Zechariah 11:4-17

  4 G3592 Thus G3004 says G2962 the lord G3841 almighty, G4165 Tend G3588 the G4263 sheep G3588 of the G4967 slaughter,
  5 G3739 which G3588 the ones G2932 acquiring G2695 butcher, G2532 and G3756 are repenting not. G3338   G2532 And G3588 the ones G4453 selling G1473 them G3004 said, G2128 Blessed be G2962 the lord, G4147 we were enriched. G2532 And G3588   G4166 their shepherds G1473   G3756 suffered not G3958   G3762 anything G1909 for G1473 them.
  6 G1223 On account of G3778 this, G3756 I will not G5339 spare G3765 any longer G1909 over G3588 the ones G2730 inhabiting G3588 the G1093 land, G3004 says G2962 the lord . G2532 And G2400 behold, G1473 I G3860 deliver up G3588 the G444 men, G1538 each G1519 into G5495 the hand G3588   G4139 of his neighbor, G1473   G2532 and G1519 into G5495 the hand G935 of his king; G1473   G2532 and G2629 they shall cut in pieces G3588 the G1093 land, G2532 and G3766.2 in no way G1807 should I rescue G1537 from out of G5495 their hand. G1473  
  7 G2532 And G4165 I will tend G3588 the G4263 sheep G3588 of the G4967 slaughter G1519 in G3588 the G* land of the Canaanites. G2532 And G2983 I will take G1683 for myself G1417 two G4464 rods; G3588 the G1520 one G2564 I called G2566.3 Beauty, G2532 and G3588 the G2087 other G2564 I called, G4979.1 A piece of measured out land; G2532 and G4165 I will tend G3588 the G4263 sheep.
  8 G2532 And G1808 I will lift away G3588 the G5140 three G4166 shepherds G1722 in G3376 [2month G1520 1one]; G2532 and G925 [2shall be weighed down G3588   G5590 1my soul] G1473   G1909 over G1473 them, G2532 for G1063   G3588   G5590 their souls G1473   G2036.2 roared G1909 against G1473 me.
  9 G2532 And G2036 I said, G3756 I will not G4165 tend G1473 you. G3588 The G599 dying, G599 let it die! G2532 And G3588 the G1587 failing, G1587 let it fail! G2532 and G3588 the G2645 rest, G2719 let them [2eat G1538 1each] G3588 the G4561 flesh G3588   G4139 of his neighbor! G1473  
  10 G2532 And G2983 I will take G3588   G4464 my rod, G1473   G3588   G2570 Beauty, G2532 and G641 I will throw it away G1473   G1286.1 to efface G3588   G1242 my covenant G1473   G3739 which G1303 I ordained G4314 with G3956 all G3588 the G2992 peoples.
  11 G2532 And G1286.1 it shall be effaced G1722 in G3588   G2250 that day. G1565   G2532 And G1097 [3shall know G3588 1the G* 2Canaanites] G3588 the G4263 sheep G5442 being guarded G1473 for me, G1360 that G3056 [2 the word G2962 3 of the lord G1510.2.3 1it is].
  12 G2532 And G2046 I will say G4314 to G1473 them, G1487 if G2570 [2good G1799 3before G1473 4you G1510.2.3 1it is], G1325 give G3588   G3408 my wage, G1473   G2228 or G550 forbid it! G2532 And G2476 they established G3588   G3408 my wage -- G1473   G5144 thirty G693 pieces of silver.
  13 G2532 And G2036 the lord said G2962   G4314 to G1473 me, G2524 Lower G1473 them G1519 into G3588 the G5560.7 foundry furnace! G2532 and G4629.4 to look about G1487 if G1384 it is unadulterated! G1510.2.3   G3739 in which G5158 manner G1381 I was proved G5228 for G1473 them. G2532 And G2983 I took G3588 the G5144 thirty G693 pieces of silver, G2532 and G1685 I put G1473 them G1519 into G3588 the G3624 house G2962 of the lord, G1519 into G3588 the G5560.7 foundry furnace.
  14 G2532 And G641 I threw away G3588   G4464 my rod, G1473   G3588 the G1208 second, G3588   G4979.1 A Piece of Measured out Land -- G3588   G1286.1 to efface G3588 the G2697 taking possession G3588 the thing G303.1 between G* Judah G2532 and G303.1 between G* Israel.
  15 G2532 And G2036 the lord said G2962   G4314 to G1473 me, G2089 Yet G2983 take G4572 to yourself G4632 the equipment G4165.1 of a shepherd -- G4166 [2shepherd G552 1an inexperienced]!
  16 G1360 For G2400 behold, G1825 I shall arouse G4166 a shepherd G1909 against G3588 the G1093 land, G3748 one who G3588 [3the one G1587 4faltering G3766.2 1in no way G1980 2shall visit]; G2532 and G3588 [3the one G4650 4being dispersed G3766.2 1in no way G2212 2shall he seek]; G2532 and G3588 [3the one G4937 4being broken G3766.2 1in no way G2390 2shall he heal]; G2532 and G3588 [3the G3648 4whole G3766.2 1in no way G2720 2shall he conduct]. G2532 And G3588   G2907 [3meats G3588 1of the G1588 2choice] G2719 he shall devour, G2532 and G3588   G795.1 [2their vertebrae G1473   G1612 1he shall distort].
  17 G5599 O G3588 the ones G4165 tending G3588 the G3152 vain things, G2532 and G2641 leaving behind G3588 the G4263 sheep; G3162 a sword shall be G1909 against G3588   G1023 his arm, G1473   G2532 and G1909 against G3588   G3788 [2eye G3588   G1188 1his right]. G1473   G3588   G1023 His arm G1473   G3583 withering G3583 shall be withered, G2532 and G3588   G3788 [2eye G3588   G1188 1his right] G1473   G1626.4 by blinding G1626.4 shall be blinded.
  4 G3592 τάδε G3004 λέγει G2962 κύριος G3841 παντοκράτωρ G4165 ποίμαινε G3588 τα G4263 πρόβατα G3588 της G4967 σφαγής
  5 G3739 α G3588 οι G2932 κτησάμενοι G2695 κατέσφαζον G2532 και G3756 ου μετεμελούντο G3338   G2532 και G3588 οι G4453 πωλούντες G1473 αυτά G3004 έλεγον G2128 ευλογητός G2962 κύριος G4147 πεπλουτήκαμεν G2532 και G3588 οι G4166 ποιμένες αυτών G1473   G3756 ουκ έπασχον G3958   G3762 ουδέν G1909 επ΄ G1473 αυτοίς
  6 G1223 διά G3778 τούτο G3756 ου G5339 φείσομαι G3765 ουκέτι G1909 επί G3588 τους G2730 κατοικούντας G3588 την G1093 γην G3004 λέγει G2962 κύριος G2532 και G2400 ιδού G1473 εγώ G3860 παραδίδωμι G3588 τους G444 ανθρώπους G1538 έκαστον G1519 εις G5495 χείρα G3588 του G4139 πλησίον αυτού G1473   G2532 και G1519 εις G5495 χείρα G935 βασιλέως αυτού G1473   G2532 και G2629 κατακόψουσι G3588 την G1093 γην G2532 και G3766.2 ου μη G1807 εξέλωμαι G1537 εκ G5495 χειρός αυτών G1473  
  7 G2532 και G4165 ποιμανώ G3588 τα G4263 πρόβατα G3588 της G4967 σφαγής G1519 εις G3588 την G* Χαναανίτιν G2532 και G2983 λήψομαι G1683 εμαυτώ G1417 δύο G4464 ράβδους G3588 την G1520 μίαν G2564 εκάλεσα G2566.3 κάλλος G2532 και G3588 την G2087 ετέραν G2564 εκάλεσα G4979.1 σχοίνισμα G2532 και G4165 ποιμανώ G3588 τα G4263 πρόβατα
  8 G2532 και G1808 εξαρώ G3588 τους G5140 τρεις G4166 ποιμένας G1722 εν G3376 μηνί G1520 ενί G2532 και G925 βαρυνθήσεται G3588 η G5590 ψυχή μου G1473   G1909 επ΄ G1473 αυτούς G2532 και γαρ G1063   G3588 αι G5590 ψυχαί αυτών G1473   G2036.2 επωρύοντο G1909 επ΄ G1473 εμέ
  9 G2532 και G2036 είπα G3756 ου G4165 ποιμανώ G1473 υμάς G3588 το G599 αποθνήσκον G599 αποθνησκέτω G2532 και G3588 το G1587 εκλείπον G1587 εκλιπέτω G2532 και G3588 τα G2645 κατάλοιπα G2719 κατεσθιέτωσαν G1538 έκαστος G3588 τας G4561 σάρκας G3588 του G4139 πλησίον αυτού G1473  
  10 G2532 και G2983 λήψομαι G3588 την G4464 ράβδον μου G1473   G3588 την G2570 καλήν G2532 και G641 απορρίψω αυτήν G1473   G1286.1 διασκεδάσαι G3588 την G1242 διαθήκην μου G1473   G3739 ην G1303 διεθέμην G4314 προς G3956 πάντας G3588 τους G2992 λαούς
  11 G2532 και G1286.1 διασκεδασθήσεται G1722 εν G3588 τη G2250 ημέρα εκείνη G1565   G2532 και G1097 γνώσονται G3588 οι G* Χαναναίοι G3588 τα G4263 πρόβατα G5442 φυλασσόμενά G1473 μοι G1360 διότι G3056 λόγος G2962 κυρίου G1510.2.3 εστί
  12 G2532 και G2046 ερώ G4314 προς G1473 αυτούς G1487 ει G2570 καλόν G1799 ενώπιον G1473 υμών G1510.2.3 εστι G1325 δότε G3588 τον G3408 μισθόν μου G1473   G2228 η G550 απείπασθε G2532 και G2476 έστησαν G3588 τον G3408 μισθόν μου G1473   G5144 τριάκοντα G693 αργυρούς
  13 G2532 και G2036 είπεν κύριος G2962   G4314 προς G1473 με G2524 κάθες G1473 αυτούς G1519 εις G3588 το G5560.7 χωνευτήριον G2532 και G4629.4 σκέψαι G1487 ει G1384 δόκιμόν εστιν G1510.2.3   G3739 ον G5158 τρόπον G1381 εδοκιμάσθην G5228 υπέρ G1473 αυτών G2532 και G2983 έλαβον G3588 τους G5144 τριάκοντα G693 αργυρός G2532 και G1685 ενέβαλον G1473 αυτούς G1519 εις G3588 τον G3624 οίκον G2962 κυρίου G1519 εις G3588 το G5560.7 χωνευτήριον
  14 G2532 και G641 απέρριψα G3588 την G4464 ράβδον μου G1473   G3588 την G1208 δευτέραν G3588 το G4979.1 σχοίνισμα G3588 του G1286.1 διασκεδάσαι G3588 την G2697 κατάσχεσιν G3588 την G303.1 αναμέσον G* Ιούδα G2532 και G303.1 αναμέσον G* Ισραήλ
  15 G2532 και G2036 είπε κύριος G2962   G4314 προς G1473 με G2089 έτι G2983 λάβε G4572 σεαυτώ G4632 σκεύη G4165.1 ποιμενικά G4166 ποιμένος G552 απείρου
  16 G1360 διότι G2400 ιδού G1825 εξεγείρω G4166 ποιμένα G1909 επί G3588 την G1093 γην G3748 όστις G3588 το G1587 εκλείπον G3766.2 ου μη G1980 επισκέψηται G2532 και G3588 το G4650 εσκορπισμένον G3766.2 ου μη G2212 ζητήση G2532 και G3588 το G4937 συντετριμμένον G3766.2 ου μη G2390 ιάσηται G2532 και G3588 το G3648 ολόκληρον G3766.2 ου μη G2720 κατευθύνη G2532 και G3588 τα G2907 κρέα G3588 των G1588 εκλεκτών G2719 καταφάγεται G2532 και G3588 τους G795.1 αστραγάλους αυτών G1473   G1612 εκστρέψει
  17 G5599 ω G3588 οι G4165 ποιμαίνοντες G3588 τα G3152 μάταια G2532 και G2641 καταλελοιπότες G3588 τα G4263 πρόβατα G3162 μάχαιρα G1909 επί G3588 τον G1023 βραχίονα αυτού G1473   G2532 και G1909 επί G3588 τον G3788 οφθαλμόν G3588 τον G1188 δεξιόν αυτού G1473   G3588 ο G1023 βραχίων αυτού G1473   G3583 ξηραινόμενος G3583 ξηρανθήσεται G2532 και G3588 ο G3788 οφθαλμός G3588 ο G1188 δεξιός αυτού G1473   G1626.4 εκτυφλούμενος G1626.4 εκτυφλωθήσεται
    4 G3592 D-NPN ταδε G3004 V-PAI-3S λεγει G2962 N-NSM κυριος G3841 N-NSM παντοκρατωρ G4165 V-PAD-2P ποιμαινετε G3588 T-APN τα G4263 N-APN προβατα G3588 T-GSF της G4967 N-GSF σφαγης
    5 G3739 R-APN α G3588 T-NPM οι G2932 V-AMPNP κτησαμενοι   V-IAI-3P κατεσφαζον G2532 CONJ και G3364 ADV ου   V-IMI-3P μετεμελοντο G2532 CONJ και G3588 T-NPM οι G4453 V-PAPNP πωλουντες G846 D-APN αυτα G3004 V-IAI-3P ελεγον G2128 A-NSM ευλογητος G2962 N-NSM κυριος G2532 CONJ και G4147 V-RAI-1P πεπλουτηκαμεν G2532 CONJ και G3588 T-NPM οι G4166 N-NPM ποιμενες G846 D-GPM αυτων G3364 ADV ουκ G3958 V-IAI-3P επασχον G3762 A-ASN ουδεν G1909 PREP επ G846 D-DPM αυτοις
    6 G1223 PREP δια G3778 D-ASN τουτο G3364 ADV ου G5339 V-FMI-1S φεισομαι G3765 ADV ουκετι G1909 PREP επι G3588 T-APM τους   V-PAPAP κατοικουντας G3588 T-ASF την G1065 N-ASF γην G3004 V-PAI-3S λεγει G2962 N-NSM κυριος G2532 CONJ και G2400 INJ ιδου G1473 P-NS εγω G3860 V-PAI-1S παραδιδωμι G3588 T-APM τους G444 N-APM ανθρωπους G1538 A-ASM εκαστον G1519 PREP εις G5495 N-APF χειρας G3588 T-GSM του G4139 ADV πλησιον G846 D-GSM αυτου G2532 CONJ και G1519 PREP εις G5495 N-APF χειρας G935 N-GSM βασιλεως G846 D-GSM αυτου G2532 CONJ και G2629 V-FAI-3P κατακοψουσιν G3588 T-ASF την G1065 N-ASF γην G2532 CONJ και G3364 ADV ου G3165 ADV μη G1807 V-AMS-1S εξελωμαι G1537 PREP εκ G5495 N-GSF χειρος G846 D-GPM αυτων
    7 G2532 CONJ και G4165 V-FAI-1S ποιμανω G3588 T-APN τα G4263 N-APN προβατα G3588 T-GSF της G4967 N-GSF σφαγης G1519 PREP εις G3588 T-ASF την   N-ASF χαναανιτιν G2532 CONJ και G2983 V-FMI-1S λημψομαι G1683 D-DSM εμαυτω G1417 N-NUI δυο   N-APF ραβδους G3588 T-ASF την G1519 A-ASF μιαν G2564 V-AAI-1S εκαλεσα   N-ASN καλλος G2532 CONJ και G3588 T-ASF την G2087 A-ASF ετεραν G2564 V-AAI-1S εκαλεσα   N-ASN σχοινισμα G2532 CONJ και G4165 V-FAI-1S ποιμανω G3588 T-APN τα G4263 N-APN προβατα
    8 G2532 CONJ και G1808 V-FAI-1S εξαρω G3588 T-APM τους G5140 A-APM τρεις G4166 N-APM ποιμενας G1722 PREP εν G3303 N-DSM μηνι G1519 A-DSM ενι G2532 CONJ και G925 V-FPI-3S βαρυνθησεται G3588 T-NSF η G5590 N-NSF ψυχη G1473 P-GS μου G1909 PREP επ G846 D-APM αυτους G2532 CONJ και G1063 PRT γαρ G3588 T-NPF αι G5590 N-NPF ψυχαι G846 D-GPM αυτων   V-AMI-3P επωρυοντο G1909 PREP επ G1473 P-AS εμε
    9 G2532 CONJ και   V-AAI-1S ειπα G3364 ADV ου G4165 V-FAI-1S ποιμανω G4771 P-AP υμας G3588 T-NSN το G599 V-PAPNS αποθνησκον G599 V-PAD-3S αποθνησκετω G2532 CONJ και G3588 T-NSN το G1587 V-PAPNS εκλειπον G1587 V-PAD-3S εκλειπετω G2532 CONJ και G3588 T-APN τα G2645 A-APN καταλοιπα G2719 V-PAD-3P κατεσθιετωσαν G1538 A-NSM εκαστος G3588 T-APF τας G4561 N-APF σαρκας G3588 T-GSM του G4139 ADV πλησιον G846 D-GSM αυτου
    10 G2532 CONJ και G2983 V-FMI-1S λημψομαι G3588 T-ASF την   N-ASF ραβδον G1473 P-GS μου G3588 T-ASF την G2570 A-ASF καλην G2532 CONJ και   V-FAI-1S απορριψω G846 D-ASF αυτην G3588 T-GSN του   V-AAN διασκεδασαι G3588 T-ASF την G1242 N-ASF διαθηκην G1473 P-GS μου G3739 R-ASF ην   V-AMI-1S διεθεμην G4314 PREP προς G3956 A-APM παντας G3588 T-APM τους G2992 N-APM λαους
    11 G2532 CONJ και   V-FPI-3S διασκεδασθησεται G1722 PREP εν G3588 T-DSF τη G2250 N-DSF ημερα G1565 D-DSF εκεινη G2532 CONJ και G1097 V-FMI-3P γνωσονται G3588 T-NPM οι   N-NPM χαναναιοι G3588 T-APN τα G4263 N-APN προβατα G3588 T-APN τα G5442 V-PMPAP φυλασσομενα G1360 CONJ διοτι G3056 N-NSM λογος G2962 N-GSM κυριου G1510 V-PAI-3S εστιν
    12 G2532 CONJ και   V-FAI-1S ερω G4314 PREP προς G846 D-APM αυτους G1487 CONJ ει G2570 A-ASM καλον G1799 PREP ενωπιον G4771 P-GP υμων G1510 V-PAI-3S εστιν G1325 V-AAD-2P δοτε G2476 V-AAPNP στησαντες G3588 T-ASM τον G3408 N-ASM μισθον G1473 P-GS μου G2228 CONJ η   V-AMI-2P απειπασθε G2532 CONJ και G2476 V-AAI-3P εστησαν G3588 T-ASM τον G3408 N-ASM μισθον G1473 P-GS μου G5144 N-NUI τριακοντα   A-APM αργυρους
    13 G2532 CONJ και   V-AAI-3S ειπεν G2962 N-NSM κυριος G4314 PREP προς G1473 P-AS με G2524 V-AAD-2S καθες G846 D-APM αυτους G1519 PREP εις G3588 T-ASN το   N-ASN χωνευτηριον G2532 CONJ και   V-AMD-2S σκεψαι G1487 CONJ ει G1384 A-NSN δοκιμον G1510 V-PAI-3S εστιν G3739 R-ASM ον G5158 N-ASM τροπον G1381 V-API-1S εδοκιμασθην G5228 PREP υπερ G846 D-GPM αυτων G2532 CONJ και G2983 V-AAI-1S ελαβον G3588 T-APM τους G5144 N-NUI τριακοντα   A-NSM αργυρους G2532 CONJ και G1685 V-AAI-3P ενεβαλον G846 D-APM αυτους G1519 PREP εις G3588 T-ASM τον G3624 N-ASM οικον G2962 N-GSM κυριου G1519 PREP εις G3588 T-ASN το   N-ASN χωνευτηριον
    14 G2532 CONJ και   V-AAI-1S απερριψα G3588 T-ASF την   N-ASF ραβδον G3588 T-ASF την G1208 A-ASF δευτεραν G3588 T-ASN το   N-ASN σχοινισμα G3588 T-GSN του   V-AAN διασκεδασαι G3588 T-ASF την G2697 N-ASF κατασχεσιν G303 PREP ανα G3319 A-ASN μεσον G2448 N-PRI ιουδα G2532 CONJ και G303 PREP ανα G3319 A-ASN μεσον G3588 T-GSM του G2474 N-PRI ισραηλ
    15 G2532 CONJ και   V-AAI-3S ειπεν G2962 N-NSM κυριος G4314 PREP προς G1473 P-AS με G2089 ADV ετι G2983 V-AAD-2S λαβε G4572 D-DSM σεαυτω G4632 N-APN σκευη   A-APN ποιμενικα G4166 N-GSM ποιμενος   A-GSM απειρου
    16 G1360 CONJ διοτι G2400 INJ ιδου G1473 P-NS εγω G1825 V-PAI-1S εξεγειρω G4166 N-ASM ποιμενα G1909 PREP επι G3588 T-ASF την G1065 N-ASF γην G3588 T-ASN το   V-PAPAS εκλιμπανον G3364 ADV ου G3165 ADV μη G1980 V-AMS-3S επισκεψηται G2532 CONJ και G3588 T-ASN το G1287 V-RMPAS διεσκορπισμενον G3364 ADV ου G3165 ADV μη G2212 V-AAS-3S ζητηση G2532 CONJ και G3588 T-ASN το G4937 V-RMPAS συντετριμμενον G3364 ADV ου G3165 ADV μη G2390 V-AMS-3S ιασηται G2532 CONJ και G3588 T-ASN το G3648 A-ASN ολοκληρον G3364 ADV ου G3165 ADV μη G2720 V-AAS-3S κατευθυνη G2532 CONJ και G3588 T-APN τα G2907 N-APN κρεα G3588 T-GPM των G1588 A-GPM εκλεκτων G2719 V-FMI-3S καταφαγεται G2532 CONJ και G3588 T-APM τους   N-APM αστραγαλους G846 D-GPM αυτων G1612 V-FAI-3S εκστρεψει
    17 G3588 INJ ω G3588 T-VPM οι G4165 V-PAPNP ποιμαινοντες G3588 T-APN τα G3152 A-APN ματαια G2532 CONJ και G3588 T-NPM οι G2641 V-RAPVP καταλελοιποτες G3588 T-APN τα G4263 N-APN προβατα G3162 N-NSF μαχαιρα G1909 PREP επι G3588 T-APM τους G1023 N-APM βραχιονας G846 D-GSM αυτου G2532 CONJ και G1909 PREP επι G3588 T-ASM τον G3788 N-ASM οφθαλμον G3588 T-ASM τον G1188 A-ASM δεξιον G846 D-GSM αυτου G3588 T-NSM ο G1023 N-NSM βραχιων G846 D-GSM αυτου G3583 V-PMPNS ξηραινομενος G3583 V-FPI-3S ξηρανθησεται G2532 CONJ και G3588 T-NSM ο G3788 N-NSM οφθαλμος G3588 T-NSM ο G1188 A-NSM δεξιος G846 D-GSM αυτου   V-PMPNS εκτυφλουμενος   V-FPI-3S εκτυφλωθησεται
HOT(i) 4 כה אמר יהוה אלהי רעה את צאן ההרגה׃ 5 אשׁר קניהן יהרגן ולא יאשׁמו ומכריהן יאמר ברוך יהוה ואעשׁר ורעיהם לא יחמול עליהן׃ 6 כי לא אחמול עוד על ישׁבי הארץ נאם יהוה והנה אנכי ממציא את האדם אישׁ ביד רעהו וביד מלכו וכתתו את הארץ ולא אציל מידם׃ 7 וארעה את צאן ההרגה לכן עניי הצאן ואקח לי שׁני מקלות לאחד קראתי נעם ולאחד קראתי חבלים וארעה את הצאן׃ 8 ואכחד את שׁלשׁת הרעים בירח אחד ותקצר נפשׁי בהם וגם נפשׁם בחלה׃ 9 ואמר לא ארעה אתכם המתה תמות והנכחדת תכחד והנשׁארות תאכלנה אשׁה את בשׂר רעותה׃ 10 ואקח את מקלי את נעם ואגדע אתו להפיר את בריתי אשׁר כרתי את כל העמים׃ 11 ותפר ביום ההוא וידעו כן עניי הצאן השׁמרים אתי כי דבר יהוה הוא׃ 12 ואמר אליהם אם טוב בעיניכם הבו שׂכרי ואם לא חדלו וישׁקלו את שׂכרי שׁלשׁים כסף׃ 13 ויאמר יהוה אלי השׁליכהו אל היוצר אדר היקר אשׁר יקרתי מעליהם ואקחה שׁלשׁים הכסף ואשׁליך אתו בית יהוה אל היוצר׃ 14 ואגדע את מקלי השׁני את החבלים להפר את האחוה בין יהודה ובין ישׂראל׃ 15 ויאמר יהוה אלי עוד קח לך כלי רעה אולי׃ 16 כי הנה אנכי מקים רעה בארץ הנכחדות לא יפקד הנער לא יבקשׁ והנשׁברת לא ירפא הנצבה לא יכלכל ובשׂר הבריאה יאכל ופרסיהן יפרק׃ 17 הוי רעי האליל עזבי הצאן חרב על זרועו ועל עין ימינו זרעו יבושׁ תיבשׁ ועין ימינו כהה תכהה׃
IHOT(i) (In English order)
  4 H3541 כה Thus H559 אמר saith H3068 יהוה the LORD H430 אלהי my God; H7462 רעה Feed H853 את   H6629 צאן the flock H2028 ההרגה׃ of the slaughter;
  5 H834 אשׁר Whose H7069 קניהן possessors H2026 יהרגן slay H3808 ולא them, and hold themselves not guilty: H816 יאשׁמו them, and hold themselves not guilty: H4376 ומכריהן and they that sell H559 יאמר them say, H1288 ברוך Blessed H3068 יהוה the LORD; H6238 ואעשׁר for I am rich: H7462 ורעיהם and their own shepherds H3808 לא them not. H2550 יחמול pity H5921 עליהן׃ pity
  6 H3588 כי For H3808 לא I will no H2550 אחמול pity H5750 עוד more H5921 על pity H3427 ישׁבי the inhabitants H776 הארץ of the land, H5002 נאם saith H3068 יהוה the LORD: H2009 והנה but, lo, H595 אנכי I H4672 ממציא will deliver H853 את   H120 האדם the men H376 אישׁ every one H3027 ביד hand, H7453 רעהו into his neighbor's H3027 וביד and into the hand H4428 מלכו of his king: H3807 וכתתו and they shall smite H853 את   H776 הארץ the land, H3808 ולא I will not H5337 אציל deliver H3027 מידם׃ and out of their hand
  7 H7462 וארעה And I will feed H853 את   H6629 צאן the flock H2028 ההרגה of slaughter, H3651 לכן   H6041 עניי you, O poor H6629 הצאן of the flock. H3947 ואקח And I took H8147 לי שׁני unto me two H4731 מקלות staves; H259 לאחד the one H7121 קראתי I called H5278 נעם Beauty, H259 ולאחד and the other H7121 קראתי I called H2256 חבלים Bands; H7462 וארעה and I fed H853 את   H6629 הצאן׃ the flock.
  8 H3582 ואכחד also I cut off H853 את   H7969 שׁלשׁת Three H7462 הרעים shepherds H3391 בירח month; H259 אחד in one H7114 ותקצר loathed H5315 נפשׁי and my soul H1571 בהם וגם also H5315 נפשׁם them, and their soul H973 בחלה׃ abhorred
  9 H559 ואמר Then said H3808 לא I, I will not H7462 ארעה feed H853 אתכם   H4191 המתה you: that that dieth, H4191 תמות let it die; H3582 והנכחדת and that that is to be cut off, H3582 תכחד let it be cut off; H7604 והנשׁארות and let the rest H398 תאכלנה eat H802 אשׁה every one H853 את   H1320 בשׂר the flesh H7468 רעותה׃ of another.
  10 H3947 ואקח And I took H853 את   H4731 מקלי my staff, H853 את   H5278 נעם Beauty, H1438 ואגדע   H853 אתו   H6565 להפיר that I might break H853 את   H1285 בריתי my covenant H834 אשׁר which H3772 כרתי I had made H854 את with H3605 כל all H5971 העמים׃ the people.
  11 H6565 ותפר And it was broken H3117 ביום day: H1931 ההוא in that H3045 וידעו me knew H3651 כן and so H6041 עניי the poor H6629 הצאן of the flock H8104 השׁמרים that waited upon H853 אתי   H3588 כי that H1697 דבר the word H3068 יהוה of the LORD. H1931 הוא׃ it
  12 H559 ואמר And I said H413 אליהם unto H518 אם them, If H2896 טוב   H5869 בעיניכם ye think good, H3051 הבו give H7939 שׂכרי my price; H518 ואם and if H3808 לא not, H2308 חדלו forbear. H8254 וישׁקלו So they weighed for H853 את   H7939 שׂכרי my price H7970 שׁלשׁים thirty H3701 כסף׃ of silver.
  13 H559 ויאמר said H3069 יהוה   H413 אלי unto H7993 השׁליכהו me, Cast H413 אל it unto H3335 היוצר the potter: H145 אדר a goodly H3366 היקר price H834 אשׁר that H3365 יקרתי I was prised at H5921 מעליהם of H3947 ואקחה them. And I took H7970 שׁלשׁים the thirty H3701 הכסף of silver, H7993 ואשׁליך and cast H853 אתו   H1004 בית in the house H3069 יהוה   H413 אל them to H3335 היוצר׃ the potter
  14 H1438 ואגדע Then I cut asunder H853 את   H4731 מקלי staff, H8145 השׁני mine other H853 את   H2256 החבלים Bands, H6565 להפר that I might break H853 את   H264 האחוה the brotherhood H996 בין between H3063 יהודה Judah H996 ובין   H3478 ישׂראל׃ and Israel.
  15 H559 ויאמר said H3068 יהוה And the LORD H413 אלי unto H5750 עוד unto thee yet H3947 קח me, Take H3627 לך כלי the instruments H7462 רעה shepherd. H196 אולי׃ of a foolish
  16 H3588 כי For, H2009 הנה lo, H595 אנכי I H6965 מקים will raise H7462 רעה up a shepherd H776 בארץ in the land, H3582 הנכחדות those that be cut off, H3808 לא shall not H6485 יפקד visit H5288 הנער   H3808 לא neither H1245 יבקשׁ shall seek H7665 והנשׁברת that that is broken, H3808 לא nor H7495 ירפא heal H5324 הנצבה that that standeth still: H3808 לא nor H3557 יכלכל feed H1320 ובשׂר the flesh H1277 הבריאה of the fat, H398 יאכל but he shall eat H6541 ופרסיהן and tear their claws in pieces. H6561 יפרק׃ and tear their claws in pieces.
  17 H1945 הוי Woe H7473 רעי shepherd H457 האליל to the idol H5800 עזבי that leaveth H6629 הצאן the flock! H2719 חרב the sword H5921 על upon H2220 זרועו his arm, H5921 ועל and upon H5869 עין eye: H3225 ימינו his right H2220 זרעו his arm H3001 יבושׁ shall be clean dried up, H3001 תיבשׁ shall be clean dried up, H5869 ועין eye H3225 ימינו and his right H3543 כהה shall be utterly darkened. H3543 תכהה׃ shall be utterly darkened.
  4 H559 [H8804] Thus saith H3068 the LORD H430 my God; H7462 [H8798] Feed H6629 the flock H2028 of the slaughter;
  5 H7069 [H8802] Whose possessors H2026 [H8799] slay H816 [H8799] them, and hold themselves not guilty: H4376 [H8802] and they that sell H559 [H8799] them say, H1288 [H8803] Blessed H3068 be the LORD; H6238 [H8686] for I am rich: H7462 [H8802] and their own shepherds H2550 [H8799] commiserate them not.
  6 H3588 For H3808 I will no H5750 more H2550 [H8799] commiserate H5921 on H3427 [H8802] the inhabitants H9009 of the H776 land, H5002 [H8803] saith H3068 the LORD: H9002 but, H2009 lo, H595 I H4672 0 am causing H9009 the H120 man H4672 [H8688] to be found, H376 every one H9003 into H9023 his H7453 neighbour's H3027 hand, H9002 and H9003 into H3027 the hand H9023 of his H4428 king: H9001 and H3807 [H8765] they shall bruise H9009 the H776 land, H9002 and H9006 out of H9028 their H3027 hand H5337 0 I will H3808 not H5337 [H8686] deliver them.
  7 H7462 [H8799] And I will feed H6629 the flock H2028 of slaughter, H3651 even you, H6041 O poor H6629 of the flock. H3947 [H8799] And I took H8147 to me two H4731 staffs; H259 the one H7121 [H8804] I called H5278 Beauty, H259 and the other H7121 [H8804] I called H2254 [H8802] Bands; H7462 [H8799] and I fed H6629 the flock.
  8 H7969 Three H7462 [H8802] shepherds H3582 [H8686] also I secrete H259 in one H3391 month; H5315 and my breath H7114 [H8799] is shortened H5315 for them, and their breath H973 [H8804] also abhorred me.
  9 H559 [H8799] Then said H7462 [H8799] I, I will not feed H4191 [H8801] you: that which dieth, H4191 [H8799] let it die; H3582 [H8737] and that which is to be secreted, H3582 [H8735] let it be secreted; H7604 [H8737] and let the rest H398 [H8799] eat H802 every one H1320 the flesh H7468 of another.
  10 H3947 [H8799] And I took H4731 my staff, H5278 even Beauty, H1438 [H8799] and cut it asunder, H6565 [H8687] that I might break H1285 my covenant H3772 [H8804] which I had made H5971 with all the people.
  11 H6565 [H8714] And it was broken H3117 in that day: H6041 and so the poor H6629 of the flock H8104 [H8802] that waited H3045 [H8799] upon me knew H1697 that it was the word H3068 of the LORD.
  12 H559 [H8799] And I said H5869 to them, If ye think H2896 good, H3051 [H8798] give H7939 me my price; H2308 [H8798] and if not, forbear. H8254 [H8799] So they weighed H7939 for my price H7970 thirty H3701 pieces of silver.
  13 H3068 And the LORD H559 [H8799] said H7993 [H8685] to me, Cast H3335 [H8802] it to the potter: H145 a magnificent H3366 price H3365 [H8804] that I was valued at H3947 [H8799] by them. And I took H7970 the thirty H3701 pieces of silver, H7993 [H8686] and cast H3335 [H8802] them to the potter H1004 in the house H3068 of the LORD.
  14 H1438 [H8799] Then I cut asunder H8145 my other H4731 staff, H2254 [H8802] even Bands, H6565 [H8687] that I might break H264 the brotherhood H3063 between Judah H3478 and Israel.
  15 H3068 And the LORD H559 [H8799] said H3947 [H8798] to me, Take H3627 to thee yet the instruments H196 of a foolish H7462 [H8802] shepherd.
  16 H6965 [H8688] For, lo, I will raise up H7462 [H8802] a shepherd H776 in the land, H6485 [H8799] who shall not visit H3582 [H8737] those that are secreted, H1245 [H8762] neither shall seek H5289 the young one, H7495 [H8762] nor heal H7665 [H8737] that which is broken, H3557 [H8770] nor feed H5324 [H8737] that which standeth H398 [H8799] still: but he shall eat H1320 the flesh H1277 of the fat, H6561 0 and tear H6541 their claws H6561 [H8762] in pieces.
  17 H1945 Woe H457 to the idle H7473 shepherd H5800 [H8802] that leaveth H6629 the flock! H2719 the sword H2220 shall be upon his arm, H3225 and upon his right H5869 eye: H2220 his arm H3001 [H8800] shall be wholly H3001 [H8799] dried up, H3225 and his right H5869 eye H3543 [H8800] shall be utterly H3543 [H8799] darkened.
Vulgate(i) 4 haec dicit Dominus Deus meus pasce pecora occisionis 5 quae qui possederant occidebant et non dolebant et vendebant ea dicentes benedictus Dominus divites facti sumus et pastores eorum non parcebant eis 6 et ego non parcam ultra super habitantes terram dicit Dominus ecce ego tradam homines unumquemque in manu proximi sui et in manu regis sui et concident terram et non eruam de manu eorum 7 et pascam pecus occisionis propter hoc o pauperes gregis et adsumpsi mihi duas virgas unam vocavi Decorem et alteram vocavi Funiculos et pavi gregem 8 et succidi tres pastores in mense uno et contracta est anima mea in eis siquidem anima eorum variavit in me 9 et dixi non pascam vos quod moritur moriatur et quod succiditur succidatur et reliqui vorent unusquisque carnem proximi sui 10 et tuli virgam meam quae vocabatur Decus et abscidi eam ut irritum facerem foedus meum quod percussi cum omnibus populis 11 et in irritum deductum est in die illa et cognoverunt sic pauperes gregis qui custodiunt mihi quia verbum Domini est 12 et dixi ad eos si bonum est in oculis vestris adferte mercedem meam et si non quiescite et adpenderunt mercedem meam triginta argenteos 13 et dixit Dominus ad me proice illud ad statuarium decorum pretium quod adpretiatus sum ab eis et tuli triginta argenteos et proieci illos in domo Domini ad statuarium 14 et praecidi virgam meam secundam quae appellabatur Funiculus ut dissolverem germanitatem inter Iudam et inter Israhel 15 et dixit Dominus ad me adhuc sume tibi vasa pastoris stulti 16 quia ecce ego suscitabo pastorem in terra qui derelicta non visitabit dispersum non quaeret et contritum non sanabit et id quod stat non enutriet et carnes pinguium comedet et ungulas eorum dissolvet 17 o pastor et idolum derelinquens gregem gladius super brachium eius et super oculum dextrum eius brachium eius ariditate siccabitur et oculus dexter eius tenebrescens obscurabitur
Clementine_Vulgate(i) 4 Hæc dicit Dominus Deus meus: Pasce pecora occisionis, 5 quæ qui possederant occidebant, et non dolebant, et vendebant ea, dicentes: Benedictus Dominus! divites facti sumus: et pastores eorum non parcebant eis. 6 Et ego non parcam ultra super habitantes terram, dicit Dominus: ecce ego tradam homines, unumquemque in manu proximi sui, et in manu regis sui: et concident terram, et non eruam de manu eorum. 7 Et pascam pecus occisionis propter hoc, o pauperes gregis! et assumpsi mihi duas virgas: unam vocavi Decorem, et alteram vocavi Funiculum: et pavi gregem. 8 Et succidi tres pastores in mense uno, et contracta est anima mea in eis, siquidem et anima eorum variavit in me. 9 Et dixi: Non pascam vos: quod moritur, moriatur, et quod succiditur, succidatur: et reliqui devorent unusquisque carnem proximi sui. 10 Et tuli virgam meam quæ vocabatur Decus, et abscidi eam, ut irritum facerem fœdus meum quod percussi cum omnibus populis. 11 Et in irritum deductum est in die illa: et cognoverunt sic pauperes gregis, qui custodiunt mihi, quia verbum Domini est. 12 Et dixi ad eos: Si bonum est in oculis vestris, afferte mercedem meam: et si non, quiescite. Et appenderunt mercedem meam triginta argenteos. 13 Et dixit Dominus ad me: Projice illud ad statuarium, decorum pretium quo appretiatus sum ab eis. Et tuli triginta argenteos, et projeci illos in domum Domini, ad statuarium. 14 Et præcidi virgam meam secundam, quæ appellabatur Funiculus, ut dissolverem germanitatem inter Judam et Israël. 15 Et dixit Dominus ad me: Adhuc sume tibi vasa pastoris stulti. 16 Quia ecce ego suscitabo pastorem in terra, qui derelicta non visitabit, dispersum non quæret, et contritum non sanabit, et id quod stat non enutriet, et carnes pinguium comedet, et ungulas eorum dissolvet. 17 O pastor, et idolum derelinquens gregem: gladius super brachium ejus, et super oculum dextrum ejus: brachium ejus ariditate siccabitur, et oculus dexter ejus tenebrescens obscurabitur.
Wycliffe(i) 4 My Lord God seith these thingis, Fede thou beestis of slauyter, 5 whiche thei that weldiden slowen; and `sorewiden not, and selden hem, and seiden, Blessid be the Lord, we ben maad riche. And schepherdis of hem spariden not hem, 6 and Y schal no more spare on `men enhabitynge the erthe, seith the Lord. Lo! Y schal bitake men, ech in hond of his neiybour, and in hoond of his kyng, and thei schulen to-reende togidere the lond; and Y schal not delyuere fro the hond of hem, 7 and Y schal fede the beeste of sleyng. For this thing, ye pore men of the floc, here. And Y took to me twei yerdis; oon Y clepide Fairnesse, and the tother Y clepide Litil Corde; and Y fedde the floc. 8 And Y kittide doun thre scheepherdis in o monethe, and my soule is drawun togidere in hem; for also the soule of hem variede in me. 9 And Y seide, Y schal not fede you; that that dieth, die; and that that is kit doun, be kit doun; and the residues deuoure, ech the fleisch of his neiybore. 10 And Y took my yerde, that was clepid Fairnesse, and Y kittide doun it, that Y schulde make void my couenaunt, that Y smoot with alle puplis. 11 And it `is led forth voide in that dai; and the pore of floc that kepen to me, knewen thus, for it is the word of the Lord. 12 And Y seide to hem, If it is good in youre iyen, brynge ye my meede; and if nai, reste ye. And thei weieden my meede, thretti platis of siluer. 13 And the Lord seide to me, Caste awei it to a makere of ymagis, the fair prijs, bi which Y am preisid of hem. And Y took thritti platis of siluer, and Y castide forth hem in the hous of the Lord, to the makere of ymagis. 14 And Y kittide doun my secunde yerde, that was clepide Litil Corde, that Y schulde departe the brotherhed bitwixe Juda and Israel. 15 And the Lord seide to me, Yit take to thee vessels of a fonned scheepherde; 16 for lo! Y schal reise a scheepherde in erthe, which schal not visite forsakun thingis, schal not seke scatered thingis, and schal not heele `the brokun togidere, and schal not nurische forth that that stondith. And he schal ete fleischis of the fat, and schal vnbynde the clees of hem. 17 A! the scheepherd, and ydol, forsakynge the floc; swerd on his arm, and on his riyt iye; the arm of hym schal be dried with drynesse, and his riyt iye wexynge derk schal be maad derk.
Coverdale(i) 4 Thus sayeth the LORDE my God: Fede the shepe of ye slaughter, 5 which shalbe slayne of those that possesse them: yet they take it for no synne, but they yt sell the, saye: The LORDE be thanked, I am rich: Yee their owne shepherdes spare them not. 6 Therfore wil I nomore spare those that dwell in the londe (sayeth the LORDE) but lo, I will delyuer the people, euery man in to his neghbours honde, and in to the hode of his kynge: that they maye smyte the londe, and out off their hondes wil not I delyuer them. 7 I myself fedde ye slaughter shepe (a poore flocke verely) ad toke vnto me two staues: the one I called louynge mekenesse, the other I called wo, and so I kepte the shepe. 8 Thre shepherdes destroyed I in one moneth, for I might not awaye wt them, nether had they eny delyte in me. 9 Then sayde I: I will fede you nomore, the thinge that dyeth, let it dye: and that wil perishe, let it perish, & let the renaunt eate, euery one the flesh of his neghboure. 10 I toke also my louynge meke staff, ad brake it, that I might disanull the conuenaunt, which I made with all people, 11 And so it was broken in that daye. Then the poore symple shepe that had a respecte vnto me, knewe therby, that it was the worde of the LORDE. 12 And I sayde vnto them: yff ye thynke it good, brynge hither my pryce: yf no, then leaue. So they wayed downe xxx. syluer pens, ye value that I was prysed at. 13 And the LORDE sayde vnto me: cast it vnto the potter (a goodly pryce for me to be valued at of them) and I toke the xxx. syluers pens, and cast them to the potter in the house of the LORDE. 14 Then brake I my other staff also (namely wo) that I might lowse the brotherheade betwixte Iuda and Israel. 15 And the LORDE sayde vnto me: Take to the also the staff off a foolish shepherde: 16 for lo, I will rayse vp a shepherde in the londe, which shall not seke after the thinges that be lost, ner care for soch as go astraye: he shall not heale the wounded, he shal not norish the thinge that is whole: but he shall eate the flesh off soch as be fat, and teare their clawes in peces. 17 O Idols shepherde, that leaueth the flocke. The swerde shal come vpon his arme and vpon his right eye. His arme shalbe clene dried vp, and his right eye shalbe sore blynded.
MSTC(i) 4 Thus sayeth the LORD my God, "Feed the sheep of the slaughter, 5 which shall be slain of those that possess them. Yet they take it for no sin, but they that sell them, say, 'The LORD be thanked, I am rich.' Yea, their own shepherds spare them not. 6 Therefore will I no more spare those that dwell in the land, sayeth the LORD. But lo, I will deliver the people, every man, into his neighbour's hand and into the hand of his king: that they may smite the land. And out of their hands will I not deliver them." 7 I myself fed the slaughter sheep, and poor flock verily; and took unto me two staffs: the one I called 'Loving Meekness,' the other I called 'Woe.' And so I kept the sheep. 8 Three shepherds destroyed I in one month, for I might not away with them, neither had they any delight in me. 9 Then said I, "I will feed you no more! The thing that dieth, let it die: and that will perish, let it perish. And let the remnant eat, every one the flesh of his neighbour." 10 I took also my Loving Meek staff, and brake it, that I might disannul the covenant, which I made with all people. 11 And so it was broken in that day. Then the poor simple sheep that had a respect unto me, knew thereby that it was the word of the LORD. 12 And I said unto them, "If ye think it good, bring hither my price: if no, then leave." So they weighed down thirty silver pens, the value that I was prized at. 13 And the LORD said unto me, "Cast it unto the potter" - a goodly price for me to be valued at of them. And I took the thirty silver pens, and cast them to the potter in the house of the LORD. 14 Then brake I my other staff also, namely Woe, that I might loose the brotherhood betwixt Judah and Israel. 15 And the LORD said unto me, "Take to thee also the staff of a foolish shepherd: 16 for lo, I will raise up a shepherd in the land, which shall not seek after the things that be lost, nor care for such as go astray: he shall not heal the wounded, he shall not nourish the thing that is whole: but he shall eat the flesh of such as be fat, and tear their claws in pieces. 17 O idle shepherd, that leaveth the flock! The sword shall come upon his arm and upon his right eye. His arm shall be clean dried up, and his right eye shall be sore blinded."
Matthew(i) 4 Thus sayeth the Lorde my God: Fede the shepe of the slaughter, 5 which shalbe slaine of those that possesse them: yet they take it for no sinne, but they that sell them, say: The Lorde be thancked, I am rich: yea, their owne sheperdes spare them not. 6 Therfore will I nomore spare those that dwell in the land (sayeth the Lord) but lo, I wil delyuer the people, euerye man into his neighboures hand, and into the hande of his king, that they may smyte the lande, & out of their handes wil not I delyuer them. 7 I my self fedde the slaughter shepe (a pore flocke verely) & toke vnto me two staues: the one I called louinge mekenesse, the other I called wo, & so I kepte the shepe. 8 Thre sheperdes destroyeth I in one moneth, for I might not away wt them, neither had they any delyte in me. 9 Then sayd I: I wil fede you no more, the thing that dieth, let it dye: & that wil perishe, let it perishe, & let the remnaunt eate, euery one the fleshe of his neyghboure. 10 I toke also my louing meke staf, & brake it, that I might disanul the couenaunt, which I made with al people. 11 And so it was broken in that daye. Then the poore simple shepe that had a respecte vnto me, knewe therby, that it was the word of the lord. 12 And I sayde vnto them: yf ye thincke it good, bring hither my pryce: yf no, then leaue. So they wayed doune .xxx. syluer pens, the value that I was prysed at. 13 And the Lorde sayd vnto me: cast it vnto the potter (a goodly pryce for me to be valued at of them) & I toke the .xxx. siluer pens, & cast them to the potter in the house of the Lorde. 14 Then brake I my other staf also (namely wo) that I mighte lowse the brotherhead betwixte Iuda and Israel. 15 And the Lord said vnto me: Take to the also the staf of a foolish sheperd: 16 for lo, I wil rayse vp a sheperde in the lande, which shall not seke after the thinges that be lost, nor care for such as go astray: he shall not heale the wounded, he shall not norishe the thing that is whole: but he shall eate the fleshe of suche as be fat, and teare their clawes in peces. 17 O Idols sheperd, that leaueth the flocke. The swerde shall come vpon his arme & vpon his right eye. His arme shalbe cleane dryed vp, and hys ryght eye shalbe sore blinded.
Great(i) 4 Thus sayeth the Lorde my God: Fede the shepe of the slaughter, 5 whiche shalbe slayne of those that possesse them: yet they take it for no sinne, but they that sell them, saye: The Lord be thancked, I am rich: yee, their awne shepherdes spare them not. 6 Therfore wyll I nomore spare those that dwell in the lande, (sayeth the Lorde) but lo, I wil deliuer the people, euery man into his neyghbours hande and into the hande of his kynge: that they maye smyte the lande, and out of their handes I wyll not delyuer them. 7 I my selfe fedde the slaughter shepe (a poore flocke verely) and toke vnto me two staues: the one is called louyng mekenesse, the other is called destroyer, and so kepte the shepe. 8 Thre shepherdes I putt out of offyce in one moneth, for I myght not awaye wyth them, nether had they eny delyte in me. 9 Then sayde I: I wyll fede you nomore the thynge that dyeth, let it dye: and that wyll perysh, let it perish, and let the remnaunt eate, euery one the fleshe of his neyghboure. 10 I toke also my louynge meke staff, and brake it, that I myght disanull the couenaunt, which I made wyth all people. 11 And so it was broken in that daye. Then the poore symple shepe that had a respect vnto me, knewe therby, that it was the worde of the Lorde. 12 And I sayde vnto them: yf ye thinck it good, bring hyther my pryce: yf no, then leaue. So they wayed downe .xxx. syluer pens, the value that I was prysed at. 13 And the Lorde said vnto me: cast it vnto the potter (a goodly pryce for me to be valued at of them) and I toke the .xxx. syluer pens, and cast them to the potter in the house of the Lorde. 14 Then brake I my other staf also (namely destroyer) that I might lowse the brotherhead betwixt Iuda and Israel. 15 And the Lorde sayde vnto me. Take the also the staff of a foolysh shepherde: 16 for lo, I wyl rayse vp a shepherde in the lande, which shal not seke after the thinges that be lost, ner care for such as go astraye: he shal not heale the wounded, he shall not norysh the thinge that is whole: but he shal eate the flesh of soch as be fat, and teare theyr clawes in peces. 17 O Idols shepherde, that leaueth the flocke. The swerde shall come vpon hys arme and vpon hys ryght eye. Hys arme shalbe cleane dryed vp, and hys ryght eye shalbe sore blynded.
Geneva(i) 4 Thus sayeth the Lord my God, Feede the sheepe of the slaughter. 5 They that possesse them, slay them and sinne not: and they that sell them, say, Blessed be the Lord: for I am riche, and their owne shepherds spare them not. 6 Surely I wil no more spare those that dwell in the land, sayth the Lord: but loe, I will deliuer the men euery one into his neighbours hand, and into the hand of his King: and they shall smite the land, and out of their hands I wil not deliuer them. 7 For I fed the sheepe of slaughter, euen the poore of the flocke, and I tooke vnto me two staues: the one I called Beautie, and the other I called Bandes, and I fed the sheepe. 8 Three shepherdes also I cut off in one moneth, and my soule lothed them, and their soule abhorred me. 9 Then said I, I will not feede you: that that dyeth, let it dye: and that that perisheth, let it perish: and let the remnant eate, euery one the flesh of his neighbour. 10 And I tooke my staffe, euen Beautie, and brake it, that I might disanull my couenant, which I had made with all people. 11 And it was broken in that day: and so the poore of the sheepe that waited vpon me, knew that it was the worde of the Lord. 12 And I said vnto them, If ye thinke it good, giue me my wages: and if no, leaue off: so they weighed for my wages thirtie pieces of siluer. 13 And the Lord said vnto me, Cast it vnto the potter: a goodly price, that I was valued at of them. And I tooke the thirtie pieces of siluer, and cast them to the potter in the house of the Lord. 14 Then brake I mine other staffe, euen the Bandes, that I might dissolue the brotherhood betweene Iudah and Israel. 15 And the Lord said vnto me, Take to thee yet the instruments of a foolish shepheard. 16 For loe, I will rayse vp a shepheard in the land, which shall not looke for the thing, that is lost, nor seeke the tender lambes, nor heale that that is hurt, nor feede that that standeth vp: but he shall eate the flesh of the fat, and teare their clawes in pieces. 17 O idole shepheard that leaueth the flocke: the sword shalbe vpon his arme, and vpon his right eye. His arme shall be cleane dryed vp, and his right eye shall be vtterly darkened.
Bishops(i) 4 Thus saith the Lorde my God: Feede the sheepe of the slaughter 5 Which haue ben slaine of those that possessed them, yet they [toke it] for no sinne, but they that solde them said, The Lorde be thanked, for I am riche: yea their owne shepheardes spare the not 6 Therefore wyl I no more spare those that dwell in the lande saith the Lorde: but lo, I wyll deliuer the people, euery man into his neighbours hande, and into the hande of his king, that they may smite the lande, and out of their handes I wyll not deliuer them 7 I my selfe fed the slaughter sheepe, a poore flocke veryly, and toke vnto me two staues: the one called Beautie, the other called Bandes: and so fedde the sheepe 8 Three shepheardes I put out of office in one moneth, for I might not away with them: neither had they any delight in me 9 Then saide I, I wyll feede you no more: the thing that dyeth, let it dye: and that that wyll perishe, let it perishe: and let the remnaunt eate euery one the fleshe of his neighbour 10 I toke also my staffe [euen] Beautie, and brake it, that I might disanull the couenaunt which I made with all people 11 And so it was broken in that day: Then the poore simple sheepe that had a respect vnto me, knewe therby that it was the worde of the Lorde 12 And I saide vnto them, If ye thinke it good, bring hither my wages: if no, then leaue. So they wayed downe thirtie siluer pence, the value that I was prysed at 13 And the Lorde saide vnto me, Cast it vnto the potter, a goodly pryce for me to be valued at of them. And I toke the thirtie siluer pence, and cast them to the potter in the house of the Lorde 14 Then broke I my other staffe also [namely] Bandes, that I might loose the brotherhood betwixt Iuda and Israel 15 And the Lorde saide vnto me: Take thee also the staffe of a foolishe shephearde 16 For lo, I wyll rayse vp a shepheard in the lande, which shal not seeke after the thinges that be lost, nor seeke the tender lambes, he shal not heale the wounded, he shal not nourish the thinges that are whole: but he shal eate the fleshe of such as be fat, and teare their clawes in peeces 17 O idol shepheard that leaueth the flocke, the sworde shall come vpon his arme, and vpon his right eye: his arme shalbe cleane dryed vp, and his right eye shalbe sore blynded
DouayRheims(i) 4 Thus saith the Lord my God: Feed the flock of the slaughter, 5 Which they that possessed, slew, and repented not, and they sold them, saying: Blessed be the Lord, we are become rich: and their shepherds spared them not. 6 And I will no more spare the inhabitants of the land, saith the Lord: behold I will deliver the men, every one into his neighbour's hand, and into the hand of his king: and they shall destroy the land, and I will not deliver it out of their hand. 7 And I will feed the flock of slaughter for this, O ye poor of the flock. And I took unto me two rods, one I called Beauty, and the other I called a Cord, and I fed the flock. 8 And I cut off three shepherds in one month, and my soul was straitened in their regard: for their soul also varied in my regard. 9 And I said: I will not feed you: that which dieth, let it die: and that which is cut off, let it be cut off: and let the rest devour every one the flesh of his neighbour. 10 And I took my rod that was called Beauty, and I cut it asunder to make void my covenant, which I had made with all people. 11 And it was made void in that day: and so the poor of the flock that keep for me, understood that it is the word of the Lord. 12 And I said to them: If it be good in your eyes, bring hither my wages: and if not, be quiet. And they weighed for my wages thirty pieces of silver. 13 And the Lord said to me: Cast it to the statuary, a handsome price, that I was prized at by them. And I took the thirty pieces of silver, and I cast them into the house of the Lord to the statuary. 14 And I cut off my second rod that was called a Cord, that I might break the brotherhood between Juda and Israel. 15 And the Lord said to me: Take to thee yet the instruments of a foolish shepherd. 16 For behold I will raise up a shepherd in the land, who shall not visit what is forsaken, nor seek what is scattered, nor heal what is broken, nor nourish that which standeth, and he shall eat the flesh of the fat ones, and break their hoofs. 17 O shepherd, and idol, that forsaketh the flock: the sword upon his arm and upon his right eye: his arm shall quite wither away, and his right eye shall be utterly darkened.
KJV(i) 4 Thus saith the LORD my God; Feed the flock of the slaughter; 5 Whose possessors slay them, and hold themselves not guilty: and they that sell them say, Blessed be the LORD; for I am rich: and their own shepherds pity them not. 6 For I will no more pity the inhabitants of the land, saith the LORD: but, lo, I will deliver the men every one into his neighbour's hand, and into the hand of his king: and they shall smite the land, and out of their hand I will not deliver them. 7 And I will feed the flock of slaughter, even you, O poor of the flock. And I took unto me two staves; the one I called Beauty, and the other I called Bands; and I fed the flock. 8 Three shepherds also I cut off in one month; and my soul lothed them, and their soul also abhorred me. 9 Then said I, I will not feed you: that that dieth, let it die; and that that is to be cut off, let it be cut off; and let the rest eat every one the flesh of another. 10 And I took my staff, even Beauty, and cut it asunder, that I might break my covenant which I had made with all the people. 11 And it was broken in that day: and so the poor of the flock that waited upon me knew that it was the word of the LORD. 12 And I said unto them, If ye think good, give me my price; and if not, forbear. So they weighed for my price thirty pieces of silver. 13 And the LORD said unto me, Cast it unto the potter: a goodly price that I was prised at of them. And I took the thirty pieces of silver, and cast them to the potter in the house of the LORD. 14 Then I cut asunder mine other staff, even Bands, that I might break the brotherhood between Judah and Israel. 15 And the LORD said unto me, Take unto thee yet the instruments of a foolish shepherd. 16 For, lo, I will raise up a shepherd in the land, which shall not visit those that be cut off, neither shall seek the young one, nor heal that that is broken, nor feed that that standeth still: but he shall eat the flesh of the fat, and tear their claws in pieces. 17 Woe to the idol shepherd that leaveth the flock! the sword shall be upon his arm, and upon his right eye: his arm shall be clean dried up, and his right eye shall be utterly darkened.
KJV_Cambridge(i) 10 And I took my staff, even Beauty, and cut it asunder, that I might break my covenant which I had made with all the people. 11 And it was broken in that day: and so the poor of the flock that waited upon me knew that it was the word of the LORD. 12 And I said unto them, If ye think good, give me my price; and if not, forbear. So they weighed for my price thirty pieces of silver. 13 And the LORD said unto me, Cast it unto the potter: a goodly price that I was prised at of them. And I took the thirty pieces of silver, and cast them to the potter in the house of the LORD. 14 Then I cut asunder mine other staff, even Bands, that I might break the brotherhood between Judah and Israel. 15 And the LORD said unto me, Take unto thee yet the instruments of a foolish shepherd. 16 For, lo, I will raise up a shepherd in the land, which shall not visit those that be cut off, neither shall seek the young one, nor heal that that is broken, nor feed that that standeth still: but he shall eat the flesh of the fat, and tear their claws in pieces. 17 Woe to the idol shepherd that leaveth the flock! the sword shall be upon his arm, and upon his right eye: his arm shall be clean dried up, and his right eye shall be utterly darkened. 4 Thus saith the LORD my God; Feed the flock of the slaughter; 5 Whose possessors slay them, and hold themselves not guilty: and they that sell them say, Blessed be the LORD; for I am rich: and their own shepherds pity them not. 6 For I will no more pity the inhabitants of the land, saith the LORD: but, lo, I will deliver the men every one into his neighbour's hand, and into the hand of his king: and they shall smite the land, and out of their hand I will not deliver them. 7 And I will feed the flock of slaughter, even you, O poor of the flock. And I took unto me two staves; the one I called Beauty, and the other I called Bands; and I fed the flock. 8 Three shepherds also I cut off in one month; and my soul lothed them, and their soul also abhorred me. 9 Then said I, I will not feed you: that that dieth, let it die; and that that is to be cut off, let it be cut off; and let the rest eat every one the flesh of another.
  4 H559 Thus saith [H8804]   H3068 the LORD H430 my God H7462 ; Feed [H8798]   H6629 the flock H2028 of the slaughter;
  5 H7069 Whose possessors [H8802]   H2026 slay [H8799]   H816 them, and hold themselves not guilty [H8799]   H4376 : and they that sell [H8802]   H559 them say [H8799]   H1288 , Blessed [H8803]   H3068 be the LORD H6238 ; for I am rich [H8686]   H7462 : and their own shepherds [H8802]   H2550 pity [H8799]   them not.
  6 H2550 For I will no more pity [H8799]   H3427 the inhabitants [H8802]   H776 of the land H5002 , saith [H8803]   H3068 the LORD H4672 : but, lo, I will deliver [H8688]   H120 the men H376 every one H7453 into his neighbour's H3027 hand H3027 , and into the hand H4428 of his king H3807 : and they shall smite [H8765]   H776 the land H3027 , and out of their hand H5337 I will not deliver [H8686]   them .
  7 H7462 And I will feed [H8799]   H6629 the flock H2028 of slaughter H3651 , even you H6041 , O poor H6629 of the flock H3947 . And I took [H8799]   H8147 unto me two H4731 staves H259 ; the one H7121 I called [H8804]   H5278 Beauty H259 , and the other H7121 I called [H8804]   H2254 Bands [H8802]   H7462 ; and I fed [H8799]   H6629 the flock.
  8 H7969 Three H7462 shepherds [H8802]   H3582 also I cut off [H8686]   H259 in one H3391 month H5315 ; and my soul H7114 lothed [H8799]   H5315 them, and their soul H973 also abhorred [H8804]   me.
  9 H559 Then said [H8799]   H7462 I, I will not feed [H8799]   H4191 you: that that dieth [H8801]   H4191 , let it die [H8799]   H3582 ; and that that is to be cut off [H8737]   H3582 , let it be cut off [H8735]   H7604 ; and let the rest [H8737]   H398 eat [H8799]   H802 every one H1320 the flesh H7468 of another.
  10 H3947 And I took [H8799]   H4731 my staff H5278 , even Beauty H1438 , and cut it asunder [H8799]   H6565 , that I might break [H8687]   H1285 my covenant H3772 which I had made [H8804]   H5971 with all the people.
  11 H6565 And it was broken [H8714]   H3117 in that day H6041 : and so the poor H6629 of the flock H8104 that waited [H8802]   H3045 upon me knew [H8799]   H1697 that it was the word H3068 of the LORD.
  12 H559 And I said [H8799]   H5869 unto them, If ye think H2896 good H3051 , give [H8798]   H7939 me my price H2308 ; and if not, forbear [H8798]   H8254 . So they weighed [H8799]   H7939 for my price H7970 thirty H3701 pieces of silver.
  13 H3068 And the LORD H559 said [H8799]   H7993 unto me, Cast [H8685]   H3335 it unto the potter [H8802]   H145 : a goodly H3366 price H3365 that I was prised at [H8804]   H3947 of them. And I took [H8799]   H7970 the thirty H3701 pieces of silver H7993 , and cast [H8686]   H3335 them to the potter [H8802]   H1004 in the house H3068 of the LORD.
  14 H1438 Then I cut asunder [H8799]   H8145 mine other H4731 staff H2254 , even Bands [H8802]   H6565 , that I might break [H8687]   H264 the brotherhood H3063 between Judah H3478 and Israel.
  15 H3068 And the LORD H559 said [H8799]   H3947 unto me, Take [H8798]   H3627 unto thee yet the instruments H196 of a foolish H7462 shepherd [H8802]  .
  16 H6965 For, lo, I will raise up [H8688]   H7462 a shepherd [H8802]   H776 in the land H6485 , which shall not visit [H8799]   H3582 those that be cut off [H8737]   H1245 , neither shall seek [H8762]   H5289 the young one H7495 , nor heal [H8762]   H7665 that that is broken [H8737]   H3557 , nor feed [H8770]   H5324 that that standeth [H8737]   H398 still: but he shall eat [H8799]   H1320 the flesh H1277 of the fat H6561 , and tear H6541 their claws H6561 in pieces [H8762]  .
  17 H1945 Woe H457 to the idol H7473 shepherd H5800 that leaveth [H8802]   H6629 the flock H2719 ! the sword H2220 shall be upon his arm H3225 , and upon his right H5869 eye H2220 : his arm H3001 shall be clean [H8800]   H3001 dried up [H8799]   H3225 , and his right H5869 eye H3543 shall be utterly [H8800]   H3543 darkened [H8799]  .
Thomson(i) 4 Thus saith the Lord of Hosts, you are feeding the flock prepared for slaughter, 5 which the possessors were slaughtering, and spared not; and they who sold them said, "Blessed be the Lord for we are enriched, " and their shepherds had no feeling for them. 6 Therefore I will no more spare the inhabitants of this land, saith the Lord. Now behold I deliver up the men, every one into the hand of his neighbour, and into the hand of his king; and they shall smite the land, and I will not deliver out of their hand. 7 Again I will feed the flock of the slaughter for Chananites; and I will take me two staves, one I had called Beauty, and the other I called Portion; and I will feed the flock, 8 and remove three shepherds in one month; and my soul will be weighed down against them. For as their souls roared against me, 9 therefore I said, I will not feed you, What is dying let it die; and what is fainting let it faint. And as for the rest, let them devour every one the flesh of his neighbour. 10 And I will take my staff Beauty and throw it away, that I may break my covenant which I made with all these tribes. 11 And on that day it shall be broken; and the Chananites, the sheep that are kept for me, shall know for what cause there is a word of the Lord. 12 Then I will say to them, If it seemeth good in your sight, give me my wages; if not, forbear. And when they had weighed for my wages thirty pieces of silver; 13 then the Lord said to me, Put them in the smelting furnace, and let me see whether it be proof: as I have been proved for them. So I took the thirty pieces of silver and threw them down in the house of the Lord, for the smelting furnace. 14 Then I threw away the other staff Portion, that I may break the jointenancy between Juda and Israel. 15 Then the Lord said to me, Take thee yet the pastoral utensils of an unskilful shepherd; 16 for behold I am about to raise up a shepherd against this land, who will not visit what is fainting, nor seek what is scattered; nor heal what is bruised; nor lead aright what is sound; but will devour the flesh of the choice, and tear their joints asunder. 17 ye feeders of vanities who have forsaken the sheep. There is a sword against his arms, and against his right eye. Shall his arm be quite withered, and his right eye utterly put out?
Webster(i) 4 Thus saith the LORD my God; Feed the flock of the slaughter; 5 Whose possessors slay them, and hold themselves not guilty: and they that sell them say, Blessed be the LORD; for I am rich: and their own shepherds pity them not. 6 For I will no more pity the inhabitants of the land, saith the LORD: but lo, I will deliver the men every one into his neighbor's hand, and into the hand of his king: and they shall smite the land, and out of their hand I will not deliver them. 7 And I will feed the flock of slaughter, even you, O poor of the flock. And I took to me two staffs; the one I called Beauty, and the other I called Bands; and I fed the flock. 8 Three shepherds also I cut off in one month; and my soul lothed them, and their soul also abhorred me. 9 Then said I, I will not feed you: that which dieth, let it die; and that which is to be cut off, let it be cut off; and let the rest eat, every one the flesh of another. 10 And I took my staff, even Beauty, and cut it asunder, that I might break my covenant which I had made with all the people. 11 And it was broken in that day: and so the poor of the flock that waited upon me knew that it was the word of the LORD. 12 And I said to them, If ye think good, give me my price; and if not, forbear. So they weighed for my price thirty pieces of silver. 13 And the LORD said to me, Cast it to the potter: a goodly price that I was prized at by them. And I took the thirty pieces of silver, and cast them to the potter in the house of the LORD. 14 Then I cut asunder my other staff, even Bands, that I might break the brotherhood between Judah and Israel. 15 And the LORD said to me, Take to thee yet the instruments of a foolish shepherd. 16 For lo, I will raise up a shepherd in the land, who shall not visit those that are cut off, neither shall seek the young one, nor heal that which is broken, nor feed that which standeth still: but he shall eat the flesh of the fat, and tear their claws in pieces. 17 Woe to the idle shepherd that leaveth the flock! the sword shall be upon his arm, and upon his right eye: his arm shall be wholly dried up, and his right eye shall be utterly darkened.
  4 H559 [H8804] Thus saith H3068 the LORD H430 my God H7462 [H8798] ; Feed H6629 the flock H2028 of the slaughter;
  5 H7069 [H8802] Whose possessors H2026 [H8799] slay H816 [H8799] them, and hold themselves not guilty H4376 [H8802] : and they that sell H559 [H8799] them say H1288 [H8803] , Blessed H3068 be the LORD H6238 [H8686] ; for I am rich H7462 [H8802] : and their own shepherds H2550 [H8799] pity them not.
  6 H2550 [H8799] For I will no more pity H3427 [H8802] the inhabitants H776 of the land H5002 [H8803] , saith H3068 the LORD H4672 [H8688] : but, lo, I will deliver H120 the men H376 every one H7453 into his neighbour's H3027 hand H3027 , and into the hand H4428 of his king H3807 [H8765] : and they shall smite H776 the land H3027 , and out of their hand H5337 [H8686] I will not deliver them.
  7 H7462 [H8799] And I will feed H6629 the flock H2028 of slaughter H3651 , even you H6041 , O poor H6629 of the flock H3947 [H8799] . And I took H8147 to me two H4731 staffs H259 ; the one H7121 [H8804] I called H5278 Beauty H259 , and the other H7121 [H8804] I called H2254 [H8802] Bands H7462 [H8799] ; and I fed H6629 the flock.
  8 H7969 Three H7462 [H8802] shepherds H3582 [H8686] also I cut off H259 in one H3391 month H5315 ; and my soul H7114 [H8799] lothed H5315 them, and their soul H973 [H8804] also abhorred me.
  9 H559 [H8799] Then said H7462 [H8799] I, I will not feed H4191 [H8801] you: that which dieth H4191 [H8799] , let it die H3582 [H8737] ; and that which is to be cut off H3582 [H8735] , let it be cut off H7604 [H8737] ; and let the rest H398 [H8799] eat H802 every one H1320 the flesh H7468 of another.
  10 H3947 [H8799] And I took H4731 my staff H5278 , even Beauty H1438 [H8799] , and cut it asunder H6565 [H8687] , that I might break H1285 my covenant H3772 [H8804] which I had made H5971 with all the people.
  11 H6565 [H8714] And it was broken H3117 in that day H6041 : and so the poor H6629 of the flock H8104 [H8802] that waited H3045 [H8799] upon me knew H1697 that it was the word H3068 of the LORD.
  12 H559 [H8799] And I said H5869 to them, If ye think H2896 good H3051 [H8798] , give H7939 me my price H2308 [H8798] ; and if not, forbear H8254 [H8799] . So they weighed H7939 for my price H7970 thirty H3701 pieces of silver.
  13 H3068 And the LORD H559 [H8799] said H7993 [H8685] to me, Cast H3335 [H8802] it to the potter H145 : a magnificent H3366 price H3365 [H8804] that I was valued at H3947 [H8799] by them. And I took H7970 the thirty H3701 pieces of silver H7993 [H8686] , and cast H3335 [H8802] them to the potter H1004 in the house H3068 of the LORD.
  14 H1438 [H8799] Then I cut asunder H8145 my other H4731 staff H2254 [H8802] , even Bands H6565 [H8687] , that I might break H264 the brotherhood H3063 between Judah H3478 and Israel.
  15 H3068 And the LORD H559 [H8799] said H3947 [H8798] to me, Take H3627 to thee yet the instruments H196 of a foolish H7462 [H8802] shepherd.
  16 H6965 [H8688] For, lo, I will raise up H7462 [H8802] a shepherd H776 in the land H6485 [H8799] , who shall not visit H3582 [H8737] those that are cut off H1245 [H8762] , neither shall seek H5289 the young one H7495 [H8762] , nor heal H7665 [H8737] that which is broken H3557 [H8770] , nor feed H5324 [H8737] that which standeth H398 [H8799] still: but he shall eat H1320 the flesh H1277 of the fat H6561 0 , and tear H6541 their claws H6561 [H8762] in pieces.
  17 H1945 Woe H457 to the idle H7473 shepherd H5800 [H8802] that leaveth H6629 the flock H2719 ! the sword H2220 shall be upon his arm H3225 , and upon his right H5869 eye H2220 : his arm H3001 [H8800] shall be wholly H3001 [H8799] dried up H3225 , and his right H5869 eye H3543 [H8800] shall be utterly H3543 [H8799] darkened.
Brenton(i) 4 Thus saith the Lord Almighty, Feed the sheep of the slaughter; 5 which their possessors have slain, and have not repented: and they that sold them said, Blessed be the Lord; for we have become rich: and their shepherds have suffered no sorrow for them. 6 Therefore I will no longer have mercy upon the inhabitants of the land, saith the Lord: but, behold, I will deliver up the men every one into the hand of his neighbour, and into the hand of his king; and they shall destroy the land, and I will not rescue out of their hand. 7 And I will tend the flock of slaughter in the land of Chanaan: and I will take for myself two rods; the one I called Beauty, and the other I called Line; and I will tend the flock. 8 And I will cut off three shepherds in one month; and my soul shall grieve over them, for their souls cried out against me. 9 And I said, I will not tend you: that which dies, let it die; and that which falls off, let it fall off; and let the rest eat every one the flesh of his neighbour. 10 And I will take my beautiful staff, and cast it away, that I may break my covenant which I made with all the people. 11 And it shall be broken in that day; and the Chananites, the sheep that are kept for me, shall know that it is the word of the Lord. 12 And I will say to them, If it be good in your eyes, give me my price, or refuse it. And they weighed for my price thirty pieces of silver. 13 And the Lord said to me, Drop them into the furnace, and I will see if it is good metal, as I was proved for their sakes. And I took the thirty pieces of silver, and cast them into the furnace in the house of the Lord. 14 And I cast away my second rod, even Line, that I might break the possession between Juda and Israel. 15 And the Lord said to me, Take yet to thee shepherd's implements belonging to an unskillful shepherd. 16 For, behold, I will raise up a shepherd against the land: he shall not visit that which is perishing, and he shall not seek that which is scattered, and he shall not heal that which is bruised, nor guide that which is whole: but he shall devour the flesh of the choice ones, and shall dislocate the joints of their necks. 17 Alas for the vain shepherds that have forsaken the sheep! the sword shall be upon the arms of such a one, and upon his right eye: his arm shall be completely withered, and his right eye shall be utterly darkened.
Brenton_Greek(i) 4 Τάδε λέγει Κύριος παντοκράτωρ, ποιμαίνετε τὰ πρόβατα τῆς σφαγῆς, 5 ἃ οἱ κτησάμενοι κατέσφαζον, καὶ οὐ μετεμέλοντο, καὶ οἱ πωλοῦντες αὐτὰ ἔλεγον, εὐλογητὸς Κύριος, καὶ πεπλουτήκαμεν· καὶ οἱ ποιμένες αὐτῶν οὐκ ἔπασχον οὐδὲν ἐπʼ αὐτοῖς. 6 Διατοῦτο οὐ φείσομαι οὐκέτι ἐπὶ τοὺς κατοικοῦντας τὴν γῆν, λέγει Κύριος· καὶ ἰδοὺ ἐγὼ παραδίδωμι τοὺς ἀνθρώπους, ἕκαστον εἰς χεῖρα τοῦ πλησίον αὐτοῦ, καὶ εἰς χεῖρα βασιλέως αὐτοῦ, καὶ κατακόψουσι τὴν γῆν, καὶ οὐ μὴ ἐξέλωμαι ἐκ χειρὸς αὐτῶν.
7 Καὶ ποιμανῶ τὰ πρόβατα τῆς σφαγῆς εἰς τὴν Χαναανῖτιν· καὶ λήψομαι ἐμαυτῷ δύο ῥάβδους, ʼτὴν μὲν μίαν ἐκάλεσα Κάλλος, καὶ τὴν ἑτέραν ἐκάλεσα Σχοίνισμα, καὶ ποιμανῶ τὰ πρόβατα. 8 Καὶ ἐξαρῶ τοὺς τρεῖς ποιμένας ἐν μηνὶ ἑνὶ, καὶ βαρυνθήσεται ἡ ψυχή μου ἐπʼ αὐτοὺς, καὶ γὰρ αἱ ψυχαὶ αὐτῶν ἐπωρύοντο ἐπʼ ἐμέ. 9 Καὶ εἶπα, οὐ ποιμανῶ ὑμᾶς· τὸ ἀποθνῇσκον ἀποθνῃσκέτω, καὶ τὸ ἐκλεῖπον ἐκλιπέτω, καὶ τὰ κατάλοιπα κατεσθιέτωσαν ἕκαστος τὰς σάρκας τοῦ πλησίον αὐτοῦ.
10 Καὶ λήψομαι τὴν ῥάβδον μου τὴ καλὴν, καὶ ἀποῤῥίψω αὐτὴν, τοῦ διασκεδάσαι τὴν διαθήκην μου, ἣν διεθέμην πρὸς πάντας τοὺς λαους, 11 καὶ διασκεδασθήσεται ἐν τῇ ἡμέρᾳ ἐκείνῃ, καί γνώσονται οἱ Χαναναῖοι τὰ πρόβατα τὰ φυλασσόμενα μοι, διότι λόγος Κυρίου ἐστί. 12 Καὶ ἐρῶ πρὸς αὐτοὺς, εἰ καλὸν ἐνώπιον ὑμῶν ἐστι, δότε στήσαντες τὸν μισθόν μου, ἢ ἀπείπασθε· καὶ ἔστησαν τὸν μισθόν μου τριάκοντα ἀργυροῦς. 13 Καὶ εἶπε Κύριος πρὸς μὲ, κάθες αὐτοὺς εἰς τὸ χωνευτήριον, καὶ σκέψομαι εἰ δόκιμόν ἐστιν, ὃν τρόπον ἐδοκιμάσθην ὑπέρ αὐτῶν, καὶ ἔλαβον τοὺς τριάκοντα ἀργυροῦς, καὶ ἐνέβαλον αὐτοὺς εἰς τὸν οἶκον Κυρίου εἰς τὸ χωνευτήριον.
14 Καὶ ἀπέῤῥιψα τὴν ῥάβδον τὴν δευτέραν τὸ Σχοίνισμα, τοῦ διασκεδάσαι τὴν κατάσχεσιν ἀναμέσον Ἰούδα, καὶ ἀναμέσον Ἰσραήλ.
15 Καὶ εἶπε Κύριος πρὸς μὲ, ἔτι λάβε σεαυτῷ σκεύη ποιμενικὰ ποιμένος ἀπείρου· 16 διότι ἰδοὺ ἐγὼ ἐξεγείρω ποιμένα ἐπὶ τὴν γῆν, τὸ ἐκλιμπάνον οὐ μὴ ἐπισκέψηται, καὶ τὸ ἐσκορπισμένον οὐ μὴ ζητήσῃ, καὶ τὸ συντετριμμένον οὐ μὴ ἰάσηται, καὶ τὸ ὁλόκληρον οὐ μὴ κατευθύνῃ, καὶ τὰ κρέα τῶν ἐκλεκτῶν καταφάγεται, καὶ τούς ἀστραγάλους αὐτῶν ἐκστρέψει.
17 Ὦ οἱ ποιμαίνοντες τὰ μάταια, καταλελοιπότες τὰ πρόβατα, μάχαιρα ἐπὶ τοὺς βραχίονας αὐτοῦ, καὶ ἐπὶ τὸν ὀφθαλμὸν τὸν δεξιὸν αὐτοῦ, ὁ βραχίων αὐτοῦ ξηραινόμενος ξηρανθήσεται, καὶ ὁ ὀφθαλμὸς ὁ δεξιὸς αὐτοῦ ἐκτυφλούμενος ἐκτυφλωθήσεται.
Leeser(i) 4 Thus hath said the Lord my God, Feed the flocks that are destined for the slaughter; 5 Whom their buyers slay, and hold themselves guiltless; and whose sellers say, Blessed be the Lord, for I am rich: and none of whose shepherds have pity on them. 6 For I will no more have pity on the inhabitants of the land, saith the Lord: but, lo, I will deliver the men every one into the hand of his neighbor, and into the hand of his king: and they shall beat down the land, and I will not deliver out of their hand. 7 And I had fed the flocks that were destined for the slaughter,—indeed, the poorest of the flocks; and I had taken unto me two staves; the one I called Mildness [No’am], and the other I called Concord [Choblim]: and I fed the flocks. 8 And I removed the three shepherds in one month; and my soul was tired of them, and also their soul abhorred me. 9 Then said I, I will not feed you: what is dying may die; and what is to be lost may be lost; and those that are left may eat every one the flesh of the other. 10 And I took my staff, namely, Mildness, and cut it to pieces, to annul my covenant which I had made with all the tribes. 11 And when it was annulled on that day, then knew they well, truly the poorest of the flocks that waited for me, that it was the word of the Lord. 12 And I said unto them, If it be good in your eyes, give me my reward; and if not, forbear. So they weighed out as my reward thirty pieces of silver. 13 And the Lord said unto me, Cast it unto the treasurer, the precious price which I am prized at by them. And I took the thirty pieces of silver, and cast them in the house of the Lord unto the treasurer. 14 Then I cut in pieces my second staff, namely, Concord, to annul the brotherhood between Judah and Israel. 15 And the Lord said unto me, Take unto thee yet the instruments of a foolish shepherd. 16 For, lo, I raise up a shepherd in the land, who will not think of those that are lost, nor seek for that which is gone astray, nor heal that which hath a limb broken; who will not care for that which hath stood still; but who will eat the flesh of the fat, and devour all even to their claws. 17 Woe to the worthless shepherd that leaveth the flock! the sword shall be upon his arm, and upon his right eye: his arm shall utterly wither, and his right eye shall be completely blinded.
YLT(i) 4 Thus said Jehovah my God: `Feed the flock of the slaughter, 5 Whose buyers slay them, and are not guilty, And their sellers say, Blessed is Jehovah, And I am rich, And their shepherds have no pity on them. 6 For I have pity no more on inhabitants of the land, An affirmation of Jehovah, And lo, I am causing man to come forth, Each into the hand of his neighbour, And into the hand of his king, And they have beaten down the land, And I do not deliver out of their hand.' 7 And I feed the flock of slaughter, even you, ye afflicted of the flock; and I take to me two staves, the one I have called Pleasantness, and the other I have called Bands, and I feed the flock. 8 And I cut off the three shepherds in one month, and my soul is grieved with them, and also their soul hath abhorred me. 9 And I say, `I do not feed you, the dying, let die; and the cut off, let be cut off; and the remaining ones, let each eat the flesh of its neighbour.' 10 And I take My staff Pleasantness, and cut it asunder, to make void My covenant that I had made with all the peoples: 11 and it is broken in that day, and know well do the afflicted of the flock who are observing me, that it is a word of Jehovah. 12 And I say unto them: `If good in your eyes, give my hire, and if not, forbear;' and they weigh out my hire—thirty silverlings. 13 And Jehovah saith unto me, `Cast it unto the potter;' the goodly price that I have been prized at by them, and I take the thirty silverlings, and cast them to the house of Jehovah, unto the potter. 14 And I cut asunder my second staff, Bands, to break the unity between Judah and Israel.
15 And Jehovah saith unto me, `Again take to thee the instrument of a foolish shepherd. 16 For lo, I am raising up a shepherd in the land, The cut off he doth not inspect, The shaken off he doth not seek, And the broken he doth not heal, The standing he doth not sustain, And the flesh of the fat he doth eat, And their hoofs he doth break off. 17 Woe to the worthless shepherd, forsaking the flock, A sword is on his arm, and on his right eye, His arm is utterly dried up, And his right eye is very dim!'
JuliaSmith(i) 4 Thus said Jehovah my God: Feed the flock of slaughter; 5 Which they possessing them will slaughter them, and they will not be punished: and they selling them will say, Blessed be Jehovah; and I shall be rich: and their shepherds had not pity upon them. 6 For I will no more have pity upon the inhabitants of the land, says Jehovah: and behold, the men to be found each in the hand of his neighbor, and in the hand of his king: and they beat the land, and I will not deliver from their hand. 7 And I will feed the flock of slaughter for you, and the poor of the sheep: And I will take to me two rods; to the one I called Beauty, and to the one, I called Cords; and I will feed the sheep. 8 And I will conceal three shepherds in one month; and my soul will be shortened for them, and also their soul loathed for me. 9 And saying, I will not feed you: the dying shall die, and the concealed shall be concealed; and they being left shall eat each the flesh of her neighbor. 10 And I will take my rod Beauty, and I will cut it off, to break my covenant which I cut out with all the peoples. 11 And it shall be broken in that day: and the poor of the flock watching me knew that it was the word of Jehovah. 12 And saying to them, If good in your eyes, give ye my hire; and if not, desist. And they will weigh my hire, thirty of silver. 13 And Jehovah will say to me, Cast it to the potter: a splendor of price which I was prized of them. And I shall take the thirty of silver and cast it in the house of Jehovah, to the potter. 14 And I shall cut off my second rod, Cords, to break the brotherhood between Judah and between Israel. 15 And Jehovah will say to me, Yet take to thee the vessels of a foolish shepherd. 16 For behold, I raise up a shepherd in the land, he shall not review those being concealed; the youth he shall not seek, and he shall not heal the broken, and he shall not nourish the standing firmly: and he shall eat the flesh of the fading, and he shall break their hoofs. 17 Wo! to the empty shepherd forsaking the sheep; the sword upon his arm, and upon his right eye: and his arm being dried up, shall be dried up, and his right eye being dim, shall be dim.
Darby(i) 4 Thus saith Jehovah my God: Feed the flock of slaughter, 5 whose possessors slay them without being held guilty; and they that sell them say, Blessed be Jehovah! for I am become rich; and their own shepherds pity them not. 6 For I will no more pity the inhabitants of the land, saith Jehovah, and behold, I will deliver men, every one into his neighbour`s hand, and into the hand of his king; and they shall smite the land, and I will not deliver out of their hand. 7 So I fed the flock of slaughter, truly the poor of the flock. And I took unto me two staves; the one I called Beauty, and the other I called Bands; and I fed the flock. 8 And I destroyed three shepherds in one month; and my soul was vexed with them, and their soul also loathed me. 9 And I said, I will not feed you: that which dieth, let it die; and that which perisheth let it perish; and let them which are left eat every one the flesh of another. 10 And I took my staff, Beauty, and cut it asunder, that I might break my covenant which I had made with all the peoples. 11 And it was broken in that day; and so the poor of the flock that gave heed to me knew that it was the word of Jehovah. 12 And I said unto them, If ye think good, give [me] my hire; and if not, forbear. And they weighed for my hire thirty silver-pieces. 13 And Jehovah said unto me, Cast it unto the potter: a goodly price that I was prized at by them. And I took the thirty silver-pieces, and cast them to the potter in the house of Jehovah. 14 And I cut asunder mine other staff, Bands, to break the brotherhood between Judah and Israel. 15 And Jehovah said unto me, Take unto thee yet the instruments of a foolish shepherd. 16 For behold, I will raise up a shepherd in the land, who shall not visit those that are about to perish, neither shall seek that which is strayed away, nor heal that which is wounded, nor feed that which is sound; but he will eat the flesh of the fat, and tear their hoofs in pieces. 17 Woe to the worthless shepherd that leaveth the flock! The sword shall be upon his arm, and upon his right eye; his arm shall be clean dried up, and his right eye utterly darkened.
ERV(i) 4 Thus said the LORD my God: Feed the flock of slaughter; 5 whose possessors slay them, and hold themselves not guilty; and they that sell them say, Blessed be the LORD, for I am rich: and their own shepherds pity them not. 6 For I will no more pity the inhabitants of the land, saith the LORD: but, lo, I will deliver the men every one into his neighbour’s hand, and into the hand of his king: and they shall smite the land, and out of their hand I will not deliver them. 7 So I fed the flock of slaughter, verily the poor of the flock. And I took unto me two staves; the one I called Beauty, and the other I called Bands; and I fed the flock. 8 And I cut off the three shepherds in one month; for my soul was weary of them, and their soul also loathed me. 9 Then said I, I will not feed you: that that dieth, let it die; and that that is to be cut off, let it be cut off; and let them which are left eat every one the flesh of another. 10 And I took my staff Beauty, and cut it asunder, that I might break my covenant which I had made with all the peoples. 11 And it was broken in that day: and thus the poor of the flock that gave heed unto me knew that it was the word of the LORD. 12 And I said unto them, If ye think good, give me my hire; and if not, forbear. So they weighed for my hire thirty [pieces] of silver. 13 And the LORD said unto me, Cast it unto the potter, the goodly price that I was prised at of them. And I took the thirty [pieces] of silver, and cast them unto the potter, in the house of the LORD. 14 Then I cut asunder mine other staff, even Bands, that I might break the brotherhood between Judah and Israel. 15 And the LORD said unto me, Take unto thee yet again the instruments of a foolish shepherd. 16 For, lo, I will raise up a shepherd in the land, which shall not visit those that be cut off, neither shall seek those that be scattered, nor heal that that is broken; neither shall he feed that which is sound, but he shall eat the flesh of the fat, and shall tear their hoofs in pieces. 17 Woe to the worthless shepherd that leaveth the flock, the sword shall be upon his arm, and upon his right eye: his arm shall be clean dried up, and his right eye shall be utterly darkened.
ASV(i) 4 Thus said Jehovah my God: Feed the flock of slaughter; 5 whose possessors slay them, and hold themselves not guilty; and they that sell them say, Blessed be Jehovah, for I am rich; and their own shepherds pity them not. 6 For I will no more pity the inhabitants of the land, saith Jehovah; but, lo, I will deliver the men every one into his neighbor's hand, and into the hand of his king; and they shall smite the land, and out of their hand I will not deliver them. 7 So I fed the flock of slaughter, verily the poor of the flock. And I took unto me two staves; the one I called Beauty, and the other I called Bands; and I fed the flock. 8 And I cut off the three shepherds in one month; for my soul was weary of them, and their soul also loathed me. 9 Then said I, I will not feed you: that which dieth, let it die; and that which is to be cut off, let it be cut off; and let them that are left eat every one the flesh of another. 10 And I took my staff Beauty, and cut it asunder, that I might break my covenant which I had made with all the peoples. 11 And it was broken in that day; and thus the poor of the flock that gave heed unto me knew that it was the word of Jehovah. 12 And I said unto them, If ye think good, give me my hire; and if not, forbear. So they weighed for my hire thirty [pieces] of silver. 13 And Jehovah said unto me, Cast it unto the potter, the goodly price that I was prized at by them. And I took the thirty [pieces] of silver, and cast them unto the potter, in the house of Jehovah. 14 Then I cut asunder mine other staff, even Bands, that I might break the brotherhood between Judah and Israel.
15 And Jehovah said unto me, Take unto thee yet again the instruments of a foolish shepherd. 16 For, lo, I will raise up a shepherd in the land, who will not visit those that are cut off, neither will seek those that are scattered, nor heal that which is broken, nor feed that which is sound; but he will eat the flesh of the fat [sheep], and will tear their hoofs in pieces. 17 Woe to the worthless shepherd that leaveth the flock! the sword shall be upon his arm, and upon his right eye: his arm shall be clean dried up, and his right eye shall be utterly darkened.
  4 H559 Thus said H3068 Jehovah H430 my God: H7462 Feed H6629 the flock H2028 of slaughter;
  5 H7069 whose possessors H2026 slay H816 them, and hold themselves not guilty; H4376 and they that sell H559 them say, H1288 Blessed H3068 be Jehovah, H6238 for I am rich; H7462 and their own shepherds H2550 pity them not.
  6 H2550 For I will no more pity H3427 the inhabitants H776 of the land, H5002 saith H3068 Jehovah; H4672 but, lo, I will deliver H120 the men H376 every one H7453 into his neighbor's H3027 hand, H3027 and into the hand H4428 of his king; H3807 and they shall smite H776 the land, H3027 and out of their hand H5337 I will not deliver them.
  7 H7462 So I fed H6629 the flock H2028 of slaughter, H3651 verily H6041 the poor H6629 of the flock. H3947 And I took H8147 unto me two H4731 staves; H259 the one H7121 I called H5278 Beauty, H259 and the other H7121 I called H2254 Bands; H7462 and I fed H6629 the flock.
  8 H3582 And I cut off H7969 the three H7462 shepherds H259 in one H3391 month; H5315 for my soul H7114 was weary H5315 of them, and their soul H973 also loathed me.
  9 H559 Then said H7462 I, I will not feed H4191 you: that which dieth, H4191 let it die; H3582 and that which is to be cut off, H3582 let it be cut off; H7604 and let them that are left H398 eat H802 every one H1320 the flesh H7468 of another.
  10 H3947 And I took H4731 my staff H5278 Beauty, H1438 and cut it asunder, H6565 that I might break H1285 my covenant H3772 which I had made H5971 with all the peoples.
  11 H6565 And it was broken H3117 in that day; H6041 and thus the poor H6629 of the flock H8104 that gave heed H3045 unto me knew H1697 that it was the word H3068 of Jehovah.
  12 H559 And I said H5869 unto them, If ye think H2896 good, H3051 give H7939 me my hire; H2308 and if not, forbear. H8254 So they weighed H7970 for my hire thirty H3701 pieces of silver.
  13 H3068 And Jehovah H559 said H7993 unto me, Cast H3335 it unto the potter, H145 the goodly H3366 price H3365 that I was prized at H3947 by them. And I took H7970 the thirty H3701 pieces of silver, H7993 and cast H3335 them unto the potter, H1004 in the house H3068 of Jehovah.
  14 H1438 Then I cut asunder H8145 mine other H4731 staff, H2254 even Bands, H6565 that I might break H264 the brotherhood H3063 between Judah H3478 and Israel.
  15 H3068 And Jehovah H559 said H3947 unto me, Take H3627 unto thee yet again the instruments H196 of a foolish H7462 shepherd.
  16 H6965 For, lo, I will raise up H7462 a shepherd H776 in the land, H6485 who will not visit H3582 those that are cut off, H1245 neither will seek H5289 those that are scattered, H7495 nor heal H7665 that which is broken, H3557 nor feed H5324 that which is sound; H398 but he will eat H1320 the flesh H1277 of the fat H6561 sheep, and will tear H6541 their hoofs H6561 in pieces.
  17 H1945 Woe H457 to the worthless H7473 shepherd H5800 that leaveth H6629 the flock! H2719 the sword H2220 shall be upon his arm, H3225 and upon his right H5869 eye: H2220 his arm H3001 shall be clean H3001 dried up, H3225 and his right H5869 eye H3543 shall be utterly H3543 darkened.
JPS_ASV_Byz(i) 4 Thus said the LORD my God: 'Feed the flock of slaughter; 5 whose buyers slay them, and hold themselves not guilty; and they that sell them say: Blessed be the LORD, for I am rich; and their own shepherds pity them not. 6 For I will no more pity the inhabitants of the land, saith the LORD; but, lo, I will deliver the men every one into his neighbour's hand, and into the hand of his king; and they shall smite the land, and out of their hand I will not deliver them.' 7 So I fed the flock of slaughter, verily the poor of the flock. And I took unto me two staves; the one I called Graciousness, and the other I called Binders; and I fed the flock. 8 And I cut off the three shepherds in one month; 'for My soul became impatient of them, and their soul also loathed Me.' 9 Then said I: 'I will not feed you; that which dieth, let it die; and that which is to be cut off, let it be cut off; and let them that are left eat every one the flesh of another.' 10 And I took my staff Graciousness, and cut it asunder, 'that I might break My covenant which I had made with all the peoples.' 11 And it was broken in that day; and the poor of the flock that gave heed unto me knew of a truth that it was the word of the LORD. 12 And I said unto them: 'If ye think good, give me my hire; and if not, forbear.' So they weighed for my hire thirty pieces of silver. 13 And the LORD said unto me: 'Cast it into the treasury, the goodly price that I was prized at of them.' And I took the thirty pieces of silver, and cast them into the treasury, in the house of the LORD. 14 Then I cut asunder mine other staff, even Binders, that the brotherhood between Judah and Israel might be broken. 15 And the LORD said unto me: 'Take unto thee yet the instruments of a foolish shepherd. 16 For, lo, I will raise up a shepherd in the land, who will not think of those that are cut off, neither will seek those that are young, nor heal that which is broken; neither will he feed that which standeth still, but he will eat the flesh of the fat, and will break their hoofs in pieces.' 17 Woe to the worthless shepherd that leaveth the flock! The sword shall be upon his arm, and upon his right eye; his arm shall be clean dried up, and his right eye shall be utterly darkened.
Rotherham(i) 4 Thus, saith Yahweh my God,––Tend thou the flock doomed to slaughter: 5 Whose, buyers, slay them, and are not held guilty, and whose, sellers, say––Blessed be Yahweh, that I am become rich, And so, their own shepherds, have no pity upon them. 6 Surely I will have pity no longer upon the inhabitants of the earth, Declareth Yahweh,––Therefore lo! I am delivering up mankind, every man into the hand of his neighbour, and into the hand of his king, and they will crush the earth, nor will I deliver out of their hand. 7 So I tended the flock doomed to slaughter, for the sheep–merchants,––and took unto me two staves, the one, I called Grace, and, the other, I called Union, thus I tended the sheep, 8 And I sent off three shepherds, in one month,––for impatient was my soul with them, moreover also, their soul, felt a loathing against me. 9 Then said I––I will not tend you,––the dying, may die, and, the disappearing, may disappear, and, the remainder, may devour one another. 10 So I took my staff Grace, and cut it in two,––that I might set aside my covenant which I had solemnised with all the peoples. 11 When it was broken, on that day, then did the sheep– merchants who were watching me, know, that, the word of Yahweh, it was. 12 Then said I unto them, If it be good in your eyes, give me my wage, and, if not, forbear. So they weighed out my wage, thirty pieces of silver. 13 Then said Yahweh unto me, Cast it into the treasury, the magnificent price at which I had been valued by them! So I took the thirty pieces of silver, and cast them, in the house of Yahweh, into the treasury. 14 Then cut I in two my second staff, even Union,––that I might break the brotherhood between Judah and Israel.
15 Then said Yahweh unto me,––Yet further take thee the implements of a worthless shepherd. 16 For lo! I am raising up a shepherd in the land, the disappearing, will he not visit, the straying, will he not seek, and, the fractured, will he not bind up,––the weak, will he not nourish, but, the flesh of the fat, will he eat, and, their hoofs, will he break in pieces. 17 Alas! for my worthless shepherd, who forsaketh the flock, A sword upon his arm, and upon his right eye!––his arm, shall be, utterly withered, and, his right eye, shall be, wholly darkened.
CLV(i) 4 Thus says Yahweh, my Elohim:Graze the flock for the killing, 5 whose acquirers will kill, yet will not be guilty. And their sellers will say, Blessed is Yahweh! And we shall be rich! And their own shepherds shall not spare them." 6 For I will no longer spare the dwellers of the land, (averring is Yahweh). And behold! I am causing humans to be found, each in the hand of his associate, and in the hand of his king. And they shall pound the land to pieces, yet I will not rescue from their hand." 7 And I will graze the flock for the killing, for the traffickers of the flock. And I am taking myself two sticks. One I call Pleasantness, and one I called Pledgers. And I am grazing the flock." 8 And I am suppressing three shepherds in one month. Yet my soul is impatient with them; and, moreover, their soul is nauseated with me." 9 Then I am saying, I will not graze you. The dying will die; and the suppressed will be suppressed; and the remainder will eat, each woman, of the flesh of her mate." 10 And I will take my stick, Pleasantness, and will hack it to pieces, to annul my covenant which I contracted with all the peoples." 11 And it will be annulled in that day. And the traffickers of the flock, who are observing me, shall know that it is the word of Yahweh." 12 And I am saying to them, If it is good in your eyes, grant my hire. And if not, forbear. And they are weighing my hire, thirty silverlings." 13 And Yahweh is saying to me, Fling it to the minter--the noble esteem with which I am esteemed by them! So I am taking the thirty silverlings and am flinging them to the minter in the house of Yahweh." 14 And I will hack to pieces the second stick, Pledgers, to annul the brotherhood between Judah and Israel." 15 Then Yahweh is saying to me, Further, take to you the implement of a foolish shepherd." 16 For behold! I am raising up a shepherd in the land. The suppressed he will not visit; the roving he will not seek; and the broken he will not heal; that which stands up he will not sustain. Yet the flesh of the plump he will eat, and their hoofs he will break off." 17 Woe! forbidden idol's shepherd! forsaker of the flock! A sword is on his arm and on his right eye! His arm shall be dried dry, and his right eye shall be dimmed dim."
BBE(i) 4 This is what the Lord my God has said: Take care of the flock of death; 5 Whose owners put them to death and have no sense of sin; and those who get a price for them say, May the Lord be praised for I have much wealth: and the keepers of the flock have no pity for them. 6 For I will have no more pity for the people of the land, says the Lord; but I will give up everyone into his neighbour's hand and into the hand of his king: and they will make the land waste, and I will not keep them safe from their hands. 7 So I took care of the flock of death, for those who made profit out of the flock; and I took for myself two rods, naming one Beautiful, and the other Bands; and I took care of the flock. 8 And in one month I put an end to the three keepers of the flock; for my soul was tired of them, and their souls were disgusted with me. 9 And I said, I will not take care of you: If death comes to any, let death be its fate; if any is cut off, let it be cut off; and let the rest take one another's flesh for food. 10 And I took my rod Beautiful, cutting it in two, so that the Lord's agreement, which he had made with all the peoples, might be broken. 11 And it was broken on that day: and the sheep-traders, who were watching me, were certain that it was the word of the Lord. 12 And I said to them, If it seems good to you, give me my payment; and if not, do not give it. So they gave me my payment by weight, thirty shekels of silver. 13 And the Lord said to me, Put it into the store-house, the price at which I was valued by them. And I took the thirty shekels of silver and put them into the store-house in the house of the Lord. 14 Then I took my other rod, the one named Bands, cutting it in two, so that the relation of brothers between Judah and Israel might be broken. 15 And the Lord said to me, Take again the instruments of a foolish keeper of sheep. 16 For see, I will put a sheep-keeper over the land, who will have no care for that which is cut off, and will not go in search of the wanderers, or make well what is broken, and he will not give food to that which is ill, but he will take for his food the flesh of the fat, and let their feet be broken. 17 A curse on the foolish keeper who goes away from the flock! the sword will be on his arm and on his right eye: his arm will become quite dry and his eye will be made completely dark.
MKJV(i) 4 For so says Jehovah my God: Feed the flock of the slaughter, 5 those buying them kill them, and hold themselves not guilty. And those who sell them say, Blessed be Jehovah, for I am rich; and their shepherds do not pity them. 6 For I will never again pity the people of the land, says Jehovah; but lo, I will make the men come out, each one into his neighbor's hand and into his king's hand. And they shall strike the land, and I will not deliver out of their hand. 7 And I fed the flock of slaughter, even the poor of the flock. And I took two staffs for myself; the one I called Kindness, and the other I called Union. And I fed the flock. 8 I also cut off three shepherds in one month; and my soul was impatient with them, and their soul also despised me. 9 And I said, I will not feed you; that which dies, let it die; and that which is to be cut off, let it be cut off. And those left, let them eat, each woman her neighbor's flesh. 10 And I took my staff Kindness, and broke it apart, to break My covenant which I had made with all the peoples. 11 And it was broken in that day; and so the poor of the flock who were watching Me knew that it was the Word of Jehovah. 12 And I said to them, If it is good, give My price; and if not, let it go. So they weighed My price thirty pieces of silver. 13 And Jehovah said to me, Throw it to the potter, the magnificent price at which I was valued by them. And I took the thirty pieces of silver and threw them to the potter in the house of Jehovah. 14 Then I broke My other staff Union apart, that I might break the brotherhood between Judah and Israel. 15 And Jehovah said to me, Take to yourself yet the instruments of a foolish shepherd. 16 For lo, I will raise up a shepherd in the land who will not care for those going to ruin, nor will he seek the young, nor will heal that which is broken, nor will he feed that which stands. But he shall eat the flesh of the fat and tear off their hoofs. 17 Woe to the worthless shepherd who abandons the flock! The sword shall be on his arm and on his right eye; his arm shall be completely dried up, and his right eye shall be utterly darkened.
LITV(i) 4 For so says Jehovah my God: Feed the flock of the slaughter. 5 Those who buy them kill them and are not held guilty. And those who sell them say, Blessed be Jehovah, for I am rich. And their shepherds do not pity them. 6 For I will never again pity the inhabitants of the land, says Jehovah. But, lo, I will make the men fall, each one into his neighbor's hand, and into his king's hand. And they shall strike the land, and I will not deliver out of their hand. 7 And I fed the flock of slaughter, the truly poor of the flock. And I took two staffs for Myself: the one I called Kindness, and the other I called Union. And I fed the flock. 8 I also cut off three shepherds in one month. And My soul despised them, and their soul also detested Me. 9 Then I said, I will not feed you; that which dies, let it die; and that which is to be cut off, let it be cut off. And let the rest eat, each woman the flesh of her neighbor. 10 And I took My staff Kindness and broke it apart, to break My covenant which I had cut with all the peoples. 11 And it was broken in that day, and so the poor of the flock who were watching Me knew that it was the word of Jehovah. 12 And I said to them, If it is good in your eyes, give My price; and if not, let it go. And they weighed My price, thirty pieces of silver. 13 And Jehovah said to Me, Throw it to the potter, the magnificent price at which I was valued by them. And I took the thirty pieces of silver and threw it to the potter in the house of Jehovah. 14 Then I broke apart My second staff Union, that I might break the brotherhood between Judah and Israel. 15 And Jehovah said to me, Again take to yourself the instruments of a foolish shepherd. 16 For, lo, I will raise up a shepherd in the land; he shall not visit those who are cut off, nor will he seek the young, nor will he heal that which is broken, nor will he sustain that which stands. But he shall eat the flesh of the fat, and tear off their hoofs. 17 Woe to the worthless shepherd who abandons the flock! The sword shall be against his arm and against his right eye. His arm shall be completely withered, and his right eye shall be totally darkened.
ECB(i) 4 Thus says Yah Veh my Elohim: Tend the flock of the slaughter; 5 whose chattelers slaughter them, and they guilt not: and they who sell them say, Blessed - Yah Veh; for I enrich: and their own tenders spare them not. 6 For I spare the settlers of the land no more - an oracle of Yah Veh. And behold, I present humanity - each man to the hand of his friend and to the hand of his sovereign; and they crush the land: and from their hand I rescue them not: 7 and I tend the flock of slaughter - even you, O humble of the flock. And I take two staves to myself; the one I call Pleasantness and the one I call Bands: and I tend the flock. 8 And in one month, I chop off three tenders; and my soul loathes them, and their soul also loathes me. 9 Then I say, I tend you not: what dies, dies; and what is cut off, is cut off; and of them who survive, each woman eats the flesh of sister. 10 And I take my staff, Pleasantness, and cut it, to break the covenant I cut with all the people: 11 and I break it in that day: and thus the humble of the flock who guard me know it is the word of Yah Veh. 12 And I say to them, If good in your eyes, give me my hire; and if not, cease. - and they weigh for my hire thirty silver. 13 And Yah Veh says to me, Cast it to the former: - a mighty appraisal I am appraised by them. - and I take the thirty silver and cast them to the former in the house of Yah Veh. 14 Then I cut my second staff, Bands, to break the brotherhood between Yah Hudah and between Yisra El. 15 And Yah Veh says to me, Take to yourself again the instruments of a foolish tender: 16 for, behold, I raise a tender in the land, who neither visits the cut off, nor seeks the lad, nor heals the broken, nor sustains the stationed: and he eats the flesh of the fat and craunches their hoofs. 17 Ho to the idol tender who forsakes the flock! the sword is on his arm and on his right eye: his arm withers, and in dimming, his right eye dims.
ACV(i) 4 Thus said LORD my God: Feed the flock of slaughter, 5 whose possessors kill them, and hold themselves not guilty. And those who sell them say, Blessed be LORD, for I am rich, and their own shepherds pity them not. 6 For I will no more pity the inhabitants of the land, says LORD. But, lo, I will deliver the men each one into his neighbor's hand, and into the hand of his king. And they shall smite the land, and I will not deliver them out of their hand. 7 So I fed the flock of slaughter, truly the poor of the flock. And I took to me two staves, the one I called Beauty, and the other I called Bands, and I fed the flock. 8 And I cut off the three shepherds in one month, for my soul was weary of them, and their soul also loathed me. 9 Then I said, I will not feed you. That which dies, let it die, and that which is to be cut off, let it be cut off, and let those who are left eat each one the flesh of another. 10 And I took my staff Beauty, and cut it apart, that I might break my covenant which I had made with all the peoples. 11 And it was broken in that day, and thus the poor of the flock who gave heed to me knew that it was the word of LORD. 12 And I said to them, If ye think good, give me my wage, and if not, forbear. So they weighed for my wage thirty pieces of silver. 13 And LORD said to me, Cast it to the potter, the good price that I was valued by them. And I took the thirty pieces of silver, and cast them to the potter in the house of LORD. 14 Then I cut apart my other staff, even Bands, that I might break the brotherhood between Judah and Israel. 15 And LORD said to me, Take to thee yet again the instruments of a foolish shepherd. 16 For, lo, I will raise up a shepherd in the land, who will not visit those who are cut off, nor will he seek those who are scattered, nor heal that which is broken, nor feed that which is sound, but he will eat the flesh of the fat, and will tear their hoofs in pieces. 17 Woe to the worthless shepherd who leaves the flock! The sword shall be upon his arm, and upon his right eye. His arm shall be entirely dried up, and his right eye shall be utterly darkened.
WEB(i) 4 Yahweh my God says: “Feed the flock of slaughter. 5 Their buyers slaughter them, and go unpunished. Those who sell them say, ‘Blessed be Yahweh, for I am rich;’ and their own shepherds don’t pity them. 6 For I will no more pity the inhabitants of the land,” says Yahweh; “but, behold, I will deliver the men everyone into his neighbor’s hand, and into the hand of his king. They will strike the land, and out of their hand I will not deliver them.” 7 So I fed the flock of slaughter, especially the oppressed of the flock. I took for myself two staffs. The one I called “Favor”, and the other I called “Union”, and I fed the flock. 8 I cut off the three shepherds in one month; for my soul was weary of them, and their soul also loathed me. 9 Then I said, “I will not feed you. That which dies, let it die; and that which is to be cut off, let it be cut off; and let those who are left eat each other’s flesh.” 10 I took my staff Favor, and cut it apart, that I might break my covenant that I had made with all the peoples. 11 It was broken in that day; and thus the poor of the flock that listened to me knew that it was Yahweh’s word. 12 I said to them, “If you think it best, give me my wages; and if not, keep them.” So they weighed for my wages thirty pieces of silver. 13 Yahweh said to me, “Throw it to the potter, the handsome price that I was valued at by them!” I took the thirty pieces of silver, and threw them to the potter, in Yahweh’s house. 14 Then I cut apart my other staff, even Union, that I might break the brotherhood between Judah and Israel. 15 Yahweh said to me, “Take for yourself yet again the equipment of a foolish shepherd. 16 For, behold, I will raise up a shepherd in the land, who will not visit those who are cut off, neither will seek those who are scattered, nor heal that which is broken, nor feed that which is sound; but he will eat the meat of the fat sheep, and will tear their hoofs in pieces. 17 Woe to the worthless shepherd who leaves the flock! The sword will be on his arm, and on his right eye. His arm will be completely withered, and his right eye will be totally blinded!”
  4 H559 Thus says H3068 Yahweh H430 my God: H7462 "Feed H6629 the flock H2028 of slaughter.
  5 H7069 Their buyers H2026 slaughter H816 them, and go unpunished. H4376 Those who sell H559 them say, H1288 ‘Blessed H3068 be Yahweh, H6238 for I am rich;' H7462 and their own shepherds H2550 don't pity them.
  6 H2550 For I will no more pity H3427 the inhabitants H776 of the land," H5002 says H3068 Yahweh; H4672 "but, behold, I will deliver H120 the men H376 everyone H7453 into his neighbor's H3027 hand, H3027 and into the hand H4428 of his king. H3807 They will strike H776 the land, H3027 and out of their hand H5337 I will not deliver them."
  7 H7462 So I fed H6629 the flock H2028 of slaughter, H3651 especially H6041 the oppressed H6629 of the flock. H3947 I took H8147 for myself two H4731 staffs. H259 The one H7121 I called H5278 "Favor," H259 and the other H7121 I called H2254 "Union," H7462 and I fed H6629 the flock.
  8 H3582 I cut off H7969 the three H7462 shepherds H259 in one H3391 month; H5315 for my soul H7114 was weary H5315 of them, and their soul H973 also loathed me.
  9 H559 Then I said, H7462 "I will not feed H4191 you. That which dies, H4191 let it die; H3582 and that which is to be cut off, H3582 let it be cut off; H7604 and let those who are left H398 eat H802 each H7468 other's H1320 flesh."
  10 H3947 I took H4731 my staff H5278 Favor, H1438 and cut it apart, H6565 that I might break H1285 my covenant H3772 that I had made H5971 with all the peoples.
  11 H6565 It was broken H3117 in that day; H6041 and thus the poor H6629 of the flock H8104 that listened H3045 to me knew H1697 that it was the word H3068 of Yahweh.
  12 H559 I said H5869 to them, "If you think H3051 it best, give H7939 me my wages; H2308 and if not, keep H8254 them." So they weighed H7939 for my wages H7970 thirty H3701 pieces of silver.
  13 H3068 Yahweh H559 said H7993 to me, "Throw H3335 it to the potter, H145 the handsome H3366 price H3365 that I was valued at H3947 by them!" I took H7970 the thirty H3701 pieces of silver, H7993 and threw H3335 them to the potter, H1004 in the house H3068 of Yahweh.
  14 H1438 Then I cut apart H8145 my other H4731 staff, H2254 even Union, H6565 that I might break H264 the brotherhood H3063 between Judah H3478 and Israel.
  15 H3068 Yahweh H559 said H3947 to me, "Take H3627 for yourself yet again the equipment H196 of a foolish H7462 shepherd.
  16 H6965 For, behold, I will raise up H7462 a shepherd H776 in the land, H6485 who will not visit H3582 those who are cut off, H1245 neither will seek H5289 those who are scattered, H7495 nor heal H7665 that which is broken, H3557 nor feed H5324 that which is sound; H398 but he will eat H1320 the flesh H1277 of the fat H6561 sheep, and will tear H6541 their hoofs H6561 in pieces.
  17 H1945 Woe H457 to the worthless H7473 shepherd H5800 who leaves H6629 the flock! H2719 The sword H2220 will be on his arm, H3225 and on his right H5869 eye. H2220 His arm H3001 will be completely H3001 withered, H3225 and his right H5869 eye H3543 will be totally H3543 blinded!"
NHEB(i) 4 Thus says the LORD my God: "Feed the flock of slaughter. 5 Their buyers slaughter them, and go unpunished. Those who sell them say, 'Blessed be the LORD, for I am rich;' and their own shepherds do not pity them. 6 For I will no more pity the inhabitants of the land," says the LORD; "but, look, I will deliver the men everyone into his neighbor's hand, and into the hand of his king. They will strike the land, and out of their hand I will not deliver them." 7 So I fed the flock of slaughter, especially the oppressed of the flock. I took for myself two staffs. The one I called "Favor," and the other I called "Union," and I fed the flock. 8 I cut off the three shepherds in one month; for my soul was weary of them, and their soul also loathed me. 9 Then I said, "I will not feed you. That which dies, let it die; and that which is to be cut off, let it be cut off; and let those who are left eat each other's flesh." 10 I took my staff Favor, and cut it apart, that I might break my covenant that I had made with all the peoples. 11 It was broken in that day; and thus the poor of the flock that listened to me knew that it was the word of the LORD. 12 I said to them, "If you think it best, give me my wages; and if not, keep them." So they weighed for my wages thirty pieces of silver. 13 The LORD said to me, "Throw it to the potter, the handsome price that I was valued at by them." I took the thirty pieces of silver, and threw them to the potter, in the house of the LORD. 14 Then I cut apart my other staff, even Union, that I might break the brotherhood between Judah and Israel. 15 The LORD said to me, "Take for yourself yet again the equipment of a foolish shepherd. 16 For, look, I will raise up a shepherd in the land, who will not visit those who are cut off, neither will seek those who are scattered, nor heal that which is broken, nor feed that which is sound; but he will eat the flesh of the fat sheep, and will tear their hoofs in pieces. 17 Woe to the worthless shepherd who leaves the flock. The sword will be on his arm, and on his right eye. His arm will be completely withered, and his right eye will be totally blinded."
AKJV(i) 4 Thus said the LORD my God; Feed the flock of the slaughter; 5 Whose possessors slay them, and hold themselves not guilty: and they that sell them say, Blessed be the LORD; for I am rich: and their own shepherds pity them not. 6 For I will no more pity the inhabitants of the land, said the LORD: but, see, I will deliver the men every one into his neighbor's hand, and into the hand of his king: and they shall smite the land, and out of their hand I will not deliver them. 7 And I will feed the flock of slaughter, even you, O poor of the flock. And I took to me two staves; the one I called Beauty, and the other I called Bands; and I fed the flock. 8 Three shepherds also I cut off in one month; and my soul loathed them, and their soul also abhorred me. 9 Then said I, I will not feed you: that that dies, let it die; and that that is to be cut off, let it be cut off; and let the rest eat every one the flesh of another. 10 And I took my staff, even Beauty, and cut it asunder, that I might break my covenant which I had made with all the people. 11 And it was broken in that day: and so the poor of the flock that waited on me knew that it was the word of the LORD. 12 And I said to them, If you think good, give me my price; and if not, forbear. So they weighed for my price thirty pieces of silver. 13 And the LORD said to me, Cast it to the potter: a goodly price that I was priced at of them. And I took the thirty pieces of silver, and cast them to the potter in the house of the LORD. 14 Then I cut asunder my other staff, even Bands, that I might break the brotherhood between Judah and Israel. 15 And the LORD said to me, Take to you yet the instruments of a foolish shepherd. 16 For, see, I will raise up a shepherd in the land, which shall not visit those that be cut off, neither shall seek the young one, nor heal that that is broken, nor feed that that stands still: but he shall eat the flesh of the fat, and tear their claws in pieces. 17 Woe to the idol shepherd that leaves the flock! the sword shall be on his arm, and on his right eye: his arm shall be clean dried up, and his right eye shall be utterly darkened.
  4 H3541 Thus H559 said H3068 the LORD H430 my God; H7462 Feed H6629 the flock H2028 of the slaughter;
  5 H834 Whose H7069 possessors H2026 slay H816 them, and hold H816 themselves not guilty: H4376 and they that sell H559 them say, H1288 Blessed H3068 be the LORD; H6238 for I am rich: H7462 and their own shepherds H2550 pity them not.
  6 H3808 For I will no H5750 more H2550 pity H3427 the inhabitants H776 of the land, H5002 said H3068 the LORD: H4672 but, see, I will deliver H120 the men H376 every H376 one H7453 into his neighbor’s H3027 hand, H3027 and into the hand H4428 of his king: H3807 and they shall smite H776 the land, H3027 and out of their hand H5337 I will not deliver them.
  7 H7462 And I will feed H6629 the flock H2028 of slaughter, H3651 even H6041 you, O poor H6629 of the flock. H3947 And I took H8147 to me two H4731 staves; H259 the one H7121 I called H5278 Beauty, H259 and the other H7121 I called H2256 Bands; H7462 and I fed H6629 the flock.
  8 H7969 Three H7462 shepherds H3582 also I cut H259 off in one H3391 month; H5315 and my soul H7114 loathed H5315 them, and their soul H1571 also H973 abhorred me.
  9 H559 Then said H7462 I, I will not feed H4191 you: that that dies, H4191 let it die; H3582 and that that is to be cut H3582 off, let it be cut H7604 off; and let the rest H398 eat H802 every H802 one H1320 the flesh H7468 of another.
  10 H3947 And I took H4731 my staff, H853 even H5278 Beauty, H1438 and cut H6565 it asunder, that I might break H1285 my covenant H834 which H3772 I had made H3605 with all H5971 the people.
  11 H6565 And it was broken H3117 in that day: H3651 and so H6041 the poor H6629 of the flock H8104 that waited H3045 on me knew H1697 that it was the word H3068 of the LORD.
  12 H559 And I said H518 to them, If H5869 you think H2896 good, H3051 give H7939 me my price; H518 and if H2308 not, forbear. H8254 So they weighed H7939 for my price H7970 thirty H3701 pieces of silver.
  13 H3068 And the LORD H559 said H7993 to me, Cast H3335 it to the potter: H145 a goodly H3365 price H3365 that I was priced H3947 at of them. And I took H7970 the thirty H3701 pieces of silver, H7993 and cast H3335 them to the potter H1004 in the house H3068 of the LORD.
  14 H1438 Then I cut H8145 asunder my other H4731 staff, H853 even H2256 Bands, H6565 that I might break H264 the brotherhood H996 between H3063 Judah H3478 and Israel.
  15 H3068 And the LORD H559 said H3947 to me, Take H5750 to you yet H3627 the instruments H196 of a foolish H7462 shepherd.
  16 H6965 For, see, I will raise H7462 up a shepherd H776 in the land, H6485 which shall not visit H3582 those that be cut H3808 off, neither H1245 shall seek H5288 the young H3808 one, nor H7495 heal H7665 that that is broken, H3808 nor H3557 feed H5324 that that stands H398 still: but he shall eat H1320 the flesh H1277 of the fat, H6561 and tear H6541 their claws in pieces.
  17 H1945 Woe H457 to the idol H7473 shepherd H5800 that leaves H6629 the flock! H2719 the sword H2220 shall be on his arm, H3225 and on his right H5869 eye: H2220 his arm H2889 shall be clean H3001 dried H3225 up, and his right H5869 eye H3543 shall be utterly darkened.
KJ2000(i) 4 Thus says the LORD my God; Feed the flock for the slaughter; 5 Whose owners slay them, and hold themselves not guilty: and they that sell them say, Blessed be the LORD; for I am rich: and their own shepherds pity them not. 6 For I will no more pity the inhabitants of the land, says the LORD: but, lo, I will deliver the men every one into his neighbor's hand, and into the hand of his king: and they shall strike the land, and out of their hand I will not deliver them. 7 And I will feed the flock of slaughter, even you, O poor of the flock. And I took unto me two staffs; the one I called Grace, and the other I called Unity; and I fed the flock. 8 Three shepherds also I cut off in one month; and my soul loathed them, and their souls also abhorred me. 9 Then said I, I will not feed you: that that dies, let it die; and that which is to be cut off, let it be cut off; and let the rest eat every one the flesh of another. 10 And I took my staff, even Grace, and cut it asunder, that I might break my covenant which I had made with all the people. 11 And it was broken in that day: and so the poor of the flock that waited upon me knew that it was the word of the LORD. 12 And I said unto them, If you think it good, give me my price; and if not, forbear. So they weighed for my price thirty pieces of silver. 13 And the LORD said unto me, Cast it unto the potter: a princely price that I was valued at by them. And I took the thirty pieces of silver, and cast them to the potter in the house of the LORD. 14 Then I cut asunder my other staff, even Unity, that I might break the brotherhood between Judah and Israel. 15 And the LORD said unto me, Take unto you yet the implements of a foolish shepherd. 16 For, lo, I will raise up a shepherd in the land, who shall not visit those that are cut off, neither shall seek the young one, nor heal that that is broken, nor feed that which stands: but he shall eat the flesh of the fat, and tear their hoofs in pieces. 17 Woe to the worthless shepherd that leaves the flock! the sword shall be upon his arm, and upon his right eye: his arm shall be wholly dried up, and his right eye shall be utterly darkened.
UKJV(i) 4 Thus says the LORD my God; Feed the flock of the slaughter; 5 Whose possessors slay them, and hold themselves not guilty: and they that sell them say, Blessed be the LORD; for I am rich: and their own shepherds pity them not. 6 For I will no more pity the inhabitants of the land, says the LORD: but, lo, I will deliver the men every one into his neighbour's hand, and into the hand of his king: and they shall strike the land, and out of their hand I will not deliver them. 7 And I will feed the flock of slaughter, even you, O poor of the flock. And I took unto me two staves; the one I called Beauty, and the other I called Bands; and I fed the flock. 8 Three shepherds also I cut off in one month; and my soul loathed them, and their soul also abhorred me. 9 Then said I, I will not feed you: that that dies, let it die; and that that is to be cut off, let it be cut off; and let the rest eat every one the flesh of another. 10 And I took my staff, even Beauty, and cut it asunder, that I might break my covenant which I had made with all the people. 11 And it was broken in that day: and so the poor of the flock that waited upon me knew that it was the word of the LORD. 12 And I said unto them, If all of you think good, give me my price; and if not, forbear. So they weighed for my price thirty pieces of silver. 13 And the LORD said unto me, Cast it unto the potter: a goodly price that I was appraised at of them. And I took the thirty pieces of silver, and cast them to the potter in the house of the LORD. 14 Then I cut asunder mine other staff, even Bands, that I might break the brotherhood between Judah and Israel. 15 And the LORD said unto me, Take unto you yet the instruments of a foolish shepherd. 16 For, lo, I will raise up a shepherd in the land, which shall not visit those that be cut off, neither shall seek the young one, nor heal that that is broken, nor feed that that stands still: but he shall eat the flesh of the fat, and tear their claws in pieces. 17 Woe to the idol shepherd that left the flock! the sword shall be upon his arm, and upon his right eye: his arm shall be clean dried up, and his right eye shall be utterly darkened.
  4 H559 Thus says H3068 the Lord H430 my God; H7462 Feed H6629 the flock H2028 of the slaughter;
  5 H7069 Whose possessors H2026 kill H816 them, and hold themselves not guilty: H4376 and they that sell H559 them say, H1288 Blessed H3068 be the Lord; H6238 for I am rich: H7462 and their own shepherds H2550 pity them not.
  6 H2550 For I will no more pity H3427 the inhabitants H776 of the land, H5002 says H3068 the Lord: H4672 but, behold, I will deliver H120 the men H376 every one H7453 into his neighbors H3027 hand, H3027 and into the hand H4428 of his king: H3807 and they shall strike H776 the land, H3027 and out of their hand H5337 I will not deliver them.
  7 H7462 And I will feed H6629 the flock H2028 of slaughter, H3651 even you, H6041 O poor H6629 of the flock. H3947 And I took H8147 unto me two H4731 poles; H259 the one H7121 I called H5278 Beauty, H259 and the other H7121 I called H2254 Bands; H7462 and I fed H6629 the flock.
  8 H7969 Three H7462 shepherds H3582 also I cut off H259 in one H3391 month; H5315 and my soul H7114 loathed H5315 them, and their soul H973 also abhorred me.
  9 H559 Then said H7462 I, I will not feed H4191 you: that that dies, H4191 let it die; H3582 and that that is to be cut off, H3582 let it be cut off; H7604 and let the rest H398 eat H802 every one H1320 the flesh H7468 of another.
  10 H3947 And I took H4731 my staff, H5278 even Beauty, H1438 and cut it asunder, H6565 that I might break H1285 my covenant H3772 which I had made H5971 with all the people.
  11 H6565 And it was broken H3117 in that day: H6041 and so the poor H6629 of the flock H8104 that waited H3045 upon me knew H1697 that it was the word H3068 of the Lord.
  12 H559 And I said H5869 unto them, If you think H2896 good, H3051 give H7939 me my price; H2308 and if not, forbear. H8254 So they weighed H7939 for my price H7970 thirty H3701 pieces of silver.
  13 H3068 And the Lord H559 said H7993 unto me, Cast H3335 it unto the potter: H145 a good H3366 price H3365 that I was prised at H3947 of them. And I took H7970 the thirty H3701 pieces of silver, H7993 and cast H3335 them to the potter H1004 in the house H3068 of the Lord.
  14 H1438 Then I cut asunder H8145 my other H4731 staff, H2254 even Bands, H6565 that I might break H264 the brotherhood H3063 between Judah H3478 and Israel.
  15 H3068 And the Lord H559 said H3947 unto me, Take H3627 unto you yet the instruments H196 of a foolish H7462 shepherd.
  16 H6965 For, behold, I will raise up H7462 a shepherd H776 in the land, H6485 which shall not visit H3582 those that be cut off, H1245 neither shall seek H5289 the young one, H7495 nor heal H7665 that that is broken, H3557 nor feed H5324 that that stands H398 still: but he shall eat H1320 the flesh H1277 of the fat, H6561 and tear H6541 their claws H6561 in pieces.
  17 H1945 Woe H457 to the idol H7473 shepherd H5800 that leaves H6629 the flock! H2719 the sword H2220 shall be upon his arm, H3225 and upon his right H5869 eye: H2220 his arm H3001 shall be clean H3001 dried up, H3225 and his right H5869 eye H3543 shall be utterly H3543 darkened.
EJ2000(i) 4 ¶ Thus hath the LORD my God said, Feed the flock of the slaughter, 5 whose buyers slayed them and held themselves not guilty; and he that sold them said, Blessed be the LORD; for I am rich: and not even their own shepherds had compassion on them. 6 Therefore I will no longer pity the inhabitants of the land, saith the LORD; but, behold, I will deliver the men each one into his neighbour’s hand and into the hand of his king; and they shall smite the land, and I will not deliver them out of their hands. 7 And I will feed the flock of slaughter, even you, O poor of the flock. For I took unto me two staves: the one I named Beauty, and the other Bands; and I fed the flock. 8 I also cut off three shepherds in one month; and my soul was in anguish for them, and their soul also abhorred me. 9 Then I said, I will not feed you any longer; the one that dies, let it die; and the one that is to be lost, let it be lost; and let the rest eat each one the flesh of another. 10 And I took my staff, even Beauty, and cut it asunder, that I might break my covenant which I had made with all the peoples. 11 And it was broken in that day; and so the poor of the flock that look unto me knew that it was the word of the LORD. 12 And I said unto them, If ye think good, give me my wages; and if not, forbear. So they weighed for my wages thirty pieces of silver. 13 And the LORD said unto me, Cast it unto the treasury: a goodly price that I was appraised at by them. And I took the thirty pieces of silver and cast them in the house of the LORD unto the treasury. 14 Then I cut asunder my other staff, even Bands, that I might break the brotherhood between Judah and Israel. 15 ¶ And the LORD said unto me, Take unto thee yet the instruments of a foolish shepherd. 16 For, behold, I raise up a shepherd in the land, which shall not visit those that are lost, neither shall seek the young one nor heal the one that is broken nor carry the one that is tired, but he shall eat the flesh of the fat and tear their hoofs in pieces. 17 Woe to the useless pastor that leaves the flock! the sword shall be upon his arm and upon his right eye; his arm shall be completely dried up, and his right eye shall be utterly darkened.
CAB(i) 4 Thus says the Lord Almighty, Feed the sheep of the slaughter; 5 which their possessors have slain, and have not repented: and they that sold them said, Blessed be the Lord; for we have become rich: and their shepherds have suffered no sorrow for them. 6 Therefore I will no longer have mercy upon the inhabitants of the land, says the Lord: but, behold, I will deliver up the men, everyone of them, into the hand of his neighbor, and into the hand of his king; and they shall destroy the land, and I will not rescue out of their hand. 7 And I will tend the flock of slaughter in the land of Canaan: and I will take for Myself two rods; the one I called Beauty, and the other I called Line; and I will tend the flock. 8 And I will cut off three shepherds in one month, and My soul shall grieve over them, for their souls cried out against Me. 9 And I said, I will not tend you: that which dies, let it die; and that which falls off, let it fall off; and let the rest eat the flesh of his neighbor. 10 And I will take My beautiful staff, and cast it away, that I may break My covenant which I made with all the people. 11 And it shall be broken in that day; and the Canaanites, the sheep that are kept for me, shall know that it is the word of the Lord. 12 And I will say to them, If it is good in your eyes, give me my price, or refuse it. And they weighed for my price thirty pieces of silver. 13 And the Lord said to me, Drop them into the furnace, and I will see if it is good metal, as I was proved for their sakes. And I took the thirty pieces of silver, and cast them into the furnace in the house of the Lord. 14 And I cast away my second rod, even Line, that I might break the possession between Judah and Israel. 15 And the Lord said to me, Take to yourself shepherd's implements belonging to an unskillful shepherd. 16 For behold, I will raise up a shepherd against the land: he shall not visit that which is perishing, and he shall not seek that which is scattered, and he shall not heal that which is bruised, nor guide that which is whole: but he shall devour the flesh of the choice ones, and shall dislocate the joints of their necks. 17 Alas for the vain shepherds that have forsaken the sheep! The sword shall be upon the arms of such a one, and upon his right eye; his arm shall be completely withered, and his right eye shall be utterly darkened.
LXX2012(i) 4 Thus says the Lord Almighty, Feed the sheep of the slaughter; 5 which their possessors have slain, and have not repented: and they that sold them said, Blessed be the Lord; for we have become rich: and their shepherds have suffered no sorrow for them. 6 Therefore I will no longer have mercy upon the inhabitants of the land, says the Lord: but, behold, I will deliver up the men every one into the hand of his neighbor, and into the hand of his king; and they shall destroy the land, and I will not rescue out of their hand. 7 And I will tend the flock of slaughter in the land of Chanaan: and I will take for myself two rods; the one I called Beauty, and the other I called Line; and I will tend the flock. 8 And I will cut off three shepherds in one month; and my soul shall grieve over them, for their souls cried out against me. 9 And I said, I will not tend you: that which dies, let it die; and that which falls off, let it fall off; and let the rest eat every one the flesh of his neighbor. 10 And I will take my beautiful staff, and cast it away, that I may break my covenant which I made with all the people. 11 And it shall be broken in that day; and the Chananites, the sheep that are kept for me, shall know that it is the word of the Lord. 12 And I will say to them, If it be good in your eyes, give [me] my price, or refuse it. And they weighed for my price thirty pieces of silver. 13 And the Lord said to me, Drop them into the furnace, and I will see if it is good [metal], as I was proved for their sakes. And I took the thirty pieces of silver, and cast them into the furnace in the house of the Lord. 14 And I cast away [my] second rod, [even] Line, that I might break the possession between Juda and Israel. 15 And the Lord said to me, Take yet to you shepherd's implements belonging to an unskillful shepherd. 16 For, behold, I [will] raise up a shepherd against the land: he shall not visit that which is perishing, and he shall not seek that which is scattered, and he shall not heal that which is bruised, nor guide that which is whole: but he shall devour the flesh of the choice [ones], and shall dislocate the joints [of their necks]. 17 Alas for the vain shepherds that have forsaken the sheep! the sword [shall be] upon the arms of such a one, and upon his right eye: his arm shall be completely withered, and his right eye shall be utterly darkened.
NSB(i) 4 Jehovah my God said: »Feed the flock doomed to slaughter. 5 »Their owners slay them and claim they are not guilty. They that sell them say: Blessed be Jehovah, for I am rich and their own shepherds do not pity them. 6 »I will no more pity the inhabitants of the land,« said Jehovah. »I will deliver every one into his neighbor's hand, and into the hand of his king. They will strike the land, and out of their hand I will not deliver them. 7 »So I fed the poor of the flock of slaughter. I took two staffs; the one I called Beauty, and the other I called Bands; and I fed the flock. 8 »And I eliminated the three shepherds in one month. I was tired of them, and they also abhorred me (found me repugnant). 9 »Then I said, ‘I will not feed you! If you die go ahead and die. Let those that are left eat each other!« 10 So I took my staff, Beauty, and broke it in pieces that I might break my covenant that I had made with all the peoples. 11 It was broken in that day. In this way, the poor of the flock listened to me and knew that it was the word of Jehovah. 12 I said to them, »If it is good in your sight give me my wages, if not forget it.« So they paid me thirty pieces of silver. 13 Jehovah said to me, »Throw it to the potter,« the amount they paid me. I took the thirty pieces of silver, and threw them to the potter, in the house of Jehovah. 14 I broke my other staff in pieces. It was the one I called Bands. That way I broke the brotherhood between Judah and Israel. 15 Jehovah said: »Take yet again the instruments of a foolish shepherd. 16 »Warning! I will allow a shepherd in the land, who will not visit those who are perishing, and will not seek those that are scattered. This shepherd will not heal that which is broken, nor feed that which is hungry. He will eat the flesh of the fat sheep, and will tear their hoofs in pieces. 17 »Woe to the worthless shepherd that leaves the flock! The sword will be upon his arm, and upon his right eye. His arm will be withered and dried up, and his right eye will be blind.«
ISV(i) 4 The ShepherdThis is what the LORD my God says: “Shepherd the flock marked for slaughter. 5 Their buyers slaughter them without being punished, continuing to sell them as they say, ‘Bless the LORD!’ and, ‘I’m rich!’ Meanwhile, their shepherds show them no compassion. 6 Therefore I will no longer show compassion upon those who live in the land,” declares the LORD. “Look! I will deliver every single person into the control of his neighbor and into the control of the king. Even though they assault the land, I will not deliver it from their control.”
7 So I became shepherd of the flock marked for slaughter, paying attention to the oppressed of the flock. I took two staffs—naming one “Pleasant” and the other one “Union”—and then I pastured the flock. 8 In a single month I got rid of three shepherds because I grew tired of them, and they despised me. 9 So I said, “I will no longer be your shepherd. Let those who are about to die perish, and let what is about to be destroyed be destroyed. As for the survivors, let them devour each other.”
10 Then I took the staff that I had named “Pleasant” and broke it, showing I was breaking my covenant that I had made with all of the people. 11 It was broken at that time so the oppressed of the flock who were observing me would know that it had been a message from the LORD.
12 I told them, “If it’s alright with you, pay me what I’ve earned. But if it isn’t, don’t.”
So they paid out what I had earned—30 pieces of silver.
13 Then the LORD told me, “Throw the money into the treasury—that magnificent value they placed on me!”
So I took the 30 shekels of silver and threw them into the treasury of the Temple of the LORD. 14 Then I broke my second staff—the one I had named “Union”—breaking the union between the house of Judah and the house of Israel.
15 God’s Curse on the Worthless ShepherdThe LORD told me, “Pick up the tools of a worthless shepherd again, 16 for I am now raising up a shepherd in the land who will neither search for the lost, nor care for the young, nor fix the broken, nor sustain the healthy. Instead, he will devour the meat of the best of the sheep, tearing off their hoofs.” 17 “Woe to the worthless shepherd, who deserts the flock! May the sword strike his arm and his right eye. May his arm wither and his right eye be completely blind.”
LEB(i) 4 Thus says Yahweh my God: "Shepherd the flock* doomed to slaughter. 5 The ones buying them kill them and go unpunished, and the ones selling them say, 'Blessed be Yahweh, for I have become rich.' Their own shepherds have no compassion for them. 6 For I will no longer have compassion on the inhabitants of the land," declares* Yahweh. "Look, I am going to cause humankind to fall, each into the hand of his neighbor, and into the hand of his king; and they will devastate the land, and I will not deliver anyone from their hand." 7 And I shepherded the flock* doomed to slaughter, even* the afflicted* of the flock.* I took two staffs, one I called Kindness, and the other I called Unity, and I shepherded the flock.* 8 And I got rid of three shepherds in one month, for I grew impatient* with them, and they also became tired of me.* 9 So I said, "I will not shepherd you! The one dying will die, and the one to be destroyed will be destroyed. And the ones remaining, let them devour the flesh of each other."* 10 And I took my staff Kindness and broke it, to break my covenant that I had made* with all the peoples. 11 And it was broken on that day. Then the afflicted* of the flock,* the ones who were watching me, knew that it was the word of Yahweh. 12 And I said to them, "If it seems right to you,* give me my wages, but if not, keep them."* And they weighed out my wages, thirty silver shekels. 13 And Yahweh said to me, "Throw it to the potter,"* this noble price* at which I was valued by them!" So I took the thirty silver shekels and I threw them to the potter* in the house of Yahweh. 14 Then I broke my second staff Unity to break the family ties between Judah and Israel. 15 And Yahweh said to me, "Take again the implements* of a foolish shepherd. 16 For look, I am raising up a shepherd in the land who will not attend to the ones that are perishing; he will not seek the young man,* he will not heal the ones that are crushed and he will not sustain the healthy ones; he will devour the flesh of the fattened ones* and tear apart even their hoofs. 17 "Woe, my worthless shepherd who deserts the flock!* May a sword fall on his arm and on his right eye!* May his arm wither completely and his right eye* be utterly blinded!"
BSB(i) 4 This is what the LORD my God says: “Pasture the flock marked for slaughter, 5 whose buyers slaughter them without remorse. Those who sell them say, ‘Blessed be the LORD, for I am rich!’ Even their own shepherds have no compassion on them. 6 For I will no longer have compassion on the people of the land, declares the LORD, but behold, I will cause each man to fall into the hands of his neighbor and his king, who will devastate the land, and I will not deliver it from their hands.” 7 So I pastured the flock marked for slaughter, especially the afflicted of the flock. Then I took for myself two staffs, calling one Favor and the other Union, and I pastured the flock. 8 And in one month I dismissed three shepherds. My soul grew impatient with the flock, and their souls also detested me. 9 Then I said, “I will no longer shepherd you. Let the dying die, and the perishing perish; and let those who remain devour one another’s flesh.” 10 Next I took my staff called Favor and cut it in two, revoking the covenant I had made with all the nations. 11 It was revoked on that day, and so the afflicted of the flock who were watching me knew that it was the word of the LORD. 12 Then I told them, “If it seems right to you, give me my wages; but if not, keep them.” So they weighed out my wages, thirty pieces of silver. 13 And the LORD said to me, “Throw it to the potter”—this magnificent price at which they valued me. So I took the thirty pieces of silver and threw them to the potter in the house of the LORD. 14 Then I cut in two my second staff called Union, breaking the brotherhood between Judah and Israel. 15 And the LORD said to me: “Take up once more the equipment of a foolish shepherd. 16 For behold, I will raise up a shepherd in the land who will neither care for the lost, nor seek the young, nor heal the broken, nor sustain the healthy, but he will devour the flesh of the choice sheep and tear off their hooves. 17 Woe to the worthless shepherd, who deserts the flock! May a sword strike his arm and his right eye! May his arm be completely withered and his right eye utterly blinded!”
MSB(i) 4 This is what the LORD my God says: “Pasture the flock marked for slaughter, 5 whose buyers slaughter them without remorse. Those who sell them say, ‘Blessed be the LORD, for I am rich!’ Even their own shepherds have no compassion on them. 6 For I will no longer have compassion on the people of the land, declares the LORD, but behold, I will cause each man to fall into the hands of his neighbor and his king, who will devastate the land, and I will not deliver it from their hands.” 7 So I pastured the flock marked for slaughter, especially the afflicted of the flock. Then I took for myself two staffs, calling one Favor and the other Union, and I pastured the flock. 8 And in one month I dismissed three shepherds. My soul grew impatient with the flock, and their souls also detested me. 9 Then I said, “I will no longer shepherd you. Let the dying die, and the perishing perish; and let those who remain devour one another’s flesh.” 10 Next I took my staff called Favor and cut it in two, revoking the covenant I had made with all the nations. 11 It was revoked on that day, and so the afflicted of the flock who were watching me knew that it was the word of the LORD. 12 Then I told them, “If it seems right to you, give me my wages; but if not, keep them.” So they weighed out my wages, thirty pieces of silver. 13 And the LORD said to me, “Throw it to the potter”—this magnificent price at which they valued me. So I took the thirty pieces of silver and threw them to the potter in the house of the LORD. 14 Then I cut in two my second staff called Union, breaking the brotherhood between Judah and Israel. 15 And the LORD said to me: “Take up once more the equipment of a foolish shepherd. 16 For behold, I will raise up a shepherd in the land who will neither care for the lost, nor seek the young, nor heal the broken, nor sustain the healthy, but he will devour the flesh of the choice sheep and tear off their hooves. 17 Woe to the worthless shepherd, who deserts the flock! May a sword strike his arm and his right eye! May his arm be completely withered and his right eye utterly blinded!”
MLV(i) 4 Thus said Jehovah my God: Feed the flock of slaughter, 5 whose possessors kill them and hold themselves not guilty. And those who sell them say, Praise Jehovah, for I am rich and their own shepherds pity them not. 6 For I will no more pity the inhabitants of the land, says Jehovah. But behold, I will deliver the men each one into his neighbor's hand and into the hand of his king. And they will kill* the land and I will not deliver them out of their hand.
7 So I fed the flock of slaughter, truly the poor of the flock. And I took to me two staves, the one I called Beauty and the other I called Bands and I fed the flock. 8 And I cut off the three shepherds in one month, for my soul was weary of them and their soul also loathed me. 9 Then I said, I will not feed you*. What dies, let it die and what is to be cut off, let it be cut off and let those who are left eat each one the flesh of another.
10 And I took my staff Beauty and cut it apart, that I might break my covenant which I had made with all the peoples. 11 And it was broken in that day and thus the poor of the flock who gave heed to me knew that it was the word of Jehovah.
12 And I said to them, If you* think good, give me my wage and if not, forbear. So they weighed for my wage thirty pieces of silver. 13 And Jehovah said to me, Cast it to the potter, the good price that I was valued by them. And I took the thirty pieces of silver and cast them to the potter in the house of Jehovah.
14 Then I cut apart my other staff, even Bands, that I might break the brotherhood between Judah and Israel. 15 And Jehovah said to me, Take to you yet again the instruments of a foolish shepherd. 16 For behold, I will raise up a shepherd in the land, who will not visit those who are cut off, nor will he seek those who are scattered, nor heal what is broken, nor nourish what is standing, but he will eat the flesh of the fat and will tear their hoofs in pieces.
17 Woe to the worthless shepherd who leaves the flock! The sword will be upon his arm and upon his right eye. His arm will be dried up and his right eye will be utterly darkened.

VIN(i) 4 This is what the LORD my God says: "Shepherd the flock marked for slaughter. 5 Their buyers slaughter them, and go unpunished. Those who sell them say, 'Blessed be the LORD, for I am rich;' and their own shepherds do not pity them. 6 For I will have no more pity for the people of the land, says the Lord; but I will give up everyone into his neighbour's hand and into the hand of his king: and they will make the land waste, and I will not keep them safe from their hands. 7 So I became shepherd of the flock marked for slaughter, paying attention to the oppressed of the flock. I took two staffs naming one "Pleasant" and the other one "Union" and then I pastured the flock. 8 In a single month I got rid of three shepherds because I grew tired of them, and they despised me. 9 "Then I said, 'I will not feed you! If you die go ahead and die. Let those that are left eat each other!" 10 And I took my staff Kindness and broke it, to break my covenant that I had made with all the peoples. 11 And it was broken in that day, and so the poor of the flock who were watching Me knew that it was the word of the LORD. 12 I said to them, If you think it best, give me my value; and if not, keep it. So they weighed for my wages thirty pieces of silver. 13 the LORD said to me, “Throw it to the potter, the handsome price that I was valued at by them!” I took the thirty pieces of silver, and threw them to the potter, in the LORD’s house. 14 Then I broke my second staff Unity to break the family ties between Judah and Israel. 15 And the LORD said to me, "Take again the implements of a foolish shepherd. 16 for I am now raising up a shepherd in the land who will neither search for the lost, nor care for the young, nor fix the broken, nor sustain the healthy. Instead, he will devour the meat of the best of the sheep, tearing off their hoofs." 17 "Woe to the worthless shepherd, who deserts the flock! May the sword strike his arm and his right eye. May his arm wither and his right eye be completely blind."
Luther1545(i) 4 So spricht der HERR, mein Gott: Hüte der Schlachtschafe! 5 Denn ihre HERREN schlachten sie und halten's für keine Sünde, verkaufen sie und sprechen: Gelobet sei der HERR, ich bin nun reich; und ihre Hirten schonen ihrer nicht. 6 Darum will ich auch nicht mehr schonen der Einwohner im Lande, spricht der HERR. Und siehe, ich will die Leute lassen einen jeglichen in der Hand des andern und in der Hand seines Königs, daß sie das Land zerschlagen, und will sie nicht erretten von ihrer Hand. 7 Und ich hütete der Schlachtschafe um der elenden Schafe willen und nahm zu mir zween Stäbe: einen hieß ich Sanft, den andern hieß ich Weh; und hütete der Schafe. 8 Und ich vertilgete drei Hirten in einem Monden; denn ich mochte ihrer nicht, so wollten sie mein auch nicht. 9 Und ich sprach: Ich will euer nicht hüten. Was da stirbt, das sterbe; was verschmachtet, das verschmachte; und die Übrigen fresse ein jegliches des andern Fleisch! 10 Und ich nahm meinen Stab Sanft und zerbrach ihn, daß ich aufhübe meinen Bund, den ich mit allen Völkern gemacht hatte. 11 Und er ward aufgehoben des Tages. Und die elenden Schafe, die auf mich hielten, merkten dabei, daß es des HERRN Wort wäre. 12 Und ich sprach zu ihnen: Gefällt es euch, so bringet her, wieviel ich gelte; wo nicht, so laßt es anstehen. Und sie wogen dar, wieviel ich galt: dreißig Silberlinge. 13 Und der HERR sprach zu mir: Wirf's hin, daß es dem Töpfer gegeben werde! Ei, eine treffliche Summa, der ich wert geachtet bin von ihnen! Und ich nahm die dreißig Silberlinge und warf sie ins Haus des HERRN, daß dem Töpfer gegeben würde. 14 Und ich zerbrach meinen andern Stab Weh, daß ich aufhübe die Brüderschaft zwischen Juda und Israel. 15 Und der HERR sprach zu mir: Nimm abermal zu dir Geräte eines törichten Hirten. 16 Denn siehe, ich werde Hirten im Lande aufwecken, die das Verschmachtete nicht besuchen und das Zerschlagene nicht suchen und das Zerbrochene nicht heilen und das Gesunde nicht versorgen werden; aber das Fleisch der Fetten werden sie fressen und ihre Klauen zerreißen. 17 O Götzenhirten, die die Herde lassen! Das Schwert komme auf ihren Arm und auf ihr rechtes Auge! Ihr Arm müsse verdorren und ihr rechtes Auge dunkel werden!
  4 H559 So spricht H3068 der HErr H430 , mein GOtt H7462 : Hüte H6629 der Schlachtschafe!
  5 H2026 Denn ihre Herren schlachten sie H7069 und halten‘s H816 für keine Sünde H559 , verkaufen sie H1288 und sprechen: Gelobet sei H3068 der HErr H6238 , ich bin nun reich H7462 ; und ihre Hirten H2550 schonen H4376 ihrer nicht .
  6 H2550 Darum will ich auch nicht mehr schonen H3427 der Einwohner H5002 im Lande, spricht H3068 der HErr H120 . Und siehe, ich will die Leute H376 lassen einen jeglichen H3027 in der Hand H7453 des andern H3027 und in der Hand H4428 seines Königs H4672 , daß sie H776 das H776 Land H3807 zerschlagen H5337 , und will sie nicht erretten H3027 von ihrer Hand .
  7 H6629 Und H7462 ich hütete H259 der H6041 Schlachtschafe um der elenden H6629 Schafe H3947 willen und nahm H8147 zu mir H4731 zween Stäbe H259 : einen H7121 hieß H7121 ich Sanft, den andern hieß H7462 ich Weh; und hütete H6629 der Schafe .
  8 H7969 Und ich vertilgete drei H7462 Hirten H259 in einem H3391 Monden H5315 ; denn ich mochte ihrer H5315 nicht, so wollten sie mein auch nicht.
  9 H559 Und ich sprach H7462 : Ich will euer nicht hüten H4191 . Was da stirbt H4191 , das sterbe H3582 ; was verschmachtet H802 , das verschmachte; und die H398 Übrigen fresse H7604 ein jegliches des andern H1320 Fleisch!
  10 H3947 Und ich nahm H4731 meinen Stab H1438 Sanft und zerbrach H1285 ihn, daß ich aufhübe meinen Bund H5971 , den ich mit allen Völkern H3772 gemacht hatte.
  11 H6565 Und er ward aufgehoben H3117 des Tages H6041 . Und die elenden H6629 Schafe H8104 , die auf mich H3045 hielten, merkten H3068 dabei, daß es des HErrn H1697 Wort wäre.
  12 H559 Und ich sprach H5869 zu ihnen H2896 : Gefällt H3051 es euch, so bringet her H7939 , wieviel ich gelte H2308 ; wo nicht, so laßt es anstehen H8254 . Und sie wogen H7970 dar, wieviel ich galt: dreißig H3701 Silberlinge .
  13 H3068 Und der Herr H559 sprach H7993 zu mir: Wirf‘s H3335 hin, daß es dem Töpfer H145 gegeben werde! Ei, eine treffliche H3365 Summa, der ich wert geachtet bin H3947 von ihnen! Und ich nahm H7970 die dreißig H3701 Silberlinge H7993 und warf H1004 sie ins Haus H3068 des HErrn H3335 , daß dem Töpfer gegeben würde.
  14 H1438 Und ich zerbrach H8145 meinen andern H4731 Stab H3063 Weh, daß ich aufhübe die Brüderschaft zwischen Juda H3478 und Israel .
  15 H3068 Und der HErr H559 sprach H3947 zu mir: Nimm H3627 abermal zu dir Geräte H196 eines törichten H7462 Hirten .
  16 H7462 Denn siehe, ich werde Hirten H776 im Lande aufwecken, die das H3582 Verschmachtete H5324 nicht besuchen und H5289 das Zerschlagene H7665 nicht suchen und das Zerbrochene H7495 nicht heilen H3557 und das Gesunde nicht versorgen H6965 werden H1320 ; aber das Fleisch H1277 der Fetten H6485 werden H1245 sie H398 fressen H6541 und ihre Klauen H6561 zerreißen .
  17 H6629 O Götzenhirten, die die Herde H5800 lassen H2719 ! Das Schwert H2220 komme auf ihren Arm H457 und H3225 auf ihr rechtes Auge H2220 ! Ihr Arm H3001 müsse verdorren H5869 und H5869 ihr rechtes Auge H3543 dunkel H3001 werden!
Luther1912(i) 4 So spricht der HERR, mein Gott: Hüte die Schlachtschafe! 5 Denn ihre Herren schlachten sie und halten's für keine Sünde, verkaufen sie und sprechen: Gelobt sei der HERR, ich bin nun reich! und ihre Hirten schonen ihrer nicht. 6 Darum will ich auch nicht mehr schonen der Einwohner im Lande, spricht der HERR. Und siehe, ich will die Leute lassen einen jeglichen in der Hand des andern und in der Hand seines Königs, daß sie das Land zerschlagen, und will sie nicht erretten von ihrer Hand. 7 Und ich hütete die Schlachtschafe, ja, die elenden unter den Schafen, und nahm zu mir zwei Stäbe: einen hieß ich Huld, den andern hieß ich Eintracht; und hütete die Schafe. 8 Und ich vertilgte drei Hirten in einem Monat. Und ich mochte sie nicht mehr; so wollten sie mich auch nicht. 9 Und ich sprach: Ich will euch nicht hüten; was da stirbt, das sterbe; was verschmachtet, das verschmachte; und die übrigen fresse ein jegliches des andern Fleisch! 10 Und ich nahm meinen Stab Huld und zerbrach ihn, daß ich aufhöre meinen Bund, den ich mit allen Völkern gemacht hatte. 11 Und er ward aufgehoben des Tages. Und die elenden Schafe, die auf mich achteten, merkten dabei, daß es des HERRN Wort wäre. 12 Und ich sprach zu ihnen: Gefällt's euch, so bringet her, wieviel ich gelte; wo nicht, so laßt's anstehen. Und sie wogen dar, wieviel ich galt: dreißig Silberlinge. 13 Und der HERR sprach zu mir: Wirf's hin, daß es dem Töpfer gegeben werde! Ei, eine treffliche Summe, der ich wert geachtet bin von ihnen! Und ich nahm die dreißig Silberlinge und warf sie ins Haus des HERRN, daß es dem Töpfer gegeben würde. 14 Und ich zerbrach meinen andern Stab, Eintracht, daß ich aufhöbe die Bruderschaft zwischen Juda und Israel. 15 Und der HERR sprach zu mir: Nimm abermals das Gerät eines törichten Hirten. 16 Denn siehe, ich werde Hirten im Lande aufwecken, die das Verschmachtete nicht besuchen, das Zerschlagene nicht suchen und das Zerbrochene nicht heilen und das Gesunde nicht versorgen werden; aber das Fleisch der Fetten werden sie fressen und ihre Klauen zerreißen. 17 O unnütze Hirten, die die Herde verlassen! Das Schwert komme auf ihren Arm und auf ihr rechtes Auge! Ihr Arm müsse verdorren und ihr rechtes Auge dunkel werden!
  4 H559 So spricht H3068 der HERR H430 , mein Gott H7462 : Hüte H2028 H6629 die Schlachtschafe!
  5 H7069 Denn ihre Herren H2026 schlachten H816 sie und halten’s für keine Sünde H4376 , verkaufen H559 sie und sprechen H1288 : Gelobt H3068 sei der HERR H6238 , ich bin nun reich H7462 ! und ihre Hirten H2550 schonen ihrer nicht.
  6 H2550 Darum will ich auch nicht mehr schonen H3427 der Einwohner H776 im Lande H5002 , spricht H3068 der HERR H120 . Und siehe, ich will die Leute H4672 lassen H376 einen jeglichen H3027 in der Hand H7453 des andern H3027 und in der Hand H4428 seines Königs H776 , daß sie das Land H3807 zerschlagen H5337 , und will sie nicht erretten H3027 von ihrer Hand .
  7 H7462 Und ich hütete H2028 H6629 die Schlachtschafe H3651 , ja H6041 , die elenden H6629 unter den Schafen H3947 , und nahm H8147 zu mir zwei H4731 Stäbe H259 : einen H7121 hieß H5278 ich Huld H259 , den andern H7121 hieß H2254 ich Eintracht H7462 ; und hütete H6629 die Schafe .
  8 H3582 Und ich vertilgte H7969 drei H7462 Hirten H259 in einem H3391 Monat H5315 . Und ich H7114 mochte H7114 sie nicht H973 mehr; so wollten H5315 sie H973 mich auch nicht .
  9 H559 Und ich sprach H7462 : Ich will euch nicht hüten H4191 ; was da stirbt H4191 , das sterbe H3582 ; was verschmachtet H3582 , das verschmachte H7604 ; und die übrigen H398 fresse H802 ein jegliches H7468 des andern H1320 Fleisch!
  10 H3947 Und ich nahm H4731 meinen Stab H5278 Huld H1438 und zerbrach H6565 ihn, daß ich aufhöbe H1285 meinen Bund H5971 , den ich mit allen Völkern H3772 gemacht hatte.
  11 H6565 Und er ward aufgehoben H3117 des Tages H6041 . Und die elenden H6629 Schafe H8104 , die auf mich achteten H3045 , merkten H3068 dabei, daß es des HERRN H1697 Wort wäre.
  12 H559 Und ich sprach H5869 H2896 zu ihnen: Gefällt’s H3051 euch, so bringet H7939 her, wieviel ich gelte H2308 ; wo nicht, so laßt’s anstehen H8254 . Und sie wogen H7939 dar, wieviel ich galt H7970 : H3701 Silberlinge .
  13 H3068 Und der HERR H559 sprach H7993 zu mir: Wirf’s H3335 hin, daß es dem Töpfer H145 gegeben werde! Ei, eine treffliche H3366 Summe H3365 , der ich wert geachtet H3947 bin von ihnen! Und ich nahm H7970 die H3701 Silberlinge H7993 und warf H1004 sie ins Haus H3068 des HERRN H3335 , daß es dem Töpfer gegeben würde.
  14 H1438 Und ich zerbrach H8145 meinen andern H4731 Stab H2254 , Eintracht H6565 , daß ich aufhöbe H264 die Bruderschaft H3063 zwischen Juda H3478 und Israel .
  15 H3068 Und der HERR H559 sprach H3947 zu mir: Nimm H3627 abermals das Gerät H196 eines törichten H7462 Hirten .
  16 H7462 Denn siehe, ich werde Hirten H776 im Lande H6965 aufwecken H3582 , die das Verschmachtete H6485 nicht besuchen H5289 , das Zerschlagene H1245 nicht suchen H7665 und das Zerbrochene H7495 nicht heilen H5324 und das Gesunde H3557 nicht versorgen H1320 werden; aber das Fleisch H1277 der Fetten H398 werden sie fressen H6541 und ihre Klauen H6561 zerreißen .
  17 H1945 O H457 unnütze H7473 Hirten H6629 , die die Herde H5800 verlassen H2719 ! Das Schwert H2220 komme auf ihren Arm H3225 und auf ihr rechtes H5869 Auge H2220 ! Ihr Arm H3001 müsse verdorren H3225 und ihr rechtes H5869 Auge H3543 dunkel werden!
ELB1871(i) 4 Also sprach Jehova, mein Gott: Weide die Herde des Würgens, 5 deren Käufer sie erwürgen und es nicht büßen, und deren Verkäufer sprechen: Gepriesen sei Jehova, denn ich werde reich! und deren Hirten sie nicht verschonen. 6 Denn ich werde die Bewohner des Landes nicht mehr verschonen, spricht Jehova; und siehe, ich überliefere die Menschen, einen jeden der Hand seines Nächsten und der Hand seines Königs; und sie werden das Land zertrümmern, und ich werde nicht aus ihrer Hand befreien. - 7 Und ich weidete die Herde des Würgens, mithin die Elenden der Herde; und ich nahm mir zwei Stäbe: den einen nannte ich Huld, und den anderen nannte ich Bande, und ich weidete die Herde. 8 Und ich vertilgte drei Hirten in einem Monat. Und meine Seele wurde ungeduldig über sie, und auch ihre Seele wurde meiner überdrüssig. 9 Da sprach ich: Ich will euch nicht mehr weiden; was stirbt, mag sterben, und was umkommt, mag umkommen; und die Übrigbleibenden mögen eines des anderen Fleisch fressen. 10 Und ich nahm meinen Stab Huld und zerbrach ihn, um meinen Bund zu brechen, den ich mit allen Völkern gemacht hatte. 11 Und er wurde gebrochen an jenem Tage; und also erkannten die Elenden der Herde, die auf mich achteten, daß es das Wort Jehovas war. 12 Und ich sprach zu ihnen: Wenn es gut ist in euren Augen, so gebet mir meinen Lohn, wenn aber nicht, so lasset es; und sie wogen meinen Lohn dar: dreißig Silbersekel. 13 Da sprach Jehova zu mir: Wirf ihn dem Töpfer hin, den herrlichen Preis, dessen ich von ihnen wertgeachtet bin! Und ich nahm die dreißig Silbersekel und warf sie in das Haus Jehovas, dem Töpfer hin. 14 Und ich zerbrach meinen zweiten Stab, die Bande, um die Brüderschaft zwischen Juda und Israel zu brechen. - 15 Und Jehova sprach zu mir: Nimm dir noch das Gerät eines törichten Hirten. 16 Denn siehe, ich erwecke einen Hirten im Lande: der Umkommenden wird er sich nicht annehmen, das Versprengte wird er nicht suchen, und das Verwundete nicht heilen; das Gesunde wird er nicht versorgen, und das Fleisch des Fetten wird er essen und ihre Klauen zerreißen. 17 Wehe dem nichtigen Hirten, der die Herde verläßt! Das Schwert über seinen Arm und über sein rechtes Auge! Sein Arm soll gänzlich verdorren, und sein rechtes Auge völlig erlöschen.
ELB1905(i) 4 Also sprach Jahwe, mein Gott: Weide die Herde des Würgens, 5 deren Käufer sie erwürgen und es nicht büßen, und deren Verkäufer sprechen: Gepriesen sei Jahwe, denn ich werde reich! und deren Hirten sie nicht verschonen. 6 Denn ich werde die Bewohner des Landes nicht mehr verschonen, spricht Jahwe; und siehe, ich überliefere die Menschen, einen jeden der Hand seines Nächsten und der Hand seines Königs; und sie werden das Land zertrümmern, und ich werde nicht aus ihrer Hand befreien. 7 Und ich weidete die Herde des Würgens, mithin die Elenden der Herde; und ich nahm mir zwei Stäbe: den einen nannte ich Huld, und den anderen nannte ich Bande, und ich weidete die Herde. 8 Und ich vertilgte drei Hirten in einem Monat. Und meine Seele wurde ungeduldig über sie, und auch ihre Seele wurde meiner überdrüssig. 9 Da sprach ich: Ich will euch nicht mehr weiden; was stirbt, mag sterben, und was umkommt, mag umkommen; und die Übrigbleibenden mögen eines des anderen Fleisch fressen. 10 Und ich nahm meinen Stab Huld und zerbrach ihn, um meinen Bund zu brechen, den ich mit allen Völkern gemacht hatte. 11 Und er wurde gebrochen an jenem Tage; und also erkannten die Elenden der Herde, die auf mich achteten, daß es das Wort Jahwes war. 12 Und ich sprach zu ihnen: Wenn es gut ist in euren Augen, so gebet mir meinen Lohn, wenn aber nicht, so lasset es; und sie wogen meinen Lohn dar: dreißig Silbersekel. 13 Da sprach Jahwe zu mir: Wirf ihn dem Töpfer hin, den herrlichen Preis, dessen ich von ihnen wertgeachtet bin! Und ich nahm die dreißig Silbersekel und warf sie in das Haus Jahwes, dem Töpfer hin. 14 Und ich zerbrach meinen zweiten Stab, die Bande, um die Brüderschaft zwischen Juda und Israel zu brechen. 15 Und Jahwe sprach zu mir: Nimm dir noch das Gerät eines törichten Hirten. 16 Denn siehe, ich erwecke einen Hirten im Lande: der Umkommenden wird er sich nicht annehmen, das Versprengte wird er nicht suchen, und das Verwundete nicht heilen; das Gesunde wird er nicht versorgen, und das Fleisch des Fetten wird er essen und ihre Klauen zerreißen. 17 Wehe dem nichtigen Hirten, der die Herde verläßt! Das Schwert über seinen Arm und über sein rechtes Auge! Sein Arm soll gänzlich verdorren, und sein rechtes Auge völlig erlöschen.
  4 H559 Also sprach H3068 Jehova H430 , mein Gott H7462 : Weide H6629 die Herde des Würgens,
  5 H7069 deren Käufer H2026 sie H4376 erwürgen und es nicht H559 büßen, und deren Verkäufer sprechen H1288 : Gepriesen sei H3068 Jehova H6238 , denn ich werde reich H7462 ! und deren Hirten sie nicht verschonen.
  6 H4672 Denn ich werde die H776 Bewohner des Landes H5337 nicht H5002 mehr verschonen, spricht H3068 Jehova H120 ; und siehe, ich überliefere die Menschen H376 , einen H3027 jeden der Hand H7453 seines Nächsten H3027 und der Hand H4428 seines Königs H3427 ; und sie H776 werden das Land H3027 zertrümmern, und ich werde nicht aus ihrer Hand befreien. -
  7 H7462 Und ich weidete H3651 die H6629 Herde H6041 des Würgens, mithin die Elenden H259 der H6629 Herde H3947 ; und ich nahm H8147 mir zwei H4731 Stäbe H259 : den einen H7121 nannte H5278 ich Huld H7121 , und den anderen nannte H7462 ich Bande, und ich weidete H6629 die Herde .
  8 H3582 Und ich vertilgte H7969 drei H7462 Hirten H259 in einem H3391 Monat H5315 . Und meine Seele H5315 wurde ungeduldig über sie, und auch ihre Seele wurde meiner überdrüssig.
  9 H559 Da sprach H7462 ich: Ich will euch nicht mehr weiden H4191 ; was stirbt H4191 , mag sterben H1320 , und was umkommt, mag umkommen; und die Übrigbleibenden mögen eines des anderen Fleisch H398 fressen .
  10 H3947 Und ich nahm H4731 meinen Stab H5278 Huld H1438 und zerbrach H1285 ihn, um meinen Bund H6565 zu brechen H5971 , den ich mit allen Völkern H3772 gemacht hatte.
  11 H6565 Und er wurde gebrochen H3117 an jenem Tage H3045 ; und also erkannten H6041 die Elenden H6629 der Herde H8104 , die auf mich H1697 achteten, daß es das Wort H3068 Jehovas war.
  12 H559 Und ich sprach H3051 zu H2896 ihnen: Wenn es gut H5869 ist in eurn Augen H7939 , so gebet mir meinen Lohn H8254 , wenn aber nicht, so lasset es; und sie wogen H7939 meinen Lohn H7970 dar: dreißig Silbersekel.
  13 H559 Da sprach H7993 Jehova zu mir: Wirf H3068 ihn H3335 dem Töpfer H3365 hin, den herrlichen Preis, dessen ich von ihnen wertgeachtet bin H3068 ! Und H3947 ich nahm H7970 die dreißig H7993 Silbersekel und warf H1004 sie in das Haus H3335 Jehovas, dem Töpfer hin.
  14 H1438 Und ich zerbrach H8145 meinen zweiten H4731 Stab H3063 , die Bande, um die Brüderschaft zwischen Juda H3478 und Israel H6565 zu brechen . -
  15 H3068 Und Jehova H559 sprach H3947 zu mir: Nimm H3627 dir noch das Gerät H196 eines törichten H7462 Hirten .
  16 H7462 Denn siehe, ich erwecke einen Hirten H776 im Lande H6485 : der Umkommenden wird H6965 er sich nicht H1245 annehmen, das Versprengte wird er nicht suchen H7665 , und H7495 das Verwundete nicht heilen H3557 ; das Gesunde wird er nicht versorgen H5324 , und H1320 das Fleisch H1277 des Fetten H398 wird er essen H6541 und ihre Klauen H6561 zerreißen .
  17 H1945 Wehe H5869 dem H7473 nichtigen Hirten H6629 , der die Herde H5800 verläßt H2719 ! Das Schwert H2220 über seinen Arm H3225 und über sein rechtes Auge H2220 ! Sein Arm H3001 soll gänzlich verdorren H5869 , und sein rechtes Auge völlig erlöschen.
DSV(i) 4 Alzo zegt de HEERE, mijn God: Weidt deze slachtschapen. 5 Welker bezitters hen doden, en houden het voor geen schuld; en een ieder dergenen, die ze verkopen, zegt: Geloofd zij de HEERE, dat ik rijk geworden ben! en niemand van degenen, die ze weiden, verschoont ze. 6 Zekerlijk, Ik zal niet meer de inwoners dezes lands verschonen, spreekt de HEERE; maar ziet, Ik zal de mensen overleveren, elk een in de hand zijns naasten, en in de hand zijns konings, en zij zullen dit land te morzel slaan, en Ik zal ze uit hun hand niet verlossen. 7 Dies heb ik deze slachtschapen geweid, dewijl zij ellendige schapen zijn; en ik heb mij genomen twee stokken, den een heb ik genoemd LIEFELIJKHEID, en den anderen heb ik genoemd SAMENBINDERS; en ik heb die schapen geweid. 8 En ik heb drie herders in een maand afgesneden; want mijn ziel was over hen verdrietig geworden, en ook had hun ziel een walg van mij. 9 En ik zeide: Ik zal ulieden niet meer weiden; wat sterft, dat sterve, en wat afgesneden is, dat zij afgesneden, en dat de overgeblevenen de een des anderen vlees verslinden. 10 En ik nam mijn stok LIEFELIJKHEID, en ik verbrak denzelven, te niet doende mijn verbond, hetwelk ik met al deze volken gemaakt had. 11 Dus werd het te dien dage vernietigd, en alzo hebben de ellendigen onder de schapen, die op mij wachtten, bekend, dat het des HEEREN woord was. 12 Want ik had tot henlieden gezegd: Indien het goed is in uw ogen, brengt mijn loon, en zo niet, laat het na. En zij hebben mijn loon gewogen, dertig zilverlingen. 13 Doch de HEERE zeide tot mij: Werp ze henen voor den pottenbakker: een heerlijken prijs, dien ik waard geacht ben geweest van hen! En ik nam die dertig zilverlingen, en wierp ze in het huis des HEEREN, voor den pottenbakker. 14 Toen verbrak ik mijn tweeden stok, SAMENBINDERS, te niet doende de broederschap tussen Juda en tussen Israël. 15 Verder zeide de HEERE tot mij: Neem u nog eens dwazen herders gereedschap. 16 Want ziet, Ik zal een herder verwekken in dit land; dat gereed is om afgesneden te worden, zal hij niet bezoeken; het jonge zal hij niet zoeken, en het verbrokene zal hij niet helen, en het stilstaande zal hij niet dragen; maar het vlees van het vette zal hij eten, en derzelver klauwen zal hij verscheuren. 17 Wee den nietigen herder, den verlater der kudde! Het zwaard zal over zijn arm zijn, en over zijn rechteroog; zijn arm zal ten enenmale verdorren, en zijn rechteroog zal ten enenmale donker worden.
  4 H3541 Alzo H559 H8804 zegt H3068 de HEERE H430 , mijn God H7462 H8798 : Weidt H6629 H2028 deze slachtschapen.
  5 H834 Welker H7069 H8802 bezitters H2026 H8799 hen doden H3808 , en houden het voor geen H816 H8799 schuld H4376 H8802 ; en een ieder dergenen, die ze verkopen H559 H8799 , zegt H1288 H8803 : Geloofd H3068 zij de HEERE H6238 H8686 , dat ik rijk geworden ben H3808 ! en niemand H7462 H8802 van degenen, die ze weiden H2550 H8799 , verschoont H5921 ze.
  6 H3588 Zekerlijk H3808 , Ik zal niet H5750 meer H5921 de H3427 H8802 inwoners H776 dezes lands H2550 H8799 verschonen H5002 H8803 , spreekt H3068 de HEERE H2009 ; maar ziet H595 , Ik H120 zal de mensen H4672 H8688 overleveren H376 , elk een H3027 in de hand H7453 zijns naasten H3027 , en in de hand H4428 zijns konings H776 , en zij zullen dit land H3807 H8765 te morzel slaan H3027 , en Ik zal ze uit hun hand H3808 niet H5337 H8686 verlossen.
  7 H6629 H2028 Dies heb ik deze slachtschapen H7462 H8799 geweid H3651 , dewijl H6041 zij ellendige H6629 schapen H3947 H8799 zijn; en ik heb mij genomen H8147 twee H4731 stokken H259 , den een H7121 H8804 heb ik genoemd H5278 LIEFELIJKHEID H259 , en den anderen H7121 H8804 heb ik genoemd H2254 H8802 SAMENBINDERS H6629 ; en ik heb die schapen H7462 H8799 geweid.
  8 H7969 En ik heb drie H7462 H8802 herders H259 in een H3391 maand H3582 H8686 afgesneden H5315 ; want mijn ziel H7114 H8799 was over hen verdrietig geworden H1571 , en ook H5315 had hun ziel H973 H8804 een walg van mij.
  9 H559 H8799 En ik zeide H3808 : Ik zal ulieden niet H7462 H8799 [meer] weiden H4191 H8801 ; wat sterft H4191 H8799 , dat sterve H3582 H8737 , en wat afgesneden is H3582 H8735 , dat zij afgesneden H7604 H8737 , en dat de overgeblevenen H802 de een H7468 des anderen H1320 vlees H398 H8799 verslinden.
  10 H3947 H8799 En ik nam H4731 mijn stok H5278 LIEFELIJKHEID H1438 H8799 , en ik verbrak H853 denzelven H6565 H8687 , te niet doende H1285 mijn verbond H834 , hetwelk H3605 ik met al H5971 deze volken H3772 H8804 gemaakt had.
  11 H1931 Dus werd het te dien H3117 dage H6565 H8714 vernietigd H3651 , en alzo H6041 hebben de ellendigen H6629 onder de schapen H854 , die op H8104 H8802 mij wachtten H3045 H8799 , bekend H3588 , dat H1931 het H3068 des HEEREN H1697 woord was.
  12 H413 Want ik had tot H559 H8799 henlieden gezegd H518 : Indien H2896 het goed H5869 is in uw ogen H3051 H8798 , brengt H7939 mijn loon H518 , en zo H3808 niet H2308 H8798 , laat het na H7939 . En zij hebben mijn loon H8254 H8799 gewogen H7970 , dertig H3701 zilverlingen.
  13 H3068 Doch de HEERE H559 H8799 zeide H413 tot H7993 H8685 mij: Werp ze henen H413 voor H3335 H8802 den pottenbakker H145 : een heerlijken H3366 prijs H834 , dien H3365 H8804 ik waard geacht ben geweest H4480 H5921 van H3947 H8799 hen! En ik nam H7970 die dertig H3701 zilverlingen H7993 H8686 , en wierp H853 ze H1004 [in] het huis H3068 des HEEREN H413 , voor H3335 H8802 den pottenbakker.
  14 H1438 H8799 Toen verbrak ik H8145 mijn tweeden H4731 stok H2254 H8802 , SAMENBINDERS H6565 H8687 , te niet doende H264 de broederschap H996 tussen H3063 Juda H996 en tussen H3478 Israel.
  15 H5750 Verder H559 H8799 zeide H3068 de HEERE H413 tot H3947 H8798 mij: Neem H196 u nog eens dwazen H7462 H8802 herders H3627 gereedschap.
  16 H3588 Want H2009 ziet H595 , Ik H7462 H8802 zal een herder H6965 H8688 verwekken H776 in dit land H3582 H8737 ; dat gereed is om afgesneden te worden H3808 , zal hij niet H6485 H8799 bezoeken H5289 ; het jonge H3808 zal hij niet H1245 H8762 zoeken H7665 H8737 , en het verbrokene H3808 zal hij niet H7495 H8762 helen H5324 H8737 , en het stilstaande H3808 zal hij niet H3557 H8770 dragen H1320 ; maar het vlees H1277 van het vette H398 H8799 zal hij eten H6541 , en derzelver klauwen H6561 H8762 zal hij verscheuren.
  17 H1945 Wee H457 den nietigen H7473 herder H5800 H8802 , den verlater H6629 der kudde H2719 ! Het zwaard H5921 zal over H2220 zijn arm H5921 zijn, en over H3225 H5869 zijn rechteroog H2220 ; zijn arm H3001 H8800 zal ten enenmale H3001 H8799 verdorren H3225 H5869 , en zijn rechteroog H3543 H8800 zal ten enenmale H3543 H8799 donker worden.
Giguet(i) 4 ¶ Voici ce que dit le Seigneur tout-puissant: Paissez les brebis du sacrifice. 5 Leurs possesseurs les égorgeaient sans regret, tandis que ceux qui en avaient vendu disaient: Béni soit le Seigneur, nous voilà riches; et leurs bergers ne souffraient aucunement pour elles. 6 C’est pourquoi Je n’épargnerai aucun des habitants de la terre, dit le Seigneur; et voilà que Je livrerai chacun de ces hommes aux peuples voisins et aux mains de leurs rois; et ceux-ci désoleront la terre, et Je ne la délivrerai point de leurs mains. 7 Et Je ferai paître dans le pays de Chanaan les brebis du sacrifice, et Je prendrai pour Moi deux houlettes, l’une que J’ai nommée la Beauté, l’autre que J’ai nommée le Cordeau; et Je ferai paître les brebis. 8 Et Je ferai périr trois pasteurs en un mois, et Mon âme s’appesantira sur eux; car leurs âmes ont rugi contre Moi. 9 Et J’ai dit: Je ne serai plus votre pasteur; que ce qui est mort soit mort, que ce qui est tombé soit tombé, et que les survivants dévorent les chairs les uns des autres. 10 Et Je prendrai Ma belle houlette, et Je la rejetterai pour briser Mon alliance, l’alliance que J’avais faite en faveur de tous les peuples. 11 Et ce jour-là elle sera rompue, et les Chananéens connaîtront les brebis que Je garde; car telle est la parole du Seigneur. 12 Et Je leur dirai: S’il vous semble bon, donnez-Moi un salaire; sinon; refusez-le-Moi. Et ils ont pesé pour Mon salaire trente sicles d’argent. 13 Et le Seigneur me dit: Jette-les dans le creuset, et Je verrai si l’argent a été éprouvé de la même manière que J’ai été éprouvé pour l’amour d’eux. Et je pris les trente sicles d’argent, et je les jetai au creuset, dans le temple du Seigneur. 14 Et Je rejetai la seconde houlette, le Cordeau, pour briser les liens entre Juda et Israël. 15 ¶ Et le Seigneur me dit: Prends encore pour toi le bagage d’un pasteur, d’un pasteur insensé. 16 Car voilà que Je susciterai un pasteur contre la terre; et il ne visitera pas ce qui périt; et il ne cherchera pas ce qui est égaré; et il ne guérira pas ce qui est blessé; et il ne gardera pas même ce qui est entier; et il mangera les chairs des bêtes d’élite, et il disloquera les jointures des os. 17 Malheur au pasteur des idoles, à celui qui délaisse les brebis! Le glaive est levé sur son bras et sur son œil droit; son bras sera desséché, et son œil droit ne verra plus.
DarbyFR(i) 4
dit l'Éternel, mon Dieu: 5 Pais le troupeau de la tuerie, que leurs possesseurs tuent, sans passer pour coupables, et dont les vendeurs disent: Béni soit l'Éternel, je me suis enrichi! et leurs bergers ne les épargnent pas. 6 Car je n'épargnerai plus les habitants du pays, dit l'Éternel. Et voici, je ferai tomber les hommes dans les mains l'un de l'autre et dans la main de son roi; et ils écraseront le pays; et je ne délivrerai pas de leur main. 7 Et je me mis à paître le troupeau de la tuerie, voire même les pauvres du troupeau; et je pris deux bâtons: je nommai l'un Beauté, et je nommai l'autre Liens, et je me mis à paître le troupeau. 8 Et je détruisis trois des bergers en un mois, et mon âme fut ennuyée d'eux, et leur âme aussi se dégoûta de moi. 9 Et je dis: Je ne vous paîtrai pas: que ce qui meurt, meure; que ce qui périt, périsse; et quant à ce qui reste, qu'ils se dévorent l'un l'autre. 10 Et je pris mon bâton Beauté, et je le brisai, pour rompre mon alliance, que j'avais faite avec tous les peuples. 11 Et elle fut rompue en ce jour-là; et les pauvres du troupeau, qui prenaient garde à moi, connurent ainsi que c'était la parole de l'Éternel. 12 Et je leur dis: Si cela est bon à vos yeux, donnez-moi mon salaire: sinon, laissez-le. Et ils pesèrent mon salaire, trente pièces d'argent. 13 Et l'Éternel me dit: Jette-le au potier, ce prix magnifique auquel j'ai été estimé par eux. Et je pris les trente pièces d'argent, et je les jetai au potier, dans la maison de l'Éternel. 14 Et je brisai mon second bâton Liens, pour rompre la fraternité entre Juda et Israël. 15
Et l'Éternel me dit: Prends encore les instruments d'un berger insensé. 16 Car voici, je suscite un berger dans le pays, qui ne visitera pas ce qui va périr, qui ne cherchera pas ce qui est dispersé, qui ne pansera pas ce qui est blessé, et ne nourrira pas ce qui est en bon état; mais il mangera la chair de ce qui est gras, et rompra la corne de leurs pieds. 17 Malheur au pasteur de néant qui abandonne le troupeau! L'épée tombera sur son bras et sur son oeil droit. Son bras sera entièrement desséché, et son oeil droit sera entièrement obscurci.
Martin(i) 4 Ainsi a dit l'Eternel mon Dieu : Pais les brebis exposées à la tuerie; 5 Que leurs possesseurs tuent, sans qu'on les en tienne pour coupables, et chaque vendeur desquelles dit : Béni soit l'Eternel, je suis enrichi : Et, pas un de leurs pasteurs ne les épargne. 6 Certes aussi je n'aurai plus pitié de ceux qui habitent dans le pays, dit l'Eternel; car voici, je ferai que chacun se trouvera entre les mains de son prochain, et entre les mains de son Roi, et ils fouleront le pays, et je ne le délivrerai point de leur main. 7 Je me suis donc mis à paître les brebis exposées à la tuerie, qui sont véritablement les plus pauvres du troupeau. Puis je pris deux verges, dont j'appelai l'une Beauté; et l'autre, Cordon; et je me mis à paître les brebis. 8 Et je supprimai trois pasteurs en un mois, car mon âme s'est ennuyée d'eux, et aussi leur âme s'était dégoûtée de moi. 9 Et je dis : Je ne vous paîtrai plus; que ce qui meurt, meure; et que ce qui est supprimé, soit supprimé; et que celles qui seront de reste dévorent chacune la chair l'une de l'autre. 10 Puis je pris ma verge, appelée Beauté, et la mis en pièces pour rompre mon alliance que j'avais traitée avec tous ces peuples; 11 Et elle fut rompue en ce jour-là; et ainsi les plus pauvres du troupeau qui prennent garde à moi connurent que c'était la parole de l'Eternel. 12 Et je leur dis : S'il vous semble bon donnez-moi mon salaire; sinon, ne me le donnez pas : alors ils pesèrent mon salaire, qui fut trente pièces d'argent. 13 Et l'Eternel me dit : Jette-les pour un potier, ce prix honorable auquel j'ai été apprécié par eux; alors je pris les trente pièces d'argent, et les jetai dans la maison de l'Eternel, pour un potier. 14 Puis je rompis ma seconde verge, appelée Cordon, pour rompre la fraternité entre Juda et Israël. 15 Et l'Eternel me dit : Prends-toi encore l'équipage d'un pasteur insensé. 16 Car voici, je m'en vais susciter un pasteur au pays, qui ne visitera point les brebis qui s'en vont perdues; il ne cherchera point celles qui sont délicates, il ne guérira point celles qui sont malades, et il ne portera point celles qui sont demeurées en arrière, mais il mangera la chair des plus grasses, et fendra leurs ongles. 17 Malheur au pasteur inutile, qui abandonne le troupeau; L'épée sera sur son bras, et sur son oeil droit; son bras séchera certainement, et son oeil droit sera entièrement obscurci.
Segond(i) 4 Ainsi parle l'Eternel, mon Dieu: Pais les brebis destinées à la boucherie! 5 Ceux qui les achètent les égorgent impunément; Celui qui les vend dit: Béni soit l'Eternel, car je m'enrichis! Et leurs pasteurs ne les épargnent pas. 6 Car je n'ai plus de pitié pour les habitants du pays, Dit l'Eternel; Et voici, je livre les hommes Aux mains les uns des autres et aux mains de leur roi; Ils ravageront le pays, Et je ne délivrerai pas de leurs mains. 7 Alors je me mis à paître les brebis destinées à la boucherie, assurément les plus misérables du troupeau. Je pris deux houlettes: j'appelai l'une Grâce, et j'appelai l'autre Union. Et je fis paître les brebis. 8 J'exterminai les trois pasteurs en un mois; mon âme était impatiente à leur sujet, et leur âme avait aussi pour moi du dégoût. 9 Et je dis: Je ne vous paîtrai plus! Que celle qui va mourir meure, que celle qui va périr périsse, et que celles qui restent se dévorent les unes les autres! 10 Je pris ma houlette Grâce, et je la brisai, pour rompre mon alliance que j'avais traitée avec tous les peuples. 11 Elle fut rompue ce jour-là; et les malheureuses brebis, qui prirent garde à moi, reconnurent ainsi que c'était la parole de l'Eternel. 12 Je leur dis: Si vous le trouvez bon, donnez-moi mon salaire; sinon, ne le donnez pas. Et ils pesèrent pour mon salaire trente sicles d'argent. 13 L'Eternel me dit: Jette-le au potier, ce prix magnifique auquel ils m'ont estimé! Et je pris les trente sicles d'argent, et je les jetai dans la maison de l'Eternel, pour le potier. 14 Puis je brisai ma seconde houlette Union, pour rompre la fraternité entre Juda et Israël. 15 L'Eternel me dit: Prends encore l'équipage d'un pasteur insensé! 16 Car voici, je susciterai dans le pays un pasteur qui n'aura pas souci des brebis qui périssent; il n'ira pas à la recherche des plus jeunes, il ne guérira pas les blessées, il ne soignera pas les saines; mais il dévorera la chair des plus grasses, et il déchirera jusqu'aux cornes de leurs pieds. 17 Malheur au pasteur de néant, qui abandonne ses brebis! Que l'épée fonde sur son bras et sur son oeil droit! Que son bras se dessèche, Et que son oeil droit s'éteigne!
  4 H559 ¶ Ainsi parle H8804   H3068 l’Eternel H430 , mon Dieu H7462  : Pais H8798   H6629 les brebis H2028 destinées à la boucherie !
  5 H7069 Ceux qui les achètent H8802   H2026 les égorgent H8799   H816 impunément H8799   H4376  ; Celui qui les vend H8802   H559 dit H8799   H1288  : Béni H8803   H3068 soit l’Eternel H6238 , car je m’enrichis H8686   H7462  ! Et leurs pasteurs H8802   H2550 ne les épargnent H8799   pas.
  6 H2550 Car je n’ai plus de pitié H8799   H3427 pour les habitants H8802   H776 du pays H5002 , Dit H8803   H3068 l’Eternel H4672  ; Et voici, je livre H8688   H120 les hommes H3027 Aux mains H376 les uns H7453 des autres H3027 et aux mains H4428 de leur roi H3807  ; Ils ravageront H8765   H776 le pays H5337 , Et je ne délivrerai H8686   H3027 pas de leurs mains.
  7 H7462 Alors je me mis à paître H8799   H6629 les brebis H2028 destinées à la boucherie H3651 , assurément H6041 les plus misérables H6629 du troupeau H3947 . Je pris H8799   H8147 deux H4731 houlettes H7121 : j’appelai H8804   H259 l’une H5278 Grâce H7121 , et j’appelai H8804   H259 l’autre H2254 Union H8802   H7462 . Et je fis paître H8799   H6629 les brebis.
  8 H3582 J’exterminai H8686   H7969 les trois H7462 pasteurs H8802   H259 en un H3391 mois H5315  ; mon âme H7114 était impatiente H8799   H5315 à leur sujet, et leur âme H973 avait aussi pour moi du dégoût H8804  .
  9 H559 Et je dis H8799   H7462  : Je ne vous paîtrai H8799   H4191 plus ! Que celle qui va mourir H8801   H4191 meure H8799   H3582 , que celle qui va périr H8737   H3582 périsse H8735   H7604 , et que celles qui restent H8737   H398 se dévorent H8799   H1320   H802 les unes H7468 les autres !
  10 H3947 Je pris H8799   H4731 ma houlette H5278 Grâce H1438 , et je la brisai H8799   H6565 , pour rompre H8687   H1285 mon alliance H3772 que j’avais traitée H8804   H5971 avec tous les peuples.
  11 H6565 Elle fut rompue H8714   H3117 ce jour H6041 -là ; et les malheureuses H6629 brebis H8104 , qui prirent garde H8802   H3045 à moi, reconnurent H8799   H1697 ainsi que c’était la parole H3068 de l’Eternel.
  12 H559 Je leur dis H8799   H5869  : Si vous le trouvez H2896 bon H3051 , donnez H8798   H7939 -moi mon salaire H2308  ; sinon, ne le donnez H8798   H8254 pas. Et ils pesèrent H8799   H7939 pour mon salaire H7970 trente H3701 sicles d’argent.
  13 H3068 L’Eternel H559 me dit H8799   H7993  : Jette H8685   H3335 -le au potier H8802   H3366 , ce prix H145 magnifique H3365 auquel ils m’ont estimé H8804   H3947  ! Et je pris H8799   H7970 les trente H3701 sicles d’argent H7993 , et je les jetai H8686   H1004 dans la maison H3068 de l’Eternel H3335 , pour le potier H8802  .
  14 H1438 Puis je brisai H8799   H8145 ma seconde H4731 houlette H2254 Union H8802   H6565 , pour rompre H8687   H264 la fraternité H3063 entre Juda H3478 et Israël.
  15 H3068 ¶ L’Eternel H559 me dit H8799   H3947  : Prends H8798   H3627 encore l’équipage H7462 d’un pasteur H8802   H196 insensé !
  16 H6965 Car voici, je susciterai H8688   H776 dans le pays H7462 un pasteur H8802   H6485 qui n’aura pas souci H8799   H3582 des brebis qui périssent H8737   H1245  ; il n’ira pas à la recherche H8762   H5289 des plus jeunes H7495 , il ne guérira H8762   H7665 pas les blessées H8737   H3557 , il ne soignera H8770   H5324 pas les saines H8737   H398  ; mais il dévorera H8799   H1320 la chair H1277 des plus grasses H6561 , et il déchirera H8762   H6541 jusqu’aux cornes de leurs pieds.
  17 H1945 Malheur H7473 au pasteur H457 de néant H5800 , qui abandonne H8802   H6629 ses brebis H2719  ! Que l’épée H2220 fonde sur son bras H5869 et sur son œil H3225 droit H2220  ! Que son bras H3001 se dessèche H8800   H3001   H8799   H5869 , Et que son œil H3225 droit H3543 s’éteigne H8800   H3543   H8799   !
SE(i) 4 Así dijo el SEÑOR mi Dios: Apacienta las ovejas de la matanza; 5 a las cuales mataban sus compradores, y no se tenían por culpables; y el que las vendía, decía: Bendito sea el SEÑOR, porque he enriquecido; ni sus pastores tenían piedad de ellas. 6 Por tanto, no tendré piedad más de los moradores de la tierra, dice el SEÑOR; porque he aquí, yo entregaré los hombres, cada cual en mano de su compañero, y en mano de su rey; y quebrantarán la tierra, y yo no los libraré de sus manos. 7 Y apacentaré, pues, las ovejas de la matanza, es a saber, a los pobres del rebaño. Porque yo me tomé dos cayados; al uno puse por nombre Suavidad, y al otro Ligaduras; y apacenté las ovejas. 8 E hice matar tres pastores en un mes, y mi alma se angustió por ellos, y también el alma de ellos me aborreció a mí. 9 Y dije: No os apacentaré más; la que muriere, muera; y la que se perdiere, se pierda; y las que quedaren, que cada una coma la carne de su compañera. 10 Y tomé mi cayado Suavidad, y lo quebré, para deshacer mi pacto que concerté con todos los pueblos. 11 Y fue deshecho en ese día, y así conocieron los pobres del rebaño que miran a mí, que era palabra del SEÑOR. 12 Y les dije: Si os parece bien, dadme mi salario; y si no, dejadlo. Y apreciaron mi salario en treinta piezas de plata. 13 Y me dijo el SEÑOR: Echalo al tesorero, hermoso precio con que me han apreciado. Y tomé las treinta piezas de plata, y las eché en la Casa del SEÑOR al tesorero. 14 Y quebré el otro mi cayado, Ligaduras, para romper la hermandad entre Judá e Israel. 15 Y me dijo el SEÑOR: Toma aún los aperos de un pastor loco; 16 porque he aquí, que yo levanto pastor en la tierra, que no visitará las perdidas, no buscará la pequeña, no curará la perniquebrada, ni llevará la cansada a cuestas; sino que se comerá la carne de la gruesa, y romperá sus uñas. 17 Ay del pastor inútil, que abandona el ganado! Espada sobre su brazo, y sobre su ojo derecho; del todo se secará su brazo, y enteramente será su ojo derecho oscurecido.
ReinaValera(i) 4 Así ha dicho Jehová mi Dios: Apacienta las ovejas de la matanza; 5 A las cuales mataban sus compradores, y no se tenían por culpables; y el que las vendía, decía: Bendito sea Jehová, que he enriquecido; ni sus pastores tenían piedad de ellas. 6 Por tanto, no más tendré piedad de los moradores de la tierra, dice Jehová: porque he aquí, yo entregaré los hombres, cada cual en mano de su compañero, y en mano de su rey; y quebrantarán la tierra, y yo no libraré de sus manos. 7 Apacenté pues las ovejas de la matanza, es á saber, los pobres del rebaño. Y me tomé dos cayados; al uno puse por nombre Suavidad, y al otro Ataduras; y apacenté las ovejas. 8 E hice matar tres pastores en un mes, y mi alma se angustió por ellos, y también el alma de ellos me aborreció á mí. 9 Y dije: No os apacentaré; la que muriere, muera; y la que se perdiere, se pierda; y las que quedaren, que cada una coma la carne de su compañera. 10 Tomé luego mi cayado Suavidad, y quebrélo, para deshacer mi pacto que concerté con todos los pueblos. 11 Y fué deshecho en ese día, y así conocieron los pobres del rebaño que miran á mí, que era palabra de Jehová. 12 Y díjeles: Si os parece bien, dadme mi salario; y si no, dejadlo. Y pesaron para mi salario treinta piezas de plata. 13 Y díjome Jehová: Echalo al tesorero, hermoso precio con que me han apreciado. Y tomé las treinta piezas de plata, y echélas en la casa de Jehová al tesorero. 14 Quebré luego el otro mi cayado Ataduras, para romper la hermandad entre Judá é Israel. 15 Y díjome Jehová: Toma aún el hato de un pastor insensato; porque he aquí, yo levanto pastor en la tierra, que no visitará las perdidas, no buscará la pequeña, no curará la perniquebrada, ni llevará la cansada á cuestas; sino que se comerá la carne de la gruesa, y romperá sus uñas. 16 Mal haya el pastor de nada, que deja el ganado. Espada sobre su brazo, y sobre su ojo derecho: del todo se secará su brazo, y enteramente será su ojo derecho oscurecido. 17
JBS(i) 4 Así dijo el SEÑOR mi Dios: Apacienta las ovejas de la matanza; 5 a las cuales mataban sus compradores, y no se tenían por culpables; y el que las vendía, decía: Bendito sea el SEÑOR, porque he enriquecido; ni sus pastores tenían piedad de ellas. 6 Por tanto, no tendré piedad más de los moradores de la tierra, dice el SEÑOR; porque he aquí, yo entregaré los hombres, cada cual en mano de su compañero, y en mano de su rey; y quebrantarán la tierra, y yo no los libraré de sus manos. 7 Y apacentaré, pues, las ovejas de la matanza, es a saber, a los pobres del rebaño. Porque yo me tomé dos cayados; al uno puse por nombre Suavidad, y al otro Ligaduras; y apacenté las ovejas. 8 E hice matar tres pastores en un mes, y mi alma se angustió por ellos, y también el alma de ellos me aborreció a mí. 9 Y dije: No os apacentaré más; la que muriere, muera; y la que se perdiere, se pierda; y las que quedaren, que cada una coma la carne de su compañera. 10 Y tomé mi cayado Suavidad, y lo quebré, para deshacer mi pacto que concerté con todos los pueblos. 11 Y fue deshecho en ese día, y así conocieron los pobres del rebaño que miran a mí, que era palabra del SEÑOR. 12 Y les dije: Si os parece bien, dadme mi salario; y si no, dejadlo. Y apreciaron mi salario en treinta piezas de plata. 13 Y me dijo el SEÑOR: Echalo al tesorero, hermoso precio con que me han apreciado. Y tomé las treinta piezas de plata, y las eché en la Casa del SEÑOR al tesorero. 14 Y quebré el otro mi cayado, Ligaduras, para romper la hermandad entre Judá e Israel. 15 Y me dijo el SEÑOR: Toma aún los aperos de un pastor loco; 16 porque he aquí, que yo levanto pastor en la tierra, que no visitará las perdidas, no buscará la pequeña, no curará la perniquebrada, ni llevará la cansada a cuestas; sino que se comerá la carne de la gruesa, y romperá sus uñas. 17 ¡Ay del pastor inútil, que abandona el ganado! Espada sobre su brazo, y sobre su ojo derecho; del todo se secará su brazo, y enteramente será su ojo derecho oscurecido.
Albanian(i) 4 Kështu thotë Zoti, Perëndia im: "Kulloti delet që janë caktuar për thertore, 5 blerësit e të cilave vrasin dhe nuk konsiderohen fajtorë dhe shitësit e të cilave thonë: "Qoftë bekuar Zoti, sepse unë po pasurohem" dhe barinjtë e të cilave nuk kanë kurrfarë mëshire. 6 Nuk do të kem më mëshirë për banorët e vendit", thotë Zoti, "madje do të bëj që secili prej tyre të bjerë në dorë të të afërmit të vet dhe në dorë të mbretit të vet. Ata do ta shkretojnë vendin dhe nuk do të çliroj asnjë nga duart e tyre". 7 Atëherë nisa t'i kullos delet që ishin caktuar për thertore, pikërisht më të mjerat e kopesë. Mora pastaj për vete dy shkopinj: njërin e quajta "Hir" dhe tjetrin "Bashkim", dhe nisa ta kullos kopenë. 8 Brenda një muaj eliminova tre barinj. Unë isha i paduruar me ta, edhe ata gjithashtu më urrenin. 9 Atëherë thashë: "Nuk do t'i kullos më; kush është duke vdekur, le të vdesë dhe kush është për të humbur, le të humbasë; pastaj ato që do të mbeten le të hanë njëra tjetrën". 10 Mora pastaj shkopin tim "Hir" dhe e theva, për të shfuqizuar besëlidhjen që kisha lidhur me gjithë popujt. 11 Po atë ditë ai u shfuqizua. Kështu delet më të mjera të kopesë që po më shikonin, e kuptuan se ajo ishte fjala e Zotit. 12 Atëherë u thashë atyre: "Po t'ju duket e drejtë, më jepni pagën time; në se jo, lëreni". Kështu ata e peshuan pagën time: tridhjetë sikla argjendi. 13 Por Zoti më tha: "Hidhja poçarit çmimin madhështor me të cilin ata më vlerësuan". Atëherë i mora tridhjetë siklat prej argjendi dhe i hodha në shtëpinë e Zotit për poçarin. 14 Pastaj theva shkopin tjetër "Bashkimi", për të thyer vëllazërinë ndërmjet Judës dhe Izraelit. 15 Atëherë Zoti më tha: "Merri edhe veglat e një bariu të pamend. 16 Sepse ja, unë do të nxjerr në vend një bari që nuk do të kujdeset për delet që humbasin, nuk do t'i kërkojë ato që janë të reja, nuk do të shërojë të plagosurat, nuk do të ushqejë ato që rrijnë në këmbë, por do të hajë mishin e të majmeve dhe do t'u shkulë edhe thonjtë". 17 Mjerë bariu i pavlerë që e braktis kopenë! Një shpatë do të jetë kundër krahut të tij dhe kundër syrit të tij të djathtë. Krahu i tij do të thahet krejt dhe syri i tij do të verbohet fare.
RST(i) 4 Так говорит Господь Бог мой: паси овец, обреченных на заклание, 5 которых купившие убивают ненаказанно, а продавшие говорят: „благословен Господь; я разбогател!" и пастухи их не жалеют о них. 6 Ибо Я не буду более миловать жителей земли сей, говорит Господь; и вот, Я предам людей, каждого в руки ближнего его и в руки царя его, и они будут поражать землю, и Я не избавлю от рук их. 7 И буду пасти овец, обреченных на заклание, овецпоистине бедных. И возьму Себе два жезла, и назову один – благоволением, другой – узами, и ими буду пасти овец. 8 И истреблю трех из пастырей в один месяц; и отвратится душа Моя от них, как и их душа отвращается от Меня. 9 Тогда скажу: не буду пасти вас: умирающая – пусть умирает, и гибнущая – пусть гибнет, а остающиеся пусть едят плоть одна другой. 10 И возьму жезл Мой – благоволения и переломлю его, чтобы уничтожить завет, который заключил Я со всеми народами. 11 И он уничтожен будет в тот день, и тогда узнают бедные из овец, ожидающие Меня, что это слово Господа. 12 И скажу им: если угодно вам, то дайте Мне плату Мою; если же нет, – не давайте; и они отвесят в уплату Мне тридцать сребренников. 13 И сказал мне Господь: брось их в церковное хранилище, – высокая цена, в какую они оценили Меня! И взял Я тридцать сребренников и бросил ихв дом Господень для горшечника. 14 И переломил Я другой жезл Мой – „узы", чтобы расторгнуть братство между Иудою и Израилем. 15 И Господь сказал мне: еще возьми себе снаряд одного из глупых пастухов. 16 Ибо вот, Я поставлю на этой земле пастуха, который о погибающих не позаботится, потерявшихся не будет искать и больных небудет лечить, здоровых не будет кормить, а мясо тучных будет есть и копыта их оторвет. 17 Горе негодному пастуху, оставляющему стадо! меч на руку его и направый глаз его! рука его совершенно иссохнет, и правый глаз егосовершенно потускнет.
Arabic(i) 4 هكذا قال الرب الهي ارع غنم الذبح 5 الذين يذبحهم مالكوهم ولا يأثمون وبائعوهم يقولون مبارك الرب قد استغنيت. ورعاتهم لا يشفقون عليهم. 6 لاني لا اشفق بعد على سكان الارض يقول الرب بل هانذا مسلّم الانسان كل رجل ليد قريبه وليد ملكه فيضربون الارض ولا انقذ من يدهم 7 فرعيت غنم الذبح. لكنهم اذل الغنم. واخذت لنفسي عصوين فسميت الواحدة نعمة وسميت الاخرى حبالا ورعيت الغنم. 8 وابدت الرعاة الثلاثة في شهر واحد وضاقت نفسي بهم وكرهتني ايضا نفسهم. 9 فقلت لا ارعاكم. من يمت فليمت ومن يبد فليبد والبقية فلياكل بعضها لحم بعض 10 فاخذت عصاي نعمة وقصفتها لانقض عهدي الذي قطعته مع كل الاسباط. 11 فنقض في ذلك اليوم وهكذا علم اذل الغنم المنتظرون لي انها كلمة الرب. 12 فقلت لهم ان حسن في اعينكم فاعطوني اجرتي والا فامتنعوا. فوزنوا اجرتي ثلاثين من الفضة. 13 فقال لي الرب القها الى الفخاري الثمن الكريم الذي ثمنوني به. فاخذت الثلاثين من الفضة والقيتها الى الفخاري في بيت الرب. 14 ثم قصفت عصاي الاخرى حبالا لانقض الإخاء بين يهوذا واسرائيل 15 فقال لي الرب خذ لنفسك بعد ادوات راع احمق. 16 لاني هانذا مقيم راعيا في الارض لا يفتقد المنقطعين ولا يطلب المنساق ولا يجبر المنكسر ولا يربّي القائم ولكن ياكل لحم السمان وينزع اظلافها 17 ويل للراعي الباطل التارك الغنم. السيف على ذراعه وعلى عينه اليمنى. ذراعه تيبس يبسا وعينه اليمنى تكلّ كلولا
Bulgarian(i) 4 Така казва ГОСПОД, моят Бог: Паси овцете обречени на клане, 5 чиито купувачи ги колят и не се мислят за виновни, а продавачите им казват: Благословен да е ГОСПОД, защото забогатях! — и пастирите им не ги жалят. 6 Затова няма вече да пожаля жителите на земята, заявява ГОСПОД. И ето, Аз предавам хората всеки в ръката на другия и в ръката на царя му; и те ще разсипят земята, и Аз няма да избавям от ръката им. 7 И аз пасох овцете обречени на клане, наистина най-окаяните овце! И си взех две тояги; едната нарекох Благост, а другата нарекох Връзки; и пасох стадото. 8 И изтребих тримата пастири в един месец. И душата ми се отегчи от тях, а и тяхната душа се отврати от мен. 9 И казах: Няма да ви паса; което умира, нека умира и което загива, нека загива, а останалите нека ядат едно на друго месото си! 10 И взех тоягата си Благост и я счупих, за да унищожа завета, който бях сключил с всичките народи. 11 И в онзи ден се унищожи; и така окаяните от овцете, които внимаваха на мен, познаха, че това беше слово от ГОСПОДА. 12 Тогава им казах: Ако ви се вижда добро, дайте ми заплатата ми, а ако не, недейте. И те ми претеглиха заплатата ми — тридесет сребърника. 13 И ГОСПОД ми каза: Хвърли ги на грънчаря — славната цена, с която бях оценен от тях! И аз взех тридесетте сребърника и ги хвърлих в ГОСПОДНИЯ дом на грънчаря. 14 Тогава счупих и другата си тояга, Връзки, за да унищожа братството между Юда и Израил. 15 И ГОСПОД ми каза: Вземи си сега инструментите на безумен овчар. 16 Защото, ето, Аз ще издигна пастир на земята, който няма да се сеща за загиващите, няма да търси разпръснатите, няма да лекува ранената, няма да храни здравата, а ще яде месото на тлъстата и ще разсича копитата им. 17 Горко на безполезния пастир, който оставя стадото! Меч ще връхлети върху мишцата му и върху дясното му око. Мишцата му ще изсъхне напълно и дясното му око напълно ще угасне.
Croatian(i) 4 Ovako mi reče Jahve: 5 "Pasi ovce klanice! Kupci ih njihovi kolju nekažnjeno, a koji ih prodaju, govore: 'Blagoslovljen bio Jahve, obogatio sam se!' i pastiri ih njihovi ne štede. 6 Ni ja više neću štedjeti žitelja zemlje - riječ je Jahve nad Vojskama - nego: predajem, evo, svakoga u ruke njegova bližnjega i u ruke kralja njegova; i oni će pustošiti zemlju, a ja neću izbavljati iz ruku njihovih." 7 Stadoh pasti ovce klanice za trgovce ovcama te uzeh dva štapa: jedan nazvah Naklonost, drugi Sveza. Tako sam pasao stado. 8 I u jednom mjesecu odbacih tri pastira. Ali mi i ovce dojadiše, omrznuh im. 9 Tad rekoh: "Neću vas više pasti! Koja mora uginuti, nek' ugine! Koja mora nestati, nek' nestane! A koje ostanu, neka jedna drugoj meso prožderu!" 10 Tad uzeh svoj štap Naklonost i slomih ga da raskinem Savez svoj što ga bijah sklopio sa svim narodima. 11 I on se raskinu onog dana, i trgovci ovcama koji su to gledali doznaše da je to bila riječ Jahvina. 12 Rekoh im tad: "Ako vam je to dobro, dajte mi plaću; ako nije, nemojte." Oni mi odmjeriše plaću: trideset srebrnika. 13 A Jahve mi reče: "Baci u riznicu tu lijepu cijenu kojom su me procijenili!" Ja uzeh trideset srebrnika i bacih u riznicu u Domu Jahvinu. 14 Onda slomih i svoj drugi štap, Svezu - da raskinem bratstvo između Jude i Izraela. 15 I reče mi Jahve: "Uzmi još opremu bezumna pastira, 16 jer, evo, podići ću jednoga bezumnog pastira u ovoj zemlji: za izgubljene on se neće brinuti, zalutale neće tražiti, ranjene neće vidati, iscrpljene neće nositi, nego će jesti meso od pretilih i papke im otkidati. 17 Teško pastiru opakom koji stado ostavlja! Neka mu mač stigne ruku i desno oko! Nek' mu desnica sasvim usahne, oko desno sasvim potamni!"
BKR(i) 4 Takto praví Hospodin Bůh můj: Pas ovce tyto k zbití oddané, 5 Kteříž držitelé jejich mordují, aniž bývají obviňováni, a kdož je prodávají, říkají: Požehnaný Hospodin, že jsme zbohatli, a kteříž je pasou, nemají lítosti nad nimi. 6 Protož nebudu míti lítosti více nad obyvateli této země, praví Hospodin, ale aj, já uvedu ty lidi jednoho druhému v ruku, a v ruku krále jejich. I budou potírati zemi tuto, a nevytrhnu jí z ruky jejich. 7 Nebo jsem pásl ovce k zbití oddané, totiž vás chudé toho stáda, a vzav sobě dvě hole, nazval jsem jednu utěšením, a druhou jsem nazval svazujících. A pásl jsem, pravím, ty ovce, 8 A zahladil jsem tři pastýře měsíce jednoho, ale duše má stýskala sobě s nimi, proto že duše jejich nenáviděla mne. 9 Pročež řekl jsem: Nebudu vás pásti. Kteráž umříti má, nechť umře, a kteráž má vyhlazena býti, nechť jest vyhlazena, a jiné nechažť jedí maso jedna druhé. 10 Protož vzav hůl svou utěšení, posekal jsem ji, zrušiv smlouvu svou, kterouž jsem učinil se vším tím lidem. 11 A v ten den, když zrušena byla, právě poznali chudí toho stáda, kteříž na mne pozor měli, že řeč Hospodinova jest. 12 Nebo jsem řekl jim: Jestliže se vám vidí, dejte mzdu mou; pakli nic, nechte tak. I odvážili mzdu mou třidceti stříbrných. 13 I řekl mi Hospodin: Povrz je před hrnčíře. Znamenitá mzda, kterouž jsem tak draze šacován od nich. A tak vzav třidceti stříbrných, uvrhl jsem je v domě Hospodinově před hrnčíře. 14 Potom posekal jsem hůl svou druhou svazujících, zrušiv bratrství mezi Judou a mezi Izraelem. 15 I řekl mi Hospodin: Vezmi sobě ještě oruží pastýře bláznivého. 16 Nebo aj, já vzbudím pastýře v této zemi. Pobloudilých nebude navštěvovati, ani jehňátka hledati, ani což polámaného jest, léčiti, ani toho, což se zastavuje, nositi, ale maso toho, což tučnějšího jest, jísti bude, a kopyta jejich poláme. 17 Běda pastýři tomu ničemnému, kterýž opouští stádo. Meč na rameno jeho a na oko pravé jeho, rámě jeho docela uschne, a oko pravé jeho naprosto zatmí se.
Danish(i) 4 Saa sagde HERREN, min Gud: Vogt de Slagtefaar, 5 hvilke de, der købe dem, dræbe og blive ikke strafskyldige, medens de, der sælge dem, sige: Lovet være HERREN, at jeg bliver rig; og ingen af deres Hyrder sparer dem. 6 Thi jeg vil ikke Længere spare Jordens Beboere, siger HERREN; og se, jeg vil overgive Menneskene den ene i den andens Haand og i hans Konges Haand, og de skulle ødelægge: Jorden, og jeg vil ikke redde af deres Haand. 7 Og jeg fødte Slagtefaarene derhos de elendige af Faarene; og jeg tog mig to Stave, den ene kaldte jeg: "Liflighed", og den anden kaldte jeg: "Baand", og jeg vogtede Faarene, 8 og jeg tilintetgjorde de tre af Hyrderne i een Haaned. Men min Sjæl blev utaalmodig over dem, og deres Sjæl blev ogsaa ked af mig; 9 og jeg sagde: Jeg vil ikke vogte eder; hvad som dør, maa dø, og hvad som omkommer, maa omkomrne, og de overblevne maa æde den ene den andens Kød. 10 Og jeg tog min Stav "Liflighed", og sønderhuggede den for at tilintetgøre min Pagt, som jeg havde gjort med alle Folkeslag. 11 Og den blev gjort til intet paa samme Dag, og saaledes forstode de elendige af Faarene, som agtede paa mig, at det var HERRENS Ord. 12 Og jeg sagde til dem: Dersom det synes godt for eders Øjne, da giver mig min Løn, og hvis ikke, da lader det være; og de afvejede som min Løn tredive Sekel Sølv. 13 Og HERREN sagde til mig: Kast den hen til Pottemageren, den herlige Pris, som jeg er agtet værd af dern! og jeg tog de tredive Sekel Sølv og kastede dem hen i HERRENS Hus til Pottemageren. 14 Og jeg sønderhuggede min anden Stav, kaldet "Baand", for at tilintetgøre Broderskabet imellem Juda og Israel. 15 Og HERREN sagde til mig: Tag dig endnu en taabelig Hyrdes Redskab! 16 Thi se, jeg lader en Hyrde fremstaa i Landet; dem, som ere nær ved at omkomme, skal han ikke se til, det forvildede skal han ikke opsøge, det, som har taget Skade, skal han ikke læge; det, som holder sig oprejst, skal han ikke forsørge, men Kødet af det fedede skal han æde, og dets Klove skal han sønderrive. 17 Ve den unyttige Hyrde, som forlader Faarene! et Sværd skal komme imod hans Arm og imod hans højre Øje; hans Arm skal visne hen, og hans højre Øje skal blive aldeles dunkelt.
CUV(i) 4 耶 和 華 ─ 我 的   神 如 此 說 : 你 ─ 撒 迦 利 亞 要 牧 養 這 將 宰 的 群 羊 。 5 買 他 們 的 宰 了 他 們 , 以 自 己 為 無 罪 ; 賣 他 們 的 說 : 耶 和 華 是 應 當 稱 頌 的 , 因 我 成 為 富 足 。 牧 養 他 們 的 並 不 憐 恤 他 們 。 6 耶 和 華 說 : 我 不 再 憐 恤 這 地 的 居 民 , 必 將 這 民 交 給 各 人 的 鄰 舍 和 他 們 王 的 手 中 。 他 們 必 毀 滅 這 地 , 我 也 不 救 這 民 脫 離 他 們 的 手 。 7 於 是 , 我 牧 養 這 將 宰 的 群 羊 , 就 是 群 中 最 困 苦 的 羊 。 我 拿 著 兩 根 杖 , 一 根 我 稱 為 榮 美 , 一 根 我 稱 為 聯 索 。 這 樣 , 我 牧 養 了 群 羊 。 8 一 月 之 內 , 我 除 滅 三 個 牧 人 , 因 為 我 的 心 厭 煩 他 們 ; 他 們 的 心 也 憎 嫌 我 。 9 我 就 說 : 我 不 牧 養 你 們 。 要 死 的 , 由 他 死 ; 要 喪 亡 的 , 由 他 喪 亡 ; 餘 剩 的 , 由 他 們 彼 此 相 食 。 10 我 折 斷 那 稱 為 榮 美 的 杖 , 表 明 我 廢 棄 與 萬 民 所 立 的 約 。 11 當 日 就 廢 棄 了 。 這 樣 , 那 些 仰 望 我 的 困 苦 羊 就 知 道 所 說 的 是 耶 和 華 的 話 。 12 我 對 他 們 說 : 你 們 若 以 為 美 , 就 給 我 工 價 。 不 然 , 就 罷 了 ! 於 是 他 們 給 了 三 十 塊 錢 作 為 我 的 工 價 。 13 耶 和 華 吩 咐 我 說 : 要 把 眾 人 所 估 定 美 好 的 價 值 丟 給 窯 戶 。 我 便 將 這 三 十 塊 錢 , 在 耶 和 華 的 殿 中 丟 給 窯 戶 了 。 14 我 又 折 斷 稱 為 聯 索 的 那 根 杖 , 表 明 我 廢 棄 猶 大 與 以 色 列 弟 兄 的 情 誼 。 15 耶 和 華 又 吩 咐 我 說 : 你 再 取 愚 昧 人 所 用 的 器 具 , 16 因 我 要 在 這 地 興 起 一 個 牧 人 。 他 不 看 顧 喪 亡 的 , 不 尋 找 分 散 的 , 不 醫 治 受 傷 的 , 也 不 牧 養 強 壯 的 ; 卻 要 吃 肥 羊 的 肉 , 撕 裂 它 的 蹄 子 。 17 無 用 的 牧 人 丟 棄 羊 群 有 禍 了 ! 刀 必 臨 到 他 的 膀 臂 和 右 眼 上 。 他 的 膀 臂 必 全 然 枯 乾 ; 他 的 右 眼 也 必 昏 暗 失 明 。
  4 H3068 耶和華 H430 ─我的 神 H559 如此說 H7462 :你─撒迦利亞要牧養 H2028 這將宰的 H6629 群羊。
  5 H7069 H2026 他們的宰 H816 了他們,以自己為無罪 H4376 ;賣 H559 他們的說 H3068 :耶和華 H1288 是應當稱頌 H6238 的,因我成為富足 H7462 。牧養 H2550 他們的並不憐恤他們。
  6 H3068 耶和華 H5002 H2550 :我不再憐恤 H776 這地 H3427 的居民 H4672 ,必將這民交給 H120 H376 各人 H7453 H3027 的鄰舍 H4428 和他們王 H3027 的手 H3807 中。他們必毀滅 H776 這地 H5337 ,我也不救這民脫離 H3027 他們的手。
  7 H7462 於是,我牧養 H2028 這將宰的 H6629 群羊 H3651 ,就是 H6041 群中最困苦的 H6629 H3947 。我拿著 H8147 H4731 根杖 H259 ,一 H7121 根我稱為 H5278 榮美 H259 ,一 H7121 根我稱為 H2254 聯索 H7462 。這樣,我牧養 H6629 了群羊。
  8 H259 H3391 H3582 之內,我除滅 H7969 H7462 個牧人 H5315 ,因為我的心 H7114 厭煩 H5315 他們;他們的心 H973 也憎嫌我。
  9 H559 我就說 H7462 :我不牧養 H4191 你們。要死 H4191 的,由他死 H3582 ;要喪亡 H3582 的,由他喪亡 H7604 ;餘剩的 H802 H7468 ,由他們彼此 H398 H1320 相食。
  10 H1438 我折斷 H5278 那稱為榮美 H4731 的杖 H6565 ,表明我廢棄 H5971 與萬民 H3772 所立 H1285 的約。
  11 H3117 當日 H6565 就廢棄 H8104 了。這樣,那些仰望 H6041 我的困苦 H6629 H3045 就知道 H3068 所說的是耶和華 H1697 的話。
  12 H559 我對他們說 H5869 :你們若以為 H2896 H3051 ,就給 H7939 我工價 H2308 。不然,就罷了 H8254 !於是他們給 H7970 了三十 H3701 塊錢 H7939 作為我的工價。
  13 H3068 耶和華 H559 吩咐我說 H3365 :要把眾人所估定 H145 美好 H3366 的價值 H7993 丟給 H3335 窯戶 H3947 。我便將 H7970 這三十 H3701 塊錢 H3068 ,在耶和華 H1004 的殿 H7993 中丟給 H3335 窯戶了。
  14 H8145 我又 H1438 折斷 H2254 稱為聯索 H4731 的那根杖 H6565 ,表明我廢棄 H3063 猶大 H3478 與以色列 H264 弟兄的情誼。
  15 H3068 耶和華 H559 又吩咐我說 H3947 :你再取 H196 愚昧 H7462 H3627 所用的器具,
  16 H776 因我要在這地 H6965 興起 H7462 一個牧人 H6485 。他不看顧 H3582 喪亡的 H1245 ,不尋找 H5289 分散的 H7495 ,不醫治 H7665 受傷的 H3557 ,也不牧養 H5324 強壯的 H398 ;卻要吃 H1277 H1320 羊的肉 H6561 HH6561 ,撕裂 H6541 它的蹄子。
  17 H457 無用 H7473 的牧人 H5800 丟棄 H6629 羊群 H1945 有禍了 H2719 !刀 H2220 必臨到他的膀臂 H3225 和右 H5869 H2220 上。他的膀臂 H3001 必全然 H3001 枯乾 H3225 ;他的右 H5869 H3543 H3543 也必昏暗失明。
CUVS(i) 4 耶 和 华 ― 我 的   神 如 此 说 : 你 ― 撒 迦 利 亚 要 牧 养 这 将 宰 的 群 羊 。 5 买 他 们 的 宰 了 他 们 , 以 自 己 为 无 罪 ; 卖 他 们 的 说 : 耶 和 华 是 应 当 称 颂 的 , 因 我 成 为 富 足 。 牧 养 他 们 的 并 不 怜 恤 他 们 。 6 耶 和 华 说 : 我 不 再 怜 恤 这 地 的 居 民 , 必 将 这 民 交 给 各 人 的 邻 舍 和 他 们 王 的 手 中 。 他 们 必 毁 灭 这 地 , 我 也 不 救 这 民 脱 离 他 们 的 手 。 7 于 是 , 我 牧 养 这 将 宰 的 群 羊 , 就 是 群 中 最 困 苦 的 羊 。 我 拿 着 两 根 杖 , 一 根 我 称 为 荣 美 , 一 根 我 称 为 联 索 。 这 样 , 我 牧 养 了 群 羊 。 8 一 月 之 内 , 我 除 灭 叁 个 牧 人 , 因 为 我 的 心 厌 烦 他 们 ; 他 们 的 心 也 憎 嫌 我 。 9 我 就 说 : 我 不 牧 养 你 们 。 要 死 的 , 由 他 死 ; 要 丧 亡 的 , 由 他 丧 亡 ; 余 剩 的 , 由 他 们 彼 此 相 食 。 10 我 折 断 那 称 为 荣 美 的 杖 , 表 明 我 废 弃 与 万 民 所 立 的 约 。 11 当 日 就 废 弃 了 。 这 样 , 那 些 仰 望 我 的 困 苦 羊 就 知 道 所 说 的 是 耶 和 华 的 话 。 12 我 对 他 们 说 : 你 们 若 以 为 美 , 就 给 我 工 价 。 不 然 , 就 罢 了 ! 于 是 他 们 给 了 叁 十 块 钱 作 为 我 的 工 价 。 13 耶 和 华 吩 咐 我 说 : 要 把 众 人 所 估 定 美 好 的 价 值 丢 给 窑 户 。 我 便 将 这 叁 十 块 钱 , 在 耶 和 华 的 殿 中 丢 给 窑 户 了 。 14 我 又 折 断 称 为 联 索 的 那 根 杖 , 表 明 我 废 弃 犹 大 与 以 色 列 弟 兄 的 情 谊 。 15 耶 和 华 又 吩 咐 我 说 : 你 再 取 愚 昧 人 所 用 的 器 具 , 16 因 我 要 在 这 地 兴 起 一 个 牧 人 。 他 不 看 顾 丧 亡 的 , 不 寻 找 分 散 的 , 不 医 治 受 伤 的 , 也 不 牧 养 强 壮 的 ; 却 要 吃 肥 羊 的 肉 , 撕 裂 它 的 蹄 子 。 17 无 用 的 牧 人 丢 弃 羊 群 冇 祸 了 ! 刀 必 临 到 他 的 膀 臂 和 右 眼 上 。 他 的 膀 臂 必 全 然 枯 乾 ; 他 的 右 眼 也 必 昏 暗 失 明 。
  4 H3068 耶和华 H430 ―我的 神 H559 如此说 H7462 :你―撒迦利亚要牧养 H2028 这将宰的 H6629 群羊。
  5 H7069 H2026 他们的宰 H816 了他们,以自己为无罪 H4376 ;卖 H559 他们的说 H3068 :耶和华 H1288 是应当称颂 H6238 的,因我成为富足 H7462 。牧养 H2550 他们的并不怜恤他们。
  6 H3068 耶和华 H5002 H2550 :我不再怜恤 H776 这地 H3427 的居民 H4672 ,必将这民交给 H120 H376 各人 H7453 H3027 的邻舍 H4428 和他们王 H3027 的手 H3807 中。他们必毁灭 H776 这地 H5337 ,我也不救这民脱离 H3027 他们的手。
  7 H7462 于是,我牧养 H2028 这将宰的 H6629 群羊 H3651 ,就是 H6041 群中最困苦的 H6629 H3947 。我拿着 H8147 H4731 根杖 H259 ,一 H7121 根我称为 H5278 荣美 H259 ,一 H7121 根我称为 H2254 联索 H7462 。这样,我牧养 H6629 了群羊。
  8 H259 H3391 H3582 之内,我除灭 H7969 H7462 个牧人 H5315 ,因为我的心 H7114 厌烦 H5315 他们;他们的心 H973 也憎嫌我。
  9 H559 我就说 H7462 :我不牧养 H4191 你们。要死 H4191 的,由他死 H3582 ;要丧亡 H3582 的,由他丧亡 H7604 ;余剩的 H802 H7468 ,由他们彼此 H398 H1320 相食。
  10 H1438 我折断 H5278 那称为荣美 H4731 的杖 H6565 ,表明我废弃 H5971 与万民 H3772 所立 H1285 的约。
  11 H3117 当日 H6565 就废弃 H8104 了。这样,那些仰望 H6041 我的困苦 H6629 H3045 就知道 H3068 所说的是耶和华 H1697 的话。
  12 H559 我对他们说 H5869 :你们若以为 H2896 H3051 ,就给 H7939 我工价 H2308 。不然,就罢了 H8254 !于是他们给 H7970 了叁十 H3701 块钱 H7939 作为我的工价。
  13 H3068 耶和华 H559 吩咐我说 H3365 :要把众人所估定 H145 美好 H3366 的价值 H7993 丢给 H3335 窑户 H3947 。我便将 H7970 这叁十 H3701 块钱 H3068 ,在耶和华 H1004 的殿 H7993 中丢给 H3335 窑户了。
  14 H8145 我又 H1438 折断 H2254 称为联索 H4731 的那根杖 H6565 ,表明我废弃 H3063 犹大 H3478 与以色列 H264 弟兄的情谊。
  15 H3068 耶和华 H559 又吩咐我说 H3947 :你再取 H196 愚昧 H7462 H3627 所用的器具,
  16 H776 因我要在这地 H6965 兴起 H7462 一个牧人 H6485 。他不看顾 H3582 丧亡的 H1245 ,不寻找 H5289 分散的 H7495 ,不医治 H7665 受伤的 H3557 ,也不牧养 H5324 强壮的 H398 ;却要吃 H1277 H1320 羊的肉 H6561 HH6561 ,撕裂 H6541 它的蹄子。
  17 H457 无用 H7473 的牧人 H5800 丢弃 H6629 羊群 H1945 有祸了 H2719 !刀 H2220 必临到他的膀臂 H3225 和右 H5869 H2220 上。他的膀臂 H3001 必全然 H3001 枯乾 H3225 ;他的右 H5869 H3543 H3543 也必昏暗失明。
Esperanto(i) 4 Tiele diras la Eternulo, mia Dio:Pasxtu la bucxotajn sxafojn, 5 kiujn iliaj acxetintoj mortigas, ne farante pekon, kaj iliaj vendintoj diras:Dank� al la Eternulo, mi ricxigxis; kaj iliaj pasxtistoj ne bedauxras ilin. 6 Pro tio Mi ne plu indulgos la logxantojn de la tero, diras la Eternulo; jen Mi transdonos la homojn cxiun en la manon de lia proksimulo kaj en la manon de lia regxo, kaj ili frapados la teron, kaj Mi ne savos el ilia mano. 7 Kaj mi pasxtis la sxafojn bucxotajn, la plej malfelicxajn el la sxafoj. Kaj mi prenis al mi du bastonojn, la unu mi nomis Afableco kaj la duan Ligilo; kaj mi pasxtis la sxafojn. 8 Kaj mi forigis tri pasxtistojn en unu monato; kaj deturnis sin de ili mia animo, kiel ankaux ilia animo deturnis sin de mi. 9 Kaj mi diris:Mi vin ne pasxtos:la mortonta mortu, la pereonta pereu, kaj la ceteraj mangxu unu la karnon de la alia. 10 Kaj mi prenis mian bastonon Afableco kaj rompis gxin, por detrui la interligon, kiun mi faris kun cxiuj popoloj; 11 kaj gxi estis detruita en tiu tago. Kaj tiam la malfelicxaj sxafoj, kiuj atentadis min, eksciis, ke tio estas vorto de la Eternulo. 12 Kaj mi diris al ili:Se placxas al vi, donu al mi mian laborpagon; se ne, tiam ne faru tion. Kaj ili pesis al mi kiel mian laborpagon tridek argxentajn monerojn. 13 Kaj la Eternulo diris al mi:JXetu tion en la trezorejon; bela prezo, per kiu ili taksis Min! Kaj mi prenis la tridek argxentajn monerojn kaj jxetis ilin en la trezorejon de la domo de la Eternulo. 14 Kaj mi rompis mian duan bastonon Ligilo, por detrui la fratecon inter Jehuda kaj Izrael. 15 Kaj la Eternulo diris al mi:Prenu al vi ankoraux la ilaron de pasxtisto malsagxa; 16 cxar jen Mi starigos sur la tero pasxtiston, kiu ne sercxos la sxafojn perdigxintajn, ne zorgos pri la junaj, ne kuracos la malsanajn, ne nutros la sanajn, sed mangxos la viandon de la grasaj kaj disbatos iliajn hufojn. 17 Ve al la malsagxa pasxtisto, kiu forlasas la sxafojn! la glavo trafos lian brakon kaj lian dekstran okulon; lia brako velksekigxos, kaj lia dekstra okulo tute perdos sian vidadon.
Finnish(i) 4 Näin sanoo Herra minun Jumalani: kaitse teuraslampaita; 5 Sillä heidän omistajansa teurastavat niitä, ja ei luule siitä syntiä olevan; myyvät niitä, ja sanovat: kiitetty olkoon Herra, että minä olen rikastunut; ja ei heidän paimenensa heitä säästä. 6 Sentähden en minä tahdo enää säästää maan asuvaisia, sanoo Herra; ja katso, minä jätän ihmisen jokaisen kumppaninsa käsiin, ja heitä kuninkainsa käsiin, että he maan musertaisivat, enkä tahdo heitä auttaa heidän käsistänsä. 7 Ja minä kaitsen teuraslampaita, raadollisten lammasten tähden. Ja minä otin minulleni kaksi sauvaa: yhden minä kutsuin suloiseksi, mutta toisen sitovaiseksi, ja kaitsin lampaita. 8 Ja minä hukutin kolme paimenta yhtenä kuukautena; sillä en minä voinut heitä kärsiä, eikä he minuakaan kärsineet. 9 Ja minä sanoin: en minä tahdo teitä kaita; joka kuolee, se kuolkaan, joka nääntyy, se nääntyköön, ja jääneet syököön toinen toisensa lihan. 10 Ja minä otin suloisen sauvani ja särjin sen, rikkoakseni minun liittoni, jonka minä kaikille kansoille tehnyt olin. 11 Ja se rikottiin sinä päivänä; ja raadolliset lampaat, jotka minun kanssani pitivät, tunsivat siitä, että se Herran sana oli. 12 Ja minä myös sanoin heille: jos teille niin kelpaa, niin tuokaat tänne niin paljon kuin minä maksan; jollei, niin sallikaat olla; ja he punnitsivat niin paljon kuin minä maksoin, kolmekymmentä hopiapenninkiä. 13 Niin sanoi Herra minulle: heitä se pois, annettavaksi savenvalajalle; sitä suurta hintaa, johon minä heiltä arvattu olen! Ja minä oltin ne kolmekymmentä hopiapenninkiä ja heitin Herran huoneeseen, annettavaksi savenvalajalle. 14 Ja minä särjin minun toisen sitovaisen sauvani, rikkoakseni veljeyden Juudan ja Israelin vaiheella. 15 Ja Herra sanoi minulle: ota vielä itselles hullun paimenen aseet. 16 Sillä katso, minä herätän paimenen maassa, joka ei etsi nääntyvää, ei holho nuorta heikkoa, ei paranna särjettyä, eikä tottele tervettä; vaan syö lihavain lihaa, ja repäisee heidän sorkkansa rikki. 17 Voi sitä kelvotointa paimenta, joka lauman hylkää! tulkaan miekka hänen käsivarteensa ja oikiaan silmään; kuivukoon hänen käsivartensa peräti, ja hänen oikea silmänsä tulkoon kokonansa pimiäksi!
FinnishPR(i) 4 Näin sanoi Herra, minun Jumalani: 5 "Kaitse teuraslampaita, joita niiden ostajat teurastavat tuntematta syynalaisuutta, ja joista niiden myyjät sanovat: 'Kiitetty olkoon Herra, minä olen rikastunut', ja joita niiden paimenet eivät sääli. 6 Sillä minä en enää sääli maan asukkaita, sanoo Herra. Katso, minä annan ihmisten joutua toistensa käsiin ja kuninkaansa käsiin, ja he hävittävät maan, enkä minä pelasta ketään heidän käsistänsä." 7 Niin minä siis kaitsin teuraslampaita, lampaista kurjimpia. Ja minä otin itselleni kaksi sauvaa; minä nimitin toisen "Suloudeksi", toisen minä nimitin "Yhteydeksi", ja niin minä kaitsin lampaita. 8 Ja minä hävitin kolme paimenta yhtenä kuukautena, mutta minä kävin kärsimättömäksi lampaille, ja hekin kyllästyivät minuun. 9 Niin minä sanoin: "Minä en tahdo enää teitä kaita. Kuolkoon, joka kuolee; hävitköön, joka häviää; ja jäljellejäävät syökööt kukin toisensa lihaa." 10 Ja minä otin sauvani Sulouden ja katkaisin sen purkaakseni liittoni, jonka olin tehnyt kaikkien kansojen kanssa. 11 Ja sinä päivänä se purkautui, ja niin lampaista kurjimmat, jotka ottivat minusta vaarin, tulivat tietämään, että se oli Herran sana. 12 Sitten minä sanoin heille: "Jos teille hyväksi näkyy, niin antakaa minulle palkkani; jollei, niin olkaa antamatta". Niin he punnitsivat minun palkakseni kolmekymmentä hopearahaa. 13 Ja Herra sanoi minulle: "Viskaa se savenvalajalle, tuo kallis hinta, jonka arvoiseksi he ovat minut arvioineet". Niin minä otin ne kolmekymmentä hopearahaa ja viskasin ne Herran huoneeseen savenvalajalle. 14 Sitten minä katkaisin toisen sauvani, Yhteyden, purkaakseni veljeyden Juudan ja Israelin väliltä. 15 Sitten Herra sanoi minulle: "Ota vielä itsellesi hullun paimenen kapineet. 16 Sillä katso, minä olen herättävä maahan paimenen: hukkaantuneista hän ei pidä huolta, hajaantunutta hän ei etsi, ruhjoutunutta hän ei paranna, pystyssäpysyvää hän ei tue; mutta hän syö lihavien lihaa ja halkaisee niiden sorkat. 17 Voi hullua paimenta, joka lampaat hylkää! Käyköön miekka hänen käsivarteensa ja oikeaan silmäänsä. Hänen käsivartensa kuivettukoon, ja hänen oikea silmänsä soetkoon."
Haitian(i) 4 Seyè a, Bondye mwen an, di m' konsa: -Ou pral swen mouton y'ap pare pou labatwa. 5 Moun k'ap achte yo a ap touye yo. Pesonn pa ka mande yo kont. Moun k'ap vann yo menm ap di: Lwanj pou Bondye! Gade jan nou rich non! Ata gadò mouton yo pa gen pitye pou yo. 6 (Seyè a di: Mwen p'ap gen pitye pou moun ki rete nan peyi a. Se mwen menm ki pral lage yo nan men pwòp chèf yo ak pwòp wa yo ankò. Chèf yo pral fini ak peyi a. Mwen p'ap fè anyen pou m' wete yo anba men yo.) 7 Se konsa, moun k'ap fè trafik mouton yo peye m' pou m' swen mouton y'ap pare pou labatwa yo pou yo. Mwen pran de baton. Mwen rele yonn Favè, mwen rele lòt la Tèt ansanm. Epi mwen tanmen pran swen mouton yo. 8 Gadò yo ban m' degoutans. Nan yon mwa, mwen te chanje twa gadò yonn apre lòt. Yo menm tou, yo pa t' vle wè m'. 9 Lè sa a, mwen di pèp la: -Mwen p'ap swen nou ankò. Sa ki pou mouri mèt mouri! Sa ki pou disparèt mèt disparèt! Sa ki rete yo menm, yonn mèt manje lòt. 10 Lèfini, mwen pran baton Favè a, mwen kase l' de bout. Ki vle di, mwen kase kontra mwen menm, Seyè a, mwen te pase ak tout nasyon yo. 11 Jou sa a, kontra a te kase. Moun k'ap fè trafik mouton yo te rete la ap gade m'. Yo vin konprann sa m' te fè a. Yo rekonèt se yon mesaj Seyè a t'ap ba yo. 12 Mwen di yo: -Si nou vle peye m', nou mèt peye m'. Si nou pa vle tou, sa pa fè anyen. Y'a l' pran lajan an, yo peye m' trant pyès an ajan pou sa m' te fè a. 13 Men, Seyè a di m' konsa: -Al bay lajan an pou yo mete l' nan kès tanp lan. Konsa, mwen pran trant pyès an ajan yo, bèl pri yo te wè pou yo te ban m' pou travay mwen te fè a, mwen mete yo nan kès tanp lan. 14 Apre sa, mwen kase dezyèm baton m' lan, sa mwen te rele Tèt Ansanm lan, pou fè konnen pa gen tèt ansanm ankò ant moun Jida yo ak moun Izrayèl yo. 15 Apre sa, Seyè a di m': -Pran pòz gadò ou ankò. Men, fwa sa a, yon gadò ki pa vo anyen. 16 Paske mwen pral mete yon gadò pou okipe bann mouton m' yo. Men, lè yon mouton pèdi, se pa pou li sa. Si yonn egare, li pa pral chache l'. Si yonn blese, li p'ap fè anyen pou geri l'. Si yonn bouke, li p'ap fè anyen pou soutni l'. Okontrè, l'ap manje sa ki pi gra yo, l'ap fann zago tout lòt yo. 17 Madichon pou move gadò a! Li kouri kite mouton yo pou kont yo. Se pou lagè fini ak pouvwa l' la. Se pou bra l' vin pòk, se pou li pa wè nan je dwat li.
Hungarian(i) 4 Ezt mondja az Úr, az én Istenem: Legeltesd a leölésre szánt juhokat, 5 A melyeket leölnek az õ tulajdonosaik, a nélkül, hogy bûnnek tartanák, eladóik pedig ezt mondják: Áldott az Úr, mert meggazdagodtam! és pásztoraik sem kimélik õket. 6 Bizony nem kimélem többé e föld lakosait, ezt mondja az Úr; sõt ímé odaadok minden embert a felebarátja kezébe és az õ királya kezébe, és megrontják e földet, és nem szabadítom ki kezökbõl! 7 Legeltetém hát a leölésre szánt juhokat, azaz a megnyomorgatott juhokat, és választék magamnak két pálczát, az egyiket nevezém szépségnek, a másikat nevezém egyességnek; így legeltetém a juhokat. 8 És három pásztort vertem el egy hónap alatt, mert elkeseredék a lelkem miattok, és az õ lelkök is megútála engem. 9 És mondám: Nem õrizlek én titeket, haljon meg a halálra való és vágattassék ki a kivágni való, a megmaradottak pedig egyék meg egymásnak húsát. 10 És vevém [egyik] pálczámat, a szépséget, és eltörém azt, hogy felbontsam az én szövetségemet, a melyet az összes népekkel kötöttem. 11 És felbomla [az] azon a napon, és így tudták meg az elsanyargatott juhok, a kik ragaszkodnak vala hozzám, hogy az Úr dolga [ez]. 12 És mondám nékik: Ha jónak tetszik néktek, adjátok meg az én béremet; ha pedig nem: hagyjátok abba! És harmincz ezüst pénzt fizettek béremül. 13 És monda az Úr nékem: Vesd a fazekas elé! Nagy jutalom, a melyre becsültek engem. Vevém azért a harmincz ezüst pénzt, és vetém azt az Úrnak házába, a fazekas elé. 14 Majd eltörém a másik pálczámat [is,] az egyességet, hogy felbontsam a testvérséget Júda között és Izráel között. 15 És mondá az Úr nékem: Most már szerezz magadnak bolond pásztornak való szerszámot. 16 Mert ímé, én pásztort állítok e földre, a ki az elveszetteket meg nem keresi, a gyöngével nem törõdik, a megtépettet meg nem gyógyítja, a jó karban levõt nem táplálja, a kövérinek húsát megeszi, és körmeiket széttördeli. 17 Jaj a mihaszna pásztornak, a ki elhagyja a juhokat! Fegyver a karjára és jobb szemére. Karja szárazra száradjon és jobb szeme sötétre sötétedjék.
Indonesian(i) 4 TUHAN Allah berkata kepadaku, "Berbuatlah seolah-olah engkau gembala yang menggembalakan domba yang akan dipotong. 5 Para pembelinya membunuh domba-domba itu tanpa mendapat hukuman. Mereka yang menjual daging domba-domba itu berkata, 'Terpujilah TUHAN! Sekarang kita tambah kaya!' Gembala-gembala itu tidak merasa kasihan kepada domba-domba piaraan mereka. 6 Aku tidak mau lagi menaruh kasihan kepada siapa pun di negeri ini. Aku sendiri akan menyerahkan seluruh penduduknya kepada para penguasa. Mereka itu akan menghancurkan negeri ini, dan Aku tidak akan merebutnya dari kekuasaan mereka." 7 Aku, Zakharia, lalu diupah oleh para pedagang domba untuk menggembalakan domba-domba yang akan dipotong. Aku punya dua tongkat; yang satu kunamai "Kemurahan" dan yang satu lagi "Ikatan". Kemudian aku mulai menjaga dan memelihara domba-domba itu. 8 Tiga orang gembala yang membenciku menghabiskan kesabaranku. Mereka kuusir dalam waktu satu bulan. 9 Kemudian aku berkata kepada kawanan domba itu, "Aku tak mau menggembalakan kamu lagi. Yang harus mati biar saja mati, dan yang harus binasa, biar saja binasa. Lalu sisanya boleh saling membunuh." 10 Lalu tongkat yang kunamai "Kemurahan" itu kuambil dan kupatahkan untuk membatalkan perjanjian yang dibuat TUHAN dengan semua bangsa. 11 Pada hari itu juga perjanjian itu dibatalkan. Para pedagang domba itu mengawasi aku, dan mereka sadar bahwa TUHAN sedang berkata-kata melalui segala perbuatanku. 12 Aku berkata kepada mereka, "Kalau Tuan-tuan setuju, berikanlah upah saya; kalau tidak, tidak usah." Lalu mereka memberikan kepadaku tiga puluh uang perak untuk upahku. TUHAN berkata kepadaku, "Masukkan uang itu ke dalam kas Rumah-Ku." Jadi kumasukkan ketiga puluh uang perak itu ke dalam kas Rumah TUHAN. Hanya sekianlah penghargaan mereka kepadaku! 13 (11:12) 14 Setelah itu kupatahkan tongkatku yang kedua, yaitu yang kunamai "Ikatan", maka pecahlah persatuan Yehuda dan Israel. 15 Lalu berkatalah TUHAN kepadaku, "Berbuatlah sekali lagi seolah-olah engkau gembala, tetapi kali ini sebagai gembala yang tidak baik. 16 Karena Aku akan menugaskan seorang gembala untuk menjaga kawanan domba-Ku, tetapi dia tidak menghiraukan domba yang hilang; dia tidak mencari domba yang tersesat, tidak pula mengobati domba yang luka, dan tidak memberi makan kepada domba yang masih hidup. Malahan ia sendiri makan daging domba yang paling gemuk dan mencabut kuku-kuku binatang itu. 17 Terkutuklah gembala yang tidak berguna itu! Ia telah meninggalkan kawanan dombanya. Perang akan mengakhiri kekuasaannya. Lengannya akan menjadi lemah dan mata kanannya menjadi buta."
Italian(i) 4 Così ha detto il Signore Iddio mio: Pastura le pecore esposte ad uccisione; 5 i cui comperatori le uccidono, e non ne son tenuti colpevoli; ed i cui venditori dicono: Benedetto sia il Signore; io son pure arricchito; ed i cui pastori non le risparmiano punto. 6 Perciocchè io non risparmierò più gli abitanti del paese, dice il Signore; anzi ecco, io farò cader gli uomini nelle mani l’un dell’altro, e nelle mani del loro re; ed essi metteranno il paese in conquasso, ed io non li riscoterò dalle lor mani. 7 Io adunque pasturai le pecore esposte ad uccisione, che son veramente le più povere della greggia; e mi presi due verghe; all’una posi nome: Piacevolezza, e all’altra posi nome: Vincoli; e pasturai la greggia. 8 Ed io sterminai tre pastori in un mese; ma l’anima mia si accorò per essi, ed anche l’anima loro mi ebbe a sdegno. 9 Ed io dissi: Io non vi pasturerò più; quella che muore muoia, quella che perisce perisca, e quelle che rimangono mangino la carne l’una dell’altra. 10 Ed io presi la mia verga, detta Piacevolezza, e la spezzai; annullando il mio patto, che io avea fatto con tutti i popoli. 11 E quello fu annullato in quel giorno, e i poveri d’infra la greggia che mi osservavano conobbero che ciò era parola del Signore. 12 Ed io dissi loro: Se così vi piace, datemi il mio premio; se no, rimanetevene. Ed essi mi pesarono trenta sicli d’argento per lo mio premio. 13 E il Signore mi disse: Gettali via, perchè sien dati ad un vasellaio; quest’è il prezzo onorevole, nel quale io sono stato da loro apprezzato. Io presi adunque i trenta sicli d’argento, e li gettai nella Casa del Signore, per esser dati ad un vasellaio. 14 Poi ruppi la mia seconda verga, detta Vincoli, rompendo la fratellanza fra Giuda ed Israele. 15 E il Signore mi disse: Prenditi ancora gli arnesi d’un pazzo pastore. 16 Perciocchè, ecco, io farò sorgere nel paese un pastore, il qual non avrà cura delle pecore che periranno; egli non cercherà le disperse, e non risanerà le fiaccate, e non sostenterà quelle che stanno ancora in piè; anzi mangerà la carne delle grasse, e schianterà loro le unghie. 17 Guia al pastore da nulla, che abbandona la greggia; la spada soprasta al suo braccio, ed al suo occhio destro; il suo braccio si seccherà del tutto, ed il suo occhio destro sarà del tutto oscurato.
ItalianRiveduta(i) 4 Così parla l’Eterno, il mio Dio: "Pasci le mie pecore destinate al macello, 5 che i compratori uccidono senza rendersi colpevoli, e delle quali i venditori dicono: Sia benedetto l’Eterno! Io m’arricchisco, e che i loro pastori non risparmiano affatto. 6 Poiché io non risparmierò più gli abitanti del paese, dice l’Eterno, anzi, ecco, io abbandonerò gli uomini, ognuno in balìa del suo prossimo e in balìa del suo re; essi schiacceranno il paese, e io non libererò alcun dalle lor mani. 7 Allora io mi misi a pascere le pecore destinate al macello, e perciò le più misere del gregge; e mi presi due verghe; chiamai l’una Favore e l’altra Vincoli, e mi misi a pascere il gregge. 8 E sterminai i tre pastori in un mese; l’anima mia perdette la pazienza con loro, e anche l’anima loro m’avea preso a sdegno. 9 E io dissi: "Non vi pascerò più; la moribonda muoia, quella che sta per perire perisca, e quelle che restano, divorino l’una la carne dell’altra". 10 E presi la mia verga Favore e la spezzai, per annullare il patto che avevo stretto con tutti i popoli. 11 E quello fu annullato in quel giorno; e le pecore più misere del gregge che m’osservavano, conobbero che quella era la parola dell’Eterno. 12 E io dissi loro: "Se vi par bene, datemi il mio salario; se no, lasciate stare". Ed essi mi pesarono il mio salario; trenta sicli d’argento. 13 E l’Eterno mi disse: "Gettalo per il vasaio, questo magnifico prezzo, al quale m’hanno stimato!" E io presi i trenta sicli d’argento, e li gettai nella casa dell’Eterno per il vasaio. 14 Poi spezzai l’altra verga Vincoli, per rompere la fratellanza fra Guida e Israele. 15 E l’Eterno mi disse: "Prenditi anche gli arnesi d’un pastore insensato. 16 Perché, ecco, io susciterò nel paese un pastore che non si curerà delle pecore che periscono, non cercherà le disperse, non guarirà le ferite, non nutrirà quelle che stanno in piè, ma mangerà la carne delle grasse, e strapperà loro fino le unghie". 17 Guai al pastore da nulla, che abbandona il gregge! La spada gli colpirà il braccio e l’occhio destro. Il braccio gli seccherà del tutto, e l’occhio destro gli si spegnerà interamente.
Korean(i) 4 여호와 나의 하나님이 가라사대 너는 잡힐 양떼를 먹이라 5 산 자들은 그들을 잡아도 죄가 없다 하고 판 자들은 말하기를 내가 부요케 되었은즉 여호와께 찬송하리라 하고 그 목자들은 그들을 불쌍히 여기지 아니하는도다 6 여호와가 말하노라 내가 다시는 이 땅 거민을 불쌍히 여기지 아니하고 그 사람을 각각 그 이웃의 손과 임금의 손에 붙이리니 그들이 이 땅을 칠지라도 내가 그 손에서 건져내지 아니하리라 하시기로 7 내가 이 잡힐 양떼를 먹이니 참으로 가련한 양이라 내가 이에 막대기 둘을 취하여 하나는 은총이라 하며, 하나는 연락이라 하고 양떼를 먹일새 8 한달 동안에 내가 그 세 목자를 끊었으니 이는 내 마음에 그들을 싫어하였고 그들의 마음에도 나를 미워하였음이라 9 내가 가로되 내가 너희를 먹이지 아니하고 죽는 자는 죽는대로, 망할 자는 망할대로, 그 나머지는 피차 살을 먹는대로 두리라 하고 10 이에 은총이라 하는 막대기를 취하여 잘랐으니 이는 모든 백성과 세운 언약을 폐하려 하였음이라 11 당일에 곧 폐하매 내게 청종하던 가련한 양들은 이것이 여호와의 말씀이었던줄 안지라 12 내가 그들에게 이르되 너희가 좋게 여기거든 내 고가를 내게 주고 그렇지 아니하거든 말라 그들이 곧 은 삼십을 달아서 내 고가를 삼은지라 13 여호와께서 내게 이르시되 그들이 나를 헤아린바 그 준가를 토기장이에게 던지라 하시기로 내가 곧 그 은 삼십을 여호와의 전에서 토기장이에게 던지고 14 내가 또 연락이라 하는 둘째 막대기를 잘랐으니 이는 유다와 이스라엘 형제의 의를 끊으려 함이었느니라 15 여호와께서 내게 이르시되 너는 또 우매한 목자의 기구들을 취할지니라 16 보라 내가 한 목자를 이 땅에 일으키리니 그가 없어진 자를 마음에 두지 아니하며 흩어진 자를 찾지 아니하며 상한자를 고치지 아니하며 강건한자를 먹이지 아니하고 오히려 살진자의 고기를 먹으며 또 그 굽을 찢으리라 17 화 있을진저 양떼를 버린 못된 목자여 칼이 그 팔에, 우편 눈에 임하리니 그 팔이 아주 마르고 그 우편 눈이 아주 어두우리라
Lithuanian(i) 4 Viešpats, mano Dievas, man kalbėjo: “Ganyk pjovimui skirtas avis. 5 Pirkliai nesigailėdami pjauna jas. Pirkliai džiaugiasi, nes pralobo. Jų ganytojai taip pat nesigaili jų. 6 Aš irgi nebesigailėsiu krašto gyventojų. Aš pats atiduosiu kiekvieną į jo valdovo rankas; jie naikins šalį, o Aš jų negelbėsiu”. 7 Taip aš pradėjau ganyti pjovimui skirtas avis. Aš paėmiau dvi lazdeles: vieną pavadinau Malone, o kitą­Sąjunga. 8 Per vieną mėnesį aš atleidau tris piemenis. Mano siela bjaurėjosi jais ir jie bjaurėjosi manimi. 9 Tada tariau: “Nebeganysiu jūsų. Kuri miršta, temiršta, kuri pražūva, tepražūva, o kurios išlieka, tegul ėda viena kitą!” 10 Aš ėmiau lazdą Malonę ir ją sulaužiau, kad panaikinčiau savo sandorą su visomis tautomis. 11 Tą pačią dieną ji buvo panaikinta. Avių pirkliai, kurie stebėjo mane, suprato, kad tai buvo Viešpaties žodis. 12 Aš jiems tariau: “Jei jums atrodo teisinga, užmokėkite man, o jei ne­nemokėkite!” Jie pasvėrė mano užmokestį­trisdešimt sidabrinių. 13 Viešpats tarė man: “Mesk juos į šventyklos iždą, tą aukštą kainą, kuria jie mane įvertino!” Aš įmečiau tuos trisdešimt sidabrinių į šventyklos iždą. 14 Po to sulaužiau antrąją lazdą Sąjungą ir tuo nutraukiau brolystę tarp Judo ir Izraelio. 15 Viešpats tarė man: “Imk dar kartą kvailo ganytojo reikmenis. 16 Aš paskiriu krašte ganytoją, kuris paklydusia nesirūpins, žūstančios neieškos, sužeistos negydys ir sveikos neganys, tik ės riebiųjų mėsą ir jų nagus nuplėš. 17 Vargas blogam ganytojui, kuris palieka avis! Kardas jo rankai ir dešinei akiai. Jo ranka nudžius ir dešinioji akis apaks!”
PBG(i) 4 Tak mówi Pan, Bóg mój: Paś owce na rzeź zgotowane; 5 Które dzierżawcy ich zabijają, a nie bywają obwinieni, i owszem, sprzedawający je mówią: Błogosławiony Pan, żeśmy się zbogacili, a którzy je pasą, nie mają litości nad niemi. 6 Przetoż nie sfolguję więcej obywatelom tej ziemi, mówi Pan; bo oto Ja podam tych ludzi każdego w rękę bliźniego jego, i w rękę króla ich, i potrą ziemię, a nie wyrwie jej z rąk ich. 7 Bom pasł owce zgotowane na rzeź, was, mówię, o nędzne owce! i wziąwszy sobie dwie laski, jednęm nazwał Uciechą, a drugąm nazwał Związujących, a pasłem one owce. 8 I zgładziłem trzech pasterzy w jednym miesiącu; ale utęskniła sobie dusza moja z nimi, przeto, że dusza ich brzydziła się mną. 9 Rzekłem tedy: Nie będęć was pasł; co zdycha, niech zdechnie, a co ma być wygładzone, niech będzie wygładzone, a które pozostaną, niech pożera mięso jedna drugiej. 10 Przetoż wziąwszy laskę moję Uciechy, porąbałem ją, wzruszywszy przymierze moje, którem postanowił z tym wszystkim ludem. 11 A dnia onego, gdy wzruszone było, pewnie poznali nędzni z trzody, którzy się na mię oglądali, że to słowo Pańskie. 12 Bom rzekł do nich: Jeźli to jest dobre w oczach waszych, dajcie zapłatę moję, a jeźli nie, zaniechajcież; tedy odważyli zapłatę moję trzydzieści srebrników. 13 Zatem rzekł Pan do mnie: Porzuć je przed garncarza; zacnaż to zapłata, którąm jest od nich tak drogo oszacowany! Wziąłem tedy trzydzieści srebrników, a porzuciłem je w domu Pańskim przed garncarza. 14 Potem porąbałem laskę moję drugą Związujących, wzruszywszy braterstwo między Judą i między Izraelem. 15 I rzekł Pan do mnie: Weźmij sobie jeszcze oręż pasterza głupiego. 16 Bo oto Ja wzbudzę pasterza w tej ziemi, który nie będzie obłąkanych nawiedzał, ani będzie jagniątek szukał, złamanego też leczyć, i tego, co ustanie, nosić nie będzie; ale mięso tłustych jeść będzie, a kopyta ich postrąca. 17 Biada pasterzowi niepożytecznemu, który opuszcza trzodę! miecz nad ramieniem jego i nad prawem okiem jego; ramię jego cale uschnie, a prawe oko jego cale zaćmione będzie.
Portuguese(i) 4 Assim diz o Senhor meu Deus: Apascenta as ovelhas destinadas para a matança, 5 cujos compradores as matam, e não se têm por culpados; e cujos vendedores dizem: Louvado seja o Senhor, porque hei enriquecido; e os seus pastores não têm piedade delas. 6 Certamente não terei mais piedade dos moradores desta terra, diz o Senhor; mas, eis que entregarei os homens cada um na mão do seu próximo e na mão do seu rei; eles ferirão a terra, e eu não os livrarei da mão deles. 7 Eu pois apascentei as ovelhas destinadas para a matança, as pobres ovelhas do rebanho. E tomei para mim duas varas: a uma chamei Graça, e à outra chamei União; e apascentei as ovelhas. 8 E destruí os três pastores num mês; porque me enfadei deles, e também eles se enfastiaram de mim. 9 Então eu disse: Não vos apascentarei mais; o que morrer morra, e o que for destruído seja destruído; e os que restarem, comam cada um a carne do seu próximo. 10 E tomei a minha vara Graça, e a quebrei, para desfazer o meu pacto, que tinha estabelecido com todos os povos. 11 Foi, pois, anulado naquele dia; assim os pobres do rebanho que me respeitavam, reconheceram que isso era palavra do Senhor. 12 E eu lhes disse: Se parece bem aos vossos olhos, dai-me o que me é devido; e, se não, deixai-o. Pesaram, pois, por meu salário, trinta moedas de prata. 13 Ora o Senhor disse-me: Arroja isso ao oleiro, esse belo preço em que fui avaliado por eles. E tomei as trinta moedas de prata, e as arrojei ao oleiro na casa do Senhor. 14 Então quebrei a minha segunda vara União, para romper a irmandade entre Judá e Israel. 15 Então o Senhor me disse: Toma ainda para ti os instrumentos de um pastor insensato. 16 Pois eis que suscitarei um pastor na terra, que não cuidará das que estão perecendo, não procurará as errantes, não curará a ferida, nem apascentará a sã; mas comerá a carne das gordas, e lhes despedaçará as unhas. 17 Ai do pastor inútil, que abandona o rebanho! a espada lhe cairá sobre o braço e sobre o olho direito; o seu braço será de todo mirrado, e o seu olho direito será inteiramente escurecido.
Norwegian(i) 4 Så sa Herren min Gud: Røkt slaktefårene! 5 De som kjøper dem, slakter dem uten å bøte for det, og de som selger dem, sier: Lovet være Herren! nu blir jeg rik; og deres hyrder sparer dem ikke. 6 For jeg vil ikke mere spare landets innbyggere, sier Herren; men jeg vil overgi menneskene i hverandres hender og i hendene på deres konge, og de skal herje landet, og jeg vil ikke redde nogen av deres hånd. 7 Så røktet jeg slaktefårene, endog de usleste av fårene; og jeg tok mig to staver, den ene kalte jeg liflighet, og den andre kalte jeg bånd*, og jeg røktet fårene, / {* SKR 11, 14.} 8 og jeg gjorde de tre hyrder til intet i én måned. Jeg blev lei av dem, og de likte heller ikke mig, 9 og jeg sa: Jeg vil ikke lenger røkte eder; det som er nær ved å dø, får dø, og det som er nær ved å bli tilintetgjort, får bli tilintetgjort, og de som blir igjen, får fortære hverandres kjøtt. 10 Så tok jeg min stav liflighet og brøt den i stykker for å gjøre den pakt til intet som jeg hadde gjort med alle folkene. 11 Og den blev gjort til intet på den dag; og således skjønte de usleste av fårene, de som aktet på mig, at det var Herrens ord. 12 Derefter sa jeg til dem: Om I så synes, så gi mig min lønn, men hvis ikke, så la det være! Så veide de op til mig min lønn, tretti sølvpenninger. 13 Da sa Herren til mig: Kast den bort til pottemakeren, den herlige pris som jeg er aktet verd av dem! Og jeg tok de tretti sølvpenninger og kastet dem i Herrens hus til pottemakeren. 14 Så brøt jeg i stykker min andre stav bånd for å gjøre brorskapet mellem Juda og Israel til intet. 15 Og Herren sa til mig: Ta dig atter en stav - en dårlig hyrdes stav! 16 For se, jeg lar en hyrde stå frem i landet, en som ikke ser til de får som er nær ved å omkomme, ikke søker efter det som er bortkommet, og ikke læger det som har fått skade, og ikke sørger for det som holder sig oppe, men eter kjøttet av de fete og endog bryter deres klover i stykker. 17 Ve den dårlige hyrde, som forlater fårene! Sverd over hans arm og over hans høire øie! Hans arm skal visne bort, og hans høire øie skal utslukkes.
Romanian(i) 4 Aşa vorbeşte Domnul, Dumnezeul meu:,,Paşte oile de tăiat! 5 Căci cei ce le cumpără le taie şi nu se simt vinovaţi. Şi cel ce le vinde zice: ...Binecuvîntat să fie Domnul, căci mă îmbogăţesc!... Şi păstorii lor nu le cruţă. 6 Căci nu mai am milă de locuitorii ţării, -zice Domnul: ...Ci iată, dau pe oameni, pe unii în mînile altora şi în mînile împăratului lor; ei vor pustii ţara, şi n'o vor izbăvi din mînile lor. 7 Atunci M'am apucat să pasc oile de tăiat, în adevăr cele mai ticăloase din turmă. Am luat două toiege: pe unul l-am numit ...Îndurare,... iar pe celalt l-am numit ...Legămînt.... Şi am păscut oile. 8 Am nimicit cu desăvîrşire pe cei trei păstori într'o lună: sufletul Meu nu -i mai răbda, şi se scîrbise şi sufletul lor de Mine. 9 Şi am zis: ...Nu vă mai pot paşte! Cea care are să moară, să moară, cea care are să piară să piară, şi cele ce mai rămîn, să se mănînce unele pe altele!... 10 Mi-am luat toiagul ...Îndurare,... şi l-am rupt, ca să rup legămîntul Meu, pe care -l încheiasem cu toate popoarele. 11 Şi cînd s'a rupt în ziua aceea, nenorocitele acelea de oi, cari au luat seama la Mine, au cunoscut astfel că acesta era Cuvîntul Domnului. 12 Eu le-am zis: ...Dacă găsiţi cu cale, daţi-Mi plata; dacă nu, nu Mi -o daţi!... Şi Mi-au cîntărit, ca plată, trei zeci de arginţi. 13 Dar Domnul Mi -a zis: ...Aruncă olarului preţul acesta scump, cu care M'au preţuit!... Şi am luat cei trei zeci de arginţi, şi i-am aruncat în casa Domnului, pentru olar. 14 Apoi Mi-am rupt la doilea toiag ...Legămînt,... ca să rup frăţia dintre Iuda şi Israel. 15 Domnul mi -a zis: ...Ia şi uneltele unui păstor nebun! 16 Căci iată că voi ridica în ţară un păstor, căruia nu -i va păsa de oile cari pier; nu se va duce să caute pe cele mai tinere, nu va vindeca pe cele rănite, nu va îngriji de cele sănătoase; ci va mînca din carnea celor mai grase, şi nu le va mai lăsa decît copitele! 17 Vai de păstorul de nimic, care îşi părăseşte oile! Să cadă sabia pe braţul lui şi pe ochiul lui cel drept! Să i se usuce braţul de tot, şi să i se stingă ochiul drept!
Ukrainian(i) 4 Так говорить Господь, мій Бог: Паси ти отару, яка на заріз, 5 що ріжуть їх їхні купці і не винні, а їхні продавці промовляють: Благословенний Господь, що я збагатів! А їхні пастухи не помилують їх!... 6 Бо Я не помилую більше вже мешканців цеї землі, промовляє Господь. І ось передам Я людину, одного одному до рук, та до рук царя їхнього, і землю вони потовчуть, і Я з їхніх рук не врятую нікого! 7 І пас Я отару, яка на заріз тим, хто торгує отарою. І взяв Я Собі два киї, і одного назвав: Милість, а одного назвав: Згода, і пас Я отару. 8 І знищив Я трьох пастухів за один місяць. І Я втратив терпіння до них, бо душа їхня обридила Мене. 9 Тому Я сказав: Не пастиму вас! Та вівця, що має померти, нехай умре, а що має погублена бути хай буде погублена, а позосталі хай тіло одна однієї з'їдять! 10 І Я взяв Свого кия Милість, і його поламав, щоб зламати Свого заповіта, якого Я склав був зо всіма народами. 11 І він зламаний був того дня, і пізнали покупці отари, які на Мене вважають, що це слово Господнє. 12 І сказав Я до них: Якщо добре це в ваших очах, дайте платню Мою, а як ні, перестаньте! І вони Мою платню відважили тридцять срібняків. 13 І промовив до мене Господь: Кинь її ганчареві, ту славну ціну, що вони оцінили Мене! І Я взяв оті тридцять срібняків, і те кинув до дому Господнього, до ганчаря. 14 І зламав Я Свого кия другого, Згоду, щоб зламати братерство між Юдою та між Ізраїлем. 15 І промовив до мене Господь: Ще візьми собі знаряддя пастуха нерозумного. 16 Бо ось Я настановлю пастиря на землі, він загублених не відвідає, розпорошеного не буде шукати, і зламаної не вилікує, стоячої не годуватиме, а м'ясо ситої їстиме, і ратиці їхні поламає. 17 Горе негідному пастиреві, який покидає отару! Меч на рамено його та в його праве око: конче всохне рамено йому, і конче стемніє його праве око!