Zephaniah 3:8 Cross References - new

  8 H2442 [H8761] Therefore wait H5002 [H8803] ye upon me, saith H3068 the LORD, H3117 until the day H6965 [H8800] that I rise up H5706 to the prey: H4941 for my determination H622 [H8800] is to gather H1471 the nations, H6908 [H8800] that I may assemble H4467 the kingdoms, H8210 [H8800] to pour H2195 upon them my frothing at the mouth, H2740 even all my burning H639 anger: H776 for all the earth H398 [H8735] shall be devoured H784 with the fire H7068 of my jealousy.

Deuteronomy 32:21-22

  21 H7065 [H8765] They have moved me to jealousy H3808 with that which is not H410 God; H3707 [H8765] they have provoked me to anger H1892 with their vanities: H7065 [H8686] and I will move them to jealousy H5971 with those who are not a people; H3707 [H8686] I will provoke them to anger H5036 with a foolish H1471 nation.
  22 H784 For a fire H6919 [H8804] is kindled H639 in my anger, H3344 [H8799] and shall burn H8482 to the lowest H7585 grave, H398 [H8799] and shall consume H776 the earth H2981 with her increase, H3857 [H8762] and set on fire H4144 the foundations H2022 of the mountains.

Psalms 12:5

  5 H7701 For the oppression H6041 of the poor, H603 for the sighing H34 of the needy, H6965 [H8799] now will I arise, H559 [H8799] saith H3068 the LORD; H7896 [H8799] I will set H3468 him in safety H6315 [H8686] from him that puffeth at him.

Psalms 27:14

  14 H6960 [H8761] Wait H3068 on the LORD: H2388 [H8798] be of good courage, H553 [H8686] and he shall strengthen H3820 thine heart: H6960 [H8761] wait, H3068 I say, on the LORD.

Psalms 37:7

  7 H1826 [H8798] Rest H3068 in the LORD, H2342 [H8708] and wait patiently H2734 [H8691] for him: fret H6743 [H8688] not thyself because of him who prospereth H1870 in his way, H376 because of the man H6213 0 who bringeth H4209 wicked devices H6213 [H8802] to pass.

Psalms 37:34

  34 H6960 [H8761] Wait H3068 on the LORD, H8104 [H8798] and keep H1870 his way, H7311 [H8787] and he shall exalt H3423 [H8800] thee to possess H776 the land: H7563 when the wicked H3772 [H8736] are cut off, H7200 [H8799] thou shalt see it.

Psalms 62:1

  1 H5315 Truly my breath H1747 waiteth H430 upon God: H3444 from him cometh my salvation.

Psalms 62:5

  5 H5315 My breath, H1826 [H8798] wait H430 thou only upon God; H8615 for my expectation is from him.

Psalms 78:65-66

  65 H136 Then the Sovereign H3364 [H8799] awoke H3463 as if from sleep, H1368 and like a mighty man H7442 [H8711] that shouteth H3196 by reason of wine.
  66 H5221 [H8686] And he smote H6862 his constricters H268 in the hinder part: H5414 [H8804] he put H5769 them to a perpetual H2781 reproach.

Psalms 123:2

  2 H5869 Behold, as the eyes H5650 of servants H3027 look to the hand H113 of their masters, H5869 and as the eyes H8198 of a female servant H3027 to the hand H1404 of her mistress; H5869 so our eyes H3068 wait upon the LORD H430 our God, H2603 [H8799] until he shall have favour upon us.

Psalms 130:5-6

  5 H6960 [H8765] I wait H3068 for the LORD, H5315 my breath H6960 [H8765] doth wait, H1697 and in his word H3176 [H8689] do I hope.
  6 H5315 My breath H136 waiteth for the Sovereign H8104 [H8802] more than they that watch H1242 for the morning: H8104 [H8802] I say, more than they that watch H1242 for the morning.

Proverbs 20:22

  22 H559 [H8799] Say H7999 [H8762] not thou, I will recompense H7451 evil; H6960 [H8761] but wait on H3068 the LORD, H3467 [H8686] and he shall liberate thee.

Song of Songs 8:6

  6 H7760 [H8798] Set H2368 me as a seal H3820 upon thine heart, H2368 as a seal H2220 upon thy arm: H160 for love H5794 is strong H4194 as death; H7068 jealousy H7186 is cruel H7585 as the grave: H7565 the coals H7565 of it are coals H784 of fire, H7957 which hath a most vehement flame.

Isaiah 30:18

  18 H3068 And therefore will the LORD H2442 [H8762] wait, H2603 [H8800] that he may be gracious H7311 [H8799] to you, and therefore will he be exalted, H7355 [H8763] that he may fondle H3068 you: for the LORD H430 is a God H4941 of judgment: H835 happy H2442 [H8802] are all they that wait for him.

Isaiah 42:13-14

  13 H3068 The LORD H3318 [H8799] shall go forth H1368 as a mighty man, H5782 [H8686] he shall stir up H7068 jealousy H376 like a man H4421 of war: H7321 [H8686] he shall shout, H6873 [H8686] yea, whoop; H1396 [H8691] he shall prevail H341 [H8802] against his enemies.
  14 H5769 I have long time H2814 [H8689] held my peace; H2790 [H8686] I have been still, H662 [H8691] and restrained H6463 [H8799] myself: now will I scream H3205 [H8802] like a travailing woman; H5395 [H8799] I will pant, H8074 [H8799] moan, H7602 [H8799] and gasp H3162 at once.

Isaiah 59:16-18

  16 H7200 [H8799] And he saw H376 that there was no man, H8074 [H8709] and wondered H6293 [H8688] that there was no intercessor: H2220 therefore his arm H3467 [H8686] brought liberation H6666 to him; and his righteousness, H5564 [H8804] it sustained him.
  17 H3847 [H8799] For he put on H6666 righteousness H8302 as a breastplate, H3553 and an helmet H3444 of salvation H7218 upon his head; H3847 [H8799] and he put on H899 the garments H5359 of vengeance H8516 for clothing, H5844 [H8799] and was clad H7068 with zeal H4598 as a cloke.
  18 H5921 According to H1578 their deeds, H7999 [H8762] accordingly he will repay, H2534 hot anger H6862 to his constricters, H1576 recompence H341 [H8802] to his enemies; H339 to the isles H7999 [H8762] he will repay H1576 recompence.

Lamentations 3:25-26

  25 H3068 The LORD H2896 is good H6960 [H8802] to them that wait H5315 for him, to the breath H1875 [H8799] that seeketh him.
  26 H2896 It is good H3175 H2342 [H8675] that a man should both hope H1748 and quietly wait H8668 for the salvation H3068 of the LORD.

Ezekiel 36:5-6

  5 H559 [H8804] Therefore thus saith H136 the Sovereign H3069 LORD; H784 Surely in the fire H7068 of my jealousy H1696 [H8765] have I spoken H7611 against the rest H1471 of the nations, H123 and against all Edom, H5414 [H8804] who have appointed H776 my land H4181 into their possession H8057 with the joy H3824 of all their heart, H7589 with despiteful H5315 minds, H4054 to cast it out H957 for a prey.
  6 H5012 [H8734] Prophesy H127 therefore concerning the soil H3478 of Israel, H559 [H8804] and say H2022 to the mountains, H1389 and to the hills, H650 to the rivers, H1516 and to the valleys, H559 [H8804] Thus saith H136 the Sovereign H3069 LORD; H1696 [H8765] Behold, I have spoken H7068 in my jealousy H2534 and in my hot anger, H5375 [H8804] because ye have borne H3639 the disgrace H1471 of the nations:

Ezekiel 38:14-23

  14 H1121 Therefore, son H120 of man, H5012 [H8734] prophesy H559 [H8804] and say H1463 to Gog, H559 [H8804] Thus saith H136 the Sovereign H3069 LORD; H3117 In that day H5971 when my people H3478 of Israel H3427 [H8800] dwelleth H983 safely, H3045 [H8799] shalt thou not know it?
  15 H935 [H8804] And thou shalt come H4725 from thy place H6828 out of the north H3411 parts, H7227 thou, and many H5971 people H7392 [H8802] with thee, all of them riding H5483 upon horses, H1419 a great H6951 congregation, H7227 and a mighty H2428 army:
  16 H5927 [H8804] And thou shalt come H5971 against my people H3478 of Israel, H6051 as a cloud H3680 [H8763] to cover H776 the land; H319 it shall be in the latter H3117 days, H935 [H8689] and I will bring H776 thee against my land, H1471 that the nations H3045 [H8800] may know H6942 [H8736] me, when I shall be sanctified H1463 in thee, O Gog, H5869 before their eyes.
  17 H559 [H8804] Thus saith H136 the Sovereign H3069 LORD; H1696 [H8765] Art thou he of whom I have spoken H6931 H3117 of old H3027 by H5650 my servants H5030 the prophets H3478 of Israel, H5012 [H8737] who prophesied H3117 in those days H8141 many years H935 [H8687] that I would bring thee against them?
  18 H3117 And it shall come to pass at the same time H3117 when H1463 Gog H935 [H8800] shall come H127 against the soil H3478 of Israel, H5002 [H8803] saith H136 the Sovereign H3069 LORD, H2534 that my hot anger H5927 [H8799] shall come up H639 in my nostrils.
  19 H7068 For in my jealousy H784 and in the fire H5678 of my wrath H1696 [H8765] have I spoken, H3117 Surely in that day H1419 there shall be a great H7494 shaking H127 in the soil H3478 of Israel;
  20 H1709 So that the fishes H3220 of the sea, H5775 and the fowls H8064 of the heaven, H2416 and the beasts H7704 of the field, H7431 and all creeping things H7430 [H8802] that creep H127 upon the soil, H120 and all the men H6440 that are upon the face H127 of the soil, H7493 [H8804] shall shake H6440 at my face, H2022 and the mountains H2040 [H8738] shall be overturned, H4095 and the steep places H5307 [H8804] shall fall, H2346 and every wall H5307 [H8799] shall fall H776 to the earth.
  21 H7121 [H8804] And I will call H2719 for a sword H2022 against him throughout all my mountains, H5002 [H8803] saith H136 the Sovereign H3069 LORD: H376 every man's H2719 sword H251 shall be against his brother.
  22 H8199 [H8738] And I will enter into judgment H1698 against him with pestilence H1818 and with blood; H4305 [H8686] and I will rain H102 upon him, and upon his troops, H7227 and upon the many H5971 people H7857 [H8802] that are with him, an overflowing H1653 rain, H417 H68 and great hailstones, H784 fire, H1614 and brimstone.
  23 H1431 [H8694] Thus will I magnify H6942 [H8694] myself, and sanctify H3045 [H8738] myself; and I will be known H5869 in the eyes H7227 of many H1471 nations, H3045 [H8804] and they shall know H3068 that I am the LORD.

Hosea 12:6

  6 H7725 [H8799] Therefore turn H430 thou to thy God: H8104 [H8798] keep H2617 mercy H4941 and judgment, H6960 [H8761] and wait H430 on thy God H8548 continually.

Joel 3:2

  2 H6908 [H8765] I will also gather H1471 all nations, H3381 [H8689] and will bring them down H6010 into the valley H3092 of Jehoshaphat, H8199 [H8738] and will judge H5971 them there for my people H5159 and for my inheritance H3478 Israel, H6340 [H8765] whom they have scattered H1471 among the nations, H2505 [H8765] and divided H776 my land.

Joel 3:9-16

  9 H7121 [H8798] Call H1471 ye this among the nations; H6942 [H8761] Prepare H4421 war, H5782 [H8685] wake up H1368 the mighty men, H582 let all the men H4421 of war H5066 [H8799] draw near; H5927 [H8799] let them come up:
  10 H3807 [H8798] Beat H855 your plowshares H2719 into swords, H4211 and your pruninghooks H7420 into spears: H2523 let the weak H559 [H8799] say, H1368 I am strong.
  11 H5789 [H8798] Assemble H935 [H8798] yourselves, and come, H1471 all ye nations, H6908 [H8738] and gather yourselves together H5439 all around: H1368 there cause thy mighty ones H5181 [H8685] to come down, H3068 O LORD.
  12 H1471 Let the nations H5782 [H8735] be awakened, H5927 [H8799] and come up H6010 to the valley H3092 of Jehoshaphat: H3427 [H8799] for there will I sit H8199 [H8800] to judge H1471 all the nations H5439 on every side.
  13 H7971 [H8798] Put H4038 ye in the sickle, H7105 for the harvest H1310 [H8804] is ripe: H935 [H8798] come, H3381 [H8798] go down; H1660 for the press H4390 [H8804] is full, H3342 the vats H7783 [H8689] overflow; H7451 for their evil H7227 is great.
  14 H1995 Multitudes, H1995 multitudes H6010 in the valley H2742 of decision: H3117 for the day H3068 of the LORD H7138 is near H6010 in the valley H2742 of decision.
  15 H8121 The sun H3394 and the moon H6937 [H8804] shall be darkened, H3556 and the stars H622 [H8804] shall withdraw H5051 their shining.
  16 H3068 The LORD H7580 [H8799] also shall roar H6726 out of Zion, H5414 [H8799] and utter H6963 his voice H3389 from Jerusalem; H8064 and the heavens H776 and the earth H7493 [H8804] shall shake: H3068 but the LORD H4268 will be the refuge H5971 of his people, H4581 and the strength H1121 of the sons H3478 of Israel.

Micah 4:11-13

  11 H7227 Now also many H1471 nations H622 [H8738] are gathered H559 [H8802] against thee, that say, H2610 [H8799] Let her be defiled, H5869 and let our eye H2372 [H8799] envision H6726 upon Zion.
  12 H3045 [H8804] But they know H4284 not the thoughts H3068 of the LORD, H995 [H8689] neither understand H6098 they his counsel: H6908 [H8765] for he shall gather H5995 them as sheaves H1637 into the floor.
  13 H6965 [H8798] Arise H1758 [H8798] and thresh, H1323 O daughter H6726 of Zion: H7760 [H8799] for I will make H7161 thy horn H1270 iron, H7760 [H8799] and I will make H6541 thy hoofs H5154 brass: H1854 [H8689] and thou shalt beat in pieces H7227 many H5971 people: H2763 [H8689] and I will seclude H1215 their gain H3068 to the LORD, H2428 and their substance H113 to the Sovereign H776 of the whole earth.

Micah 7:7

  7 H6822 [H8762] Therefore I will look H3068 to the LORD; H3176 [H8686] I will wait H430 for the God H3468 of my salvation: H430 my God H8085 [H8799] will hear me.

Habakkuk 2:3

  3 H2377 For the vision H4150 is yet for an appointed time, H7093 but at the end H6315 [H8686] it shall speak, H3576 [H8762] and not lie: H4102 [H8698] though it may tarry, H2442 [H8761] wait H935 [H8800] for it; because it will surely H935 [H8799] come, H309 [H8762] it will not tarry.

Zephaniah 1:18

  18 H3701 Neither their silver H2091 nor their gold H3201 [H8799] shall be able H5337 [H8687] to deliver H3117 them in the day H3068 of the LORD'S H5678 wrath; H776 but the whole land H398 [H8735] shall be devoured H784 by the fire H7068 of his jealousy: H6213 [H8799] for he shall make H926 [H8737] even a speedy H3617 riddance H3427 [H8802] of all them that dwell H776 in the land.

Zechariah 14:2-3

  2 H622 [H8804] For I will gather H1471 all nations H3389 against Jerusalem H4421 to battle; H5892 and the city H3920 [H8738] shall be taken, H1004 and the houses H8155 [H8738] plundered, H802 and the women H7901 H7693 [H8735] ravished; H2677 and half H5892 of the city H3318 [H8804] shall go forth H1473 into captivity, H3499 and the rest H5971 of the people H3772 [H8735] shall not be cut off H5892 from the city.
  3 H3068 Then shall the LORD H3318 [H8804] go forth, H3898 [H8738] and fight H1471 against those nations, H3117 as when H3898 [H8736] he fought H3117 in the day H7128 of battle.

Matthew 25:32

  32 G2532 { And G1715 before G846 him G4863 [G5701] shall be gathered G3956 all G1484 nations: G2532 and G873 [G5692] he shall separate G846 them G240 0 one G575 from G240 another, G5618 as G4166 a shepherd G873 [G5719] divideth G4263 his sheep G575 from G2056 the goats:}

James 5:7-8

  7 G3114 [G5657] Suffer long G3767 therefore, G80 brethren, G2193 until G3588 the G3952 coming G3588 of the G2962 Lord. G2400 [G5628] Behold, G3588 the G1092 farmer G1551 [G5736] waiteth for G3588 the G5093 precious G2590 fruit G3588 of the G1093 earth, G3114 [G5723] longsuffering G1909 upon G846 it, G2193 G302 until G2983 [G5632] he receiveth G4406 the early G2532 and G3797 the latter G5205 rain.
  8 G3114 0 Be G5210 ye G2532 also G3114 [G5657] long-suffering; G4741 [G5657] fix firmly G3588   G5216 your G2588 hearts: G3754 because G3588 the G3952 coming G3588 of the G2962 Lord G1448 [G5758] draweth near.

2 Peter 3:10

  10 G1161 But G2250 the day G2962 of the Lord G2240 [G5692] will come G5613 as G2812 a thief G1722 in G3571 the night; G1722 in G3739 which G3772 the heavens G3928 [G5695] shall pass away G4500 with a rushing sound, G1161 and G4747 the elements G3089 [G5701] shall melt G2741 [G5746] with fervent heat, G1093 the earth G2532 also G2532 and G2041 the works G1722 that are in G846 it G2618 [G5691] shall be burned up.

Revelation 16:14

  14 G1063 For G1526 [G5748] they are G4151 spirits G1142 of demons, G4160 [G5723] working G4592 signs, G1607 G3739 G1607 [G5738] which go forth G1909 to G3588 the G935 kings G2532 and G3588 of the G3650 whole G3625 inhabitable world, G4863 [G5629] to gather G846 them G1519 to G4171 the war G1565 of that G3173 great G2250 day G2316 of God G3841 Almighty.

Revelation 19:17-19

  17 G2532 And G1492 [G5627] I saw G1520 one G32 messenger G2476 [G5761] standing G1722 in G2246 the sun; G2532 and G2896 [G5656] he cried G3173 with a loud G5456 voice, G3004 [G5723] saying G3956 to all G3732 the fowls G4072 [G5740] that fly G1722 in G3321 the midst of heaven, G1205 [G5773] Come G2532 and G4863 [G5744] gather yourselves together G1519 to G1173 the supper G3173 of the great G2316 God;
  18 G2443 That G5315 [G5632] ye may eat G4561 the flesh G935 of kings, G2532 and G4561 the flesh G5506 of captains, G2532 and G4561 the flesh G2478 of strong men, G2532 and G4561 the flesh G2462 of horses, G2532 and G2521 [G5740] of them that sit G1909 on G846 them, G2532 and G4561 the flesh G3956 of all G1658 men, both free G2532 and G1401 slave, G2532 both G3398 small G2532 and G3173 great.
  19 G2532 And G1492 [G5627] I saw G2342 the beast, G2532 and G935 the kings G1093 of the earth, G2532 and G846 their G4753 armies, G4863 [G5772] gathered together G4160 [G5658] to make G4171 war G3326 against G2521 [G5740] him that sat G1909 on G2462 the horse, G2532 and G3326 against G846 his G4753 army.

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.