Isaiah 26

  1 G3588   G2250 In that day G1565   G103 they shall sing G3588   G779.1 this song G3778   G1909 upon G1093 the land G3588   G* of Judea, G2400 Behold, G4172 [2city G2478 1a strong]; G2532 and G4992 [2our deliverance G1473   G5087 1he shall establish] G3588 for the G5038 wall G2532 and G4058.9 rampart.
  2 G455 Open G4439 O gates! G1525 Enter! G2992 O people G5442 guarding G1343 righteousness, G2532 and G5442 guarding G225 truth;
  3 G482 taking hold of G225 truth, G2532 and G5442 guarding G1515 peace.
  4 G3754 For G1909 upon G1473 you G1679 we hoped, G2962 O lord G2193 unto G3588 the G165 eon, G3588 the G2316 [3God G3588   G3173 1great G3588   G166 2eternal];
  5 G3739 who G5013 humbling, G2609 he led down G3588 the ones G1774 dwelling G1722 on G5308 high. G4172 [3cities G3793.1 2fortified G2598 1You shall throw down], G2532 and G2609 lead them down G2193 unto G1475 the ground.
  6 G2532 And G3961 [3will tread G1473 4them G4228 2feet G4239 1gentle] G2532 and G5011 of humble G968 rostrums.
  7 G3598 The way G2152 of the pious G2117 [2straight G1096 1becomes]; G2532 and G3903 [5 is being prepared G3588 1the G3598 2way G3588 3of the G2152 4pious].
  8 G3588 For the G1063   G3598 way G2962 of the lord G2920 is equitable; G1679 we hoped G1909 upon G3588   G3686 your name, G1473   G2532 and G1909 upon G3588 the G3417 remembrance of you
  9 G3739 which G1937 [2desires G3588   G5590 1our soul]. G1473   G1537 From out of G3571 the night G3719 [2rises early G3588   G4151 1my spirit] G1473   G4314 to G1473 you, G3588 O G2316 God, G1360 because G5457 [2 are light G3588   G4366.2 1your orders] G1473   G1909 upon G3588 the G1093 earth. G1343 [2righteousness G3129 1Learn], G3588 O ones G1774 dwelling G1909 upon G3588 the G1093 earth!
  10 G3973 [4ceases G1063 1For G3588 2the G765 3impious]; G3766.2 in no way G3129 should he learn G1343 righteousness G1909 upon G3588 the G1093 earth; G225 [3truth G3766.2 1no way G4160 2should he execute]. G142 Lift away G3588 the G765 impious! G2443 that G3361 he should not G1492 behold G3588 the G1391 glory G2962 of the lord .
  11 G2962 O lord, G5308 [3 is high G1473 1your G3588   G1023 2arm], G2532 but G3756 they did not G1492 know; G1097 but in knowing G1161   G153 they shall be ashamed; G2205 zeal G2983 shall take hold G2992 [2people G521 1of an uninstructed]; G2532 and G3568 now G4442 fire G3588 [2the G5227 3adversaries G2068 1shall devour].
  12 G2962 O lord G3588   G2316 our God, G1473   G1515 [2peace G1325 1give] G1473 to us! G3956 for all things G1063   G591 you rendered G1473 to us.
  13 G2962 O lord G3588   G2316 our God, G1473   G2932 acquire G1473 us! G2962 O lord, G1623 outside G1473 of you G243 there is no other G3756   G1492 we know. G3588   G3686 [2your name G1473   G3687 1We named].
  14 G3588 But the G1161   G3498 dead G2222 [3life G3766.2 1in no way G1492 2shall see], G3761 nor G2395 shall physicians G3766.2 in any way G450 raise them up. G1223 On account of G3778 this G1863 you struck, G2532 and G622 destroyed; G2532 and G142 you lifted away G3956 every G730 male G1473 of them.
  15 G4369 Add G1473 to them G2556 bad things, G2962 O lord, G4369 add G2556 bad things G3588 to the G1741 glorious ones G3588 of the G1093 earth!
  16 G2962 O lord, G1722 in G2347 affliction G3403 we remembered G1473 you; G1722 in G2347 [2affliction G3397 1small] G3588   G3809 your instruction G1473   G1473 is with us.
  17 G2532 And G5616 as G3588 a woman G5605 travailing G1448 approaches G3588   G5088 to give birth, G2532 and G1909 over G3588   G5604 her birth pangs G1473   G2896 she cries out, G3779 so G1096 we were G3588 to G27 your beloved. G1473  
  18 G1223 Because of G3588 the G5401 fear G1473 of you, G2962 O lord, G1722 [2in G1064 3 the womb G2983 1we conceived], G2532 and G5605 travailed, G2532 and G5088 birthed G4151 the breath G4991 of your deliverance, G1473   G3739 which G4160 you did G1909 upon G3588 the G1093 earth. G3756 We shall not G4098 fall, G235 but G4098 [7shall fall G3956 1all G3588 2the ones G1774 3dwelling G1909 4upon G3588 5the G1093 6earth].
  19 G450 [3shall rise up G3588 1The G3498 2dead], G2532 and G1453 [5shall be raised G3588 1the ones G1722 2in G3588 3the G3419 4sepulchres], G2532 and G2165 [5shall be glad G3588 1the ones G1722 2in G3588 3the G1093 4earth], G3588 for the G1063   G1408.1 dew G3588   G3844 by G1473 you G2386 [2a cure G1473 3to them G1510.2.3 1is]; G3588 but the G1161   G1093 land G3588 of the G765 impious G4098 shall fall.
  20 G897.2 Proceed, G2992 O my people! G1473   G1525 Enter G1519 into G3588   G5009 your inner chambers! G1473   G608 Lock G3588   G2374 your door! G1473   G613 Be concealed G3397 a little! G3745 as much as this, G3745 as much as that, G2193 until G302 whenever G3928 [4should go by G3588 1the G3709 2anger G2962 3 of the lord].
  21 G2400 For behold G1063   G2962 the lord G575 [3from G3588 4the G39 5holy place G1863 1brings G3588   G3709 2anger] G1909 upon G3588 the G2730 ones dwelling G1909 upon G3588 the G1093 earth; G2532 and G343 [3shall uncover G3588 1the G1093 2earth] G3588   G129 her blood, G1473   G2532 and G3756 shall not G2619 cover up G3588 the G337 ones being done away with G2089 any more.
  1 G3588 τη G2250 ημέρα εκείνη G1565   G103 άσονται G3588 το G779.1 άσμα τούτο G3778   G1909 επί G1093 γης G3588 της G* Ιουδαίας G2400 ιδού G4172 πόλις G2478 ισχυρά G2532 και G4992 σωτήριον ημών G1473   G5087 θήσει G3588 το G5038 τείχος G2532 και G4058.9 περίτειχος
  2 G455 ανοίξατε G4439 πύλας G1525 εισελθέτω G2992 λαός G5442 φυλάσσων G1343 δικαιοσύνην G2532 και G5442 φυλάσσων G225 αλήθειαν
  3 G482 αντιλαμβανόμενος G225 αληθείας G2532 και G5442 φυλάσσων G1515 ειρήνην
  4 G3754 ότι G1909 επί G1473 σοι G1679 ηλπίσαμεν G2962 κύριε G2193 έως G3588 του G165 αιώνος G3588 ο G2316 θεός G3588 ο G3173 μέγας G3588 ο G166 αιώνιος
  5 G3739 ος G5013 ταπεινώσας G2609 κατήγαγεν G3588 τους G1774 ενοικούντας G1722 εν G5308 υψηλοίς G4172 πόλεις G3793.1 οχυράς G2598 καταβαλείς G2532 και G2609 κατάξεις G2193 έως G1475 εδάφους
  6 G2532 και G3961 πατήσουσιν G1473 αυτάς G4228 πόδες G4239 πραέων G2532 και G5011 ταπεινών G968 βήματα
  7 G3598 οδός G2152 ευσεβών G2117 ευθεία G1096 εγένετο G2532 και G3903 παρεσκευασμένη G3588 η G3598 οδός G3588 των G2152 ευσεβών
  8 G3588 η γαρ G1063   G3598 οδός G2962 κυρίου G2920 κρίσις G1679 ηλπίσαμεν G1909 επί G3588 τω G3686 ονόματί σου G1473   G2532 και G1909 επί G3588 τη G3417 μνεία
  9 G3739 η G1937 επιθύμει G3588 η G5590 ψυχή ημών G1473   G1537 εκ G3571 νυκτός G3719 ορθρίζει G3588 το G4151 πνεύμά μου G1473   G4314 προς G1473 σε G3588 ο G2316 θεός G1360 διότι G5457 φως G3588 τα G4366.2 προστάγματά σου G1473   G1909 επί G3588 της G1093 γης G1343 δικαιοσύνην G3129 μάθετε G3588 οι G1774 ενοικούντες G1909 επί G3588 της G1093 γης
  10 G3973 πέπαυται G1063 γαρ G3588 ο G765 ασεβής G3766.2 ου μη G3129 μάθη G1343 δικαιοσύνην G1909 επί G3588 της G1093 γης G225 αλήθειαν G3766.2 ου μη G4160 ποιήση G142 αρθήτω G3588 ο G765 ασεβής G2443 ίνα G3361 μη G1492 ίδη G3588 την G1391 δόξαν G2962 κυρίου
  11 G2962 κύριε G5308 υψηλός G1473 σου G3588 ο G1023 βραχίων G2532 και G3756 ουκ G1492 ήδεισαν G1097 γνόντες δε G1161   G153 αισχυνθήσονται G2205 ζήλος G2983 λήψεται G2992 λαόν G521 απαίδευτον G2532 και G3568 νυν G4442 πυρ G3588 τους G5227 υπεναντίους G2068 έδεται
  12 G2962 κύριε G3588 ο G2316 θεός ημών G1473   G1515 ειρήνην G1325 δος G1473 ημίν G3956 πάντα γαρ G1063   G591 απέδωκας G1473 ημίν
  13 G2962 κύριε G3588 ο G2316 θεός ημών G1473   G2932 κτήσαι G1473 ημάς G2962 κύριε G1623 εκτός G1473 σου G243 άλλον ουκ G3756   G1492 οίδαμεν G3588 το G3686 όνομά σου G1473   G3687 ονομάζομεν
  14 G3588 οι δε G1161   G3498 νεκροί G2222 ζωήν G3766.2 ου μη G1492 ίδωσιν G3761 ουδέ G2395 ιατροί G3766.2 ου μη G450 αναστήσουσι G1223 διά G3778 τούτο G1863 επήγαγες G2532 και G622 απώλεσας G2532 και G142 ήρας G3956 παν G730 άρσεν G1473 αυτών
  15 G4369 πρόσθες G1473 αυτοίς G2556 κακά G2962 κύριε G4369 πρόσθες G2556 κακά G3588 τοις G1741 ενδόξοις G3588 της G1093 γης
  16 G2962 κύριε G1722 εν G2347 θλίψει G3403 εμνήσθημέν G1473 σου G1722 εν G2347 θλίψει G3397 μικρά G3588 η G3809 παιδεία σου G1473   G1473 ημίν
  17 G2532 και G5616 ωσεί G3588 η G5605 ωδίνουσα G1448 εγγίζει G3588 του G5088 τεκείν G2532 και G1909 επί G3588 τη G5604 ωδίνι αυτής G1473   G2896 εκέκραξεν G3779 ούτως G1096 εγένηθημεν G3588 τω G27 αγαπητώ σου G1473  
  18 G1223 διά G3588 τον G5401 φόβον G1473 σου G2962 κύριε G1722 εν G1064 γαστρί G2983 ελάβομεν G2532 και G5605 ωδινήσαμεν G2532 και G5088 ετέκομεν G4151 πνεύμα G4991 σωτηρίας σου G1473   G3739 ο G4160 εποίησας G1909 επί G3588 της G1093 γης G3756 ου G4098 πεσούμεθα G235 αλλά G4098 πεσούνται G3956 πάντες G3588 οι G1774 ενοικούντες G1909 επί G3588 της G1093 γης
  19 G450 αναστήσονται G3588 οι G3498 νεκροί G2532 και G1453 εγερθήσονται G3588 οι G1722 εν G3588 τοις G3419 μνημείοις G2532 και G2165 ευφρανθήσονται G3588 οι G1722 εν G3588 τη G1093 γη G3588 η γαρ G1063   G1408.1 δρόσος G3588 η G3844 παρά G1473 σου G2386 ίαμα G1473 αυτοίς G1510.2.3 εστιν G3588 η δε G1161   G1093 γη G3588 των G765 ασεβών G4098 πεσείται
  20 G897.2 βάδιζε G2992 λαός μου G1473   G1525 είσελθε G1519 εις G3588 τα G5009 ταμείά σου G1473   G608 απόκλεισον G3588 την G2374 θύραν σου G1473   G613 αποκρύβηθι G3397 μικρόν G3745 όσον G3745 όσον G2193 έως G302 αν G3928 παρέλθη G3588 η G3709 οργή G2962 κυρίου
  21 G2400 ιδού γαρ G1063   G2962 κύριος G575 από G3588 του G39 αγίου G1863 επάγει G3588 την G3709 οργήν G1909 επί G3588 τους G2730 κατοικούντας G1909 επί G3588 της G1093 γης G2532 και G343 ανακαλύψει G3588 η G1093 γη G3588 το G129 αίμα αυτής G1473   G2532 και G3756 ου G2619 κατακαλύψει G3588 τους G337 ανηρημένους G2089 έτι
    1 G3588 T-DSF τη G2250 N-DSF ημερα G1565 D-DSF εκεινη G103 V-FMI-3P ασονται G3588 T-ASN το   N-ASN ασμα G3778 D-ASN τουτο G1909 PREP επι G1065 N-GSF γης G2448 N-PRI ιουδα G3004 V-PAPNP λεγοντες G2400 INJ ιδου G4172 N-NSF πολις   A-NSF οχυρα G2532 CONJ και G4992 N-ASN σωτηριον G1473 P-GP ημων G5087 V-FAI-3S θησει G5038 N-ASN τειχος G2532 CONJ και   N-ASN περιτειχος
    2 G455 V-AAD-2P ανοιξατε G4439 N-APF πυλας G1525 V-AAD-3S εισελθατω G2992 N-NSM λαος G5442 V-PAPNS φυλασσων G1343 N-ASF δικαιοσυνην G2532 CONJ και G5442 V-PAPNS φυλασσων G225 N-ASF αληθειαν
    3   V-PMPNS αντιλαμβανομενος G225 N-GSF αληθειας G2532 CONJ και G5442 V-PAPNS φυλασσων G1515 N-ASF ειρηνην G3754 CONJ οτι G1909 PREP επι G4771 P-DS σοι
    4 G1679 V-AAI-3P ηλπισαν G2962 N-VSM κυριε G2193 PREP εως G3588 T-GSM του G165 N-GSM αιωνος G3588 T-NSM ο G2316 N-NSM θεος G3588 T-NSM ο G3173 A-NSM μεγας G3588 T-NSM ο G166 A-NSM αιωνιος
    5 G3739 R-NSM ος G5013 V-AAPNS ταπεινωσας G2609 V-AAI-2S κατηγαγες G3588 T-APM τους G1774 V-PAPAP ενοικουντας G1722 PREP εν G5308 A-DPM υψηλοις G4172 N-APF πολεις   A-APF οχυρας G2598 V-FAI-2S καταβαλεις G2532 CONJ και G2609 V-FAI-2S καταξεις G2193 PREP εως G1475 N-GSN εδαφους
    6 G2532 CONJ και G3961 V-FAI-3P πατησουσιν G846 D-APM αυτους G4228 N-NPM ποδες G4239 A-GPM πραεων G2532 CONJ και G5011 A-GPM ταπεινων
    7 G3598 N-NSF οδος G2152 A-GPM ευσεβων G2117 A-NSF ευθεια G1096 V-AMI-3S εγενετο G2532 CONJ και G3903 V-RMPNS παρεσκευασμενη G3588 T-NSF η G3598 N-NSF οδος G3588 T-GPM των G2152 A-GPM ευσεβων
    8 G3588 T-NSF η G1063 PRT γαρ G3598 N-NSF οδος G2962 N-GSM κυριου G2920 N-NSF κρισις G1679 V-AAI-1P ηλπισαμεν G1909 PREP επι G3588 T-DSN τω G3686 N-DSN ονοματι G4771 P-GS σου G2532 CONJ και G1909 PREP επι G3588 T-DSF τη G3417 N-DSF μνεια
    9 G3739 R-DSF η G1937 V-PAI-3S επιθυμει G3588 T-NSF η G5590 N-NSF ψυχη G1473 P-GP ημων G1537 PREP εκ G3571 N-GSF νυκτος G3719 V-PAI-3S ορθριζει G3588 T-NSN το G4151 N-NSN πνευμα G1473 P-GS μου G4314 PREP προς G4771 P-AS σε G3588 T-VSM ο G2316 N-VSM θεος G1360 CONJ διοτι G5457 N-NSN φως G3588 T-NPN τα   N-NPN προσταγματα G4771 P-GS σου G1909 PREP επι G3588 T-GSF της G1065 N-GSF γης G1343 N-ASF δικαιοσυνην G3129 V-AAD-2P μαθετε G3588 T-NPM οι G1774 V-PAPNP ενοικουντες G1909 PREP επι G3588 T-GSF της G1065 N-GSF γης
    10 G3973 V-RPI-3S πεπαυται G1063 PRT γαρ G3588 T-NSM ο G765 A-NSM ασεβης G3364 ADV ου G3165 ADV μη G3129 V-AAS-3S μαθη G1343 N-ASF δικαιοσυνην G1909 PREP επι G3588 T-GSF της G1065 N-GSF γης G225 N-ASF αληθειαν G3364 ADV ου G3165 ADV μη G4160 V-AAS-3S ποιηση G142 V-APD-3S αρθητω G3588 T-NSM ο G765 A-NSM ασεβης G2443 CONJ ινα G3165 ADV μη G3708 V-AAS-3S ιδη G3588 T-ASF την G1391 N-ASF δοξαν G2962 N-GSM κυριου
    11 G2962 N-VSM κυριε G5308 A-NSM υψηλος G4771 P-GS σου G3588 T-NSM ο G1023 N-NSM βραχιων G2532 CONJ και G3364 ADV ουκ   V-YAI-3P ηδεισαν G1097 V-AAPNP γνοντες G1161 PRT δε G153 V-FPI-3P αισχυνθησονται G2205 N-NSM ζηλος G2983 V-FMI-3S λημψεται G2992 N-ASM λαον G521 A-ASM απαιδευτον G2532 CONJ και G3568 ADV νυν G4442 N-NSN πυρ G3588 T-APM τους   A-APM υπεναντιους G2068 V-FMI-3S εδεται
    12 G2962 N-VSM κυριε G3588 T-VSM ο G2316 N-VSM θεος G1473 P-GP ημων G1515 N-ASF ειρηνην G1325 V-AAD-2S δος G1473 P-DP ημιν G3956 A-APN παντα G1063 PRT γαρ G591 V-AAI-2S απεδωκας G1473 P-DP ημιν
    13 G2962 N-VSM κυριε G3588 T-VSM ο G2316 N-VSM θεος G1473 P-GP ημων G2932 V-AMD-2S κτησαι G1473 P-AP ημας G2962 N-VSM κυριε G1622 PREP εκτος G4771 P-GS σου G243 D-ASM αλλον G3364 ADV ουκ   V-RAI-1P οιδαμεν G3588 T-ASN το G3686 N-ASN ονομα G4771 P-GS σου G3687 V-PAI-1P ονομαζομεν
    14 G3588 T-NPM οι G1161 PRT δε G3498 N-NPM νεκροι G2222 N-ASF ζωην G3364 ADV ου G3165 ADV μη G3708 V-AAS-3P ιδωσιν G3761 CONJ ουδε G2395 N-NPM ιατροι G3364 ADV ου G3165 ADV μη G450 V-AAS-3P αναστησωσιν G1223 PREP δια G3778 D-ASN τουτο   V-AAI-2S επηγαγες G2532 CONJ και   V-AAI-2S απωλεσας G2532 CONJ και G142 V-AAI-2S ηρας G3956 A-ASM παν   A-ASN αρσεν G846 D-GPM αυτων
    15 G4369 V-AAD-2S προσθες G846 D-DPM αυτοις G2556 A-APN κακα G2962 N-VSM κυριε G4369 V-AAD-2S προσθες G2556 A-APN κακα G3956 A-DPM πασιν G3588 T-DPM τοις G1741 A-DPM ενδοξοις G3588 T-GSF της G1065 N-GSF γης
    16 G2962 N-VSM κυριε G1722 PREP εν G2347 N-DSF θλιψει G3403 V-API-1S εμνησθην G4771 P-GS σου G1722 PREP εν G2347 N-DSF θλιψει G3398 A-DSF μικρα G3588 T-NSF η G3809 N-NSF παιδεια G4771 P-GS σου G1473 P-DP ημιν
    17 G2532 CONJ και G3739 ADV ως G3588 T-NSF η G5605 V-PAPNS ωδινουσα G1448 V-PAI-3S εγγιζει G3588 T-GSN του G5088 V-AAN τεκειν G2532 CONJ και G1909 PREP επι G3588 T-DSF τη G5604 N-DSF ωδινι G846 D-GSF αυτης G2896 V-AAI-3S εκεκραξεν G3778 ADV ουτως G1096 V-API-1P εγενηθημεν G3588 T-DSM τω G27 A-DSM αγαπητω G4771 P-GS σου G1223 PREP δια G3588 T-ASM τον G5401 N-ASM φοβον G4771 P-GS σου G2962 N-VSM κυριε
    18 G1722 PREP εν G1064 N-DSF γαστρι G2983 V-AAI-1P ελαβομεν G2532 CONJ και G5605 V-AAI-1P ωδινησαμεν G2532 CONJ και G5088 V-AAI-1P ετεκομεν G4151 N-ASN πνευμα G4991 N-GSF σωτηριας G4771 P-GS σου G4160 V-AAI-1P εποιησαμεν G1909 PREP επι G3588 T-GSF της G1065 N-GSF γης G235 CONJ αλλα G4098 V-FAI-3P πεσουνται G3588 T-NPM οι G1774 V-PAPNP ενοικουντες G1909 PREP επι G3588 T-GSF της G1065 N-GSF γης
    19 G450 V-FMI-3P αναστησονται G3588 T-NPM οι G3498 N-NPM νεκροι G2532 CONJ και G1453 V-FPI-3P εγερθησονται G3588 T-NPM οι G1722 PREP εν G3588 T-DPM τοις G3419 N-DPN μνημειοις G2532 CONJ και G2165 V-FPI-3P ευφρανθησονται G3588 T-NPM οι G1722 PREP εν G3588 T-DSF τη G1065 N-DSF γη G3588 T-NSF η G1063 PRT γαρ   N-NSF δροσος G3588 T-NSF η G3844 PREP παρα G4771 P-GS σου G2386 N-NSN ιαμα G846 D-DPM αυτοις G1510 V-PAI-3S εστιν G3588 T-NSF η G1161 PRT δε G1065 N-NSF γη G3588 T-GPM των G765 A-GPM ασεβων G4098 V-FMI-3S πεσειται
    20   V-PAD-2S βαδιζε G2992 N-NSM λαος G1473 P-GS μου G1525 V-AAD-2S εισελθε G1519 PREP εις G3588 T-APN τα   N-APN ταμιεια G4771 P-GS σου G608 V-AAD-2S αποκλεισον G3588 T-ASF την G2374 N-ASF θυραν G4771 P-GS σου G613 V-APD-2S αποκρυβηθι G3398 A-ASM μικρον G3745 A-ASM οσον G3745 A-ASM οσον G2193 PREP εως G302 PRT αν G3928 V-AAS-3S παρελθη G3588 T-NSF η G3709 N-NSF οργη G2962 N-GSM κυριου
    21 G2400 INJ ιδου G1063 PRT γαρ G2962 N-NSM κυριος G575 PREP απο G3588 T-GSM του G40 A-GSM αγιου   V-PAI-3S επαγει G3588 T-ASF την G3709 N-ASF οργην G1909 PREP επι G3588 T-APM τους G1774 V-PAPAP ενοικουντας G1909 PREP επι G3588 T-GSF της G1065 N-GSF γης G2532 CONJ και G343 V-FAI-3S ανακαλυψει G3588 T-NSF η G1065 N-NSF γη G3588 T-ASN το G129 N-ASN αιμα G846 D-GSF αυτης G2532 CONJ και G3364 ADV ου G2619 V-FAI-3S κατακαλυψει G3588 T-APM τους G337 V-RMPAP ανηρημενους
  1 H3117 In that day H7892 shall this song H7891 be sung [H8714]   H776 in the land H3063 of Judah H5797 ; We have a strong H5892 city H3444 ; salvation H7896 will God appoint [H8799]   H2346 for walls H2426 and bulwarks.
  2 H6605 Open [H8798]   H8179 ye the gates H6662 , that the righteous H1471 nation H8104 which keepeth [H8802]   H529 the truth H935 may enter in [H8799]  .
  3 H5341 Thou wilt keep [H8799]   H7965 him in perfect H7965 peace H3336 , whose mind H5564 is stayed [H8803]   H982 on thee : because he trusteth [H8803]   in thee.
  4 H982 Trust [H8798]   H3068 ye in the LORD H5703 for ever H3050 : for in the LORD H3068 JEHOVAH H5769 is everlasting H6697 strength:
  5 H7817 For he bringeth down [H8689]   H3427 them that dwell [H8802]   H4791 on high H7682 ; the lofty [H8737]   H7151 city H8213 , he layeth it low [H8686]   H8213 ; he layeth it low [H8686]   H776 , even to the ground H5060 ; he bringeth [H8686]   H6083 it even to the dust.
  6 H7272 The foot H7429 shall tread it down [H8799]   H7272 , even the feet H6041 of the poor H6471 , and the steps H1800 of the needy.
  7 H734 The way H6662 of the just H4339 is uprightness H3477 : thou, most upright H6424 , dost weigh [H8762]   H4570 the path H6662 of the just.
  8 H734 Yea, in the way H4941 of thy judgments H3068 , O LORD H6960 , have we waited [H8765]   H8378 for thee; the desire H5315 of our soul H8034 is to thy name H2143 , and to the remembrance of thee.
  9 H5315 With my soul H183 have I desired [H8765]   H3915 thee in the night H7307 ; yea, with my spirit H7130 within H7836 me will I seek thee early [H8762]   H4941 : for when thy judgments H776 are in the earth H3427 , the inhabitants [H8802]   H8398 of the world H3925 will learn [H8804]   H6664 righteousness.
  10 H2603 Let favour be shewed [H8717]   H7563 to the wicked H1077 , yet will he not H3925 learn [H8804]   H6664 righteousness H776 : in the land H5229 of uprightness H5765 will he deal unjustly [H8762]   H1077 , and will not H7200 behold [H8799]   H1348 the majesty H3068 of the LORD.
  11 H3068 LORD H3027 , when thy hand H7311 is lifted up [H8804]   H2372 , they will not see [H8799]   H2372 : but they shall see [H8799]   H954 , and be ashamed [H8799]   H7068 for their envy H5971 at the people H784 ; yea, the fire H6862 of thine enemies H398 shall devour [H8799]   them.
  12 H3068 LORD H8239 , thou wilt ordain [H8799]   H7965 peace H6466 for us: for thou also hast wrought [H8804]   H4639 all our works in us.
  13 H3068 O LORD H430 our God H113 , other lords H2108 beside H1166 thee have had dominion [H8804]   H2142 over us: but by thee only will we make mention [H8686]   H8034 of thy name.
  14 H4191 They are dead [H8801]   H2421 , they shall not live [H8799]   H7496 ; they are deceased H6965 , they shall not rise [H8799]   H6485 : therefore hast thou visited [H8804]   H8045 and destroyed [H8686]   H2143 them, and made all their memory H6 to perish [H8762]  .
  15 H3254 Thou hast increased [H8804]   H1471 the nation H3068 , O LORD H3254 , thou hast increased [H8804]   H1471 the nation H3513 : thou art glorified [H8738]   H7368 : thou hadst removed it far [H8765]   H7099 unto all the ends H776 of the earth.
  16 H3068 LORD H6862 , in trouble H6485 have they visited [H8804]   H6694 thee, they poured out [H8804]   H3908 a prayer H4148 when thy chastening was upon them.
  17 H3644 Like H2030 as a woman with child H7126 , that draweth near [H8686]   H3205 the time of her delivery [H8800]   H2342 , is in pain [H8799]   H2199 , and crieth out [H8799]   H2256 in her pangs H6440 ; so have we been in thy sight H3068 , O LORD.
  18 H2029 We have been with child [H8804]   H2342 , we have been in pain [H8804]   H3644 , we have as it were H3205 brought forth [H8804]   H7307 wind H6213 ; we have not wrought [H8799]   H3444 any deliverance H776 in the earth H1077 ; neither H3427 have the inhabitants [H8802]   H8398 of the world H5307 fallen [H8799]  .
  19 H4191 Thy dead [H8801]   H2421 men shall live [H8799]   H5038 , together with my dead body H6965 shall they arise [H8799]   H6974 . Awake [H8685]   H7442 and sing [H8761]   H7931 , ye that dwell [H8802]   H6083 in dust H2919 : for thy dew H2919 is as the dew H219 of herbs H776 , and the earth H5307 shall cast out [H8686]   H7496 the dead.
  20 H3212 Come [H8798]   H5971 , my people H935 , enter [H8798]   H2315 thou into thy chambers H5462 , and shut [H8798]   H1817 thy doors H2247 about thee: hide [H8798]   H4592 thyself as it were for a little H7281 moment H2195 , until the indignation H5674 be overpast [H8799]  .
  21 H3068 For, behold, the LORD H3318 cometh out [H8802]   H4725 of his place H6485 to punish [H8800]   H3427 the inhabitants [H8802]   H776 of the earth H5771 for their iniquity H776 : the earth H1540 also shall disclose [H8765]   H1818 her blood H3680 , and shall no more cover [H8762]   H2026 her slain [H8803]  .
ERV(i) 1 In that day shall this song be sung in the land of Judah: We have a strong city; salvation will he appoint for walls and bulwarks. 2 Open ye the gates, that the righteous nation which keepeth truth may enter in. 3 Thou wilt keep [him] in perfect peace, [whose] mind [is] stayed [on thee]: because he trusteth in thee. 4 Trust ye in the LORD for ever: for in the LORD JEHOVAH is an everlasting rock. 5 For he hath brought down them that dwell on high, the lofty city: he layeth it low, he layeth it low even to the ground; he bringeth it even to the dust. 6 The foot shall tread it down; even the feet of the poor, and the steps of the needy. 7 The way of the just is uprightness: thou that art up right dost direct the path of the just. 8 Yea, in the way of thy judgments, O LORD, have we waited for thee; to thy name and to thy memorial is the desire of our soul. 9 With my soul have I desired thee in the night; yea, with my spirit within me will I seek thee early: for when thy judgments are in the earth, the inhabitants of the world learn righteousness. 10 Let favour be shewed to the wicked, yet will he not learn righteousness; in the land of uprightness will he deal wrongfully, and will not behold the majesty of the LORD. 11 LORD, thy hand is lifted up, yet they see not: but they shall see [thy] zeal for the people, and be ashamed; yea, fire shall devour thine adversaries. 12 LORD, thou wilt ordain peace for us: for thou hast also wrought all our works for us. 13 O LORD our God, other lords beside thee have had dominion over us; but by thee only will we make mention of thy name. 14 [They are] dead, they shall not live; [they are] deceased, they shall not rise: therefore hast thou visited and destroyed them, and made all their memory to perish. 15 Thou hast increased the nation, O LORD, thou hast increased the nation; thou art glorified: thou hast enlarged all the borders of the land. 16 LORD, in trouble have they visited thee, they poured out a prayer [when] thy chastening was upon them. 17 Like as a woman with child, that draweth near the time of her delivery, is in pain and crieth out in her pangs; so have we been before thee, O LORD. 18 We have been with child, we have been in pain, we have as it were brought forth wind; we have not wrought any deliverance in the earth; neither have the inhabitants of the world fallen. 19 Thy dead shall live; my dead bodies shall arise. Awake and sing, ye that dwell in the dust: for thy dew is [as] the dew of herbs, and the earth shall cast forth the dead. 20 Come, my people, enter thou into thy chambers, and shut thy doors about thee: hide thyself for a little moment, until the indignation be overpast. 21 For, behold, the LORD cometh forth out of his place to punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity: the earth also shall disclose her blood, and shall no more cover her slain.