John 14:2 Cross References - ASV_Strongs

  2 G1722 In G3450 my G3962 Father's G3614 house G1526 are G4183 many G3438 mansions; G1487 if G1161 it were G3361 not G2036 so, I would have told G5213 you; G302 for I G4198 go G2090 to prepare G5117 a place G5213 for you.

Luke 14:26-33

  26 G1487 If G5100 any G2064 man cometh G4314 unto G3165 me, G2532 and G3404 hateth G3756 not G1438 his G3962 own father, G2532 and G3384 mother, G2532 and G1135 wife, G2532 and G5043 children, G2532 and G80 brethren, G2532 and G79 sisters, G2089 yea, G1161 and G1438 his own G5590 life G3756 also, G1410 he cannot G1511 be G3450 my G3101 disciple.
  27 G2532   G3748 Whosoever G941 doth G3756 not G941 bear G846 his G4716 own cross, G2532 and G2064 come G3694 after G3756 me, G1410 cannot G1511 be G3450 my G3101 disciple.
  28 G1063 For G5101 which G1537 of G5216 you, G2309 desiring G4314 to G3618 build G4444 a tower, G3780 doth not G4412 first G2523 sit G2523 down G5585 and count G1160 the cost, G1487 whether G2192 he have G535 wherewith to complete it?
  29 G3379 Lest G2443 haply, G846 when he G5087 hath laid G2310 a foundation, G2532 and G2480 is G3361 not G2480 able G1615 to finish, G3956 all G2334 that behold G756 begin G1702 to mock G846 him,
  30 G3754 saying, G3778 This G444 man G756 began G3618 to build, G2532 and G2480 was G3756 not G2480 able G1615 to finish.
  31 G2228 Or G5101 what G935 king, G4198 as he goeth G4820 to encounter G2087 another G935 king G1519 in G4171 war, G3780 will not G2523 sit G2523 down G4412 first G1011 and take counsel G1487 whether G2076 he is G1415 able G1722 with G1176 ten G5505 thousand G846 to meet him G3588 that G2064 cometh G1909 against G846 him G3326 with G1501 twenty G5505 thousand?
  32 G1161 Or G3361 else, G846 while the other G5607 is G2089 yet G4206 a great way off, G649 he sendeth G4242 an ambassage, G2065 and asketh conditions G4314 of G1515 peace.
  33 G3767 So G3779 therefore G3956 whosoever he G1537 be of G5216 you G3739 that G657 renounceth G3756 not G3956 all G3756 that he hath, G1410 he cannot G1511 be G3450 my G3101 disciple.

John 12:25-26

  25 G5368 He that loveth G846 his G5590 life G622 loseth G846 it; G2532 and G3404 he that hateth G846 his G5590 life G1722 in G5129 this G2889 world G5442 shall keep G846 it G1519 unto G2222 life G166 eternal.
  26 G1437 If G5100 any man G1247 serve G1698 me, G190 let him follow G1698 me; G2532 and G3699 where G1473 I G1510 am, G1563 there G2071 shall G2532 also G1699 my G1249 servant G2071 be: G1437 if G5100 any man G1247 serve G1698 me, G846 him G5091 will G3962 the Father G2532 honor.

John 13:33

  33 G5040 Little children, G2089 yet G3397 a little while G1510 I am G3326 with G5216 you. G2212 Ye shall seek G3165 me: G2532 and G2531 as G2036 I said G3754 unto the Jews, G3699 Whither G1473 I G5217 go, G5210 ye G3756   G1410 cannot G2064 come; G2532 so G737 now G3004 I say G5213 unto you.

John 13:36

  36 G4613 Simon G4074 Peter G3004 saith G846 unto him, G2962 Lord, G4226 whither G5217 goest thou? G2424 Jesus G611 answered, G846   G3699 Whither G5217 I go, G1410 thou canst G3756 not G190 follow G3427   G3568 now; G1161 but G190 thou shalt follow G3427   G5305 afterwards.

John 16:4

  4 G235 But G5023 these things G2980 have I spoken G5213 unto you, G2443 that G3752 when G5610 their hour G2064 is come, G3421 ye may remember G846 them, G3754 how that G1473 I G2036 told G5213 you. G1161 And G5023 these things G2036 I said G3756 not G5213 unto you G1537 from G746 the beginning, G3754 because G2252 I was G3326 with G5216 you.

John 17:24

  24 G3962 Father, G1473 I G2309 desire G2443 that G2548 they also G3739 whom G1325 thou hast given G3427 me G5600 be G3326 with G1700 me G3699 where G1510 I am, G2443 that G2334 they may behold G1699 my G1391 glory, G3739 which G1325 thou hast given G3427 me: G3754 for G25 thou lovedst G3165 me G4253 before G2602 the foundation G2889 of the world.

Acts 9:16

  16 G1063 for G1473 I G5263 will show G846 him G3745 how many things G846 he G1163 must G3958 suffer G5228 for G3450 my G3686 name's sake.

2 Corinthians 5:1

  1 G1063 For G1492 we know G3754 that G1437 if G2257 the G1919 earthly G3614 house G1537 of G4636 our tabernacle G2647 be dissolved, G2192 we have G3619 a building G2316 from God, G3614 a house G886 not made with hands, G166 eternal, G1722 in G3772 the heavens.

1 Thessalonians 3:3-4

  3 G3588 that G3367 no man G4525 be moved G1722 by G3778 these G2347 afflictions; G1063 for G846 yourselves G1492 know G3754 that G5124 hereunto G2749 we are appointed.
  4 G1063 For G2532 verily, G3753 when G1510 we were G4314 with G5209 you, G4302 we told G5213 you G4302 beforehand G3754 that G3195 we are G2346 to suffer affliction; G2532 even G2531 as G1096 it came to pass, G2532 and G1492 ye know.

1 Thessalonians 5:9

  9 G3754 For G2316 God G5087   G5087 appointed G2248 us G3756 not G1519 into G3709 wrath, G235 but G1519 unto G4047 the obtaining G4991 of salvation G1223 through G2257 our G2962 Lord G2424 Jesus G5547 Christ,

2 Thessalonians 1:4-10

  4 G5620 so that G2248 we G846 ourselves G2744 glory G1722 in G5213 you G1722 in G1577 the churches G2316 of God G5228 for G5216 your G5281 patience G2532 and G4102 faith G1722 in G3956 all G5216 your G1375 persecutions G2532 and G2347 in the afflictions G3739 which G430 ye endure;
  5 G1730 which is a manifest token G1342 of the righteous G2920 judgment G2316 of God; G1519 to the end that G5209 ye G2661 may be counted worthy G932 of the kingdom G2316 of God, G5228 for G3739 which G3958 ye G2532 also G3958 suffer:
  6 G1512 if so be G1342 that it is righteous thing G3844 with G2316 God G467 to recompense G2347 affliction G2346 to them that afflict G5209 you,
  7 G2532 and G5213 to you G2346 that are afflicted G425 rest G3326 with G2257 us, G1722 at G602 the revelation G2962 of the Lord G2424 Jesus G575 from G3772 heaven G3326 with G32 the angels G846 of his G1411 power G1722 in G5395 flaming G4442 fire,
  8 G1325 rendering G1557 vengeance G1492 to them that know G3361 not G2316 God, G2532 and G5219 to them that obey G3361 not G2098 the gospel G2257 of our G2962 Lord G2424 Jesus:
  9 G3748 who G5099 shall suffer punishment, G166 even eternal G3639 destruction G575 from G4383 the face G2962 of the Lord G2532 and G575 from G1391 the glory G846 of his G2479 might,
  10 G3752 when G2064 he shall come G1740 to be glorified G1722 in G846 his G40 saints, G2532 and G2296 to be marvelled G1722 at in G3956 all G4100 them that believed G3754 (because G2257 our G3142 testimony G1909 unto G5209 you G4100 was believed) G1722 in G1565 that G2250 day.

Titus 1:2

  2 G1909 in G1680 hope G166 of eternal G2222 life, G3739 which G2316 God, G893 who cannot lie, G1861 promised G4253 before G5550 times G166 eternal;

Hebrews 6:20

  20 G3699 whither G1525 as G4274 a forerunner G2424 Jesus G1525 entered G5228 for G2257 us, G1096 having become G749 a high priest G1519 for G165 ever G2596 after G5010 the order G3198 of Melchizedek.

Hebrews 9:8

  8 G40 the Holy G4151 Spirit G5124 this G1213 signifying, G3598 that the way G39 into the holy place G5319 hath G3380 not yet G5319 been made manifest, G4413 while the first G4633 tabernacle G2192 is G2089 yet G4714 standing;

Hebrews 9:23-26

  23 G3767 It was necessary therefore G318 that G3303   G5262 the copies G3588 of the things G1722 in G3772 the heavens G2511 should be cleansed G5125 with these; G1161 but G2032 the heavenly things G846 themselves G2378 with G2909 better G2378 sacrifices G3844 than G3778 these.
  24 G1063 For G5547 Christ G1525 entered G1525   G3756 not G1519 into G39 a holy place G5499 made with hands, G499 like in pattern G228 to the true; G235 but G1519 into G3772 heaven G846 itself, G3568 now G1718 to appear G4383 before the face G2316 of God G5228 for G2257 us:
  25 G3761 nor yet G2443 that G4374 he should offer G1438 himself G4178 often, G5618 as G749 the high priest G1525 entereth G1519 into G39 the holy place G2596 year G1763 by year G1722 with G129 blood G245 not his own;
  26 G1893 else G1163 must G846 he G4178 often G3958 have suffered G575 since G2602 the foundation G2889 of the world: G1161 but G3568 now G530 once G1909 at G4930 the end G165 of the ages G5319 hath he been manifested G1519 to G115 put away G266 sin G1223 by G2378 the sacrifice G846 of himself.

Hebrews 11:10

  10 G1063 for G1551 he looked for G4172 the city G2192 which hath G2310 the foundations, G3739 whose G5079 builder G2532 and G1217 maker G2316 is God.

Hebrews 11:14-16

  14 G1063 For G3004 they that say G5108 such things G1718 make it manifest G3754 that G1934 they are seeking G3968 after a country of their own.
  15 G2532 And G1487 if G3303 indeed G3421 they had been mindful G1565 of that G575 country from G3739 which G1831 they went out, G2192 they would have had G302   G2540 opportunity G344 to return.
  16 G1161 But G3570 now G3713 they desire G2909 a better G5124 country, that G2076 is, G2032 a heavenly: G1352 wherefore G2316 God G1870 is G3756 not G1870 ashamed G846 of them, G1941 to be called G846 their G2316 God; G1063 for G2090 he hath prepared G846 for them G4172 a city.

Hebrews 13:14

  14 G1063 For G2192 we G3756 have not G5602 here G3306 an abiding G4172 city, G235 but G1934 we seek G3195 after the city which is to come.

Revelation 1:5

  5 G2532 and G575 from G2424 Jesus G5547 Christ, G4103 who is the faithful G3144 witness, G4416 the firstborn G1537 of G3498 the dead, G2532 and G758 the ruler G935 of the kings G1093 of the earth. G25 Unto him that loveth G2248 us, G2532 and G3068 loosed G2248 us G575 from G2257 our G266 sins G1722 by G846 his G129 blood;

Revelation 3:12

  12 G846 He G3528 that overcometh, G4160 I will make G4769 him a pillar G1722 in G3485 the temple G2316 of G3450 my G2316 God, G2532 and G1831 he shall go G1854 out G3756 thence no G3361   G2089 more: G2532 and G1125 I will write G1909 upon G846 him G3686 the name G2316 of G3450 my G2316 God, G2532 and G3686 the name G4172 of the city G1537 of G3450 my G2316 God, G2537 the new G2419 Jerusalem, G3588 which G2597 cometh down G1537 out of G3772 heaven G575 from G3450 my G2316 God, G2532 and G3450 mine G2537 own new G3686 name.

Revelation 3:21

  21 G846 He G3528 that overcometh, G1325 I will give G2523 to him to sit G3326 down with G1700 me G1722 in G3450 my G2362 throne, G5613 as G2504 I also G3528 overcame, G2532 and G2523 sat down G3326 with G3450 my G3962 Father G1722 in G846 his G2362 throne.

Revelation 21:2

  2 G2532 And G1473 I G2491   G1492 saw G40 the holy G4172 city, G2537 new G2419 Jerusalem, G2597 coming down G1537 out of G3772 heaven G575 from G2316 God, G2090 made ready G5613 as G3565 a bride G2885 adorned G846 for her G435 husband.

Revelation 21:10-27

  10 G2532 And G667 he carried G3165 me G667 away G1722 in G4151 the Spirit G1909 to G3735 a mountain G3173 great G2532 and G5308 high, G2532 and G1166 showed G3427 me G3173 the G40 holy G4172 city G2419 Jerusalem, G2597 coming down G1537 out of G3772 heaven G575 from G2316 God,
  11 G2192 having G1391 the glory G2316 of God: G2532   G846 her G5458 light G3664 was like unto G3037 a stone G5093 most precious, G5613 as G2393 it were a jasper G3037 stone, G2929 clear as crystal:
  12 G5037   G2192 having G5038 a wall G3173 great G2532 and G5308 high; G2192 having G1427 twelve G4440 gates, G2532 and G1909 at G4440 the gates G1427 twelve G32 angels; G2532 and G3686 names G1924 written G3739 thereon, which G2076 are G1427 the names of the twelve G5443 tribes G5207 of the children G2474 of Israel:
  13 G575 on G395 the east G5140 were three G4440 gates; G575 and on G1005 the north G5140 three G4440 gates; G575 and on G3558 the south G5140 three G4440 gates; G575 and on G1424 the west G5140 three G4440 gates.
  14 G2532 And G5038 the wall G4172 of the city G2192 had G1427 twelve G2310 foundations, G2532 and G1722 on G846 them G3686 twelve names G1427 of the twelve G652 apostles G721 of the Lamb.
  15 G2532 And G3588 he G3326 that spake with G1700 me G2192 had G3354 for a measure G5552 a golden G2563 reed G2443 to G3354 measure G4172 the city, G2532 and G4440 the gates G846 thereof, G2532 and G5038 the wall G846 thereof.
  16 G2532 And G4172 the city G2749 lieth G5068 foursquare, G2532 and G3372 the length G846 thereof G2076 is G5118 as great G3745 as G2532   G4114 the breadth: G2532 and G3354 he measured G4172 the city G2563 with the reed, G1909   G1427 twelve G5505 thousand G4712 furlongs: G3372 the length G2532 and G4114 the breadth G2532 and G5311 the height G846 thereof G2076 are G2470 equal.
  17 G2532 And G3354 he measured G5038 the wall G846 thereof, G1540 a hundred G5062 and forty G5064 and four G4083 cubits, G3358 according to the measure G444 of a man, G3739 that G2076 is, G32 of an angel.
  18 G2532 And G1739 the building G5038 of the wall G2258 thereof was G2393 jasper: G2532 and G4172 the city G2258 was G2513 pure G5553 gold, G3664 like unto G2513 pure G5194 glass.
  19 G2532   G2310 The foundations G5038 of the wall G4172 of the city G2885 were adorned G3956 with all manner G5093 of precious G3037 stones. G4413 The first G2310 foundation G2393 was jasper; G1208 the second, G4552 sapphire; G5154 the third, G5472 chalcedony; G5067 the fourth, G4665 emerald;
  20 G3991 the fifth, G4557 sardonyx; G1623 the sixth, G4556 sardius; G1442 the seventh, G5555 chrysolite; G3590 the eighth, G969 beryl; G1766 the ninth, G5116 topaz; G1182 the tenth, G5556 chrysoprase; G1734 the eleventh, G5192 jacinth; G1428 the twelfth, G271 amethyst.
  21 G2532 And G1427 the twelve G4440 gates G1427 were twelve G3135 pearls; G1520 each one G1537 of G303 the several G4440 gates G2258 was G1537 of G1520 one G3135 pearl: G2532 and G4113 the street G4172 of the city G2513 was pure G5553 gold, G5613 as it were G1307 transparent G5194 glass.
  22 G2532 And G1492 I saw G3756 no G3485 temple G846 therein: G1722   G1063 for G2962 the Lord G2316 God G3841 the Almighty, G2532 and G721 the Lamb, G2076 are G3485 the temple G846 thereof.
  23 G2532 And G4172 the city G2192 hath G3756 no G5532 need G2246 of the sun, G3761 neither G4582 of the moon, G2443 to G5316 shine G1722 upon G846 it: G1063 for G1391 the glory G2316 of God G5461 did lighten G846 it, G2532 and G3088 the lamp G846 thereof G721 is the Lamb.
  24 G2532 And G1484 the nations G4982   G4043 shall walk G1722 amidst G5457 the light G846 thereof: G2532 and G935 the kings G1093 of the earth G5342 bring G846 their G1391 glory G2532   G5092   G1519 into G846 it.
  25 G2532 And G4440 the gates G846 thereof G2808 shall G3756 in no G3361 wise G2808 be shut G2250 by day G1063 (for G2071 there shall be G3756 no G3571 night G1563 there):
  26 G2532 and G5342 they shall bring G1391 the glory G2532 and G5092 the honor G1484 of the nations G1519 into G846 it:
  27 G2532 and G1525 there shall G3756 in no G3756 wise G1525 enter G1519 into G846 it G3956 anything G2840 unclean, G2532 or G4160 he that maketh G946 an abomination G946 and G5579 a lie: G1487 but G3361 only G1125 they that are written G1722 in G721 the Lamb's G975 book G2222 of life.

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