
  1 G3706 The vision G* of Obadiah. G3592 Thus G3004 says G2962 the lord G3588   G2316 God G3588 to G* Edom. G189 [2a report G191 1I heard] G3844 from G2962 the lord, G2532 and G4042 a summary G1821 he sent out G1519 unto G3588 the G1484 nations, saying, G450 Rise up! G2532 even G1817 we should rise up G1909 against G1473 her G1519 for G4171 battle.
  2 G2400 Behold, G3641.1 [3very few G1325 1I have made G1473 2you] G1722 among G3588 the G1484 nations, G821 disgracing G1473 you G4970 exceedingly.
  3 G5243 Pride G3588   G2588 of your heart G1473   G1869 lifted you up, G1473   G2681 encamping G1722 in G3588 the G3692 openings G3588 of the G4073 rocks, G5312 exalting G2733 his dwelling, G1473   G3004 saying G1722 in G2588 his heart, G1473   G5100 Who G2609 shall lead me down G1473   G1909 unto G3588 the G1093 ground?
  4 G1437 If G3349 you should rise up on high G5613 as G105 an eagle, G2532 and G1437 if G303.1 in the midst G3588 of the G798 stars G5087 you should put G3555 your nest, G1473   G1564 from there G2609 I will lead you down, G1473   G3004 says G2962 the lord .
  5 G1487 If G2812 thieves G1525 entered G4314 to G1473 you, G2228 or G3027 robbers G3571 by night, G4226 where G302 would G641 you be thrown away? G3756 Would they not G302   G2813 have stolen G3588 the things G2425 fit G1438 for themselves? G2532 And G1487 if G5166.1 grape gatherers G1525 entered G4314 to G1473 you, G3756 would they not G302   G5275 have left behind G2018.3 a gleaning?
  6 G4459 How G1830 was Esau searched out, G*   G2532 and G2641 [2forsaken G3588   G2928 1his hidden things]? G1473  
  7 G2193 Unto G3588 the G3725 borders G1821 they sent G1473 you; G3956 all G3588 the G435 men G3588   G1242 of your covenant G1473   G436 opposed G1473 you; G1410 they prevailed G4314 against G1473 you; G435 [2men G1516 1peaceable] G1473 with you G5087 put G1749 an ambush G5270 underneath G1473 you. G3756 There is no G1510.2.3   G4907 understanding G1722 in G1473 them.
  8 G1722 In G3588   G2250 that day, G1565   G3004 says G2962 the lord, G622 I will destroy G4680 the wise ones G1537 from out of G3588   G* Edom, G2532 and G4907 understanding G1537 from G3735 the mount G* of Esau.
  9 G2532 And G4422 [2shall be terrified G3588   G3163.2 1your warriors], G1473   G3588 the ones G1537 from G* Teman, G3704 so that G1808 [2shall be removed G444 1man] G1537 from G3735 the mountain G* of Esau.
  10 G1223 Because of G3588 the G4967 slaughter G2532 and G3588 the G763 impiety G2596 against G80 your brother G1473   G* Jacob, G2572 [2shall cover G1473 3you G152 1shame], G2532 and G1808 you shall be removed G1519 into G3588 the G165 eon.
  11 G575 From G3739 which G2250 day G436 you opposed G1828.2 right opposite, G1722 in G2250 the day G162 of the capturing G241 by foreigners G1411 of his force, G1473   G2532 and G245 strangers G1525 entered G1519 into G4439 his gates, G1473   G2532 and G1909 over G* Jerusalem G906 they cast G2819 lots, G2532 even G1473 you G1510.2.5 were G5613 as G1520 one G1537 of G1473 them.
  12 G2532 And G3361 you should not G1896 have looked upon G2250 the day G80 of your brother G1473   G1722 in G2250 the day G245 of strangers; G2532 and G3361 you should not G2020.1 have rejoiced G1909 over G3588 the G5207 sons G* of Judah G1722 in G2250 the day G684 of their destruction; G1473   G2532 and G3361 you should not G3169.2 have spoken great words G1722 in G2250 the day G2347 of their affliction;
  13 G3366 nor G1525 should you have entered G1519 into G4439 the gates G2992 of peoples G1722 in G2250 the day G4192 of their miseries; G1473   G2532 and G3361 you should not G1896 have looked, G2532 even G1473 you, G3588   G4864 upon their gathering G1473   G1722 in G2250 the day G3639 of their ruin; G1473   G2532 and G3361 you should not have G4902.4 joined in an attack G1909 upon G3588   G1411 their force G1473   G1722 in G2250 the day G684 of their destruction; G1473  
  14 G3366 nor G2186 should you have stood G1909 upon G3588   G1326.2 their mountain passes G1473   G1842 to utterly destroy G3588 the ones G391.2 escaping G1537 of G1473 them; G3366 nor G4788 should you have closed up G3588 the ones G5343 fleeing G1537 from G1473 them G1722 in G2250 the day G2347 of their affliction.
  15 G1360 For G1451 [4 is near G3588 1the G2250 2day G2962 3 of the lord] G1909 upon G3956 all G3588 the G1484 nations. G3739 In which G5158 manner G4160 you did, G3779 so G1510.8.3 it will be G1473 to you. G3588   G468 Your recompense G1473   G467 shall be recompensed G1519 unto G2776 your head. G1473  
  16 G1360 For G3739 in which G5158 manner G4095 you drank G1909 upon G3588   G3735 [2mountain G3588   G39 1my holy], G1473   G4095 [4shall drink G3956 1 so all G3588 2the G1484 3nations] G3631 wine; G4095 they shall drink, G2532 and G2666 they shall swallow down, G2532 and G1510.8.6 they shall be G2531 as G3756 not G5224 having existed.
  17 G1722 But on G3588   G3735 mount G* Zion G1510.8.3 there will be G4991 deliverance, G2532 and G1510.8.3 there will be G39 a holy place. G2532 And G2624.1 [4shall inherit G3588 1the G3624 2house G* 3of Jacob] G3588 the ones G2624.1 inheriting G1473 them.
  18 G2532 And G1510.8.3 [4will be G3588 1the G3624 2house G* 3of Jacob] G4442 fire, G2532 and G3588 the G3624 house G* of Joseph G5395 a flame, G3588 but the G1161   G3624 house G* of Esau G1519 for G2562 stubble, G2532 and G1572 they shall be burnt G1519 in G1473 them, G2532 and G2719 they shall devour G1473 them; G2532 and G3756 there will not be G1510.8.3   G4447.2 a wheat harvest G3588 to the G3624 house G* of Esau; G3754 for G2962 the lord G2980 spoke.
  19 G2532 And G2624.1 [4shall inherit G3588 1the ones G1722 2in G* 3 the Negev] G3588 the G3735 mountain G3588   G* of Esau, G2532 even G3588 the ones G1722 dwelling in G3588 the G* Sephela G3588 of the G246 Philistines. G2532 And G2624.1 they shall inherit G3588 the G3735 mountain G* of Ephraim, G2532 and G3588 the G3977.1 plain G* of Samaria, G2532 and G* Benjamin, G2532 and G3588 the G* land of Gilead.
  20 G2532 And G3588 the G3350 displacement G3588   G746 of this company G1473   G3588 to the G5207 sons G* of Israel shall inherit G3588 that G3588 of the G* Canaanites, G2193 unto G* Zarephath; G2532 and G3588 the G3350 displacement G* of Jerusalem, G2193 unto G* Ephratah, G2816 shall inherit G3588 the G4172 cities G3588 of the G* Negev.
  21 G2532 And G305 [2shall ascend G391.2 1the ones being rescued] G1537 from G3735 mount G* Zion G3588   G1556 to take vengeance on G3588 the G3735 mountain G* of Esau; G2532 and G1510.8.3 [3will be G3588 4to the G2962 5 lord G3588 1the G932 2kingdom].
  1 G3706 όρασις G* Αβδιού G3592 τάδε G3004 λέγει G2962 κύριος G3588 ο G2316 θεός G3588 τη G* Ιδουμαία G189 ακοήν G191 ήκουσα G3844 παρά G2962 κυρίου G2532 και G4042 περιοχήν G1821 εξαπέστειλεν G1519 εις G3588 τα G1484 έθνη G450 ανάστητε G2532 και G1817 εξαναστώμεν G1909 επ΄ G1473 αυτήν G1519 εις G4171 πόλεμον
  2 G2400 ιδού G3641.1 ολιγοστόν G1325 δέδωκά G1473 σε G1722 εν G3588 τοις G1484 έθνεσιν G821 ητιμωμένος G1473 συ G4970 σφόδρα
  3 G5243 υπερηφανία G3588 της G2588 καρδίας σου G1473   G1869 επηρέ σε G1473   G2681 κατασκηνούντα G1722 εν G3588 ταις G3692 οπαίς G3588 των G4073 πετρών G5312 υψών G2733 κατοικίαν αυτού G1473   G3004 λέγων G1722 εν G2588 καρδία αυτού G1473   G5100 τις G2609 κατάξει με G1473   G1909 επί G3588 την G1093 γην
  4 G1437 εάν G3349 μετεωρισθής G5613 ως G105 αετός G2532 και G1437 εάν G303.1 άναμέσον G3588 των G798 άστρων G5087 θης G3555 νοσσιάν σου G1473   G1564 εκείθεν G2609 κατάξω σε G1473   G3004 λέγει G2962 κύριος
  5 G1487 ει G2812 κλέπται G1525 εισήλθον G4314 προς G1473 σε G2228 η G3027 λησταί G3571 νυκτός G4226 που G302 αν G641 απερρίφης G3756 ουκ αν G302   G2813 έκλεψαν G3588 τα G2425 ικανά G1438 εαυτοίς G2532 και G1487 ει G5166.1 τρυγηταί G1525 εισήλθον G4314 προς G1473 σε G3756 ουκ αν G302   G5275 υπελείποντο G2018.3 επιφυλλίδα
  6 G4459 πως G1830 εξηρευνήθη Ησαύ G*   G2532 και G2641 κατελήφθη G3588 τα G2928 κεκρυμμένα αυτού G1473  
  7 G2193 έως G3588 των G3725 ορίων G1821 εξαπέστειλάν G1473 σε G3956 πάντες G3588 οι G435 άνδρες G3588 της G1242 διαθήκης σου G1473   G436 αντέστησάν G1473 σοι G1410 ηδυνάσθησαν G4314 προς G1473 σε G435 άνδρες G1516 ειρηνικοί G1473 σοι G5087 έθηκαν G1749 ένεδρα G5270 υποκάτω G1473 σου G3756 ουκ έστι G1510.2.3   G4907 σύνεσις G1722 εν G1473 αυτοίς
  8 G1722 εν G3588 τη G2250 ημέρα εκείνη G1565   G3004 λέγει G2962 κύριος G622 απολώ G4680 σοφούς G1537 εκ G3588 της G* Ιδουμαίας G2532 και G4907 σύνεσιν G1537 εξ G3735 όρους G* Ήσαυ
  9 G2532 και G4422 πτοηθήσονται G3588 οι G3163.2 μαχηταί σου G1473   G3588 οι G1537 εκ G* Θαιμάν G3704 όπως G1808 εξαρθή G444 άνθρωπος G1537 εξ G3735 όρους G* Ήσαυ
  10 G1223 διά G3588 την G4967 σφαγην G2532 και G3588 την G763 ασέβειαν G2596 κατά G80 αδελφού σου G1473   G* Ιακώβ G2572 καλύψει G1473 σε G152 αισχύνη G2532 και G1808 εξαρθήση G1519 εις G3588 τον G165 αιώνα
  11 G575 αφ΄ G3739 ης G2250 ημέρας G436 αντέστης G1828.2 εξεναντίας G1722 εν G2250 ημέρα G162 αιχμαλωτευόντων G241 αλλογενών G1411 δύναμιν αυτού G1473   G2532 και G245 αλλότριοι G1525 εισήλθον G1519 εις G4439 πύλας αυτού G1473   G2532 και G1909 επί G* Ιερουσαλήμ G906 έβαλον G2819 κλήρους G2532 και G1473 υμείς G1510.2.5 έστε G5613 ως G1520 εις G1537 εξ G1473 αυτών
  12 G2532 και G3361 μη G1896 επίδης G2250 ημέραν G80 αδελφού σου G1473   G1722 εν G2250 ημέρα G245 αλλοτρίων G2532 και G3361 μη G2020.1 επιχαρής G1909 επί G3588 τους G5207 υιούς G* Ιούδα G1722 εν G2250 ημέρα G684 απωλείας αυτών G1473   G2532 και G3361 μη G3169.2 μεγαλορρημονήσης G1722 εν G2250 ημέρα G2347 θλίψεως
  13 G3366 μηδέ G1525 εισέλθης G1519 εις G4439 πύλας G2992 λαών G1722 εν G2250 ημέρα G4192 πόνων αυτών G1473   G2532 και G3361 μη G1896 επίδης G2532 και G1473 συ G3588 την G4864 συναγωγήν αυτών G1473   G1722 εν G2250 ημέρα G3639 ολέθρου αυτών G1473   G2532 και G3361 μη G4902.4 συνεπιθή G1909 επί G3588 την G1411 δύναμιν αυτών G1473   G1722 εν G2250 ημέρα G684 απωλείας αυτών G1473  
  14 G3366 μηδέ G2186 επιστής G1909 επί G3588 τας G1326.2 διεκβολάς αυτών G1473   G1842 εξολοθρεύσαι G3588 τους G391.2 ανασωζομένους G1537 εξ G1473 αυτών G3366 μηδέ G4788 συγκλείσης G3588 τους G5343 φεύγοντας G1537 εξ G1473 αυτών G1722 εν G2250 ημέρα G2347 θλίψεως
  15 G1360 διότι G1451 εγγύς G3588 η G2250 ημέρα G2962 κυρίου G1909 επί G3956 πάντα G3588 τα G1484 έθνη G3739 ον G5158 τρόπον G4160 εποίησας G3779 όυτως G1510.8.3 έσται G1473 σοι G3588 το G468 ανταπόδομά σου G1473   G467 ανταποδοθήσεται G1519 εις G2776 κεφαλήν σου G1473  
  16 G1360 διότι G3739 ον G5158 τρόπον G4095 έπιες G1909 επί G3588 το G3735 όρος G3588 το G39 άγιόν μου G1473   G4095 πίονται G3956 πάντα G3588 τα G1484 έθνη G3631 οίνον G4095 πίονται G2532 και G2666 καταπίονται G2532 και G1510.8.6 έσονται G2531 καθώς G3756 ουχ G5224 υπάρχοντες
  17 G1722 εν δε G3588 τω G3735 όρει G* Σιών G1510.8.3 έσται G4991 σωτηρία G2532 και G1510.8.3 έσται G39 άγιον G2532 και G2624.1 κατακληρονομήσουσιν G3588 ο G3624 οίκος G* Ιακώβ G3588 τους G2624.1 κατακληρονομήσαντας G1473 αυτούς
  18 G2532 και G1510.8.3 έσται G3588 ο G3624 όικος G* Ιακώβ G4442 πυρ G2532 και G3588 ο G3624 όικος G* Ιωσήφ G5395 φλοξ G3588 ο δε G1161   G3624 όικος G* Ησαύ G1519 εις G2562 καλάμην G2532 και G1572 εκκαυθήσονται G1519 εις G1473 αυτούς G2532 και G2719 καταφάγονται G1473 αυτούς G2532 και G3756 ουκ έσται G1510.8.3   G4447.2 πυροφόρος G3588 τω G3624 όικω G* Ησαύ G3754 ότι G2962 κύριος G2980 ελάλησε
  19 G2532 και G2624.1 κατακληρονομήσουσιν G3588 οι G1722 εν G* Ναγέβ G3588 το G3735 όρος G3588 το G* Ησαύ G2532 και G3588 οι G1722 εν G3588 τη G* Σεφηλά G3588 τους G246 αλλοφύλους G2532 και G2624.1 κατακληρονομήσουσι G3588 το G3735 όρος G* Εφραϊμ G2532 και G3588 το G3977.1 πεδίον G* Σαμαρείας G2532 και G* Βενιαμίν G2532 και G3588 την G* Γαλααδίτιν
  20 G2532 και G3588 της G3350 μετοικεσίας G3588 η G746 αρχή αύτη G1473   G3588 τοις G5207 υιοίς G* Ισραήλ G3588 τη G3588 των G* Χαναναίων G2193 έως G* Σαρέπτων G2532 και G3588 η G3350 μετοικεσία G* Ιερουσαλήμ G2193 έως G* Εφραθά G2816 κληρονομήσουσι G3588 τας G4172 πόλεις G3588 του G* Ναγέβ
  21 G2532 και G305 αναβήσονται G391.2 ανασωζόμενοι G1537 εξ G3735 όρους G* Σιών G3588 του G1556 εκδικήσαι G3588 το G3735 όρος G* Ησαύ G2532 και G1510.8.3 έσται G3588 τω G2962 κυρίω G3588 η G932 βασιλεία
    1 G3706 N-NSF ορασις   N-GSM αβδιου G3592 D-APN ταδε G3004 V-PAI-3S λεγει G2962 N-NSM κυριος G3588 T-NSM ο G2316 N-NSM θεος G3588 T-DSF τη G2401 N-DSF ιδουμαια G189 N-ASF ακοην G191 V-AAI-1S ηκουσα G3844 PREP παρα G2962 N-GSM κυριου G2532 CONJ και G4042 N-ASF περιοχην G1519 PREP εις G3588 T-APN τα G1484 N-APN εθνη G1821 V-AAI-3S εξαπεστειλεν G450 V-AAD-2P αναστητε G2532 CONJ και   V-AAS-1P εξαναστωμεν G1909 PREP επ G846 D-ASF αυτην G1519 PREP εις G4171 N-ASM πολεμον
    2 G2400 INJ ιδου   A-ASM ολιγοστον G1325 V-RAI-1S δεδωκα G4771 P-AS σε G1722 PREP εν G3588 T-DPN τοις G1484 N-DPN εθνεσιν G821 V-RPPNS ητιμωμενος G4771 P-NS συ G1510 V-PAI-2S ει G4970 ADV σφοδρα
    3 G5243 N-NSF υπερηφανια G3588 T-GSF της G2588 N-GSF καρδιας G4771 P-GS σου   V-AAI-3S επηρεν G4771 P-AS σε G2681 V-PAPAS κατασκηνουντα G1722 PREP εν G3588 T-DPF ταις G3692 N-DPF οπαις G3588 T-GPM των G4074 N-GPM πετρων G5311 N-GPN υψων G2733 N-ASF κατοικιαν G846 D-GSM αυτου G3004 V-PAPNS λεγων G1722 PREP εν G2588 N-DSF καρδια G846 D-GSM αυτου G5100 I-NSM τις G1473 P-AS με G2609 V-FAI-3S καταξει G1909 PREP επι G3588 T-ASF την G1065 N-ASF γην
    4 G1437 CONJ εαν G3349 V-APS-2S μετεωρισθης G3739 CONJ ως G105 N-NSM αετος G2532 CONJ και G1437 CONJ εαν G303 PREP ανα G3319 A-ASN μεσον G3588 T-GPN των G798 N-GPN αστρων G5087 V-AAS-2S θης G3555 N-ASF νοσσιαν G4771 P-GS σου G1564 ADV εκειθεν G2609 V-FAI-1S καταξω G4771 P-AS σε G3004 V-PAI-3S λεγει G2962 N-NSM κυριος
    5 G1487 CONJ ει G2812 N-NPM κλεπται G1525 V-AAI-3P εισηλθον G4314 PREP προς G4771 P-AS σε G2228 CONJ η G3027 N-NPM λησται G3571 N-GSF νυκτος G4225 ADV που G302 PRT αν   V-API-2S απερριφης G3364 ADV ουκ G302 PRT αν G2813 V-AAI-3P εκλεψαν G3588 T-APN τα G2425 A-APN ικανα G1438 D-DPM εαυτοις G2532 CONJ και G1487 CONJ ει   N-NPM τρυγηται G1525 V-AAI-3P εισηλθον G4314 PREP προς G4771 P-AS σε G3364 ADV ουκ G302 PRT αν G5275 V-AMI-3P υπελιποντο   N-ASF επιφυλλιδα
    6 G4459 ADV πως G1830 V-API-3S εξηρευνηθη G2269 N-PRI ησαυ G2532 CONJ και G2638 V-API-3S κατελημφθη G846 D-GSM αυτου G3588 T-NPN τα G2928 V-RMPNP κεκρυμμενα
    7 G2193 PREP εως G3588 T-GPN των G3725 N-GPN οριων G4771 P-GS σου G1821 V-AAI-3P εξαπεστειλαν G4771 P-AS σε G3956 A-NPM παντες G3588 T-NPM οι G435 N-NPM ανδρες G3588 T-GSF της G1242 N-GSF διαθηκης G4771 P-GS σου   V-AAI-3P αντεστησαν G4771 P-DS σοι G1410 V-API-3P ηδυνασθησαν G4314 PREP προς G4771 P-AS σε G435 N-NPM ανδρες G1516 A-NPM ειρηνικοι G4771 P-GS σου G5087 V-AAI-3P εθηκαν G1749 N-APN ενεδρα G5270 PREP υποκατω G4771 P-GS σου G3364 ADV ουκ G1510 V-PAI-3S εστιν G4907 N-NSF συνεσις G846 D-DPM αυτοις
    8 G1722 PREP εν G1565 D-DSF εκεινη G3588 T-DSF τη G2250 N-DSF ημερα G3004 V-PAI-3S λεγει G2962 N-NSM κυριος   V-FAI-1S απολω G4680 A-APM σοφους G1537 PREP εκ G3588 T-GSF της G2401 N-GSF ιδουμαιας G2532 CONJ και G4907 N-ASF συνεσιν G1537 PREP εξ G3735 N-GSN ορους G2269 N-PRI ησαυ
    9 G2532 CONJ και G4422 V-FPI-3P πτοηθησονται G3588 T-NPM οι   N-NPM μαχηται G4771 P-GS σου G3588 T-NPM οι G1537 PREP εκ   N-PRI θαιμαν G3704 CONJ οπως G1808 V-APS-3S εξαρθη G444 N-NSM ανθρωπος G1537 PREP εξ G3735 N-GSN ορους G2269 N-PRI ησαυ
    10 G1223 PREP δια G3588 T-ASF την G4967 N-ASF σφαγην G2532 CONJ και G3588 T-ASF την G763 N-ASF ασεβειαν G3588 T-ASF την G1519 PREP εις G3588 T-ASM τον G80 N-ASM αδελφον G4771 P-GS σου G2384 N-PRI ιακωβ G2532 CONJ και G2572 V-FAI-3S καλυψει G4771 P-AS σε G152 N-NSF αισχυνη G2532 CONJ και G1808 V-FPI-2S εξαρθηση G1519 PREP εις G3588 T-ASM τον G165 N-ASM αιωνα
    11 G575 PREP αφ G3739 R-GSF ης G2250 N-GSF ημερας   V-AAI-2S αντεστης G1537 PREP εξ G1727 A-GSF εναντιας G1722 PREP εν G2250 N-DSF ημερα G162 V-PAPGP αιχμαλωτευοντων G241 A-GPM αλλογενων G1411 N-ASF δυναμιν G846 D-GSM αυτου G2532 CONJ και G245 A-NPM αλλοτριοι G1525 V-AAI-3P εισηλθον G1519 PREP εις G4439 N-APF πυλας G846 D-GSM αυτου G2532 CONJ και G1909 PREP επι G2419 N-PRI ιερουσαλημ G906 V-AAI-3P εβαλον G2819 N-APM κληρους G2532 CONJ και G4771 P-NS συ G1510 V-IAI-2S ης G3739 CONJ ως G1519 A-NSM εις G1537 PREP εξ G846 D-GPM αυτων
    12 G2532 CONJ και G3165 ADV μη   V-PAS-2S επιδης G2250 N-ASF ημεραν G80 N-GSM αδελφου G4771 P-GS σου G1722 PREP εν G2250 N-DSF ημερα G245 A-GPM αλλοτριων G2532 CONJ και G3165 ADV μη   V-APS-2S επιχαρης G1909 PREP επι G3588 T-APM τους G5207 N-APM υιους G2448 N-PRI ιουδα G1722 PREP εν G2250 N-DSF ημερα G684 N-GSF απωλειας G846 D-GPM αυτων G2532 CONJ και G3165 ADV μη   V-AAS-2S μεγαλορρημονησης G1722 PREP εν G2250 N-DSF ημερα G2347 N-GSF θλιψεως
    13 G3366 CONJ μηδε G1525 V-AAS-2S εισελθης G1519 PREP εις G4439 N-APF πυλας G2992 N-GPM λαων G1722 PREP εν G2250 N-DSF ημερα G4192 N-GPM πονων G846 D-GPM αυτων G3366 CONJ μηδε   V-PAS-2S επιδης G2532 CONJ και G4771 P-NS συ G3588 T-ASF την G4864 N-ASF συναγωγην G846 D-GPM αυτων G1722 PREP εν G2250 N-DSF ημερα G3639 N-GSM ολεθρου G846 D-GPM αυτων G3366 CONJ μηδε   V-AAS-3S συνεπιθη G1909 PREP επι G3588 T-ASF την G1411 N-ASF δυναμιν G846 D-GPM αυτων G1722 PREP εν G2250 N-DSF ημερα G684 N-GSF απωλειας G846 D-GPM αυτων
    14 G3366 CONJ μηδε   V-AAS-2S επιστης G1909 PREP επι G3588 T-APF τας   N-APF διεκβολας G846 D-GPM αυτων G3588 T-GSN του   V-AAN εξολεθρευσαι G3588 T-APM τους   V-PMPAP ανασωζομενους G846 D-GPM αυτων G3366 CONJ μηδε G4788 V-AAS-2S συγκλεισης G3588 T-APM τους G5343 V-PAPAP φευγοντας G1537 PREP εξ G846 D-GPM αυτων G1722 PREP εν G2250 N-DSF ημερα G2347 N-GSF θλιψεως
    15 G1360 CONJ διοτι G1451 ADV εγγυς G2250 N-NSF ημερα G2962 N-GSM κυριου G1909 PREP επι G3956 A-APN παντα G3588 T-APN τα G1484 N-APN εθνη G3739 R-ASM ον G5158 N-ASM τροπον G4160 V-AAI-2S εποιησας G3778 ADV ουτως G1510 V-FMI-3S εσται G4771 P-DS σοι G3588 T-NSN το   N-NSN ανταποδομα G4771 P-GS σου G467 V-FPI-3S ανταποδοθησεται G1519 PREP εις G2776 N-ASF κεφαλην G4771 P-GS σου
    16 G1360 CONJ διοτι G3739 R-ASM ον G5158 N-ASM τροπον G4095 V-AAI-2S επιες G1909 PREP επι G3588 T-ASN το G3735 N-ASN ορος G3588 T-ASN το G40 A-ASN αγιον G1473 P-GS μου G4095 V-FMI-3P πιονται G3956 A-NPN παντα G3588 T-NPN τα G1484 N-NPN εθνη G3631 N-ASM οινον G4095 V-FMI-3P πιονται G2532 CONJ και G2597 V-FMI-3P καταβησονται G2532 CONJ και G1510 V-FMI-3P εσονται G2531 ADV καθως G3364 ADV ουχ G5225 V-PAPNP υπαρχοντες
    17 G1722 PREP εν G1161 PRT δε G3588 T-DSN τω G3735 N-DSN ορει G4622 N-PRI σιων G1510 V-FMI-3S εσται G3588 T-NSF η G4991 N-NSF σωτηρια G2532 CONJ και G1510 V-FMI-3S εσται G40 A-NSN αγιον G2532 CONJ και   V-FAI-3P κατακληρονομησουσιν G3588 T-NSM ο G3624 N-NSM οικος G2384 N-PRI ιακωβ G3588 T-APM τους   V-AAPAP κατακληρονομησαντας G846 D-APM αυτους
    18 G2532 CONJ και G1510 V-FMI-3S εσται G3588 T-NSM ο G3624 N-NSM οικος G2384 N-PRI ιακωβ G4442 N-NSN πυρ G3588 T-NSM ο G1161 PRT δε G3624 N-NSM οικος G2501 N-PRI ιωσηφ G5395 N-NSF φλοξ G3588 T-NSM ο G1161 PRT δε G3624 N-NSM οικος G2269 N-PRI ησαυ G1519 PREP εις G2562 N-ASF καλαμην G2532 CONJ και G1572 V-FPI-3P εκκαυθησονται G1519 PREP εις G846 D-APM αυτους G2532 CONJ και G2719 V-FMI-3P καταφαγονται G846 D-APM αυτους G2532 CONJ και G3364 ADV ουκ G1510 V-FMI-3S εσται   A-NSM πυροφορος G1722 PREP εν G3588 T-DSM τω G3624 N-DSM οικω G2269 N-PRI ησαυ G1360 CONJ διοτι G2962 N-NSM κυριος G2980 V-AAI-3S ελαλησεν
    19 G2532 CONJ και   V-FAI-3P κατακληρονομησουσιν G3588 T-NPM οι G1722 PREP εν   N-PRI ναγεβ G3588 T-ASN το G3735 N-ASN ορος G3588 T-ASN το G2269 N-PRI ησαυ G2532 CONJ και G3588 T-NPM οι G1722 PREP εν G3588 T-DSF τη   N-PRI σεφηλα G3588 T-APM τους G246 A-APM αλλοφυλους G2532 CONJ και   V-FAI-3P κατακληρονομησουσιν G3588 T-ASN το G3735 N-ASN ορος G2187 N-PRI εφραιμ G2532 CONJ και G3588 T-ASN το   N-ASN πεδιον G4540 N-GSF σαμαρειας G2532 CONJ και G958 N-PRI βενιαμιν G2532 CONJ και G3588 T-ASF την   N-ASF γαλααδιτιν
    20 G2532 CONJ και G3588 T-GSF της G3350 N-GSF μετοικεσιας G3588 T-NSF η G746 N-NSF αρχη G3778 D-NSF αυτη G3588 T-DPM τοις G5207 N-DPM υιοις G2474 N-PRI ισραηλ G1065 N-NSF γη G3588 T-GPM των   N-GPM χαναναιων G2193 PREP εως G4558 N-GPF σαρεπτων G2532 CONJ και G3588 T-NSF η G3350 N-NSF μετοικεσια G2419 N-PRI ιερουσαλημ G2193 PREP εως   N-PRI εφραθα G2532 CONJ και G2816 V-FAI-3P κληρονομησουσιν G3588 T-APF τας G4172 N-APF πολεις G3588 T-GSM του   N-PRI ναγεβ
    21 G2532 CONJ και G305 V-FMI-3P αναβησονται G435 N-NPM ανδρες G4982 V-RPPNP σεσωσμενοι G1537 PREP εξ G3735 N-GSN ορους G4622 N-PRI σιων G3588 T-GSN του G1556 V-AAN εκδικησαι G3588 T-ASN το G3735 N-ASN ορος G2269 N-PRI ησαυ G2532 CONJ και G1510 V-FMI-3S εσται G3588 T-DSM τω G2962 N-DSM κυριω G3588 T-NSF η G932 N-NSF βασιλεια
HOT(i) 1 חזון עבדיה כה אמר אדני יהוה לאדום שׁמועה שׁמענו מאת יהוה וציר בגוים שׁלח קומו ונקומה עליה למלחמה׃ 2 הנה קטן נתתיך בגוים בזוי אתה מאד׃ 3 זדון לבך השׁיאך שׁכני בחגוי סלע מרום שׁבתו אמר בלבו מי יורדני ארץ׃ 4 אם תגביה כנשׁר ואם בין כוכבים שׂים קנך משׁם אורידך נאם יהוה׃ 5 אם גנבים באו לך אם שׁודדי לילה איך נדמיתה הלוא יגנבו דים אם בצרים באו לך הלוא ישׁאירו עללות׃ 6 איך נחפשׂו עשׂו נבעו מצפניו׃ 7 עד הגבול שׁלחוך כל אנשׁי בריתך השׁיאוך יכלו לך אנשׁי שׁלמך לחמך ישׂימו מזור תחתיך אין תבונה׃ 8 הלוא ביום ההוא נאם יהוה והאבדתי חכמים מאדום ותבונה מהר עשׂו׃ 9 וחתו גבוריך תימן למען יכרת אישׁ מהר עשׂו מקטל׃ 10 מחמס אחיך יעקב תכסך בושׁה ונכרת לעולם׃ 11 ביום עמדך מנגד ביום שׁבות זרים חילו ונכרים באו שׁערו ועל ירושׁלם ידו גורל גם אתה כאחד מהם׃ 12 ואל תרא ביום אחיך ביום נכרו ואל תשׂמח לבני יהודה ביום אבדם ואל תגדל פיך ביום צרה׃ 13 אל תבוא בשׁער עמי ביום אידם אל תרא גם אתה ברעתו ביום אידו ואל תשׁלחנה בחילו ביום אידו׃ 14 ואל תעמד על הפרק להכרית את פליטיו ואל תסגר שׂרידיו ביום צרה׃ 15 כי קרוב יום יהוה על כל הגוים כאשׁר עשׂית יעשׂה לך גמלך ישׁוב בראשׁך׃ 16 כי כאשׁר שׁתיתם על הר קדשׁי ישׁתו כל הגוים תמיד ושׁתו ולעו והיו כלוא היו׃ 17 ובהר ציון תהיה פליטה והיה קדשׁ וירשׁו בית יעקב את מורשׁיהם׃ 18 והיה בית יעקב אשׁ ובית יוסף להבה ובית עשׂו לקשׁ ודלקו בהם ואכלום ולא יהיה שׂריד לבית עשׂו כי יהוה דבר׃ 19 וירשׁו הנגב את הר עשׂו והשׁפלה את פלשׁתים וירשׁו את שׂדה אפרים ואת שׂדה שׁמרון ובנימן את הגלעד׃ 20 וגלת החל הזה לבני ישׂראל אשׁר כנענים עד צרפת וגלת ירושׁלם אשׁר בספרד ירשׁו את ערי הנגב׃ 21 ועלו מושׁעים בהר ציון לשׁפט את הר עשׂו והיתה ליהוה המלוכה׃
IHOT(i) (In English order)
  1 H2377 חזון The vision H5662 עבדיה of Obadiah. H3541 כה Thus H559 אמר saith H136 אדני the Lord H3068 יהוה the LORD, H123 לאדום concerning Edom; H8052 שׁמועה a rumor H8085 שׁמענו We have heard H853 מאת   H3069 יהוה GOD H6735 וציר and an ambassador H1471 בגוים among the heathen, H7971 שׁלח is sent H6965 קומו Arise H6965 ונקומה ye, and let us rise up H5921 עליה against H4421 למלחמה׃ her in battle.
  2 H2009 הנה Behold, H6996 קטן thee small H5414 נתתיך I have made H1471 בגוים among the heathen: H959 בזוי despised. H859 אתה thou H3966 מאד׃ art greatly
  3 H2087 זדון The pride H3820 לבך of thine heart H5377 השׁיאך hath deceived H7931 שׁכני thee, thou that dwellest H2288 בחגוי in the clefts H5553 סלע of the rock, H4791 מרום high; H7674 שׁבתו   H559 אמר that saith H3820 בלבו in his heart, H4310 מי Who H3381 יורדני shall bring me down H776 ארץ׃ to the ground?
  4 H518 אם Though H1361 תגביה thou exalt H5404 כנשׁר as the eagle, H518 ואם and though H996 בין among H3556 כוכבים the stars, H7760 שׂים thou set H7064 קנך thy nest H8033 משׁם thence H3381 אורידך will I bring thee down, H5002 נאם saith H3068 יהוה׃ the LORD.
  5 H518 אם If H1590 גנבים thieves H935 באו came H518 לך אם to thee, if H7703 שׁודדי robbers H3915 לילה by night, H349 איך (how H1820 נדמיתה art thou cut off!) H3808 הלוא would they not H1589 יגנבו have stolen H1767 דים till they had enough? H518 אם if H1219 בצרים the grape gatherers H935 באו came H3808 לך הלוא to thee, would they not H7604 ישׁאירו leave H5955 עללות׃ grapes?
  6 H349 איך How H2664 נחפשׂו searched out! H6215 עשׂו are of Esau H1158 נבעו sought up! H4710 מצפניו׃ are his hidden things
  7 H5704 עד thee to H1366 הגבול the border: H7971 שׁלחוך have brought H3605 כל All H582 אנשׁי   H1285 בריתך of thy confederacy H5377 השׁיאוך with thee have deceived H3201 יכלו thee, prevailed H582 לך אנשׁי   H7965 שׁלמך that were at peace H3899 לחמך against thee; thy bread H7760 ישׂימו have laid H4204 מזור a wound H8478 תחתיך under H369 אין thee: none H8394 תבונה׃ understanding
  8 H3808 הלוא Shall I not H3117 ביום day, H1931 ההוא in that H5002 נאם saith H3068 יהוה the LORD, H6 והאבדתי even destroy H2450 חכמים the wise H123 מאדום   H8394 ותבונה and understanding H2022 מהר out of the mount H6215 עשׂו׃ of Esau?
  9 H2865 וחתו shall be dismayed, H1368 גבוריך And thy mighty H8487 תימן O Teman, H4616 למען to the end that H3772 יכרת may be cut off H376 אישׁ every one H2022 מהר of the mount H6215 עשׂו of Esau H6993 מקטל׃ by slaughter.
  10 H2555 מחמס   H251 אחיך against thy brother H3290 יעקב Jacob H3680 תכסך shall cover H955 בושׁה shame H3772 ונכרת thee, and thou shalt be cut off H5769 לעולם׃ forever.
  11 H3117 ביום In the day H5975 עמדך that thou stoodest H5048 מנגד on the other side, H3117 ביום in the day H7617 שׁבות carried away captive H2114 זרים that the strangers H2428 חילו his forces, H5237 ונכרים and foreigners H935 באו entered into H8179 שׁערו his gates, H5921 ועל upon H3389 ירושׁלם Jerusalem, H3032 ידו and cast H1486 גורל lots H1571 גם even H859 אתה thou H259 כאחד as one H1992 מהם׃  
  12 H408 ואל But thou shouldest not H7200 תרא have looked H3117 ביום on the day H251 אחיך of thy brother H3117 ביום in the day H5237 נכרו that he became a stranger; H408 ואל neither H8055 תשׂמח shouldest thou have rejoiced H1121 לבני over the children H3063 יהודה of Judah H3117 ביום in the day H6 אבדם of their destruction; H408 ואל neither H1431 תגדל shouldest thou have spoken proudly H6310 פיך shouldest thou have spoken proudly H3117 ביום in the day H6869 צרה׃ of distress.
  13 H408 אל Thou shouldest not H935 תבוא have entered H8179 בשׁער into the gate H5971 עמי of my people H3117 ביום in the day H343 אידם of their calamity; H408 אל shouldest not H7200 תרא have looked H1571 גם yea, H859 אתה thou H7451 ברעתו on their affliction H3117 ביום in the day H343 אידו of their calamity, H408 ואל nor H7971 תשׁלחנה have laid H2428 בחילו on their substance H3117 ביום in the day H343 אידו׃ of their calamity;
  14 H408 ואל Neither H5975 תעמד shouldest thou have stood H5921 על in H6563 הפרק the crossway, H3772 להכרית to cut off H853 את   H6412 פליטיו those of his that did escape; H408 ואל neither H5462 תסגר shouldest thou have delivered up H8300 שׂרידיו those of his that did remain H3117 ביום in the day H6869 צרה׃ of distress.
  15 H3588 כי For H7138 קרוב near H3117 יום the day H3068 יהוה of the LORD H5921 על upon H3605 כל all H1471 הגוים the heathen: H834 כאשׁר as H6213 עשׂית thou hast done, H6213 יעשׂה it shall be done H1576 לך גמלך unto thee: thy reward H7725 ישׁוב shall return H7218 בראשׁך׃ upon thine own head.
  16 H3588 כי For H834 כאשׁר as H8354 שׁתיתם ye have drunk H5921 על upon H2022 הר mountain, H6944 קדשׁי my holy H8354 ישׁתו drink H3605 כל shall all H1471 הגוים the heathen H8548 תמיד continually, H8354 ושׁתו yea, they shall drink, H3886 ולעו and they shall swallow down, H1961 והיו and they shall be H3808 כלוא as though they had not H1961 היו׃ been.
  17 H2022 ובהר But upon mount H6726 ציון Zion H1961 תהיה shall be H6413 פליטה deliverance, H1961 והיה and there shall be H6944 קדשׁ holiness; H3423 וירשׁו shall possess H1004 בית and the house H3290 יעקב of Jacob H853 את   H4180 מורשׁיהם׃ their possessions.
  18 H1961 והיה shall be H1004 בית And the house H3290 יעקב of Jacob H784 אשׁ a fire, H1004 ובית and the house H3130 יוסף of Joseph H3852 להבה a flame, H1004 ובית and the house H6215 עשׂו of Esau H7179 לקשׁ for stubble, H1814 ודלקו and they shall kindle H398 בהם ואכלום in them, and devour H3808 ולא them; and there shall not H1961 יהיה be H8300 שׂריד remaining H1004 לבית of the house H6215 עשׂו of Esau; H3588 כי for H3068 יהוה the LORD H1696 דבר׃ hath spoken
  19 H3423 וירשׁו shall possess H5045 הנגב And the south H853 את   H2022 הר the mount H6215 עשׂו of Esau; H8219 והשׁפלה and the plain H853 את   H6430 פלשׁתים the Philistines: H3423 וירשׁו and they shall possess H853 את   H7704 שׂדה the fields H669 אפרים of Ephraim, H853 ואת   H7704 שׂדה and the fields H8111 שׁמרון of Samaria: H1144 ובנימן and Benjamin H853 את   H1568 הגלעד׃ Gilead.
  20 H1546 וגלת And the captivity H2426 החל host H2088 הזה of this H1121 לבני of the children H3478 ישׂראל of Israel H834 אשׁר that H3669 כנענים of the Canaanites, H5704 עד unto H6886 צרפת Zarephath; H1546 וגלת and the captivity H3389 ירושׁלם of Jerusalem, H834 אשׁר which H5614 בספרד in Sepharad, H3423 ירשׁו shall possess H853 את   H5892 ערי the cities H5045 הנגב׃ of the south.
  21 H5927 ועלו shall come up H3467 מושׁעים And saviors H2022 בהר on mount H6726 ציון Zion H8199 לשׁפט to judge H853 את   H2022 הר the mount H6215 עשׂו of Esau; H1961 והיתה shall be H3068 ליהוה the LORD's. H4410 המלוכה׃ and the kingdom
  1 H2377 The vision H5662 of Obadiah. H559 [H8804] Thus saith H136 the Sovereign H3069 LORD H123 concerning Edom; H8085 [H8804] We have heard H8052 a rumour H3068 from the LORD, H6735 and an ambassador H7971 [H8795] is sent H1471 among the nations, H6965 [H8798] Arise H6965 [H8799] ye, and let us rise up H4421 against her in battle.
  2 H5414 [H8804] Behold, I have made H6996 thee small H1471 among the nations: H3966 thou art greatly H959 [H8803] despised.
  3 H2087 The pride H3820 of thine heart H5377 [H8689] hath deceived H7931 [H8802] thee, thou that dwellest H2288 in the clefts H5553 of the rock, H3427 [H8800] whose habitation H4791 is high; H559 [H8802] that saith H3820 in his heart, H3381 [H8686] Who shall bring me down H776 to the earth?
  4 H1361 [H8686] Though thou shalt exalt H5404 thyself as the eagle, H7760 [H8800] and though thou shalt set H7064 thy nest H3556 among the stars, H3381 [H8686] from there will I bring thee down, H5002 [H8803] saith H3068 the LORD.
  5 H1590 If thieves H935 [H8804] came H7703 [H8802] to thee, if robbers H3915 by night, H1820 [H8738] (how art thou silent!) H1589 [H8799] would they not have stolen H1767 till they had enough? H1219 [H8802] if the grapegatherers H935 [H8804] came H7604 [H8686] to thee, would they not leave H5955 some grapes?
  6 H6215 How are the things of Esau H2664 [H8738] searched out! H4710 how are his hidden H1158 [H8738] things sought!
  7 H582 All the men H1285 of thy confederacy H7971 [H8765] have brought H1366 thee even to the border: H582 the men H7965 that were at peace H5377 [H8689] with thee have deceived H3201 [H8804] thee, and prevailed H3899 against thee; they that eat thy bread H7760 [H8799] have laid H4204 a trap H8394 under thee: there is no understanding in him.
  8 H3117 Shall I not in that day, H5002 [H8803] saith H3068 the LORD, H6 [H8689] even destroy H2450 the wise H123 men out of Edom, H8394 and understanding H2022 out of the mount H6215 of Esau?
  9 H1368 And thy mighty H8487 men, O Teman, H2865 [H8804] shall be dismayed, H376 to the end that every one H2022 of the mount H6215 of Esau H3772 [H8735] may be cut off H6993 by slaughter.
  10 H2555 For thy violence H251 against thy brother H3290 Jacob H955 shame H3680 [H8762] shall cover H3772 [H8738] thee, and thou shalt be cut off H5769 to the age.
  11 H3117 In the day H5975 [H8800] that thou stoodest H3117 on the other side, in the day H2114 [H8801] that the strangers H7617 [H8800] carried away captive H2428 his forces, H5237 and foreigners H935 [H8804] entered H8179 into his gates, H3032 [H8804] and cast H1486 lots H3389 upon Jerusalem, H259 even thou wast as one of them.
  12 H7200 [H8799] But thou shouldest not have looked H3117 on the day H251 of thy brother H3117 in the day H5235 that he became a foreigner; H8055 [H8799] neither shouldest thou have rejoiced H1121 over the sons H3063 of Judah H3117 in the day H6 [H8800] of their being made lost; H6310 neither shouldest thou have spoken H1431 [H8686] proudly H3117 in the day H6869 of tightness.
  13 H935 [H8799] Thou shouldest not have entered H8179 into the gate H5971 of my people H3117 in the day H343 of their calamity; H7200 [H8799] yea, thou shouldest not have looked H7451 on their affliction H3117 in the day H343 of their calamity, H7971 [H8799] nor have laid H2428 hands on their substance H3117 in the day H343 of their calamity;
  14 H5975 [H8799] Neither shouldest thou have stood H6563 in the crossway, H3772 [H8687] to cut off H6412 those of his that escaped; H5462 [H8686] neither shouldest thou have delivered up H8300 those of his that remained H3117 in the day H6869 of tightness.
  15 H3117 For the day H3068 of the LORD H7138 is near H1471 upon all the nations: H6213 [H8804] as thou hast done, H6213 [H8735] it shall be done H1576 to thee: thy reward H7725 [H8799] shall return H7218 upon thy own head.
  16 H8354 [H8804] For as ye drank H6944 upon my holy H2022 mountain, H1471 so shall all the nations H8354 [H8799] drink H8548 continually, H8354 [H8804] yea, they shall drink, H3886 [H8804] and they shall swallow down, H3808 and they shall be as though they had not been.
  17 H2022 But upon mount H6726 Zion H6413 shall be deliverance, H6944 and there shall be holiness; H1004 and the house H3290 of Jacob H3423 [H8804] shall possess H4180 their possessions.
  18 H1004 And the house H3290 of Jacob H784 shall be a fire, H1004 and the house H3130 of Joseph H3852 a flame, H1004 and the house H6215 of Esau H7179 for stubble, H1814 [H8804] and they shall kindle H398 [H8804] in them, and devour H8300 them; and there shall not be any remaining H1004 of the house H6215 of Esau; H3068 for the LORD H1696 [H8765] hath spoken it.
  19 H5045 And they of the south H3423 [H8804] shall possess H2022 the mount H6215 of Esau; H8219 and they of the plain H6430 the Philistines: H3423 [H8804] and they shall possess H7704 the fields H669 of Ephraim, H7704 and the fields H8111 of Samaria: H1144 and Benjamin H1568 shall possess Gilead.
  20 H1546 And the captives H2426 of this host H1121 of the sons H3478 of Israel H3669 shall possess that of the Canaanites, H6886 even to Zarephath; H1546 and the captives H3389 of Jerusalem, H5614 which is in Sepharad, H3423 [H8799] shall possess H5892 the cities H5045 of the south.
  21 H3467 [H8688] And liberators H5927 [H8804] shall come upon H2022 mount H6726 Zion H8199 [H8800] to judge H2022 the mount H6215 of Esau; H4410 and the kingdom H3068 shall be the LORD'S.
Vulgate(i) 1 visio Abdiae haec dicit Dominus Deus ad Edom auditum audivimus a Domino et legatum ad gentes misit surgite et consurgamus adversum eum in proelium 2 ecce parvulum te dedi in gentibus contemptibilis tu es valde 3 superbia cordis tui extulit te habitantem in scissuris petrae exaltantem solium suum qui dicit in corde suo quis detrahet me in terram 4 si exaltatus fueris ut aquila et si inter sidera posueris nidum tuum inde detraham te dicit Dominus 5 si fures introissent ad te si latrones per noctem quomodo conticuisses nonne furati essent sufficientia sibi si vindemiatores introissent ad te numquid saltim racemos reliquissent tibi 6 quomodo scrutati sunt Esau investigaverunt abscondita eius 7 usque ad terminum emiserunt te omnes viri foederis tui inluserunt tibi invaluerunt adversum te viri pacis tuae qui comedunt tecum ponent insidias subter te non est prudentia in eo 8 numquid non in die illa dicit Dominus perdam sapientes de Idumea et prudentiam de monte Esau 9 et timebunt fortes tui a meridie ut intereat vir de monte Esau 10 propter interfectionem et propter iniquitatem in fratrem tuum Iacob operiet te confusio et peribis in aeternum 11 in die cum stares adversus quando capiebant alieni exercitum eius et extranei ingrediebantur portas eius et super Hierusalem mittebant sortem tu quoque eras quasi unus ex eis 12 et non despicies in die fratris tui in die peregrinationis eius et non laetaberis super filios Iuda in die perditionis eorum et non magnificabis os tuum in die angustiae 13 neque ingredieris portam populi mei in die ruinae eorum neque despicies et tu in malis eius in die vastitatis illius et non emitteris adversum exercitum eius in die vastitatis illius 14 neque stabis in exitibus ut interficias eos qui fugerint et non concludes reliquos eius in die tribulationis 15 quoniam iuxta est dies Domini super omnes gentes sicut fecisti fiet tibi retributionem tuam convertet in caput tuum 16 quomodo enim bibisti super montem sanctum meum bibent omnes gentes iugiter et bibent et absorbent et erunt quasi non sint 17 et in monte Sion erit salvatio et erit sanctus et possidebit domus Iacob eos qui se possederant 18 et erit domus Iacob ignis et domus Ioseph flamma et domus Esau stipula et succendentur in eis et devorabunt eos et non erunt reliquiae domus Esau quia Dominus locutus est 19 et hereditabunt hii qui ad austrum montem Esau et qui in campestribus Philisthim et possidebunt regionem Ephraim et regionem Samariae et Beniamin possidebit Galaad 20 et transmigratio exercitus huius filiorum Israhel omnia Chananeorum usque ad Saraptham et transmigratio Hierusalem quae in Bosforo est possidebit civitates austri 21 et ascendent salvatores in montem Sion iudicare montem Esau et erit Domino regnum
Clementine_Vulgate(i) 1 Visio Abdiæ. [Hæc dicit Dominus Deus ad Edom: Auditum audivimus a Domino, et legatum ad gentes misit: surgite, et consurgamus adversus eum in prælium. 2 Ecce parvulum dedi te in gentibus: contemptibilis tu es valde. 3 Superbia cordis tui extulit te, habitantem in scissuris petrarum, exaltantem solium tuum; qui dicis in corde tuo: Quis detrahet me in terram? 4 Si exaltatus fueris ut aquila, et si inter sidera posueris nidum tuum, inde detraham te, dicit Dominus. 5 Si fures introissent ad te, si latrones per noctem, quomodo conticuisses? nonne furati essent sufficientia sibi? Si vindemiatores introissent ad te, numquid saltem racemum reliquissent tibi? 6 Quomodo scrutati sunt Esau; investigaverunt abscondita ejus? 7 Usque ad terminum emiserunt te: omnes viri fœderis tui illuserunt tibi: invaluerunt adversum te viri pacis tuæ, qui comedunt tecum, ponent insidias subter te; non est prudentia in eo. 8 Numquid non in die illa, dicit Dominus, perdam sapientes de Idumæa, et prudentiam de monte Esau? 9 Et timebunt fortes tui a meridie, ut intereat vir de monte Esau. 10 Propter interfectionem, et propter iniquitatem in fratrem tuum Jacob, operiet te confusio, et peribis in æternum. 11 In die cum stares adversus eum, quando capiebant alieni exercitum ejus, et extranei ingrediebantur portas ejus, et super Jerusalem mittebant sortem, tu quoque eras quasi unus ex eis. 12 Et non despicies in die fratris tui, in die peregrinationis ejus: et non lætaberis super filios Juda in die perditionis eorum: et non magnificabis os tuum in die angustiæ. 13 Neque ingredieris portam populi mei in die ruinæ eorum; neque despicies et tu in malis ejus in die vastitatis illius. Et non emitteris adversus exercitum ejus in die vastitatis illius, 14 neque stabis in exitibus ut interficias eos qui fugerint, et non concludes reliquos ejus in die tribulationis. 15 Quoniam juxta est dies Domini super omnes gentes: sicut fecisti, fiet tibi; retributionem tuam convertet in caput tuum. 16 Quomodo enim bibistis super montem sanctum meum, bibent omnes gentes jugiter: et bibent, et absorbebunt, et erunt quasi non sint. 17 Et in monte Sion erit salvatio, et erit sanctus; et possidebit domus Jacob eos qui se possederant. 18 Et erit domus Jacob ignis, et domus Joseph flamma, et domus Esau stipula: et succendentur in eis, et devorabunt eos, et non erunt reliquiæ domus Esau, quia Dominus locutus est. 19 Et hæreditabunt hi, qui ad austrum sunt, montem Esau, et qui in campestribus, Philisthiim: et possidebunt regionem Ephraim et regionem Samariæ, et Benjamin possidebit Galaad. 20 Et transmigratio exercitus hujus filiorum Israël, omnia loca Chananæorum usque ad Sareptam: et transmigratio Jerusalem, quæ in Bosphoro est, possidebit civitates austri. 21 Et ascendent salvatores in montem Sion judicare montem Esau, et erit Domino regnum.]
Wycliffe(i) 1 Visioun of Abdias. The Lord God seith these thingis to Edom. We herden an heryng of the Lord, and he sente a messanger to hethene men. Rise ye, and togidere rise we ayens hym in to batel. 2 Lo! Y yaf thee litil in hethene men, thou art ful myche `worthi to be dispisid. 3 The pride of thin herte enhaunside thee, dwellynge in crasyngis of stoonys, areisynge thi seete. Whiche seist in thin herte, Who schal drawe me doun in to erthe? 4 Thouy thou schalt be reisid as an egle, and thouy thou schalt putte thi nest among sterris, fro thennus Y schal drawe thee doun, seith the Lord. 5 If niyt theuys hadden entrid to thee, if outlawis bi niyt, hou schuldist thou haue be stille? whether thei schulden not haue stole thingis ynow to hem? If gadereris of grapis hadden entrid to thee, whether thei schulden haue left nameli clustris to thee? 6 Hou souyten thei Esau, serchiden the hid thingis of him? 7 Til to the termes thei senten out thee; and alle men of thi couenaunt of pees scorneden thee, men of thi pees wexiden stronge ayens thee; thei that schulen ete with thee, schulen put aspies, ether tresouns, vndur thee; ther is no prudence in hym. 8 Whether not in that dai, seith the Lord, Y schal lese the wise men of Idumee, and prudence of the mount of Esau? 9 And thi stronge men schulen drede of myddai, that a man of the hil of Esau perische. 10 For sleyng and for wickidnesse ayens thi brother Jacob, confusioun schal hile thee, and thou schalt perische with outen ende. 11 In the dai whanne thou stodist ayens hym, whanne aliens token the oost of hym, and straungeris entriden the yatis of hym, and senten lot on Jerusalem, thou were also as oon of hem. 12 And thou schalt not dispise in the dai of thi brother, in the dai of his pilgrimage, and thou schalt not be glad on the sones of Juda, in the dai of perdicioun of hem; and thou schalt not magnefie thi mouth in the dai of angwisch, 13 nether schalt entre in to the yate of my puple, in the dai of fallyng of hem; and thou schalt not dispise in the yuels of hym, in the dai of his distriyng; and thou schalt not be sent out ayens his oost, in the day of his distriyng; 14 nether thou schalt stonde in the goynges out, that thou sle hem that fledden; and thou schalt not close togidere the residues, ether left men, of hym, in the day of tribulacioun, 15 for the dai of the Lord is niy on alle `hethene men. As thou hast doon, it schal be doon to thee; he schal conuerte thi yeldyng in to thin heed. 16 For as ye drunken on myn hooli hil, alle hethene men schulen drynke bisili, and thei schulen drynke, and schulen soupe vp; and thei schulen be as if thei ben not. 17 And saluacioun schal be in the hil of Sion, and it schal be hooli; and the hous of Jacob schal welde hem whiche weldiden hem. 18 And the hous of Jacob schal be fier, and the hous of Joseph schal be flawme, and the hous of Esau schal be stobil; and `thei schulen be kyndlid in hem, and thei schulen deuoure hem; and relifs schulen not be of the hous of Esau, for the Lord spak. 19 And these that ben at the south, schulen enherite the hil of Esau; and thei that ben in the lowe feeldis, schulen enherite Filistiym; and thei schulen welde the cuntrei of Effraym, and cuntrei of Samarie; and Beniamyn schal welde Galaad. 20 And ouerpassyng of this oost of sones of Israel schal welde alle places of Cananeis, til to Sarepta; and the transmygracioun of Jerusalem, that is in Bosphoro, schal welde citees of the south. 21 And sauyours schulen stie in to the hil of Sion, for to deme the hil of Esau, and a rewme schal be to the Lord.
Coverdale(i) 1 This is the vision that was shewed vnto Abdy: Thus hath ye LORDE God spoke vpo Edo: We haue herde of the LORDE yt there is an embassage sent amonge the Heithen: Vp, let vs aryse, and fight agaynst them. 2 Beholde, I will make ye small amoge the Heithen, so that thou shalt be vtterly despised. 3 The pryde of thine herte hath lift the vp, thou that dwellest in ye stroge holdes off stone, and hast made the an hye seate: Thou sayest in thyne herte: who shal cast me downe to the grounde? 4 But though thou wentest vp as hye as the Aegle, and maydest thy nest aboue amonge the starres: yet wolde I plucke the downe from thece. 5 Yf ye theues & robbers came to ye bynight, thou takinge thy rest: shulde they not steale, till they had ynough? yf the grape gatherers came vpon the, wolde they not leaue the some grapes? 6 But how shall they rype Esau, and seke out his treasures? 7 Yee the men that were sworne vnto the, shal dryue the out off the borders off thyne owne londe. They that be now at one with the, shal disceaue the, and ouercome ye: Eue they that eate thy bred, shall betraye the, or euer thou perceaue it. 8 Shal not I at the same tyme destroye the wyse men of Edom, ad those that haue vnderstondinge, from the mount of Esau? 9 Thy giauntes (o Theman) shalbe afrayed, for thorow the slaughter they shalbe all ouer throwne vpon the mout of Esau. 10 Shame shal come vpon the, for ye malice that thou shewedest to thy brother Iacob: yee for euermore shalt thou perish, 11 & that because of the tyme, when thou didest set thyself agaynst him, euen when the enemies caried awaye his hoost, and when the aleauntes came in at his portes, and cast lottes vpon Ierusalem, and thou thyself wast as one of them. 12 Thou shalt nomore se the daye of thy brother, thou shalt nomore beholde the tyme of his captiuyte: thou shalt nomore reioyse ouer the children of Iuda, in the daye of their destruccion, thou shalt tryumphe nomore in the tyme of their trouble. 13 Thou shalt nomore come in at the gates off my people, in the tyme of their decaye: thou shalt not se their mysery in the daye of their fall. Thou shalt sende out no man agaynst their hoost, in the daye of their aduersite: 14 nether shalt thou stode waytinge enymore at ye corners of the stretes, to murthur soch as are fled, or to take them presoners, that remayne in the daye of their trouble. 15 For the daye off the LORDE is harde by vpon all Heithen. Like as thou hast done, so shalt thou be dealte withall, yee thou shalt be rewarded euen vpon thine heade. 16 For like wyse as ye haue droncken vpon myne holy hill, so shal all heithen dryncke continually: yee dryncke shall they, and swalowe vp, so that ye shall be, as though ye had neuer bene. 17 But vpon the mount Sion, there shall a remnaunt escape: these shalbe holy, and the house of Iacob shal possesse euen those, that had them selues afore in possessio. 18 Morouer, the house of Iacob shalbe a fyre, the house of Ioseph a flame, & the house of Esau shalbe the strawe: which they shal kyndle and cosume, so that nothinge shalbe left of the house of Esau, for the LORDE himfelf hath sayde it. 19 They of the south shal haue the mount of Esau in possession: and loke what lieth vpon the grounde, that shal the Philistynes haue: the playne feldes shal Ephraim and Samaria possesse: and the mountaynes of Galaad shal Ben Iamin haue. 20 And this hoost shalbe the childre of Israels presoners: Now what so lieth from Canaan vnto Sarphad, and in Sepharad, that shal be vnder the subieccion of Ierusalem: and the cities of the south shall enheret it. 21 Thus they that escape vpon the hill off Sion, shall go vp to punysh the mount off Esau, and the kyngdome shalbe the LORDES.
MSTC(i) 1 This is the vision that was showed unto Obadiah. Thus hath the LORD God spoken upon Edom: We have heard of the LORD that there is an ambassador sent among the Heathen: "Up, let us arise, and fight against them!" 2 Behold, I will make thee small among the Heathen, so that thou shalt be utterly despised. 3 The pride of thine heart hath lift thee up, thou that dwellest in the strongholds of stone, and hast made thee a high seat. Thou sayest in thine heart, "Who shall cast me down to the ground?" 4 But though thou wentest up as high as the Eagle, and madest thy nest above among the stars: yet would I pluck thee down from thence. 5 If the thieves and robbers came to thee by night, thou taking thy rest: should they not steal, till they had enough? If the grape gatherers came upon thee, would they not leave thee some grapes? 6 But how shall they rip Esau, and seek out his treasures! 7 Yea, the men that were sworn unto thee, shall drive thee out of the borders of thine own land. They that be now at one with thee, shall deceive thee, and overcome thee: Even they that eat thy bread, shall betray thee, before thou perceive it. 8 Shall not I at the same time destroy the wise men of Edom; and those that have understanding, from the mount of Esau? 9 Thy giants, O Teman, shall be afraid, for through the slaughter they shall be all overthrown upon the mount of Esau. 10 Shame shall come upon thee, for the malice that thou showedest to thy brother Jacob. Yea, for evermore shalt thou perish, 11 and that because of the time when thou didst set thyself against him; even when the enemies carried away his host, and when the aliens came in at his ports, and cast lots upon Jerusalem, and thou thyself wast as one of them. 12 Thou shalt no more see the day of thy brother; thou shalt no more behold the time of his captivity; thou shalt no more rejoice over the children of Judah, in the day of their destruction; thou shalt triumph no more in the time of their trouble. 13 Thou shalt no more come in at the gates of my people, in the time of their decay; thou shalt not see their misery in the day of their fall. Thou shalt send out no man against their host, in the day of their adversity; 14 neither shalt thou stand waiting anymore at the corners of the streets, to murder such as are fled, or to take them prisoners that remain in the day of their trouble. 15 For the day of the LORD is hard by upon all Heathen. Like as thou hast done, so shalt thou be dealt withal. Yea, thou shalt be rewarded even upon thine head. 16 For likewise as ye have drunken upon mine holy hill, so shall all Heathen drink continually: yea drink shall they, and swallow up, so that ye shall be as though ye had never been. 17 But upon the mount Zion, there shall a remnant escape: these shall be holy, and the house of Jacob shall possess even those, that had themselves afore in possession. 18 Moreover, the house of Jacob shall be a fire, the house of Joseph a flame, and the house of Esau the straw: which they shall kindle and consume, so that nothing shall be left of the house of Esau, for the LORD himself hath said it. 19 They of the South shall have the mount of Esau in possession. And look: what lieth upon the ground, that shall the Philistines have. The plain fields shall Ephraim and Samaria possess: and the mountains of Gilead shall Benjamin have. 20 And this host shall be the children of Israel's prisoners: Now whatso lieth from Canaan unto Zarephath, and in Sepharad, that shall be under the subjection of Jerusalem: and the cities of the south shall inherit it. 21 Thus they that escape upon the hill of Zion, shall go up to punish the mount of Esau, and the kingdom shall be the LORD's.
Matthew(i) 1 Thys is the vysyon that was shewed vnto Abdy: Thus hath the Lorde God spoken vpon Edom: We haue hearde of the Lord that there is an embassage sent amonge the Heathen: Vp, let vs aryse, and fyght agaynst them. 2 Beholde, I wyll make the small amonge the Heathen, so that thou shalt be vtterly despysed. 3 The pryde of thyne herte hath lyft the vp, thou that dwellest in the stronge holdes of stone, & haste made the an hye seate: Thou sayest in thyne hert: who shall cast me downe to the grounde? 4 But though thou wentest vp as hye as the Aegle, and maydest thy nest aboue amonge the starres: yet wylde I plucke the downe from thence. 5 Yf the theues and robbers came to the by nyght, thou takinge thy reste: shulde they not steale, tyll they had ynough? Yf the grape gatherers came vpon the, wolde they not leaue the some grapes? 6 But how shall they rype Esau, and seke out hys treasures? 7 Yee the men that were sworne vnto the, shall dryue the out of the borders of thyne owne lande. They that be now at one wyth the, shall dysceyue the, & ouercome the: Euen they that eate thy bread, shall betraye the, or euer thou perceyue it. 8 Shall not I at the same tyme destroye the wyse men of Edom, & those that haue vnderstandynge, from the mount of Esau? 9 Thy gyauntes (O Theman) shalbe afrayed, for thorow the slaughter they shalbe all ouerthrowne vpon the mount of Esau. 10 Shame shall come vpon the, for the malyce that thou shewedest to thy brother Iacob: yee for euermore shalt thou perysh, 11 and that because of the tyme: when thou dydest set thy selfe agaynst hym, euen when the enemyes caryed awaye his hooste, and when the aleauntes came in at hys portes, and cast lottes vpon Ierusalem, and thou thy selfe wast as one of them. 12 Thou shalt nomore se the daye of thy brother, thou shalt nomore beholde the tyme of hys captiuite: thou shalt nomore reioyse ouer the chyldren of Iuda, in the daye of their destruccyon, thou shalt tryumphe nomore in the tyme of their trouble. 13 Thou shalt no more come in at the gates of my people, in the tyme of their decaye: thou shalt no se their mysery in the daye of their fall. Thou shalt sende out no man agaynst their hooste, in the daye of their aduersyte: 14 nether shalt thou stande waytynge any more at the corners of stretes, to murthur soch as are fled or to take them presoners, that remayne in the daye of their trouble. 15 For the daye of the Lord is harde by vpon all the Heathen. Lyke as thou hast done, so shalt thou be dealte wythall, yee thou shalt be rewarded euen vpon thyne head. 16 For lyke wyse as ye haue droncken vpon myne holy hyll, so shall all Heathen dryncke contynually: yee dryncke shall they, and swalowe vp, so that ye shalbe, as though ye had neuer bene. 17 But vpon the mount Syon, there shall a remnaunt escape: these shalbe holye, and the house of Iacob shall possesse euen those, that had them selues afore in possessyon. 18 Moreouer, the house of Iacob shalbe a fyre, the house of Ioseph a flame, & the house of Esau shalbe the strawe, whych they shall kyndle and consume, so that nothynge shalbe left of the house of Esau, for the Lorde hym self hath sayde it. 19 They of the South shall haue the mount of Esau in possession: and loke what lyeth vpon the grounde, that shall the Philistines haue: the playne feldes shall Ephraim & Samaria possesse: and the mountaynes of Galaad shal BenIamin haue. 20 And thys hoost shalbe the chyldren of Israels presoners: Now what so lyeth from Canaan vnto Zareptah, and in Sepharad, that shalbe vnder the subieccion of Ierusalem: and the cytyes of the south shall enheret it. 21 Thus they that escape vpon the hyll of Syon, shall go vp to punysh the mount of Esau and the kyngdome shallbe the Lordes.
Great(i) 1 Thys is the visyon that was shewed vnto Abdy. Thus hath the Lord God spoken vpon Edom: We haue hearde of the Lorde that there is an embassage sent amonge the Heathen: Up let vs aryse, and fyght agaynst them. 2 Beholde, I wyll make the small amonge the Heathen, so that thou shalt be vterly despysed. 3 The pryde of thyne herte hath lyft the vp thou that dwellest in the stronge holdes of stone, & hast made the an hye seate: Thou sayest in thyne hert: who shall cast me downe to the grounde? 4 But though thou wentest vp as hye as the Aegle, and madest thy nest aboue amonge the starres: yet wolde I plucke the downe from thence. 5 Yf the theues and robbers came to the by nyght, thou takinge thy rest: shulde they not steale, tyl they had ynough? Yf the grape gatherers came vpon the, wolde they not leaue the some grapes? 6 But how shall they rype Esau, and seke out hys treasures? 7 Yee, the men that were sworne vnto the, shal dryue the out of the borders of thyne awne lande. They that be now at one wt the, shall disceaue the, and ouercome the: Euen they that eate thy bred, shal betraye the, or euer thou perceaue it. 8 Shall not I at the same tyme destroye the wyse men of Edom, and those that haue vnderstandyng, from the mount of Esau? 9 Thy gyauntes (O Theman) shalbe afrayed, for thorow the slaughter they shalbe all ouer throwne vpon the mount of Esau. 10 Shame shall come vpon the, for the malyce that thou shewedest to thy brother Iacob: yee, for euermore shalt thou perish, 11 and that because of the tyme, when thou dydest set thy selfe agaynst hym, euen when the enemyes caryed awaye hys hoost, & when the aleauntes came in at his portes, & cast lottes vpon Ierusalem, and thou thy selfe wast as one of them. 12 Thou shalt nomore se the daye of thy brother, thou shalt nomore beholde the tyme of hys captiuite: thou shalt nomore reioyse ouer the children of Iuda, in the daye of theyr destruccyon, thou shalt tryumphe nomore in the tyme of theyr trouble. 13 Thou shalt nomore come in at the gates of my people, in the tyme of theyr decaye: thou shalt not se theyr misery in the daye of theyr fall. Thou shalt sende out no man agaynst theyr hoost, in the daye of theyr aduersyte: 14 nether shalt thou stande waytynge any more at the corners of the stretes, to murthur soch as are fled, or to take them presoners, that remayne in the daye of theyr trouble. 15 For the daye of the Lorde is harde by vpon all the Heathen. Lyke as thou hast done, so shalt thou be dealte wythall, yee, thou shalt be rewarded euen vpon thyne head. 16 For lyke wyse as ye haue droncken vpon myne holy hyll, so shall all heathen dryncke contynually: yee, drincke shall they, and swalowe vp, so that ye shalbe, as though ye had neuer bene. 17 But vpon the mount Syon shall the saluacyon be, and holynes, these shalbe holy, & the house of Iacob shall possesse euen those, that had them selues afore in possession. 18 Moreouer. the house of Iacob shalbe a fyre, the house of Ioseph a flame, and the, house of Esau shalbe the strawe: whych they shall kyndle and consume, so that nothyug shalbe left of the house of Esau, the Lorde hym selfe hath sayde it. 19 They of the South shall haue the mount of Esau in possession: and loke what lyeth vpon the grounde, that shall the Philystynes haue: the playne feldes shall Ephraim and Samaria possesse: and the mountaynes of Galaad shall BenIamin haue: 20 And thys hoost shalbe the chyldren of Israels presoners: Now what so lyeth from Canaan vnto Zareptah, and in Sepharad, that shalbe vnder the subieccyon of Ierusalem: and the cyties of the south shall enheret it. 21 Thus they that escape vpon the hyll of Syon, shall go vp to punysh the mount of Esau, and the kyngdome shalbe the Lordes,
Geneva(i) 1 The vision of Obadiah. Thus saith the Lord God against Edom, We haue heard a rumour from the Lord, and an ambassadour is sent among the heathen: arise, and let vs rise vp against her to battel. 2 Beholde, I haue made thee small among the heathen: thou art vtterly despised. 3 The pride of thine heart hath deceiued thee: thou that dwellest in the cleftes of the rockes, whose habitation is hie, that saith in his heart, Who shall bring me downe to the ground? 4 Though thou exalt thy selfe as the eagle, and make thy nest among the starres, thence will I bring thee downe, sayth the Lord. 5 Came theeues to thee or robbers by night? howe wast thou brought to silence? woulde they not haue stolen, til they had ynough? if the grape gatherers came to thee, woulde they not leaue some grapes? 6 Howe are the things of Esau sought vp, and his treasures searched? 7 All the men of thy confederacie haue driuen thee to ye borders: the men that were at peace with thee, haue deceiued thee, and preuailed against thee: they that eate thy bread, haue laid a wound vnder thee: there is none vnderstanding in him. 8 Shall not I in that day, saith the Lord, euen destroy the wise men out of Edom, and vnderstanding from the mount of Esau? 9 And thy strong men, O Teman, shall bee afraide, because euery one of the mount of Esau shalbe cut off by slaughter. 10 For thy crueltie against thy brother Iaakob, shame shall couer thee, and thou shalt be cut off for euer. 11 When thou stoodest on the other side, in the day that the strangers caried away his substance, and straungers entred into his gates, and cast lots vpon Ierusalem, euen thou wast as one of them. 12 But thou shouldest not haue beholden the day of thy brother, in the day that hee was made a stranger, neither shouldest thou haue reioyced ouer the children of Iudah, in the day of their destruction: thou shouldest not haue spoken proudly in the day of affliction. 13 Thou shouldest not haue entred into the gate of my people, in the day of their destruction, neither shouldest thou haue once looked on their affliction in the day of their destruction, nor haue layde hands on their substance in the day of their destruction. 14 Neyther shouldest thou haue stande in the crosse wayes to cut off them, that shoulde escape, neither shouldest thou haue shut vp the remnant thereof in the day of affliction. 15 For the day of the Lord is neere, vpon all the heathen: as thou hast done, it shall bee done to thee: thy reward shall returne vpon thine head. 16 For as yee haue drunke vpon mine holy Mountaine, so shall all the heathen drinke continually: yea, they shall drinke and swallow vp, and they shalbe as though they had not bene. 17 But vpon mount Zion shalbe deliuerance, and it shalbe holy, and the house of Iaakob shall possesse their possessions, 18 And the house of Iaakob shalbe a fire, and the house of Ioseph a flame, and the house of Esau as stubble, and they shall kindle in them and deuoure them: and there shall bee no remnant of the house of Esau for the Lord hath spoken it. 19 And they shall possesse the South side of the mount of Esau, and the plaine of the Philistims: and they shall possesse the fieldes of Ephraim, and the fieldes of Samaria, and Beniamin shall haue Gilead. 20 And the captiuitie of this host of the children of Israel, which were among the Canaanites, shall possesse vnto Zarephath, and the captiuitie of Ierusalem, which is in Sepharad, shall possesse the cities of the South. 21 And they that shall saue, shall come vp to mount Zion to iudge the mount of Esau, and the kingdome shalbe the Lords.
Bishops(i) 1 The vision of Abdi, thus sayth the lord God against Edom: We haue hearde a rumor from the Lorde, & an ambassadour is sent among the heathen: arise, and let vs ryse vp against her to battayle 2 Behold, I haue made thee smal among the heathen, thou art vtterly despised 3 The pride of thyne heart hath deceaued thee, thou that dwellest in the cleftes of the rockes, whose habitation [is] hie, that saith in his heart, Who shall bring me downe to the grounde 4 Yea though thou exalt thy selfe as the egle, and make they nest among the starres, thence wil I bring thee downe, sayth the Lorde 5 Came theeues to thee, or robbers by night? how wast thou brought to silence? woulde they not haue stollen till they had inough? If the grape gatherers came to thee, woulde they not leaue [some] grapes 6 Howe are the thinges of Esau sought vp, [and] his treasures searched 7 All the men of thy confederacie haue driuen thee to the borders, the men that were at peace with thee haue deceaued thee, and preuailed against thee, [they that eate] thy bread haue layd a wounde vnder thee, there is none vnderstanding in him 8 Shal not I in that day, saide the lord, euen destroy the wise men out of Edom, and vnderstanding from the mount of Esau 9 And thy strong men O Theman shalbe afraid: because euery one of the mout of Esau shalbe cut of by slaughter 10 For thy crueltie against thy brother Iacob shame shall couer thee, and thou shalt be cut of for euer 11 When thou stoodest on the other side, in the day that the straungers caried away his substaunce, and straungers entred into his gates, and cast lottes vpon Hierusalem, euen thou wast as one of them 12 But thou shouldest not haue beholden the day of thy brother in the day that he was made a straunger, neither shouldest thou haue reioyced ouer the childre of Iuda in the day of their destruction, thou shouldest not haue spoken proudly in the day of affliction 13 Thou shouldest not haue entred into the gate of my people in the day of their destruction, neither shouldest thou haue once loked on their affliction in the day of their destructio, nor haue layd handes on their substaunce in the day of their destruction 14 Neither shouldest thou haue stand in the crosse wayes to cut of them that shoulde escape, neither shouldest thou haue shutte vp the remnaunt thereof in the day of affliction 15 For the day of the Lorde is neare vpon all the heathen: as thou hast done, it shalbe done to thee, thy rewarde shall returne vpon thyne head 16 For as ye haue drunke vpon myne holy mountaine, so shall all the heathen drinke continually: yea, they shal drinke and swalowe vp, and they shalbe as though they had not ben 17 But vpon mount Sion shalbe deliueraunce, and it shalbe holy, and the house of Iacob shal possesse their possessions 18 And the house of Iacob shalbe a fire, and the house of Ioseph a flambe, and the house of Esau as stubble, and they shall kindle in them and deuoure them, and there shalbe no remnaunt of the house of Esau: for the Lorde hath spoken it 19 And they shall possesse the south side of the mount of Esau, and the plaine of the Philistines, and they shall possesse the fieldes of Ephraim, and the fieldes of Samaria, and Beniamin [shall haue] Gilead 20 And the captiuitie of his hoast of the children of Israel, which were among the Chanaanites [shall possesse] vnto Zarephath, and the captiuitie of Hierusalem which is in Sepharad, shall possesse the cities of the south 21 And they that shall saue, shall come vp to mount Sion to iudge the mount of Esau, and the kingdome shalbe the Lordes
DouayRheims(i) 1 The vision of Abdias. Thus saith the Lord God to Edom: We have heard a rumour from the Lord, and he hath sent an ambassador to the nations: Arise, and let us rise up to battle against him. 2 Behold I have made thee small among the nations: thou art exceeding contemptible. 3 The pride of thy heart hath lifted thee up, who dwellest in the clefts of the rocks, and settest up thy throne on high: who sayest in thy heart: Who shall bring me down to the ground? 4 Though thou be exalted as an eagle, and though thou set thy nest among the stars: thence will I bring thee down, saith the Lord. 5 If thieves had gone in to thee, if robbers by night, how wouldst thou have held thy peace? would they not have stolen till they had enough? if the grapegatherers had come in to thee, would they not have left thee at the least a cluster? 6 How have they searched Esau, how have they sought out his hidden things? 7 They have sent thee out even to the border: all the men of thy confederacy have deceived thee: the men of thy peace have prevailed against thee: they that eat with thee shall lay snares under thee: there is no wisdom in him. 8 Shall not I in that day, saith the Lord, destroy the wise out of Edom, and understanding out of the mount of Esau? 9 And thy valiant men of the south shall be afraid, that man may be cut off from the mount of Esau. 10 For the slaughter, and for the iniquity against thy brother Jacob, confusion shall cover thee, and thou shalt perish for ever. 11 In the day when thou stoodest against him, when strangers carried away his army captive, and foreigners entered into his gates, and cast lots upon Jerusalem: thou also wast as one of them. 12 But thou shalt not look on in the day of thy brother, in the day of his leaving his country: and thou shalt not rejoice over the children of Juda, in the day of their destruction: and thou shalt not magnify thy mouth in the day of distress. 13 Neither shalt thou enter into the gate of my people in the day of their ruin: neither shalt thou also look on in his evils in the day of his calamity: and thou shalt not be sent out against his army in the day of his desolation. 14 Neither shalt thou stand in the crossways to kill them that flee: and thou shalt not shut up them that remain of him in the day of tribulation. 15 For the day of the Lord is at hand upon all nations: as thou hast done, so shall it be done to thee: he will turn thy reward upon thy own head. 16 For as you have drunk upon my holy mountain, so all nations shall drink continually: and they shall drink, and sup up, and they shall be as though they were not. 17 And in mount Sion shall be salvation, and it shall be holy, and the house of Jacob shall possess those that possessed them. 18 And the house of Jacob shall be a fire, and the house of Joseph a flame, and the house of Esau stubble: and they shall be kindled in them, and shall devour them: and there shall be no remains of the house of Esau, for the Lord hath spoken it. 19 And they that are toward the south, shall inherit the mount of Esau, and they that are in the plains, the Philistines: and they shall possess the country of Ephraim, and the country of Samaria: and Benjamin shall possess Galaad. 20 And the captivity of this host of the children of Israel, all the places of the Chanaanites even to Sarepta: and the captivity of Jerusalem that is in Bosphorus, shall possess the cities of the south. 21 And saviours shall come up into mount Sion to judge the mount of Esau: and the kingdom shall be for the Lord.
KJV(i) 1 The vision of Obadiah. Thus saith the Lord GOD concerning Edom; We have heard a rumour from the LORD, and an ambassador is sent among the heathen, Arise ye, and let us rise up against her in battle. 2 Behold, I have made thee small among the heathen: thou art greatly despised. 3 The pride of thine heart hath deceived thee, thou that dwellest in the clefts of the rock, whose habitation is high; that saith in his heart, Who shall bring me down to the ground? 4 Though thou exalt thyself as the eagle, and though thou set thy nest among the stars, thence will I bring thee down, saith the LORD. 5 If thieves came to thee, if robbers by night, (how art thou cut off!) would they not have stolen till they had enough? if the grapegatherers came to thee, would they not leave some grapes? 6 How are the things of Esau searched out! how are his hidden things sought up! 7 All the men of thy confederacy have brought thee even to the border: the men that were at peace with thee have deceived thee, and prevailed against thee; that they eat thy bread have laid a wound under thee: there is none understanding in him. 8 Shall I not in that day, saith the LORD, even destroy the wise men out of Edom, and understanding out of the mount of Esau? 9 And thy mighty men, O Teman, shall be dismayed, to the end that every one of the mount of Esau may be cut off by slaughter. 10 For thy violence against thy brother Jacob shame shall cover thee, and thou shalt be cut off for ever. 11 In the day that thou stoodest on the other side, in the day that the strangers carried away captive his forces, and foreigners entered into his gates, and cast lots upon Jerusalem, even thou wast as one of them. 12 But thou shouldest not have looked on the day of thy brother in the day that he became a stranger; neither shouldest thou have rejoiced over the children of Judah in the day of their destruction; neither shouldest thou have spoken proudly in the day of distress. 13 Thou shouldest not have entered into the gate of my people in the day of their calamity; yea, thou shouldest not have looked on their affliction in the day of their calamity, nor have laid hands on their substance in the day of their calamity; 14 Neither shouldest thou have stood in the crossway, to cut off those of his that did escape; neither shouldest thou have delivered up those of his that did remain in the day of distress. 15 For the day of the LORD is near upon all the heathen: as thou hast done, it shall be done unto thee: thy reward shall return upon thine own head. 16 For as ye have drunk upon my holy mountain, so shall all the heathen drink continually, yea, they shall drink, and they shall swallow down, and they shall be as though they had not been. 17 But upon mount Zion shall be deliverance, and there shall be holiness; and the house of Jacob shall possess their possessions. 18 And the house of Jacob shall be a fire, and the house of Joseph a flame, and the house of Esau for stubble, and they shall kindle in them, and devour them; and there shall not be any remaining of the house of Esau; for the LORD hath spoken it. 19 And they of the south shall possess the mount of Esau; and they of the plain the Philistines: and they shall possess the fields of Ephraim, and the fields of Samaria: and Benjamin shall possess Gilead. 20 And the captivity of this host of the children of Israel shall possess that of the Canaanites, even unto Zarephath; and the captivity of Jerusalem, which is in Sepharad, shall possess the cities of the south. 21 And saviours shall come up on mount Zion to judge the mount of Esau; and the kingdom shall be the LORD's.
KJV_Cambridge(i) 1 The vision of Obadiah. Thus saith the Lord GOD concerning Edom; We have heard a rumour from the LORD, and an ambassador is sent among the heathen, Arise ye, and let us rise up against her in battle. 2 Behold, I have made thee small among the heathen: thou art greatly despised. 3 The pride of thine heart hath deceived thee, thou that dwellest in the clefts of the rock, whose habitation is high; that saith in his heart, Who shall bring me down to the ground? 4 Though thou exalt thyself as the eagle, and though thou set thy nest among the stars, thence will I bring thee down, saith the LORD. 5 If thieves came to thee, if robbers by night, (how art thou cut off!) would they not have stolen till they had enough? if the grapegatherers came to thee, would they not leave some grapes? 6 How are the things of Esau searched out! how are his hidden things sought up! 7 All the men of thy confederacy have brought thee even to the border: the men that were at peace with thee have deceived thee, and prevailed against thee; they that eat thy bread have laid a wound under thee: there is none understanding in him. 8 Shall I not in that day, saith the LORD, even destroy the wise men out of Edom, and understanding out of the mount of Esau? 9 And thy mighty men, O Teman, shall be dismayed, to the end that every one of the mount of Esau may be cut off by slaughter. 10 For thy violence against thy brother Jacob shame shall cover thee, and thou shalt be cut off for ever. 11 In the day that thou stoodest on the other side, in the day that the strangers carried away captive his forces, and foreigners entered into his gates, and cast lots upon Jerusalem, even thou wast as one of them. 12 But thou shouldest not have looked on the day of thy brother in the day that he became a stranger; neither shouldest thou have rejoiced over the children of Judah in the day of their destruction; neither shouldest thou have spoken proudly in the day of distress. 13 Thou shouldest not have entered into the gate of my people in the day of their calamity; yea, thou shouldest not have looked on their affliction in the day of their calamity, nor have laid hands on their substance in the day of their calamity; 14 Neither shouldest thou have stood in the crossway, to cut off those of his that did escape; neither shouldest thou have delivered up those of his that did remain in the day of distress. 15 For the day of the LORD is near upon all the heathen: as thou hast done, it shall be done unto thee: thy reward shall return upon thine own head. 16 For as ye have drunk upon my holy mountain, so shall all the heathen drink continually, yea, they shall drink, and they shall swallow down, and they shall be as though they had not been. 17 But upon mount Zion shall be deliverance, and there shall be holiness; and the house of Jacob shall possess their possessions. 18 And the house of Jacob shall be a fire, and the house of Joseph a flame, and the house of Esau for stubble, and they shall kindle in them, and devour them; and there shall not be any remaining of the house of Esau; for the LORD hath spoken it. 19 And they of the south shall possess the mount of Esau; and they of the plain the Philistines: and they shall possess the fields of Ephraim, and the fields of Samaria: and Benjamin shall possess Gilead. 20 And the captivity of this host of the children of Israel shall possess that of the Canaanites, even unto Zarephath; and the captivity of Jerusalem, which is in Sepharad, shall possess the cities of the south. 21 And saviours shall come up on mount Zion to judge the mount of Esau; and the kingdom shall be the LORD's.
  1 H2377 The vision H5662 of Obadiah H559 . Thus saith [H8804]   H136 the Lord H3069 GOD H123 concerning Edom H8085 ; We have heard [H8804]   H8052 a rumour H3068 from the LORD H6735 , and an ambassador H7971 is sent [H8795]   H1471 among the heathen H6965 , Arise [H8798]   H6965 ye, and let us rise up [H8799]   H4421 against her in battle.
  2 H5414 Behold, I have made [H8804]   H6996 thee small H1471 among the heathen H3966 : thou art greatly H959 despised [H8803]  .
  3 H2087 The pride H3820 of thine heart H5377 hath deceived [H8689]   H7931 thee, thou that dwellest [H8802]   H2288 in the clefts H5553 of the rock H3427 , whose habitation [H8800]   H4791 is high H559 ; that saith [H8802]   H3820 in his heart H3381 , Who shall bring me down [H8686]   H776 to the ground?
  4 H1361 Though thou exalt [H8686]   H5404 thyself as the eagle H7760 , and though thou set [H8800]   H7064 thy nest H3556 among the stars H3381 , thence will I bring thee down [H8686]   H5002 , saith [H8803]   H3068 the LORD.
  5 H1590 If thieves H935 came [H8804]   H7703 to thee, if robbers [H8802]   H3915 by night H349 , (how H1820 art thou cut off [H8738]   H1589 !) would they not have stolen [H8799]   H1767 till they had enough H1219 ? if the grapegatherers [H8802]   H935 came [H8804]   H7604 to thee, would they not leave [H8686]   H5955 some grapes?
  6 H6215 How are the things of Esau H2664 searched out [H8738]   H4710 ! how are his hidden H1158 things sought up [H8738]  !
  7 H582 All the men H1285 of thy confederacy H7971 have brought [H8765]   H1366 thee even to the border H582 : the men H7965 that were at peace H5377 with thee have deceived [H8689]   H3201 thee, and prevailed [H8804]   H3899 against thee; they that eat thy bread H7760 have laid [H8799]   H4204 a wound H8394 under thee: there is none understanding in him.
  8 H3117 Shall I not in that day H5002 , saith [H8803]   H3068 the LORD H6 , even destroy [H8689]   H2450 the wise H123 men out of Edom H8394 , and understanding H2022 out of the mount H6215 of Esau?
  9 H1368 And thy mighty H8487 men, O Teman H2865 , shall be dismayed [H8804]   H376 , to the end that every one H2022 of the mount H6215 of Esau H3772 may be cut off [H8735]   H6993 by slaughter.
  10 H2555 For thy violence H251 against thy brother H3290 Jacob H955 shame H3680 shall cover [H8762]   H3772 thee, and thou shalt be cut off [H8738]   H5769 for ever.
  11 H3117 In the day H5975 that thou stoodest [H8800]   H3117 on the other side, in the day H2114 that the strangers [H8801]   H7617 carried away captive [H8800]   H2428 his forces H5237 , and foreigners H935 entered [H8804]   H8179 into his gates H3032 , and cast [H8804]   H1486 lots H3389 upon Jerusalem H259 , even thou wast as one of them.
  12 H7200 But thou shouldest not have looked [H8799]   H3117 on the day H251 of thy brother H3117 in the day H5235 that he became a stranger H8055 ; neither shouldest thou have rejoiced [H8799]   H1121 over the children H3063 of Judah H3117 in the day H6 of their destruction [H8800]   H6310 ; neither shouldest thou have spoken H1431 proudly [H8686]   H3117 in the day H6869 of distress.
  13 H935 Thou shouldest not have entered [H8799]   H8179 into the gate H5971 of my people H3117 in the day H343 of their calamity H7200 ; yea, thou shouldest not have looked [H8799]   H7451 on their affliction H3117 in the day H343 of their calamity H7971 , nor have laid [H8799]   H2428 hands on their substance H3117 in the day H343 of their calamity;
  14 H5975 Neither shouldest thou have stood [H8799]   H6563 in the crossway H3772 , to cut off [H8687]   H6412 those of his that did escape H5462 ; neither shouldest thou have delivered up [H8686]   H8300 those of his that did remain H3117 in the day H6869 of distress.
  15 H3117 For the day H3068 of the LORD H7138 is near H1471 upon all the heathen H6213 : as thou hast done [H8804]   H6213 , it shall be done [H8735]   H1576 unto thee: thy reward H7725 shall return [H8799]   H7218 upon thine own head.
  16 H8354 For as ye have drunk [H8804]   H6944 upon my holy H2022 mountain H1471 , so shall all the heathen H8354 drink [H8799]   H8548 continually H8354 , yea, they shall drink [H8804]   H3886 , and they shall swallow down [H8804]   H3808 , and they shall be as though they had not been.
  17 H2022 But upon mount H6726 Zion H6413 shall be deliverance H6944 , and there shall be holiness H1004 ; and the house H3290 of Jacob H3423 shall possess [H8804]   H4180 their possessions.
  18 H1004 And the house H3290 of Jacob H784 shall be a fire H1004 , and the house H3130 of Joseph H3852 a flame H1004 , and the house H6215 of Esau H7179 for stubble H1814 , and they shall kindle [H8804]   H398 in them, and devour [H8804]   H8300 them; and there shall not be any remaining H1004 of the house H6215 of Esau H3068 ; for the LORD H1696 hath spoken [H8765]   it .
  19 H5045 And they of the south H3423 shall possess [H8804]   H2022 the mount H6215 of Esau H8219 ; and they of the plain H6430 the Philistines H3423 : and they shall possess [H8804]   H7704 the fields H669 of Ephraim H7704 , and the fields H8111 of Samaria H1144 : and Benjamin H1568 shall possess Gilead.
  20 H1546 And the captivity H2426 of this host H1121 of the children H3478 of Israel H3669 shall possess that of the Canaanites H6886 , even unto Zarephath H1546 ; and the captivity H3389 of Jerusalem H5614 , which is in Sepharad H3423 , shall possess [H8799]   H5892 the cities H5045 of the south.
  21 H3467 And saviours [H8688]   H5927 shall come up [H8804]   H2022 on mount H6726 Zion H8199 to judge [H8800]   H2022 the mount H6215 of Esau H4410 ; and the kingdom H3068 shall be the LORD'S.
Thomson(i) 1 The vision of Obadiah. Thus saith the Lord God to Idumea, [I heard the report from the Lord. When he sent a message to the nations. 2 Arise and let us go up against it to battle.] 3 Behold I have made thee very small among the nations: thou art dishonoured in a high degree. The pride of thy heart puffed thee up, dwelling in the clefts of rocks. [Having made his habitation high he said in his heart, Who can bring me down to the ground?] 4 Though thou shouldst soar aloft like an eagle, and make thy nest among the stars; thence I will pull thee down, saith the Lord. 5 If thieves come to thee, or robbers by night; in what place soever thou mayst be cast; would they not steal what would satisfy them? And if grape gatherers came to thee, would they leave no gleaning? 6 How Esau hath been searched! are even his hidden stores left? 7 They have driven thee to the borders. All the men in league with thee, have risen up against thee. Thy men of peace prevailed against thee. They laid snares under thee. They have no understanding. 8 In that day, saith the Lord, I will destroy wise men out of Idumea, and understanding out of the mount of Esau. 9 And thy warriors from Thaiman shall be dismayed, that man may be removed from the mountain of Esau. 10 On account of the impious slaughter of thy brother Jacob, shame shall cover thee, and thou shalt be cut off forever. 11 From the day that thou didst become an adversary, whenever the Philistines captivated his army, or strangers entered his gates and cast lots on Jerusalem, thou also wast as one of them. 12 But thou shouldst not have looked on thy brother's day in the day of strangers; nor rejoiced over the children of Juda, in the day of their destruction; nor shouldst thou have vaunted in the day of affliction; 13 nor entered people's gates in the day of their distresses. Thou especially shouldst not have beheld their congregation in the day of their destruction, nor joined to fall on their army in the day of their defeat; 14 nor beset the passes to cut off such of them as were escaping; nor shouldst thou have hemmed in his fugitives, in a calamitous day. 15 Because the day of the Lord, against all the nations is near; as thou hast done so shall it be done to thee: thy dealings shall be returned on thy head. 16 For in the same manner as thou hast drunk on my holy mountain, all the nations shall be drunk up as wine. They shall be drunk up and swallowed down, and be as if they had never been. 17 But on mount Sion shall be safety and a sanctuary; and the house of Jacob shall possess those who possessed them; 18 and the house of Jacob shall be a fire, and the house of Joseph, a flame; and the house of Esau shall be as stubble; and upon these they shall kindle and consume them, so that there shall not be a torch bearer to the house of Esau. For the Lord hath spoken. 19 And they in Nageb shall inherit the mountain of Esau; and those in Sephale shall inherit the Philistines; and they shall possess mount Ephraim and the plain of Samaria and Benjamin and Galaaditis; 20 and this shall be the dominion of the captivity; to the Israelites shall belong the land of the Chananites to Sarepta, and to the captives of Jerusalem, to Ephratha: they shall possess the cities of Nageb. 21 And they who have been preserved, shall go up from mount Sion to execute vengeance on the mountain of Esau. And the kingdom shall be the Lord's.
Webster(i) 1 The vision of Obadiah. Thus saith the Lord GOD concerning Edom; We have heard a rumor from the LORD, and an embassador is sent among the heathen, Arise ye, and let us rise up against her in battle. 2 Behold, I have made thee small among the heathen: thou art greatly despised. 3 The pride of thy heart hath deceived thee, thou that dwellest in the clefts of the rock, whose habitation is high; that saith in his heart, Who shall bring me down to the ground? 4 Though thou shalt exalt thyself as the eagle, and though thou shalt set thy nest among the stars, thence will I bring thee down, saith the LORD. 5 If thieves came to thee, if robbers by night, (how art thou cut off!) would they not have stolen till they had enough? if the grape-gatherers came to thee, would they not leave some grapes? 6 How are the things of Esau searched out! how are his hidden things sought! 7 All the men of thy confederacy have brought thee even to the border: the men that were at peace with thee have deceived thee, and prevailed against thee; they that eat thy bread have laid a wound under thee: there is no understanding in him. 8 Shall I not in that day, saith the LORD, even destroy the wise men out of Edom, and understanding out of the mount of Esau? 9 And thy mighty men, O Teman, shall be dismayed, to the end that every one of the mount of Esau may be cut off by slaughter. 10 For thy violence against thy brother Jacob shame shall cover thee, and thou shalt be cut off for ever. 11 In the day that thou stoodst on the other side, in the day that the strangers carried away captive his forces, and foreigners entered into his gates, and cast lots upon Jerusalem, even thou wast as one of them. 12 But thou shouldst not have looked on the day of thy brother in the day that he became a stranger; neither shouldst thou have rejoiced over the children of Judah in the day of their destruction; neither shouldst thou have spoken proudly in the day of distress. 13 Thou shouldst not have entered into the gate of my people in the day of their calamity; yes, thou shouldst not have looked on their affliction in the day of their calamity, nor have laid hands on their substance in the day of their calamity; 14 Neither shouldst thou have stood in the cross-way, to cut off those of his that escaped; neither shouldst thou have delivered up those of his that remained in the day of distress. 15 For the day of the LORD is near upon all the heathen: as thou hast done, it shall be done to thee: thy reward shall return upon thy own head. 16 For as ye have drank upon my holy mountain, so shall all the heathen drink continually, yes, they shall drink, and they shall swallow down, and they shall be as though they had not been. 17 But upon mount Zion shall be deliverance, and there shall be holiness; and the house of Jacob shall possess their possessions. 18 And the house of Jacob shall be a fire, and the house of Joseph a flame, and the house of Esau for stubble, and they shall kindle in them, and devour them; and there shall not be any remaining of the house of Esau; for the LORD hath spoken it. 19 And they of the south shall possess the mount of Esau; and they of the plain the Philistines: and they shall possess the fields of Ephraim, and the fields of Samaria: and Benjamin shall possess Gilead. 20 And the captivity of this host of the children of Israel shall possess that of the Canaanites, even to Zarephath; and the captivity of Jerusalem, which is in Sepharad, shall possess the cities of the south. 21 And saviors shall come upon mount Zion to judge the mount of Esau; and the kingdom shall be the LORD'S.
  1 H2377 The vision H5662 of Obadiah H559 [H8804] . Thus saith H136 the Lord H3069 GOD H123 concerning Edom H8085 [H8804] ; We have heard H8052 a rumour H3068 from the LORD H6735 , and an ambassador H7971 [H8795] is sent H1471 among the heathen H6965 [H8798] , Arise H6965 [H8799] ye, and let us rise up H4421 against her in battle.
  2 H5414 [H8804] Behold, I have made H6996 thee small H1471 among the heathen H3966 : thou art greatly H959 [H8803] despised.
  3 H2087 The pride H3820 of thy heart H5377 [H8689] hath deceived H7931 [H8802] thee, thou that dwellest H2288 in the clefts H5553 of the rock H3427 [H8800] , whose habitation H4791 is high H559 [H8802] ; that saith H3820 in his heart H3381 [H8686] , Who shall bring me down H776 to the ground?
  4 H1361 [H8686] Though thou shalt exalt H5404 thyself as the eagle H7760 [H8800] , and though thou shalt set H7064 thy nest H3556 among the stars H3381 [H8686] , from there will I bring thee down H5002 [H8803] , saith H3068 the LORD.
  5 H1590 If thieves H935 [H8804] came H7703 [H8802] to thee, if robbers H3915 by night H1820 [H8738] , (how art thou cut off H1589 [H8799] !) would they not have stolen H1767 till they had enough H1219 [H8802] ? if the grapegatherers H935 [H8804] came H7604 [H8686] to thee, would they not leave H5955 some grapes?
  6 H6215 How are the things of Esau H2664 [H8738] searched out H4710 ! how are his hidden H1158 [H8738] things sought!
  7 H582 All the men H1285 of thy confederacy H7971 [H8765] have brought H1366 thee even to the border H582 : the men H7965 that were at peace H5377 [H8689] with thee have deceived H3201 [H8804] thee, and prevailed H3899 against thee; they that eat thy bread H7760 [H8799] have laid H4204 a trap H8394 under thee: there is no understanding in him.
  8 H3117 Shall I not in that day H5002 [H8803] , saith H3068 the LORD H6 [H8689] , even destroy H2450 the wise H123 men out of Edom H8394 , and understanding H2022 out of the mount H6215 of Esau?
  9 H1368 And thy mighty H8487 men, O Teman H2865 [H8804] , shall be dismayed H376 , to the end that every one H2022 of the mount H6215 of Esau H3772 [H8735] may be cut off H6993 by slaughter.
  10 H2555 For thy violence H251 against thy brother H3290 Jacob H955 shame H3680 [H8762] shall cover H3772 [H8738] thee, and thou shalt be cut off H5769 for ever.
  11 H3117 In the day H5975 [H8800] that thou stoodest H3117 on the other side, in the day H2114 [H8801] that the strangers H7617 [H8800] carried away captive H2428 his forces H5237 , and foreigners H935 [H8804] entered H8179 into his gates H3032 [H8804] , and cast H1486 lots H3389 upon Jerusalem H259 , even thou wast as one of them.
  12 H7200 [H8799] But thou shouldest not have looked H3117 on the day H251 of thy brother H3117 in the day H5235 that he became a stranger H8055 [H8799] ; neither shouldest thou have rejoiced H1121 over the children H3063 of Judah H3117 in the day H6 [H8800] of their destruction H6310 ; neither shouldest thou have spoken H1431 [H8686] proudly H3117 in the day H6869 of distress.
  13 H935 [H8799] Thou shouldest not have entered H8179 into the gate H5971 of my people H3117 in the day H343 of their calamity H7200 [H8799] ; yea, thou shouldest not have looked H7451 on their affliction H3117 in the day H343 of their calamity H7971 [H8799] , nor have laid H2428 hands on their substance H3117 in the day H343 of their calamity;
  14 H5975 [H8799] Neither shouldest thou have stood H6563 in the crossway H3772 [H8687] , to cut off H6412 those of his that escaped H5462 [H8686] ; neither shouldest thou have delivered up H8300 those of his that remained H3117 in the day H6869 of distress.
  15 H3117 For the day H3068 of the LORD H7138 is near H1471 upon all the heathen H6213 [H8804] : as thou hast done H6213 [H8735] , it shall be done H1576 to thee: thy reward H7725 [H8799] shall return H7218 upon thy own head.
  16 H8354 [H8804] For as ye drank H6944 upon my holy H2022 mountain H1471 , so shall all the heathen H8354 [H8799] drink H8548 continually H8354 [H8804] , yea, they shall drink H3886 [H8804] , and they shall swallow down H3808 , and they shall be as though they had not been.
  17 H2022 But upon mount H6726 Zion H6413 shall be deliverance H6944 , and there shall be holiness H1004 ; and the house H3290 of Jacob H3423 [H8804] shall possess H4180 their possessions.
  18 H1004 And the house H3290 of Jacob H784 shall be a fire H1004 , and the house H3130 of Joseph H3852 a flame H1004 , and the house H6215 of Esau H7179 for stubble H1814 [H8804] , and they shall kindle H398 [H8804] in them, and devour H8300 them; and there shall not be any remaining H1004 of the house H6215 of Esau H3068 ; for the LORD H1696 [H8765] hath spoken it.
  19 H5045 And they of the south H3423 [H8804] shall possess H2022 the mount H6215 of Esau H8219 ; and they of the plain H6430 the Philistines H3423 [H8804] : and they shall possess H7704 the fields H669 of Ephraim H7704 , and the fields H8111 of Samaria H1144 : and Benjamin H1568 shall possess Gilead.
  20 H1546 And the captives H2426 of this host H1121 of the children H3478 of Israel H3669 shall possess that of the Canaanites H6886 , even to Zarephath H1546 ; and the captives H3389 of Jerusalem H5614 , which is in Sepharad H3423 [H8799] , shall possess H5892 the cities H5045 of the south.
  21 H3467 [H8688] And deliverers H5927 [H8804] shall come upon H2022 mount H6726 Zion H8199 [H8800] to judge H2022 the mount H6215 of Esau H4410 ; and the kingdom H3068 shall be the LORD'S.
Brenton(i) 1 The vision of Obdias. Thus saith the Lord God to Idumea; I have heard a report from the Lord, and he has sent forth a message to the nations. 2 Arise ye, and let us rise up against her to war. 3 Behold, I have made thee small among the Gentiles: thou art greatly dishonoured. The pride of thine heart has elated thee, dwelling as thou dost in the holes of the rocks, as one that exalts his habitation, saying in his heart, Who will bring me down to the ground? 4 If thou shouldest mount up as the eagle, and if thou shouldest make thy nest among the stars, thence will I bring thee down, saith the Lord. 5 If thieves came in to thee, or robbers by night, where wouldest thou have been cast away? would they not have stolen just enough for themselves? and if grape-gatherers went in to thee, would they not leave a gleaning? 6 How has Esau been searched out, and how have his hidden things been detected? 7 They sent thee to thy coasts: all the men of thy covenant have withstood thee; thine allies have prevailed against thee, they have set snares under thee: they have no understanding. 8 In that day, saith the Lord, I will destroy the wise men out of Idumea, and understanding out of the mount of Esau. 9 And thy warriors from Thaeman shall be dismayed, to the end that man may be cut off from the mount of Esau. 10 Because of the slaughter and the sin committed against thy brother Jacob, shame shall cover thee, and thou shalt be cut off for ever. 11 From the day that thou stoodest in opposition to him, in the days when foreigners were taking captive his forces, and strangers entered into his gates, and cast lots on Jerusalem, thou also wast as one of them. 12 And thou shouldest not have looked on the day of thy brother in the day of strangers; nor shouldest thou have rejoiced against the children of Juda in the day of their destruction; neither shouldest thou have boasted in the day of their affliction. 13 Neither shouldest thou have gone into the gates of the people in the day of their troubles; nor yet shouldest thou have looked upon their gathering in the day of their destruction, nor shouldest thou have attacked their host in the day of their perishing. 14 Neither shouldest thou have stood at the opening of their passages, to destroy utterly those of them that were escaping; neither shouldest thou have shut up his fugitives in the day of affliction. 15 For the day of the Lord is near upon all the Gentiles: as thou have done, so shall it be done to thee: thy recompense shall be returned on thine own head. 16 For as thou hast drunk upon my holy mountain, so shall all the nations drink wine; they shall drink, and go down, and be as if they were not. 17 But on mount Sion there shall be deliverance, and there shall be a sanctuary; and the house of Jacob shall take for an inheritance those that took them for an inheritance. 18 And the house of Jacob shall be fire, and the house of Joseph a flame, and the house of Esau shall be for stubble; and Israel shall flame forth against them, and shall devour them, and there shall not be a corn-field left to the house of Esau; because the Lord has spoken. 19 And they that dwell in the south shall inherit the mount of Esau, and they in the plain the Philistines: and they shall inherit the mount of Ephraim, and the plain of Samaria, and Benjamin, and the land of Galaad. 20 And this shall be the domain of the captivity of the children of Israel, the land of the Chananites as far as Sarepta; and the captives of Jerusalem shall inherit as far as Ephratha; they shall inherit the cities of the south. 21 And they that escape shall come up from mount Sion, to take vengeance on the mount of Esau; and the kingdom shall be the Lord's.
Brenton_Greek(i) 1 ὍΡΑΣΙΣ Ὀβδίου. Τάδε λέγει Κύριος ὁ Θεὸς τῇ Ἰδουμαίᾳ, ἀκοὴν ἤκουσα παρὰ Κυρίου, καὶ περιοχὴν εἰς τὰ ἔθνη ἐξαπέστειλεν· ἀνάστητε, καὶ ἐξαναστῶμεν ἐπʼ αὐτὴν εἰς πόλεμον.
2 Ἰδοὺ ὀλιγοστὸν δέδωκά σε ἐν τοῖς ἔθνεσιν, ἠτιμωμένος εἶ σὺ σφόδρα. 3 Ὑπερηφανία τῆς καρδίας σου ἐπῇρέ σε κατασκηνοῦντα ἐν ταῖς ὀπαῖς τῶν πετρῶν· ὑψῶν κατοικίαν αὐτοῦ, λέγων ἐν καρδίᾳ αὐτοῦ, τίς κατάξει με ἐπὶ τὴν γῆν; 4 Ἐὰν μετεωρισθῇς, ὡς ἀετὸς, καὶ ἐὰν ἀναμέσον τῶν ἄστρων θῇς νοσσιάν σου, ἐκεῖθεν κατάξω σε, λέγει Κύριος. 5 Εἰ κλέπται εἰσῆλθον πρὸς σε, ἢ λῃσταὶ νυκτός, ποῦ ἂν ἀπεῤῥίφης; οὐκ ἂν ἔκλεψαν τὰ ἱκανὰ ἑαυτοῖς; καὶ εἰ τρυγηταὶ εἰσῆλθον πρὸς σὲ. οὐκ ἂν ὑπελίποντο ἐπιφυλλίδα;
6 Πῶς ἐξηρευνήθη Ἡσαῦ, καὶ κατελήφθη τὰ κεκρυμμένα αὐτοῦ; 7 Ἕως τῶν ὁρίων ἐξαπέστειλάν σε· πάντες οἱ ἄνδρες τῆς διαθήκης σου ἀντέστησάν σοι, ἠδυνάσθησαν πρὸς σὲ ἄνδρες εἰρηνικοί σου, ἔθηκαν ἔνεδρα ὑποκάτω σου, οὐκ ἔστι σύνεσις αὐτοῖς.
8 Ἐν τῇ ἡμέρᾳ ἐκείνῃ, λέγει Κύριος, ἀπολῶ σοφοὺς ἐκ τῆς Ἰδουμαίας, καὶ σύνεσιν ἐξ ὄρους Ἡσαῦ. 9 Καὶ πτοηθήσονται οἱ μαχηταί σου οἱ ἐκ Θαιμὰν, ὅπως ἐξαρθῇ ἄνθρωπος ἐξ ὄρους Ἡσαῦ. 10 Διὰ τὴν σφαγὴν, καὶ τὴν ἀσέβειαν ἀδελφόν σου Ἰακὼβ, καλύψει σε αἰσχύνη, καὶ ἐξαρθήσῃ εἰς τὸν αἰῶνα. ʼ 11 Ἀφʼ ἧς ἡμέρας ἀντέστης ἐξεναντίας, ἐν ἡμέραις αἰχμαλωτευόντων ἀλλογενῶν δύναμιν αὐτοῦ, καὶ ἀλλότριοι εἰσῆλθον εἰς πύλας αὐτοῦ, καὶ ἐπὶ Ἱερουσαλὴμ ἔβαλον κλήρους, καὶ σὺ ἦς ὡς εἷς ἐξ αὐτῶν.
12 Καὶ μὴ ἐπίδῃς ἡμέραν ἀδελφοῦ σου ἐν ἡμέρᾳ ἀλλοτρίων, καὶ μὴ ἐπιχαρῇς ἐπὶ τοὺς υἱοὺς Ἰούδα ἐν ἡμέρᾳ ἀπωλείας αὐτῶν, καὶ μὴ μεγαλοῤῥημονήσῃς ἐν ἡμέρᾳ θλίψεως, 13 μηδὲ εἰσέλθῃς εἰς πύλας λαῶν ἐν ἡμέρᾳ πόνων αὐτῶν, μηδὲ ἐπίδῃς καὶ σὺ τὴν συναγωγὴν αὐτῶν ἐν ἡμέρᾳ ὀλέθρου αὐτῶν, καὶ μὴ συνεπιθῇ ἐπὶ τὴν δύναμιν αὐτῶν ἐν ἡμέρᾳ ἀπωλείας αὐτῶν, 14 μηδὲ ἐπιστῇς ἐπὶ τὰς διεκβολὰς αὐτῶν, ἐξολοθρεῦσαι τοὺς ἀνασῳζομένους αὐτῶν, μηδὲ συγκλείσῃς τοὺς φεύγοντας αὐτοῦ ἐν ἡμέρᾳ θλίψεως.
15 Διότι ἐγγὺς ἡμέρα Κυρίου ἐπὶ πάντα τὰ ἔθνη· ὃν τρόπον ἐποίησας, οὕτως ἔσται σοι· τὸ ἀνταπόδομά σου ἀνταποδοθήσεται εἰς κεφαλήν σου. 16 Διότι ὃν τρόπον ἔπιες ἐπὶ τὸ ὄρος τὸ ἅγιόν μου, πίονται πάντα τὰ ἔθνη οἶνον, πίονται καὶ καταβήσονται, καὶ ἔσονται καθὼς οὐχ ὑπάρχοντες.
17 Ἐν δὲ τῷ ὄρει Σιὼν ἔσται ἡ σωτηρία, καὶ ἔσται ἅγιον· καὶ κατακληρονομήσουσιν ὁ οἶκος Ἰακὼβ τοὺς κατακληρονομήσαντας αὐτούς. 18 Καὶ ἔσται ὁ οἶκος Ἰακὼβ πῦρ, ὁ δὲ οἶκος Ἰωσὴφ φλόξ, ὁ δὲ οἶκος Ἡσαῦ εἰς καλάμην, καὶ ἐκκαυθήσονται εἰς αὐτοὺς, καὶ καταφάγονται αὐτοὺς, καὶ οὐκ ἔσται πυροφόρος τῷ οἴκῳ Ἡσαῦ, διότι Κύριος ἐλάλησε. 19 Καὶ κατακληρονομήσουσιν οἱ ἐν ναγὲβ τὸ ὄρος τὸ Ἡσαῦ, καὶ οἱ ἐν τῇ Σεφηλὰ τοὺς ἀλλοφύλους· καὶ κατακληρονομήσουσι τὸ ὄρος Ἐφραὶμ, καὶ τὸ πεδίον Σαμαρείας, καὶ Βενιαμὶν, καὶ τὴν Γαλααδίτιν.
20 Καὶ τῆς μετοικεσίας ἡ ἀρχὴ αὕτη τοῖς υἱοῖς Ἰσραὴλ, γῆ τῶν Χαναναίων ἕως Σαρεπτῶν· καὶ ἡ μετοικεσία Ἱερουσαλὴμ ἕως Ἐφραθά· κληρονομήσουσι τὰς πόλεις τοῦ Ναγέβ.
21 Καὶ ἀναβήσονται ἀνασῳζόμενοι ἐξ ὄρους Σιὼν, τοῦ ἐκδικῆσαι τὸ ὄρος Ἡσαῦ, καὶ ἔσται τῷ Κυρίῳ ἡ βασιλεία.
Leeser(i) 1 The vision of ‘Obadiah: Thus hath said the Lord Eternal concerning Edom, A rumor have we heard from the Lord, and an ambassador is sent among the nations, Arise ye, and let us rise up against her to war. 2 Behold, I make thee small among the nations: thou shalt be greatly despised. 3 The presumption of thy heart hath beguiled thee, thou that dwellest in the clefts of the rock, whose habitation is high; that saith in his heart, Who shall bring me down to the ground? 4 Though thou wert to rise as high as the eagle, and though thou set thy nest among the stars, thence will I bring thee down, saith the Lord. 5 How? are thieves come to thee? or night-prowling robbers? how destroyed art thou! would they not have stolen till they had enough? if grape-gatherers had come to thee, would they not have left some gleanings? 6 How are the treasures of Esau searched out! how are his hidden things laid open! 7 Up to the border have accompanied thee all the men of thy confederacy; beguiled, overcome thee have the men that were at peace with thee: they that eat thy bread have struck thee secretly a wound. There is no understanding in him. 8 Shall I not on that same day, saith the Lord, even destroy the wise men out of Edom, and understanding out of the mount of Esau? 9 And thy mighty men, O Theman, shall be dismayed, in order that every one from the mount of Esau may be cut off by slaughter. 10 Because of thy violence against thy brother Jacob shall shame cover thee, and thou shalt be cut off for ever. 11 On the day that thou stoodest on the other side, on the day that strangers carried away captive his army, and foreigners entered into his gates, and cast lots over Jerusalem, also thou wast as any one of them. 12 But thou shouldst not have looked on pleased at the day of thy brother, on the day that he was delivered up to strangers; neither shouldst thou have rejoiced over the children of Judah on the day of their destruction; nor should thou have spoken proudly on the day of distress. 13 Thou shouldst not have entered into the gate of my people on the day of their calamity; yea, thou too shouldst not have looked pleased on their affliction on the day of their calamity; nor have laid hands on their army on the day of their calamity; 14 Neither shouldst thou have stood in the crossway, to cut off those of his that did escape; neither shouldst thou have delivered up those of his that did remain on the day of distress. 15 For near is the day of the Lord over all the nations: as thou hast done, shall it be done unto thee; thy deeds shall return upon thy own head. 16 For as ye have drunk upon my holy mount, so shall all the nations drink continually; yea, they shall drink, and they shall reel about, and they shall be as though they had not been. 17 But upon mount Zion shall be deliverance, and it shall be holy: and the house of Jacob shall again possess their inheritances. 18 And the house of Jacob shall be a fire, and the house of Joseph a flame, and the house of Esau become stubble, and they shall set them on fire, and devour them; and there shall not be any one remaining of the house of Esau; for the Lord hath spoken it. 19 And they of the south shall possess the mount of Esau; and they of the lowlands, the Philistines; and they shall possess the fields of Ephraim, and the fields of Samaria: and Benjamin shall possess Gil’ad. 20 And the exiles of this host of the children of Israel that are with the Canaanites, as far as Zarephath, and the exiles of Jerusalem, who are in Sepharad, shall possess the cities of the south. 21 And deliverers shall go up on mount Zion to judge the mount of Esau: and the kingdom shall be the Lord’s.
YLT(i) 1 Thus said the Lord Jehovah to Edom, A report we have heard from Jehovah, And an ambassador among nations was sent, `Rise, yea, let us rise against her for battle.' 2 Lo, little I have made thee among nations, Despised art thou exceedingly. 3 The pride of thy heart hath lifted thee up, O dweller in clifts of a rock, (A high place is his habitation, He is saying in his heart, `Who doth bring me down to earth?') 4 If thou dost go up high as an eagle, And if between stars thou dost set thy nest, From thence I bring thee down, An affirmation of Jehovah. 5 If thieves have come in to thee, If spoilers of the night, How hast thou been cut off! Do they not steal their sufficiency? If gatherers have come in to thee, Do they not leave gleanings? 6 How hath Esau been searched out! Flowed out have his hidden things, 7 Unto the border sent thee have all thine allies, Forgotten thee, prevailed over thee, have thy friends, Thy bread they make a snare under thee, There is no understanding in him! 8 Is it not in that day—an affirmation of Jehovah, That I have destroyed the wise out of Edom, And understanding out of the mount of Esau? 9 And broken down have been thy mighty ones, O Teman, So that every one of the mount of Esau is cut off.
10 For slaughter, for violence to thy brother Jacob, Cover thee doth shame, And thou hast been cut off—to the age. 11 In the day of thy standing over-against, In the day of strangers taking captive his force, And foreigners have entered his gates, And for Jerusalem have cast a lot, Even thou art as one of them! 12 And—thou dost not look on the day of thy brother, On the day of his alienation, Nor dost thou rejoice over sons of Judah, In the day of their destruction, Nor make great thy mouth in a day of distress. 13 Nor come into a gate of My people in a day of their calamity, Nor look, even thou, on its misfortune in a day of its calamity, Nor send forth against its force in a day of its calamity, 14 Nor stand by the breach to cut off its escaped, Nor deliver up its remnant in a day of distress. 15 For near is the day of Jehovah, on all the nations, As thou hast done, it is done to thee, Thy deed doth turn back on thine own head. 16 For—as ye have drunk on My holy mount, Drink do all the nations continually, And they have drunk and have swallowed, And they have been as they have not been.
17 And in mount Zion there is an escape, And it hath been holy, And the house of Jacob have possessed their possessions. 18 And the house of Jacob hath been a fire, And the house of Joseph a flame, And the house of Esau for stubble, And they have burned among them, And they have consumed them, And there is not a remnant to the house of Esau, For Jehovah hath spoken. 19 And they have possessed the south with the mount of Esau, And the low country with the Philistines, And they have possessed the field of Ephraim, And the field of Samaria, And Benjamin with Gilead. 20 And the removed of this force of the sons of Israel, That is with the Canaanites unto Zarephat, And the removed of Jerusalem that is with the Sepharad, Possess the cities of the south. 21 And gone up have saviours on mount Zion, To judge the mount of Esau, And the kingdom hath been to Jehovah!'
JuliaSmith(i) 1 The vision of Obadiah. Thus said the Lord Jehovah to Edom: We heard a report from Jehovah, a messenger was sent among the nations; arise ye, and we will rise up against her for war. 2 Behold, I gave thee small among the nations: thou being greatly despised. 3 The pride of thy heart deceived thee, dwelling in the refuges of the rock, the height his seat; he said in his heart, Who shall bring me down to the earth? 4 If thou shalt exalt as the eagle, and set thy nest between the stars, from thence will I bring thee down, says Jehovah. 5 If thieves came to thee, if those laying waste by night, (how thou wert destroyed!) will not they steal their sufficiency? If the grape gatherers came to thee will they not leave gleanings? 6 How were they of Esau sought out! His hidden things were sought out 7 All the men of thy covenant sent thee even to the bound: the men of thy peace deceived thee, they prevailed against thee; they set thy bread a snare under thee: no understanding in him. 8 Was it not in that day, says Jehovah, and I destroyed the wise out of Edom, and understanding from mount Esau? 9 And thy strong ones were terrified, O Teman, so that each shall be cut off from mount Esau from slaughter. 10 From this violence of thy brother Jacob, shame shall cover thee, and thou wert cut off forever. 11 In the day of thy standing from before, in the day of the strangers carrying away captive his strength, and foreigners came into his gate, and upon Jerusalem they cast the lot, also thou as one of them. 12 And thou shalt not look upon thy brother in the day of his calamity, and thou shalt not rejoice to the sons of Judah in the day of their perishing, and thou shalt not magnify thy mouth in the day of straits. 13 Thou shalt not come in to the gate of my people in the day of their misfortune; also thou shalt not look upon his evil in the day of his misfortune, and thou shalt not stretch forth upon his wealth in the day of his misfortune 14 Thou shalt not stand upon the fork of the roads to cut off those of his escaping; and thou shalt not deliver up those remaining of his in the day of straits. 15 For the day of Jehovah is near upon all the nations: as thou didst, it shall be done to thee: thy recompense shall turn back upon thy head. 16 For as thou didst drink upon my holy mountain, all the nations shall drink continually, and they drank and they swallowed down, and they were as they not being. 17 And in mount Zion shall be an escaping and there was holiness; and the house of Jacob shall possess their possessions. 18 And the house of Jacob was a fire, and the house of Joseph for a flame, and the house of Esau for straw; and they burned in them, and they devoured them; and a survivor shall not be to the house of Esau, for Jehovah spake. 19 And they of the south shall possess mount Esau, and of the low country, the rovers: and they shall possess the field of Ephraim, and the field of Shomeron: and Benjamin, Gilead 20 And the captivity of this beginning to the sons of Israel, that of the Canaanites even to Zarephath; and the captivity of Jerusalem which is in Sepharad shall possess the cities of the south. 21 And survivors came up into mount Zion to judge the mount Esau; and the kingdom was to Jehovah.
Darby(i) 1 The vision of Obadiah. Thus saith the Lord Jehovah concerning Edom: We have heard a report from Jehovah, and an ambassador is sent among the nations. Arise ye, and let us rise up against her in battle. 2 Behold, I have made thee small among the nations; thou art greatly despised. 3 The pride of thy heart hath deceived thee, thou that dwellest in the clefts of the rock, whose habitation is high; -- he that saith in his heart, Who shall bring me down to the ground? 4 Though thou exalt thyself as the eagle, and though thou set thy nest among the stars, thence will I bring thee down, saith Jehovah. 5 If thieves had come to thee, if robbers by night, (how art thou cut off!) would they not have stolen [till] they had had enough? If grape-gatherers had come to thee, would they not have left some gleanings? 6 How is Esau searched! his hidden things sought out! 7 All the men of thy confederacy have pushed thee to the border; the men that were at peace with thee have deceived thee, they have prevailed against thee; [they that eat] thy bread have laid a snare under thee. There is no understanding in him. 8 Shall I not in that day, saith Jehovah, destroy the wise men out of Edom, and understanding out of the mount of Esau? 9 And thy mighty men, O Teman, shall be dismayed, to the end that every one may be cut off from the mount of Esau by slaughter. 10 Because of violence against thy brother Jacob, shame shall cover thee, and thou shalt be cut off for ever. 11 In the day that thou stoodest on the other side, in the day that strangers carried away captive his substance, and foreigners entered into his gates, and cast lots upon Jerusalem, even thou wast as one of them. 12 But thou shouldest not have looked on the day of thy brother in the day of his disaster; neither shouldest thou have rejoiced over the children of Judah in the day of their destruction; nor have opened wide thy mouth in the day of distress. 13 Thou shouldest not have entered into the gate of my people in the day of their calamity, nor have looked, even thou, on their affliction in the day of their calamity, neither shouldest thou have laid [hands] on their substance in the day of their calamity; 14 and thou shouldest not have stood on the crossway, to cut off those of his that did escape, nor have delivered up those remaining of him in the day of distress. 15 For the day of Jehovah is near upon all the nations: as thou hast done, it shall be done unto thee: thy recompence shall return upon thine own head. 16 For as ye have drunk upon my holy mountain, so shall all the nations drink continually; yea, they shall drink, and shall swallow down, and they shall be as though they had not been. 17 But upon mount Zion shall there be deliverance, and it shall be holy; and the house of Jacob shall possess their possessions. 18 And the house of Jacob shall be a fire, and the house of Joseph a flame, and the house of Esau for stubble; and they shall kindle in them and devour them; and there shall not be any remaining of the house of Esau: for Jehovah hath spoken [it]. 19 And [they of] the south shall possess the mount of Esau; and they of the lowland the Philistines; yea, they shall possess the field of Ephraim and the field of Samaria; and Benjamin [shall possess] Gilead; 20 and the captives of this host of the children of Israel [shall possess] what belonged to the Canaanites, unto Zarephath; and the captives of Jerusalem, who [were] in Sepharad, shall possess the cities of the south. 21 And saviours shall come up on mount Zion, to judge the mount of Esau; and the kingdom shall be Jehovah`s.
ERV(i) 1 The vision of Obadiah. Thus saith the Lord GOD concerning Edom: We have heard tidings from the LORD, and an ambassador is sent among the nations, [saying], Arise ye, and let us rise up against her in battle. 2 Behold, I have made thee small among the nations: thou art greatly despised. 3 The pride of thine heart hath deceived thee, O thou that dwellest in the clefts of the rock, whose habitation is high; that saith in his heart, Who shall bring me down to the ground? 4 Though thou mount on high as the eagle, and though thy nest be set among the stars, I will bring thee down from thence, saith the LORD. 5 If thieves came to thee, if robbers by night, (how art thou cut off!) would they not steal till they had enough? if grapegatherers came to thee, would they not leave some gleaning grapes? 6 How are [the things of] Esau searched out! how are his hidden treasures sought up! 7 All the men of thy confederacy have brought thee on thy way, even to the border: the men that were at peace with thee have deceived thee, and prevailed against thee; [they that eat] thy bread lay a snare under thee: there is none understanding in him. 8 Shall I not in that day, saith the LORD, destroy the wise men out of Edom, and understanding out of the mount of Esau? 9 And thy mighty men, O Teman, shall be dismayed, to the end that every one may be cut off from the mount of Esau by slaughter. 10 For the violence done to thy brother Jacob shame shall cover thee, and thou shalt be cut off for ever. 11 In the day that thou stoodest on the other side, in the day that strangers carried away his substance, and foreigners entered into his gates, and cast lots upon Jerusalem, even thou wast as one of them. 12 But look not thou on the day of thy brother in the day of his disaster, and rejoice not over the children of Judah in the day of their destruction; neither speak proudly in the day of distress. 13 Enter not into the gate of my people in the day of their calamity; yea, look not thou on their affliction in the day of their calamity, neither lay ye [hands] on their substance in the day of their calamity. 14 And stand thou not in the crossway, to cut off those of his that escape; and deliver not up those of his that remain in the day of distress. 15 For the day of the LORD is near upon all the nations: as thou hast done, it shall be done unto thee; thy dealing shall return upon thine own head. 16 For as ye have drunk upon my holy mountain, so shall all the nations drink continually, yea, they shall drink, and swallow down, and shall be as though they had not been. 17 But in mount Zion there shall be those that escape, and it shall be holy; and the house of Jacob shall possess their possessions. 18 And the house of Jacob shall be a fire, and the house of Joseph a flame, and the house of Esau for stubble, and they shall burn among them, and devour them: and there shall not be any remaining to the house of Esau; for the LORD hath spoken it. 19 And they of the South shall possess the mount of Esau; and they of the lowland the Philistines and they shall possess the field of Ephraim, and the field of Samaria: and Benjamin [shall possess] Gilead. 20 And the captivity of this host of the children of Israel, which are [among] the Canaanites, [shall possess] even unto Zarephath; and the captivity of Jerusalem, which is in Sepharad, shall possess the cities of the South. 21 And saviours shall come up on mount Zion to judge the mount of Esau; and the kingdom shall be the LORD’S.
ASV(i) 1 The vision of Obadiah.

Thus saith the Lord Jehovah concerning Edom: We have heard tidings from Jehovah, and an ambassador is sent among the nations, [saying], Arise ye, and let us rise up against her in battle. 2 Behold, I have made thee small among the nations: thou art greatly despised. 3 The pride of thy heart hath deceived thee, O thou that dwellest in the clefts of the rock, whose habitation is high; that saith in his heart, Who shall bring me down to the ground? 4 Though thou mount on high as the eagle, and though thy nest be set among the stars, I will bring thee down from thence, saith Jehovah.
5 If thieves came to thee, if robbers by night (how art thou cut off!), would they not steal [only] till they had enough? if grape-gatherers came to thee, would they not leave some gleaning grapes? 6 How are [the things of] Esau searched! how are his hidden treasures sought out! 7 All the men of thy confederacy have brought thee on thy way, even to the border: the men that were at peace with thee have deceived thee, and prevailed against thee; [they that eat] thy bread lay a snare under thee: there is no understanding in him. 8 Shall I not in that day, saith Jehovah, destroy the wise men out of Edom, and understanding out of the mount of Esau? 9 And thy mighty men, O Teman, shall be dismayed, to the end that every one may be cut off from the mount of Esau by slaughter.
10 For the violence done to thy brother Jacob, shame shall cover thee, and thou shalt be cut off for ever. 11 In the day that thou stoodest on the other side, in the day that strangers carried away his substance, and foreigners entered into his gates, and cast lots upon Jerusalem, even thou wast as one of them. 12 But look not thou on the day of thy brother in the day of his disaster, and rejoice not over the children of Judah in the day of their destruction; neither speak proudly in the day of distress. 13 Enter not into the gate of my people in the day of their calamity; yea, look not thou on their affliction in the day of their calamity, neither lay ye [hands] on their substance in the day of their calamity. 14 And stand thou not in the crossway, to cut off those of his that escape; and deliver not up those of his that remain in the day of distress.
15 For the day of Jehovah is near upon all the nations: as thou hast done, it shall be done unto thee; thy dealing shall return upon thine own head. 16 For as ye have drunk upon my holy mountain, so shall all the nations drink continually; yea, they shall drink, and swallow down, and shall be as though they had not been.
17 But in mount Zion there shall be those that escape, and it shall be holy; and the house of Jacob shall possess their possessions. 18 And the house of Jacob shall be a fire, and the house of Joseph a flame, and the house of Esau for stubble, and they shall burn among them, and devour them; and there shall not be any remaining to the house of Esau; for Jehovah hath spoken it. 19 And they of the South shall possess the mount of Esau, and they of the lowland the Philistines; and they shall possess the field of Ephraim, and the field of Samaria; and Benjamin [shall possess] Gilead. 20 And the captives of this host of the children of Israel, that are [among] the Canaanites, [shall possess] even unto Zarephath; and the captives of Jerusalem, that are in Sepharad, shall possess the cities of the South. 21 And saviours shall come up on mount Zion to judge the mount of Esau; and the kingdom shall be Jehovah's.
  1 H2377 The vision H5662 of Obadiah. H559 Thus saith H136 the Lord H3069 Jehovah H123 concerning Edom: H8085 We have heard H8052 tidings H3068 from Jehovah, H6735 and an ambassador H7971 is sent H1471 among the nations, H6965 saying, Arise H6965 ye, and let us rise up H4421 against her in battle.
  2 H5414 Behold, I have made H6996 thee small H1471 among the nations: H3966 thou art greatly H959 despised.
  3 H2087 The pride H3820 of thy heart H5377 hath deceived H7931 thee, O thou that dwellest H2288 in the clefts H5553 of the rock, H3427 whose habitation H4791 is high; H559 that saith H3820 in his heart, H3381 Who shall bring me down H776 to the ground?
  4 H1361 Though thou mount on high H5404 as the eagle, H7064 and though thy nest H7760 be set H3556 among the stars, H3381 I will bring thee down H5002 from thence, saith H3068 Jehovah.
  5 H1590 If thieves H935 came H7703 to thee, if robbers H3915 by night H1820 (how art thou cut off!), H1589 would they not steal H1767 only till they had enough? H1219 if grape-gatherers H935 came H7604 to thee, would they not leave H5955 some gleaning grapes?
  6 H6215 How are the things of Esau H2664 searched! H4710 how are his hidden H2664 treasures sought out!
  7 H582 All the men H1285 of thy confederacy H7971 have brought H1366 thee on thy way, even to the border: H582 the men H7965 that were at peace H5377 with thee have deceived H3201 thee, and prevailed H3899 against thee; they that eat thy bread H7760 lay H4204 a snare H8394 under thee: there is no understanding in him.
  8 H3117 Shall I not in that day, H5002 saith H3068 Jehovah, H6 destroy H2450 the wise H123 men out of Edom, H8394 and understanding H2022 out of the mount H6215 of Esau?
  9 H1368 And thy mighty H8487 men, O Teman, H2865 shall be dismayed, H376 to the end that every one H3772 may be cut off H2022 from the mount H6215 of Esau H6993 by slaughter.
  10 H2555 For the violence H251 done to thy brother H3290 Jacob, H955 shame H3680 shall cover H3772 thee, and thou shalt be cut off H5769 for ever.
  11 H3117 In the day H5975 that thou stoodest H3117 on the other side, in the day H2114 that strangers H7617 carried H2428 away his substance, H5237 and foreigners H935 entered H8179 into his gates, H3032 and cast H1486 lots H3389 upon Jerusalem, H259 even thou wast as one of them.
  12 H7200 But look H3117 not thou on the day H251 of thy brother H3117 in the day H5235 of his disaster, H8055 and rejoice H1121 not over the children H3063 of Judah H3117 in the day H6 of their destruction; H6310 neither speak H1431 proudly H3117 in the day H6869 of distress.
  13 H935 Enter H8179 not into the gate H5971 of my people H3117 in the day H343 of their calamity; H7200 yea, look H7451 not thou on their affliction H3117 in the day H343 of their calamity, H7971 neither lay H2428 ye hands on their substance H3117 in the day H343 of their calamity.
  14 H5975 And stand H6563 thou not in the crossway, H3772 to cut off H6412 those of his that escape; H5462 and deliver not up H8300 those of his that remain H3117 in the day H6869 of distress.
  15 H3117 For the day H3068 of Jehovah H7138 is near H1471 upon all the nations: H6213 as thou hast done, H6213 it shall be done H1576 unto thee; thy dealing H7725 shall return H7218 upon thine own head.
  16 H8354 For as ye have drunk H6944 upon my holy H2022 mountain, H1471 so shall all the nations H8354 drink H8548 continually; H8354 yea, they shall drink, H3886 and swallow down, H3808 and shall be as though they had not been.
  17 H2022 But in mount H6726 Zion H6413 there shall be those that escape, H6944 and it shall be holy; H1004 and the house H3290 of Jacob H3423 shall possess H4180 their possessions.
  18 H1004 And the house H3290 of Jacob H784 shall be a fire, H1004 and the house H3130 of Joseph H3852 a flame, H1004 and the house H6215 of Esau H7179 for stubble, H1814 and they shall burn H398 among them, and devour H8300 them; and there shall not be any remaining H1004 to the house H6215 of Esau; H3068 for Jehovah H1696 hath spoken it.
  19 H5045 And they of the South H3423 shall possess H2022 the mount H6215 of Esau, H8219 and they of the lowland H6430 the Philistines; H3423 and they shall possess H7704 the field H669 of Ephraim, H7704 and the field H8111 of Samaria; H1144 and Benjamin H1568 shall possess Gilead.
  20 H1546 And the captives H2426 of this host H1121 of the children H3478 of Israel, H3669 that are among the Canaanites, H6886 shall possess even unto Zarephath; H1546 and the captives H3389 of Jerusalem, H5614 that are in Sepharad, H3423 shall possess H5892 the cities H5045 of the South.
  21 H3467 And saviours H5927 shall come up H2022 on mount H6726 Zion H8199 to judge H2022 the mount H6215 of Esau; H4410 and the kingdom H3068 shall be Jehovah's.
JPS_ASV_Byz(i) 1 The vision of Obadiah. Thus saith the Lord GOD concerning Edom: We have heard a message from the LORD, and an ambassador is sent among the nations: 'Arise ye, and let us rise up against her in battle.' 2 Behold, I make thee small among the nations; thou art greatly despised. 3 The pride of thy heart hath beguiled thee, O thou that dwellest in the clefts of the rock, thy habitation on high; that sayest in thy heart: 'Who shall bring me down to the ground?' 4 Though thou make thy nest as high as the eagle, and though thou set it among the stars, I will bring thee down from thence, saith the LORD. 5 If thieves came to thee, if robbers by night - how art thou cut off! - would they not steal till they had enough? If grape-gatherers came to thee, would they not leave some gleaning grapes? 6 How is Esau searched out! How are his hidden places sought out! 7 All the men of thy confederacy have conducted thee to the border; the men that were at peace with thee have beguiled thee, and prevailed against thee; they that eat thy bread lay a snare under thee, in whom there is no discernment. 8 Shall I not in that day, saith the LORD, destroy the wise men out of Edom, and discernment out of the mount of Esau? 9 And thy mighty men, O Teman, shall be dismayed, to the end that every one may be cut off from the mount of Esau by slaughter. 10 For the violence done to thy brother Jacob shame shall cover thee, and thou shalt be cut off for ever. 11 In the day that thou didst stand aloof, in the day that strangers carried away his substance, and foreigners entered into his gates, and cast lots upon Jerusalem, even thou wast as one of them. 12 But thou shouldest not have gazed on the day of thy brother in the day of his disaster, neither shouldest thou have rejoiced over the children of Judah in the day of their destruction; neither shouldest thou have spoken proudly in the day of distress. 13 Thou shouldest not have entered into the gate of My people in the day of their calamity; yea, thou shouldest not have gazed on their affliction in the day of their calamity, nor have laid hands on their substance in the day of their calamity. 14 Neither shouldest thou have stood in the crossway, to cut off those of his that escape; neither shouldest thou have delivered up those of his that did remain in the day of distress. 15 For the day of the LORD is near upon all the nations; as thou hast done, it shall be done unto thee; thy dealing shall return upon thine own head. 16 For as ye have drunk upon My holy mountain, so shall all the nations drink continually, yea, they shall drink, and swallow down, and shall be as though they had not been. 17 But in mount Zion there shall be those that escape, and it shall be holy; and the house of Jacob shall possess their possessions. 18 And the house of Jacob shall be a fire, and the house of Joseph a flame, and the house of Esau for stubble, and they shall kindle in them, and devour them; and there shall not be any remaining of the house of Esau; for the LORD hath spoken. 19 And they of the South shall possess the mount of Esau, and they of the Lowland the Philistines; and they shall possess the field of Ephraim, and the field of Samaria; and Benjamin shall possess Gilead. 20 And the captivity of this host of the children of Israel, that are among the Canaanites, even unto Zarephath, and the captivity of Jerusalem, that is in Sepharad, shall possess the cities of the South. 21 And saviours shall come up on mount Zion to judge the mount of Esau; and the kingdom shall be the LORD'S.
Rotherham(i) 1 The vision of Obadiah,––Thus, saith My Lord, Yahweh, concerning Edom––A rumour, have we heard from Yahweh, and, a herald, throughout the nations, hath been sent, Up! and let us rise against her to war. 2 Lo! small, have I made thee, among the nations––Despised art thou exceedingly! 3 The insolence of thy heart, hath deceived thee, O thou that inhabitest the retreats of the crag, the height of his habitation,––that saith in his heart, Who shall bring me down to the ground? 4 Though thou build high like an eagle, and though, among the stars, thou set thy nest, from thence, will I bring thee down, Declareth Yahweh. 5 If, thieves, had come to thee, if robbers by night––how ruined thou art! Would they not have stolen what sufficed them? If, grape–gatherers, had come to thee, Would they not have left gleanings? 6 How have the things of Esau been searched out! his treasures been sought up! 7 Up to the boundary, have they sent thee––All thy covenant men, they have deceived thee, prevailed against thee––the men thou wast wont to salute,––The partakers of thy bread, have put a net under thee––No understanding in him! 8 Shall it not be, in that day, Demandeth Yahweh,––That I will destroy the wise men out of Edom, and understanding out of Mount Esau? 9 So shall thy mighty men, O Teman, be dismayed,––to the intent that every man, may be cut off, out of Mount Esau, by slaughter.
10 For thy violence against thy brother Jacob, shall shame, cover thee,––so shalt thou be cut off, to times age–abiding. 11 In the day when thou didst take thy stand over against him, in the day when foreigners took captive his forces,––and, aliens, entered his gates, and, over Jerusalem, cast lots, even thou, wast like one of them! 12 Do not, then, look with satisfaction upon the day of thy brother, upon the day of his calamity, Neither rejoice over the sons of Judah––in the day of their ruin,––nor enlarge thy mouth––in the day of distress: 13 Do not enter into the gate of my people––in the day of their misfortune, Do not, thou also, look with satisfaction on his misery––in the day of his misfortune; neither do thou thrust [thy hands] on his substance––in the day of his misfortune; 14 Neither do thou stand at the parting of the way, to cut off his fugitives,––neither do thou deliver up his survivors––in the day of distress. 15 For, near, is the day of Yahweh, upon all the nations,––Just as thou hast done, shall it be done to thee, Thy dealing, shall come back upon thine own head. 16 For, as ye have drunk on my holy mountain, all the nations shall drink continually,––Yea they shall drink and swallow down, and shall be, as though they had not been.
17 But, in Mount Zion, shall be a delivered remnant which shall be holy,––and the house of Jacob shall possess their own possessions; 18 And the house of Jacob shall be a fire, and the house of Joseph a flame, with the house of Esau for stubble, So shall they kindle upon them, and devour them,––and there shall be no survivor to the house of Esau, for, Yahweh, hath spoken. 19 Then shall they of the South possess Mount Esau, and they of the Lowlands, the Philistines, and they [of the Mountain] shall possess the field of Ephraim, and the field of Samaria,––and Benjamin [shall possess] Gilead; 20 And, they of the captivity of this force pertaining to the sons of Israel, [shall possess] that of the Canaanites, up to Zarephath, and, they of the captivity of Jerusalem who are in Sepharad, shall possess the cities of the South. 21 And saviours shall come up in Mount Zion, to judge the mountain of Esau,––So shall the kingdom, belong unto Yahweh.
CLV(i) 1 The vision of Obadiah. Thus says my Lord Yahweh concerning Edom:We hear a report from Yahweh, and an agent is sent among the nations. Rise! And let us rise against her for battle!" 2 Behold! I have made you small among the nations. Despised are you exceedingly. 3 The arrogance of your heart lures you, O tabernacler in the holes of the crag. A height is his dwelling; he is saying in his heart, Who will bring me down to earth? 4 If you are elevated as the vulture, and if your nest is placed between the stars, thence will I bring you down (averring is Yahweh)." 5 If thieves come to you, if devastators of the night--how you are stilled! Will they not steal their quota? If grape pickers come to you, will they not let clean-gleanings remain? 6 How the things of Esau will be searched! His secluded things will be extruded! 7 Unto your boundary they send you; all the mortals of your covenant lure you, and the mortals bidding you peace will prevail against you--they shall make your bread a malady under you. There is no understanding by it." 8 Will it not be in that day, (averring is Yahweh), that I shall destroy the wise from Edom, and understanding from mount Esau? 9 Your masters, Teman, shall be dismayed, that each man may be cut off from mount Esau by being despatched." 10 Because of wrong done to your brother Jacob, shame shall cover you, and you shall be cut off for the eon." 11 In the day that you stood aloof, in that day aliens captured his army, and foreigners entered his gateways, and over Jerusalem they handled the lot. Moreover, you were as one of them!" 12 Yet you must not stare in the day of your brother, in the day of his disaster. And you must not rejoice over the sons of Judah, in the day of their destruction. And you must not magnify your mouth, in the day of distress." 13 You must not enter into the gateway of My people, in the day of their calamity. Moreover, you must not see his evil, in the day of his calamity. And you must not be set to fight against his army, in the day of his calamity." 14 And you must not stand at the breach to cut off his delivered ones. And you must not enclose his survivors, in the day of distress." 15 For near is the day of Yahweh over all the nations. Just as you do, it shall be done to you. Your requital shall return on your own head." 16 For just as you drink on My holy mountain, so shall all the nations drink turbid wine, and they shall drink and swallow absinth, and they shall become as if not having become." 17 Yet in mount Zion deliverance shall come to be, and it will become holy. And the house of Jacob shall tenant their own tenancies." 18 And the house of Jacob shall become a fire, and the house of Joseph a blaze, and the house of Esau for straw, and they shall flare among them and devour them. And there shall not be a survivor for the house of Esau, for Yahweh speaks." 19 And they of the south rim shall tenant mount Esau, and they of the lowland, the Philistines, and they shall tenant the field of Ephraim, and the field of Samaria, and Benjamin shall tenant Gilead." 20 And the deportation, these valorous of the sons of Israel, shall tenant the land which is the Canaanites' unto Zarephas, and the deportation of Jerusalem, which is in Sepharad, shall tenant the cities of the south rim." 21 And saviours shall come up in mount Zion, to judge mount Esau. And the kingdom shall become Yahweh's."
BBE(i) 1 The vision of Obadiah. This is what the Lord has said about Edom: We have had word from the Lord, and a representative has been sent among the nations, saying, Up! and let us make war against her. 2 See, I have made you small among the nations: you are much looked down on. 3 You have been tricked by the pride of your heart, O you whose living-place is in the cracks of the rock, whose house is high up; who has said in his heart, Who will make me come down to earth? 4 Though you go up on high like an eagle, though your house is placed among the stars, I will make you come down from there, says the Lord. 5 If thieves came, attacking you by night, how are you cut off! would they not go on taking till they had enough? if men came cutting your grapes would they take them all? 6 How are the things of Esau searched out! how are his secret stores looked for! 7 All the men who were united with you have been false to you, driving you out to the edge of the land: the men who were at peace with you have overcome you; they have taken their heritage in your place. 8 Will I not, in that day, says the Lord, take away the wise men out of Edom, and wisdom out of the mountain of Esau? 9 And your men of war, O Teman, will be overcome with fear, so that every one of them may be cut off from the mountain of Esau. 10 Because you were the cause of violent death and because of your cruel behaviour to your brother Jacob, you will be covered with shame and will be cut off for ever. 11 Because you were there watching when men from other lands took away his goods, and strange men came into his doors, and put the fate of Jerusalem to the decision of chance; you were like one of them. 12 Do not see with pleasure your brother's evil day, the day of his fate, and do not be glad over the children of Judah on the day of their destruction, or make wide your mouth on the day of trouble. 13 Do not go into the doors of my people on the day of their downfall; do not be looking on their trouble with pleasure on the day of their downfall, or put your hands on their goods on the day of their downfall. 14 And do not take your place at the cross-roads, cutting off those of his people who get away; and do not give up to their haters those who are still there in the day of trouble. 15 For the day of the Lord is coming quickly on all nations: as you have done it will be done to you; the reward of your acts will come on your head. 16 For as you have been drinking on my holy mountain, so will all the nations go on drinking without end; they will go on drinking and the wine will go down their throats, and they will be as if they had never been. 17 But in Mount Zion some will be kept safe, and it will be holy; and the children of Jacob will take their heritage. 18 And the children of Jacob will be a fire and those of Joseph a flame, and the children of Esau dry stems of grass, burned up by them till all is gone: and there will be no people living in Esau; for the Lord has said it. 19 And they will take the South, and the lowland, and the country of Ephraim, and Gilead, as their heritage. 20 And those of the children of Israel who were the first to be taken away as prisoners, will have their heritage among the Canaanites as far as Zarephath; and those who were taken away from Jerusalem, who are in Sepharad, will have the towns of the South. 21 And those who have been kept safe will come up from Mount Zion to be judges of the mountain of Esau; and the kingdom will be the Lord's.
MKJV(i) 1 The vision of Obadiah. So says the Lord God concerning Edom: We have heard a message from Jehovah, and a messenger is sent among the nations: Rise up, even let us rise up against her for battle. 2 Behold, I have given you to be small among the nations; you are greatly despised. 3 The pride of your heart has deceived you, dwelling in the clefts of the rock, his dwelling is lofty; saying in his heart, Who shall bring me down to the ground? 4 Though you rise high like the eagle, and though you set your nest between the stars, I will bring you down from there, says Jehovah. 5 If thieves came to you, if destroyers by night (how you have been cut off!), would they not have stolen until they had enough? If the grape-gatherers came to you, would they not leave gleanings? 6 How Esau is searched out! His hidden things are sought out! 7 All the men of your covenant have dismissed you to the border; the men who were at peace with you have deceived you, and have overcome you. They are setting your bread as a snare under you; there is no understanding in them. 8 Shall I not in that day even destroy the wise out of Edom, and understanding out of the mount of Esau, says Jehovah? 9 And your mighty ones, O Teman, shall be afraid, so that each man from the mount of Esau may be cut off by slaughter. 10 Shame shall cover you from the violence against your brother Jacob, and you shall be cut off forever. 11 On the day of your standing on the other side, on the day that the strangers were capturing his force, and foreigners entered his gates and cast lots for Jerusalem, even you were like one of them. 12 But you should not have looked on the day of your brother on the day of his alienation; nor should you have rejoiced over the sons of Judah in the day of their ruin; nor should you have enlarged your mouth in the day of distress. 13 You should not have entered into the gate of My people in the day of their calamity; also, you should not have looked on his evil in the day of their calamity. Nor should you have sent out against his force in the day of his calamity. 14 Nor should you have stood on the crossways to cut off those of him who escaped; nor should you have shut up his survivors in the day of distress. 15 For the day of Jehovah is near on all the nations; as you have done, it shall be done to you. Your reward shall return upon your head. 16 For as you have drunk upon My holy mountain, so all the nations shall drink forever. Yes, they shall drink, and they shall swallow, and they shall be as though they had not been. 17 But upon Mount Zion shall be those who escaped; and it shall be holy. And the house of Jacob shall possess their own possessions. 18 And the house of Jacob shall be a fire, and the house of Joseph a flame. And the house of Esau shall be for stubble. And they shall kindle in them and burn them up. And no survivor shall be to the house of Esau; for Jehovah has spoken it. 19 And those of the south shall possess the mountain of Esau and the low country of the Philistines. And they shall possess the fields of Ephraim and the fields of Samaria; and Benjamin shall possess Gilead. 20 And the exiles of this army shall go to the sons of Israel who shall possess the land of the Canaanites to Zarephath; even the exiles of Jerusalem who are in Sepharad shall possess the cities of the south. 21 And deliverers shall go up into the mountain of Zion to judge the mountain of Esau; and the kingdom shall be to Jehovah.
LITV(i) 1 The vision of Obadiah: So says the Lord Jehovah concerning Edom: We have heard a message from Jehovah, and a messenger is sent among the nations; rise up, and let us rise up against her for battle. 2 Behold, I have given you to be small among the nations; you are greatly despised. 3 The pride of your heart has deceived you, dwelling in the clefts of the rock; his dwelling is lofty, saying in his heart, Who shall bring me down to the ground? 4 Though you rise high as the eagle, and though you set your nest between the stars, I will bring you down from there, declares Jehovah. 5 If thieves came to you, if destroyers by night, how you have been cut off! Would they not have stolen until they had enough? If the grape-gatherers came to you, would they not leave gleanings? 6 How Esau is searched out! His hidden things are sought out! 7 All the men of your covenant have dismissed you to the border. The men who were at peace with you have deceived you and have prevailed over you. They are setting your bread as a snare under you; there is no understanding in him. 8 Shall I not in that day even destroy the wise out of Edom and understanding out of the mount of Esau? declares Jehovah. 9 And your mighty ones, Teman, shall be afraid, so that each man from the mount of Esau may be cut off by slaughter. 10 Shame shall cover you from the violence against your brother Jacob, and you shall be cut off forever. 11 On the day of your standing on the other side, on the day that the strangers take his force captive, and foreigners enter his gates, and cast lots for Jerusalem, even you were like one of them. 12 But you should not have looked on the day of your brother, on the day of his alienation; nor should you have rejoiced over the sons of Judah in the day of their destruction; nor should you have enlarged your mouth in the day of distress. 13 You should not have entered into My people's gate on the day of his calamity; also you should not have looked on his evil on the day of his calamity, nor should you have sent out against his force in the day of his calamity. 14 Nor should you have stood on the crossways to cut off those of him who escaped, nor should you have shut up his survivors in the day of distress. 15 For the day of Jehovah is near on all the nations: As you have done, it shall be done to you; your reward shall return on your head! 16 For as you have drunk on My holy mount, so all the nations shall continually drink. Yea, they shall drink and shall swallow; and they will be as if they had not been. 17 But the ones who escaped shall be on Mount Zion, and it shall be holy. And the house of Jacob shall possess their own possessions. 18 And the house of Jacob shall be a fire, and the house of Joseph a flame, and the house of Esau for straw. And they shall burn among them and consume them. And no survivor shall be to the house of Esau, for Jehovah has spoken. 19 And those of Negeb shall possess the mountain of Esau, and the low country of the Philistines. And they shall possess Ephraim's fields, and Samaria's fields. And Benjamin shall possess Gilead. 20 And the exiles of this force shall go to the sons of Israel who shall possess the land of the Canaanites to Zarephath; even the exiles of Jerusalem who are in Sepharad shall possess the cities of the Negeb. 21 And deliverers shall go up into the mountain of Zion to judge the mountain of Esau, and the kingdom shall be to Jehovah.
ECB(i) 1
The vision of Obad Yah: Thus says Adonay Yah Veh concerning Edom: We hear a report from Yah Veh, and an ambassador is sent among the goyim, Rise; yes, rise against her in war. 2 Behold, I give you little among the goyim; you are mightily despised: 3 the arrogance of your heart deceives you - you who tabernacle in the clefts of the rock; whose settlement is high; he says in his heart, Who descends me to the earth? 4 Though you heighten as the eagle and though you set your nest among the stars, I descend you from there - an oracle of Yah Veh. 5 If thieves come to you, if ravagers by night - how you are cut off steal they not until they satiate? If the clippers come to you, leave they not gleanings? 6 How Esav is searched! How his treasures bulge! 7 All the men of your covenant send you to the border: the men at shalom with you deceive you and prevail against you; they set your bread under you to estrange you: there is no discernment in him. 8 In that day, - an oracle of Yah Veh destroy I not the wise from Edom? And discernment from the mount of Esav? 9 And your mighty, O Teman, dismay, so that every man of the mount of Esav is cut off by severing. 10 For your violence against your brother Yaaqov, shame covers you; and you are severed eternally. 11 In the day you stand on the other side, in the day the strangers capture his valiant, and strangers enter his portals, and handle pebbles on Yeru Shalem, even you are as one of them: 12 and you neither see the day of your brother - the day he is estranged; nor cheer over the sons of Yah Hudah in the day of their destruction; nor greaten your mouth in the day of tribulation. 13 nor enter the portal of my people in the day of their calamity; yes, nor see their evil in the day of their calamity; nor spread over their valiant in the day of their calamity; 14 nor stand in the crossway to cut off his escapees; nor shut up his survivors in the day of tribulation. 15 For the day of Yah Veh is near on all the goyim: as you work, as worked to you: your dealing returns on your own head: 16 for as you drink on my holy mountain thus all the goyim drink continually - yes, they drink and they gulp, and they become as though they had never become. 17 And on mount Siyon becomes an escape and there becomes a holies; and the house of Yaaqov possesses their possessions. 18 And so be it, the house of Yaaqov becomes a fire and the house of Yoseph a flame and the house of Esav a stubble; and they inflame among them, and consume them; so that there are no survivors of the house of Esav; for Yah Veh has worded. 19 And they of the south possess the mount of Esav; and they of the lowland the Peleshethiym: and they possess the fields of Ephrayim and the fields of Shomeron: and Ben Yamin possesses Gilad: 20 and the exiles of the valiant of the sons of Yisra El, the Kenaaniym to Sarephath; and the exiles of Yeru Shalem in Sepharad, possess the cities of the south. 21 And saviours ascend on mount Siyon to judge the mount of Esav; and the sovereigndom becomes to Yah Veh.
ACV(i) 1 The vision of Obadiah. Thus says the lord LORD concerning Edom: We have heard tidings from LORD, and an ambassador is sent among the nations, saying, Arise ye, and let us rise up against her in battle. 2 Behold, I have made thee small among the nations. Thou are greatly despised. 3 The pride of thy heart has deceived thee, O thou who dwell in the clefts of the rock, whose habitation is high, who says in his heart, Who shall bring me down to the ground? 4 Though thou mount on high as the eagle, and though thy nest be set among the stars, I will bring thee down from there, says LORD. 5 If thieves came to thee, if robbers by night (how thou are cut off!), would they not steal only till they had enough? If grape gatherers came to thee, would they not leave some gleaning grapes? 6 How are the things of Esau searched! How are his hidden treasures sought out! 7 All the men of thy confederacy have brought thee on thy way, even to the border. The men who were at peace with thee have deceived thee, and prevailed against thee. Those who eat thy bread lay a snare under thee. There is no understanding in him. 8 Shall I not in that day, says LORD, destroy the wise men out of Edom, and understanding out of the mount of Esau? 9 And thy mighty men, O Teman, shall be dismayed, to the end that everyone may be cut off from the mount of Esau by slaughter. 10 Shame shall cover thee for the violence done to thy brother Jacob, and thou shall be cut off forever. 11 In the day that thou stood on the other side, in the day that strangers carried away his substance, and foreigners entered into his gates, and cast lots upon Jerusalem, even thou were as one of them. 12 But look not thou on the day of thy brother in the day of his disaster, and rejoice not over the sons of Judah in the day of their destruction, nor speak proudly in the day of distress. 13 Enter not into the gate of my people in the day of their calamity. Yea, look not thou on their affliction in the day of their calamity, nor lay ye hands on their substance in the day of their calamity. 14 And stand thou not in the crossway, to cut off those of his who escape, and deliver not up those of his who remain in the day of distress. 15 For the day of LORD is near upon all the nations. As thou have done, it shall be done to thee. Thy dealing shall return upon thine own head. 16 For as ye have drunk upon my holy mountain, so shall all the nations drink continually. Yea, they shall drink, and swallow down, and shall be as though they had not been. 17 But in mount Zion there shall be those who escape, and it shall be holy, and the house of Jacob shall possess their possessions. 18 And the house of Jacob shall be a fire, and the house of Joseph a flame, and the house of Esau for stubble. And they shall burn among them, and devour them, and there shall not be any remaining to the house of Esau, for LORD has spoken it. 19 And those of the South shall possess the mount of Esau, and those of the lowland the Philistines. And they shall possess the field of Ephraim, and the field of Samaria, and Benjamin shall possess Gilead. 20 And the captives of this host of the sons of Israel, who are among the Canaanites, shall possess even to Zarephath. And the captives of Jerusalem who are in Sepharad shall possess the cities of the South. 21 And saviors shall come up on mount Zion to judge the mount of Esau, and the kingdom shall be LORD's.
WEB(i) 1 The vision of Obadiah. This is what the Lord Yahweh says about Edom. We have heard news from Yahweh, and an ambassador is sent among the nations, saying, “Arise, and let’s rise up against her in battle. 2 Behold, I have made you small among the nations. You are greatly despised. 3 The pride of your heart has deceived you, you who dwell in the clefts of the rock, whose habitation is high, who says in his heart, ‘Who will bring me down to the ground?’ 4 Though you mount on high as the eagle, and though your nest is set among the stars, I will bring you down from there,” says Yahweh. 5 “If thieves came to you, if robbers by night—oh, what disaster awaits you—wouldn’t they only steal until they had enough? If grape pickers came to you, wouldn’t they leave some gleaning grapes? 6 How Esau will be ransacked! How his hidden treasures are sought out! 7 All the men of your alliance have brought you on your way, even to the border. The men who were at peace with you have deceived you, and prevailed against you. Friends who eat your bread lay a snare under you. There is no understanding in him.” 8 “Won’t I in that day”, says Yahweh, “destroy the wise men out of Edom, and understanding out of the mountain of Esau? 9 Your mighty men, Teman, will be dismayed, to the end that everyone may be cut off from the mountain of Esau by slaughter. 10 For the violence done to your brother Jacob, shame will cover you, and you will be cut off forever. 11 In the day that you stood on the other side, in the day that strangers carried away his substance, and foreigners entered into his gates, and cast lots for Jerusalem, even you were like one of them. 12 But don’t look down on your brother in the day of his disaster, and don’t rejoice over the children of Judah in the day of their destruction. Don’t speak proudly in the day of distress. 13 Don’t enter into the gate of my people in the day of their calamity. Don’t look down on their affliction in the day of their calamity, neither seize their wealth on the day of their calamity. 14 Don’t stand in the crossroads to cut off those of his who escape. Don’t deliver up those of his who remain in the day of distress. 15 For the day of Yahweh is near all the nations! As you have done, it will be done to you. Your deeds will return upon your own head. 16 For as you have drunk on my holy mountain, so will all the nations drink continually. Yes, they will drink, swallow down, and will be as though they had not been. 17 But in Mount Zion, there will be those who escape, and it will be holy. The house of Jacob will possess their possessions. 18 The house of Jacob will be a fire, the house of Joseph a flame, and the house of Esau for stubble. They will burn among them, and devour them. There will not be any remaining to the house of Esau.” Indeed, Yahweh has spoken. 19 Those of the South will possess the mountain of Esau, and those of the lowland, the Philistines. They will possess the field of Ephraim, and the field of Samaria. Benjamin will possess Gilead. 20 The captives of this army of the children of Israel, who are among the Canaanites, will possess even to Zarephath; and the captives of Jerusalem, who are in Sepharad, will possess the cities of the Negev. 21 Saviors will go up on Mount Zion to judge the mountains of Esau, and the kingdom will be Yahweh’s.
  1 H2377 The vision H5662 of Obadiah. H136 This is what the Lord H3069 Yahweh H559 says H123 about Edom. H8085 We have heard H8052 news H3068 from Yahweh, H6735 and an ambassador H7971 is sent H1471 among the nations, H6965 saying, "Arise, H6965 and let's rise up H4421 against her in battle.
  2 H5414 Behold, I have made H6996 you small H1471 among the nations. H3966 You are greatly H959 despised.
  3 H2087 The pride H3820 of your heart H5377 has deceived H7931 you, you who dwell H2288 in the clefts H5553 of the rock, H3427 whose habitation H4791 is high, H559 who says H3820 in his heart, H3381 ‘Who will bring me down H776 to the ground?'
  4 H1361 Though you mount on high H5404 as the eagle, H7064 and though your nest H7760 is set H3556 among the stars, H3381 I will bring you down H5002 from there," says H3068 Yahweh.
  5 H1590 "If thieves H935 came H7703 to you, if robbers H3915 by night— H1820 oh, what disaster H1589 awaits you— wouldn't they only steal H1767 until they had enough? H1219 If grape pickers H935 came H7604 to you, wouldn't they leave H5955 some gleaning grapes?
  6 H6215 How Esau H2664 will be ransacked! H4710 How his hidden H2664 treasures are sought out!
  7 H582 All the men H1285 of your alliance H7971 have brought H1366 you on your way, even to the border. H582 The men H7965 who were at peace H5377 with you have deceived H3201 you, and prevailed H3899 against you. Friends who eat your bread H7760 lay H4204 a snare H8394 under you. There is no understanding in him."
  8 H3117 "Won't I in that day," H5002 says H3068 Yahweh, H6 "destroy H2450 the wise H123 men out of Edom, H8394 and understanding H2022 out of the mountain H6215 of Esau?
  9 H1368 Your mighty H8487 men, Teman, H2865 will be dismayed, H376 to the end that everyone H3772 may be cut off H2022 from the mountain H6215 of Esau H6993 by slaughter.
  10 H2555 For the violence H251 done to your brother H3290 Jacob, H955 shame H3680 will cover H3772 you, and you will be cut off H5769 forever.
  11 H3117 In the day H5975 that you stood H3117 on the other side, in the day H2114 that strangers H7617 carried H2428 away his substance, H5237 and foreigners H935 entered H8179 into his gates, H3032 and cast H1486 lots H3389 for Jerusalem, H259 even you were like one of them.
  12 H7200 But don't look H251 down on your brother H3117 in the day H5235 of his disaster, H8055 and don't rejoice H1121 over the children H3063 of Judah H3117 in the day H6 of their destruction. H6310 Don't speak H1431 proudly H3117 in the day H6869 of distress.
  13 H935 Don't enter H8179 into the gate H5971 of my people H3117 in the day H343 of their calamity. H7200 Don't look H7451 down on their affliction H3117 in the day H343 of their calamity, H7971 neither seize H2428 their wealth H3117 on the day H343 of their calamity.
  14 H5975 Don't stand H6563 in the crossroads H3772 to cut off H6412 those of his who escape. H5462 Don't deliver up H8300 those of his who remain H3117 in the day H6869 of distress.
  15 H3117 For the day H3068 of Yahweh H7138 is near H1471 all the nations! H6213 As you have done, H6213 it will be done H1576 to you. Your deeds H7725 will return H7218 upon your own head.
  16 H8354 For as you have drunk H6944 on my holy H2022 mountain, H1471 so will all the nations H8354 drink H8548 continually. H8354 Yes, they will drink, H3886 swallow down, H3808 and will be as though they had not been.
  17 H2022 But in Mount H6726 Zion, H6413 there will be those who escape, H6944 and it will be holy. H1004 The house H3290 of Jacob H3423 will possess H4180 their possessions.
  18 H1004 The house H3290 of Jacob H784 will be a fire, H1004 the house H3130 of Joseph H3852 a flame, H1004 and the house H6215 of Esau H7179 for stubble. H1814 They will burn H398 among them, and devour H8300 them. There will not be any remaining H1004 to the house H6215 of Esau." H3068 Indeed, Yahweh H1696 has spoken.
  19 H5045 Those of the South H3423 will possess H2022 the mountain H6215 of Esau, H8219 and those of the lowland, H6430 the Philistines. H3423 They will possess H7704 the field H669 of Ephraim, H7704 and the field H8111 of Samaria. H1144 Benjamin H1568 will possess Gilead.
  20 H1546 The captives H2426 of this army H1121 of the children H3478 of Israel, H3669 who are among the Canaanites, H6886 will possess even to Zarephath; H1546 and the captives H3389 of Jerusalem, H5614 who are in Sepharad, H3423 will possess H5892 the cities H5045 of the Negev.
  21 H3467 Saviors H5927 will go up H2022 on Mount H6726 Zion H8199 to judge H2022 the mountains H6215 of Esau, H4410 and the kingdom H3068 will be Yahweh's.
NHEB(i) 1 The vision of Obadiah. This is what the Lord GOD says about Edom. We have heard news from the LORD, and an ambassador is sent among the nations, saying, "Arise, and let's rise up against her in battle. 2 Look, I have made you small among the nations. You are greatly despised. 3 The pride of your heart has deceived you, you who dwell in the clefts of the rock, whose habitation is high, who says in his heart, 'Who will bring me down to the ground?' 4 Though you mount on high as the eagle, and though your nest is set among the stars, I will bring you down from there," says the LORD. 5 "If thieves came to you, if robbers by night—oh, what disaster awaits you—wouldn't they only steal until they had enough? If grape pickers came to you, wouldn't they leave some gleaning grapes? 6 How Esau will be ransacked. How his hidden treasures are sought out. 7 All the men of your alliance have brought you on your way, even to the border. The men who were at peace with you have deceived you, and prevailed against you. Those who eat bread with you lay a snare under you. There is no understanding in him." 8 "Won't I in that day," says the LORD, "destroy the wise men out of Edom, and understanding out of the mountain of Esau? 9 Your mighty men, Teman, will be dismayed, to the end that everyone may be cut off from the mountain of Esau by slaughter. 10 For the violence done to your brother Jacob, shame will cover you, and you will be cut off forever. 11 In the day that you stood on the other side, in the day that strangers carried away his substance, and foreigners entered into his gates, and cast lots for Jerusalem, even you were like one of them. 12 But do not look down on your brother in the day of his disaster, and do not rejoice over the people of Judah in the day of their destruction. Do not speak proudly in the day of distress. 13 Do not enter into the gate of my people in the day of their calamity. Do not look down on their affliction in the day of their calamity, neither seize their wealth on the day of their calamity. 14 Do not stand in the crossroads to cut off those of his who escape. Do not deliver up those of his who remain in the day of distress. 15 For the day of the LORD is near all the nations. As you have done, it will be done to you. Your deeds will return upon your own head. 16 For as you have drunk on my holy mountain, so will all the nations drink continually. Yes, they will drink, swallow down, and will be as though they had not been. 17 But in Mount Zion, there will be those who escape, and it will be holy. The house of Jacob will possess those who dispossessed them. 18 The house of Jacob will be a fire, the house of Joseph a flame, and the house of Esau for stubble. They will burn among them, and devour them. There will not be any remaining to the house of Esau." Indeed, the LORD has spoken. 19 Those of the Negev will possess the mountain of Esau, and those of the lowland, the Philistines. They will possess the field of Ephraim, and the field of Samaria. Benjamin will possess Gilead. 20 The captives of this army of the children of Israel, who are among the Canaanites, will possess even to Zarephath; and the captives of Jerusalem, who are in Sepharad, will possess the cities of the Negev. 21 Those who have been saved will go up on Mount Zion to judge the mountains of Esau, and the kingdom will be the LORD's.
AKJV(i) 1 The vision of Obadiah. Thus said the Lord GOD concerning Edom; We have heard a rumor from the LORD, and an ambassador is sent among the heathen, Arise you, and let us rise up against her in battle. 2 Behold, I have made you small among the heathen: you are greatly despised. 3 The pride of your heart has deceived you, you that dwell in the clefts of the rock, whose habitation is high; that said in his heart, Who shall bring me down to the ground? 4 Though you exalt yourself as the eagle, and though you set your nest among the stars, there will I bring you down, said the LORD. 5 If thieves came to you, if robbers by night, (how are you cut off!) would they not have stolen till they had enough? if the grape gatherers came to you, would they not leave some grapes? 6 How are the things of Esau searched out! how are his hidden things sought up! 7 All the men of your confederacy have brought you even to the border: the men that were at peace with you have deceived you, and prevailed against you; that they eat your bread have laid a wound under you: there is none understanding in him. 8 Shall I not in that day, said the LORD, even destroy the wise men out of Edom, and understanding out of the mount of Esau? 9 And your mighty men, O Teman, shall be dismayed, to the end that every one of the mount of Esau may be cut off by slaughter. 10 For your violence against your brother Jacob shame shall cover you, and you shall be cut off for ever. 11 In the day that you stood on the other side, in the day that the strangers carried away captive his forces, and foreigners entered into his gates, and cast lots on Jerusalem, even you were as one of them. 12 But you should not have looked on the day of your brother in the day that he became a stranger; neither should you have rejoiced over the children of Judah in the day of their destruction; neither should you have spoken proudly in the day of distress. 13 You should not have entered into the gate of my people in the day of their calamity; yes, you should not have looked on their affliction in the day of their calamity, nor have laid hands on their substance in the day of their calamity; 14 Neither should you have stood in the crossway, to cut off those of his that did escape; neither should you have delivered up those of his that did remain in the day of distress. 15 For the day of the LORD is near on all the heathen: as you have done, it shall be done to you: your reward shall return on your own head. 16 For as you have drunk on my holy mountain, so shall all the heathen drink continually, yes, they shall drink, and they shall swallow down, and they shall be as though they had not been. 17 But on mount Zion shall be deliverance, and there shall be holiness; and the house of Jacob shall possess their possessions. 18 And the house of Jacob shall be a fire, and the house of Joseph a flame, and the house of Esau for stubble, and they shall kindle in them, and devour them; and there shall not be any remaining of the house of Esau; for the LORD has spoken it. 19 And they of the south shall possess the mount of Esau; and they of the plain the Philistines: and they shall possess the fields of Ephraim, and the fields of Samaria: and Benjamin shall possess Gilead. 20 And the captivity of this host of the children of Israel shall possess that of the Canaanites, even to Zarephath; and the captivity of Jerusalem, which is in Sepharad, shall possess the cities of the south. 21 And saviors shall come up on mount Zion to judge the mount of Esau; and the kingdom shall be the LORD's.
  1 H2377 The vision H5662 of Obadiah. H3541 Thus H559 said H136 the Lord H3069 GOD H123 concerning Edom; H8085 We have heard H8052 a rumor H3068 from the LORD, H6735 and an ambassador H7971 is sent H1471 among the heathen, H6965 Arise H6965 you, and let us rise H5921 up against H4421 her in battle.
  2 H2009 Behold, H5414 I have made H6996 you small H1471 among the heathen: H3966 you are greatly H959 despised.
  3 H2087 The pride H3820 of your heart H5377 has deceived H7931 you, you that dwell H2288 in the clefts H5553 of the rock, H3427 whose habitation H4791 is high; H559 that said H3820 in his heart, H4310 Who H3381 shall bring H3381 me down H776 to the ground?
  4 H3588 Though H518 H1361 you exalt H5404 yourself as the eagle, H3588 and though H518 H7760 you set H7064 your nest H996 among H3556 the stars, H8033 there H3381 will I bring H3381 you down, H5002 said H3068 the LORD.
  5 H518 If H1590 thieves H935 came H518 to you, if H7703 robbers H3915 by night, H349 (how H1820 are you cut H1589 off!) would they not have stolen H1767 till they had enough? H518 if H1219 the grape gatherers H935 came H7604 to you, would they not leave H6025 some grapes?
  6 H349 How H6215 are the things of Esau H2664 searched H4710 out! how are his hidden H1156 things sought up!
  7 H3605 All H582 the men H1285 of your confederacy H7971 have brought H1366 you even to the border: H582 the men H7965 that were at peace H5377 with you have deceived H3201 you, and prevailed H3899 against you; that they eat your bread H7760 have laid H4204 a wound H8478 under H369 you: there is none H8394 understanding in him.
  8 H3117 Shall I not in that day, H5002 said H3068 the LORD, H6 even destroy H2450 the wise H123 men out of Edom, H8394 and understanding H2022 out of the mount H6215 of Esau?
  9 H1368 And your mighty H8487 men, O Teman, H2865 shall be dismayed, H4616 to the end H376 that every H376 one H2022 of the mount H6215 of Esau H3772 may be cut H6993 off by slaughter.
  10 H2555 For your violence H251 against your brother H3290 Jacob H955 shame H3680 shall cover H3772 you, and you shall be cut H5769 off for ever.
  11 H3117 In the day H5975 that you stood H5048 on the other H5048 side, H3117 in the day H2114 that the strangers H7617 carried H7617 away captive H2428 his forces, H5237 and foreigners H935 entered H8179 into his gates, H3032 and cast H1486 lots H3389 on Jerusalem, H1571 even H259 you were as one of them.
  12 H7200 But you should not have looked H3117 on the day H251 of your brother H3117 in the day H5235 that he became a stranger; H408 neither H8055 should you have rejoiced H1121 over the children H3063 of Judah H3117 in the day H6 of their destruction; H408 neither H6310 should you have spoken H1431 proudly H3117 in the day H6869 of distress.
  13 H935 You should not have entered H8179 into the gate H5971 of my people H3117 in the day H343 of their calamity; H1571 yes, H7200 you should not have looked H7451 on their affliction H3117 in the day H343 of their calamity, H408 nor H7971 have laid H2428 hands on their substance H3117 in the day H343 of their calamity;
  14 H408 Neither H5975 should you have stood H6563 in the crossway, H3772 to cut H6412 off those of his that did escape; H408 neither H5462 should you have delivered H8300 up those of his that did remain H3117 in the day H6869 of distress.
  15 H3117 For the day H3068 of the LORD H7138 is near H3605 on all H1471 the heathen: H6213 as you have done, H6213 it shall be done H1576 to you: your reward H7725 shall return H7218 on your own head.
  16 H8354 For as you have drunk H6944 on my holy H2022 mountain, H3605 so shall all H1471 the heathen H8354 drink H8548 continually, H8354 yes, they shall drink, H3886 and they shall swallow H1961 down, and they shall be as though they had not been.
  17 H2022 But on mount H6726 Zion H6413 shall be deliverance, H6944 and there shall be holiness; H1004 and the house H3290 of Jacob H3423 shall possess H4180 their possessions.
  18 H1004 And the house H3290 of Jacob H784 shall be a fire, H1004 and the house H3130 of Joseph H3852 a flame, H1004 and the house H6215 of Esau H7179 for stubble, H1814 and they shall kindle H398 in them, and devour H8300 them; and there shall not be any remaining H1004 of the house H6215 of Esau; H3068 for the LORD H1696 has spoken it.
  19 H5045 And they of the south H3423 shall possess H2022 the mount H6215 of Esau; H8219 and they of the plain H6430 the Philistines: H3423 and they shall possess H7704 the fields H669 of Ephraim, H7704 and the fields H8111 of Samaria: H1144 and Benjamin H1568 shall possess Gilead.
  20 H1546 And the captivity H2088 of this H2426 host H1121 of the children H3478 of Israel H3669 shall possess that of the Canaanites, H6886 even to Zarephath; H1546 and the captivity H3389 of Jerusalem, H834 which H5614 is in Sepharad, H3423 shall possess H5892 the cities H5045 of the south.
  21 H3467 And saviors H5927 shall come H2022 up on mount H6726 Zion H8199 to judge H2022 the mount H6215 of Esau; H4410 and the kingdom H3068 shall be the LORD’s.
KJ2000(i) 1 The vision of Obadiah. Thus says the Lord GOD concerning Edom; We have heard a message from the LORD, and an ambassador is sent among the nations, Arise you, and let us rise up against her in battle. 2 Behold, I have made you small among the nations: you are greatly despised. 3 The pride of your heart has deceived you, you that dwell in the clefts of the rock, whose habitation is high; that says in his heart, Who shall bring me down to the ground? 4 Though you exalt yourself as the eagle, and though you set your nest among the stars, from there will I bring you down, says the LORD. 5 If thieves came to you, if robbers by night, (how are you cut off!) would they not have stolen till they had enough? if the grape gatherers came to you, would they not leave some grapes? 6 How are the things of Esau searched out! how are his treasures sought out! 7 All the men in your confederacy have forced you even to the border: the men that were at peace with you have deceived you, and prevailed against you; they that eat your bread have laid a trap under you: there is no understanding of it. 8 Shall I not in that day, says the LORD, even destroy the wise men out of Edom, and understanding out of the mountains of Esau? 9 And your mighty men, O Teman, shall be dismayed, to the end that every one of the mountains of Esau may be cut off by slaughter. 10 For your violence against your brother Jacob shame shall cover you, and you shall be cut off forever. 11 In the day that you stood on the other side, in the day that the strangers carried away captive his forces, and foreigners entered into his gates, and cast lots upon Jerusalem, even you were as one of them. 12 But you should not have looked down on the day of your brother in the day that he became a stranger; neither should you have rejoiced over the children of Judah in the day of their destruction; neither should you have spoken proudly in the day of distress. 13 You should not have entered into the gate of my people in the day of their calamity; yea, you should not have looked down on their affliction in the day of their calamity, nor have laid hands on their substance in the day of their calamity; 14 Neither should you have stood at the crossroads, to cut off those of his that did escape; neither should you have delivered up those of his that did remain in the day of distress. 15 For the day of the LORD is near upon all the nations: as you have done, it shall be done unto you: your reward shall return upon your own head. 16 For as you have drunk upon my holy mountain, so shall all the nations drink continually, yea, they shall drink, and they shall swallow down, and they shall be as though they had never been. 17 But upon mount Zion shall be deliverance, and there shall be holiness; and the house of Jacob shall possess their possessions. 18 And the house of Jacob shall be a fire, and the house of Joseph a flame, and the house of Esau for stubble, and they shall kindle them, and devour them; and there shall not be any remaining of the house of Esau; for the LORD has spoken it. 19 And they of the south shall possess the mountains of Esau; and they of the lowlands the Philistines: and they shall possess the fields of Ephraim, and the fields of Samaria: and Benjamin shall possess Gilead. 20 And the captives of this host of the children of Israel shall possess the land of the Canaanites, even unto Zarephath; and the captives of Jerusalem, who are in Sepharad, shall possess the cities of the south. 21 And saviors shall come up on mount Zion to judge the mountains of Esau; and the kingdom shall be the LORD'S.
UKJV(i) 1 The vision of Obadiah. Thus says the Lord GOD concerning Edom; We have heard a rumour from the LORD, and an ambassador is sent among the heathen, Arise all of you, and let us rise up against her in battle. 2 Behold, I have made you small among the heathen: you are greatly despised. 3 The pride of your heart has deceived you, you that dwell in the clefts of the rock, whose habitation is high; that says in his heart, Who shall bring me down to the ground? 4 Though you exalt yourself as the eagle, and though you set your nest among the stars, thence will I bring you down, says the LORD. 5 If thieves came to you, if robbers by night, (how are you cut off!) would they not have stolen till they had enough? if the grape-gatherers came to you, would they not leave some grapes? 6 How are the things of Esau searched out! how are his hidden things sought up! 7 All the men of your confederacy have brought you even to the border: the men that were at peace with you have deceived you, and prevailed against you; that they eat your bread have laid a wound under you: there is none understanding in him. 8 Shall I not in that day, says the LORD, even destroy the wise men out of Edom, and understanding out of the mount of Esau? 9 And your mighty men, O Teman, shall be dismayed, to the end that every one of the mount of Esau may be cut off by slaughter. 10 For your violence against your brother Jacob shame shall cover you, and you shall be cut off for ever. 11 In the day that you stood on the other side, in the day that the strangers carried away captive his forces, and foreigners entered into his gates, and cast lots upon Jerusalem, even you were as one of them. 12 But you should not have looked on the day of your brother in the day that he became a stranger; neither should you have rejoiced over the children of Judah in the day of their destruction; neither should you have spoken proudly in the day of distress. 13 You should not have entered into the gate of my people in the day of their calamity; yea, you should not have looked on their affliction in the day of their calamity, nor have laid hands on their substance in the day of their calamity; 14 Neither should you have stood in the crossway, to cut off those of his that did escape; neither should you have delivered up those of his that did remain in the day of distress. 15 For the day of the LORD is near upon all the heathen: as you have done, it shall be done unto you: your reward shall return upon your own head. 16 For as all of you have drunk upon my holy mountain, so shall all the heathen drink continually, yea, they shall drink, and they shall swallow down, and they shall be as though they had not been. 17 But upon mount Zion shall be deliverance, and there shall be holiness; and the house of Jacob shall possess their possessions. 18 And the house of Jacob shall be a fire, and the house of Joseph a flame, and the house of Esau for stubble, and they shall kindle in them, and devour them; and there shall not be any remaining of the house of Esau; for the LORD has spoken it. 19 And they of the south shall possess the mount of Esau; and they of the plain the Philistines: and they shall possess the fields of Ephraim, and the fields of Samaria: and Benjamin shall possess Gilead. 20 And the captivity of this host of the children of Israel shall possess that of the Canaanites, even unto Zarephath; and the captivity of Jerusalem, which is in Sepharad, shall possess the cities of the south. 21 And saviours shall come up on mount Zion to judge the mount of Esau; and the kingdom shall be the LORD's.
  1 H2377 The vision H5662 of Obadiah. H559 Thus says H136 the Lord H3069 God H123 concerning Edom; H8085 We have heard H8052 a rumor H3068 from the Lord, H6735 and a ambassador H7971 is sent H1471 among the heathen, H6965 Arise, H6965 and let us rise up H4421 against her in battle.
  2 H5414 Behold, I have made H6996 you small H1471 among the heathen: H3966 you are greatly H959 despised.
  3 H2087 The pride H3820 of your heart H5377 has deceived H7931 you, you that live H2288 in the clefts H5553 of the rock, H3427 whose habitation H4791 is high; H559 that says H3820 in his heart, H3381 Who shall bring me down H776 to the ground?
  4 H1361 Though you exalt H5404 yourself as the eagle, H7760 and though you set H7064 your nest H3556 among the stars, H3381 there will I bring you down, H5002 says H3068 the Lord.
  5 H1590 If thieves H935 came H7703 to you, if robbers H3915 by night, H1820 (how are you cut off!) H1589 would they not have stolen H1767 until they had enough? H1219 if the grapegatherers H935 came H7604 to you, would they not leave H5955 some grapes?
  6 H6215 How are the things of Esau H2664 searched out! H4710 how are his hidden H1158 things sought up!
  7 H582 All the men H1285 of your confederacy H7971 have brought H1366 you even to the border: H582 the men H7965 that were at peace H5377 with you have deceived H3201 you, and prevailed H3899 against you; they that eat your bread H7760 have laid H4204 a wound H8394 under you: there is none understanding in him.
  8 H3117 Shall I not in that day, H5002 says H3068 the Lord, H6 even destroy H2450 the wise H123 men out of Edom, H8394 and understanding H2022 out of the mountain H6215 of Esau?
  9 H1368 And your mighty H8487 men, O Teman, H2865 shall be dismayed, H376 to the end that every one H2022 of the mountain H6215 of Esau H3772 may be cut off H6993 by slaughter.
  10 H2555 For your violence H251 against your brother H3290 Jacob H955 shame H3680 shall cover H3772 you, and you shall be cut off H5769 for ever.
  11 H3117 In the day H5975 that you stood H3117 on the other side, in the day H2114 that the strangers H7617 carried away captive H2428 his forces, H5237 and foreigners H935 entered H8179 into his gates, H3032 and cast H1486 lots H3389 upon Jerusalem, H259 even you were as one of them.
  12 H7200 But you should not have looked H3117 on the day H251 of your brother H3117 in the day H5235 that he became a stranger; H8055 neither should you have rejoiced H1121 over the sons H3063 of Judah H3117 in the day H6 of their destruction; H6310 neither should you have spoken H1431 proudly H3117 in the day H6869 of distress.
  13 H935 You should not have entered H8179 into the gate H5971 of my people H3117 in the day H343 of their calamity; H7200 Yes, you should not have looked H7451 on their affliction H3117 in the day H343 of their calamity, H7971 nor have laid H2428 hands on their substance H3117 in the day H343 of their calamity;
  14 H5975 Neither should you have stood H6563 in the crossroad, H3772 to cut off H6412 those of his that did escape; H5462 neither should you have delivered up H8300 those of his that did remain H3117 in the day H6869 of distress.
  15 H3117 For the day H3068 of the Lord H7138 is near H1471 upon all the heathen: H6213 as you have done, H6213 it shall be done H1576 unto you: your reward H7725 shall return H7218 upon your own head.
  16 H8354 For as you have drunk H6944 upon my holy H2022 mountain, H1471 so shall all the heathen H8354 drink H8548 continually, H8354 Yes, they shall drink, H3886 and they shall swallow down, H3808 and they shall be as though they had not been.
  17 H2022 But upon mountain H6726 Zion H6413 shall be deliverance, H6944 and there shall be holiness; H1004 and the house H3290 of Jacob H3423 shall possess H4180 their possessions.
  18 H1004 And the house H3290 of Jacob H784 shall be a fire, H1004 and the house H3130 of Joseph H3852 a flame, H1004 and the house H6215 of Esau H7179 for stubble, H1814 and they shall kindle H398 in them, and devour H8300 them; and there shall not be any remaining H1004 of the house H6215 of Esau; H3068 for the Lord H1696 has spoken it.
  19 H5045 And they of the south H3423 shall possess H2022 the mountain H6215 of Esau; H8219 and they of the plain H6430 the Philistines: H3423 and they shall possess H7704 the fields H669 of Ephraim, H7704 and the fields H8111 of Samaria: H1144 and Benjamin H1568 shall possess Gilead.
  20 H1546 And the captivity H2426 of this army H1121 of the sons H3478 of Israel H3669 shall possess that of the Canaanites, H6886 even unto Zarephath; H1546 and the captivity H3389 of Jerusalem, H5614 which is in Sepharad, H3423 shall possess H5892 the cities H5045 of the south.
  21 H3467 And saviors H5927 shall come up H2022 on mountain H6726 Zion H8199 to judge H2022 the mountain H6215 of Esau; H4410 and the kingdom H3068 shall be the Lord's.
EJ2000(i) 1 ¶ The vision of Obadiah. Thus hath the Lord GOD said concerning Edom: We have heard the message from the LORD, and a messenger is sent to the Gentiles, Arise, and let us rise up against her in battle. 2 Behold, I have made thee small among the Gentiles: thou shalt be greatly humbled. 3 The pride of thine heart hath deceived thee, thou that dwellest in the clefts of the rock, whose habitation is high; that saith in his heart, Who shall bring me down to the ground? 4 Though thou exalt thyself as the eagle and though thou set thy nest among the stars, from there I will bring thee down, said the LORD. 5 Did thieves come to thee, or robbers by night? (how art thou destroyed!) would they not have stolen until they had enough? if the grapegatherers came to thee, would they not leave some grapes? 6 How were the things of Esau searched out! His hidden things were sought after! 7 All the men of thy confederacy have brought thee even to the border; the men that were at peace with thee have deceived thee and prevailed against thee; those that eat thy bread have laid a wound under thee; there is no intelligence in this. 8 Shall I not in that day, said the LORD, even destroy the wise men out of Edom and intelligence out of the mount of Esau? 9 And thy mighty men, O Teman, shall be dismayed because every man shall be cut off from mount of Esau by the slaughter. 10 ¶ For thy violence against thy brother Jacob, shame shall cover thee, and thou shalt be cut off for ever. 11 In the day that thou didst stand on the other side, in the day that the strangers carried away captive his forces, and foreigners entered into his gates and cast lots upon Jerusalem, even thou wast as one of them. 12 But thou should not have looked on the day of thy brother in the day that he became a stranger; neither should thou have rejoiced over the sons of Judah in the day they were lost; neither should thou have spoken proudly in the day of distress. 13 Thou should not have entered into the gate of my people in the day of their calamity; thou should not have looked on their affliction in the day of their calamity, nor have laid hands on their substance in the day of their calamity; 14 neither should thou have stood in the crossway, to kill those of his that did escape; neither should thou have delivered up those of his that remained in the day of distress. 15 For the day of the LORD is near upon all the Gentiles: as thou hast done, it shall be done unto thee; thy reward shall return upon thine own head. 16 For as ye have drunk upon my holy mountain, so shall all the Gentiles drink continually; they shall drink, and they shall swallow down, and they shall be as though they had not been. 17 ¶ But in Mount Zion shall be deliverance, and it shall be holiness; and the house of Jacob shall possess their possessions. 18 And the house of Jacob shall be a fire, and the house of Joseph a flame, and the house of Esau for stubble, and they shall kindle in them and devour them; and there shall not be any remaining of the house of Esau; for the LORD hath spoken it. 19 And those of the south shall possess the mount of Esau and the plains of the Palestinians, and they shall also possess the fields of Ephraim and the fields of Samaria; and Benjamin shall possess Gilead. 20 And the captives of this host of the sons of Israel shall possess that of the Canaanites, even unto Zarephath; and the captives of Jerusalem, who shall be in Sepharad, shall possess the cities of the south. 21 And saviours shall come up unto Mount Zion to judge the mount of Esau; and the kingdom shall be the LORD’s.
CAB(i) 1 The vision of Obadiah. Thus says the Lord God to Edom; I have heard a report from the Lord, and He has sent forth a message to the nations. 2 Arise, and let us rise up against her to war. 3 Behold, I have made you small among the Gentiles: you are greatly dishonored. The pride of your heart has elated you, dwelling as you do in the holes of the rocks, as one that exalts his habitation, saying in his heart, Who will bring me down to the ground? 4 If you should mount up as the eagle, and if you should make your nest among the stars, from there will I bring you down, says the Lord. 5 If thieves came in to you, or robbers by night, where would you have been cast away? Would they not have stolen just enough for themselves? And if grape-gatherers went in to you, would they not leave a gleaning? 6 How has Esau been searched out, and how have his hidden things been detected? 7 They sent you to your coasts: all the men of your covenant have withstood you; your allies have prevailed against you, they have set snares under you: they have no understanding. 8 In that day, says the Lord, I will destroy the wise men out of Edom, and understanding out of the mount of Esau. 9 And your warriors from Teman shall be dismayed, to the end that man may be cut off from the mount of Esau. 10 Because of the slaughter and the sin committed against your brother Jacob, shame shall cover you, and you shall be cut off forever. 11 From the day that you stood in opposition to him, in the days when foreigners were taking captive his forces, and strangers entered into his gates, and cast lots on Jerusalem, you also were as one of them. 12 And you should not have looked on the day of your brother in the day of strangers; nor should you have rejoiced against the children of Judah in the day of their destruction; neither should you have boasted in the day of their affliction. 13 Neither should you have gone into the gates of the people in the day of their troubles; nor yet should you have looked upon their gathering in the day of their destruction, nor should you have attacked their host in the day of their perishing. 14 Neither should you have stood at the opening of their passages, to destroy utterly those of them that were escaping; neither should you have shut up his fugitives in the day of affliction. 15 For the day of the Lord is near upon all the Gentiles: as you have done, so shall it be done to you: your recompense shall be returned on your own head. 16 For as you have drunk upon My holy mountain, so shall all the nations drink wine; they shall drink, and go down, and be as if they were not. 17 But on Mount Zion there shall be deliverance, and there shall be a sanctuary; and the house of Jacob shall take for an inheritance those that took them for an inheritance. 18 And the house of Jacob shall be fire, and the house of Joseph a flame, and the house of Esau shall be for stubble; and Israel shall flame forth against them, and shall devour them, and there shall not be a corn field left to the house of Esau; because the Lord has spoken. 19 And those that dwell in the south shall inherit the mount of Esau, and they in the plain the Philistines: and they shall inherit the mount of Ephraim, and the plain of Samaria, and Benjamin, and the land of Gilead. 20 And this shall be the domain of the captivity of the children of Israel, the land of the Canaanites as far as Zarephath; and the captives of Jerusalem shall inherit as far as Ephratha; they shall inherit the cities of the south. 21 And they that escape shall come up from Mount Zion, to take vengeance on the mount of Esau; and the kingdom shall be the Lord's.
LXX2012(i) 1 The vision of Obdias. Thus says the Lord God to Idumea; I have heard a report from the Lord, and he has sent forth a message to the nations. 2 Arise you⌃, and let us rise up against her to war. 3 Behold, I have made you small among the Gentiles: you are greatly dishonored. The pride of your heart has elated you, dwelling [as you do] in the holes of the rocks, [as one that] exalts his habitation, saying in his heart, Who will bring me down to the ground? 4 If you should mount up as the eagle, and if you should make your nest among the stars, thence will I bring you down, says the Lord. 5 If thieves came in to you, or robbers by night, where would you have been cast away? would they not have stolen [just] enough for themselves? and if grape gatherers went in to you, would they not leave a gleaning? 6 How has Esau been searched out, and [how] have his hidden things been detected? 7 They sent you to your coasts: all the men of your covenant have withstood you; your allies have prevailed against you, they have set snares under you: they have no understanding. 8 In that day, says the Lord, I will destroy the wise men out of Idumea, and understanding out of the mount of Esau. 9 And your warriors from Thaeman shall be dismayed, to the end that man may be cut off from the mount of Esau. 10 Because of the slaughter and the sin [committed against] your brother Jacob, shame shall cover you, and you shall be cut off for ever. 11 From the day that you stood in opposition [to him], in the days when foreigners were taking captive his forces, and strangers entered into his gates, and cast lots on Jerusalem, you also was as one of them. 12 And you should not have looked on the day of your brother in the day of strangers; nor should you have rejoiced against the children of Juda in the day of their destruction; neither should you have boasted in the day of [their] affliction. 13 Neither should you have gone into the gates of the people in the day of their troubles; nor yet should you have looked upon their gathering in the day of their destruction, nor should you have attacked their host in the day of their perishing. 14 Neither should you have stood at the opening of their passages, to destroy utterly those of them that were escaping; neither should you have shut up his fugitives in the day of affliction. 15 For the day of the Lord is near upon all the Gentiles: as you have done, so shall it be [done] to you: your recompense shall be returned on your [own] head. 16 For as you have drunk upon my holy mountain, [so] shall all the nations drink wine; they shall drink, and go down, and be as if they were not. 17 But on mount Sion there shall be deliverance, and there shall be a sanctuary; and the house of Jacob shall take for an inheritance those that took them for an inheritance. 18 And the house of Jacob shall be fire, and the house of Joseph a flame, and the house of Esau [shall be] for stubble; and [Israel] shall flame forth against them, and shall devour them, and there shall not be a corn-field [left] to the house of Esau; because the Lord has spoken. 19 And they [that dwell] in the south shall inherit the mount of Esau, and they in the plain the Philistines: and they shall inherit the mount of Ephraim, and the plain of Samaria, and Benjamin, and the land of Galaad. 20 And this [shall be] the domain of the captivity of the children of Israel, the land of the Chananites as far as Sarepta; and the captives of Jerusalem [shall inherit] as far as Ephratha; they shall inherit the cities of the south. 21 And they that escape shall come up from mount Sion, to take vengeance on the mount of Esau; and the kingdom shall be the Lord's.
NSB(i) 1 The vision of Obadiah. The Sovereign Lord Jehovah (YHWH) spoke concerning Edom: »We have heard news from Jehovah. An ambassador is sent to the nations, saying, we must stand up against her (Edom) in battle.« 2 »Behold, I have made you small among the nations! You are greatly despised. 3 »Your proud heart has deceived you. You reside in the refuge of the rock. Your habitation is high above others and you say in your heart: ‘Who will bring me down to the ground?’« 4 »Even though you place yourself as high as the eagle, and though you nest among the stars, I will bring you down from there,« said Jehovah! 5 »If thieves and robbers came to you by night you would be destroyed. Would they steel only till they had enough? If grape-gatherers came to you, would they leave some grapes for gleaning? 6 »How is Esau searched, his hidden treasures sought? 7 »All the men allied with you have brought you to the border. The men that were at peace with you have deceived you and prevailed against you! They eat your bread and lay a snare under you. There is no understanding in him (Edom). 8 »Shall I not in that day,« said Jehovah, »destroy the wise men out of Edom, and destroy understanding out of the mountain of Esau? 9 »Your mighty men, O Teman, will be dismayed, to the end that every one may be destroyed (removed) from the mountain of Esau by slaughter. 10 »You will be covered with shame for the violence done to your brother Jacob. You will be destroyed and disgraced for a very long time. 11 »In that day you stood on the other side! In that day strangers carried away his wealth. Foreigners entered his gates, and cast lots for Jerusalem! It was as if you were one of them! 12 Do not look on the day of your brother’s disaster. Do not rejoice over the children of Judah in the day of their destruction! Do not speak proudly in the day of distress. 13 »Do not enter the gate of my people in the day of their calamity! Do not look on their affliction in the day of their tragedy! Do not loot their wealth in the day of their disaster. 14 »Do not stand in the way of those who escape and do not hand over his survivors in the day of distress. 15 »The Day of Jehovah draws near upon all the nations. It will be done to you just as you have done. Your dealings will return upon you head! 16 »Just as you have drunk upon my holy mountain, so will all the nations drink! Continually: Yes they will drink, and swallow down, and will be as though they had never existed. 17 »There will be those who escape in Mount Zion. It will be holy, and the house of Jacob will take (confiscate) their possessions. 18 »The house of Jacob will be a fire! The house of Joseph will be a flame! The house of Esau will be for stubble and they will burn among them, and devour them. There will be no survivors of the house of Esau: for Jehovah has spoken! 19 »And they of the South will possess the mount of Esau! They of the lowland, the Philistines, will possess the field of Ephraim and the field of Samaria! Benjamin will possess Gilead. 20 »The captives of this host of the children of Israel among the Canaanites, will possess Zarephath. The captives of Jerusalem in Sepharad will possess the cities of the South. 21 »Saviors will come up on Mount Zion to judge the mountain of Esau; and the kingdom will be Jehovah's.«
ISV(i) 1 Coming Judgment against Edom Obadiah’s vision: This is what the Lord GOD has to say about Edom. We have heard a report from the LORD, and a messenger has been dispatched among the nations to say “Get up! Let us rise up against her to fight!”
God’s Announcement to Edom 2 “Look! I will make you insignificant among the nations; you will be utterly despised. 3 The arrogance in your heart has deceived you, who inhabit hidden places on rocky cliffs, whose dwelling is in the heights, who say continuously to yourself, ‘Who will bring me down to the ground?’ 4 Though you soar high like the eagle and make your nest among the stars, I will bring you down even from there,” declares the LORD.
The Harvest from Edom’s Arrogance 5 “If thieves came against you, if marauding gangs by night —Oh, how you will be destroyed!— Would they not steal only until they had enough? If grape pickers came to you, would they not leave some grapes to be gleaned? 6 “Oh, how Esau is ransacked, how his hidden treasures are thoroughly searched out! 7 All your allies will force you out of the land, your associates will deceive you and prevail against you. Your friends will lay out a trap for you, and you will never understand it! 8 “In that day,” declares the LORD, “will I not destroy the wise from Edom, and those with understanding from Esau’s Mountain? 9 Teman, our mighty soldiers will be dismayed, so that every man from Esau’s Mountain will be slaughtered.”
Judgment for Edom’s Cruelty to Jacob 10 “Shame will overwhelm you because of the violence you inflicted on your brother Jacob, and you will be excluded forever. 11 “On the day you just stood by, when strangers carried away Jacob’s wealth and foreigners entered his gates, casting lots for Jerusalem, you were just like one of them. 12 “You should not have gloated over your brother, on the day of his calamity. You should not have rejoiced when the descendants of Judah were perishing. You should not have boasted when they were in distress. 13 “You should not have entered the gate of my people on the day of their disaster. Also, you should not have gloated over Judah’s misfortune on the day of his disaster, nor should you have plundered his wealth on the day of his disaster. 14 And you should not have taken your stand at the crossroads to cut down his fleeing refugees, nor should you have handed over his survivors on the day of his distress.”
The LORD’s Judgment and Israel’s Final Victory 15 “Indeed, the Day of the LORD approaches all nations. As you have done it will be done to you— your deeds will return to haunt you! 16 Just as you have drunk from the cup of my wrath upon my holy mountain, so will all nations drink from the cup of my wrath perpetually. They will drink, they will gulp it down, and they will be as if they had never existed! 17 “But there will be a delivered remnant on Mount Zion. There will be holiness, and the house of Jacob will take back their possessions. 18 “The house of Jacob will be a fire, and the house of Joseph a flame, but the house of Esau will be kindling. Then Jacob and Joseph will burn and consume Esau, and no survivor will remain from the house of Esau.” Indeed, the LORD has spoken it. 19 “Those in the Negev will possess Esau’s Mountain, and those in the Shephelah the Philistines. They will possess the fields of Ephraim and the fields of Samaria, while Benjamin will possess the territory of Gilead. 20 The exiles, the Israeli host, will possess the territory of the Canaanites all the way to Zarephath. The exiles of Jerusalem who are in Sepharad will possess the cities of the Negev. 21 Deliverers will assemble on Mount Zion to judge Esau’s Mountain, and to the LORD will the kingdom belong!”
LEB(i) 1 The vision of Obadiah. Thus says my Lord Yahweh concerning Edom: 2 "Look, I will* make you insignificant among the nations. You will be utterly despised! 3 The pride of your heart has deceived you, you who live in the clefts of a rock, the heights of its dwelling, you who say in your heart: 'Who can bring me down to the ground?' 4 Even if you soar like the eagle, even if your nest is set among the stars, from there I will bring you down!" declares* Yahweh: 5 "If thieves came to you, if plunderers of the night—How you have been destroyed!—would they not steal what they wanted?* If grape gatherers came, would they not leave gleanings? 6 How Esau has been pillaged; his treasures have been ransacked! 7 All of your allies* have driven you up to the boundary; your confederates* have deceived you and have prevailed against you. Those who eat your bread have set an ambush for you, there is no* understanding of it.* 8 On that day," declares* Yahweh, "will I not destroy the wise men from Edom, and understanding from the mountain of Esau? 9 And your warriors will be shattered, O Teman, so that everyone* from the mountain of Esau will be cut off because of the slaughter! 10 "Because of the violence done to your brother Jacob, shame will cover you and you will be cut off forever. 11 On the day you stood nearby,* on the day strangers took* his wealth, and foreigners entered his gates and cast lots over Jerusalem, you were also like one of them. 12 But you should not have gloated* over your brother's day, on the day of his misfortune, and you should not have rejoiced over the people* of Judah on the day of their perishing, and you should not have opened your mouth wide on the day of distress. 13 You should not have entered the gate of my people on the day of their disaster. You also should not have gloated over his misery on the day of his disaster, and you should not have stretched out your hands on the day of his disaster. 14 And you should not have stood at the crossroads to cut off his fugitives and you should not have handed over his survivors on the day of distress. 15 "For the day of Yahweh is near against all the nations! Just as you have done, it will be done to you. Your deeds will return on your own head. 16 For just as you have drunk on my holy mountain,* all the nations will drink continually. They will drink and they will slurp, and they will be as if they had never been. 17 But on Mount Zion there will be an escape, and it will be holy, and the house of Jacob will take possession of their dispossessors. 18 And the house of Jacob will be a fire and the house of Joseph a flame, and the house of Esau stubble; and they will set them on fire and will consume them. And there will not be a survivor for the house of Esau," for Yahweh has spoken. 19 Those of the Negev will take possession of the mountain of Esau, and those of the Shephelah will possess the land of the Philistines, and they shall take possession of the territory of Ephraim and the territory of Samaria, and Benjamin will take possession of Gilead. 20 And the exiles* of this army of the people of Israel will possess Canaan up to Zarephath, and the exiles* of Jerusalem who are in Sepharad will take possession of the cities of the Negev. 21 And those who have been saved will go up on Mount Zion to rule the mountain of Esau. And the kingdom will belong to* Yahweh.
BSB(i) 1 This is the vision of Obadiah: This is what the Lord GOD says about Edom—We have heard a message from the LORD; an envoy has been sent among the nations to say, “Rise up, and let us go to battle against her!”— 2 “Behold, I will make you small among the nations; you will be deeply despised. 3 The pride of your heart has deceived you, O dwellers in the clefts of the rocks whose habitation is the heights, who say in your heart, ‘Who can bring me down to the ground?’ 4 Though you soar like the eagle and make your nest among the stars, even from there I will bring you down,” declares the LORD. 5 “If thieves came to you, if robbers by night—oh, how you will be ruined—would they not steal only what they wanted? If grape gatherers came to you, would they not leave some gleanings? 6 But how Esau will be pillaged, his hidden treasures sought out! 7 All the men allied with you will drive you to the border; the men at peace with you will deceive and overpower you. Those who eat your bread will set a trap for you without your awareness of it. 8 In that day, declares the LORD, will I not destroy the wise men of Edom and the men of understanding in the mountains of Esau? 9 Then your mighty men, O Teman, will be terrified, so that everyone in the mountains of Esau will be cut down in the slaughter. 10 Because of the violence against your brother Jacob, you will be covered with shame and cut off forever. 11 On the day you stood aloof while strangers carried off his wealth and foreigners entered his gate and cast lots for Jerusalem, you were just like one of them. 12 But you should not gloat in that day, your brother’s day of misfortune, nor rejoice over the people of Judah in the day of their destruction, nor boast proudly in the day of their distress. 13 You should not enter the gate of My people in the day of their disaster, nor gloat over their affliction in the day of their disaster, nor loot their wealth in the day of their disaster. 14 Nor should you stand at the crossroads to cut off their fugitives, nor deliver up their survivors in the day of their distress. 15 For the Day of the LORD is near for all the nations. As you have done, it will be done to you; your recompense will return upon your own head. 16 For as you drank on My holy mountain, so all the nations will drink continually. They will drink and gulp it down; they will be as if they had never existed. 17 But on Mount Zion there will be deliverance, and it will be holy, and the house of Jacob will reclaim their possession. 18 Then the house of Jacob will be a blazing fire, and the house of Joseph a burning flame; but the house of Esau will be stubble—Jacob will set it ablaze and consume it. Therefore no survivor will remain from the house of Esau.” For the LORD has spoken. 19 Those from the Negev will possess the mountains of Esau; those from the foothills will possess the land of the Philistines. They will occupy the fields of Ephraim and Samaria, and Benjamin will possess Gilead. 20 And the exiles of this host of the Israelites will possess the land of the Canaanites as far as Zarephath; and the exiles from Jerusalem who are in Sepharad will possess the cities of the Negev. 21 The deliverers will ascend Mount Zion to rule over the mountains of Esau. And the kingdom will belong to the LORD.
MSB(i) 1 This is the vision of Obadiah: This is what the Lord GOD says about Edom—We have heard a message from the LORD; an envoy has been sent among the nations to say, “Rise up, and let us go to battle against her!”— 2 “Behold, I will make you small among the nations; you will be deeply despised. 3 The pride of your heart has deceived you, O dwellers in the clefts of the rocks whose habitation is the heights, who say in your heart, ‘Who can bring me down to the ground?’ 4 Though you soar like the eagle and make your nest among the stars, even from there I will bring you down,” declares the LORD. 5 “If thieves came to you, if robbers by night—oh, how you will be ruined—would they not steal only what they wanted? If grape gatherers came to you, would they not leave some gleanings? 6 But how Esau will be pillaged, his hidden treasures sought out! 7 All the men allied with you will drive you to the border; the men at peace with you will deceive and overpower you. Those who eat your bread will set a trap for you without your awareness of it. 8 In that day, declares the LORD, will I not destroy the wise men of Edom and the men of understanding in the mountains of Esau? 9 Then your mighty men, O Teman, will be terrified, so that everyone in the mountains of Esau will be cut down in the slaughter. 10 Because of the violence against your brother Jacob, you will be covered with shame and cut off forever. 11 On the day you stood aloof while strangers carried off his wealth and foreigners entered his gate and cast lots for Jerusalem, you were just like one of them. 12 But you should not gloat in that day, your brother’s day of misfortune, nor rejoice over the people of Judah in the day of their destruction, nor boast proudly in the day of their distress. 13 You should not enter the gate of My people in the day of their disaster, nor gloat over their affliction in the day of their disaster, nor loot their wealth in the day of their disaster. 14 Nor should you stand at the crossroads to cut off their fugitives, nor deliver up their survivors in the day of their distress. 15 For the Day of the LORD is near for all the nations. As you have done, it will be done to you; your recompense will return upon your own head. 16 For as you drank on My holy mountain, so all the nations will drink continually. They will drink and gulp it down; they will be as if they had never existed. 17 But on Mount Zion there will be deliverance, and it will be holy, and the house of Jacob will reclaim their possession. 18 Then the house of Jacob will be a blazing fire, and the house of Joseph a burning flame; but the house of Esau will be stubble—Jacob will set it ablaze and consume it. Therefore no survivor will remain from the house of Esau.” For the LORD has spoken. 19 Those from the Negev will possess the mountains of Esau; those from the foothills will possess the land of the Philistines. They will occupy the fields of Ephraim and Samaria, and Benjamin will possess Gilead. 20 And the exiles of this host of the Israelites will possess the land of the Canaanites as far as Zarephath; and the exiles from Jerusalem who are in Sepharad will possess the cities of the Negev. 21 The deliverers will ascend Mount Zion to rule over the mountains of Esau. And the kingdom will belong to the LORD.
MLV(i) 1 The vision of Obadiah. The lord Jehovah says thus concerning Edom: We have heard news from Jehovah and an ambassador is sent among the nations, saying, Arise and let us rise up against her in battle. 2 Behold, I have made you small among the nations. You are greatly despised.
3 The pride of your heart has deceived you, O you who dwell in the clefts of the rock, whose habitation is high, who says in his heart, Who will bring me down to the ground? 4 Though you mount on high as the eagle and though your nest is set among the stars, I will bring you down from there, says Jehovah.
5 If thieves came to you, if robbers by night (how you are cut off!), they would not steal only till they had enough? If grape gatherers came to you, would they not leave some gleaning grapes?
6 How are the things of Esau searched! How are his hidden treasures sought out! 7 All the men of your confederacy have brought you on your way, even to the border. The men who were at peace with you have deceived you and prevailed against you. Those who eat your bread lay a snare under you. There is no understanding in him.
8 Jehovah says, Shall I not in that day, destroy the wise men out of Edom and understanding out of the mountain of Esau? 9 And your mighty men, O Teman, will be dismayed, to the end that everyone may be cut off from the mountain of Esau by slaughter.
10 Shame will cover you for the violence done to your brother Jacob and you will be cut off everlasting. 11 In the day that you stood on the other side, in the day that strangers carried away his substance and foreigners entered into his gates and cast lots upon Jerusalem, even you were as one of them.
12 But do not look on the day of your brother in the day of his disaster and rejoice not over the sons of Judah in the day of their destruction, nor speak proudly in the day of distress. 13 Do not enter into the gate of my people in the day of their calamity.
Yes, do not look on their affliction in the day of their calamity, nor lay you* hands on their substance in the day of their calamity. 14 And stand not in the crossway, to cut off those of his who escape and do not deliver up those of his who remain in the day of distress.
15 For the day of Jehovah is near upon all the nations. As you have done, it will be done to you. Your dealing will return upon your own head. 16 For as you* have drunk upon my holy mountain, so will all the nations drink continually. Yes, they will drink and swallow down and will be as though they had not been.
17 But in Mount Zion there will be those who escape and it will be holy and the house of Jacob will possess their possessions. 18 And the house of Jacob will be a fire and the house of Joseph a flame and the house of Esau for stubble. And they will burn among them and devour them and there will not be any remaining to the house of Esau, for Jehovah has spoken it.
19 And those of the South will possess the mountain of Esau and those of the lowland the Philistines. And they will possess the field of Ephraim and the field of Samaria and Benjamin will possess Gilead.
20 And the captives of this host of the sons of Israel, who are among the Canaanites, will possess even to Zarephath. And the captives of Jerusalem who are in Sepharad will possess the cities of the South. 21 And saviors will come up on Mount Zion to judge the mountain of Esau and the kingdom will be Jehovah's.
VIN(i) 1 The vision of Obadiah. This is what the Sovereign LORD says about Edom. We have heard news from the LORD, and an ambassador is sent among the nations, saying, Arise, and let's rise up against her in battle. 2 "Look! I will make you insignificant among the nations; you will be utterly despised. 3 The pride of your heart has deceived you, you who live in the clefts of a rock, the heights of its dwelling, you who say in your heart: 'Who can bring me down to the ground?' 4 Even if you soar like the eagle, even if your nest is set among the stars, from there I will bring you down!" declares the LORD: 5 "If thieves came to you, if robbers by night—oh, what disaster awaits you—wouldn't they only steal until they had enough? If grape pickers came to you, wouldn't they leave some gleaning grapes? 6 How Esau will be ransacked! How his hidden treasures are sought out! 7 All your allies will force you out of the land, your associates will deceive you and prevail against you. Your friends will lay out a trap for you, and you will never understand it! 8 On that day," declares the LORD, "will I not destroy the wise men from Edom, and understanding from the mountain of Esau? 9 And your warriors will be shattered, O Teman, so that everyone from the mountain of Esau will be cut off because of the slaughter! 10 "Because of the violence done to your brother Jacob, shame will cover you and you will be cut off forever. 11 On the day you stood nearby, on the day strangers took his wealth, and foreigners entered his gates and cast lots over Jerusalem, you were also like one of them. 12 But do not look down on your brother in the day of his disaster, and do not rejoice over the children of Judah in the day of their destruction. Do not speak proudly in the day of distress. 13 Do not enter into the gate of my people in the day of their calamity. Do not look down on their affliction in the day of their calamity, neither seize their wealth on the day of their calamity. 14 nor stand in the crossway to cut off his escapees; nor shut up his survivors in the day of tribulation. 15 For the day of the LORD is near all the nations. As you have done, it will be done to you. Your deeds will return upon your own head. 16 For just as you have drunk on my holy mountain, all the nations will drink continually. They will drink and they will slurp, and they will be as if they had never been. 17 But upon mount Zion shall be deliverance, and it shall be holy: and the house of Jacob shall again possess their inheritances. 18 "The house of Jacob will be a fire! The house of Joseph will be a flame! The house of Esau will be for stubble and they will burn among them, and devour them. There will be no survivors of the house of Esau: for the LORD has spoken! 19 Those of the Negev will possess the mountain of Esau, and those of the lowland, the Philistines. They will possess the field of Ephraim, and the field of Samaria. Benjamin will possess Gilead. 20 The exiles, the Israelite host, will possess the territory of the Canaanites all the way to Zarephath. The exiles of Jerusalem who are in Sepharad will possess the cities of the Negev. 21 Saviors will go up on Mount Zion to judge the mountains of Esau, and the kingdom will be the LORD's.
Luther1545(i) 1 Dies ist das Gesicht Obadjas. So spricht der HERR HERR von Edom: Wir haben vom HERRN gehöret, daß eine Botschaft unter die Heiden gesandt sei: Wohlauf, und laßt uns wider sie streiten! 2 Siehe, ich habe dich gering gemacht unter den Heiden und sehr verachtet. 3 Der Hochmut deines Herzens hat dich betrogen, weil du in der Felsen Klüften wohnest, in deinen hohen Schlössern, und sprichst in deinem Herzen: Wer will mich zu Boden stoßen? 4 Wenn du denn gleich in die Höhe führest wie ein Adler und machtest dein Nest zwischen den Sternen, dennoch will ich dich von dannen herunterstürzen, spricht der HERR. 5 Wenn Diebe oder Verstörer zu Nacht über dich kommen werden, wie sollst du so zunichte werden! Ja, sie sollen genug stehlen; und wenn die Weinleser über dich kommen, so sollen sie dir kein Nachlesen überbleiben lassen. 6 Wie sollen sie den Esau ausforschen und seine Schätze suchen! 7 Alle deine eigenen Bundesgenossen werden dich zum Lande hinausstoßen; die, Leute, auf die du deinen Trost setzest, werden dich betrügen und überwältigen; die dein Brot essen, werden dich verraten, ehe du es merken wirst. 8 Was gilt's? spricht der HERR, ich will zur selbigen Zeit die Weisen zu Edom zunichte machen und die Klugheit auf dem Gebirge Esau. 9 Denn deine Starken zu Theman sollen zagen, auf daß sie alle auf dem Gebirge Esau durch den Mord ausgerottet werden 10 um des Frevels willen, an deinem Bruder Jakob begangen. 11 Zu der Zeit, da du wider ihn stundest, da die Fremden sein Heer gefangen wegführeten und Ausländer zu seinen Toren einzogen und über Jerusalem das Los warfen, da warest du gleich wie derselbigen einer. Darum sollst du zu allen Schanden werden und ewiglich ausgerottet sein. 12 Du sollst nicht mehr so deine Lust sehen an deinem Bruder zur Zeit seines Elendes und sollst dich nicht freuen über die Kinder Juda zur Zeit ihres Jammers und sollst mit deinem Maul nicht so stolz reden zur Zeit ihrer Angst. 13 Du sollst nicht zum Tor meines Volks einziehen zur Zeit ihres Jammers; du sollst nicht deine Lust sehen an ihrem Unglück zur Zeit ihres Jammers; du sollst nicht wider sein Heer schicken zur Zeit seines Jammers; 14 du sollst nicht stehen an den Wegscheiden, seine Entronnenen zu morden; du sollst seine Übrigen nicht verraten zur Zeit der Angst. 15 Denn der Tag des HERRN ist nahe über alle Heiden. Wie du getan hast, soll dir wieder geschehen, und wie du verdienet hast, so soll dir's wieder auf deinen Kopf kommen. 16 Denn wie ihr auf meinem heiligen Berge getrunken habt, so sollen alle Heiden täglich trinken; ja, sie sollen's aussaufen und verschlingen, daß es sei, als wäre nie nichts dagewesen. 17 Aber auf dem Berge Zion sollen noch etliche errettet werden, die sollen Heiligtum sein; und das Haus Jakob soll seine Besitzer besitzen. 18 Und das Haus Jakob soll ein Feuer werden und das Haus Joseph eine Flamme, aber das Haus Esau Stroh. Das werden sie anzünden und verzehren, daß dem Hause Esau nichts überbleibe; denn der HERR hat's geredet. 19 Und die gegen Mittag werden das Gebirge Esau und die in Gründen werden die Philister besitzen; ja, sie werden das Feld Ephraim und das Feld Samaria besitzen und Benjamin das Gebirge Gilead. 20 Und die Vertriebenen dieses Heers der Kinder Israel, so unter den Kanaanitern bis gen Zarpath sind, und die Vertriebenen der Stadt Jerusalem, die zu Sepharad sind, werden die Städte gegen Mittag besitzen. 21 Und werden Heilande heraufkommen auf den Berg Zion, das Gebirge Esau zu richten. Also wird das Königreich des HERRN sein.
  1 H6965 Dies ist H2377 das Gesicht H5662 Obadjas H136 . So spricht der HErr H3069 HErr H123 von Edom H3068 : Wir haben vom HErrn H8052 gehöret, daß eine Botschaft H1471 unter die Heiden H6735 gesandt H7971 sei H6965 : Wohlauf H8085 , und laßt uns H559 wider sie H4421 streiten!
  2 H5414 Siehe, ich habe H6996 dich gering H1471 gemacht unter den Heiden H3966 und sehr H959 verachtet .
  3 H2087 Der Hochmut H3820 deines Herzens H3427 hat dich H5377 betrogen H559 , weil du H5553 in der Felsen H2288 Klüften H7931 wohnest H776 , in deinen hohen Schlössern, und H3820 sprichst in deinem Herzen H4791 : Wer will mich H3381 zu Boden stoßen ?
  4 H1361 Wenn du denn gleich in die Höhe H5404 führest wie ein Adler H7760 und H7064 machtest dein Nest H3556 zwischen den Sternen H3381 , dennoch will ich dich H5002 von dannen herunterstürzen, spricht H3068 der HErr .
  5 H1590 Wenn Diebe H7703 oder Verstörer H3915 zu Nacht H935 über dich kommen H1820 werden H1767 , wie sollst du so zunichte werden! Ja, sie sollen genug H1589 stehlen H1219 ; und wenn die Weinleser H935 über dich kommen H5955 , so sollen sie dir kein Nachlesen H7604 überbleiben lassen .
  6 H6215 Wie sollen sie den Esau H4710 ausforschen und seine H2664 Schätze suchen!
  7 H582 Alle deine eigenen Bundesgenossen werden dich zum Lande hinausstoßen; die H582 , Leute H7971 , auf die du H7965 deinen Trost H5377 setzest, werden dich betrügen H1366 und H3201 überwältigen H3899 ; die dein Brot H4204 essen, werden dich verraten H7760 , ehe du es H8394 merken wirst.
  8 H5002 Was gilt‘s? spricht H3068 der HErr H3117 , ich will zur selbigen Zeit H2450 die Weisen H123 zu Edom H6 zunichte machen H8394 und die Klugheit H2022 auf dem Gebirge H6215 Esau .
  9 H1368 Denn deine Starken H8487 zu Theman H2865 sollen zagen H376 , auf daß sie alle H2022 auf dem Gebirge H6215 Esau H3772 durch den Mord ausgerottet werden
  10 H2555 um des Frevels H251 willen, an deinem Bruder H3290 Jakob H3680 begangen .
  11 H3117 Zu der Zeit H3117 , da H5975 du wider H2114 ihn stundest, da die Fremden H935 sein H2428 Heer H7617 gefangen H5237 wegführeten und Ausländer zu seinen H8179 Toren H3389 einzogen und über Jerusalem H1486 das Los H3032 warfen H259 , da warest du gleich wie derselbigen einer . Darum sollst du zu allen Schanden werden und ewiglich ausgerottet sein.
  12 H6 Du sollst nicht H7200 mehr so deine Lust sehen an H251 deinem Bruder H3117 zur Zeit H3117 seines Elendes und H8055 sollst dich nicht freuen H1121 über die Kinder H3063 Juda H3117 zur Zeit H6310 ihres Jammers und sollst mit deinem Maul H1431 nicht so stolz reden H3117 zur Zeit H6869 ihrer Angst .
  13 H7451 Du sollst nicht H8179 zum Tor H5971 meines Volks H3117 einziehen zur Zeit H343 ihres Jammers H7200 ; du sollst nicht deine Lust sehen an H343 ihrem Unglück H3117 zur Zeit H343 ihres Jammers H935 ; du sollst nicht wider sein H2428 Heer H7971 schicken H3117 zur Zeit seines Jammers;
  14 H5975 du sollst nicht stehen H6563 an den Wegscheiden H6412 , seine Entronnenen H5462 zu H3772 morden H8300 ; du sollst seine Übrigen H3117 nicht verraten zur Zeit H6869 der Angst .
  15 H1576 Denn der H3117 Tag H3068 des HErrn H7138 ist nahe H1471 über alle Heiden H6213 . Wie du getan H7725 hast, soll dir wieder H6213 geschehen, und H7218 wie du verdienet hast, so soll dir‘s wieder auf deinen Kopf kommen.
  16 H6944 Denn wie ihr auf meinem heiligen H2022 Berge H8354 getrunken H8354 habt H1471 , so sollen alle Heiden H8548 täglich H8354 trinken H3886 ; ja, sie sollen‘s aussaufen und verschlingen H3808 , daß es sei, als wäre nie nichts dagewesen.
  17 H2022 Aber auf dem Berge H6726 Zion H6413 sollen noch etliche errettet H6944 werden, die sollen Heiligtum H1004 sein; und das Haus H3290 Jakob H4180 soll seine Besitzer H3423 besitzen .
  18 H1004 Und das Haus H3290 Jakob H784 soll ein Feuer H1004 werden und das Haus H3130 Joseph H3852 eine Flamme H1004 , aber das Haus H6215 Esau H7179 Stroh H1814 . Das werden sie H1004 anzünden und verzehren, daß dem Hause H6215 Esau H8300 nichts H3068 überbleibe; denn der HErr H398 hat‘s H1696 geredet .
  19 H5045 Und die gegen Mittag H2022 werden das Gebirge H6215 Esau H8219 und die in Gründen H6430 werden die Philister H3423 besitzen H7704 ; ja, sie werden das Feld H669 Ephraim H7704 und das Feld H8111 Samaria H3423 besitzen H1144 und Benjamin H1568 das Gebirge Gilead .
  20 H3669 Und H1546 die Vertriebenen H1121 dieses Heers der Kinder H3478 Israel H6886 , so unter den Kanaanitern bis gen Zarpath H1546 sind, und die Vertriebenen H5892 der Stadt H3389 Jerusalem H5614 , die zu Sepharad H5045 sind, werden die Städte gegen Mittag H3423 besitzen .
  21 H3467 Und werden Heilande H5927 heraufkommen auf H2022 den Berg H6726 Zion H2022 , das Gebirge H6215 Esau H8199 zu richten H4410 . Also wird das Königreich H3068 des HErrn sein.
Luther1912(i) 1 Dies ist das Gesicht Obadjas. So spricht der Herr, HERR von Edom: Wir haben vom HERRN gehört, daß eine Botschaft unter die Heiden gesandt sei: Wohlauf, und laßt uns wider sie streiten. 2 Siehe, ich habe dich gering gemacht unter den Heiden und sehr verachtet. 3 Der Hochmut deines Herzens hat dich betrogen, weil du in der Felsen Klüften wohnst, in deinen hohen Schlössern, und sprichst in deinem Herzen: Wer will mich zu Boden stoßen? 4 Wenn du gleich in die Höhe führest wie ein Adler und machtest dein Nest zwischen den Sternen, dennoch will ich dich von dort herunterstürzen, spricht der HERR. 5 Wenn Diebe oder Räuber zu Nacht über dich kommen werden, wie sollst du so zunichte werden! Ja, sie sollen genug stehlen; und wenn die Weinleser über dich kommen, so sollen sie dir kein Nachlesen übriglassen. 6 Wie sollen sie dann Esau ausforschen und seine Schätze suchen! 7 Alle deine eigenen Bundesgenossen werden dich zum Lande hinausstoßen; die Leute, auf die du deinen Trost setztest, werden dich betrügen und überwältigen; die dein Brot essen, werden dich verraten, ehe du es merken wirst. 8 Was gilt's? spricht der HERR, ich will zur selben Zeit die Weisen zu Edom zunichte machen und die Klugheit auf dem Gebirge Esau. 9 Und deine Starken zu Theman sollen zagen, auf daß alle auf dem Gebirge Esau ausgerottet werden durch Morden. 10 Um des Frevels willen, an deinem Bruder Jakob begangen, sollst du zu Schanden werden und ewiglich ausgerottet sein. 11 Zu der Zeit, da du wider ihn standest, da die Fremden sein Heer gefangen wegführten und Ausländer zu seinen Toren einzogen und über Jerusalem das Los warfen, da warst du gleich wie deren einer. 12 Du sollst nicht mehr so deine Lust sehen an deinem Bruder zur Zeit seines Elends und sollst dich nicht freuen über die Kinder Juda zur Zeit ihres Jammers und sollst mit deinem Maul nicht so stolz reden zur Zeit Ihrer Angst; 13 du sollst nicht zum Tor meines Volkes einziehen zur Zeit ihres Jammers; du sollst nicht deine Lust sehen an ihrem Unglück zur Zeit ihres Jammers; du sollst nicht nach seinem Gut greifen zur Zeit seines Jammers; 14 du sollst nicht stehen an den Wegscheiden, seine Entronnenen zu morden; du sollst seine übrigen nicht verraten zur Zeit der Angst. 15 Denn der Tag des HERRN ist nahe über alle Heiden. Wie du getan hast, soll dir wieder geschehen; und wie du verdient hast, so soll dir's wieder auf deinen Kopf kommen. 16 Denn wie ihr auf meinem heiligen Berge getrunken habt, so sollen alle Heiden täglich trinken; ja, sie sollen's aussaufen und verschlingen und sollen sein, als wären sie nie gewesen. 17 Aber auf dem Berge Zion wird eine Errettung sein, und er soll heilig sein, und das Haus Jakob soll seine Besitzer besitzen. 18 Und das Haus Jakob soll ein Feuer werden und das Haus Joseph eine Flamme, aber das Haus Esau Stroh; das werden sie anzünden und verzehren, daß dem Hause Esau nichts übrigbleibe; denn der HERR hat's geredet. 19 Und die gegen Mittag werden das Gebirge Esau, und die in den Gründen werden die Philister besitzen; ja sie werden das Feld Ephraims und das Feld Samarias besitzen, und Benjamin das Gebirge Gilead. 20 Und die Vertriebenen dieses Heeres der Kinder Israel, so unter den Kanaanitern bis gen Zarpath sind, und die Vertriebenen der Stadt Jerusalem, die zu Sepharad sind, werden die Städte gegen Mittag besitzen. 21 Und es werden Heilande heraufkommen auf den Berg Zion, das Gebirge Esau zu richten; und das Königreich wird des HERRN sein.
  1 H2377 Dies ist das Gesicht H5662 Obadjas H559 . So spricht H136 der HERR H3069 HERR H123 von Edom H3068 : Wir haben vom HERRN H8085 gehört H6735 H8052 , daß eine Botschaft H1471 unter die Heiden H7971 gesandt H6965 sei: Wohlauf H6965 , und laßt H4421 uns wider sie streiten!
  2 H6996 Siehe, ich habe dich gering H5414 gemacht H1471 unter den Heiden H3966 und sehr H959 verachtet .
  3 H2087 Der Hochmut H3820 deines Herzens H5377 hat dich betrogen H5553 , weil du in der Felsen H2288 Klüften H7931 wohnst H4791 , in deinen hohen H3427 Schlössern H559 , und sprichst H3820 in deinem Herzen H776 : Wer will mich zu Boden H3381 stoßen ?
  4 H1361 Wenn du gleich in die Höhe H5404 führest wie ein Adler H7760 und machtest H7064 dein Nest H3556 zwischen den Sternen H3381 , dennoch will ich dich von dort herunterstürzen H5002 , spricht H3068 der HERR .
  5 H1590 Wenn Diebe H7703 oder Räuber H3915 zu Nacht H935 über dich kommen H1820 werden, wie sollst du so zunichte H1767 werden! Ja, sie sollen genug H1589 stehlen H1219 ; und wenn die Weinleser H935 über dich kommen H5955 , so sollen sie dir kein Nachlesen H7604 übriglassen .
  6 H6215 Wie sollen sie dann Esau H2664 ausforschen H4710 und seine Schätze H1158 suchen!
  7 H1285 H582 Alle deine eigenen Bundesgenossen H1366 werden dich zum Lande H7971 hinausstoßen H582 ; die Leute H7965 , auf die du deinen Trost H5377 setztest, werden dich betrügen H3201 und überwältigen H3899 ; die dein Brot H7760 essen, werden H4204 dich verraten H8394 , ehe du es merken wirst.
  8 H5002 Was gilt’s? spricht H3068 der HERR H3117 , ich will zur selben Zeit H2450 die Weisen H123 zu Edom H6 zunichte H8394 machen und die Klugheit H2022 auf dem Gebirge H6215 Esau .
  9 H1368 Und deine Starken H8487 zu Theman H2865 sollen zagen H376 , auf daß alle H2022 auf dem Gebirge H6215 Esau H3772 ausgerottet H6993 werden durch Morden .
  10 H2555 Um des Frevels H251 willen, an deinem Bruder H3290 Jakob H3680 begangen, sollst H955 du zu allen Schanden H5769 werden und ewiglich H3772 ausgerottet sein.
  11 H3117 Zu der Zeit H5975 , da du wider ihn standest H2114 , da die Fremden H2428 sein Heer H7617 gefangen H7617 wegführten H5237 und Ausländer H8179 zu seinen Toren H935 einzogen H3389 und über Jerusalem H1486 das Los H3032 warfen H259 , da warst du gleich wie deren einer .
  12 H7200 Du sollst nicht mehr so deine Lust sehen H251 an deinem Bruder H3117 zur Zeit H5235 seines Elends H8055 und sollst dich nicht freuen H1121 über die Kinder H3063 Juda H3117 zur Zeit H6 ihres Jammers H1431 und sollst mit deinem Maul nicht so stolz H6310 reden H3117 zur Zeit H6869 ihrer Angst;
  13 H8179 du sollst nicht zum Tor H5971 meines Volks H935 einziehen H3117 zur Zeit H343 ihres Jammers H7200 ; du sollst nicht deine Lust sehen H7451 an ihrem Unglück H3117 zur Zeit H343 ihres Jammers H2428 ; du sollst nicht nach seinem Gut H7971 greifen H3117 zur Zeit H343 seines Jammers;
  14 H5975 du sollst nicht stehen H6563 an den Wegscheiden H6412 , seine Entronnenen H3772 zu morden H8300 ; du sollst seine übrigen H5462 nicht verraten H3117 zur Zeit H6869 der Angst .
  15 H3117 Denn der Tag H3068 des HERRN H7138 ist nahe H1471 über alle Heiden H6213 . Wie du getan H6213 hast, soll dir wieder geschehen H1576 ; und wie du verdient H7725 hast, so soll dir’s wieder H7218 auf deinen Kopf kommen.
  16 H6944 Denn wie ihr auf meinem heiligen H2022 Berge H8354 getrunken H1471 habt, so sollen alle Heiden H8548 täglich H8354 trinken H8354 ; ja, sie sollen’s aussaufen H3886 und verschlingen H3808 und sollen sein, als wären sie nie gewesen.
  17 H2022 Aber auf dem Berge H6726 Zion H6413 wird eine Errettung H6944 sein, und er soll heilig H1004 sein, und das Haus H3290 Jakob H4180 soll seine Besitzer H3423 besitzen .
  18 H1004 Und das Haus H3290 Jakob H784 soll ein Feuer H1004 werden und das Haus H3130 Joseph H3852 eine Flamme H1004 , aber das Haus H6215 Esau H7179 Stroh H1814 ; das werden sie anzünden H398 und verzehren H1004 , daß dem Hause H6215 Esau H8300 nichts übrigbleibe H3068 ; denn der HERR H1696 hat’s geredet .
  19 H5045 Und die gegen Mittag H2022 werden das Gebirge H6215 Esau H8219 , und die in den Gründen H6430 werden die Philister H3423 besitzen H7704 ; ja sie werden das Feld H669 Ephraims H7704 und das Feld H8111 Samarias H3423 besitzen H1144 , und Benjamin H1568 das Gebirge Gilead .
  20 H1546 Und die Vertriebenen H2426 dieses Heeres H1121 der Kinder H3478 Israel H3669 , so unter den Kanaanitern H6886 bis gen Zarpath H1546 sind, und die Vertriebenen H3389 der Stadt Jerusalem H5614 , die zu Sepharad H5892 sind, werden die Städte H5045 gegen Mittag H3423 besitzen .
  21 H3467 Und es werden Heilande H5927 heraufkommen H2022 auf den Berg H6726 Zion H2022 , das Gebirge H6215 Esau H8199 zu richten H4410 ; und das Königreich H3068 wird des HERRN sein.
ELB1871(i) 1 Gesicht Obadjas. So spricht der Herr, Jehova, von Edom: Eine Kunde haben wir von Jehova gehört, und ein Bote ist unter die Nationen gesandt worden: "Machet euch auf, und laßt uns wider dasselbe aufstehen zum Kriege!" 2 Siehe, ich habe dich klein gemacht unter den Nationen, du bist sehr verachtet. 3 Der Übermut deines Herzens hat dich verführt, der du in Felsenklüften, auf hohem Sitze wohnst und in deinem Herzen sprichst: Wer wird mich zur Erde hinabstürzen? 4 Wenn du dein Nest auch hoch baust wie der Adler, und wenn es zwischen die Sterne gesetzt wäre: ich werde dich von dort hinabstürzen, spricht Jehova. 5 Wenn Diebe über dich gekommen wären, wenn nächtliche Räuber - wie bist du vernichtet! - würden sie nicht gestohlen haben nach ihrer Genüge? Wenn Winzer über dich gekommen wären, würden sie nicht eine Nachlese übriggelassen haben? 6 Wie sind die von Esau durchsucht, ausgeforscht ihre verborgenen Schätze! 7 Alle deine Bundesgenossen haben dich bis zur Grenze geschickt; betrogen, überwältigt haben dich deine Freunde, die dein Brot aßen; sie legten eine Schlinge unter dich. Es ist kein Verstand in ihm. 8 Werde ich nicht an jenem Tage, spricht Jehova, die Weisen aus Edom vertilgen und den Verstand vom Gebirge Esaus? 9 Und deine Helden, Teman, werden verzagen, auf daß jedermann vom Gebirge Esaus ausgerottet werde durch Ermordung. 10 Wegen der an deinem Bruder Jakob verübten Gewalttat wird Schande dich bedecken, und du wirst ausgerottet werden auf ewig. 11 An dem Tage, da du gegenüber standest, an dem Tage, da Fremde sein Vermögen hinwegführten, und Ausländer zu seinen Toren einzogen und über Jerusalem das Los warfen, da warst auch du wie einer von ihnen. 12 Und du solltest nicht auf den Tag deines Bruders sehen am Tage seines Mißgeschicks, und dich nicht freuen über die Kinder Juda am Tage ihres Untergangs, noch dein Maul aufsperren am Tage der Bedrängnis; 13 du solltest nicht in das Tor meines Volkes einziehen am Tage seiner Not, und du, auch du, nicht auf sein Unglück sehen am Tage seiner Not, noch deine Hand ausstrecken nach seinem Vermögen am Tage seiner Not; 14 und du solltest nicht am Kreuzwege stehen, um seine Flüchtlinge zu vertilgen, und solltest seine Entronnenen nicht ausliefern am Tage der Bedrängnis. 15 Denn der Tag Jehovas ist nahe über alle Nationen: wie du getan hast, wird dir getan werden; dein Tun wird auf dein Haupt zurückkehren. 16 Denn gleichwie ihr getrunken habt auf meinem heiligen Berge, so werden beständig trinken alle Nationen; ja, sie werden trinken und schlürfen, und werden sein wie solche, die nie gewesen sind. 17 Aber auf dem Berge Zion wird Errettung sein, und er wird heilig sein; und die vom Hause Jakob werden ihre Besitzungen wieder in Besitz nehmen. 18 Und das Haus Jakob wird ein Feuer sein, und das Haus Joseph eine Flamme, und das Haus Esau zu Stoppeln; und sie werden unter ihnen brennen und sie verzehren. Und das Haus Esau wird keinen Übriggebliebenen haben, denn Jehova hat geredet. 19 Und die vom Süden werden das Gebirge Esaus, und die von der Niederung die Philister in Besitz nehmen; und sie werden das Gefilde Ephraims und das Gefilde Samarias, und Benjamin wird Gilead in Besitz nehmen; 20 und die Weggeführten dieses Heeres der Kinder Israel werden in Besitz nehmen, was den Kanaanitern gehört bis nach Zarpath hin; und die Weggeführten von Jerusalem, welche in Sepharad sind, die Städte des Südens. 21 Und es werden Retter auf den Berg Zion ziehen, um das Gebirge Esaus zu richten; und das Reich wird Jehova gehören.
ELB1905(i) 1 Gesicht Obadjas. So spricht der Herr, Jahwe, von Edom: Eine Kunde haben wir von Jahwe gehört, und ein Bote ist unter die Nationen gesandt worden: »Machet euch auf, und laßt uns wider dasselbe aufstehen zum Kriege!« 2 Siehe, ich habe dich klein gemacht unter den Nationen, du bist sehr verachtet. 3 Der Übermut deines Herzens hat dich verführt, der du in Felsenklüften, auf hohem Sitze wohnst und in deinem Herzen sprichst: Wer wird mich zur Erde hinabstürzen? 4 Wenn du dein Nest auch hoch baust wie der Adler, und wenn es zwischen die Sterne gesetzt wäre: ich werde dich von dort hinabstürzen, spricht Jahwe. 5 Wenn Diebe über dich gekommen wären, wenn nächtliche Räuber, wie bist du vernichtet! würden sie nicht gestohlen haben nach ihrer Genüge? Wenn Winzer über dich gekommen wären, würden sie nicht eine Nachlese übriggelassen haben? 6 Wie sind die von Esau durchsucht, ausgeforscht ihre verborgenen Schätze! 7 Alle deine Bundesgenossen haben dich bis zur Grenze geschickt; betrogen, überwältigt haben dich deine Freunde, die dein Brot aßen; sie legten eine Schlinge unter dich. Es ist kein Verstand in ihm. 8 Werde ich nicht an jenem Tage, spricht Jahwe, die Weisen aus Edom vertilgen und den Verstand vom Gebirge Esaus? 9 Und deine Helden, Teman, werden verzagen, auf daß jedermann vom Gebirge Esaus ausgerottet werde durch Ermordung. 10 Wegen der an deinem Bruder Jakob verübten Gewalttat wird Schande dich bedecken, und du wirst ausgerottet werden auf ewig. 11 An dem Tage, da du gegenüber standest, an dem Tage, da Fremde sein Vermögen hinwegführten, und Ausländer zu seinen Toren einzogen und über Jerusalem das Los warfen, da warst auch du wie einer von ihnen. 12 Und du solltest nicht auf den Tag deines Bruders sehen am Tage seines Mißgeschicks, und dich nicht freuen über die Kinder Juda am Tage ihres Untergangs, noch dein Maul aufsperren am Tage der Bedrängnis; 13 du solltest nicht in das Tor meines Volkes einziehen am Tage seiner Not, und du, auch du, nicht auf sein Unglück sehen am Tage seiner Not, noch deine Hand ausstrecken nach seinem Vermögen am Tage seiner Not; 14 und du solltest nicht am Kreuzwege stehen, um seine Flüchtlinge zu vertilgen, und solltest seine Entronnenen nicht ausliefern am Tage der Bedrängnis. 15 Denn der Tag Jahwes ist nahe über alle Nationen: wie du getan hast, wird dir getan werden; dein Tun wird auf dein Haupt zurückkehren. 16 Denn gleichwie ihr getrunken habt auf meinem heiligen Berge, so werden beständig trinken alle Nationen; ja, sie werden trinken und schlürfen, und werden sein wie solche, die nie gewesen sind. 17 Aber auf dem Berge Zion wird Errettung sein, und er wird heilig sein; und die vom Hause Jakob werden ihre Besitzungen wieder in Besitz nehmen. 18 Und das Haus Jakob wird ein Feuer sein, und das Haus Joseph eine Flamme, und das Haus Esau zu Stoppeln; und sie werden unter ihnen brennen und sie verzehren. Und das Haus Esau wird keinen Übriggebliebenen haben, denn Jahwe hat geredet. 19 Und die vom Süden werden das Gebirge Esaus, und die von der Niederung die Philister in Besitz nehmen; und sie werden das Gefilde Ephraims und das Gefilde Samarias, und Benjamin wird Gilead in Besitz nehmen; 20 und die Weggeführten dieses Heeres der Kinder Israel werden in Besitz nehmen, was den Kanaanitern gehört bis nach Zarpath hin; und die Weggeführten von Jerusalem, welche in Sepharad sind, die Städte des Südens. 21 Und es werden Retter auf den Berg Zion ziehen, um das Gebirge Esaus zu richten; und das Reich wird Jahwe gehören.
  1 H2377 Gesicht H5662 Obadjas H559 . So spricht H136 der Herr H3068 , Jehova H123 , von Edom H8052 : Eine Kunde haben H6735 wir von Jehova gehört, und ein Bote H7971 ist unter die Nationen gesandt H1471 worden: "Machet euch H6965 auf H8085 , und laßt uns H6965 wider dasselbe aufstehen H4421 zum Kriege! "
  2 H6996 Siehe, ich habe dich klein H5414 gemacht H3966 unter den Nationen, du bist sehr H959 verachtet .
  3 H3820 Der Übermut deines Herzens H3427 hat dich H559 verführt, der du H2288 in Felsenklüften H7931 , auf hohem Sitze wohnst H3820 und in deinem Herzen H4791 sprichst: Wer wird mich H776 zur Erde hinabstürzen?
  4 H7064 Wenn du dein Nest H1361 auch hoch H5404 baust wie der Adler H3381 , und wenn es zwischen die H3556 Sterne H7760 gesetzt H5002 wäre: ich werde dich von dort hinabstürzen, spricht H3068 Jehova .
  5 H1590 Wenn Diebe H935 über dich gekommen H7703 wären, wenn nächtliche Räuber H1767 - wie H1589 bist du vernichtet! würden sie nicht gestohlen H935 haben nach ihrer Genüge? Wenn Winzer über dich gekommen H5955 wären, würden sie nicht eine Nachlese übriggelassen haben?
  6 H6215 Wie sind die von Esau durchsucht, ausgeforscht ihre verborgenen Schätze!
  7 H582 Alle deine Bundesgenossen H1366 haben dich bis zur Grenze H5377 geschickt; betrogen H3899 , überwältigt haben dich deine Freunde, die dein Brot H7971 aßen; sie H7760 legten H8394 eine Schlinge unter dich. Es ist kein Verstand in ihm.
  8 H3117 Werde ich nicht an jenem Tage H5002 , spricht H3068 Jehova H2450 , die Weisen H123 aus Edom H6 vertilgen H8394 und den Verstand H2022 vom Gebirge H6215 Esaus ?
  9 H1368 Und deine Helden H3772 , Teman, werden H2865 verzagen H376 , auf daß jedermann H2022 vom Gebirge H6215 Esaus ausgerottet werde durch Ermordung.
  10 H251 Wegen der an deinem Bruder H3290 Jakob H3680 verübten Gewalttat wird Schande dich bedecken H3772 , und du wirst ausgerottet werden H5769 auf ewig .
  11 H3117 An dem Tage H5975 , da du gegenüber standest H3117 , an dem Tage H2114 , da Fremde H2428 sein Vermögen H5237 hinwegführten, und Ausländer H8179 zu seinen Toren H935 einzogen H3389 und über Jerusalem H1486 das Los H3032 warfen H259 , da warst auch du wie einer von ihnen.
  12 H3117 Und du solltest nicht auf den Tag H251 deines Bruders H7200 sehen H3117 am Tage H8055 seines Mißgeschicks, und dich nicht freuen H1121 über die Kinder H3063 Juda H3117 am Tage H6310 ihres Untergangs, noch dein Maul H3117 aufsperren am Tage der Bedrängnis;
  13 H935 du solltest nicht in H8179 das Tor H5971 meines Volkes H3117 einziehen am Tage H343 seiner Not, und du, auch du, nicht auf sein Unglück H7200 sehen H3117 am Tage H7971 seiner Not, noch deine Hand ausstrecken H2428 nach seinem Vermögen H3117 am Tage seiner Not;
  14 H5975 und du solltest nicht am Kreuzwege stehen H5462 , um seine Flüchtlinge zu H6412 vertilgen, und solltest seine Entronnenen H3117 nicht ausliefern am Tage der Bedrängnis.
  15 H1576 Denn der H3117 Tag H3068 Jehovas H7725 ist H7138 nahe H1471 über alle Nationen: wie H6213 du getan H6213 hast, wird dir getan H7218 werden; dein Tun wird auf dein Haupt zurückkehren.
  16 H8354 Denn gleichwie ihr getrunken H6944 habt auf meinem heiligen H2022 Berge H8354 , so werden beständig trinken H8354 alle Nationen; ja, sie werden trinken H1471 und schlürfen, und werden sein wie H8548 solche, die H3808 nie gewesen sind.
  17 H2022 Aber auf dem Berge H6726 Zion H6413 wird Errettung H6944 sein, und er wird heilig H1004 sein; und die vom Hause H3290 Jakob H3423 werden ihre Besitzungen wieder in Besitz nehmen.
  18 H1004 Und das Haus H3290 Jakob H784 wird ein Feuer H398 sein H1004 , und das Haus H3130 Joseph H3852 eine Flamme H1004 , und das Haus H6215 Esau H7179 zu Stoppeln H1814 ; und sie H1004 werden unter ihnen brennen und sie verzehren. Und das Haus H6215 Esau H3068 wird keinen Übriggebliebenen haben, denn Jehova H1696 hat geredet.
  19 H2022 Und die vom Süden werden das Gebirge H6215 Esaus H6430 , und die von der Niederung die Philister H3423 in Besitz H669 nehmen; und sie werden das Gefilde Ephraims H8111 und das Gefilde Samarias H1144 , und Benjamin H1568 wird Gilead H3423 in Besitz nehmen;
  20 H1546 und die H2426 Weggeführten dieses Heeres H1121 der Kinder H3478 Israel H3423 werden in Besitz H3669 nehmen, was den Kanaanitern H6886 gehört bis nach Zarpath H1546 hin; und die H3389 Weggeführten von Jerusalem H5614 , welche in Sepharad H5892 sind, die Städte des Südens.
  21 H3467 Und es werden H5927 Retter auf H2022 den Berg H6726 Zion H2022 ziehen, um das Gebirge H6215 Esaus H8199 zu richten H4410 ; und das Reich H3068 wird Jehova gehören.
DSV(i) 1 Het gezicht van Obadja. Alzo zegt de Heere HEERE van Edom: Wij hebben een gerucht gehoord van den HEERE, en er is een gezant geschikt onder de heidenen: Staat op, en laat ons opstaan tegen hen ten strijde. 2 Ziet, Ik heb u klein gemaakt onder de heidenen, gij zijt zeer veracht. 3 De trotsheid uws harten heeft u bedrogen; hij, die daar woont in de kloven der steenrotsen, in zijn hoge woning; die in zijn hart zegt: Wie zou mij ter aarde nederstoten? 4 Al verhieft gij u gelijk de arend, en al steldet gij uw nest tussen de sterren, zo zal Ik u van daar nederstoten, spreekt de HEERE. 5 Zo er dieven, zo er nachtrovers tot u gekomen waren (hoe zijt gij uitgeroeid!), zouden zij niet gestolen hebben zoveel hun genoeg ware? Zo er wijnlezers tot u gekomen waren, zouden zij niet een nalezing hebben overgelaten? 6 Hoe zijn Ezau's goederen nagespeurd, zijn verborgen schatten opgezocht! 7 Al uw bondgenoten hebben u tot aan de landpale uitgeleid; uw vredegenoten hebben u bedrogen, zij hebben u overmocht; die uw brood eten, zullen een gezwel onder u zetten, er is geen verstand in hem. 8 Zal het niet te dien dage zijn, spreekt de HEERE, dat Ik de wijzen uit Edom, en het verstand uit Ezau's gebergte zal doen vergaan? 9 Ook zullen uw helden, o Theman! versaagd zijn; opdat een ieder uit Ezau's gebergte door den moord worde uitgeroeid. 10 Om het geweld, begaan aan uw broeder Jakob, zal schaamte u bedekken; en gij zult uitgeroeid worden in eeuwigheid. 11 Ten dage als gij tegenover stondt, ten dage als de uitlanders zijn heir gevangen voerden, en de vreemden tot zijn poorten introkken, en over Jeruzalem het lot wierpen, waart gij ook als een van hen. 12 Toen zoudt gij niet gezien hebben op den dag uws broeders, den dag zijner vervreemding; noch u verblijd hebben over de kinderen van Juda, ten dage huns ondergangs; noch uw mond groot gemaakt hebben, ten dage der benauwdheid; 13 Noch ter poorte Mijns volks ingegaan zijn, ten dage huns verderfs; noch gezien hebben, ook gij, op zijn kwaad, ten dage zijns verderfs; noch uw handen uitgestrekt hebben aan zijn heir, ten dage zijns verderfs; 14 Noch gestaan hebben op de wegscheiding, om zijn ontkomenen uit te roeien; noch zijn overgeblevenen overgeleverd hebben, ten dage der benauwdheid. 15 Want de dag des HEEREN is nabij, over al de heidenen; gelijk als gij gedaan hebt, zal u gedaan worden; uw vergelding zal op uw hoofd wederkeren. 16 Want gelijk gijlieden gedronken hebt op den berg Mijner heiligheid, zo zullen al de heidenen geduriglijk drinken; ja, zij zullen drinken en inzwelgen, en zullen zijn als of zij er niet geweest waren. 17 Maar op den berg Sions zal ontkoming zijn, en hij zal een heiligheid zijn; en die van het huis Jakobs zullen hun erfgoederen erfelijk bezitten. 18 En Jakobs huis zal een vuur zijn, en Jozefs huis een vlam, en Ezau's huis tot een stoppel; en zij zullen tegen hen ontbranden, en zullen ze verteren, zodat Ezau's huis geen overgeblevene zal hebben; want de HEERE heeft het gesproken. 19 En die van het zuiden zullen Ezau's gebergte, en die van de laagte zullen de Filistijnen erfelijk bezitten; ja, zij zullen het veld van Efraïm en het veld van Samaria erfelijk bezitten; en Benjamin Gilead. 20 En de gevankelijk weggevoerden van dit heir der kinderen Israëls, hetgeen der Kanaänieten was, tot Zarfath toe; en de gevankelijk weggevoerden van Jeruzalem, hetgeen in Sefarad is, zij zullen de steden van het zuiden erfelijk bezitten. 21 En er zullen heilanden op den berg Sions opkomen, om Ezau's gebergte te richten; en het koninkrijk zal des HEEREN zijn.
  1 H2377 Het gezicht H5662 van Obadja H3541 . Alzo H559 H8804 zegt H136 de Heere H3069 HEERE H123 van Edom H8052 : Wij hebben een gerucht H8085 H8804 gehoord H4480 van H3068 den HEERE H6735 , en er is een gezant H7971 H8795 geschikt H1471 onder de heidenen H6965 H8798 : Staat op H6965 H8799 , en laat ons opstaan H5921 tegen H4421 hen ten strijde.
  2 H2009 Ziet H6996 , Ik heb u klein H5414 H8804 gemaakt H1471 onder de heidenen H859 , gij H3966 zijt zeer H959 H8803 veracht.
  3 H2087 De trotsheid H3820 uws harten H5377 H8689 heeft u bedrogen H7931 H8802 ; hij, die daar woont H2288 in de kloven H5553 der steenrotsen H4791 , [in] zijn hoge H3427 H8800 woning H3820 ; die in zijn hart H559 H8802 zegt H4310 : Wie H776 zou mij ter aarde H3381 H8686 nederstoten?
  4 H518 Al H1361 H8686 verhieft gij u H5404 gelijk de arend H518 , en al H7760 H8800 steldet gij H7064 uw nest H996 tussen H3556 de sterren H4480 , zo zal Ik u van H8033 daar H3381 H8686 nederstoten H5002 H8803 , spreekt H3068 de HEERE.
  5 H518 Zo H1590 er dieven H518 , zo H7703 H8802 H3915 er nachtrovers H935 H8804 tot u gekomen waren H349 (hoe H1820 H8738 zijt gij uitgeroeid H3808 !), zouden zij niet H1589 H8799 gestolen hebben H1767 zoveel hun genoeg H518 ware? Zo H1219 H8802 er wijnlezers H935 H8804 tot u gekomen waren H3808 , zouden zij niet H5955 een nalezing H7604 H8686 hebben overgelaten?
  6 H349 Hoe H6215 zijn Ezau's H2664 H8738 [goederen] nagespeurd H4710 , zijn verborgen H1158 H8738 [schatten] opgezocht!
  7 H3605 Al H582 H1285 uw bondgenoten H5704 hebben u tot H1366 aan de landpale H7971 H8765 uitgeleid H582 H7965 ; uw vredegenoten H5377 H8689 hebben u bedrogen H3201 H8804 , zij hebben u overmocht H3899 ; [die] uw brood H4204 [eten], zullen een gezwel H7760 H8799 onder u zetten H369 , er is geen H8394 verstand in hem.
  8 H3808 Zal het niet H1931 te dien H3117 dage H5002 H8803 zijn, spreekt H3068 de HEERE H2450 , dat Ik de wijzen H4480 uit H123 Edom H8394 , en het verstand H4480 uit H6215 Ezau's H2022 gebergte H6 H8689 zal doen vergaan?
  9 H1368 Ook zullen uw helden H8487 , o Theman H2865 H8804 ! versaagd zijn H4616 ; opdat H376 een ieder H4480 uit H6215 Ezau's H2022 gebergte H6993 door den moord H3772 H8735 worde uitgeroeid.
  10 H4480 Om H2555 het geweld H251 , begaan aan uw broeder H3290 Jakob H955 , zal schaamte H3680 H8762 u bedekken H3772 H8738 ; en gij zult uitgeroeid worden H5769 in eeuwigheid.
  11 H3117 Ten dage H4480 H5048 als gij tegenover H5975 H8800 stondt H3117 , ten dage H2114 H8801 als de uitlanders H2428 zijn heir H7617 H8800 gevangen voerden H5237 , en de vreemden H8179 tot zijn poorten H935 H8804 introkken H5921 , en over H3389 Jeruzalem H1486 het lot H3032 H8804 wierpen H859 , waart gij H1571 ook H259 als een H4480 van hen.
  12 H408 Toen zoudt gij niet H7200 H8799 gezien hebben H3117 op den dag H251 uws broeders H3117 , den dag H5235 zijner vervreemding H408 ; noch H8055 H8799 u verblijd hebben H1121 over de kinderen H3063 van Juda H3117 , ten dage H6 H8800 huns ondergangs H408 ; noch H6310 uw mond H1431 H8686 groot gemaakt hebben H3117 , ten dage H6869 der benauwdheid;
  13 H408 Noch H8179 ter poorte H5971 Mijns volks H935 H8799 ingegaan zijn H3117 , ten dage H343 huns verderfs H408 ; noch H7200 H8799 gezien hebben H1571 , ook H859 gij H7451 , op zijn kwaad H3117 , ten dage H343 zijns verderfs H408 ; noch H7971 H8799 [uw] [handen] uitgestrekt hebben H2428 aan zijn heir H3117 , ten dage H343 zijns verderfs;
  14 H408 Noch H5975 H8799 gestaan hebben H5921 op H6563 de wegscheiding H6412 , om zijn ontkomenen H3772 H8687 uit te roeien H408 ; noch H8300 zijn overgeblevenen H5462 H8686 overgeleverd hebben H3117 , ten dage H6869 der benauwdheid.
  15 H3588 Want H3117 de dag H3068 des HEEREN H7138 is nabij H5921 , over H3605 al H1471 de heidenen H834 ; gelijk als H6213 H8804 gij gedaan hebt H6213 H8735 , zal u gedaan worden H1576 ; uw vergelding H7218 zal op uw hoofd H7725 H8799 wederkeren.
  16 H3588 Want H834 gelijk H8354 H8804 gijlieden gedronken hebt H5921 op H2022 den berg H6944 Mijner heiligheid H3605 , [zo] zullen al H1471 de heidenen H8548 geduriglijk H8354 H8799 drinken H8354 H8804 ; ja, zij zullen drinken H3886 H8804 en inzwelgen H1961 H8804 , en zullen zijn H3808 als of zij er niet H1961 H8804 geweest waren.
  17 H2022 Maar op den berg H6726 Sions H6413 zal ontkoming H1961 H8799 zijn H6944 , en hij zal een heiligheid H1961 H8804 zijn H1004 ; en die van het huis H3290 Jakobs H4180 zullen hun erfgoederen H3423 H8804 erfelijk bezitten.
  18 H3290 En Jakobs H1004 huis H784 zal een vuur H1961 H8804 zijn H3130 , en Jozefs H1004 huis H3852 een vlam H6215 , en Ezau's H1004 huis H7179 tot een stoppel H1814 H8804 ; en zij zullen tegen hen ontbranden H398 H8804 , en zullen ze verteren H6215 , zodat Ezau's H1004 huis H3808 geen H8300 overgeblevene H1961 H8799 zal hebben H3588 ; want H3068 de HEERE H1696 H8765 heeft het gesproken.
  19 H5045 En die van het zuiden H6215 zullen Ezau's H2022 gebergte H8219 , en die van de laagte H6430 zullen de Filistijnen H3423 H8804 erfelijk bezitten H7704 ; ja, zij zullen het veld H669 van Efraim H7704 en het veld H8111 van Samaria H3423 H8804 erfelijk bezitten H1144 ; en Benjamin H1568 Gilead.
  20 H1546 En de gevankelijk weggevoerden H2088 van dit H2426 heir H1121 der kinderen H3478 Israels H834 , hetgeen H3669 der Kanaanieten H5704 was, tot H6886 Zarfath H1546 toe; en de gevankelijk weggevoerden H3389 van Jeruzalem H834 , hetgeen H5614 in Sefarad H5892 is, zij zullen de steden H5045 van het zuiden H3423 H8799 erfelijk bezitten.
  21 H3467 H8688 En er zullen heilanden H2022 op den berg H6726 Sions H5927 H8804 opkomen H6215 , om Ezau's H2022 gebergte H8199 H8800 te richten H4410 ; en het koninkrijk H3068 zal des HEEREN H1961 H8804 zijn.
Giguet(i) 1 ¶ Vision d’Abdias. Voici ce que le Seigneur dit à l’Idumée J’ai entendu la parole du Seigneur, et il a envoyé un message aux gentils, disant: Levez-vous, et allons combattre Édom! 2 Voilà que Je t’ai réduit à un petit nombre parmi les peuples; et tu es maintenant sans honneur. 3 L’orgueil de ton cœur t’avait enivré, toi qui résides dans les trous des rochers; élevant ta demeure sur les hauts lieux, tu disais: Qui me fera descendre à terre? 4 Quand même tu te serais élevé autant que l’aigle, quand tu aurais placé ton nid au milieu des étoiles, Je t’en précipiterais, dit le Seigneur. 5 Si des larrons ou des voleurs de nuit étaient entrés chez toi, à quel point t’auraient-ils abattu? N’auraient-ils pas seulement enlevé ce qui leur eût convenu? Et si des vendangeurs étaient entrés en ta vigne, ne t’auraient-ils pas laissé au moins un grappillon? 6 Comment Ésaü a-t-il été fouillé, et comment lui a-t-on pris ce qu’il cachait? 7 Ils t’ont chassé jusqu’à tes extrêmes limites; tous tes alliés sont devenus tes ennemis; des hommes pacifiques avec qui tu vivais en paix ont prévalu contre toi; ils ont placé des pièges sous tes pas; mais Édom est sans intelligence. 8 Ce jour-là, dit le Seigneur, Je détruirai les sages de l’Idumée, et Je bannirai l’intelligence des montagnes d’Ésaü. 9 Et tes guerriers de Théman trembleront de peur, afin que tout homme soit exterminé sur le mont d’Ésaü. 10 ¶ À cause de tes meurtres, et de tes péchés contre ton frère Jacob, tu seras couvert de confusion, et tu seras effacé pour jamais. 11 Du jour où tu t’es élevé contre lui, quand des peuples étrangers emmenèrent son armée captive, quand ils franchirent ses portes, et tirèrent au sort les richesses de Jérusalem, dès lors tu fus comme l’un d’eux. 12 Ne méprise pas la chute de ton frère au jour des étrangers ne te raille pas des fils de Juda au jour de leur ruine; ne te gonfle pas d’orgueil au jour de leur angoisse. 13 N’entre point par les portes de Mon peuple au jour de ses souffrances; ne surveille pas sa synagogue au jour de sa destruction; n’attaque pas son armée le jour où ils périront. 14 Ne te tiens pas sur leur chemin pour massacrer ceux qui se sont échappés; n’enferme pas leurs fuyards au jour de la désolation. 15 Car le jour du Seigneur est proche pour toutes les nations; comme tu as fait à autrui, Il te fera à toi-même; ta rétribution retombera sur ta tête. 16 Car de même que tu auras bu sur Ma montagne sainte, ainsi toutes les nations boiront le vin de Ma colère; elles boiront, et elles tomberont, et elles seront comme ceux qui ne sont plus. 17 ¶ Et le salut sera en la montagne de Sion, et elle sera sainte, et la maison de Jacob possédera ceux qui l’auront possédée. 18 Et la maison de Jacob sera un feu, et la maison de Joseph une flamme; et la maison d’Ésaü sera comme un chaume; et ceux d’Israël porteront chez elle l’incendie, et ils la dévoreront; et il n’y aura plus un champ qui porte du blé, en la maison d’Ésaü; car le Seigneur a parlé. 19 Et ceux de Nageb auront pour héritage la montagne d’Ésaü, et ceux de Sephéla le pays des Philistins; et ils auront aussi pour héritage la montagne d’Éphraïm, et la plaine de Samarie, et Benjamin et Galaad. 20 Et voici le domaine des fils d’Israël qui reviendront de la captivité la terre des Chananéens jusqu’à Sarepta; ceux de Jérusalem posséderont jusqu’à Éphratha; ils auront les cités de Nageb. 21 Et ceux de la montagne de Sion qui auront été sauvés monteront pour punir la montagne d’Ésaü; et alors arrivera le règne du Seigneur.
DarbyFR(i) 1
La vision d'Abdias. -.-Ainsi dit le Seigneur, l'Éternel, touchant Édom. Nous avons entendu une rumeur de par l'Éternel, et un ambassadeur a été envoyé parmi les nations: Levez-vous! et levons-nous contre lui pour la guerre. 2 Voici, je t'ai fait petit parmi les nations; tu es fort méprisé. 3 L'arrogance de ton coeur t'a séduit, toi qui demeures dans les creux du rocher, ta haute habitation; toi qui dis dans ton coeur: Qui me fera descendre par terre? 4 Si tu t'élèves comme l'aigle, et que parmi les étoiles tu mettes ton nid, je te ferai descendre de là, dit l'Éternel. 5 Si des voleurs, si des pillards de nuit venaient chez toi (comme tu es ruiné!) voleraient-ils plus que ce qui leur suffit? Si des vendangeurs venaient chez toi, ne laisseraient-ils pas des grappillages? 6 Comme Ésaü est fouillé! comme ses choses cachées sont mises à découvert! 7 Tous tes alliés t'ont poussé à la frontière; ceux qui étaient en paix avec toi t'ont trompé, ils ont prévalu contre toi; ceux qui mangeaient ton pain ont mis un piège sous toi. Il n'y a pas d'intelligence en lui! 8 N'est ce pas en ce jour-là, dit l'Éternel, que je détruirai du milieu d'Édom les sages, et de la montagne d'Ésaü, l'intelligence? 9 Et tes hommes forts, ô Théman, seront terrifiés, afin que chacun soit retranché de la montagne d'Ésaü par le carnage. 10
A cause de la violence faite à ton frère Jacob, la honte te couvrira, et tu seras retranché pour toujours. 11 Au jour où tu te tins vis-à-vis, au jour où des étrangers emportaient ses richesses, et où des forains entraient dans ses portes et jetaient le sort sur Jérusalem, toi aussi tu étais comme l'un d'eux. 12 Mais tu n'aurais pas dû regarder le jour de ton frère, le jour de son désastre; et tu n'aurais pas dû te réjouir au sujet des fils de Juda, au jour de leur destruction, et tu n'aurais pas dû ouvrir ta bouche toute grande au jour de la détresse. 13 Tu n'aurais pas dû entrer dans la porte de mon peuple, au jour de leur calamité; ni regarder, toi non plus, sa misère, au jour de sa calamité; et tu n'aurais pas dû porter la main sur ses richesses au jour de sa calamité; 14 et tu n'aurais pas dû te tenir au carrefour pour exterminer ses réchappés, et tu n'aurais pas dû livrer ceux des siens qui étaient demeurés de reste au jour de la détresse. 15 Car le jour de l'Éternel est proche, contre toutes les nations: comme tu as fait, il te sera fait; ta récompense retombera sur ta tête. 16 Car, comme vous avez bu sur ma montagne sainte, toutes les nations boiront continuellement; et elles boiront, et elles avaleront, et elles seront comme si elles n'avaient pas été. 17
Et sur la montagne de Sion il y aura délivrance; et elle sera sainte, et la maison de Jacob possédera ses possessions. 18 Et la maison de Jacob sera un feu, et la maison de Joseph, une flamme; et la maison d'Ésaü sera du chaume; et elles y mettront le feu et la dévoreront; et il n'y aura pas de reste de la maison d'Ésaü, car l'Éternel a parlé. 19 Et ceux du midi posséderont la montagne d'Ésaü, et ceux du pays plat, les Philistins; et les fils d'Israël posséderont la campagne d'Éphraïm et la campagne de Samarie; et Benjamin possédera Galaad. 20 Et les captifs de cette armée des fils d'Israël posséderont ce qui appartenait aux Cananéens jusqu'à Sarepta, et les captifs de Jérusalem, qui avaient été à Sepharad, posséderont les villes du midi. 21 Et des sauveurs monteront sur la montagne de Sion pour juger la montagne d'Ésaü. Et le royaume sera à l'Éternel.
Martin(i) 1 La vision d'Abdias. Ainsi a dit le Seigneur l'Eternel touchant Edom : Nous avons ouï une publication de par l'Eternel, et un Envoyé a été dépêché parmi les nations, et elles ont dit : Courage levons-nous contre lui pour le combattre. 2 Voici, je te rendrai petit entre les nations, tu seras fort méprisé. 3 L'orgueil de ton coeur t'a séduit, toi qui habites dans les fentes des rochers, qui sont ta haute demeure, et qui dis en ton coeur : Qui est-ce qui me renversera par terre ? 4 Quand tu aurais élevé ton nid comme l'aigle, et quand même tu l'aurais mis entre les étoiles, je te jetterai de là par terre, dit l'Eternel. 5 Sont-ce des larrons qui sont entrés chez toi, ou des voleurs de nuit ? Comment donc as-tu été rasé ? N'eussent-ils pas dérobé jusqu'à ce qu'ils en eussent eu assez ? Si des vendangeurs fussent entrés chez toi, n'eussent-ils pas laissé quelque grappillage ? 6 Comment a été fouillé Esaü ? Comment ont été examinés ses lieux secrets ? 7 Tous tes alliés t'ont conduit jusqu'à la frontière; ceux qui étaient en paix avec toi t'ont trompé, et ont eu le dessus sur toi; ceux qui mangeaient ton pain t'ont donné le coup par-dessous, sans qu'on l'aperçût. 8 Ne sera-ce pas en ce temps-là, dit l'Eternel, que je ferai périr les sages au milieu d'Edom, et la prudence dans la montagne d'Esaü ? 9 Tes hommes forts seront aussi étonnés, ô Téman! afin que les hommes soient retranchés de la montagne d'Esaü, à force de les y tuer. 10 La honte te couvrira, et tu seras retranché pour jamais, à cause de la violence faite à ton frère Jacob. 11 Lorsque tu te tenais vis-à-vis quand les étrangers menaient son armée en captivité, et que les forains entraient dans ses portes, et qu'ils jetaient le sort sur Jérusalem, tu étais aussi comme l'un d'eux. 12 Mais tu ne devais pas prendre plaisir à voir la journée de ton frère quand il a été livré aux étrangers, et tu ne devais pas te réjouir sur les enfants de Juda au jour qu'ils ont été détruits, et tu ne les devais pas braver au jour de la détresse. 13 Et tu ne devais pas entrer dans la porte de mon peuple au jour de sa calamité, et tu ne devais pas prendre plaisir, toi, dis-je, à voir son mal au jour de sa calamité, et tes mains ne se devaient pas avancer sur son bien, au jour de sa calamité. 14 Et tu ne te devais pas tenir sur les passages, pour exterminer ses réchappés; ni livrer ceux qui étaient restés, au jour de la détresse. 15 Car la journée de l'Eternel est proche sur toutes les nations; comme tu as fait, il te sera ainsi fait; ta récompense retournera sur ta tête. 16 Car comme vous avez bu sur la montagne de ma sainteté la coupe de ma fureur, ainsi toutes les nations la boiront sans interruption; oui, elles la boiront, et l'avaleront, et elles seront comme si elles n'avaient point été. 17 Mais il y aura des réchappés sur la montagne de Sion, et elle sera sainte, et la maison de Jacob possédera ses possessions. 18 Et la maison de Jacob sera un feu, et la maison de Joseph une flamme, et la maison d'Esaü du chaume; ils s'allumeront parmi eux, et les consumeront; et il n'y aura rien de reste dans la maison d'Esaü; car l'Eternel a parlé. 19 Ils posséderont le Midi, savoir la montagne d'Esaü; et la campagne, savoir les Philistins, et ils posséderont le territoire d'Ephraïm, et le territoire de Samarie; et Benjamin possédera Galaad. 20 Et ces bandes des enfants d'Israël qui auront été transportés, posséderont ce qui était des Cananéens, jusqu'à Sarepta; et ceux de Jérusalem qui auront été transportés, posséderont ce qui est jusqu'à Sépharad, ils le posséderont avec les villes du Midi. 21 Car les libérateurs monteront en la montagne de Sion, pour juger la montagne d'Esaü; et le Royaume sera à l'Eternel.
Segond(i) 1 Prophétie d'Abdias. Ainsi parle le Seigneur, l'Eternel, sur Edom: -Nous avons appris une nouvelle de la part de l'Eternel, Et un messager a été envoyé parmi les nations: Levez-vous, marchons contre Edom pour lui faire la guerre! - 2 Voici, je te rendrai petit parmi les nations, Tu seras l'objet du plus grand mépris. 3 L'orgueil de ton coeur t'a égaré, Toi qui habites le creux des rochers, Qui t'assieds sur les hauteurs, Et qui dis en toi-même: Qui me précipitera jusqu'à terre? 4 Quand tu placerais ton nid aussi haut que celui de l'aigle, Quand tu le placerais parmi les étoiles, Je t'en précipiterai, dit l'Eternel. 5 Si des voleurs, des pillards, viennent de nuit chez toi, Comme te voilà dévasté! Mais enlèvent-ils plus qu'ils ne peuvent? Si des vendangeurs viennent chez toi, Ne laissent-ils rien à grappiller?... 6 Ah! comme Esaü est fouillé! Comme ses trésors sont découverts! 7 Tous tes alliés t'ont chassé jusqu'à la frontière, Tes amis t'ont joué, t'ont dominé, Ceux qui mangeaient ton pain t'ont dressé des pièges, Et tu n'as pas su t'en apercevoir! 8 N'est-ce pas en ce jour, dit l'Eternel, Que je ferai disparaître d'Edom les sages, Et de la montagne d'Esaü l'intelligence? 9 Tes guerriers, ô Théman, seront dans l'épouvante, Car tous ceux de la montagne d'Esaü périront dans le carnage. 10 A cause de ta violence contre ton frère Jacob, Tu seras couvert de honte, Et tu seras exterminé pour toujours. 11 Le jour où tu te tenais en face de lui, Le jour où des étrangers emmenaient captive son armée, Où des étrangers entraient dans ses portes, Et jetaient le sort sur Jérusalem, Toi aussi tu étais comme l'un d'eux. 12 Ne repais pas ta vue du jour de ton frère, du jour de son malheur, Ne te réjouis pas sur les enfants de Juda au jour de leur ruine, Et n'ouvre pas une grande bouche au jour de la détresse! 13 N'entre pas dans les portes de mon peuple au jour de sa ruine, Ne repais pas ta vue de son malheur au jour de sa ruine, Et ne porte pas la main sur ses richesses au jour de sa ruine! 14 Ne te tiens pas au carrefour pour exterminer ses fuyards, Et ne livre pas ses réchappés au jour de la détresse! 15 Car le jour de l'Eternel est proche, pour toutes les nations; Il te sera fait comme tu as fait, Tes oeuvres retomberont sur ta tête. 16 Car, comme vous avez bu sur ma montagne sainte, Ainsi toutes les nations boiront sans cesse; Elles boiront, elles avaleront, Et elles seront comme si elles n'avaient jamais été. 17 Mais le salut sera sur la montagne de Sion, elle sera sainte, Et la maison de Jacob reprendra ses possessions. 18 La maison de Jacob sera un feu, et la maison de Joseph une flamme; Mais la maison d'Esaü sera du chaume, Qu'elles allumeront et consumeront; Et il ne restera rien de la maison d'Esaü, Car l'Eternel a parlé. 19 Ceux du midi posséderont la montagne d'Esaü, Et ceux de la plaine le pays des Philistins; Ils posséderont le territoire d'Ephraïm et celui de Samarie; Et Benjamin possédera Galaad. 20 Les captifs de cette armée des enfants d'Israël Posséderont le pays occupé par les Cananéens jusqu'à Sarepta, Et les captifs de Jérusalem qui sont à Sepharad Posséderont les villes du midi. 21 Des libérateurs monteront sur la montagne de Sion, Pour juger la montagne d'Esaü; Et à l'Eternel appartiendra le règne.
  1 H2377 ¶ Prophétie H5662 d’Abdias H559 . Ainsi parle H8804   H136 le Seigneur H3069 , l’Eternel H123 , sur Edom H8085  : — Nous avons appris H8804   H8052 une nouvelle H3068 de la part de l’Eternel H6735 , Et un messager H7971 a été envoyé H8795   H1471 parmi les nations H6965 : Levez H8798   H6965 -vous, marchons H8799   H4421 contre Edom pour lui faire la guerre ! —
  2 H5414 Voici, je te rendrai H8804   H6996 petit H1471 parmi les nations H3966 , Tu seras l’objet du plus grand H959 mépris H8803  .
  3 H2087 L’orgueil H3820 de ton cœur H5377 t’a égaré H8689   H7931 , Toi qui habites H8802   H2288 le creux H5553 des rochers H3427 , Qui t’assieds H8800   H4791 sur les hauteurs H559 , Et qui dis H8802   H3820 en toi-même H3381  : Qui me précipitera H8686   H776 jusqu’à terre ?
  4 H1361 Quand tu placerais H8686   H7064 ton nid H5404 aussi haut que celui de l’aigle H7760 , Quand tu le placerais H8800   H3556 parmi les étoiles H3381 , Je t’en précipiterai H8686   H5002 , dit H8803   H3068 l’Eternel.
  5 H1590 Si des voleurs H7703 , des pillards H8802   H935 , viennent H8804   H3915 de nuit H1820 chez toi, Comme te voilà dévasté H8738   H1589  ! Mais enlèvent H8799   H1767 -ils plus qu’ils ne peuvent H1219  ? Si des vendangeurs H8802   H935 viennent H8804   H7604 chez toi, Ne laissent H8686   H5955 -ils rien à grappiller ? …
  6 H6215 Ah ! comme Esaü H2664 est fouillé H8738   H4710  ! Comme ses trésors H1158 sont découverts H8738   !
  7 H582 Tous tes alliés H1285   H7971 t’ont chassé H8765   H1366 jusqu’à la frontière H582 , Tes amis H7965   H5377 t’ont joué H8689   H3201 , t’ont dominé H8804   H3899 , Ceux qui mangeaient ton pain H7760 t’ont dressé H8799   H4204 des pièges H8394 , Et tu n’as pas su t’en apercevoir !
  8 H3117 N’est-ce pas en ce jour H5002 , dit H8803   H3068 l’Eternel H6 , Que je ferai disparaître H8689   H123 d’Edom H2450 les sages H2022 , Et de la montagne H6215 d’Esaü H8394 l’intelligence ?
  9 H1368 Tes guerriers H8487 , ô Théman H2865 , seront dans l’épouvante H8804   H376 , Car tous H2022 ceux de la montagne H6215 d’Esaü H3772 périront H8735   H6993 dans le carnage.
  10 H2555 ¶ A cause de ta violence H251 contre ton frère H3290 Jacob H3680 , Tu seras couvert H8762   H955 de honte H3772 , Et tu seras exterminé H8738   H5769 pour toujours.
  11 H3117 Le jour H5975 où tu te tenais H8800   H3117 en face de lui, Le jour H2114 où des étrangers H8801   H7617 emmenaient captive H8800   H2428 son armée H5237 , Où des étrangers H935 entraient H8804   H8179 dans ses portes H3032 , Et jetaient H8804   H1486 le sort H3389 sur Jérusalem H259 , Toi aussi tu étais comme l’un d’eux.
  12 H7200 Ne repais pas ta vue H8799   H3117 du jour H251 de ton frère H3117 , du jour H5235 de son malheur H8055 , Ne te réjouis H8799   H1121 pas sur les enfants H3063 de Juda H3117 au jour H6 de leur ruine H8800   H6310 , Et n’ouvre H1431 pas une grande bouche H8686   H3117 au jour H6869 de la détresse !
  13 H935 N’entre H8799   H8179 pas dans les portes H5971 de mon peuple H3117 au jour H343 de sa ruine H7200 , Ne repais pas ta vue H8799   H7451 de son malheur H3117 au jour H343 de sa ruine H7971 , Et ne porte H8799   H2428 pas la main sur ses richesses H3117 au jour H343 de sa ruine !
  14 H5975 Ne te tiens H8799   H6563 pas au carrefour H3772 pour exterminer H8687   H6412 ses fuyards H5462 , Et ne livre H8686   H8300 pas ses réchappés H3117 au jour H6869 de la détresse !
  15 H3117 Car le jour H3068 de l’Eternel H7138 est proche H1471 , pour toutes les nations H6213  ; Il te sera fait H8735   H6213 comme tu as fait H8804   H1576 , Tes œuvres H7725 retomberont H8799   H7218 sur ta tête.
  16 H8354 Car, comme vous avez bu H8804   H2022 sur ma montagne H6944 sainte H1471 , Ainsi toutes les nations H8354 boiront H8799   H8548 sans cesse H8354  ; Elles boiront H8804   H3886 , elles avaleront H8804   H3808 , Et elles seront comme si elles n’avaient jamais été.
  17 H6413 ¶ Mais le salut H2022 sera sur la montagne H6726 de Sion H6944 , elle sera sainte H1004 , Et la maison H3290 de Jacob H3423 reprendra H8804   H4180 ses possessions.
  18 H1004 La maison H3290 de Jacob H784 sera un feu H1004 , et la maison H3130 de Joseph H3852 une flamme H1004  ; Mais la maison H6215 d’Esaü H7179 sera du chaume H1814 , Qu’elles allumeront H8804   H398 et consumeront H8804   H8300  ; Et il ne restera H1004 rien de la maison H6215 d’Esaü H3068 , Car l’Eternel H1696 a parlé H8765  .
  19 H5045 Ceux du midi H3423 posséderont H8804   H2022 la montagne H6215 d’Esaü H8219 , Et ceux de la plaine H6430 le pays des Philistins H3423  ; Ils posséderont H8804   H7704 le territoire H669 d’Ephraïm H7704 et celui H8111 de Samarie H1144  ; Et Benjamin H1568 possédera Galaad.
  20 H1546 Les captifs H2426 de cette armée H1121 des enfants H3478 d’Israël H3669 Posséderont le pays occupé par les Cananéens H6886 jusqu’à Sarepta H1546 , Et les captifs H3389 de Jérusalem H5614 qui sont à Sepharad H3423 Posséderont H8799   H5892 les villes H5045 du midi.
  21 H3467 Des libérateurs H8688   H5927 monteront H8804   H2022 sur la montagne H6726 de Sion H8199 , Pour juger H8800   H2022 la montagne H6215 d’Esaü H3068  ; Et à l’Eternel H4410 appartiendra le règne.
SE(i) 1 Visión de Abdías. El Señor DIOS dijo así a Edom: Oído hemos el pregón del SEÑOR, y mensajero es enviado a los gentiles. Levantaos, y levantémonos contra ella en batalla. 2 He aquí, pequeño te he hecho entre los gentiles; abatido serás tú en gran manera. 3 La soberbia de tu corazón te ha engañado, tú que moras en las hendiduras de las peñas, en tu altísima morada; que dices en tu corazón: ¿Quién me derribará a tierra? 4 Si te encaramares como águila, y si entre las estrellas pusieres tu nido, de ahí te derribaré, dijo el SEÑOR. 5 ¿Entraron por ventura ladrones a ti, o robadores de noche? ¿No hurtaran lo que les bastaba? Pues si entraran a ti vendimiadores, aun dejaran algún rebusco. 6 Cómo fueron escudriñadas las cosas de Esaú! Sus cosas escondidas fueron muy buscadas. 7 Hasta el término te hicieron llegar todos tus aliados; te han engañado los varones de tu paz, prevalecieron contra ti; los que comían tu pan, pusieron la llaga debajo de ti; no hay en ello entendimiento. 8 ¿No haré que perezcan en aquel día, dijo el SEÑOR, los sabios de Edom, y la prudencia del monte de Esaú? 9 Y tus valientes, oh Temán, serán amedrentados; porque todo hombre será talado del monte de Esaú por el estrago. 10 Por la injuria de tu hermano Jacob te cubrirá vergüenza, y serás talado para siempre. 11 El día que estando tú delante, llevaban extraños cautivo su ejército, y los extraños entraban por sus puertas, y echaban suertes sobre Jerusalén, tú también eras como uno de ellos. 12 Pues no debiste tú estar mirando en el día de tu hermano, el día en que fue extrañado; no te habías de alegrar de los hijos de Judá en el día que se perdieron, ni habías de ensanchar tu boca en el día de la angustia; 13 ni habías de entrar por la puerta de mi pueblo en el día de su quebrantamiento; ni habías tú tampoco de haber mirado su mal el día de su quebrantamiento, ni habían de echar mano a sus bienes el día de su quebrantamiento. 14 Ni habías de pararte en las encrucijadas, para matar a los que de ellos escapasen; ni habías de entregar los que quedaban en el día de angustia. 15 Porque el día del SEÑOR está cercano sobre todos los gentiles; como tú hiciste se hará contigo; tu galardón volverá sobre tu cabeza. 16 De la manera que vosotros bebisteis en mi santo monte, beberán, todos los gentiles de continuo; beberán, y engullirán, y serán como si no hubieran sido. 17 Mas en el Monte de Sion habrá salvamento, y será santidad, y la casa de Jacob, poseerá sus posesiones. 18 Y la casa de Jacob será fuego, y la casa de José será llama, y la casa de Esaú estopa, y los quemarán, y los consumirán; ni aun resto quedará en la casa de Esaú, porque el SEÑOR lo habló. 19 Y los del mediodía poseerán el monte de Esaú, y los llanos de los palestinos; poseerán también los campos de Efraín, y los campos de Samaria; y Benjamín a Galaad. 20 Y los cautivos de este ejército de los hijos de Israel poseerán lo de los cananeos hasta Sarepta; y los cautivos de Jerusalén, que estarán en Sefarad, poseerán las ciudades del mediodía. 21 Y vendrán salvadores al Monte de Sion para juzgar al monte de Esaú; y el Reino será del SEÑOR.
ReinaValera(i) 1 VISION de Abdías. El Señor Jehová ha dicho así cuanto á Edom: Oído hemos el pregón de Jehová, y mensajero es enviado á las gentes. Levantaos, y levantémonos contra ella en batalla. 2 He aquí, pequeño te he hecho entre las gentes; abatido eres tú en gran manera. 3 La soberbia de tu corazón te ha engañado, tú que moras en las hendiduras de las peñas, en tu altísima morada; que dices en tu corazón: ¿Quién me derribará á tierra? 4 Si te encaramares como águila, y si entre las estrellas pusieres tu nido, de ahí te derribaré, dice Jehová. 5 Si ladrones vinieran á ti, ó robadores de noche­cómo has sido destruído!ñor Jehová,lare the work of God, and understand His doing. ¿no hurtaran lo que les bastase? Pues si entraran á ti vendimiadores, aun dejaran algún rebusco. 6 Cómo fueron escudriñadas las cosas de Esaú! sus cosas escondidas fueron buscadas. 7 Hasta el término te hicieron llegar todos tus aliados; te han engañado tus pacíficos, prevalecieron contra ti; los que comían tu pan, pusieron el lazo debajo de ti: no hay en él entendimiento. 8 ¿No haré que perezcan en aquel día, dice Jehová, los sabios de Edom, y la prudencia del monte de Esaú? 9 Y tus valientes, oh Temán, serán quebrantados; porque todo hombre será talado del monte de Esaú por el estrago. 10 Por la injuria de tu hermano Jacob te cubrirá vergüenza, y serás talado para siempre. 11 El día que estando tú delante, llevaban extraños cautivo su ejército, y los extraños entraban por sus puertas, y echaban suertes sobre Jerusalem, tú también eras como uno de ellos. 12 Pues no debiste tú estar mirando en el día de tu hermano, el día en que fué extrañado: no te habías de haber alegrado de los hijos de Judá en el día que se perdieron, ni habías de ensanchar tu boca en el día de la angustia: 13 No habías de haber entrado por la puerta de mi pueblo en el día de su quebrantamiento; no, no habías tú de haber mirado su mal el día de su quebranto, ni haber echado mano á sus bienes el día de su calamidad. 14 Tampoco habías de haberte parado en las encrucijadas, para matar los que de ellos escapasen; ni habías tú de haber entregado los que quedaban en el día de angustia. 15 Porque cercano está el día de Jehová sobre todas las gentes: como tú hiciste se hará contigo: tu galardón volverá sobre tu cabeza. 16 De la manera que vosotros bebisteis en mi santo monte, beberán, todas las gentes de continuo: beberán, y engullirán, y serán como si no hubieran sido. 17 Mas en el monte de Sión habrá salvamento, y será santidad, y la casa de Jacob, poseerá sus posesiones. 18 Y la casa de Jacob será fuego, y la casa de José será llama, y la casa de Esaú estopa, y los quemarán, y los consumirán; ni aun reliquia quedará en la casa de Esaú, porque Jehová lo habló. 19 Y los del mediodía poseerán el monte de Esaú, y los llanos de los Palestinos; poseerán también los campos de Ephraim, y los campos de Samaria; y Benjamín á Galaad. 20 Y los cautivos de aqueste ejército de los hijos de Israel poseerán lo de los Cananeos hasta Sarepta; y los cautivos de Jerusalem, que están en Sepharad, poseerán las ciudades del mediodía. 21 Y vendrán salvadores al monte de Sión para juzgar al monte de Esaú; y el reino será de Jehová.
JBS(i) 1 Visión de Abdías. El Señor DIOS dijo así a Edom: Oído hemos el pregón del SEÑOR, y mensajero es enviado a los gentiles. Levantaos, y levantémonos contra ella en batalla. 2 He aquí, pequeño te he hecho entre los gentiles; abatido serás tú en gran manera. 3 La soberbia de tu corazón te ha engañado, tú que moras en las hendiduras de las peñas, en tu altísima morada; que dices en tu corazón: ¿Quién me derribará a tierra? 4 Si te encaramares como águila, y si entre las estrellas pusieres tu nido, de ahí te derribaré, dijo el SEÑOR. 5 ¿Entraron por ventura ladrones a ti, o robadores de noche? (¡Cómo has sido destruido!) ¿No hurtarán lo que les bastaba? Pues si entraran a ti vendimiadores, aun dejarán algún rebusco. 6 ¡Cómo fueron escudriñadas las cosas de Esaú! Sus cosas escondidas fueron muy buscadas. 7 Hasta el término te hicieron llegar todos tus aliados; te han engañado los varones de tu paz, prevalecieron contra ti; los que comían tu pan, pusieron la llaga debajo de ti; no hay en ello inteligencia. 8 ¿No haré que perezcan en aquel día, dijo el SEÑOR, los sabios de Edom, y la inteligencia del monte de Esaú? 9 Y tus valientes, oh Temán, serán amedrentados; porque todo hombre será talado del monte de Esaú por el estrago. 10 Por tu violencia en contra de tu hermano Jacob te cubrirá vergüenza, y serás talado para siempre. 11 El día que estando tú delante, llevaban extraños cautivo su ejército, y los extraños entraban por sus puertas, y echaban suertes sobre Jerusalén, tú también eras como uno de ellos. 12 Pues no debiste tú estar mirando en el día de tu hermano, el día en que fue extrañado; no te habías de alegrar de los hijos de Judá en el día que se perdieron, ni habías de ensanchar tu boca en el día de la angustia; 13 ni habías de entrar por la puerta de mi pueblo en el día de su quebrantamiento; ni habías tú tampoco de haber mirado su mal el día de su quebrantamiento, ni habían de echar mano a sus bienes el día de su quebrantamiento. 14 Ni habías de pararte en las encrucijadas, para matar a los que de ellos escaparen; ni habías de entregar los que quedaban en el día de angustia. 15 Porque el día del SEÑOR está cercano sobre todos los gentiles; como tú hiciste se hará contigo; tu galardón volverá sobre tu cabeza. 16 De la manera que vosotros bebisteis en mi santo monte, beberán, todos los gentiles de continuo; beberán, y engullirán, y serán como si no hubieran sido. 17 Mas en el Monte de Sion habrá salvamento, y será santidad, y la casa de Jacob, poseerá sus posesiones. 18 Y la casa de Jacob será fuego, y la casa de José será llama, y la casa de Esaú estopa, y los quemarán, y los consumirán; ni aun resto quedará en la casa de Esaú, porque el SEÑOR lo habló. 19 Y los del mediodía poseerán el monte de Esaú, y los llanos de los palestinos; poseerán también los campos de Efraín, y los campos de Samaria; y Benjamín a Galaad. 20 Y los cautivos de este ejército de los hijos de Israel poseerán lo de los cananeos hasta Sarepta; y los cautivos de Jerusalén, que estarán en Sefarad, poseerán las ciudades del mediodía. 21 Y vendrán salvadores al Monte de Sion para juzgar al monte de Esaú; y el Reino será del SEÑOR.
Albanian(i) 1 Vegimi i Abdias. Kështu thotë Zoti, Zoti, për Edomin: "Ne kemi dëgjuar një mesazh nga Zoti dhe një ambasador është dërguar midis kombeve për të thënë: "Lëvizni dhe të ngrihemi kundër tij për të luftuar". 2 Ja, unë do të të bëj të vogël midis kombeve; ti do të jesh shumë i përbuzur. 3 Krenaria e zemrës sate të ka mashtruar, o ti që banon në të çarat e shkëmbinjve, ku ke bërë banesën tënde të lartë, që thua në zemrën tënde: "Kush do të më zbresë për tokë?" 4 Edhe sikur ti të ngrihesh lart si një shqiponjë dhe ta vije folenë tënde midis yjeve, unë do të të zbres nga atje lart", thotë Zoti. 5 "Po të të vinin natën cuba ose kusarë, si do të shkatërroheshe! A nuk do të vidhnin aq sa u mjafton? Po të të vinin vjelësit e rrushit, a nuk do të linin disa vile për të mbledhur? 6 Oh, sa do ta zhbirojnë Esaun, si do t'i rrëmojnë skutat e tij! 7 Tërë aleatët e tu do të të shtrëngojnë në kufi, ata që ishin në paqe me ty do të të mashtrojnë dhe do të kenë epërsi mbi ty; ata që hanë bukën tënde do të kurdisin gracka; por ai nuk e kupton këtë. 8 Atë ditë", thotë Zoti, "unë do të zhduk nga Edomi njerëzit e ditur dhe nga mali i Esaut mënçurinë. 9 Atëherë trimat e tu do t'i zërë tmerri, o Teman, derisa çdo njeri të shfaroset nga mali i Esaut në masakër. 10 Për shkak të dhunës kundër vëllait tënd Jakob, turpi do të të mbulojë dhe do të shfarosesh përjetë. 11 Sepse ti ishe i pranishëm ditën që ti rrije mënjanë, ditën që të huajt e çonin në robëri ushtrinë e tij dhe të huajt hynin nga portat e tij dhe hidhnin në short fatet e Jeruzalemit, edhe ti ishe si një prej tyre. 12 Por ti nuk duhet të shikoje me gëzim ditën e vëllait tënd, ditën e fatkeqësisë së tij, as duhet të gëzoheshe për bijtë e Judës ditën e shkatërrimit të tyre dhe as të flisje me arrogancë ditën e fatkeqësisë së tyre. 13 Nuk duhet të hyje nga porta e popullit tim, ditën e fatkeqësisë së tij, as të sodisje edhe ti me kënaqësi mjerimin e tij, ditën e fatkeqësisë së tij dhe as të shtrije duart mbi pasuritë e tij ditën e fatkeqësisë së tij. 14 Nuk duhet të viheshe në udhëkryqet për të masakruar ikanakët e tij dhe as t'i jepje në dorë të armikut ata që kishin mbijetuar ditën e fatkeqësisë. 15 Sepse dita e Zotit është e afërt për tërë kombet; atë që u bëre të tjerëve do të ta bëjnë ty, shpërblimi i veprimeve të tua do të bjerë mbi kokën tënde. 16 Sepse ashtu si keni pirë mbi malin tim të shenjtë, kështu do të pinë tërë kombet vazhdimisht; po, do të pinë, do të rrëkëllejnë dhe do të jenë si të mos kenë qenë kurrë". 17 "Por mbi malin e Sionit do të jenë ata që mbijetuan dhe do të jetë një vend i shenjtë; dhe shtëpia e Jakobit do të shtjerë në dorë pronat e veta. 18 Shtëpia e Jakobit do të jetë një zjarr, shtëpia e Jozefit një flakë, por shtëpia e Esaut do të jetë si kallamishte: ata do ta djegin dhe do ta gllabërojnë, dhe shtëpisë së Esaut nuk do t'i mbetet asnjë trashëgimtar", sepse ka folur Zoti. 19 Ata të Negevit do të zotërojnë malin e Esaut dhe fushën e vendit të Filistejve; do të zotërojnë edhe fushat e Efraimit dhe fushat e Samarisë dhe Beniamini do të zotërojë Galaadin. 20 Mërgimtarët e kësaj ushtrie të bijve të Izraelit që ndodhen midis Kananeasve, do të zotërojnë vendin deri në Sarepta, mërgimtarët e Jeruzalemit që ndodhen në Sefarad do të zotërojnë qytetet e Negevit. 21 Atëherë disa çlirimtarë do të ngjiten në malin e Sionit për të gjykuar malin e Esaut, dhe mbretëria do të jetë e Zotit.
RST(i) 1 Видение Авдия. Так говорит Господь Бог об Едоме: весть услышали мы от Господа, и посол послан объявить народам: „вставайте, ивыступим против него войною!" 2 Вот, Я сделал тебя малым между народами, и ты в большом презрении. 3 Гордость сердца твоего обольстила тебя; ты живешь в расселинах скал, на возвышенном месте, и говоришь в сердце твоем: „кто низринет меня на землю?" 4 Но хотя бы ты, как орел, поднялся высоко и среди звезд устроил гнездо твое, то и оттуда Я низрину тебя, говорит Господь. 5 Не воры ли приходили к тебе? не ночные ли грабители, что ты так разорен? Но они украли бы столько, сколько надобно им. Если бы проникли к тебе обиратели винограда, то и они разве не оставили бы несколько ягод? 6 Как обобрано все у Исава и обысканы тайники его! 7 До границы выпроводят тебя все союзники твои, обманут тебя, одолеют тебя живущие с тобою в мире, ядущие хлеб твой нанесут тебе удар. Нет в нем смысла! 8 Не в тот ли день это будет, говорит Господь, когда Я истреблю мудрых в Едоме и благоразумных на горе Исава? 9 Поражены будут страхом храбрецы твои,Феман, дабы все на горе Исава истреблены были убийством. 10 За притеснение брата твоего, Иакова, покроет тебя стыд и ты истреблен будешь навсегда. 11 В тот день, когда ты стоял напротив, в тот день, когда чужие уводили войско его в плен и иноплеменники вошли в ворота его и бросали жребий о Иерусалиме, ты был как один из них. 12 Не следовало бы тебе злорадно смотреть на день брата твоего, на день отчуждения его; не следовало бырадоваться о сынах Иуды в день гибели их и расширять рот в день бедствия. 13 Не следовало бы тебе входить в ворота народа Моего в день несчастья его и даже смотреть на злополучие его в день погибели его, ни касаться имущества его в день бедствия его, 14 ни стоять на перекрестках для убивания бежавших его, ни выдаватьуцелевших из него в день бедствия. 15 Ибо близок день Господень на все народы: как ты поступал, так поступлено будет и с тобою; воздаяние твое обратится на голову твою. 16 Ибо, как вы пили на святой горе Моей, так все народы всегда будут пить, будут пить, проглотят и будут, как бы их не было. 17 А на горе Сионе будет спасение, и будет она святынею; и дом Иакова получит во владение наследие свое. 18 И дом Иакова будет огнем, и дом Иосифа – пламенем, а дом Исавов– соломою: зажгут его, и истребят его, и никого не останется из дома Исава: ибо Господь сказал это. 19 И завладеют те, которые к югу, горою Исава, а которые в долине, – Филистимлянами; изавладеют полем Ефрема и полем Самарии, а Вениамин завладеет Галаадом. 20 И переселенные из войска сынов Израилевых завладеют землею Ханаанскою до Сарепты, а переселенные из Иерусалима, находящиеся в Сефараде, получат во владение города южные. 21 И придут спасители на гору Сион, чтобы судить гору Исава, и будет царство Господа.
Arabic(i) 1 رؤيا عوبديا. هكذا قال السيد الرب عن ادوم. سمعنا خبرا من قبل الرب وأرسل رسول بين الامم. قوموا ولنقم عليها للحرب. 2 اني قد جعلتك صغيرا بين الامم. انت محتقر جدا. 3 تكبر قلبك قد خدعك ايها الساكن في محاجئ الصخر رفعة مقعده القائل في قلبه من يحدرني الى الارض. 4 ان كنت ترتفع كالنسر وان كان عشّك موضوعا بين النجوم فمن هناك احدرك يقول الرب. 5 ان أتاك سارقون او لصوص ليل. كيف هلكت. أفلا يسرقون حاجتهم. ان أتاك قاطفون أفلا يبقون خصاصة. 6 كيف فتّش عيسو وفحصت مخابئه. 7 طردك الى التخم كل معاهديك. خدعك وغلب عليك مسالموك. اهل خبزك وضعوا شركا تحتك. لا فهم فيه. 8 ألا أبيد في ذلك اليوم يقول الرب الحكماء من ادوم والفهم من جبل عيسو. 9 فيرتاع ابطالك يا تيمان لكي ينقرض كل واحد من جبل عيسو بالقتال 10 من اجل ظلمك لاخيك يعقوب يغشاك الخزي وتنقرض الى الابد. 11 يوم وقفت مقابله يوم سبت الاعاجم قدرته ودخلت الغرباء ابوابه والقوا قرعة على اورشليم كنت انت ايضا كواحد منهم. 12 ويجب ان لا تنظر الى يوم اخيك يوم مصيبته ولا تشمت ببني يهوذا يوم هلاكهم ولا تفغر فمك يوم الضيق. 13 ولا تدخل باب شعبي يوم بليتهم. ولا تنظر انت ايضا الى مصيبته يوم بليّته ولا تمد يدا الى قدرته يوم بليّته. 14 ولا تقف على المفرق لتقطع منفلتيه ولا تسلّم بقاياه يوم الضيق. 15 فانه قريب يوم الرب على كل الامم. كما فعلت يفعل بك. عملك يرتد على راسك. 16 لانه كما شربتم على جبل قدسي يشرب جميع الامم دائما يشربون ويجرعون ويكونون كانهم لم يكونوا 17 واما جبل صهيون فتكون عليه نجاة ويكون مقدّسا ويرث بيت يعقوب مواريثهم. 18 ويكون بيت يعقوب نارا وبيت يوسف لهيبا وبيت عيسو قشا فيشعلونهم وياكلونهم ولا يكون باق من بيت عيسو لان الرب تكلم. 19 ويرث اهل الجنوب جبل عيسو واهل السهل الفلسطينيين ويرثون بلاد افرايم وبلاد السامرة ويرث بنيامين جلعاد. 20 وسبي هذا الجيش من بني اسرائيل يرثون الذين هم من الكنعانيين الى صرفة. وسبي اورشليم الذين في صفارد يرثون مدن الجنوب. 21 ويصعد مخلّصون على جبل صهيون ليدينوا جبل عيسو ويكون الملك للرب
Bulgarian(i) 1 на Авдия: Така казва Господ БОГ за Едом: Чухме известие от ГОСПОДА и посланик се изпрати до народите: Станете и да се вдигнем против него на война! 2 Ето, направих те малък между народите и си много презрян. 3 Гордостта на сърцето ти те е измамила, теб, който живееш в цепките на канарите, чието жилище е нависоко, който казваш в сърцето си: Кой ще ме свали на земята? 4 И ако издигнеш гнездото си като орел и го поставиш между звездите, и оттам ще те сваля, заявява ГОСПОД. 5 Ако крадци бяха дошли при теб или разбойници нощем — о, как си изтребен! — нямаше ли да откраднат, колкото им стига? Ако гроздоберачи бяха дошли при теб, нямаше ли да оставят пабирък? 6 Как са претърсени потомците на Исав и са преровени скривалищата им! 7 Всички твои съюзници те изгониха до границата; приятелите ти те измамиха и ти надвиха; които ядяха хляба ти, сложиха примка под теб. Няма разум в него. 8 В онзи ден, заявява ГОСПОД, няма ли да погубя мъдрите от Едом и разума от хълма на Исав? 9 И твоите силни мъже, Теманe, ще се уплашат, за да се изтреби с убийство всеки от хълма на Исав. 10 Поради насилието над брат ти Яков ще те покрие срам и ще бъдеш изтребен до века. 11 В деня, когато ти стоеше настрана, в деня, когато чужденци откараха войската му и чужди влязоха в портите му и хвърляха жребий за Ерусалим, тогава ти също беше като един от тях. 12 Но ти не трябваше да гледаш в деня на брат си, в деня на бедствието му, и не трябваше да се радваш за юдовите синове в деня на гибелта им, и не трябваше да говориш надменно в деня на скръбта им. 13 И не трябваше да влизаш в портата на народа Ми в деня на бедата им, и не трябваше да гледаш злощастието им в деня на бедата им, и не трябваше да протягаш ръка към имота им в деня на бедата им. 14 И не трябваше да заставаш на кръстопътя, за да изтребиш оцелелите му, и не трябваше да предаваш останалите му в деня на скръбта. 15 Защото Денят на ГОСПОДА е близо над всички народи. Както си направил, така ще ти бъде направено; каквото си направил, ще се върне на главата ти. 16 Защото, както вие пихте на светия Ми хълм, ще пият постоянно всичките народи; и ще пият, и ще сърбат и ще бъдат като че не са били. 17 Но на хълма Сион ще има избавление и той ще бъде свят, и якововият дом отново ще притежава притежанията си. 18 И домът на Яков ще бъде огън, а домът на Йосиф — пламък, а домът на Исав — слама. И ще горят сред тях и ще ги поядат, и домът на Исав няма да има останал, защото ГОСПОД изговори това. 19 И тези от юг ще завладеят хълма на Исав, а тези от низината — филистимците; и ще завладеят полята на Ефрем и полята на Самария, а Вениамин — Галаад. 20 И тази пленена войска на израилевите синове ще завладее каквото е на ханаанците до Сарепта, а пленените от Ерусалим, които са в Сефарад — южните градове. 21 И спасители ще се изкачат на хълма Сион, за да съдят хълма на Исав. И царството ще бъде на ГОСПОДА.
Croatian(i) 1 Viđenje Obadijino. Ovako govori Jahve Gospod Edomu! Čuli smo vijest od Jahve, glasnik bi poslan k narodima: "Ustajte! Na nj u boj krenimo!" 2 "Jer gle, učinit ću te najmanjim među narodima, prezrenim veoma. 3 Uznositost srca tvoga zavela te, tebe što živiš u pećinama kamenim, u visoku stanu svojemu, i u srcu svome zboriš: 'Tko li će me na zemlju skinuti?' 4 Da se vineš k'o orao, gnijezdo sviješ među zvijezdama, i odande skinut ću te" - riječ je Jahvina. 5 "Dođu li k tebi lupeži il' kradljivci noćni, kako li ćeš biti oplijenjen! Neće li te okrasti po miloj volji? Dođu li trgači k tebi, zar će i pabirka ostaviti? 6 Kako li Edom bješe pretresen, skrivena mu skrovišta pretražena! 7 Do granica te potjeraše, svi te saveznici tvoji prevariše, nadvladaše te tvoji prijatelji! Oni što kruh tvoj jedu zamku ti staviše: 'Sasvim je bez uma!' 8 Neću li u dan onaj - riječ je Jahvina - uništit' mudraca u Edomu i razum iz gore Ezavljeve? 9 Ratnike tvoje, Temane, užas će spopasti, i posljednji će biti istrijebljen na gori Ezavljevoj." "Za pokolj 10 i nasilje nad bratom svojim Jakovom sram će te pokriti i nestat ćeš zasvagda. 11 U dan onaj kad stajaše postrance, dok mu tuđinci blago odvodiše, dok stranci ulažahu na vrata njegova i ždrijeb bacahu za Jeruzalem, ti bijaše kao jedan od njih. 12 Ne naslađuj se bratu u dan nesreće njegove! Ne likuj nad sinovima judejskim u dan propasti njine! Ne razvaljuj usta u dan tjeskobni! 13 Ne provaljuj na vrata naroda moga u dan nesreće njegove! Ne naslađuj se njegovom propašću u dan nesreće njegove! Ne pružaj ruke na imanje njegovo u dan nesreće njegove! 14 Ne stoj na raskršćima da pobiješ njegove bjegunce! Ne izdaji preživjelih njegovih u dan tjeskobni!" 15 Jer blizu je Jahvin dan svima narodima! Dat će ti se milo za drago, tvoja će djela na tvoju glavu pasti. 16 "Jest, kako vi piste na svetoj mi gori, pit će svi narodi bez oduška, pit će i iskapiti - i bit će k'o da ih nigda bilo nije. 17 Al' na gori Sionu bit će spasenici - postat će sveta - i dom će Jakovljev baštiniti svoju baštinu. 18 Dom će Jakovljev biti oganj, dom Josipov plamen, dom Ezavljev strnjika. Potpalit će ga i proždrijeti, i od doma Ezavljeva nitko neće ostati" - riječ je Jahvina. 19 Žitelji negepski baštinit će goru Ezavljevu, žitelji Šefele zemlju filistejsku; baštinit će kraj Efrajimov i kraj samarijski, a Benjamin će baštiniti Gilead. 20 A izgnana nekoć vojska sinova Izraelovih baštinit će Kanaan sve do Sarfate; izgnanici jeruzalemski što su u Sefaradu baštinit će gradove negepske. 21 Izbavitelji će uzaći na goru Sion da sude gori Ezavljevoj. I tada će nastat' kraljevstvo Jahvino.
BKR(i) 1 Vidění Abdiášovo. Takto praví Panovník Hospodin o zemi Idumejské: Pověst jsme slyšeli od Hospodina, a legáta k národům vyslaného: Nuže, povstaňmež k boji proti ní. 2 Aj, způsobím to, abys byl nejšpatnější mezi národy, a abys byl v náramném pohrdání. 3 Pýcha srdce tvého zklamá tě, ó ty, kterýž bydlíš v rozsedlinách skalních, v převysokém obydlí svém, říkaje v srdci svém: Kdož by mne strhl na zem? 4 Bys pak vysoko udělal jako orlice, nýbrž bys mezi hvězdami položil hnízdo své, i odtud strhnu tě, praví Hospodin. 5 Kterak jsi popléněn? Zdali zloději přišli na tebe? Zdali loupežníci noční? Zdaliž by kradli přes spotřebu svou? Kdyby ti, kteříž zbírají víno, přišli na tebe, zdaž by nepozůstavili aspoň paběrků? 6 Jakť jsou vystiženy věci Ezau, vyhledáni pokladové jeho! 7 Až ku pomezí vystrčí tě všickni, s kterýmiž smlouvu máš; podvedou tě, zmocní se tebe ti, s nimiž pokoj máš; náchlebníci tvoji udělajíť ránu zrádně, již nebude lze vyrozuměti. 8 Zdaliž v ten den, praví Hospodin, nevyhladím moudrých z země Idumejské, a rozumných s hory Ezau? 9 I budou se děsiti udatní tvoji, ó Temane, proto, že poraženi jsouce, vypléněni budou všickni s hory Ezau. 10 Pro nátisk bratru tvému Jákobovi činěný přikryje tě hanba, a vypléněn budeš na věčnost. 11 Stál jsi v ten den naproti, a když zajímali cizí vojsko jeho, a když cizozemci vcházeli do bran jeho, a o Jeruzalém metali losy, ty jsi také byl jako jeden z nich. 12 Nedívejž se tedy na den bratra svého, na den zajetí jeho, aniž se vesel nad syny Judskými v den zahynutí jejich, aniž pyšně mluv ústy svými v den uzkosti. 13 Nevcházej do brány lidu mého v den bídy jejich, aniž se dívej trápení jeho v den bídy jeho, a nechtěj sahati na statek jeho v den bídy jeho. 14 Aniž stůj při mezeře, abys hubil ty, kteříž z nich ucházejí, aniž vydávej nepříteli v moc těch, kteříž z nich pozůstali v den úzkosti. 15 Nebo blízko jest den Hospodinův proti všechněm těm národům. Jakž jsi činil, tak se stane tobě, odplata tvá navrátí se na hlavu tvou. 16 Nebo poněvadž vy na mé hoře svaté píti bedete, nadtoť píti budou všickni národové ustavičně. Píti, pravím, a požírati budou, až budou, jako by jich nebylo. 17 Na hoře pak Sion bude vysvobození, a bude svatá, a tak dědičně držeti bude dům Jákobův dědictví svá. 18 I bude dům Jákobův oheň, a dům Jozefův plamen, dům pak Ezau plevy, i rozpálí se na ně a sehltí je, aniž kdo pozůstane z domu Ezau; nebo Hospodin mluvil. 19 A tak děditi budou v krajině polední s horou Ezau, i v rovině s Filistinskými; vládnouti také budou krajinou Efraimovou i krajinou Samařskou, a Beniaminovou i Galádskou. 20 I zajaté vojsko toto synů Izraelských v tom, což bylo Kananejských až do Sarepty, zajatí pak Jeruzalémští v tom, což jest na konci panství, děditi budou s městy na poledne. 21 I vstoupí vysvoboditelé na horu Sion, aby soudili horu Ezau, a tak bude Hospodinovo království.
Danish(i) 1 Obadias's Syn. Saa har den Herre, HERRE sagt om Edom. Vi have hørt et Rygte fra HERREN, og et Bud er sendt ud ihlondt Folkene: Staar op, og lader os staa op imod det til Krig! 2 Se, jeg har gjort dig liden iblandt Folkene, du er saare foragtet. 3 Dit Hjertes Hovmod har bedraget dig, du, som bor i Klippekløfter; i din høje Bolig, du, som siger i dit Hjerte: Hvo vil kaste mig ned til Jorden? 4 Om du end farer saa højt op som Ørnen, og om end din Rede er sat iblandt Stjernerne, vil jeg dog kaste dig ned derfra, siger HERREN. 5 Hvis Tyve vare komne over dig, eller de; som anrette ødelæggelse om Natten - ak, hvor er du dog tiliritetgjort! - mon de; da ikke vilde stjæle saa meget, som var dem nok? hvis Vinhøstere vare komne over dig, mon de da ikke vilde lade en Efterhøst blive tilovers? 6 Hvor er dog Esau bleven gennemsøgte hans skjulte Liggendefæ opsporet? 7 Alle dine Forbundsfæller have ledsaget dig til Grænsen, de, som havde Fred med dig, have bedraget dig, de have faaet Overmagt, over dig; dit Brød gøre de til en Byld under dig, - der er ingen Forstand i ham! 8 Mon jeg ikke den Dag, siger HERREN; skal lade vise forsvinde fra Edom og Forstand fra Esaus Bjerg? 9 Og dine vældige; o Theman! skulle lammes af Skræk, paa det enhver maa blive udryddet fra Esaus Bjerg: ved Mord. 10 For Vold imod dig Broder Jakob skal Skam bedække dig, og du skal udryddes evindelig. 11 Paa den Dag da du stod lige overfor, pan den Dag, da fremmede bortførte hans Gods, og Udlændige gik ind ad hans Porte og kastede Lod over Jerusalem, har ogsaa du været som en af dem. 12 Og se ej med Lyst paa din Broders Dag paa hans Ulykkesdag, og glæd dig ej over Judas Børn paa deres Undergangs dag; og tal ej hovmodigt med din Mund paa Trængselsdagen. 13 Drag ej ind ad mit Folks Port paa deres Nøds Dag, se ej, ogsaa du paa dets Ulykke paa dets Nøds Dag, og ræk ej efter; dets Gode paa dets Nøds Dag! 14 Og staa ej paa Vejskellet for at ødelægge dem, som ere undkomme derfra, og udlever ej de overblevne deraf paa Trængselsdagen! 15 Thi HERRENS Dag er nær over alle Hedningerne ligesom du har gjort, skal dig ske; gengældelen skal komme overe dit Hoved. 16 Thi ligesom de have drukket paa mit hellige Bjerg, saa skulle alle Hedningerne drikke stedse, ja de skulle drikke og drikke ud og vorde som de, der ikke have været. 17 Men paa Zions Bjerg skal der være engle; som undkomme, og det skal være en Helligdom; og Jakobs Hus skal eje deres Ejendom. 18 Og Jakobs Hus skal være en Ild og Josefs Hus en Lue, men Esaus Hus skal være til Halm. Og hine skulle antænde disse og fortære dem; og der skal ingen overbleven være for Esaus Hus; thi HERREN har talt det. 19 Og de, som bo i Sydlandet, skulle eje Esaus Bjerg, og de, som bo i Lavlandet, skulle eje Filistelne, og de skulle eje Efraims Mark og Samarias Mark, og Benjamin skal eje Gilead. 20 Og de hortførte af denne Hær af Israels Børn skulle eje det, som tilhører Kananiterne indtil Zarepta, og de bortførte af Jerusalem, som ere i Sefarad, de skulle eje Stæderne i Sydlandet. 21 Og Frelsere skulle drage op paa Zions Bjerg for at dømme Esaus Bjerg; og Bjerget skal høre HERREN til.
CUV(i) 1 俄 巴 底 亞 得 了 耶 和 華 的 默 示 。 論 以 東 說 : 我 從 耶 和 華 那 裡 聽 見 信 息 , 並 有 使 者 被 差 往 列 國 去 , 說 : 起 來 罷 , 一 同 起 來 與 以 東 爭 戰 ! 2 我 使 你 ─ 以 東 在 列 國 中 為 最 小 的 , 被 人 大 大 藐 視 。 3 住 在 山 穴 中 、 居 所 在 高 處 的 啊 , 你 因 狂 傲 自 欺 , 心 裡 說 : 誰 能 將 我 拉 下 地 去 呢 ? 4 你 雖 如 大 鷹 高 飛 , 在 星 宿 之 間 搭 窩 , 我 必 從 那 裡 拉 下 你 來 。 這 是 耶 和 華 說 的 。 5 盜 賊 若 來 在 你 那 裡 , 或 強 盜 夜 間 而 來 ─ 你 何 竟 被 剪 除 ─ 豈 不 偷 竊 直 到 夠 了 呢 ? 摘 葡 萄 的 若 來 到 你 那 裡 , 豈 不 剩 下 些 葡 萄 呢 ? 6 以 掃 的 隱 密 處 何 竟 被 搜 尋 ? 他 隱 藏 的 寶 物 何 竟 被 查 出 ? 7 與 你 結 盟 的 都 送 你 上 路 , 直 到 交 界 ; 與 你 和 好 的 欺 騙 你 , 且 勝 過 你 ; 與 你 一 同 吃 飯 的 設 下 網 羅 陷 害 你 ; 在 你 心 裡 毫 無 聰 明 。 8 耶 和 華 說 : 到 那 日 , 我 豈 不 從 以 東 除 滅 智 慧 人 ? 從 以 掃 山 除 滅 聰 明 人 ? 9 提 幔 哪 , 你 的 勇 士 必 驚 惶 , 甚 至 以 掃 山 的 人 都 被 殺 戮 剪 除 。 10 因 你 向 兄 弟 雅 各 行 強 暴 , 羞 愧 必 遮 蓋 你 , 你 也 必 永 遠 斷 絕 。 11 當 外 人 擄 掠 雅 各 的 財 物 , 外 邦 人 進 入 他 的 城 門 , 為 耶 路 撒 冷 拈 鬮 的 日 子 , 你 竟 站 在 一 旁 , 像 與 他 們 同 夥 。 12 你 兄 弟 遭 難 的 日 子 , 你 不 當 瞪 眼 看 著 ; 猶 大 人 被 滅 的 日 子 , 你 不 當 因 此 歡 樂 ; 他 們 遭 難 的 日 子 , 你 不 當 說 狂 傲 的 話 。 13 我 民 遭 災 的 日 子 , 你 不 當 進 他 們 的 城 門 ; 他 們 遭 災 的 日 子 , 你 不 當 瞪 眼 看 著 他 們 受 苦 ; 他 們 遭 災 的 日 子 , 你 不 當 伸 手 搶 他 們 的 財 物 ; 14 你 不 當 站 在 岔 路 口 剪 除 他 們 中 間 逃 脫 的 ; 他 們 遭 難 的 日 子 , 你 不 當 將 他 們 剩 下 的 人 交 付 仇 敵 。 15 耶 和 華 降 罰 的 日 子 臨 近 萬 國 。 你 怎 樣 行 , 他 也 必 照 樣 向 你 行 ; 你 的 報 應 必 歸 到 你 頭 上 。 16 你 們 猶 大 人 在 我 聖 山 怎 樣 喝 了 苦 杯 , 萬 國 也 必 照 樣 常 常 地 喝 ; 且 喝 且 咽 , 他 們 就 歸 於 無 有 。 17 在 錫 安 山 必 有 逃 脫 的 人 , 那 山 也 必 成 聖 ; 雅 各 家 必 得 原 有 的 產 業 。 18 雅 各 家 必 成 為 大 火 ; 約 瑟 家 必 為 火 焰 ; 以 掃 家 必 如 碎 秸 ; 火 必 將 他 燒 著 吞 滅 。 以 掃 家 必 無 餘 剩 的 。 這 是 耶 和 華 說 的 。 19 南 地 的 人 必 得 以 掃 山 ; 高 原 的 人 必 得 非 利 士 地 , 也 得 以 法 蓮 地 和 撒 瑪 利 亞 地 ; 便 雅 憫 人 必 得 基 列 。 20 在 迦 南 人 中 被 擄 的 以 色 列 眾 人 必 得 地 直 到 撒 勒 法 ; 在 西 法 拉 中 被 擄 的 耶 路 撒 冷 人 必 得 南 地 的 城 邑 。 21 必 有 拯 救 者 上 到 錫 安 山 , 審 判 以 掃 山 ; 國 度 就 歸 耶 和 華 了 。
  1 H5662 俄巴底亞 H136 H3069 得了耶和華 H2377 的默示 H123 。論以東 H559 H3068 :我從耶和華 H8085 那裡聽見 H8052 信息 H6735 ,並有使者 H7971 被差 H1471 往列國 H6965 去,說:起來罷 H6965 ,一同起來 H4421 與以東爭戰!
  2 H5414 我使 H1471 你─以東在列國中 H6996 為最小 H3966 的,被人大大 H959 藐視。
  3 H7931 住在 H5553 H2288 穴中 H3427 、居所在 H4791 高處的啊 H2087 ,你因狂傲 H3820 H5377 自欺 H3820 ,心裡 H559 H3381 :誰能將我拉下 H776 地去呢?
  4 H5404 你雖如大鷹 H1361 高飛 H3556 ,在星宿 H7760 之間搭 H7064 H3381 ,我必從那裡拉下你來 H3068 。這是耶和華 H5002 說的。
  5 H1590 盜賊 H935 若來 H7703 在你那裡,或強盜 H3915 夜間 H1820 而來─你何竟被剪除 H1589 ─豈不偷竊 H1767 直到夠了呢 H1219 ?摘葡萄的 H935 若來 H7604 到你那裡,豈不剩下 H5955 些葡萄呢?
  6 H6215 以掃 H2664 的隱密處何竟被搜尋 H4710 ?他隱藏的寶物 H1158 何竟被查出?
  7 H1285 與你結盟 H7971 的都送你上路 H1366 ,直到交界 H7965 ;與你和好 H5377 的欺騙你 H3201 ,且勝過 H3899 你;與你一同吃飯的 H7760 設下 H4204 網羅 H8394 陷害你;在你心裡毫無聰明。
  8 H3068 耶和華 H5002 H3117 :到那日 H123 ,我豈不從以東 H6 除滅 H2450 智慧人 H6215 ?從以掃 H2022 H8394 除滅聰明人?
  9 H8487 提幔哪 H1368 ,你的勇士 H2865 必驚惶 H6215 ,甚至以掃 H2022 山的 H376 H6993 都被殺戮 H3772 剪除。
  10 H251 因你向兄弟 H3290 雅各 H2555 行強暴 H955 ,羞愧 H3680 必遮蓋你 H5769 ,你也必永遠 H3772 斷絕。
  11 H2114 當外人 H7617 擄掠 H2428 雅各的財物 H5237 ,外邦人 H935 進入 H8179 他的城門 H3389 ,為耶路撒冷 H3032 H1486 H3117 的日子 H5975 ,你竟站 H259 在一旁,像與他們同夥。
  12 H251 你兄弟 H5235 遭難 H3117 的日子 H7200 ,你不當瞪眼看著 H3063 ;猶大 H1121 H6 被滅 H3117 的日子 H8055 ,你不當因此歡樂 H6869 ;他們遭難 H3117 的日子 H1431 H6310 ,你不當說狂傲的話。
  13 H5971 我民 H343 遭災 H3117 的日子 H935 ,你不當進 H8179 他們的城門 H343 ;他們遭災 H3117 的日子 H7200 ,你不當瞪眼看著 H7451 他們受苦 H343 ;他們遭災 H3117 的日子 H7971 ,你不當伸手搶 H2428 他們的財物;
  14 H5975 你不當站 H6563 在岔路口 H3772 剪除 H6412 他們中間逃脫的 H6869 ;他們遭難 H3117 的日子 H8300 ,你不當將他們剩下的人 H5462 交付仇敵。
  15 H3068 耶和華 H3117 降罰的日子 H7138 臨近 H1471 萬國 H6213 。你怎樣行 H6213 ,他也必照樣向你行 H1576 ;你的報應 H7725 必歸 H7218 到你頭上。
  16 H6944 你們猶大人在我聖 H2022 H8354 怎樣喝了苦杯 H1471 ,萬國 H8548 也必照樣常常地 H8354 H8354 ;且喝 H3886 且咽 H3808 ,他們就歸於無有。
  17 H6726 在錫安 H2022 H6413 必有逃脫的人 H6944 ,那山也必成聖 H3290 ;雅各 H1004 H3423 必得 H4180 原有的產業。
  18 H3290 雅各 H1004 H784 必成為大火 H3130 ;約瑟 H1004 H3852 必為火焰 H6215 ;以掃 H1004 H7179 必如碎秸 H1814 ;火必將他燒著 H398 吞滅 H6215 。以掃 H1004 H8300 必無餘剩的 H3068 。這是耶和華 H1696 說的。
  19 H5045 南地的人 H3423 必得 H6215 以掃 H2022 H8219 ;高原的人 H6430 必得非利士 H3423 地,也得 H669 以法蓮 H7704 H8111 和撒瑪利亞 H7704 H1144 ;便雅憫人 H1568 必得基列。
  20 H3669 在迦南人 H1546 中被擄的 H3478 以色列 H2426 H1121 H6886 必得地直到撒勒法 H5614 ;在西法拉 H1546 中被擄的 H3389 耶路撒冷人 H3423 必得 H5045 南地 H5892 的城邑。
  21 H3467 必有拯救者 H5927 上到 H6726 錫安 H2022 H8199 ,審判 H6215 以掃 H2022 H4410 ;國度 H3068 就歸耶和華了。
CUVS(i) 1 俄 巴 底 亚 得 了 耶 和 华 的 默 示 。 论 以 东 说 : 我 从 耶 和 华 那 里 听 见 信 息 , 并 冇 使 者 被 差 往 列 国 去 , 说 : 起 来 罢 , 一 同 起 来 与 以 东 争 战 ! 2 我 使 你 ― 以 东 在 列 国 中 为 最 小 的 , 被 人 大 大 藐 视 。 3 住 在 山 穴 中 、 居 所 在 高 处 的 啊 , 你 因 狂 傲 自 欺 , 心 里 说 : 谁 能 将 我 拉 下 地 去 呢 ? 4 你 虽 如 大 鹰 高 飞 , 在 星 宿 之 间 搭 窝 , 我 必 从 那 里 拉 下 你 来 。 这 是 耶 和 华 说 的 。 5 盗 贼 若 来 在 你 那 里 , 或 强 盗 夜 间 而 来 ― 你 何 竟 被 剪 除 ― 岂 不 偷 窃 直 到 够 了 呢 ? 摘 葡 萄 的 若 来 到 你 那 里 , 岂 不 剩 下 些 葡 萄 呢 ? 6 以 扫 的 隐 密 处 何 竟 被 搜 寻 ? 他 隐 藏 的 宝 物 何 竟 被 查 出 ? 7 与 你 结 盟 的 都 送 你 上 路 , 直 到 交 界 ; 与 你 和 好 的 欺 骗 你 , 且 胜 过 你 ; 与 你 一 同 吃 饭 的 设 下 网 罗 陷 害 你 ; 在 你 心 里 毫 无 聪 明 。 8 耶 和 华 说 : 到 那 日 , 我 岂 不 从 以 东 除 灭 智 慧 人 ? 从 以 扫 山 除 灭 聪 明 人 ? 9 提 幔 哪 , 你 的 勇 士 必 惊 惶 , 甚 至 以 扫 山 的 人 都 被 杀 戮 剪 除 。 10 因 你 向 兄 弟 雅 各 行 强 暴 , 羞 愧 必 遮 盖 你 , 你 也 必 永 远 断 绝 。 11 当 外 人 掳 掠 雅 各 的 财 物 , 外 邦 人 进 入 他 的 城 门 , 为 耶 路 撒 冷 拈 阄 的 日 子 , 你 竟 站 在 一 旁 , 象 与 他 们 同 夥 。 12 你 兄 弟 遭 难 的 日 子 , 你 不 当 瞪 眼 看 着 ; 犹 大 人 被 灭 的 日 子 , 你 不 当 因 此 欢 乐 ; 他 们 遭 难 的 日 子 , 你 不 当 说 狂 傲 的 话 。 13 我 民 遭 灾 的 日 子 , 你 不 当 进 他 们 的 城 门 ; 他 们 遭 灾 的 日 子 , 你 不 当 瞪 眼 看 着 他 们 受 苦 ; 他 们 遭 灾 的 日 子 , 你 不 当 伸 手 抢 他 们 的 财 物 ; 14 你 不 当 站 在 岔 路 口 剪 除 他 们 中 间 逃 脱 的 ; 他 们 遭 难 的 日 子 , 你 不 当 将 他 们 剩 下 的 人 交 付 仇 敌 。 15 耶 和 华 降 罚 的 日 子 临 近 万 国 。 你 怎 样 行 , 他 也 必 照 样 向 你 行 ; 你 的 报 应 必 归 到 你 头 上 。 16 你 们 犹 大 人 在 我 圣 山 怎 样 喝 了 苦 杯 , 万 国 也 必 照 样 常 常 地 喝 ; 且 喝 且 咽 , 他 们 就 归 于 无 冇 。 17 在 锡 安 山 必 冇 逃 脱 的 人 , 那 山 也 必 成 圣 ; 雅 各 家 必 得 原 冇 的 产 业 。 18 雅 各 家 必 成 为 大 火 ; 约 瑟 家 必 为 火 焰 ; 以 扫 家 必 如 碎 秸 ; 火 必 将 他 烧 着 吞 灭 。 以 扫 家 必 无 余 剩 的 。 这 是 耶 和 华 说 的 。 19 南 地 的 人 必 得 以 扫 山 ; 高 原 的 人 必 得 非 利 士 地 , 也 得 以 法 莲 地 和 撒 玛 利 亚 地 ; 便 雅 悯 人 必 得 基 列 。 20 在 迦 南 人 中 被 掳 的 以 色 列 众 人 必 得 地 直 到 撒 勒 法 ; 在 西 法 拉 中 被 掳 的 耶 路 撒 冷 人 必 得 南 地 的 城 邑 。 21 必 冇 拯 救 者 上 到 锡 安 山 , 审 判 以 扫 山 ; 国 度 就 归 耶 和 华 了 。
  1 H5662 俄巴底亚 H136 H3069 得了耶和华 H2377 的默示 H123 。论以东 H559 H3068 :我从耶和华 H8085 那里听见 H8052 信息 H6735 ,并有使者 H7971 被差 H1471 往列国 H6965 去,说:起来罢 H6965 ,一同起来 H4421 与以东争战!
  2 H5414 我使 H1471 你―以东在列国中 H6996 为最小 H3966 的,被人大大 H959 藐视。
  3 H7931 住在 H5553 H2288 穴中 H3427 、居所在 H4791 高处的啊 H2087 ,你因狂傲 H3820 H5377 自欺 H3820 ,心里 H559 H3381 :谁能将我拉下 H776 地去呢?
  4 H5404 你虽如大鹰 H1361 高飞 H3556 ,在星宿 H7760 之间搭 H7064 H3381 ,我必从那里拉下你来 H3068 。这是耶和华 H5002 说的。
  5 H1590 盗贼 H935 若来 H7703 在你那里,或强盗 H3915 夜间 H1820 而来―你何竟被剪除 H1589 ―岂不偷窃 H1767 直到够了呢 H1219 ?摘葡萄的 H935 若来 H7604 到你那里,岂不剩下 H5955 些葡萄呢?
  6 H6215 以扫 H2664 的隐密处何竟被搜寻 H4710 ?他隐藏的宝物 H1158 何竟被查出?
  7 H1285 与你结盟 H7971 的都送你上路 H1366 ,直到交界 H7965 ;与你和好 H5377 的欺骗你 H3201 ,且胜过 H3899 你;与你一同吃饭的 H7760 设下 H4204 网罗 H8394 陷害你;在你心里毫无聪明。
  8 H3068 耶和华 H5002 H3117 :到那日 H123 ,我岂不从以东 H6 除灭 H2450 智慧人 H6215 ?从以扫 H2022 H8394 除灭聪明人?
  9 H8487 提幔哪 H1368 ,你的勇士 H2865 必惊惶 H6215 ,甚至以扫 H2022 山的 H376 H6993 都被杀戮 H3772 剪除。
  10 H251 因你向兄弟 H3290 雅各 H2555 行强暴 H955 ,羞愧 H3680 必遮盖你 H5769 ,你也必永远 H3772 断绝。
  11 H2114 当外人 H7617 掳掠 H2428 雅各的财物 H5237 ,外邦人 H935 进入 H8179 他的城门 H3389 ,为耶路撒冷 H3032 H1486 H3117 的日子 H5975 ,你竟站 H259 在一旁,象与他们同夥。
  12 H251 你兄弟 H5235 遭难 H3117 的日子 H7200 ,你不当瞪眼看着 H3063 ;犹大 H1121 H6 被灭 H3117 的日子 H8055 ,你不当因此欢乐 H6869 ;他们遭难 H3117 的日子 H1431 H6310 ,你不当说狂傲的话。
  13 H5971 我民 H343 遭灾 H3117 的日子 H935 ,你不当进 H8179 他们的城门 H343 ;他们遭灾 H3117 的日子 H7200 ,你不当瞪眼看着 H7451 他们受苦 H343 ;他们遭灾 H3117 的日子 H7971 ,你不当伸手抢 H2428 他们的财物;
  14 H5975 你不当站 H6563 在岔路口 H3772 剪除 H6412 他们中间逃脱的 H6869 ;他们遭难 H3117 的日子 H8300 ,你不当将他们剩下的人 H5462 交付仇敌。
  15 H3068 耶和华 H3117 降罚的日子 H7138 临近 H1471 万国 H6213 。你怎样行 H6213 ,他也必照样向你行 H1576 ;你的报应 H7725 必归 H7218 到你头上。
  16 H6944 你们犹大人在我圣 H2022 H8354 怎样喝了苦杯 H1471 ,万国 H8548 也必照样常常地 H8354 H8354 ;且喝 H3886 且咽 H3808 ,他们就归于无有。
  17 H6726 在锡安 H2022 H6413 必有逃脱的人 H6944 ,那山也必成圣 H3290 ;雅各 H1004 H3423 必得 H4180 原有的产业。
  18 H3290 雅各 H1004 H784 必成为大火 H3130 ;约瑟 H1004 H3852 必为火焰 H6215 ;以扫 H1004 H7179 必如碎秸 H1814 ;火必将他烧着 H398 吞灭 H6215 。以扫 H1004 H8300 必无余剩的 H3068 。这是耶和华 H1696 说的。
  19 H5045 南地的人 H3423 必得 H6215 以扫 H2022 H8219 ;高原的人 H6430 必得非利士 H3423 地,也得 H669 以法莲 H7704 H8111 和撒玛利亚 H7704 H1144 ;便雅悯人 H1568 必得基列。
  20 H3669 在迦南人 H1546 中被掳的 H3478 以色列 H2426 H1121 H6886 必得地直到撒勒法 H5614 ;在西法拉 H1546 中被掳的 H3389 耶路撒冷人 H3423 必得 H5045 南地 H5892 的城邑。
  21 H3467 必有拯救者 H5927 上到 H6726 锡安 H2022 H8199 ,审判 H6215 以扫 H2022 H4410 ;国度 H3068 就归耶和华了。
Esperanto(i) 1 Vizio de Obadja. Tiele diras la Sinjoro, la Eternulo, pri Edom: Diron ni auxdis de la Eternulo, kaj kuriero estas sendita al la nacioj: Levigxu, ni iru milite kontraux lin. 2 Vidu, Mi faris vin malgranda inter la nacioj; vi estas tre malestimata. 3 La fiereco de via koro delogis vin; logxante en la fendegoj de rokoj, sur via alta sidejo, vi diras en via koro: Kiu depusxos min sur la teron? 4 Sed se vi ecx levigxus tiel alte, kiel aglo, aux se vi arangxus vian neston inter la steloj, ecx de tie Mi jxetos vin malsupren, diras la Eternulo. 5 CXu sxtelistoj venis al vi, aux noktaj rabistoj? kiamaniere vi estas tiel ruinigita? ili sxtelus nur tiom, kiom suficxus por ili. Se vinberkolektantoj venus al vi, ili restigus ja forgesitajn berojn. 6 Kiel forte Esav estas prisercxita kaj liaj kasxejoj estas traesploritaj! 7 Al la limo vin pusxis cxiuj viaj interliganoj, trompis kaj perfortis vin viaj amikoj; la mangxantoj de via pano metis sub vin kaptilon, kiun vi ecx ne rimarkis. 8 En tiu tempo, diras la Eternulo, Mi pereigos ja la sagxulojn cxe Edom kaj la prudenton sur la monto de Esav. 9 Ektimos viaj kuragxuloj, ho Teman, por ke cxiuj sur la monto de Esav estu ekstermitaj per mortigo. 10 Pro tio, ke vi premis vian fraton Jakob, kovros vin honto, kaj vi estos ekstermita por cxiam. 11 En la tempo, kiam vi staris apude, kiam fremduloj kondukis lian militistaron en kaptitecon kaj aligentuloj eniris en liajn pordegojn kaj lotis pri Jerusalem, vi ankaux estis kiel unu el ili. 12 Vi devus ne rigardi la malfelicxan tagon de via frato, la tagon de lia forpusxiteco, kaj vi devus ne gxoji pri la idoj de Jehuda en la tago de ilia pereo, nek fanfaroni en la tago de ilia mizero. 13 Vi devus ne eniri en la pordegon de Mia popolo en la tago de ilia malfelicxo, vi devus ne rigardi ilian suferadon en la tago de ilia malfelicxo, nek tusxi ilian havajxon en la tago de ilia malfelicxo. 14 Vi devus ne stari cxe la vojdisigxo, por ekstermi iliajn forsavigxintojn, nek transdoni iliajn restintojn en la tago de malfelicxo. 15 CXar proksima estas la tago de la Eternulo kontraux cxiuj nacioj. Kiel vi agis, tiel oni agos kun vi; kion vi meritas, tio venos sur vian kapon. 16 CXar kiel vi trinkis sur Mia sankta monto, tiel trinkos cxiam cxiuj nacioj; ili trinkos, trinkos gxisfunde, gxis ili farigxos kiel tute ne ekzistintaj. 17 Sed sur la monto Cion estos savigxo, kaj gxi estos sankta; kaj la domo de Jakob ekposedos tiujn, kiuj ilin posedis. 18 La domo de Jakob estos fajro, la domo de Jozef estos flamo; sed la domo de Esav estos pajlo, oni ekbruligos gxin kaj ekstermos gxin, kaj neniu restos el la domo de Esav; cxar la Eternulo tion diris. 19 Kaj la sudanoj ekposedos la monton de Esav, kaj la logxantoj de la malaltajxo la Filisxtojn; ili ekposedos la kampojn de Efraim kaj la kampojn de Samario; kaj Benjamen posedos Gileadon. 20 Kaj tiu multo da forkondukitaj Izraelidoj en la lando Kanaana gxis Carfat kaj la forkondukitaj el Jerusalem en Sefarad ekposedos la urbojn sudajn. 21 Kaj venos savantoj sur la monton Cion, por jugxi la monton de Esav. Kaj la regado apartenos al la Eternulo.
Finnish(i) 1 Tämä on Obadjan näky. Näin sanoo Herra, Herra Edomista: me olemme Herralta sanoman kuulleet, että sanansaattaja on pakanain sekaan lähetetty: nouskaat, ja käykäämme häntä vastaan sotaan! 2 Katso, minä olen sinun alentanut pakanain seassa, ja sangen ylönkatsotuksi tehnyt. 3 Sinun sydämes ylpeys on sinun vietellyt, ettäs vuorten rotkoissa asut, sinun korkeissa linnoissas, ja sanot sydämessäs: kuka taitaa minun syöstä maahan? 4 Vaikkas ylös korkialle menisit niinkuin kotka, ja tekisit pesäs tähtien keskelle; niin minä kuitenkin syöksen sinun alas sieltä, sanoo Herra. 5 Jos varkaat eli raateliat tulevat yöllä sinun tykös, kuinka sinä niin lyöty olet? Eikö he varasta niin paljon, että heillä kyllä on? Jos viinanhakiat tulevat sinun tykös, eikö he jätä viinamarjan oksia? 6 Voi kuinka heidän pitää Esaun tutkiman, ja hänen kätketyt tavaransa etsimän. 7 Kaikki, jotka sinun kanssas liitossa ovat, pitää ajaman sinun pois maaltas; miehet, joihin sinä turvaat, pettävät sinun, ja voittavat sinun; jotka sinun leipäs syövät, pettävät sinun; ei sinulla ole ymmärrystä. 8 Mitämaks, sanoo Herra, minä kadotan silloin Edomin viisaat ja ymmärryksen Esaun vuorelta. 9 Sillä sinun väkeväs, Teman, pitää hämmästymän, että heidän kaikkein pitää murhasta Esaun vuorella hukkuman. 10 Sen vääryyden tähden, jonka sinä veljelles Jakobille tehnyt olet, pitää sinun häpiään tuleman, ja ijankaikkisesti hävitettämän. 11 Silloin sinä seisoit häntä vastaan, kuin muukalaiset hänen sotaväkensä veivät pois vangittuna, ja vieraat menivät sisälle hänen porteistansa, ja Jerusalemista arvan heittivät; silloin sinä olit niinkuin yksi heistä. 12 Ei sinun pidä mielelläs katseleman veljes viheliäisyyden aikaa, eikä riemuitseman Juudalaisten surkeuden aikana, ei myös sinun suus pidä niin suuria sanoja puhuman heidän tuskansa aikana. 13 Ei sinun pidä menemän sisälle minun kansani porteista heidän surkeutensa aikana, eikä mielelläs katseleman heidän onnettomuuttansa heidän vaivansa aikana, eikä kättäs ojentaman heidän kaluunsa heidän surkeutensa aikana. 14 Ei sinun pidä teiden haaroissa seisoman, murhaamassa heidän pakenevaisiansa, ei myös kiinni ottaman heidän jääneitänsä ahdistuksensa aikana. 15 Sillä Herran päivä on läsnä kaikkia pakanoita; niinkuin sinä tehnyt olet, niin pitää sinulle jälleen tapahtuman, ja niinkuin sinä ansainnut olet, niin pitää sinun pääs päälle jälleen tuleman. 16 Sillä niinkuin te olette minun pyhällä vuorellani juoneet, niin pitää kaikki pakanat alati juoman, ryyppäämän ja nielemän, ja oleman niinkuin ei he olleetkaan olisi. 17 Mutta Zionin vuorella pitää vapaus oleman, ja heidän pitää pyhät oleman, ja Jakobin huoneen pitää perintönsä omistaman. 18 Ja Jakobin huone pitää tuli oleman, ja Josephin huonen tulen liekki, mutta Esaun huone kortena, jonka heidän pitää sytyttämän ja kuluttaman, niin ettei Esaun huoneesta pidä mitään jäämän; sillä Herra on sen puhunut. 19 Ja heidän pitää perimän koko etelänpuolisen maan, ynnä Esaun vuoren kanssa, ja lakeuden Philistealaisten kanssa, ja heidän pitää myös Ephraimin ja Samarian kedon omistaman, ja Benjaminin Gileadin. 20 Ja ne viedyt pois Israelin lasten sotaväestä, jotka Kanaanealaisten seassa hamaan Sarpattiin asti ovat, ja ne viedyt pois Jerusalemin kaupungista, jotka Sepharadissa ovat, pitää kaupungit etelään päin omistaman. 21 Ja vapahtajat pitää Zionin vuorelle tuleman tuomitsemaan Esaun vuorta; ja niin pitää valtakunta Herran oleman.
FinnishPR(i) 1 Obadjan näky. Herra, Herra sanoo Edomista näin: Me olemme kuulleet sanoman Herralta, ja sanansaattaja on lähetetty kansakuntiin: "Nouskaa, nouskaamme sotaan sitä vastaan!" 2 Katso, vähäiseksi minä teen sinut kansojen seassa, ylen halveksittu olet sinä oleva. 3 Sinun sydämesi ylpeys on pettänyt sinut, joka asut kallionrotkoissa, istut korkealla ja sanot sydämessäsi: "Kuka voi syöstä minut maahan?" 4 Vaikka tekisit pesäsi korkealle niinkuin kotka ja vaikka sen sija olisi tähtien välissä, minä syöksen sinut sieltä alas, sanoo Herra. 5 Jos varkaat tulisivat kimppuusi, jos yölliset rosvot, kuinka voisit tulla niin hävitetyksi: eivätkö he varastaisi vain sen, mitä tarvitsevat? Jos viininkorjaajat tulisivat luoksesi, eivätkö he jättäisi jälkikorjuuta? 6 Mutta kuinka onkaan Eesau läpikotaisin etsitty, hänen kätkönsä pengotut! 7 Sinut on ajettu rajalle asti, kaikki liittolaisesi ovat sinut pettäneet. Ystäväsi ovat vieneet sinusta voiton, ovat panneet taritsemasi leivän paulaksi sinun eteesi. -Ei ole hänessä taitoa. 8 Totisesti, sinä päivänä, sanoo Herra, minä lopetan viisaat Edomista ja taidon Eesaun vuorelta. 9 Ja sinun sankarisi, Teeman, kauhistuvat, niin että viimeinenkin mies häviää Eesaun vuorelta murhatöitten tähden. 10 Väkivallan tähden veljeäsi Jaakobia kohtaan peittää sinut häpeä, ja sinut hävitetään ikiajoiksi. 11 Sinä päivänä, jona sinäkin olit läsnä, päivänä, jona vieraat veivät pois hänen rikkautensa, jona muukalaiset tunkeutuivat sisään hänen porteistaan ja heittivät Jerusalemista arpaa, olit myöskin sinä niinkuin yksi heistä. 12 Mutta älä katso iloiten veljesi päivää, hänen onnettomuutensa päivää; älä ilku juutalaisia heidän turmionsa päivänä äläkä suullasi suurentele ahdistuksen päivänä. 13 Älä tunkeudu sisään minun kansani portista heidän hätäpäivänänsä. Älä katso iloiten, myös sinä, hänen onnettomuuttansa hänen hätäpäivänänsä. Älä ojenna kättäsi hänen rikkauteensa hänen hätäpäivänänsä. 14 Älä seiso tienhaarassa hävittämässä hänen pelastuneitansa. Älä luovuta hänen pakoonpäässeitänsä ahdistuksen päivänä. 15 Sillä lähellä on Herran päivä kaikkia pakanakansoja: Niinkuin sinä olet tehnyt, niin sinulle tehdään; kosto sinun teostasi kohtaa sinun omaa päätäsi. 16 Sillä niinkuin te olette juoneet minun pyhällä vuorellani, niin tulevat kaikki pakanakansat juomaan ainiaan: he juovat ja särpivät ja ovat, niinkuin ei heitä olisi ollutkaan. 17 Mutta Siionin vuorella saavat olla pelastuneet, ja se on oleva pyhä, ja Jaakobin heimo on perivä perintönsä. 18 Jaakobin heimo on oleva tuli ja Joosefin heimo liekki, mutta Eesaun heimo kuin olki, ja ne polttavat sen ja kuluttavat sen; eikä jää pakoonpäässyttä Eesaun heimosta. Sillä Herra on puhunut. 19 Ja he ottavat perinnöksensä Etelämaan ynnä Eesaun vuoren, Alankomaan ynnä filistealaiset; he ottavat perinnöksensä Efraimin maan ja Samarian maan, Benjaminin ynnä Gileadin. 20 Ja tästä väestä, israelilaisista, viedyt pakkosiirtolaiset ottavat perinnöksensä kanaanilaiset Sarpatiin asti. Ja Jerusalemin pakkosiirtolaiset, jotka ovat Sefaradissa, ottavat perinnöksensä Etelämaan kaupungit. 21 Pelastajat nousevat Siionin vuorelle tuomitsemaan Eesaun vuorta. Ja kuninkuus on oleva Herran.
Haitian(i) 1 Mesaj pwofèt Abdyas sou peyi Edon. Men mesaj Seyè a te ban mwen: Nou te tande mesaj Seyè a te bay la. Li te voye mesaj li a nan tout nasyon yo pou di yo: Annavan! Leve non! Ann mache pran Edon! Ann al goumen avè l'! 2 Men sa Seyè a di moun peyi Edon yo: Mwen pral fè peyi nou an vin tou fèb nan mitan lòt nasyon yo. Tout moun pral meprize nou nèt! 3 Se awogans nou ki fè nou pèdi tèt nou. Nou bati kapital nou sou tèt gwo wòch yo. Nou moute kay nou byen wo nan mòn yo. Epi n'ap di nan kè nou: Ki moun ki ka fè nou desann la a! 4 Nou te mèt bati kay nou byen wo tankou nich malfini, nou te mèt mete nich nou byen wo tankou si li te nan mitan zetwal yo, m'ap voye nou jete anba, m'ap fè nou desann. Se Seyè a menm ki di sa. 5 Lè vòlò antre lakay moun lannwit pou piye, yo annik pran sa yo bezwen. Lè moun ap ranmase rekòt rezen, yo toujou kite dèyè pou moun k'ap vin grapiye yo. Men, gade jan lènmi ravaje nou nèt ale non! 6 Yo fouye toupatou nan peyi Ezaou a. Yo pran tout trezò nou te kache yo. 7 Tout moun ki te mete tèt ansanm avè nou yo woule nou byen woule. Yo mete nou deyò nan pwòp peyi nou an. Moun ki te pi bon zanmi nou yo twonpe nou byen twonpe. Moun ki te konn manje sou tab ansanm ak nou pare pèlen pou nou. Nou menm, nou pa menm wè sa! 8 Seyè a di konsa: -Jou m'ap pini moun Edon yo, m'ap disparèt tout moun ki gen bon konprann nan peyi a, tout moun lespri ki rete sou mòn Ezaou a. 9 Sòlda lavil Teman yo pral tranble nan kanson yo. Yo pral masakre tout gason peyi Edon ki konn goumen. 10 Paske nou te masakre pitit pitit Jakòb yo, kouzen nou yo, paske nou te fè yo anpil mechanste, yo pral fè nou wont, yo pral disparèt nou nèt. 11 Nou te rete kanpe la ap gade, lè moun lòt nasyon yo t'ap piye tout richès yo. Nou pa t' pi bon pase etranje yo ki te defonse pòtay yo lè sa a, ki te separe bay chak moun tout richès lavil Jerizalèm yo. Nou menm tou, nou te fè menm bagay la. 12 Nou pa t' dwe kontan wè kouzen nou yo nan malè. Nou pa t' dwe kontan wè y'ap fini ak moun fanmi Jida yo. Nou pa t' dwe pase yo nan rizib, lè yo te nan tray. 13 Nou pa t' dwe janbe pòtay lavil pèp mwen an pou nou te antre ladan l', jou malè te tonbe sou yo a. Nou pa t' dwe kontan wè jan y'ap soufri, jou malè te tonbe sou yo a. Nou pa t' dwe mete men nou sou byen yo, jou malè te tonbe sou yo a. 14 Nou pa t' dwe kanpe nan kalfou yo pou nou touye sa ki t'ap chache chape kò yo. Nou pa t' dwe lage sa ki pa t' mouri yo nan men lènmi yo, jou malè te tonbe sou yo a. 15 Jou a pa lwen rive, kote mwen menm, Seyè a, mwen pral jije tout nasyon yo. Nou menm moun peyi Edon, sa nou te fè a, se sa yo pral fè nou tou. Yo pral fè nou sibi tou sa nou te fè lòt yo sibi. 16 Pèp mwen an pase pa l' anba men mwen sou mòn ki apa pou mwen an. Konsa tou, tout nasyon yo pral pran pa yo san rete. Yo pral pran jouk yo p'ap kapab ankò. Yo pral disparèt tankou si yo pa t' janm la. 17 Men, sou mòn Siyon an, kèk moun pral sove. Se yon kote ki pral apa nèt pou mwen. Moun fanmi Jakòb yo pral reprann tout peyi lènmi te wete nan men yo. 18 Moun fanmi Jakòb yo pral tankou dife. Pitit pitit Jozèf yo pral tankou yon flanm dife. Yo pral detwi pitit Ezaou yo nèt tankou dife nan zèb chèch. Pesonn nan fanmi Ezaou a p'ap chape. Se mwen menm, Seyè a, ki di sa. 19 Moun pèp Izrayèl ki rete nan zòn Negèv la pral pran mòn Ezaou a pou yo. Moun pèp Izrayèl ki rete nan plenn ki nan pye mòn Jida yo pral pran peyi moun Filisti yo nan men yo. Moun pèp Izrayèl yo pral pran peyi Efrayim ak peyi Samari pou yo. Moun Benjamen yo pral pran peyi Galarad la pou yo. 20 Nan moun yo te depòte yo, sòlda ki moun nan nò peyi Izrayèl la va pran peyi Kanaran an pou yo, rive lavil Sarepta. Men, moun lavil Jerizalèm yo te depòte nan peyi Sefara a va pran tout lavil Negèv yo pou yo. 21 Yo tout, y'a moute sou mòn Siyon an pou delivre l'. Se yo ki va gouvènen tout mòn Ezaou a. Lè sa a, se Seyè a menm ki va sèl wa.
Hungarian(i) 1 Abdiás látása. Így szól az Úr Isten Edomról: Hírt hallottunk az Úrtól! És hírnök küldetett a népekhez: keljetek fel és támadjunk reá haddal! 2 Ímé, kicsinynyé tettelek a népek között; felettébb útálatos vagy. 3 Szíved kevélysége csalt meg téged, ki szikla-hasadékokban lakozol, kinek lakóhelye magasan van, a ki mondja az õ szívében: Ki vonhatna le engem a síkra?! 4 Ha oly magasra szállnál is, mint a sas, és ha a csillagok közé raknád is fészkedet: onnan is levonnálak, ezt mondja az Úr. 5 Ha tolvajok törnének reád, avagy éjjeli rablók, (hogy elpusztíttattál!), nem [annyit] lopnának-é, [a mennyi] elegendõ?! Ha szõlõszedõk jönnének reád, nem hagynának-é gerezdeket?! 6 Mennyire kifosztogatták Ézsaut; felkutatták rejtett kincseit! 7 A határig ûznek ki összes frigytársaid; megcsalnak, levernek szövetségeseid; kenyeredet tõrül vetik alád. Nincsen benne okosság! 8 Azon a napon, ezt mondja az Úr, nem vesztem-é ki a bölcseket Edomból, és az értelmet az Ézsau hegyérõl?! 9 És megrémülnek a te vitézeid, oh Témán! hogy kiirtassék mindenki az Ézsau hegyérõl az öldöklés által. 10 A Jákób öcséd ellen [elkövetett] erõszakért szégyen borul reád, és kivágatol mindörökre! 11 A mikor vele szembeálltál; a mikor serege idegenek rabjává lett, és idegenek törtek be kapuján és Jeruzsálemre sorsot vetettek: olyan voltál te is, mint bármelyik közülök. 12 De ne gyönyörködjél öcsédnek napján, az õ szerencsétlenségének napján; és ne örvendj a Júda fiain az õ veszedelmök napján, és ne kérkedjél a szorongattatás napján. 13 Ne törj be népem kapuján nyomorúságuk napján; ne gyönyörködjél te is a baján nyomorúsága napján; és ne nyúlj az õ jószágához nyomorúsága napján; 14 A résre se állj fel menekülõit elveszíteni; és ne áruld el az õ megmaradottait a szorongattatás napján! 15 Mert közel van az Úrnak napja minden népek ellen. A mint cselekedtél, úgy cselekesznek veled; a mit te fizettél, visszaszáll fejedre. 16 Mert a mint ti ittatok szent hegyemen, úgy isznak szüntelen az összes népek; bizony isznak és hörpengetnek, és olyanok lesznek, mintha nem lettek volna. 17 De a Sion hegyén szabadulás lészen, és szentté lészen az, és a Jákób háza birtokba veszi az õ örökségét. 18 És a Jákób háza tûz lészen, és a József háza láng; az Ézsau háza pedig pozdorja; és meggyújtják és megemésztik õket, és nem marad meg senki Ézsau házából, mert az Úr szólott. 19 A déliek örökség szerint bírják az Ézsau hegyét, a síkon lakók pedig a Filiszteusokat. És örökség szerint bírják az Efraim mezõit és Samaria mezõit; Benjámin pedig a Gileádot. 20 Izráel fiainak ez a számûzött serege azokat, a melyek a Kananeusoké, mind Sarfátig; a jeruzsálemi számûzöttek pedig, a kik Szefarádban vannak, elfoglalják majd a déli városokat. 21 És a Sion hegyére szabadítók mennek fel, hogy megítéljék az Ézsau hegyét; és az Úré lesz a királyság.
Indonesian(i) 1 Inilah ramalan Obaja; ia menyampaikan pesan TUHAN Yang Mahatinggi mengenai bangsa Edom: TUHAN telah mengirim utusan-Nya kepada bangsa-bangsa, dan kita telah mendengar pesan yang dibawanya sebagai berikut, "Bersiaplah untuk berperang! Marilah kita berangkat menyerang Edom." 2 Dan kepada Edom, TUHAN berkata, "Engkau Kubuat lemah, sehingga dihina oleh semua bangsa. 3 Engkau tertipu oleh hatimu yang angkuh. Ibukotamu adalah gunung batu yang kuat; tempat tinggalmu di puncak gunung yang tinggi. Karena itu kamu berpikir, Siapa yang sanggup menjatuhkan Aku? 4 Meskipun kaubuat rumahmu setinggi sarang burung rajawali, dan setinggi bintang-bintang di langit, engkau pasti akan Kujatuhkan. 5 Pencuri atau perampok yang datang di waktu malam, hanya mengambil yang diingininya. Orang yang memetik anggur di kebun, selalu menyisakan beberapa buah. Tetapi engkau disapu habis oleh musuh-musuhmu. 6 Hai keturunan Esau, engkau digeledah dan hartamu yang tersembunyi pun dijarah. 7 Engkau ditipu oleh sekutu-sekutumu, dan diusir dari negerimu. Engkau dikalahkan oleh sahabat-sahabatmu, dijebak oleh orang yang makan bersamamu. Mereka bertanya-tanya tentang dirimu, 'Di mana kini segala kepandaiannya?' 8 Pada hari Aku menghukum Edom, orang-orangnya yang bijaksana Kubinasakan. Dan segala hikmat mereka akan hilang, tiada bekasnya. 9 Para pejuang dari Teman akan ketakutan, dan semua prajurit Edom akan tewas." 10 "Engkau telah berlaku kejam terhadap saudara-saudaramu keturunan Yakub. Sebab itu engkau akan dibinasakan, dan dicela orang sepanjang zaman. 11 Engkau berdiri di kejauhan, pada hari musuh mendobrak pintu Yerusalem dan mengalahkan kota itu. Engkau diam saja waktu mereka mengangkut semua kekayaan Yerusalem dan membagi-baginya di antara mereka. Engkau sama jahatnya dengan musuh itu. 12 Tak sepatutnya engkau senang atas nasib sial orang Yehuda dan bergembira pada hari saudaramu itu binasa. Tak sepantasnya engkau membual pada waktu ia susah. 13 Tidak selayaknya engkau memasuki kota umat-Ku, dan menyoraki orang-orang yang sedang menderita, apalagi merampok hartanya pada hari kemalangannya! 14 Tidak seharusnya engkau berdiri di persimpangan, untuk menghadang orang-orang yang sedang melarikan diri dari musuh, atau menyerahkan mereka kepada lawan pada hari mereka ditimpa kesusahan." 15 "Sungguh, sudah dekat harinya, Aku, TUHAN, mengadili bangsa-bangsa. Apa yang dilakukan Edom akan dibalaskan kepadanya. Ia akan merasakan juga apa yang telah ia perbuat. 16 Di atas gunung-Ku yang suci umat-Ku telah minum-minuman yang melambangkan hukumannya. Tetapi minuman bagi bangsa-bangsa di bumi ini lebih pahit lagi. Hukuman itu tak dapat mereka hindari. Mereka harus meminumnya sampai habis, kemudian mereka akan lenyap tanpa bekas." 17 "Tetapi di Gunung Sion, akan ada yang selamat, dan gunung itu menjadi tempat yang khusus untuk Aku. Maka keturunan Yakub akan memiliki kembali tanah pusaka mereka. 18 Umat-Ku Israel akan seperti api yang membakar habis keturunan Esau, seperti api membakar habis jerami di ladang. Tak seorang pun dari keturunan Esau akan luput. Aku, TUHAN telah berbicara! 19 Orang-orang Yehuda Selatan akan menduduki Edom. Orang-orang dari pegunungan sebelah barat akan mengalahkan wilayah Filistin. Suku Benyamin akan menduduki Gilead, dan Israel umat-Ku akan menguasai seluruh Efraim dan Samaria. 20 Orang Israel Utara akan kembali dari pembuangan dan menduduki Fenisia sampai ke Zarfat. Orang-orang Yerusalem yang dibuang di Sardis, akan kembali dan memiliki kota-kota di bagian selatan Yehuda. 21 Penduduk Yerusalem yang jaya akan menyerang Edom dan menaklukkannya. Maka Aku TUHAN akan memerintah sebagai raja."
Italian(i) 1 La visione di Abdia. COSÌ ha detto il Signore Iddio ad Edom: Noi abbiamo udito un grido da parte del Signore, ed un ambasciatore è stato mandato fra le genti, dicendo: Movetevi, e leviamoci i contro a lei in battaglia. 2 Ecco, io ti ho fatto piccolo fra le genti; tu sei grandemente sprezzato. 3 La superbia del cuor tuo ti ha ingannato, o tu che abiti nelle fessure delle rocce, che son l’alta tua stanza; che dici nel cuor tuo: Chi mi trarrà giù in terra? 4 Avvegnachè tu avessi innalzato il tuo nido come l’aquila, e l’avessi posto fra le stelle; pur ti trarrò giù di là, dice il Signore. 5 Se quelli che son venuti a te fosser ladri, o ladroni notturni, come saresti stato distrutto? non avrebbero essi rubato quanto fosse lor bastato? se de’ vendemmiatori fosser venuti a te, non ti avrebbero essi lasciati alcuni grappoli? 6 Come sono stati investigati, e ricercati i nascondimenti di Esaù! 7 Tutti i tuoi collegati ti hanno accompagnato fino a’ confini; quelli co’ quali tu vivevi in buona pace ti hanno ingannato, e ti hanno vinto; hanno messo il tuo pane per una trappola sotto di te; non vi è in lui alcuno intendimento. 8 In quel giorno, dice il Signore, non farò io perir di Edom i savi, e del monte di Esaù l’intendimento? 9 I tuoi uomini prodi saranno eziandio spaventati, o Teman; acciocchè sia sterminato ogni uomo dal monte di Esaù, per uccisione. 10 Per la violenza fatta al tuo fratello Giacobbe, vergogna ti coprirà, e sarai sterminato in perpetuo. 11 Nel giorno, che tu gli stavi dirincontro; nel giorno, che gli stranieri menavano in cattività il suo esercito, e i forestieri entravano dentro alle sue porte, e traevano le sorti sopra Gerusalemme, anche tu eri come l’un di loro. 12 Or non istare a riguardare, nel giorno del tuo fratello, nel giorno ch’egli è condotto in terra strana; e non rallegrarti de’ figliuoli di Giuda, nel giorno che periscono; e non allargar la bocca, nel giorno della lor distretta. 13 Non entrar nella porta del mio popolo, nel giorno della loro calamità; e non istare ancora tu a riguardare il suo male, nel giorno della sua calamità; e non metter le mani sopra i suoi beni, nel giorno della sua calamità. 14 E non istartene in su le forche delle strade, per ammazzar quelli d’esso che si salvano; e non mettere in mano de’ nemici quelli d’esso che scampano, nel giorno della distretta. 15 Perciocchè il giorno del Signore contro a tutte le nazioni è vicino; come tu hai fatto, così sarà fatto a te; la tua retribuzione ti ritornerà in sul capo. 16 Perciocchè, siccome voi avete bevuto in sul monte mio santo, così berranno tutte le nazioni continuamente; anzi berranno, e inghiottiranno, e saranno come se non fossero state. 17 Ma nel monte di Sion vi sarà qualche scampo, e quello sarà santo; e la casa di Giacobbe possederà le sue possessioni. 18 E la casa di Giacobbe sarà un fuoco, e la casa di Giuseppe una fiamma; e la casa di Esaù sarà come stoppia; essi si apprenderanno in loro, e li consumeranno; e la casa di Esaù non avrà alcuno che resti in vita; perciocchè il Signore ha parlato. 19 E possederanno la parte meridionale col monte di Esaù; e il piano col paese de’ Filistei; possederanno ancora il territorio di Efraim, e il territorio di Samaria; e Beniamino con Galaad. 20 E questo esercito de’ figliuoli d’Israele, che è stato menato in cattività, possederà quello ch’era de’ Cananei, fino in Sarepta; e que’ di Gerusalemme, che sono stati menati in cattività, che sono in Sefarad, possederanno le città del Mezzodì. 21 E de’ liberatori saliranno nel monte di Sion, per giudicare il monte di Esaù; e il regno sarà del Signore.
ItalianRiveduta(i) 1 Visione di Abdia. Così parla il Signore, l’Eterno, riguardo a Edom: Noi abbiam ricevuto un messaggio dall’Eterno, e un ambasciatore è stato mandato alle nazioni: "Levatevi! Leviamoci contro Edom a combattere!" 2 Ecco, io ti rendo piccolo tra le nazioni, tu sei profondamente sprezzato. 3 L’orgoglio del tuo cuore t’ha ingannato, o tu che abiti fra le spaccature delle rocce, che son l’alta tua dimora, tu che dici in cuor tuo: "Chi mi trarrà giù a terra?" 4 Quand’anche tu facessi il tuo nido in alto come l’aquila, quand’anche tu lo ponessi fra le stelle, io ti trarrò giù di là, dice l’Eterno. 5 Se dei ladri e de’ briganti venissero a te di notte, come saresti ruinato! Non ruberebbero essi quanto bastasse loro? Se venissero da te de’ vendemmiatori, non lascerebbero qualcosa da racimolare? 6 Oh com’è stato frugato Esaù! Come sono stati cercati i suoi tesori nascosti! 7 Tutti i tuoi alleati t’han menato alla frontiera; quelli ch’erano in pace con te t’hanno ingannato, hanno prevalso contro di te; quelli che mangiano il tuo pane tendono un’insidia sotto i tuoi piedi, e tu non hai discernimento! 8 In quel giorno, dice l’Eterno, io farò sparire da Edom i savi e dal monte d’Esaù il discernimento. 9 E i tuoi prodi, o Teman, saranno costernati, affinché l’ultimo uomo sia sterminato dal monte di Esaù, nel massacro. 10 A cagione della violenza fatta al tuo fratello Giacobbe, tu sarai coperto d’onta e sarai sterminato per sempre. 11 Il giorno che tu gli stavi a fronte, il giorno che degli stranieri menavano in cattività il suo esercito, e degli estranei entravano per le sue porte e gettavan le sorti su Gerusalemme, anche tu eri come uno di loro. 12 Ah! non ti pascer lo sguardo del giorno del tuo fratello, del giorno della sua sventura. Non gioire de’ figliuoli di Giuda il giorno della loro ruina; e non parlare con tanta arroganza nel giorno della distretta. 13 Non entrare per la porta del mio popolo il giorno della sua calamità; non pascerti lo sguardo, anche tu, della sua afflizione il giorno della sua calamità; e non metter le mani sulle sue sostanze il giorno della sua calamità. 14 Non ti fermare sui bivi per sterminare i suoi fuggiaschi; e non dare in man del nemico i suoi superstiti, nel giorno della distretta! 15 Poiché il giorno dell’Eterno è vicino per tutte le nazioni; come hai fatto, così ti sarà fatto; le tue azioni ti ricadranno sul capo. 16 Poiché come voi avete bevuto sul mio monte santo, così berranno tutte le nazioni, del continuo; berranno, inghiottiranno, e saranno come se non fossero mai state. 17 Ma sul monte di Sion vi saranno degli scampati, ed esso sarà santo; e la casa di Giacobbe riavrà le sue possessioni. 18 La casa di Giacobbe sarà un fuoco, e la casa di Giuseppe una fiamma; e la casa d’Esaù come stoppia, ch’essi incendieranno e divoreranno: e nulla più rimarrà della casa d’Esaù, perché l’Eterno ha parlato. 19 Quelli del mezzogiorno possederanno il monte d’Esaù; quelli della pianura il paese de’ Filistei; possederanno i campi d’Efraim e i campi di Samaria; e Beniamino possederà Galaad. 20 I deportati di questo esercito dei figliuoli d’Israele che sono fra i Cananei fino a Sarepta, e i deportati di Gerusalemme che sono a Sefarad, possederanno le città del mezzogiorno. 21 E dei liberatori saliranno sul monte Sion per giudicare il monte d’Esaù; e il regno sarà dell’Eterno.
Korean(i) 1 오바댜의 묵시라 주 여호와께서 에돔에 대하여 이같이 말씀하시니라 우리가 여호와께로 말미암아 소식을 들었나니 곧 사자가 열국 중에 보내심을 받고 이르기를 너희는 일어날지어다 우리가 일어나서 그로 더불어 싸우자 하는 것이니라 2 여호와께서 가라사대 내가 너를 열국 중에 미약하게 하였으므로 네가 크게 멸시를 받느니라 3 바위 틈에 거하며 높은 곳에 사는 자여 네가 중심에 이르기를 누가 능히 나를 땅에 끌어내리겠느냐 ? 하니 너의 중심의 교만이 너를 속였도다 4 네가 독수리처럼 높이 오르며 별 사이에 깃들일지라도 내가 거기서 너를 끌어내리리라 나 여호와가 말하였느니라 5 혹시 도적이 네게 이르렀으며 강도가 밤중에 네게 이르렀을지라도 그 마음에 만족하게 취하면 그치지 아니하였겠느냐 ? 혹시 포도를 따는 자가 네게 이르렀을지라도 그것을 얼마쯤 남기지 아니하였겠느냐 ? 네가 어찌 그리 망하였는고 6 에서가 어찌 그리 수탐되었으며 그 감춘 보물이 어찌 그리 수탐되었는고 7 너와 약조한 자들이 다 너를 쫓아 변경에 이르게 하며 너와 화목하던 자들이 너를 속이고 이기며 네 식물을 먹는 자들이 네 아래 함정을 베푸니 네 마음에 지각이 없음이로다 8 나 여호와가 말하노라 그 날에 내가 에돔에서 지혜 있는 자를 멸하며 에서의 산에서 지각있는 자를 멸하지 아니하겠느냐 ? 9 드만아 네 용사들이 놀랄 것이라 이로 인하여 에서의 산의 거민이 살륙을 당하여 다 멸절되리라 10 네가 네 형제 야곱에게 행한 포학을 인하여 수욕을 입고 영원히 멸절되리라 11 네가 멀리 섰던 날 곧 이방인이 그의 재물을 늑탈하며 외국인이 그의 성문에 들어가서 예루살렘을 얻기 위하여 제비뽑던 날에 너도 그들 중 한 사람 같았었느니라 12 네가 형제의 날 곧 그 재앙의 날에 방관할 것이 아니며 그 고난의 날에 네가 입을 크게 벌릴 것이 아니라 13 내 백성이 환난을 당하는 날에 네가 그 성문에 들어가지 않을 것이며 환난을 당하는 날에 네가 그 고난을 방관하지 않을 것이며 환난을 당하는 날에 네가 그 재물에 손을 대지 않을 것이며 14 사거리에 서서 그 도망하는 자를 막지 않을 것이며 고난의 날에 그 남은 자를 대적에게 붙이지 않을 것이니라 15 여호와의 만국을 벌할 날이 가까왔나니 너의 행한대로 너도 받을 것인즉 너의 행한 것이 네 머리로 돌아갈 것이라 16 너희가 내 성산에서 마신 것 같이 만국인이 항상 마시리니 곧 마시고 삼켜서 본래 없던 것 같이 되리라 17 오직 시온산에서 피할 자가 있으리니 그산이 거룩할 것이요 야곱 족속은 자기 기업을 누릴 것이며 18 야곱 족속은 불이 될 것이요 요셉 족속은 불꽃이 될 것이며 에서 족속은 초개가 될 것이라 그들이 그의 위에 붙어서 그를 사를 것인즉 에서 족속에 남은 자가 없으리니 이는 여호와께서 말씀하셨음이니라 19 남방 사람은 에서의 산을 얻을 것이며 평지 사람은 블레셋을 얻을 것이요 또 그들이 에브라임의 들과 사마리아의 들을 얻을 것이며 베냐민은 길르앗을 얻을 것이며 20 사로잡혔던 이스라엘의 뭇 자손은 가나안 사람에게 속한 땅을 사르밧까지 얻을 것이며 예루살렘의 사로잡혔던 자 곧 스바랏에 있는 자는 남방의 성읍들을 얻을 것이니라 21 구원자들이 시온산에 올라와서 에서의 산을 심판하리니 나라가 여호와께 속하리라
Lithuanian(i) 1 Abdijo regėjimas. Taip sako Viešpats Dievas apie Edomą: (Girdėjome žinią iš Viešpaties, pasiuntinys pasiųstas į tautas, ragina: “Pakilkime, eikime prieš jį į karą!”) 2 “Aš padariau tave mažą tarp tautų, tu būsi labai niekinamas. 3 Tavo širdies išdidumas apgavo tave, kuris gyveni uolose, kurio buveinė yra aukštai kalnuose. Tu galvoji: ‘Kas gali nustumti mane?’ 4 Nors pakiltum aukštai kaip erelis ir sukrautum sau lizdą tarp žvaigždžių, ir iš ten nustumsiu tave!­sako Viešpats.­ 5 Jei vagys ir plėšikai įsilaužtų pas tave nakčia, argi jie nepaimtų, kiek jiems užtenka? Taip, tu nukentėsi! Jei vynuogių rinkėjai ateitų pas tave, argi jie nepaliktų kelių uogų? 6 Kaip buvo apiplėštas Ezavas, iškasti jo paslėpti lobiai! 7 Tavo sąjungininkai nustūmė tave iki sienos. Tie, kurie taikoje su tavimi, apgavo ir nugalėjo tave. Kurie valgė tavo duoną, spendė tau pinkles. Nėra jame supratimo. 8 Tą dieną,­sako Viešpats,­Aš išnaikinsiu Edomo išminčius ir protinguosius Ezavo kalne. 9 Temane, išsigąs tavo karžygiai, kad visi Ezavo kalne galėtų būti išžudyti. 10 Už tavo broliui Jokūbui padarytą smurtą būsi sunaikintas amžiams. 11 Tada, kai svetimieji plėšė Jokūbo turtus, veržėsi pro miesto vartus, metė burtą dėl Jeruzalės, tu stovėjai su jais ir buvai kaip vienas iš jų! 12 Tau nederėjo gėrėtis tavo brolio nelaime, džiaugtis Judo vaikų sunaikinimu ir išdidžiai kalbėti jų sielvarto dieną. 13 Tau nederėjo įeiti pro mano tautos vartus ir gėrėtis jų kentėjimu bei tiesti rankas į jų turtą jų žuvimo dieną. 14 Tau nederėjo stovėti kryžkelėse ir naikinti pabėgėlius bei išduoti tuos, kurie ištrūko priespaudos metu! 15 Juk Viešpaties diena arti visoms tautoms. Kaip tu darei, taip tau darys­tavo atlygis grįš tau pačiam. 16 Kaip jūs gėrėte mano šventame kalne, taip visos tautos gers nuolatos ir jos pražus lyg nebuvusios. 17 Bet Siono kalne bus išgelbėjimas ir šventumas. Tada Jokūbo namai užvaldys savo nuosavybę. 18 Jokūbo namai bus ugnis, Juozapo namai­liepsna, o Ezavo namai­ražienos. Jie padegs ir sudegins juos, ir niekas iš Ezavo namų nepabėgs,­sako Viešpats.­ 19 Tada pietiečiai užvaldys Ezavo kalnyną, o lygumų gyventojai­filistinus. Jie užvaldys Efraimo kalnus ir Samarijos laukus, o Benjaminas­Gileadą. 20 Izraelitai, sugrįžę iš tremties, užvaldys kanaaniečių kraštą iki Sareptos. Jeruzalės tremtiniai, kurie yra Sefarade, užvaldys pietų miestus. 21 Išgelbėtojai ateis į Siono kalną teisti Ezavo kalno. Ir Viešpačiui priklausys karalystė”.
PBG(i) 1 Widzenie Abdyjaszowe. Tak mówi panujący Pan o ziemi Edomskiej: Słyszeliśmy wieść od Pana i od posła wysłanego do narodów: Ruszcie się, a powstańmy przeciwko niemu ku bitwie, 2 Oto cię maluczkim uczynię między narodami, ty będziesz bardzo wzgardzony. 3 Pycha serca twego zdradziła cię, o ty! który mieszkasz w rozpadlinach skalnych, w wysokiem mieszkaniu twojem, który mówisz w sercu swojem: Któż mię na ziemię ściągnie? 4 Choćbyś się wywyższył jako orzeł, owszem, choćbyś między gwiazdami położył gniazdo twoje, i stamtąd cię stargnę, mówi Pan. 5 O jakożeś zniszczony! Izaliż złodzieje przyszli na cię? Izali zbójcy nocni? Izaliby kradli nad potrzebę swoję? Gdyby ci na cię przyszli, co wino zbierają, izaliby nie zostawili którego grona? 6 Jakoż wyszpiegowane są skarby Ezaw, a wynalezione są skryte rzeczy jego. 7 Aż do granicy wypchną cię wszyscy, z którymi masz przymierze; zdradzą cię, moc wezmą nad tobą ci, z którymi masz pokój; którzy chleb twój jedzą, ranęć zdradliwie zadadzą, tak, iż się nie obaczysz. 8 Izali dnia onego, mówi Pan, nie wytracę mędrców z Edom, a roztropnych z góry Ezawa? 9 I ulękną się mocarze twoi, o Temanie! dlatego, że porażeni będąc wygubieni będą wszyscy z góry Ezawa. 10 Dla bezprawia bratu twemu Jakóbowi uczynionego hańba cię okryje, a wykorzeniony będziesz na wieki. 11 Stałeś dnia onego naprzeciwko, dnia onego, gdy cudzy imali wojsko jego, i gdy cudzoziemcy wchodzili w bramy jego, a o Jeruzalem los miotali, tyś też był jako jeden z nich. 12 Nie patrzże tedy na dzień brata swego, na dzień pojmania jego; ani się wesel nad synami Judzkimi w dzień zginienia ich, ani hardzie mów usty swemi w dzień ucisku. 13 Nie wchodź w bramę ludu mego w dzień utrapienia ich, ani patrz na złe jego w dzień doległości jego, ani ściągaj ręki swej na majętność jego, w dzień skruszenia jego; 14 Ani stój na rozstaniu dróg, abyś zatracał tych, którzy z nich uchodzą; ani podawaj nieprzyjacielowi w moc tych, którzy z nich zostali w dzień ucisku. 15 Bo bliski jest dzień Pański przeciwko tym wszystkim narodom; jakoś uczynił, tak ci się stanie, nagroda twoja obróci się na głowę twoję. 16 Bo ponieważ wy pić będziecie na górze mojej świętej, tak pić będą wszystkie narody; ustawicznie, mówię, pić i pożerać będą, aż się staną, jakoby ich nie było. 17 A na górze Syon będzie wybawienie, a ta góra będzie święta, i posiędzie dom Jakóbowy osiadłości swe. 18 I stanie się dom Jakóbowy ogniem, a dom Józefowy płomieniem, dom zaś Ezawowy ścierniskiem; i rozpali się na nich, i strawi ich, a nikt nie zostanie z domu Ezawowego; bo Pan to mówił. 19 A tak odziedziczą krainę południową z górą Ezawa, i równinę z Filistyńczykami; posiędą też krainę Efraimową, i krainę Samaryi, i Benjaminową i Galaadską. 20 A zaprowadzeni w niewolę tego wojska synów Izraelskich posiędą to, co było Chananejczyków aż do Sarepty; a zaprowadzeni w niewolę Jeruzalemczyków posiędą to, co jest na końcu państwa, posiędą z miastami na południe. 21 I wstąpią wybawiciele na górę Syon, aby sądzili górę Ezawa; a tak będzie królestwo samego Pana.
Portuguese(i) 1 Visão de Obadias. Assim diz o Senhor Deus a respeito de Edom: Temos ouvido novas da parte do Senhor, e por entre as nações foi enviado um mensageiro a dizer: Levantai-vos, e levantemo-nos contra ela para a guerra. 2 Eis que te farei pequeno entre as nações; serás muito desprezado. 3 A soberba do teu coração te enganou, ó tu que habitas nas fendas do penhasco, na tua alta morada, que dizes no teu coração: Quem me derrubará em terra? 4 Embora subas ao alto como águia, e embora se ponha o teu ninho entre as estrelas, dali te derrubarei, diz o Senhor. 5 Se a ti viessem ladrões, ou roubadores de noite (como estás destruído!), não furtariam somente o que lhes bastasse? se a ti viessem os vindimadores, não deixariam umas uvas de rabisco? 6 Como foram rebuscados os bens de Esaú! como foram esquadrinhados os seus tesouros ocultos! 7 Todos os teus confederados te levaram para fora dos teus limites; os que estavam de paz contigo te enganaram, e prevaleceram contra ti; os que comem o teu pão põem debaixo de ti uma armadilha; não há em Edom entendimento. 8 Acaso não acontecerá naquele dia, diz o Senhor, que farei perecer os sábios de Edom, e o entendimento do monte de Esaú? 9 E os teus valentes, ó Teman, estarão atemorizados, para que do monte de Esaú seja cada um exterminado pela matança. 10 Por causa da violência feita a teu irmão Jacob, cobrir-te-á a confusão, e serás exterminado para sempre. 11 No dia em que estiveste do lado oposto, no dia em que estranhos lhe levaram os bens, e os estrangeiros lhe entraram pelas portas e lançaram sortes sobre Jerusalém, tu mesmo eras como um deles. 12 Mas tu não devias olhar com prazer para o dia de teu irmão no dia do seu desterro, nem alegrar-te sobre os filhos de Judá no dia da sua ruína, nem falar arrogantemente no dia da tribulação; 13 nem entrar pela porta do meu povo no dia da sua calamidade; sim, tu não devias olhar, satisfeito, para o seu mal, no dia da sua calamidade; nem lançar mão dos seus bens no dia da sua calamidade; 14 nem te postar nas encruzilhadas, para exterminares os que escapassem; nem entregar os que lhe restassem, no dia da tribulação. 15 Porquanto o dia do Senhor está perto, sobre todas as nações, como tu fizeste, assim se fará contigo; o teu feito tornará sobre a tua cabeça. 16 Pois como vós bebestes no meu santo monte, assim beberão de contínuo todas as nações; sim, beberão e sorverão, e serão como se nunca tivessem sido. 17 Mas no monte de Sião haverá livramento, e ele será santo; e os da casa de Jacob possuirão as suas herdades. 18 E a casa de Jacob será um fogo, e a casa de José uma chama, e a casa de Esaú restolho; aqueles se acenderão contra estes, e os consumirão; e ninguém mais restará da casa de Esaú; porque o Senhor o disse. 19 Ora, os do Negebe possuirão o monte de Esaú, e os da planície, os filisteus; possuirão também os campos de Efraim, e os campos de Samaria; e Benjamim possuirá a Guilead. 20 Os cativos deste exército dos filhos de Israel possuirão os cananeus até Sarefá; e os cativos de Jerusalém, que estão em Sefarad, possuirão as cidades do Negebe. 21 Subirão salvadores ao monte de Sião para julgarem o monte de Esaú; e o reino será do Senhor.
Norwegian(i) 1 Obadias' syn. Så sier Herren, Israels Gud, om Edom: En tidende har vi hørt fra Herren, og et bud er sendt ut blandt hedningefolkene: Stå op og la oss reise oss til strid mot det! 2 Se, liten vil jeg gjøre dig blandt hedningefolkene; du skal bli dypt foraktet. 3 Ditt hjertes overmot har dåret dig, du som bor i fjellkløfter, i din høie bolig, du som sier i ditt hjerte: Hvem vil styrte mig ned til jorden? 4 Om du bygger høit som ørnen og setter ditt rede blandt stjerner, vil jeg styrte dig ned derfra, sier Herren. 5 Om tyver kom til dig eller røvere om natten - å, hvor du blir tilintetgjort! - mon de da vilde stjele mere enn det de trengte? Om det kom til dig folk som vilde høste din vin, vilde de da ikke levne en efterhøst? 6 Men hvor blir ikke Esau ransaket, og hans skjulte skatter opsøkt! 7 Like til grensen følger alle dine forbundsfeller dig; dine gode venner sviker dig og får overhånd over dig; de menn som eter ditt brød, legger en snare for dig. Det er ingen forstand hos ham! 8 Skal jeg ikke på den dag, sier Herren, gjøre ende på alle vismenn i Edom og all forstand på Esaus berg? 9 Dine kjemper, Teman, skal bli motløse, så hver mann blir drept og utryddet på Esaus berg. 10 For den vold du har gjort mot din bror Jakob, skal skam dekke dig, og du skal bli utryddet til evig tid. 11 Den dag da du holdt dig unda, den dag da fremmede bortførte hans gods, og utlendinger gikk inn i hans porter og kastet lodd om Jerusalem, da var også du som en av dem. 12 Se ikke med skadefryd på din brors dag, på hans ulykkes dag, og gled dig ikke over Judas barn på deres undergangs dag, og lukk ikke din munn så vidt op på trengselens dag! 13 Dra ikke inn gjennem mitt folks port den dag de er i nød, se ikke også du med skadefryd på deres ulykke den dag de er i nød, og legg ikke hånd på deres gods den dag de er i nød, 14 og stå ikke på veiskjellet for å utrydde dem av mitt folk som har sloppet unda, og overgi ikke dets flyktninger til fienden på trengselens dag! 15 For nær er Herrens dag over alle folkene; som du har gjort, skal det gjøres med dig, dine gjerninger skal falle tilbake på ditt eget hode. 16 For likesom I har drukket på mitt hellige berg, skal alle folkene drikke uten å holde op; de skal drikke i fulle drag og bli som om de aldri hadde vært til. 17 Men på Sions berg skal det være en flokk av undslopne, og det skal være hellig; og Jakobs hus skal ta sine eiendommer i eie. 18 Og Jakobs hus skal bli en ild, og Josefs hus en lue, og Esaus hus skal bli til halm, og de skal sette ild på det og fortære det, og det skal ikke bli nogen tilbake av Esaus hus, for Herren har talt. 19 Og de som bor i sydlandet, skal ta Esaus berg i eie, og de som bor i lavlandet, skal ta filistrenes land, og de skal ta Efra'ims land og Samarias land i eie, og Benjamin skal ta Gilead, 20 og de av denne Israels hær som er bortført, skal ta det som finnes av kana'anitter like til Sarepta, og de bortførte fra Jerusalem som er i Sefarad, skal ta sydlandets byer i eie. 21 Og frelsere skal dra op på Sions berg og dømme Esaus berg, og riket skal høre Herren til.
Romanian(i) 1 Proorocia lu Obadia. Aşa vorbeşte Domnul Dumnezeu despre Edom: -,,Noi am auzit o veste din partea Domnului, şi un sol a fost trimes cu ea printre neamuri, zicînd:,,Sculaţi-vă, să mergem împotriva Edomului ca să ne războim cu el!`` - 2 ,,Iată, te voi face mic printre neamuri, vei fi cel mai dispreţuit. 3 Căci mîndria inimii tale te -a dus în rătăcire, pe tine, care locuieşti în crăpăturile stîncilor, şi domneşti în înălţime; de aceea, tu zici în tine însuţi:,,Cine mă va arunca la pămînt?`` 4 Dar chiar dacă ai locui tot atît de sus ca vulturul, chiar dacă ţi-ai aşeza cuibul între stele, tot te voi arunca jos şi de acolo, zice Domnul``. 5 Dacă ar fi intrat la tine nişte hoţi, sau nişte tîlhari de noapte, -cum eşti de pustiit! -ar fi luat ei oare mai mult decît ar fi putut? Dacă ar fi venit nişte culegători de vie la tine, n'ar fi lăsat ei niciun strugure pe urmă? 6 Vai! Ce scormonit este Esau! Cum i s'au descoperit comorile! 7 Toţi cei uniţi cu tine te-au izgonit înapoi pînă la hotar, prietenii tăi te-au înşelat şi te-au stăpînit. Cei ce mîncau din pînea ta ţi-au întins curse, pe cari nu le-ai băgat de seamă! 8 ,,Oare, zice Domnul, nu voi pierde Eu în ziua aceea pe cei înţelepţi din Edom, şi princeperea din muntele lui Esau? 9 Vitejii tăi, Temane, se vor spăimînta, pentruca toţi cei din muntele lui Esau să piară în măcel. 10 Din pricina silniciei făcute împotriva fratelui tău Iacov, vei fi acoperit de ruşine, şi vei fi nimicit cu desăvîrşire pentru totdeauna. 11 Căci în ziua cînd stăteai în faţa lui, în ziua cînd străinii îi luau averea, cînd străinii intrau pe porţile lui, şi aruncau sorţul asupra Ierusalimului, şi tu erai atunci ca unul din ei! 12 Nu trebuiai să te uiţi mulţămit la ziua fratelui tău, în ziua nenorocirii lui, nu trebuiai să te bucuri de copiii lui Iuda în ziua pieirii lor, şi nu trebuiai să vorbeşti cu semeţie în ziua strîmtorării! 13 Nici nu trebuiai să intri pe porţile poporului Meu în ziua nenorocirii lui, nici nu trebuiai să te bucuri de nenorocirea lui în ziua prăpădului lui, şi nu trebuiai să pui mîna pe bogăţiile lui în ziua prăpădului lui! 14 Nu trebuiai să stai la răspîntii, ca să nimiceşti pe fugarii lui, şi nici nu trebuiai să dai în mîna vrăjmaşului pe cei ce scăpaseră din el în ziua necazului lui! 15 Căci ziua Domnului este aproape pentru toate neamurile. Cum ai făcut, aşa ţi se va face; faptele tale se vor întoarce asupra capului tău. 16 Căci, după cum aţi băut paharul mîniei, voi cei de pe muntele Meu cel sfînt, tot aşa, toate neamurile îl vor bea necurmat; vor bea, vor sorbi din el, şi vor fi ca şi cînd n'ar fi fost niciodată.`` 17 ,,Dar mîntuirea va fi pe muntele Sionului, el va fi sfînt, şi casa lui Iacov îşi va lua înapoi moşiile. 18 Casa lui Iacov va fi un foc, şi casa lui Iosif, o flacără; dar casa lui Esau va fi miriştea, pe care o vor aprinde şi o vor mistui; şi nu va mai rămînea niciunul din casa lui Esau, căci Domnul a vorbit! 19 Cei dela miazăzi vor stăpîni muntele lui Esau, şi cei din cîmpie ţara Filistenilor; vor stăpîni şi ţinutul lui Efraim şi al Samariei; şi Beniamin va stăpîni Galaadul. 20 Dar prinşii de război ai acestei oştiri a copiilor lui Israel, vor stăpîni ţara Cananiţilor pînă la Sarepta, şi prinşii de război ai Ierusalimului, cari sînt la Sefarad, vor stăpîni cetăţile de miază-zi. 21 Izbăvitorii se vor sui pe muntele Sionului, ca să judece muntele lui Esau. Dar împărăţia va fi a Domnului.`
Ukrainian(i) 1 Видіння Овдія. Так сказав Господь Бог на Едом: Почули ми вістку від Господа, і посланий був між народів посол, щоб сказати: Уставайте, і станьмо на нього до бою! 2 Оце Я малим тебе дав між народи, ти дуже погорджений. 3 Гордість серця твого обманила тебе, який перебуваєш по щілинах скельних, у високім сидінні своїм, що говориш у серці своєму: Хто скине на землю мене? 4 Якщо б ти піднісся, немов той орел, і якщо б ти кубло своє склав поміж зорями, то й звідти Я скину тебе, промовляє Господь! 5 Чи ж до тебе злодії приходили, чи нічні ті грабіжники, такий ти понищений! чи ж вони не накрали б собі скільки треба? Якщо б до тебе прийшли збирачі винограду, чи ж вони не лишили б хоч вибірків? 6 Як Ісав перешуканий, як криївки його переглянені! 7 Аж до границі прогнали тебе, обманять тебе твої всі союзники, переможуть тебе твої приятелі! Ті, що хліб твій їдять, пастку розставлять на тебе, нема в тому розуму! 8 Чи ж не станеться це того дня, промовляє Господь, і вигублю Я мудреців із Едому, а розум з гори Ісавової? 9 І настрашене буде лицарство твоє, о Темане, щоб був витятий кожен з Ісава убивством. 10 Через насилля на Якова на брата твого сором покриє тебе, і ти витятий будеш навіки. 11 Того дня, коли став ти навпроти, того дня, як чужі полонили були його військо, і коли чужинці в його брами ввійшли і жереба кидали про Єрусалим, то й ти був, як один з них! 12 І тому не дивися на день свого брата, на день лиха його, і не тішся з Юдиних синів у день їхньої згуби, і не розкривай своїх уст у день утиску. 13 І не входь ти до брами народу Мого у день лиха його, і не приглядайся до зла його й ти в день нещастя його, і не простягайте своєї руки до багатства його в день нещастя його! 14 І на роздоріжжі не стій, щоб витинати його втікачів, і в день утиску не видавай його решток! 15 Бо близький день Господній над усіма народами, як зробив ти, то так і тобі буде зроблено: вернеться на твою голову чин твій! 16 Бо як ви пили на святій Моїй горі, так народи усі завжди питимуть! І будуть пити вони, і будуть хлептати, і стануть вони, немов їх не було. 17 А на Сіонській горі буде спасіння, і буде святою вона, і спадки свої вже посяде дім Яковів. 18 І дім Якова стане огнем, і дім Йосипа полум'ям, а дім Ісава соломою, і будуть палати вони проти них, і їх пожеруть, і останку не буде із дому Ісава, бо Господь це сказав. 19 І посядуть південні Ісавову гору, а мешканці долин филистимлян, і посядуть Єфремове поле та поле самарійське, а Веніямин Ґілеад. 20 А полонені війська Ізраїлевих синів заволодіють тим, що хананейське аж до Цорфату, а єрусалимські вигнанці в неволі, що в Сефараді, посядуть міста полудневі. 21 І спасителі прийдуть на гору Сіон, щоб гору Ісава судити, і царство Господнє настане!