Joel 2:2-11

  2 G2250 A day G4655 of darkness G2532 and G1105 dimness, G2250 a day G3507 of cloud G2532 and G3658.1 fog, G5613 as G3722 the dawn, G5502.4 there shall be poured G1909 upon G3588 the G3735 mountains G2992 [4people G4183 1a vast G2532 2and G2478 3strong], G3664 likened G1473 to it G3756 has not G1096 happened G575 from G3588 the G165 eon, G2532 and G3326 after G1473 it G3756 there shall not G4369 be added G2193 unto G2094 years, G1519 for G1074 generations G1074 of generations.
  3 G3588 The things G1715 before G1473 him G4442 [2fire G355 1a consuming]; G2532 and G3694 behind G1473 him G381 [2being lighted G5395 1a flame]. G5613 As G3857 a paradise G5172 of delicacy G3588 is the G1093 earth G4253 before G4383 his face, G1473   G2532 and G3588 the things G3694 behind G1473 him G3977.1 a plain G854 of extinction; G2532 and G391.2 ones escaping G3756 will not G1510.8.3 be G1473 to him.
  4 G5613 As G3706 a sight G2462 of horses G3588 so the G3799 appearance G1473 of them; G2532 and G5613 as G2460 horsemen G3779 so G2614 they shall pursue.
  5 G5613 As G5456 the sound G716 of chariots G1909 upon G3588 the G2884.2 tops G3588 of the G3735 mountains G1814 they shall leap, G2532 even G5613 as G5456 the sound G5395 of a flame G4442 of fire G2719 devouring G2562 stubble, G2532 and G5613 as G2992 [4people G4183 1a vast G2532 2and G2478 3strong] G3904.4 being deployed G1519 for G4171 battle.
  6 G575 From G4383 in front G1473 of him G4937 [2shall be destroyed G2992 1 the people]; G3956 every G4383 face G5613 as G4343.2 a burnt G5559.4 earthen pot.
  7 G5613 As G3163.2 warriors, G5143 they shall run; G2532 and G5613 as G435 men G4170.3 of war, G305 they shall ascend G1909 upon G3588 the G5038 walls; G2532 and G1538 each G1722 in G3588   G3598 his way G1473   G4198 shall go, G2532 and G3766.2 no way G1578 shall they turn aside from G3588   G5147 their roads. G1473  
  8 G2532 And G1538 each G575 [2from G3588   G80 3his brother G1473   G3756 1shall not be at a distance]; G566   G2599 [2being burdened G1722 3with G3588   G3696 4their shields G1473   G4198 1they shall go], G2532 and G1722 with G3588   G956 arrows G4098 they shall fall, G2532 and G3766.2 no way G4931 shall they be ended.
  9 G3588 [2the G4172 3city G1949 1They shall take hold of], G2532 and G1909 upon G3588 the G5038 walls G5143 they shall run; G1909 unto G3588 the G3614 houses G305 they shall ascend, G2532 and G1223 through G3588 the G2376 windows G1525 they shall enter G5613 as G2812 thieves.
  10 G4253 Before G4383 his face G4797 [3shall be confounded G3588 1the G1093 2earth], G2532 and G4579 [3shall be shaken G3588 1the G3772 2heaven]; G3588 the G2246 sun G2532 and G3588 the G4582 moon G4951.5 shall darken, G2532 and G3588 the G798 stars G1416 shall let down G5338 their brightness. G1473  
  11 G2532 And G2962 the lord G1325 shall give forth G5456 his voice G1473   G4253 from G4383 in front G1411 of his force; G1473   G3754 for G4183 [4great G1510.2.3 2is G4970 3exceedingly G3588   G3925 1his camp]; G1473   G3754 for G2478 [2are strong G2041 3works G3056 1his words]; G1473   G1360 for G3173 great G3588 is the G2250 day G2962 of the lord, G2016 [2apparent G4970 1exceedingly], G2532 and G5100 who G1510.8.3 will be G2425 fit G1473 for it?
  2 G2250 ημέρα G4655 σκότους G2532 και G1105 γνόφου G2250 ημέρα G3507 νεφέλης G2532 και G3658.1 ομίχλης G5613 ως G3722 όρθρος G5502.4 χυθήσεται G1909 επί G3588 τα G3735 όρη G2992 λαός G4183 πολύς G2532 και G2478 ισχυρός G3664 όμοιος G1473 αυτώ G3756 ου G1096 γέγονεν G575 από G3588 του G165 αιώνος G2532 και G3326 μετ΄ G1473 αυτόν G3756 ουκ G4369 προστεθήσεται G2193 έως G2094 ετών G1519 εις G1074 γενεάς G1074 γενεών
  3 G3588 τα G1715 έμπροσθεν G1473 αυτού G4442 πυρ G355 αναλίσκον G2532 και G3694 οπίσω G1473 αυτού G381 αναπτομένη G5395 φλοξ G5613 ως G3857 παράδεισος G5172 τρυφής G3588 η G1093 γη G4253 προ G4383 προσώπου αυτού G1473   G2532 και G3588 τα G3694 οπίσω G1473 αυτού G3977.1 πεδίον G854 αφανισμού G2532 και G391.2 ανασωζόμενος G3756 ουκ G1510.8.3 έσται G1473 αυτώ
  4 G5613 ως G3706 όρασις G2462 ίππων G3588 η G3799 όψις G1473 αυτών G2532 και G5613 ως G2460 ιππείς G3779 ούτως G2614 καταδιώξονται
  5 G5613 ως G5456 φωνή G716 αρμάτων G1909 επί G3588 τας G2884.2 κορυφάς G3588 των G3735 ορέων G1814 εξαλούνται G2532 και G5613 ως G5456 φωνή G5395 φλογός G4442 πυρός G2719 κατεσθιούσης G2562 καλάμην G2532 και G5613 ως G2992 λαός G4183 πολύς G2532 και G2478 ισχυρός G3904.4 παρατασσόμενος G1519 εις G4171 πόλεμον
  6 G575 από G4383 προσώπου G1473 αυτού G4937 συντριβήσονται G2992 λαοί G3956 παν G4383 πρόσωπον G5613 ως G4343.2 πρόσκαυμα G5559.4 χύτρας
  7 G5613 ως G3163.2 μαχηταί G5143 δραμούνται G2532 και G5613 ως G435 άνδρες G4170.3 πολεμισταί G305 αναβήσονται G1909 επί G3588 τα G5038 τείχη G2532 και G1538 έκαστος G1722 εν G3588 τη G3598 οδώ αυτού G1473   G4198 πορεύσεται G2532 και G3766.2 ου μη G1578 εκκλίνωσι G3588 τας G5147 τρίβους αυτών G1473  
  8 G2532 και G1538 έκαστος G575 από G3588 του G80 αδελφού αυτού G1473   G3756 ουκ αφέξεται G566   G2599 καταβαρυνόμενοι G1722 εν G3588 τοις G3696 όπλοις αυτών G1473   G4198 πορεύσονται G2532 και G1722 εν G3588 τοις G956 βέλεσιν G4098 πεσούνται G2532 και G3766.2 ου μη G4931 συντελεσθώσι
  9 G3588 της G4172 πόλεως G1949 επιλήψονται G2532 και G1909 επί G3588 των G5038 τειχέων G5143 δραμούνται G1909 επί G3588 ταις G3614 οικίας G305 αναβήσονται G2532 και G1223 διά G3588 των G2376 θυρίδων G1525 εισελεύσονται G5613 ως G2812 κλέπται
  10 G4253 προ G4383 προσώπου αυτού G4797 συγχυθήσεται G3588 η G1093 γη G2532 και G4579 σεισθήσεται G3588 ο G3772 ουρανός G3588 ο G2246 ήλιος G2532 και G3588 η G4582 σελήνη G4951.5 συσκοτάσουσι G2532 και G3588 τα G798 άστρα G1416 δύσουσι G5338 φέγγος αυτών G1473  
  11 G2532 και G2962 κύριος G1325 δώσει G5456 φωνήν αυτού G1473   G4253 προ G4383 προσώπου G1411 δυνάμεως αυτού G1473   G3754 ότι G4183 πολλή G1510.2.3 εστι G4970 σφόδρα G3588 η G3925 παρεμβολή αυτού G1473   G3754 ότι G2478 ισχυρά G2041 έργα G3056 λόγων αυτού G1473   G1360 διότι G3173 μεγάλη G3588 η G2250 ημέρα G2962 κυρίου G2016 επιφανής G4970 σφόδρα G2532 και G5100 τις G1510.8.3 έσται G2425 ικανός G1473 αυτή
    2 G2250 N-NSF ημερα G4655 N-GSN σκοτους G2532 CONJ και G1105 N-GSM γνοφου G2250 N-NSF ημερα G3507 N-GSF νεφελης G2532 CONJ και   N-GSF ομιχλης G3739 CONJ ως G3722 N-NSM ορθρος   V-FPI-3S χυθησεται G1909 PREP επι G3588 T-APN τα G3735 N-APN ορη G2992 N-NSM λαος G4183 A-NSM πολυς G2532 CONJ και G2478 A-NSM ισχυρος G3664 A-NSM ομοιος G846 D-DSM αυτω G3364 ADV ου G1096 V-RAI-3S γεγονεν G575 PREP απο G3588 T-GSM του G165 N-GSM αιωνος G2532 CONJ και G3326 PREP μετ G846 D-ASM αυτον G3364 ADV ου G4369 V-FPI-3S προστεθησεται G2193 PREP εως G2094 N-GPN ετων G1519 PREP εις G1074 N-APF γενεας G1074 N-GPF γενεων
    3 G3588 T-NPN τα G1715 PREP εμπροσθεν G846 D-GSM αυτου G4442 N-NSN πυρ G355 V-PAPNS αναλισκον G2532 CONJ και G3588 T-NPN τα G3694 PREP οπισω G846 D-GSM αυτου   V-PMPNS αναπτομενη G5395 N-NSF φλοξ G3739 CONJ ως G3857 N-NSM παραδεισος G5172 N-GSF τρυφης G3588 T-NSF η G1065 N-NSF γη G4253 PREP προ G4383 N-GSN προσωπου G846 D-GSM αυτου G2532 CONJ και G3588 T-NPN τα G3693 ADV οπισθεν G846 D-GSM αυτου   N-NSN πεδιον G854 N-GSM αφανισμου G2532 CONJ και   V-PMPNS ανασωζομενος G3364 ADV ουκ G1510 V-FMI-3S εσται G846 D-DSM αυτω
    4 G3739 CONJ ως G3706 N-NSF ορασις G2462 N-GPM ιππων G3588 T-NSF η G3799 N-NSF οψις G846 D-GPM αυτων G2532 CONJ και G3739 CONJ ως G2460 N-NPM ιππεις G3778 ADV ουτως G2614 V-FMI-3P καταδιωξονται
    5 G3739 CONJ ως G5456 N-NSF φωνη G716 N-GPN αρματων G1909 PREP επι G3588 T-APF τας   N-APF κορυφας G3588 T-GPN των G3735 N-GPN ορεων G1814 V-FMI-3P εξαλουνται G2532 CONJ και G3739 CONJ ως G5456 N-NSF φωνη G5395 N-GSF φλογος G4442 N-GSM πυρος G2719 V-PAPGS κατεσθιουσης G2562 N-ASF καλαμην G2532 CONJ και G3739 CONJ ως G2992 N-NSM λαος G4183 A-NSM πολυς G2532 CONJ και G2478 A-NSM ισχυρος   V-PMPNS παρατασσομενος G1519 PREP εις G4171 N-ASM πολεμον
    6 G575 PREP απο G4383 N-GSN προσωπου G846 D-GSM αυτου G4937 V-FPI-3P συντριβησονται G2992 N-NPM λαοι G3956 A-NSN παν G4383 N-NSN προσωπον G3739 CONJ ως   N-NSN προσκαυμα   N-GSF χυτρας
    7 G3739 CONJ ως   N-NPM μαχηται G5143 V-FMI-3P δραμουνται G2532 CONJ και G3739 CONJ ως G435 N-NPM ανδρες   N-NPM πολεμισται G305 V-FMI-3P αναβησονται G1909 PREP επι G3588 T-APN τα G5038 N-APN τειχη G2532 CONJ και G1538 A-NSM εκαστος G1722 PREP εν G3588 T-DSF τη G3598 N-DSF οδω G846 D-GSM αυτου G4198 V-FMI-3S πορευσεται G2532 CONJ και G3364 ADV ου G3165 ADV μη G1578 V-PAS-3P εκκλινωσιν G3588 T-APF τας G5147 N-APF τριβους G846 D-GPM αυτων
    8 G2532 CONJ και G1538 A-NSM εκαστος G575 PREP απο G3588 T-GSM του G80 N-GSM αδελφου G846 D-GSM αυτου G3364 ADV ουκ G568 V-FMI-3S αφεξεται   V-PMPNP καταβαρυνομενοι G1722 PREP εν G3588 T-DPN τοις G3696 N-DPN οπλοις G846 D-GPM αυτων G4198 V-FMI-3P πορευσονται G2532 CONJ και G1722 PREP εν G3588 T-DPN τοις G956 N-DPN βελεσιν G846 D-GPM αυτων G4098 V-FMI-3P πεσουνται G2532 CONJ και G3364 ADV ου G3165 ADV μη G4931 V-APS-3P συντελεσθωσιν
    9 G3588 T-GSF της G4172 N-GSF πολεως   V-FMI-3P επιλημψονται G2532 CONJ και G1909 PREP επι G3588 T-GPN των G5038 N-GPN τειχεων G5143 V-FMI-3P δραμουνται G2532 CONJ και G1909 PREP επι G3588 T-APF τας G3614 N-APF οικιας G305 V-FMI-3P αναβησονται G2532 CONJ και G1223 PREP δια G2376 N-GPF θυριδων G1525 V-FMI-3P εισελευσονται G3739 CONJ ως G2812 N-NPM κλεπται
    10 G4253 PREP προ G4383 N-GSN προσωπου G846 D-GPM αυτων G4797 V-FPI-3S συγχυθησεται G3588 T-NSF η G1065 N-NSF γη G2532 CONJ και G4579 V-FPI-3S σεισθησεται G3588 T-NSM ο G3772 N-NSM ουρανος G3588 T-NSM ο G2246 N-NSM ηλιος G2532 CONJ και G3588 T-NSF η G4582 N-NSF σεληνη   V-FAI-3P συσκοτασουσιν G2532 CONJ και G3588 T-NPN τα G798 N-NPN αστρα G1417 V-FAI-3P δυσουσιν G3588 T-ASN το G5338 N-ASN φεγγος G846 D-GPM αυτων
    11 G2532 CONJ και G2962 N-NSM κυριος G1325 V-FAI-3S δωσει G5456 N-ASF φωνην G846 D-GSM αυτου G4253 PREP προ G4383 N-GSN προσωπου G1411 N-GSF δυναμεως G846 D-GSM αυτου G3754 CONJ οτι G4183 A-NSF πολλη G1510 V-PAI-3S εστιν G4970 ADV σφοδρα G3588 T-NSF η   N-NSF παρεμβολη G846 D-GSM αυτου G3754 CONJ οτι G2478 A-NPN ισχυρα G2041 N-NPN εργα G3056 N-GPM λογων G846 D-GSM αυτου G1360 CONJ διοτι G3173 A-NSF μεγαλη G3588 T-NSF η G2250 N-NSF ημερα G3588 T-GSM του G2962 N-GSM κυριου G3173 A-NSF μεγαλη G2532 CONJ και G2016 A-NSF επιφανης G4970 ADV σφοδρα G2532 CONJ και G5100 I-NSM τις G1510 V-FMI-3S εσται G2425 A-NSM ικανος G846 D-DSF αυτη
HOT(i) 2 יום חשׁך ואפלה יום ענן וערפל כשׁחר פרשׂ על ההרים עם רב ועצום כמהו לא נהיה מן העולם ואחריו לא יוסף עד שׁני דור ודור׃ 3 לפניו אכלה אשׁ ואחריו תלהט להבה כגן עדן הארץ לפניו ואחריו מדבר שׁממה וגם פליטה לא היתה׃ 4 כמראה סוסים מראהו וכפרשׁים כן ירוצון׃ 5 כקול מרכבות על ראשׁי ההרים ירקדון כקול להב אשׁ אכלה קשׁ כעם עצום ערוך מלחמה׃ 6 מפניו יחילו עמים כל פנים קבצו פארור׃ 7 כגבורים ירצון כאנשׁי מלחמה יעלו חומה ואישׁ בדרכיו ילכון ולא יעבטון ארחותם׃ 8 ואישׁ אחיו לא ידחקון גבר במסלתו ילכון ובעד השׁלח יפלו לא יבצעו׃ 9 בעיר ישׁקו בחומה ירצון בבתים יעלו בעד החלונים יבאו כגנב׃ 10 לפניו רגזה ארץ רעשׁו שׁמים שׁמשׁ וירח קדרו וכוכבים אספו נגהם׃ 11 ויהוה נתן קולו לפני חילו כי רב מאד מחנהו כי עצום עשׂה דברו כי גדול יום יהוה ונורא מאד ומי יכילנו׃
IHOT(i) (In English order)
  2 H3117 יום A day H2822 חשׁך of darkness H653 ואפלה and of gloominess, H3117 יום a day H6051 ענן of clouds H6205 וערפל and of thick darkness, H7837 כשׁחר as the morning H6566 פרשׂ spread H5921 על upon H2022 ההרים the mountains: H5971 עם people H7227 רב a great H6099 ועצום and a strong; H3644 כמהו the like, H3808 לא there hath not H1961 נהיה been H4480 מן ever H5769 העולם ever H310 ואחריו after H3808 לא neither H3254 יוסף shall be any more H5704 עד it, to H8141 שׁני the years H1755 דור of many generations. H1755 ודור׃ of many generations.
  3 H6440 לפניו before H398 אכלה devoureth H784 אשׁ A fire H310 ואחריו them; and behind H3857 תלהט burneth: H3852 להבה them a flame H1588 כגן as the garden H5731 עדן of Eden H776 הארץ the land H6440 לפניו before H310 ואחריו them, and behind H4057 מדבר wilderness; H8077 שׁממה them a desolate H1571 וגם yea, H6413 פליטה shall escape H3808 לא and nothing H1961 היתה׃ shall escape
  4 H4758 כמראה The appearance H5483 סוסים of horses; H4758 מראהו of them as the appearance H6571 וכפרשׁים and as horsemen, H3651 כן so H7323 ירוצון׃ shall they run.
  5 H6963 כקול Like the noise H4818 מרכבות of chariots H5921 על on H7218 ראשׁי the tops H2022 ההרים of mountains H7540 ירקדון shall they leap, H6963 כקול like the noise H3851 להב of a flame H784 אשׁ of fire H398 אכלה that devoureth H7179 קשׁ the stubble, H5971 כעם people H6099 עצום as a strong H6186 ערוך set in battle array. H4421 מלחמה׃ set in battle array.
  6 H6440 מפניו faces H2342 יחילו shall be much pained: H5971 עמים the people H3605 כל all H6440 פנים   H6908 קבצו shall gather H6289 פארור׃ blackness.
  7 H1368 כגבורים like mighty men; H7323 ירצון They shall run H376 כאנשׁי like men H4421 מלחמה of war; H5927 יעלו they shall climb H2346 חומה the wall H376 ואישׁ every one H1870 בדרכיו on his ways, H1980 ילכון and they shall march H3808 ולא and they shall not H5670 יעבטון break H734 ארחותם׃ their ranks:
  8 H376 ואישׁ shall one H251 אחיו another; H3808 לא Neither H1766 ידחקון thrust H1397 גבר every one H4546 במסלתו in his path: H1980 ילכון they shall walk H1157 ובעד upon H7973 השׁלח the sword, H5307 יפלו and they fall H3808 לא they shall not H1214 יבצעו׃ be wounded.
  9 H5892 בעיר in the city; H8264 ישׁקו They shall run to and fro H2346 בחומה upon the wall, H7323 ירצון they shall run H1004 בבתים upon the houses; H5927 יעלו they shall climb up H1157 בעד at H2474 החלונים the windows H935 יבאו they shall enter in H1590 כגנב׃ like a thief.
  10 H6440 לפניו before H7264 רגזה shall quake H776 ארץ The earth H7493 רעשׁו shall tremble: H8064 שׁמים them; the heavens H8121 שׁמשׁ the sun H3394 וירח and the moon H6937 קדרו shall be dark, H3556 וכוכבים and the stars H622 אספו shall withdraw H5051 נגהם׃ their shining:
  11 H3069 ויהוה   H5414 נתן shall utter H6963 קולו his voice H6440 לפני before H2426 חילו   H3588 כי for H7227 רב great: H3966 מאד very H4264 מחנהו his camp H3588 כי for H6099 עצום strong H6213 עשׂה that executeth H1697 דברו his word: H3588 כי for H1419 גדול great H3117 יום the day H3069 יהוה   H3372 ונורא terrible; H3966 מאד and very H4310 ומי and who H3557 יכילנו׃ can abide
  2 H3117 A day H2822 of darkness H653 and of duskiness, H3117 a day H6051 of clouds H6205 and of thick darkness, H7837 as the morning H6566 [H8803] spread H2022 upon the mountains: H7227 a great H5971 people H6099 and a strong; H1961 [H8738] there hath not been H5769 ever H3254 [H8686] the like, neither shall be any more H310 after H8141 it, even to the years H1755 of many H1755 generations.
  3 H784 A fire H398 [H8804] devoureth H6440 at the face of H310 them; and behind H3852 them a flame H3857 [H8762] burneth: H776 the land H1588 is as the garden H5731 of Eden H6440 at the face of H310 them, and behind H8077 them a desolate H4057 wilderness; H6413 yea, and nothing shall escape them.
  4 H4758 The appearance H4758 of them is as the appearance H5483 of horses; H6571 and as horsemen, H7323 [H8799] so shall they run.
  5 H6963 Like the noise H4818 of chariots H7218 on the tops H2022 of mountains H7540 [H8762] shall they leap, H6963 like the noise H3851 of a flame H784 of fire H398 [H8802] that devoureth H7179 the stubble, H6099 as a strong H5971 people H4421 set in battle H6186 [H8803] array.
  6 H6440 Before their face H5971 the people H2342 [H8799] shall be much pained: H6440 all faces H6908 [H8765] shall gather H6289 blackness.
  7 H7323 [H8799] They shall run H1368 like mighty men; H5927 [H8799] they shall climb H2346 the wall H582 like men H4421 of war; H3212 [H8799] and they shall march H376 every one H1870 on his ways, H5670 [H8762] and they shall not break H734 their ranks:
  8 H376 Neither shall one H1766 [H8799] thrust H251 another; H3212 [H8799] they shall walk H1397 every one H4546 in his path: H5307 [H8799] and when they fall H7973 upon the sword, H1214 [H8799] they shall not be wounded.
  9 H8264 [H8799] They shall run to and fro H5892 in the city; H7323 [H8799] they shall run H2346 upon the wall, H5927 [H8799] they shall climb H1004 upon the houses; H935 [H8799] they shall enter in H2474 at the windows H1590 like a thief.
  10 H776 The earth H7264 [H8804] shall quake H6440 at the face of H8064 them; the heavens H7493 [H8804] shall tremble: H8121 the sun H3394 and the moon H6937 [H8804] shall be dark, H3556 and the stars H622 [H8804] shall withdraw H5051 their shining:
  11 H3068 And the LORD H5414 [H8804] shall utter H6963 his voice H6440 at the face of H2428 his army: H4264 for his camp H3966 is very H7227 great: H6099 for he is strong H6213 [H8802] that executeth H1697 his word: H3117 for the day H3068 of the LORD H1419 is great H3966 and very H3372 [H8737] terrible; H3557 [H8686] and who can abide it?
Vulgate(i) 2 dies tenebrarum et caliginis dies nubis et turbinis quasi mane expansum super montes populus multus et fortis similis ei non fuit a principio et post eum non erit usque in annos generationis et generationis 3 ante faciem eius ignis vorans et post eum exurens flamma quasi hortus voluptatis terra coram eo et post eum solitudo deserti neque est qui effugiat eum 4 quasi aspectus equorum aspectus eorum et quasi equites sic current 5 sicut sonitus quadrigarum super capita montium exilient sicut sonitus flammae ignis devorantis stipulam velut populus fortis praeparatus ad proelium 6 a facie eius cruciabuntur populi omnes vultus redigentur in ollam 7 sicut fortes current quasi viri bellatores ascendent murum vir in viis suis gradietur et non declinabunt a semitis suis 8 unusquisque fratrem suum non coartabit singuli in calle suo ambulabunt sed et per fenestras cadent et non demolientur 9 urbem ingredientur in muro current domos conscendent per fenestras intrabunt quasi fur 10 a facie eius contremuit terra moti sunt caeli sol et luna obtenebrati sunt et stellae retraxerunt splendorem suum 11 et Dominus dedit vocem suam ante faciem exercitus sui quia multa sunt nimis castra eius quia fortia et facientia verbum eius magnus enim dies Domini et terribilis valde et quis sustinebit eum
Clementine_Vulgate(i) 2 Dies tenebrarum et caliginis, dies nubis et turbinis; quasi mane expansum super montes populus multus et fortis: similis ei non fuit a principio, et post eum non erit usque in annos generationis et generationis. 3 Ante faciem ejus ignis vorans, et post eum exurens flamma. Quasi hortus voluptatis terra coram eo, et post eum solitudo deserti, neque est qui effugiat eum. 4 Quasi aspectus equorum, aspectus eorum; et quasi equites, sic current. 5 Sicut sonitus quadrigarum super capita montium exilient, sicut sonitus flammæ ignis devorantis stipulam, velut populus fortis præparatus ad prælium. 6 A facie ejus cruciabuntur populi; omnes vultus redigentur in ollam. 7 Sicut fortes current; quasi viri bellatores ascendent murum: viri in viis suis gradientur, et non declinabunt a semitis suis. 8 Unusquisque fratrem suum non coarctabit, singuli in calle suo ambulabunt; sed et per fenestras cadent, et non demolientur. 9 Urbem ingredientur, in muro current, domos conscendent, per fenestras intrabunt quasi fur. 10 A facie ejus contremuit terra, moti sunt cæli, sol et luna obtenebrati sunt, et stellæ retraxerunt splendorem suum. 11 Et Dominus dedit vocem suam ante faciem exercitus sui, quia multa sunt nimis castra ejus, quia fortia et facientia verbum ejus: magnus enim dies Domini, et terribilis valde, et quis sustinebit eum?
Wycliffe(i) 2 for the dai of derknessis and of myist is niy, the dai of cloude and of whirlewynde. As the morewtid spred abrood on hillis, a myche puple and strong. Noon was lijk it fro the bigynnyng, and after it schal not be, til in to yeeris of generacioun and of generacioun. 3 Bifore the face therof schal be fier deuourynge, and after it schal be brennynge flawme; as a gardyn of liking the lond schal be bifor him, and wildirnesse of desert schal be after him, and noon is that schal ascape him. 4 The lokyng of hem schal be as the lokyng of horsis, and as horse men so thei schulen renne. 5 As the sown of cartis on the heedis of hillis thei schulen skippe; as the sowne of the flawme of fier deuourynge stobil, as a strong puple maad redi to batel. 6 Puplis schulen be turmentid of the face therof, alle facis schulen be dryuun in to a pot. 7 As stronge men thei schulen renne, as men werriours thei schulen stie on the wal. Men schulen go in her weies, and thei schulen not bowe awei fro her pathis. 8 Ech man schal not make streyt his brother, ech man schal go in his path; but also thei schulen falle doun bi wyndows, and schulen not be hirt. 9 Thei schulen entre in to the citee, thei schulen renne on the wal; thei schulen stie on housis, thei schulen entre as a niyt theef bi wyndows. 10 The erthe tremblide of his face, heuenys weren mouyd, the sunne and the moone weren maad derk, and sterris withdrowen her schynyng. 11 And the Lord yaf his vois bifor the face of his oost, for hise oostis ben ful manye; for tho ben stronge, and doen the word of hym. For the dai of the Lord is greet, and ful ferdful, and who schal suffre it?
Coverdale(i) 2 a darcke daye, a gloomynge daye, a cloudy daye, yee & a stormy daye, like as the mornynge spredeth out vpo the hilles: Namely, a great & mightie people: soch as haue not bene sens ye begynnynge, nether shal be after them for euermore. 3 Before him shal be a consumynge fyre, & behynde him a burnynge flame. The londe shal be as a garden of pleasure before him, but behinde him shal it be a very waist wildernesse, & there is no man, that shal escape him. 4 They are to loke vpon like bayrded horses, & runne like horse men. 5 They skyppe vp vpon ye hilles, as it were the sounde of charettes: as the flame of fyre that consumeth the strawe, and as a mightie people redy to the batell. 6 The folke shalbe afrayed of him, all faces shal be as blacke as a pot. 7 These shal rune like giauntes, & leape ouer the walles like men of warre. Euery ma in his goinge shal kepe his araie, & not go out of his Path. 8 There shal not one dryue another, but ech shal kepe his owne waye. They shal breake in at the wyndowes, & not be hurte: 9 They shal come into the cite, & runne vpon the walles: They shal clymme vp vpon the houses, & slyppe in at the wyndowes like a thefe. 10 The earth shal quake before him, yee the heauens shalbe moued: the Sonne & Moone shal be darckened, and the starres shal withdrawe their shyne. 11 The LORDE shal shewe his voyce before his hoost, for his hoost is greate, stronge & mightie to fulfill his commaundement. This is yt greate and maruelous fearfull daye of the LORDE: And who is able to abyde it?
MSTC(i) 2 a dark and gloomy day, a cloudy and black day. As the morning is spread over the mountains, so it this populous and strong people: such as have not been since the beginning, neither shall be after them for evermore. 3 Before him shall be a consuming fire, and behind him a burning flame. The land shall be as a garden of pleasure before him, but behind him shall it be a very waste wilderness, and there is no man, that shall escape him. 4 They are to look upon like bairded horses, and run like horsemen. 5 They skipped up upon the hills, as it were the sound of chariots; as the flame of fire that consumeth the straw, and as a mighty people ready to the battle. 6 The folk shall be afraid of him, all faces shall be as black as a pot. 7 These shall run like giants, and leap over the walls like men of war. Every man in his going will keep his array, and not go out of his Path. 8 There shall not one drive another, but each shall keep his own way. They shall break in at the windows, and not be hurt: 9 They shall come into the city, and run upon the walls; They shall climb up upon the houses, and slip in at the windows like a thief. 10 The earth shall quake before him, yea the heavens shall be moved; The Sun and Moon shall be darkened, and the stars shall withdraw their shine. 11 The LORD shall show his voice before his host, for his host is great, strong and mighty to fulfill his commandment. This is that great and marvelous fearful day of the LORD: And who is able to abide it?
Matthew(i) 2 a darcke daye, a gloomynge daye, a cloudye daye, yea & a stormy daye, lyke as the mornynge spredeth oute vpon the hylles: Namely, a great and myghtye people; suche as haue not bene sence the begynnynge, neither shal be after them for euer more. 3 Before hym shall be a consumynge fyre, and behynde him a burnyng flamme. The land shal be as a garden of pleasure before him, but behynde hym shall it be a very waste wyldernes, and there is no man, that shall escape hym. 4 They are to loke vpon lyke barded horses, and runne lyke horse men. 5 They skyppe vp vpon the hylles, as it were the sounde of charettes, as the flamme of fyre that consumeth the strawe, and as a myghtye people ready to the battell. 6 The folcke shalbe afrayed of hym, all faces shalbe as blacke as a pot. 7 These shal runne lyke gyauntes, and leape ouer the walles lyke men of warre. Euerye man in hys goynge shall kepe hys araye, and not go oute of hys Path. 8 There shall not one dryue another, but eche shall kepe hys owne waye. They shall breake in at the wyndowes, and not be hurte. 9 They shall come into the cytye, and runne vpon the walles: They shal clymme vp vpon the houses, & slyppe in at the wyndowes lyke a thefe. 10 The earth shall quake before him, yea, the heauens shalbe moued: The sunne & moue shall be darckened, and the starres shal wythdraw theyr shyne, 11 The Lorde shall shewe his voyce before hys hoste, for hys hoste is greate, strong and myghtye to fulfyll hys commaundement. This is that greate and merueylous fearefull daye of the Lorde: And who is able to abyde it.
Great(i) 2 a darcke daye, a gloomynge daye, a cloudy daye, yee, and a stormy daye, lyke as the mornynge spredeth out vpon the hylles. Namely, a greate and myghtye people: soch as haue not bene sence the beginninge, nether shall be after them for euermore. 3 Before him shall be a consumynge fyre, and behynde him a burnynge flame. The lande shalbe as a garden of pleasure before him, but behinde him shall it be a very waste wyldernesse, and there is no man, that shall escape hym: 4 They are to loke vpon lyke barbed horses, & runne lyke horsmen. 5 They skippe vp vpon the hylles, as it were the sounde of charettes: as the flame of fyre that consumeth the strawe, and as a myghty people redy to the batayll. 6 The folke shalbe afrayed of hym, all faces shalbe as blacke as a pot: 7 These shall runne lyke gyauntes, and leape ouer the walles lyke men of warre. Euery man in his goinge shall kepe hys araye, and not goo out of hys path. 8 There shall not one driue another, but eche shall kepe his awne waye. They shall breake in at the wyndowes, & not be hurte: 9 They shall come into the cytie, & runne vpon the walles. They shall clyme vp vpon the houses, and slyppe in at the wyndowes lyke a thefe. 10 The earth shall quake before hym, yee, the heauens shalbe moued. The sunne & the moone shall be darckened, and the starres shall withdrawe theyr shyne. 11 The Lord shall shewe hys voyce before hys hooste, for his hoost is greate, stronge, and myghtye to fulfyll hys commaundement. Thys is that greate and maruelous fearfull daye of the Lorde. And who is able to abyde it?
Geneva(i) 2 A day of darkenesse, and of blacknesse, a day of cloudes, and obscuritie, as the morning spred vpon the mountaines, so is there a great people, and a mighty: there was none like it from the beginning, neither shalbe any more after it, vnto the yeeres of many generations. 3 A fire deuoureth before him, and behinde him a flame burneth vp: the land is as the garden of Eden before him, and behinde him a desolate wildernesse, so that nothing shall escape him. 4 The beholding of him is like the sight of horses, and like the horsemen, so shall they runne. 5 Like the noyse of charrets in the toppes of the mountaines shall they leape, like the noyse of a flame of fire that deuoureth the stubble, and as a mightie people prepared to the battel. 6 Before his face shall the people tremble: all faces shall gather blackenesse. 7 They shall runne like strong men, and goe vp to the wall like men of warre, and euery man shall goe forward in his wayes, and they shall not stay in their paths. 8 Neither shall one thrust another, but euery one shall walke in his path: and when they fall vpon the sword, they shall not be wounded. 9 They shall runne to and from in the citie: they shall runne vpon the wall: they shall clime vp vpon the houses, and enter in at ye windowes like ye thiefe. 10 The earth shall tremble before him, ye heauens shall shake, the sunne and the moone shalbe darke, and the starres shall withdraw their shining, 11 And the Lord shall vtter his voyce before his hoste: for his hoste is very great: for he is strog that doeth his word: for the day of the Lord is great and very terrible, and who can abide it?
Bishops(i) 2 A darke and glomie day, a cloudie and blacke day: as the mornyng is spread ouer the mountaynes [so is this] populus & strong people, like it there was none from the beginning, nor shalbe herafter for euermore 3 Before him is a deuouryng fire, and behynde him a burnyng flambe: the lande is as a pleasaunt garden before him, and behinde him a waste desert, yea and nothyng shall escape him 4 The shewe of him is as the shewe of horses, and like horsemen, so shall they runne 5 Lyke the noyse of charrettes vpon the toppes of the mountaynes they shall skip, like the noyse of a flamyng fire deuouryng the stubble, [and] as a strong people prepared to battayle 6 Before his face shall the people tremble, the countenaunce of all folkes shall waxe [blacke] as a pot 7 They shall runne like strong men, and climbe the walles like men of warre: & euery one shall march on in his way, and they shal not linger in their pathes 8 No man shall thrust another, but euery one shall walke in his path: and if they shall fall on the sworde, they shall not be wounded 9 They shall runne to and fro in the citie, they shall runne vp & downe vpon the wall, they shall climbe into the houses, they shall enter in at the windowes like a theefe 10 The earth shall quake before him, the heauens shall tremble, the sunne and the moone shalbe darke, and the starres shall withdrawe their shinyng 11 And the Lorde shall geue his voyce before his hoast, for his campe is exceeding great, for he is mightie that executeth his commaundement: for the day of the Lorde is great and very terrible, and who can abide it
DouayRheims(i) 2 A day of darkness, and of gloominess, a day of clouds and whirlwinds: a numerous and strong people as the morning spread upon the mountains: the like to it hath not been from the beginning, nor shall be after it, even to the years of generation and generation. 3 Before the face thereof a devouring fire, and behind it a burning flame: the land is like a garden of pleasure before it, and behind it a desolate wilderness, neither is there any one that can escape it. 4 The appearance of them is as the appearance of horses, and they shall run like horsemen. 5 They shall leap like the noise of chariots upon the tops of mountains, like the noise of a flame of fire devouring the stubble, as a strong people prepared to battle. 6 At their presence the people shall be in grievous pains: all faces shall be made like a kettle. 7 They shall run like valiant men: like men of war they shall scale the wall: the men shall march every one on his way, and they shall not turn aside from their ranks. 8 No one shall press upon his brother: they shall walk every one in his path: yea, and they shall fall through the windows, and shall take no harm. 9 They shall enter into the city: they shall run upon the wall, they shall climb up the houses, they shall come in at the windows, as a thief. 10 At their presence the earth hath trembled, the heavens are moved: the sun and moon are darkened, and the stars have withdrawn their shining. 11 And the Lord hath uttered his voice before the face of his army: for his armies are exceedingly great, for they are strong, and execute his word: for the day of the Lord is great and very terrible: and who can stand it?
KJV(i) 2 A day of darkness and of gloominess, a day of clouds and of thick darkness, as the morning spread upon the mountains: a great people and a strong; there hath not been ever the like, neither shall be any more after it, even to the years of many generations. 3 A fire devoureth before them; and behind them a flame burneth: the land is as the garden of Eden before them, and behind them a desolate wilderness; yea, and nothing shall escape them. 4 The appearance of them is as the appearance of horses; and as horsemen, so shall they run. 5 Like the noise of chariots on the tops of mountains shall they leap, like the noise of a flame of fire that devoureth the stubble, as a strong people set in battle array. 6 Before their face the people shall be much pained: all faces shall gather blackness. 7 They shall run like mighty men; they shall climb the wall like men of war; and they shall march every one on his ways, and they shall not break their ranks: 8 Neither shall one thrust another; they shall walk every one in his path: and when they fall upon the sword, they shall not be wounded. 9 They shall run to and fro in the city; they shall run upon the wall, they shall climb up upon the houses; they shall enter in at the windows like a thief. 10 The earth shall quake before them; the heavens shall tremble: the sun and the moon shall be dark, and the stars shall withdraw their shining: 11 And the LORD shall utter his voice before his army: for his camp is very great: for he is strong that executeth his word: for the day of the LORD is great and very terrible; and who can abide it?
KJV_Cambridge(i) 10 The earth shall quake before them; the heavens shall tremble: the sun and the moon shall be dark, and the stars shall withdraw their shining: 11 And the LORD shall utter his voice before his army: for his camp is very great: for he is strong that executeth his word: for the day of the LORD is great and very terrible; and who can abide it? 2 A day of darkness and of gloominess, a day of clouds and of thick darkness, as the morning spread upon the mountains: a great people and a strong; there hath not been ever the like, neither shall be any more after it, even to the years of many generations. 3 A fire devoureth before them; and behind them a flame burneth: the land is as the garden of Eden before them, and behind them a desolate wilderness; yea, and nothing shall escape them. 4 The appearance of them is as the appearance of horses; and as horsemen, so shall they run. 5 Like the noise of chariots on the tops of mountains shall they leap, like the noise of a flame of fire that devoureth the stubble, as a strong people set in battle array. 6 Before their face the people shall be much pained: all faces shall gather blackness. 7 They shall run like mighty men; they shall climb the wall like men of war; and they shall march every one on his ways, and they shall not break their ranks: 8 Neither shall one thrust another; they shall walk every one in his path: and when they fall upon the sword, they shall not be wounded. 9 They shall run to and fro in the city; they shall run upon the wall, they shall climb up upon the houses; they shall enter in at the windows like a thief.
  2 H3117 A day H2822 of darkness H653 and of gloominess H3117 , a day H6051 of clouds H6205 and of thick darkness H7837 , as the morning H6566 spread [H8803]   H2022 upon the mountains H7227 : a great H5971 people H6099 and a strong H1961 ; there hath not been [H8738]   H5769 ever H3254 the like, neither shall be any more [H8686]   H310 after H8141 it, even to the years H1755 of many H1755 generations.
  3 H784 A fire H398 devoureth [H8804]   H6440 before H310 them; and behind H3852 them a flame H3857 burneth [H8762]   H776 : the land H1588 is as the garden H5731 of Eden H6440 before H310 them, and behind H8077 them a desolate H4057 wilderness H6413 ; yea, and nothing shall escape them.
  4 H4758 The appearance H4758 of them is as the appearance H5483 of horses H6571 ; and as horsemen H7323 , so shall they run [H8799]  .
  5 H6963 Like the noise H4818 of chariots H7218 on the tops H2022 of mountains H7540 shall they leap [H8762]   H6963 , like the noise H3851 of a flame H784 of fire H398 that devoureth [H8802]   H7179 the stubble H6099 , as a strong H5971 people H4421 set in battle H6186 array [H8803]  .
  6 H6440 Before their face H5971 the people H2342 shall be much pained [H8799]   H6440 : all faces H6908 shall gather [H8765]   H6289 blackness.
  7 H7323 They shall run [H8799]   H1368 like mighty men H5927 ; they shall climb [H8799]   H2346 the wall H582 like men H4421 of war H3212 ; and they shall march [H8799]   H376 every one H1870 on his ways H5670 , and they shall not break [H8762]   H734 their ranks:
  8 H376 Neither shall one H1766 thrust [H8799]   H251 another H3212 ; they shall walk [H8799]   H1397 every one H4546 in his path H5307 : and when they fall [H8799]   H7973 upon the sword H1214 , they shall not be wounded [H8799]  .
  9 H8264 They shall run to and fro [H8799]   H5892 in the city H7323 ; they shall run [H8799]   H2346 upon the wall H5927 , they shall climb up [H8799]   H1004 upon the houses H935 ; they shall enter in [H8799]   H2474 at the windows H1590 like a thief.
  10 H776 The earth H7264 shall quake [H8804]   H6440 before H8064 them; the heavens H7493 shall tremble [H8804]   H8121 : the sun H3394 and the moon H6937 shall be dark [H8804]   H3556 , and the stars H622 shall withdraw [H8804]   H5051 their shining:
  11 H3068 And the LORD H5414 shall utter [H8804]   H6963 his voice H6440 before H2428 his army H4264 : for his camp H3966 is very H7227 great H6099 : for he is strong H6213 that executeth [H8802]   H1697 his word H3117 : for the day H3068 of the LORD H1419 is great H3966 and very H3372 terrible [H8737]   H3557 ; and who can abide [H8686]   it?
Thomson(i) 2 a day of darkness and gloom; a day of clouds and thick darkness. Like dawn, there shall be poured out on the mountains a people numerous and powerful, the like of them hath never been, nor shall be any more to the years of all generations. 3 Before them is a kindling fire, and all behind them a glowing flame. Before them the land is like a pleasure garden, and behind them, a scene of desolation: and there is none who can escape them. 4 Their appearance is like the appearance of horses; and like horsemen they can pursue. 5 With a noise like that of chariots they will bound over the tops of mountains and their noise is like that of a flaming fire consuming stubble. They are like a people numerous and powerful, arrayed for battle 6 At their presence peoples will be appalled and every face covered with blackness. 7 They can run like warriors and like mighty warriors scale walls; and every one will march in his own path. They will not alter their lines of march; 8 nor will any one separate from his comrade. They will march loaded with their arms, and though they fall on their weapons they shall not be killed. 9 They will surprise the city and run upon the walls; they will climb up the houses and enter at windows like thieves. 10 At their presence the earth will be confounded and the heaven shaken, and the sun and the moon will be darkened, and the stars will withdraw their refulgence, 11 and the Lord will utter his voice before his army. Because the circuit of his camp is very large; because the operation of his words is irresistible; because the day of the Lord is great, extremely awful; who therefore shall be able to abide it?
Webster(i) 2 A day of darkness and of gloominess, a day of clouds and of thick darkness, as the morning spread upon the mountains: a great people and a strong; there hath not been ever the like, neither shall be any more after it, even to the years of many generations. 3 A fire devoureth before them; and behind them a flame burneth: the land is as the garden of Eden before them, and behind them a desolate wilderness; and nothing shall escape them. 4 The appearance of them is as the appearance of horses; and as horsemen, so shall they run. 5 Like the noise of chariots on the tops of mountains shall they leap, like the noise of a flame of fire that devoureth the stubble, as a strong people set in battle array. 6 Before their face the people shall be much pained: all faces shall gather blackness. 7 They shall run like mighty men; they shall climb the wall like men of war; and they shall march every one on his ways, and they shall not break their ranks: 8 Neither shall one thrust another; they shall walk every one in his path: and when they fall upon the sword, they shall not be wounded. 9 They shall run to and fro in the city; they shall run upon the wall, they shall climb upon the houses; they shall enter in at the windows like a thief. 10 The earth shall quake before them; the heavens shall tremble: the sun and the moon shall be dark, and the stars shall withdraw their shining: 11 And the LORD will utter his voice before his army: for his camp is very great: for he is strong that executeth his word: for the day of the LORD is great and very terrible; and who can abide it?
  2 H3117 A day H2822 of darkness H653 and of gloominess H3117 , a day H6051 of clouds H6205 and of thick darkness H7837 , as the morning H6566 [H8803] spread H2022 upon the mountains H7227 : a great H5971 people H6099 and a strong H1961 [H8738] ; there hath not been H5769 ever H3254 [H8686] the like, neither shall be any more H310 after H8141 it, even to the years H1755 of many H1755 generations.
  3 H784 A fire H398 [H8804] devoureth H6440 before H310 them; and behind H3852 them a flame H3857 [H8762] burneth H776 : the land H1588 is as the garden H5731 of Eden H6440 before H310 them, and behind H8077 them a desolate H4057 wilderness H6413 ; yea, and nothing shall escape them.
  4 H4758 The appearance H4758 of them is as the appearance H5483 of horses H6571 ; and as horsemen H7323 [H8799] , so shall they run.
  5 H6963 Like the noise H4818 of chariots H7218 on the tops H2022 of mountains H7540 [H8762] shall they leap H6963 , like the noise H3851 of a flame H784 of fire H398 [H8802] that devoureth H7179 the stubble H6099 , as a strong H5971 people H4421 set in battle H6186 [H8803] array.
  6 H6440 Before their face H5971 the people H2342 [H8799] shall be much pained H6440 : all faces H6908 [H8765] shall gather H6289 blackness.
  7 H7323 [H8799] They shall run H1368 like mighty men H5927 [H8799] ; they shall climb H2346 the wall H582 like men H4421 of war H3212 [H8799] ; and they shall march H376 every one H1870 on his ways H5670 [H8762] , and they shall not break H734 their ranks:
  8 H376 Neither shall one H1766 [H8799] thrust H251 another H3212 [H8799] ; they shall walk H1397 every one H4546 in his path H5307 [H8799] : and when they fall H7973 upon the sword H1214 [H8799] , they shall not be wounded.
  9 H8264 [H8799] They shall run to and fro H5892 in the city H7323 [H8799] ; they shall run H2346 upon the wall H5927 [H8799] , they shall climb H1004 upon the houses H935 [H8799] ; they shall enter in H2474 at the windows H1590 like a thief.
  10 H776 The earth H7264 [H8804] shall quake H6440 before H8064 them; the heavens H7493 [H8804] shall tremble H8121 : the sun H3394 and the moon H6937 [H8804] shall be dark H3556 , and the stars H622 [H8804] shall withdraw H5051 their shining:
  11 H3068 And the LORD H5414 [H8804] shall utter H6963 his voice H6440 before H2428 his army H4264 : for his camp H3966 is very H7227 great H6099 : for he is strong H6213 [H8802] that executeth H1697 his word H3117 : for the day H3068 of the LORD H1419 is great H3966 and very H3372 [H8737] terrible H3557 [H8686] ; and who can abide it?
Brenton(i) 2 for a day of darkness and gloominess is near, a day of cloud and mist: a numerous and strong people shall be spread upon the mountains as the morning; there has not been from the beginning one like it, and after it there shall not be again even to the years of many generations. 3 Before them is a consuming fire, and behind them is a flame kindled: the land before them is as a paradise of delight, and behind them a desolate plain: and there shall none of them escape. 4 Their appearance is as the appearance of horses; and as horsemen, so shall they pursue. 5 As the sound of chariots on the tops of mountains shall they leap, and as the sound of a flame of fire devouring stubble, and as a numerous and strong people setting themselves in array for battle. 6 Before them shall the people be crushed: every face shall be as the blackness of a caldron. 7 As warriors shall they run, and as men of war shall they mount on the walls; and each shall move in his right path, and they shall not turn aside from their tracks: 8 and not one shall stand aloof from his brother: they shall go on weighed down with their arms, and they fall upon their weapons, yet shall they in no wise be destroyed. 9 They shall seize upon the city, and run upon the walls, and go up upon the houses, and enter in through the windows as thieves. 10 Before them the earth shall be confounded, and the sky shall be shaken: the sun and the moon shall be darkened, and the stars shall withdraw their light. 11 And the Lord shall utter his voice before his host: for his camp is very great: for the execution of his words is mighty: for the day of the Lord is great, very glorious, and who shall be able to resist it?
Brenton_Greek(i) 2 ἡμέρα σκότους καὶ γνόφου, ἡμέρα νεφέλης καὶ ὁμίχλης· ὡς ὄρθρος χυθήσεται ἐπὶ τὰ ὄρη λαὸς πολὺς καὶ ἰσχυρός, ὅμοιος αὐτῷ οὐ γέγονεν ἀπὸ τοῦ αἰῶνος, καὶ μετʼ αὐτὸν οὐ προστεθήσεται ἕως ἐτῶν εἰς γενεὰς γενεῶν. 3 Τὰ ἔμπροσθεν αὐτοῦ πῦρ ἀναλίσκον, καὶ τὰ ὀπίσω αὐτοῦ ἀναπτομένη φλόξ· ὡς παράδεισος τρυφῆς ἡ γῆ πρὸ προσώπου αὐτοῦ, καὶ τὰ ὄπισθεν αὐτοῦ πεδίον ἀφανισμοῦ, καὶ ἀνασῳζόμενος οὐκ ἔσται αὐτῷ.
4 Ὡς ὅρασις ἵππων ἡ ὄψις αὐτῶν, καὶ ὡς ἱππεῖς οὕτως καταδιώξονται. 5 Ὡς φωνὴ ἁρμάτων ἐπὶ τὰς κορυφὰς τῶν ὀρέων ἐξαλοῦνται, καὶ ὡς φωνὴ φλογὸς πυρὸς κατεσθιούσης καλάμην, καὶ ὡς λαὸς πολὺς καὶ ἰσχυρὸς παρατασσόμενος εἰς πόλεμον. 6 Ἀπὸ προσώπου αὐτοῦ συντριβήσονται λαοὶ, πᾶν πρόσωπον ὡς πρόσκαυμα χύτρας. 7 Ὡς μαχηταὶ δραμοῦνται καὶ ὡς ἄνδρες πολεμισταί ἀναβήσονται ἐπὶ τὰ τείχη, καὶ ἕκαστος ἐν τῇ ὁδῷ αὐτοῦ πορεύσεται, καὶ οὐ μὴ ἐκκλίνουσι τὰς τρίβους αὐτῶν, 8 καὶ ἕκαστος ἀπὸ τοῦ ἀδελφοῦ αὐτοῦ οὐκ ἀφέξεται· καταβαρυνόμενοι ἐν τοῖς ὅπλοις αὐτῶν πορεύσονται, καὶ ἐν τοῖς βέλεσιν αὐτῶν πεσοῦνται, καὶ οὐ μὴ συντελεσθῶσι. 9 Τῆς πόλεως ἐπιλήψονται, καὶ ἐπὶ τῶν τειχέων δραμοῦνται, καὶ ἐπὶ τὰς οἰκίας ἀναβήσονται, καὶ διὰ θυρίδων εἰσελεύσονται ὡς κλέπται. 10 Πρὸ προσώπου αὐτῶν συγχυθήσεται ἡ γῆ, καὶ σεισθήσεται ὁ οὐρανός· ὁ ἥλιος καὶ ἡ σελήνη συσκοτάσουσι, καὶ τὰ ἄστρα δύσουσι τὸ φέγγος αὐτῶν. 11 Καὶ Κύριος δώσει φωνὴν αὐτοῦ πρὸ προσώπου δυνάμεως αὐτοῦ, ὅτι πολλή ἐστι σφόδρα ἡ παρεμβολὴ αὐτοῦ, ὅτι ἰσχυρὰ ἔργα λόγων αὐτοῦ· διότι μεγάλη ἡ ἡμέρα Κυρίου, ἐπιφανὴς σφόδρα, καὶ τίς ἔσται ἱκανὸς αὐτῇ;
Leeser(i) 2 It is a day of darkness and of gloom, a day of clouds and of tempestuous obscurity, like the morning-dawn spread out upon the mountains: a people numerous and strong, the like of which hath never been and after it there will be none any more, even to the years of all coming generations. 3 Before it devoureth a fire; and behind it singeth a flame: like the garden of ‘Eden was the land before it came, and after it is a desolate wilderness; yea, and nothing escapeth from it. 4 Like the appearance of horses is its appearance; and like horsemen, so do they run. 5 Like the noise of chariots on the tops of mountains do they leap; they are like the noise of a flame of fire consuming the stubble, as a strong people arrayed for a battle. 6 At its presence the people are much pained: all the faces are covered with blackness. 7 Like mighty men do they run; like men of war they climb up a wall; and they march every one on his own ways, and they turn not aside on their paths. 8 And they do not press one another; every one on his beaten track do they go forward: and they pass through between war-like weapons, and change not their purpose. 9 Into the city they hasten forward; on the wall they run; into the houses they climb up; through the windows they make their entrance like a thief. 10 Before them trembleth the earth; the heavens quake; the sun and the moon are obscured, and the stars withdraw their brightness. 11 And the Lord uttereth his voice before his army; for very numerous is his camp; for strong is he that executeth his word; for great is the day of the Lord and very terrible; and who is able to endure it?
YLT(i) 2 A day of darkness and thick darkness, A day of cloud and thick darkness, As darkness spread on the mountains, A people numerous and mighty, Like it there hath not been from of old, And after it there is not again—till the years of generation and generation. 3 Before it consumed hath fire, And after it burn doth a flame, As the garden of Eden is the land before it, And after it a wilderness—a desolation! And also an escape there hath not been to it, 4 As the appearance of horses is its appearance, And as horsemen, so they run. 5 As the noise of chariots, on the tops of the mountains they skip, As the noise of a flame of fire devouring stubble, As a mighty people set in array for battle. 6 From its face pained are peoples, All faces have gathered paleness. 7 As mighty ones they run, As men of war they go up a wall, And each in his own ways they do go, And they embarrass not their paths. 8 And each his brother they press not, Each in his way they go on, If by the missile they fall, they are not cut off. 9 In the city they run to and fro, On the wall they run, Into houses they go up by the windows, They go in as a thief. 10 At their face trembled hath the earth, Shaken have the heavens, Sun and moon have been black, And stars have gathered up their shining. 11 And Jehovah hath given forth His voice before His force, For very great is His camp, For mighty is the doer of His word, For great is the day of Jehovah—very fearful, And who doth bear it?
JuliaSmith(i) 2 A day of darkness and of thick darkness; a day of cloud and gloom as the morning spread upon the mountains: great and strong people; the like to him was not from forever, and after him there shall not be added even to the years of generation and generation. 3 Before him a fire devoured, and after him a flame shall burn; the land as the garden of Eden before him, and after him a desert of desolation; and also there was no escaping to him. 4 His appearance as the appearance of horses; and as horsemen so shall they run. 5 As the voice of chariots upon the heads of the mountains they shall leap, as the voice of a flame of fire devouring the stubble, as a strong people set in order for battle. 6 From his face peoples shall be pained: all faces gathered a glow. 7 They shall run as strong men; as men of war they shall come up upon the wall; and they shall go each in his ways; they shall not change their paths. 8 And they shall not thrust a man his brother; they shall go a man in his high way: and in the midst of the javelin shall they fall, they shall not be cut in pieces. 9 In the city they shall run up and down; on the wall shall they run, into the houses they shall come up, through the windows shall they come in as a thief. 10 The earth was moved before his face; the heavens trembled: the sun and the moon were darkened, and the stars took away their shining: 11 And Jehovah gave his voice before the face of his strength: for exceedingly great his camp, and strong he doing his word: for great the day of Jehovah, and exceedingly terrible; and who shall endure it?
Darby(i) 2 a day of darkness and gloom, a day of clouds and gross darkness, as the dawn spread upon the mountains; -- a great people and a strong; there hath not been ever the like, neither shall be any more after them, to the years of generations and generations. 3 A fire devoureth before them, and behind them a flame burneth; the land is as a garden of Eden before them, and behind them a desolate wilderness: yea, and nothing escapeth them. 4 The appearance of them is as the appearance of horses; and as horsemen, so they run. 5 Like the noise of chariots, on the tops of the mountains, they leap; like the noise of a flame of fire that devoureth the stubble, as a strong people set in battle array. 6 Before them the peoples are in anguish: all faces turn pale. 7 They run like mighty men; they climb the wall like men of war; and they march every one on his ways, and break not their ranks. 8 Neither doth one press upon another; they march every one in his path; and fall amid weapons, but are not wounded. 9 They spread themselves over the city; they run upon the wall; they climb up into the houses; they enter in by the windows like a thief. 10 The earth quaketh before them; the heavens tremble; the sun and the moon are darkened, and the stars withdraw their shining. 11 And Jehovah uttereth his voice before his army; for his camp is very great; for strong is he that executeth his word: for the day of Jehovah is great and very terrible; and who can bear it?
ERV(i) 2 a day of darkness and gloominess, a day of clouds and thick darkness, as the dawn spread upon the mountains; a great people and a strong, there hath not been ever the like, neither shall be any more after them, even to the years of many generations. 3 A fire devoureth before them; and behind them a flame burneth: the land is as the garden of Eden before them, and behind them a desolate wilderness; yea, and none hath escaped them. 4 The appearance of them is as the appearance of horses; and as horsemen, so do they run. 5 Like the noise of chariots on the tops of the mountains do they leap, like the noise of a flame of fire that devoureth the stubble, as a strong people set in battle array. 6 At their presence the peoples are in anguish: all faces are waxed pale. 7 They run like mighty men; they climb the wall like men of war; and they march every one on his ways, and they break not their ranks. 8 Neither doth one thrust another; they march every one in his path: and they burst through the weapons, and break not off [their course]. 9 They leap upon the city; they run upon the wall; they climb up into the houses; they enter in at the windows like a thief. 10 The earth quaketh before them; the heavens tremble: the sun and the moon are darkened, and the stars withdraw their shining: 11 And the LORD uttereth his voice before his army; for his camp is very great; for he is strong that executeth his word: for the day of the LORD is great and very terrible; and who can abide it?
ASV(i) 2 a day of darkness and gloominess, a day of clouds and thick darkness, as the dawn spread upon the mountains; a great people and a strong; there hath not been ever the like, neither shall be any more after them, even to the years of many generations. 3 A fire devoureth before them; and behind them a flame burneth: the land is as the garden of Eden before them, and behind them a desolate wilderness; yea, and none hath escaped them.
4 The appearance of them is as the appearance of horses; and as horsemen, so do they run. 5 Like the noise of chariots on the tops of the mountains do they leap, like the noise of a flame of fire that devoureth the stubble, as a strong people set in battle array. 6 At their presence the peoples are in anguish; all faces are waxed pale. 7 They run like mighty men; they climb the wall like men of war; and they march every one on his ways, and they break not their ranks. 8 Neither doth one thrust another; they march every one in his path; and they burst through the weapons, and break not off [their course]. 9 They leap upon the city; they run upon the wall; they climb up into the houses; they enter in at the windows like a thief. 10 The earth quaketh before them; the heavens tremble; the sun and the moon are darkened, and the stars withdraw their shining. 11 And Jehovah uttereth his voice before his army; for his camp is very great; for he is strong that executeth his word; for the day of Jehovah is great and very terrible; and who can abide it?
  2 H3117 a day H2822 of darkness H653 and gloominess, H3117 a day H6051 of clouds H6205 and thick darkness, H7837 as the dawn H6566 spread H2022 upon the mountains; H7227 a great H5971 people H6099 and a strong; H1961 there hath not been H5769 ever H3254 the like, neither shall be any more H310 after H8141 them, even to the years H1755 of many H1755 generations.
  3 H784 A fire H398 devoureth H6440 before H310 them; and behind H3852 them a flame H3857 burneth: H776 the land H1588 is as the garden H5731 of Eden H6440 before H310 them, and behind H8077 them a desolate H4057 wilderness; H6413 yea, and none hath escaped them.
  4 H4758 The appearance H4758 of them is as the appearance H5483 of horses; H6571 and as horsemen, H7323 so do they run.
  5 H6963 Like the noise H4818 of chariots H7218 on the tops H2022 of the mountains H7540 do they leap, H6963 like the noise H3851 of a flame H784 of fire H398 that devoureth H7179 the stubble, H6099 as a strong H5971 people H4421 set in battle H6186 array.
  6 H6440 At their presence H5971 the peoples H2342 are in anguish; H6440 all faces H6908 are waxed H6289 pale.
  7 H7323 They run H1368 like mighty men; H5927 they climb H2346 the wall H582 like men H4421 of war; H3212 and they march H376 every one H1870 on his ways, H5670 and they break H734 not their ranks.
  8 H376 Neither doth one H1766 thrust H251 another; H3212 they march H1397 every one H4546 in his path; H5307 and they burst through H7973 the weapons, H1214 and break not off their course.
  9 H8264 They leap H5892 upon the city; H7323 they run H2346 upon the wall; H5927 they climb up H1004 into the houses; H935 they enter in H2474 at the windows H1590 like a thief.
  10 H776 The earth H7264 quaketh H6440 before H8064 them; the heavens H7493 tremble; H8121 the sun H3394 and the moon H6937 are darkened, H3556 and the stars H622 withdraw H5051 their shining.
  11 H3068 And Jehovah H5414 uttereth H6963 his voice H6440 before H2428 his army; H4264 for his camp H3966 is very H7227 great; H6099 for he is strong H6213 that executeth H1697 his word; H3117 for the day H3068 of Jehovah H1419 is great H3966 and very H3372 terrible; H3557 and who can abide it?
JPS_ASV_Byz(i) 2 A day of darkness and gloominess, a day of clouds and thick darkness, as blackness spread upon the mountains; a great people and a mighty, there hath not been ever the like, neither shall be any more after them, even to the years of many generations. 3 A fire devoureth before them, and behind them a flame blazeth; the land is as the garden of Eden before them, and behind them a desolate wilderness; yea, and nothing escapeth them. 4 The appearance of them is as the appearance of horses; and as horsemen, so do they run. 5 Like the noise of chariots, on the tops of the mountains do they leap, like the noise of a flame of fire that devoureth the stubble, as a mighty people set in battle array. 6 At their presence the peoples are in anguish; all faces have gathered blackness. 7 They run like mighty men, they climb the wall like men of war; and they move on every one in his ways, and they entangle not their paths. 8 Neither doth one thrust another, they march every one in his highway; and they break through the weapons, and suffer no harm. 9 They leap upon the city, they run upon the wall, they climb up into the houses; they enter in at the windows like a thief. 10 Before them the earth quaketh, the heavens tremble; the sun and the moon are become black, and the stars withdraw their shining. 11 And the LORD uttereth His voice before His army; for His camp is very great, for he is mighty that executeth His word; for great is the day of the LORD and very terrible; and who can abide it?
Rotherham(i) 2 A day of obscurity and deep gloom, a day of cloud, and thick darkness, as dusk, spread over the mountains,––a people, many and bold, like whom, hath not been from age–past times, and, after whom, shall not be again unto the years of generation after generation. 3 Before him, hath a fire, devoured, and, after him, shall a flame, consume,––As the garden of Eden, is the land before him, but, after him, a desert most desolate, Moreover also, escape, giveth he none. 4 As the appearance of horses, is his appearance, and, as war–horses, so, shall they run: 5 Like the noise of chariots on the tops of the mountains, shall they rattle along, like the noise of a flame of fire, devouring dry straw,––like a people bold, arrayed for battle. 6 Because of him, shall peoples’, be in anguish,––all faces, have withdrawn their colour. 7 Like heroes, shall they run, like men of war, shall they mount a wall,––and, every one––along his own road, shall they march along, and shall not change their paths; 8 Nor, against each other, shall they strike, Each––on his own highway, shall they march,––though, in among the weapons, they fall, they shall not stop. 9 Upon the city, shall they leap, on the wall, shall they run, up the houses, shall they climb,––through the windows, shall they enter, like a thief, 10 Before him, hath quaked the earth, have trembled the heavens,––the sun and the moon, have become dark, and, the stars, have withdrawn their shining; 11 And, Yahweh, hath uttered his voice, before his host, for great indeed is his camp, for bold is he who executeth his word,––for great is the day of Yahweh, and awful exceedingly, Who then shall endure it?
CLV(i) 2 A day of darkness and gloominess, a day of cloud and murkiness, as the dawn spread on the mountains. A people numerous and staunch:Like it, it has not occurred from the eon, and after it, it shall not be again, unto years of generation after generation." 3 Before it a fire devours, and behind it is a blaze flaming. As a luxuriant garden is the land before it, yet behind it is a wilderness desolation. And, moreover, a deliverance comes not to it." 4 As the appearance of horses is its appearance, and as horsemen, so are they running." 5 As the sound of chariots on the mountain tops are they dancing along, as the sound of a blaze of fire devouring straw, as a people numerous and staunch, arranged for battle." 6 Before its face are the peoples travailing; all faces are feverish with frustration. 7 As masters are they running. As mortals of war are they ascending a wall. And they are going, each man in his own ways, and their paths are not crossing." 8 And they are not jostling, each man his brother; they are going, each master in his file, and about the javelin they are falling in; they are not clipping their ranks." 9 In the city are they prowling; on the wall are they running; into the houses are they ascending; through the windows are they entering, as a thief." 10 Before it the earth is disturbed; the heavens quake, the sun and the moon are somber, and the stars gather in their brightness." 11 And Yahweh gives forth His voice before His army, for exceedingly numerous is His camp, for staunch is the doer of His word. For great is the day of Yahweh and exceedingly fearful, and who shall endure it?
BBE(i) 2 For a day of dark and deep shade is near, a day of cloud and black night: like a black cloud a great and strong people is covering the mountains; there has never been any like them and will not be after them again, from generation to generation. 3 Before them fire sends destruction, and after them flame is burning: the land is like the garden of Eden before them, and after them an unpeopled waste; truly, nothing has been kept safe from them. 4 Their form is like the form of horses, and they are running like war-horses. 5 Like the sound of war-carriages they go jumping on the tops of the mountains; like the noise of a flame of fire burning up the grain-stems, like a strong people lined up for the fight. 6 At their coming the people are bent with pain: all faces become red together. 7 They are running like strong men, they go over the wall like men of war; every man goes straight on his way, their lines are not broken. 8 No one is pushing against another; everyone goes straight on his way: bursting through the sword points, their order is not broken. 9 They make a rush on the town, running on the wall; they go up into the houses and in through the windows like a thief. 10 The earth is troubled before them and the heavens are shaking: the sun and the moon have become dark, and the stars keep back their shining: 11 And the Lord is thundering before his forces; for very great is his army; for he is strong who gives effect to his word: for the day of the Lord is great and greatly to be feared, and who has strength against it?
MKJV(i) 2 a day of darkness and of gloominess, a day of clouds and of thick darkness, as the morning spread on the mountains; a great people and a strong people; there has not been ever the like, nor shall there ever be again, even to the years of many generations. 3 A fire devours before them, and behind them a flame burns. The land is as the garden of Eden before them, and behind them a desolate wilderness. Yes, and nothing shall escape them. 4 As the appearance of horses is its appearance; and as war horses, so they run. 5 They shall leap like the noise of chariots on the tops of mountains, like the noise of a flame of fire that devours the stubble, like a strong people set in battle order. 6 Before their face the people shall be much pained; all faces shall gather blackness. 7 They shall run like mighty ones. They shall climb the wall like men of war, and they shall march each one on his way, and they shall not break their ranks. 8 And each one shall not press his brother; they each go in his paths. And if they fall behind their weapons, they shall not be cut off. 9 They shall rush on the city; they shall run on the wall; they shall climb up on the houses; they shall enter in at the windows like a thief. 10 The earth shall tremble before them; the heavens shall shake. The sun and the moon shall grow dark, and the stars shall gather in their light. 11 And Jehovah shall utter His voice before His army; for His camp is very great; for strong is He who does His Word. For the day of Jehovah is great and very terrible; and who can stand it?
LITV(i) 2 a day of darkness and gloominess, a day of clouds and thick darkness, as the dawn spread out on the mountains, a great and a strong people. There has never been the like, nor shall there ever be again to the years of many generations; 3 a fire devours before it, and a flame burns behind it. The land is as the garden of Eden before them, and behind them is a desolate wilderness; yea, also there is no escape to them. 4 Their appearance is like horses; and as war horses, so they run. 5 They shall leap like the noise of chariots on the tops of the mountains, like the noise of flames of fire that devour the chaff, as a strong people set in order for battle. 6 Before their face, the people shall be pained; all faces collect heat. 7 They shall run as mighty ones; they shall go up the wall as men of war. And they each go on his way, and they do not change their paths. 8 And each does not press his brother; they each go in his paths. And if they fall behind their weapon, they shall not be cut off. 9 They shall rush on the city; they shall run on the wall; they shall climb up on the houses; they shall enter in by the windows, like a thief. 10 The earth shall quake before them, the heavens shall shake. The sun and moon shall grow dark, and the stars shall gather in their light. 11 And Jehovah shall give His voice before His army, for His camp is very great. For he who does His word is strong. For the day of Jehovah is very great and terrifying, and who can endure it?
ECB(i) 2 a day of dripping darkness and of darkness; a day of clouds and of thick darkness as the dawn spread on the mountains: a great people and a mighty; neither became the like eternally nor adds to become afterward to the years of generation and generation. 3 A fire consumes at their face; and behind them a flame inflames: the land is as the garden of Eden at their face, and behind them a desolate wilderness; yes, and there are no escapees. 4 Their visage is as the visage of horses; and as cavalry, thus they run: 5 as the voice of chariots on the mountain tops, they dance; - as the voice of a flame of fire consumes the stubble - as a mighty people set in war array. 6 In front of their face the people writhe: all faces gather flushness: 7 they run as the mighty; they ascend the wall as men of war; and every man marches on his ways: and they neither entangle their paths 8 nor man thrust brother: they walk all their mighty in the highway: and when they fall on the sword, they are not cut off. 9 They run to and fro in the city; they run on the wall; they ascend on the houses; they enter at the windows as a thief: 10 the earth quakes at their face; the heavens quake; the sun and the moon darken; and the stars gather their brilliance: 11 and Yah Veh gives his voice at the face of his valiant; for his camp is mighty great: for he who works his word is mighty: for the day of Yah Veh is great and mighty awesome; and who can contain it?
ACV(i) 2 a day of darkness and gloominess, a day of clouds and thick darkness, as the dawn spreads upon the mountains, a great people and a strong, there has not ever been the like, nor shall be any more after them, even to the years of many generations. 3 A fire devours before them, and behind them a flame burns. The land is as the garden of Eden before them, and behind them a desolate wilderness. Yea, and none has escaped them. 4 The appearance of them is as the appearance of horses, and as horsemen, so do they run. 5 They leap like the noise of chariots on the tops of the mountains, like the noise of a flame of fire that devours the stubble, as a strong people set in battle array. 6 At their presence the peoples are in anguish; all faces have grown pale. 7 They run like mighty men. They climb the wall like men of war, and they march each one on his ways. And they do not break their ranks. 8 Neither does one push another. They march each one in his path, and they burst through the weapons, and do not break off. 9 They leap upon the city. They run upon the wall. They climb up into the houses. They enter in at the windows like a thief. 10 The earth quakes before them. The heavens tremble. The sun and the moon are darkened, and the stars withdraw their shining. 11 And LORD utters his voice before his army, for his camp is very great. For he is strong who executes his word. For the day of LORD is great and very fearful, and who can abide it?
WEB(i) 2 A day of darkness and gloominess, a day of clouds and thick darkness. As the dawn spreading on the mountains, a great and strong people; there has never been the like, neither will there be any more after them, even to the years of many generations. 3 A fire devours before them, and behind them, a flame burns. The land is as the garden of Eden before them, and behind them, a desolate wilderness. Yes, and no one has escaped them. 4 Their appearance is as the appearance of horses, and they run as horsemen. 5 Like the noise of chariots on the tops of the mountains, they leap, like the noise of a flame of fire that devours the stubble, like a strong people set in battle array. 6 At their presence the peoples are in anguish. All faces have grown pale. 7 They run like mighty men. They climb the wall like warriors. They each march in his line, and they don’t swerve off course. 8 Neither does one jostle another; they march everyone in his path, and they burst through the defenses, and don’t break ranks. 9 They rush on the city. They run on the wall. They climb up into the houses. They enter in at the windows like thieves. 10 The earth quakes before them. The heavens tremble. The sun and the moon are darkened, and the stars withdraw their shining. 11 Yahweh thunders his voice before his army; for his forces are very great; for he is strong who obeys his command; for the day of Yahweh is great and very awesome, and who can endure it?
  2 H3117 A day H2822 of darkness H653 and gloominess, H3117 a day H6051 of clouds H6205 and thick darkness. H7837 As the dawn H6566 spreading H2022 on the mountains, H7227 a great H6099 and strong H5971 people; H5769 there has never H1961 been H3254 the like, neither will there be any more H310 after H8141 them, even to the years H1755 of many H1755 generations.
  3 H784 A fire H398 devours H6440 before H310 them, and behind H3852 them, a flame H3857 burns. H776 The land H1588 is as the garden H5731 of Eden H6440 before H310 them, and behind H8077 them, a desolate H4057 wilderness. H6413 Yes, and no one has escaped them.
  4 H4758 Their appearance H4758 is as the appearance H5483 of horses, H6571 and as horsemen, H7323 so do they run.
  5 H6963 Like the noise H4818 of chariots H7218 on the tops H2022 of the mountains H7540 do they leap, H6963 like the noise H3851 of a flame H784 of fire H398 that devours H7179 the stubble, H6099 as a strong H5971 people H4421 set in battle H6186 array.
  6 H6440 At their presence H5971 the peoples H2342 are in anguish. H6440 All faces H6908 have grown H6289 pale.
  7 H7323 They run H1368 like mighty men. H5927 They climb H2346 the wall H4421 like warriors. H582   H376 They each H3212 march H1870 in his line, H5670 and they don't swerve H734 off course.
  8 H376 Neither does one H1766 jostle H251 another; H3212 they march H1397 everyone H4546 in his path, H5307 and they burst H7973 through the defenses, H1214 and don't break ranks.
  9 H8264 They rush H5892 on the city. H7323 They run H2346 on the wall. H5927 They climb up H1004 into the houses. H935 They enter in H2474 at the windows H1590 like thieves.
  10 H776 The earth H7264 quakes H6440 before H8064 them. The heavens H7493 tremble. H8121 The sun H3394 and the moon H6937 are darkened, H3556 and the stars H622 withdraw H5051 their shining.
  11 H3068 Yahweh H5414 thunders H6963 his voice H6440 before H2428 his army; H4264 for his forces H3966 are very H7227 great; H6099 for he is strong H6213 who obeys H1697 his command; H3117 for the day H3068 of Yahweh H1419 is great H3966 and very H3372 awesome, H3557 and who can endure it?
NHEB(i) 2 A day of darkness and gloominess, a day of clouds and thick darkness. As blackness spreading on the mountains a great and powerful people; there has never been the like, neither will there be any more after them, even after the years of many generations. 3 A fire devours before them, and behind them, a flame burns. The land is as the garden of Eden before them, and behind them, a desolate wilderness. Yes, and no one has escaped them. 4 The appearance of them is as the appearance of horses, and as horsemen, so do they run. 5 Like the noise of chariots on the tops of the mountains do they leap, like the noise of a flame of fire that devours the stubble, as a mighty people drawn up for battle. 6 At their presence the peoples are in anguish. All faces have grown pale. 7 They run like mighty men. They climb the wall like warriors. They each march in his line, and they do not swerve off course. 8 Neither does one jostle another; they march everyone in his path, and they burst through the defenses, and do not break ranks. 9 They rush on the city. They run on the wall. They climb up into the houses. They enter in at the windows like thieves. 10 The earth quakes before them. The heavens tremble. The sun and the moon are darkened, and the stars withdraw their shining. 11 The LORD thunders his voice before his army; for his forces are very great; for he is strong who obeys his command; for the day of the LORD is great and very awesome, and who can endure it?
AKJV(i) 2 A day of darkness and of gloominess, a day of clouds and of thick darkness, as the morning spread on the mountains: a great people and a strong; there has not been ever the like, neither shall be any more after it, even to the years of many generations. 3 A fire devours before them; and behind them a flame burns: the land is as the garden of Eden before them, and behind them a desolate wilderness; yes, and nothing shall escape them. 4 The appearance of them is as the appearance of horses; and as horsemen, so shall they run. 5 Like the noise of chariots on the tops of mountains shall they leap, like the noise of a flame of fire that devours the stubble, as a strong people set in battle array. 6 Before their face the people shall be much pained: all faces shall gather blackness. 7 They shall run like mighty men; they shall climb the wall like men of war; and they shall march every one on his ways, and they shall not break their ranks: 8 Neither shall one thrust another; they shall walk every one in his path: and when they fall on the sword, they shall not be wounded. 9 They shall run to and fro in the city; they shall run on the wall, they shall climb up on the houses; they shall enter in at the windows like a thief. 10 The earth shall quake before them; the heavens shall tremble: the sun and the moon shall be dark, and the stars shall withdraw their shining: 11 And the LORD shall utter his voice before his army: for his camp is very great: for he is strong that executes his word: for the day of the LORD is great and very terrible; and who can abide it?
  2 H3117 A day H2822 of darkness H653 and of gloominess, H3117 a day H6051 of clouds H6205 and of thick darkness, H7837 as the morning H6566 spread H2022 on the mountains: H7227 a great H5971 people H6099 and a strong; H1961 there has not been H5769 ever H3644 the like, H3808 neither H3254 shall be any more H310 after H8141 it, even to the years H1755 of many generations.
  3 H784 A fire H398 devours H6440 before H310 them; and behind H3852 them a flame H3857 burns: H776 the land H1588 is as the garden H5731 of Eden H6440 before H310 them, and behind H8077 them a desolate H4057 wilderness; H1571 yes, H3808 and nothing H6413 shall escape them.
  4 H4758 The appearance H4758 of them is as the appearance H5483 of horses; H6571 and as horsemen, H3651 so H7323 shall they run.
  5 H6963 Like the noise H4818 of chariots H5921 on H7218 the tops H2022 of mountains H7540 shall they leap, H6963 like the noise H3851 of a flame H784 of fire H398 that devours H7179 the stubble, H6099 as a strong H5971 people H4421 set in battle H6186 array.
  6 H6440 Before their face H5971 the people H2342 shall be much pained: H3605 all H6440 faces H6908 shall gather H6289 blackness.
  7 H7323 They shall run H1368 like mighty H5927 men; they shall climb H2346 the wall H582 like men H4421 of war; H3212 and they shall march H376 every H376 one H1870 on his ways, H5670 and they shall not break H734 their ranks:
  8 H3808 Neither H376 shall one H1766 thrust H251 another; H3212 they shall walk H1397 every H1397 one H4546 in his path: H5307 and when they fall H7973 on the sword, H1214 they shall not be wounded.
  9 H8264 They shall run H8264 to and fro H5892 in the city; H7323 they shall run H2346 on the wall, H5927 they shall climb H1004 up on the houses; H935 they shall enter H1157 in at H2474 the windows H1590 like a thief.
  10 H776 The earth H7264 shall quake H6440 before H8064 them; the heavens H7493 shall tremble: H8121 the sun H3394 and the moon H6937 shall be dark, H3556 and the stars H622 shall withdraw H5051 their shining:
  11 H3068 And the LORD H5414 shall utter H6963 his voice H6440 before H2428 his army: H4264 for his camp H3960 is very H7227 great: H6099 for he is strong H6213 that executes H1697 his word: H3117 for the day H3068 of the LORD H1419 is great H3960 and very H3372 terrible; H4310 and who H3557 can abide it?
KJ2000(i) 2 A day of darkness and of gloominess, a day of clouds and of thick darkness, as the morning spread upon the mountains: a great and strong people; there has not been ever the like, neither shall be any more after it, through the years of many generations. 3 A fire devours before them; and behind them a flame burns: the land is as the garden of Eden before them, and behind them a desolate wilderness; yea, and nothing shall escape them. 4 The appearance of them is as the appearance of horses; and as horsemen, so shall they run. 5 Like the noise of chariots on the tops of mountains shall they leap, like the noise of a flame of fire that devours the stubble, as a strong people set in battle array. 6 Before their face the people shall be in great pain: all faces are drained of color. 7 They shall run like mighty men; they shall climb the wall like men of war; and they shall march each one on his way, and they shall not break their ranks: 8 Neither shall one jostle another; they shall walk each one in his path: and when they lunge between the swords, they shall not be wounded. 9 They shall run to and fro in the city; they shall run upon the wall, they shall climb up upon the houses; they shall enter in at the windows like a thief. 10 The earth shall quake before them; the heavens shall tremble: the sun and the moon shall be dark, and the stars shall withdraw their shining: 11 And the LORD shall utter his voice before his army: for his camp is very great: for he is strong that executes his word: for the day of the LORD is great and very terrible; and who can endure it?
UKJV(i) 2 A day of darkness and of gloominess, a day of clouds and of thick darkness, as the morning spread upon the mountains: a great people and a strong; there has not been ever the like, neither shall be any more after it, even to the years of many generations. 3 A fire devours before them; and behind them a flame burns: the land is as the garden of Eden before them, and behind them a desolate wilderness; yea, and nothing shall escape them. 4 The appearance of them is as the appearance of horses; and as horsemen, so shall they run. 5 Like the noise of chariots on the tops of mountains shall they leap, like the noise of a flame of fire that devours the stubble, as a strong people set in battle array. 6 Before their face the people shall be much pained: all faces shall gather blackness. 7 They shall run like mighty men; they shall climb the wall like men of war; and they shall march every one on his ways, and they shall not break their ranks: 8 Neither shall one thrust another; they shall walk every one in his path: and when they fall upon the sword, they shall not be wounded. 9 They shall run back and forth in the city; they shall run upon the wall, they shall climb up upon the houses; they shall enter in at the windows like a thief. 10 The earth shall quake before them; the heavens shall tremble: the sun and the moon shall be dark, and the stars shall withdraw their shining: 11 And the LORD shall utter his voice before his army: for his camp is very great: for he is strong that executes his word: for the day of the LORD is great and very terrible; and who can abide it?
  2 H3117 A day H2822 of darkness H653 and of gloominess, H3117 a day H6051 of clouds H6205 and of thick darkness, H7837 as the morning H6566 spread H2022 upon the mountains: H7227 a great H5971 people H6099 and a strong; H1961 there has not been H5769 ever H3254 the like, neither shall be any more H310 after H8141 it, even to the years H1755 of many H1755 generations.
  3 H784 A fire H398 devours H6440 before H310 them; and behind H3852 them a flame H3857 burns: H776 the land H1588 is as the garden H5731 of Eden H6440 before H310 them, and behind H8077 them a desolate H4057 wilderness; H6413 Yes, and nothing shall escape them.
  4 H4758 The appearance H4758 of them is as the appearance H5483 of horses; H6571 and as horsemen, H7323 so shall they run.
  5 H6963 Like the noise H4818 of chariots H7218 on the tops H2022 of mountains H7540 shall they leap, H6963 like the noise H3851 of a flame H784 of fire H398 that devours H7179 the stubble, H6099 as a strong H5971 people H4421 set in battle H6186 array.
  6 H6440 Before their face H5971 the people H2342 shall be much pained: H6440 all faces H6908 shall gather H6289 blackness.
  7 H7323 They shall run H1368 like mighty men; H5927 they shall climb H2346 the wall H582 like men H4421 of war; H3212 and they shall march H376 every one H1870 on his ways, H5670 and they shall not break H734 their ranks:
  8 H376 Neither shall one H1766 thrust H251 another; H3212 they shall walk H1397 every one H4546 in his path: H5307 and when they fall H7973 upon the sword, H1214 they shall not be wounded.
  9 H8264 They shall run to and forth H5892 in the city; H7323 they shall run H2346 upon the wall, H5927 they shall climb up H1004 upon the houses; H935 they shall enter in H2474 at the windows H1590 like a thief.
  10 H776 The earth H7264 shall quake H6440 before H8064 them; the heavens H7493 shall tremble: H8121 the sun H3394 and the moon H6937 shall be dark, H3556 and the stars H622 shall withdraw H5051 their shining:
  11 H3068 And the Lord H5414 shall utter H6963 his voice H6440 before H2428 his army: H4264 for his camp H3966 is very H7227 great: H6099 for he is strong H6213 that executes H1697 his word: H3117 for the day H3068 of the Lord H1419 is great H3966 and very H3372 terrible; H3557 and who can survive it?
EJ2000(i) 2 a day of darkness and of gloominess, a day of clouds and of shadow that spreads itself upon the mountains as the dawn: a people great and strong; there has not ever been the like, neither shall there be any more after him, even to the years of many generations. 3 A fire devours before him and behind him a flame burns: the earth is as the garden of Eden before him, and behind him a desolate wilderness; neither shall anyone escape him. 4 His appearance is as the appearance of horses; and as horsemen, so shall they run. 5 Like the thunder of chariots they shall leap over the tops of mountains, like the noise of a flame of fire that devours the stubble, as a strong people set in battle array. 6 Before him the peoples shall fear: all faces shall go pale. 7 They shall run like mighty men; they shall climb the wall like men of war, and they shall march each one in his ways, and they shall not break his ranks. 8 No one shall crowd his companion; they shall walk each one in his path: and even falling upon the sword, they shall not be wounded. 9 They shall go through the city; they shall run upon the wall; they shall climb up upon the houses; they shall enter in at the windows like a thief. 10 The earth shall quake before him; the heavens shall tremble: the sun and the moon shall go dark; and the stars shall withdraw their shining: 11 and the LORD shall utter his voice before his army: for many are his camps and strong, that execute his word; for the day of the LORD is great, and very terrible; and who can abide it?
CAB(i) 2 for a day of darkness and gloominess is near, a day of cloud and mist; a numerous and strong people shall be spread upon the mountains as the morning; there has not been one like it from the beginning, and after it there shall not be again, even to the years of many generations. 3 Before them is a consuming fire, and behind them is a flame kindled; the land before them is as a paradise of delight, and behind them a desolate plain, and none of them shall escape. 4 Their appearance is as the appearance of horses, and as horsemen, so shall they pursue. 5 As the sound of chariots on the tops of mountains shall they leap, and as the sound of a flame of fire devouring stubble, and as a numerous and strong people setting themselves in array for battle. 6 Before them shall the people be crushed; every face shall be as the blackness of a caldron. 7 As warriors shall they run, and as men of war shall they mount on the walls; and each shall move in his right path, and they shall not turn aside from their tracks; 8 and not one shall stand aloof from his brother: they shall go on weighed down with their arms, and they fall upon their weapons, yet shall they in no way be destroyed. 9 They shall seize upon the city, and run upon the walls, and go up upon the houses, and enter in through the windows as thieves. 10 Before them the earth shall be confounded, and the sky shall be shaken: the sun and the moon shall be darkened, and the stars shall withdraw their light. 11 And the Lord shall utter His voice before His army, for His camp is very great; for the execution of His words is mighty; for the day of the Lord is great, very glorious, and who shall be able to resist it?
LXX2012(i) 2 for a day of darkness and gloominess is near, a day of cloud and mist: a numerous and strong people shall be spread upon the mountains as the morning; there has not been from the beginning one like it, and after it there shall not be again even to the years of many generations. 3 Before them is a consuming fire, and behind them is a flame kindled: the land before them is as a paradise of delight, and behind them a desolate plain: and there shall none of them escape. 4 Their appearance is as the appearance of horses; and as horsemen, so shall they pursue. 5 As the sound of chariots on the tops of mountains shall they leap, and as the sound of a flame of fire devouring stubble, and as a numerous and strong people setting themselves in array for battle. 6 Before them shall the people be crushed: every face [shall be] as the blackness of a caldron. 7 As warriors shall they run, and as men of war shall they mount on the walls; and each shall move in his [right] path, and they shall not turn aside from their tracks: 8 and not one shall stand aloof from his brother: they shall go on weighed down with their arms, and they fall upon their weapons, yet shall they in no wise be destroyed. 9 They shall seize upon the city, and run upon the walls, and go up upon the houses, and enter in through the windows as thieves. 10 Before them the earth shall be confounded, and the sky shall be shaken: the sun and the moon shall be darkened, and the stars shall withdraw their light. 11 And the Lord shall utter his voice before his host: for his camp is very great: for the execution of his words is mighty: for the day of the Lord is great, very glorious, and who shall be able to [resist] it?
NSB(i) 2 »It is a day of darkness and gloom! It is a day of clouds and thick darkness! The dawn spreads upon the mountains. This great and mighty people have never seen anything like this. Nor will it be like this again even to the years of many generations. 3 »A fire devours before them and behind them a flame burns! The land is like the Garden of Eden before them, and behind them a desolate wilderness. Yes, none have escaped them. 4 »Their appearance is like the appearance of horses. They run like horsemen into war. 5 »Like the noise of chariots they leap on the tops of the mountains. It is like the noise of a flame of fire that devours the stubble. They are a strong people set in battle array. 6 »At their presence the peoples are in anguish; all faces are waxed pale. 7 »They run like mighty men. They climb the wall like men of war. They march every one on his way and do not break their ranks. 8 »They do not crowd each other. They march every one in his path. They burst through the weapons and do not break ranks. 9 »They rush to the city. They run on the wall. They climb into the houses. They enter in at the windows like a thief. 10 »The earth quakes before them. The heavens tremble! The sun and the moon are darkened, and the stars cease to shine. 11 »Jehovah speaks before his army. His camp is very great! He is strong that executes his word. The Day of Jehovah is great and very terrible! Who can endure it?«
ISV(i) 2 A day of doom and gloom, a day of clouds and shadows like the dawn spreads out to cover the mountains— a people strong and robust. Never has there been anything like it, neither will anything follow to compare with it, even through the lifetime of generation upon generation.”
3 Joel’s Description of the Approaching Army“A fire blazes in their presence, and behind them a conflagration rages. Before they come, the land is like the garden in Eden; after they leave, there is only a barren wasteland. Indeed, nothing escapes them. 4 As to their form, they’re like horses; and like chariot horses, how they can run! 5 They leap like the rumbling of chariots echoing from mountain tops, like the roar of wild fire that devours the chaff, as an army firmly established in battle array. 6 The people are terrified in their presence; every face grows pale. 7 They run like elite soldiers, climbing ramparts like men trained for war. Each man advances in proper order, never breaking rank. 8 Neither does a man crowd his fellow soldier; each one marches in his own path. When they fall by the sword they are not injured. 9 They swarm through the city, running upon its ramparts. Climbing atop the houses, they enter through windows like a thief.”
10 Great is the Day of the LORD“The land quivers in their presence; even the heavens shake. The sun and moon will grow dark, and the stars will stop shining. 11 The LORD will shout in the presence of his forces, because his encampment is very great; for powerful is he who carries out his message. Truly the Day of the LORD is great, and very terrifying. Who will be able to survive it?”
LEB(i) 2 A day of darkness and gloom, a day of cloud and thick darkness, like the dawn spreads on the mountains, a great and strong army! There has been nothing like it from old, and after it nothing will be again for generations to come.* 3 Before them* a fire devours, and behind them a flame burns. Like the garden of Eden is the land before them,* and after them it is like a desolate desert, and nothing can escape them. 4 Like the appearance of horses is their appearance, and like horsemen they run; 5 like the sound of chariots on the tops of the mountains, they leap about; like the sound of a flame of fire devouring stubble; like a strong army arranged in rows for battle. 6 From before them* nations writhe, all faces turn pale.* 7 They run like mighty warriors,* they scale the wall like men of war; each goes on its own way, and they do not swerve from their paths. 8 They do not jostle one another;* each goes on its own trail; and through the falling weapons,* they are not halted. 9 In the city they rush forth; on the walls* they run. Into the houses they climb up; through the windows they enter like a thief. 10 Before them* the earth quakes; the heavens tremble; the sun and the moon grow dark, and the stars have withheld* their splendor 11 And Yahweh utters* his voice before his army, because his encampment is very large; strong is the one who carries out his decree, for great is the day of Yahweh and exceedingly fearful. Who can endure it?
BSB(i) 2 a day of darkness and gloom, a day of clouds and blackness. Like the dawn overspreading the mountains a great and strong army appears, such as never was of old, nor will ever be in ages to come. 3 Before them a fire devours, and behind them a flame scorches. The land before them is like the Garden of Eden, but behind them, it is like a desert wasteland—surely nothing will escape them. 4 Their appearance is like that of horses, and they gallop like swift steeds. 5 With a sound like that of chariots they bound over the mountaintops, like the crackling of fire consuming stubble, like a mighty army deployed for battle. 6 Nations writhe in horror before them; every face turns pale. 7 They charge like mighty men; they scale the walls like men of war. Each one marches in formation, not swerving from the course. 8 They do not jostle one another; each proceeds in his path. They burst through the defenses, never breaking ranks. 9 They storm the city; they run along the wall; they climb into houses, entering through windows like thieves. 10 Before them the earth quakes; the heavens tremble. The sun and moon grow dark, and the stars lose their brightness. 11 The LORD raises His voice in the presence of His army. Indeed, His camp is very large, for mighty are those who obey His command. For the Day of the LORD is great and very dreadful. Who can endure it?
MSB(i) 2 a day of darkness and gloom, a day of clouds and blackness. Like the dawn overspreading the mountains a great and strong army appears, such as never was of old, nor will ever be in ages to come. 3 Before them a fire devours, and behind them a flame scorches. The land before them is like the Garden of Eden, but behind them, it is like a desert wasteland—surely nothing will escape them. 4 Their appearance is like that of horses, and they gallop like swift steeds. 5 With a sound like that of chariots they bound over the mountaintops, like the crackling of fire consuming stubble, like a mighty army deployed for battle. 6 Nations writhe in horror before them; every face turns pale. 7 They charge like mighty men; they scale the walls like men of war. Each one marches in formation, not swerving from the course. 8 They do not jostle one another; each proceeds in his path. They burst through the defenses, never breaking ranks. 9 They storm the city; they run along the wall; they climb into houses, entering through windows like thieves. 10 Before them the earth quakes; the heavens tremble. The sun and moon grow dark, and the stars lose their brightness. 11 The LORD raises His voice in the presence of His army. Indeed, His camp is very large, for mighty are those who obey His command. For the Day of the LORD is great and very dreadful. Who can endure it?
MLV(i) 2 a day of darkness and gloominess, a day of clouds and thick darkness, as the dawn spreads upon the mountains, a great people and a strong, there has not been the like, everlasting, nor will be any more after them, even to the years of generations to generations.
3 A fire devours before them and behind them a flame burns. The land is as the garden of Eden before them and behind them a desolate wilderness. Yes and none has escaped them.
4 The appearance of them is as the appearance of horses and as horsemen, so do they run. 5 They leap like the noise of chariots on the tops of the mountains, like the noise of a flame of fire that devours the stubble, as a strong people set in battle array. 6 At their presence the peoples are in anguish; all faces have grown pale.
7 They run like mighty men. They climb the wall like men of war and they march each one on his ways. And they do not break their ranks. 8 Neither does one push another. They march each one in his path and they burst through the weapons and do not break off. 9 They leap upon the city. They run upon the wall. They climb up into the houses. They enter in at the windows like a thief. 10 The earth quakes before them. The heavens tremble. The sun and the moon are darkened and the stars withdraw their shining.
11 And Jehovah utters his voice before his army, for his camp is very great. For he is strong who executes his word. For the day of Jehovah is great and very fearful and who can abide it?
VIN(i) 2 A day of darkness and gloom, a day of cloud and thick darkness, like the dawn spreads on the mountains, a great and strong army! There has been nothing like it from old, and after it nothing will be again for generations to come. 3 A fire devoureth before them, and behind them a flame blazeth; the land is as the garden of Eden before them, and behind them a desolate wilderness; yea, and nothing escapeth them. 4 Their form is like the form of horses, and they are running like war-horses. 5 As the noise of chariots, on the tops of the mountains they skip, As the noise of a flame of fire devouring stubble, As a mighty people set in array for battle. 6 Before them the peoples are in anguish: all faces turn pale. 7 They run like mighty men, they climb the wall like warriors. They each march in his line, and they don't swerve off course. 8 "They do not crowd each other. They march every one in his path. They burst through the weapons and do not break ranks. 9 "They rush to the city. They run on the wall. They climb into the houses. They enter in at the windows like a thief. 10 Before them the earth quaketh, the heavens tremble; the sun and the moon are become black, and the stars withdraw their shining. 11 The LORD thunders his voice before his army; for his forces are very great; for he is strong who obeys his command; for the day of the LORD is great and very awesome, and who can endure it?
Luther1545(i) 2 Ein finstrer Tag, ein dunkler Tag, ein wolkiger Tag, ein nebliger Tag, gleichwie sich die Morgenröte ausbreitet über die Berge, nämlich ein groß und mächtig Volk desgleichen vorhin nicht gewesen ist und hinfort nicht sein wird zu ewigen Zeiten für und für. 3 Vor ihm her gehet ein verzehrend Feuer und nach ihm eine brennende Flamme. Das Land ist vor ihm wie ein Lustgarten, aber nach ihm wie eine wüste Einöde; und niemand wird ihm entgehen. 4 Sie sind gestaltet wie Rosse und rennen wie die Reiter. 5 Sie sprengen daher oben auf den Bergen, wie die Wagen rasseln, und wie eine Flamme lodert im Stroh, wie ein mächtig Volk, das zum Streit gerüstet ist. 6 Die Völker werden sich vor ihm entsetzen; aller Angesichte sind so bleich wie die Töpfe. 7 Sie werden laufen wie die Riesen und die Mauern ersteigen wie die Krieger; ein jeglicher wird stracks vor sich daherziehen und sich nicht säumen. 8 Keiner wird den andern irren, sondern ein jeglicher wird in seiner Ordnung daherfahren; und werden durch die Waffen brechen und nicht verwundet werden. 9 Sie werden in der Stadt umherreiten, auf der Mauer laufen und in die Häuser steigen und wie ein Dieb durch die Fenster hineinkommen. 10 Vor ihm erzittert das Land und bebet der Himmel; Sonne und Mond werden finster, und die Sterne verhalten ihren Schein. 11 Denn der HERR wird seinen Donner vor seinem Heer lassen hergeben; denn sein Heer ist sehr groß und mächtig, welches seinen Befehl wird ausrichten; denn der Tag des HERRN ist groß und sehr erschrecklich; wer kann ihn leiden?
  2 H2822 Ein finstrer H3117 Tag H653 , ein dunkler Tag H6051 , ein wolkiger H3117 Tag H6205 , ein nebliger H7837 Tag, gleichwie sich die Morgenröte H6566 ausbreitet H2022 über die Berge H7227 , nämlich ein groß H6099 und mächtig H5971 Volk H3254 desgleichen vorhin nicht H310 gewesen ist und hinfort H1961 nicht sein H5769 wird zu ewigen H8141 Zeiten H1755 für H1755 und für .
  3 H6440 Vor H784 ihm her gehet ein verzehrend Feuer H310 und nach H3857 ihm eine brennende H3852 Flamme H776 . Das Land H398 ist H6440 vor H1588 ihm wie ein Lustgarten H310 , aber nach H8077 ihm wie eine wüste H4057 Einöde H6413 ; und niemand wird ihm entgehen .
  4 H4758 Sie sind gestaltet H5483 wie Rosse H4758 und H7323 rennen H6571 wie die Reiter .
  5 H7540 Sie sprengen H7218 daher oben H6963 auf H2022 den Bergen H4818 , wie die Wagen H3851 rasseln, und wie eine Flamme H7179 lodert im Stroh H6099 , wie ein mächtig H5971 Volk H6963 , das H4421 zum Streit H6186 gerüstet H398 ist .
  6 H5971 Die Völker H6908 werden H2342 sich H6440 vor H6289 ihm entsetzen; aller Angesichte sind so bleich H6440 wie die Töpfe.
  7 H582 Sie H7323 werden laufen H1870 wie H1368 die Riesen H2346 und die Mauern H376 ersteigen wie die Krieger; ein H5927 jeglicher wird stracks vor sich H3212 daherziehen und sich H5670 nicht säumen .
  8 H376 Keiner H251 wird den andern H1766 irren H1397 , sondern ein jeglicher H4546 wird in seiner Ordnung H3212 daherfahren; und werden H5307 durch die H7973 Waffen H1214 brechen und nicht verwundet werden .
  9 H5892 Sie werden in der Stadt H2346 umherreiten, auf der Mauer H7323 laufen H1004 und in die Häuser H5927 steigen H1590 und wie ein Dieb H935 durch H2474 die Fenster hineinkommen.
  10 H6440 Vor H7264 ihm erzittert H776 das Land H8064 und bebet der Himmel H8121 ; Sonne H3394 und Mond H6937 werden H3556 finster, und die Sterne H622 verhalten H5051 ihren Schein .
  11 H3068 Denn der HErr H6963 wird seinen Donner H6440 vor H2428 seinem Heer H5414 lassen H3372 hergeben; denn sein H4264 Heer H3966 ist sehr H7227 groß H6099 und mächtig H1697 , welches seinen Befehl H6213 wird ausrichten H3117 ; denn der Tag H3068 des HErrn H1419 ist groß H3966 und sehr H3557 erschrecklich; wer kann ihn leiden?
Luther1912(i) 2 Ein finstrer Tag, ein dunkler Tag, ein wolkiger Tag, ein nebliger Tag; gleichwie sich die Morgenröte ausbreitet über die Berge, kommt ein großes und mächtiges Volk, desgleichen vormals nicht gewesen ist und hinfort nicht sein wird zu ewigen Zeiten für und für. 3 Vor ihm her geht ein verzehrend Feuer und nach ihm eine brennende Flamme. Das Land ist vor ihm wie ein Lustgarten, aber nach ihm wie eine wüste Einöde, und niemand wird ihm entgehen. 4 Sie sind gestaltet wie Rosse und rennen wie die Reiter. 5 Sie sprengen daher oben auf den Bergen, wie die Wagen rasseln, und wie eine Flamme lodert im Stroh, wie ein mächtiges Volk, das zum Streit gerüstet ist. 6 Die Völker werden sich vor ihm entsetzen, aller Angesichter werden bleich. 7 Sie werden laufen wie die Riesen und die Mauern ersteigen wie die Krieger; ein jeglicher wird stracks vor sich daherziehen und sich nicht säumen. 8 Keiner wird den andern irren; sondern ein jeglicher wird in seiner Ordnung daherfahren und werden durch die Waffen brechen und nicht verwundet werden. 9 Sie werden in der Stadt umherrennen, auf der Mauer laufen und in die Häuser steigen und wie ein Dieb durch die Fenster hineinkommen. 10 Vor ihm zittert das ganze Land und bebt der Himmel; Sonne und Mond werden finster, und die Sterne verhalten ihren Schein. 11 Denn der HERR wird seinen Donner vor seinem Heer lassen her gehen; denn sein Heer ist sehr groß und mächtig, das seinen Befehl wird ausrichten; denn der Tag des HERRN ist groß und sehr erschrecklich: wer kann ihn leiden?
  2 H2822 ein finstrer H3117 Tag H653 , ein dunkler H6051 Tag, ein wolkiger H3117 Tag H6205 , ein nebliger H7837 Tag; gleichwie sich die Morgenröte H6566 ausbreitet H2022 über die Berge H7227 , kommt ein großes H6099 und mächtiges H5971 Volk H1961 , desgleichen H1961 vormals nicht gewesen ist H310 und hinfort H3254 nicht sein H5769 wird zu ewigen H8141 Zeiten H1755 für H1755 und für .
  3 H6440 Vor H398 ihm her geht ein verzehrend H784 Feuer H310 und nach H3857 ihm eine brennende H3852 Flamme H776 . Das Land H6440 ist vor H1588 H5731 ihm wie ein Lustgarten H310 , aber nach H8077 ihm wie eine wüste H4057 Einöde H6413 , und niemand wird ihm entgehen .
  4 H4758 Sie sind gestaltet H4758 wie H5483 Rosse H7323 und rennen H6571 wie die Reiter .
  5 H7540 Sie sprengen H7218 daher oben H2022 auf den Bergen H4818 , wie die Wagen H6963 rasseln H6963 , und wie H3851 H784 eine Flamme H6963 lodert H7179 H398 im Stroh H6099 , wie ein mächtiges H5971 Volk H4421 , das zum Streit H6186 gerüstet ist.
  6 H5971 Die Völker H6440 werden sich vor H2342 ihm entsetzen H6440 , aller Angesichter H6908 werden H6289 bleich .
  7 H7323 Sie werden laufen H1368 wie die Riesen H2346 und die Mauern H5927 ersteigen H4421 H582 wie die Krieger H376 ; ein jeglicher H3212 wird stracks H1870 vor sich daherziehen H734 H5670 und sich nicht säumen .
  8 H376 Keiner H251 wird den andern H1766 irren H1397 ; sondern ein jeglicher H4546 wird in seiner Ordnung H3212 daherfahren H7973 und werden durch die Waffen H5307 brechen H1214 und nicht verwundet werden.
  9 H5892 Sie werden in der Stadt H8264 umherrennen H2346 , auf der Mauer H7323 laufen H1004 und in die Häuser H5927 steigen H1590 und wie ein Dieb H2474 durch die Fenster H935 hineinkommen .
  10 H6440 Vor H7264 ihm erzittert H776 das ganze Land H7493 und bebt H8064 der Himmel H8121 ; Sonne H3394 und Mond H6937 werden finster H3556 , und die Sterne H622 verhalten H5051 ihren Schein .
  11 H3068 Denn der HERR H6963 H5414 wird seinen Donner H6440 vor H2428 seinem Heer H4264 lassen her gehen; denn sein Heer H3966 ist sehr H7227 groß H6099 und mächtig H1697 , das seinen Befehl H6213 wird ausrichten H3117 ; denn der Tag H3068 des HERRN H1419 ist groß H3966 und sehr H3372 erschrecklich H3557 : wer kann ihn leiden ?
ELB1871(i) 2 ein Tag der Finsternis und der Dunkelheit, ein Tag des Gewölks und der Wolkennacht. Wie die Morgendämmerung ist es ausgebreitet über die Berge, ein großes und mächtiges Volk, desgleichen von Ewigkeit her nicht gewesen ist und nach ihm nicht mehr sein wird bis in die Jahre der Geschlechter und Geschlechter. 3 Vor ihm her verzehrt das Feuer, und nach ihm lodert die Flamme; vor ihm ist das Land wie der Garten Eden, und nach ihm eine öde Wüste, und auch keine Entronnenen läßt es übrig. 4 Sein Aussehen ist wie das Aussehen von Rossen; und wie Reitpferde, also rennen sie. 5 Gleich Wagengerassel hüpfen sie auf den Gipfeln der Berge, gleich dem Prasseln der Feuerflamme, welche Stoppeln verzehrt; sie sind wie ein mächtiges Volk, zum Kampfe gerüstet. 6 Vor ihm zittern die Völker, alle Angesichter erblassen. 7 Sie rennen wie Helden, wie Kriegsleute ersteigen sie die Mauer; und sie ziehen ein jeder auf seinem Wege, und ihre Pfade wechseln sie nicht; 8 und keiner drängt den anderen, sie ziehen jeder einzeln auf seiner Bahn; und sie stürzen zwischen den Waffen hindurch und verwunden sich nicht. 9 Sie laufen in der Stadt umher, rennen auf die Mauer, steigen in die Häuser; durch die Fenster dringen sie ein wie der Dieb. 10 Vor ihnen erbebt die Erde, erzittert der Himmel; Sonne und Mond verfinstern sich, und die Sterne verhalten ihren Glanz. 11 Und Jehova läßt vor seinem Heere her seine Stimme erschallen, denn sein Heerlager ist sehr groß, denn der Vollstrecker seines Wortes ist mächtig; denn groß ist der Tag Jehovas und sehr furchtbar, und wer kann ihn ertragen?
ELB1905(i) 2 ein Tag der Finsternis und der Dunkelheit, ein Tag des Gewölks und der Wolkennacht. Wie die Morgendämmerung ist es ausgebreitet über die Berge, ein großes und mächtiges Volk, desgleichen von Ewigkeit her nicht gewesen ist und nach ihm nicht mehr sein wird bis in die Jahre der Geschlechter und Geschlechter. 3 Vor ihm her verzehrt das Feuer, und nach ihm lodert die Flamme; vor ihm ist das Land wie der Garten Eden, und nach ihm eine öde Wüste, und auch keine Entronnenen läßt es übrig. 4 Sein Aussehen ist wie das Aussehen von Rossen; und wie Reitpferde, also rennen sie. 5 Gleich Wagengerassel hüpfen sie auf den Gipfeln der Berge, gleich dem Prasseln der Feuerflamme, welche Stoppeln verzehrt; sie sind wie ein mächtiges Volk, zum Kampfe gerüstet. 6 Vor ihm zittern die Völker, alle Angesichter erblassen. 7 Sie rennen wie Helden, wie Kriegsleute ersteigen sie die Mauer; und sie ziehen ein jeder auf seinem Wege, und ihre Pfade wechseln sie nicht; 8 und keiner drängt den anderen, sie ziehen jeder einzeln auf seiner Bahn; und sie stürzen zwischen den Waffen hindurch und verwunden sich nicht. 9 Sie laufen in der Stadt umher, rennen auf die Mauer, steigen in die Häuser; durch die Fenster dringen sie ein wie der Dieb. 10 Vor ihnen erbebt die Erde, erzittert der Himmel; Sonne und Mond verfinstern sich, und die Sterne verhalten ihren Glanz. 11 Und Jahwe läßt vor seinem Heere her seine Stimme erschallen, denn sein Heerlager ist sehr groß, denn der Vollstrecker seines Wortes ist mächtig; denn groß ist der Tag Jahwes und sehr furchtbar, und wer kann ihn ertragen?
  2 H3117 ein Tag H2822 der Finsternis H310 und H653 der Dunkelheit, ein Tag H6566 des Gewölks und der Wolkennacht. Wie die Morgendämmerung ist es ausgebreitet H2022 über die Berge H7227 , ein großes H6099 und mächtiges H5971 Volk H5769 , desgleichen von Ewigkeit H3254 her nicht H3117 gewesen ist und nach H1961 ihm nicht mehr sein H8141 wird bis in die Jahre H1755 der Geschlechter H1755 und Geschlechter .
  3 H6440 Vor H398 ihm her verzehrt H776 das H784 Feuer H310 , und nach H3852 ihm lodert die Flamme H6413 ; vor ihm ist H6440 das Land H1588 wie der Garten H5731 Eden H310 , und nach H8077 ihm eine öde Wüste, und auch keine Entronnenen läßt es übrig.
  4 H4758 Sein Aussehen ist H5483 wie das Aussehen von Rossen H4758 ; und H7323 wie Reitpferde, also rennen sie .
  5 H7540 Gleich Wagengerassel hüpfen H7218 sie auf H2022 den Gipfeln der Berge H784 , gleich dem Prasseln der Feuerflamme H7179 , welche Stoppeln H398 verzehrt H6099 ; sie sind wie ein mächtiges H5971 Volk H6186 , zum Kampfe gerüstet .
  6 H6440 Vor H5971 ihm zittern die Völker H6440 , alle Angesichter erblassen.
  7 H7323 Sie H1368 rennen wie Helden H582 , wie Kriegsleute H2346 ersteigen sie die Mauer H3212 ; und sie ziehen H376 ein H5927 jeder auf H1870 seinem Wege H734 , und ihre Pfade wechseln sie nicht;
  8 H376 und keiner H1214 drängt den anderen, sie H3212 ziehen H7973 jeder einzeln auf seiner Bahn; und sie stürzen zwischen den Waffen H5307 hindurch und verwunden sich nicht.
  9 H935 Sie H7323 laufen H5892 in der Stadt H2346 umher, rennen auf die Mauer H5927 , steigen H1004 in die Häuser H2474 ; durch die Fenster H1590 dringen sie ein wie der Dieb .
  10 H6440 Vor H776 ihnen erbebt die Erde H8064 , erzittert der Himmel H8121 ; Sonne H3394 und Mond H6937 verfinstern H3556 sich, und die Sterne H622 verhalten H5051 ihren Glanz .
  11 H2428 Und H6440 Jehova läßt vor H4264 seinem Heere H6963 her seine Stimme H3966 erschallen, denn sein Heerlager ist sehr H7227 groß H1697 , denn der Vollstrecker seines Wortes H6099 ist mächtig H1419 ; denn groß H3117 ist der Tag H6213 Jehovas und H3966 sehr H3068 furchtbar, und H3068 wer kann ihn H3557 ertragen ?
DSV(i) 2 Een dag van duisternis en donkerheid, een dag van wolken en dikke duisterheid, als de dageraad uitgespreid over de bergen; een groot en machtig volk, desgelijks van ouds niet geweest is, en na hetzelve niet meer zal zijn tot in jaren van vele geslachten. 3 Voor hetzelve verteert een vuur, en achter hetzelve brandt een vlam; het land is voor hetzelve als een lusthof, maar achter hetzelve een woeste wildernis, en ook is er geen ontkomen van hetzelve. 4 De gedaante deszelven is als de gedaante van paarden, en als ruiters zo zullen zij lopen. 5 Zij zullen daarhenen springen als een gedruis van wagenen, op de hoogten der bergen; als het gedruis ener vuurvlam, die stoppelen verteert; als een machtig volk, dat in slagorde gesteld is. 6 Van deszelfs aangezicht zullen de volken in pijn zijn; alle aangezichten zullen betrekken als een pot. 7 Als helden zullen zij lopen, als krijgslieden zullen zij de muren beklimmen; en zij zullen daarhenen trekken, een iegelijk in zijn wegen, en zullen hun paden niet verdraaien. 8 Ook zullen zij de een den ander niet dringen; zij zullen daarhenen trekken elk in zijn baan; en al vielen zij op een geweer, zij zouden niet verwond worden. 9 Zij zullen in de stad omlopen, zij zullen lopen op de muren, zij zullen klimmen in de huizen; zij zullen door de vensteren inkomen als een dief. 10 De aarde is beroerd voor deszelfs aangezicht, de hemel beeft; de zon en maan worden zwart, en de sterren trekken haar glans in. 11 En de HEERE verheft Zijn stem voor Zijn heir henen; want Zijn leger is zeer groot, want Hij is machtig, doende Zijn woord; want de dag des HEEREN is groot en zeer vreselijk, en wie zal hem verdragen?
  2 H3117 Een dag H2822 van duisternis H653 en donkerheid H3117 , een dag H6051 van wolken H6205 en dikke duisterheid H7837 , als de dageraad H6566 H8803 uitgespreid H5921 over H2022 de bergen H7227 ; een groot H6099 en machtig H5971 volk H4480 , desgelijks van H5769 ouds H3808 niet H1961 H8738 geweest is H310 , en na H3808 hetzelve niet H3254 H8686 meer H5704 zal zijn tot H8141 in jaren H1755 van vele H1755 geslachten.
  3 H6440 Voor H398 H8804 hetzelve verteert H784 een vuur H310 , en achter H3857 H8762 hetzelve brandt H3852 een vlam H776 ; het land H6440 is voor H1588 H5731 hetzelve als een lusthof H310 , maar achter H8077 hetzelve een woeste H4057 wildernis H1571 , en ook H3808 is er geen H6413 ontkomen van hetzelve.
  4 H4758 De gedaante H4758 deszelven is als de gedaante H5483 van paarden H6571 , en als ruiters H3651 zo H7323 H8799 zullen zij lopen.
  5 H7540 H8762 Zij zullen daarhenen springen H6963 als een gedruis H4818 van wagenen H5921 , op H7218 de hoogten H2022 der bergen H6963 ; als het gedruis H3851 H784 ener vuurvlam H7179 , die stoppelen H398 H8802 verteert H6099 ; als een machtig H5971 volk H4421 , dat in slagorde H6186 H8803 gesteld is.
  6 H6440 Van deszelfs aangezicht H5971 zullen de volken H2342 H8799 in pijn zijn H3605 ; alle H6440 aangezichten H6908 H8765 zullen betrekken H6289 [als] een pot.
  7 H1368 Als helden H7323 H8799 zullen zij lopen H582 H4421 , als krijgslieden H2346 zullen zij de muren H5927 H8799 beklimmen H3212 H8799 ; en zij zullen daarhenen trekken H376 , een iegelijk H1870 in zijn wegen H734 , en zullen hun paden H3808 niet H5670 H8762 verdraaien.
  8 H376 Ook zullen zij de een H251 den ander H3808 niet H1766 H8799 dringen H3212 H8799 ; zij zullen daarhenen trekken H1397 elk H4546 in zijn baan H5307 H8799 ; en al vielen zij H1157 op H7973 een geweer H3808 , zij zouden niet H1214 H8799 verwond worden.
  9 H5892 Zij zullen in de stad H8264 H8799 omlopen H7323 H8799 , zij zullen lopen H2346 op de muren H5927 H8799 , zij zullen klimmen H1004 in de huizen H1157 ; zij zullen door H2474 de vensteren H935 H8799 inkomen H1590 als een dief.
  10 H776 De aarde H7264 H8804 is beroerd H6440 voor deszelfs aangezicht H8064 , de hemel H7493 H8804 beeft H8121 ; de zon H3394 en maan H6937 H8804 worden zwart H3556 , en de sterren H622 H0 trekken H5051 haar glans H622 H8804 in.
  11 H3068 En de HEERE H5414 H8804 verheft H6963 Zijn stem H6440 voor H2428 Zijn heir H3588 henen; want H4264 Zijn leger H3966 is zeer H7227 groot H3588 , want H6099 Hij is machtig H6213 H8802 , doende H1697 Zijn woord H3588 ; want H3117 de dag H3068 des HEEREN H1419 is groot H3966 en zeer H3372 H8737 vreselijk H3557 H8686 , en wie zal hem verdragen?
Giguet(i) 2 ce jour d’obscurité et de ténèbres, ce jour de nuées et de brouillards. Un peuple nombreux et puissant va se répandre sur les montagnes, comme la lumière du matin; jamais, dans les temps passés, on n’a vu son pareil, et après lui on n’en verra point de semblable durant les années, de générations en générations. 3 Ce qui marche devant lui est un feu dévorant; ce qui marche à sa suite est une flamme ardente. La terre, avant qu’il arrive, était comme un jardin de délices; quand il fut passé, c’était un champ désert, et nul ne lui échappera. 4 Ils apparaîtront comme une vision de chevaux; ils courront comme des cavaliers. 5 Ils s’élanceront sur les cimes des montagnes, comme un bruit de chars, comme un bruit de flammes dévorant des maisons, comme un peuple puissant et nombreux se rangeant en bataille. 6 Devant leur force, les peuples seront broyés; tout visage sera comme le côté brûlé d’une chaudière. 7 Ils courront comme des combattants; ils escaladeront les murailles comme des hommes de guerre; et chacun d’eux marchera dans sa voie, et ils ne dévieront pas de leurs sentiers; 8 et nul ne s’écartera de son frère; ils marcheront chargés de leurs armes; ils tomberont avec leurs traits, et ils ne seront pas détruits. 9 Ils prendront la ville; ils courront sur les remparts; ils monteront sur les maisons; ils entreront comme des larrons par les fenêtres. 10 Devant leur face, la terre sera confondue, et le ciel tremblera. le soleil et la lune seront voilés de ténèbres, et les étoiles retireront leur lumière. 11 Et le Seigneur fera entendre Sa voix devant Son armée, car Son camp est très nombreux, et les œuvres qui accomplissent Ses paroles sont puissantes, et le jour du Seigneur est un grand jour: il est éclatant; et qui sera capable de le soutenir?
DarbyFR(i) 2 un jour de ténèbres et d'obscurité, un jour de nuées et d'épaisses ténèbres: c'est comme l'aurore qui s'étend sur les montagnes, -un peuple nombreux et fort, tel qu'il n'y en eut jamais, et qu'après lui, il n'y en aura point jusqu'aux années des générations et des générations. 3 Devant lui un feu dévore, et une flamme brûle après lui; devant lui le pays est comme le jardin d'Éden, et après lui, la solitude d'un désert; et rien ne lui échappe. 4 Leur aspect est comme l'aspect des chevaux, et ils courent comme des cavaliers. 5 Ils sautent:... c'est comme le bruit des chars sur les sommets des montagnes, comme le bruit d'une flamme de feu qui dévore le chaume, comme un peuple puissant rangé en bataille. 6 Les peuples en sont angoissés, tous les visages pâlissent. 7 Ils courent comme des hommes forts, ils escaladent la muraille comme des hommes de guerre; ils marchent chacun dans son chemin, et ne changent pas leurs sentiers; 8 et ils ne se pressent pas l'un l'autre. Ils marchent chacun dans sa route; ils se précipitent à travers les traits et ne sont pas blessés; 9 ils se répandent par la ville, ils courent sur la muraille, ils montent dans les maisons, ils entrent par les fenêtres comme un voleur. 10 Devant eux la terre tremble, les cieux sont ébranlés, le soleil et la lune sont obscurcis, et les étoiles retirent leurs splendeur. 11 Et l'Éternel fait entendre sa voix devant son armée, car son camp est très grand, car l'exécuteur de sa parole est puissant; parce que le jour de l'Éternel est grand et fort terrible; et qui peut le supporter?
Martin(i) 2 Journée de ténèbres et d'obscurité; journée de nuées et de brouillards. Comme l'aube du jour s'étend sur les montagnes, ainsi s'étend un peuple grand et puissant, auquel il n'y a point eu de semblable de tout temps, et après lequel il n'y en aura point de semblable dans la suite des siècles. 3 Le feu dévore devant sa face, et derrière lui la flamme brûle; le pays était avant sa venue comme le jardin d'Héden; et après qu'il sera parti il sera comme un désert de désolation; et même il n'y aura rien qui lui échappe. 4 C'est, à le voir, comme si on voyait des chevaux, et ils courront comme des gens de cheval; 5 Et ils sauteront menant un bruit semblable à celui des chariots sur les sommets des montagnes, et au bruit d'une flamme de feu, qui dévore du chaume; et ils seront comme un peuple puissant rangé en bataille. 6 Les peuples trembleront en le voyant; tous les visages en deviendront pâles et livides. 7 Ils courront comme des gens vaillants, et monteront sur la muraille comme des gens de guerre; ils marcheront chacun en son rang, et ne se détourneront point de leurs chemins. 8 L'un ne pressera point l'autre, mais chacun marchera dans son chemin, ils se jetteront au travers des épées, et ne seront point blessés. 9 Ils iront çà et là par la ville, ils courront sur la muraille, ils monteront sur les maisons, ils entreront par les fenêtres comme le larron. 10 La terre tremblera devant lui, les cieux seront ébranlés, le soleil et la lune seront obscurcis, et les étoiles retireront leur lueur. 11 Aussi l'Eternel fera entendre sa voix devant son armée, parce que son camp sera très-grand; car l'exécuteur de sa parole sera puissant; certainement la journée de l'Eternel est grande et terrible; et qui la pourra soutenir ?
Segond(i) 2 Jour de ténèbres et d'obscurité, Jour de nuées et de brouillards, Il vient comme l'aurore se répand sur les montagnes. Voici un peuple nombreux et puissant, Tel qu'il n'y en a jamais eu, Et qu'il n'y en aura jamais dans la suite des âges. 3 Devant lui est un feu dévorant, Et derrière lui une flamme brûlante; Le pays était auparavant comme un jardin d'Eden, Et depuis, c'est un désert affreux: Rien ne lui échappe. 4 A les voir, on dirait des chevaux, Et ils courent comme des cavaliers. 5 A les entendre, on dirait un bruit de chars Sur le sommet des montagnes où ils bondissent, On dirait un pétillement de la flamme du feu, Quand elle consume le chaume. C'est comme une armée puissante Qui se prépare au combat. 6 Devant eux les peuples tremblent, Tous les visages pâlissent. 7 Ils s'élancent comme des guerriers, Ils escaladent les murs comme des gens de guerre; Chacun va son chemin, Sans s'écarter de sa route. 8 Ils ne se pressent point les uns les autres, Chacun garde son rang; Ils se précipitent au travers des traits Sans arrêter leur marche. 9 Ils se répandent dans la ville, Courent sur les murailles, Montent sur les maisons, Entrent par les fenêtres comme un voleur. 10 Devant eux la terre tremble, Les cieux sont ébranlés, Le soleil et la lune s'obscurcissent, Et les étoiles retirent leur éclat. 11 L'Eternel fait entendre sa voix devant son armée; Car son camp est immense, Et l'exécuteur de sa parole est puissant; Car le jour de l'Eternel est grand, il est terrible: Qui pourra le soutenir?
  2 H3117 Jour H2822 de ténèbres H653 et d’obscurité H3117 , Jour H6051 de nuées H6205 et de brouillards H7837 , Il vient comme l’aurore H6566 se répand H8803   H2022 sur les montagnes H5971 . Voici un peuple H7227 nombreux H6099 et puissant H5769 , Tel qu’il n’y en a jamais H1961 eu H8738   H3254 , Et qu’il n’y en aura jamais H8686   H310   H8141 dans la suite H1755 des âges H1755  .
  3 H6440 Devant H784 lui est un feu H398 dévorant H8804   H310 , Et derrière H3852 lui une flamme H3857 brûlante H8762   H776  ; Le pays H6440 était auparavant H1588 comme un jardin H5731 d’Eden H310 , Et depuis H4057 , c’est un désert H8077 affreux H6413  : Rien ne lui échappe.
  4 H4758 A les voir H4758 , on dirait H5483 des chevaux H7323 , Et ils courent H8799   H6571 comme des cavaliers.
  5 H6963 A les entendre H4818 , on dirait un bruit de chars H7218 Sur le sommet H2022 des montagnes H7540 où ils bondissent H8762   H6963 , On dirait un pétillement H3851 de la flamme H784 du feu H398 , Quand elle consume H8802   H7179 le chaume H5971 . C’est comme une armée H6099 puissante H6186 Qui se prépare H8803   H4421 au combat.
  6 H6440 Devant H5971 eux les peuples H2342 tremblent H8799   H6440 , Tous les visages H6908 pâlissent H8765   H6289  .
  7 H7323 Ils s’élancent H8799   H1368 comme des guerriers H5927 , Ils escaladent H8799   H2346 les murs H582 comme des gens H4421 de guerre H376  ; Chacun H3212 va H8799   H1870 son chemin H5670 , Sans s’écarter H8762   H734 de sa route.
  8 H1766 Ils ne se pressent H8799   H376 point les uns H251 les autres H1397 , Chacun H3212 garde H8799   H4546 son rang H5307  ; Ils se précipitent H8799   H7973 au travers des traits H1214 Sans arrêter leur marche H8799  .
  9 H8264 Ils se répandent H8799   H5892 dans la ville H7323 , Courent H8799   H2346 sur les murailles H5927 , Montent H8799   H1004 sur les maisons H935 , Entrent H8799   H2474 par les fenêtres H1590 comme un voleur.
  10 H6440 Devant H776 eux la terre H7264 tremble H8804   H8064 , Les cieux H7493 sont ébranlés H8804   H8121 , Le soleil H3394 et la lune H6937 s’obscurcissent H8804   H3556 , Et les étoiles H622 retirent H8804   H5051 leur éclat.
  11 H3068 L’Eternel H5414 fait entendre H8804   H6963 sa voix H6440 devant H2428 son armée H4264  ; Car son camp H3966 est immense H7227   H6213 , Et l’exécuteur H8802   H1697 de sa parole H6099 est puissant H3117  ; Car le jour H3068 de l’Eternel H1419 est grand H3966 , il est terrible H3372   H8737   H3557  : Qui pourra le soutenir H8686   ?
SE(i) 2 Día de tinieblas y de oscuridad, día de nube y de sombra; que sobre los montes se derrama como el alba; un pueblo grande y fuerte; nunca desde el siglo fue semejante, ni después de él será jamás en años de generación en generación. 3 Delante de él consumirá fuego, tras de él abrasará llama; como el huerto del Edén será la tierra delante de él, y detrás de él como desierto asolado; ni tampoco habrá quien de él escape. 4 Su parecer, como parecer de caballos; y como gente de a caballo correrán. 5 Como estruendo de carros saltarán sobre las cumbres de los montes; como sonido de llama de fuego que consume hojarascas, como fuerte pueblo aparejado para la batalla. 6 Delante de él temerán los pueblos; se pondrán pálidos todos los semblantes. 7 Como valientes correrán, como hombres de guerra subirán la muralla; y cada cual irá en sus caminos, y no torcerán sus sendas. 8 Ninguno apretará a su compañero, cada uno irá por su carrera; y aun cayendo sobre la espada no se herirán. 9 Irán por la ciudad, correrán por el muro, subirán por las casas, entrarán por las ventanas a manera de ladrones. 10 Delante de él temblará la tierra, se estremecerán los cielos; el sol y la luna se oscurecerán, y las estrellas retraerán su resplandor. 11 Y el SEÑOR dará su voz delante de su ejército; porque muchos son sus reales y fuertes, que ponen en efecto su palabra; porque grande es el día del SEÑOR, y muy terrible; ¿y quién lo podrá sufrir?
ReinaValera(i) 2 Día de tinieblas y de oscuridad, día de nube y de sombra, que sobre los montes se derrama como el alba: un pueblo grande y fuerte: nunca desde el siglo fué semejante, ni después de él será jamás en años de generación en generación. 3 Delante de él consumirá fuego, tras de él abrasará llama; como el huerto de Edén será la tierra delante de él, y detrás de él como desierto asolado; ni tampoco habrá quien de él escape. 4 Su parecer, como parecer de caballos; y como gente de á caballo correrán. 5 Como estruendo de carros saltarán sobre las cumbres de los montes; como sonido de llama de fuego que consume hojarascas, como fuerte pueblo aparejado para la batalla. 6 Delante de él temerán los pueblos, pondránse mustios todos los semblantes. 7 Como valientes correrán, como hombres de guerra subirán la muralla; y cada cual irá en sus caminos, y no torcerán sus sendas. 8 Ninguno apretará á su compañero, cada uno irá por su carrera; y aun cayendo sobre la espada no se herirán. 9 Irán por la ciudad, correrán por el muro, subirán por las casas, entrarán por las ventanas á manera de ladrones. 10 Delante de él temblará la tierra, se estremecerán los cielos: el sol y la luna se oscurecerán, y las estrellas retraerán su resplandor. 11 Y Jehová dará su voz delante de su ejército: porque muchos son sus reales y fuertes, que ponen en efecto su palabra: porque grande es el día de Jehová, y muy terrible; ¿y quién lo podrá sufrir?
JBS(i) 2 Día de tinieblas y de oscuridad, día de nube y de sombra; que sobre los montes se derrama como el alba; un pueblo grande y fuerte; nunca desde el siglo fue semejante, ni después de él será jamás en años de generación en generación. 3 Delante de él consumirá fuego, tras de él abrasará llama; como el huerto del Edén será la tierra delante de él, y detrás de él como desierto asolado; ni tampoco habrá quien de él escape. 4 Su parecer, como parecer de caballos; y como gente de a caballo correrán. 5 Como estruendo de carros saltarán sobre las cumbres de los montes; como sonido de llama de fuego que consume hojarascas, como fuerte pueblo aparejado para la batalla. 6 Delante de él temerán los pueblos; se pondrán pálidos todos los semblantes. 7 Como valientes correrán, como hombres de guerra subirán la muralla; y cada cual irá en sus caminos, y no torcerán sus sendas. 8 Ninguno apretará a su compañero, cada uno irá por su carrera; y aun cayendo sobre la espada no se herirán. 9 Irán por la ciudad, correrán por el muro, subirán por las casas, entrarán por las ventanas a manera de ladrones. 10 Delante de él temblará la tierra, se estremecerán los cielos; el sol y la luna se oscurecerán, y las estrellas retraerán su resplandor. 11 Y el SEÑOR dará su voz delante de su ejército; porque muchos son sus reales y fuertes, que ponen en efecto su palabra; porque grande es el día del SEÑOR, y muy terrible; ¿y quién lo podrá sufrir?
Albanian(i) 2 po vjen dita e territ dhe e errësirës së dendur, ditë resh dhe mjegulle. Ashtu si përhapet agimi mbi malet, po vjen një popull i shumtë dhe i fuqishëm, të cilit kurrkush nuk i ka ngjarë më parë dhe as nuk do të ketë më kurrë për shumë breza që do të vijnë. 3 Para tij një zjarr po gllabëron dhe pas tij një flakë po djeg. Përpara tij vendi është si kopshti i Edenit; dhe pas tij është si një shkretëtirë e mjeruar; po, asgjë nuk i shpëton atij. 4 Pamja e tyre është si pamja e kuajve, dhe rendin si kuaj të shpejtë. 5 Ata hidhen mbi majat e maleve me zhurmë qerresh, si brambullima e flakës së zjarrit që djeg kallamishtet, si një popull i fortë që është rreshtuar për betejë. 6 Përpara tyre popujt përpëliten nga dhembja, çdo fytyrë zbehet. 7 Rendin si njerëz trima, ngjiten mbi muret si luftëtarë; secili ndjek rrugën e vet pa devijuar prej saj. 8 Askush nuk e shtyn fqinjin e tij, secili ndjek shtegun e vet; sulen në mes të shigjetave, por nuk plagosen. 9 I bien qytetit kryq e tërthor, rendin mbi muret, ngjiten në shtëpi, hyjnë në to nga dritaret si vjedhës. 10 Para tyre dridhet toka, dridhen qiejt, dielli dhe hëna erren dhe yjet humbin shkëlqimin e tyre. 11 Zoti bën që t'i dëgjohet zëri para ushtrisë së tij, sepse fusha e tij është shumë madhe dhe zbatuesi i fjalës së tij është i fuqishëm. Po, dita e Zotit është e madhe dhe fort e tmerrshme; kush mund ta durojë?
RST(i) 2 день тьмы и мрака, день облачный и туманный: как утренняя заря распространяется по горам народ многочисленный и сильный, какого не бывало от века и после того не будет в роды родов. 3 Перед ним пожирает огонь, а за ним палит пламя; перед ним земля как сад Едемский, а позади него будет опустошенная степь, и никому не будет спасения от него. 4 Вид его как вид коней, и скачут они как всадники; 5 скачут по вершинам гор как бы со стуком колесниц, как бы с треском огненного пламени, пожирающего солому, как сильный народ, выстроенный к битве. 6 При виде его затрепещут народы, у всех лица побледнеют. 7 Как борцы бегут они и как храбрые воины влезают на стену, и каждый идет своею дорогою, и не сбивается с путей своих. 8 Не давят друг друга, каждый идет своею стезею, и падают на копья, но остаются невредимы. 9 Бегают по городу, поднимаются на стены, влезают на дома, входят в окна, как вор. 10 Перед ними потрясется земля, поколеблется небо; солнце и луна помрачатся, и звезды потеряют свой свет. 11 И Господь даст глас Свой пред воинством Своим, ибо весьма многочисленно полчище Его и могуществен исполнитель слова Его; ибо велик день Господеньи весьма страшен, и кто выдержит его?
Arabic(i) 2 يوم ظلام وقتام يوم غيم وضباب مثل الفجر ممتدا على الجبال. شعب كثير وقوي لم يكن نظيره منذ الازل ولا يكون ايضا بعده الى سني دور فدور. 3 قدامه نار تأكل وخلفه لهيب يحرق. الارض قدامه كجنة عدن وخلفه قفر خرب ولا تكون منه نجاة. 4 كمنظر الخيل منظره ومثل الافراس يركضون. 5 كصريف المركبات على رؤوس الجبال يثبون. كزفير لهيب نار تأكل قشا. كقوم اقوياء مصطفين للقتال. 6 منه ترتعد الشعوب. كل الوجوه تجمع حمرة. 7 يجرون كابطال. يصعدون السور كرجال الحرب ويمشون كل واحد في طريقه ولا يغيّرون سبلهم. 8 ولا يزاحم بعضهم بعضا يمشون كل واحد في سبيله وبين الاسلحة يقعون ولا ينكسرون. 9 يتراكضون في المدينة يجرون على السور يصعدون الى البيوت يدخلون من الكوى كاللص. 10 قدامه ترتعد الارض وترجف السماء. الشمس والقمر يظلمان والنجوم تحجز لمعانها. 11 والرب يعطي صوته امام جيشه. ان عسكره كثير جدا. فان صانع قوله قوي لان يوم الرب عظيم ومخوف جدا فمن يطيقه
Bulgarian(i) 2 ден на тъмнина и мрак, ден на облаци и гъста тъмнина. Като зората се разпростира по планините голям и силен народ. Като него не е имало от века и след него няма повече да има за годините на много поколения. 3 Огън пояжда пред него и пламък изгаря след него; пред него земята е като Едемската градина, а след него — гола пустиня; и никой няма да избегне от него. 4 Видът им е като вида на коне и тичат като конници. 5 Като тропот на колесници подскачат по върховете на хълмовете, като пращене на огнен пламък, който пояжда тръстика, като силен народ, строен за бой. 6 Пред тях племената се гърчат, всичките лица побледняват. 7 Те тичат като силни мъже, като воини се изкачват по стената и всеки ходи в пътя си, без да сменят редовете си. 8 Не се блъскат един друг, вървят всеки по пътеката си и падат около оръжията, но не се нараняват. 9 Тичат из града, бягат по стената, качват се по къщите, влизат през прозорците като крадци. 10 Земята се тресе пред тях, небето трепери, слънцето и луната потъмняват и звездите задържат блясъка си. 11 И ГОСПОД надава гласа Си пред войската Си, защото станът Му е много голям, защото е силен Онзи, който изпълнява словото Си, защото Денят на ГОСПОДА е велик и много страшен, и кой може да му устои?
Croatian(i) 2 Dan pun mraka i tmine, dan oblačan i crn. K'o zora po gorama se prostire narod jak i mnogobrojan, kakva ne bje nikad prije, niti će ga igda biti do vremena najdaljih. 3 Pred njim oganj proždire, za njim plamen guta. Zemlja je k'o vrt rajski pred njim, a za njim pustinja tužna. Ništa mu ne umiče. 4 Nalik su na konje, jure poput konjanika. 5 Buče kao bojna kola, po gorskim vrhuncima skaču, pucketaju k'o plamen ognjeni kad strnjiku proždire, kao vojska jaka u bojnome redu. 6 Pred njima narodi dršću i svako lice problijedi. 7 Skaču k'o junaci, k'o ratnici se na zidove penju. Svaki ide pravo naprijed, ne odstupa od svog puta. 8 Ne tiskaju jedan drugog, već svak' ide svojom stazom. Padaju od strijela ne kidajuć' redova. 9 Na grad navaljuju, na zidine skaču, penju se na kuće i kroz okna ulaze poput lupeža. 10 Pred njima se zemlja trese, nebo podrhtava, sunce, mjesec mrčaju, zvijezdama se trne sjaj. 11 I Jahve glas svoj šalje pred vojsku svoju. I odista, tabor mu je silno velik, zapovijedi njegove moćan izvršitelj. Da, velik je Jahvin dan i vrlo strašan. Tko će ga podnijeti?
BKR(i) 2 Den temnosti a mračna, den oblaku a mrákoty, jako záře jitřní rozprostřená po horách: Lid mnohý a silný, jemuž rovného nebylo od věků, aniž po něm kdy bude až do let národů i pronárodů. 3 Před tváří jeho oheň zžírati bude, a za ním plamen plápolati; před ním země tato jako zahrada Eden, ale po něm bude poušť přehrozná, a aniž bude, což by ušlo před ním. 4 Způsob jeho bude jako způsob koní, a jako jízdní, tak poběhnou. 5 Jako s hřmotem vozů po vrších hor skákati budou, jako hluk plamene ohně zžírajícího strniště, jako lid silný zšikovaný k bitvě. 6 Tváři jeho děsiti se budou lidé, všecky tváře zčernají jako hrnec. 7 Jako rekové poběhnou, jako muži váleční vstoupí na zed, a jeden každý cestou svou půjde, aniž se uchýlí z stezek svých. 8 Jeden druhého nebude tlačiti, každý silnicí svou půjde, a byť i na meč upadli, nebudou raněni. 9 Po městě těkati budou, po zdech běhati, na domy vstupovati, a okny polezou jako zloděj. 10 Před tváří jeho třásti se bude země, pohnou se nebesa, slunce i měsíc se zatmí, a hvězdy potratí blesk svůj. 11 Hospodin pak sám vydá hlas svůj před vojskem svým, proto že velmi veliký bude tábor jeho, proto že silný ten, kdož vykoná slovo jeho. (Nebo veliký bude den Hospodinův a hrozný náramně), i kdož jej bude moci snésti?
Danish(i) 2 En Mørkheds og Dunkelheds Dag, en Dag med Sky og Mulm, som Morgenrøde udbredt over Bjergene! et stort og mægtigt Folk, hvis Lige ikke har været fra Arilds Tid og ikke heller skal komme efter det, saa mange Aar der er Slægt efter Slægt til! 3 Foran det fortærer en Ild, og efter det brænder en Lue; foran det er Landet som Edens Have, men efter det som en øde Ørk, og heller intet undslipper det. 4 Dets Udseende er som Heste at se til, og som Rideheste saa rende de. 5 De springe paa Bjergenes Toppe, med en Lyd som af Vogne, med en Lyd som af Ildslue, der fortærer Halm, som et mægtigt Folk, der er rustet til Krig. 6 Folkene bæve for dets Ansigt, alle Ansigter skifte Farve. 7 Som vældige komme de løbende, som Krigsmænd bestige de Muren; og de drage frem, hver sin Vej, og forandre ikke deres Retning. 8 Og de trænge ikke den ene den anden, de drage frem, hver ad sin slagne Vej; og de styrte frem igennem Vaaben, de bryde ikke af. 9 De løbe om i Staden, rende paa Muren, stige ind i Husene; de komme ind igennem Vinduerne som en: Tyv. 10 Foran dem bæver Jorden, Himmelen ryster; Sol og Maane sortne, og Stjerner drage deres Glans tilbage. 11 Og HERREN opløfter sin Røst foran sin Hær, thi saare stor er hans Lejr, thi mægtig er den, som udretter hans Ord;
CUV(i) 2 那 日 是 黑 暗 、 幽 冥 、 密 雲 、 烏 黑 的 日 子 , 好 像 晨 光 鋪 滿 山 嶺 。 有 一 隊 蝗 蟲 ( 原 文 是 民 ) 又 大 又 強 ; 從 來 沒 有 這 樣 的 , 以 後 直 到 萬 代 也 必 沒 有 。 3 它 們 前 面 如 火 燒 滅 , 後 面 如 火 焰 燒 盡 。 未 到 以 前 , 地 如 伊 甸 園 ; 過 去 以 後 , 成 了 荒 涼 的 曠 野 ; 沒 有 一 樣 能 躲 避 它 們 的 。 4 它 們 的 形 狀 如 馬 , 奔 跑 如 馬 兵 。 5 在 山 頂 蹦 跳 的 響 聲 , 如 車 輛 的 響 聲 , 又 如 火 焰 燒 碎 秸 的 響 聲 , 好 像 強 盛 的 民 擺 陣 預 備 打 仗 。 6 它 們 一 來 , 眾 民 傷 慟 , 臉 都 變 色 。 7 它 們 如 勇 士 奔 跑 , 像 戰 士 爬 城 ; 各 都 步 行 , 不 亂 隊 伍 。 8 彼 此 並 不 擁 擠 , 向 前 各 行 其 路 , 直 闖 兵 器 , 不 偏 左 右 。 9 它 們 蹦 上 城 , 躥 上 牆 , 爬 上 房 屋 , 進 入 窗 戶 如 同 盜 賊 。 10 他 們 一 來 , 地 震 天 動 , 日 月 昏 暗 , 星 宿 無 光 。 11 耶 和 華 在 他 軍 旅 前 發 聲 , 他 的 隊 伍 甚 大 ; 成 就 他 命 的 是 強 盛 者 。 因 為 耶 和 華 的 日 子 大 而 可 畏 , 誰 能 當 得 起 呢 ?
  2 H3117 那日 H2822 是黑暗 H653 、幽冥 H6051 、密雲 H6205 、烏黑 H3117 的日子 H7837 ,好像晨光 H6566 H2022 滿山嶺 H5971 。有一隊蝗蟲(原文是民 H7227 )又大 H6099 又強 H5769 ;從來 H1961 沒有 H310 這樣的,以後 H8141 直到 H1755 H1755 萬代 H3254 也必沒有。
  3 H6440 它們前面 H784 如火 H398 燒滅 H310 ,後面 H3852 如火焰 H3857 燒盡 H6440 。未到以前 H776 ,地 H5731 如伊甸 H1588 H310 ;過去以後 H8077 ,成了荒涼 H4057 的曠野 H6413 ;沒有一樣能躲避它們的。
  4 H4758 它們的形狀 H5483 如馬 H7323 ,奔跑 H6571 如馬兵。
  5 H2022 在山 H7218 H7540 蹦跳 H4818 的響聲,如車輛 H6963 的響聲 H784 ,又如火 H3851 H398 H7179 碎秸 H6963 的響聲 H6099 ,好像強盛的 H5971 H6186 擺陣 H4421 預備打仗。
  6 H6440 它們一來 H5971 ,眾民 H2342 傷慟 H6440 ,臉 H6908 H6289 都變色。
  7 H1368 它們如勇士 H7323 奔跑 H4421 ,像戰 H582 H5927 H2346 H376 ;各都 H3212 H1870 步行 H5670 ,不亂 H734 隊伍。
  8 H376 H251 彼此 H1766 並不擁擠 H1397 ,向前各 H3212 H4546 其路 H5307 ,直闖 H7973 兵器 H1214 ,不偏左右。
  9 H8264 它們蹦 H5892 上城 H7323 ,躥 H2346 上牆 H5927 ,爬 H1004 上房屋 H935 ,進 H2474 入窗戶 H1590 如同盜賊。
  10 H6440 他們一來 H776 ,地 H7264 H8064 H7493 H8121 ,日 H3394 H6937 昏暗 H3556 ,星宿 H622 H5051 光。
  11 H3068 耶和華 H2428 在他軍旅 H6440 H5414 H6963 H4264 ,他的隊伍 H3966 H7227 H6213 ;成就 H1697 他命 H6099 的是強盛者 H3068 。因為耶和華 H3117 的日子 H1419 H3966 H3372 而可畏 H3557 ,誰能當得起呢?
CUVS(i) 2 那 日 是 黑 暗 、 幽 冥 、 密 云 、 乌 黑 的 日 子 , 好 象 晨 光 鋪 满 山 岭 。 冇 一 队 蝗 虫 ( 原 文 是 民 ) 又 大 又 强 ; 从 来 没 冇 这 样 的 , 以 后 直 到 万 代 也 必 没 冇 。 3 它 们 前 面 如 火 烧 灭 , 后 面 如 火 焰 烧 尽 。 未 到 以 前 , 地 如 伊 甸 园 ; 过 去 以 后 , 成 了 荒 凉 的 旷 野 ; 没 冇 一 样 能 躲 避 它 们 的 。 4 它 们 的 形 状 如 马 , 奔 跑 如 马 兵 。 5 在 山 顶 蹦 跳 的 响 声 , 如 车 辆 的 响 声 , 又 如 火 焰 烧 碎 秸 的 响 声 , 好 象 强 盛 的 民 摆 阵 预 备 打 仗 。 6 它 们 一 来 , 众 民 伤 恸 , 脸 都 变 色 。 7 它 们 如 勇 士 奔 跑 , 象 战 士 爬 城 ; 各 都 步 行 , 不 乱 队 伍 。 8 彼 此 并 不 拥 挤 , 向 前 各 行 其 路 , 直 闯 兵 器 , 不 偏 左 右 。 9 它 们 蹦 上 城 , 蹿 上 墙 , 爬 上 房 屋 , 进 入 窗 户 如 同 盗 贼 。 10 他 们 一 来 , 地 震 天 动 , 日 月 昏 暗 , 星 宿 无 光 。 11 耶 和 华 在 他 军 旅 前 发 声 , 他 的 队 伍 甚 大 ; 成 就 他 命 的 是 强 盛 者 。 因 为 耶 和 华 的 日 子 大 而 可 畏 , 谁 能 当 得 起 呢 ?
  2 H3117 那日 H2822 是黑暗 H653 、幽冥 H6051 、密云 H6205 、乌黑 H3117 的日子 H7837 ,好象晨光 H6566 H2022 满山岭 H5971 。有一队蝗虫(原文是民 H7227 )又大 H6099 又强 H5769 ;从来 H1961 没有 H310 这样的,以后 H8141 直到 H1755 H1755 万代 H3254 也必没有。
  3 H6440 它们前面 H784 如火 H398 烧灭 H310 ,后面 H3852 如火焰 H3857 烧尽 H6440 。未到以前 H776 ,地 H5731 如伊甸 H1588 H310 ;过去以后 H8077 ,成了荒凉 H4057 的旷野 H6413 ;没有一样能躲避它们的。
  4 H4758 它们的形状 H5483 如马 H7323 ,奔跑 H6571 如马兵。
  5 H2022 在山 H7218 H7540 蹦跳 H4818 的响声,如车辆 H6963 的响声 H784 ,又如火 H3851 H398 H7179 碎秸 H6963 的响声 H6099 ,好象强盛的 H5971 H6186 摆阵 H4421 预备打仗。
  6 H6440 它们一来 H5971 ,众民 H2342 伤恸 H6440 ,脸 H6908 H6289 都变色。
  7 H1368 它们如勇士 H7323 奔跑 H4421 ,象战 H582 H5927 H2346 H376 ;各都 H3212 H1870 步行 H5670 ,不乱 H734 队伍。
  8 H376 H251 彼此 H1766 并不拥挤 H1397 ,向前各 H3212 H4546 其路 H5307 ,直闯 H7973 兵器 H1214 ,不偏左右。
  9 H8264 它们蹦 H5892 上城 H7323 ,蹿 H2346 上墙 H5927 ,爬 H1004 上房屋 H935 ,进 H2474 入窗户 H1590 如同盗贼。
  10 H6440 他们一来 H776 ,地 H7264 H8064 H7493 H8121 ,日 H3394 H6937 昏暗 H3556 ,星宿 H622 H5051 光。
  11 H3068 耶和华 H2428 在他军旅 H6440 H5414 H6963 H4264 ,他的队伍 H3966 H7227 H6213 ;成就 H1697 他命 H6099 的是强盛者 H3068 。因为耶和华 H3117 的日子 H1419 H3966 H3372 而可畏 H3557 ,谁能当得起呢?
Esperanto(i) 2 tago de mallumo kaj senlumeco, tago de nuboj kaj nebulo; simile al la matena cxielrugxo disvastigxas sur la montoj popolo grandnombra kaj forta; tia neniam ekzistis gxis nun, kaj ankaux post gxi ne plu ekzistos tia, en iu ajn generacio. 3 Antaux gxi ekstermas fajro, kaj post gxi bruligas flamo; antaux gxi la lando estas kiel la Edena gxardeno, kaj post gxi absoluta dezerto; kaj neniu savigxos de gxi. 4 Ili aspektas kiel cxevaloj, ili kuras kiel rajdantoj. 5 Ili saltas sur la montoj, kiel bruantaj cxaroj, kiel krakado de fajro, kiam gxi ekstermas pajlon, kiel popolo potenca, pretigxinta por batalo. 6 Popoloj tremas antaux gxi, cxiuj vizagxoj paligxas. 7 Kiel herooj ili kuras, kiel kuragxaj batalistoj ili grimpas sur la muregon; cxiu iras sian vojon, ne foreraras de sia vojo. 8 Unu alian ne pusxas, cxiu iras en sia vico; sur la glavojn ili sin jxetas, sed restas sendifektaj. 9 Ili trakuras la urbon, kuras sur la muregoj, eniras en la domojn, grimpas tra la fenestroj, kiel sxtelisto. 10 Antaux ili skuigxas la tero, tremas la cxielo; la suno kaj la luno senlumigxas, kaj la steloj perdas sian brilon. 11 Kaj la Eternulo ektondras per Sia vocxo antaux Sia armeo; cxar Lia militistaro estas tre granda, kaj la plenumantoj de Lia vorto estas potencaj; cxar granda kaj tre timinda estos la tago de la Eternulo; kiu povos gxin elteni?
Finnish(i) 2 Pimiä päivä, synkiä päivä, sumuinen päivä ja utuinen päivä; niinkuin aamurusko itsensä levittää vuorten ylitse; suuri ja väkevä kansa, jonka kaltaista ei ikänä ole ollut, eikä vasta tule ijankaikkiseen aikaan. 3 Hänen edellänsä käy kuluttavainen tuli, ja hänen jälissänsä polttavainen liekki. Maa on hänen edessänsä niinkuin Edenin puutarha, mutta hänen jälissänsä niinkuin autio erämaa, ja ei pidä kenenkään pääsemän häneltä pois. 4 Hänen muotonsa on niinkuin hevosten muoto; ja he karkaavat niinkuin ratsasmiehet. 5 He hyppäävät ylhäällä vuorten kukkuloilla niinkuin rattaat kitisevät, niinkuin liekki korsissa kihisis; niinkuin väkevä kansa, joka sotaan on hankittu. 6 Kansat pitää hänen edessänsä hämmästymän, että kaikki kasvot valjuksi muuttuvat. 7 He juoksevat niinkuin uljaat, ja karkaavat muurien ylitse niinkuin sotamiehet; ja kukin käy kohdastansa edes, ja ei poikkee ulos tiestänsä. 8 Ei estä kenkään kumppaniansa, vaan kukin matkustaa asetuksessansa; ja kuin he sota-aseiden välistä tunkevat sisälle, niin ei heitä haavoiteta. 9 He ajelevat ympäri kaupungissa, ja muurien päällä juoksevat, ja kiipeevät huoneisiin, ja tulevat akkunoista sisälle, niinkuin varas. 10 Hänen edessänsä vapisee maa, ja taivas värisee: aurinko ja kuu pimenevät, ja tähdet peittävät valkeutensa. 11 Sillä Herra on paneva jylinänsä hänen sotaväkensä edellä; sillä hänen sotaväkensä on sangen suuri ja väkevä, joka hänen käskynsä toimittaa; sillä Herran päivä on suuri ja sangen hirmuinen, kuka sitä voi kärsiä?
FinnishPR(i) 2 pimeyden ja synkeyden päivä, pilvien ja pilkkopimeän päivä. Vuorille levinneenä niinkuin aamurusko on lukuisa ja väkevä kansa, jonka vertaista ei ole ollut ikiajoista asti eikä tämän jälkeen enää tule, tulevaisten polvien vuosiin saakka. 3 Sen edellä käy kuluttava tuli, sen jäljissä polttava liekki. Niinkuin Eedenin puutarha on maa sen edessä, sen jäljissä on autio erämaa, eikä jää ketään, joka olisi siltä pelastunut. 4 Ne ovat näöltänsä kuin hevoset, ja niinkuin ratsut ne juoksevat. 5 Ryskyen kuin sotavaunut ne hyppivät vuorten huipuilla, räiskyen kuin tulen liekki, joka kuluttaa oljet; ne ovat kuin väkevä kansa, sotarintaan asettunut. 6 Niitten edessä kansat vapisevat, kaikki kasvot kalpenevat. 7 Ne juoksevat kuin sankarit, kuin soturit ne nousevat muurille. Jokainen kulkee tietänsä suoraan, ei mutkittele polullansa. 8 Toinen ei sysi toistansa: jokainen kulkee omaa suuntaansa. Heittoaseitten välitse ne syöksyvät pysähtymättä. 9 Kaupunkiin ne hyökkäävät, ryntäävät muurille, nousevat taloihin, tulevat ikkunoista sisään kuin varas. 10 Niitten edessä maa vapisee, ja taivaat järkkyvät; aurinko ja kuu käyvät mustiksi, ja tähdet kadottavat valonsa. 11 Ja Herra antaa äänensä jylistä sotajoukkonsa edellä, sillä ylen lukuisa on hänen väkensä, sillä väkevä on hänen käskynsä täyttäjä, sillä suuri on Herran päivä ja sangen peljättävä; kuka voi sitä kestää?
Haitian(i) 2 Se va yon jou ki pral fè nwa kou lank, ak syèl la plen nwaj nwa, yon jou kote nwaj nwa ak pousyè pral kouvri latè. Yon lame krikèt ap vanse. Yo gwonèg anpil! Tankou solèy la lè l'ap leve, y'ap kouvri mòn yo. Se bagay nou poko janm wè, bagay nou p'ap janm wè ankò, jouk sa kaba. 3 Tankou dife, yo devore tou sa ki devan yo. Yo pa kite anyen kote yo pase. Anvan yo te vini, peyi a te tankou yon ti paradi. Lè yo fin pase, li tounen yon dezè san anyen ladan l'. Anyen pa chape anba dan yo. 4 Yo tankou chwal, yo kouri tankou chwal sèl. 5 Lè y'ap soti sou tèt mòn yo, yo fè yon bri tankou cha lagè k'ap pase, tankou dife nan pay chèch. Yo mache an ran tankou yon gwo lame tou pare pou goumen. 6 Lè y'ap pwoche, tout moun pran tranble. Figi tout moun dekonpoze. 7 Yo atake tankou vanyan sòlda. Yo moute sou miray yo tankou sòlda k'ap fè lagè. Yo mache dwat devan yo, yo pa vire ni adwat ni agoch. 8 Yonn pa antrave lòt nan mach yo. Yo chak ap swiv chemen pa yo. Yo janbe tou sa yo mete pou bare yo. Anyen pa rete yo. 9 Yo pran lavil la pou yo. Yo kouri moute sou miray yo. Yo moute anwo kay yo, yo pase antre nan fennèt yo tankou vòlò. 10 Tè a souke lè y'ap mache vini. Syèl la tranble. Solèy la ak lalin lan vin tou nwa, zetwal yo pa klere nan syèl la ankò. 11 Seyè a ap mache alatèt lame li a: l'ap pase yo lòd. Lame a anpil. Yo gwonèg: Y'ap fè sa li ba yo lòd fè a. Ala yon gwo jou se jou Seyè a! Se yon jou pou moun pè tout bon vre. Ki moun ki va rete kanpe apre jou sa a?
Hungarian(i) 2 Sötétségnek és homálynak napja; felhõnek és borulatnak napja; mint a hegyekre ráterülõ alkonyat! Nagy és hatalmas nép, a milyen nem volt öröktõl fogva és nem is lesz utána többé, nemzetségrõl nemzetségre. 3 Elõtte tûz emészt, utána láng lobog; elõtte a föld olyan, mint az Éden kertje, utána pedig kietlen pusztaság; meg sem menekülhet tõle semmi. 4 A milyen a lovak alakja, olyan annak alakja, és száguldoznak, mint a lovasok. 5 Rohannak a hegyek tetején, mintha hadi szekerek robognának; mintha tarlót emésztõ láng ropogna; a milyen az ütközetre kész hatalmas nép. 6 Elrémülnek tõle a népek; minden arcz elsáppad. 7 Száguldoznak, mint a hõsök, felhágnak a kõfalakra, mint a bajnokok; mindenik a maga útján halad, nem bontják meg soraikat. 8 Egymást nem szorongatják; mindenik a maga útján halad; néki rohannak a fegyvernek, és nem esik seb rajtok. 9 Betörnek a városba, futkároznak a kõfalon, felhágnak a házakra, betörnek az ablakokon, mint a tolvaj. 10 Reszket elõttök a föld, és megrendülnek az egek; a nap és hold elsötétednek, a csillagok is bevonják fényöket. 11 És megzendül az Úrnak szava az õ serege elõtt, mert felette nagy az õ tábora; mert hatalmas az õ rendeletének végrehajtója. Bizony nagy az Úrnak napja és igen rettenetes! Ki állhatja ki azt?
Indonesian(i) 2 Hari itu gelap dan kelam, penuh kabut yang suram. Tentara belalang berdatangan seperti awan yang membentang di atas pegunungan. Peristiwa seperti itu belum pernah ada, dan tak akan terulang selama-lamanya. 3 Seperti api yang membakar dan menghanguskan mereka musnahkan segala tanaman. Sebelumnya, negeri itu seperti Eden, taman TUHAN, sesudahnya, serupa padang pasir yang kersang. Tak ada sesuatu pun yang tersisa, tak ada yang luput dari serangan mereka. 4 Rupa mereka seperti kuda; larinya seperti kuda di medan laga. 5 Mereka melompat-lompat di puncak pegunungan, bunyinya seperti gemeretaknya kereta pertempuran dan seperti gemeletiknya api yang membakar merang. Mereka berbaris seperti pasukan perkasa, yang siap maju ke medan laga. 6 Waktu mereka menyerbu, semua orang gentar, semua wajah menjadi pucat dan pudar. 7 Seperti pahlawan, mereka menyerang, dan mendaki tembok seperti pejuang. Mereka berbaris lurus ke depan, tanpa membelok atau mengubah haluan. 8 Mereka tidak berdesak-desakan, di jalurnya sendiri mereka berjalan. Beramai-ramai mereka dobrak segala pertahanan, tak dapat barisan mereka dihentikan. 9 Mereka menyerbu ke dalam kota, dan berlari di atas temboknya. Mereka memanjat ke dalam rumah-rumah; seperti pencuri, mereka masuk lewat jendela. 10 Sedang mereka maju, bumi gemetar, dan langit pun bergetar. Lalu gelaplah matahari dan bulan, dan cahaya bintang-bintang menghilang. 11 Suara TUHAN mengguntur, memberi aba-aba, kepada angkatan perangnya. Betapa besar jumlah laskarnya! Betapa kuat tentara yang melaksanakan perintah-Nya! Sungguh dahsyat dan hebat Hari TUHAN! Tak seorang pun dapat bertahan.
Italian(i) 2 giorno di tenebre e di caligine; giorno di nuvola e di folta oscurità, che si spande su per li monti, come l’alba; un grande, e possente popolo viene, il cui simile non fu giammai nè sarà dopo lui in alcuna età. 3 Davanti a lui un fuoco divora, e dietro a lui una fiamma divampa; la terra è davanti a lui come il giardino di Eden, e dietro a lui è un deserto di desolazione; ed anche egli non lascia nulla di resto. 4 Il suo aspetto è come l’aspetto de’ cavalli, e corrono come cavalieri. 5 Saltano su per le cime de’ monti, facendo strepito come carri; come fiamma di fuoco, che arde della stoppia; come un gran popolo apparecchiato alla battaglia. 6 I popoli saranno angosciati veggendolo, ogni faccia ne impallidirà. 7 Correranno come uomini prodi, saliranno sopra le mura come uomini di guerra; e cammineranno ciascuno nell’ordine suo, e non torceranno i lor sentieri. 8 E l’uno non incalzerà l’altro, ciascuno camminerà per la sua strada, e si avventeranno per mezzo le spade, e non saranno feriti. 9 Andranno attorno per la città, correranno sopra le mura, saliranno nelle case, entreranno per le finestre, come un ladro. 10 La terra tremerà davanti a loro, il cielo ne sarà scrollato; il sole e la luna ne saranno oscurati, e le stelle sottrarranno il loro splendore. 11 E il Signore darà fuori la sua voce in capo al suo esercito; perciocchè il suo campo sarà grandissimo; perciocchè l’esecutor della sua parola sarà possente; perciocchè il giorno del Signore sarà grande, e grandemente spaventevole; e chi lo potrà sostenere?
ItalianRiveduta(i) 2 giorno di tenebre, di densa oscurità, giorno di nubi, di fitta nebbia! Come l’alba si spande sui monti, viene un popolo numeroso e potente, quale non si vide mai prima, né mai più si vedrà poi negli anni delle età più remote. 3 Davanti a lui un fuoco divora, e dietro a lui divampa una fiamma; prima di lui, il paese era come un giardino d’Eden; dopo di lui, è un desolato deserto; nulla gli sfugge. 4 A vederli, paion cavalli, e corron come de’ cavalieri. 5 Si fa come uno strepito di carri, quando saltano sulle vette de’ monti; fanno un crepitìo di fiamma che divora la stoppia; son come un popolo poderoso, schierato in battaglia. 6 Davanti a loro i popoli sono in angoscia, ogni volto impallidisce. 7 Corrono come uomini prodi, dànno la scalata alle mura come gente di guerra; ognuno va diritto davanti a sé, e non devìa dal proprio sentiero; 8 nessuno sospinge il suo vicino, ognuno avanza per la sua strada; si slanciano in mezzo ai dardi, non rompon le file. 9 Invadono la città, corrono sulle mura; montano sulle case, entrano per le finestre come un ladro. 10 Davanti a loro trema la terra, i cieli sono scossi, il sole e la luna s’oscurano, le stelle ritirano il loro splendore. 11 L’Eterno dà fuori la sua voce davanti al suo esercito, perché immenso è il suo campo e potente l’esecutore della sua parola. Sì, il giorno dell’Eterno è grande, oltremodo terribile; chi lo potrà sopportare?
Korean(i) 2 곧 어둡고 캄캄한 날이요 빽빽한 구름이 끼인 날이라 새벽 빛이 산꼭대기에 덮인 것과 같으니 이는 많고 강한 백성이 이르렀음이라 이같은 것이 자고 이래로 없었고 이후 세세에 없으리로다 3 불이 그들의 앞을 사르며 불꽃이 그들의 뒤를 태우니 그 전의 땅은 에덴동산 같았으나 그 후의 땅은 황무한 들 같으니 그들을 피한 자가 없도다 4 그 모양은 말 같고 그 달리는 것은 기병 같으며 5 그들의 산 꼭대기에서 뛰는 소리가 병거 소리와도 같고 불꽃이 초개를 사르는 소리와도 같으며 강한 군사가 항오를 벌이고 싸우는 것같으니 6 그 앞에서 만민이 송구하여 하며 무리의 낯빛이 하얘졌도다 7 그들이 용사같이 달리며 무사 같이 성을 더위잡고 오르며 각기 자기의 길로 행하되 그 항오를 어기지 아니하며 8 피차에 부딪히지 아니하고 각기 자기의 길로 행하며 병기를 충돌하고 나아가나 상치 아니하며 9 성중에 뛰어 들어가며 성위에 달리며 집에 더위잡고 오르며 도적같이 창으로 들어가니 10 그 앞에서 땅이 진동하며 하늘이 떨며 일월이 캄캄하며 별들이 빛을 거두도다 11 여호와께서 그 군대 앞에서 소리를 발하시고 그 진은 심히 크고 그 명령을 행하는 자는 강하니 여호와의 날이 크고 심히 두렵도다 당할 자가 누구이랴
Lithuanian(i) 2 Tamsi, niūri ir debesuota diena. Kaip ryto migla apgaubia kalnų viršūnes, taip galinga ir didelė tauta ateina. Tokios nebuvo iki šiol ir nebebus per kartų kartas. 3 Jų priekyje­visa ryjanti ugnis, užpakalyje­siaučianti liepsna. Kraštas prieš juos kaip Edeno sodas, jiems praėjus­tuščia dykuma; niekas neišsigelbės nuo jų. 4 Jie atrodo kaip žirgai ir puls kaip kariuomenės raiteliai. 5 Jų garsas lyg kovos vežimų, riedančių kalnų viršūnėmis, kaip ūžimas liepsnos, ryjančios ražienas, kaip kariuomenės, kuri išsirikiavusi kovai. 6 Prieš juos drebės tautos, visų veidai pabals. 7 Jie bėgs kaip karžygiai, lips sienomis kaip kariai; kiekvienas eis savo keliu, nesuardydamas gretų. 8 Jie nesistumdys, bet eis kiekvienas savo taku. Jie kris ant kardo, bet nesusižeis. 9 Jie lakstys po miestą, bėgs sienomis, lips į namus, lįs pro langus kaip vagys. 10 Prieš juos drebės žemė ir svyruos dangus, saulė ir mėnulis aptems, žvaigždės nebespindės. 11 Viešpats pakels balsą priešais savo kariuomenę. Jo pulkai yra labai gausūs, ir stiprus tas, kuris vykdo Jo žodį. Viešpaties diena yra didi ir labai baisi, kas galės ją iškęsti?
PBG(i) 2 Dzień ciemności i mroku, dzień obłoku i chmury, jako ranna zorza rozciągniona po górach; lud wielki a mocny, któremu równego nie było od wieku, i nie będzie po nim nigdy aż do lat rodzaju i rodzaju. 3 Przed obliczem jako ogień pożerający, a za nim płomień pałający; ta ziemia jest przed nim jako ogród Eden, ale po nim będzie pustynią pustą i nie ujdzie nikt przed nim. 4 Kształt ich jest jako kształt koni, a tak pobieżą jako jezdni. 5 Po wierzchu gór skakać będą jako grzmot wozów, a jako szum płomienia ognistego pożerającego ściernisko, jako lud możny uszykowany do bitwy. 6 Ulękną się narody przed obliczem jego, wszystkie twarze ich jako garniec poczernieją. 7 Pobieżą jako mocarze, a wbieżą na mury jako mężowie waleczni; każdy z nich drogą swoją pójdzie, a nie ustąpią z ścieżek swoich. 8 Jeden drugiego nie ściśnie, każdy drogą swoją pójdzie; a choć i na miecz upadną, nie będą zranieni. 9 Po mieście chodzić będą, po murze biegać, na domy wstąpią, a oknami wlezą jako złodziej. 10 Przed obliczem jego ziemia zadrży, niebiosa się poruszą, słońce i miesiąc się zaćmi, a gwiazdy zawściągną jasność swoję. 11 A Pan wyda głos swój przed wojskiem swojem, przeto, że bardzo wielki będzie obóz jego, przeto, że mocny ten, co wykona słowo jego; wielki bowiem dzień Pański będzie i straszliwy bardzo, i któż go zniesie?
Portuguese(i) 2 dia de trevas e de escuridão, dia de nuvens e de negrume! Como a alva, está espalhado sobre os montes um povo grande e poderoso, qual nunca houve, nem depois dele haverá pelos anos adiante, de geração em geração: 3 Diante dele um fogo consome, e atrás dele uma chama abrasa; a terra diante dele é como o jardim do Édem mas atrás dele um desolado deserto; sim, nada lhe escapa. 4 A sua aparência é como a de cavalos; e como cavaleiros, assim correm. 5 Como o estrondo de carros sobre os cumes dos montes vão eles saltando, como o ruído da chama de fogo que consome o restolho, como um povo poderoso, posto em ordem de batalha. 6 Diante dele estão angustiados os povos; todos os semblantes empalidecem. 7 Correm como valentes, como homens de guerra sobem os muros; e marcham cada um nos seus caminhos e não se desviam da sua fileira. 8 Não empurram uns aos outros; marcham cada um pelo seu carreiro; abrem caminho por entre as armas, e não se detêm. 9 Pulam sobre a cidade, correm pelos muros; sobem nas casas; entram pelas janelas como o ladrão. 10 Diante deles a terra se abala; tremem os céus; o sol e a lua escurecem, e as estrelas retiram o seu resplendor. 11 E o Senhor levanta a sua voz diante do seu exército, porque muito grande é o seu arraial; e poderoso é quem executa a sua ordem; pois o dia do Senhor é grande e muito terrível, e quem o poderá suportar?
Norwegian(i) 2 en dag med mørke og mulm, en dag med skyer og skodde, utbredt over fjellene som morgenrøde - et stort og sterkt folk, som det ikke har vært make til fra fordums tid og heller ikke siden kommer make til gjennem årene, fra slekt til slekt. 3 Foran det fortærer ild, og efter det brenner lue; som Edens have er landet foran det, og efter det er det en øde ørken, og det er intet som slipper unda det. 4 Som hester er det å se til, og som ryttere løper de avsted. 5 Det lyder som larm av vogner når de hopper over fjelltoppene, det lyder som når ildsluen fortærer halm, de er som et sterkt folk, rustet til krig. 6 Folkeslag skjelver for det; alle ansikter blir blussende røde*. / {* JES 13, 8.} 7 Som helter løper de avsted, som krigsmenn stiger de op på murene; de drar frem hver sin vei og bøier ikke av fra sine stier. 8 De trenger ikke hverandre til side; de går frem hver på sin egen vei; mellem kastespyd styrter de frem og stanser ikke i sitt løp. 9 I byen vanker de om, på muren løper de, i husene stiger de op, gjennem vinduene går de inn som tyver. 10 Foran dem skjelver jorden og ryster himmelen; sol og måne sortner, og stjernene holder op å lyse. 11 Og Herren lar sin røst høre foran sin fylking, for hans hær er såre stor, og sterk er den som fullbyrder hans ord; for stor er Herrens dag og såre forferdelig - hvem kan utholde den?
Romanian(i) 2 O zi de întunerec şi negură mare, o zi de nori şi de întunecime. Ca zorile dimineţii se întinde peste munţi un popor mare şi puternic, cum n'a mai fost din veac, şi nici în vremurile viitoare nu va mai fi. 3 Arde focul înaintea lui, şi pîlpăie flacăra după el. Înaintea lui, ţara era ca o grădină a Edenului, şi după el este un pustiu sterp: nimic nu -i scapă. 4 Parcă sînt nişte cai, şi aleargă ca nişte călăreţi. 5 Vin uruind ca nişte cară pe munţi, şi pîrăe ca o flacără de foc, cînd mistuie miriştea; par o puternică oştire, gata de luptă. 6 Tremură popoarele înaintea lor, şi toate feţele îngălbenesc. 7 Aleargă ca nişte războinici, se suie pe ziduri ca nişte războinici, fiecare îşi vede de drumul lui, şi nu se abate din cărarea lui. 8 Nu se împing unii pe alţii, fiecare ţine şirul, se năpustesc prin săgeţi şi nu se opresc din mers. 9 Se răspîndesc în cetate, aleargă pe ziduri, se suie pe case, şi intră pe ferestre ca un hoţ. 10 Înaintea lor se cutremură pămîntul, se zguduie cerurile, soarele şi luna se întunecă, şi stelele îşi pierd lumina. 11 Domnul face să tune glasul Lui înaintea oştirii Sale, căci tabăra Lui este foarte mare, şi celce împlineşte cuvîntul este puternic. Dar mare este ziua Domnului şi foarte înfricoşată: cine o poate suferi?
Ukrainian(i) 2 день темноти та темряви, день хмари й імли! Як несеться досвітня зоря по горах, так народ цей великий й міцний. Такого, як він, не бувало відвіку, і по ньому не буде вже більш аж до літ з роду в рід! 3 Перед ним пожирає огонь, і палахкотить за ним полум'я! Земля перед ним, як еденський садок, а за ним опустіла пустиня, і рятунку від нього нема! 4 Його вигляд ніби коні, гарцюють вони, наче ті верхівці! 5 Як гуркіт військових возів, вони скачуть гірськими верхів'ями, як вереск огнистого полум'я, що солому жере, наче потужний народ, що до бою поставлений. 6 Народи тремтять перед ним, всі обличчя поблідли. 7 Як лицарі, мчаться вони, немов вояки вибігають на мур, і кожен своєю дорогою йдуть, і з стежок своїх не позбиваються, 8 не пхають вони один одного, ходять своєю дорогою битою, а коли на списа упадуть, то не зраняться. 9 По місті хурчать, по мурі біжать, увіходять в доми, через вікна пролазять, як злодій. 10 Трясеться земля перед ним, тремтить небо, сонце та місяць темніють, а зорі загублюють сяйво своє. 11 І голос Свій видасть Господь перед військом Своїм, бо табір Його величезний, бо міцний виконавець слова Його, бо великий день Господа й вельми страшний, і хто зможе його перенести?