Matthew 22:3-33

  3 G2532 and G649 sent forth G846 his G1401 servants G2564 to call G2564 them that were bidden G1519 to G1062 the marriage G2532 feast: and G2309 they would G3756 not G2064 come.
  4 G3825 Again G649 he sent forth G243 other G1401 servants, G3004 saying, G2036 Tell G2564 them that are bidden, G2400 Behold, G2090 I have made ready G3450 my G712 dinner; G3450 my G5022 oxen G2532 and G4619 my fatlings G2380 are killed, G2532 and G3956 all things G2092 are ready: G1205 come G1519 to G1062 the marriage feast.
  5 G1161 But G272 they made light of G565 it, and went their ways, G3588 one G1519 to G2398 his G68 own farm, G3588 another G1519 to G2398 his G1711 merchandise;
  6 G1161 and G3062 the rest G2902 laid G846 hold on his G1401 servants, G2532 and G5195 treated them shamefully, G2532 and G615 killed them.
  7 G1161 But G191 the G935 king G3710 was wroth; G2532 and G3992 he sent G846 his G4753 armies, G2532 and G622 destroyed G1565 those G5406 murderers, G2532 and G1714 burned G846 their G4172 city.
  8 G5119 Then G3004 saith he G1401 to G846 his G3303 servants, G1062 The wedding G2076 is G2092 ready, G1161 but G2564 they that were bidden G2258 were G3756 not G514 worthy.
  9 G4198 Go ye G3767 therefore G1909 unto G1327 the G3598 partings of the highways, G2532 and G3745 as many G302 as G2147 ye shall find, G2564 bid G1519 to G1062 the marriage feast.
  10 G2532 And G1565 those G1401 servants G1831 went out G1519 into G3598 the highways, G4863 and gathered together G3956 all G3745 as many as G2147 they found, G5037 both G4190 bad G2532 and G18 good: G2532 and G1062 the wedding G4130 was filled G345 with guests.
  11 G1161 But G1525 when G935 the king G1525 came in G2300 to behold G345 the guests, G1492 he saw G1563 there G444 a man G1746 who had G3756 not G1746 on G1062 a wedding- G1062 garment:
  12 G2532 and G3004 he saith G846 unto him, G2083 Friend, G4459 how G1525 camest thou in G5602 hither G3361 not G2192 having G1742 a G1062 wedding- G1742 garment? G1161 And G5392 he was speechless.
  13 G5119 Then G935 the king G2036 said G1249 to the servants, G1210 Bind G846 him G5495 hand G2532 and G4228 foot, G1544 and cast G1519 him out into G1857 the outer G4655 darkness; G1563 there G2071 shall be G2805 the weeping G2532 and G1030 the gnashing G3599 of teeth.
  14 G1063 For G4183 many G1526 are G2822 called, G1161 but G3641 few G1588 chosen.
  15 G5119 Then G4198 went G5330 the Pharisees, G2983 and took G4824 counsel G3704 how G3802 they might ensnare G846 him G1722 in G3056 his talk.
  16 G2532 And G649 they send to G846 him G846 their G3101 disciples, G3326 with G2265 the Herodians, G3004 saying, G1320 Teacher, G1492 we know G3754 that G1488 thou art G227 true, G2532 and G1321 teachest G3598 the way G2316 of God G1722 in G2532 truth, G3199 and carest G3756 not G4012 for G3762 any G4012 one: for G4671 thou G991 regardest G3756 not G4383 the person G444 of men.
  17 G2036 Tell G2254 us G3767 therefore, G5101 What G1380 thinkest G4671 thou? G1832 Is it lawful G1325 to give G2778 tribute G2541 unto Caesar, G2228 or G3756 not?
  18 G1161 But G2424 Jesus G1097 perceived G846 their G4189 wickedness, G2036 and said, G5101 Why G3985 make ye G3165 trial of me, G5273 ye hypocrites?
  19 G1925 Show G3427 me G2778 the tribute G3546 money. G1161 And G4374 they brought G846 unto him G1220 a denarius.
  20 G2532 And G3004 he saith G846 unto them, G5101 Whose G3778 is this G1504 image G2532 and G1923 superscription?
  21 G3004 They say G846 unto him, G2541 Caesar's. G5119 Then G3004 saith he G846 unto them, G591 Render G3767 therefore G2541 unto Caesar G2541 the things that are Caesar's; G2532 and G2316 unto God G2316 the things that are God's.
  22 G2532 And when G191 they heard G2296 it, they marvelled, G2532 and G863 left G846 him, G565 and went away.
  23 G2250 On G1565 that G2250 day G4334 there came G846 to him G4523 Sadducees, G3004 they that say that G1511 there is G3361 no G386 resurrection: G2532 and G1905 they asked G846 him,
  24 G3004 saying, G1320 Teacher, G3475 Moses G2036 said, G1437 If G5100 a man G599 die, G2192 having G3361 no G5043 children, G846 his G80 brother G1918 shall marry G846 his G1135 wife, G2532 and G450 raise up G4690 seed G80 unto G846 his G80 brother.
  25 G1161 Now G2258 there were G3844 with G2254 us G2033 seven G80 brethren: G2532 and G4413 the first G1060 married G5053 and deceased, G2532 and G2192 having G3361 no G4690 seed G863 left G846 his G1060 wife G80 unto G846 his G80 brother;
  26 G3668 in like manner G1208 the second G2532 also, G2532 and G5154 the third, G2193 unto G2033 the seventh.
  27 G1161 And G5305 after G3956 them all, G1135 the woman G599 died.
  28 G1722 In G386 the resurrection G3767 therefore G5101 whose G1135 wife G2071 shall she be G2033 of the seven? G1063 for G2192 they G3956 all G2192 had G846 her.
  29 G2424 But Jesus G611 answered G2036 and said G846 unto them, G4105 Ye do err, G3361 not G1492 knowing G1124 the scriptures, G3366 nor G1411 the power G2316 of God.
  30 G1063 For G1722 in G386 the resurrection G1060 they G3777 neither G1060 marry, G3777 nor G1547 are given in marriage, G235 but G1526 are G5613 as G32 angels G1722 in G3772 heaven.
  31 G1161 But G4012 as touching G386 the resurrection G3498 of the dead, G314 have ye G3756 not G314 read G4483 that which was spoken G5213 unto you G5259 by G2316 God, G3004 saying,
  32 G1473 I G1510 am G2316 the God G11 of Abraham, G2532 and G2316 the God G2464 of Isaac, G2532 and G2316 the God G2384 of Jacob? G2316 God G2076 is G3756 not G2316 the God G3498 of the dead, G235 but G2198 of the living.
  33 G2532 And G191 when G3793 the multitudes G191 heard G1605 it, they were astonished G1909 at G846 his G1322 teaching.