Jeremiah 31:1 Cross References - new

  1 H6256 At the same time, H5002 [H8803] saith H3068 the LORD, H430 I will be the God H4940 of all the families H3478 of Israel, H5971 and they shall be my people.

Genesis 17:7-8

  7 H6965 [H8689] And I will raise H1285 my covenant H2233 between me and thee and thy seed H310 after thee H1755 in their generations H5769 for an everlasting H1285 covenant, H430 to be a God H2233 to thee, and to thy seed H310 after thee.
  8 H5414 [H8804] And I will give H2233 to thee, and to thy seed H310 after thee, H776 the land H4033 of they sojournings, H776 all the land H3667 of Canaan, H5769 for an everlasting H272 possession; H430 and I will be their God.

Leviticus 26:12

  12 H1980 [H8694] And I will walk H8432 among H1961 [H8799] you, and will be H430 your God, H1961 [H8799] and ye shall be H5971 my people.

Psalms 48:14

  14 H430 For this God H430 is our God H5769 to the age H5703 and ever: H5090 [H8762] he will be our guide H4192 even to death.

Psalms 144:15

  15 H835 Happy H5971 is that people, H3602 that is in such a case: H835 yea, happy H5971 is that people, H430 whose God H3068 is the LORD.

Isaiah 11:12-13

  12 H5375 [H8804] And he shall set up H5251 an ensign H1471 for the nations, H622 [H8804] and shall assemble H1760 [H8737] the outcasts H3478 of Israel, H6908 [H8762] and gather together H5310 [H8803] the dispersed H3063 of Judah H702 from the four H3671 corners H776 of the earth.
  13 H7068 The envy H669 also of Ephraim H5493 [H8804] shall depart, H6887 [H8802] and those binding H3063 Judah H3772 [H8735] shall be cut off: H669 Ephraim H7065 [H8762] shall not envy H3063 Judah, H3063 and Judah H6887 [H8799] shall not bind H669 Ephraim.

Isaiah 41:10

  10 H3372 [H8799] Fear H408 thou not; H3588 for H589 I am H5973 with H9031 thee: H408 do not H8159 [H8691] gaze about; H3588 for H589 I am H9021 thy H430 God: H553 [H8765] I will strengthen H9031 thee; H637 yea, H5826 [H8804] I will help H9031 thee; H637 yea, H8551 [H8804] I will uphold H9031 thee H9003 with H3225 the right hand H9020 of my H6664 righteousness.

Jeremiah 3:18

  18 H3117 In those days H1004 the house H3063 of Judah H3212 [H8799] shall walk H1004 with the house H3478 of Israel, H935 [H8799] and they shall come H3162 together H776 from the land H6828 of the north H776 to the land H5157 [H8689] that I have given for an inheritance H1 to your fathers.

Jeremiah 23:6

  6 H3117 In his days H3063 Judah H3467 [H8735] shall be liberated, H3478 and Israel H7931 [H8799] shall dwell H983 in safety: H8034 and this is his name H7121 [H8799] by which he shall be called, H3072 THE LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS.

Jeremiah 30:3

  3 H3117 For, lo, the days H935 [H8802] come, H5002 [H8803] saith H3068 the LORD, H7725 [H8804] that I will bring again H7622 the captives H5971 of my people H3478 Israel H3063 and Judah, H559 [H8804] saith H3068 the LORD: H7725 [H8689] and I will cause them to return H776 to the land H5414 [H8804] that I gave H1 to their fathers, H3423 [H8804] and they shall possess it.

Jeremiah 30:10

  10 H3372 [H8799] Therefore fear H5650 thou not, O my servant H3290 Jacob, H5002 [H8803] saith H3068 the LORD; H2865 [H8735] neither be dismayed, H3478 O Israel: H3467 [H8688] for, lo, I will liberate H7350 thee from afar, H2233 and thy seed H776 from the land H7628 of their captivity; H3290 and Jacob H7725 [H8804] shall return, H8252 [H8804] and shall be in rest, H7599 [H8768] and quiet, H2729 [H8688] and none shall make him afraid.

Jeremiah 30:22

  22 H5971 And ye shall be my people, H430 and I will be your God.

Jeremiah 30:24

  24 H2740 The burning H639 anger H3068 of the LORD H7725 [H8799] shall not return, H6213 [H8800] until he hath done H6965 [H8687] it, and until he hath raised H4209 the intents H3820 of his heart: H319 in the latter H3117 days H995 [H8709] ye shall consider it.

Jeremiah 31:33

  33 H1285 But this shall be the covenant H3772 [H8799] that I will make H1004 with the house H3478 of Israel; H310 After H3117 those days, H5002 [H8803] saith H3068 the LORD, H5414 [H8804] I will put H8451 my law H7130 in their inward parts, H3789 [H8799] and write H3820 it in their hearts; H430 and will be their God, H5971 and they shall be my people.

Jeremiah 32:38

  38 H5971 And they shall be my people, H430 and I will be their God:

Jeremiah 33:7

  7 H7622 And I will cause the captives H3063 of Judah H7622 and the captives H3478 of Israel H7725 [H8689] to return, H1129 [H8804] and will build H7223 them, as at the first.

Jeremiah 33:14

  14 H3117 Behold, the days H935 [H8802] come, H5002 [H8803] saith H3068 the LORD, H6965 [H8689] that I will raise H2896 that good H1697 thing H1696 [H8765] which I have promised H1004 to the house H3478 of Israel H1004 and to the house H3063 of Judah.

Jeremiah 33:24-26

  24 H7200 [H8804] Considerest H5971 thou not what this people H1696 [H8765] have spoken, H559 [H8800] saying, H8147 The two H4940 families H3068 which the LORD H977 [H8804] hath chosen, H3988 [H8799] he hath even cast them off? H5006 [H8799] thus they have despised H5971 my people, H1471 that they should be no more a nation H6440 at the face of them.
  25 H559 [H8804] Thus saith H3068 the LORD; H1285 If my covenant H3119 is not with day H3915 and night, H7760 [H8804] and if I have not appointed H2708 the ordinances H8064 of heaven H776 and earth;
  26 H1571 Then H3988 [H8799] will I cast away H2233 the seed H3290 of Jacob, H1732 and David H5650 my servant, H3947 [H8800] so that I will not take H2233 any of his seed H4910 [H8802] to be rulers H2233 over the seed H85 of Abraham, H3446 Isaac, H3290 and Jacob: H7622 for I will cause their captives H7725 H7725 [H8686] to return, H7355 [H8765] and fondle them.

Jeremiah 50:4

  4 H3117 In those days, H6256 and in that time, H5002 [H8803] saith H3068 the LORD, H1121 the sons H3478 of Israel H935 [H8799] shall come, H1121 they and the sons H3063 of Judah H3162 together, H1980 [H8800] going H1058 [H8800] and weeping: H3212 [H8799] they shall go, H1245 [H8762] and seek H3068 the LORD H430 their God.

Ezekiel 11:20

  20 H3212 [H8799] That they may walk H2708 in my statutes, H8104 [H8799] and keep H4941 my judgments, H6213 [H8804] and do H5971 them: and they shall be my people, H430 and I will be their God.

Ezekiel 34:31

  31 H859 And ye H6629 my flock, H6629 the flock H4830 of my pasture, H120 are men, H430 and I am your God, H5002 [H8803] saith H136 the Sovereign H3069 LORD.

Ezekiel 36:28

  28 H3427 [H8804] And ye shall dwell H776 in the land H5414 [H8804] that I gave H1 to your fathers; H5971 and ye shall be my people, H430 and I will be your God.

Ezekiel 37:16-27

  16 H1121 Moreover, thou son H120 of man, H3947 [H8798] take H259 thee one H6086 stick, H3789 [H8798] and write H3063 upon it, For Judah, H1121 and for the sons H3478 of Israel H2270 his companions: H3947 [H8798] then take H259 another H6086 stick, H3789 [H8798] and write H3130 upon it, For Joseph, H6086 the stick H669 of Ephraim, H1004 and for all the house H3478 of Israel H2270 his companions:
  17 H7126 [H8761] And join H259 them one H259 to another H259 into one H6086 stick; H259 and they shall become one H3027 in thine hand.
  18 H1121 And when the sons H5971 of thy people H559 [H8799] shall speak H559 [H8800] to thee, saying, H5046 [H8686] Wilt thou not show us what thou meanest by these?
  19 H1696 [H8761] Say H559 [H8804] to them, Thus saith H136 the Sovereign H3069 LORD; H3947 [H8802] Behold, I will take H6086 the stick H3130 of Joseph, H3027 which is in the hand H669 of Ephraim, H7626 and the tribes H3478 of Israel H2270 his companions, H5414 [H8804] and will put H6086 them with him, even with the stick H3063 of Judah, H6213 [H8804] and make H259 them one H6086 stick, H259 and they shall be one H3027 in my hand.
  20 H6086 And the sticks H3789 [H8799] on which thou writest H3027 shall be in thine hand H5869 before their eyes.
  21 H1696 [H8761] And say H559 [H8804] to them, Thus saith H136 the Sovereign H3069 LORD; H3947 [H8802] Behold, I will take H1121 the sons H3478 of Israel H996 from among H1471 the nations, H1980 [H8804] where they are gone, H6908 [H8765] and will gather H5439 them on every side, H935 [H8689] and bring H127 them into their own soil:
  22 H6213 [H8804] And I will make H259 them one H1471 nation H776 in the land H2022 upon the mountains H3478 of Israel; H259 and one H4428 king H4428 shall be king H5750 to them all: and they shall be H8147 no more two H1471 nations, H2673 [H8735] neither shall they be divided H8147 into two H4467 kingdoms any more at all:
  23 H2930 [H8691] Neither shall they defile H1544 themselves any more with their idols, H8251 nor with their detestable things, H6588 nor with any of their revolts: H3467 [H8689] but I will liberate H4186 them out of all their dwellingplaces, H2398 [H8804] in which they have sinned, H2891 [H8765] and will cleanse H5971 them: so shall they be my people, H430 and I will be their God.
  24 H1732 And David H5650 my servant H4428 shall be king H259 over them; and they all shall have one H7462 [H8802] shepherd: H3212 [H8799] they shall also walk H4941 in my judgments, H8104 [H8799] and observe H2708 my statutes, H6213 [H8804] and do them.
  25 H3427 [H8804] And they shall dwell H776 in the land H5414 [H8804] that I have given H3290 to Jacob H5650 my servant, H1 in which your fathers H3427 [H8804] have dwelt; H3427 [H8804] and they shall dwell H1121 in it, even they, and their sons, H1121 and their son's H1121 sons H5769 to the age: H5650 and my servant H1732 David H5387 shall be their prince H5704 for H5769 ever.
  26 H3772 [H8804] Moreover I will make H1285 a covenant H7965 of peace H5769 with them; it shall be an everlasting H1285 covenant H5414 [H8804] with them: and I will place H7235 [H8689] them, and multiply H5414 [H8804] them, and will set H4720 my sanctuary H8432 in the midst H5769 of them for evermore.
  27 H4908 My tabernacle H430 also shall be with them: yea, I will be their God, H5971 and they shall be my people.

Ezekiel 39:22

  22 H1004 So the house H3478 of Israel H3045 [H8804] shall know H3068 that I am the LORD H430 their God H3117 from that day H1973 and forward.

Hosea 1:11

  11 H1121 Then shall the sons H3063 of Judah H1121 and the sons H3478 of Israel H6908 [H8738] be gathered H3162 together, H7760 [H8804] and appoint H259 themselves one H7218 head, H5927 [H8804] and they shall come up H776 from the land: H1419 for great H3117 shall be the day H3157 of Jezreel.

Zechariah 10:6-7

  6 H1396 [H8765] And I will strengthen H1004 the house H3063 of Judah, H3467 [H8686] and I will liberate H1004 the house H3130 of Joseph, H3427 [H8689] and I will bring them again to place H7355 [H8765] them; for I fondle H834 them: and they shall be as though H2186 [H8804] I had not cast them off: H3068 for I am the LORD H430 their God, H6030 [H8799] and will hear them.
  7 H669 And they of Ephraim H1368 shall be like a mighty H3820 man, and their heart H8055 [H8804] shall rejoice H3196 as through wine: H1121 yea, their sons H7200 [H8799] shall see H8055 [H8804] it, and be glad; H3820 their heart H1523 [H8799] shall rejoice H3068 in the LORD.

Zechariah 13:9

  9 H935 [H8689] And I will bring H7992 the third part H784 through the fire, H6884 [H8804] and will refine H3701 them as silver H6884 [H8800] is refined, H974 [H8804] and will try H2091 them as gold H974 [H8800] is tried: H7121 [H8799] they shall call H8034 on my name, H6030 [H8799] and I will hear H559 [H8804] them: I will say, H5971 It is my people: H559 [H8799] and they shall say, H3068 The LORD H430 is my God.

John 20:17

  17 G2424 Jesus G3004 [G5719] saith G846 to her, G680 [G5732] { Touch G3450 me G3361 not; G1063 for G305 0 I have G3768 not yet G305 [G5758] ascended G4314 to G3450 my G3962 Father: G1161 but G4198 [G5737] go G4314 to G3450 my G80 brethren, G2532 and G2036 [G5628] say G846 to them, G305 [G5719] I ascend G4314 to G3450 my G3962 Father, G2532 and G5216 your G3962 Father; G2532 and G3450 to my G2316 God, G2532 and G5216 your G2316 God.}

Romans 11:26-29

  26 G2532 And G3779 so G3956 all G2474 Israel G4982 [G5701] shall be saved: G2531 as G1125 [G5769] it is written, G2240 [G5692] There shall come G1537 out of G4622 Zion G4506 [G5740] the Deliverer, G2532 and G654 [G5692] shall turn away G763 ungodliness G575 from G2384 Jacob:
  27 G2532 For G3778 this G3844 G1700 is my G1242 covenant G846 to them, G3752 when G851 [G5643] I shall take away G846 their G266 sins.
  28 G2596 G3303 As concerning G2098 the good news, G2190 they are enemies G1223 G5209 for your sakes: G1161 but G2596 as concerning G1589 the election, G27 they are beloved G1223 0 for G3962 the fathers' G1223 sakes.
  29 G1063 For G5486 the gifts of favour G2532 and G2821 calling G2316 of God G278 are irrevocable.

Hebrews 12:16

  16 G3361 Lest G5100 there be any G4205 fornicator, G2228 or G952 profane person, G5613 as G2269 Esau, G3739 who G473 for G3391 one G1035 meal G591 [G5639] sold G846 his G4415 birthright.

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