Romans 12:13 Cross References - new

  13 G2841 [G5723] Distributing G5532 to the necessity G40 of holy ones; G1377 [G5723] pursuing G5381 hospitality.

Genesis 18:2-8

  2 H5375 [H8799] And he lifted up H5869 his eyes H7200 [H8799] and looked, H7969 and, lo, three H582 men H5324 [H8737] stood H7200 [H8799] by him: and when he saw H7323 [H8799] them, he ran H7125 [H8800] to meet H168 them from the tent H6607 door, H7812 [H8691] and bowed H776 himself toward the earth,
  3 H559 [H8799] And said, H136 My Sovereign, H4672 [H8804] if now I have found H2580 favour H5869 in thine eyes, H5674 [H8799] pass not away, H5650 I pray thee, from thy servant:
  4 H4592 Let a little H4325 water, H4994 I pray you, H3947 [H8714] be brought, H7364 [H8798] and wash H7272 your feet, H8172 [H8734] and rest yourselves H6086 under the tree:
  5 H3947 [H8799] And I will bring H6595 a morsel H3899 of bread, H5582 [H8798] and comfort ye H3820 your hearts; H310 after that H5674 [H8799] you shall pass on: H5674 [H8804] for therefore are ye come H5921 to H5650 your servant. H1696 [H8765] And they said, H6213 [H8799] So do, H559 [H8799] as thou hast said.
  6 H85 And Abraham H4116 [H8762] hastened H168 into the tent H8283 to Sarah, H559 [H8799] and said, H4116 [H8761] Make ready quickly H7969 three H5429 measures H5560 of fine H7058 meal, H3888 [H8798] knead H6213 0 it, and make H5692 cakes H6213 [H8798] upon the hearth.
  7 H85 And Abraham H7323 [H8804] ran H1241 to the herd, H3947 [H8799] and brought H1121 H1241 a calf H7390 tender H2896 and good, H5414 [H8799] and gave H5288 it to a young man; H4116 [H8762] and he hasted H6213 [H8800] to dress it.
  8 H3947 [H8799] And he took H2529 butter, H2461 and milk, H1121 H1241 and the calf H6213 [H8804] which he had dressed, H5414 [H8799] and set H6440 it before them; H5975 [H8802] and he stood H6086 by them under the tree, H398 [H8799] and they ate.

Genesis 19:1-3

  1 H935 [H8799] And there came H8147 two H4397 messengers H5467 to Sodom H6153 at evening; H3876 and Lot H3427 [H8802] sat H8179 in the gate H5467 of Sodom: H3876 and Lot H7200 [H8799] seeing H6965 [H8799] them rose H7125 [H8800] to meet H7812 [H8691] them; and he bowed H639 himself with his nose H776 toward the earth;
  2 H559 [H8799] And he said, H113 Behold now, my lords, H5493 [H8798] turn, H5650 I pray you, into your servant's H1004 house, H3885 [H8798] and tarry all night, H7364 [H8798] and wash H7272 your feet, H7925 [H8689] and ye shall rise early, H1980 [H8804] and go H1870 on your ways. H559 [H8799] And they said, H3885 0 Nay; but we will abide H7339 in the street H3885 [H8799] all night.
  3 H6484 [H8799] And he urged H3966 them greatly; H5493 [H8799] and they turned in H935 [H8799] to him, and entered H1004 into his house; H6213 [H8799] and he made H4960 them a feast, H644 [H8804] and baked H4682 unleavened bread, H398 [H8799] and they ate.

Psalms 41:1

  1 H835 Happy H7919 [H8688] is he that considereth H1800 the poor: H3068 the LORD H4422 [H8762] will deliver H3117 him in the day H7451 of evil.

Matthew 25:35

  35 G1063 { For G3983 [G5656] I was hungry, G2532 and G1325 [G5656] ye gave G3427 me G5315 [G5629] to eat: G1372 [G5656] I was thirsty, G2532 and G4222 0 ye gave G3165 me G4222 [G5656] drink: G2252 [G5713] I was G3581 a stranger, G2532 and G4863 0 ye took G3165 me G4863 [G5627] in:}

Acts 4:35

  35 G2532 And G5087 [G5707] laid them down G3844 at G652 the apostles' G4228 feet: G1161 and G1239 [G5712] distribution was made G1538 to every man G2530 according G302 as G2192 [G5707] he had G5100 G5532 need.

Acts 9:36-41

  36 G1161 Now G2258 [G5713] there was G1722 at G2445 Joppa G5100 a certain G3102 disciple G3686 named G5000 Tabitha, G3739 who G1329 [G5746] by interpretation G3004 [G5743] is called G1393 Dorcas: G3778 G846 [G5625] this woman G2258 [G5713] was G4134 full G18 of good G2041 works G2532 and G1654 almsdeeds G3739 which G4160 [G5707] she did.
  37 G1161 And G1096 [G5633] it came to pass G1722 in G3588   G1565 those G2250 days, G770 [G5660] she, having weakened, G599 [G5629] died: G1161 and G3068 [G5660] having bathed G846 her, G846 they G5087 [G5656] laid G1722 her in G5253 an upper chamber.
  38 G1161 And G5607 [G5752] as G3069 Lydda G1451 was near G2445 to Joppa, G3101 and the disciples G191 [G5660] had heard G3754 that G4074 Peter G2076 [G5748] was G1722 G846 there, G649 [G5656] they sent G4314 to G846 him G1417 two G435 men, G3870 [G5723] desiring G3635 0 him that he would G3361 not G3635 [G5658] be reluctant G1330 [G5629] to come G2193 to G846 them.
  39 G1161 Then G4074 Peter G450 [G5631] arose G4905 [G5627] and went with G846 them. G3739 When he G3854 [G5637] had come, G321 [G5627] they brought him G1519 into G5253 the upper chamber: G2532 and G3956 all G5503 the widows G3936 [G5656] stood by G846 him G2799 [G5723] weeping, G2532 and G1925 [G5734] showing G5509 the coats G2532 and G2440 garments G3745 which G1393 Dorcas G4160 [G5707] made, G5607 [G5752] while she was G3326 with G846 them.
  40 G1161 But G4074 Peter G1544 [G5631] put G3956 them all G1854 out, G5087 G1119 [G5631] and kneeled down, G4336 [G5662] and prayed; G2532 and G1994 [G5660] turning G4314 to G4983 the body G2036 [G5627] said, G5000 Tabitha, G450 [G5628] arise. G1161 And G455 [G5656] she opened G846 her G3788 eyes: G2532 and G1492 [G5631] when she saw G4074 Peter, G339 [G5656] she sat up.
  41 G1161 And G1325 [G5631] he gave G846 her G5495 his hand, G450 0 and lifted G846 her G450 [G5656] up, G1161 and G5455 [G5660] when he had called G40 the holy ones G2532 and G5503 widows, G3936 [G5656] presented G846 her G2198 [G5723] alive.

Acts 10:4

  4 G1161 And G816 [G5660] when he looked G846 on him, G1096 [G5637] he was G1719 afraid, G2532 and G2036 [G5627] said, G5101 What G2076 [G5748] is it, G2962 Lord? G1161 And G2036 [G5627] he said G846 to him, G4675 Thy G4335 prayers G2532 and G4675 thine G1654 alms G305 [G5627] are come up G1519 for G3422 a memorial G1799 before G2316 God.

Acts 20:34-35

  34 G1161 Yea, G846 ye yourselves G1097 [G5719] know, G3754 that G3778 these G5495 hands G5256 [G5656] have ministered G3450 to my G5532 necessities, G2532 and G5607 [G5752] to them that were G3326 with G1700 me.
  35 G5263 [G5656] I have plainly shown G5213 you G3956 all things, G3754 that G3779 so G2872 [G5723] wearying in labour G1163 [G5748] ye ought G482 [G5738] to assist G770 [G5723] the weak, G5037 and G3421 [G5721] to remember G3056 the words G2962 of the Lord G2424 Jesus, G3754 that G846 he G2036 [G5627] said, G2076 [G5748] { It is G3123 more G3107 blessed G1325 [G5721] to give G2228 than G2983 [G5721] to receive.}

Romans 12:8

  8 G1535 Or G3870 [G5723] he that exhorteth, G1722 on G3874 exhortation: G3330 [G5723] he that giveth, G1722 let him do it with G572 liberality; G4291 [G5734] he that ruleth, G1722 with G4710 diligence; G1653 [G5723] he that showeth mercy, G1722 with G2432 cheerfulness.

Romans 15:25-28

  25 G1161 But G3570 now G4198 [G5736] I go G1519 to G2419 Jerusalem, G1247 [G5723] serving G3588 the G40 holy ones.
  26 G1063 For G2106 [G5656] it hath pleased them G3109 of Macedonia G2532 and G882 Achaia G4160 [G5670] to make G5100 a certain G2842 contribution G1519 for G4434 the poor G40 of the holy ones G3588 who G1722 are at G2419 Jerusalem.
  27 G2106 [G5656] It hath pleased them G1063 verily; G2532 and G846 their G3781 debtors G1526 [G5748] they are. G1063 For G1487 if G1484 the nations G2841 [G5656] have been made partakers G846 of their G4152 spiritual things, G3784 [G5719] their duty is G2532 also G3008 [G5658] to minister G846 to them G1722 in G4559 fleshly things.
  28 G3767 When therefore G2005 [G5660] I have performed G5124 this, G2532 and G4972 [G5671] have sealed G846 to them G5126 this G2590 fruit, G565 [G5695] I will go G1223 by G5216 you G1519 into G4681 Spain.

1 Corinthians 16:1-2

  1 G1161 Now G4012 concerning G3048 the collection G1519 for G40 the holy ones, G5618 as G1299 [G5656] I have given order G1577 to the congregations G1053 of Galatia, G2532 even G3779 so G4160 [G5657] do G5210 ye.
  2 G2596 Upon G3391 one G4521 of the sabbaths G5087 0 let G1538 each one G5216 of you G5087 [G5720] lay G3844 by G1438 him G2343 [G5723] in store, G3748 G302 as G2137 [G5747] God hath prospered him, G3363 0 that G1096 [G5741] there be G3363 no G3048 collections G5119 then G3752 when G2064 [G5632] I come.

1 Corinthians 16:15

  15 G1161 And G3870 [G5719] I beseech G5209 you, G80 brethren, G1492 [G5758] (ye know G3588 the G3614 house G4734 of Stephanas, G3754 that G2076 [G5748] it is G536 the firstfruit G3588   G882 of Achaia, G2532 and G5021 [G5656] that they have arranged G1438 themselves G1519 to G1248 the service G3588 of the G40 holy ones,)

2 Corinthians 8:1-4

  1 G1161 Moreover, G80 brethren, G1107 [G5719] we make known G5213 to you G5485 the grace G2316 of God G1325 [G5772] bestowed G1722 on G1577 the congregations G3109 of Macedonia;
  2 G3754 That G1722 in G4183 a great G1382 proof G2347 of affliction, G3588 the G4050 abundance G846 of their G5479 joy G2532 even G2596 according to G3588 the G899 depth G846 of their G4432 poverty, G4052 [G5656] superabounded G1519 to G3588 the G4149 riches G846 of their G572 liberality.
  3 G3754 For G2596 according to G1411 their power, G3140 [G5719] I bear witness, G2532 and G5228 even beyond G1411 their power G830 they were chosen by themselves;
  4 G1189 [G5740] Begging G2257 us G3326 with G4183 much G3874 entreaty G2248 that we G1209 [G5664] would receive G3588 the G5485 gift, G2532 and G3588 take upon us the G2842 fellowship G3588 of the G1248 service G1519 to G3588 the G40 holy ones.

2 Corinthians 9:1

  1 G1063 For G3303 as G4012 concerning G3588 the G1248 service G1519 to G3588 the G40 holy ones, G2076 [G5748] it is G4053 superfluous G3427 for me G1125 [G5721] to write G5213 to you:

2 Corinthians 9:12

  12 G3754 For G3588 the G1248 service G5026 of this G3009 ministration G3756 not G3440 only G2076 [G5748] is G4322 [G5723] filling up in addition G3588 the G5303 deficiencies G5303 of the G40 holy ones, G235 but G2532 also G4052 [G5723] abounding G1223 through G4183 many G2169 thanksgivings G2316 to God;

Galatians 6:10

  10 G5613 As G2192 [G5719] we have G686 G3767 therefore G2540 season, G2038 [G5741] let us do G18 good G4314 to G3956 all G1161 G3122 men, especially G4314 to G3609 them who are of the household G4102 of faith.

1 Timothy 3:2

  2 G1985 An overseer G3767 then G1163 [G5748] must G1511 [G5750] be G423 blameless, G435 the husband G3391 of one G1135 wife, G3524 temperate, G4998 discreet, G2887 orderly, G5382 given to hospitality, G1317 apt to teach;

1 Timothy 5:10

  10 G3140 [G5746] Well reported of G1722 for G2570 good G2041 works; G1487 if G5044 [G5656] she hath brought up G1487 children, if G3580 [G5656] she hath lodged strangers, G1487 if G3538 [G5656] she hath washed G40 the holy ones' G4228 feet, G1487 if G1884 [G5656] she hath relieved G2346 [G5746] the ones being pressed, G1487 if G1872 [G5656] she hath diligently followed G3956 every G18 good G2041 work.

Titus 1:8

  8 G235 But G5382 hospitable, G5358 fond of good, G4998 discreet, G1342 just, G3741 holy, G1468 temperate;

Philemon 1:7

  7 G1063 For G2192 [G5719] we have G4183 great G5485 joy G2532 and G3874 consolation G1909 in G4675 thy G26 love, G3754 because G4698 the feelings of compassion G40 of the holy ones G373 [G5769] are refreshed G1223 by G4675 thee, G80 brother.

Hebrews 6:10

  10 G1063 For G2316 God G3756 is not G94 unjust G1950 [G5635] to forget G5216 your G2041 work G2532 and G3588 the G2873 weariness G3588 of the G26 love G3739 which G1731 G1731 [G5668] ye have shown G1519 toward G846 his G3686 name, G1247 [G5660] having served G3588 the G40 holy ones, G2532 and G1247 [G5723] still serving.

Hebrews 13:2

  2 G1950 0 Be G3361 not G1950 [G5737] forgetful G5381 to entertain strangers: G1063 for G1223 by G5026 this G5100 some G3579 [G5660] have entertained G32 messengers G2990 [G5627] escaping their notice.

Hebrews 13:16

  16 G1161 But G2140 to do good G2532 and G2842 to share G1950 [G5737] forget G3361 not: G1063 for G5108 with such G2378 sacrifices G2316 God G2100 [G5743] is well pleased.

1 Peter 4:9

  9 G5382 Use hospitality G1519 G240 one to another G427 without G1112 grudging.

1 John 3:17

  17 G1161 But G3739 G302 he who G2192 [G5725] hath G2889 this world's G979 livelihood, G2532 and G2334 [G5725] seeth G846 his G80 brother G2192 [G5723] have G5532 need, G2532 and G2808 [G5661] shutteth up G846 his G4698 compassions G575 from G846 him, G4459 how G3306 [G5719] dwelleth G26 the love G2316 of God G1722 in G846 him?

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