Job 11

  1 G5274 And undertaking, G1161   G* Sophar G3588 the G* Minean G3004 says,
  2 G3588 The one G3588   G4183 [2many things G3004 1saying] G2532 also G464.2 shall listen in turn; G2228 or G2532 does G3588 the G2126.1 well-spoken G3633 imagine himself G1510.1 to be G1342 just? G2127 Blessed be G1084 the one born G1135 of woman G3639.2 short-lived.
  3 G3361 [2not G4183 3many G1722 4in G4487 5words G1096 1Become]; G3756 [3no one G1063 1for G1510.2.3 2there is] G3588   G480.1 judging you by comparison. G1473  
  4 G3361 For do not G1063   G3004 say G3754 that, G2513 I am pure G1510.2.1   G3588   G2041 in works, G2532 and G273 blameless G1726 before G1473 him.
  5 G235 But G4459 how G302 ever G3588 is the G2962 lord G2980 to speak G4314 to G1473 you, G2532 and G455 open G5491 his lips G1473   G3326 with G1473 you;
  6 G1534 then G312 he shall announce G1473 to you G1411 the power G4678 of wisdom, G3754 that G1362 it will be double G1510.8.3   G3588 to the things G2596 of G1473 yours? G2532 And G5119 then G1097 you shall know G3754 that G514 what is worthy to you G1473   G576 resulted G3844 from G2962 the lord G3739 whom G264 you have sinned.
  7 G2228 Or G2487 [2 the trace G2962 3 of the lord G2147 1will you find]? G2228 or G1519 [2unto G3588 3the G2078 4latter end G864 1did you arrive] G3739 which G4160 [3prepared G3588 1the G3841 2almighty]?
  8 G5308 [2 is high G3588   G3772 1Heaven], G2532 and G5100 what G4160 will you do? G901 And there are deeper things G1161   G3588 than G1722 in G86 Hades, G5100 what G1492 do you know?
  9 G2228 or G3117 longer G3358 than the measure G1093 of the earth, G2228 or G2148.1 the breadth G2281 of the sea.
  10 G1437 And if G1161   G2690 he shall eradicate G3588 all things, G3956   G5100 who G2046 will say G1473 to him, G5100 What G4160 did you do?
  11 G1473 For he G1063   G1492 knows G2041 the works G459 of the lawless; G1492 and beholding G1161   G824 [3 the things out of place G3756 1he shall not G3948.1 2overlook].
  12 G444 But man G1161   G247 otherwise G2351.4 shall be over-confident G3056 with words; G1027.1 but a mortal G1161   G1084 born G1135 of a woman G2470 is equal G3688 [2donkey G2047.2 1to a recluse].
  13 G1487 For if G1063   G1473 you G2513 [3clean G5087 1established G3588   G2588 2your heart], G1473   G5298.1 and turned up and opened G1161   G5495 your hands G4314 to G1473 him;
  14 G1487 if G459 [3lawless thing G5100 2any G1510.2.3 1there is] G1722 in G5495 your hands, G1473   G4206 [3to be at a distance G4160 1cause G1473 2it]! G93 [3injustice G1161 1and G1722 5in G1244.1 6your habitation G1473   G3361 2let not G835 4lodge]!
  15 G3779 For thus G1063   G353.1 [3shall illuminate G1473 1your G3588   G4383 2face] G5618 as if G5204 [2water G2513 1pure]; G1562 and you shall strip off G1161   G4509 filth, G2532 and G3766.2 in no way G5399 shall you be fearful.
  16 G2532 And G3588   G2873 [2trouble G1950 1you shall forget] G5618 as G2949 a wave G3928 going by; G2532 and G3756 you shall not G4422 be terrified.
  17 G3588   G1161 And G2171 your vow G1473   G5618 will be as G2193.1 the morning star; G1537 and from G1161   G3314 midday G393 [2shall arise G1473 3to you G2222 1life].
  18 G3982 [3complying G5037 1And G1510.8.2 2you shall be], G3754 for G1510.2.3 it is G1473 hope to you; G1680   G1537 and from G1161   G3308 anxiety G2532 and G5431.1 bewilderment G398 [2shall appear G1473 3to you G1515 1peace].
  19 G2270 For you shall be tranquil, G1063   G2532 and G3756 there will not be G1510.8.3   G3588   G4170 one waging war G1473 against you; G3328 and turning, G1161   G4183 many G1473 will beseech you. G1189  
  20 G4991 But deliverance G1161   G1473 shall leave them, G620   G3588   G1063 for G1680 their hope G1473   G684 is destruction; G3788 and the eyes G1161   G765 of the impious G5080 shall melt away.
  1 G5274 υπολαβών δε G1161   G* Σωφάρ G3588 ο G* Μιναίος G3004 λέγει
  2 G3588 ο G3588 τα G4183 πολλά G3004 λέγων G2532 και G464.2 αντακούσεται G2228 η G2532 και G3588 ο G2126.1 εύλαλος G3633 οίεται G1510.1 είναι G1342 δίκαιος G2127 ευλογημένος G1084 γεννητός G1135 γυναικός G3639.2 ολιγόβιος
  3 G3361 μη G4183 πολύς G1722 εν G4487 ρήμασι G1096 γίνου G3756 ου G1063 γαρ G1510.2.3 εστιν G3588 ο G480.1 αντικρινόμενός σοι G1473  
  4 G3361 μη γαρ G1063   G3004 λέγε G3754 ότι G2513 καθαρός ειμι G1510.2.1   G3588 τοις G2041 έργοις G2532 και G273 άμεμπτος G1726 εναντίον G1473 αυτού
  5 G235 αλλά G4459 πως G302 αν G3588 ο G2962 κύριος G2980 λαλήσαι G4314 προς G1473 σε G2532 και G455 ανοίξει G5491 χείλη αυτού G1473   G3326 μετά G1473 σου
  6 G1534 είτα G312 αναγγελεί G1473 σοι G1411 δύναμιν G4678 σοφίας G3754 ότι G1362 διπλούς έσται G1510.8.3   G3588 τω G2596 κατά G1473 σε G2532 και G5119 τότε G1097 γνώση G3754 ότι G514 άξιά σοι G1473   G576 απέβη G3844 παρά G2962 κυρίου G3739 ων G264 ημάρτηκας
  7 G2228 η G2487 ίχνος G2962 κυρίου G2147 ευρήσεις G2228 η G1519 εις G3588 τα G2078 έσχατα G864 αφίκου G3739 α G4160 εποίησεν G3588 ο G3841 παντοκράτωρ
  8 G5308 υψηλός G3588 ο G3772 ουρανός G2532 και G5100 τι G4160 ποιήσεις G901 βαθύτερα δε G1161   G3588 των G1722 εν G86 άδου G5100 τι G1492 οίδας
  9 G2228 η G3117 μακρότερα G3358 μέτρου G1093 γης G2228 η G2148.1 εύρους G2281 θαλάσσης
  10 G1437 εάν δε G1161   G2690 καταστρέψη G3588 τα πάντα G3956   G5100 τις G2046 ερεί G1473 αυτώ G5100 τι G4160 εποίησας
  11 G1473 αυτός γαρ G1063   G1492 οίδεν G2041 έργα G459 ανόμων G1492 ιδών δε G1161   G824 άτοπα G3756 ου G3948.1 παρόψεται
  12 G444 άνθρωπος δε G1161   G247 άλλως G2351.4 θρασύνεται G3056 λόγοις G1027.1 βροτός δε G1161   G1084 γεννητός G1135 γυναικός G2470 ίσα G3688 όνω G2047.2 ερημίτη
  13 G1487 ει γαρ G1063   G1473 συ G2513 καθαράν G5087 έθου G3588 την G2588 καρδίαν σου G1473   G5298.1 υπτιάζεις δε G1161   G5495 χείρας G4314 προς G1473 αυτόν
  14 G1487 ει G459 άνομόν G5100 τι G1510.2.3 εστιν G1722 εν G5495 χερσί σου G1473   G4206 πόρρω G4160 ποίησον G1473 αυτό G93 αδικία G1161 δε G1722 εν G1244.1 διαίτη σου G1473   G3361 μη G835 αυλισθήτω
  15 G3779 ούτως γαρ G1063   G353.1 αναλάμψει G1473 σου G3588 το G4383 πρόσωπον G5618 ώσπερ G5204 ύδωρ G2513 καθαρόν G1562 εκδύση δε G1161   G4509 ρύπον G2532 και G3766.2 ου μη G5399 φοβηθήση
  16 G2532 και G3588 τον G2873 κόπον G1950 επιλήση G5618 ώσπερ G2949 κύμα G3928 παρελθόν G2532 και G3756 ου G4422 πτοηθήση
  17 G3588 η G1161 δε G2171 ευχή σου G1473   G5618 ώσπερ G2193.1 Εωσφόρος G1537 εκ δε G1161   G3314 μεσημβρίας G393 ανατελεί G1473 σοι G2222 ζωή
  18 G3982 πεποιθώς G5037 τε G1510.8.2 έση G3754 ότι G1510.2.3 εστί G1473 σοι ελπίς G1680   G1537 εκ δε G1161   G3308 μερίμνης G2532 και G5431.1 φροντίδος G398 αναφανείταί G1473 σοι G1515 ειρήνη
  19 G2270 ησυχάσεις γαρ G1063   G2532 και G3756 ουκ έσται G1510.8.3   G3588 ο G4170 πολεμών G1473 σε G3328 μεταβαλόμενοι δε G1161   G4183 πολλοί G1473 σου δεηθήσονται G1189  
  20 G4991 σωτηρία δε G1161   G1473 αυτούς απολείψει G620   G3588 η G1063 γαρ G1680 ελπίς αυτών G1473   G684 απώλεια G3788 οφθαλμοί δε G1161   G765 ασεβών G5080 τακήσονται
    1 G5274 V-AAPNS υπολαβων G1161 PRT δε   N-PRI σωφαρ G3588 T-NSM ο   N-NSM μιναιος G3004 V-PAI-3S λεγει
    2 G3588 T-NSM ο G3588 T-APN τα G4183 A-APN πολλα G3004 V-PAPNS λεγων G2532 CONJ και   V-FMI-3S αντακουσεται G2228 CONJ η G2532 CONJ και G3588 T-NSM ο   A-NSM ευλαλος G3633 V-PMI-3S οιεται G1510 V-PAN ειναι G1342 A-NSM δικαιος G2127 V-RPPNS ευλογημενος G1084 A-NSM γεννητος G1135 N-GSF γυναικος   A-NSM ολιγοβιος
    3 G3165 ADV μη G4183 A-NSM πολυς G1722 PREP εν G4487 N-DPN ρημασιν G1096 V-PMD-2S γινου G3364 ADV ου G1063 PRT γαρ G1510 V-PAI-3S εστιν G3588 T-NSM ο   V-PMPNS αντικρινομενος G4771 P-DS σοι
    4 G3165 ADV μη G1063 PRT γαρ G3004 V-PAD-2S λεγε G3754 CONJ οτι G2513 A-NSM καθαρος G1510 V-PAI-1S ειμι G3588 T-DPN τοις G2041 N-DPN εργοις G2532 CONJ και G273 A-NSM αμεμπτος G1726 PREP εναντιον G846 D-GSM αυτου
    5 G235 CONJ αλλα G4459 ADV πως G302 PRT αν G3588 T-NSM ο G2962 N-NSM κυριος G2980 V-AAN λαλησαι G4314 PREP προς G4771 P-AS σε G2532 CONJ και G455 V-FAI-3S ανοιξει G5491 N-APN χειλη G846 D-GSM αυτου G3326 PREP μετα G4771 P-GS σου
    6 G1534 ADV ειτα G312 V-FAI-3S αναγγελει G4771 P-DS σοι G1411 N-ASF δυναμιν G4678 N-GSF σοφιας G3754 CONJ οτι G1362 A-NSM διπλους G1510 V-FMI-3S εσται G3588 T-GPN των G2596 PREP κατα G4771 P-AS σε G2532 CONJ και G5119 ADV τοτε G1097 V-FMI-2S γνωση G3754 CONJ οτι G514 A-NPN αξια G4771 P-DS σοι G576 V-AAI-3S απεβη G575 PREP απο G2962 N-GSM κυριου G3739 R-GPN ων G264 V-RAI-2S ημαρτηκας
    7 G2228 ADV η G2487 N-ASN ιχνος G2962 N-GSM κυριου G2147 V-FAI-2S ευρησεις G2228 CONJ η G1519 PREP εις G3588 T-APN τα G2078 A-APN εσχατα   V-AMI-2S αφικου G3739 R-APN α G4160 V-AAI-3S εποιησεν G3588 T-NSM ο G3841 N-NSM παντοκρατωρ
    8 G5308 A-NSM υψηλος G3588 T-NSM ο G3772 N-NSM ουρανος G2532 CONJ και G5100 I-ASN τι G4160 V-FAI-2S ποιησεις G901 A-APNC βαθυτερα G1161 PRT δε G3588 T-GPM των G1722 PREP εν G86 N-GSM αδου G5100 I-ASN τι   V-RAI-2S οιδας
    9 G2228 CONJ η G3117 A-APNC μακροτερα G3358 N-GSN μετρου G1065 N-GSF γης G2228 CONJ η   N-GSN ευρους G2281 N-GSF θαλασσης
    10 G1437 CONJ εαν G1161 PRT δε G2690 V-FMI-2S καταστρεψη G3588 T-APN τα G3956 A-APN παντα G5100 I-NSM τις   V-FAI-3S ερει G846 D-DSM αυτω G5100 I-ASN τι G4160 V-AAI-2S εποιησας
    11 G846 D-NSM αυτος G1063 PRT γαρ   V-RAI-3S οιδεν G2041 N-APN εργα G459 A-GPM ανομων G3708 V-AAPNS ιδων G1161 PRT δε G824 A-APN ατοπα G3364 ADV ου   V-FMI-3S παροψεται
    12 G444 N-NSM ανθρωπος G1161 PRT δε G243 ADV αλλως   V-PMI-3S νηχεται G3056 N-DPM λογοις   N-NSM βροτος G1161 PRT δε G1084 A-NSM γεννητος G1135 N-GSF γυναικος G2470 ADV ισα G3688 N-DSM ονω   N-DSM ερημιτη
    13 G1487 CONJ ει G1063 PRT γαρ G4771 P-NS συ G2513 A-ASF καθαραν G5087 V-AMI-2S εθου G3588 T-ASF την G2588 N-ASF καρδιαν G4771 P-GS σου   V-PAI-2S υπτιαζεις G1161 PRT δε G5495 N-APF χειρας G4314 PREP προς G846 D-ASM αυτον
    14 G1487 CONJ ει G459 A-NSN ανομον G5100 I-NSN τι G1510 V-PAI-3S εστιν G1722 PREP εν G5495 N-DPF χερσιν G4771 P-GS σου   ADV πορρω G4160 V-AAD-2S ποιησον G846 D-ASN αυτο G575 PREP απο G4771 P-GS σου G93 N-NSF αδικια G1161 PRT δε G1722 PREP εν   N-DSF διαιτη G4771 P-GS σου G3165 ADV μη   V-APD-3S αυλισθητω
    15 G3778 ADV ουτως G1063 PRT γαρ   V-FMI-2S αναλαμψει G4771 P-GS σου G3588 T-ASN το G4383 N-ASN προσωπον G3746 ADV ωσπερ G5204 N-NSN υδωρ G2513 A-NSN καθαρον G1562 V-FMI-2S εκδυση G1161 PRT δε   N-ASN ρυπον G2532 CONJ και G3364 ADV ου G3165 ADV μη G5399 V-APS-2S φοβηθης
    16 G2532 CONJ και G3588 T-ASM τον G2873 N-ASM κοπον   V-FMI-2S επιληση G3746 ADV ωσπερ G2949 N-ASN κυμα G3928 V-AAPAS παρελθον G2532 CONJ και G3364 ADV ου G4422 V-FPI-2S πτοηθηση
    17 G3588 T-NSF η G1161 PRT δε G2171 N-NSF ευχη G4771 P-GS σου G3746 ADV ωσπερ   N-NSM εωσφορος G1537 PREP εκ G1161 PRT δε G3314 N-GSF μεσημβριας G393 V-FAI-3S ανατελει G4771 P-DS σοι G2222 N-NSF ζωη
    18 G3982 V-RAPNS πεποιθως G5037 PRT τε G1510 V-FMI-2S εση G3754 CONJ οτι G1510 V-PAI-3S εστιν G4771 P-DS σοι G1680 N-NSF ελπις G1537 PREP εκ G1161 PRT δε G3308 N-GSF μεριμνης G2532 CONJ και   N-GSF φροντιδος G398 V-FMI-3S αναφανειται G4771 P-DS σοι G1515 N-NSF ειρηνη
    19 G2270 V-FAI-2S ησυχασεις G1063 PRT γαρ G2532 CONJ και G3364 ADV ουκ G1510 V-FMI-3S εσται G3588 T-NSM ο G4170 V-PAPNS πολεμων G4771 P-AS σε G3328 V-AMPNP μεταβαλομενοι G1161 PRT δε G4183 A-NPM πολλοι G4771 P-GS σου G1210 V-FPI-3P δεηθησονται
    20 G4991 N-NSF σωτηρια G1161 PRT δε G846 D-APM αυτους G620 V-FAI-3S απολειψει G3588 T-NSF η G1063 PRT γαρ G1680 N-NSF ελπις G846 D-GPM αυτων G684 N-NSF απωλεια G3788 N-NPM οφθαλμοι G1161 PRT δε G765 A-GPM ασεβων G5080 V-FPI-3P τακησονται
HOT(i) 1 ויען צפר הנעמתי ויאמר׃ 2 הרב דברים לא יענה ואם אישׁ שׂפתים יצדק׃ 3 בדיך מתים יחרישׁו ותלעג ואין מכלם׃ 4 ותאמר זך לקחי ובר הייתי בעיניך׃ 5 ואולם מי יתן אלוה דבר ויפתח שׂפתיו עמך׃ 6 ויגד לך תעלמות חכמה כי כפלים לתושׁיה ודע כי ישׁה לך אלוה מעונך׃ 7 החקר אלוה תמצא אם עד תכלית שׁדי תמצא׃ 8 גבהי שׁמים מה תפעל עמקה משׁאול מה תדע׃ 9 ארכה מארץ מדה ורחבה מני ים׃ 10 אם יחלף ויסגיר ויקהיל ומי ישׁיבנו׃ 11 כי הוא ידע מתי שׁוא וירא און ולא יתבונן׃ 12 ואישׁ נבוב ילבב ועיר פרא אדם יולד׃ 13 אם אתה הכינות לבך ופרשׂת אליו כפך׃ 14 אם און בידך הרחיקהו ואל תשׁכן באהליך עולה׃ 15 כי אז תשׂא פניך ממום והיית מצק ולא תירא׃ 16 כי אתה עמל תשׁכח כמים עברו תזכר׃ 17 ומצהרים יקום חלד תעפה כבקר תהיה׃ 18 ובטחת כי ישׁ תקוה וחפרת לבטח תשׁכב׃ 19 ורבצת ואין מחריד וחלו פניך רבים׃ 20 ועיני רשׁעים תכלינה ומנוס אבד מנהם ותקותם מפח נפשׁ׃
IHOT(i) (In English order)
  1 H6030 ויען Then answered H6691 צפר Zophar H5284 הנעמתי the Naamathite, H559 ויאמר׃ and said,
  2 H7230 הרב the multitude H1697 דברים of words H3808 לא Should not H6030 יענה be answered? H518 ואם and should H376 אישׁ a man H8193 שׂפתים full of talk H6663 יצדק׃ be justified?
  3 H907 בדיך Should thy lies H4962 מתים make men H2790 יחרישׁו hold their peace? H3932 ותלעג and when thou mockest, H369 ואין shall no H3637 מכלם׃ man make thee ashamed?
  4 H559 ותאמר For thou hast said, H2134 זך pure, H3948 לקחי My doctrine H1249 ובר clean H1961 הייתי and I am H5869 בעיניך׃ in thine eyes.
  5 H199 ואולם But H4310 מי oh that H5414 יתן would H433 אלוה God H1696 דבר speak, H6605 ויפתח and open H8193 שׂפתיו his lips H5973 עמך׃ against
  6 H5046 ויגד And that he would show H8587 לך תעלמות thee the secrets H2451 חכמה of wisdom, H3588 כי that H3718 כפלים double H8454 לתושׁיה to that which is! H3045 ודע Know H3588 כי therefore that H5382 ישׁה exacteth H433 לך אלוה God H5771 מעונך׃ of thee than thine iniquity
  7 H2714 החקר Canst thou by searching H433 אלוה God? H4672 תמצא find out H518 אם   H5704 עד unto H8503 תכלית perfection? H7706 שׁדי the Almighty H4672 תמצא׃ canst thou find out
  8 H1363 גבהי as high H8064 שׁמים as heaven; H4100 מה what H6466 תפעל canst thou do? H6013 עמקה deeper H7585 משׁאול than hell; H4100 מה what H3045 תדע׃ canst thou know?
  9 H752 ארכה thereof longer H776 מארץ than the earth, H4055 מדה The measure H7342 ורחבה and broader H4480 מני than the earth, H3220 ים׃ the sea.
  10 H518 אם If H2498 יחלף he cut off, H5462 ויסגיר and shut up, H6950 ויקהיל or gather together, H4310 ומי then who H7725 ישׁיבנו׃ can hinder
  11 H3588 כי For H1931 הוא he H3045 ידע knoweth H4962 מתי men: H7723 שׁוא vain H7200 וירא he seeth H205 און wickedness H3808 ולא also; will he not H995 יתבונן׃ then consider
  12 H376 ואישׁ man H5014 נבוב For vain H3823 ילבב would be wise, H5895 ועיר colt. H6501 פרא a wild ass's H120 אדם though man H3205 יולד׃ be born
  13 H518 אם If H859 אתה thou H3559 הכינות prepare H3820 לבך thine heart, H6566 ופרשׂת and stretch out H413 אליו toward H3709 כפך׃ thine hands
  14 H518 אם If H205 און iniquity H3027 בידך in thine hand, H7368 הרחיקהו put it far away, H408 ואל and let not H7931 תשׁכן dwell H168 באהליך in thy tabernacles. H5766 עולה׃ wickedness
  15 H3588 כי For H227 אז then H5375 תשׂא shalt thou lift up H6440 פניך thy face H3971 ממום without spot; H1961 והיית yea, thou shalt be H3332 מצק steadfast, H3808 ולא and shalt not H3372 תירא׃ fear:
  16 H3588 כי Because H859 אתה thou H5999 עמל misery, H7911 תשׁכח shalt forget H4325 כמים as waters H5674 עברו pass away: H2142 תזכר׃ remember
  17 H6672 ומצהרים than the noonday; H6965 יקום shall be clearer H2465 חלד And age H5774 תעפה thou shalt shine forth, H1242 כבקר as the morning. H1961 תהיה׃ thou shalt be
  18 H982 ובטחת And thou shalt be secure, H3588 כי because H3426 ישׁ there H8615 תקוה is hope; H2658 וחפרת yea, thou shalt dig H983 לבטח in safety. H7901 תשׁכב׃ thou shalt take thy rest
  19 H7257 ורבצת Also thou shalt lie down, H369 ואין and none H2729 מחריד shall make afraid; H2470 וחלו shall make suit H6440 פניך unto H7227 רבים׃ yea, many
  20 H5869 ועיני But the eyes H7563 רשׁעים of the wicked H3615 תכלינה shall fail, H4498 ומנוס and they shall not escape, H6 אבד   H4480 מנהם   H8615 ותקותם and their hope H4646 מפח the giving up H5315 נפשׁ׃ of the ghost.
  1 H6030 [H8799] Then answered H6691 Zophar H5284 the Naamathite, H559 [H8799] and said,
  2 H7230 Should not the abundance H1697 of words H6030 [H8735] be answered? H376 and should a man H8193 full of talk H6663 [H8799] be justified?
  3 H907 Should thy lies H2790 0 make H4962 men H2790 [H8686] hold their peace? H3932 [H8799] and when thou mockest, H3637 [H8688] shall no man make thee ashamed?
  4 H559 [H8799] For thou hast said, H3948 My doctrine H2134 is clear, H1249 and I am clean H5869 in thine eyes.
  5 H199 But H5414 [H8799] O that H433 God H1696 [H8763] would speak, H6605 [H8799] and open H8193 his lips against thee;
  6 H5046 [H8686] And that he would show H8587 thee the secrets H2451 of wisdom, H3718 that they are double H8454 to success! H3045 [H8798] Know H433 therefore that God H5382 [H8686] exacteth H5771 of thee less than thy perversity deserveth.
  7 H2714 Canst thou by searching H4672 [H8799] find out H433 God? H4672 [H8799] canst thou find H7706 out the Almighty H8503 to perfection?
  8 H1363 It is as high H8064 as heaven; H6466 [H8799] what canst thou do? H6013 deeper H7585 than the grave; H3045 [H8799] what canst thou know?
  9 H4055 The measure H752 of it is longer H776 than the earth, H7342 and broader H3220 than the sea.
  10 H2498 [H8799] If he shall cut off, H5462 [H8686] and shut up, H6950 [H8686] or congregate, H7725 [H8686] then who can hinder him?
  11 H3045 [H8804] For he knoweth H7723 vain H4962 men: H7200 [H8799] he seeth H205 nothingness H995 [H8709] also; will he not then consider it?
  12 H5014 [H8803] For vain H376 man H3823 [H8735] would be wise, H120 though man H3205 [H8735] is born H6501 like a wild donkey's H5895 colt.
  13 H3559 [H8689] If thou preparest H3820 thine heart, H6566 [H8804] and stretchest H3709 out thy palms toward him;
  14 H205 If nothingness H3027 is in thine hand, H7368 [H8685] put it far away, H5766 and let not distortion H7931 [H8686] dwell H168 in thy tents.
  15 H5375 [H8799] For then shalt thou lift up H6440 thy face H3971 without spot; H3332 [H8716] yea, thou shalt be steadfast, H3372 [H8799] and shalt not fear:
  16 H7911 [H8799] Because thou shalt forget H5999 thy misery, H2142 [H8799] and remember H4325 it as waters H5674 [H8804] that pass away:
  17 H2465 And thy lifespan H6965 [H8799] shall rise more H6672 than the noonday; H5774 [H8799] thou shalt shine forth, H1242 thou shalt be as the morning.
  18 H982 [H8804] And thou shalt be secure, H3426 because there is H8615 hope; H2658 [H8804] yea, thou shalt dig H7901 [H8799] about thee, and thou shalt take thy rest H983 in safety.
  19 H7257 [H8804] Also thou shalt lie down, H2729 [H8688] and none shall make thee afraid; H7227 yea, many H2470 [H8765] shall make suit H6440 to thee.
  20 H5869 But the eyes H7563 of the wicked H3615 [H8799] shall fail, H6 H4498 [H8804] and they shall not escape, H8615 and their hope H4646 shall be as the giving up H5315 of the ghost.
Vulgate(i) 1 respondens autem Sophar Naamathites dixit 2 numquid qui multa loquitur non et audiet aut vir verbosus iustificabitur 3 tibi soli tacebunt homines et cum ceteros inriseris a nullo confutaberis 4 dixisti enim purus est sermo meus et mundus sum in conspectu tuo 5 atque utinam Deus loqueretur tecum et aperiret labia sua tibi 6 ut ostenderet tibi secreta sapientiae et quod multiplex esset lex eius et intellegeres quod multo minora exigaris a Deo quam meretur iniquitas tua 7 forsitan vestigia Dei conprehendes et usque ad perfectum Omnipotentem repperies 8 excelsior caelo est et quid facies profundior inferno et unde cognosces 9 longior terrae mensura eius et latior mari 10 si subverterit omnia vel in unum coartaverit quis contradicet ei 11 ipse enim novit hominum vanitatem et videns iniquitatem nonne considerat 12 vir vanus in superbiam erigitur et tamquam pullum onagri se liberum natum putat 13 tu autem firmasti cor tuum et expandisti ad eum manus tuas 14 si iniquitatem quod est in manu tua abstuleris a te et non manserit in tabernaculo tuo iniustitia 15 tum levare poteris faciem tuam absque macula et eris stabilis et non timebis 16 miseriae quoque oblivisceris et quasi aquarum quae praeterierint recordaberis 17 et quasi meridianus fulgor consurget tibi ad vesperam et cum te consumptum putaveris orieris ut lucifer 18 et habebis fiduciam proposita tibi spe et defossus securus dormies 19 requiesces et non erit qui te exterreat et deprecabuntur faciem tuam plurimi 20 oculi autem impiorum deficient et effugium peribit ab eis et spes eorum abominatio animae
Clementine_Vulgate(i) 1 Respondens autem Sophar Naamathites, dixit: 2 [Numquid qui multa loquitur, non et audiet? aut vir verbosus justificabitur? 3 Tibi soli tacebunt homines? et cum ceteros irriseris, a nullo confutaberis? 4 Dixisti enim: Purus est sermo meus, et mundus sum in conspectu tuo. 5 Atque utinam Deus loqueretur tecum, et aperiret labia sua tibi, 6 ut ostenderet tibi secreta sapientiæ, et quod multiplex esset lex ejus: et intelligeres quod multo minora exigaris ab eo quam meretur iniquitas tua! 7 Forsitan vestigia Dei comprehendes, et usque ad perfectum Omnipotentem reperies? 8 Excelsior cælo est, et quid facies? profundior inferno, et unde cognosces? 9 Longior terra mensura ejus, et latior mari. 10 Si subverterit omnia, vel in unum coarctaverit, quis contradicet ei? 11 Ipse enim novit hominum vanitatem; et videns iniquitatem, nonne considerat? 12 Vir vanus in superbiam erigitur, et tamquam pullum onagri se liberum natum putat. 13 Tu autem firmasti cor tuum, et expandisti ad eum manus tuas. 14 Si iniquitatem quæ est in manu tua abstuleris a te, et non manserit in tabernaculo tuo injustitia, 15 tunc levare poteris faciem tuam absque macula; et eris stabilis, et non timebis. 16 Miseriæ quoque oblivisceris, et quasi aquarum quæ præterierunt recordaberis. 17 Et quasi meridianus fulgor consurget tibi ad vesperam; et cum te consumptum putaveris, orieris ut lucifer. 18 Et habebis fiduciam, proposita tibi spe: et defossus securus dormies. 19 Requiesces, et non erit qui te exterreat; et deprecabuntur faciem tuam plurimi. 20 Oculi autem impiorum deficient, et effugium peribit ab eis: et spes illorum abominatio animæ.]
Wycliffe(i) 1 Forsothe Sophar Naamathites answeride, and seide, 2 Whether he, that spekith many thingis, schal not also here? ether whethir a man ful of wordis schal be maad iust? 3 Schulen men be stille to thee aloone? whanne thou hast scorned othere men, schalt thou not be ouercomun of ony man? 4 For thou seidist, My word is cleene, and Y am cleene in thi siyt. 5 And `Y wolde, that God spak with thee, and openyde hise lippis to thee; 6 to schewe to thee the priuetees of wisdom, and that his lawe is manyfold, and thou schuldist vndurstonde, that thou art requirid of hym to paie myche lesse thingis, than thi wickidnesse disserueth. 7 In hap thou schalt comprehende the steppis of God, and thou schalt fynde Almyyti God `til to perfeccioun. 8 He is hiyere than heuene, and what schalt thou do? he is deppere than helle, and wherof schalt thou knowe? 9 His mesure is lengere than erthe, and brodere than the see. 10 If he distrieth alle thingis, ethir dryueth streitli `in to oon, who schal ayenseie hym? Ethir who may seie to hym, Whi doest thou so? 11 For he knowith the vanyte of men; and whether he seynge byholdith not wickidnesse? 12 A veyn man is reisid in to pride; and gessith hym silf borun fre, as the colt of a wilde asse. 13 But thou hast maad stidefast thin herte, and hast spred abrood thin hondis to hym. 14 If thou doest awei `fro thee the wickidnesse, which is in thin hond, and vnriytfulnesse dwellith not in thi tabernacle, 15 thanne thou schalt mowe reise thi face with out wem, and thou schalt be stidefast, and thou schalt not drede. 16 And thou schalt foryete wretchidnesse, and thou schalt not thenke of it, as of watris that han passid. 17 And as myddai schynynge it schal reise to thee at euentid; and whanne thou gessist thee wastid, thou schalt rise vp as the dai sterre. 18 And thou schalt haue trist, while hope schal be set forth to thee; and thou biried schalt slepe sikurli. 19 Thou schalt reste, and `noon schal be that schal make thee aferd; and ful many men schulen biseche thi face. 20 But the iyen of wickid men schulen faile; and socour schal perische fro hem, and the hope of hem schal be abhominacyioun of soule.
Coverdale(i) 1 Then answered Sophar the Naamathite, and sayde: 2 Shulde not he that maketh many wordes, be answered? Shulde he that bableth moch, be commended therin? 3 Shulde men geue eare vnto the only? Thou wilt laugh other men to scorne, & shal no body mocke the agayne? 4 Wilt thou saye vnto God: The thinge that I take in honde, is perfecte, & I am clene in thy sight? 5 O that God wolde speake, and open his lippes agaynst the, 6 that he might shewe the (out of his secrete wy?dome) how manyfolde his lawe is: then shuldest thou knowe, that God had forgotten the, because of thy synnes. 7 Wilt thou fynde out God with thy sekynge? wilt thou attayne to the perfectnesse of the Allmightie? 8 He is hyer the heaue, what wilt thou do? Deper the hell, how wilt thou then knowe him? 9 His length exceadeth the length of the earth, and his bredth ye bredth of the see. 10 Though he turne all thinges vpsyde downe, close them in, or thrust the together, who darre check him therfore? 11 For it is he, that knoweth the vanite of men: he seyth their wickednesse also, shulde he not then considre it? 12 A vayne body exalteth him self, and the sonne of man is like a wylde asses foale. 13 Yf thou haddest now a right herte, & liftest vp thine hondes towarde him: 14 yf thou woldest put awaye the wickednesse, which thou hast in honde, so that no vngodlynesse dwelt in thy house: 15 Then mightest thou lift vp thy face without shame, the shuldest thou be sure, and haue no nede to feare. 16 Then shuldest thou forget thy misery, and thynke nomore vpon it, then vpon the waters that runne by. 17 Then shulde thy life be as cleare as the noone daye, and sprynge forth as the mornynge. 18 Then mightest thou haue comforth, in the hope that thou hast: & slepe quyetly, when thou art buried. 19 Then shuldest thou take thy rest, and no ma to make the afrayed, yee many one shulde set moch by the. 20 As for the eyes of the vngodly, they shal be consumed, and not escape: their hope shalbe misery and sorow of mynde.
MSTC(i) 1 Then answered Zophar the Naamathite, and said, 2 "Should not he that maketh many words, be answered? Should he that babbleth much, be commended therein? 3 Should men give ear unto thee only? Thou wilt laugh other men to scorn; and shall nobody mock thee again? 4 Wilt thou say unto God, 'The thing that I take in hand is perfect, and I am clean in thy sight'? 5 O that God would speak, and open his lips against thee, 6 that he might show thee out of his secret wisdom how manifold his law is! Then shouldest thou know that God had forgotten thee, because of thy sins. 7 "Wilt thou find out God with thy seeking? Wilt thou attain to the perfectness of the Almighty? 8 He is higher than heaven; what wilt thou do? Deeper than hell; how wilt thou then know him? 9 His length exceedeth the length of the earth, and his breadth the breadth of the sea. 10 Though he turn all things upside down, close them in, or thrust them together, who dare check him therefore? 11 For it is he that knoweth the vanity of men. He seeth their wickedness also; should he not then consider it? 12 A vain body exalteth himself, and man, newborn, is like a wild ass's colt. 13 "If thou hadst now a right heart, and liftest up thine hands toward him; 14 if thou wouldst put away the wickedness which thou hast in hand, so that no ungodliness dwelt in thy house; 15 Then mightest thou lift up thy face without shame! Then shouldest thou be sure, and have no need to fear. 16 Then shouldest thou forget thy misery, and think no more upon it, than upon the waters that run by. 17 Then should the residue of thy life be as clear as the noon day, and spring forth as the morning. 18 Then mightest thou have comfort, in the hope that thou hast; and sleep quietly, when thou art buried. 19 Then shouldest thou take thy rest, and no man to make thee afraid, yea many one should set much by thee. 20 As for the eyes of the ungodly, they shall be consumed, and not escape: their hope shall be misery and sorrow of mind."
Matthew(i) 1 Then answered Sophar the Naamathyte, and sayde: 2 Should not he that maketh many words, be answered? Shoulde he that bableth much, be commended therin? 3 Should men geue eare vnto the only? Thou wylt laugh other men to scorne, and shal no body mocke the agayne? 4 Wylt thou saye vnto God: The thynge that I take in hande is perfecte, and I am clene in thy syght? 5 O that God woulde speake, and open hys lyppes agaynst the, 6 that he myght shewe the (out of his secrete wysdome) howe manyfolde his Lawe is: then shuldest thou knowe, that God had forgotten the, because of thy synnes. 7 Wylt thou fynde out God with thy sekinge? wilt thou attayne to the perfectnesse of the almyghtye? 8 He is hyer then heauen, what wilt thou do? Deper then the hell, howe wylt thou then know him? 9 Hys length exceadeth the length of the erth, & his bredth the bredth of the sea. 10 Though he turne all thynges vp syde downe, close them in, or thrust them to gether who darre check hym therfore? 11 For it is he that knoweth the vanyte of men: he seyth theyr wickednesse also, shulde he not then considre it? 12 A vayne body exalteth hym selfe, & the sonne of man is lyke a wyld asses foale. 13 Yf thou haddest now a righte herte, and lyftedst vp thyne handes towarde hym: 14 yf thou woldest put awaye the wyckednesse which thou hast in hande, so that no vngodlynesse dwelt in they house: 15 Then myghtest thou lyft vp thy face without shame, then shuldest thou besure and haue no nede to feare. 16 Then shuldest thou forget thy mysery, and thyncke nomore vpon it, then vpon the waters that runne by. 17 Then shuld thy lyfe be as cleare as the noone daye, and sprynge forth as the mornynge. 18 Then myghtest thou haue comforth, in the hope that thou haste: & slepe quyetly, when thou art buryed. 19 Then shuldest thou take thy reste, and no man to make the afrayed, ye many one shuld set moch by the. 20 As for the eyes of the vngodly, they shalbe consumed, and not escape: theyr hope shalbe mysery and sorow of mynde.
Great(i) 1 Then answered Sophar the Naamathite, and sayde: 2 Shulde not he that maketh many wordes, be answered? Shuld he that bableth moch, be commended therin? 3 Shulde men geue eare vnto the onely? Thou wilt laugh other men to scorne, and shal no body mock the againe? 4 Wylt thou saye vnto God. The thyng that I take in hande is perfecte, and I am cleane in thy syght? 5 O that God wolde speake, and open his lyppes agaynst the, 6 that he myght shewe the (out of his secrete wysdome) why he rewardeth the double as he was appoynted to do: then shuldest thou knowe, that God had forgotten the because of thy synne. 7 Art thou able to fynde out the secretes of God? Or wylt thou attayne to the perfectnesse of the almyghtye? 8 He is hyer then heauen, what arte thou able to do? Deper then the hell, how wilt thou then know him? 9 His length exceadeth the length of the earth, and hys bredth the bredth of the see. 10 Though he turne all thinges vp syde downe, close them in, gather them togeather, who wyll turne hym from his purpose? 11 For it is he that knoweth the vanite of men: he seyth theyr wyckednesse also, shulde he not then considre it? 12 A vayne body exalteth hym selfe, and man new borne is lyke a wylde asses colte. 13 If thou haddest nowe a ryght hert, and lyftedst vp thyne handes towarde hym: 14 yf thou woldest put awaye the wickednes which thou hast in hande, so that no vngodlynesse dwell in thy house. 15 Then myghtest thou lyft vp thy face without shame, and then shuldest thou be sure, and haue no nede to feare. 16 Then shuldest thou forget thy miserye, & thyncke nomore vpon it then vpon the waters that runne by. 17 Then shuld the residue of thy lyfe be as cleare as the noone daye, and sprynge forth as the mornyng. 18 Then mightest thou haue comforte, in the hope that thou hast: and slepe quyetly, when thou art buried. 19 Then shuldest thou take thy rest, & no man to make the afrayed, yee, many one shuld set moch by the. 20 As for the eyes of the vngodly, they shalbe consumed, and not escape: theyr hope shalbe misery and sorow of mynde.
Geneva(i) 1 Then answered Zophar the Naamathite, and sayde, 2 Should not the multitude of wordes be answered? or should a great talker be iustified? 3 Should men holde their peace at thy lyes? and when thou mockest others, shall none make thee ashamed? 4 For thou hast sayde, My doctrine is pure, and I am cleane in thine eyes. 5 But, oh that God would speake and open his lippes against thee! 6 That he might shewe thee the secretes of wisedome, howe thou hast deserued double, according to right: know therefore that God hath forgotten thee for thine iniquitie. 7 Canst thou by searching finde out God? canst thou finde out ye Almighty to his perfection? 8 The heauens are hie, what canst thou doe? it is deeper then the hell, how canst thou know it? 9 The measure thereof is longer then the earth, and it is broader then the sea. 10 If hee cut off and shut vp, or gather together, who can turne him backe? 11 For hee knoweth vaine men, and seeth iniquitie, and him that vnderstandeth nothing. 12 Yet vaine man would be wise, though man new borne is like a wilde asse colte. 13 If thou prepare thine heart, and stretch out thine hands toward him: 14 If iniquitie be in thine hand, put it farre away, and let no wickednesse dwell in thy Tabernacle. 15 The truely shalt thou lift vp thy face without spot, and shalt be stable, and shalt not feare. 16 But thou shalt forget thy miserie, and remember it as waters that are past. 17 Thine age also shall appeare more cleare then the noone day: thou shalt shine and bee as the morning. 18 And thou shalt bee bolde, because there is hope: and thou shalt digge pittes, and shalt lye downe safely. 19 For when thou takest thy rest, none shall make thee afraide: yea, many shall make sute vnto thee. 20 But the eyes of the wicked shall faile, and their refuge shall perish, and their hope shalbe sorow of minde.
Bishops(i) 1 Then aunswered Sophar the Naamathite, and sayde 2 Shoulde not [he that maketh] many wordes be aunswered? Shoulde he that bableth much be commended therin 3 Shoulde thy lies make men holde their peace, and when thou mockest [others] shall no man make thee ashamed 4 For thou hast sayde, my doctrine is pure, and I am cleane in thyne eyes 5 But O that God woulde speake, and open his lippes against thee 6 That he might shewe thee the secretes of wysdome, howe thou hast deserued double according to right: Know therfore that God hath forgotten thee for thyne iniquitie 7 Art thou able to finde out [the secretes of] God? Or wilt thou attayne to the perfectnesse of the almightie 8 It is hier then heauen, what art thou able to do? deeper then the hel, how wilt thou then knowe it 9 The measure of it is longer then the earth, and broder then the sea 10 Though he turne all thinges vpsyde downe, close them in, gather them together, who will turne hym from his purpose 11 For it is he that knoweth vayne men, he seeth their wickednesse also, shoulde he not then consider it 12 Yet vayne man would be wyse, though man [newe] borne is lyke a wilde asses coulte 13 If thou preparedst thyne heart, and liftedst vp thyne handes towarde hym 14 If thou wouldest put away the wickednes whiche thou hast in hande, so that no vngodlinesse dwell in thy house 15 Then mightest thou lift vp thy face without shame, & then shouldest thou be sure and haue no neede to feare 16 Then shouldest thou forget thy miserie, and thinke no more vpon it, then vpon the waters that runne by 17 Then should thy lyfe be as cleare as the noone day, thou shouldest shine forth, and be as the morning 18 Then mightest thou be bolde because there is hope, and take thy rest quietly, as compassed with a trenche 19 Then mightest thou lye downe and none to make thee afrayde, yea many one should make suite vnto thee 20 As for the eyes of the vngodly they shall faile, and they shal not escape: and their hope shalbe sorowe of minde
DouayRheims(i) 1 Then Sophar the Naamathite answered, and said: 2 Shall not he that speaketh much, hear also? or shall a man full of talk be justified? 3 Shall men hold their peace to thee only? and when thou hast mocked others, shall no man confute thee? 4 For thou hast said: My word is pure, and I am clean in thy sight. 5 And I wish that God would speak with thee, and would open his lips to thee, 6 That he might shew thee the secrets of wisdom, and that his law is manifold, and thou mightest understand that he exacteth much less of thee, than thy iniquity deserveth. 7 Peradventure thou wilt comprehend the steps of God, and wilt find out the Almighty perfectly? 8 He is higher than heaven, and what wilt thou do? he is deeper than hell, and how wilt thou know? 9 The measure of him is longer than the earth, and broader than the sea. 10 If he shall overturn all things, or shall press them together, who shall contradict him? 11 For he knoweth the vanity of men, and when he seeth iniquity, doth he not consider it? 12 A vain man is lifted up into pride, and thinketh himself born free like a wild ass's colt. 13 But thou hast hardened thy heart, and hast spread thy hands to him. 14 If thou wilt put away from thee the iniquity that is in thy hand, and let not injustice remain in thy tabernacle: 15 Then mayst thou lift up thy face without spot, and thou shalt be steadfast, and shalt not fear. 16 Thou shalt also forget misery, and remember it only as waters that are passed away. 17 And brightness like that of the noonday, shall arise to thee at evening: and when thou shalt think thyself consumed, thou shalt rise as the day star. 18 And thou shalt have confidence, hope being set before thee, and being buried thou shalt sleep secure. 19 Thou shalt rest, and there shall be none to make thee afraid: and many shall entreat thy face. 20 But the eyes of the wicked shall decay, and the way to escape shall fail them, and their hope the abomination of the soul.
KJV(i) 1 Then answered Zophar the Naamathite, and said, 2 Should not the multitude of words be answered? and should a man full of talk be justified? 3 Should thy lies make men hold their peace? and when thou mockest, shall no man make thee ashamed? 4 For thou hast said, My doctrine is pure, and I am clean in thine eyes. 5 But oh that God would speak, and open his lips against thee; 6 And that he would shew thee the secrets of wisdom, that they are double to that which is! Know therefore that God exacteth of thee less than thine iniquity deserveth. 7 Canst thou by searching find out God? canst thou find out the Almighty unto perfection? 8 It is as high as heaven; what canst thou do? deeper than hell; what canst thou know? 9 The measure thereof is longer than the earth, and broader than the sea. 10 If he cut off, and shut up, or gather together, then who can hinder him? 11 For he knoweth vain men: he seeth wickedness also; will he not then consider it? 12 For vain men would be wise, though man be born like a wild ass's colt. 13 If thou prepare thine heart, and stretch out thine hands toward him; 14 If iniquity be in thine hand, put it far away, and let not wickedness dwell in thy tabernacles. 15 For then shalt thou lift up thy face without spot; yea, thou shalt be stedfast, and shalt not fear: 16 Because thou shalt forget thy misery, and remember it as waters that pass away: 17 And thine age shall be clearer than the noonday: thou shalt shine forth, thou shalt be as the morning. 18 And thou shalt be secure, because there is hope; yea, thou shalt dig about thee, and thou shalt take thy rest in safety. 19 Also thou shalt lie down, and none shall make thee afraid; yea, many shall make suit unto thee. 20 But the eyes of the wicked shall fail, and they shall not escape, and their hope shall be as the giving up of the ghost.
KJV_Cambridge(i) 1 Then answered Zophar the Naamathite, and said, 2 Should not the multitude of words be answered? and should a man full of talk be justified? 3 Should thy lies make men hold their peace? and when thou mockest, shall no man make thee ashamed? 4 For thou hast said, My doctrine is pure, and I am clean in thine eyes. 5 But oh that God would speak, and open his lips against thee; 6 And that he would shew thee the secrets of wisdom, that they are double to that which is! Know therefore that God exacteth of thee less than thine iniquity deserveth. 7 Canst thou by searching find out God? canst thou find out the Almighty unto perfection? 8 It is as high as heaven; what canst thou do? deeper than hell; what canst thou know? 9 The measure thereof is longer than the earth, and broader than the sea. 10 If he cut off, and shut up, or gather together, then who can hinder him? 11 For he knoweth vain men: he seeth wickedness also; will he not then consider it? 12 For vain man would be wise, though man be born like a wild ass's colt. 13 If thou prepare thine heart, and stretch out thine hands toward him; 14 If iniquity be in thine hand, put it far away, and let not wickedness dwell in thy tabernacles. 15 For then shalt thou lift up thy face without spot; yea, thou shalt be stedfast, and shalt not fear: 16 Because thou shalt forget thy misery, and remember it as waters that pass away: 17 And thine age shall be clearer than the noonday; thou shalt shine forth, thou shalt be as the morning. 18 And thou shalt be secure, because there is hope; yea, thou shalt dig about thee, and thou shalt take thy rest in safety. 19 Also thou shalt lie down, and none shall make thee afraid; yea, many shall make suit unto thee. 20 But the eyes of the wicked shall fail, and they shall not escape, and their hope shall be as the giving up of the ghost.
  1 H6030 Then answered [H8799]   H6691 Zophar H5284 the Naamathite H559 , and said [H8799]  ,
  2 H7230 Should not the multitude H1697 of words H6030 be answered [H8735]   H376 ? and should a man H8193 full of talk H6663 be justified [H8799]  ?
  3 H907 Should thy lies H2790 make H4962 men H2790 hold their peace [H8686]   H3932 ? and when thou mockest [H8799]   H3637 , shall no man make thee ashamed [H8688]  ?
  4 H559 For thou hast said [H8799]   H3948 , My doctrine H2134 is pure H1249 , and I am clean H5869 in thine eyes.
  5 H199 But H5414 oh that [H8799]   H433 God H1696 would speak [H8763]   H6605 , and open [H8799]   H8193 his lips against thee;
  6 H5046 And that he would shew [H8686]   H8587 thee the secrets H2451 of wisdom H3718 , that they are double H8454 to that which is H3045 ! Know [H8798]   H433 therefore that God H5382 exacteth [H8686]   H5771 of thee less than thine iniquity deserveth .
  7 H2714 Canst thou by searching H4672 find out [H8799]   H433 God H4672 ? canst thou find [H8799]   H7706 out the Almighty H8503 unto perfection?
  8 H1363 It is as high H8064 as heaven H6466 ; what canst thou do [H8799]   H6013 ? deeper H7585 than hell H3045 ; what canst thou know [H8799]  ?
  9 H4055 The measure H752 thereof is longer H776 than the earth H7342 , and broader H3220 than the sea.
  10 H2498 If he cut off [H8799]   H5462 , and shut up [H8686]   H6950 , or gather together [H8686]   H7725 , then who can hinder [H8686]   him?
  11 H3045 For he knoweth [H8804]   H7723 vain H4962 men H7200 : he seeth [H8799]   H205 wickedness H995 also; will he not then consider [H8709]   it ?
  12 H5014 For vain [H8803]   H376 man H3823 would be wise [H8735]   H120 , though man H3205 be born [H8735]   H6501 like a wild ass's H5895 colt.
  13 H3559 If thou prepare [H8689]   H3820 thine heart H6566 , and stretch [H8804]   H3709 out thine hands toward him;
  14 H205 If iniquity H3027 be in thine hand H7368 , put it far away [H8685]   H5766 , and let not wickedness H7931 dwell [H8686]   H168 in thy tabernacles.
  15 H5375 For then shalt thou lift up [H8799]   H6440 thy face H3971 without spot H3332 ; yea, thou shalt be stedfast [H8716]   H3372 , and shalt not fear [H8799]  :
  16 H7911 Because thou shalt forget [H8799]   H5999 thy misery H2142 , and remember [H8799]   H4325 it as waters H5674 that pass away [H8804]  :
  17 H2465 And thine age H6965 shall be clearer [H8799]   H6672 than the noonday H5774 ; thou shalt shine forth [H8799]   H1242 , thou shalt be as the morning.
  18 H982 And thou shalt be secure [H8804]   H3426 , because there is H8615 hope H2658 ; yea, thou shalt dig [H8804]   H7901 about thee, and thou shalt take thy rest [H8799]   H983 in safety.
  19 H7257 Also thou shalt lie down [H8804]   H2729 , and none shall make thee afraid [H8688]   H7227 ; yea, many H2470 shall make suit [H8765]   H6440 unto thee.
  20 H5869 But the eyes H7563 of the wicked H3615 shall fail [H8799]   H6 , and they shall not escape [H8804]   H4498   H8615 , and their hope H4646 shall be as the giving up H5315 of the ghost.
Thomson(i) 1 Here Sophar and Minaian answering said, 2 He who speaketh much should be answered: else the fine speaker thinketh himself just; and the short lived offspring of woman is blessed. 3 Be not profuse of words, because there is none to answer thee: 4 nor say I am pure in works and irreprehensible before him. 5 But how would the Lord speak to thee; were he to open his lips against thee? 6 Indeed were he to unfold to thee the power of wisdom; because it must needs be double to what are with thee: then thou wouldst know that what have come upon thee from the Lord are answerable to the sins which thou hast committed. 7 Canst thou trace the footsteps of the Lord? Or hast thou reached the extent of what the Almighty hath done? 8 The heaven is high, what then canst thou do? And there are things deeper than the mansion of the dead; what dost thou know? 9 Of greater extent than the measure of the earth or the breadth of the sea. 10 Now were he to overturn all these, who could say to him what hast thou done? 11 For he knoweth the works of the wicked, and on seeing wickedness will not overlook it. 12 But man vainly floateth about in words; but a mortal born of woman is like a wild ass. 13 For if thou hast made thy heart pure, and lift thy hands to him: 14 if there be any iniquity in thy hand, put it far from thee; and let not injustice lodge in thy dwelling. 15 For thus will thy countenance brighten like pure water: thou wilt disrobe thyself of filth, and no more be terrified: 16 thou shalt forget thy trouble like a wave that is past and not be afraid; and thy wish will spring up like the morning star; 17 and life will arise for thee from noon day: 18 and thou shalt be in a state of security because thou hast hope. And out of sorrow and care, peace will shine upon thee. 19 For thou shalt rest at ease, and none shall be at war with thee: and many, changing their conduct, will intreat thy favour. 20 But safety shall forsake them: for their hope shall be their destruction; and the eyes of the wicked shall melt away.
Webster(i) 1 Then answered Zophar the Naamathite, and said, 2 Should not the multitude of words be answered? and should a man full of talk be justified? 3 Should thy falsehoods make men hold their peace? and when thou mockest, shall no man make thee ashamed? 4 For thou hast said, My doctrine is pure, and I am clean in thy eyes. 5 But Oh that God would speak, and open his lips against thee; 6 And that he would show thee the secrets of wisdom, that they are double to that which is! Know therefore that God exacteth of thee less than thy iniquity deserveth. 7 Canst thou by searching find out God? canst thou find out the Almighty to perfection? 8 It is as high as heaven; what canst thou do? deeper than hell; what canst thou know? 9 The measure of it is longer than the earth, and broader than the sea. 10 If he shall cut off, and shut up, or gather together, then who can hinder him? 11 For he knoweth vain men: he seeth wickedness also; will he not then consider it? 12 For vain man would be wise, though man is born like a wild ass's colt. 13 If thou preparest thy heart, and stretchest out thy hands towards him; 14 If iniquity is in thy hand, put it far away, and let not wickedness dwell in thy tabernacles. 15 For then shalt thou lift up thy face without spot; yes, thou shalt be steadfast, and shalt not fear: 16 Because thou shalt forget thy misery, and remember it as waters that pass away: 17 And thy age shall be clearer than the noon-day: thou shalt shine forth, thou shalt be as the morning. 18 And thou shalt be secure, because there is hope; yes, thou shalt dig about thee, and thou shalt take thy rest in safety. 19 Also thou shalt lie down, and none shall make thee afraid; yes, many shall make suit to thee. 20 But the eyes of the wicked shall fail, and they shall not escape, and their hope shall be as the expiration of the breath.
  1 H6030 [H8799] Then answered H6691 Zophar H5284 the Naamathite H559 [H8799] , and said,
  2 H7230 Should not the multitude H1697 of words H6030 [H8735] be answered H376 ? and should a man H8193 full of talk H6663 [H8799] be justified?
  3 H907 Should thy lies H2790 0 make H4962 men H2790 [H8686] hold their peace H3932 [H8799] ? and when thou mockest H3637 [H8688] , shall no man make thee ashamed?
  4 H559 [H8799] For thou hast said H3948 , My doctrine H2134 is pure H1249 , and I am clean H5869 in thy eyes.
  5 H199 But H5414 [H8799] O that H433 God H1696 [H8763] would speak H6605 [H8799] , and open H8193 his lips against thee;
  6 H5046 [H8686] And that he would show H8587 thee the secrets H2451 of wisdom H3718 , that they are double H8454 to that which is H3045 [H8798] ! Know H433 therefore that God H5382 [H8686] exacteth H5771 of thee less than thy iniquity deserveth.
  7 H2714 Canst thou by searching H4672 [H8799] find out H433 God H4672 [H8799] ? canst thou find H7706 out the Almighty H8503 to perfection?
  8 H1363 It is as high H8064 as heaven H6466 [H8799] ; what canst thou do H6013 ? deeper H7585 than hell H3045 [H8799] ; what canst thou know?
  9 H4055 The measure H752 of it is longer H776 than the earth H7342 , and broader H3220 than the sea.
  10 H2498 [H8799] If he shall cut off H5462 [H8686] , and shut up H6950 [H8686] , or gather together H7725 [H8686] , then who can hinder him?
  11 H3045 [H8804] For he knoweth H7723 vain H4962 men H7200 [H8799] : he seeth H205 wickedness H995 [H8709] also; will he not then consider it?
  12 H5014 [H8803] For vain H376 man H3823 [H8735] would be wise H120 , though man H3205 [H8735] is born H6501 like a wild donkey's H5895 colt.
  13 H3559 [H8689] If thou preparest H3820 thy heart H6566 [H8804] , and stretchest H3709 out thy hands toward him;
  14 H205 If iniquity H3027 is in thy hand H7368 [H8685] , put it far away H5766 , and let not wickedness H7931 [H8686] dwell H168 in thy tents.
  15 H5375 [H8799] For then shalt thou lift up H6440 thy face H3971 without spot H3332 [H8716] ; yea, thou shalt be steadfast H3372 [H8799] , and shalt not fear:
  16 H7911 [H8799] Because thou shalt forget H5999 thy misery H2142 [H8799] , and remember H4325 it as waters H5674 [H8804] that pass away:
  17 H2465 And thy age H6965 [H8799] shall be clearer H6672 than the noonday H5774 [H8799] ; thou shalt shine forth H1242 , thou shalt be as the morning.
  18 H982 [H8804] And thou shalt be secure H3426 , because there is H8615 hope H2658 [H8804] ; yea, thou shalt dig H7901 [H8799] about thee, and thou shalt take thy rest H983 in safety.
  19 H7257 [H8804] Also thou shalt lie down H2729 [H8688] , and none shall make thee afraid H7227 ; yea, many H2470 [H8765] shall make suit H6440 to thee.
  20 H5869 But the eyes H7563 of the wicked H3615 [H8799] shall fail H6 H4498 [H8804] , and they shall not escape H8615 , and their hope H4646 shall be as the giving up H5315 of the ghost.
Brenton(i) 1 Then Sophar the Minaean answered and said, 2 He that speaks much, should also hear on the other side: or does the fluent speaker think himself to be righteous? blessed is the short lived offspring of woman. 3 Be not a speaker of many words; for is there none to answer thee? 4 For say not, I am pure in my works, and blameless before him. 5 But oh that the Lord would speak to thee, and open his lips to thee! 6 Then shall he declare to thee the power of wisdom; for it shall be double of that which is with thee: and then shalt thou know, that a just recompence of thy sins has come to thee from the Lord. 7 Wilt thou find out the traces of the Lord? or hast thou come to the end of that which the Almighty has made? 8 Heaven is high; and what wilt thou do? and there are deeper things than those in hell; what dost thou know? 9 Or longer than the measure of the earth, or the breadth of the sea. 10 And if he should overthrow all things, who will say to him, What hast thou done? 11 For he knows the works of transgressors; and when he sees wickedness, he will not overlook it. 12 But man vainly buoys himself up with words; and a mortal born of woman is like an ass in the desert. 13 For if thou hast made thine heart pure, and liftest up thine hands towards him; 14 if there is any iniquity in thy hands, put if far from thee, and let not unrighteousness lodge in thy habitation. 15 For thus shall thy countenance shine again, as pure water; and thou shalt divest thyself of uncleanness, and shalt not fear. 16 And thou shalt forget trouble, as a wave that has passed by; and thou shalt not be scared. 17 And thy prayer shall be as the morning star, and life shall arise to thee as from the noonday. 18 And thou shalt be confident, because thou hast hope; and peace shall dawn to thee from out of anxiety and care. 19 For thou shalt be at ease, and there shall be no one to fight against thee; and many shall charge, and make supplication to thee. 20 But safety shall fail them; for their hope is destruction, and the eyes of the ungodly shall waste away.
Brenton_Greek(i) 1 Ὑπολαβὼν δὲ Σωφὰρ ὁ Μιναῖος, λέγει,
2 Ὁ τὰ πολλὰ λέγων, καὶ ἀντακούσεται· ἢ καὶ ὁ εὔλαλος οἴεται εἶναι δίκαιος; εὐλογημένος γεννητὸς γυναικὸς ὀλιγόβιος. 3 Μὴ πολὺς ἐν ῥήμασι γίνου, οὐ γάρ ἐστιν ὁ ἀντικρινόμενός σοι; 4 Mὴ γὰρ λέγε, ὅτι καθαρός εἰμι τοῖς ἔργοις καὶ ἄμεμπτος ἐναντίον αὐτοῦ.
5 Ἀλλὰ πῶς ἂν ὁ Κύριος λαλήσαι πρὸς σὲ, καὶ ἀνοίξει χείλη αὐτοῦ μετὰ σοῦ; 6 Eἶτα ἀναγγελεῖ σοι δύναμιν σοφίας· ὅτι διπλοῦς ἔσται τῶν κατά σέ· καὶ τότε γνώσῃ, ὅτι ἄξιά σοι ἀπέβη ἀπὸ Κυρίου ὧν ἡμάρτηκας.
7 Ἦ ἴχνος Κυρίου εὑρήσεις, ἢ εἰς τὰ ἔσχατα ἀφίκου ἃ ἐποίησεν ὁ Παντοκράτωρ; 8 Ὑψηλὸς ὁ οὐρανός, καὶ τί ποιήσεις; βαθύτερα δὲ τῶν ἐν ᾃδου, τί οἶδας; 9 ἢ μακρότερα μέτρου γῆς, ἢ εὔρους θαλάσσης;
10 Ἐὰν δὲ καταστρέψῃ τὰ πάντα, τίς ἐρεῖ αὐτῷ, τί ἐποίησας; 11 Aὐτὸς γὰρ οἶδεν ἔργα ἀνόμων, ἰδὼν δὲ ἄτοπα οὐ παρόψεται.
12 Ἄνθρωπος δὲ ἄλλως νήχεται λόγοις· βροτὸς δὲ γεννητὸς γυναικὸς, ἴσα ὄνῳ ἐρημίτῃ.
13 Εἰ γὰρ σὺ καθαρὰν ἔθου τὴν καρδίαν σου, ὑπτιάζεις δὲ χεῖρας πρὸς αὐτὸν, 14 εἰ ἄνομόν τί ἐστιν ἐν χερσί σου, πόῤῥω ποίησον αὐτὸ ἀπὸ σοῦ, ἀδικία δὲ ἐν διαίτῃ σου μὴ αὐλισθήτω· 15 Οὕτως γὰρ ἀναλάμψει σου τὸ πρόσωπον, ὥσπερ ὕδωρ καθαρὸν, ἐκδύσῃ δὲ ῥύπον, καὶ οὐ μὴ φοβηθήσῃ. 16 Καὶ τὸν κόπον ἐπιλήσῃ, ὥσπερ κῦμα παρελθὸν, καὶ οὐ πτοηθήσῃ. 17 Ἡ δὲ εὐχή σου ὥσπερ Ἑωσφόρος, ἐκ δὲ μεσημβρίας ἀνατελεῖ σοι ζωή· 18 Πεποιθώς τε ἔσῃ, ὅτι ἔστι σοι ἐλπὶς, ἐκ δὲ μερίμνης καὶ φροντίδος ἀναφανεῖταί σοι εἰρήνη· 19 Ἡσυχάσεις γάρ, καὶ οὐκ ἔσται ὁ πολεμῶν σε· μεταβαλόμενοι δὲ πολλοί σου δεηθήσονται. 20 Σωτηρία δὲ αὐτοὺς ἀπολείψει· ἡ γὰρ ἐλπὶς αὐτῶν ἀπώλεια, ὀφθαλμοὶ δὲ ἀσεβῶν τακήσονται.
Leeser(i) 1 Then answered Zophar the Na’amathite, and said. 2 Shall a multitude of words not be answered? and is it so that a man full of talk shall be deemed in the right? 3 Thy inventions are to bring men to silence; and when thou utterest thy mocking no one is to cause thee to feel abashed! 4 For thou hast said to God, My doctrine is pure, and I am become clean in thy eyes. 5 But oh that God would but speak, and open his lips against thee; 6 And that he would declare unto thee the secrets of wisdom; for it is double to that which is really in our possession: and thou wouldst experience that God overlooketh unto thee much of thy iniquity. 7 Canst thou find out the experience of God? or canst thou find the way unto the utmost limit of the Almighty? 8 It is as high as heaven; what canst thou effect? it is deeper than the nether world; what canst thou know? 9 Longer than the earth is its measure, and broader than the sea. 10 If he pass by, and surrender one to suffering, and call together an assembly, who can hinder him? 11 For he knoweth the men of vanity: he seeth the wrong-doer and him who considereth not; 12 And the heartless who acquireth intelligence, and him who is like the colt of the wild ass who is transformed into a man. 13 If thou truly direct aright thy heart, and spread out thy hands toward him:— 14 If wrong be in thy hand, put it far away, and let not wickedness dwell in thy tents. 15 For then canst thou lift up thy face free from blemish: yea, thou wilt stand steadfast, and needest not to fear; 16 Because thou wilt truly forget thy trouble, and as a waterflood that is passed away wilt thou remember it; 17 And brighter than the noon of day will thy earthly existence arise; and thy obscurity will be like thy morning. 18 And thou wilt feel trust, because there is hope: yea, thou wilt search about carefully, and thou wilt lie down in safety. 19 Also thou wilt stretch thyself out to rest, with none to make thee afraid; and many will entreat thy favor. 20 But the eyes of the wicked shall fail, and the means of escape will vanish from them, and their sole hope shall be the breathing out of their soul.
YLT(i) 1 And Zophar the Naamathite answereth and saith: — 2 Is a multitude of words not answered? And is a man of lips justified? 3 Thy devices make men keep silent, Thou scornest, and none is causing blushing! 4 And thou sayest, `Pure is my discourse, And clean I have been in Thine eyes.' 5 And yet, O that God had spoken! And doth open His lips with thee. 6 And declare to thee secrets of wisdom, For counsel hath foldings. And know thou that God forgetteth for thee, Some of thine iniquity.
7 By searching dost thou find out God? Unto perfection find out the Mighty One? 8 Heights of the heavens! —what dost thou? Deeper than Sheol! —what knowest thou? 9 Longer than earth is its measure, And broader than the sea. 10 If He pass on, and shut up, and assemble, Who then dost reverse it? 11 For he hath known men of vanity, And He seeth iniquity, And one doth not consider it! 12 And empty man is bold, And the colt of a wild ass man is born.
13 If thou—thou hast prepared thy heart, And hast spread out unto Him thy hands, 14 If iniquity is in thy hand, put it far off, And let not perverseness dwell in thy tents. 15 For then thou liftest up thy face from blemish, And thou hast been firm, and fearest not. 16 For thou dost forget misery, As waters passed away thou rememberest. 17 And above the noon doth age rise, Thou fliest—as the morning thou art. 18 And thou hast trusted because their is hope, And searched—in confidence thou liest down, 19 And thou hast rested, And none is causing trembling, And many have entreated thy face; 20 And the eyes of the wicked are consumed, And refuge hath perished from them, And their hope is a breathing out of soul!
JuliaSmith(i) 1 And Zophar the Naamathite will answer and say, 2 Shall not the multitude of words be answered? and shall a man of lips be justified? 3 Shall thy empty talks cause men to be silent? and wilt thou deride and none making ashamed? 4 And thou wilt say, My instruction is pure, and I was clean in thine eyes. 5 And who Will give God speaking, and he will open his lips with thee? 6 And he shall announce to thee hidden things of wisdom, for they are the double for understanding. And know thou that God will set to thee from thine iniquity. 7 Searching shalt thou and God? Shalt thou find the Almighty even to completeness? 8 The heavens being high, what wilt thou do? Hades being deep, what wilt thou know? 9 Its measure long above the earth, and broad above the sea. 10 If he shall pass on, and shut up, and gather together, who shall turn him back. 11 For he knew men of vanity, and he will see iniquity; and will he not understand? 12 And man being empty will be without heart: and man will be born a wild ass's colt 13 If thou preparedst thy heart, and didst spread thy hands towards him; 14 If iniquity in thy hand, remove it far off, and wickedness shall not dwell in thy tents. 15 For then thou shalt lift up thy face from spot; and thou wert firm, and thou shalt not fear: 16 For thou shalt forget toil, then shalt remember as waters they passed away. 17 And life shall rise above the noonday: thou shalt shine forth, thou shalt be as the morning 18 And thou didst trust, for there is hope; and thou didst search out; thou shalt lie down confidently. 19 And thou shalt lie down and none terrifying; and many waited for thy face. 20 And the eyes of the unjust shall be consumed, and flight shall perish from them, and their hope a breathing out of the soul.
Darby(i) 1 And Zophar the Naamathite answered and said, 2 Should not the multitude of words be answered? and should a man of much talk be justified? 3 Should thy fictions make men hold their peace? and shouldest thou mock, and no one make [thee] ashamed? 4 For thou sayest, My doctrine is pure, and I am clean in thine eyes. 5 But oh that +God would speak, and open his lips against thee; 6 And that he would shew thee the secrets of wisdom, how that they are the double of what is realised; and know that +God passeth by [much] of thine iniquity! 7 Canst thou by searching find out +God? canst thou find out the Almighty to perfection? 8 [It is as] the heights of heaven; what wilt thou do? deeper than Sheol; what canst thou know? 9 The measure thereof is longer than the earth, and broader than the sea. 10 If he pass by, and shut up, and call to judgment, who can hinder him? 11 For he knoweth vain men, and seeth wickedness when [man] doth not consider it; 12 Yet a senseless man will make bold, though man be born [like] the foal of a wild ass. 13 If thou prepare thy heart and stretch out thy hands toward him, 14 If thou put far away the iniquity which is in thy hand, and let not wrong dwell in thy tents; 15 Surely then shalt thou lift up thy face without spot, and thou shalt be stedfast and shalt not fear: 16 For thou shalt forget misery; as waters that are passed away shalt thou remember it; 17 And life shall arise brighter than noonday; though thou be enshrouded in darkness, thou shalt be as the morning, 18 And thou shalt have confidence, because there shall be hope; and having searched about [thee], thou shalt take rest in safety. 19 Yea, thou shalt lie down, and none shall make thee afraid; and many shall seek thy favour. 20 But the eyes of the wicked shall fail, and [all] refuge shall vanish from them, and their hope [shall be] the breathing out of life.
ERV(i) 1 Then answered Zophar the Naamathite, and said, 2 Should not the multitude of words be answered? and should a man full of talk be justified? 3 Should thy boastings make men hold their peace? and when thou mockest, shall no man make thee ashamed? 4 For thou sayest, My doctrine is pure, and I am clean in thine eyes. 5 But Oh that God would speak, and open his lips against thee; 6 And that he would shew thee the secrets of wisdom, that iris manifold in effectual working! Know therefore that God exacteth of thee less than thine iniquity deserveth. 7 Canst thou by searching find out God? canst thou find out the Almighty unto perfection? 8 It is high as heaven; what canst thou do? deeper than Sheol; what canst thou know? 9 The measure thereof is longer than the earth, and broader than the sea. 10 If he pass through, and shut up, and call unto judgment, then who can hinder him? 11 For he knoweth vain men: he seeth iniquity also, even though he consider it not. 12 But vain man is void of understanding, yea, man is born as a wild ass’s colt. 13 If thou set thine heart aright, and stretch out thine hands toward him; 14 If iniquity be in thine hand, put it far away, and let not unrighteousness dwell in thy tents; 15 Surely then shalt thou lift up thy face without spot; yea, thou shalt be stedfast, and shalt not fear: 16 For thou shalt forget thy misery; thou shalt remember it as waters that are passed away: 17 And [thy] life shall be clearer than the noonday; though there be darkness, it shall be as the morning. 18 And thou shalt be secure, because there is hope; yea, thou shalt search [about thee], and shalt take thy rest in safety. 19 Also thou shalt lie down, and none shall make thee afraid; yea, many shall make suit unto thee. 20 But the eyes of the wicked shall fail, and they shall have no way to flee, and their hope shall be the giving up of the ghost.
ASV(i) 1 Then answered Zophar the Naamathite, and said, 2 Should not the multitude of words be answered?
And should a man full of talk be justified? 3 Should thy boastings make men hold their peace?
And when thou mockest, shall no man make thee ashamed? 4 For thou sayest, My doctrine is pure,
And I am clean in thine eyes. 5 But oh that God would speak,
And open his lips against thee, 6 And that he would show thee the secrets of wisdom!
For he is manifold in understanding.
Know therefore that God exacteth of thee less than thine iniquity deserveth.
7 Canst thou by searching find out God?
Canst thou find out the Almighty unto perfection? 8 It is high as heaven; what canst thou do?
Deeper than Sheol; what canst thou know? 9 The measure thereof is longer than the earth,
And broader than the sea. 10 If he pass through, and shut up,
And call unto judgment, then who can hinder him? 11 For he knoweth false men:
He seeth iniquity also, even though he consider it not. 12 But vain man is void of understanding,
Yea, man is born [as] a wild ass's colt.
13 If thou set thy heart aright,
And stretch out thy hands toward him; 14 If iniquity be in thy hand, put it far away,
And let not unrighteousness dwell in thy tents. 15 Surely then shalt thou lift up thy face without spot;
Yea, thou shalt be stedfast, and shalt not fear: 16 For thou shalt forget thy misery;
Thou shalt remember it as waters that are passed away, 17 And [thy] life shall be clearer than the noonday;
Though there be darkness, it shall be as the morning. 18 And thou shalt be secure, because there is hope;
Yea, thou shalt search [about thee], and shalt take thy rest in safety. 19 Also thou shalt lie down, and none shall make thee afraid;
Yea, many shall make suit unto thee. 20 But the eyes of the wicked shall fail,
And they shall have no way to flee;
And their hope shall be the giving up of the ghost.
  1 H6030 Then answered H6691 Zophar H5284 the Naamathite, H559 and said,
  2 H7230 Should not the multitude H1697 of words H6030 be answered? H376 And should a man H8193 full of talk H6663 be justified?
  3 H907 Should thy boastings H2790 make H4962 men H2790 hold their peace? H3932 And when thou mockest, H3637 shall no man make thee ashamed?
  4 H559 For thou sayest, H3948 My doctrine H2134 is pure, H1249 And I am clean H5869 in thine eyes.
  5 H199 But H5414 oh that H433 God H1696 would speak, H6605 And open H8193 his lips against thee,
  6 H5046 And that he would show H8587 thee the secrets H2451 of wisdom! H3718 For he is manifold H8454 in understanding. H3045 Know H433 therefore that God H5382 exacteth H5771 of thee less than thine iniquity deserveth.
  7 H2714 Canst thou by searching H4672 find out H433 God? H4672 Canst thou find H7706 out the Almighty H8503 unto perfection?
  8 H1363 It is high H8064 as heaven; H6466 what canst thou do? H6013 Deeper H7585 than Sheol; H3045 What canst thou know?
  9 H4055 The measure H752 thereof is longer H776 than the earth, H7342 And broader H3220 than the sea.
  10 H2498 If he pass through, H5462 and shut up, H6950 And call H7725 unto judgment, then who can hinder him?
  11 H3045 For he knoweth H7723 false H4962 men: H7200 He seeth H205 iniquity H995 also, even though he consider it not.
  12 H5014 But vain H376 man H3823 is void of understanding, H120 Yea, man H3205 is born H6501 as a wild ass's H5895 colt.
  13 H3559 If thou set H3820 thy heart H6566 aright, And stretch H3709 out thy hands toward him;
  14 H205 If iniquity H3027 be in thy hand, H7368 put it far away, H5766 And let not unrighteousness H7931 dwell H168 in thy tents.
  15 H5375 Surely then shalt thou lift up H6440 thy face H3971 without spot; H3332 Yea, thou shalt be stedfast, H3372 and shalt not fear:
  16 H7911 For thou shalt forget H5999 thy misery; H2142 Thou shalt remember H4325 it as waters H5674 that are passed away,
  17 H2465 And thy life H6965 shall be clearer H6672 than the noonday; H5774 Though there be darkness, H1242 it shall be as the morning.
  18 H982 And thou shalt be secure, H3426 because there is H8615 hope; H2658 Yea, thou shalt search H7901 about thee, and shalt take thy rest H983 in safety.
  19 H7257 Also thou shalt lie down, H2729 and none shall make thee afraid; H7227 Yea, many H2470 shall make suit H6440 unto thee.
  20 H5869 But the eyes H7563 of the wicked H3615 shall fail, H6 And they shall have no way to flee; H8615 And their hope H4646 shall be the giving up H5315 of the ghost.
JPS_ASV_Byz(i) 1 Then answered Zophar the Naamathite, and said: 2 Should not the multitude of words be answered? And should a man full of talk be accounted right? 3 Thy boastings have made men hold their peace, and thou hast mocked, with none to make thee ashamed; 4 And thou hast said: 'My doctrine is pure, and I am clean in Thine eyes.' 5 But oh that God would speak, and open His lips against thee; 6 And that He would tell thee the secrets of wisdom, that sound wisdom is manifold! Know therefore that God exacteth of thee less than thine iniquity deserveth. 7 Canst thou find out the deep things of God? Canst thou attain unto the purpose of the Almighty? 8 It is high as heaven; what canst thou do? Deeper than the nether-world; what canst thou know? 9 The measure thereof is longer than the earth, and broader than the sea. 10 If He pass by, and shut up, or gather in, then who can hinder Him? 11 For He knoweth base men; and when He seeth iniquity, will He not then consider it? 12 But an empty man will get understanding, when a wild ass's colt is born a man. 13 If thou set thy heart aright, and stretch out thy hands toward Him - 14 If iniquity be in thy hand, put it far away, and let not unrighteousness dwell in thy tents - 15 Surely then shalt thou lift up thy face without spot; yea, thou shalt be stedfast, and shalt not fear; 16 For thou shalt forget thy misery; thou shalt remember it as waters that are passed away; 17 And thy life shall be clearer than the noonday; though there be darkness, it shall be as the morning. 18 And thou shalt be secure, because there is hope; yea, thou shalt look about thee, and shalt take thy rest in safety. 19 Also thou shalt lie down, and none shall make thee afraid; yea, many shall make suit unto thee. 20 But the eyes of the wicked shall fail, and they shall have no way to flee, and their hope shall be the drooping of the soul.
Rotherham(i) 1 Then responded Zophar the Naamathite, and said:–– 2 Should, the multitude of words, not be answered? Or should, a man full of talk, be justified? 3 Shall, thy pratings, cause men to hold their peace? When thou hast mocked, shall there be none to put thee to shame? 4 Since thou hast said, Right is my doctrine, and pure am I in his eyes. 5 But, in very deed, oh that GOD would speak, that he would open his lips with thee: 6 That he would declare to thee the secrets of wisdom, for they are double to that which actually is,––Know then that GOD could bring into forgetfulness for thee, a portion of thine iniquity.
7 The hidden depth of GOD canst thou discover? Or, unto the furthest limit of the Almighty, canst thou attain? 8 The heights of the heavens, what canst thou do? Depths deeper than hades, what canst thou know? 9 Longer than the earth, is the measure thereof, and broader than the sea. 10 If he sweep on, or shut up, or call together, Who then shall hinder him? 11 For, he, knoweth men of falsity, and seeth iniquity, and him that doth not diligently consider. 12 But, an empty person, will get sense, when, a wild ass’s colt, is born a man!
13 If, thou, hast prepared thy heart, and wilt spread forth, unto him, thy hands–– 14 If, iniquity, be in thy hand, Put it far away, and let there not dwell in thy tents perversity, 15 Surely, then, shalt thou lift up thy face free from blemish, and shalt be established, and not fear. 16 For, now, shalt thou forget, sorrow, Like waters passed away, shalt thou remember it. 17 Above high noon, shall rise life’s continuance, Darkness, like a morning, shall appear, 18 And thou shalt he confident, that there is hope, and, when thou hast searched, securely shalt thou lie down; 19 And shalt rest, with none to put thee in terror,––and many shall entreat thy favour. 20 But, the eyes of the lawless, shall fail,––and, place of refuge, shall have vanished from them, and, their hope, be a breathing out of life.
CLV(i) 1 Then Zophar the Naamathite answered and said: 2 Shall this multitude of words not be answered? And should this man of glib lips be justified? 3 Shall your inventions turn men to silence? And shall you keep deriding while there is no one criticizing? 4 Now you say, My doctrine is pure, And I am purified in Your eyes. 5 But howbeit--O that Eloah would speak, That He should open His lips before you!" 6 Then He would tell you obscured secrets of wisdom, For reality has double sides; Hence know this:that Eloah is granting you oblivion of some of your depravity. 7 Can you find out the fathoming of Eloah? Could you find out the perfection of Him Who Suffices? 8 These are loftier than the heavens; what can you contrive? Deeper than the unseen; what can you know? 9 Its measure is longer than the earth And wider than the sea. 10 If He should pass on by or lock up Or assemble a court, who could turn Him back? 11 For He Himself knows men of hypocrisy; When He sees lawlessness, shall He not consider? 12 The hollow man shall become wise of heart Whenever the colt of an onager is born a human. 13 If you yourself prepare your heart, And you spread out your palms to Him, 14 If lawlessness is in your hand, put it far away, And do not allow iniquity to tabernacle in your tents, 15 Then free from blemish, you may lift up your face, And you will become solidly set and shall not fear. 16 For you would forget the misery; You would remember it only like waters that have passed. 17 And higher than the noonday sun your life-course shall rise; Should it be faint, it shall become like the morning. 18 You will trust because there will be expectation; When you reconnoiter, you may lie down in trust. 19 When you recline, there will be no trembling, And many will beseech your face. 20 Yet the eyes of the wicked shall be exhausted, And flight to safety will perish for them And their expectation become their expiring soul.
BBE(i) 1 Then Zophar the Naamathite made answer and said, 2 Are all these words to go unanswered? and is a man seen to be right because he is full of talk? 3 Are your words of pride to make men keep quiet? and are you to make sport, with no one to put you to shame? 4 You may say, My way is clean, and I am free from sin in your eyes. 5 But if only God would take up the word, opening his lips in argument with you; 6 And would make clear to you the secrets of wisdom, and the wonders of his purpose! 7 Are you able to take God's measure, to make discovery of the limits of the Ruler of all? 8 They are higher than heaven; what is there for you to do? deeper than the underworld, and outside your knowledge; 9 Longer in measure than the earth, and wider than the sea. 10 If he goes on his way, shutting a man up and putting him to death, who may make him go back from his purpose? 11 For in his eyes men are as nothing; he sees evil and takes note of it. 12 And so a hollow-minded man will get wisdom, when a young ass of the field gets teaching. 13 But if you put your heart right, stretching out your hands to him; 14 If you put far away the evil of your hands, and let no wrongdoing have a place in your tent; 15 Then truly your face will be lifted up, with no mark of sin, and you will be fixed in your place without fear: 16 For your sorrow will go from your memory, like waters flowing away: 17 And your life will be brighter than day; though it is dark, it will become like the morning. 18 And you will be safe because there is hope; after looking round, you will take your rest in quiet; 19 Sleeping with no fear of danger; and men will be desiring to have grace in your eyes; 20 But the eyes of the evil-doers will be wasting away; their way of flight is gone, and their only hope is the taking of their last breath.
MKJV(i) 1 And Zophar the Naamathite answered and said, 2 Should not the multitude of words be answered? And should a man full of talk be justified? 3 Should your lies make men silent? And will you mock and no one make you ashamed? 4 For you have said, My doctrine is pure, and I am clean in Your eyes. 5 But who will grant that God would speak, and open His lips against you, 6 and would tell you the secrets of His wisdom, that sound wisdom is manifold? Know therefore that God forgets for you some of your iniquity. 7 Can you by searching find out God? Can you perfectly find out the Almighty? 8 Heights of the heavens! What can you do? It is deeper than hell, what can you know? 9 The measure of it is longer than the earth, and broader than the sea. 10 If He passes through and shuts up, or gathers together, then who can turn Him back? 11 For He knows vain men; and when He sees wickedness, will He not search it? 12 For foolish man would be wise, and man is born a wild ass's colt. 13 If you prepare your heart and stretch out your hands toward Him; 14 if iniquity is in your hand, put it far away, and do not let wickedness dwell in your tents; 15 surely then you shall lift up your face without spot; yea, you shall be steadfast and shall not fear; 16 for you shall forget your misery, and you shall remember it as waters that pass away. 17 And your lifetime shall be clearer than the noonday; though there be darkness, you shall be as the morning. 18 And you shall be safe, because there is hope; yea, you shall look around you, and you shall take your rest in safety. 19 You shall lie down, and none shall make you afraid. Yea, many shall seek your favor. 20 But the eyes of the wicked shall fail, and they shall have no escape, and their hope shall be like the giving up of the spirit.
LITV(i) 1 And Zophar the Naamathite answered and said: 2 Should not a flood of words be answered? And should a man of lips be justified? 3 Should your lies make men silent? And will you mock, and no one make you ashamed? 4 For you have said, My doctrine is pure; and, I am clean in Your eyes. 5 But who will grant that God would speak and open His lips against you, 6 and would tell you the secrets of wisdom, that counsel is double? Know then that God forgets some of your iniquity for you. 7 Can you find out God by searching? Or can you find out the end of the Almighty? 8 Heights of the heavens! What can you do? It is deeper than Sheol; what can you know? 9 Its measure is longer than the earth, broader than the sea. 10 If He passes through and shuts up, or gathers together, then who can turn Him back? 11 For He knows the vanity of men; and He sees deceit, and will He not consider? 12 For foolish man takes heart, and man is born a wild ass's colt. 13 If you prepare your heart, and stretch out your hands toward Him; 14 if iniquity is in your hand, put it far away and do not let wickedness dwell in your tents; 15 surely then you shall lift up your face without blemish; and you will be steadfast, and you will not fear; 16 for you shall forget your misery, and shall remember it as waters that have passed; 17 and your lifetime shall rise more than the noonday; you shall fly; you shall be as the morning. 18 And you shall trust, because there is hope. Yea, you shall look about and you shall lie down in safety. 19 You shall lie down, and no one will be terrifying; yea, many shall seek your favor. 20 But the eyes of the wicked shall be consumed, and escape shall perish from them; and their hope shall be like the breathing out of the soul.
ECB(i) 1
And Sophar the Naamahiy answers and says, 2 Answer we not this abundance of words? - justify a man full of lips? 3 - that your lies hush men? - and when you deride, that no one shames you? 4 And you say, My doctrine is pure! and, I am pure in your eyes! 5 But who gives that Elohah words and opens his lips against you; 6 and tells you the concealments of wisdom, that they are a double substance! Know that Elohah exacts your perversity of you. 7 By probing, find you Elohah? - find the conclusion of Shadday? 8 As high as the heavens; what do you? Deeper than sheol; what know you? 9 The measure thereof is longer than the earth and broader than the sea. 10 If he passes by, and shuts up or congregate, who then turns him back? 11 For he knows vain men; he sees mischief; no one discerns! 12 For empty man disheartens, and humanity births as the colt of a wild runner. 13 If you prepare your heart and spread your palms toward him; 14 if mischief be in your hand, remove it far away; tabernacle no wickedness in your tents. 15 Then lift your face apart from blemish; yes, be firmed and awe not; 16 because you forget your toil and remember it as passing waters; 17 and transcience rises above the noonday; you fly - you are as the morning; 18 and you confide because there is hope; yes, you dig and lie down confidently; 19 and you repose and no one trembles you; yes, many stroke your face. 20 And the eyes of the wicked finish off and flight destructs from them and their hope is as the expiration of the soul.
ACV(i) 1 Then Zophar the Naamathite answered, and said, 2 Should not the multitude of words be answered? And should a man full of talk be justified? 3 Should thy boastings make men hold their peace? And when thou mock, shall no man make thee ashamed? 4 For thou say, My doctrine is pure, and I am clean in thine eyes. 5 But O that God would speak, and open his lips against thee, 6 and that he would show thee the secrets of wisdom! For he is manifold in understanding. Know therefore that God exacts of thee less than thine iniquity deserves. 7 Can thou find out God by searching? Can thou find out the Almighty to perfection? 8 It is high as heaven; what can thou do? Deeper than Sheol; what can thou know? 9 The measure of it is longer than the earth, and broader than the sea. 10 If he passes through, and shuts up, and all to judgment, then who can hinder him? 11 For he knows false men. He also sees iniquity. Will he not then consider it? 12 But vain man is void of understanding. Yea, man is born as a wild donkey's colt. 13 If thou set thy heart aright, and stretch out thy hands toward him, 14 if iniquity is in thy hand, put it far away, and let not unrighteousness dwell in thy tents. 15 Surely then thou shall lift up thy face without spot. Yea, thou shall be steadfast, and shall not fear. 16 For thou shall forget thy misery. Thou shall remember it as waters that are passed away. 17 And thy life shall be clearer than the noonday. Though there be darkness, it shall be as the morning. 18 And thou shall be secure, because there is hope. Yea, thou shall search about thee, and shall take thy rest in safety. 19 Also thou shall lie down, and none shall make thee afraid. Yea, many shall correspond with thee. 20 But the eyes of the wicked shall fail, and they shall have no way to flee. And their hope shall be the giving up of the spirit.
WEB(i) 1 Then Zophar, the Naamathite, answered, 2 “Shouldn’t the multitude of words be answered? Should a man full of talk be justified? 3 Should your boastings make men hold their peace? When you mock, will no man make you ashamed? 4 For you say, ‘My doctrine is pure. I am clean in your eyes.’ 5 But oh that God would speak, and open his lips against you, 6 that he would show you the secrets of wisdom! For true wisdom has two sides. Know therefore that God exacts of you less than your iniquity deserves. 7 “Can you fathom the mystery of God? Or can you probe the limits of the Almighty? 8 They are high as heaven. What can you do? They are deeper than Sheol. What can you know? 9 Its measure is longer than the earth, and broader than the sea. 10 If he passes by, or confines, or convenes a court, then who can oppose him? 11 For he knows false men. He sees iniquity also, even though he doesn’t consider it. 12 An empty-headed man becomes wise when a man is born as a wild donkey’s colt. 13 “If you set your heart aright, stretch out your hands toward him. 14 If iniquity is in your hand, put it far away. Don’t let unrighteousness dwell in your tents. 15 Surely then you will lift up your face without spot; Yes, you will be steadfast, and will not fear: 16 for you will forget your misery. You will remember it like waters that have passed away. 17 Life will be clearer than the noonday. Though there is darkness, it will be as the morning. 18 You will be secure, because there is hope. Yes, you will search, and will take your rest in safety. 19 Also you will lie down, and no one will make you afraid. Yes, many will court your favor. 20 But the eyes of the wicked will fail. They will have no way to flee. Their hope will be the giving up of the spirit.”
  1 H6691 Then Zophar, H5284 the Naamathite, H6030 answered,
  2 H7230 "Shouldn't the multitude H1697 of words H6030 be answered? H376 Should a man H8193 full of talk H6663 be justified?
  3 H907 Should your boastings H2790 make H4962 men H2790 hold their peace? H3932 When you mock, H3637 shall no man make you ashamed?
  4 H559 For you say, H3948 ‘My doctrine H2134 is pure. H1249 I am clean H5869 in your eyes.'
  5 H199 But H5414 oh that H433 God H1696 would speak, H6605 and open H8193 his lips against you,
  6 H5046 that he would show H8587 you the secrets H2451 of wisdom! H2451 For true wisdom H3718 has two H8454 sides. H3045 Know H433 therefore that God H5771 exacts of you less than your iniquity deserves.
  7 H2714 "Can you fathom H4672 the mystery H433 of God? H4672 Or can you probe H8503 the limits H7706 of the Almighty?
  8 H1363 They are high H8064 as heaven. H6466 What can you do? H6013 They are deeper H7585 than Sheol. H3045 What can you know?
  9 H4055 Its measure H752 is longer H776 than the earth, H7342 and broader H3220 than the sea.
  10 H2498 If he passes by, H5462 or confines, H6950 or convenes H7725 a court, then who can oppose him?
  11 H3045 For he knows H7723 false H4962 men. H7200 He sees H205 iniquity H995 also, even though he doesn't consider it.
  12 H5014 An empty-headed H376 man H3823 becomes wise H120 when a man H3205 is born H6501 as a wild donkey's H5895 colt.
  13 H3559 "If you set H3820 your heart H6566 aright, stretch H3709 out your hands toward him.
  14 H205 If iniquity H3027 is in your hand, H7368 put it far away. H5766 Don't let unrighteousness H7931 dwell H168 in your tents.
  15 H5375 Surely then you shall lift up H6440 your face H3971 without spot; H3332 Yes, you shall be steadfast, H3372 and shall not fear:
  16 H7911 for you shall forget H5999 your misery. H2142 You shall remember H4325 it as waters H5674 that are passed away.
  17 H2465 Life H6965 shall be clearer H6672 than the noonday. H5774 Though there is darkness, H1242 it shall be as the morning.
  18 H982 You shall be secure, H3426 because there is H8615 hope. H2658 Yes, you shall search, H7901 and shall take your rest H983 in safety.
  19 H7257 Also you shall lie down, H2729 and none shall make you afraid. H7227 Yes, many H2470 shall court H6440 your favor.
  20 H5869 But the eyes H7563 of the wicked H3615 shall fail. H6 They shall have no way to flee. H8615 Their hope H4646 shall be the giving up H5315 of the spirit."
NHEB(i) 1 Then Zophar, the Naamathite, answered, 2 "Shouldn't the multitude of words be answered? Should a man full of talk be justified? 3 Should your boastings make men hold their peace? When you mock, shall no man make you ashamed? 4 For you say, 'My doctrine is pure. I am clean in your eyes.' 5 But oh that God would speak, and open his lips against you, 6 that he would show you the secrets of wisdom. For true wisdom has two sides. Know therefore that God exacts of you less than your iniquity deserves. 7 "Can you fathom the mystery of God? Or can you probe the limits of Shaddai? 8 They are high as heaven. What can you do? They are deeper than Sheol. What can you know? 9 Its measure is longer than the earth, and broader than the sea. 10 If he passes by, or confines, or convenes a court, then who can oppose him? 11 For he knows false men. He sees iniquity also, even though he doesn't consider it. 12 An empty-headed man becomes wise when a man is born as a wild donkey's colt. 13 "If you set your heart aright, stretch out your hands toward him. 14 If iniquity is in your hand, put it far away. Do not let unrighteousness dwell in your tents. 15 Surely then you shall lift up your face without spot; Yes, you shall be steadfast, and shall not fear: 16 for you shall forget your misery. You shall remember it as waters that are passed away. 17 Life shall be clearer than the noonday. Though there is darkness, it shall be as the morning. 18 You shall be secure, because there is hope. Yes, you shall search, and shall take your rest in safety. 19 Also you shall lie down, and none shall make you afraid. Yes, many shall court your favor. 20 But the eyes of the wicked shall fail. They shall have no way to flee. Their hope shall be the giving up of the spirit."
AKJV(i) 1 Then answered Zophar the Naamathite, and said, 2 Should not the multitude of words be answered? and should a man full of talk be justified? 3 Should your lies make men hold their peace? and when you mock, shall no man make you ashamed? 4 For you have said, My doctrine is pure, and I am clean in your eyes. 5 But oh that God would speak, and open his lips against you; 6 And that he would show you the secrets of wisdom, that they are double to that which is! Know therefore that God exacts of you less than your iniquity deserves. 7 Can you by searching find out God? can you find out the Almighty to perfection? 8 It is as high as heaven; what can you do? deeper than hell; what can you know? 9 The measure thereof is longer than the earth, and broader than the sea. 10 If he cut off, and shut up, or gather together, then who can hinder him? 11 For he knows vain men: he sees wickedness also; will he not then consider it? 12 For vain men would be wise, though man be born like a wild ass's colt. 13 If you prepare your heart, and stretch out your hands toward him; 14 If iniquity be in your hand, put it far away, and let not wickedness dwell in your tabernacles. 15 For then shall you lift up your face without spot; yes, you shall be steadfast, and shall not fear: 16 Because you shall forget your misery, and remember it as waters that pass away: 17 And your age shall be clearer than the noonday: you shall shine forth, you shall be as the morning. 18 And you shall be secure, because there is hope; yes, you shall dig about you, and you shall take your rest in safety. 19 Also you shall lie down, and none shall make you afraid; yes, many shall make suit to you. 20 But the eyes of the wicked shall fail, and they shall not escape, and their hope shall be as the giving up of the ghost.
  1 H6030 Then answered H6691 Zophar H5284 the Naamathite, H559 and said,
  2 H7230 Should not the multitude H1697 of words H6030 be answered? H376 and should a man H8193 full of talk H6663 be justified?
  3 H907 Should your lies H4962 make men H2790 hold H2790 their peace? H3932 and when you mock, H369 shall no H3637 man make you ashamed?
  4 H559 For you have said, H3948 My doctrine H2134 is pure, H1249 and I am clean H5869 in your eyes.
  5 H433 But oh that God H1696 would speak, H6605 and open H8193 his lips H5973 against you;
  6 H5046 And that he would show H8587 you the secrets H2451 of wisdom, H3718 that they are double H3045 to that which is! Know H433 therefore that God H5382 exacts H5771 of you less than your iniquity deserves.
  7 H2714 Can you by searching H4672 find H433 out God? H4672 can you find H7706 out the Almighty H8503 to perfection?
  8 H1363 It is as high H8064 as heaven; H4100 what H6466 can you do? H6013 deeper H7585 than hell; H4100 what H3045 can you know?
  9 H4055 The measure H752 thereof is longer H4480 than H776 the earth, H7342 and broader H4480 than H3220 the sea.
  10 H518 If H2498 he cut H5462 off, and shut H6950 up, or gather H4310 together, then who H7725 can hinder him?
  11 H3045 For he knows H7723 vain H4962 men: H7200 he sees H205 wickedness H995 also; will he not then consider it?
  12 H5014 For vain H376 men H3823 would be wise, H120 though man H3205 be born H6501 like a wild H6501 ass’s H168 colt.
  13 H518 If H3559 you prepare H3820 your heart, H6566 and stretch H3709 out your hands H413 toward him;
  14 H518 If H205 iniquity H3027 be in your hand, H7350 put it far H5766 away, and let not wickedness H7931 dwell H168 in your tabernacles.
  15 H227 For then H5375 shall you lift H6440 up your face H3971 without spot; H3332 yes, you shall be steadfast, H3372 and shall not fear:
  16 H3588 Because H7911 you shall forget H5999 your misery, H2142 and remember H4325 it as waters H5674 that pass away:
  17 H2465 And your age H6965 shall be clearer H6672 than the noonday: H5774 you shall shine H1242 forth, you shall be as the morning.
  18 H982 And you shall be secure, H3588 because H8615 there is hope; H2658 yes, you shall dig H5439 about H7901 you, and you shall take H7901 your rest H983 in safety.
  19 H7257 Also you shall lie H7257 down, H369 and none H2729 shall make you afraid; H7227 yes, many H2470 shall make suit to you.
  20 H5869 But the eyes H7563 of the wicked H3615 shall fail, H4498 and they shall not escape, H6 H8615 and their hope H4646 shall be as the giving H5315 up of the ghost.
KJ2000(i) 1 Then answered Zophar the Naamathite, and said, 2 Should not the multitude of words be answered? and should a man full of talk be justified? 3 Should your lies make men hold their peace? and when you mock, shall no man make you ashamed? 4 For you have said, My doctrine is pure, and I am clean in your eyes. 5 But oh that God would speak, and open his lips against you; 6 And that he would show you the secrets of wisdom, that they are double to that which is! Know therefore that God exacts of you less than your iniquity deserves. 7 Can you by searching find out God? can you find out the limits of the Almighty? 8 It is as high as heaven; what can you do? deeper than Sheol; what can you know? 9 The measure of it is longer than the earth, and broader than the sea. 10 If he cuts off, and shuts up, or gathers together, then who can hinder him? 11 For he knows vain men: he sees wickedness also; will he not then consider it? 12 For a vain man will be wise, when a man is born a wild donkey’s colt. 13 If you prepare your heart, and stretch out your hands toward him; 14 If iniquity be in your hand, put it far away, and let not wickedness dwell in your tents. 15 For then shall you lift up your face without spot; yea, you shall be steadfast, and shall not fear: 16 Because you shall forget your misery, and remember it as waters that pass away: 17 And your life shall be brighter than the noonday; you shall shine forth, you shall be as the morning. 18 And you shall be secure, because there is hope; yea, you shall dig about you, and take your rest in safety. 19 Also you shall lie down, and none shall make you afraid; yea, many shall entreat your favor. 20 But the eyes of the wicked shall fail, and they shall not escape, and their hope shall be as one dying.
UKJV(i) 1 Then answered Zophar the Naamathite, and said, 2 Should not the multitude of words be answered? and should a man full of talk be justified? 3 Should your lies make men hold their peace? and when you mock, shall no man make you ashamed? 4 For you have said, My doctrine is pure, and I am clean in your eyes. 5 But oh that God would speak, and open his lips against you; 6 And that he would show you the secrets of wisdom, that they are double to that which is! Know therefore that God exacts of you less than your iniquity deserves. 7 Can you by searching find out God? can you find out the Almighty unto perfection? 8 It is as high as heaven; what can you do? deeper than hell; what can you know? 9 The measure thereof is longer than the earth, and broader than the sea. 10 If he cut off, and shut up, or gather together, then who can hinder him? 11 For he knows vain men: he sees wickedness also; will he not then consider it? 12 For vain men would be wise, though man be born like a wild ass's colt. 13 If you prepare your heart, and stretch out your hands toward him; 14 If iniquity be in your hand, put it far away, and let not wickedness dwell in your tabernacles. 15 For then shall you lift up your face without spot; yea, you shall be steadfast, and shall not fear: 16 Because you shall forget your misery, and remember it as waters that pass away: 17 And your age shall be clearer than the noonday: you shall shine forth, you shall be as the morning. 18 And you shall be secure, because there is hope; yea, you shall dig about you, and you shall take your rest in safety. 19 Also you shall lie down, and none shall make you afraid; yea, many shall make suit unto you. 20 But the eyes of the wicked shall fail, and they shall not escape, and their hope shall be as the giving up of the spirit.
  1 H6030 Then answered H6691 Zophar H5284 the Naamathite, H559 and said,
  2 H7230 Should not the multitude H1697 of words H6030 be answered? H376 and should a man H8193 full of talk H6663 be justified?
  3 H907 Should your lies H2790 make H4962 men H2790 hold their peace? H3932 and when you mock, H3637 shall no man make you ashamed?
  4 H559 For you have said, H3948 My teaching H2134 is pure, H1249 and I am clean H5869 in your eyes.
  5 H199 But H5414 oh that H433 God H1696 would speak, H6605 and open H8193 his lips against you;
  6 H5046 And that he would show H8587 you the secrets H2451 of wisdom, H3718 that they are double H8454 to that which is! H3045 Know H433 therefore that God H5382 exacts H5771 of you less than your iniquity deserves.
  7 H2714 Can you by searching H4672 find out H433 God? H4672 can you find H7706 out the Almighty H8503 unto perfection?
  8 H1363 It is as high H8064 as heaven; H6466 what can you do? H6013 deeper H7585 than hell; H3045 what can you know?
  9 H4055 The measure H752 there is longer H776 than the earth, H7342 and broader H3220 than the sea.
  10 H2498 If he cut off, H5462 and shut up, H6950 or gather together, H7725 then who can hinder him?
  11 H3045 For he knows H7723 vain H4962 men: H7200 he sees H205 wickedness H995 also; will he not then consider it?
  12 H5014 For vain H376 man H3823 would be wise, H120 though man H3205 be born H6501 like a wild ass's H5895 colt.
  13 H3559 If you prepare H3820 your heart, H6566 and stretch H3709 out your hands toward him;
  14 H205 If iniquity H3027 be in your hand, H7368 put it far away, H5766 and let not wickedness H7931 live H168 in your tabernacles.
  15 H5375 For then shall you lift up H6440 your face H3971 without spot; H3332 Yes, you shall be stedfast, H3372 and shall not fear:
  16 H7911 Because you shall forget H5999 your misery, H2142 and remember H4325 it as waters H5674 that pass away:
  17 H2465 And your age H6965 shall be clearer H6672 than the noonday; H5774 you shall shine forth, H1242 you shall be as the morning.
  18 H982 And you shall be secure, H3426 because there is H8615 hope; H2658 Yes, you shall dig H7901 about you, and you shall take your rest H983 in safety.
  19 H7257 Also you shall lie down, H2729 and none shall make you afraid; H7227 Yes, many H2470 shall make suit H6440 unto you.
  20 H5869 But the eyes H7563 of the wicked H3615 shall fail, H6 and they shall not escape, H8615 and their hope H4646 shall be as the giving up H5315 of the Spirit.
EJ2000(i) 1 ¶ Then Zophar, the Naamathite, answered and said, 2 Should not the multitude of words be answered? And should a man full of talk be justified? 3 Should thy lies make men be silent? Shalt thou mock, and shall no man make thee ashamed? 4 For thou hast said, My doctrine is pure, and I am clean before thine eyes. 5 But oh, that God would speak and open his lips against thee 6 and that he would show thee the secrets of wisdom! For thou dost deserve double according to sound wisdom; and thou dost know that God has forgotten thee because of thine iniquity. 7 ¶ Canst thou by searching find out God? Canst thou come unto the perfection of the Almighty? 8 It is higher than the heavens; what canst thou do? It is deeper than Sheol; how canst thou know it? 9 The measure of it is longer than the earth and broader than the sea. 10 If he cuts off, or shuts up, or gathers together, then who can hinder him? 11 For he knows the vain men; and he sees the iniquity; will he not then understand it? 12 The vain man shall make himself understood, though man is born like a wild ass’s colt. 13 ¶ If thou would prepare thine heart and stretch out thine hands toward him; 14 if there is any iniquity in thy hand and thou dost put it far away and dost not consent that wickedness dwell in thy habitations, 15 then shalt thou lift up thy face without spot; thou shalt be strongly established and shalt not fear; 16 and thou shalt forget thy misery and remember it as waters that passed away; 17 and thine age shall be clearer than the noonday; thou shalt shine forth, thou shalt be as the morning. 18 And thou shalt trust because there is hope; yea, thou shalt dig and sleep in safety; 19 thou shalt lie down, and no one shall make thee afraid; and many shall make requests unto thee. 20 But the eyes of the wicked shall consume themselves, and they shall have no refuge, and their hope shall be agony of the soul.
CAB(i) 1 Then Zophar the Minaean answered and said, 2 He that speaks much, should also hear on the other side: or does the fluent speaker think himself to be righteous? Blessed is the short-lived offspring of woman. 3 Be not a speaker of many words, for is there none to answer you? 4 For say not, I am pure in my works, and blameless before Him. 5 But oh that the Lord would speak to you, and open His lips to you! 6 Then shall He declare to you the power of wisdom, for it shall be double of that which is with you; and then shall you know, that a just recompense of your sins has come to you from the Lord. 7 Will you find out the traces of the Lord? Or have you come to the end of that which the Almighty has made? 8 Heaven is high, and what will you do? And there are deeper things than those in hell; what do you know? 9 Or longer than the measure of the earth, or the breadth of the sea. 10 And if He should overthrow all things, who will say to Him, What have You done? 11 For He knows the works of transgressors, and when He sees wickedness, He will not overlook it. 12 But man vainly buoys himself up with words, and a mortal born of woman is like a donkey in the desert. 13 For if you have made your heart pure, and lifted up your hands towards Him; 14 if there is any iniquity in your hands, put if far from you, and let not unrighteousness lodge in your habitation. 15 For thus shall your countenance shine again as pure water; and you shall divest yourself of uncleanness, and shall not fear. 16 And you shall forget trouble, as a wave that has passed by; and you shall not be scared. 17 And your prayer shall be as the morning star, and life shall arise to you as from the noonday. 18 And you shall be confident, because you have hope, and peace shall dawn to you from out of anxiety and care. 19 For you shall be at ease, and there shall be no one to fight against you, and many shall charge, and make supplication to you. 20 But safety shall fail them, for their hope is destruction, and the eyes of the ungodly shall waste away.
LXX2012(i) 1 Then Sophar the Minaean answered and said, 2 He that speaks much, should also hear on the other side: or does the fluent speaker think himself to be righteous? blessed [is] the short lived offspring of woman. 3 Be not a speaker of many words; for is there none to answer you? 4 For say not, I am pure in my works, and blameless before him. 5 But oh that the Lord would speak to you, and open his lips to you! 6 Then shall he declare to you the power of wisdom; for it shall be double of that which is with you: and then shall you know, that a just recompence of your sins has come to you from the Lord. 7 Will you find out the traces of the Lord? or have you come to the end [of that] which the Almighty has made? 8 Heaven [is] high; and what will you do? and there are deeper things than those in hell; what do you know? 9 Or longer than the measure of the earth, or the breadth of the sea. 10 And if he should overthrow all things, who will say to him, What have you done? 11 For he knows the works of transgressors; and when he sees wickedness, he will not overlook [it]. 12 But man vainly buoys himself up with words; and a mortal born of woman [is] like an ass in the desert. 13 For if you have made your heart pure, and lift up [your] hands towards him; 14 if there is any iniquity in your hands, put if far from you, and let not unrighteousness lodge in your habitation. 15 For thus shall your countenance shine again, as pure water; and you shall dive yourself of uncleanness, and shall not fear. 16 And you shall forget trouble, as a wave that has passed by; and you shall not be scared. 17 And your prayer [shall be] as the morning star, and life shall arise to you [as] from the noonday. 18 And you shall be confident, because you have hope; and peace shall dawn to you from out of anxiety and care. 19 For you shall be at ease, and there shall be no one to fight against you; and many shall charge, and make supplication to you. 20 But safety shall fail them; for their hope is destruction, and the eyes of the ungodly shall waste away.
NSB(i) 1 ZOPHAR THE NAAMATHITE REPLIED: 2 »Are all these words to go unanswered? Is this talker to be vindicated? 3 »Should your idle talk reduce men to silence? Should no one rebuke you when you mock? 4 »You say to God: ‘My beliefs are flawless and I am pure in your sight.’ 5 »How I wish that God would speak, that he would open his lips against you 6 and disclose to you the secrets of wisdom, for true wisdom has two sides. Know this: God has even forgotten some of your sin. 7 »Can you fathom the mysteries of God? Can you probe the limits of the Almighty? 8 »They are higher than the heavens. What can you do? They are deeper than the depths of the grave. What can you know? 9 »Their measure is longer than the earth and wider than the sea. 10 »Who can oppose the one who passes by and confines you in prison and convenes a court? 11 »He recognizes deceitful men. When he sees evil, does he not take note? 12 »An empty headed man can no more become wise than a wild donkey’s colt can be born a man. 13 »Yet if you devote your heart to him and stretch out your hands to him, 14 if you put away the sin that is in your hand and allow no evil to dwell in your tent, 15 then you will lift up your face without shame. You will stand firm without fear. 16 »You will forget your trouble, recalling it only as waters gone by. 17 »Life will be brighter than noonday, and darkness will become like morning. 18 »You will be secure because there is hope. You will look about you and take your rest in safety. 19 »You will lie down and no one will make you afraid. Many will entreat your favor. 20 »But the eyes of the wicked will fail and they will not escape. Their hope will become a dying gasp.«
ISV(i) 1 Zophar Accuses JobZophar from Naamath had this to say: 2 “Shouldn’t a multitude of words be answered, or a person who talks too much be vindicated? 3 Will your irrational babble silence people, and when you mock them, will you escape without being shamed? 4 You’ve said, ‘My teaching is flawless; I’m clean in God’s sight.’ 5 “But what if God were to speak? What if he were to talk with you, 6 and disclose his wise secrets? After all, there’s so much more to understanding. So be aware that God will exact from you less than your sin deserves.”
7 God’s Wisdom is Unfathomable“Can you search through God’s complex things? Can you uncover the limits of the Almighty? 8 These things are higher than the heavens, so what can you do? They are deeper than Sheol, so what can you know? 9 They are longer than the earth’s circumference, and broader than the ocean. 10 “If he bypasses, or imprisons, or convenes a court, who can stop him? 11 For he knows mankind’s deceitfulness; when he sees iniquity, won’t he himself consider it? 12 An empty-headed person will gain understanding when a wild donkey is born a human being!”
13 Zophar Counsels Job to Repent“Now for you, if you will prepare your heart, spread out your hands to him. 14 If you have any iniquity, throw it far away. Don’t let evil live in your residence. 15 Then your confidence will be flawless, and your security will keep you from terror. 16 You’ll forget your suffering; you’ll remember it like water that has evaporated. 17 Your life will be brighter than noonday. Even its darkness will be like dawn. 18 You’ll be secure, because there is hope; you’ll see that you’re at rest and safe. 19 When you sleep, there’ll be nothing to fear; and many will court your favor. 20 But what the wicked look for will fail; their way of escape will be taken away from them; their only hope is to take their final breath.”
LEB(i) 1 Then* Zophar the Naamathite answered and said, 2 "Should an abundance of words go unanswered, or a man full of talk* be vindicated?* 3 Should your loose talk put people to silence? And when you mock, shall no one put you to shame?* 4 For you say, 'My teaching is pure, and I am clean in your sight.' 5 But,* O that* God might speak, and that he would open his lips to you, 6 and that he would tell you the secrets of wisdom, for insight has many sides.* And know that God on your behalf* has forgotten some of* your guilt. 7 "Can you find out the essence of God, or can you find out the ultimate limits* of Shaddai? 8 It is higher than the heaven;* what can you do? It is deeper than Sheol; what can you know? 9 Its measure is longer than the earth and broader than the sea. 10 "If he passes through and imprisons someone* and summons the assembly,* then* who can hinder him? 11 For he knows those who are worthless;* when he sees* iniquity, he will not consider it.* 12 But* an empty-headed person* will get understanding when* a wild donkey's colt is born as a human being. 13 "If you yourself* direct your heart and stretch out your hands to him— 14 if iniquity* is in your hand, put it far away, and you must not let wickedness reside in your tents— 15 surely then you will lift up your face without* blemish, and you will be firmly established and will not fear.* 16 For you yourself* will forget your misery; you will remember it as water that has flowed past. 17 "And your life will be brighter than noon;* its darkness will be like the morning. 18 And you will have confidence because there is hope; and you will be well protected—you will sleep in safety.* 19 And you will lie down, and no one will make you afraid;* and many will entreat your favor.* 20 But* the eyes of the wicked will fail; and refuge will be lost to them, and their hope is to breathe their last breath."*
BSB(i) 1 Then Zophar the Naamathite replied: 2 “Should this stream of words go unanswered and such a speaker be vindicated? 3 Should your babbling put others to silence? Will you scoff without rebuke? 4 You have said, ‘My doctrine is sound, and I am pure in Your sight.’ 5 But if only God would speak and open His lips against you, 6 and disclose to you the secrets of wisdom, for true wisdom has two sides. Know then that God exacts from you less than your iniquity deserves. 7 Can you fathom the deep things of God or discover the limits of the Almighty? 8 They are higher than the heavens—what can you do? They are deeper than Sheol—what can you know? 9 Their measure is longer than the earth and wider than the sea. 10 If He comes along to imprison you, or convenes a court, who can stop Him? 11 Surely He knows the deceit of men. If He sees iniquity, does He not take note? 12 But a witless man can no more become wise than the colt of a wild donkey can be born a man! 13 As for you, if you direct your heart and lift up your hands to Him, 14 if you put away the iniquity in your hand, and allow no injustice to dwell in your tents, 15 then indeed you will lift up your face without shame; you will stand firm and unafraid. 16 For you will forget your misery, recalling it only as waters gone by. 17 Your life will be brighter than noonday; its darkness will be like the morning. 18 You will be secure, because there is hope, and you will look around and lie down in safety. 19 You will lie down without fear, and many will court your favor. 20 But the eyes of the wicked will fail, and escape will elude them; they will hope for their last breath.”
MSB(i) 1 Then Zophar the Naamathite replied: 2 “Should this stream of words go unanswered and such a speaker be vindicated? 3 Should your babbling put others to silence? Will you scoff without rebuke? 4 You have said, ‘My doctrine is sound, and I am pure in Your sight.’ 5 But if only God would speak and open His lips against you, 6 and disclose to you the secrets of wisdom, for true wisdom has two sides. Know then that God exacts from you less than your iniquity deserves. 7 Can you fathom the deep things of God or discover the limits of the Almighty? 8 They are higher than the heavens—what can you do? They are deeper than Sheol—what can you know? 9 Their measure is longer than the earth and wider than the sea. 10 If He comes along to imprison you, or convenes a court, who can stop Him? 11 Surely He knows the deceit of men. If He sees iniquity, does He not take note? 12 But a witless man can no more become wise than the colt of a wild donkey can be born a man! 13 As for you, if you direct your heart and lift up your hands to Him, 14 if you put away the iniquity in your hand, and allow no injustice to dwell in your tents, 15 then indeed you will lift up your face without shame; you will stand firm and unafraid. 16 For you will forget your misery, recalling it only as waters gone by. 17 Your life will be brighter than noonday; its darkness will be like the morning. 18 You will be secure, because there is hope, and you will look around and lie down in safety. 19 You will lie down without fear, and many will court your favor. 20 But the eyes of the wicked will fail, and escape will elude them; they will hope for their last breath.”
MLV(i) 1 Then Zophar the Naamathite answered and said, 2 Should not the multitude of words be answered? And should a man full of talk be justified? 3 Should your boastings make men hold their peace? And when you mock, will no man make you ashamed?
4 For you say, My doctrine is pure and I am clean in your eyes. 5 But O that God would speak and open his lips against you, 6 and that he would show you the secrets of wisdom! For he is great in understanding. Know therefore that God exacts of you less than your iniquity deserves.
7 Can you find out God by searching? Can you find out the Almighty to perfection? 8 It is high as heaven; what can you do? Deeper than Sheol; what can you know? 9 The measure of it is longer than the earth and broader than the sea.
10 If he passes through and shuts up and all to judgment, then who can hinder him? 11 For he knows false men. He also sees wickedness. Will he not then consider it? 12 But vain man is void of understanding. Yes, man is born as a wild donkey's colt.
13 If you set your heart aright and stretch out your hands toward him, 14 if wickedness is in your hand, put it far away and do not let unrighteousness dwell in your tents.
15 Surely then you will lift up your face without spot. Yes, you will be steadfast and will not fear. 16 For you will forget your misery. You will remember it as waters that are passed away. 17 And your life will be clearer than the noonday. Though there is darkness, it will be as the morning. 18 And you will be secure, because there is hope. Yes, you will search about you and will take your rest in safety. 19 Also you will lie down and none will make you afraid. Yes, many will correspond with you.
20 But the eyes of the wicked will fail and they will have no way to flee. And their hope will be the giving up of the spirit.

VIN(i) 1 Then Zophar the Naamathite responded, 2 "Are all these words to go unanswered? Is this talker to be vindicated? 3 "Should your idle talk reduce men to silence? Should no one rebuke you when you mock? 4 "You say to God: 'My beliefs are flawless and I am pure in your sight.' 5 »How I wish that God would speak, that he would open his lips against you 6 and disclose to you the secrets of wisdom, for true wisdom has two sides. Know this: God has even forgotten some of your sin. 7 "Can you fathom the mysteries of God? Can you probe the limits of the Almighty? 8 "They are higher than the heavens. What can you do? They are deeper than the depths of the grave. What can you know? 9 "Their measure is longer than the earth and wider than the sea. 10 If he passes by, or confines, or convenes a court, then who can oppose him? 11 »He recognizes deceitful men. When he sees evil, does he not take note? 12 "An empty headed man can no more become wise than a wild donkey's colt can be born a man. 13 "Yet if you devote your heart to him and stretch out your hands to him, 14 if you put away the sin that is in your hand and allow no evil to dwell in your tent, 15 then you will lift up your face without shame. You will stand firm without fear. 16 "You will forget your trouble, recalling it only as waters gone by. 17 "Life will be brighter than noonday, and darkness will become like morning. 18 "You will be secure because there is hope. You will look about you and take your rest in safety. 19 Also you will lie down, and no one will make you afraid. Yes, many will court your favor. 20 "But the eyes of the wicked will fail and they will not escape. Their hope will become a dying gasp."
Luther1545(i) 1 Da antwortete Zophar von Naema und sprach: 2 Wenn einer lange geredet, muß er nicht auch hören? Muß denn ein Wäscher immer recht haben? 3 Müssen die Leute deinem großen Schwätzen Schweigen, daß du spottest, und niemand dich beschäme? 4 Du sprichst: Meine Rede ist rein, und lauter bin ich vor deinen Augen. 5 Ach, daß Gott mit dir redete und täte seine Lippen auf 6 und zeigete die heimliche Weisheit! Denn er hätte wohl noch mehr an dir zu tun, auf daß du wissest, daß er deiner Sünden nicht aller gedenkt. 7 Meinest du, daß du so viel wissest, als Gott weiß, und wollest alles so vollkommen treffen als der Allmächtige? 8 Er ist höher denn der Himmel; was willst du tun? tiefer denn die Hölle; was kannst du wissen? 9 Länger denn die Erde und breiter denn das Meer. 10 So er sie umkehrete oder verbürge oder in einen Haufen würfe, wer will's ihm wehren? 11 Denn er kennet die losen Leute, er siehet die Untugend, und sollte es nicht merken? 12 Ein unnützer Mann blähet sich; und ein geborener Mensch will sein wie ein junges Wild. 13 Wenn du dein Herz hättest gerichtet und deine Hände zu ihm ausgebreitet; 14 wenn du die Untugend, die in deiner Hand ist, hättest ferne von dir getan, daß in deiner Hütte kein Unrecht bliebe, 15 so möchtest du dein Antlitz aufheben ohne Tadel und würdest fest sein und dich nicht fürchten. 16 Dann würdest du der Mühe vergessen und so wenig gedenken als des Wassers, das vorübergehet. 17 Und die Zeit deines Lebens würde aufgehen wie der Mittag, und das Finstere würde ein lichter Morgen werden. 18 Und dürftest dich des trösten, daß Hoffnung da sei; du würdest mit Ruhe ins Grab kommen. 19 Und würdest dich legen, und niemand würde dich aufschrecken; und viele würden vor dir flehen. 20 Aber die Augen der Gottlosen werden verschmachten, und werden nicht entrinnen mögen; denn ihre Hoffnung wird ihrer Seele fehlen.
  1 H6030 Da antwortete H6691 Zophar H5284 von Naema H559 und sprach :
  2 H6030 Wenn einer lange geredet, muß er nicht auch hören H376 ? Muß denn ein H6663 Wäscher immer recht H1697 haben ?
  3 H4962 Müssen die Leute H2790 deinem großen Schwätzen Schweigen H2790 , daß du H3932 spottest H3637 , und niemand dich beschäme ?
  4 H559 Du H3948 sprichst: Meine Rede H2134 ist rein H1249 , und lauter H5869 bin ich vor deinen Augen .
  5 H433 Ach, daß GOtt H1696 mit dir redete H199 und H5414 täte H8193 seine Lippen H6605 auf
  6 H8587 und zeigete die heimliche H2451 Weisheit H433 ! Denn er H5046 hätte wohl noch mehr an H3718 dir zu tun H3045 , auf daß du wissest H5771 , daß er deiner Sünden H5382 nicht aller gedenkt .
  7 H4672 Meinest du, daß du so viel wissest H433 , als GOtt H2714 weiß H8503 , und wollest alles so vollkommen H7706 treffen als der Allmächtige ?
  8 H1363 Er ist höher H8064 denn der Himmel H6466 ; was willst du tun H6013 ? tiefer H7585 denn die Hölle H3045 ; was kannst du wissen ?
  9 H752 Länger H776 denn die Erde H4055 und H7342 breiter H3220 denn das Meer .
  10 H5462 So er sie H7725 umkehrete oder verbürge oder in einen Haufen würfe, wer will‘s ihm wehren?
  11 H4962 Denn er kennet die losen Leute H205 , er siehet die Untugend H7723 , und sollte es nicht H3045 merken ?
  12 H5014 Ein unnützer H376 Mann H3823 blähet sich H3205 ; und ein geborener H120 Mensch H5895 will sein wie ein junges H6501 Wild .
  13 H3820 Wenn du dein Herz H3709 hättest gerichtet und deine Hände H3559 zu H6566 ihm ausgebreitet;
  14 H205 wenn du die Untugend H3027 , die in deiner Hand H7368 ist, hättest ferne H168 von dir getan, daß in deiner Hütte H5766 kein Unrecht H7931 bliebe,
  15 H6440 so möchtest du dein Antlitz H3971 aufheben ohne Tadel H3332 und würdest fest H3372 sein H5375 und dich nicht fürchten.
  16 H5999 Dann würdest du der Mühe H7911 vergessen H2142 und so wenig gedenken H4325 als des Wassers, das vorübergehet.
  17 H5774 Und H2465 die Zeit H6672 deines Lebens würde aufgehen wie der Mittag H1242 , und das Finstere würde ein lichter Morgen H6965 werden .
  18 H982 Und dürftest dich H8615 des trösten, daß Hoffnung H3426 da sei; du würdest mit Ruhe ins Grab kommen.
  19 H7257 Und würdest dich legen H2729 , und niemand würde dich aufschrecken H7227 ; und viele H6440 würden vor H2470 dir flehen .
  20 H5869 Aber die Augen H7563 der GOttlosen H3615 werden verschmachten H6 , und werden nicht H8615 entrinnen mögen; denn ihre Hoffnung H5315 wird ihrer SeeLE H4646 fehlen .
Luther1912(i) 1 Da antwortete Zophar von Naema und sprach: 2 Wenn einer lang geredet, muß er nicht auch hören? Muß denn ein Schwätzer immer recht haben? 3 Müssen die Leute zu deinem eitlen Geschwätz schweigen, daß du spottest und niemand dich beschäme? 4 Du sprichst: Meine Rede ist rein, und lauter bin ich vor deinen Augen. 5 Ach, daß Gott mit dir redete und täte seine Lippen auf 6 und zeigte dir die heimliche Weisheit! Denn er hätte noch wohl mehr an dir zu tun, auf daß du wissest, daß er deiner Sünden nicht aller gedenkt. 7 Meinst du, daß du wissest, was Gott weiß, und wollest es so vollkommen treffen wie der Allmächtige? 8 Es ist höher denn der Himmel; was willst du tun? tiefer denn die Hölle; was kannst du wissen? 9 länger denn die Erde und breiter denn das Meer. 10 So er daherfährt und gefangen legt und Gericht hält, wer will's ihm wehren? 11 Denn er kennt die losen Leute, er sieht die Untugend, und sollte es nicht merken? 12 Ein unnützer Mann bläht sich, und ein geborener Mensch will sein wie ein junges Wild. 13 Wenn du dein Herz richtetest und deine Hände zu ihm ausbreitetest; 14 wenn du die Untugend, die in deiner Hand ist, fern von dir tätest, daß in deiner Hütte kein Unrecht bliebe: 15 so möchtest du dein Antlitz aufheben ohne Tadel und würdest fest sein und dich nicht fürchten. 16 Dann würdest du der Mühsal vergessen und so wenig gedenken als des Wassers, das vorübergeht; 17 und die Zeit deines Lebens würde aufgehen wie der Mittag, und das Finstere würde ein lichter Morgen werden; 18 und dürftest dich dessen trösten, daß Hoffnung da sei; würdest dich umsehen und in Sicherheit schlafen legen; 19 würdest ruhen, und niemand würde dich aufschrecken; und viele würden vor dir flehen. 20 Aber die Augen der Gottlosen werden verschmachten, und sie werden nicht entrinnen können; denn Hoffnung wird ihrer Seele fehlen.
  1 H6030 Da antwortete H6691 Zophar H5284 von Naema H559 und sprach :
  2 H7230 Wenn einer lang H1697 geredet H6030 , muß er nicht auch hören H8193 H376 ? Muß denn ein Schwätzer H6663 immer recht haben?
  3 H4962 Müssen die Leute H907 zu deinem eitlen Gerede H2790 schweigen H3932 , daß du spottest H3637 und niemand dich beschäme ?
  4 H559 Du sprichst H3948 : Meine Rede H2134 ist rein H1249 , und lauter H5869 bin ich vor deinen Augen .
  5 H199 Ach H5414 , daß H433 Gott H1696 mit dir redete H6605 und täte H8193 seine Lippen H6605 auf
  6 H5046 und zeigte H8587 dir die heimliche H2451 Weisheit H3718 ! Denn er hätte noch wohl mehr H8454 an dir zu tun H3045 , auf daß du wissest H433 , daß er H5771 deiner Sünden H5382 nicht aller gedenkt .
  7 H4672 Meinst du, daß du wissest H433 , was Gott H2714 weiß H8503 , und wollest es so vollkommen H4672 treffen H7706 wie der Allmächtige ?
  8 H1363 Es ist höher H8064 denn der Himmel H6466 ; was willst du tun H6013 ? tiefer H7585 denn die Hölle H3045 ; was kannst du wissen ?
  9 H752 H4055 länger H776 denn die Erde H7342 und breiter H3220 denn das Meer .
  10 H2498 So er daherfährt H5462 und gefangen H6950 legt und Gericht hält H7725 , wer will’s ihm wehren ?
  11 H3045 Denn er kennt H7723 die losen H4962 Leute H7200 , er sieht H205 die Untugend H995 , und sollte es nicht merken ?
  12 H5014 Ein unnütziger H376 Mann H3823 bläht H3205 sich, und ein geborener H120 Mensch H5895 will sein wie ein junges H6501 Wild .
  13 H3820 Wenn du dein Herz H3559 richtetest H3709 und deine Hände H6566 zu ihm ausbreitetest;
  14 H205 wenn du die Untugend H3027 , die in deiner Hand H7368 ist, fern H7368 von dir tätest H168 , daß in deiner Hütte H5766 kein Unrecht H7931 bliebe :
  15 H6440 so möchtest du dein Antlitz H5375 aufheben H3971 ohne Tadel H3332 und würdest fest H3372 sein und dich nicht fürchten .
  16 H5999 Dann würdest du der Mühsal H7911 vergessen H2142 und so wenig gedenken H4325 als des Wassers H5674 , das vorübergeht;
  17 H2465 und die Zeit deines Lebens H6965 würde aufgehen H6672 wie der Mittag H5774 , und das Finstere würde H1242 ein lichter Morgen H5774 werden;
  18 H982 und dürftest dich dessen trösten H8615 , daß Hoffnung H3426 da sei H2658 ; würdest dich umsehen H983 und in Sicherheit H7901 schlafen legen;
  19 H7257 würdest ruhen H2729 , und niemand würde dich aufschrecken H7227 ; und viele H6440 würden vor H2470 dir flehen .
  20 H5869 Aber die Augen H7563 der Gottlosen H3615 werden verschmachten H4498 H6 , und sie werden nicht entrinnen H8615 können; denn Hoffnung H5315 wird ihrer Seele H4646 fehlen .
ELB1871(i) 1 Und Zophar, der Naamathiter, antwortete und sprach: 2 Sollte die Menge der Worte nicht beantwortet werden, oder sollte ein Schwätzer recht behalten? 3 Sollte dein Gerede die Leute zum Schweigen bringen, daß du spotten solltest, und niemand dich beschämen, 4 daß du sagen solltest: Meine Lehre ist lauter, und ich bin rein in deinen Augen? 5 Aber möchte Gott doch reden und seine Lippen gegen dich öffnen, 6 und dir kundtun die Geheimnisse der Weisheit, daß sie das Doppelte ist an Bestand! Dann müßtest du erkennen, daß Gott dir viel von deiner Missetat übersieht. 7 Kannst du die Tiefe Gottes erreichen, oder das Wesen des Allmächtigen ergründen? 8 Himmelhoch sind sie - was kannst du tun? tiefer als der Scheol - was kannst du wissen? 9 länger als die Erde ist ihr Maß und breiter als das Meer. 10 Wenn er vorüberzieht und in Verhaft nimmt und zum Gericht versammelt, wer will ihm dann wehren? 11 Denn er kennt die falschen Leute; und er sieht Frevel, ohne daß er achtgibt. 12 Auch ein Hohlköpfiger gewinnt Verstand, wenn auch der Mensch als ein Wildeselsfüllen geboren wird. 13 Wenn du dein Herz richtest und deine Hände zu ihm ausbreitest, - 14 wenn Frevel in deiner Hand ist, so entferne ihn, und laß Unrecht nicht wohnen in deinen Zelten, 15 ja, dann wirst du dein Angesicht erheben ohne Makel, und wirst unerschütterlich sein und dich nicht fürchten. 16 Denn du wirst die Mühsal vergessen, wirst ihrer gedenken wie vorübergeflossener Wasser; 17 und heller als der Mittag wird dein Leben erstehen; mag es finster sein - wie der Morgen wird es werden. 18 Und du wirst Vertrauen fassen, weil es Hoffnung gibt; und du wirst Umschau halten, in Sicherheit dich niederlegen. 19 Und du wirst dich lagern, und niemand wird dich aufschrecken; und viele werden deine Gunst suchen. 20 Aber die Augen der Gesetzlosen werden verschmachten; und jede Zuflucht ist ihnen verloren, und ihre Hoffnung ist das Aushauchen der Seele.
ELB1905(i) 1 Und Zophar, der Naamathiter, antwortete und sprach: 2 Sollte die Menge der Worte nicht beantwortet werden, oder sollte ein Schwätzer recht behalten? 3 Sollte dein Gerede die Leute zum Schweigen bringen, daß du spotten solltest, und niemand dich beschämen, 4 daß du sagen solltest: Meine Lehre ist lauter, und ich bin rein in deinen Augen? 5 Aber möchte Gott doch reden und seine Lippen gegen dich öffnen, 6 und dir kundtun die Geheimnisse der Weisheit, daß sie das Doppelte ist an Bestand! O. Wirklichkeit, Zuverlässigkeit Dann müßtest du erkennen, daß Gott dir viel von deiner Missetat übersieht. Eig. vergißt 7 Kannst du die Tiefe Gottes erreichen, oder das Wesen des Allmächtigen ergründen? Eig. bis zur äußersten Grenze des Allmächtigen gelangen 8 Himmelhoch sind sie, was kannst du tun? Tiefer als der Scheol, was kannst du wissen? 9 Länger als die Erde ist ihr Maß und breiter als das Meer. 10 Wenn er vorüberzieht und in Verhaft nimmt und zum Gericht versammelt, wer will ihm dann wehren? 11 Denn er kennt die falschen Leute; und er sieht Frevel, ohne daß er achtgibt. dh. zu geben braucht 12 Auch ein Hohlköpfiger gewinnt Verstand, wenn auch der Mensch als ein Wildeselsfüllen geboren wird. O. Aber ein Hohlköpfiger [eig. ein hohler Mann] gewinnt ebensowenig Verstand wie ein Wildeselsfüllen zum Menschen geboren wird 13 Wenn du dein Herz richtest dh. ihm die rechte Richtung gibst und deine Hände zu ihm ausbreitest, 14 wenn Frevel in deiner Hand ist, so entferne ihn, und laß Unrecht nicht wohnen in deinen Zelten, 15 ja, dann wirst du dein Angesicht erheben ohne Makel, und wirst unerschütterlich sein und dich nicht fürchten. 16 Denn du wirst die Mühsal vergessen, wirst ihrer gedenken wie vorübergeflossener Wasser; 17 und heller als der Mittag wird dein Leben erstehen; mag es finster sein wie der Morgen wird es werden. 18 Und du wirst Vertrauen fassen, weil es Hoffnung gibt; und du wirst Umschau halten, in Sicherheit dich niederlegen. 19 Und du wirst dich lagern, und niemand wird dich aufschrecken; und viele werden deine Gunst suchen. 20 Aber die Augen der Gesetzlosen werden verschmachten; und jede Zuflucht ist ihnen verloren, und ihre Hoffnung ist das Aushauchen der Seele.
  1 H6691 Und Zophar H6030 , der Naamathiter, antwortete H559 und sprach :
  2 H7230 Sollte die Menge H1697 der Worte H376 nicht beantwortet werden, oder sollte ein H8193 Schwätzer H6663 recht behalten?
  3 H4962 Sollte dein Gerede die Leute H2790 zum Schweigen H2790 bringen, daß du H3932 spotten solltest, und niemand dich beschämen,
  4 H559 daß du sagen H3948 solltest: Meine Lehre H1249 ist lauter H2134 , und ich bin rein H5869 in deinen Augen ?
  5 H199 Aber H433 möchte Gott H5414 doch H1696 reden H8193 und seine Lippen H6605 gegen dich öffnen,
  6 H2451 und dir kundtun die Geheimnisse der Weisheit H5046 , daß sie das Doppelte ist an H3045 Bestand! Dann müßtest du erkennen H433 , daß Gott H5771 dir viel von deiner Missetat übersieht.
  7 H4672 Kannst du die H433 Tiefe Gottes H7706 erreichen, oder das Wesen des Allmächtigen ergründen?
  8 H6466 Himmelhoch sind sie-was kannst du tun H6013 ? Tiefer H3045 als der Scheol-was kannst du wissen ?
  9 H752 Länger H776 als die Erde H4055 ist ihr Maß und H7342 breiter H3220 als das Meer .
  10 H6950 Wenn er vorüberzieht und in Verhaft nimmt und zum Gericht versammelt H7725 , wer will ihm dann wehren ?
  11 H3045 Denn er kennt H4962 die falschen Leute H7200 ; und er sieht H205 Frevel, ohne daß er achtgibt.
  12 H120 Auch H376 ein Hohlköpfiger gewinnt Verstand, wenn auch der Mensch H3205 als ein Wildeselsfüllen geboren wird.
  13 H3820 Wenn du dein Herz H3709 richtest und deine Hände H3559 zu ihm ausbreitest, -
  14 H3027 wenn Frevel in deiner Hand H205 ist, so entferne ihn, und laß Unrecht H7368 nicht H7931 wohnen in deinen Zelten -
  15 H6440 ja, dann wirst du dein Angesicht H5375 erheben H3372 ohne Makel, und wirst unerschütterlich sein und dich nicht fürchten .
  16 H5674 Denn du wirst die H5999 Mühsal H7911 vergessen H2142 , wirst ihrer gedenken H4325 wie vorübergeflossener Wasser;
  17 H5774 und H6672 heller als der Mittag H1242 wird dein Leben erstehen; mag es finster sein-wie der Morgen H6965 wird es werden .
  18 H8615 Und du wirst Vertrauen fassen, weil es Hoffnung H983 gibt; und du wirst Umschau halten, in Sicherheit H982 dich niederlegen.
  19 H6440 Und H7257 du wirst dich lagern H2729 , und niemand wird dich aufschrecken H7227 ; und viele werden deine Gunst suchen.
  20 H5869 Aber die Augen H3615 der Gesetzlosen werden verschmachten H4498 ; und jede Zuflucht H6 ist ihnen verloren H8615 , und ihre Hoffnung H5315 ist das Aushauchen der Seele .
DSV(i) 1 Toen antwoordde Zofar, de Naämathiet, en zeide: 2 Zou de veelheid der woorden niet beantwoord worden, en zou een klapachtig man recht hebben? 3 Zouden uw leugenen de lieden doen zwijgen, en zoudt gij spotten, en niemand u beschamen? 4 Want gij hebt gezegd: Mijn leer is zuiver, en ik ben rein in uw ogen. 5 Maar gewisselijk, och, of God sprak, en Zijn lippen tegen u opende; 6 En u bekend maakte de verborgenheden der wijsheid, omdat zij dubbel zijn in wezen! Daarom weet, dat God voor u vergeet van uw ongerechtigheid. 7 Zult gij de onderzoeking Gods vinden? Zult gij tot de volmaaktheid toe den Almachtige vinden? 8 Zij is als de hoogten der hemelen, wat kunt gij doen? Dieper dan de hel, wat kunt gij weten? 9 Langer dan de aarde is haar maat, en breder dan de zee. 10 Indien Hij voorbijgaat, opdat Hij overlevere of vergadere, wie zal dan Hem afkeren? 11 Want Hij kent de ijdele lieden, en Hij ziet de ondeugd; zou Hij dan niet aanmerken? 12 Dan zal een verstandeloos man kloekzinnig worden; hoewel de mens als het veulen eens woudezels geboren is. 13 Indien gij uw hart bereid hebt, zo breid uw handen tot Hem uit. 14 Indien er ondeugd in uw hand is, doe die verre weg; en laat het onrecht in uw tenten niet wonen. 15 Want dan zult gij uw aangezicht opheffen uit de gebreken, en zult vast wezen, en niet vrezen. 16 Want gij zult de moeite vergeten, en harer gedenken als der wateren, die voorbijgegaan zijn. 17 Ja, uw tijd zal klaarder dan de middag oprijzen; gij zult uitvliegen, als de morgenstond zult gij zijn. 18 En gij zult vertrouwen, omdat er verwachting zal zijn; en gij zult graven, gerustelijk zult gij slapen; 19 En gij zult nederliggen, en niemand zal u verschrikken; en velen zullen uw aangezicht smeken. 20 Maar de ogen der goddelozen zullen bezwijken, en de toevlucht zal van hen vergaan; en hun verwachting zal zijn de uitblazing der ziel.
  1 H6030 H8799 Toen antwoordde H6691 Zofar H5284 , de Naamathiet H559 H8799 , en zeide:
  2 H7230 Zou de veelheid H1697 der woorden H3808 niet H6030 H8735 beantwoord worden H518 , H8193 en zou een klapachtig H376 man H6663 H8799 recht hebben?
  3 H907 Zouden uw leugenen H4962 de lieden H2790 H8686 doen zwijgen H3932 H8799 , en zoudt gij spotten H369 , en niemand H3637 H8688 [u] beschamen?
  4 H559 H8799 Want gij hebt gezegd H3948 : Mijn leer H2134 is zuiver H1961 H8804 , en ik ben H1249 rein H5869 in uw ogen.
  5 H199 Maar H4310 H5414 H8799 gewisselijk, och, of H433 God H1696 H8763 sprak H8193 , en Zijn lippen H5973 tegen H6605 H8799 u opende;
  6 H5046 H8686 En u bekend maakte H8587 de verborgenheden H2451 der wijsheid H3588 , omdat H3718 zij dubbel H8454 zijn in wezen H3045 H8798 ! Daarom weet H3588 , dat H433 God H5382 H8686 voor u vergeet H4480 van H5771 uw ongerechtigheid.
  7 H2714 Zult gij de onderzoeking H433 Gods H4672 H8799 vinden H518 ? H5704 Zult gij tot H8503 de volmaaktheid H7706 toe den Almachtige H4672 H8799 vinden?
  8 H1363 [Zij] [is] [als] de hoogten H8064 der hemelen H4100 , wat H6466 H8799 kunt gij doen H6013 ? Dieper H7585 dan de hel H4100 , wat H3045 H8799 kunt gij weten?
  9 H752 Langer H4480 dan H776 de aarde H4055 is haar maat H7342 , en breder H4480 dan H3220 de zee.
  10 H518 Indien H2498 H8799 Hij voorbijgaat H5462 H8686 , opdat Hij overlevere H6950 H8686 of vergadere H4310 , wie H7725 H8686 zal dan Hem afkeren?
  11 H3588 Want H1931 Hij H3045 H8804 kent H7723 de ijdele H4962 lieden H7200 H8799 , en Hij ziet H205 de ondeugd H3808 ; zou Hij dan niet H995 H8709 aanmerken?
  12 H5014 H8803 Dan zal een verstandeloos H376 man H3823 H8735 kloekzinnig worden H120 ; hoewel de mens H5895 [als] het veulen H6501 eens woudezels H3205 H8735 geboren is.
  13 H518 Indien H859 gij H3820 uw hart H3559 H8689 bereid hebt H6566 H0 , zo breid H3709 uw handen H413 tot H6566 H8804 Hem uit.
  14 H518 Indien H205 er ondeugd H3027 in uw hand H7368 H8685 is, doe die verre weg H5766 ; en laat het onrecht H168 in uw tenten H408 niet H7931 H8686 wonen.
  15 H3588 Want H227 dan H6440 zult gij uw aangezicht H5375 H8799 opheffen H4480 uit H3971 de gebreken H3332 H8716 , en zult vast H1961 H8804 wezen H3808 , en niet H3372 H8799 vrezen.
  16 H3588 Want H859 gij H5999 zult de moeite H7911 H8799 vergeten H2142 H8799 , [en] [harer] gedenken H4325 als der wateren H5674 H8804 , die voorbijgegaan zijn.
  17 H2465 Ja, [uw] tijd H6965 H0 zal klaarder H6672 dan de middag H6965 H8799 oprijzen H5774 H8799 ; gij zult uitvliegen H1242 , als de morgenstond H1961 H8799 zult gij zijn.
  18 H982 H8804 En gij zult vertrouwen H3588 , omdat H8615 er verwachting H3426 zal zijn H2658 H8804 ; en gij zult graven H983 , gerustelijk H7901 H8799 zult gij slapen;
  19 H7257 H8804 En gij zult nederliggen H369 , en niemand H2729 H8688 zal [u] verschrikken H7227 ; en velen H6440 zullen uw aangezicht H2470 H8765 smeken.
  20 H5869 Maar de ogen H7563 der goddelozen H3615 H8799 zullen bezwijken H4498 , en de toevlucht H4480 zal van H6 H8804 hen vergaan H8615 ; en hun verwachting H4646 zal zijn de uitblazing H5315 der ziel.
Giguet(i) 1 ¶ Or Sophar le Minéen, prenant la parole, dit: 2 Celui qui parle tant, à son tour écoutera: l’homme verbeux semble-t-il juste? Le fils de la femme qui vit peu est béni. 3 Ne te répands pas en longs discours, puisque nul ne plaide contre toi. 4 Surtout, garde-toi de dire: Je suis pur dans mes œuvres; je suis irréprochable devant Dieu. 5 Car par quel moyen le Seigneur pourrait-il te répondre et ouvrir les lèvres en même temps que toi? 6 Ensuite il te donnera la force du sage deux fois plus que ne l’ont ceux qui te ressemblent; tu reconnaîtras alors que le Seigneur t’a rétribué justement, selon tes péchés. 7 ¶ Découvriras-tu les traces du Seigneur? Es-tu parvenu jusqu’aux dernières limites de ce que le Tout-Puissant a créé? 8 Le ciel est haut, que feras-tu? L’abîme est profond, que feras-tu? 9 Les dimensions de la terre, l’étendue des mers ne te sont-elles pas inconnues? 10 S’il plaît au Seigneur de bouleverser toutes ces choses, qui lui dira: Qu’avez-vous fait? 11 Seul il connaît les œuvres des déréglés; s’il voit des choses vaines, il ne fiendra point de n’en rien savoir. 12 L’homme nage au hasard s’il n’a d’autres guides que des raisonnements; le mortel né de la femme est isolé comme l’âne sauvage. 13 ¶ Si tu as purifié ton cœur, élève tes mains vers Dieu. 14 Si tes mains sont chargées de quelque iniquité, hâte-toi de la rejeter au loin; elle ne doit point passer la nuit dans ta demeure. 15 Alors ton visage brillera comme une onde pure; tu ôteras tes vêtements sordides, et tu n’éprouveras plus de crainte. 16 Tu oublieras tes souffrances; elles auront passé comme une vapeur, et ta raison sera raffermie. 17 Ta prière ressemblera à l’étoile qui annonce l’aurore; ta vie se lèvera au Midi. 18 Tu seras plein de confiance, parce que l’espérance ne t’aura pas abandonné; de tes soucis, de tes peines naîtra la paix. 19 Tu jouiras du repos et n’auras plus d’ennemis; la foule inconstante des hommes te reviendra. 20 Cependant le salut délaissera les impies; leur espoir sera leur perte, et leurs yeux fondront en larmes.
DarbyFR(i) 1
Et Tsophar, le Naamathite, répondit et dit: 2 La multitude des paroles ne recevrait-elle pas de réponse, et un grand parleur serait-il justifié? 3 Tes mensonges doivent-ils faire taire les gens? Te moqueras-tu sans que personne te fasse honte? 4 Car tu as dit: Ma doctrine est pure, et je suis sans tache à tes yeux! 5 Oh! qu'il plût à +Dieu de parler et d'ouvrir ses lèvres contre toi, 6 Et de te raconter les secrets de la sagesse, comment ils sont le double de ce qu'on réalise! Et sache que +Dieu laisse dans l'oubli beaucoup de ton iniquité. 7
Peux-tu, en sondant, découvrir ce qui est en +Dieu, ou découvriras-tu parfaitement le Tout-puissant? 8 Ce sont les hauteurs des cieux, -que feras-tu? C'est plus profond que le shéol, qu'en sauras-tu? 9 Plus longue que la terre est sa mesure, plus large que la mer. 10 S'il passe et enferme et fait comparaître, qui donc le détournera? 11 Car il connaît, lui, les hommes vains, et il voit l'iniquité sans que l'homme s'en aperçoive; 12 Et l'homme stupide s'enhardit, quoique l'homme naisse comme le poulain de l'âne sauvage. 13
Si tu prépares ton coeur et que tu étendes tes mains vers lui, 14 Si tu éloignes l'iniquité qui est dans ta main, et que tu ne laisses pas l'injustice demeurer dans tes tentes, 15 Alors tu lèveras ta face sans tache, tu seras ferme et tu ne craindras pas; 16 Car tu oublieras ta misère, tu t'en souviendras comme des eaux écoulées; 17 Ta vie se lèvera plus claire que le plein midi; si tu étais couvert de ténèbres, tu seras comme le matin; 18 Et tu auras de la confiance, parce qu'il y aura de l'espoir; tu examineras tout, et tu dormiras en sûreté; 19 Tu te coucheras, et il n'y aura personne pour te faire peur, et beaucoup rechercheront ta faveur. 20 Mais les yeux des méchants seront consumés, et tout refuge périra pour eux, et leur espoir sera d'expirer.
Martin(i) 1 Alors Tsophar Nahamathite prit la parole, et dit : 2 Ne répondra-t-on point à tant de discours, et ne faudra-t-il qu'être un grand parleur, pour être justifié ? 3 Tes menteries feront-elles taire les gens ? et quand tu te seras moqué, n'y aura-t-il personne qui te fasse honte ? 4 Car tu as dit : Ma doctrine est pure, et je suis net devant tes yeux. 5 Mais certainement, il serait à souhaiter que Dieu parlât, et qu'il ouvrît ses lèvres pour disputer avec toi. 6 Car il te déclarerait les secrets de la sagesse, savoir, qu'il devrait redoubler la conduite qu'il tient envers toi; sache donc que Dieu exige de toi beaucoup moins que ton iniquité ne mérite. 7 Trouveras-tu le fond en Dieu en le sondant ? Connaîtras-tu parfaitement le Tout-puissant ? 8 Ce sont les hauteurs des cieux, qu'y feras-tu ? C'est une chose plus profonde que les abîmes, qu'y connaîtras-tu ? 9 Son étendue est plus longue que la terre, et plus large que la mer. 10 S'il remue, et qu'il resserre, ou qu'il rassemble, qui l'en détournera ? 11 Car il connaît les hommes perfides, et ayant vu l'oppression, n'y prendra-t-il pas garde ? 12 Mais l'homme vide de sens devient intelligent, quoique l'homme naisse comme un ânon sauvage. 13 Si tu disposes ton coeur, et que tu étendes tes mains vers lui; 14 Si tu éloignes de toi l'iniquité qui est en ta main, et si tu ne permets point que la méchanceté habite dans tes tentes; 15 Alors certainement tu pourras élever ton visage, comme étant sans tache; tu seras ferme, et tu ne craindras rien. 16 Tu oublieras tes travaux, et tu ne t'en souviendras pas plus que des eaux qui se sont écoulées. 17 Et le temps de ta vie se haussera plus qu'au midi; tu resplendiras, et seras comme le matin même. 18 Tu seras plein de confiance, parce qu'il y aura de l'espérance pour toi; tu creuseras, et tu reposeras sûrement. 19 Tu te coucheras, et il n'y aura personne qui t'épouvante, et plusieurs te feront la cour. 20 Mais les yeux des méchants seront consumés et il n'y aura point d'asile pour eux, et leur espérance sera de rendre l'âme.
Segond(i) 1 Tsophar de Naama prit la parole et dit: 2 Cette multitude de paroles ne trouvera-t-elle point de réponse, Et suffira-t-il d'être un discoureur pour avoir raison? 3 Tes vains propos feront-ils taire les gens? Te moqueras-tu, sans que personne te confonde? 4 Tu dis: Ma manière de voir est juste, Et je suis pur à tes yeux. 5 Oh! si Dieu voulait parler, S'il ouvrait les lèvres pour te répondre, 6 Et s'il te révélait les secrets de sa sagesse, De son immense sagesse, Tu verrais alors qu'il ne te traite pas selon ton iniquité. 7 Prétends-tu sonder les pensées de Dieu, Parvenir à la connaissance parfaite du Tout-Puissant? 8 Elle est aussi haute que les cieux: que feras-tu? Plus profonde que le séjour des morts: que sauras-tu? 9 La mesure en est plus longue que la terre, Elle est plus large que la mer. 10 S'il passe, s'il saisit, S'il traîne à son tribunal, qui s'y opposera? 11 Car il connaît les vicieux, Il voit facilement les coupables. 12 L'homme, au contraire, a l'intelligence d'un fou, Il est né comme le petit d'un âne sauvage. 13 Pour toi, dirige ton coeur vers Dieu, Etends vers lui tes mains, 14 Eloigne-toi de l'iniquité, Et ne laisse pas habiter l'injustice sous ta tente. 15 Alors tu lèveras ton front sans tache, Tu seras ferme et sans crainte; 16 Tu oublieras tes souffrances, Tu t'en souviendras comme des eaux écoulées. 17 Tes jours auront plus d'éclat que le soleil à son midi, Tes ténèbres seront comme la lumière du matin, 18 Tu seras plein de confiance, et ton attente ne sera plus vaine; Tu regarderas autour de toi, et tu reposeras en sûreté. 19 Tu te coucheras sans que personne ne te trouble, Et plusieurs caresseront ton visage. 20 Mais les yeux des méchants seront consumés; Pour eux point de refuge; La mort, voilà leur espérance!
  1 H6691 ¶ Tsophar H5284 de Naama H6030 prit la parole H8799   H559 et dit H8799  :
  2 H7230 Cette multitude H1697 de paroles H6030 ne trouvera-t-elle point de réponse H8735   H376 , Et suffira-t-il d’être un discoureur H8193   H6663 pour avoir raison H8799   ?
  3 H907 Tes vains propos H2790 feront-ils taire H8686   H4962 les gens H3932  ? Te moqueras H8799   H3637 -tu, sans que personne te confonde H8688   ?
  4 H559 Tu dis H8799   H3948  : Ma manière de voir H2134 est juste H1249 , Et je suis pur H5869 à tes yeux.
  5 H199 Oh H5414  ! si H8799   H433 Dieu H1696 voulait parler H8763   H6605 , S’il ouvrait H8799   H8193 les lèvres pour te répondre,
  6 H5046 Et s’il te révélait H8686   H8587 les secrets H2451 de sa sagesse H3718 , De son immense sagesse H8454   H3045 , Tu verrais H8798   H433 alors qu’il H5382 ne te traite H8686   H5771 pas selon ton iniquité.
  7 H2714 ¶ Prétends-tu sonder H4672 les pensées H8799   H433 de Dieu H4672 , Parvenir à la connaissance H8799   H8503 parfaite H7706 du Tout-Puissant ?
  8 H1363 Elle est aussi haute H8064 que les cieux H6466  : que feras H8799   H6013 -tu ? Plus profonde H7585 que le séjour des morts H3045  : que sauras H8799  -tu ?
  9 H4055 La mesure H752 en est plus longue H776 que la terre H7342 , Elle est plus large H3220 que la mer.
  10 H2498 S’il passe H8799   H5462 , s’il saisit H8686   H6950 , S’il traîne à son tribunal H8686   H7725 , qui s’y opposera H8686   ?
  11 H3045 Car il connaît H8804   H7723 les vicieux H4962   H7200 , Il voit H8799   H995 facilement H8709   H205 les coupables.
  12 H376 L’homme H3823 , au contraire, a l’intelligence H8735   H5014 d’un fou H8803   H120 , Il H3205 est né H8735   H5895 comme le petit H6501 d’un âne sauvage.
  13 H3559 ¶ Pour toi, dirige H8689   H3820 ton cœur H6566 vers Dieu, Etends H8804   H3709 vers lui tes mains,
  14 H7368 Eloigne H8685   H3027   H205 -toi de l’iniquité H7931 , Et ne laisse pas habiter H8686   H5766 l’injustice H168 sous ta tente.
  15 H5375 Alors tu lèveras H8799   H6440 ton front H3971 sans tache H3332 , Tu seras ferme H8716   H3372 et sans crainte H8799   ;
  16 H7911 Tu oublieras H8799   H5999 tes souffrances H2142 , Tu t’en souviendras H8799   H4325 comme des eaux H5674 écoulées H8804  .
  17 H2465 Tes jours H6965 auront plus d’éclat H8799   H6672 que le soleil à son midi H5774 , Tes ténèbres seront comme la lumière H8799   H1242 du matin,
  18 H982 Tu seras plein de confiance H8804   H8615 , et ton attente H3426   H2658 ne sera plus vaine ; Tu regarderas H8804   H7901 autour de toi, et tu reposeras H8799   H983 en sûreté.
  19 H7257 Tu te coucheras H8804   H2729 sans que personne ne te trouble H8688   H7227 , Et plusieurs H2470 caresseront H8765   H6440 ton visage.
  20 H5869 Mais les yeux H7563 des méchants H3615 seront consumés H8799   H6  ; Pour eux point de refuge H8804   H4498   H4646  ; La mort H5315   H8615 , voilà leur espérance !
SE(i) 1 Y respondió Zofar naamatita, y dijo: 2 ¿Las muchas palabras no han de tener respuesta? ¿Y el hombre parlero será justificado? 3 ¿Tus mentiras harán callar a los hombres? ¿Y harás escarnio, y no habrá quien te avergüence? 4 Tú dices: Mi manera de vivir es pura, y yo soy limpio delante de tus ojos. 5 Mas ­oh, quién diera que Dios hablara, y abriera sus labios contigo, 6 y que te declarara los secretos de la sabiduría! Porque mereces dos tantos según la ley; y sabe que Dios te ha olvidado por tu iniquidad. 7 ¿Alcanzaras tú el rastro de Dios? ¿Llegaras tú a la perfección del Todopoderoso? 8 Es más alto que los cielos; ¿qué harás? Es más profundo que el infierno; ¿cómo lo conocerás? 9 Su dimensión es más larga que la tierra, y más ancha que el mar. 10 Si cortare, o encerrare, o juntare, ¿quién le responderá? 11 Porque él conoce a los hombres vanos; y ve la iniquidad, ¿y no entenderá? 12 El hombre vano se hará entendido, aunque nazca como el pollino del asno montés. 13 Si tú preparares tu corazón, y extendieres a él tus manos; 14 si alguna iniquidad hubiere en tu mano, y la echares de ti, y no consintieres que more maldad en tus habitaciones; 15 entonces levantarás tu rostro limpio de mancha, y serás fuerte y no temerás; 16 y olvidarás tu trabajo, y te acordarás de él como de aguas que pasaron; 17 y en mitad de la siesta se levantará bonanza; resplandecerás, y serás como la misma mañana; 18 y confiarás, que habrá esperanza; y cavarás, y dormirás seguro; 19 y te acostarás, y no habrá quien te espante; y muchos te rogarán. 20 Mas los ojos de los malos se consumirán, y no tendrán refugio; y su esperanza será agonía del alma.
ReinaValera(i) 1 Y RESPONDIO Sophar Naamathita, y dijo: 2 ¿Las muchas palabras no han de tener respuesta? ¿Y el hombre parlero será justificado? 3 ¿Harán tus falacias callar á los hombres? ¿Y harás escarnio, y no habrá quien te avergüence? 4 Tú dices: Mi conversar es puro, Y yo soy limpio delante de tus ojos. 5 Mas ­oh quién diera que Dios hablara, Y abriera sus labios contigo, 6 Y que te declarara los arcanos de la sabiduría, Que son de doble valor que la hacienda! Conocerías entonces que Dios te ha castigado menos que tu iniquidad merece. 7 ¿Alcanzarás tú el rastro de Dios? ¿Llegarás tú á la perfección del Todopoderoso? 8 Es más alto que los cielos: ¿qué harás? Es más profundo que el infierno: ¿cómo lo conocerás? 9 Su dimensión es más larga que la tierra, Y más ancha que la mar. 10 Si cortare, ó encerrare, O juntare, ¿quién podrá contrarrestarle? 11 Porque él conoce á los hombres vanos: Ve asimismo la iniquidad, ¿y no hará caso? 12 El hombre vano se hará entendido, Aunque nazca como el pollino del asno montés. 13 Si tú apercibieres tu corazón, Y extendieres á él tus manos; 14 Si alguna iniquidad hubiere en tu mano, y la echares de ti, Y no consintieres que more maldad en tus habitaciones; 15 Entonces levantarás tu rostro limpio de mancha, Y serás fuerte y no temerás: 16 Y olvidarás tu trabajo, O te acordarás de él como de aguas que pasaron: 17 Y en mitad de la siesta se levantará bonanza; Resplandecerás, y serás como la mañana: 18 Y confiarás, que habrá esperanza; Y cavarás, y dormirás seguro: 19 Y te acostarás, y no habrá quien te espante: Y muchos te rogarán. 20 Mas los ojos de los malos se consumirán, Y no tendrán refugio; Y su esperanza será agonía del alma.
JBS(i) 1 Y respondió Zofar naamatita, y dijo: 2 ¿Las muchas palabras no han de tener respuesta? ¿Y el hombre que habla mucho será justificado? 3 ¿Tus mentiras harán callar a los hombres? ¿Y harás escarnio, y no habrá quien te avergüence? 4 Tú dices: Mi doctrina es pura, y yo soy limpio delante de tus ojos. 5 Mas ¡oh, quién diera que Dios hablara, y abriera sus labios contigo, 6 y que te declarara los secretos de la sabiduría! Porque mereces dos tantos según lo establecido; y sabe que Dios te ha olvidado por tu iniquidad. 7 ¿Alcanzarás tú el rastro de Dios? ¿Llegarás tú a la perfección del Todopoderoso? 8 Es más alto que los cielos; ¿qué harás? Es más profundo que el Seol; ¿cómo lo conocerás? 9 Su dimensión es más larga que la tierra, y más ancha que el mar. 10 Si cortare, o encerrare, o juntare, ¿quién le responderá? 11 Porque él conoce a los hombres vanos; y ve la iniquidad, ¿y no entenderá? 12 ¶ El hombre vano se hará entendido, aunque nazca como el pollino del asno montés. 13 Si tú preparares tu corazón, y extendieres a él tus manos; 14 si alguna iniquidad hubiere en tu mano, y la echares de ti, y no consintieres que more maldad en tus habitaciones; 15 entonces levantarás tu rostro limpio de mancha, y serás firme y no temerás; 16 y olvidarás tu trabajo, y te acordarás de él como de aguas que pasaron; 17 y en mitad de la siesta se levantará bonanza; resplandecerás, y serás como la misma mañana; 18 y confiarás, que habrá esperanza; y cavarás, y dormirás seguro; 19 y te acostarás, y no habrá quien te espante; y muchos te rogarán. 20 Mas los ojos de los malos se consumirán, y no tendrán refugio; y su esperanza será agonía del alma.
Albanian(i) 1 Atëherë Zofari nga Naamathi u përgjigj dhe tha: 2 "Një mori e tillë fjalësh a do të mbetet pa përgjigje? A duhet të ketë të drejtë një njeri fjalëshumë? 3 Llafet e tua a do t'ua mbyllin gojën njerëzve? Ti do të tallesh dhe asnjë mos të të bëjë me turp? 4 Ti ke thënë: "Doktrina ime është e pastër dhe jam i pakritikueshëm para teje". 5 Por po të donte Perëndia të fliste dhe të hapte gojën e tij kundër teje, 6 për të treguar të fshehtat e diturisë, sepse dituria e vërtetë është e shumëtrajtshme, atëherë do të mësoje se Perëndia harron një pjesë të fajit tënd. 7 A mundesh ti të hulumtosh thellësitë e Perëndisë? A mund të depërtosh në përsosmërinë e të Plotfuqishmit? 8 Janë më të larta se qielli; çfarë mund të bësh? janë më të thella se Sheoli: çfarë mund të dish? 9 Madhësia e tyre është më e gjatë se toka dhe më e gjerë se deti. 10 Në rast se Perëndia kalon, burgos dhe nxjerr në gjyq, kush mund t'ia pengojë këtë veprim? 11 Sepse ai i njeh njerëzit e rremë; e sheh padrejtësinë dhe e kqyr. 12 Njeriu i pamend do të bëhet i urtë, kur kërriçi i gomares së egër të bëhet njeri. 13 Në rast se e përgatit zemrën tënde dhe shtrin ndaj saj duart e tua, 14 në rast se largon padrejtësinë që është në duart e tua dhe nuk lejon që çoroditja të zërë vend në çadrat e tua, 15 atëherë do të mund të lartosh ballin tënd pa njollë, do të jesh i patundur dhe nuk do të kesh frikë, 16 sepse do të harrosh hallet e tua, do t'i kujtosh si uji që ka rrjedhur; 17 jeta jote do të jetë më e ndritur se mesdita, edhe errësira për ty do të ishte si mëngjesi. 18 Do të jesh i sigurt sepse ka shpresë; do të shikosh rreth e qark dhe do të pushosh në siguri. 19 Do të biesh të flesh dhe nuk do të ketë njeri që të të trembë dhe shumë persona do të kërkojnë favorin tënd. 20 Por sytë e të pabesëve do të treten; çdo shpëtim do t'u pritet, dhe shpresa e tyre do të jetë grahma e fundit".
RST(i) 1 И отвечал Софар Наамитянин и сказал: 2 разве на множество слов нельзя дать ответа, и разве человек многоречивый прав? 3 Пустословие твое заставит ли молчать мужей, чтобы ты глумился, и некому было постыдить тебя? 4 Ты сказал: суждение мое верно, и чист я в очах Твоих. 5 Но если бы Бог возглаголал и отверз уста Свои ктебе 6 и открыл тебе тайны премудрости, что тебе вдвое больше следовало бы понести! Итак знай, что Бог для тебя некоторые из беззаконий твоих предал забвению. 7 Можешь ли ты исследованием найти Бога? Можешь ли совершенно постигнуть Вседержителя? 8 Он превыше небес, – что можешь сделать? глубже преисподней, – что можешь узнать? 9 Длиннее земли мера Его и шире моря. 10 Если Он пройдет и заключит кого в оковы и представит на суд, то кто отклонит Его? 11 Ибо Он знает людей лживых и видит беззаконие, и оставит ли его без внимания? 12 Но пустой человек мудрствует, хотя человек рождается подобно дикому осленку. 13 Если ты управишь сердце твое и прострешь к Нему руки твои, 14 и если есть порок в руке твоей, а ты удалишь его и не дашь беззаконию обитать в шатрах твоих, 15 то поднимешь незапятнанное лице твое и будешь тверд и не будешь бояться. 16 Тогда забудешь горе: как о воде протекшей, будешь вспоминать онем. 17 И яснее полдня пойдет жизнь твоя; просветлеешь, как утро. 18 И будешь спокоен, ибо есть надежда; ты огражден, и можешь спать безопасно. 19 Будешь лежать, и не будет устрашающего, и многие будут заискивать у тебя. 20 глаза беззаконных истают, и убежище пропадет у них, и надежда ихисчезнет.
Arabic(i) 1 فاجاب صوفر النعماتي وقال 2 أكثرة الكلام لا يجاوب ام رجل مهذار يتبرر. 3 أصلفك يفحم الناس ام تلخ وليس من يخزيك. 4 اذ تقول تعليمي زكي وانا بار في عينيك. 5 ولكن يا ليت الله يتكلم ويفتح شفتيه معك 6 ويعلن لك خفيّات الحكمة انها مضاعفة الفهم فتعلم ان الله يغرمك باقل من اثمك 7 أإلى عمق الله تتصل ام الى نهاية القدير تنتهي. 8 هو اعلى من السموات فماذا عساك ان تفعل. اعمق من الهاوية فماذا تدري. 9 اطول من الارض طوله واعرض من البحر. 10 ان بطش او اغلق او جمع فمن يرده. 11 لانه هو يعلم اناس السوء ويبصر الاثم فهل لا ينتبه. 12 اما الرجل ففارغ عديم الفهم وكجحش الفراء يولد الانسان 13 ان اعددت انت قلبك وبسطت اليه يديك 14 ان ابعدت الاثم الذي في يدك ولا يسكن الظلم في خيمتك 15 حينئذ ترفع وجهك بلا عيب وتكون ثابتا ولا تخاف. 16 لانك تنسى المشقة. كمياه عبرت تذكرها. 17 وفوق الظهيرة يقوم حظك. الظلام يتحول صباحا. 18 وتطمئن لانه يوجد رجاء. تتجسس حولك وتضطجع آمنا. 19 وتربض وليس من يزعج ويتضرع الى وجهك كثيرون. 20 اما عيون الاشرار فتتلف ومناصهم يبيد ورجاؤهم تسليم النفس
Bulgarian(i) 1 Тогава нааматецът Софар отговори и каза: 2 Да не се ли отговори на множеството думи и да се оправдае ли бъбрив човек? 3 Твоите празнословия ще запушат ли хорските уста? Да се присмиваш, и никой ли да не те посрами? 4 Защото ти си казал: Говоренето ми е право и аз съм чист в очите Ти. 5 Но да би заговорил Бог и да би отворил устните Си против теб, 6 да би ти изявил тайните на мъдростта, защото те двойно са благоразумие! Знай тогава, че Бог ти забравя много от вината ти. 7 Можеш ли да издириш Божиите дълбини? Можеш ли да стигнеш границите на Всесилния? 8 Високи като небето са — какво можеш да направиш? По-дълбоки от Шеол са — какво можеш да познаеш? 9 Мярката им е по-дълга от земята и по-широка от морето. 10 Ако Той премине или затвори, или събере, кой би могъл да Го възпре? 11 Защото Той познава лъжливите хора, вижда и безбожието. Няма ли да му обърне внимание? 12 Може ли празноглав човек да стане мъдър и диво магаренце да се роди като човек? 13 Ако насочиш сърцето си и простреш ръцете си към Него, 14 ако има грях в ръката ти, отдалечи го и не оставяй злото да живее в шатрите ти. 15 Тогава наистина ще издигнеш лицето си без петно, ще бъдеш непоколебим и няма да се боиш; 16 защото ще забравиш страданието си; ще си го спомняш като изтекли води. 17 И животът ти ще бъде по-светъл от пладне; и мрачен ако е, като зора ще стане. 18 И ще бъдеш сигурен, защото има надежда. Да, ще се огледаш наоколо и ще почиваш в безопасност. 19 И ще легнеш и никой няма да те плаши; и мнозина ще търсят твоето благоволение. 20 А очите на безбожните ще изтлеят и няма да има убежище за тях, и надеждата им е издъхването на душата им.
Croatian(i) 1 Sofar iz Naama progovori tad i reče: 2 "Zar na riječi mnoge da se ne odvrati? Zar će se brbljavac još i opravdati? 3 Zar će tvoje trice ušutkati ljude, zar će ruganje ostat' neizrugano? 4 Rekao si: 'Nauk moj je neporočan, u očima tvojim čist sam i bez ljage.' 5 Ali kada bi Bog htio progovorit' i otvorit usta da ti odgovori 6 kada bi ti tajne mudrosti otkrio koje um nijedan ne može doumit', znao bi da ti za grijehe račun ište. 7 Možeš li dubine Božje proniknuti, dokučiti savršenstvo Svesilnoga? 8 Od neba je više: što još da učiniš? Od Šeola dublje: što još da mudruješ? 9 Duže je od zemlje - šire je od mora! 10 Ako se povuče, ako te pograbi, ako na sud preda, tko će mu braniti? 11 Jer on u čovjeku prozire prijevaru, vidi opačinu ako i ne gleda. 12 Čovjek se bezuman obraća k pameti i divlji magarac uzdi se pokori. 13 Ako li srce svoje ti uspraviš i ruke svoje pružiš prema njemu, 14 ako li zloću iz ruku odbaciš i u šatoru svom ne daš zlu stana, 15 čisto ćeš čelo moći tad podići, čvrst ćeš biti i bojati se nećeš. 16 Svojih se kušnja nećeš sjećat' više kao ni vode koja je protekla. 17 Jasnije će tvoj život sjat' no podne, tmina će se obratit' u svanuće. 18 U uzdanju svom živjet ćeš sigurno i zaštićen počivat ćeš u miru. 19 Kad legneš, nitko te buniti neće; mnogi će tvoju tražiti naklonost. 20 A zlikovcima ugasnut će oči, neće im više biti utočišta: izdahnut', bit će jedina im nada."
BKR(i) 1 A odpovídaje Zofar Naamatský, řekl: 2 Zdaliž k mnohým slovům nemá odpovědíno býti? Aneb zdali člověk mnohomluvný práv zůstane? 3 Žváním svým lidi zaměstknáváš, a posmíváš se, aniž jest, kdo by tě zahanbil. 4 Nebo jsi řekl: Čisté jest učení mé, a čist jsem, ó Bože, před očima tvýma. 5 Ješto, ó kdyby Bůh mluvil, a otevřel rty své proti tobě, 6 Aťby oznámil tajemství moudrosti, že dvakrát většího trestání zasloužil jsi. A věz, že se Bůh zapomněl na tebe pro nepravost tvou. 7 Zdaliž ty stižitelnosti Boží dosáhneš, aneb dokonalost Všemohoucího vystihneš? 8 Vyšší jest nebes, což učiníš? Hlubší než peklo, jakž porozumíš? 9 Delší jest míra její než země, a širší než moře. 10 Bude-li pléniti neb zavírati aneb ssužovati, kdo se na něj bude domlouvati? 11 Poněvadž zná lidskou marnost, a vidí nepravost, což by tomu rozuměti neměl? 12 Tak aby muž nesmyslný nabyl rozumu, ačkoli člověk jest jako hřebec z divokého osla zplozený. 13 Jestliže ty nastrojíš srdce své, a ruce své k němu vztáhneš; 14 Byla-li by nepravost v ruce tvé, vzdal ji od sebe, aniž dopouštěj bydliti v staních svých nešlechetnosti: 15 Tedy jistě pozdvihneš tváři své z poškvrny, a budeš nepohnutý, aniž se báti budeš. 16 Nebo se na těžkost zapomeneš, na niž jako na vody, kteréž pominuly, zpomínati budeš. 17 K tomu nad poledne jasný nastaneť čas; zatmíš-li se pak, jitru podobný budeš. 18 Budeš i mysli doufanlivé, maje naději; stánek roztáhneš, i bezpečně spáti budeš. 19 A tak v pokoji budeš, aniž tě kdo předěsí, a mnozí tváři tvé kořiti se budou. 20 Oči pak bezbožných zkaženy budou, a utíkání jim zhyne; nadto naděje jejich bude jako dchnutí člověka.
Danish(i) 1 Da svarede Zofar, Naamathiten, og sagde: 2 Skal der ikke svares til de mange Ord? og mon en mundkaad Mand skal beholde Ret: 3 Skal din Skvalder bringe Folk til at tie? og skal du bespotte, og ingen beskæmme dig? 4 Thi du sagde: Min Lærdom er klar, og jeg er ren for dine Øjne. 5 Men gid dog Gud vilde tale og oplade sine Læber imod dig! 6 og at han vilde kundgøre dig Visdoms skjulte Ting! thi i den er dobbelt Kraft; da skulde du vide, at Gud endog eftergiver dig meget af din Misgerning. 7 Mon du kan naa til Guds Dybheder? mon du kan naa til den Almægtiges Begrænsning? 8 Den er saa høj som Himmelen, hvad vil du gøre? den er dybere end Helvede, hvad kan du vide? 9 Dens Maal er længere end Jorden, den er bredere end Havet. 10 Naar han farer frem og lukker til I eller forsamles, hvo vil da holde ham tilbage? 11 Thi han kender forfængelige Folk og ser Uretfærdighed; skulde han da ikke agte derpaa 12 Men en uforstandig vil faa Forstand, naar et Vildæsels Føl fødes til Menneske. 13 Dersom du bereder dit Hjerte og udstrækker dine Hænder til ham, 14 dersom du kaster Uretfærdigheden, som er i din Haand, langt bort og ikke lader Uret bo i dine Telte, 15 da skal du, fri for Lyde, kunne opløfte dit Ansigt og blive fast og ikke frygte. 16 Thi du skal glemme din Møje, du skal komme den i Hu som det Vand, der er løbet forbi. 17 Og din Levetid skal gaa frem klarere end Middagen, Mørket skal vorde som Morgenen. 18 Og du skal være tryg, thi der er Haab, og du skal spejde omkring dig og sove tryggelig. 19 Og du skal lægge dig, og ingen skal forfærde dig; og mange skulle bønfalde for dit Ansigt. 20 Men de ugudeliges Øjne skulle hentæres, og deres Tilflugt skal gaa tabt for dem, og deres Haab aandes ud med Livet:
CUV(i) 1 拿 瑪 人 瑣 法 回 答 說 : 2 這 許 多 的 言 語 豈 不 該 回 答 麼 ? 多 嘴 多 舌 的 人 豈 可 稱 為 義 麼 ? 3 你 誇 大 的 話 豈 能 使 人 不 作 聲 麼 ? 你 戲 笑 的 時 候 豈 沒 有 人 叫 你 害 羞 麼 ? 4 你 說 : 我 的 道 理 純 全 ; 我 在 你 眼 前 潔 淨 。 5 惟 願   神 說 話 ; 願 他 開 口 攻 擊 你 , 6 並 將 智 慧 的 奧 秘 指 示 你 ; 他 有 諸 般 的 智 識 。 所 以 當 知 道   神 追 討 你 比 你 罪 孽 該 得 的 還 少 。 7 你 考 察 就 能 測 透 神 嗎 ? 你 豈 能 盡 情 測 透 全 能 者 嗎 ? 8 他 的 智 慧 高 於 天 , 你 還 能 做 甚 麼 ? 深 於 陰 間 , 你 還 能 知 道 甚 麼 ? 9 其 量 比 地 長 , 比 海 寬 。 10 他 若 經 過 , 將 人 拘 禁 , 招 人 受 審 , 誰 能 阻 擋 他 呢 ? 11 他 本 知 道 虛 妄 的 人 ; 人 的 罪 孽 , 他 雖 不 留 意 , 還 是 無 所 不 見 。 12 空 虛 的 人 卻 毫 無 知 識 ; 人 生 在 世 好 像 野 驢 的 駒 子 。 13 你 若 將 心 安 正 , 又 向 主 舉 手 ; 14 你 手 裡 若 有 罪 孽 , 就 當 遠 遠 地 除 掉 , 也 不 容 非 義 住 在 你 帳 棚 之 中 。 15 那 時 , 你 必 仰 起 臉 來 毫 無 斑 點 ; 你 也 必 堅 固 , 無 所 懼 怕 。 16 你 必 忘 記 你 的 苦 楚 , 就 是 想 起 也 如 流 過 去 的 水 一 樣 。 17 你 在 世 的 日 子 要 比 正 午 更 明 , 雖 有 黑 暗 仍 像 早 晨 。 18 你 因 有 指 望 就 必 穩 固 , 也 必 四 圍 巡 查 , 坦 然 安 息 。 19 你 躺 臥 , 無 人 驚 嚇 , 且 有 許 多 人 向 你 求 恩 。 20 但 惡 人 的 眼 目 必 要 失 明 。 他 們 無 路 可 逃 ; 他 們 的 指 望 就 是 氣 絕 。
  1 H5284 拿瑪人 H6691 瑣法 H6030 回答 H559 說:
  2 H7230 這許多的 H1697 言語 H6030 豈不該回答 H8193 麼?多嘴多舌 H376 的人 H6663 豈可稱為義麼?
  3 H907 你誇大的話 H4962 豈能使人 H2790 不作聲 H3932 麼?你戲笑 H3637 的時候豈沒有人叫你害羞麼?
  4 H559 你說 H3948 :我的道理 H2134 純全 H5869 ;我在你眼前 H1249 潔淨。
  5 H199 惟願 H430  神 H1696 說話 H6605 ;願他開 H8193 口攻擊你,
  6 H2451 並將智慧 H8587 的奧秘 H5046 指示 H3718 你;他有諸般的 H8454 智識 H3045 。所以當知道 H430  神 H5382 追討 H5771 你比你罪孽該得的還少。
  7 H2714 你考察 H4672 就能測透 H433 H8503 嗎?你豈能盡情 H4672 測透 H7706 全能者嗎?
  8 H1363 他的智慧高於 H8064 H6466 ,你還能做 H6013 甚麼?深於 H7585 陰間 H3045 ,你還能知道甚麼?
  9 H4055 其量 H776 比地 H752 H3220 ,比海 H7342 寬。
  10 H2498 他若經過 H5462 ,將人拘禁 H6950 ,招人受審 H7725 ,誰能阻擋他呢?
  11 H3045 他本知道 H7723 虛妄的 H4962 H205 ;人的罪孽 H995 ,他雖不留意 H7200 ,還是無所不見。
  12 H5014 空虛的 H376 H3823 卻毫無知識 H120 ;人 H3205 H6501 在世好像野驢 H5895 的駒子。
  13 H3820 你若將心 H3559 安正 H6566 ,又向主舉 H3709 手;
  14 H3027 你手裡 H205 若有罪孽 H7368 ,就當遠遠地除掉 H5766 ,也不容非義 H7931 住在 H168 你帳棚之中。
  15 H5375 那時,你必仰起 H6440 H3971 來毫無斑點 H3332 ;你也必堅固 H3372 ,無所懼怕。
  16 H7911 你必忘記 H5999 你的苦楚 H2142 ,就是想起 H5674 也如流過去 H4325 的水一樣。
  17 H2465 你在世的日子 H6672 要比正午 H6965 更明 H5774 ,雖有黑暗 H1242 仍像早晨。
  18 H3426 你因有 H8615 指望 H982 就必穩固 H2658 ,也必四圍巡查 H983 ,坦然 H7901 安息。
  19 H7257 你躺臥 H2729 ,無人驚嚇 H7227 ,且有許多人 H6440 向你 H2470 求恩。
  20 H7563 但惡人 H5869 的眼目 H3615 必要失明 H6 H4498 。他們無路可逃 H8615 ;他們的指望 H4646 H5315 就是氣絕。
CUVS(i) 1 拿 玛 人 琐 法 回 答 说 : 2 这 许 多 的 言 语 岂 不 该 回 答 么 ? 多 嘴 多 舌 的 人 岂 可 称 为 义 么 ? 3 你 夸 大 的 话 岂 能 使 人 不 作 声 么 ? 你 戏 笑 的 时 候 岂 没 冇 人 叫 你 害 羞 么 ? 4 你 说 : 我 的 道 理 纯 全 ; 我 在 你 眼 前 洁 净 。 5 惟 愿   神 说 话 ; 愿 他 幵 口 攻 击 你 , 6 并 将 智 慧 的 奥 秘 指 示 你 ; 他 冇 诸 般 的 智 识 。 所 以 当 知 道   神 追 讨 你 比 你 罪 孽 该 得 的 还 少 。 7 你 考 察 就 能 测 透 神 吗 ? 你 岂 能 尽 情 测 透 全 能 者 吗 ? 8 他 的 智 慧 高 于 天 , 你 还 能 做 甚 么 ? 深 于 阴 间 , 你 还 能 知 道 甚 么 ? 9 其 量 比 地 长 , 比 海 宽 。 10 他 若 经 过 , 将 人 拘 禁 , 招 人 受 审 , 谁 能 阻 挡 他 呢 ? 11 他 本 知 道 虚 妄 的 人 ; 人 的 罪 孽 , 他 虽 不 留 意 , 还 是 无 所 不 见 。 12 空 虚 的 人 却 毫 无 知 识 ; 人 生 在 世 好 象 野 驴 的 驹 子 。 13 你 若 将 心 安 正 , 又 向 主 举 手 ; 14 你 手 里 若 冇 罪 孽 , 就 当 远 远 地 除 掉 , 也 不 容 非 义 住 在 你 帐 棚 之 中 。 15 那 时 , 你 必 仰 起 脸 来 毫 无 斑 点 ; 你 也 必 坚 固 , 无 所 惧 怕 。 16 你 必 忘 记 你 的 苦 楚 , 就 是 想 起 也 如 流 过 去 的 水 一 样 。 17 你 在 世 的 日 子 要 比 正 午 更 明 , 虽 冇 黑 暗 仍 象 早 晨 。 18 你 因 冇 指 望 就 必 稳 固 , 也 必 四 围 巡 查 , 坦 然 安 息 。 19 你 躺 卧 , 无 人 惊 吓 , 且 冇 许 多 人 向 你 求 恩 。 20 但 恶 人 的 眼 目 必 要 失 明 。 他 们 无 路 可 逃 ; 他 们 的 指 望 就 是 气 绝 。
  1 H5284 拿玛人 H6691 琐法 H6030 回答 H559 说:
  2 H7230 这许多的 H1697 言语 H6030 岂不该回答 H8193 么?多嘴多舌 H376 的人 H6663 岂可称为义么?
  3 H907 你夸大的话 H4962 岂能使人 H2790 不作声 H3932 么?你戏笑 H3637 的时候岂没有人叫你害羞么?
  4 H559 你说 H3948 :我的道理 H2134 纯全 H5869 ;我在你眼前 H1249 洁净。
  5 H199 惟愿 H430  神 H1696 说话 H6605 ;愿他开 H8193 口攻击你,
  6 H2451 并将智慧 H8587 的奥秘 H5046 指示 H3718 你;他有诸般的 H8454 智识 H3045 。所以当知道 H430  神 H5382 追讨 H5771 你比你罪孽该得的还少。
  7 H2714 你考察 H4672 就能测透 H433 H8503 吗?你岂能尽情 H4672 测透 H7706 全能者吗?
  8 H1363 他的智慧高于 H8064 H6466 ,你还能做 H6013 甚么?深于 H7585 阴间 H3045 ,你还能知道甚么?
  9 H4055 其量 H776 比地 H752 H3220 ,比海 H7342 宽。
  10 H2498 他若经过 H5462 ,将人拘禁 H6950 ,招人受审 H7725 ,谁能阻挡他呢?
  11 H3045 他本知道 H7723 虚妄的 H4962 H205 ;人的罪孽 H995 ,他虽不留意 H7200 ,还是无所不见。
  12 H5014 空虚的 H376 H3823 却毫无知识 H120 ;人 H3205 H6501 在世好象野驴 H5895 的驹子。
  13 H3820 你若将心 H3559 安正 H6566 ,又向主举 H3709 手;
  14 H3027 你手里 H205 若有罪孽 H7368 ,就当远远地除掉 H5766 ,也不容非义 H7931 住在 H168 你帐棚之中。
  15 H5375 那时,你必仰起 H6440 H3971 来毫无斑点 H3332 ;你也必坚固 H3372 ,无所惧怕。
  16 H7911 你必忘记 H5999 你的苦楚 H2142 ,就是想起 H5674 也如流过去 H4325 的水一样。
  17 H2465 你在世的日子 H6672 要比正午 H6965 更明 H5774 ,虽有黑暗 H1242 仍象早晨。
  18 H3426 你因有 H8615 指望 H982 就必稳固 H2658 ,也必四围巡查 H983 ,坦然 H7901 安息。
  19 H7257 你躺卧 H2729 ,无人惊吓 H7227 ,且有许多人 H6440 向你 H2470 求恩。
  20 H7563 但恶人 H5869 的眼目 H3615 必要失明 H6 H4498 。他们无路可逃 H8615 ;他们的指望 H4646 H5315 就是气绝。
Esperanto(i) 1 Kaj ekparolis Cofar, la Naamano, kaj diris: 2 CXu kontraux multe da vortoj oni ne povas doni respondon? Kaj cxu tiu, kiu multe parolas, estas prava? 3 CXu via senenhava parolado devas silentigi la homojn, Por ke vi mokinsultu kaj neniu vin hontigu? 4 Vi diras:Mia opinio estas gxusta, Kaj mi estas pura antaux Viaj okuloj. 5 Sed ho, se Dio ekparolus, Kaj malfermus antaux vi Siajn lipojn, 6 Kaj malkasxus antaux vi la sekretojn de la sagxo, Kiu havas multoblan forton! Sciu, ke ne cxiujn viajn pekojn Dio rememoras. 7 CXu vi povas eltrovi la esencon de Dio? CXu vi povas plene kompreni la perfektecon de la Plejpotenculo? 8 Tio estas pli alta ol la cxielo; Kion vi povas fari? Tio estas pli profunda ol SXeol; Kion vi povas ekscii? 9 Pli longa ol la tero estas gxia mezuro, Kaj pli largxa ol la maro. 10 Se Li preteriros, kaj fermos, kaj faros jugxon, Tiam kiu repusxos Lin? 11 CXar Li konas la homojn malvirtajn; Li vidas la malbonagojn, kiujn oni ne rimarkas. 12 Ecx vanta homo devas kompreni, Ecx homo, kiu naskigxis sovagxulo. 13 Se vi arangxas vian koron Kaj etendas al Li viajn manojn; 14 Se vi forigas la malvirton, kiu estas en via mano, Kaj vi ne permesos al malbonajxoj resti en via tendo: 15 Tiam vi povos levi vian vizagxon sen difekto; Vi estos firma kaj ne timos. 16 Tiam vi forgesos mizeron; Vi rememoros gxin kiel forfluintan akvon. 17 Kaj via vivo levigxos pli hele ol la tagmezo, La mallumo farigxos kiel mateno. 18 Kaj vi estos trankvila, cxar ekzistas espero; Vi rigardos cxirkauxen, kaj iros dormi en sendangxereco. 19 Vi kusxos, kaj neniu vin timigos; Kaj multaj sercxos vian favoron. 20 Sed la okuloj de malpiuloj konsumigxos, Pereos por ili la rifugxo, Kaj ilia espero elspiros sian vivon.
Finnish(i) 1 Niin vastasi Zophar Naemasta ja sanoi: 2 Kuin joku on kauvan puhunut, eikö häntä pitäis vastattaman? eli pitääkö suupaltilla oikeus oleman? 3 Pitääkö sinun jaarituksiis ihmisten vaikeneman, että sinä pilkkaat, eikä yksikäan sinua häpäisisi? 4 Sinä sanot: minun opetukseni on selkiä, ja minä olen puhdas sinun silmäis edessä. 5 Jospa Jumala puhuis ja avais huulensa sinua vastaan, 6 Ja ilmoittais sinulle salaisen tiedon! sillä hänellä olis vielä enempi tekemistä, ettäs tietäisit, ettei hän muistele kaikkia sinun pahoja töitäs. 7 Luuletkos tutkistellessas Jumalan löytäväs? ja Kaikkivaltiaan täydellisesti löytäväs. 8 Hän on korkiampi kuin taivas, mitäs tahdot tehdä? syvempi kuin helvetti, kuinkas taidat tuta? 9 Pitempi kuin maa, ja laviampi kuin meri. 10 Jos hän sen ylösalaisin kääntäis, eli kätkis, eli heittäis kokoon; kuka hänen estäis? 11 Sillä hän tuntee turhatkin ihmiset, ja näkee vääryydet; ja ei hänen pitäis ymmärtämän? 12 Turha ihminen ylpeilee, ja syntynyt ihminen on niinkuin metsä-aasin varsa. 13 Jos olisit valmistanut sydämes, ja nostanut kätes hänen tykönsä; 14 Jos vääryys on sinun kädessäs, niin heitä se kauvas, ettei yhtään vääryyttä asuisi majassas: 15 Niin sinä ylennät kasvos ilman laitosta, ja olet vahva ja ei pelkääväinen. 16 Niin sinä myös unhotat vaivan; ja niinkuin ohitse juossut vesi, tulee se mielees. 17 Ja sinun elämäs aika pitää käymän ylös niinkuin puolipäivä, ja pimeys niinkuin kirkas aamu. 18 Ole hyvässä turvassa, vielä nyt toivo on; sillä vaikkas nyt olet häpiässä, niin sinä kuitenkin olet rauhassa lepäävä. 19 Sinä olet makaava, ja ei kenkään sinua peljätä: monen pitää sinua kunnioittaman. 20 Mutta jumalattomain silmät pitää nääntymän, ja ei voi päästää; sillä heidän toivonsa pitää puuttuman heidän sieluiltansa.
FinnishPR(i) 1 Sitten naemalainen Soofar lausui ja sanoi: 2 "Jäisikö suulas puhe vastausta vaille, ja saisiko suupaltti olla oikeassa? 3 Saattaisivatko jaarituksesi miehet vaikenemaan, niin että saisit pilkata, kenenkään sinua häpeään häätämättä? 4 Sanoithan: 'Minun opetukseni on selkeä, ja minä olen puhdas sinun silmissäsi'. 5 Mutta jospa Jumala puhuisi ja avaisi huulensa sinua vastaan 6 ja ilmaisisi sinulle viisauden salaisuudet, että hänellä on ymmärrystä monin verroin! Silloin huomaisit, että Jumala on painanut unhoon montakin pahaa tekoasi. 7 Sinäkö käsittäisit Jumalan tutkimattomuuden tahi pääsisit Kaikkivaltiaan täydellisyydestä perille? 8 Se on korkea kuin taivas-mitä voit tehdä, syvempi kuin tuonela-mitä voit ymmärtää? 9 Se on pitempi kuin maa ja laveampi kuin meri. 10 Jos hän liitää paikalle ja vangitsee ja kutsuu oikeuden kokoon, niin kuka voi häntä estää? 11 Sillä hän tuntee valheen miehet, vääryyden hän näkee tarkkaamattakin. 12 Onttopäinen mies voi viisastua ja villiaasin varsa ihmistyä. 13 Jos sinäkin valmistat sydämesi ja ojennat kätesi hänen puoleensa- 14 mutta jos kädessäsi on vääryys, heitä se kauas äläkä anna petoksen asua majoissasi- 15 silloin saat kohottaa kasvosi ilman häpeän tahraa, olet kuin vaskesta valettu etkä mitään pelkää. 16 Silloin unhotat onnettomuutesi, muistelet sitä kuin vettä, joka on virrannut pois. 17 Elämäsi selkenee kirkkaammaksi keskipäivää, pimeänkin aika on niinkuin aamunkoitto. 18 Silloin olet turvassa, sillä sinulla on toivo; tähystelet-käyt turvallisesti levolle, 19 asetut makaamaan, kenenkään peljättämättä, ja monet etsivät sinun suosiotasi. 20 Mutta jumalattomain silmät raukeavat; turvapaikka on heiltä mennyt, ja heidän toivonsa on huokaus."
Haitian(i) 1 Lè sa a, Sofa, moun Naama a, pran lapawòl, li di konsa: 2 -Atò pesonn p'ap reponn gwo paladò sa a? Pale anpil pa ka bay moun rezon. 3 Pa konprann pale anpil ou a ka enpoze moun louvri bouch yo reponn ou. Paske w'ap pase moun nan betiz la, atò yo pa ka fè ou wont? 4 Ou pretann sa ou di a se verite. Pou ou, ou san repwòch devan Bondye! 5 Pa pito Bondye ta pale pou l' reponn ou! 6 Li ta fè ou wè gen anpil lòt bagay ou poko konnen, bagay moun pa ka konprann. Lè sa a, ou ta wè Bondye pa fè ou peye pou tou sa ou fè. 7 Ou konprann ou ka konnen sa ki nan kè Bondye, ou ka konnen tout bagay nèt sou Bondye ki gen tout pouvwa a? 8 Li pi wo pase syèl la. Sa ou ka fè pou sa? Li pi fon pase peyi kote mò yo ye a. Sa ou ka konnen la? 9 Li pi long pase longè tout tè a. Li pi laj pase lanmè a. 10 Si Bondye arete ou, li mete ou nan prizon, li trennen ou nan tribinal, ki moun ki ka di l' non? 11 Bondye konnen tout moun k'ap bay manti. Je l' byen louvri, li wè tout mechanste moun ap fè. 12 Konsa, moun fou va konmanse gen konprann. Bourik sovaj yo va donte. 13 Annou wè, monchè! Pran tèt ou! Louvri bra ou devan Bondye. 14 Sispann fè vye bagay k'ap sal men ou yo. Pa kite mechanste chita lakay ou. 15 Lè sa a, w'a leve tèt ou pou gade moun nan je. W'a byen fèm, ou p'ap pè anyen. 16 W'a bliye lapenn ou yo. Tankou yon inondasyon ki fin pase, ou p'ap chonje yo ankò. 17 Lavi ou pral klere pi bèl pase gwo solèy midi. Move pa yo pral tankou yon douvan jou. 18 Ou pral viv san kè sote. Ou p'ap dekouraje. Bondye va pwoteje ou, l'a ba ou kè poze. 19 Lè w'ap dòmi, pesonn p'ap deranje ou. Anpil moun va vin achte figi ou. 20 Men, mechan yo ap voye je yo bouske toupatou, yo p'ap jwenn kote pou yo chape kò yo. Sèl espwa yo, se lanmò y'ap tann.
Hungarian(i) 1 Felele a Naamából való Czófár, és monda: 2 A sok beszédre ne legyen-é felelet? Avagy a csácsogó embernek legyen-é igaza? 3 Fecsegéseid elnémítják az embereket, és csúfolódol is és ne legyen, a ki megszégyenítsen?! 4 Azt mondod: Értelmes az én beszédem, tiszta vagyok a te szemeid elõtt. 5 De vajha szólalna meg maga az Isten, és nyitná meg ajkait te ellened! 6 És jelentené meg néked a bölcsességnek titkait, hogy kétszerte többet ér az az okoskodásnál, és tudnád meg, hogy az Isten még el is engedett néked a te bûneidbõl. 7 Az Isten mélységét elérheted-é, avagy a Mindenhatónak tökéletességére eljuthatsz-é? 8 Magasabb az égnél: mit teszel tehát? Mélyebb az alvilágnál; hogy ismerheted meg? 9 Hosszabb annak mértéke a földnél, és szélesebb a tengernél. 10 Ha megtapos, elzár és ítéletet tart: ki akadályozhatja meg? 11 Mert õ jól ismeri a csalárd embereket, látja az álnokságot, még ha nem figyelmez is arra! 12 És értelmessé teheti a bolond embert is, és emberré szülheti a vadszamár csikóját is. 13 Ha te a te szívedet felkészítenéd, és kezedet felé terjesztenéd; 14 Ha a hamisságot, a mely a te kezedben van, távol tartanád magadtól, és nem lakoznék a te hajlékodban gonoszság; 15 Akkor a te arczodat fölemelhetnéd szégyen nélkül, erõs lennél és nem félnél; 16 Sõt a nyomorúságról is elfelejtkeznél, és mint lefutott vizekrõl, úgy emlékeznél arról. 17 Ragyogóbban kelne idõd a déli fénynél, és az éjféli sötétség is olyan lenne, mint a [kora] reggel. 18 Akkor bíznál, mert volna reménységed; és ha széttekintenél, biztonságban aludnál. 19 Ha lefeküdnél, senki föl nem rettentene, sõt sokan hizelegnének néked. 20 De a gonoszok szemei elepednek, menedékök eltünik elõlök, és reménységök: a lélek kilehellése!
Indonesian(i) 1 Kemudian Zofar berkata, "Tidakkah omong kosong itu diberi jawaban? Haruskah orang yang banyak mulut itu dibenarkan? 2 (11:1) 3 Ayub, kaukira kami tak mampu menjawabmu? Kausangka kami bungkam karena ejekanmu? 4 Menurut anggapanmu kata-katamu itu tak salah; menurut pendapatmu engkau bersih di hadapan Allah. 5 Tapi, semoga Allah sendiri berbicara! 6 Dan semoga engkau diberitahu oleh-Nya, bahwa hikmat itu banyak seginya, dan tak dapat dimengerti manusia. Maka sadarlah engkau bahwa deritamu tak berapa, dibandingkan dengan hukuman yang layak kauterima. 7 Masakan hakekat Allah dapat kauselami? Masakan mampu kuasa-Nya engkau fahami? 8 Kuasa-Nya lebih tinggi daripada angkasa; tak dapat engkau menjangkau dan meraihnya. Kuasa-Nya lebih dalam dari dunia orang mati, tak dapat kaumengerti sama sekali. 9 Kuasa Allah lebih luas daripada buana, dan lebih lebar dari samudra raya. 10 Jika Ia menangkap dan membawamu ke mahkamah-Nya, maka siapa berani menghalangi tindakan-Nya? 11 Allah mengenali orang yang suka berdusta; kejahatan mereka tak luput dari mata-Nya. 12 Kalau induk keledai liar melahirkan keledai jinak, barulah orang bodoh menjadi bijak. 13 Ayub, bersihkanlah hatimu, menyesallah! Berdoalah kepada Allah! 14 Hilangkanlah dosa dari hatimu dan jauhkanlah kejahatan dari rumahmu! 15 Maka kau boleh menghadapi hidup dengan tabah dan gagah; kau akan berdiri teguh dan tak perlu merasa gelisah, 16 bahkan deritamu tidak lagi kaukenang; bagai banjir yang surut, dilupakan orang. 17 Hidupmu akan menjadi lebih terang dari siang hari, dan saat-saat gelap dalam hidupmu secerah sinar pagi. 18 Kau akan teguh dan penuh harapan; Allah akan melindungimu sehingga kau aman. 19 Engkau tidak akan takut kepada seteru; banyak orang akan minta tolong kepadamu. 20 Tapi orang jahat akan memandang kebingungan, sebab bagi mereka tak ada pertolongan. Satu-satunya harapan mereka ialah agar ajal segera tiba."
Italian(i) 1 E SOFAR Naamatita rispose e disse: 2 Non risponderebbesi egli ad un uomo di tante parole? Ed un uomo loquace sarebbe egli per ciò reputato giusto? 3 Faranno le tue ciancie tacer gli uomini? Ti farai tu beffe, senza che alcuno ti faccia vergogna? 4 Or tu hai detto: La mia maniera di vita è pura, Ed io sono stato netto davanti agli occhi tuoi. 5 Ma volesse pure Iddio parlare, Ed aprir le sue labbra teco; 6 E dichiararti i segreti della sapienza; Perciocchè sono doppi; E tu conosceresti che Iddio ti fa portar pena minore Che la tua iniquità non merita di ragione. 7 Potresti tu trovar modo d’investigare Iddio? Potresti tu trovar l’Onnipotente in perfezione? 8 Queste cose sono le altezze de’ cieli, che ci faresti? Son più profonde che l’inferno, come le conosceresti? 9 La lor distesa è più lunga che la terra, E la lor larghezza è più grande che il mare. 10 Se Iddio sovverte, ovvero s’egli serra, E raccoglie, chi ne lo storrà? 11 Perciocchè egli conosce gli uomini vani; E veggendo l’iniquità, non vi porrebbe egli mente? 12 Ma l’uomo è scemo di senno, e temerario di cuore; E nasce simile a un puledro di un asino salvatico. 13 Se tu addirizzi il cuor tuo, E spieghi le palme delle tue mani a lui; 14 Se vi è iniquità nella tua mano, e tu l’allontani da te, E non lasci dimorare alcuna perversità ne’ tuoi tabernacoli; 15 Allora certamente tu alzerai la faccia netta di macchia, E sarai stabilito, e non avrai paura di nulla; 16 Perciocchè tu dimenticherai gli affanni, E te ne ricorderai come d’acque trascorse; 17 E ti si leverà un tempo più chiaro che il mezzodì; Tu risplenderai, tu sarai simile alla mattina; 18 E sarai in sicurtà; perciocchè vi sarà che sperare; E pianterai il tuo padiglione, e giacerai sicuramente; 19 E ti coricherai, e niuno ti spaventerà; E molti ti supplicheranno. 20 Ma gli occhi degli empi verranno meno, Ed ogni rifugio sarà perduto per loro; E la loro unica speranza sarà di render lo spirito.
ItalianRiveduta(i) 1 Allora Tsofar di Naama rispose e disse: 2 "Cotesta abbondanza di parole rimarrà ella senza risposta? Basterà egli esser loquace per aver ragione? 3 Varranno le tue ciance a far tacere la gente? Farai tu il beffardo, senza che alcuno ti confonda? 4 Tu dici a Dio: "Quel che sostengo è giusto, e io sono puro nel tuo cospetto". 5 Ma, oh se Iddio volesse parlare e aprir la bocca per risponderti 6 e rivelarti i segreti della sua sapienza poiché infinita è la sua intelligenza vedresti allora come Iddio dimentichi parte della colpa tua. 7 Puoi tu scandagliare le profondità di Dio? arrivare a conoscere appieno l’Onnipotente? 8 Si tratta di cose più alte del cielo… e tu che faresti? di cose più profonde del soggiorno de’ morti… come le conosceresti? 9 La lor misura è più lunga della terra, più larga del mare. 10 Se Dio passa, se incarcera, se chiama in giudizio, chi s’opporrà? 11 Poich’egli conosce gli uomini perversi, scopre senza sforzo l’iniquità. 12 Ma l’insensato diventerà savio, quando un puledro d’onàgro diventerà uomo. 13 Tu, però, se ben disponi il cuore, e protendi verso Dio le palme, 14 se allontani il male ch’è nelle tue mani, e non alberghi l’iniquità nelle tue tende, 15 allora alzerai la fronte senza macchia, sarai incrollabile, e non avrai paura di nulla; 16 dimenticherai i tuoi affanni; te ne ricorderai come d’acqua passata; 17 la tua vita sorgerà più fulgida del meriggio, l’oscurità sarà come la luce del mattino. 18 Sarai fiducioso perché avrai speranza; ti guarderai bene attorno e ti coricherai sicuro. 19 Ti metterai a giacere e niuno ti spaventerà; e molti cercheranno il tuo favore. 20 Ma gli occhi degli empi verranno meno; non vi sarà più rifugio per loro, e non avranno altra speranza che di esalar l’anima".
Korean(i) 1 나아마 사람 소발이 대답하여 가로되 2 말이 많으니 어찌 대답이 없으랴 입이 부푼 사람이 어찌 의롭다 함을 얻겠느냐 ? 3 네 자랑하는 말이 어떻게 사람으로 잠잠하게 하겠으며 네가 비웃으면 어찌 너를 부끄럽게 할 사람이 없겠느냐 ? 4 네 말이 내 도는 정결하고 나는 주의 목전에 깨끗하다 하는구나 5 하나님은 말씀을 내시며 너를 향하여 입을 여시고 6 지혜의 오묘로 네게 보이시기를 원하노니 이는 그의 지식이 광대 하심이라 너는 알라 하나님의 벌하심이 네 죄보다 경하니라 7 네가 하나님의 오묘를 어찌 능히 측량하며 전능자를 어찌 능히 온전히 알겠느냐 ? 8 하늘보다 높으시니 네가 어찌 하겠으며 음부보다 깊으시니 네가 어찌 알겠느냐 ? 9 그 도량은 땅보다 크고 바다보다 넓으니라 10 하나님이 두루 다니시며 사람을 잡아 가두시고 개정하시면 누가 능히 막을소냐 ? 11 하나님은 허망한 사람을 아시나니 악한 일은 상관치 않으시는 듯하나 다 보시느니라 12 허망한 사람은 지각이 없나니 그 출생함이 들나귀 새끼 같으니라 13 만일 네가 마음을 바로 정하고 주를 향하여 손을 들 때에 14 네 손에 죄악이 있거든 멀리 버리라 불의로 네 장막에 거하지 못하게 하라 15 그리하면 네가 정녕 흠 없는 얼굴을 들게 되고 굳게 서서 두려움이 없으리니 16 곧 네 환난을 잊을 것이라 네가 추억할지라도 물이 흘러감 같을 것이며 17 네 생명의 날이 대낮보다 밝으리니 어두움이 있다 할지라도 아침과 같이 될 것이요 18 네가 소망이 있으므로 든든할지며 두루 살펴보고 안전히 쉬리니 19 네가 누워도 두렵게 할 자가 없겠고 많은 사람이 네게 첨을 드리리라 20 그러나 악한 자는 눈이 어두워서 도망할 곳을 찾지 못하리니 그의 소망은 기운이 끊침이리라
Lithuanian(i) 1 Naamatietis Cofaras atsakydamas tarė: 2 “Ar žodžių gausybė neturi būti atsakyta? Ar, daug kalbėdamas, būsi išteisintas? 3 Ar tavo melai galėtų nutildyti vyrus? Kai tu tyčiojiesi, ar niekas tavęs nesugėdins? 4 Tu sakei: ‘Mano mokslas yra tikras, aš esu teisus Tavo akyse’. 5 O kad Dievas, pravėręs lūpas, prabiltų prieš tave. 6 Jis apreikštų tau išminties paslaptis, ir tu pamatytum, kad du kartus daugiau turėtum kentėti. Žinok, kad Dievas iš tavęs reikalauja mažiau, negu verta tavo neteisybė. 7 Ar gali tyrinėdamas suprasti Dievą? Ar gali tobulai suprasti Visagalį? 8 Jis aukščiau už dangų. Ką tu gali padaryti? Jis giliau už pragarą. Ką tu gali žinoti? 9 Jis ilgesnis už žemę ir platesnis už jūrą. 10 Jei Jis praeidamas suima ir patraukia tieson, kas Jam užgins? 11 Jis pažįsta žmonių tuštybę, mato jų nedorybes. Ar Jis nekreips į tai dėmesio? 12 Tuščias žmogus dedasi išmintingas, nors gimsta kaip laukinio asilo jauniklis. 13 Jei tu paruoši savo širdį ir ištiesi savo rankas į Jį, 14 jei pašalinsi savo kaltes ir neleisi nedorybei gyventi tavyje, 15 tada pakelsi savo veidą be dėmės, būsi tvirtas ir nieko nebijosi. 16 Tada pamirši buvusį vargą, prisiminsi jį kaip nutekėjusį vandenį. 17 Tavo gyvenimas bus šviesus kaip vidudienis, tu nušvisi kaip rytas. 18 Tu būsi saugus, nes yra viltis, tu apsiklosi ir ilsėsies ramybėje. 19 Tu atsigulsi ir niekas tavęs neišgąsdins, daugelis ieškos tavo pagalbos. 20 Tačiau nedorėlių akys užges, jie nepaspruks, jų viltis kaip paskutinis atodūsis”.
PBG(i) 1 I odpowiedział Sofar Naamatczyk, i rzekł: 2 Izaż się nie godzi na wiele słów odpowiedzieć? Albo izali mąż wielomowny będzie usprawiedliwiony? 3 Bedąż na twoje plotki ludzie milczeć? A gdy ty sobie przeszydzasz, ciebie nikt nie zawstydzi? 4 Albowiemeś powiedział: Czysta jest nauka moja, a jestem czystym przed oczyma twemi. 5 Ale gdyby Bóg chciał mówić, i otworzyć usta swoje przeciwko tobie: 6 Tedyćby objawił tajemnice mądrości, żeś dwa kroć większe karanie nadto zasłużył; przetoż uznaj, że cię Bóg przebaczył dla nieprawości twojej. 7 Izali tajemnice Boże wybadasz? albo doskonałości Wszechmocnego dościgniesz? 8 Wyższe są niż niebiosa, cóż uczynisz? Głębsze niż piekło, jakoż poznasz? 9 Dłuższa miara ich, niż ziemia, a szersza, niż morze. 10 Jeźli wypełni, albo jeźli zawrze, albo jeźli w jedno ściśnie, któż go zawściągnie? 11 Albowiem on zna marność ludzką, i widzi nieprawość; a nie miałby tego baczyć? 12 Człowiek nierozumny nabywa rozumu, choć się jako źrebię leśnego osła rodzi człowiek. 13 Jeźli ty przygotujesz serce twoje, a wyciągniesz do niego ręce twoje; 14 Jeźliż nieprawość jest w ręce twej oddal ją, a mieszkać nie dopuszczaj nieprawości w przybytkach twoich; 15 Tedy podniesiesz oblicze twoje bez zmazy, a będziesz stały, i nie będziesz się bał. 16 Albowiem zapomnisz kłopotu, a jako wody, które pominęły, wspominać go będziesz. 17 I nad południe jaśniejszy nastanie czas twój; zaćmiszli się, będziesz jako zaranek. 18 I będziesz ufał, mając nadzieję, a jako w okopach bezpiecznie spać będziesz. 19 Będziesz leżał, a nikt cię nie przestraszy; i uniżać się będą przed twarzą twoją wiele ich. 20 Ale oczy niepobożnych ustaną i ucieczka ich zginie, a nadzieja ich będzie jako wyjście duszy z człowieka.
Portuguese(i) 1 Então respondeu Sofar, o naamatita, dizendo: 2 Não se dará resposta à multidão de palavras? ou será justificado o homem falador? 3 Acaso as tuas jactâncias farão calar os homens? e zombarás tu sem que ninguém te envergonhe? 4 Pois dizes: A minha doutrina é pura, e limpo sou aos teus olhos. 5 Mas, na verdade, oxalá que Deus falasse e abrisse os seus lábios contra ti, 6 e te fizesse saber os segredos da sabedoria, pois é multiforme o seu entendimento; sabe, pois, que Deus exige de ti menos do que merece a tua iniquidade. 7 Poderás descobrir as coisas profundas de Deus, ou descobrir perfeitamente o Todo-Poderoso? 8 Como as alturas do céu é a sua sabedoria; que poderás tu fazer? Mais profunda é ela do que o Seol; que poderás tu saber? 9 Mais comprida é a sua medida do que a terra, e mais larga do que o mar. 10 Se ele passar e prender alguém, e chamar a juízo, quem o poderá impedir? 11 Pois ele conhece os homens vãos; e quando vê a iniquidade, não atentará para ela? 12 Mas o homem vão adquirirá entendimento, quando a cria do asno montês nascer homem. 13 Se tu preparares o teu coração, e estenderes as mãos para ele; 14 se há iniquidade na tua mão, lança-a para longe de ti, e não deixes a perversidade habitar nas tuas tendas; 15 então levantarás o teu rosto sem mácula, e estarás firme, e não temerás. 16 Pois tu te esquecerás da tua miséria; apenas te lembrarás dela como das águas que já passaram. 17 E a tua vida será mais clara do que o meio-dia; a escuridão dela será como a alva. 18 E terás confiança, porque haverá esperança; olharás ao redor de ti e repousarás seguro. 19 Deitar-te-ás, e ninguém te amedrontará; muitos procurarão obter o teu favor. 20 Mas os olhos dos ímpios desfalecerão, e para eles não haverá refúgio; a sua esperança será o expirar.
Norwegian(i) 1 Da tok Sofar fra Na'ama til orde og sa: 2 Skulde en ordflom bli uten svar, eller en ordgyter få rett? 3 Skulde dine store ord drive menn til taushet, skulde du spotte uten at nogen skammer dig ut? 4 Og skal du få si: Ren er min lære, og skyldfri er jeg i dine øine? 5 Men bare Gud vilde tale og oplate sine leber mot dig 6 og åpenbare dig visdommens hemmeligheter, at det i dem er dobbelt forstand! Da måtte du nok innse at Gud tilgir dig noget av din misgjerning. 7 Mon du kan finne bunn i Guds vesen eller nå frem til den Allmektiges ytterste grense? 8 Himmelhøi er den*, hvad kan du gjøre? Dypere enn dødsriket, hvad vet du? / {* d.e. Guds visdom.} 9 Lengere enn jorden er dens mål og bredere enn havet. 10 Om han farer frem og setter i fengsel og sammenkaller retten, hvem vil da hindre ham? 11 For han, han kjenner de falske folk og ser uretten, uten at han trenger å gi akt på den, 12 og selv en uvettig mann får forstand*, og et ungt villesel blir født til menneske. / {* når Gud således går i rette med ham, JBS 11, 10.} 13 Hvis du retter ditt hjerte og utbreder dine hender til ham - 14 er det synd i din hånd, da ha den bort og la ikke urett bo i dine telt - 15 ja, da skal du, fri for lyte, opløfte ditt åsyn og stå fast og ikke frykte; 16 for du skal glemme din møie, som forbifarne vann skal du komme den i hu. 17 Og lysere enn middagen blir da ditt liv; mørket blir for dig som morgenen. 18 Og du skal være trygg, for da er det håp, og når du har sett dig vel omkring, kan du legge dig trygt til ro. 19 Og du skal hvile, og ingen skal skremme dig op, og mange skal søke din yndest. 20 Men de ugudeliges øine tæres bort; de har ingen tilflukt mere, og deres håp er å utånde sjelen.
Romanian(i) 1 Ţofar din Naama a luat cuvîntul şi a zis: 2 ,,Să rămînă această năvală de cuvinte fără răspuns, şi să creadă limbutul că are dreptate? 3 Vor face vorbele tale deşerte pe oameni să tacă? Şi-ţi vei bate joc de alţii, fără să te facă cineva de ruşine? 4 Tu zici:,Felul meu de a vedea este drept, şi sînt curat în ochii Tăi.` - 5 A! de ar vrea Dumnezeu să vorbească, de Şi-ar deschide buzele să-ţi răspundă, 6 şi de ţi-ar descoperi tainele înţelepciunii Lui, ale înţelepciunii Lui nemărginite, ai vedea atunci că nu-ţi răsplăteşte totuş după fărădelegea ta. 7 Poţi spune tu că poţi pătrunde adîncimile lui Dumnezeu, că poţi ajunge la cunoştinţa desăvîrşită a Celui Atot puternic? 8 Cît cerurile -i de înaltă: ce poţi face? Mai adîncă decît Locuinţa morţilor: ce poţi şti? 9 Întinderea ei este mai lungă decît pămîntul, şi mai lată decît marea. 10 Dacă apucă, dacă închide şi cheamă El la judecată, cine -L poate opri? 11 Căci El cunoaşte pe făcătorii de rele, vede uşor pe vinovaţi. 12 Omul dimpotrivă, are minte de nebun, şi s'a născut ca mînzul unui măgar sălbatic! 13 Tu, îndreaptă-ţi inima spre Dumnezeu, întinde-ţi mînile spre El. 14 Depărtează-te de fărădelege, şi nu lăsa nedreptatea să locuiască în cortul tău. 15 Şi atunci, îţi vei ridica fruntea fără teamă, vei fi tare şi fără frică; 16 îţi vei uita suferinţele, şi-ţi vei aduce aminte de ele ca de nişte ape cari s'au scurs. 17 Zilele tale vor străluci mai tare decît soarele la amiază, întunerecul tău va fi ca lumina dimineţii. 18 Vei fi plin de încredere, şi nădejdea nu-ţi va fi zădarnică. Te vei uita în jurul tău, şi vei vedea că te poţi odihni liniştit. 19 Te vei culca şi nimeni nu te va turbura, şi mulţi vor umbla după bunăvoinţa ta. 20 Dar ochii celor răi se vor topi; ei n'au loc de scăpare: moartea, iată nădejdea lor!``
Ukrainian(i) 1 І заговорив нааматянин Цофар та й сказав: 2 Чи має зостатись без відповіді безліч слів? І хіба язиката людина невинною буде? 3 Чи мужі замовчать твої теревені, й не буде кому засоромити тебе? 4 Ось говориш ти: Чисте моє міркування, і я чистий в очах Твоїх, Боже! 5 О, коли б говорити став Бог, і відкрив Свої уста до тебе, 6 і представив тобі таємниці премудрости, бо вони як ті чуда роздумування! І знай, вимагає Бог менше від тебе, ніж провини твої того варті! 7 Чи ти Божу глибінь дослідиш, чи знаєш ти аж до кінця Всемогутнього? 8 Вона вища від неба, що зможеш зробити? І глибша вона за шеол, як пізнаєш її? 9 Її міра довша за землю, і ширша за море вона! 10 Якщо Він перейде й замкне щось, і згромадить, то хто заборонить Йому? 11 Бо Він знає нікчемності людські та бачить насилля, і Він не догляне? 12 Тож людина порожня мудрішає, хоч народжується, як те дике осля! 13 Якщо ти зміцниш своє серце, і свої руки до Нього простягнеш, 14 якщо є беззаконня в руці твоїй, то прожени ти його, і кривда в наметах твоїх нехай не пробуває, 15 тож тоді ти підіймеш обличчя невинне своє, і будеш міцний, і не будеш боятись! 16 Бо забудеш страждання, про них будеш згадувати, як про воду, яка пропливла... 17 Від півдня повстане життя, а темрява буде, як ранок. 18 І будеш ти певний, бо маєш надію, і викопаєш собі яму та й будеш безпечно лежати, 19 і будеш лежати, й ніхто не сполошить, і багато-хто будуть підлещуватися до обличчя твого... 20 А очі безбожних минуться, і згине притулок у них, а їхня надія то стогін душі!