Amos 2:9 Cross References - KJV_Strongs

  9 H8045 Yet destroyed [H8689]   H567 I the Amorite H6440 before H1363 them, whose height H1363 was like the height H730 of the cedars H2634 , and he was strong H437 as the oaks H8045 ; yet I destroyed [H8686]   H6529 his fruit H4605 from above H8328 , and his roots from beneath.

Genesis 15:16

  16 H7243 But in the fourth H1755 generation H2008 they shall come hither H7725 again [H8799]   H5771 : for the iniquity H567 of the Amorites H2008 is not yet H8003 full.

Exodus 3:8

  8 H3381 And I am come down [H8799]   H5337 to deliver [H8687]   H3027 them out of the hand H4714 of the Egyptians H5927 , and to bring [H8687]   H776 them up out of that land H2896 unto a good H776 land H7342 and a large H776 , unto a land H2100 flowing [H8802]   H2461 with milk H1706 and honey H4725 ; unto the place H3669 of the Canaanites H2850 , and the Hittites H567 , and the Amorites H6522 , and the Perizzites H2340 , and the Hivites H2983 , and the Jebusites.

Exodus 34:11

  11 H8104 Observe [H8798]   H6680 thou that which I command [H8764]   H3117 thee this day H1644 : behold, I drive out [H8802]   H6440 before H567 thee the Amorite H3669 , and the Canaanite H2850 , and the Hittite H6522 , and the Perizzite H2340 , and the Hivite H2983 , and the Jebusite.

Numbers 13:28-29

  28 H657 Nevertheless H5971 the people H5794 be strong H3427 that dwell [H8802]   H776 in the land H5892 , and the cities H1219 are walled [H8803]   H3966 , and very H1419 great H7200 : and moreover we saw [H8804]   H3211 the children H6061 of Anak there.
  29 H6002 The Amalekites H3427 dwell [H8802]   H776 in the land H5045 of the south H2850 : and the Hittites H2983 , and the Jebusites H567 , and the Amorites H3427 , dwell [H8802]   H2022 in the mountains H3669 : and the Canaanites H3427 dwell [H8802]   H3220 by the sea H3027 , and by the coast H3383 of Jordan.

Numbers 13:32-33

  32 H3318 And they brought up [H8686]   H1681 an evil report H776 of the land H8446 which they had searched [H8804]   H1121 unto the children H3478 of Israel H559 , saying [H8800]   H776 , The land H5674 , through which we have gone [H8804]   H8446 to search [H8800]   H776 it, is a land H398 that eateth up [H8802]   H3427 the inhabitants [H8802]   H5971 thereof; and all the people H7200 that we saw [H8804]   H8432 in it H582 are men H4060 of a great stature.
  33 H7200 And there we saw [H8804]   H5303 the giants H1121 , the sons H6061 of Anak H5303 , which come of the giants H5869 : and we were in our own sight H2284 as grasshoppers H5869 , and so we were in their sight.

Numbers 21:23-25

  23 H5511 And Sihon H5414 would not suffer [H8804]   H3478 Israel H5674 to pass [H8800]   H1366 through his border H5511 : but Sihon H622 gathered H5971 all his people H622 together [H8799]   H3318 , and went out [H8799]   H7125 against [H8800]   H3478 Israel H4057 into the wilderness H935 : and he came [H8799]   H3096 to Jahaz H3898 , and fought [H8735]   H3478 against Israel.
  24 H3478 And Israel H5221 smote [H8686]   H6310 him with the edge H2719 of the sword H3423 , and possessed [H8799]   H776 his land H769 from Arnon H2999 unto Jabbok H1121 , even unto the children H5983 of Ammon H1366 : for the border H1121 of the children H5983 of Ammon H5794 was strong.
  25 H3478 And Israel H3947 took [H8799]   H5892 all these cities H3478 : and Israel H3427 dwelt [H8799]   H5892 in all the cities H567 of the Amorites H2809 , in Heshbon H1323 , and in all the villages thereof.

Deuteronomy 1:28

  28 H5927 Whither shall we go up [H8802]   H251 ? our brethren H4549 have discouraged [H8689]   H3824 our heart H559 , saying [H8800]   H5971 , The people H1419 is greater H7311 and taller [H8802]   H5892 than we; the cities H1419 are great H1219 and walled up [H8803]   H8064 to heaven H7200 ; and moreover we have seen [H8804]   H1121 the sons H6062 of the Anakims there.

Deuteronomy 2:10-11

  10 H368 The Emims H3427 dwelt [H8804]   H6440 therein in times past H5971 , a people H1419 great H7227 , and many H7311 , and tall [H8802]   H6062 , as the Anakims;
  11 H1992 Which H2803 also were accounted [H8735]   H7497 giants H6062 , as the Anakims H4125 ; but the Moabites H7121 call [H8799]   H368 them Emims.

Deuteronomy 2:24-33

  24 H6965 Rise ye up [H8798]   H5265 , take your journey [H8798]   H5674 , and pass over [H8798]   H5158 the river H769 Arnon H7200 : behold [H8798]   H5414 , I have given [H8804]   H3027 into thine hand H5511 Sihon H567 the Amorite H4428 , king H2809 of Heshbon H776 , and his land H2490 : begin [H8685]   H3423 to possess [H8798]   H1624 it, and contend [H8690]   H4421 with him in battle.
  25 H3117 This day H2490 will I begin [H8686]   H5414 to put [H8800]   H6343 the dread H3374 of thee and the fear H6440 of thee upon the nations H5971   H8064 that are under the whole heaven H8085 , who shall hear [H8799]   H8088 report H7264 of thee, and shall tremble [H8804]   H2342 , and be in anguish [H8804]   H6440 because of thee.
  26 H7971 And I sent [H8799]   H4397 messengers H4057 out of the wilderness H6932 of Kedemoth H5511 unto Sihon H4428 king H2809 of Heshbon H1697 with words H7965 of peace H559 , saying [H8800]  ,
  27 H5674 Let me pass [H8799]   H776 through thy land H3212 : I will go [H8799]   H1870 along by the high way H1870   H5493 , I will neither turn [H8799]   H3225 unto the right hand H8040 nor to the left.
  28 H7666 Thou shalt sell [H8686]   H400 me meat H3701 for money H398 , that I may eat [H8804]   H5414 ; and give [H8799]   H4325 me water H3701 for money H8354 , that I may drink [H8804]   H5674 : only I will pass through [H8799]   H7272 on my feet;
  29 H1121 (As the children H6215 of Esau H3427 which dwell [H8802]   H8165 in Seir H4125 , and the Moabites H3427 which dwell [H8802]   H6144 in Ar H6213 , did [H8804]   H5674 unto me;) until I shall pass over [H8799]   H3383 Jordan H776 into the land H3068 which the LORD H430 our God H5414 giveth [H8802]   us.
  30 H5511 But Sihon H4428 king H2809 of Heshbon H14 would [H8804]   H5674 not let us pass [H8687]   H3068 by him: for the LORD H430 thy God H7185 hardened [H8689]   H7307 his spirit H3824 , and made his heart H553 obstinate [H8765]   H5414 , that he might deliver [H8800]   H3027 him into thy hand H3117 , as appeareth this day.
  31 H3068 And the LORD H559 said [H8799]   H7200 unto me, Behold [H8798]   H2490 , I have begun [H8689]   H5414 to give [H8800]   H5511 Sihon H776 and his land H6440 before H2490 thee: begin [H8685]   H3423 to possess [H8798]   H3423 , that thou mayest inherit [H8800]   H776 his land.
  32 H5511 Then Sihon H3318 came out [H8799]   H7125 against [H8800]   H5971 us, he and all his people H4421 , to fight H3096 at Jahaz.
  33 H3068 And the LORD H430 our God H5414 delivered [H8799]   H6440 him before H5221 us; and we smote [H8686]   H1121 him, and his sons H5971 , and all his people.

Deuteronomy 3:11

  11 H5747 For only Og H4428 king H1316 of Bashan H7604 remained [H8738]   H3499 of the remnant H7497 of giants H6210 ; behold, his bedstead H6210 was a bedstead H1270 of iron H3808 ; is it not H7237 in Rabbath H1121 of the children H5983 of Ammon H8672 ? nine H520 cubits H753 was the length H702 thereof, and four H520 cubits H7341 the breadth H520 of it, after the cubit H376 of a man.

Deuteronomy 9:1-3

  1 H8085 Hear [H8798]   H3478 , O Israel H5674 : Thou art to pass over [H8802]   H3383 Jordan H3117 this day H935 , to go in [H8800]   H3423 to possess [H8800]   H1471 nations H1419 greater H6099 and mightier H5892 than thyself, cities H1419 great H1219 and fenced up [H8803]   H8064 to heaven,
  2 H5971 A people H1419 great H7311 and tall [H8802]   H1121 , the children H6062 of the Anakims H3045 , whom thou knowest [H8804]   H8085 , and of whom thou hast heard [H8804]   H3320 say, Who can stand [H8691]   H6440 before H1121 the children H6061 of Anak!
  3 H3045 Understand [H8804]   H3117 therefore this day H3068 , that the LORD H430 thy God H5674 is he which goeth over [H8802]   H6440 before H398 thee; as a consuming [H8802]   H784 fire H8045 he shall destroy [H8686]   H3665 them, and he shall bring them down [H8686]   H6440 before thy face H3423 : so shalt thou drive them out [H8689]   H6 , and destroy [H8689]   H4118 them quickly H3068 , as the LORD H1696 hath said [H8765]   unto thee.

Joshua 3:10

  10 H3091 And Joshua H559 said [H8799]   H3045 , Hereby ye shall know [H8799]   H2416 that the living H410 God H7130 is among H3423 you, and that he will without fail [H8687]   H3423 drive out [H8686]   H6440 from before H3669 you the Canaanites H2850 , and the Hittites H2340 , and the Hivites H6522 , and the Perizzites H1622 , and the Girgashites H567 , and the Amorites H2983 , and the Jebusites.

Joshua 10:12

  12 H1696 Then spake [H8762]   H3091 Joshua H3068 to the LORD H3117 in the day H3068 when the LORD H5414 delivered up [H8800]   H567 the Amorites H6440 before H1121 the children H3478 of Israel H559 , and he said [H8799]   H5869 in the sight H3478 of Israel H8121 , Sun H1826 , stand thou still [H8798]   H1391 upon Gibeon H3394 ; and thou, Moon H6010 , in the valley H357 of Ajalon.

Joshua 11:21-22

  21 H6256 And at that time H935 came [H8799]   H3091 Joshua H3772 , and cut off [H8686]   H6062 the Anakims H2022 from the mountains H2275 , from Hebron H1688 , from Debir H6024 , from Anab H2022 , and from all the mountains H3063 of Judah H2022 , and from all the mountains H3478 of Israel H3091 : Joshua H2763 destroyed them utterly [H8689]   H5892 with their cities.
  22 H6062 There was none of the Anakims H3498 left [H8738]   H776 in the land H1121 of the children H3478 of Israel H5804 : only in Gaza H1661 , in Gath H795 , and in Ashdod H7604 , there remained [H8738]  .

Joshua 24:8-12

  8 H935 And I brought [H8686]   H776 you into the land H567 of the Amorites H3427 , which dwelt [H8802]   H5676 on the other side H3383 Jordan H3898 ; and they fought [H8735]   H5414 with you: and I gave [H8799]   H3027 them into your hand H3423 , that ye might possess [H8799]   H776 their land H8045 ; and I destroyed [H8686]   H6440 them from before you.
  9 H1111 Then Balak H1121 the son H6834 of Zippor H4428 , king H4124 of Moab H6965 , arose [H8799]   H3898 and warred [H8735]   H3478 against Israel H7971 , and sent [H8799]   H7121 and called [H8799]   H1109 Balaam H1121 the son H1160 of Beor H7043 to curse [H8763]   you:
  10 H14 But I would [H8804]   H8085 not hearken [H8800]   H1109 unto Balaam H1288 ; therefore he blessed [H8762]   H1288 you still [H8800]   H5337 : so I delivered [H8686]   H3027 you out of his hand.
  11 H5674 And ye went over [H8799]   H3383 Jordan H935 , and came [H8799]   H3405 unto Jericho H1167 : and the men H3405 of Jericho H3898 fought [H8735]   H567 against you, the Amorites H6522 , and the Perizzites H3669 , and the Canaanites H2850 , and the Hittites H1622 , and the Girgashites H2340 , the Hivites H2983 , and the Jebusites H5414 ; and I delivered [H8799]   H3027 them into your hand.
  12 H7971 And I sent [H8799]   H6880 the hornet H6440 before H1644 you, which drave them out [H8762]   H6440 from before H8147 you, even the two H4428 kings H567 of the Amorites H2719 ; but not with thy sword H7198 , nor with thy bow.

Judges 11:21-23

  21 H3068 And the LORD H430 God H3478 of Israel H5414 delivered [H8799]   H5511 Sihon H5971 and all his people H3027 into the hand H3478 of Israel H5221 , and they smote [H8686]   H3478 them: so Israel H3423 possessed [H8799]   H776 all the land H567 of the Amorites H3427 , the inhabitants [H8802]   H776 of that country.
  22 H3423 And they possessed [H8799]   H1366 all the coasts H567 of the Amorites H769 , from Arnon H2999 even unto Jabbok H4057 , and from the wilderness H3383 even unto Jordan.
  23 H3068 So now the LORD H430 God H3478 of Israel H3423 hath dispossessed [H8689]   H567 the Amorites H6440 from before H5971 his people H3478 Israel H3423 , and shouldest thou possess [H8799]   it?

2 Samuel 23:16-22

  16 H7969 And the three H1368 mighty men H1234 brake through [H8799]   H4264 the host H6430 of the Philistines H7579 , and drew [H8799]   H4325 water H953 out of the well H1035 of Bethlehem H8179 , that was by the gate H5375 , and took [H8799]   H935 it, and brought [H8686]   H1732 it to David H14 : nevertheless he would [H8804]   H8354 not drink [H8800]   H5258 thereof, but poured it out [H8686]   H3068 unto the LORD.
  17 H559 And he said [H8799]   H2486 , Be it far H3068 from me, O LORD H6213 , that I should do [H8800]   H1818 this: is not this the blood H582 of the men H1980 that went [H8802]   H5315 in jeopardy of their lives H14 ? therefore he would [H8804]   H8354 not drink [H8800]   H6213 it. These things did [H8804]   H7969 these three H1368 mighty men.
  18 H52 And Abishai H251 , the brother H3097 of Joab H1121 , the son H6870 of Zeruiah H7218 , was chief H7992 among three H5782 . And he lifted up [H8790]   H2595 his spear H7969 against three H3967 hundred H2491 , and slew H8034 them, and had the name H7969 among three.
  19 H3513 Was he not most honourable [H8737]   H7969 of three H8269 ? therefore he was their captain H935 : howbeit he attained [H8804]   H7969 not unto the first three.
  20 H1141 And Benaiah H1121 the son H3077 of Jehoiada H1121 , the son H2428 of a valiant H376 man [H8677]   H381   H6909 , of Kabzeel H7227 , who had done many H6467 acts H5221 , he slew [H8689]   H8147 two H739 lionlike men H4124 of Moab H3381 : he went down [H8804]   H5221 also and slew [H8689]   H738 a lion H8432 in the midst H953 of a pit H3117 in time H7950 of snow:
  21 H2026 And he slew [H8799]   H4713 an Egyptian H4758 , a goodly H376 man H4713 : and the Egyptian H2595 had a spear H3027 in his hand H3381 ; but he went down [H8799]   H7626 to him with a staff H1497 , and plucked [H8799]   H2595 the spear H4713 out of the Egyptian's H3027 hand H5221 , and slew [H8689]   H2595 him with his own spear.
  22 H6213 These things did [H8804]   H1141 Benaiah H1121 the son H3077 of Jehoiada H8034 , and had the name H7969 among three H1368 mighty men.

Nehemiah 9:22-24

  22 H5414 Moreover thou gavest [H8799]   H4467 them kingdoms H5971 and nations H2505 , and didst divide [H8799]   H6285 them into corners H3423 : so they possessed [H8799]   H776 the land H5511 of Sihon H776 , and the land H4428 of the king H2809 of Heshbon H776 , and the land H5747 of Og H4428 king H1316 of Bashan.
  23 H1121 Their children H7235 also multipliedst [H8689]   H3556 thou as the stars H8064 of heaven H935 , and broughtest [H8686]   H776 them into the land H559 , concerning which thou hadst promised [H8804]   H1 to their fathers H935 , that they should go in [H8800]   H3423 to possess [H8800]   it .
  24 H1121 So the children H935 went in [H8799]   H3423 and possessed [H8799]   H776 the land H3665 , and thou subduedst [H8686]   H6440 before H3427 them the inhabitants [H8802]   H776 of the land H3669 , the Canaanites H5414 , and gavest [H8799]   H3027 them into their hands H4428 , with their kings H5971 , and the people H776 of the land H6213 , that they might do [H8800]   H7522 with them as they would.

Job 18:16

  16 H8328 His roots H3001 shall be dried up [H8799]   H4605 beneath, and above H7105 shall his branch H5243 be cut off [H8799]  .

Psalms 135:10-12

  10 H5221 Who smote [H8689]   H7227 great H1471 nations H2026 , and slew [H8804]   H6099 mighty H4428 kings;
  11 H5511 Sihon H4428 king H567 of the Amorites H5747 , and Og H4428 king H1316 of Bashan H4467 , and all the kingdoms H3667 of Canaan:
  12 H5414 And gave [H8804]   H776 their land H5159 for an heritage H5159 , an heritage H3478 unto Israel H5971 his people.

Psalms 136:17-22

  17 H5221 To him which smote [H8688]   H1419 great H4428 kings H2617 : for his mercy H5769 endureth for ever:
  18 H2026 And slew [H8799]   H117 famous H4428 kings H2617 : for his mercy H5769 endureth for ever:
  19 H5511 Sihon H4428 king H567 of the Amorites H2617 : for his mercy H5769 endureth for ever:
  20 H5747 And Og H4428 the king H1316 of Bashan H2617 : for his mercy H5769 endureth for ever:
  21 H5414 And gave [H8804]   H776 their land H5159 for an heritage H2617 : for his mercy H5769 endureth for ever:
  22 H5159 Even an heritage H3478 unto Israel H5650 his servant H2617 : for his mercy H5769 endureth for ever.

Isaiah 5:24

  24 H784 Therefore as the fire H398 devoureth [H8800]   H7179 the stubble H3956 , and the flame H3852   H7503 consumeth [H8799]   H2842 the chaff H8328 , so their root H4716 shall be as rottenness H6525 , and their blossom H5927 shall go up [H8799]   H80 as dust H3988 : because they have cast away [H8804]   H8451 the law H3068 of the LORD H6635 of hosts H5006 , and despised [H8765]   H565 the word H6918 of the Holy One H3478 of Israel.

Ezekiel 17:9

  9 H559 Say [H8798]   H559 thou, Thus saith [H8804]   H136 the Lord H3069 GOD H6743 ; Shall it prosper [H8799]   H5423 ? shall he not pull up [H8762]   H8328 the roots H7082 thereof, and cut off [H8779]   H6529 the fruit H3001 thereof, that it wither [H8804]   H3001 ? it shall wither [H8799]   H2964 in all the leaves H6780 of her spring H1419 , even without great H2220 power H7227 or many H5971 people H5375 to pluck it up [H8800]   H8328 by the roots thereof.

Malachi 4:1

  1 H3117 For, behold, the day H935 cometh [H8802]   H1197 , that shall burn [H8802]   H8574 as an oven H2086 ; and all the proud H6213 , yea, and all that do [H8802]   H7564 wickedly H7179 , shall be stubble H3117 : and the day H935 that cometh [H8802]   H3857 shall burn them up [H8765]   H559 , saith [H8804]   H3068 the LORD H6635 of hosts H5800 , that it shall leave [H8799]   H8328 them neither root H6057 nor branch.

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