2 a darcke daye, a gloomynge daye, a cloudy daye, yee, and a stormy daye, lyke as the mornynge spredeth out vpon the hylles. Namely, a greate and myghtye people: soch as haue not bene sence the beginninge, nether shall be after them for euermore.
3 Before him shall be a consumynge fyre, and behynde him a burnynge flame. The lande shalbe as a garden of pleasure before him, but behinde him shall it be a very waste wyldernesse, and there is no man, that shall escape hym:
4 They are to loke vpon lyke barbed horses, & runne lyke horsmen.
5 They skippe vp vpon the hylles, as it were the sounde of charettes: as the flame of fyre that consumeth the strawe, and as a myghty people redy to the batayll.
6 The folke shalbe afrayed of hym, all faces shalbe as blacke as a pot:
7 These shall runne lyke gyauntes, and leape ouer the walles lyke men of warre. Euery man in his goinge shall kepe hys araye, and not goo out of hys path.
8 There shall not one driue another, but eche shall kepe his awne waye. They shall breake in at the wyndowes, & not be hurte:
9 They shall come into the cytie, & runne vpon the walles. They shall clyme vp vpon the houses, and slyppe in at the wyndowes lyke a thefe.
10 The earth shall quake before hym, yee, the heauens shalbe moued. The sunne & the moone shall be darckened, and the starres shall withdrawe theyr shyne.
11 The Lord shall shewe hys voyce before hys hooste, for his hoost is greate, stronge, and myghtye to fulfyll hys commaundement. Thys is that greate and maruelous fearfull daye of the Lorde. And who is able to abyde it?