Joab = "Jehovah is father" 1. son of David's sister Zeruiah and general of David's army 2. a Judaite descendant of Kenaz 3. a post exilic family
Origin: from H3068 and H1
TWOT: None
Parts of Speech: Proper Name Masculine TBESH:
Joab = "Jehovah is father" 1) son of David's sister Zeruiah and general of David's army 2) a Judaite descendant of Kenaz 3) a post exilic family
H5854 עטרות בּית יואב ‛aṭrôth bêyth yô'âbעטרות בּית יואב
‛aṭrôth bêyth yô'âb
From the same as H5852 and H1004 and H3097; crownsof the houseofJoab; Atroth-beth-Joab, a place in Palestine
H454 אליועיני אליהועיני 'elye hô‛êynay 'elyô‛êynayאליועיני אליהועיני
'elye hô‛êynay 'elyô‛êynay
From H413 and H3068 and H5869; towardsJehovah (are) myeyes; Eljehoenai or Eljoenai, the name of seven Israelites
KJV Usage: Elihoenai, Elionai.
H1953 הושׁמע hôshâmâ‛הושׁמע
From H3068 and H8085; Jehovahhasheard; Hoshama, an Israelite
KJV Usage: Hoshama.
H3050 יהּ yâhhיהּ
Contracted for H3068, and meaning the same; Jah, the sacred name
KJV Usage: Jah, the Lord, most vehement. Cp. names in “-iah,” “-jah.”
H3058 יהוּא yêhû'יהוּא
From H3068 and H1931; Jehovah (is) He; Jehu, the name of five Israelites
KJV Usage: Jehu.
H3059 יהואחז ye hô'âchâzיהואחז
ye hô'âchâz
From H3068 and H270; Jehovahseized; Jehoachaz, the name of three Israelites
H3069 יהוה ye hôvihיהוה
ye hôvih
A variation of H3068 (used after H136, and pronounced by Jews as H430, in order to prevent the repetition of the same sound, since they elsewhere pronounce H3068 as H136)
KJV Usage: God.
H3070 יהוה יראה ye hôvâh yir'ehיהוה יראה
ye hôvâh yir'eh
From H3068 and H7200; Jehovahwillsee (to it); Jehovah-Jireh, a symbolical name for Mt. Moriah
KJV Usage: Jehovah-jireh.
H3071 יהוה נסּי ye hôvâh nissı̂yיהוה נסּי
ye hôvâh nissı̂y
From H3068 and H5251 with pronominal suffix.; Jehovah (is) mybanner; Jehovah-Nissi, a symbolical name of an altar in the Desert
KJV Usage: Jehovah-nissi.
H3072 יהוה צדקנוּ ye hôvâh tsidqênûיהוה צדקנוּ
ye hôvâh tsidqênû
From H3068 and H6664 with pronominal suffix.; Jehovah (is) ourright; Jehovah-Tsidkenu, a symbolical epithet of the Messiah and of Jerusalem
KJV Usage: the Lord our righteousness.
H3073 יהוה שׁלום ye hôvâh shâlômיהוה שׁלום
ye hôvâh shâlôm
From H3068 and H7965; Jehovah (is) peace; Jehovah-Shalom, a symbolical name of an altar in Palestine
KJV Usage: Jehovah-shalom.
H3074 יהוה שׁמּה ye hôvâh shâmmâhיהוה שׁמּה
ye hôvâh shâmmâh
From H3068 and H8038 with directive enclitic; Jehovah (is) thither; Jehovah-Shammah, a symbolical title of Jerusalem
KJV Usage: Jehovah-shammah.
H3075 יהוזבד ye hôzâbâdיהוזבד
ye hôzâbâd
From H3068 and H2064; Jehovah-endowed; Jehozabad, the name of three Israelites
H3082 יהונדב ye hônâdâbיהונדב
ye hônâdâb
From H3068 and H5068; Jehovah-largessed; Jehonadab, the name of an Israelite and of an Arab
H3085 יהועדּה ye hô‛addâhיהועדּה
ye hô‛addâh
From H3068 and H5710; Jehovah-adorned; Jehoaddah, an Israelite
KJV Usage: Jehoada.
H3086 יהועדּן יהועדּין ye hô‛addı̂yn ye hô‛addânיהועדּן יהועדּין
ye hô‛addı̂yn ye hô‛addân
From H3068 and H5727; Jehovah-pleased; Jehoaddin or Jehoaddan, an Israelitess
KJV Usage: Jehoaddan.
H3087 יהוצדק ye hôtsâdâqיהוצדק
ye hôtsâdâq
From H3068 and H6663; Jehovah-righted; Jehotsadak, an Israelite
H3091 יהושׁע יהושׁוּע ye hôshûa‛ ye hôshûa‛יהושׁע יהושׁוּע
ye hôshûa‛ ye hôshûa‛
From H3068 and H3467; Jehovah-saved; Jehoshua (that is, Joshua), the Jewish leader
H3092 יהושׁפט ye hôshâphâṭיהושׁפט
ye hôshâphâṭ
From H3068 and H8199; Jehovah-judged; Jehoshaphat, the name of six Israelites; also of a valley near Jerusalem
H21 אבי 'ăbı̂yאבי
From H1; fatherly; Abi, Hezekiah’s mother
KJV Usage: Abi.
H22 אביאל 'ăbı̂y'êlאביאל
From H1 and H410; father (that is possessor) ofGod; Abiel, the name of two Israelites
KJV Usage: Abiel.
H23 אביאסף 'ăbı̂y'âsâphאביאסף
From H1 and H622; fatherofgathering (that is gatherer); Abiasaph, an Israelite
KJV Usage: Abiasaph.
H25 אבי גבעון 'ăbı̂y gib‛ônאבי גבעון
'ăbı̂y gib‛ôn
From H1 and H1391; father (that is founder) ofGibon; Abi-Gibon, perhaps an Israelite
KJV Usage: father of Gibeon.
H26 אביגל אביגיל 'ăbı̂ygayil 'ăbı̂ygalאביגל אביגיל
'ăbı̂ygayil 'ăbı̂ygal
From H1 and H1524; father (that is source) ofjoy; Abigail or Abigal, the name of two Israelitesses
KJV Usage: Abigal.
H27 אבידן 'ăbı̂ydânאבידן
From H1 and H1777; fatherofjudgment (that is judge); Abidan, an Israelite
KJV Usage: Abidan.
H28 אבידע 'ăbı̂ydâ‛אבידע
From H1 and H3045; fatherofknowledge (that is knowing); Abida, a son of Abraham by Keturah
KJV Usage: Abida, Abidah.
H29 אביּהוּ אביּה 'ăbı̂yâh 'ăbı̂yâhûאביּהוּ אביּה
'ăbı̂yâh 'ăbı̂yâhû
From H1 and H3050; father (that is worshipper) ofJah; Abijah, the name of several Israelite men and two Israelitesses
KJV Usage: Abiah, Abijah.
H30 אביהוּא 'ăbı̂yhû'אביהוּא
From H1 and H1931; father (that is worshipper) of Him (that is God); Abihu, a son of Aaron
KJV Usage: Abihu.
H31 אביהוּד 'ăbı̂yhûdאביהוּד
From H1 and H1935; father (that is, possessor) ofrenown; Abihud, the name of two Israelites
KJV Usage: Abihud.
H32 אביחיל אביהיל 'ăbı̂yhayil 'ăbı̂ychayilאביחיל אביהיל
'ăbı̂yhayil 'ăbı̂ychayil
(More correct in its second form); from H1 and H2428; father (that is, possessor) ofmight; Abihail or Abichail, the name of three Israelites and two Israelitesses
KJV Usage: Abihail.
H36 אביטוּב 'ăbı̂yṭûbאביטוּב
From H1 and H2898; fatherofgoodness (that is, good); Abitub, an Israelite
KJV Usage: Abitub.
H37 אביטל 'ăbı̂yṭalאביטל
From H1 and H2919; fatherofdew (that is, fresh); Abital, a wife of King David
KJV Usage: Abital.
H38 אביּם 'ăbı̂yâmאביּם
From H1 and H3220; fatherof (the) sea (that is, seaman); Abijam (or Abijah), a king of Judah
KJV Usage: Abijam.
H39 אבימאל 'ăbı̂ymâ'êlאבימאל
From H1 and an elsewhere unused (probably foreign) word; fatherofMael (apparently some Arab tribe); Abimael, a son of Joktan
KJV Usage: Abimael.
H40 אבימלך 'ăbı̂ymelekאבימלך
From H1 and H4428; fatherof (the) king; Abimelek, the name of two Philistine kings and of two Israelites
KJV Usage: Abimelech.
H41 אבינדב 'ăbı̂ynâdâbאבינדב
From H1 and H5068; fatherofgenerosity (that is, liberal); Abinadab, the name of four Israelites
KJV Usage: Abinadab.
H42 אבינעם 'ăbı̂ynô‛amאבינעם
From H1 and H5278; fatherofpleasantness (that is, gracious); Abinoam, an Israelite
KJV Usage: Abinoam.
H44 אביעזר 'ăbı̂y‛ezerאביעזר
From H1 and H5829; fatherofhelp (that is, helpful); Abiezer, the name of two Israelites
KJV Usage: Abiezer.
H45 אבי־עלבון 'ăbı̂y - ‛albônאבי־עלבון
'ăbı̂y - ‛albôn
From H1 and an unused root of uncertain derivation; probably fatherofstrength (that is, valiant); Abialbon, an Israelite
KJV Usage: Abialbon.
H48 אבירם 'ăbı̂yrâmאבירם
From H1 and H7311; fatherofheight (that is, lofty); Abiram, the name of two Israelites
KJV Usage: Abiram.
H49 אבישׁג 'ăbı̂yshagאבישׁג
From H1 and H7686; fatheroferror (that is, blundering); Abishag, a concubine of David
KJV Usage: Abishag.
H50 אבישׁוּע 'ăbı̂yshûa‛אבישׁוּע
From H1 and H7171; fatherofplenty (that is, prosperous); Abishua, the name of two Israelites
KJV Usage: Abishua.
H51 אבישׁוּר 'ăbı̂yshûrאבישׁוּר
From H1 and H7791; fatherof (the) wall (that is, perhaps mason), Abishur, an Israelites
KJV Usage: Abishur.
H52 אבשׁי אבישׁי 'ăbı̂yshay 'abshayאבשׁי אבישׁי
'ăbı̂yshay 'abshay
From H1 and H7862; fatherofagift (that is, probably generous); Abishai, an Israelite
KJV Usage: Abishai.
H53 אבשׁלום אבישׁלום 'ăbı̂yshâlôm 'abshâlômאבשׁלום אבישׁלום
'ăbı̂yshâlôm 'abshâlôm
From H1 and H7965; fatherofpeace (that is, friendly); Abshalom, a son of David; also (the fuller form) a later Israelite
KJV Usage: Abishalom, Absalom.
H54 אביתר 'ebyâthârאביתר
Contracted from H1 and H3498; fatherofabundance (that is, liberal); Ebjathar, an Israelite
KJV Usage: Abiathar.
H74 אבינר אבנר 'abnêr 'ăbı̂ynêrאבינר אבנר
'abnêr 'ăbı̂ynêr
From H1 and H5216; fatheroflight (that is, enlightening); Abner, an Israelite
KJV Usage: Abner.
H85 אברהם 'abrâhâmאברהם
Contracted from H1 and an unused root (probably meaning to bepopulous); fatherofamultitude; Abraham, the later name of Abram
KJV Usage: Abraham.
H171 אהליאב 'ohŏlı̂y'âbאהליאב
From H168 and H1; tentof (his) father; Oholiab, an Israelite
KJV Usage: Aholiab.
H178 אוב 'ôbאוב
From the same as H1 (apparently through the idea of prattling a father’s name); properly a mumble, that is, a water skin (from its hollow sound); hence a necromancer (ventriloquist, as from a jar)
KJV Usage: bottle, familiar spirit.
H251 אח 'âchאח
A primitive word; a brother (used in the widest sense of literal relationship and metaphorical affinity or resemblance (like H1))
Compare also the proper names beginning with “Ah-” or “Ahi-” .
H256 אחב אחאב 'ach'âb 'echâbאחב אחאב
'ach'âb 'echâb
The second form used once (by contraction) in Jeremiah 29:22; from H251 and H1; brother (that is, friend) of (his) father; Achab, the name of a king of Israel and of a prophet at Babylon
KJV Usage: Ahab.
H446 אליאב 'ĕlı̂y'âbאליאב
From H410 and H1; Godof (his) father; Eliab, the name of six Israelites
KJV Usage: Eliab.
H517 אם 'êmאם
A primitive word; a mother (as the bond of the family); in a wide sense (both literally and figuratively); (like H1)
KJV Usage: dam, mother, X parting.
H1121 בּן bênבּן
From H1129; a son (as a builder of the family name), in the widest sense (of literal and figurative relationship, including grandson, subject, nation, quality or condition, etc., (like H1, H251, etc.)
KJV Usage: + afflicted, age, [Ahoh-] [Ammon-] [Hachmon-] [Lev-]ite, [anoint-]ed one, appointed to, (+) arrow, [Assyr-] [Babylon-] [Egypt-] [Grec-]ian, one born, bough, branch, breed, + (young) bullock, + (young) calf, X came up in, child, colt, X common, X corn, daughter, X of first, + firstborn, foal, + very fruitful, + postage, X in, + kid, + lamb, (+) man, meet, + mighty, + nephew, old, (+) people, + rebel, + robber, X servant born, X soldier, son, + spark, + steward, + stranger, X surely, them of, + tumultuous one, + valiant[-est], whelp, worthy, young (one), youth.
H3428 ישׁבאב yesheb'âbישׁבאב
From H3427 and H1; seatof (his) father; Jeshebab, an Israelite
KJV Usage: Jeshebeab.
H3609 כּלאב kil'âbכּלאב
Apparently from H3607 and H1; restraintof (his) father; Kilab, an Israelite
KJV Usage: Chileab.
H4124 מואב mô'âbמואב
From a prolonged form of the prepositional prefix “m-” and H1; from (her (the mother’s)) father; Moab, an incestuous son of Lot; also his territory and descendants
KJV Usage: Moab.
H6065 ענשׁ ‛ănashענשׁ
H1 (Chaldee); coresp. to H6066; a mulct
KJV Usage: confiscation.
H6238 עשׁר ‛âsharעשׁר
A primitive root; properly to accumulate; chiefly (specifically) to grow (causatively make) rich
KJV Usage: be (-come, en-, make, make self, wax) rich, make [H1 Kings H22 : H48 margin]. See H6240.
H8134 שׁנאב shin'âbשׁנאב
Probably from H8132 and H1; a fatherhasturned; Shinab, a Canaanite
KJV Usage: Shinab.
G80 ἀδελφόςἀδελφός
From G1 (as a connective particle) and δελφύς delphus (the womb); a brother (literally or figuratively) near or remote (much like [H1])