ان تنظرا الشر ولا تستطيع النظر الى الجور فلم تنظر الى الناهبين وتصمت حين يبلع الشرير من هو ابرّ منه. 14 وتجعل الناس كسمك البحر كدبابات لا سلطان لها. 15 تطلع الكل بشصّها وتصطادهم بشبكتها وتجمعهم في مصيدتها فلذلك تفرح وتبتهج. 16 لذلك تذبح لشبكتها وتبخّر لمصيدتها لانه بهما سمن نصيبها وطعامها مسمّن. 17 أفلأجل هذا تفرغ شبكتها ولا تعفو عن قتل الامم دائما
Bulgarian(i) 1 Наложеното пророчество, което пророк Авакум видя: 2 Докога, ГОСПОДИ, ще викам, а Ти няма да чуваш? Викам към Теб: Насилие! — но не спасяваш. 3 Защо ме оставяш да виждам беззаконие и гледаш нещастие? И опустошение и насилие има пред мен, и възниква караница и се надига раздор. 4 Затова законът е безсилен и правосъдието вечно не излиза към победа, защото безбожният обкръжава праведния и правосъдието излиза изкривено. 5 Погледнете между народите и вижте, и се почудете много, защото върша едно дело във вашите дни — няма да повярвате дори да ви се разкаже. 6 Защото, ето, Аз надигам халдейците — жесток и необуздан народ, който ходи по земната шир, за да завладее селища, които не са негови. 7 Страшен и ужасен е той, правото му и достойнството му излизат от самия него. 8 По-бързи от леопарди са конете му и по-свирепи от вълци вечер; конниците му препускат, конниците му идват отдалеч, долитат като орел, който се спуска към храната. 9 Те всички идват за насилие, лицата им са устремени напред и той събира пленници като пясък. 10 Присмива се на царете и князете са му за присмех; на всяка крепост той се смее, натрупва пръст и я превзема. 11 Тогава преминава като вятър и продължава, но ще бъде счетен за виновен — силата му е негов бог. 12 Не си ли Ти от начало, ГОСПОДИ, Боже мой, Свети мой! Няма да умрем. ГОСПОДИ, за съд си ги поставил; Силни, за наказание си ги определил. 13 Очите Ти са твърде чисти, за да гледаш злото и не можеш да погледнеш нещастие. Защо гледаш на коварните и мълчиш, когато безбожният поглъща по-праведния от него, 14 и правиш хората като морските риби, като гадините, които си нямат владетел? 15 Той изтегля всички с въдица, влачи ги в мрежата си и ги събира в рибарската си мрежа, затова се радва и се весели. 16 Затова жертва на мрежата си и кади на рибарската си мрежа, защото чрез тях делът му е тлъст и ястието му — избрано. 17 Дали затова ще изпразни мрежата си и постоянно ще избива народи без милост?
Croatian(i) 1 Proroštvo koje vidje prorok Habakuk. 2 Dokle ću, Jahve, zapomagati, a da ti ne čuješ? Vikati k tebi "Nasilje!" a da ti ne spasiš? 3 Zašto mi nepravdu iznosiš pred oči, zašto gledaš ugnjetavanje? Pljačka je i nasilje preda mnom. Raspra je, razmirica bjesni! 4 Zakon je izgubio snagu, a pravda se ni načas ne pomalja. Da, zlikovac progoni pravednika, pravo je stoga izopačeno. 5 Obazrite se na narode, pogledajte, čudite se, zapanjite! Jer u vaše dane činim djelo u koje ne biste vjerovali da vam ga tko ispriča. 6 Da! Evo dižem Kaldejce, narod divlji i naprasit što nadire širom zemlje da obitavališta otme tuđa. 7 On je strašan i jezovit, od njega samog izlazi njegovo pravo i njegov ponos. 8 Konji su mu brži od leoparda, hitriji od vukova uvečer; jahači mu poskakuju, stižu izdaleka, ustremljeni k'o orlovi da plijen proždru. 9 Svi će doći rad' grabeža, lica im žegu k'o istočni vjetar, grabe roblje kao pijesak! 10 Taj se narod kraljevima ruga, podsmjehuje knezovima, poigrava se svim utvrdama, nasipa zemlju i zauzima ih. 11 Tad se k'o vjetar okrenu i ode, zlikovac komu je snaga bog postala. 12 Nisi li od davnih vremena, Jahve, Bože moj, Sveče moj? Ti koji ne umireš! Ti si, Jahve podigao ovaj narod radi pravde, postavio ga, Stijeno, da kažnjava. 13 Prečiste su tvoje oči da bi zloću gledale. Ti ne možeš motriti tlačenja. Zašto gledaš vjerolomce, šutiš kad zlikovac ništi pravednijeg od sebe? 14 Postupaš s ljudima k'o s morskim ribama, k'o s gmazovima što nemaju gospodara! 15 On ih sve lovi na udicu, izvlači ih mrežom, pređom ih skuplja i tako se raduje i likuje. 16 Stog žrtvuje mreži svojoj, pali tamjan svojoj pređi jer mu pribavljaju zalogaj slastan, hranu pretilu. 17 Valja li, dakle, da neprestano poteže mač i kolje narod nemilice?
BKR(i) 1 Břímě, kteréž u vidění viděl Abakuk prorok. 2 Až dokud, ó Hospodine, křičeti budu, a nevyslyšíš? Volati budu k tobě pro nátisk, a nespomůžeš? 3 Proč dopouštíš, abych hleděti musil na nepravost, a na bezpráví se dívati, též na zhoubu a na nátisk proti mně? A vždy jest, kdož svár a různici vzbuzuje. 4 Odkudž se děje opuštění zákona, a nedochází nikdá soud. Nebo bezbožný obkličuje spravedlivého, pročež vychází soud převrácený. 5 Pohleďte na národy a popatřte, nýbrž s velikým podivením se užasněte, proto že dělám dílo ve dnech vašich, o němž když vypravováno bude, neuvěříte. 6 Nebo aj, já vzbudím Kaldejské, národ lítý a rychlý, kterýž zjezdí všecku širokost země, aby dědičně opanoval příbytky jiných, 7 Strašlivý a hrozný, od něhož soud jeho i vyvýšenost jeho vyjde. 8 Koni jeho rychlejší budou než rysové, a lítější nad vlky večerní; veliké množství bude jezdců jeho, kteřížto jezdci jeho zdaleka přijedou, a přiletí jako orlice, kteráž chvátá na pastvu. 9 Každý z nich k utiskování přijde, obrátíce tváři své k východu, když seberou jako písek zajaté. 10 Tentýž i králům se posmívati bude, a knížata smích jemu budou; tentýž každé pevnosti smáti se bude, a zdělaje náspy, dobude jí. 11 Tehdy promění se duch jeho, a přestoupí i zaviní, mysle, že ta moc jeho boha jeho jest. 12 Hospodine Bože můj, Svatý můj, zdaliž ty nejsi od věčnosti? Myť nezemřeme. Hospodine, k soudu postavil jsi jej, ty, ó skálo, k trestání nastrojil jsi ho. 13 Čistéť jsou tvé oči, tak že na zlé věci hleděti, a na bezpráví se dívati nemůžeš. Pročež přehlídati máš nešlechetníkům a mlčeti, poněvadž bezbožník sehlcuje spravedlivějšího, než sám jest. 14 A zanechávati lidí jako ryb mořských, jako zeměplazu, kterýž nemá pána? 15 Všecky napořád udicí vytahuje, zatahuje je sítí svou, a zahrnuje je nevodem svým, protož veselí se a pléše. 16 Protož síti své obětuje, a kadí nevodu svému; nebo skrze ně ztučněl díl jeho, a strava jeho zlepšena. 17 S tím-liž se vším předce zatahovati má sít svou, a ustavičně národy mordovati bez lítosti?
Danish(i) 1 Profetien, som Habakuk, Profeten, har skuet. 2 Hvor længe, HERRE! har jeg dog raabt, og du vil ikke høre! jeg raaber til dig over Vold, og du vil ikke frelse. 3 Hvorfor lader du mig skue Uret og ser selv paa Jammer? Ødelæggelse og Vold er for mit Ansigt, og der kom Trætte, og Kiv rejser sig. 4 Derfor er Lov magtesløs, og Ret kommer aldrig frem; thi de ugudelige omringe den retfærdige, derfor kommer Retten forvendt ud. 5 Ser ud iblandt Hedningerne, og skuer; forundrer eder, og vorder forundrede; thi jeg gør en Gerning i eders Dage, I vilde ikke tro den, naar den fortaltes. 6 Thi se, jeg opvækker Kaldæerne, et barsk og hastigt Folk, som farer frem, saa vidt som Jorden naar, for at tage Boliger til Eje, som ikke høre det til. 7 Frygteligt og forfærdeligt er det; fra det gaar dets Ret og Ovorhøjhed ud. 8 Og dets Heste ere lettere end Par dere og hidsigere end Ulve om Aftenen, og dets Ryttere brede sig ud, ja, dets Ryttere komme langt borte fra, de fiyve som en Ørn, der haster efter Æde. 9 Alt til Hobe komme de til Voldsdaad deres Ansigters Higen er fremad og det samler Fanger som Sand 10 det spotter Konger, og Fyrster ere til Latter for det; det le ad hver Befæstning, saa det dynge Støv op og indtager den. 11 Da farer det frem som en Stormvind og drager videre, saa at det paadrager sig Skyld; denne dets Kraft bliver til dets Gud. 12 Er du ikke fra fordums Tid HERREN, min Gud, min Hellige! vi skulle ikke dø; HERRE! du har sat det til Dom; o Klippe! du har grundfæstet det til at straffe os. 13 Du, som er ren af Øjne, saa at du ikke kan se paa ondt og ikke formaar at skue Jammer, hvorforl skuer du hen til de troløse; hvorfor tier du, naar den ugudelige opsluger den, som er retfærdigere end han? 14 Du gjorde da Menneskene som Fiske i Havet, som Krybet, der ingen Herre har. 15 Han drager dem alle sammen op med Krog, samler dem i sin Vod og sanker dem i sit Garn; derover glæder og fryder han sig. 16 Derfor ofrer han til sin Vod og bringer Røgoffer til sit Garn; thi ved dem er hans Del fed, og hans Mad er det fede. 17 Mon han derfor skal tømme sin Vod og altid slaa Folk ihjel uden Skaansel?
CUV(i) 1 先 知 哈 巴 谷 所 得 的 默 示 。 2 他 說 : 耶 和 華 啊 ! 我 呼 求 你 , 你 不 應 允 , 要 到 幾 時 呢 ? 我 因 強 暴 哀 求 你 , 你 還 不 拯 救 。 3 你 為 何 使 我 看 見 罪 孽 ? 你 為 何 看 著 奸 惡 而 不 理 呢 ? 毀 滅 和 強 暴 在 我 面 前 , 又 起 了 爭 端 和 相 鬥 的 事 。 4 因 此 律 法 放 鬆 , 公 理 也 不 顯 明 , 惡 人 圍 困 義 人 , 所 以 公 理 顯 然 顛 倒 。 5 耶 和 華 說 : 你 們 要 向 列 國 中 觀 看 , 大 大 驚 奇 ; 因 為 在 你 們 的 時 候 , 我 行 一 件 事 , 雖 有 人 告 訴 你 們 , 你 們 總 是 不 信 。 6 我 必 興 起 迦 勒 底 人 , 就 是 那 殘 忍 暴 躁 之 民 , 通 行 遍 地 , 佔 據 那 不 屬 自 己 的 住 處 。 7 他 威 武 可 畏 , 判 斷 和 勢 力 都 任 意 發 出 。 8 他 的 馬 比 豹 更 快 , 比 晚 上 的 豺 狼 更 猛 。 馬 兵 踴 躍 爭 先 , 都 從 遠 方 而 來 ; 他 們 飛 跑 如 鷹 抓 食 , 9 都 為 行 強 暴 而 來 , 定 住 臉 面 向 前 , 將 擄 掠 的 人 聚 集 , 多 如 塵 沙 。 10 他 們 譏 誚 君 王 , 笑 話 首 領 , 嗤 笑 一 切 保 障 , 築 壘 攻 取 。 11 他 以 自 己 的 勢 力 為 神 , 像 風 猛 然 掃 過 , 顯 為 有 罪 。 12 耶 和 華 ─ 我 的   神 , 我 的 聖 者 啊 , 你 不 是 從 亙 古 而 有 麼 ? 我 們 必 不 至 死 。 耶 和 華 啊 , 你 派 定 他 為 要 刑 罰 人 ; 磐 石 啊 , 你 設 立 他 為 要 懲 治 人 。 13 你 眼 目 清 潔 , 不 看 邪 僻 , 不 看 奸 惡 ; 行 詭 詐 的 , 你 為 何 看 著 不 理 呢 ? 惡 人 吞 滅 比 自 己 公 義 的 , 你 為 何 靜 默 不 語 呢 ? 14 你 為 何 使 人 如 海 中 的 魚 , 又 如 沒 有 管 轄 的 爬 物 呢 ? 15 他 用 鉤 鉤 住 , 用 網 捕 獲 , 用 拉 網 聚 集 他 們 ; 因 此 , 他 歡 喜 快 樂 , 16 就 向 網 獻 祭 , 向 網 燒 香 , 因 他 由 此 得 肥 美 的 分 和 富 裕 的 食 物 。 17 他 豈 可 屢 次 倒 空 網 羅 , 將 列 國 的 人 時 常 殺 戮 , 毫 不 顧 惜 呢 ?
  1 H5030 先知 H2265 哈巴谷 H2372 所得 H4853 的默示。
  2 H3068 他說:耶和華 H7768 啊!我呼求 H8085 你,你不應允 H2199 ,要到幾時呢?我因強暴哀求 H2555 你,你還不拯救。
  3 H7200 你為何使我看見 H205 罪孽 H5027 ?你為何看 H5999 著奸惡 H7701 而不理呢?毀滅 H2555 和強暴 H5375 在我面前,又起了 H7379 爭端 H4066 和相鬥的事。
  4 H8451 因此律法 H6313 放鬆 H4941 ,公理 H5331 也不 H3318 顯明 H7563 ,惡人 H3803 圍困 H6662 義人 H4941 ,所以公理 H6127 H3318 顯然顛倒。
  5 H1471 耶和華說:你們要向列國 H5027 中觀看 H8539 ,大大 H8539 驚奇 H3117 ;因為在你們的時候 H6466 ,我行 H6467 一件事 H5608 ,雖有人告訴 H539 你們,你們總是不信。
  6 H6965 我必興起 H3778 迦勒底人 H4751 ,就是那殘忍 H4116 暴躁 H1471 之民 H1980 ,通行 H4800 H776 H3423 ,佔據 H4908 那不屬自己的住處。
  7 H366 他威武 H3372 可畏 H4941 ,判斷 H7613 和勢力 H3318 都任意發出。
  8 H5483 他的馬 H5246 比豹 H7043 更快 H6153 ,比晚上 H2061 的豺狼 H2300 更猛 H6571 。馬兵 H6335 踴躍爭先 H7350 ,都從遠方 H935 而來 H5774 ;他們飛 H2363 H5404 如鷹 H398 抓食 H5404
  9 H2555 都為行強暴 H935 而來 H6440 ,定住臉面 H4041 向前 H7628 ,將擄掠的人 H622 聚集 H2344 ,多如塵沙。
  10 H7046 他們譏誚 H4428 君王 H4890 ,笑話 H7336 首領 H7832 ,嗤笑 H4013 一切保障 H6651 ,築 H6083 H3920 攻取。
  11 H3581 他以自己的勢力 H433 為神 H7307 ,像風 H2498 H5674 猛然掃過 H816 ,顯為有罪。
  12 H3068 耶和華 H430 ─我的 神 H6918 ,我的聖者 H6924 啊,你不是從亙古而有 H4191 麼?我們必不至死 H3068 。耶和華 H7760 啊,你派定 H4941 他為要刑罰 H6697 人;磐石 H3245 啊,你設立 H3198 他為要懲治人。
  13 H5869 你眼目 H2889 清潔 H7200 ,不看 H5027 邪僻,不看 H5999 奸惡 H898 ;行詭詐的 H5027 ,你為何看 H7563 著不理呢?惡人 H1104 吞滅 H6662 比自己公義 H2790 的,你為何靜默不語呢?
  14 H6213 你為何使 H120 H3220 如海 H1709 中的魚 H4910 ,又如沒有管轄 H7431 的爬物呢?
  15 H2443 他用鉤 H5927 鉤住 H2764 ,用網 H1641 捕獲 H4365 ,用拉網 H622 聚集 H8055 他們;因此,他歡喜 H1523 快樂,
  16 H2764 就向網 H2076 獻祭 H4365 ,向網 H6999 燒香 H1992 ,因他由此 H8082 得肥美 H2506 的分 H1277 和富裕 H3978 的食物。
  17 H7324 他豈可屢次倒空 H2764 網羅 H1471 ,將列國 H8548 的人時常 H2026 殺戮 H2550 ,毫不顧惜呢?
CUVS(i) 1 先 知 哈 巴 谷 所 得 的 默 示 。 2 他 说 : 耶 和 华 啊 ! 我 呼 求 你 , 你 不 应 允 , 要 到 几 时 呢 ? 我 因 强 暴 哀 求 你 , 你 还 不 拯 救 。 3 你 为 何 使 我 看 见 罪 孽 ? 你 为 何 看 着 奸 恶 而 不 理 呢 ? 毁 灭 和 强 暴 在 我 面 前 , 又 起 了 争 端 和 相 斗 的 事 。 4 因 此 律 法 放 松 , 公 理 也 不 显 明 , 恶 人 围 困 义 人 , 所 以 公 理 显 然 颠 倒 。 5 耶 和 华 说 : 你 们 要 向 列 国 中 观 看 , 大 大 惊 奇 ; 因 为 在 你 们 的 时 候 , 我 行 一 件 事 , 虽 冇 人 告 诉 你 们 , 你 们 总 是 不 信 。 6 我 必 兴 起 迦 勒 底 人 , 就 是 那 残 忍 暴 躁 之 民 , 通 行 遍 地 , 占 据 那 不 属 自 己 的 住 处 。 7 他 威 武 可 畏 , 判 断 和 势 力 都 任 意 发 出 。 8 他 的 马 比 豹 更 快 , 比 晚 上 的 豺 狼 更 猛 。 马 兵 踊 跃 争 先 , 都 从 远 方 而 来 ; 他 们 飞 跑 如 鹰 抓 食 , 9 都 为 行 强 暴 而 来 , 定 住 脸 面 向 前 , 将 掳 掠 的 人 聚 集 , 多 如 尘 沙 。 10 他 们 讥 诮 君 王 , 笑 话 首 领 , 嗤 笑 一 切 保 障 , 筑 垒 攻 取 。 11 他 以 自 己 的 势 力 为 神 , 象 风 猛 然 扫 过 , 显 为 冇 罪 。 12 耶 和 华 ― 我 的   神 , 我 的 圣 者 啊 , 你 不 是 从 亘 古 而 冇 么 ? 我 们 必 不 至 死 。 耶 和 华 啊 , 你 派 定 他 为 要 刑 罚 人 ; 磐 石 啊 , 你 设 立 他 为 要 惩 治 人 。 13 你 眼 目 清 洁 , 不 看 邪 僻 , 不 看 奸 恶 ; 行 诡 诈 的 , 你 为 何 看 着 不 理 呢 ? 恶 人 吞 灭 比 自 己 公 义 的 , 你 为 何 静 默 不 语 呢 ? 14 你 为 何 使 人 如 海 中 的 鱼 , 又 如 没 冇 管 辖 的 爬 物 呢 ? 15 他 用 钩 钩 住 , 用 网 捕 获 , 用 拉 网 聚 集 他 们 ; 因 此 , 他 欢 喜 快 乐 , 16 就 向 网 献 祭 , 向 网 烧 香 , 因 他 由 此 得 肥 美 的 分 和 富 裕 的 食 物 。 17 他 岂 可 屡 次 倒 空 网 罗 , 将 列 国 的 人 时 常 杀 戮 , 毫 不 顾 惜 呢 ?
  1 H5030 先知 H2265 哈巴谷 H2372 所得 H4853 的默示。
  2 H3068 他说:耶和华 H7768 啊!我呼求 H8085 你,你不应允 H2199 ,要到几时呢?我因强暴哀求 H2555 你,你还不拯救。
  3 H7200 你为何使我看见 H205 罪孽 H5027 ?你为何看 H5999 着奸恶 H7701 而不理呢?毁灭 H2555 和强暴 H5375 在我面前,又起了 H7379 争端 H4066 和相斗的事。
  4 H8451 因此律法 H6313 放松 H4941 ,公理 H5331 也不 H3318 显明 H7563 ,恶人 H3803 围困 H6662 义人 H4941 ,所以公理 H6127 H3318 显然颠倒。
  5 H1471 耶和华说:你们要向列国 H5027 中观看 H8539 ,大大 H8539 惊奇 H3117 ;因为在你们的时候 H6466 ,我行 H6467 一件事 H5608 ,虽有人告诉 H539 你们,你们总是不信。
  6 H6965 我必兴起 H3778 迦勒底人 H4751 ,就是那残忍 H4116 暴躁 H1471 之民 H1980 ,通行 H4800 H776 H3423 ,占据 H4908 那不属自己的住处。
  7 H366 他威武 H3372 可畏 H4941 ,判断 H7613 和势力 H3318 都任意发出。
  8 H5483 他的马 H5246 比豹 H7043 更快 H6153 ,比晚上 H2061 的豺狼 H2300 更猛 H6571 。马兵 H6335 踊跃争先 H7350 ,都从远方 H935 而来 H5774 ;他们飞 H2363 H5404 如鹰 H398 抓食 H5404
  9 H2555 都为行强暴 H935 而来 H6440 ,定住脸面 H4041 向前 H7628 ,将掳掠的人 H622 聚集 H2344 ,多如尘沙。
  10 H7046 他们讥诮 H4428 君王 H4890 ,笑话 H7336 首领 H7832 ,嗤笑 H4013 一切保障 H6651 ,筑 H6083 H3920 攻取。
  11 H3581 他以自己的势力 H433 为神 H7307 ,象风 H2498 H5674 猛然扫过 H816 ,显为有罪。
  12 H3068 耶和华 H430 ―我的 神 H6918 ,我的圣者 H6924 啊,你不是从亘古而有 H4191 么?我们必不至死 H3068 。耶和华 H7760 啊,你派定 H4941 他为要刑罚 H6697 人;磐石 H3245 啊,你设立 H3198 他为要惩治人。
  13 H5869 你眼目 H2889 清洁 H7200 ,不看 H5027 邪僻,不看 H5999 奸恶 H898 ;行诡诈的 H5027 ,你为何看 H7563 着不理呢?恶人 H1104 吞灭 H6662 比自己公义 H2790 的,你为何静默不语呢?
  14 H6213 你为何使 H120 H3220 如海 H1709 中的鱼 H4910 ,又如没有管辖 H7431 的爬物呢?
  15 H2443 他用钩 H5927 钩住 H2764 ,用网 H1641 捕获 H4365 ,用拉网 H622 聚集 H8055 他们;因此,他欢喜 H1523 快乐,
  16 H2764 就向网 H2076 献祭 H4365 ,向网 H6999 烧香 H1992 ,因他由此 H8082 得肥美 H2506 的分 H1277 和富裕 H3978 的食物。
  17 H7324 他岂可屡次倒空 H2764 网罗 H1471 ,将列国 H8548 的人时常 H2026 杀戮 H2550 ,毫不顾惜呢?
Esperanto(i) 1 Profetajxo, kiun lauxvizie eldiris la profeto HXabakuk. 2 GXis kiam, ho Eternulo, mi krios, kaj Vi ne auxskultos, mi krios al Vi pri perfortajxo, kaj Vi ne helpos? 3 Kial Vi devigas min vidi maljustajxon, rigardi mizerajxon? Rabado kaj perfortado estas antaux mi, levigxas disputoj kaj malpaco. 4 Tial la instruo perdis sian forton, la justeco neniam venkas; cxar la malvirtulo superfortas la virtulon, tial la rezultoj de jugxo estas malgxustaj. 5 Rigardu la naciojn, rigardu, kaj vi forte miros; cxar en via tempo Mi faros ion, kion vi ne kredus, se oni rakontus al vi. 6 CXar jen Mi levos la HXaldeojn, nacion kruelan kaj lertan, kiu trairos la tutan largxon de la tero, por ekposedi logxejojn, kiuj ne apartenas al gxi. 7 Terura kaj timinda gxi estas; gxia jugxado kaj regado dependas de gxi mem. 8 Pli rapidaj ol leopardoj estas gxiaj cxevaloj, kaj pli lertaj ol lupoj vespere; en grandaj amasoj venas gxiaj rajdantoj de malproksime, flugas kiel aglo, kiu rapidas al mangxajxo. 9 CXiuj ili venas por rabi; kiel vento orienta ili direktas sin, kien ili volas; kaj ili kolektas kaptitojn kiel sablon. 10 Regxojn ili mokas, regantoj estas ridatajxo por ili; cxiun fortikajxon ili mokas; ili sxutas teron, kaj venkoprenas. 11 Tiam sxangxigxas ilia spirito, transiras kaj farigxas peka, kaj ilia forto farigxas ilia dio. 12 Sed Vi estas ja de cxiam, ho Eternulo, mia sankta Dio! ne lasu nin morti. Vi, ho Eternulo, aperigis ilin por jugxo; Vi, ho nia Roko, destinis ilin por puni. 13 Viaj okuloj estas tro puraj, por vidi malbonon, kaj rigardi maljustajxon Vi ne povas; kiel do Vi rigardas malhonestulojn, kaj silentas, kiam malpiulo englutas tiun, kiu estas pli virta ol li? 14 Kial Vi faras la homojn kiel fisxoj en la maro, kiel rampajxoj, kiuj ne havas reganton? 15 CXiujn ili tiras per fisxhoko, kaptas per sia reto, amasigas per sia fisxreto; kaj tial ili gxojas kaj triumfas. 16 Tial ili alportas oferojn al sia reto, incensas al sia fisxreto; cxar per cxi tiuj grasigxis ilia parto kaj bonigxis ilia mangxajxo. 17 CXu por tio ili devas jxetadi sian reton kaj sencxese mortigadi naciojn senindulge?
Finnish(i) 1 Tämä on se raskaus, jonka propheta Habakuk on nähnyt. 2 Herra, kuinka kauvan minun pitää huutaman, ja et sinä tahdo kuulla? kuinka kauvan minun pitää parkuman väkivallan tähden, ja et sinä tahdo auttaa? 3 Miksis minulle vaivaa ja työtä osoitat? miksis minun annat nähdä ryövyyttä ja väkivaltaa minun ympärilläni? riita ja tora saa vallan. 4 Sentähden hyljätään laki, ja oikeus ei koskaan saa edes käydä; sillä jumalatoin sortaa vanhurskasta, sentähden tehdään väärät tuomiot. 5 Katsokaat pakanain seassa, katsokaat ja ihmetelkäät, ja hämmästykäät; sillä minä teen työn teidän aikananne, jota ei teidän pidä uskoman, kuin siitä puhutaan. 6 Sillä katso, minä herätän Kaldealaiset, haikian ja nopian kansan, jonka pitä vaeltaman niin leviältä kuin maa on, ja omistaman ne asumiset, jotka ei heidän omansa ole; 7 Joka pitää hirmuinen ja julma oleman, käskemän ja vaatiman, niinkuin hän tahtoo. 8 Hänen hevosensa ovat nopiammat kuin pardit, ja purevaisemmat kuin sudet ehtoolla; hänen ratsasmiehensä vaeltavat lavialta; ja hänen ratsasmiehensä tulevat kaukaa, ja lentävät, niinkuin kotka rientää raadolle. 9 He tulevat kaikki vahingoittamaan; he kääntävät kasvonsa itään päin, ja kokoovat vankeja niinkuin santaa. 10 Heidän pitää kuninkaita pilkkaaman ja päämiehiä nauraman; kaikki linnat pitää heidän leikkinänsä oleman; sillä he tekevät vähät vallit, ja voittavat ne. 11 Silloin he muuttavat mielensä, ylitsekäyvät ja rikkovat, että he kerskaavat voimansa olevan jumalansa. 12 Etkös sinä, Herra, ole alusta, minun Jumalani, minun pyhäni. Älä anna meidän kuolla, vaan anna heidän olla, o Herra, meille ainoasti rangaistukseksi, ja anna heidän, o meidän turvamme, meitä ainoasti kurittaa. 13 Sinun silmäs ovat puhtaat, niin ettes voi pahaa nähdä, ja et tahdo katsoa surkeutta; miksis katsot siis ylönkatsojia, ja vaikenet, kuin jumalatoin nielee sen, joka häntä hurskaampi on? 14 Ja miksis teet ihmisen niinkuin kalat meressä, niinkuin madot, joilla ei haltiaa ole? 15 He onkivat kaikki ongella, ja vetävät nuotallansa ja saavat verkoillansa; josta he iloitsevat ja riemuitsevat. 16 Sentähden he uhraavat nuotillensa ja suitsuttavat verkoillensa; että heidän osansa niiden kautta lihavaksi tullut on, ja ruokansa herkulliseksi. 17 Sentähden he vielä alati heittävät nuottansa ulos, eikä lakkaa kansaa tappamasta.
FinnishPR(i) 1 Ennustus, jonka profeetta Habakuk näki. 2 Kuinka kauan, Herra, minun täytyy apua huutaa, ja sinä et kuule, parkua sinulle: "Väkivaltaa!" ja sinä et auta? 3 Minkätähden sinä annat minun nähdä vääryyttä ja itse katselet turmiota? Minun edessäni on hävitys ja väkivalta; on syntynyt riita, ja on noussut tora. 4 Sentähden on laki heikko, ja oikeus ei tule milloinkaan voimaan. Sillä jumalaton saartaa vanhurskaan; sentähden oikeus vääristetään. 5 Katsokaa kansojen joukkoon, katselkaa ja kauhistukaa, sillä minä teen teidän päivinänne teon, jota ette uskoisi, jos siitä kerrottaisiin. 6 Sillä katso, minä nostan kaldealaiset, tuiman ja rajun kansan, joka kulkee maata lavealti ja ottaa omaksensa asuinsijat, jotka eivät ole sen. 7 Se on hirmuinen ja peljättävä, siitä itsestään tulee sen oikeus ja sen korkeus. 8 Sen hevoset ovat nopeammat kuin pantterit, ne juoksevat kiivaammin kuin sudet illoin. Sen ratsumiehet kiidättävät-kaukaa tulevat sen ratsumiehet, ne lentävät, niinkuin kotka syöksyy syönnökselleen. 9 Se tulee kaikkinensa väkivallan tekoon, heidän kasvojensa suunta on suoraan eteenpäin; se kokoaa vankeja kuin hietaa. 10 Pilkkanaan pitää se kuninkaat ja naurunansa ruhtinaat. Se nauraa kaikille varustuksille, kasaa kokoon hiekkaa ja valloittaa ne. 11 Sitten se tuulena kiitää ja hyökkää, mutta joutuu syynalaiseksi, tuo, jolla oma voimansa on jumalana. 12 Etkö sinä ole ikiajoista asti Herra, minun pyhä Jumalani? Me emme kuole! Sinä, Herra, olet pannut sen tuomioksi; sinä, kallio, olet asettanut sen kuritukseksi. 13 Sinun silmäsi ovat puhtaat, niin ettet voi katsoa pahaa etkä saata katsella turmiota. Minkätähden sinä katselet uskottomia, olet vaiti, kun jumalaton nielee hurskaampansa, 14 teet ihmiset samankaltaisiksi kuin meren kalat, kuin matelevaiset, joilla ei ole hallitsijaa? 15 Se nostaa heidät kaikki ylös koukulla, vetää heidät pyydyksessään ja kokoaa heidät verkkoonsa. Sentähden se iloitsee ja riemuitsee. 16 Sentähden se uhraa pyydykselleen ja polttaa uhreja verkollensa, sillä niitten turvin sen osa on rasvainen, sen ruoka lihava. 17 Saako se sentähden tyhjentää pyydyksensä, aina surmata kansoja säälimättä?
Haitian(i) 1 Men mesaj Bondye te bay pwofèt Abakouk nan yon vizyon. 2 Seyè! Konbe tan ankò pou m' pase ap rele ou, ap mande ou sekou anvan pou ou tande m'? Konbe tan ankò pou m' pase ap rele nan zòrèy ou anvan pou ou vin delivre nou anba moun k'ap maltrete nou yo? 3 Poukisa w'ap fè m' wè tout mechanste sa yo? Ki jan ou ka rete kanpe konsa ap gade tout lenjistis sa yo? Se piyay ak mechanste ase ki devan je m'! Toupatou se goumen, se kont. 4 Lalwa a la, li pa sèvi anyen. Ou pa ka jwenn jistis. Mechan yo ap kraze moun k'ap mache dwat. Lajistis devan dèyè. 5 Seyè a pale ak pèp li a, li di: -Voye je nou gade nasyon ki bò kote nou yo. Nou pral sezi, nou pral tranble. Mwen pral fè yon travay devan je nou. Si se moun ki ta vin di nou sa, nou pa ta kwè. 6 M'ap fè moun peyi Kalde yo kanpe. Se yon pèp ki san pitye, ki san manman. Y'ap mache toupatou sou latè, y'ap pran peyi lòt pèp nan men yo. 7 Kote yo pase, yo fè moun pè yo. Yo pa nan jwèt ak pesonn. Yo pa pran lòd nan men pesonn. Yo fè sa yo pi pito. 8 Chwal yo kouri pi rèd pase chat mawon. Yo pi move pase chen mawon ki grangou. Kavalye yo soti byen lwen, y'ap kouri vini. Yo tankou malfini k'ap plonje sou poul. 9 Sòlda yo ap vini pou fè piyay. Tout moun pè lè yo wè yo ap pwoche, paske yo ranmase prizonye an kantite, san gad dèyè. 10 Y'ap pase wa yo nan betiz. Y'ap pase chèf yo nan rizib. Pa gen fò ki ka rete yo. Yo annik anpile tè bò miray yo, lèfini yo moute pran yo. 11 Yo pase tankou yon koutvan, yo kraze brize, epi y' al fè wout yo. Bondye yo se fòs yo gen nan ponyèt yo. Se nan sa yo kwè. 12 Seyè! Depi tout tan se ou ki Bondye. Ou se Bondye m', Bondye tout bon ki la pou tout tan an. Seyè, Bondye mwen, ou menm k'ap pwoteje m'! Se pèp sa a ou chwazi pou fè travay ou? Se pèp sa a ou voye pou pini nou? 13 Ou twò bon pou ou kite moun ap fè mechanste devan je ou konsa! Ou pa ka rete ap gade moun ap fè lenjistis devan ou konsa! Ki jan ou fè rete ap gade bann moun trèt sa yo? Poukisa ou pa di anyen lè mechan yo ap fini ak moun ki pi inonsan pase yo? 14 Kouman ou ka aji ak moun tankou si yo te pwason nan lanmè, tankou koulèv nan raje ki pa gen mèt? 15 Moun Babilòn yo pran moun nan zen tankou pwason. Yo rale yo nan senn, yo ranmase yo nan nas. Lèfini, yo kontan, y'ap fè fèt. 16 Se sak fè tou, yo fè ofrann bèt yo touye pou senn yo, yo boule lansan pou nas yo, paske se nan senn yo ak nan nas yo yo jwenn tout kalite bon pwason pou yo manje. 17 Eske yo pral toujou sèvi ak nepe yo san rete, pou yo touye moun lòt nasyon san yo pa gen pitye pou yo?
Hungarian(i) 1 A teher, a melyet Habakuk próféta látott. 2 Meddig kiáltok még oh Uram, és nem hallgatsz meg! Kiáltozom hozzád az erõszak miatt, és nem szabadítasz meg! 3 Miért láttatsz velem hamisságot, és szemléltetsz nyomorgatást? Pusztítás és erõszak van elõttem, per keletkezik és versengés támad! 4 Azért inog a törvény, és nem érvényesül az igaz ítélet; mert gonosz hálózza be az igazat, azért származik hamis ítélet! 5 Nézzetek szét a népek között, vizsgálódjatok és csodálkozással csodálkozzatok, mert oly dolgot cselekszem a ti napjaitokban, mit el sem hinnétek, ha beszélnék! 6 Mert ímé, feltámasztom a Káldeusokat, a kegyetlen és vakmerõ nemzetet, a mely eljárja a földet széltében, hogy hajlékokat foglaljon el, a melyek nem az övéi. 7 Rettenetes és iszonyatos ez, maga szerzi törvényét és hatalmát. 8 És lovai serényebbek a párduczoknál, és gyorsabbak az estveli farkasoknál, és elõtörtetnek az õ lovasai; és az õ lovasai messzirõl jõnek, repülnek, mint a zsákmányra sietõ keselyû. 9 Mindnyája ragadományért jön, arczuk elõre néz, és annyi foglyot gyûjt, mint a föveny. 10 Kaczag ez a királyokon, és a fejedelmek néki nevetség, minden erõsséget csak nevet, töltést emel és megostromolja azt. 11 Majd tovaszáll viharként és elvonul és bûnbe esik; õ kinek istene az õ hatalma. 12 Avagy nem te vagy-é Uram, öröktõl fogva az én Istenem, Szentem? Nem veszünk el! Ítéletre rendelted õt, oh Uram, fenyítõül választottad õt, én erõsségem! 13 Tisztábbak szemeid, hogysem nézhetnéd a gonoszt, és a nyomorgatást nem szemlélheted: miért szemléled [hát] a hitszegõket? [és] hallgatsz, mikor a gonosz elnyeli a nálánál igazabbat?! 14 Olyanokká teszed az embert, mint a tenger halai, és mint a csúszómászó állatok, a melyeknek nincsen vezérök? 15 Mindnyáját kivonsza horoggal, gyalomjába keríti, és hálójába takarítja be õket; ezért örül és vígad. 16 Ezért áldozik gyalomjának, és füstöl az õ hálójának, mert ezekkel kövér az õ része, és zsíros az õ eledele. 17 Vajjon azért ürítheti-é gyalmát, és szüntelen ölheti-é a nemzeteket kímélet nélkül?!
Indonesian(i) 1 Inilah pesan yang dinyatakan oleh TUHAN kepada Nabi Habakuk. 2 Ya TUHAN, sampai kapan aku harus berseru meminta pertolongan? Kapan Engkau akan mendengar dan menyelamatkan kami dari penindasan? 3 Mengapa Kaubiarkan aku melihat begitu banyak kejahatan? Masakan Engkau tahan melihat begitu banyak pelanggaran? Di mana-mana ada kehancuran dan kekerasan, perkelahian dan perselisihan. 4 Hukum diremehkan dan keadilan tak pernah ditegakkan. Orang jahat menjadi unggul atas orang yang jujur, maka keadilan diputarbalikkan. 5 Kemudian TUHAN berkata kepada umat-Nya, "Perhatikanlah bangsa-bangsa di sekitarmu, maka kamu akan heran dan tercengang. Sebab pada zamanmu Aku akan melakukan sesuatu, yang tidak kamu percayai kalau hanya diceritakan kepadamu. 6 Bangsa Babel yang galak dan ganas itu akan Kujadikan bangsa yang berkuasa. Mereka berbaris keluar dari negerinya dan menjelajahi seluruh dunia untuk menaklukkan bangsa-bangsa lain. 7 Di mana-mana mereka menimbulkan ketakutan; dengan sombong mereka menolak semua hukum kecuali yang sesuai dengan keinginan mereka. 8 Kudanya lebih cepat daripada macan tutul, dan lebih ganas daripada serigala yang sedang lapar. Pasukan berkudanya datang dari negeri-negeri jauh; mereka datang seperti burung elang yang menyambar mangsanya. 9 Tentaranya menyerbu untuk melakukan kekerasan, semua orang gentar melihat kedatangan mereka. Tawanan mereka tidak terhitung jumlahnya. 10 Mereka mengejek raja-raja dan menertawakan pegawai-pegawai tinggi. Dianggapnya remeh setiap benteng, dan ditimbunnya tanah lalu direbutnya benteng itu. 11 Lalu secepat angin berangkatlah orang-orang yang mendewakan kekuatannya sendiri itu." 12 TUHAN, sejak dahulu Engkau adalah Allah. Engkau Allahku yang suci dan kekal. TUHAN, Allahku dan pelindungku, bangsa Babel itu Kaupilih dan Kaubuat perkasa untuk menghukum kami. 13 Tetapi bagaimana Engkau tahan melihat orang-orang jahat yang kejam itu? Bukankah Engkau terlalu suci untuk memandang kejahatan? Bukankah Engkau merasa muak melihat ketidakadilan? Jadi, mengapa Engkau diam saja ketika orang yang saleh dihancurkan oleh pendurhaka? 14 Mengapa manusia Kauanggap seperti ikan di laut, dan seperti serangga yang tak ada pemimpinnya? 15 Bangsa Babel menangkap orang-orang dengan kail, seolah-olah mereka itu ikan. Orang-orang itu diseret dalam jala-jala dan bangsa Babel bersenang-senang dengan hasil mereka. 16 Kemudian jala itu mereka sembah dan mereka beri persembahan kurban, sebab dengan jala itu mereka telah mendapat rejeki berlimpah-limpah dan menjadi makmur. 17 Masakan mereka akan terus menghunus pedangnya dan membunuh bangsa-bangsa, tanpa ampun?
Italian(i) 1 Il carico che il profeta Abacuc vide. 2 INFINO a quando, o Signore, griderò io, e tu non mi esaudirai? infino a quando sclamerò a te: Violenza! e tu non salverai? 3 Perchè mi fai tu veder l’iniquità, e mi fai spettatore della perversità? e perchè vi è davanti a me rapina, e violenza? e vi è chi muove lite, e contesa? 4 Perciò, la legge è indebolita, e il giudicio non esce giammai fuori; perciocchè l’empio intornia il giusto; perciò esce il giudicio tutto storto. 5 Vedete fra le genti, e riguardate, e maravigliatevi, e siate stupefatti; perciocchè io fo un’opera a’ dì vostri, la quale voi non crederete, quando sarà raccontata. 6 Perciocchè ecco, io fo muovere i Caldei, quell’aspra e furiosa nazione, che cammina per tutta la larghezza della terra, per impodestarsi di stanze che non son sue. 7 Ella è fiera, e spaventevole; la sua ragione, e la sua altezza procede da lei stessa. 8 E i suoi cavalli saran più leggieri che pardi, e più rapaci che lupi in sul vespro; e i suoi cavalieri si spanderanno; e, venendo di lontano, voleranno, a guisa d’aquila che si affretta al pasto. 9 Ella verrà tutta per rapire; lo scontro delle lor facce sarà come un vento orientale; ed ella accoglierà prigioni a guisa di rena. 10 E si farà beffe dei re, ed i principi le saranno in derisione; si riderà d’ogni fortezza, e farà de’ terrati, e la prenderà. 11 Ma allora il vento si muterà, ed essa trapasserà, e sarà distrutta. Questa sarà la forza che le sarà data dal suo dio. 12 Non sei tu ab eterno, o Signore Iddio mio, Santo mio? noi non morremo. O Signore, tu l’hai posta per far giudicio; e tu, o Rocca, l’hai fondata per castigare. 13 Tu hai gli occhi troppo puri per vedere il male, e non puoi riguardare l’iniquità; perchè dunque riguardi i disleali? perchè taci, mentre l’empio tranghiottisce colui che è più giusto di lui? 14 E perchè hai renduti gli uomini simili a’ pesci del mare, a’ rettili che non hanno signore? 15 Egli li ha tutti tratti fuori con l’amo, egli li ha accolti nel suo giacchio, e li ha radunati nella sua rete: Perciò, egli si rallegra, e trionfa. 16 Perciò, sacrifica al suo giacchio, e fa profumo alla sua rete; perciocchè per essi la sua parte è grassa, e la sua vivanda opima. 17 Voterà egli perciò il suo giacchio, e non resterà egli giammai di uccider le genti del continuo?
ItalianRiveduta(i) 1 Oracolo che il profeta Habacuc ebbe per visione. 2 Fino a quando, o Eterno, griderò, senza che tu mi dia ascolto? Io grido a te: "Violenza!" e tu non salvi. 3 Perché mi fai veder l’iniquità, e tolleri lo spettacolo della perversità? e perché mi stanno dinanzi la rapina e la violenza? Vi son liti, e sorge la discordia. 4 Perciò la legge è senza forza e il diritto non fa strada, perché l’empio aggira il giusto, e il diritto n’esce pervertito. 5 Vedete fra le nazioni, guardate, maravigliatevi, e siate stupefatti! Poiché io sto per fare ai vostri giorni un’opera, che voi non credereste, se ve la raccontassero. 6 Perché, ecco, io sto per suscitare i Caldei, questa nazione aspra e impetuosa, che percorre la terra quant’è larga, per impadronirsi di dimore, che non son sue. 7 E’ terribile, formidabile; il suo diritto e la sua grandezza emanano da lui stesso. 8 I suoi cavalli son più veloci de’ leopardi, più agili de’ lupi della sera; i suoi cavalieri procedon con fierezza; i suoi cavalieri vengon di lontano, volan come l’aquila che piomba sulla preda. 9 Tutta quella gente viene per darsi alla violenza, le lor facce bramose son tese in avanti, e ammassan prigionieri senza numero come la rena. 10 Si fan beffe dei re, e i principi son per essi oggetto di scherno; si ridono di tutte le fortezze; ammontano un po’ di terra, e le prendono. 11 Poi passan come il vento; passan oltre e si rendon colpevoli, questa lor forza è il loro dio. 12 Non sei tu ab antico; o Eterno, il mio Dio, il mio Santo? Noi non morremo! O Eterno, tu l’hai posto, questo popolo, per esercitare i tuoi giudizi, tu, o Ròcca, l’hai stabilito per infliggere i tuoi castighi. 13 Tu, che hai gli occhi troppo puri per sopportar la vista del male, e che non puoi tollerar lo spettacolo dell’iniquità, perché guardi i perfidi, e taci quando il malvagio divora l’uomo ch’è più giusto di lui? 14 E perché rendi gli uomini come i pesci del mare e come i rettili, che non hanno signore? 15 Il Caldeo li trae tutti su con l’amo, li piglia nella sua rete, li raccoglie nel suo giacchio; perciò si rallegra ed esulta. 16 Per questo fa sacrifizi alla sua rete, e offre profumi al suo giacchio; perché per essi la sua parte è grassa, e il suo cibo è succulento. 17 Dev’egli per questo seguitare a vuotare la sua rete, e massacrar del continuo le nazioni senza pietà?
Korean(i) 1 선지자 하박국의 묵시로 받은 경고라 2 여호와여 ! 내가 부르짖어도 주께서 듣지 아니하시니 어느 때까지리이까 ? 내가 강포를 인하여 외쳐도 주께서 구원치 아니하시나이다 3 어찌하여 나로 간악을 보게 하시며 패역을 목도하게 하시나이까 ? 대저 겁탈과 강포가 내 앞에 있고 변론과 분쟁이 일어났나이다 4 이러므로 율법이 해이하고 공의가 아주 시행되지 못하오니 이는 악인이 의인을 에워쌌으므로 공의가 굽게 행함이니이다 5 여호와께서 가라사대 너희는 열국을 보고 또 보고 놀라고 또 놀랄지어다 너희 생전에 내가 한 일을 행할 것이라 혹이 너희에게 고할지라도 너희가 믿지 아니하리라 6 보라, 내가 사납고 성급한 백성 곧 땅의 넓은 곳으로 다니며 자기의 소유 아닌 거할 곳들을 점령하는 갈대아 사람을 일으켰나니 7 그들은 두렵고 무서우며 심판과 위령이 자기로 말미암으며 8 그 말은 표범보다 빠르고 저녁 이리보다 사나우며 그 기병은 원방에서부터 빨리 달려오는 기병이라 마치 식물을 움키려하는 독수리의 날음과 같으니라 9 그들은 다 강포를 행하러 오는데 앞을 향하여 나아가며 사람을 사로잡아 모으기를 모래 같이 많이 할 것이요 10 열왕을 멸시하며 방백을 치소하며 모든 견고한 성을 비웃고 흉벽을 쌓아 그것을 취할 것이라 11 그들은 그 힘으로 자기 신을 삼는 자라 이에 바람 같이 급히 몰아 지나치게 행하여 득죄하리라 12 선지자가 가로되 여호와 나의 하나님 나의 거룩한 자시여 주께서는 만세 전부터 계시지 아니하시니이까 ? 우리가 사망에 이르지 아니하리이다 여호와여 ! 주께서 심판하기 위하여 그를 두셨나이다 반석이시여 ! 주께서 경계하기 위하여 그를 세우셨나이다 13 주께서는 눈이 정결하시므로 악을 참아 보지 못하시며 패역을 참아 보지 못하시거늘 어찌하여 궤휼한 자들을 방관하시며 악인이 자기보다 의로운 사람을 삼키되 잠잠하시나이까 ? 14 주께서 어찌하여 사람으로 바다의 어족 같게 하시며 주권자 없는 곤충 같게 하시나이까 ? 15 그가 낚시로 모두 취하며 그물로 잡으며 초망으로 모으고 인하여 기뻐하고 즐거워하여 16 그물에 제사하며 초망 앞에 분향하오니 이는 그것을 힘입어 소득이 풍부하고 식물이 풍성케 됨이니이다 17 그가 그물을 떨고는 연하여 늘 열국을 살륙함이 옳으니이까 ?
Lithuanian(i) 1 Regėjimas, kurį matė pranašas Habakukas. 2 Viešpatie, kaip ilgai aš šauksiu, o Tu neišklausysi, šauksiu apie smurtą, o Tu negelbėsi! 3 Kodėl man leidi patirti nedorybę ir vargą? Priespauda ir smurtas prieš mane, visur kyla vaidai ir barniai. 4 Įstatymas nusilpo, į teisingumą nekreipiama dėmesio, nedorėlis apsuka teisųjį, teisme sprendimas iškraipomas! 5 “Dairykitės tarp tautų ir įsidėmėkite, didžiai stebėkitės, nes jūsų dienomis darysiu darbą, kuriuo jūs netikėtumėte, jei jums kas apie tai pasakotų. 6 Aš sukelsiu chaldėjus, kurie siekia užimti jiems nepriklausančias žemes, kitų gyvenvietes. 7 Tai žiauri ir baisi tauta, jie patys nusprendžia, kas teisu ir garbinga. 8 Jų žirgai greitesni už leopardus. Jie plėšresni negu stepių vilkai. Raiteliai išsiskleidžia, jie atjoja iš toli, jie skrenda kaip erelis prie grobio. 9 Jie visi siekia smurto, jų veidai kaip rytų vėjas, jie ima belaisvius kaip smėlio smiltis. 10 Jie tyčiojasi iš karalių, šaiposi iš kunigaikščių. Jie juokiasi iš tvirtovių, supylę pylimus, jie jas paima. 11 Jie traukia tolyn kaip vėjas, viską nualina. Jiems jėga­jų dievas”. 12 Argi Tu nesi amžinasis Viešpats, mano Dievas, mano Šventasis? Mes nemirsime! Viešpatie, Tu juos paskyrei teismui, galingasis Dieve, Tu juos paruošei bausmei. 13 Tavo akys tyros, jos negali matyti pikto, negali žiūrėti į neteisybę. Kodėl ramiai stebi piktadarius ir tyli, kai nedorėlis praryja teisesnį už save? 14 Tu padarei žmones kaip jūros žuvis, kaip kirmėles, kurios neturi valdovo. 15 Jie iškelia juos meškere, ištraukia savo tinklu, surenka bradiniu; todėl jie patenkinti džiaugiasi. 16 Jie aukoja tinklui ir smilko bradiniui, nes jų dėka grobis gausus ir maistas geras. 17 Argi jie nuolat tuštins tinklus ir žudys tautas be pasigailėjimo?
PBG(i) 1 Brzemię, które widział prorok Abakuk. 2 Dokądże wołać będę, o Panie! a nie wysłuchasz? Dokądże do ciebie przed gwałtem krzyczeć będę, a nie wybawisz? 3 Przeczże dopuszczasz, abym patrzył na nieprawość, i widział bezprawie, i zgubę, i gwałt przeciwko sobie? i przecz się znajduje ten, który swar i niezgodę roznieca? 4 Dlatego naruszony bywa zakon, a prawu się nigdy dosyć nie dzieje; albowiem niepobożny otacza sprawiedliwego, dlatego wychodzi sąd przewrotny. 5 Spojrzyjcie na narody a obaczcie i dziwujcie się z zdumieniem, przeto, iż czynię nieco za dni waszych, o czem gdy wam powiadać będą, nie uwierzycie. 6 Albowiem oto Ja wzbudzę Chaldejczyków, naród srogi i prędki, który szeroko pójdzie przez ziemię, aby posiadł mieszkania cudze. 7 Straszny jest i ogromny; od niego samego wynijdzie sąd jego, i wywyższenie jego. 8 Konie jego prędsze będą niż lamparty, a sroższe nad wilki wieczorne; szeroko rozciągną się jezdni jego, a jezdni jego z daleka przyjdą, przylecą jako orzeł spieszący się do żeru. 9 Każdy z nich dla łupiestwa przyjdzie; obrócą twarze swoje na wschód słońca, a więźniów zgromadzą jako piasek. 10 Ten i z królów szydzić będzie, a książęta będą na pośmiech u niego; ten też z każdej twierdzy naśmiewać się będzie, a usypawszy wały weźmie ją. 11 Tedy się odmieni duch jego, a wystąpi i przewini, myśląc, że ta moc jego jest boga jego. 12 Izaliś ty nie jest od wieku, Panie, Boże mój, święty mój? myć nie pomrzemy; o Panie! postawiłeś go na sąd; ty, o skało nasza! na karanieś go ugruntował. 13 Czyste są oczy twoje, tak, że na złe patrzyć i bazprawia widzieć nie mogą; przeczżebyś miał patrzyć na czyniących przewrotność? Przeczżebyś miał milczeć, ponieważ niezbożnik pożera sprawiedliwszego niżeli sam? 14 Miałżebyś zaniechać ludzi jako ryb morskich, jako płazu, który nie ma pana? 15 Wszystkie wędą wyciąga, zagarnia je niewodem swoim, i zgromadza je do sieci swoich; dlategoż się weseli i raduje. 16 Przeto ofiaruje niewodowi swemu i kadzi sieci swojej; albowiem przez nie utył dział jego, a pożywienie jego hojniejsze. 17 Izali dlatego będzie zapuszczał niewód swój, a ustawicznie zabijał narody bez litości?
Portuguese(i) 1 O oráculo que o profeta Habacuque viu. 2 Até quando Senhor, clamarei eu, e tu não escutarás? ou gritarei a ti: Violência! e não salvarás? 3 Por que razão me fazes ver a iniquidade, e a opressão? Pois a destruição e a violência estão diante de mim; há também contendas, e o litígio é suscitado. 4 Por esta causa a lei se afrouxa, e a justiça nunca se manifesta; porque o ímpio cerca o justo, de sorte que a justiça é pervertida. 5 Vede entre as nações, e olhai; maravilhai-vos e admirai-vos; porque realizo em vossos dias uma obra, que vós não acreditareis, quando vos for contada. 6 Pois eis que suscito os caldeus, essa nação feroz e impetuosa, que marcha sobre a largura da terra para se apoderar de moradas que não são suas. 7 Ela é terrível e espantosa; dela mesma sai o seu juízo e a sua dignidade. 8 Os seis cavalos são mais ligeiros do que os leopardos, se mais ferozes do que os lobos a tarde; os seus cavaleiros espalham-se por toda a parte; sim, os seus cavaleiros vêm de longe; voam como a águia que se apressa a devorar. 9 Eles todos vêm com violência; a sua vanguarda irrompe como o vento oriental; eles ajuntam cativos como areia. 10 Escarnecem dos reis, e dos príncipes fazem zombaria; eles se riem de todas as fortalezas; porque, amontoando terra, as tomam. 11 Então passam impetuosamente, como um vento, e seguem, mas eles são culpados, esses cujo próprio poder e o seu deus. 12 Não és tu desde a eternidade, ó Senhor meu Deus, meu santo? Nós não morreremos. Ó Senhor, para juízo puseste este povo; e tu, ó Rocha, o estabeleceste para correcção. 13 Tu que és tão puro de olhos que não podes ver o mal, e que não podes contemplar a perversidade, por que olhas pára os que procedem aleivosamente, e te calas enquanto o ímpio devora aquele que e mais justo do que ele. 14 E farias os homens como os peixes do mar, como os répteis, que não têm quem os governe, 15 Ele a todos levanta com o anzol, apanha-os com a sua rede; e os ajunta na sua rede varredoura; por isso ele se alegra e se regozija. 16 Por isso sacrifica à sua rede, e queima incenso à sua varredoura; porque por elas enriquece a sua porção, e abundante a sua comida. 17 Porventura por isso continuara esvaziando a sua rede e matando sem piedade os povos?
Norwegian(i) 1 Dette er det utsagn som profeten Habakuk skuet. 2 Hvor lenge, Herre, skal jeg ennu rope uten at du hører! Jeg klager for dig over vold - og du frelser ikke. 3 Hvorfor lar du mig skue urett, og hvorledes kan du selv se på slik elendighet? Ødeleggelse og vold har jeg for mine øine; det yppes kiv og opstår tretter. 4 Derfor er loven maktesløs, og retten kommer aldri frem; for ugudelige omringer den rettferdige, derfor kommer retten frem forvendt. 5 Se eder omkring blandt folkene, se og bli forferdet, ja forferdet! For en gjerning gjør jeg i eders dager - I skulde ikke tro den når den blev fortalt. 6 For se, jeg lar kaldeerne reise sig, det ville og voldsomme folk, som farer frem så vide som jorden når, for å ta i eie boliger som ikke hører det til. 7 Fryktelig og forferdelig er det; fra sig selv henter det sin rett og sin høihet. 8 Dets hester er raskere enn leoparder og skarpere til å springe enn ulver om aftenen; dets ryttere sprenger frem, dets ryttere kommer langt borte fra, de flyver som en ørn når den styrter sig over sitt rov. 9 Alle kommer de for å gjøre voldsverk, de stirrer stridslystne fremad, og de samler fanger som sand. 10 De spotter konger, og fyrster er til latter for dem; de ler av hver festning, de dynger jord op mot den og tar den. 11 Så stryker de avsted som en vind og farer frem og drar skyld over sig; deres kraft er deres gud. 12 Er du ikke fra fordums tid Herren min Gud, min Hellige? Vi skal ikke dø. Herre! Til å fullbyrde dom har du satt dem. Du vår klippe! Til å straffe har du gitt dem fullmakt. 13 Du som er ren av øine, så du ikke kan se på ondt* og ikke er i stand til å skue på elendighet**! Hvorfor ser du på troløse, hvorfor tier du når den ugudelige tilintetgjør den som er rettferdigere enn han? / {* uten å straffe.} / {** uten å hjelpe.} 14 Du har jo gjort med menneskene som med havets fisker, som med krypet, som ingen herre har! 15 Dem alle drar de* op med krok, samler dem i sin not og sanker dem i sitt garn; derfor gleder de sig og jubler. / {* kaldeerne.} 16 Derfor ofrer de til sin not og brenner røkelse for sitt garn; for de gir dem deres fete lodd og deres kraftige mat. 17 Men skal de derfor fremdeles få tømme sin not og uavlatelig slå folkeslag ihjel uten skånsel?
Romanian(i) 1 Proorocia descoperită proorocului Habacuc. 2 Pînă cînd voi striga către Tine, Doamne, fără s'Asculţi? Pînă cînd mă voi tîngui Ţie, fără să dai ajutor? 3 Pentru ce mă laşi să văd nelegiuirea, şi Te uiţi la nedreptate? Asuprirea şi sîlnicia se fac supt ochii mei, se nasc certuri, şi se stîrneşte gîlceavă. 4 Deaceea legea este fără putere, şi dreptatea nu se vede, căci cel rău biruieşte pe cel neprihănit, de aceea se fac judecăţi nedrepte. - 5 Aruncaţi-vă ochii printre neamuri, şi priviţi, uimiţi-vă, şi îngroziţi-vă! Căci în zilele voastre voi face o lucrare, pe care n'aţi crede -o dacă v'ar povesti -o cineva! 6 Iată, voi ridica pe Haldei, popor turbat şi iute, care străbate întinderi mari de ţări, ca să pună mîna pe locuinţe cari nu sînt ale lui. 7 El este grozav şi înfricoşat; numai din el însuş îi iese dreptul şi mărirea lui. 8 Caii lui sînt mai iuţi decît leoparzii, mai sprinteni decît lupii de seară, şi călăreţii lui înaintează în galop de departe, sboară ca vulturul care se repede asupra prăzii. 9 Tot poporul acesta vine numai ca să jăfuiască; privirile lui lacome caută înainte, şi strînge prinşi de război ca nisipul. 10 Îşi bate joc de împăraţi, şi voivozii sînt o nimica pentru el, rîde de toate întăriturile, căci grămădeşte pămînt, şi le ia. 11 Apoi aprinderea i se îndoieşte, întrece măsura şi se face vinovat, căci puterea lui o ia ca dumnezeu al lui! 12 Doamne, nu eşti Tu din vecinicie, Dumnezeul meu, Sfîntul meu? Nu vom muri! Doamne, Tu ai ridicat pe poporul acesta ca să-Ţi împlineşti judecăţile Tale; Tu, Stînca mea, l-ai ridicat ca să dai prin el pedepsele Tale! 13 Ochii Tăi sînt aşa de curaţi că nu pot să vadă răul, şi nu poţi să priveşti nelegiuirea! Cum ai putea privi Tu pe cei mişei, şi să taci, cînd cel rău mănîncă pe cel mai neprihănit decît el? 14 Vei face Tu omului ca peştilor mării, ca tîrîtoarei, care n'are stăpîn? 15 El îi scoate pe toţi cu undiţa, îi trage în mreaja sa, îi strînge în năvodul său. Deaceea se bucură şi se veseleşte. 16 De aceea aduce jertfe mrejei sale, aduce tămîie năvodului său; căci lor le datoreşte partea lui cea grasă şi bucatele lui gustoase! 17 Pentru aceasta îşi va goli el într'una mreaja, şi va înjunghia fără milă pe neamuri?
Ukrainian(i) 1 Пророцтво, яке бачив пророк Авакум. 2 Аж доки я, Господи, кликати буду, а Ти не почуєш? До тебе я кличу: Насильство! та Ти не спасаєш! 3 Для чого неправість мені Ти показуєш та позираєш на муку? А передо мною грабіж та насильство, і суперечка стається, і носиться сварка. 4 Тому то Закон припиняється, і не виходить до чину назавсіди право, бо несправедливий вигублює праведного, тому правосуддя виходить покривленим. 5 Пригляньтеся ви до народів, і дивіться, і дуже здивуйтесь, бо вчиню Я за ваших днів діло, про яке не повірите ви, коли буде розказане. 6 Бо оце Я поставлю халдеїв, народ лютий та скорий, що ґрасує по широкій землі, щоб захопити оселі, які не його. 7 Страшний та грізний він, від нього самого виходить і право його, і великість його. 8 І від пантер його коні швидші, і від вовків вечерових лютіші. 9 Він приходить увесь на насильство, а ціль їх обличчя вперед, і набере полонених, як того піску. 10 І він глузує з царів, а князі сміх для нього. Він сміється з твердині усякої, бо на вал насипає землі, і її здобуває! 11 Тоді він несеться, як вітер, і перейде, і згрішить, бо зробить за бога свого оцю силу свою. 12 Хіба ж Ти не віддавна, о Господи? Боже Ти мій, мій Святий, не помремо! Господи, Ти для суду поставив його, і, о Скеле, призначив його на карання! 13 Твої очі занадто пречисті, щоб міг Ти дивитись на зло, і на насильство дивитись не можеш. Чому ж дивишся Ти на грабіжників, мовчиш, коли несправедливий винищує справедливішого від себе? 14 Ти ж маєш людей, як у морі тих риб, немов ту черву, що пана над нею нема. 15 Усе це грабіжник витягує вудкою, своїм неводом тягне оце, та збирає оце в свою сітку, тому тішиться він та радіє. 16 Тому жертву приносить він неводові, і кадить для сітки своєї, бо від них ситий уділ його та добірна пожива його! 17 Чи на це випорожнює він свого невода, і завжди готов убивати народи без милости?