Zephaniah 3:7 Cross References - new

  7 H559 [H8804] I said, H3372 [H8799] Surely thou wilt fear H3947 [H8799] me, thou wilt receive H4148 instruction; H4583 so their dwelling H3772 [H8735] should not be cut off, H834 H3605 however H6485 [H8804] I punished H403 them: but H7925 [H8689] they rose early, H7843 [H8689] and decayed H5949 all their doings.

Genesis 6:12

  12 H9001 And H430 God H7200 [H8799] saw H9009 the H776 earth, H9002 and, H2009 behold, H7843 [H8738] it was decayed; H3588 for H3605 all H1320 flesh H7843 [H8689] had decayed H9023 his H1870 way H5921 upon H9009 the H776 earth.

Deuteronomy 4:16

  16 H7843 [H8686] Lest ye decay H6213 [H8804] yourselves, and make H6459 to you a graven image, H8544 the similitude H5566 of any figure, H8403 the likeness H2145 of male H5347 or female,

2 Chronicles 28:6-8

  6 H6492 For Pekah H1121 the son H7425 of Remaliah H2026 [H8799] slew H3063 in Judah H3967 an hundred H6242 and twenty H505 thousand H259 in one H3117 day, H2428 who were all valiant H1121 men; H5800 [H8800] because they had forsaken H3068 the LORD H430 God H1 of their fathers.
  7 H2147 And Zichri, H1368 a mighty man H669 of Ephraim, H2026 [H8799] slew H4641 Maaseiah H4428 the king's H1121 son, H5840 and Azrikam H5057 the governor H1004 of the house, H511 and Elkanah H4932 that was next H4428 to the king.
  8 H1121 And the sons H3478 of Israel H7617 [H8799] carried away captive H251 of their brethren H3967 two hundred H505 thousand, H802 women, H1121 sons, H1323 and daughters, H962 [H8804] and also took away H7227 much H7998 spoil H935 [H8686] from them, and brought H7998 the spoil H8111 to Samaria.

2 Chronicles 32:1-2

  1 H310 After H1697 these things, H571 and their establishment, H5576 Sennacherib H4428 king H804 of Assyria H935 [H8804] came, H935 [H8799] and entered H3063 into Judah, H2583 [H8799] and encamped H1219 [H8803] against the fortified H5892 cities, H559 [H8799] and thought H1234 [H8800] to win them for himself.
  2 H3169 And when Hezekiah H7200 [H8799] saw H5576 that Sennacherib H935 [H8804] had come, H6440 and that he purposed H4421 to fight H3389 against Jerusalem,

2 Chronicles 33:11

  11 H3068 Therefore the LORD H935 [H8686] brought H8269 upon them the captains of H6635 the army of H4428 the king H804 of Assyria, H3920 [H8799] who took H4519 Manasseh H2336 in chains, H631 [H8799] and bound him H5178 with fetters, H3212 [H8686] and carried H894 him to Babylon.

2 Chronicles 36:3-10

  3 H4428 And the king H4714 of Egypt H5493 [H8686] deposed him H3389 at Jerusalem, H6064 [H8799] and imposed a fine on H776 the land H3967 of an hundred H3603 talents H3701 of silver H3603 and a talent H2091 of gold.
  4 H4428 And the king H4714 of Egypt H471 made Eliakim H251 his brother H4427 [H8686] king H3063 over Judah H3389 and Jerusalem, H5437 [H8686] and changed H8034 his name H3079 to Jehoiakim. H5224 And Necho H3947 [H8804] took H3099 Jehoahaz H251 his brother, H935 [H8686] and carried H4714 him to Egypt.
  5 H3079 Jehoiakim H6242 was twenty H2568 and five H8141 years H1121 old H4427 [H8800] when he began to reign, H4427 [H8804] and he reigned H259 H6240 eleven H8141 years H3389 in Jerusalem: H6213 [H8799] and he did H7451 that which was evil H5869 in the eyes H3068 of the LORD H430 his God.
  6 H5927 [H8804] Against him came up H5019 Nebuchadnezzar H4428 king H894 of Babylon, H631 [H8799] and bound H5178 him in fetters, H3212 [H8687] to carry H894 him to Babylon.
  7 H5019 Nebuchadnezzar H935 [H8689] also carried H3627 of the vessels H1004 of the house H3068 of the LORD H894 to Babylon, H5414 [H8799] and put H1964 them in his temple H894 at Babylon.
  8 H3499 Now the rest H1697 of the acts H3079 of Jehoiakim, H8441 and his abominations H6213 [H8804] which he did, H4672 [H8737] and that which was found H3789 [H8803] in him, behold, they are written H5612 in the book H4428 of the kings H3478 of Israel H3063 and Judah: H3078 and Jehoiachin H1121 his son H4427 [H8799] reigned in his stead.
  9 H3078 Jehoiachin H8083 was eight H8141 years H1121 old H4427 [H8800] when he began to reign, H4427 [H8804] and he reigned H7969 three H2320 months H6235 and ten H3117 days H3389 in Jerusalem: H6213 [H8799] and he did H7451 that which was evil H5869 in the eyes H3068 of the LORD.
  10 H8141 And when the year H8666 had ended, H4428 king H5019 Nebuchadnezzar H7971 [H8804] sent, H935 [H8686] and brought H894 him to Babylon, H2532 with the precious H3627 vessels H1004 of the house H3068 of the LORD, H6667 and made Zedekiah H251 his brother H4427 [H8686] king H3063 over Judah H3389 and Jerusalem.

Isaiah 5:4

  4 H6213 [H8800] What more could have been done H3754 to my vineyard, H6213 [H8804] that I have not done H4069 in it? Why, H6960 [H8765] when I expected H6213 [H8800] that it should bring forth H6025 grapes, H6213 [H8799] brought it forth H891 wild grapes?

Isaiah 63:8

  8 H559 [H8799] For he said, H5971 Surely they are my people, H1121 sons H8266 [H8762] that will not lie: H3467 [H8688] so he was their Liberator.

Jeremiah 7:7

  7 H7931 [H8765] Then will I cause you to dwell H4725 in this place, H776 in the land H5414 [H8804] that I gave H1 to your fathers, H5704 for H5769 ever H5769 and ever.

Jeremiah 8:6

  6 H7181 [H8689] I hearkened H8085 [H8799] and heard, H1696 [H8762] but they spoke not aright: H376 no man H5162 [H8737] sighed H5921 of H7451 his evil, H559 [H8800] saying, H6213 [H8804] What have I done? H7725 [H8804] every one turned H4794 to his course, H5483 as the horse H7857 [H8802] rusheth H4421 to the battle.

Jeremiah 17:25-27

  25 H935 [H8804] Then shall there enter H8179 into the gates H5892 of this city H4428 kings H8269 and princes H3427 [H8802] sitting H3678 upon the throne H1732 of David, H7392 [H8802] riding H7393 in chariots H5483 and on horses, H8269 they, and their princes, H376 the men H3063 of Judah, H3427 [H8802] and the inhabitants H3389 of Jerusalem: H5892 and this city H3427 [H8804] shall remain H5769 to the age.
  26 H935 [H8804] And they shall come H5892 from the cities H3063 of Judah, H5439 and from the places about H3389 Jerusalem, H776 and from the land H1144 of Benjamin, H8219 and from the plain, H2022 and from the mountains, H5045 and from the south, H935 [H8688] bringing H5930 burnt offerings, H2077 and sacrifices, H4503 and meat offerings, H3828 and incense, H935 [H8688] and bringing H8426 sacrifices of praise, H1004 to the house H3068 of the LORD.
  27 H8085 [H8799] But if ye will not hearken H6942 [H8763] to me to hallow H7676 the sabbath H3117 day, H5375 [H8800] and not to bear H4853 a burden, H935 [H8800] even entering H8179 at the gates H3389 of Jerusalem H7676 on the sabbath H3117 day; H3341 [H8689] then will I kindle H784 a fire H8179 in its gates, H398 [H8804] and it shall devour H759 the palaces H3389 of Jerusalem, H3518 [H8799] and it shall not be quenched.

Jeremiah 25:5

  5 H559 [H8800] They said, H7725 [H8798] Turn ye again H376 now every one H7451 from his evil H1870 way, H7455 and from the evil H4611 of your doings, H3427 [H8798] and dwell H127 in the soil H3068 that the LORD H5414 [H8804] hath given H1 to you and to your fathers H5704 for H5769 ever H5769 and ever:

Jeremiah 36:3

  3 H1004 It may be that the house H3063 of Judah H8085 [H8799] will hear H7451 all the evil H2803 [H8802] which I purpose H6213 [H8800] to do H7725 [H8799] to them; that they may return H376 every man H7451 from his evil H1870 way; H5545 [H8804] that I may forgive H5771 their perversity H2403 and their sin.

Jeremiah 38:17

  17 H559 [H8799] Then said H3414 Jeremiah H6667 to Zedekiah, H559 [H8804] Thus saith H3068 the LORD, H430 the God H6635 of hosts, H430 the God H3478 of Israel; H3318 [H8800] If thou wilt assuredly H3318 [H8799] go forth H4428 to the king H894 of Babylon's H8269 princes, H5315 then thy breath H2421 [H8804] shall live, H5892 and this city H8313 [H8735] shall not be burned H784 with fire; H2421 [H8804] and thou shalt live, H1004 and thy house:

Hosea 9:9

  9 H6009 [H8689] They have deeply H7843 [H8765] decayed H3117 themselves, as in the days H1390 of Gibeah: H2142 [H8799] therefore he will remember H5771 their perversity, H6485 [H8799] he will judge H2403 their sins.

Micah 2:1-2

  1 H1945 Woe H2803 [H8802] to them that devise H205 nothingness, H6466 [H8802] and work H7451 evil H4904 upon their beds! H1242 when the morning H216 is light, H6213 [H8799] they practise H3426 it, because it is H410 in the power H3027 of their hand.
  2 H2530 [H8804] And they desire H7704 fields, H1497 [H8804] and take them by plucking; H1004 and houses, H5375 [H8804] and take them away: H6231 [H8804] so they oppress H1397 a man H1004 and his house, H376 even a man H5159 and his inheritance.

Zephaniah 3:2

  2 H8085 [H8804] She obeyed H6963 not the voice; H3947 [H8804] she received H4148 not correction; H982 [H8804] she trusted H3068 not in the LORD; H7126 [H8804] she drew not near H430 to her God.

Luke 19:42-44

  42 G3004 [G5723] Saying, G3754 G1487 { If G1097 [G5627] thou hadst known, G2532 even G4771 thou, G2534 at least G1722 in G5026 this G4675 thy G2250 day, G3588 the things G4314 which belong to G4675 thy G1515 peace! G1161 but G3568 now G2928 [G5648] they are hid G575 from G4675 thy G3788 eyes.}
  43 G3754 { For G2250 the days G2240 [G5692] shall come G1909 upon G4571 thee, G2532 that G4675 thy G2190 enemies G4016 0 shall cast G5482 a trench G4016 [G5692] about G4671 thee, G2532 and G4033 0 surround G4571 G4033 [G5692] thee, G2532 and G4912 0 keep G4571 thee G4912 [G5692] in G3840 on every side,}
  44 G2532 { And G1474 0 shall lay G4571 thee G1474 [G5692] even with the ground, G2532 and G4675 thy G5043 children G1722 within G4671 thee; G2532 and G863 0 they shall G3756 not G863 [G5692] leave G1722 in G4671 thee G3037 one stone G1909 upon G3037 another; G473 G3739 because G1097 [G5627] thou knewest G3756 not G2540 the season G4675 of thy G1984 visitation.}

2 Peter 3:9

  9 G2962 The Lord G1019 0 is G3756 not G1019 [G5719] slack G1860 concerning his promise, G5613 as G5100 some men G2233 [G5736] count G1022 slowness; G235 but G3114 [G5719] is longsuffering G1519 toward G2248 us, G3361 not G1014 [G5740] willing G5100 that any G622 [G5641] should be made lost, G235 but G3956 that all G5562 [G5658] should come G1519 to G3341 a change of mind.

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