Revelation 14:1 Cross References - WEB_Strongs

  1 G2532   G1492 I saw, G2532 and G2400 behold, G721 the Lamb G2476 standing G1909 on G3735 Mount G4622 Zion, G2532 and G3326 with G846 him G1540 a number, one hundred G5062 forty - G5064 four G5505 thousand, G2192 having G846 his G3686 name, and the name G3962 of his Father, G1125 written G1909 on G846 their G3359 foreheads.

Psalms 2:6

  6 H5258 "Yet I have set H4428 my King H6944 on my holy H2022 hill H6726 of Zion."

Psalms 132:13-14

  13 H3068 For Yahweh H977 has chosen H6726 Zion. H183 He has desired H4186 it for his habitation.
  14 H4496 "This is my resting H5703 place forever. H3427 Here I will live, H183 for I have desired it.

Isaiah 49:14

  14 H6726 But Zion H559 said, H3068 "Yahweh H5800 has forsaken H3068 me, and the Lord H7911 has forgotten me."

Jeremiah 1:11

  11 H1697 Moreover the word H3068 of Yahweh H559 came to me, saying, H3414 "Jeremiah, H7200 what do you see?" H559 I said, H7200 "I see H4731 a branch H8247 of an almond tree."

Ezekiel 1:4

  4 H7200 I looked, H7307 and behold, a stormy wind H935 came H6828 out of the north, H1419 a great H6051 cloud, H784 with flashing H3947 lightning, H5051 and a brightness H5439 around H8432 it, and out of its midst H5869 as it were glowing H2830 metal, H8432 out of the midst H784 of the fire.

Ezekiel 2:9

  9 H7200 When I looked, H3027 behold, a hand H7971 was put H4039 forth to me; and, behold, a scroll H5612 of a book was therein;

Ezekiel 8:7

  7 H935 He brought H6607 me to the door H2691 of the court; H7200 and when I looked, H259 behold, a H2356 hole H7023 in the wall.

Ezekiel 10:1

  1 H7200 Then I looked, H7549 and see, in the expanse H7218 that was over the head H3742 of the cherubim H7200 there appeared H5601 above them as it were a sapphire H68 stone, H4758 as the appearance H1823 of the likeness H3678 of a throne.

Ezekiel 10:9

  9 H7200 I looked, H702 and behold, four H212 wheels H681 beside H3742 the cherubim, H259 one H212 wheel H681 beside H259 one H3742 cherub, H259 and another H212 wheel H681 beside H259 another H3742 cherub; H4758 and the appearance H212 of the wheels H5869 was like H8658 a beryl H68 stone.

Ezekiel 44:4

  4 H935 Then he brought H1870 me by the way H6828 of the north H8179 gate H6440 before H1004 the house; H7200 and I looked, H3519 and behold, the glory H3068 of Yahweh H4390 filled H1004 the house H3068 of Yahweh: H5307 and I fell H6440 on my face.

Daniel 12:5

  5 H1840 Then I, Daniel, H7200 looked, H8147 and behold, two H312 others H5975 stood, H259 one H2975 on the river H8193 bank H2008 on this side, H259 and the other H2975 on the river H8193 bank on that side.

Joel 2:32

  32 H7121 It will happen that whoever will call H8034 on the name H3068 of Yahweh H4422 shall be saved; H2022 for in Mount H6726 Zion H3389 and in Jerusalem H6413 there will be those who escape, H3068 as Yahweh H559 has said, H8300 and among the remnant, H3068 those whom Yahweh H7121 calls.

Amos 8:2

  2 H559 He said, H5986 "Amos, H7200 what do you see?" H559 I said, H3619 "A basket H7019 of summer fruit." H3068 Then Yahweh H559 said H7093 to me, "The end H935 has come H5971 on my people H3478 Israel. H3254 I will not again H5674 pass by them any more.

Micah 4:7

  7 H7760 and I will make H6760 that which was lame H7611 a remnant, H1972 and that which was cast far off H6099 a strong H1471 nation: H3068 and Yahweh H4427 will reign H2022 over them on Mount H6726 Zion H5704 from then on, even H5769 forever."

Zechariah 4:2

  2 H559 He said H7200 to me, "What do you see?" H559 I said, H7200 "I have seen, H4501 and behold, a lampstand H2091 all of gold, H1531 with its bowl H7218 on the top H7651 of it, and its seven H5216 lamps H7651 thereon; there are seven H4166 pipes H7651 to each of the H5216 lamps, H7218 which are on the top of it;

Luke 12:8

  8 G1161   G3004 "I tell G5213 you, G3739 everyone G302   G3670 who confesses G1722   G1698 me G1715 before G1722 men, G846 him G3670 will G5207 the Son G444 of Man G2532 also G3670 confess G1715 before G32 the angels G2316 of God;

Romans 9:33

  33 G2531 even as G1125 it is written, G2400 "Behold, G5087 I lay G1722 in G4622 Zion G4625 a stumbling G3037 stone G2532 and G4073 a rock G4625 of offense; G2532 and G3756 no G3956 one G4100 who believes G1909 in G846 him G2617 will G2617 be disappointed."

Hebrews 12:22-24

  22 G235 But G4334 you have come G3735 to Mount G4622 Zion, G2532 and G4172 to the city G2198 of the living G2316 God, G2032 the heavenly G2419 Jerusalem, G2532 and G3461 to innumerable multitudes G32 of angels,
  23 G3831 to the general assembly G2532 and G1577 assembly G4416 of the firstborn G583 who are enrolled G1722 in G3772 heaven, G2532   G2316 to God G2923 the Judge G3956 of all, G2532   G4151 to the spirits G1342 of just men G5048 made perfect,
  24 G2532   G2424 to Jesus, G1242 the G3316 mediator G3501 of a new G1242 covenant, G2532 and G1242 to the G129 blood G4473 of sprinkling G2980 that speaks G3844 better than G6 that of Abel.

Revelation 3:12

  12 G846 He G3528 who overcomes, G4160 I will make G4769 him a pillar G1722 in G3485 the temple G2316 of G3450 my G2316 God, G2532 and G1831 he will go G1854 out G3756 from there no G3361   G2089 more. G2532   G1125 I will write G1909 on G846 him G3686 the name G2316 of G3450 my G2316 God, G2532 and G3686 the name G4172 of the city G1537 of G3450 my G2316 God, G2537 the new G2419 Jerusalem, G3588 which G2597 comes down G1537 out of G3772 heaven G575 from G3450 my G2316 God, G2532 and G3450 my G2537 own new G3686 name.

Revelation 4:1

  1 G3326 After G5023 these things G1492 I looked G2532 and G2400 saw G2374 a door G455 opened G1722 in G3772 heaven, G2532 and G4413 the first G5456 voice G3739 that G191 I heard, G5613 like G4536 a trumpet G2980 speaking G3326 with G1700 me, G3004 was one saying, G305 "Come up G5602 here, G2532 and G1166 I will show G4671 you G5023 the things G3739 which G1163 must G1096 happen G3326 after this."

Revelation 5:5-9

  5 G2532   G1520 One G1537 of G4245 the elders G3004 said G3427 to me, G3361 "Don't G2799 weep. G2400 Behold, G3023 the Lion G5607 who is G1537 of G5443 the tribe G2448 of Judah, G4491 the Root G1138 of David, G3528 has overcome; G455 he who opens G975 the book G2532 and G3089   G846 its G2033 seven G4973 seals."
  6 G2532   G1492 I saw G1722 in G3319 the midst G2362 of the throne G2532 and G5064 of the four G2226 living creatures, G2532 and G1722 in G3319 the midst G4245 of the elders, G721 a Lamb G2476 standing, G5613 as G4969 though it had been slain, G2192 having G2033 seven G2768 horns, G2532 and G2033 seven G3788 eyes, G3739 which G1526 are G2033 the seven G4151 Spirits G2316 of God, G649 sent out G1519 into G3956 all G1093 the earth.
  7 G2532 Then G2064 he came, G2532 and G2983 he took G975 it G1537 out of G1188 the right hand G2521 of him who sat G1909 on G2362 the throne.
  8 G2532 Now G3753 when G2983 he had taken G975 the book, G5064 the four G2226 living creatures G2532 and G1501 the twenty - G5064 four G4245 elders G4098 fell down G1799 before G721 the Lamb, G1538 each G2192 one having G2788 a harp, G2532 and G5552 golden G5357 bowls G1073 full G2368 of incense, G3739 which G1526 are G4335 the prayers G40 of the saints.
  9 G2532   G103 They sang G2537 a new G5603 song, G3004 saying, G1488 "You are G514 worthy G2983 to take G975 the book, G2532 and G455 to open G846 its G4973 seals: G3754 for G4969 you were killed, G2532 and G59 bought G2248 us G2316 for God G1722 with G4675 your G129 blood, G1537 out G3956 of every G5443 tribe, G1100 language, G2992 people, G2532 and G1484 nation,

Revelation 5:12-13

  12 G3004 saying G3173 with a loud G5456 voice, G514 "Worthy G2076 is G721 the Lamb G4969 who has been killed G2983 to receive G1411 the power, G4149 wealth, G4678 wisdom, G2479 strength, G5092 honor, G1391 glory, G2532 and G2129 blessing!"
  13 G2532   G191 I heard G3956 every G2938 created thing G3739 which G2076 is G1722 in G3772 heaven, G1722 on G1093 the earth, G2532   G5270 under G1093 the earth, G2532   G3739   G2076   G1909 on G2281 the sea, G2532 and G3956 everything G1909 in G846 them, G3004 saying, G2521 "To him who sits G1909 on G2362 the throne, G2532 and G721 to the Lamb G2129 be the blessing, G2532   G5092 the honor, G2532   G1391 the glory, G2532 and G2904 the dominion, G1519   G165 forever G165 and ever! Amen!"

Revelation 6:8

  8 G2532 And G1492   G2532   G2400 behold, G5515 a pale G2462 horse, G2532 and G846 he G3588 who G2521 sat G1883 on G846 it, G3686 his name G2288 was Death. G2532   G86 Hades G190 followed G3326 with G846 him. G2532   G1849 Authority G1909 over G5067 one fourth G1093 of the earth, G615 to kill G1722 with G4501 the sword, G2532   G1722 with G3042 famine, G2532   G1722 with G2288 death, G2532 and G5259 by G2342 the wild animals G1093 of the earth G1325 was given G846 to him.

Revelation 7:3-17

  3 G3004 saying, G3361 "Don't G91 harm G1093 the earth, G3383 neither G2281 the sea, G3383 nor G1186 the trees, G891 until G3739   G4972 we have sealed G1401 the bondservants G2257 of our G2316 God G1909 on G846 their G3359 foreheads!"
  4 G2532   G191 I heard G706 the number G3588 of those G4972 who were sealed, G1540 one hundred G5062 forty - G5064 four G5505 thousand, G4972 sealed G1537 out of G3956 every G5443 tribe G5207 of the children G2474 of Israel:
  5 G1537 of G5443 the tribe G2448 of Judah G4972 were sealed G1427 twelve G5505 thousand, G1537 of G5443 the tribe G4502 of Reuben G1427 twelve G5505 thousand, G1537 of G5443 the tribe G1045 of Gad G1427 twelve G5505 thousand,
  6 G1537 of G5443 the tribe G768 of Asher G1427 twelve G5505 thousand, G1537 of G5443 the tribe G3508 of Naphtali G1427 twelve G5505 thousand, G1537 of G5443 the tribe G3128 of Manasseh G1427 twelve G5505 thousand,
  7 G1537 of G5443 the tribe G4826 of Simeon G1427 twelve G5505 thousand, G1537 of G5443 the tribe G3017 of Levi G1427 twelve G5505 thousand, G1537 of G5443 the tribe G2466 of Issachar G1427 twelve G5505 thousand,
  8 G1537 of G5443 the tribe G2194 of Zebulun G1427 twelve G5505 thousand, G1537 of G5443 the tribe G2501 of Joseph G1427 twelve G5505 thousand, G1537 of G5443 the tribe G958 of Benjamin G4972 were sealed G1427 twelve G5505 thousand.
  9 G3326 After G5023 these things G1492 I looked, G2532 and G2400 behold, G4183 a great G3793 multitude, G3739 which G3762 no G846 man G1410 could G705 number, G1537 out of G3956 every G1484 nation G2532 and G5443 of all tribes, G2532   G2992 peoples, G2532 and G1100 languages, G2476 standing G1799 before G2362 the throne G2532 and G1799 before G721 the Lamb, G4016 dressed G3022 in white G4749 robes, G2532 with G5404 palm branches G1722 in G846 their G5495 hands.
  10 G2532   G2896 They cried G3173 with a loud G5456 voice, G3004 saying, G4991 "Salvation G2257 be to our G2316 God, G3588 who G2521 sits G1909 on G2362 the throne, G2532 and G721 to the Lamb!"
  11 G2532   G3956 All G32 the angels G2476 were standing G2945 around G2362 the throne, G2532   G4245 the elders, G2532 and G5064 the four G2226 living creatures; G2532 and G4098 they fell G1909 on G846 their G4383 faces G1799 before G2362 his throne, G2532 and G4352 worshiped G2316 God,
  12 G3004 saying, G281 "Amen! G2129 Blessing, G2532   G1391 glory, G2532   G4678 wisdom, G2532   G2169 thanksgiving, G2532   G5092 honor, G2532   G1411 power, G2532 and G2479 might, G2257 be to our G2316 God G1519   G165 forever G165 and ever! G281 Amen."
  13 G2532   G1520 One G1537 of G4245 the elders G611 answered, G3004 saying G3427 to me, G3778 "These G5101 who G1526 are G4016 arrayed G3022 in white G4749 robes, G2532 who are they, and G4159 from where did they G2064 come?"
  14 G2532   G2046 I told G846 him, G2962 "My lord, G4771 you G1492 know." G2532   G2036 He said G3427 to me, G3778 "These G1526 are G2064 those who came G1537 out G3173 of the great G2347 tribulation. G2532   G4150 They washed G846 their G4749 robes, G2532 and G3021 made G846 them G3021 white G1722 in G4749 the Lamb's G129 blood.
  15 G1223 Therefore G5124   G1526 they G1799 are before G2362 the throne G2316 of God, G2532   G1526 they G3000 serve G846 him G2250 day G2532 and G3571 night G1722 in G846 his G3485 temple. G2532   G3588 He G2521 who sits G1909 on G2362 the throne G4637 will spread his tabernacle G846 over them.
  16 G2089 They will never G3756 be G3983 hungry, G3761 neither G1372 thirsty G3361 any G2089 more; G3761 neither G2246 will the sun G4098 beat G1909 on G846 them, G3761 nor G3956 any G2738 heat;
  17 G3754 for G721 the Lamb G3588 who G303 is in G3319 the midst G2362 of the throne G4165 shepherds G846 them, G2532 and G3594 leads G846 them G1909 to G4077 springs G5204 of waters G2198 of life. G2532 And G2316 God G1813 will wipe away G3956 every G1144 tear G575 from G846 their G3788 eyes."

Revelation 13:16-17

  16 G2532   G4160 He causes G3956 all, G3398 the small G2532 and G3173 the great, G2532   G4145 the rich G2532 and G4434 the poor, G2532 and G1658 the free G2532 and G1401 the slave, G2443 to G846   G1325 be given G5480 marks G1909 on G846 their G1188 right G5495 hands, G2228 or G1909 on G846 their G3359 foreheads;
  17 G2532 and G3361 that no G5100 one G1410 would G59 be able to buy G2228 or G4453 to sell, G1508 unless he G2192 has G5480 that mark, G2228   G3686 the name G2342 of the beast G2228 or G706 the number G846 of his G3686 name.

Revelation 14:14

  14 G2532   G1492 I looked, G2532 and G2400 behold, G3022 a white G3507 cloud; G2532 and G1909 on G3507 the cloud G2521 one sitting G3664 like G5207 a son G444 of man, G2192 having G1909 on G846 his G2776 head G5552 a golden G4735 crown, G2532 and G1722 in G846 his G5495 hand G3691 a sharp G1407 sickle.

Revelation 15:5

  5 G2532   G3326 After G5023 these things G1492 I looked, G2532 and G2400   G3485 the temple G4633 of the tabernacle G3142 of the testimony G1722 in G3772 heaven G455 was opened.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.