Mark 8

  8:1   1722 εν In 1565 εκείναις those 3588 ταις   2250 ημέραις days, 3827 παμπόλλου a very great 3793 όχλου multitude 1510.6 όντος being, 2532 και and 3361 μη not 2192 εχόντων having 5100 τι anything 2068 φάγωσι to eat, 4341-3588-* προσκαλεσάμενος ο Ιησούς Jesus having called 3588 τους   3101-1473 μαθητάς αυτού his disciples, 3004 λέγει says 1473 αυτοίς to them,   8:2   4697 σπλαγχνίζομαι I am moved with compassion 1909 επί over 3588 τον the 3793 όχλον multitude, 3754 ότι for 2235 ήδη already 2250 ημέρας [2days 5140 τρεις 1three] 4357 προσμένουσί they remain with 1473 μοι me, 2532 και and 3756-2192 ουκ έχουσι they do not have 5100 τι anything 2068 φάγωσι to eat.   8:3   2532 και And 1437 εάν if 630 απολύσω I should release 1473 αυτούς them 3523 νήστεις hungry from fasting 1519 εις unto 3624-1473 οίκον αυτών their house, 1590 εκλυθήσονται they shall be fainting 1722 εν in 3588 τη the 3598 οδώ way; 5100-1063 τινές γαρ for some 1473 αυτών of them 3113 μακρόθεν [2from far off 2240 ήκασι 1have come].   8:4   2532 και And 611 απεκρίθησαν [2answered 1473 αυτώ 3him 3588 οι   3101-1473 μαθηταί αυτού 1his disciples], 4159 πόθεν From what place 3778 τούτους [3of these 1410 δυνήσεταί 1shall 5be able 5100 τις 2any 5602 ώδε 4here] 5526 χορτάσαι to fill 740 άρτων of bread 1909 επ΄ in 2047 ερημίας a desolate place?   8:5   2532 και And 1905 επηρώτα he asked 1473 αυτούς them, 4214 πόσους How many 2192 έχετε [2do you have 740 άρτους 1bread loaves]? 3588-1161 οι δε And they 2036 είπον said, 2033 επτά Seven.   8:6   2532 και And 3853 παρήγγειλεν he exhorted 3588 τω the 3793 όχλω multitude 377 αναπεσείν to recline 1909 επί upon 3588 της the 1093 γης ground. 2532 και And 2983 λαβών having taken 3588 τους the 2033 επτά seven 740 άρτους bread loaves, 2168 ευχαριστήσας having given thanks, 2806 έκλασε he broke, 2532 και and 1325 εδίδου gave 3588 τοις to 3101-1473 μαθηταίς αυτού his disciples, 2443 ίνα that 3908 παραθώσι they should place it near them; 2532 και and 3908 παρέθηκαν they placed it near 3588 τω the 3793 όχλω multitude.   8:7   2532 και And 2192 είχον they had 2485 ιχθύδια [2small fishes 3641 ολίγα 1a few]; 2532 και and 2127 ευλογήσας having blessed, 2036 είπε he said 3908 παραθείναι to place [2near 2532 και 3also 1473 αυτά 1them].   8:8   2068-1161 έφαγον δε And they ate, 2532 και and 5526 εχορτάσθησαν were filled. 2532 και And 142 ήραν they lifted up 4051 περισσεύματα an abundance 2801 κλασμάτων of pieces -- 2033 επτά seven 4711 σπυρίδας small baskets.   8:9   1510.7.6 ήσαν [4were 1161 δε 1And 3588 οι 2the ones 2068 φαγόντες 3eating] 5613 ως about 5070 τετρακισχίλιοι four thousand; 2532 και and 630 απέλυσεν he dismissed 1473 αυτούς them.   8:10   2532 και And 2112 ευθέως immediately 1684 εμβάς having stepped 1519 εις into 3588 το the 4143 πλοίον boat 3326 μετά with 3588 των   3101-1473 μαθητών αυτού his disciples, 2064 ήλθεν he came 1519 εις into 3588 τα the 3313 μέρη parts * Δαλμανουθά of Dalmanutha.   8:11   2532 και And 1831 εξήλθον came forth 3588 οι the * Φαρισαίοι Pharisees, 2532 και and 756 ήρξαντο they began 4802 συζητείν to debate 1473 αυτώ with him, 2212 ζητούντες seeking 3844 παρ΄ from 1473 αυτού him 4592 σημείον a sign 575 από from 3588 του the 3772 ουρανού heaven, 3985 πειράζοντες testing 1473 αυτόν him.   8:12   2532 και And 389 αναστενάξας having groaned 3588 τω in 4151-1473 πνεύματι αυτού his spirit, 3004 λέγει he says, 5100 τι Why 3588 η   1074-3778 γενεά αυτή does this generation 4592 σημείον [2for a sign 1934 επιζητεί 1seek anxiously]? 281 αμήν Amen 3004 λέγω I say 1473 υμίν to you, 1487 ει Shall 1325 δοθήσεται [2be given 3588 τη   1074-3778 γενεά ταύτη 3to this generation 4592 σημείον 1a sign], no.   8:13   2532 και And 863 αφείς having left 1473 αυτούς them, 1684 εμβάς [2having stepped 3825 πάλιν 1again] 1519 εις into 3588 το the 4143 πλοίον boat, 565 απήλθεν he went forth 1519 εις unto 3588 το the 4008 πέραν other side.   8:14   2532 και And 1950 επελάθοντο they forgot 2983 λαβείν to take 740 άρτους bread loaves; 2532 και and 1508 ει μη except 1520 ένα for one 740 άρτον bread loaf, 3756 ουκ they did not 2192 είχον have any 3326 μεθ΄ with 1438 εαυτών themselves 1722 εν in 3588 τω the 4143 πλοίω boat.   8:15   2532 και And 1291 διεστέλλετο he warned 1473 αυτοίς them 3004 λέγων saying, 3708 οράτε See! 991 βλέπετε take heed 575 από of 3588 της the 2219 ζύμης yeast 3588 των of the * Φαρισαίων Pharisees 2532 και and 3588 της the 2219 ζύμης yeast * Ηρώδου of Herod!   8:16   2532 και And 1260 διελογίζοντο they reasoned 4314 προς with 240 αλλήλους one another, 3004 λέγοντες saying 3754 ότι that, 740 άρτους [2bread loaves 3756-2192 ουκ έχομεν 1We have no].   8:17   2532 και And 1097 γνούς knowing, 3588 ο   * Ιησούς Jesus 3004 λέγει says 1473 αυτοίς to them, 5100 τι Why 1260 διαλογίζεσθε do you reason 3754 ότι that 740 άρτους [2bread loaves 3756-2192 ουκ έχετε 1you have no]? 3768 ούπω Not yet 3539 νοείτε do you comprehend, 3761 ουδέ nor 4920 συνίετε perceive? 2089 έτι [2still 4456 πεπωρωμένην 5being calloused 2192 έχετε 1Do you 3have 3588 την   2588-1473 καρδίαν υμών 4your heart]?   8:18   3788 οφθαλμούς [2eyes 2192 έχοντες 1Having], 3756 ου do you not 991 βλέπετε see? 2532 και And 3775 ώτα ears 2192 έχοντες having, 3756 ουκ do you not 191 ακούετε hear? 2532 και And 3756 ου do you not 3421 μνημονεύετε remember?   8:19   3753 ότε When 3588 τους the 4002 πέντε five 740 άρτους bread loaves 2806 έκλασα I broke 1519 εις for 3588 τους the 4000 πεντακισχιλίους five thousand, 4214 πόσους how many 2894 κοφίνους hampers 4134 πλήρεις full 2801 κλασμάτων of pieces 142 ήρατε did you lift? 3004 λέγουσιν They say 1473 αυτώ to him, 1427 δώδεκα Twelve.   8:20   3753-1161 ότε δε And when 3588 τους the 2033 επτά seven 1519 εις for 3588 τους the 5070 τετρακισχιλίους four thousand, 4214 πόσων how many 4711 σπυρίδων small baskets 4138 πληρώματα full 2801 κλασμάτων of pieces 142 ήρατε did you lift? 3588-1161 οι δε And they 2036 είπον said, 2033 επτά Seven.   8:21   2532 και And 3004 έλεγεν he said 1473 αυτοίς to them, 4459 πως How 3756 ου do you not 4920 συνίετε perceive?   8:22   2532 και And 2064 έρχεται he comes 1519 εις into * Βηθσαϊδαν Bethsaida; 2532 και and 5342 φέρουσιν they bring 1473 αυτώ to him 5185 τυφλόν a blind man, 2532 και and 3870 παρακαλούσιν they appeal to 1473 αυτόν him 2443 ίνα that 1473-680 αυτού άψηται he should touch him.   8:23   2532 και And 1949 επιλαβόμενος taking hold of 3588 της the 5495 χειρός hand 3588 του of the 5185 τυφλού blind man, 1806 εξήγαγεν he led 1473 αυτόν him 1854 έξω outside 3588 της of the 2968 κώμης town; 2532 και and 4429 πτύσας having spit 1519 εις into 3588 τα   3659-1473 όμματα αυτού his eyes, 2007 επιθείς having placed 3588 τας his 5495 χείρας hands 1473 αυτώ to him, 1905 επηρώτα he asks 1473 αυτόν him 1536 ει τι if anything 991 βλέπει he sees.   8:24   2532 και And 308 αναβλέψας having looked up 3004 έλεγεν he said, 991 βλέπω I see 3588 τους   444 ανθρώπους men 5613 ως as 1186 δένδρα trees, 4043 περιπατούντας walking.   8:25   1534 είτα Then 3825 πάλιν again 2007 επέθηκε he placed 3588 τας the 5495 χείρας hands 1909 επί upon 3588 τους   3788-1473 οφθαλμούς αυτού his eyes, 2532 και and 4160 εποίησεν he made 1473 αυτόν him 308 αναβλέψε to look up. 2532 και And 600 αποκατεστάθη he was restored, 2532 και and 1689 ενέβλεψεν he looked 5081 τηλαυγώς clearly 537 άπαντας on all.   8:26   2532 και And 649 απέστειλεν he sent 1473 αυτόν him 1519 εις unto 3588 τον   3624-1473 οίκον αυτού his house, 3004 λέγων saying, 3366 μηδέ Neither 1519 εις into 3588 την the 2968 κώμην town 1525 εισέλθης should you enter, 3366 μηδέ nor 2036 είπης should you speak 5100 τινί to any 1722 εν in 3588 τη the 2968 κώμη town.   8:27   2532 και And 1831-3588-* εξήλθεν ο Ιησούς Jesus went forth, 2532 και and 3588 οι   3101-1473 μαθηταί αυτού his disciples, 1519 εις into 3588 τας the 2968 κώμας towns * Καισαρείας of Caesarea, 3588 της the one * Φιλίππου of Philippi. 2532 και And 1722 εν in 3588 τη the 3598 οδώ way 1905 επηρώτα he asks 3588 τους   3101-1473 μαθητάς αυτού his disciples, 3004 λέγων saying 1473 αυτοίς to them, 5100 τίνα Who 1473 με [3me 3004 λέγουσιν 2say 3588 οι   444 άνθρωποι 1do men] 1510.1 είναι to be?   8:28   3588-1161 οι δε And they 611 απεκρίθησαν answered, * Ιωάννην John 3588 τον the 910 βαπτιστήν Baptist; 2532 και and 243 άλλοι others * Ηλίαν Elijah; 243-1161 άλλοι δε and others, 1520 ένα One 3588 των of the 4396 προφητών prophets.   8:29   2532 και And 1473 αυτός he 3004 λέγει says 1473 αυτοίς to them, 1473-1161 υμείς δε And you, 5100 τίνα whom 1473-3004 με λέγετε do you say me 1510.1 είναι to be? 611-1161 αποκριθείς δε And answering 3588 ο   * Πέτρος Peter 3004 λέγει says 1473 αυτώ to him, 1473 συ You 1510.2.2 ει are 3588 ο the 5547 Χριστός Christ.   8:30   2532 και And 2008 επετίμησεν he gave reproach 1473 αυτοίς to them 2443 ίνα that 3367 μηδενί to no one 3004 λέγωσι they should tell 4012 περί concerning 1473 αυτού him.   8:31   2532 και And 756 ήρξατο he began 1321 διδάσκειν to teach 1473 αυτούς them 3754 ότι that 1163 δει it is necessary 3588 τον for the 5207 υιόν son 3588 του   444 ανθρώπου of man 4183 πολλά [2many things 3958 παθείν 1to suffer], 2532 και and 593 αποδοκιμασθήναι to be rejected 575 από by 3588 των the 4245 πρεσβυτέρων elders, 2532 και and 749 αρχιερέων chief priests, 2532 και and 1122 γραμματέων scribes, 2532 και and 615 αποκτανθήναι to be killed, 2532 και and 3326 μετά after 5140 τρεις three 2250 ημέρας days 450 αναστήναι to rise up.   8:32   2532 και And 3954 παρρησία in an open manner 3588 τον [2the 3056 λόγον 3matter 2980 ελάλει 1he spoke]. 2532 και And 4355-1473 προσλαβόμενος αυτόν [2taking him to himself 3588 ο   * Πέτρος 1Peter] 756 ήρξατο began 2008 επιτιμάν to reproach 1473 αυτώ him.   8:33   3588-1161 ο δε And he 1994 επιστραφείς turned. 2532 και And 1492 ιδών beholding 3588 τους   3101-1473 μαθητάς αυτού his disciples 2008 επετίμησεν he reproached 3588 τω   * Πέτρω Peter, 3004 λέγων saying, 5217 ύπαγε Go 3694 οπίσω behind 1473 μου me 4567 σατανά satan! 3754 ότι for 3756 ου you do not 5426 φρονείς think 3588 τα the things 3588 του   2316 θεού of God, 235 αλλά but 3588 τα the things 3588 των   444 ανθρώπων of men.   8:34   2532 και And 4341 προσκαλεσάμενος having called 3588 τον the 3793 όχλον multitude 4862 συν with 3588 τοις   3101-1473 μαθηταίς αυτού his disciples, 2036 είπεν he said 1473 αυτοίς to them, 3748 όστις Whoever 2309 θέλει wants 3694 οπίσω [2after 1473 μου 3me 2064 ελθείν 1to come], 533 απαρνησάσθω let him totally reject 1438 εαυτόν himself, 2532 και and 142 αράτω lift 3588 τον   4716-1473 σταυρόν αυτού his cross, 2532 και and 190 ακολουθείτω follow 1473 μοι me!   8:35   3739-1063 ος γαρ For who 302 αν ever 2309 θέλη should want 3588 την   5590-1473 ψυχήν αυτού [2his life 4982 σώσαι 1to preserve] 622 απολέσει shall lose 1473 αυτήν it; 3739-1161 ος δ΄ and who 302 αν ever 622 απολέση should lose 3588 την   5590-1473 ψυχήν αυτού his life 1752 ένεκεν because of 1473 εμού me 2532 και and 3588 του of the 2098 ευαγγελίου good news, 3778 ούτος this one 4982 σώσει will preserve 1473 αυτήν it.   8:36   5100-1063 τι γαρ For what 5623 ωφελήσει will it benefit 444 άνθρωπον a man, 1437 εάν if 2770 κερδήση he should gain 3588 τον the 2889 κόσμον [2world 3650 όλον 1whole], 2532 και and 2210 ζημιωθή suffer loss 3588 την   5590-1473 ψυχήν αυτού of his soul?   8:37   2228 η Or 5100 τι what 1325 δώσει shall [2give 444 άνθρωπος 1a man] 465 αντάλλαγμα as a bargain 3588 της   5590-1473 ψυχής αυτού for his soul?   8:38   3739-1063 ος γαρ For who 302 αν ever 1870 επαισχυνθή should be ashamed of 1473 με me 2532 και and 3588 τους   1699 εμούς of my 3056 λόγους words 1722 εν in 3588 τη   1074 γενεά [5generation 3778 ταύτη 1this 3588 τη   3428 μοιχαλίδι 2adulterous 2532 και 3and 268 αμαρτωλώ 4sinful], 2532 και even 3588 ο the 5207 υιός son 3588 του   444 ανθρώπου of man 1870 επαισχυνθήσεται shall be ashamed of 1473 αυτόν him, 3752 όταν whenever 2064 έλθη he should come 1722 εν in 3588 τη the 1391 δόξη glory 3588 του   3962-1473 πατρός αυτού of his father 3326 μετά with 3588 των the 32 αγγέλων [2angels 3588 των   39 αγίων 1holy].