Job 28

  1 G1510.2.3 For there is G1063   G694 [2for silver G5117 1a place] G3606 from where G1096 it exists, G5117 and a place G1161   G5553 for gold G3606 from where G1335.1 it is refined.
  2 G4604 [2iron G3303 1For G1063   G1537 4from out of G1093 5 the earth G1096 3comes], G5475 and brass G1161   G2470 equally G3037 [2 like stone G2998 1is quarried].
  3 G5010 [2an order G5087 1He established] G4655 for darkness, G2532 and G3956 every G4009 limit G1473 he G1812.2 determines exactly; G3037 [5 is as a stone G4653 1darkness G2532 2and G4639 3 the shadow G2288 4of death].
  4 G1249.1 There is a breach G5493 of the rushing stream G575 from G2866.4 powder; G3588 and the ones G1161   G1950 forgetting G3598 [2way G1342 1 the just] G770 are weakened; G1537 of G1027.1 mortals -- G4531 they are shaken.
  5 G1093 As for the earth, G1537 out of G1473 it G1831 shall come forth G740 bread; G5270 underneath G1473 it, G4762 it was turned G5616 as G4442 fire.
  6 G5117 [2 are the place G4552 3of the sapphire G3588   G3037 1Her stones]; G2532 and G5560.1 [2an embankment G5553 1her gold]. G1473  
  7 G5147 There is a road G3756 [4not G1097 2knows G1473 3it G4071 1 the bird]; G2532 and G3756 [3looked not over G3849.2   G1473 4it G3788 1 the eye G1135.3 2of the vulture],
  8 G3756 [5not G3961 3trod G1473 4it G5207 1 the sons G213 2of ostentatious ones]; G3756 [3not G3928 2went G1909 4upon G1473 5it G3023 1a lion].
  9 G1722 [3in G206.2 4a chiseled place G1614 1He stretched forth G5495 2his hand], G1473   G2690 and overturned G1161   G1537 [2by G4491 3 the roots G3735 1mountains];
  10 G2345.1 and the hill G1161   G4215 of rivers G1284 he tore up; G3956 [5every G1161 1and G1784 6valuable thing G1492 4beheld G1473 2my G3588   G3788 3eye].
  11 G899 And the depths G1161   G4215 of the rivers G343 he uncovered, G1166 and he shows G1161   G1473 his G1411 power G1519 in G5457 light.
  12 G3588   G1161 But G4678 [2 is wisdom G4159 1from what place] G2147 found? G4169 and of what G1161   G5117 place G1510.2.3 is G3588   G1989.1 higher knowledge?
  13 G3756 [2knows not G1492   G1027.1 1A mortal] G3598 her way, G3761 in no way G3361   G2147 is she found G1722 among G444 men.
  14 G12 The abyss G2036 said, G3756 She is not G1510.2.3   G1722 in G1473 me; G2532 and G3588 the G2281 sea G2036 said, G3756 She is not G1510.2.3   G3326 with G1473 me.
  15 G3756 One shall not give G1325   G4787.4 an investment G473 for G1473 her, G2532 and G3756 shall not G2476 set G694 silver G465 as a bargain G1473 for her.
  16 G2532 And G3756 she shall not G4821.1 be compared with G5553 the gold G* of Ophir, G1722 with G3689.1 [2onyx G5093 1valuable] G2532 and G4552 sapphire.
  17 G3756 [4shall not G2473.1 5be equal G1473 6to her G5553 1Gold G2532 2and G5194 3glass], G2532 nor G3588   G235.1 [3 as barter G1473 4for her G4632 1items G5552 2of gold].
  18 G3349.2 Meteorites G2532 and G1041.2 crystal G3756 shall not G3403 be mentioned; G2532 but G1670 draw on G4678 wisdom G5228 above G3588 the G2081.1 innermost things .
  19 G3756 [3shall not G2473.1 4be equal G1473 5to her G5116 1 The topaz G* 2of Ethiopia]; G5553 [4gold G2513 3pure G3756 1she shall not G4821.1 2be compared with].
  20 G3588 But concerning G1161   G4678 wisdom, G4159 from what place G2147 shall she be found? G4169 and of what kind G1161   G5117 of place G1510.2.3 is G3588   G4907 understanding?
  21 G2990 She has escaped notice G3956 of every G444 man; G2532 and G575 from G4071 the birds G3588 of the G3772 heaven G2928 she was hid.
  22 G3588   G684 Destruction G2532 and G3588   G2288 death G2036 said, G191 We have heard G1473 of her G3588   G2811 fame.
  23 G3588 God G2316   G2095 [4well G4921 1commended G1473 2her G3588   G3598 3way]; G1473 and he G1161   G1492 knows G3588   G5117 her place. G1473  
  24 G1473 For he G1063   G3588   G5259 [2under G3772 3heaven G3956 1inspects all things], G2186.4   G1492 knowing G3588 the things G1722 in G3588 the G1093 earth;
  25 G3956 all G3739 which G4160 he made, G417 [2of the winds G4712.4 1 even the weight], G5204 [2of water G3358 1 and the measures].
  26 G3753 When G4160 he made them, G3779 thus G1492 seeing G705 he counted them, G2532 and G3598 made a way G1722 for G5098.1 the vibration G5456 of sound.
  27 G5119 Then G1492 he beheld G1473 it, G1834 he described G1473 it; G2090 preparing G1840.1 he tracked it out.
  28 G2036 And he said G1161   G444 to man, G2400 Behold, G3588   G2317 godliness G1510.2.3 is G4678 wisdom; G3588   G1161 and G566 being at a distance G575 from G2556 evils G1510.2.3 is G1989.1 higher knowledge.
  1 G1510.2.3 εστι γαρ G1063   G694 αργυρίω G5117 τόπος G3606 όθεν G1096 γίνεται G5117 τόπος δε G1161   G5553 χρυσίω G3606 όθεν G1335.1 διηθείται
  2 G4604 σίδηρος G3303 μεν γαρ G1063   G1537 εκ G1093 γης G1096 γίνεται G5475 χαλκός δε G1161   G2470 ίσα G3037 λίθω G2998 λατομείται
  3 G5010 τάξιν G5087 έθετο G4655 σκότει G2532 και G3956 παν G4009 πέρας G1473 αυτός G1812.2 εξακριβάζεται G3037 λίθος G4653 σκοτία G2532 και G4639 σκιά G2288 θανάτου
  4 G1249.1 διακοπή G5493 χειμάρρου G575 από G2866.4 κονίας G3588 οι δε G1161   G1950 επιλανθανόμενοι G3598 οδόν G1342 δικαίαν G770 ησθένησαν G1537 εκ G1027.1 βροτών G4531 εσαλεύθησαν
  5 G1093 γη G1537 εξ G1473 αυτής G1831 εξελεύσεται G740 άρτος G5270 υποκάτω G1473 αυτής G4762 εστράφη G5616 ωσεί G4442 πυρ
  6 G5117 τόπος G4552 σαπφείρου G3588 οι G3037 λίθοι αυτής G2532 και G5560.1 χώμα G5553 χρυσίον αυτής G1473  
  7 G5147 τρίβος G3756 ουκ G1097 έγνω G1473 αυτήν G4071 πετεινόν G2532 και G3756 ου παρέβλεψεν G3849.2   G1473 αυτήν G3788 οφθαλμός G1135.3 γυπός
  8 G3756 ουκ G3961 επάτησαν G1473 αυτήν G5207 υιοί G213 αλαζόνων G3756 ου G3928 παρήλθεν G1909 επ΄ G1473 αυτής G3023 λέων
  9 G1722 εν G206.2 ακροτόμω G1614 εξέτεινε G5495 χείρα αυτού G1473   G2690 κατέστρεψε δε G1161   G1537 εκ G4491 ριζών G3735 όρη
  10 G2345.1 θίνας δε G1161   G4215 ποταμών G1284 διέρρηξε G3956 παν G1161 δε G1784 έντιμον G1492 είδέ G1473 μου G3588 ο G3788 οφθαλμός
  11 G899 βάθη δε G1161   G4215 ποταμών G343 ανεκάλυψεν G1166 έδειξε δε G1161   G1473 αυτού G1411 δύναμιν G1519 εις G5457 φως
  12 G3588 η G1161 δε G4678 σοφία G4159 πόθεν G2147 ευρέθη G4169 ποίος δε G1161   G5117 τόπος G1510.2.3 εστί G3588 της G1989.1 επιστήμης
  13 G3756 ουκ οίδε G1492   G1027.1 βροτός G3598 οδόν αυτής G3761 ουδέ μη G3361   G2147 ευρεθή G1722 εν G444 ανθρώποις
  14 G12 άβυσσος G2036 είπεν G3756 ουκ έστιν G1510.2.3   G1722 εν G1473 εμοί G2532 και G3588 η G2281 θάλασσα G2036 είπεν G3756 ουκ έστι G1510.2.3   G3326 μετ΄ G1473 εμού
  15 G3756 ου δώσει G1325   G4787.4 συγκλεισμόν G473 αντ΄ G1473 αυτής G2532 και G3756 ου G2476 σταθήσεται G694 αργύριον G465 αντάλλαγμα G1473 αυτής
  16 G2532 και G3756 ου G4821.1 συμβασταχθήσεται G5553 χρυσίω G* Ωφείρ G1722 εν G3689.1 όνυχι G5093 τιμίω G2532 και G4552 σαπφείρω
  17 G3756 ουκ G2473.1 ισωθήσεται G1473 αυτή G5553 χρυσίον G2532 και G5194 ύαλος G2532 και G3588 το G235.1 άλλαγμα G1473 αυτής G4632 σκεύη G5552 χρυσά
  18 G3349.2 μετέωρα G2532 και G1041.2 γαβίς G3756 ου G3403 μνησθήσεται G2532 και G1670 έλκυσον G4678 σοφίαν G5228 υπέρ G3588 τα G2081.1 εσώτατα
  19 G3756 ουκ G2473.1 ισωθήσεται G1473 αυτή G5116 τοπάζιον G* Αιθιοπίας G5553 χρυσίω G2513 καθαρώ G3756 ου G4821.1 συμβασταχθήσεται
  20 G3588 η δε G1161   G4678 σοφία G4159 πόθεν G2147 ευρέθη G4169 ποίος δε G1161   G5117 τόπος G1510.2.3 εστί G3588 της G4907 συνέσεως
  21 G2990 λέληθε G3956 πάντα G444 άνθρωπον G2532 και G575 από G4071 πετεινών G3588 του G3772 ουρανού G2928 εκρύβη
  22 G3588 η G684 απώλεια G2532 και G3588 ο G2288 θάνατος G2036 είπαν G191 ακηκόαμεν G1473 αυτής G3588 το G2811 κλέος
  23 G3588 ο θεός G2316   G2095 ευ G4921 συνέστησεν G1473 αυτής G3588 την G3598 οδόν G1473 αυτός δε G1161   G1492 οίδε G3588 τον G5117 τόπον αυτής G1473  
  24 G1473 αυτός γαρ G1063   G3588 την G5259 υπ΄ G3772 ουρανόν G3956 πάσαν εφορά G2186.4   G1492 ειδώς G3588 τα G1722 εν G3588 τη G1093 γη
  25 G3956 πάντα G3739 α G4160 εποίησεν G417 ανέμων G4712.4 σταθμόν G5204 ύδατος G3358 μέτρα
  26 G3753 ότε G4160 εποίησεν G3779 ούτως G1492 ιδών G705 ηρίθμησε G2532 και G3598 οδόν G1722 εν G5098.1 τινάγματι G5456 φωνής
  27 G5119 τότε G1492 είδεν G1473 αυτήν G1834 εξηγήσατο G1473 αυτήν G2090 ετοιμάσας G1840.1 εξιχνίασεν
  28 G2036 είπε δε G1161   G444 ανθρώπω G2400 ιδού G3588 η G2317 θεοσέβεια G1510.2.3 εστί G4678 σοφία G3588 το G1161 δε G566 απέχεσθαι G575 από G2556 κακών G1510.2.3 εστίν G1989.1 επιστήμη
    1 G1510 V-PAI-3S εστιν G1063 PRT γαρ G694 N-DSN αργυριω G5117 N-NSM τοπος G3606 ADV οθεν G1096 V-PMI-3S γινεται G5117 N-NSM τοπος G1161 PRT δε G5553 N-DSN χρυσιω G3606 ADV οθεν   V-AMI-3S διηθειται
    2 G4604 N-NSM σιδηρος G3303 PRT μεν G1063 PRT γαρ G1537 PREP εκ G1065 N-GSF γης G1096 V-PMI-3S γινεται G5475 N-NSM χαλκος G1161 PRT δε G2470 ADV ισα G3037 N-DSM λιθω G2998 V-PMI-3S λατομειται
    3 G5010 N-ASF ταξιν G5087 V-AMI-3S εθετο G4655 N-DSN σκοτει G2532 CONJ και G3956 A-NSN παν G4009 N-NSN περας G846 D-NSM αυτος   V-PMI-3S εξακριβαζεται G3037 N-NSM λιθος G4653 N-NSF σκοτια G2532 CONJ και G4639 N-NSF σκια G2288 N-GSM θανατου
    4   N-NSF διακοπη   N-GSM χειμαρρου G575 PREP απο   N-GSF κονιας G3588 T-NPM οι G1161 PRT δε   V-PMPNP επιλανθανομενοι G3598 N-ASF οδον G1342 A-ASF δικαιαν G770 V-AAI-3P ησθενησαν G1537 PREP εκ   N-GPM βροτων
    5 G1065 N-NSF γη G1537 PREP εξ G846 D-GSF αυτης G1831 V-FMI-3S εξελευσεται G740 N-NSM αρτος G5270 ADV υποκατω G846 D-GSF αυτης G4762 V-API-3S εστραφη G5616 ADV ωσει G4442 N-NSN πυρ
    6 G5117 N-NSM τοπος G4552 N-GSF σαπφειρου G3588 T-NPM οι G3037 N-NPM λιθοι G846 D-GSF αυτης G2532 CONJ και   N-NSN χωμα G5553 N-NSN χρυσιον G846 D-DSM αυτω
    7 G5147 N-NSF τριβος G3364 ADV ουκ G1097 V-AAI-3S εγνω G846 D-ASF αυτην G4071 N-NSN πετεινον G2532 CONJ και G3364 ADV ου   V-AAI-3S παρεβλεψεν G846 D-ASF αυτην G3788 N-NSM οφθαλμος   N-GSM γυπος
    8 G3364 ADV ουκ G3961 V-AAI-3P επατησαν G846 D-ASF αυτην G5207 N-NPM υιοι G213 N-GPM αλαζονων G3364 ADV ου G3928 V-AAI-3S παρηλθεν G1909 PREP επ G846 D-GSF αυτης G3023 N-NSM λεων
    9 G1722 PREP εν   A-DSM ακροτομω G1614 V-AAI-3S εξετεινεν G5495 N-ASF χειρα G846 D-GSM αυτου G2690 V-AAI-3S κατεστρεψεν G1161 PRT δε G1537 PREP εκ   N-GPF ριζων G3735 N-APN ορη
    10   N-APF δινας G1161 PRT δε G4215 N-GPM ποταμων G4486 V-AAI-3S ερρηξεν G3956 A-ASN παν G1161 PRT δε G1784 A-ASN εντιμον G3708 V-AAI-3S ειδεν G1473 P-GS μου G3588 T-NSM ο G3788 N-NSM οφθαλμος
    11 G899 N-APN βαθη G1161 PRT δε G4215 N-GPM ποταμων G343 V-AAI-3S ανεκαλυψεν G1166 V-AAI-3S εδειξεν G1161 PRT δε G1438 D-GSM εαυτου G1411 N-ASF δυναμιν G1519 PREP εις G5457 N-ASN φως
    12 G3588 T-NSF η G1161 PRT δε G4678 N-NSF σοφια G4159 ADV ποθεν G2147 V-API-3S ευρεθη G4169 A-NSM ποιος G1161 PRT δε G5117 N-NSM τοπος G1510 V-PAI-3S εστιν G3588 T-GSF της   N-GSF επιστημης
    13 G3364 ADV ουκ   V-RAI-3S οιδεν   N-NSM βροτος G3598 N-ASF οδον G846 D-GSF αυτης G3761 CONJ ουδε G3165 ADV μη G2147 V-APS-3S ευρεθη G1722 PREP εν G444 N-DPM ανθρωποις
    14 G12 N-NSF αβυσσος   V-AAI-3S ειπεν G3364 ADV ουκ G1510 V-PAI-3S εστιν G1722 PREP εν G1473 P-DS εμοι G2532 CONJ και G2281 N-NSF θαλασσα   V-AAI-3S ειπεν G3364 ADV ουκ G1510 V-PAI-3S εστιν G3326 PREP μετ G1473 P-GS εμου
    15 G3364 ADV ου G1325 V-FAI-3S δωσει   N-ASM συγκλεισμον G473 PREP αντ G846 D-GSF αυτης G2532 CONJ και G3364 ADV ου G2476 V-FPI-3S σταθησεται G694 N-ASN αργυριον   N-ASN ανταλλαγμα G846 D-GSF αυτης
    16 G2532 CONJ και G3364 ADV ου   V-FPI-3S συμβασταχθησεται G5553 N-DSN χρυσιω   N-PRI ωφιρ G1722 PREP εν   N-DSM ονυχι G5093 A-DSM τιμιω G2532 CONJ και G4552 N-DSF σαπφειρω
    17 G3364 ADV ουκ   V-FPI-3S ισωθησεται G846 D-DSF αυτη G5553 N-NSN χρυσιον G2532 CONJ και G5194 N-NSF υαλος G2532 CONJ και G3588 T-NSN το   N-NSN αλλαγμα G846 D-GSF αυτης G4632 N-NPN σκευη   A-NPN χρυσα
    18   A-NPN μετεωρα G2532 CONJ και   N-PRI γαβις G3364 ADV ου G3403 V-FPI-3S μνησθησεται G2532 CONJ και   V-AAD-2S ελκυσον G4678 N-ASF σοφιαν G5228 PREP υπερ G3588 T-APN τα   A-APNS εσωτατα
    19 G3364 ADV ουκ   V-FPI-3S ισωθησεται G846 D-DSF αυτη G5116 N-NSN τοπαζιον   N-GSF αιθιοπιας G5553 N-DSN χρυσιω G2513 A-DSN καθαρω G3364 ADV ου   V-FPI-3S συμβασταχθησεται
    20 G3588 T-NSF η G1161 PRT δε G4678 N-NSF σοφια G4159 ADV ποθεν G2147 V-API-3S ευρεθη G4169 A-NSM ποιος G1161 PRT δε G5117 N-NSM τοπος G1510 V-PAI-3S εστιν G3588 T-GSF της G4907 N-GSF συνεσεως
    21 G2990 V-RAI-3S λεληθεν G3956 A-ASM παντα G444 N-ASM ανθρωπον G2532 CONJ και G575 PREP απο G4071 N-GPN πετεινων G3588 T-GSM του G3772 N-GSM ουρανου G2928 V-API-3S εκρυβη
    22 G3588 T-NSF η G684 N-NSF απωλεια G2532 CONJ και G3588 T-NSM ο G2288 N-NSM θανατος   V-AAI-3P ειπαν G191 V-RAI-1P ακηκοαμεν G1161 PRT δε G846 D-GSF αυτης G3588 T-ASN το G2811 N-ASN κλεος
    23 G3588 T-NSM ο G2316 N-NSM θεος G2095 ADV ευ   V-AAI-3S συνεστησεν G846 D-GSF αυτης G3588 T-ASF την G3598 N-ASF οδον G846 D-NSM αυτος G1161 PRT δε   V-RAI-3S οιδεν G3588 T-ASM τον G5117 N-ASM τοπον G846 D-GSF αυτης
    24 G846 D-NSM αυτος G1063 PRT γαρ G3588 T-ASF την G5259 PREP υπ G3772 N-ASM ουρανον G3956 A-ASF πασαν   V-PAI-3S εφορα   V-RAPNS ειδως G3588 T-APN τα G1722 PREP εν G3588 T-DSF τη G1065 N-DSF γη G3956 A-APN παντα G3739 R-APN α G4160 V-AAI-3S εποιησεν
    25 G417 N-GPM ανεμων   N-ASM σταθμον G5204 N-GSN υδατος G5037 PRT τε G3358 N-APN μετρα
    26 G3753 ADV οτε G4160 V-AAI-3S εποιησεν G3778 ADV ουτως G5205 N-ASM υετον G705 V-AAI-3S ηριθμησεν G2532 CONJ και G3598 N-ASF οδον G1722 PREP εν   N-DSN τιναγματι G5456 N-GSF φωνας
    27 G5119 ADV τοτε G3708 V-AAI-3S ειδεν G846 D-ASF αυτην G2532 CONJ και G1834 V-AMI-3S εξηγησατο G846 D-ASF αυτην G2090 V-AAPNS ετοιμασας   V-AAI-3S εξιχνιασεν
    28   V-AAI-3S ειπεν G1161 PRT δε G444 N-DSM ανθρωπω G2400 INJ ιδου G3588 T-NSF η G2317 N-NSF θεοσεβεια G1510 V-PAI-3S εστιν G4678 N-NSF σοφια G3588 T-ASN το G1161 PRT δε G568 V-PMN απεχεσθαι G575 PREP απο G2556 A-GPM κακων G1510 V-PAI-3S εστιν   N-NSF επιστημη
HOT(i) 1 כי ישׁ לכסף מוצא ומקום לזהב יזקו׃ 2 ברזל מעפר יקח ואבן יצוק נחושׁה׃ 3 קץ שׂם לחשׁך ולכל תכלית הוא חוקר אבן אפל וצלמות׃ 4 פרץ נחל מעם גר הנשׁכחים מני רגל דלו מאנושׁ נעו׃ 5 ארץ ממנה יצא לחם ותחתיה נהפך כמו אשׁ׃ 6 מקום ספיר אבניה ועפרת זהב׃ 7 נתיב לא ידעו עיט ולא שׁזפתו עין איה׃ 8 לא הדריכהו בני שׁחץ לא עדה עליו שׁחל׃ 9 בחלמישׁ שׁלח ידו הפך משׁרשׁ הרים׃ 10 בצורות יארים בקע וכל יקר ראתה עינו׃ 11 מבכי נהרות חבשׁ ותעלמה יצא אור׃ 12 והחכמה מאין תמצא ואי זה מקום בינה׃ 13 לא ידע אנושׁ ערכה ולא תמצא בארץ החיים׃ 14 תהום אמר לא בי היא וים אמר אין עמדי׃ 15 לא יתן סגור תחתיה ולא ישׁקל כסף מחירה׃ 16 לא תסלה בכתם אופיר בשׁהם יקר וספיר׃ 17 לא יערכנה זהב וזכוכית ותמורתה כלי פז׃ 18 ראמות וגבישׁ לא יזכר ומשׁך חכמה מפנינים׃ 19 לא יערכנה פטדת כושׁ בכתם טהור לא תסלה׃ 20 והחכמה מאין תבוא ואי זה מקום בינה׃ 21 ונעלמה מעיני כל חי ומעוף השׁמים נסתרה׃ 22 אבדון ומות אמרו באזנינו שׁמענו שׁמעה׃ 23 אלהים הבין דרכה והוא ידע את מקומה׃ 24 כי הוא לקצות הארץ יביט תחת כל השׁמים יראה׃ 25 לעשׂות לרוח משׁקל ומים תכן במדה׃ 26 בעשׂתו למטר חק ודרך לחזיז קלות׃ 27 אז ראה ויספרה הכינה וגם חקרה׃ 28 ויאמר לאדם הן יראת אדני היא חכמה וסור מרע בינה׃
IHOT(i) (In English order)
  1 H3588 כי Surely H3426 ישׁ there is H3701 לכסף for the silver, H4161 מוצא a vein H4725 ומקום and a place H2091 לזהב for gold H2212 יזקו׃ they fine
  2 H1270 ברזל Iron H6083 מעפר out of the earth, H3947 יקח is taken H68 ואבן the stone. H6694 יצוק molten H5154 נחושׁה׃ and brass
  3 H7093 קץ an end H7760 שׂם He setteth H2822 לחשׁך to darkness, H3605 ולכל all H8503 תכלית perfection: H1931 הוא and searcheth out H2713 חוקר and searcheth out H68 אבן the stones H652 אפל of darkness, H6757 וצלמות׃ and the shadow of death.
  4 H6555 פרץ breaketh out H5158 נחל The flood H5973 מעם from H1481 גר the inhabitant; H7911 הנשׁכחים forgotten H4480 מני from H7272 רגל the foot: H1809 דלו they are dried up, H582 מאנושׁ from men. H5128 נעו׃ they are gone away
  5 H776 ארץ the earth, H4480 ממנה out of H3318 יצא it cometh H3899 לחם bread: H8478 ותחתיה and under H2015 נהפך it is turned up H3644 כמו as it were H784 אשׁ׃ fire.
  6 H4725 מקום of it the place H5601 ספיר of sapphires: H68 אבניה The stones H6083 ועפרת and it hath dust H2091 זהב׃ of gold.
  7 H5410 נתיב a path H3808 לא which no H3045 ידעו knoweth, H5861 עיט fowl H3808 ולא hath not H7805 שׁזפתו seen: H5869 עין eye H344 איה׃ and which the vulture's
  8 H3808 לא have not H1869 הדריכהו trodden H1121 בני whelps H7830 שׁחץ The lion's H3808 לא it, nor H5710 עדה passed H5921 עליו by H7826 שׁחל׃ the fierce lion
  9 H2496 בחלמישׁ upon the rock; H7971 שׁלח He putteth forth H3027 ידו his hand H2015 הפך he overturneth H8328 משׁרשׁ by the roots. H2022 הרים׃ the mountains
  10 H6697 בצורות among the rocks; H2975 יארים rivers H1234 בקע He cutteth out H3605 וכל every H3366 יקר precious thing. H7200 ראתה seeth H5869 עינו׃ and his eye
  11 H1065 מבכי from overflowing; H5104 נהרות the floods H2280 חבשׁ He bindeth H8587 ותעלמה and hid H3318 יצא bringeth he forth H216 אור׃ to light.
  12 H2451 והחכמה shall wisdom H370 מאין   H4672 תמצא be found? H335 ואי and where H2088 זה and where H4725 מקום the place H998 בינה׃ of understanding?
  13 H3808 לא not H3045 ידע knoweth H582 אנושׁ Man H6187 ערכה the price H3808 ולא thereof; neither H4672 תמצא is it found H776 בארץ in the land H2416 החיים׃ of the living.
  14 H8415 תהום The depth H559 אמר saith, H3808 לא not H1931 בי היא It H3220 וים in me: and the sea H559 אמר saith, H369 אין not H5978 עמדי׃ with
  15 H3808 לא It cannot H5414 יתן be gotten H5458 סגור   H8478 תחתיה   H3808 ולא neither H8254 ישׁקל be weighed H3701 כסף shall silver H4242 מחירה׃ the price
  16 H3808 לא It cannot H5541 תסלה be valued H3800 בכתם with the gold H211 אופיר of Ophir, H7718 בשׁהם onyx, H3368 יקר with the precious H5601 וספיר׃ or the sapphire.
  17 H3808 לא cannot H6186 יערכנה equal H2091 זהב The gold H2137 וזכוכית and the crystal H8545 ותמורתה it: and the exchange H3627 כלי of it jewels H6337 פז׃ of fine gold.
  18 H7215 ראמות of coral, H1378 וגבישׁ or of pearls: H3808 לא No H2142 יזכר mention shall be made H4901 ומשׁך for the price H2451 חכמה of wisdom H6443 מפנינים׃ above rubies.
  19 H3808 לא shall not H6186 יערכנה equal H6357 פטדת The topaz H3568 כושׁ of Ethiopia H3800 בכתם gold. H2889 טהור with pure H3808 לא it, neither H5541 תסלה׃ shall it be valued
  20 H2451 והחכמה wisdom? H370 מאין   H935 תבוא then cometh H335 ואי and where H2088 זה and where H4725 מקום the place H998 בינה׃ of understanding?
  21 H5956 ונעלמה Seeing it is hid H5869 מעיני from the eyes H3605 כל of all H2416 חי living, H5775 ומעוף from the fowls H8064 השׁמים of the air. H5641 נסתרה׃ and kept close
  22 H11 אבדון Destruction H4194 ומות and death H559 אמרו say, H241 באזנינו thereof with our ears. H8085 שׁמענו We have heard H8088 שׁמעה׃ the fame
  23 H430 אלהים God H995 הבין understandeth H1870 דרכה the way H1931 והוא thereof, and he H3045 ידע knoweth H853 את   H4725 מקומה׃ the place
  24 H3588 כי For H1931 הוא he H7098 לקצות to the ends H776 הארץ of the earth, H5027 יביט looketh H8478 תחת under H3605 כל the whole H8064 השׁמים heaven; H7200 יראה׃ seeth
  25 H6213 לעשׂות To make H7307 לרוח for the winds; H4948 משׁקל the weight H4325 ומים the waters H8505 תכן and he weigheth H4060 במדה׃ by measure.
  26 H6213 בעשׂתו When he made H4306 למטר for the rain, H2706 חק a decree H1870 ודרך and a way H2385 לחזיז for the lightning H6963 קלות׃ of the thunder:
  27 H227 אז Then H7200 ראה did he see H5608 ויספרה it, and declare H3559 הכינה it; he prepared H1571 וגם it, yea, H2713 חקרה׃ and searched it out.
  28 H559 ויאמר he said, H120 לאדם And unto man H2005 הן Behold, H3374 יראת the fear H136 אדני of the Lord, H1931 היא that H2451 חכמה wisdom; H5493 וסור and to depart H7451 מרע from evil H998 בינה׃ understanding.
  1 H3426 Surely H4161 there is a vein H3701 for the silver, H4725 and a place H2091 for gold H2212 [H8799] where they refine it.
  2 H1270 Iron H3947 [H8714] is taken H6083 out of the dust, H5154 and brass H6694 [H8799] is melted H68 out of the stone.
  3 H7760 [H8804] He setteth H7093 an end H2822 to darkness, H2713 [H8802] and searcheth out H8503 all perfection: H68 the stones H652 of dusk, H6757 and the shadow of death.
  4 H5158 The flood H6555 [H8804] breaketh out H1481 [H8802] from the inhabitant; H7911 [H8737] even the waters forgotten H7272 by the foot: H1809 [H8804] they are dried up, H5128 [H8804] they have gone away H582 from men.
  5 H776 As for the earth, H3318 [H8799] out of it cometh H3899 bread: H2015 [H8738] and under it is turned up H784 as it were fire.
  6 H68 The stones H4725 of it are the place H5601 of sapphires: H6083 and it hath dust H2091 of gold.
  7 H5410 There is a path H5861 which no fowl H3045 [H8804] knoweth, H344 and which the vulture's H5869 eye H7805 [H8804] hath not seen:
  8 H7830 The lion's H1121 whelps H1869 [H8689] have not trodden H7826 it, nor the roaring lion H5710 [H8804] passed by it.
  9 H7971 [H8804] He putteth forth H3027 his hand H2496 upon the rock; H2015 [H8804] he overturneth H2022 the mountains H8328 by the roots.
  10 H1234 [H8765] He cutteth out H2975 rivers H6697 among the rocks; H5869 and his eye H7200 [H8804] seeth H3366 every precious thing.
  11 H2280 [H8765] He bindeth H5104 the floods H1065 from overflowing; H8587 and the thing that is hid H3318 [H8686] he bringeth forth H216 to light.
  12 H370 But where H2451 shall wisdom H4672 [H8735] be found? H4725 and where is the place H998 of understanding?
  13 H582 Man H3045 [H8804] knoweth H6187 not the price H4672 [H8735] of it; neither is it found H776 in the land H2416 of the living.
  14 H8415 The depth H559 [H8804] saith, H3220 It is not in me: and the sea H559 [H8804] saith, It is not with me.
  15 H5414 [H8714] It cannot be obtained H5458 for gold, H3701 neither shall silver H8254 [H8735] be weighed H4242 for the price of it.
  16 H5541 [H8792] It cannot be valued H3800 with the gold H211 of Ophir, H3368 with the precious H7718 onyx, H5601 or the sapphire.
  17 H2091 The gold H2137 and the crystal H6186 [H8799] cannot equal H8545 it: and the exchange H3627 of it shall not be for jewels H6337 of fine gold.
  18 H2142 [H8735] No mention H7215 shall be made of coral, H1378 or of pearls: H4901 for the price H2451 of wisdom H6443 is above rubies.
  19 H6357 The topaz H3568 of Cush H6186 [H8799] shall not equal H5541 [H8792] it, neither shall it be valued H2889 with pure H3800 gold.
  20 H370 Where H935 [H8799] then cometh H2451 wisdom? H4725 and where is the place H998 of understanding?
  21 H5956 [H8738] Seeing it is hid H5869 from the eyes H2416 of all living, H5641 [H8738] and kept close H5775 from the fowls H8064 of the heaven.
  22 H11 The Place of Loss H4194 and death H559 [H8804] say, H8085 [H8804] We have heard H8088 the fame H241 of it with our ears.
  23 H430 God H995 [H8689] understandeth H1870 the way H3045 [H8804] of it, and he knoweth H4725 its place.
  24 H5027 [H8686] For he looketh H7098 to the ends H776 of the earth, H7200 [H8799] and seeth H8064 under the whole heaven;
  25 H6213 [H8800] To make H4948 the weight H7307 for the winds; H8505 [H8765] and he weigheth H4325 the waters H4060 by measure.
  26 H6213 [H8800] When he made H2706 a statute H4306 for the rain, H1870 and a way H2385 for the lightning H6963 of the thunder:
  27 H7200 [H8804] Then did he see H5608 [H8762] it, and declare H3559 [H8689] it; he prepared H2713 [H8804] it, yea, and searched it out.
  28 H120 And to man H559 [H8799] he said, H3374 Behold, the fear H136 of the Sovereign, H2451 that is wisdom; H5493 [H8800] and to depart H7451 from evil H998 is understanding.
Vulgate(i) 1 habet argentum venarum suarum principia et auro locus est in quo conflatur 2 ferrum de terra tollitur et lapis solutus calore in aes vertitur 3 tempus posuit tenebris et universorum finem ipse considerat lapidem quoque caliginis et umbram mortis 4 dividit torrens a populo peregrinante eos quos oblitus est pes egentis hominum et invios 5 terra de qua oriebatur panis in loco suo igne subversa est 6 locus sapphyri lapides eius et glebae illius aurum 7 semitam ignoravit avis nec intuitus est oculus vulturis 8 non calcaverunt eam filii institorum nec pertransivit per eam leaena 9 ad silicem extendit manum suam subvertit a radicibus montes 10 in petris rivos excidit et omne pretiosum vidit oculus eius 11 profunda quoque fluviorum scrutatus est et abscondita produxit in lucem 12 sapientia vero ubi invenitur et quis est locus intellegentiae 13 nescit homo pretium eius nec invenitur in terra suaviter viventium 14 abyssus dicit non est in me et mare loquitur non est mecum 15 non dabitur aurum obrizum pro ea nec adpendetur argentum in commutatione eius 16 non conferetur tinctis Indiae coloribus nec lapidi sardonico pretiosissimo vel sapphyro 17 non adaequabitur ei aurum vel vitrum nec commutabuntur pro ea vasa auri 18 excelsa et eminentia non memorabuntur conparatione eius trahitur autem sapientia de occultis 19 non adaequabitur ei topazium de Aethiopia nec tincturae mundissimae conponetur 20 unde ergo sapientia veniet et quis est locus intellegentiae 21 abscondita est ab oculis omnium viventium volucres quoque caeli latet 22 perditio et mors dixerunt auribus nostris audivimus famam eius 23 Deus intellegit viam eius et ipse novit locum illius 24 ipse enim fines mundi intuetur et omnia quae sub caelo sunt respicit 25 qui fecit ventis pondus et aquas adpendit mensura 26 quando ponebat pluviis legem et viam procellis sonantibus 27 tunc vidit illam et enarravit et praeparavit et investigavit 28 et dixit homini ecce timor Domini ipsa est sapientia et recedere a malo intellegentia
Clementine_Vulgate(i) 1 [Habet argentum venarum suarum principia, et auro locus est in quo conflatur. 2 Ferrum de terra tollitur, et lapis solutus calore in æs vertitur. 3 Tempus posuit tenebris, et universorum finem ipse considerat: lapidem quoque caliginis et umbram mortis. 4 Dividit torrens a populo peregrinante eos quos oblitus est pes egentis hominis, et invios. 5 Terra de qua oriebatur panis, in loco suo igni subversa est. 6 Locus sapphiri lapides ejus, et glebæ illius aurum. 7 Semitam ignoravit avis, nec intuitus est eam oculus vulturis. 8 Non calcaverunt eam filii institorum, nec pertransivit per eam leæna. 9 Ad silicem extendit manum suam: subvertit a radicibus montes. 10 In petris rivos excidit, et omne pretiosum vidit oculus ejus. 11 Profunda quoque fluviorum scrutatus est, et abscondita in lucem produxit. 12 Sapientia vero ubi invenitur? et quis est locus intelligentiæ? 13 Nescit homo pretium ejus, nec invenitur in terra suaviter viventium. 14 Abyssus dicit: Non est in me, et mare loquitur: Non est mecum. 15 Non dabitur aurum obrizum pro ea, nec appendetur argentum in commutatione ejus. 16 Non conferetur tinctis Indiæ coloribus, nec lapidi sardonycho pretiosissimo vel sapphiro. 17 Non adæquabitur ei aurum vel vitrum, nec commutabuntur pro ea vasa auri. 18 Excelsa et eminentia non memorabuntur comparatione ejus: trahitur autem sapientia de occultis. 19 Non adæquabitur ei topazius de Æthiopia, nec tincturæ mundissimæ componetur. 20 Unde ergo sapientia venit? et quis est locus intelligentiæ? 21 Abscondita est ab oculis omnium viventium: volucres quoque cæli latet. 22 Perditio et mors dixerunt: Auribus nostris audivimus famam ejus. 23 Deus intelligit viam ejus, et ipse novit locum illius. 24 Ipse enim fines mundi intuetur, et omnia quæ sub cælo sunt respicit. 25 Qui fecit ventis pondus, et aquas appendit in mensura. 26 Quando ponebat pluviis legem, et viam procellis sonantibus: 27 tunc vidit illam et enarravit, et præparavit, et investigavit. 28 Et dixit homini: Ecce timor Domini, ipsa est sapientia; et recedere a malo, intelligentia.]
Wycliffe(i) 1 Siluer hath bigynnyngis of his veynes; and a place is to gold, in which it is wellid togidere. 2 Irun is takun fro erthe, and a stoon resolued, `ethir meltid, bi heete, is turned in to money. 3 God hath set tyme to derknessis, and he biholdith the ende of alle thingis. 4 Also a stronde departith a stoon of derknesse, and the schadewe of deth, fro the puple goynge in pilgrymage; it departith tho hillis, whiche the foot of a nedi man foryat, and hillis with out weie. 5 The erthe, wher of breed cam forth in his place, is destried bi fier. 6 The place of saphir ben stoonys therof, and the clottis therof ben gold. 7 A brid knewe not the weie, and the iye of a vultur, ethir rauenouse brid, bihelde it not. 8 The sones of marchauntis tretiden not on it, and a lyonesse passide not therbi. 9 God stretchide forth his hond to a flynt; he distriede hillis fro the rootis. 10 He hewide doun ryuers in stoonys; and his iye siy al precious thing. 11 And he souyte out the depthis of floodis; and he brouyte forth hid thingis in to liyt. 12 But where is wisdom foundun, and which is the place of vndurstondyng? 13 A man noot the prijs therof, nether it is foundun in the lond of men lyuynge swetli, `ether delicatli. 14 The depthe of watris seith, It is not in me; and the see spekith, It is not with me. 15 Gold ful cleene schal not be youun for wisdom, nether siluer schal be weied in the chaungyng therof. 16 It schal not be comparysound to the died colours of Iynde, not to the moost preciouse stoon of sardius, nether to saphir. 17 Nether gold, nether glas schal be maad euene worth therto; 18 and hiye and fer apperynge vessels of gold schulen not be chaungid for wisdom, nether schulen be had in mynde in comparisoun therof. Forsothe wisdom is drawun of pryuy thingis; 19 topasie of Ethiope schal not be maad euene worth to wisdom, and moost preciouse diyngis schulen not be set togidere in prijs, `ether comparisound, therto. 20 Therfor wherof cometh wisdom, and which is the place of vndurstondyng? 21 It is hid fro the iyen of alle lyuynge men; also it is hid fro briddis of heuene. 22 Perdicioun and deeth seiden, With oure eeris we herden the fame therof. 23 God vndurstondith the weye therof, and he knowith the place therof. 24 For he biholdith the endis of the world, and biholdith alle thingis that ben vndur heuene. 25 `Which God made weiyte to wyndis, and weiede watris in mesure. 26 Whanne he settide lawe to reyn, and weie to tempestis sownynge; 27 thanne he siy wisdom, and telde out, and made redi, and souyte out. 28 And he seide to man, Lo! the drede of the Lord, thilke is wisdom; and to go awei fro yuel, is vndurstondyng.
Coverdale(i) 1 There are places where syluer is molte, & where golde is tryed: 2 where yron is dygged out of the grounde, & stones resolued to metall. 3 The darcknes shal once come to an ende, he can seke out the grounde of all thinges: the stones, the darcke, & the horrible shadowe, 4 wt the ryuer of water parteth he a sunder the straunge people, yt knoweth no good neghbourheade: soch as are rude, vnmanerly & boysteous. 5 He bryngeth foode out of the earth, & yt which is vnder, consumeth he with fyre. 6 There is founde a place, whose stones are clene Saphirs, and where ye clottes of the earth are golde. 7 There is a waye also that the byrdes knowe not, that no vulturs eye hath sene: 8 wherin ye proude & hye mynded walke not, & where no lyon commeth. 9 There putteth he his honde vpon the stony rockes, & ouerthroweth the mountaynes. 10 Ryuers flowe out of the rockes, & loke what is pleasaunt, his eye seyth it. 11 Out of droppes bryngeth he greate floudes together, & the thinge that is hyd bryngeth he to light. 12 How commeth a man then by wy?dome? Where is the place that men fynde vnderstondinge? 13 Verely no man can tell how worthy a thinge she is, nether is she foude in the lode of the lyuynge. 14 The depe sayeth: she is not in me. The see sayeth: she is not with me. 15 She can not be gotten for the most fyne golde, nether maye the pryce of her be bought with eny moneye. 16 No wedges of golde of Ophir, no precious Onix stones, no Saphirs maye be compared vnto her. 17 No, nether golde ner Christall, nether swete odours ner golden plate. 18 There is nothinge so worthy, or so excellet, as once to be named vnto her: for parfecte wy?dome goeth farre beyonde the all. 19 The Topas that cometh out of Inde, maye in no wyse be lickened vnto her: yee no maner of apparell how pleasaunt and fayre so euer it be. 20 From whece then commeth wy?dome? & where is the place of vnderstondinge? 21 She is hyd from the eyes of all men, yee & fro the foules of the ayre. 22 Destruccion & death saie: we haue herde tell of her wt oure eares. 23 But God seyth hir waie, & knoweth hir place. 24 For he beholdeth the endes of the worlde, and loketh vpon all that is vnder the heaue. 25 When he weyed the wyndes, & measured ye waters: 26 when he set the rayne in ordre, and gaue the mightie floudes a lawe: 27 Then dyd he se her, the declared he her, prepared her and knewe her. 28 And vnto man he sayde: Beholde, to feare the LORDE, is wy?dome: & to forsake euell, is vnderstondinge.
MSTC(i) 1 There are places were silver is molten, and where gold is tried; 2 where iron is digged out of the ground, and stones resolved to metal. 3 The darkness shall once come to an end: he can seek out the ground of all things; the stones, the dark, and the shadow of death. 4 With the river of water parteth he asunder the strange people, that knoweth no good neighborhead; such as are rude, unmannerly and boisterous. 5 He bringeth food out of the earth, and that which is under, consumeth he with fire. 6 There is found a place, whose stones are clean Sapphires, and where the clots of the earth are gold. 7 There is a way also that the birds know not, that no vulture's eye hath seen; 8 wherein the proud and high minded walk not, and where no lion cometh. 9 There putteth he his hand upon the stony rocks, and overthroweth the mountains. 10 Rivers flow out of the rocks, and look: what is pleasant, his eye seeth it. 11 Out of drops bringeth he great floods together, and the thing that is hid bringeth he to light. 12 How cometh a man then by wisdom? Where is the place that men find understanding? 13 Verily, no man can tell how worthy a thing she is, neither is she found in the land of the living. 14 "The deep sayeth, 'She is not in me.' The sea sayeth, 'She is not with me.' 15 She cannot be gotten for the most fine gold, neither may the price of her be bought with any money. 16 No wedges of gold of Ophir, no precious Onyx stones, no Sapphire may be compared unto her. 17 No, neither gold nor Crystal, neither sweet odours nor golden plate. 18 There is nothing so worthy, or so excellent, as once to be named unto her: for perfect wisdom goeth far beyond them all. 19 The Topaz that cometh out of Ethiopia may in no wise be likened unto her: yea, no manner of apparel how pleasant and fair soever it be. 20 "From where then cometh wisdom? And where is the place of understanding? 21 She is hid from the eyes of all men; yea, and from the fouls of the air. 22 Destruction and death say, 'We have heard tell of her with our ears.' 23 But God seeth her way, and knoweth her place. 24 For he holdeth the ends of the world and looketh upon all that is under the heaven. 25 When he weighed the winds, and measured the waters; 26 When he set the rain in order, and gave the mighty floods a law; 27 Then did he see her, then declared he her, prepared her and knew her. 28 And unto man he said, 'Behold, to fear the LORD is wisdom: and to forsake evil, is understanding.'"
Matthew(i) 1 There are places where syluer is molten, and were golde is tried: 2 where yron is digged out of the ground, & stones resolued to metall. 3 The darkenes shal ones come to an ende, he can seke out the grounde of all thynges: the stones, the darcke, & the horrible shadowe. 4 Wyth the ryuer of water parteth he a sunder the straunge people, that knoweth no good neyghbourheade: suche as are rude, vnmanerly and boyustours. 5 He bryngeth foode out of the earthe, & that whiche is vnder consumeth he with fyre. 6 There is found a place, whose stones are cleane Saphirs, & where the clottes of earthe are golde. 7 There is a way also that the byrdes knowe not, that no vulturs eye hath sene: 8 wherin the proude & hye minded walke not, and where no lyon commeth. 9 There putteth he his hande vpon stony rockes, and ouerthroweth the mountaynes 10 Riuers flowe out of the rockes, and loke what is pleasaunt, his eye seith it. 11 Out of droppes bringeth he greate floudes together & the thinge that is hyd bringeth he to lighte. 12 Howe commeth a man then by wysedome? Where is the place that men fynde vnderstandinge? 13 Verely no man can tell howe worthy a thynge she is, neither is she found in the land of the liuinge. 14 The depe sayeth: she is not in me. The sea sayeth: she is not with me. 15 She can not be gotten for the most fine gould, neither may the pryce of her be bought with any money. 16 No wedges of goulde of Ophir, no precious Onix stones, no Saphirs maye be compared vnto her. 17 No, neyther goulde, nor Christal, neyther swete odoures, nor golden plate. 18 There is nothinge so worthy, or so excellent, as ones to be named vnto her: for perfecte wisedome goeth farre beyonde them al. 19 The Topas that commeth out of Iude, may in no wise be lykened vnto her: yea no maner of apparel howe pleasaunt and fayre soeuer it be. 20 From whence then commeth wysedome? & where is the place of vnderstandinge? 21 She is hyd from the eyes of all men, yea & from the foules of the ayre. 22 Destruccyon and death say: we haue hearde tell of her with oure eares. 23 But God seyth her waie, and knoweth her place. 24 For he beholdeth the endes of the world & loketh vpon al that is vnder heauen. 25 When he weyed the windes, & measured the waters 26 when he set the rayne in ordre, and gaue the mighty floudes a lawe? 27 Then dyd he se her, then declared he her, prepared her, and knew her. 28 And vnto man he sayde: Beholde, to feare the Lorde, is wisedom, and to forsake euil, is vnderstandinge.
Great(i) 1 There is a place where siluer is brought out of, and where golde is tried 2 where yron is dygged out of the ground, and stones resolued to metall. 3 The darckenes shall once come to an ende, he can seke out the grounde of all thinges: the stones, the darcke, and the shadow of death. 4 With the ryuer of water parteth he asunder the straunge people, that knowe no good neyghbour head: soch as are rude, vnmanerly and boyustours. 5 He bringeth foode out of the erth, and that which is vnder, consumeth he with fyre. 6 There is founde a place, whose stones are cleane Saphirs, and where the clottes of the earth are golde. 7 There is a waye also that the byrdes knowe not, that no vulturs eye hath sene: 8 wherin the lions whelpes walke not, and where no lion commeth. 9 There putteth he his hande vpon the stony rockes, and ouerthroweth the mountaines. 10 Riuers flowe out of the rockes, and loke what is pleasaunt, his eye seyth it. 11 Out of droppes bringeth he greate floudes together, and the thinge that is hyd bringeth he to light. 12 How commeth a man then by wysdome? Where is the place that men fynde vnderstanding? 13 Uerely no man can tell how worthy a thinge she is, nether she is founde in the lande of them that lyue. 14 The depe saieth: she is not with me. The see saieth: she is not with me 15 She can not be gottten for golde, nether maye the pryce of her be bought with eny syluer. 16 No wedges of golde of Ophir, no precions Onix stones, no Saphirs maye be compared vnto her. 17 No, nether golde ner Christall, nether swete odours ner golden plate. 18 There is nothinge so worthy, or so excellent, as once to be named vnto her: for perfecte wysdome goeth farre beyonde them all, 19 The Topas that commeth out of Inde, maye in no wyse be likened vnto her: yee, no maner of apparell howe pleasaunt and fayre soeuer it be. 20 From whence then commeth wisdome? and where is the place of vnderstandinge? 21 She is hid from the eyes of all men liuinge, yee, and from the foules of the ayre. 22 Destruccion and death saye: we haue herde tell of her with oure eares. 23 But God seeth her waye, and knoweth her place. 24 For he beholdeth the endes of the world, and loketh vpon all that is vnder heauen. 25 When he weyed the wyndes, and measured the waters: 26 when he set the rayne in ordre, and gaue the myghtye floudes a lawe: 27 Then dyd he se her, then declared he her, prepared her and knewe her. 28 And vnto man he sayde: Beholde, to feare the Lorde, is wysdome: and to for sake euell. is vnderstandinge.
Geneva(i) 1 The siluer surely hath his veyne, and ye gold his place, where they take it. 2 Yron is taken out of the dust, and brasse is molten out of the stone. 3 God putteth an end to darkenesse, and he tryeth the perfection of all things: he setteth a bond of darkenesse, and of the shadowe of death. 4 The flood breaketh out against the inhabitant, and the waters forgotten of the foote, being higher then man, are gone away. 5 Out of the same earth commeth bread, and vnder it, as it were fire is turned vp. 6 The stones thereof are a place of saphirs, and the dust of it is golde. 7 There is a path which no foule hath knowen, neyther hath the kites eye seene it. 8 The lyons whelpes haue not walked it, nor the lyon passed thereby. 9 He putteth his hand vpon the rockes, and ouerthroweth the mountaines by the rootes. 10 He breaketh riuers in the rockes, and his eye seeth euery precious thing. 11 He bindeth the floods, that they doe not ouerflowe, and the thing that is hid, bringeth he to light. 12 But where is wisdome found? and where is the place of vnderstanding? 13 Man knoweth not the price thereof: for it is not found in the land of the liuing. 14 The depth sayth, It is not in mee: the sea also sayth, It is not with me. 15 Golde shall not be giuen for it, neyther shall siluer be weighed for the price thereof. 16 It shall not be valued with the wedge of golde of Ophir, nor with the precious onix, nor the saphir. 17 The golde nor the chrystall shall be equall vnto it, nor the exchange shalbe for plate of fine golde. 18 No mention shall be made of coral, nor of the gabish: for wisedome is more precious then pearles. 19 The Topaz of Ethiopia shall not be equall vnto it, neither shall it be valued with the wedge of pure gold. 20 Whence then commeth wisedome? and where is the place of vnderstanding, 21 Seeing it is hid from the eyes of all the liuing, and is hid from the foules of the heauen? 22 Destruction and death say, We haue heard the fame thereof with our eares. 23 But God vnderstandeth the way thereof, and he knoweth the place thereof. 24 For he beholdeth the endes of the world, and seeth all that is vnder heauen, 25 To make the weight of the windes, and to weigh the waters by measure. 26 When he made a decree for the rayne, and a way for the lightening of the thunders, 27 Then did he see it, and counted it: he prepared it and also considered it. 28 And vnto man he said, Behold, the feare of the Lord is wisedome, and to depart from euil is vnderstanding.
Bishops(i) 1 There is a place wher siluer is brought out of, and where golde is tryed 2 Where yron is digged out of the grounde, & stones resolued to metall 3 The darkenesse shall once come to an ende: he can seke out the grounde of all thinges, the stones, the darke, and the shadowe of death 4 He causeth the fluddes to breake out against the inhabitant, and the waters forgotten of the foote, beyng hygher then man, are gone away 5 Out of the same earth commeth bread, and vnder it as it were fire is turned vp 6 The stones of it are a place of Saphires, and the dust of it is golde 7 There is a way that the birdes knowe not, that no vultures eye hath seene 8 Wherin the lions whelpes walke not, and where no lion commeth 9 [There] putteth he his hande vpon the stonie rockes, and ouerthroweth the mountaynes by the rootes 10 Riuers flowe out of the rockes, & loke what is pleasaunt, his eye seeth it 11 He bindeth the fluddes that they do not ouerflow: and the thing that is hid bringeth he to light 12 Where then is wysdome founde? and where is the place of vnderstanding 13 Ueryly no man can tell howe worthy a thing she is, neither is she found in the lande of them that lyue 14 The deepe sayth, She is not in me: the sea sayth, She is not with me 15 She can not be gotten for golde, neither may the price of her be bought with any siluer 16 No wedges of gold of Ophir, no precious Onix stones, no Saphires may be valued with her 17 No, neither golde nor christall shall be equall vnto it, nor her exchaunge shalbe for the plate of fine golde 18 No mention shalbe made of Corall nor of the Gabis: for wisdome is more precious then pearles 19 The Topas of Ethiopia shall not be equall vnto it, neither shall it be valued with the wedge of pure golde 20 Whence then commeth wysdome? and where is the place of vnderstanding 21 She is hid from the eyes of all men liuing, yea & from the foules of the ayre 22 Destruction and death say, We haue hearde the fame therof with our eares 23 But God seeth her way, and knoweth her place 24 For he beholdeth the endes of the worlde, and loketh vpon all that is vnder heauen 25 When he wayed the windes and measured the waters 26 When he made a decree for the rayne, and a way for the lightninges of the thunder 27 Then dyd he see her, then declared he her, prepared her, and knewe her 28 And vnto man he sayd: To feare the Lorde is wysdome, and to forsake euyll is vnderstanding
DouayRheims(i) 1 Silver hath beginnings of its veins, and gold hath a place wherein it is melted. 2 Iron is taken out of the earth, and stone melted with heat is turned into brass. 3 He hath set a time for darkness, and the end of all things he considereth, the stone also that is in the dark and the shadow of death. 4 The flood divideth from the people that are on their journey, those whom the food of the needy man hath forgotten, and who cannot be come at. 5 The land, out of which bread grew in its place, hath been overturned with fire. 6 The stones of it are the place of sapphires, and the clods of it are gold. 7 The bird hath not known the path, neither hath the eye of the vulture beheld it. 8 The children of the merchants have not trodden it, neither hath the lioness passed by it. 9 He hath stretched forth his hand to the flint, he hath overturned mountains from the roots. 10 In the rocks he hath cut out rivers, and his eye hath seen every precious thing. 11 The depths also of rivers he hath searched, and hidden things he hath brought forth to light. 12 But where is wisdom to be found, and where is the place of understanding? 13 Man knoweth not the price thereof, neither is it found in the land of them that live in delights. 14 The depth saith: It is not in me: and the sea saith: It is not with me. 15 The finest gold shall not purchase it, neither shall silver be weighed in exchange for it. 16 It shall not be compared with the dyed colours of India, or with the most precious stone sardonyx, or the sapphire. 17 Gold or crystal cannot equal it, neither shall any vessels of gold be changed for it. 18 High and eminent things shall not be mentioned in comparison of it: but wisdom is drawn out of secret places. 19 The topaz of Ethiopia shall not be equal to it, neither shall it be compared to the cleanest dyeing. 20 Whence then cometh wisdom? and where is the place of understanding? 21 It is hid from the eyes of all living, and the fowls of the air know it not. 22 Destruction and death have said: With our ears we have heard the fame thereof. 23 God understandeth the way of it, and he knoweth the place thereof. 24 For he beholdeth the ends of the world: and looketh on all things that are under heaven. 25 Who made a weight for the winds, and weighed the waters by measure. 26 When he gave a law for the rain, and a way for the sounding storms. 27 Then he saw it, and declared, and prepared, and searched it. 28 And he said to man: Behold the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom: and to depart from evil, is understanding.
KJV(i) 1 Surely there is a vein for the silver, and a place for gold where they fine it. 2 Iron is taken out of the earth, and brass is molten out of the stone. 3 He setteth an end to darkness, and searcheth out all perfection: the stones of darkness, and the shadow of death. 4 The flood breaketh out from the inhabitant; even the waters forgotten of the foot: they are dried up, they are gone away from men. 5 As for the earth, out of it cometh bread: and under it is turned up as it were fire. 6 The stones of it are the place of sapphires: and it hath dust of gold. 7 There is a path which no fowl knoweth, and which the vulture's eye hath not seen: 8 The lion's whelps have not trodden it, nor the fierce lion passed by it. 9 He putteth forth his hand upon the rock; he overturneth the mountains by the roots. 10 He cutteth out rivers among the rocks; and his eye seeth every precious thing. 11 He bindeth the floods from overflowing; and the thing that is hid bringeth he forth to light. 12 But where shall wisdom be found? and where is the place of understanding? 13 Man knoweth not the price thereof; neither is it found in the land of the living. 14 The depth saith, It is not in me: and the sea saith, It is not with me. 15 It cannot be gotten for gold, neither shall silver be weighed for the price thereof. 16 It cannot be valued with the gold of Ophir, with the precious onyx, or the sapphire. 17 The gold and the crystal cannot equal it: and the exchange of it shall not be for jewels of fine gold. 18 No mention shall be made of coral, or of pearls: for the price of wisdom is above rubies. 19 The topaz of Ethiopia shall not equal it, neither shall it be valued with pure gold. 20 Whence then cometh wisdom? and where is the place of understanding? 21 Seeing it is hid from the eyes of all living, and kept close from the fowls of the air. 22 Destruction and death say, We have heard the fame thereof with our ears. 23 God understandeth the way thereof, and he knoweth the place thereof. 24 For he looketh to the ends of the earth, and seeth under the whole heaven; 25 To make the weight for the winds; and he weigheth the waters by measure. 26 When he made a decree for the rain, and a way for the lightning of the thunder: 27 Then did he see it, and declare it; he prepared it, yea, and searched it out. 28 And unto man he said, Behold, the fear of the LORD, that is wisdom; and to depart from evil is understanding.
KJV_Cambridge(i) 1 Surely there is a vein for the silver, and a place for gold where they fine it. 2 Iron is taken out of the earth, and brass is molten out of the stone. 3 He setteth an end to darkness, and searcheth out all perfection: the stones of darkness, and the shadow of death. 4 The flood breaketh out from the inhabitant; even the waters forgotten of the foot: they are dried up, they are gone away from men. 5 As for the earth, out of it cometh bread: and under it is turned up as it were fire. 6 The stones of it are the place of sapphires: and it hath dust of gold. 7 There is a path which no fowl knoweth, and which the vulture's eye hath not seen: 8 The lion's whelps have not trodden it, nor the fierce lion passed by it. 9 He putteth forth his hand upon the rock; he overturneth the mountains by the roots. 10 He cutteth out rivers among the rocks; and his eye seeth every precious thing. 11 He bindeth the floods from overflowing; and the thing that is hid bringeth he forth to light. 12 But where shall wisdom be found? and where is the place of understanding? 13 Man knoweth not the price thereof; neither is it found in the land of the living. 14 The depth saith, It is not in me: and the sea saith, It is not with me. 15 It cannot be gotten for gold, neither shall silver be weighed for the price thereof. 16 It cannot be valued with the gold of Ophir, with the precious onyx, or the sapphire. 17 The gold and the crystal cannot equal it: and the exchange of it shall not be for jewels of fine gold. 18 No mention shall be made of coral, or of pearls: for the price of wisdom is above rubies. 19 The topaz of Ethiopia shall not equal it, neither shall it be valued with pure gold. 20 Whence then cometh wisdom? and where is the place of understanding? 21 Seeing it is hid from the eyes of all living, and kept close from the fowls of the air. 22 Destruction and death say, We have heard the fame thereof with our ears. 23 God understandeth the way thereof, and he knoweth the place thereof. 24 For he looketh to the ends of the earth, and seeth under the whole heaven; 25 To make the weight for the winds; and he weigheth the waters by measure. 26 When he made a decree for the rain, and a way for the lightning of the thunder: 27 Then did he see it, and declare it; he prepared it, yea, and searched it out. 28 And unto man he said, Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom; and to depart from evil is understanding.
  1 H3426 Surely H4161 there is a vein H3701 for the silver H4725 , and a place H2091 for gold H2212 where they fine [H8799]   it .
  2 H1270 Iron H3947 is taken [H8714]   H6083 out of the earth H5154 , and brass H6694 is molten [H8799]   H68 out of the stone.
  3 H7760 He setteth [H8804]   H7093 an end H2822 to darkness H2713 , and searcheth out [H8802]   H8503 all perfection H68 : the stones H652 of darkness H6757 , and the shadow of death.
  4 H5158 The flood H6555 breaketh out [H8804]   H1481 from the inhabitant [H8802]   H7911 ; even the waters forgotten [H8737]   H7272 of the foot H1809 : they are dried up [H8804]   H5128 , they are gone away [H8804]   H582 from men.
  5 H776 As for the earth H3318 , out of it cometh [H8799]   H3899 bread H2015 : and under it is turned up [H8738]   H784 as it were fire.
  6 H68 The stones H4725 of it are the place H5601 of sapphires H6083 : and it hath dust H2091 of gold.
  7 H5410 There is a path H5861 which no fowl H3045 knoweth [H8804]   H344 , and which the vulture's H5869 eye H7805 hath not seen [H8804]  :
  8 H7830 The lion's H1121 whelps H1869 have not trodden [H8689]   H7826 it, nor the fierce lion H5710 passed [H8804]   by it.
  9 H7971 He putteth forth [H8804]   H3027 his hand H2496 upon the rock H2015 ; he overturneth [H8804]   H2022 the mountains H8328 by the roots.
  10 H1234 He cutteth out [H8765]   H2975 rivers H6697 among the rocks H5869 ; and his eye H7200 seeth [H8804]   H3366 every precious thing.
  11 H2280 He bindeth [H8765]   H5104 the floods H1065 from overflowing H8587 ; and the thing that is hid H3318 bringeth he forth [H8686]   H216 to light.
  12 H370 But where H2451 shall wisdom H4672 be found [H8735]   H4725 ? and where is the place H998 of understanding?
  13 H582 Man H3045 knoweth [H8804]   H6187 not the price H4672 thereof; neither is it found [H8735]   H776 in the land H2416 of the living.
  14 H8415 The depth H559 saith [H8804]   H3220 , It is not in me: and the sea H559 saith [H8804]  , It is not with me.
  15 H5414 It cannot be gotten [H8714]   H5458 for gold H3701 , neither shall silver H8254 be weighed [H8735]   H4242 for the price thereof.
  16 H5541 It cannot be valued [H8792]   H3800 with the gold H211 of Ophir H3368 , with the precious H7718 onyx H5601 , or the sapphire.
  17 H2091 The gold H2137 and the crystal H6186 cannot equal [H8799]   H8545 it: and the exchange H3627 of it shall not be for jewels H6337 of fine gold.
  18 H2142 No mention [H8735]   H7215 shall be made of coral H1378 , or of pearls H4901 : for the price H2451 of wisdom H6443 is above rubies.
  19 H6357 The topaz H3568 of Ethiopia H6186 shall not equal [H8799]   H5541 it, neither shall it be valued [H8792]   H2889 with pure H3800 gold.
  20 H370 Whence H935 then cometh [H8799]   H2451 wisdom H4725 ? and where is the place H998 of understanding?
  21 H5956 Seeing it is hid [H8738]   H5869 from the eyes H2416 of all living H5641 , and kept close [H8738]   H5775 from the fowls H8064 of the air.
  22 H11 Destruction H4194 and death H559 say [H8804]   H8085 , We have heard [H8804]   H8088 the fame H241 thereof with our ears.
  23 H430 God H995 understandeth [H8689]   H1870 the way H3045 thereof, and he knoweth [H8804]   H4725 the place thereof.
  24 H5027 For he looketh [H8686]   H7098 to the ends H776 of the earth H7200 , and seeth [H8799]   H8064 under the whole heaven;
  25 H6213 To make [H8800]   H4948 the weight H7307 for the winds H8505 ; and he weigheth [H8765]   H4325 the waters H4060 by measure.
  26 H6213 When he made [H8800]   H2706 a decree H4306 for the rain H1870 , and a way H2385 for the lightning H6963 of the thunder:
  27 H7200 Then did he see [H8804]   H5608 it, and declare [H8762]   H3559 it; he prepared [H8689]   H2713 it, yea, and searched it out [H8804]  .
  28 H120 And unto man H559 he said [H8799]   H3374 , Behold, the fear H136 of the Lord H2451 , that is wisdom H5493 ; and to depart [H8800]   H7451 from evil H998 is understanding.
Thomson(i) 1 There is indeed a place, from which silver is got; and a place from which gold is strained. 2 Iron indeed is made out of the earth, and brass is hewn from a quarry like stones. 3 He hath assigned a station for darkness: but every boundary he assigned is diligently explored; stones, darkness and the shadow of death; 4 the channels of brooks choked up with sand: where to such as know not the right way; strength is unavailing and they are removed from among men. 5 As for the earth out of which bread cometh; from underneath it something like fire hath been turned up. 6 The stones thereof is the place of the sapphire. And the dust thereof supplieth man with gold. 7 A path is explored which no bird knew; and which the vulture's eye hath not seen; 8 which the race of boasters have not travelled; and over which the lion hath not stalked 9 One hath stretched forth his hand with a pick and hath overturned mountains from the roots. 10 Another hath broken through the whirlpools of rivers: and mine eye hath seen every precious thing. 11 Another hath laid bare the bottoms of rivers and given manifest proofs of his power. 12 But where is wisdom to be found? And where is the place of understanding? 13 A mortal knoweth not the way thereof; nor hath it indeed been found out by men. 14 The abyss said, It is not in me: and the sea said, It is not in me. 15 would not one give for it all he hath got? 16 But silver cannot be weighed as its price; nor can it be purchased with the gold of Sophir; with the precious onyx or the sapphire. 17 Gold and chrystal cannot equal it in value; nor can jewels of gold be a barter for it. 18 Things above need not be mentioned: but prize thou wisdom above all things below. 19 The topaz of Ethiopia cannot equal it in value: nor is it to be rated by pure gold. 20 But where can wisdom be found? And where is the place of understanding? 21 It hath escaped the knowledge of every man; and is hid from the birds of the air. 22 Destruction and death said, We have heard the fame of it. 23 God is perfectly acquainted with its way and knoweth its place. 24 For he surveyeth the whole world; and knoweth all on the earth; 25 all that he hath made; the weight of winds and the measures of water. 26 When he had made and seen and numbered them; and also a way for the pealing thunder: 27 then did he see it and declare it: and having prepared and traced it, 28 he said to man, "Behold the worshipping of God is wisdom: and to abstain from evil is understanding."
Webster(i) 1 Surely there is a vein for the silver, and a place for gold where they fine it. 2 Iron is taken out of the earth, and brass is melted out of the stone. 3 He setteth an end to darkness, and searcheth out all perfection: the stones of darkness, and the shades of death. 4 The flood breaketh out from the inhabitant: even the waters forgotten by the foot: they are dried up, they have gone away from men. 5 As for the earth, out of it cometh bread: and under it is turned up as it were fire. 6 The stones of it are the place of sapphires: and it hath dust of gold. 7 There is a path which no fowl knoweth, and which the vultur's eye hath not seen: 8 The lion's whelps have not trodden it, nor the fierce lion passed by it. 9 He putteth forth his hand upon the rock; he overturneth the mountains by the roots. 10 He cutteth out rivers among the rocks; and his eye seeth every precious thing. 11 He bindeth the floods from overflowing; and the thing that is hid he bringeth forth to light. 12 But where shall wisdom be found? and where is the place of understanding? 13 Man knoweth not the price of it; neither is it found in the land of the living. 14 The depth saith, It is not in me: and the sea saith, It is not with me. 15 It cannot be obtained for gold, neither shall silver be weighed for the price of it. 16 It cannot be valued with the gold of Ophir, with the precious onyx, or the sapphire. 17 The gold and the crystal cannot equal it: and the exchange of it shall not be for jewels of fine gold. 18 No mention shall be made of coral, or of pearls: for the price of wisdom is above rubies. 19 The topaz of Cush shall not equal it, neither shall it be valued with pure gold. 20 Whence then cometh wisdom? and where is the place of understanding? 21 Seeing it is hid from the eyes of all living, and kept close from the fowls of the air. 22 Destruction and death say, We have heard the fame of it with our ears. 23 God understandeth the way of it, and he knoweth its place. 24 For he looketh to the ends of the earth, and seeth under the whole heaven; 25 To make the weight for the winds; and he weigheth the waters by measure. 26 When he made a decree for the rain, and a way for the lightning of the thunder: 27 Then did he see it, and declare it; he prepared it, yea, and searched it out. 28 And to man he said, Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom; and to depart from evil is understanding.
  1 H3426 Surely H4161 there is a vein H3701 for the silver H4725 , and a place H2091 for gold H2212 [H8799] where they refine it.
  2 H1270 Iron H3947 [H8714] is taken H6083 out of the earth H5154 , and brass H6694 [H8799] is melted H68 out of the stone.
  3 H7760 [H8804] He setteth H7093 an end H2822 to darkness H2713 [H8802] , and searcheth out H8503 all perfection H68 : the stones H652 of darkness H6757 , and the shadow of death.
  4 H5158 The flood H6555 [H8804] breaketh out H1481 [H8802] from the inhabitant H7911 [H8737] ; even the waters forgotten H7272 by the foot H1809 [H8804] : they are dried up H5128 [H8804] , they have gone away H582 from men.
  5 H776 As for the earth H3318 [H8799] , out of it cometh H3899 bread H2015 [H8738] : and under it is turned up H784 as it were fire.
  6 H68 The stones H4725 of it are the place H5601 of sapphires H6083 : and it hath dust H2091 of gold.
  7 H5410 There is a path H5861 which no fowl H3045 [H8804] knoweth H344 , and which the vulture's H5869 eye H7805 [H8804] hath not seen:
  8 H7830 The lion's H1121 whelps H1869 [H8689] have not trodden H7826 it, nor the fierce lion H5710 [H8804] passed by it.
  9 H7971 [H8804] He putteth forth H3027 his hand H2496 upon the rock H2015 [H8804] ; he overturneth H2022 the mountains H8328 by the roots.
  10 H1234 [H8765] He cutteth out H2975 rivers H6697 among the rocks H5869 ; and his eye H7200 [H8804] seeth H3366 every precious thing.
  11 H2280 [H8765] He bindeth H5104 the floods H1065 from overflowing H8587 ; and the thing that is hid H3318 [H8686] he bringeth forth H216 to light.
  12 H370 But where H2451 shall wisdom H4672 [H8735] be found H4725 ? and where is the place H998 of understanding?
  13 H582 Man H3045 [H8804] knoweth H6187 not the price H4672 [H8735] of it; neither is it found H776 in the land H2416 of the living.
  14 H8415 The depth H559 [H8804] saith H3220 , It is not in me: and the sea H559 [H8804] saith, It is not with me.
  15 H5414 [H8714] It cannot be obtained H5458 for gold H3701 , neither shall silver H8254 [H8735] be weighed H4242 for the price of it.
  16 H5541 [H8792] It cannot be valued H3800 with the gold H211 of Ophir H3368 , with the precious H7718 onyx H5601 , or the sapphire.
  17 H2091 The gold H2137 and the crystal H6186 [H8799] cannot equal H8545 it: and the exchange H3627 of it shall not be for jewels H6337 of fine gold.
  18 H2142 [H8735] No mention H7215 shall be made of coral H1378 , or of pearls H4901 : for the price H2451 of wisdom H6443 is above rubies.
  19 H6357 The topaz H3568 of Cush H6186 [H8799] shall not equal H5541 [H8792] it, neither shall it be valued H2889 with pure H3800 gold.
  20 H370 Where H935 [H8799] then cometh H2451 wisdom H4725 ? and where is the place H998 of understanding?
  21 H5956 [H8738] Seeing it is hid H5869 from the eyes H2416 of all living H5641 [H8738] , and kept close H5775 from the fowls H8064 of the air.
  22 H11 Destruction H4194 and death H559 [H8804] say H8085 [H8804] , We have heard H8088 the fame H241 of it with our ears.
  23 H430 God H995 [H8689] understandeth H1870 the way H3045 [H8804] of it, and he knoweth H4725 its place.
  24 H5027 [H8686] For he looketh H7098 to the ends H776 of the earth H7200 [H8799] , and seeth H8064 under the whole heaven;
  25 H6213 [H8800] To make H4948 the weight H7307 for the winds H8505 [H8765] ; and he weigheth H4325 the waters H4060 by measure.
  26 H6213 [H8800] When he made H2706 a decree H4306 for the rain H1870 , and a way H2385 for the lightning H6963 of the thunder:
  27 H7200 [H8804] Then did he see H5608 [H8762] it, and declare H3559 [H8689] it; he prepared H2713 [H8804] it, yea, and searched it out.
  28 H120 And to man H559 [H8799] he said H3374 , Behold, the fear H136 of the Lord H2451 , that is wisdom H5493 [H8800] ; and to depart H7451 from evil H998 is understanding.
Brenton(i) 1 For there is a place for the silver, whence it comes, and a place for the gold, whence it is refined. 2 For iron comes out of the earth, and brass is hewn out like stone. 3 He has set a bound to darkness, and he searches out every limit: a stone is darkness, and the shadow of death. 4 There is a cutting off the torrent by reason of dust: so they that forget the right way are weakened; they are removed from among men. 5 As for the earth, out of it shall come bread: under it has been turned up as it were fire. 6 Her stones are the place of the sapphire: and her dust supplies man with gold. 7 There is a path, the fowl has not known it, neither has the eye of the vulture seen it: 8 neither have the sons of the proud trodden it, a lion has not passed upon it. 9 He has stretched forth his hand on the sharp rock, and turned up mountains by the roots: 10 and he has interrupted the whirlpools of rivers, and mine eye has seen every precious thing. 11 And he has laid bare the depths of rivers, and has brought his power to light. 12 But whence has wisdom been discovered? and what is the place of knowledge? 13 A mortal has not known its way, neither indeed has it been discovered among men. 14 The depth said, It is not in me: and the sea said, It is not with me. 15 One shall not give fine gold instead of it, neither shall silver be weighed in exchange for it. 16 Neither shall it be compared with gold of Sophir, with the precious onyx and sapphire. 17 Gold and crystal shall not be equalled to it, neither shall vessels of gold be its exchange. 18 Coral and fine pearl shall not be mentioned: but do thou esteem wisdom above the most precious things. 19 The topaz of Ethiopia shall not be equalled to it; it shall not be compared with pure gold. 20 Whence then is wisdom found? and of what kind is the place of understanding? 21 It has escaped the notice of every man, and has been hidden from the birds of the sky. 22 Destruction and Death said, We have heard the report of it. 23 God has well ordered the way of it, and he knows the place of it. 24 For he surveys the whole earth under heaven, knowing the things in the earth: 25 all that he has made; the weight of the winds, the measures of the water. 26 When he made them, thus he saw and numbered them, and made a way for the pealing of the thunder. 27 Then he saw it, and declared it: he prepared it and traced it out. 28 And he said to man, Behold, godliness is wisdom: and to abstain from evil is understanding.
Brenton_Greek(i) 1 Ἐστι γὰρ ἀργυρίῳ τόπος ὅθεν γίνεται, τόπος δὲ χρυσίου ὅθεν διηθεῖται. 2 Σίδηρος μὲν γὰρ ἐκ γῆς γίνεται, χαλκὸς δὲ ἴσα λίθῳ λατομεῖται.
3 Τάξιν ἔθετο σκότει, καὶ πᾶν πέρας αὐτὸς ἐξακριβάζεται, λίθος σκοτία, καὶ σκιὰ θανάτου. 4 Διακοπὴ χειμάῤῥου ἀπὸ κονίας, οἱ δὲ ἐπιλανθανόμενοι ὁδὸν δικαίαν ἠσθένησαν, ἐκ βροτῶν ἐσαλεύθησαν. 5 Γῆ, ἐξ αὐτῆς ἐξελεύσεται ἄρτος, ὑποκάτω αὐτῆς ἐστράφη ὡσεὶ πῦρ. 6 Τόπος σαπφείρου οἱ λίθοι αὐτῆς, καὶ χῶμα χρυσίον αὐτῷ. 7 Τρίβος, οὐκ ἔγνω αὐτὴν πετεινόν, καὶ οὐ παρέβλεψεν αὐτὴν ὀφθαλμὸς γυπός· 8 Καὶ οὐκ ἐπάτησαν αὐτὸν υἱοὶ ἀλαζόνων, οὐ παρῆλθεν ἐπʼ αὐτῆς λέων. 9 Ἐν ἀκροτόμῳ ἐξέτεινε χεῖρα αὐτοῦ, κατέστρεψε δὲ ἐκ ῥιζῶν ὄρη. 10 Δίνας δὲ ποταμῶν διέῤῥηξε, πᾶν δὲ ἔντιμον εἶδέ μου ὁ ὀφθαλμός. 11 Βάθη δὲ ποταμῶν ἀνεκάλυψεν, ἔδειξε δὲ αὐτοῦ δύναμιν εἰς φῶς.
12 Ἡ δὲ σοφία πόθεν εὑρέθη; ποῖος δὲ τόπος ἐστὶ τῆς ἐπιστήμης; 13 Οὐκ οἶδε βροτὸς ὁδὸν αὐτῆς, οὐδὲ μὴν εὑρεθῇ ἐν ἀνθρώποις. 14 Ἄβυσσος εἶπεν, οὐκ ἔνεστιν ἐν ἐμοί· καὶ ἡ θάλασσα εἶπεν, οὐκ ἔνεστι μετʼ ἐμοῦ. 15 Οὐ δώσει συγκλεισμὸν ἀντʼ αὐτῆς, καὶ οὐ σταθήσεται ἀργύριον ἀντάλλαγμα αὐτῆς. 16 Καὶ οὐ συμβασταχθήσεται χρυσίῳ Σωφίρ, ἐν ὄνυχι τιμίῳ καὶ σαπφείρῳ. 17 Οὐκ ἰσωθήσεται αὐτῇ χρυσίον καὶ ὕαλος, καὶ τὸ ἄλλαγμα αὐτῆς σκεύη χρυσᾶ. 18 Μετέωρα καὶ γαβὶς οὐ μνησθήσεται, καὶ ἕλκυσον σοφίαν ὑπὲρ τὰ ἐσώτατα. 19 Οὐκ ἰσωθήσεται αὐτῇ τοπάζιον Αἰθιοπίας, χρυσίῳ καθαρῷ οὐ συμβασταχθήσεται.
20 Ἡ δὲ σοφία πόθεν εὑρέθη; ποῖος δὲ τόπος ἐστὶ τῆς συνέσεως; 21 Λέληθε πάντα ἄνθρωπον, καὶ ἀπὸ πετεινῶν τοῦ οὐρανοῦ ἐκρύβη. 22 Ἡ ἀπώλεια καὶ ὁ θάνατος εἶπαν, ἀκηκόαμεν δὲ αὐτῆς τὸ κλέος.
23 Ὁ Θεὸς εὖ συνέστησεν αὐτῆς τὴν ὁδὸν, αὐτὸς δὲ οἶδε τὸν τόπον αὐτῆς. 24 Αὐτὸς γὰρ τὴν ὑπʼ οὐρανὸν πᾶσαν ἐφορᾷ· εἰδὼς τὰ ἐν τῇ γῇ, πάντα ἃ ἐποίησεν, 25 ἀνέμων σταθμὸν, ὕδατος μέτρα 26 ὅτι ἐποίησεν· οὕτως ἰδὼν ἠρίθμησε, καὶ ὁδὸν ἐν τινάγματι φωνάς. 27 Τότε εἶδεν αὐτὴν, καὶ ἐξηγήσατο αὐτήν, ἑτοιμάσας ἐξιχνίασεν. 28 Εἶπε δὲ ἀνθρώπῳ, ἰδοὺ ἡ θεοσέβειά ἐστι σοφία, τὸ δὲ ἀπέχεσθαι ἀπὸ κακῶν, ἐστιν ἐπιστήμη.
Leeser(i) 1 For truly there is a source for the silver, and a place for the gold which men refine. 2 Iron is taken out of the dust, and the stone is melted into copper. 3 An end doth he set to darkness, and the very utmost limit doth he search out, the stones of darkness, and of the shadow of death. 4 He breaketh a channel far from the inhabited place; those of unsteady foot, the poorest of men move there about. 5 The earth, out of which cometh forth bread, is under its surface turned up as it were with fire. 6 Her stones are the place whence the sapphire cometh; and golden dust is also there; 7 On the path which no bird of prey knoweth, and which the vulture’s eye hath not surveyed; 8 Which ravenous beasts have never trodden, over which the lion hath never passed. 9 To the flinty rock he stretcheth forth his hand; he overturneth the mountains from the root. 10 Amid rocks he heweth out canals: and every precious thing doth his eye behold. 11 The various droppings of water he uniteth into streams, and what is hidden he bringeth forth to light. 12 But wisdom—where shall she he found? and where is the place of understanding? 13 Man knoweth not her value: and she is not to be found in the land of the living. 14 The deep saith, Not in me is she: and the sea saith, She is not with me. 15 No fine gold can be given in lieu of her, and silver cannot be weighed out as her price. 16 She cannot be valued with the gold of Ophir, with the precious onyx, or the sapphire. 17 She cannot be estimated after gold and glass; and not in exchange for her can vessels of refined gold be taken. 18 Coral and crystal will not be thought of; and the value of wisdom is above pearls. 19 She cannot be estimated after the topaz of Ethiopia, nor can she be valued with pure gold. 20 But wisdom—whence cometh she? and where is the place of understanding? 21 Yea, she is hidden from the eyes of all living, and from the fowls of the heavens is she concealed. 22 Perdition and death say, With our ears have we heard a report of her. 23 God alone understandeth her way, and he knoweth her place; 24 For he looketh to the ends of the earth, whatever is under the whole heaven doth he see. 25 When he imparted weight unto the wind; and when the waters he established by measure; 26 When he made a law for the rain, and a way for the lightning of his thunders; 27 Then did he see her, and make her known; he established her, and also searched her out. 28 And he said unto man, Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom; and to eschew evil is understanding.
YLT(i) 1 Surely there is for silver a source, And a place for the gold they refine; 2 Iron from the dust is taken, And from the firm stone brass. 3 An end hath he set to darkness, And to all perfection he is searching, A stone of darkness and death-shade. 4 A stream hath broken out from a sojourner, Those forgotten of the foot, They were low, from man they wandered. 5 The earth! from it cometh forth bread, And its under-part is turned like fire. 6 A place of the sapphire are its stones, And it hath dust of gold. 7 A path—not known it hath a ravenous fowl, Nor scorched it hath an eye of the kite, 8 Nor trodden it have the sons of pride, Not passed over it hath the fierce lion. 9 Against the flint he sent forth his hand, He overturned from the root mountains. 10 Among rocks, brooks he hath cleaved, And every precious thing hath his eye seen. 11 From overflowing floods he hath bound, And the hidden thing bringeth out to light. 12 And the wisdom—whence is it found? And where is this, the place of understanding? 13 Man hath not known its arrangement, Nor is it found in the land of the living.
14 The deep hath said, `It is not in me,' And the sea hath said, `It is not with me.' 15 Gold is not given for it, Nor is silver weighed—its price. 16 It is not valued with pure gold of Ophir, With precious onyx and sapphire, 17 Not equal it do gold and crystal, Nor is its exchange a vessel of fine gold. 18 Corals and pearl are not remembered, The acquisition of wisdom is above rubies. 19 Not equal it doth the topaz of Cush, With pure gold it is not valued.
20 And the wisdom—whence doth it come? And where is this, the place of understanding? 21 It hath been hid from the eyes of all living. And from the fowl of the heavens It hath been hidden. 22 Destruction and death have said: `With our ears we have heard its fame.' 23 God hath understood its way, And He hath known its place. 24 For He to the ends of the earth doth look, Under the whole heavens He doth see, 25 To make for the wind a weight, And the waters He meted out in measure. 26 In His making for the rain a limit, And a way for the brightness of the voices, 27 Then He hath seen and declareth it, He hath prepared it, and also searched it out, 28 And He saith to man: —`Lo, fear of the Lord, that is wisdom, And to turn from evil is understanding.'
JuliaSmith(i) 1 For there is a going forth for silver, and a place for gold they will purify it 2 Iron shall be taken from the dust, and stone will pour out brass. 3 He set an end to darkness, and he searched out for all completeness: the stone of darkness and the shadow of death. 4 The torrent broke out from the sojourner; being forgotten of the foot, they were weak, they wandered from men. 5 The earth, from it will come forth bread, and under it was turned as fire. 6 Its stones the place of the sapphire, and dust gold to it 7 A beaten path the birds knew not, and the vulture's eye scanned it not: 8 The sons of pride trod it not, and the lion passed not by upon it. 9 He stretched forth his hand upon the flint; he overturned the mountains from the roots. 10 He cut rivers in the rocks, and his eye saw every precious thing. 11 He bound the rivers from weeping, and he will bring forth the hidden thing to light 12 And from whence shall wisdom be found? and where this place of understanding? 13 And man knew not its estimation, and it shall not be found in the land of the living. 14 The depth said, It is not in me: and the sea said, Not with me. 15 Shut up gold shall not be given for it, and silver shall not be weighed its price 16 It shall not be weighed with gold of Ophir, with the precious onyx, and the sapphire. 17 Gold and crystal shall not compare with it, and its exchange, vessels of pure gold. 18 High things, and crystal, shall not be remembered: and the drawing out of wisdom above pearls. 19 The topaz of Cush shall not compare with it; with pure gold it shall not be weighed. 20 And from whence shall wisdom come? and where this place of understanding? 21 And being hid from the eyes of all living, and covered from the birds of the heavens. 22 Destruction and death said, We heard its report with our ears: 23 God understood its way, and he knew its place. 24 For he will look to the ends of the earth, he will see under all the heavens; 25 To make the weight for the wind; and he weighed the waters by measure. 26 In his making a law for the rain, and a way for the lightning of the voices. 27 Then he saw, and he will recount it; he prepared it, and also he searched it out 28 And he will say to man, Behold, the fear of Jehovah, that is wisdom; and to depart from evil is understanding.
Darby(i) 1 Surely there is a vein for the silver, and a place for gold which they refine; 2 Iron is taken out of the dust, and copper is molten out of the stone. 3 [Man] putteth an end to the darkness, and exploreth to the utmost limit, the stones of darkness and of the shadow of death. 4 He openeth a shaft far from the inhabitants [of the earth]: forgotten of the foot, they hang suspended; away below men they hover. 5 As for the earth, out of it cometh bread, and underneath it is turned up as by fire; 6 The stones of it are the place of sapphires, and it hath dust of gold. 7 It is a path no bird of prey knoweth, and the vulture`s eye hath not seen it; 8 The proud beasts have not trodden it, nor the fierce lion passed over it. 9 [Man] putteth forth his hand upon the flinty rock, he overturneth the mountains by the root. 10 He cutteth out channels in the rocks, and his eye seeth every precious thing. 11 He bindeth the streams that they drip not, and what is hidden he bringeth forth to light. 12 But wisdom, where shall it be found? and where is the place of understanding? 13 Man knoweth not the value thereof; and it is not found in the land of the living. 14 The deep saith, It is not in me; and the sea saith, It is not with me. 15 Choice gold cannot be given for it, nor silver be weighed for its price. 16 It is not set in the balance with gold of Ophir, with the precious onyx, and the sapphire. 17 Gold and glass cannot be compared to it, nor vessels of fine gold be its exchange. 18 Corals and crystal are no more remembered; yea, the acquisition of wisdom is above rubies. 19 The topaz of Ethiopia shall not be compared to it, neither shall it be set in the balance with pure gold. 20 Whence then cometh wisdom? and where is the place of understanding? 21 For it is hidden from the eyes of all living, and concealed from the fowl of the heavens. 22 Destruction and death say, We have heard its report with our ears. 23 God understandeth the way thereof, and he knoweth its place: 24 For he looketh to the ends of the earth, he seeth under the whole heaven. 25 In making a weight for the wind, and meting out the waters by measure, 26 In appointing a statute for the rain, and a way for the thunder`s flash: 27 Then did he see it, and declare it; he established it, yea, and searched it out; 28 And unto man he said, Lo, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom; and to depart from evil is understanding.
ERV(i) 1 Surely there is a mine for silver, and a place for gold which they refine. 2 Iron is taken out of the earth, and brass is molten out of the stone. 3 [Man] setteth an end to darkness, and searcheth out to the furthest bound the stones of thick darkness and of the shadow of death. 4 He breaketh open a shaft away from where men sojourn; they are forgotten of the foot [that passeth by]; they hang afar from men, they swing to and fro. 5 As for the earth, out of it cometh bread: and underneath it is turned up as it were by fire. 6 The stones thereof are the place of sapphires, and it hath dust of gold. 7 That path no bird of prey knoweth, neither hath the falcon’s eye seen it: 8 The proud beasts have not trodden it, nor hath the fierce lion passed thereby. 9 He putteth forth his hand upon the flinty rock; he overturneth the mountains by the roots. 10 He cutteth out channels among the rocks; and his eye seeth every precious thing. 11 He bindeth the streams that they trickle not; and the thing that is hid bringeth he forth to light. 12 But where shall wisdom be found? and where is the place of understanding? 13 Man knoweth not the price thereof; neither is it found in the land of the living. 14 The deep saith, It is not in me: and the sea saith, It is not with me. 15 It cannot be gotten for gold, neither shall silver be weighed for the price thereof. 16 It cannot be valued with the gold of Ophir, with the precious onyx, or the sapphire. 17 Gold and glass cannot equal it: neither shall the exchange thereof be jewels of fine gold. 18 No mention shall be made of coral or of crystal: yea, the price of wisdom is above rubies. 19 The topaz of Ethiopia shall not equal it, neither shall it be valued with pure gold. 20 Whence then cometh wisdom? and where is the place of understanding? 21 Seeing it is hid from the eyes of all living, and kept close from the fowls of the air. 22 Destruction and Death say, We have heard a rumour thereof with our ears. 23 God understandeth the way thereof, and he knoweth the place thereof. 24 For he looketh to the ends of the earth, and seeth under the whole heaven; 25 To make a weight for the wind; yea, he meteth out the waters by measure. 26 When he made a decree for the rain, and a way for the lightning of the thunder: 27 Then did he see it, and declare it; he established it, yea, and searched it out. 28 And unto man he said, Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom; and to depart from evil is understanding.
ASV(i) 1 Surely there is a mine for silver,
And a place for gold which they refine. 2 Iron is taken out of the earth,
And copper is molten out of the stone. 3 [Man] setteth an end to darkness,
And searcheth out, to the furthest bound,
The stones of obscurity and of thick darkness. 4 He breaketh open a shaft away from where men sojourn;
They are forgotten of the foot;
They hang afar from men, they swing to and fro. 5 As for the earth, out of it cometh bread;
And underneath it is turned up as it were by fire. 6 The stones thereof are the place of sapphires,
And it hath dust of gold. 7 That path no bird of prey knoweth,
Neither hath the falcon's eye seen it: 8 The proud beasts have not trodden it,
Nor hath the fierce lion passed thereby. 9 He putteth forth his hand upon the flinty rock;
He overturneth the mountains by the roots. 10 He cutteth out channels among the rocks;
And his eye seeth every precious thing. 11 He bindeth the streams that they trickle not;
And the thing that is hid bringeth he forth to light.
12 But where shall wisdom be found?
And where is the place of understanding? 13 Man knoweth not the price thereof;
Neither is it found in the land of the living. 14 The deep saith, It is not in me;
And the sea saith, It is not with me. 15 It cannot be gotten for gold,
Neither shall silver be weighed for the price thereof. 16 It cannot be valued with the gold of Ophir,
With the precious onyx, or the sapphire. 17 Gold and glass cannot equal it,
Neither shall it be exchanged for jewels of fine gold. 18 No mention shall be made of coral or of crystal:
Yea, the price of wisdom is above rubies. 19 The topaz of Ethiopia shall not equal it,
Neither shall it be valued with pure gold. 20 Whence then cometh wisdom?
And where is the place of understanding? 21 Seeing it is hid from the eyes of all living,
And kept close from the birds of the heavens. 22 Destruction and Death say,
We have heard a rumor thereof with our ears.
23 God understandeth the way thereof,
And he knoweth the place thereof. 24 For he looketh to the ends of the earth,
And seeth under the whole heaven; 25 To make a weight for the wind:
Yea, he meteth out the waters by measure. 26 When he made a decree for the rain,
And a way for the lightning of the thunder; 27 Then did he see it, and declare it;
He established it, yea, and searched it out. 28 And unto man he said,
Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom;
And to depart from evil is understanding.
  1 H3426 Surely H4161 there is a mine H3701 for silver, H4725 And a place H2091 for gold H2212 which they refine.
  2 H1270 Iron H3947 is taken H6083 out of the earth, H5154 And copper H6694 is molten H68 out of the stone.
  3 H7760 Man setteth H7093 an end H2822 to darkness, H2713 And searcheth out, H8503 to the furthest bound, H68 The stones H652 of obscurity H6757 and of thick darkness.
  4 H6555 He breaketh open H5158 a shaft H1481 away from where men sojourn; H7911 They are forgotten H7272 of the foot; H1809 They hang H5128 afar H582 from men, they swing to and fro.
  5 H776 As for the earth, H3318 out of it cometh H3899 bread; H2015 And underneath it is turned up H784 as it were by fire.
  6 H68 The stones H4725 thereof are the place H5601 of sapphires, H6083 And it hath dust H2091 of gold.
  7 H5410 That path H5861 no bird H3045 of prey knoweth, H344 Neither hath the falcon's H5869 eye H7805 seen it:
  8 H7830 The proud H1121 beasts H1869 have not trodden H7826 it, Nor hath the fierce lion H5710 passed thereby.
  9 H7971 He putteth forth H3027 his hand H2496 upon the flinty rock; H2015 He overturneth H2022 the mountains H8328 by the roots.
  10 H1234 He cutteth out H2975 channels H6697 among the rocks; H5869 And his eye H7200 seeth H3366 every precious thing.
  11 H2280 He bindeth H5104 the streams H1065 that they trickle H8587 not; And the thing that is hid H3318 bringeth he forth H216 to light.
  12 H370 But where H2451 shall wisdom H4672 be found? H4725 And where is the place H998 of understanding?
  13 H582 Man H3045 knoweth H6187 not the price H4672 thereof; Neither is it found H776 in the land H2416 of the living.
  14 H8415 The deep H559 saith, H3220 It is not in me; And the sea H559 saith, It is not with me.
  15 H5414 It cannot be gotten H5458 for gold, H3701 Neither shall silver H8254 be weighed H4242 for the price thereof.
  16 H5541 It cannot be valued H3800 with the gold H211 of Ophir, H3368 With the precious H7718 onyx, H5601 or the sapphire.
  17 H2091 Gold H2137 and glass H6186 cannot equal H8545 it, Neither shall it be exchanged H3627 for jewels H6337 of fine gold.
  18 H2142 No mention H7215 shall be made of coral H1378 or of crystal: H4901 Yea, the price H2451 of wisdom H6443 is above rubies.
  19 H6357 The topaz H3568 of Ethiopia H6186 shall not equal H5541 it, Neither shall it be valued H2889 with pure H3800 gold.
  20 H370 Whence H935 then cometh H2451 wisdom? H4725 And where is the place H998 of understanding?
  21 H5956 Seeing it is hid H5869 from the eyes H2416 of all living, H5641 And kept close H5775 from the birds H8064 of the heavens.
  22 H11 Destruction H4194 and Death H559 say, H8085 We have heard H8088 a rumor H241 thereof with our ears.
  23 H430 God H995 understandeth H1870 the way H3045 thereof, And he knoweth H4725 the place thereof.
  24 H5027 For he looketh H7098 to the ends H776 of the earth, H7200 And seeth H8064 under the whole heaven;
  25 H6213 To make H4948 a weight H7307 for the wind: H8505 Yea, he meteth H4325 out the waters H4060 by measure.
  26 H6213 When he made H2706 a decree H4306 for the rain, H1870 And a way H2385 for the lightning H6963 of the thunder;
  27 H7200 Then did he see H5608 it, and declare H3559 it; He established H2713 it, yea, and searched it out.
  28 H120 And unto man H559 he said, H3374 Behold, the fear H136 of the Lord, H2451 that is wisdom; H5493 And to depart H7451 from evil H998 is understanding.
JPS_ASV_Byz(i) 1 For there is a mine for silver, and a place for gold which they refine. 2 Iron is taken out of the dust, and brass is molten out of the stone. 3 Man setteth an end to darkness, and searcheth out to the furthest bound the stones of thick darkness and of the shadow of death. 4 He breaketh open a shaft away from where men sojourn; they are forgotten of the foot that passeth by; they hang afar from men, they swing to and fro. 5 As for the earth, out of it cometh bread, and underneath it is turned up as it were by fire. 6 The stones thereof are the place of sapphires, and it hath dust of gold. 7 That path no bird of prey knoweth, neither hath the falcon's eye seen it; 8 The proud beasts have not trodden it, nor hath the lion passed thereby. 9 He putteth forth his hand upon the flinty rock; He overturneth the mountains by the roots. 10 He cutteth out channels among the rocks; and his eye seeth every precious thing. 11 He bindeth the streams that they trickle not; and the thing that is hid bringeth he forth to light. 12 But wisdom, where shall it be found? And where is the place of understanding? 13 Man knoweth not the price thereof; neither is it found in the land of the living. 14 The deep saith: 'It is not in me'; and the sea saith: 'It is not with me.' 15 It cannot be gotten for gold, neither shall silver be weighed for the price thereof. 16 It cannot be valued with the gold of Ophir, with the precious onyx, or the sapphire. 17 Gold and glass cannot equal it; neither shall the exchange thereof be vessels of fine gold. 18 No mention shall be made of coral or of crystal; yea, the price of wisdom is above rubies. 19 The topaz of Ethiopia shall not equal it, neither shall it be valued with pure gold. 20 Whence then cometh wisdom? And where is the place of understanding? 21 Seeing it is hid from the eyes of all living, and kept close from the fowls of the air. 22 Destruction and Death say: 'We have heard a rumor thereof with our ears.' 23 God understandeth the way thereof, and He knoweth the place thereof. 24 For He looketh to the ends of the earth, and seeth under the whole heaven; 25 When He maketh a weight for the wind, and meteth out the waters by measure. 26 When He made a decree for the rain, and a way for the storm of thunders; 27 Then did He see it, and declare it; He established it, yea, and searched it out. 28 And unto man He said: 'Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom; and to depart from evil is understanding.'
Rotherham(i) 1 Though there is, for silver, a vein, and a place for the gold they refine; 2 Iron, out of the ore, is taken, and, stone, poureth out copper; 3 An end, hath one set to the darkness, and, into every extremity, is, he, making search, for the stone of darkness and death–shade; 4 He hath sunken a shaft, away from the inhabitants; Places forsaken by the foot, they hang down, away from men, sway to and fro; 5 As for the earth, out of it, cometh forth bread, and, under it, is upturned, as it were fire; 6 The place of sapphires, are the stones thereof, and it hath, nuggets of gold:–– 7 A path, the vulture hath not discerned, nor hath the eye of the hawk scanned it; 8 Ravenous beasts have not made a track thereof, neither hath the lion marched thereon: 9 Upon the flint, hath he thrust forth his hand, He hath turned up mountains by the roots; 10 Among the rocks, hath he cut open streams, and, every precious thing, hath his eye seen: 11 From trickling, he restraineth, rivers, and, some hidden thing, is he bringing out to light. 12 Yet where can, Wisdom, be found? And where is the place of understanding? 13 Mortal knoweth not the way thereof, neither can it be found in the land of the living;
14 The resounding deep, hath said, It is not in me! And, the sea, hath said, It is not with me! 15 Pure gold cannot be given in its stead, neither can silver he weighed as the value thereof; 16 It cannot be put into the scales against the gold of Ophir, with costly onyx, or sapphire; 17 Neither gold nor crystal can compare with it, nor can, the exchange thereof, be a vessel of pure gold, 18 Coral or crystal, cannot be mentioned, Yea, a possession, is wisdom, above red coral; 19 The topaz of Ethiopia cannot compare with it, Against purest gold, can it not be weighed.
20 Whence then cometh, wisdom? And where is the place of understanding? 21 Seeing it hath been hid from the eyes of every living thing, and, from the bird of the heavens, hath it been concealed? 22 Destruction and death, have said, With our ears, have we heard the report thereof! 23 GOD, understandeth the way thereof, and, he, discerneth the place thereof; 24 For, he, unto the ends of the earth, directeth his look, under all the heavens, he seeth; 25 Making, for the wind, a weight, and, the waters, he proved by measure, 26 When he made, for the rain, a decree, and a way for the lightning of thunders, 27 Then, saw he it, and declared it, He settled it, yea also he searched it out; 28 And said to the son of earth, Lo! the reverence of the Lord, that, is wisdom, and, to avoid evil, is understanding.
CLV(i) 1 Indeed, for silver there is a mine, And for gold a place where men may cupel it. 2 Iron may be taken from the soil, And from stone ore copper may be smelted. 3 Man puts an end to darkness, And to every limit is he fathoming For the stone ore in gloom and blackest shadow. 4 A people of sojourners has breached mine-shafts In places forgotten by the foot of man; Far from mortal men, they swing down on ropes and sway. 5 The earth, from her is coming forth bread, Yet beneath her, all is overturned as though by fire, 6 A place where her stones are sapphire, And it has the soil of gold;" 7 That track, the bird of prey does not know it, And the eye of the falcon has never glanced at it;" 8 The strutting beasts have never tread along it; The black lion has never passed over it. 9 Man has put forth his hand on the flint rock; He has overturned the root of the mountains. 10 He has rent open mine-tunnels through the rock, And his eye has seen every precious treasure. 11 He has bound up streams from their seeping, And the obscured secret he brings forth to light. 12 But wisdom, where can it be found? And just where is the place of understanding? 13 Mortal man does not know its appraisal, And it is not being found in the land of the living. 14 The abyss says, It is not in me! And the sea says, There is no such thing with me!" 15 Solid gold cannot be given instead of it, And silver cannot be weighed as its price. 16 It cannot be classed with certified gold of Ophir, Or with precious onyx and sapphire. 17 Neither gold or glass can be its appraisal, Or articles of glittering gold its exchange. 18 Coral and crystal, such is not even mentioned; Wisdom is more attractive than rubies. 19 Peridot of Ethiopia is not its appraisal; With pure certified gold it cannot be classed. 20 From where then can wisdom come? And just where is the place of understanding? 21 It has been obscured from the eyes of every living thing, And from the flier of the heavens it has been concealed. 22 Abaddon and death say:With our ears we have heard report of it. 23 Elohim, He understands its way, And He, yea He Himself knows its place. 24 For He looks to the ends of the earth; He sees everything under the heavens. 25 When He granted weight to the wind And when He regulated the waters by measure, 26 When He imposed a statutory limit on the rain And a pathway for the perceptible portents of thunderclaps, 27 Then He saw it and rehearsed it; He prepared it and also fathomed it. 28 And He said to mankind, Behold, the fear of Yahweh, it is wisdom, And to withdraw from evil is understanding.
BBE(i) 1 Truly there is a mine for silver, and a place where gold is washed out. 2 Iron is taken out of the earth, and stone is changed into brass by the fire. 3 Man puts an end to the dark, searching out to the farthest limit the stones of the deep places of the dark. 4 He makes a deep mine far away from those living in the light of day; when they go about on the earth, they have no knowledge of those who are under them, who are hanging far from men, twisting from side to side on a cord. 5 As for the earth, bread comes out of it; but under its face it is turned up as if by fire. 6 Its stones are the place of sapphires, and it has dust of gold. 7 No bird has knowledge of it, and the hawk's eye has never seen it. 8 The great beasts have not gone over it, and the cruel lion has not taken that way. 9 Man puts out his hand on the hard rock, overturning mountains by the roots. 10 He makes deep ways, cut through the rock, and his eye sees everything of value. 11 He keeps back the streams from flowing, and makes the secret things come out into the light. 12 But where may wisdom be seen? and where is the resting-place of knowledge? 13 Man has not seen the way to it, and it is not in the land of the living. 14 The deep waters say, It is not in me: and the sea says, It is not with me. 15 Gold may not be given for it, or a weight of silver in payment for it. 16 It may not be valued with the gold of Ophir, with the onyx of great price, or the sapphire. 17 Gold and glass are not equal to it in price, and it may not be exchanged for jewels of the best gold. 18 There is no need to say anything about coral or crystal; and the value of wisdom is greater than that of pearls. 19 The topaz of Ethiopia is not equal to it, and it may not be valued with the best gold. 20 From where then does wisdom come, and where is the resting-place of knowledge? 21 For it is kept secret from the eyes of all living, unseen by the birds of the air. 22 Destruction and Death say, We have only had word of it with our ears. 23 God has knowledge of the way to it, and of its resting-place; 24 For his eyes go to the ends of the earth, and he sees everything under heaven. 25 When he made a weight for the wind, measuring out the waters; 26 When he made a law for the rain, and a way for the thunder-flames; 27 Then he saw it, and put it on record; he gave it its fixed form, searching it out completely. 28 And he said to man, Truly the fear of the Lord is wisdom, and to keep from evil is the way to knowledge.
MKJV(i) 1 Surely there is a mine for the silver, and a place where they refine gold. 2 Iron is taken out of the earth, and bronze is melted out of the stone. 3 He sets an end to darkness, and to every extremity He searches out the stones of darkness and the shadow of death. 4 He opens a shaft far from the visitor; they are forgotten by man's foot; they hang far away from men, they swing to and fro. 5 As to the earth, out of it comes bread; and underneath it is turned up like fire. 6 Its stones are the place of sapphires; and it has dust of gold. 7 There is a path which no bird knows, nor has the vulture's eye caught sight of it; 8 the sons of pride have not walked on it, the lion has not passed by. 9 He puts forth His hand on the flinty places; He overturns the mountains by the roots. 10 He cuts out rivers among the rocks; and His eye sees every precious thing. 11 He holds back the floods from overflowing; and the hidden thing, He brings to light. 12 But where shall wisdom be found? And where is the place of understanding? 13 Man does not know the price of it; nor is it found in the land of the living. 14 The deep says, It is not in me; and the sea says, It is not in me. 15 Pure gold cannot be given in its stead, and silver be weighed as its price. 16 It cannot be weighed against the gold of Ophir, against precious onyx, or sapphire; 17 gold and the crystal cannot equal it, nor can it be exchanged for a vessel of fine gold. 18 No mention shall be made of coral, or of pearls; and the price of wisdom is above rubies. 19 The topaz of Ethiopia cannot equal it; it cannot be weighed against pure gold. 20 From where then does wisdom come, and where is the place of understanding? 21 Yea, it is hidden from the eyes of all living, and hidden from the birds of the heavens. 22 The place of ruin and death say, We have heard the fame of it with our ears. 23 God understands the way of it, and He knows its place. 24 For He looks to the end of the earth, and sees under all the heavens; 25 making a weight for the winds, and measuring out the waters by measure. 26 When He made a decree for the rain, and a way for the lightning to thunder; 27 then He saw it, and declared it; He prepared it, yea, and searched it out. 28 And to man He said, Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom! And to depart from evil is understanding!
LITV(i) 1 Surely there is a mine for the silver, and a place where they refine gold. 2 Iron is taken out of the earth, and bronze is smelted from stone. 3 He sets an end to darkness, and to every extremity He searches out a stone of darkness and death-shade. 4 He opens a shaft far from the visitor; they are forgotten by man's foot; they hang far from men; they swing to and fro. 5 As to the earth, out of it comes bread; and underneath it, it is turned up like fire. 6 The place of sapphires is in its stones, and it has dust of gold. 7 There is a path not known to birds of prey, nor has a falcon's eye caught sight of it; 8 the sons of pride have not trodden on it; the lion has not passed by it. 9 He places his hand on the flint places; He overturns mountains by the roots 10 He cuts out rivers among the rocks, and His eye sees every precious thing. 11 He restrains the floods from overflowing; and He brings the hidden thing to light. 12 But where shall wisdom be found? And where is the place of understanding? 13 Man does not know its value, nor is it found in the land of the living. 14 The deep says, It is not in me; and the sea says, It is not with me. 15 Pure gold cannot be given instead of it, and silver cannot be weighed as its price. 16 It cannot be weighed against the gold of Ophir, against precious onyx, or sapphire; 17 gold and crystal cannot be ranked with it, nor its exchange a vessel of fine gold. 18 Coral and rock crystal cannot be mentioned; yea, the getting of wisdom is above jewels. 19 The topaz of Ethiopia cannot be ranked with it; it cannot be weighed against pure gold. 20 Where then does wisdom come from, and where is the place of understanding? 21 Yea, it is hidden from the eyes of all living, and concealed from the birds of the heavens; 22 the Place of Ruin and death say, We have heard its fame with our ears. 23 God knows its way, and He knows its place. 24 For He looks to the ends of the earth, and sees under all the heavens; 25 making a weight for the winds and measuring out the waters by measure. 26 When He made a decree for the rain, and a way for the flash, the thunderclap, 27 then He saw it, and declared it; He prepared it, and He also searched it out. 28 And to man He said, Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom! And to turn from evil is understanding.
ECB(i) 1 Surely there is a source for the silver and a place to refine gold; 2 iron is taken from the dust and copper poured from the stone. 3 He sets an end to darkness and probes all conclusion - the stones of darkness and the shadow of death. 4 The wadi breaks out from the sojourner; - forgotten by the foot; they languish; they drift away from men. 5 The earth, from which comes bread; and underneath, turns as fire. 6 The stones thereof are the place of sapphires; and it has dust of gold. 7 There is a path which neither the swooper knows nor the eye of the hawk scans; 8 nor the sons of pride tread, nor the roaring lion attacks. 9 He spreads his hand on the flint he overturns the mountains by the roots: 10 he splits rivers among the rocks and his eye sees all the esteemed: 11 he binds the floods from weeping and brings the concealed to light. 12 And wisdom, where is it found? Where is the place of discernment? 13 Man neither knows the appraisal; nor finds it in the land of the living. 14 The abyss says, Not in me! And the sea says, Not with me! 15 Neither is gold given for it nor silver weighed for the price: 16 nor balanced with the ore of Ophir - with the esteemed onyx, or the sapphire. 17 Neither are the gold and the crystal ranked with it nor exchanged for instruments of pure gold: 18 nor corals or pearls remembered; for the sowing of wisdom is above pearls. 19 Neither is the topaz of Kush ranked with it; nor balanced with ore. 20 Whence then comes wisdom? Where is the place of discernment? 21 - seeing it is concealed from the eyes of all living - hidden from the flyers of the heavens. 22 Abaddon and death say, We hear the fame with our ears: 23 Elohim discerns the way and he knows the place: 24 for he looks to the ends of the earth and sees under the whole heavens 25 - to work the weight for the winds - to gauge the waters by measure. 26 He works a statute for the rain, and a way for the lightning of the voice; 27 then he sees and scribes; he prepares, yes, and probes. 28 And to humanity he says, Behold, to Adonay is wisdom; and to turn aside from evil, discernment.
ACV(i) 1 Surely there is a mine for silver, and a place for gold which they refine. 2 Iron is taken out of the earth, and copper is molten out of the stone. 3 Man sets an end to darkness, and searches out to the furthest bound the stones of obscurity and of thick darkness. 4 He breaks open a shaft away from where men sojourn, paths forgotten by the foot. They hang afar from men; they swing to and fro. 5 As for the earth, out of it comes bread, and underneath it is turned up as it were by fire. 6 The stones of it are the place of sapphires, and it has dust of gold. 7 No bird of prey knows that path, nor has the falcon's eye seen it. 8 The proud beasts have not trodden it, nor has the fierce lion passed thereby. 9 He puts forth his hand upon the flinty rock. He overturns the mountains by the roots. 10 He cuts out channels among the rocks, and his eye sees every precious thing. 11 He binds the streams that they not trickle. And the thing that is hid he brings forth to light. 12 But where shall wisdom be found? And where is the place of understanding? 13 Man does not know the price of it, nor is it found in the land of the living. 14 The deep says, It is not in me. And the sea says, It is not with me. 15 It cannot be gotten for gold, nor shall silver be weighed for the price of it. 16 It cannot be valued with the gold of Ophir, with the precious onyx, or the sapphire. 17 Gold and glass cannot equal it, nor shall it be exchanged for jewels of fine gold. 18 No mention shall be made of coral or of crystal. Yea, the price of wisdom is above rubies. 19 The topaz of Ethiopia shall not equal it, nor shall it be valued with pure gold. 20 Where then does wisdom come from? And where is the place of understanding? 21 Since it is hid from the eyes of all living, and kept closed from the birds of the heavens. 22 Destruction and Death say, We have heard a rumor of it with our ears. 23 God understands the way of it, and he knows the place of it. 24 For he looks to the ends of the earth, and sees under the whole heaven, 25 to make a weight for the wind. Yea, he distributes the waters by measure. 26 When he made a decree for the rain, and a way for the lightning of the thunder, 27 then he saw it, and declared it. He established it, yea, and searched it out. 28 And to man he said, Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom, and to depart from evil is understanding.
WEB(i) 1 “Surely there is a mine for silver, and a place for gold which they refine. 2 Iron is taken out of the earth, and copper is smelted out of the ore. 3 Man sets an end to darkness, and searches out, to the furthest bound, the stones of obscurity and of thick darkness. 4 He breaks open a shaft away from where people live. They are forgotten by the foot. They hang far from men, they swing back and forth. 5 As for the earth, out of it comes bread. Underneath it is turned up as it were by fire. 6 Sapphires come from its rocks. It has dust of gold. 7 That path no bird of prey knows, neither has the falcon’s eye seen it. 8 The proud animals have not trodden it, nor has the fierce lion passed by there. 9 He puts his hand on the flinty rock, and he overturns the mountains by the roots. 10 He cuts out channels among the rocks. His eye sees every precious thing. 11 He binds the streams that they don’t trickle. The thing that is hidden he brings out to light. 12 “But where will wisdom be found? Where is the place of understanding? 13 Man doesn’t know its price; Neither is it found in the land of the living. 14 The deep says, ‘It isn’t in me.’ The sea says, ‘It isn’t with me.’ 15 It can’t be gotten for gold, neither will silver be weighed for its price. 16 It can’t be valued with the gold of Ophir, with the precious onyx, or the sapphire. 17 Gold and glass can’t equal it, neither will it be exchanged for jewels of fine gold. 18 No mention will be made of coral or of crystal. Yes, the price of wisdom is above rubies. 19 The topaz of Ethiopia will not equal it, nor will it be valued with pure gold. 20 Where then does wisdom come from? Where is the place of understanding? 21 Seeing it is hidden from the eyes of all living, and kept close from the birds of the sky. 22 Destruction and Death say, ‘We have heard a rumor of it with our ears.’ 23 “God understands its way, and he knows its place. 24 For he looks to the ends of the earth, and sees under the whole sky. 25 He establishes the force of the wind. Yes, he measures out the waters by measure. 26 When he made a decree for the rain, and a way for the lightning of the thunder, 27 then he saw it, and declared it. He established it, yes, and searched it out. 28 To man he said, ‘Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom. To depart from evil is understanding.’”
  1 H3426 "Surely H4161 there is a mine H3701 for silver, H4725 and a place H2091 for gold H2212 which they refine.
  2 H1270 Iron H3947 is taken H6083 out of the earth, H5154 and copper H6694 is smelted H68 out of the ore.
  3 H7760 Man sets H7093 an end H2822 to darkness, H2713 and searches out, H8503 to the furthest bound, H68 the stones H652 of obscurity H6757 and of thick darkness.
  4 H6555 He breaks open H5158 a shaft H1481 away from where people live. H7911 They are forgotten H7272 by the foot. H1809 They hang H5128 far H582 from men, they swing back and forth.
  5 H776 As for the earth, H3318 out of it comes H3899 bread; H2015 Underneath it is turned up H784 as it were by fire.
  6 H5601 Sapphires H4725 come H68 from its rocks. H6083 It has dust H2091 of gold.
  7 H5410 That path H5861 no bird H3045 of prey knows, H344 neither has the falcon's H5869 eye H7805 seen it.
  8 H7830 The proud H1121 animals H1869 have not trodden H7826 it, nor has the fierce lion H5710 passed by there.
  9 H7971 He puts forth H3027 his hand H2496 on the flinty rock, H2015 and he overturns H2022 the mountains H8328 by the roots.
  10 H1234 He cuts out H2975 channels H6697 among the rocks. H5869 His eye H7200 sees H3366 every precious thing.
  11 H2280 He binds H5104 the streams H1065 that they don't trickle. H8587 The thing that is hidden H3318 he brings forth H216 to light.
  12 H370 "But where H2451 shall wisdom H4672 be found? H4725 Where is the place H998 of understanding?
  13 H582 Man H3045 doesn't know H6187 its price; H4672 Neither is it found H776 in the land H2416 of the living.
  14 H8415 The deep H559 says, H3220 ‘It isn't in me.' The sea H559 says, ‘It isn't with me.'
  15 H5414 It can't be gotten H5458 for gold, H3701 neither shall silver H8254 be weighed H4242 for its price.
  16 H5541 It can't be valued H3800 with the gold H211 of Ophir, H3368 with the precious H7718 onyx, H5601 or the sapphire.
  17 H2091 Gold H2137 and glass H6186 can't equal H8545 it, neither shall it be exchanged H3627 for jewels H6337 of fine gold.
  18 H2142 No mention H7215 shall be made of coral H1378 or of crystal. H4901 Yes, the price H2451 of wisdom H6443 is above rubies.
  19 H6357 The topaz H3568 of Ethiopia H6186 shall not equal H5541 it, Neither shall it be valued H2889 with pure H3800 gold.
  20 H370 Where H2451 then does wisdom H935 come H4725 from? Where is the place H998 of understanding?
  21 H5956 Seeing it is hidden H5869 from the eyes H2416 of all living, H5641 and kept close H5775 from the birds H8064 of the sky.
  22 H11 Destruction H4194 and Death H559 say, H8085 ‘We have heard H8088 a rumor H241 of it with our ears.'
  23 H430 "God H995 understands H1870 its way, H3045 and he knows H4725 its place.
  24 H5027 For he looks H7098 to the ends H776 of the earth, H7200 and sees H8064 under the whole sky.
  25 H7307 He establishes the force of the wind. H8505 Yes, he measures H4325 out the waters H4060 by measure.
  26 H6213 When he made H2706 a decree H4306 for the rain, H1870 and a way H2385 for the lightning H6963 of the thunder;
  27 H7200 then he saw H5608 it, and declared H3559 it. He established H2713 it, yes, and searched it out.
  28 H120 To man H559 he said, H3374 ‘Behold, the fear H136 of the Lord, H2451 that is wisdom. H5493 To depart H7451 from evil H998 is understanding.'"
NHEB(i) 1 "Surely there is a mine for silver, and a place for gold which they refine. 2 Iron is taken out of the earth, and copper is smelted out of the ore. 3 Man sets an end to darkness, and searches out, to the furthest bound, the stones of obscurity and of thick darkness. 4 He breaks open a shaft away from where people live. They are forgotten by the foot. They hang far from men, they swing back and forth. 5 As for the earth, out of it comes bread; Underneath it is turned up as it were by fire. 6 Sapphires come from its rocks. It has dust of gold. 7 That path no bird of prey knows, neither has the falcon's eye seen it. 8 The proud animals have not trodden it, nor has the fierce lion passed by there. 9 He puts forth his hand on the flinty rock, and he overturns the mountains by the roots. 10 He cuts out channels among the rocks. His eye sees every precious thing. 11 He binds the streams that they do not trickle. The thing that is hidden he brings forth to light. 12 "But where shall wisdom be found? Where is the place of understanding? 13 Man doesn't know its price; Neither is it found in the land of the living. 14 The deep says, 'It isn't in me.' The sea says, 'It isn't with me.' 15 It can't be gotten for gold, neither shall silver be weighed for its price. 16 It can't be valued with the gold of Ophir, with the precious onyx, or the sapphire. 17 Gold and glass can't equal it, neither shall it be exchanged for jewels of fine gold. 18 No mention shall be made of coral or of crystal. Yes, the price of wisdom is above rubies. 19 The topaz of Ethiopia shall not equal it, Neither shall it be valued with pure gold. 20 From where then comes wisdom? Where is the place of understanding? 21 Seeing it is hidden from the eyes of all living, and kept close from the birds of the sky. 22 Destruction and Death say, 'We have heard a rumor of it with our ears.' 23 "God understands its way, and he knows its place. 24 For he looks to the farthest parts of the earth, and sees under the whole sky. 25 He establishes the force of the wind. Yes, he measures out the waters by measure. 26 When he made a decree for the rain, and a way for the lightning of the thunder; 27 then he saw it, and declared it. He established it, yes, and searched it out. 28 To man he said, 'Look, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom. To depart from evil is understanding.'"
AKJV(i) 1 Surely there is a vein for the silver, and a place for gold where they fine it. 2 Iron is taken out of the earth, and brass is molten out of the stone. 3 He sets an end to darkness, and searches out all perfection: the stones of darkness, and the shadow of death. 4 The flood breaks out from the inhabitant; even the waters forgotten of the foot: they are dried up, they are gone away from men. 5 As for the earth, out of it comes bread: and under it is turned up as it were fire. 6 The stones of it are the place of sapphires: and it has dust of gold. 7 There is a path which no fowl knows, and which the vulture's eye has not seen: 8 The lion's whelps have not trodden it, nor the fierce lion passed by it. 9 He puts forth his hand on the rock; he overturns the mountains by the roots. 10 He cuts out rivers among the rocks; and his eye sees every precious thing. 11 He binds the floods from overflowing; and the thing that is hid brings he forth to light. 12 But where shall wisdom be found? and where is the place of understanding? 13 Man knows not the price thereof; neither is it found in the land of the living. 14 The depth said, It is not in me: and the sea said, It is not with me. 15 It cannot be gotten for gold, neither shall silver be weighed for the price thereof. 16 It cannot be valued with the gold of Ophir, with the precious onyx, or the sapphire. 17 The gold and the crystal cannot equal it: and the exchange of it shall not be for jewels of fine gold. 18 No mention shall be made of coral, or of pearls: for the price of wisdom is above rubies. 19 The topaz of Ethiopia shall not equal it, neither shall it be valued with pure gold. 20 From where then comes wisdom? and where is the place of understanding? 21 Seeing it is hid from the eyes of all living, and kept close from the fowls of the air. 22 Destruction and death say, We have heard the fame thereof with our ears. 23 God understands the way thereof, and he knows the place thereof. 24 For he looks to the ends of the earth, and sees under the whole heaven; 25 To make the weight for the winds; and he weighs the waters by measure. 26 When he made a decree for the rain, and a way for the lightning of the thunder: 27 Then did he see it, and declare it; he prepared it, yes, and searched it out. 28 And to man he said, Behold, the fear of the LORD, that is wisdom; and to depart from evil is understanding.
  1 H3588 Surely H4161 there is a vein H3701 for the silver, H4725 and a place H2091 for gold H2212 where they fine it.
  2 H1270 Iron H3947 is taken H6083 out of the earth, H5154 and brass H6694 is molten H68 out of the stone.
  3 H7760 He sets H7093 an end H2822 to darkness, H2713 and searches H3605 out all H8503 perfection: H68 the stones H652 of darkness, H6757 and the shadow H6757 of death.
  4 H5158 The flood H6555 breaks H1481 out from the inhabitant; H7911 even the waters forgotten H7272 of the foot: H1809 they are dried H5128 up, they are gone H582 away from men.
  5 H776 As for the earth, H3318 out of it comes H3899 bread: H8478 and under H2015 it is turned H784 up as it were fire.
  6 H68 The stones H4725 of it are the place H5601 of sapphires: H6083 and it has dust H2091 of gold.
  7 H5410 There is a path H3808 which no H5861 fowl H3045 knows, H344 and which the vulture’s H5869 eye H7805 has not seen:
  8 H7830 The lion’s H1121 whelps H1869 have not trodden H3808 it, nor H7826 the fierce H7826 lion H5710 passed by it.
  9 H7971 He puts H7971 forth H3027 his hand H2496 on the rock; H2015 he overturns H2022 the mountains H8328 by the roots.
  10 H1234 He cuts H2975 out rivers H6697 among the rocks; H5869 and his eye H7200 sees H3605 every H3366 precious thing.
  11 H2280 He binds H5104 the floods H1065 from overflowing; H8587 and the thing that is hid H3318 brings H3318 he forth H216 to light.
  12 H370 But where H2451 shall wisdom H4672 be found? H335 and where H2088 H4725 is the place H998 of understanding?
  13 H582 Man H3045 knows H6187 not the price H3808 thereof; neither H4672 is it found H776 in the land H2416 of the living.
  14 H8415 The depth H559 said, H3220 It is not in me: and the sea H559 said, It is not with me.
  15 H3808 It cannot H5414 be gotten H5458 for gold, H3808 neither H3701 shall silver H8254 be weighed H4242 for the price thereof.
  16 H3808 It cannot H5541 be valued H3800 with the gold H211 of Ophir, H3368 with the precious H7718 onyx, H5601 or the sapphire.
  17 H2091 The gold H2137 and the crystal H3808 cannot H6186 equal H8545 it: and the exchange H3627 of it shall not be for jewels H6337 of fine gold.
  18 H3808 No H2142 mention H7215 shall be made of coral, H1378 or of pearls: H4901 for the price H2451 of wisdom H6443 is above rubies.
  19 H6357 The topaz H3568 of Ethiopia H6186 shall not equal H3808 it, neither H5541 shall it be valued H2889 with pure H3800 gold.
  20 H370 From where H935 then comes H2451 wisdom? H335 and where H4725 is the place H998 of understanding?
  21 H5956 Seeing it is hid H5869 from the eyes H3605 of all H2416 living, H5641 and kept H5641 close H5775 from the fowls H8064 of the air.
  22 H11 Destruction H4194 and death H559 say, H8085 We have heard H8088 the fame H241 thereof with our ears.
  23 H430 God H995 understands H1870 the way H3045 thereof, and he knows H4725 the place thereof.
  24 H5027 For he looks H7098 to the ends H776 of the earth, H7200 and sees H8478 under H3605 the whole H8064 heaven;
  25 H6213 To make H4948 the weight H7307 for the winds; H8505 and he weighs H4325 the waters H4060 by measure.
  26 H6213 When he made H2706 a decree H4306 for the rain, H1870 and a way H2385 for the lightning H6963 of the thunder:
  27 H227 Then H7200 did he see H5608 it, and declare H3559 it; he prepared H1571 it, yes, H2713 and searched it out.
  28 H120 And to man H559 he said, H2005 Behold, H3374 the fear H136 of the LORD, H2451 that is wisdom; H5493 and to depart H7451 from evil H998 is understanding.
KJ2000(i) 1 Surely there is a vein for the silver, and a place for gold where they refine it. 2 Iron is taken out of the earth, and copper is smelted out of the ore. 3 Man sets an end to darkness, and searches out all recesses for ore in darkness, and the shadow of death. 4 He breaks open a shaft away from the inhabitants; even in places forgotten of the foot: they are gone away from men, they swing to and fro. 5 As for the earth, out of it comes bread: but under it is turned up as it were fire. 6 The stones of it are the place of sapphires: and it has dust of gold. 7 There is a path which no fowl knows, and which the falcon’s eye has not seen: 8 The lion’s whelps have not trodden it, nor the fierce lion passed by it. 9 He puts forth his hand upon the flinty rock; he overturns the mountains by the roots. 10 He cuts out rivers in the rocks; and his eye sees every precious thing. 11 He binds the streams from overflowing; and the thing that is hid brings he forth to light. 12 But where shall wisdom be found? and where is the place of understanding? 13 Man knows not the price thereof; neither is it found in the land of the living. 14 The deep says, It is not in me: and the sea says, It is not with me. 15 It cannot be gotten for gold, neither shall silver be weighed for the price thereof. 16 It cannot be valued with the gold of Ophir, with the precious onyx, or the sapphire. 17 The gold and the crystal cannot equal it: and the exchange of it shall not be for jewels of fine gold. 18 No mention shall be made of coral, or of crystal: for the price of wisdom is above rubies. 19 The topaz of Ethiopia shall not equal it, neither shall it be valued with pure gold. 20 From where then comes wisdom? and where is the place of understanding? 21 Seeing it is hid from the eyes of all living, and concealed from the fowls of the air. 22 Destruction and death say, We have heard the fame of it with our ears. 23 God understands its way, and he knows its place. 24 For he looks to the ends of the earth, and sees under the whole heaven; 25 To make the weight for the wind; and he apportions the waters by measure. 26 When he made a decree for the rain, and a way for the lightning of the thunder: 27 Then did he see it, and declare it; he prepared it, yea, and searched it out. 28 And unto man he said, Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom; and to depart from evil is understanding.
UKJV(i) 1 Surely there is a vein for the silver, and a place for gold where they fine it. 2 Iron is taken out of the earth, and brass is molten out of the stone. 3 He sets an end to darkness, and searches out all perfection: the stones of darkness, and the shadow of death. 4 The flood breaks out from the inhabitant; even the waters forgotten of the foot: they are dried up, they are gone away from men. 5 As for the earth, out of it comes bread: and under it is turned up as it were fire. 6 The stones of it are the place of sapphires: and it has dust of gold. 7 There is a path which no fowl knows, and which the vulture's eye has not seen: 8 The lion's whelps have not trodden it, nor the fierce lion passed by it. 9 He puts forth his hand upon the rock; he overturns the mountains by the roots. 10 He cuts out rivers among the rocks; and his eye sees every precious thing. 11 He binds the floods from overflowing; and the thing that is hid brings he forth to light. 12 But where shall wisdom be found? and where is the place of understanding? 13 Man knows not the price thereof; neither is it found in the land of the living. 14 The depth says, It is not in me: and the sea says, It is not with me. 15 It cannot be got for gold, neither shall silver be weighed for the price thereof. 16 It cannot be valued with the gold of Ophir, with the precious onyx, or the sapphire. 17 The gold and the crystal cannot equal it: and the exchange of it shall not be for jewels of fine gold. 18 No mention shall be made of coral, or of pearls: for the price of wisdom is above rubies. 19 The topaz of Ethiopia shall not equal it, neither shall it be valued with pure gold. 20 Whence then comes wisdom? and where is the place of understanding? 21 Seeing it is hid from the eyes of all living, and kept close from the fowls of the air. 22 Destruction and death say, We have heard the fame thereof with our ears. 23 God understands the way thereof, and he knows the place thereof. 24 For he looks to the ends of the earth, and sees under the whole heaven; 25 To make the weight for the winds; and he weights the waters by measure. 26 When he made a decree for the rain, and a way for the lightning of the thunder: 27 Then did he see it, and declare it; he prepared it, yea, and searched it out. 28 And unto man he said, Behold, the fear of the LORD, that is wisdom; and to depart from evil is understanding.
  1 H3426 Surely H4161 there is a vein H3701 for the silver, H4725 and a place H2091 for gold H2212 where they fine it.
  2 H1270 Iron H3947 is taken H6083 out of the earth, H5154 and brass H6694 is molten H68 out of the stone.
  3 H7760 He sets H7093 an end H2822 to darkness, H2713 and searches out H8503 all perfection: H68 the stones H652 of darkness, H6757 and the shadow of death.
  4 H5158 The flood H6555 breaks out H1481 from the inhabitant; H7911 even the waters forgotten H7272 of the foot: H1809 they are dried up, H5128 they are gone away H582 from men.
  5 H776 As for the earth, H3318 out of it comes H3899 bread: H2015 and under it is turned up H784 as it were fire.
  6 H68 The stones H4725 of it are the place H5601 of sapphires: H6083 and it has dust H2091 of gold.
  7 H5410 There is a path H5861 which no bird H3045 knows, H344 and which the vulture's H5869 eye H7805 has not seen:
  8 H7830 The lion's H1121 whelps H1869 have not trodden H7826 it, nor the fierce lion H5710 passed by it.
  9 H7971 He puts forth H3027 his hand H2496 upon the rock; H2015 he overturns H2022 the mountains H8328 by the roots.
  10 H1234 He cuts out H2975 rivers H6697 among the rocks; H5869 and his eye H7200 sees H3366 every precious thing.
  11 H2280 He binds H5104 the floods H1065 from overflowing; H8587 and the thing that is hid H3318 brings he forth H216 to light.
  12 H370 But where H2451 shall wisdom H4672 be found? H4725 and where is the place H998 of understanding?
  13 H582 Man H3045 knows H6187 not the price H4672 there; neither is it found H776 in the land H2416 of the living.
  14 H8415 The depth H559 says, H3220 It is not in me: and the sea H559 says, It is not with me.
  15 H5414 It cannot be gotten H5458 for gold, H3701 neither shall silver H8254 be weighed H4242 for the price there.
  16 H5541 It cannot be valued H3800 with the gold H211 of Ophir, H3368 with the precious H7718 onyx, H5601 or the sapphire.
  17 H2091 The gold H2137 and the crystal H6186 cannot equal H8545 it: and the exchange H3627 of it shall not be for jewels H6337 of fine gold.
  18 H2142 No mention H7215 shall be made of coral, H1378 or of pearls: H4901 for the price H2451 of wisdom H6443 is above rubies.
  19 H6357 The topaz H3568 of Ethiopia H6186 shall not equal H5541 it, neither shall it be valued H2889 with pure H3800 gold.
  20 H370 From Where H935 then comes H2451 wisdom? H4725 and where is the place H998 of understanding?
  21 H5956 Seeing it is hid H5869 from the eyes H2416 of all living, H5641 and kept close H5775 from the birds H8064 of the air.
  22 H11 Destruction H4194 and death H559 say, H8085 We have heard H8088 the fame H241 there with our ears.
  23 H430 God H995 understands H1870 the way H3045 there, and he knows H4725 the place there.
  24 H5027 For he looks H7098 to the ends H776 of the earth, H7200 and sees H8064 under the whole heaven;
  25 H6213 To make H4948 the weight H7307 for the winds; H8505 and he weighs H4325 the waters H4060 by measure.
  26 H6213 When he made H2706 a decree H4306 for the rain, H1870 and a way H2385 for the lightning H6963 of the thunder:
  27 H7200 Then did he see H5608 it, and declare H3559 it; he prepared H2713 it, Yes, and searched it out.
  28 H120 And unto man H559 he said, H3374 Behold, the fear H136 of the Lord, H2451 that is wisdom; H5493 and to depart H7451 from evil H998 is understanding.
EJ2000(i) 1 ¶ Surely there is a mine for the silver, and a place for gold where they refine it. 2 Iron is taken out of the dust, and bronze is melted out of the stone. 3 He set a border unto the darkness, and unto every perfect work that he made, he placed a stone of darkness and shadow of death. 4 The river breaks forth next to the inhabitant; even the waters forgotten of the foot, that were higher than man, are gone away. 5 Land out of which bread comes forth, and underneath it shall be as if it were converted in fire. 6 A place where its stones shall be sapphires; and it shall have dust of gold. 7 A path which no fowl knows and which the vulture’s eye has never seen; 8 the young of the proud have not trodden it, nor has the fierce lion passed by it. 9 He put his hand upon the flint and overturned the mountains from the root. 10 He cut rivers out of the rocks; and his eye saw every precious thing. 11 He detained the rivers in their source and caused that which was hid to be brought to light. 12 But where shall wisdom be found? And where is the place of understanding? 13 Man never knew its price; neither is it found in the land of the living. 14 ¶ The deep saith, It is not in me; and the sea saith, It is not with me. 15 It cannot be gotten for gold, neither shall silver be weighed for its price. 16 It cannot be valued with the gold of Ophir, with the precious onyx or the sapphire. 17 Gold cannot equal it, nor can diamond; neither shall it be exchanged for vessels of fine gold. 18 No mention shall be made of coral, or of pearls; for wisdom is better than precious stones. 19 The emerald of Ethiopia shall not equal it, neither shall it be valued with pure gold. 20 ¶ Where then does wisdom come from? And where is the place of understanding? 21 Seeing it is hid from the eyes of all living and kept concealed from every fowl of the heaven. 22 Hell and death say, We have heard its fame with our ears. 23 God understands its way, and he alone knows its place. 24 For he looks unto the ends of the earth and sees under the whole heaven, 25 To make a weight for the wind and to supply water by measure, 26 when he made a law for the rain, and a way for the lightning of the thunders. 27 Then he saw it and counted it; he prepared it and also searched it out. 28 And unto man he said, Behold, that the fear of the Lord, is wisdom; and to depart from evil is understanding.
CAB(i) 1 For there is a place for the silver, where it comes, and a place for the gold, where it is refined. 2 For iron comes out of the earth, and brass is hewn out like stone. 3 He has set a bound to darkness, and he searches out every limit: a stone is darkness, and the shadow of death. 4 There is a cutting off the torrent by reason of dust, so they that forget the right way are weakened; they are removed from among men. 5 As for the earth, out of it shall come bread; under it has been turned up as it were fire. 6 Her stones are the place of the sapphire, and her dust supplies man with gold. 7 There is a path, the fowl has not known it, neither has the eye of the vulture seen it. 8 Neither have the sons of the proud trodden it, a lion has not passed upon it. 9 He has stretched forth his hand on the sharp rock, and turned up mountains by the roots; 10 and he has interrupted the whirlpools of rivers, and my eye has seen every precious thing. 11 And he has laid bare the depths of rivers, and has brought his power to light. 12 But where has wisdom been discovered? And where is the place of understanding? 13 A mortal has not known its way, neither indeed has it been discovered among men. 14 The depth said, It is not in me, and the sea said, It is not with me. 15 One shall not give fine gold instead of it, neither shall silver be weighed in exchange for it. 16 Neither shall it be compared with the gold of Ophir, with the precious onyx and sapphire. 17 Gold and crystal shall not be equaled to it, neither shall vessels of gold be its exchange. 18 Coral and fine pearl shall not be mentioned, but do you esteem wisdom above the most precious things. 19 The topaz of Ethiopia shall not be equaled to it; it shall not be compared with pure gold. 20 Where then is wisdom found? And of what kind is the place of understanding? 21 It has escaped the notice of every man, and has been hidden from the birds of the sky. 22 Destruction and Death said, We have heard the report of it. 23 God has well ordered the way of it, and He knows the place of it. 24 For He surveys the whole earth under heaven, knowing the things in the earth; 25 all that He has made; the weight of the winds, the measures of the water. 26 When He made them, thus He saw and numbered them, and made a way for the pealing of the thunder. 27 Then He saw it, and declared it: He prepared it, and traced it out. 28 And He said to man, Behold, godliness is wisdom: and to abstain from evil is understanding.
LXX2012(i) 1 For there is a place for the silver, whence it comes, and a place for the gold, whence it is refined. 2 For iron comes out of the earth, and brass is hewn out like stone. 3 He has set a bound to darkness, and he searches out every limit: a stone [is] darkness, and the shadow of death. 4 There is a cutting off the torrent by reason of dust: so they that forget the right way are weakened; they are removed from [among] men. 5 [As for] the earth, out of it shall come bread: under it has been turned up as it were fire. 6 Her stones are the place of the sapphire: and [her] dust [supplies] man with gold. 7 [There is] a path, the fowl has not known it, neither has the eye of the vulture seen it: 8 neither have the sons of the proud trodden it, a lion has not passed upon it. 9 He has stretched forth his hand on the sharp [rock], and turned up mountains by the roots: 10 and he has interrupted the whirlpools of rivers, and mine eye has seen every precious thing. 11 And he has laid bare the depths of rivers, and has brought his power to light. 12 But whence has wisdom been discovered? and what is the place of knowledge? 13 A mortal has not known its way, neither indeed has it been discovered among men. 14 The depth said, It is not in me: and the sea said, It is not with me. 15 One shall not give fine gold instead of it, neither shall silver be weighed in exchange for it. 16 Neither shall it be compared with gold of Sophir, with the precious onyx and sapphire. 17 Gold and crystal shall not be equalled to it, neither shall vessels of gold be its exchange. 18 Coral and fine pearl shall not be mentioned: but do you esteem wisdom above the most precious things. 19 The topaz of Ethiopia shall not be equalled to it; it shall not be compared with pure gold. 20 Whence then is wisdom found? and of what kind is the place of understanding? 21 It has escaped the notice of every man, and has been hidden from the birds of the sky. 22 Destruction and Death said, We have heard the report of it. 23 God has well ordered the way of it, and he knows the place of it. 24 For he surveys the whole [earth] under heaven, knowing the things in the earth: 25 all that he has made; the weight of the winds, the measures of the water. 26 When he made [them], thus he saw and numbered them, and made a way for the pealing of the thunder. 27 Then he saw it, and declared it: he prepared it [and] traced it out. 28 And he said to man, Behold, godliness is wisdom: and to abstain from evil is understanding.
NSB(i) 1 »There is a place where silver is mined and a place where gold is refined. 2 »Iron is taken from the ground, and rocks are melted for their copper. 3 »Humans bring an end to darkness. He searches the black rock to the limit of the gloom. 4 »They open up a mineshaft far from civilization, where no one has set foot. In this shaft men dangle and swing back and forth. 5 »Above the ground food grows. Beneath it the food decays as if it were burned by fire. 6 »That place's stones are sapphire. Its dust contains gold. 7 »No bird of prey knows the way to it. No hawk's eye has ever seen it. 8 »No proud beast has ever walked on it. No ferocious lion has ever passed over it. 9 »Humans exert their power on the flinty rocks and overturn mountains at their base. 10 »They cut out mineshafts in the rocks. Their eyes see every precious thing. 11 »They explore the sources of rivers to bring hidden treasures to light. 12 »Where can wisdom be found? Where is the place of understanding? 13 »No man knows where it is. It cannot be found in this world of the living. 14 »The deep ocean says: ‘It is not in me.’ The sea proclaims: ‘Not in me either!’ 15 »Gold will not buy it; neither will any amount of silver. 16 »It cannot be bought with the gold from Ophir or with precious onyx or sapphire. 17 »Neither gold nor crystal can equal its value. Nor can it be exchanged for jewelry of fine gold. 18 »Wisdom is more valuable than gems. 19 »Topaz from Ethiopia cannot equal its value. It cannot be bought for any amount of pure gold. 20 »Where does wisdom come from? Where does understanding live? 21 »It is hidden from the eyes of all the living, concealed from the birds in the air. 22 »Destruction and Death say: ‘We heard a rumor about it.’ 23 »God understands the way to it. He knows where it lives 24 »He can see to the ends of the earth and observe everything under heaven. 25 »When he gave the wind its force and measured the water in the sea, 26 when he made rules for the rain and set paths for the thunderstorms, 27 then he saw it and announced it. He confirmed it and examined it. 28 »To man he said: ‘Respect for Jehovah is wisdom! To stay away from evil is understanding.’«
ISV(i) 1 Priceless Wisdom is Sourced in God “Surely there are mines for silver and places where gold is refined. 2 Iron is taken from the ground; and copper is smelted from ore. 3 Mankind limits the darkness as they search the deepest depths for ore in unfathomable darkness. 4 He sinks his shaft far from human habitations, in a place forgotten by explorers; they hang on harnesses as they swing back and forth. 5 “While the ground produces food, underneath it is torn up and burning hot, 6 where stones are sapphire and gold dust can be found, 7 a place where birds of prey never fly, and the eyes of the falcon have never seen. 8 The proud beasts haven’t walked there; lions have never passed over it. 9 “Using a flint, he thrusts his hand, overturning mountains by the roots. 10 He cuts a channel through the rocks, while his eyes search for anything of value. 11 He dams up flowing rivers, bringing hidden things to light.”
12 Wisdom is of Greater Value than Precious Stones“Where can wisdom be found? Where is understanding’s home? 13 Mankind doesn’t appreciate their value; and you won’t find it anywhere on earth. 14 The deepest ocean says, ‘It’s not within me.’ and the sea says, ‘You’ll never find it with me.’ 15 You can’t buy it with gold, and its value cannot be calculated in silver. 16 It cannot be compared to gold from Ophir, with precious onyx, or with sapphire. 17 It cannot be compared to gold and fine glass crystal, nor can it be exchanged for gold-plated weaponry. 18 Don’t even bother to mention coral and crystal— wisdom is more valuable than a bag of rubies. 19 It can neither be compared with the topaz of Ethiopia nor valued in comparison to pure gold.”
20 Wisdom is from God“From where, then, does wisdom originate? Where does understanding live? 21 It has been concealed from the sight of every living creature and hidden even from the birds in the skies. 22 Abaddon and death said, ‘We did hear a rumor about it.’ 23 God understands how to get there; he knows where they live. 24 For he looks as far as the ends of the earth and sees everything under the sky. 25 “He imparted weight to the wind; he regulated water by his measurement. 26 He set in place ordinances for the rain; and determined the pathway for thunder that accompanies lightning. 27 Then he looked at wisdom, and fixed it in place; he established it, and also examined it. 28 He has commanded mankind: ‘To fear the Lord—that is wisdom; to move away from evil—that is understanding.’”
LEB(i) 1 "Indeed, there is a mine for silver and a place for gold to be refined.* 2 Iron is taken from dust, and he pours out copper from ore. 3 He puts an end to darkness, and he searches out the farthest limits for the ore in gloom and deep shadow. 4 He breaks open a mine shaft away from where people dwell;* those who are forgotten by travelers,* they dangle, they sway far away from human beings. 5 As for the earth, from it comes food,* but* underneath it, it is turned up as by fire. 6 Its stones are the place of sapphire, and the earthen dirt has* gold. 7 "It is a path a bird of prey does not know and the black kite's eye has not seen. 8 Proud wild animals* have not trodden it; the lion in its prime has not prowled over it. 9 He puts his hand on the hard rock; he overturns mountains by the roots. 10 He cuts out tunnels in the rocks, and his eye sees every treasure. 11 He dams up rivers from their sources, and he brings secret things to the light. 12 "But* from where will wisdom be found? And where in the world* is the place of understanding? 13 A human being does not know its proper value, and it is not found in the land of the living. 14 The deep says, 'It is not in me,' and the sea says, 'It is not with me.' 15 "Refined gold cannot be gotten in its place, and silver cannot be weighed out as its price. 16 It cannot be bought for the gold of Ophir, for precious onyx or* sapphire. 17 Gold and glass cannot be compared with it, and its substitution cannot be an ornament of refined gold. 18 Black corals and crystal will not be mentioned, and wisdom's price is more than red corals. 19 The topaz of Cush cannot be compared with it; it cannot be bought for pure gold. 20 Indeed,* from where does wisdom come? And where in the world* is the place of understanding? 21 It is hidden from the eyes of all living, and it is concealed from the birds of the heaven. 22 Abaddon and Death say, 'We heard its rumor with our ears.' 23 "God understands its way, and he knows its place, 24 for he himself* looks to the end of the earth; he sees under all the heaven. 25 When he gave* weight to the wind and he apportioned the waters by measure, 26 when he made* a rule for the rain and a way for the thunder's lightning bolt, 27 then he saw it and talked about it; he established it, and moreover, he explored it. 28 And to the human beings he said, 'Look, the fear of the Lord is wisdom, and to depart from evil is understanding.'"
BSB(i) 1 “Surely there is a mine for silver and a place where gold is refined. 2 Iron is taken from the earth, and copper is smelted from ore. 3 Man puts an end to the darkness; he probes the farthest recesses for ore in deepest darkness. 4 Far from human habitation he cuts a shaft in places forgotten by the foot of man. Far from men he dangles and sways. 5 Food may come from the earth, but from below it is transformed as by fire. 6 Its rocks are the source of sapphires, containing flecks of gold. 7 No bird of prey knows that path; no falcon’s eye has seen it. 8 Proud beasts have never trodden it; no lion has ever prowled over it. 9 The miner strikes the flint; he overturns mountains at their base. 10 He hews out channels in the rocks, and his eyes spot every treasure. 11 He stops up the sources of the streams to bring what is hidden to light. 12 But where can wisdom be found, and where does understanding dwell? 13 No man can know its value, nor is it found in the land of the living. 14 The ocean depths say, ‘It is not in me,’ while the sea declares, ‘It is not with me.’ 15 It cannot be bought with gold, nor can its price be weighed out in silver. 16 It cannot be valued in the gold of Ophir, in precious onyx or sapphire. 17 Neither gold nor crystal can compare to it, nor jewels of fine gold be exchanged for it. 18 Coral and quartz are unworthy of mention; the price of wisdom is beyond rubies. 19 Topaz from Cush cannot compare to it, nor can it be valued in pure gold. 20 From where then does wisdom come, and where does understanding dwell? 21 It is hidden from the eyes of every living thing and concealed from the birds of the air. 22 Abaddon and Death say, ‘We have heard a rumor about it.’ 23 But God understands its way, and He knows its place. 24 For He looks to the ends of the earth and sees everything under the heavens. 25 When God fixed the weight of the wind and measured out the waters, 26 when He set a limit for the rain and a path for the thunderbolt, 27 then He looked at wisdom and appraised it; He established it and searched it out. 28 And He said to man, ‘Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom, and to turn away from evil is understanding.’”
MSB(i) 1 “Surely there is a mine for silver and a place where gold is refined. 2 Iron is taken from the earth, and copper is smelted from ore. 3 Man puts an end to the darkness; he probes the farthest recesses for ore in deepest darkness. 4 Far from human habitation he cuts a shaft in places forgotten by the foot of man. Far from men he dangles and sways. 5 Food may come from the earth, but from below it is transformed as by fire. 6 Its rocks are the source of sapphires, containing flecks of gold. 7 No bird of prey knows that path; no falcon’s eye has seen it. 8 Proud beasts have never trodden it; no lion has ever prowled over it. 9 The miner strikes the flint; he overturns mountains at their base. 10 He hews out channels in the rocks, and his eyes spot every treasure. 11 He stops up the sources of the streams to bring what is hidden to light. 12 But where can wisdom be found, and where does understanding dwell? 13 No man can know its value, nor is it found in the land of the living. 14 The ocean depths say, ‘It is not in me,’ while the sea declares, ‘It is not with me.’ 15 It cannot be bought with gold, nor can its price be weighed out in silver. 16 It cannot be valued in the gold of Ophir, in precious onyx or sapphire. 17 Neither gold nor crystal can compare to it, nor jewels of fine gold be exchanged for it. 18 Coral and quartz are unworthy of mention; the price of wisdom is beyond rubies. 19 Topaz from Cush cannot compare to it, nor can it be valued in pure gold. 20 From where then does wisdom come, and where does understanding dwell? 21 It is hidden from the eyes of every living thing and concealed from the birds of the air. 22 Abaddon and Death say, ‘We have heard a rumor about it.’ 23 But God understands its way, and He knows its place. 24 For He looks to the ends of the earth and sees everything under the heavens. 25 When God fixed the weight of the wind and measured out the waters, 26 when He set a limit for the rain and a path for the thunderbolt, 27 then He looked at wisdom and appraised it; He established it and searched it out. 28 And He said to man, ‘Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom, and to turn away from evil is understanding.’”
MLV(i) 1 Surely there is a mine for silver and a place for gold which they refine. 2 Iron is taken out of the earth and copper is molten out of the stone. 3 Man sets an end to darkness and searches out to the furthest bound the stones of obscurity and of thick darkness. 4 He breaks open a shaft away from where men journey, paths forgotten by the foot. They hang afar from men; they swing to and fro.
5 As for the earth, out of it comes bread and underneath it is turned up as it were by fire. 6 The stones of it are the place of sapphires and it has dust of gold.
7 No bird of prey knows that path, nor has the falcon’s eye seen it. 8 The proud beasts have not trodden it, nor has the fierce lion passed by it.
9 He puts forth his hand upon the flinty rock. He overturns the mountains by the roots. 10 He cuts out channels among the rocks and his eye sees every precious thing.
11 He binds the streams that they not trickle. And the thing that is hid he brings forth to light. 12 But where will wisdom be found? And where is the place of understanding?
13 Man does not know the price of it, nor is it found in the land of the living. 14 The deep says, It is not in me. And the sea says, It is not with me.
15 It cannot be gotten for gold, nor will silver be weighed for the price of it. 16 It cannot be valued with the gold of Ophir, with the precious onyx, or the sapphire.
17 Gold and glass cannot equal it, nor will it be exchanged for jewels of fine gold.28:18 No mention will be made of coral or of crystal. Yes, the price of wisdom is above rubies. 19 The topaz of Ethiopia will not equal it, nor will it be valued with pure gold.
20 Where then does wisdom come from? And where is the place of understanding?
21 Since it is hid from the eyes of all living and kept closed from the birds of the heavens. 22 Destruction and Death say, We have heard a rumor of it with our ears.
23 God understands the way of it and he knows the place of it. 24 For he looks to the ends of the earth and sees under the whole heaven, 25 to make a weight for the wind. Yes, he distributes the waters by measure. 26 When he made a decree for the rain and a way for the lightning of the thunder, 27 then he saw it and declared it. He established it, yes and searched it out.
28 And to man he said, Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom and to depart from evil is understanding.
VIN(i) 1 Truly there is a mine for silver, and a place where gold is washed out. 2 Iron is taken from the ground; and copper is smelted from ore. 3 Mankind limits the darkness as they search the deepest depths for ore in unfathomable darkness. 4 A people of sojourners has breached mine-shafts In places forgotten by the foot of man; Far from mortal men, they swing down on ropes and sway. 5 The earth, from which comes bread; and underneath, turns as fire. 6 Sapphires come from its rocks. It has dust of gold. 7 No bird of prey knows that path, nor has the falcon's eye seen it. 8 The proud beasts have not trodden it, nor hath the lion passed thereby. 9 Man has put forth his hand on the flint rock; He has overturned the root of the mountains. 10 He cuts out tunnels in the rocks, and his eye sees every treasure. 11 "They explore the sources of rivers to bring hidden treasures to light. 12 "Where can wisdom be found? Where is understanding's home? 13 Man does not know the price of it; nor is it found in the land of the living. 14 The deep says, It is not in me; and the sea says, It is not with me. 15 It can’t be gotten for gold, neither will silver be weighed for its price. 16 "It cannot be bought with the gold from Ophir or with precious onyx or sapphire. 17 "Neither gold nor crystal can equal its value. Nor can it be exchanged for jewelry of fine gold. 18 Corals and pearl are not remembered, The acquisition of wisdom is above rubies. 19 The topaz of Cush cannot be compared with it; it cannot be bought for pure gold. 20 "Where does wisdom come from? Where does understanding live? 21 "It is hidden from the eyes of all the living, concealed from the birds in the air. 22 Destruction and Death say, 'We have heard a rumor of it with our ears.' 23 "God understands the way to it. He knows where it lives 24 For He looks to the ends of the earth; He sees everything under the heavens. 25 He establishes the force of the wind. Yes, he measures out the waters by measure. 26 when he made rules for the rain and set paths for the thunderstorms, 27 then he saw it and announced it. He confirmed it and examined it. 28 And he said unto man, Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom; and to eschew evil is understanding.
Luther1545(i) 1 Es hat das Silber seine Gänge und das Gold seinen Ort, da man es schmelzt. 2 Eisen bringet man aus der Erde, und aus den Steinen schmelzt man Erz. 3 Es wird je des Finstern etwa ein Ende, und jemand findet ja zuletzt den Schiefer tief verborgen. 4 Es bricht ein solcher Bach hervor, daß, die darum wohnen, den Weg daselbst verlieren; und fällt wieder und schießt dahin von den Leuten. 5 Man bringet auch Feuer unten aus der Erde, da doch oben Speise auf wächst. 6 Man findet Saphir an etlichen Orten und Erdenklöße, da Gold ist. 7 Den Steig kein Vogel erkannt hat und kein Geiersauge gesehen. 8 Es haben die stolzen Kinder nicht drauf getreten, und ist kein Löwe drauf gegangen. 9 Auch legt man die Hand an die Felsen und gräbet die Berge um. 10 Man reißet Bäche aus den Felsen; und alles, was köstlich ist, siehet das Auge. 11 Man wehret dem Strom des Wassers und bringet, das verborgen drinnen ist, ans Licht. 12 Wo will man aber Weisheit finden, und wo ist die Stätte des Verstandes? 13 Niemand weiß, wo sie liegt, und wird nicht funden im Lande der Lebendigen. 14 Der Abgrund spricht: Sie ist in mir nicht; und das Meer spricht: Sie ist nicht bei mir. 15 Man kann nicht Gold um sie geben, noch Silber darwägen, sie zu bezahlen. 16 Es gilt ihr nicht gleich ophirisch Gold oder köstlicher Onyx und Saphir. 17 Gold und Demant mag ihr nicht gleichen, noch um sie gülden Kleinod wechseln. 18 Ramoth und Gabis achtet man nicht. Die Weisheit ist höher zu wägen denn Perlen. 19 Topasius aus Mohrenland wird ihr nicht gleich geschätzt, und das reinste Gold gilt ihr nicht gleich. 20 Woher kommt denn die Weisheit, und wo ist die Stätte des Verstandes? 21 Sie ist verhohlen vor den Augen aller Lebendigen, auch verborgen den Vögeln unter dem Himmel. 22 Die Verdammnis und der Tod sprechen: Wir haben mit unsern Ohren ihr Gerücht gehöret. 23 Gott weiß den Weg dazu und kennet ihre Stätte. 24 Denn er siehet die Enden der Erde und schauet alles, was unter dem Himmel ist. 25 Da er dem Winde sein Gewicht machte und setzte dem Wasser sein gewisses Maß, 26 da er dem Regen ein Ziel machte und dem Blitz und Donner den Weg, 27 da sah er sie und erzählete sie, bereitete sie und erfand sie; 28 und sprach zum Menschen: Siehe, die Furcht des HERRN, das ist Weisheit, und meiden das Böse, das ist Verstand.
  1 H3426 Es hat H3701 das Silber H4161 seine Gänge H2091 und das Gold H4725 seinen Ort, da man es schmelzt.
  2 H1270 Eisen H3947 bringet H6083 man aus der Erde H68 , und H6694 aus den Steinen schmelzt H5154 man Erz .
  3 H2713 Es wird H2822 je des Finstern H7093 etwa ein Ende H7760 , und H8503 jemand findet ja zuletzt H652 den Schiefer tief verborgen .
  4 H6555 Es bricht H5158 ein solcher Bach H1481 hervor, daß, die darum wohnen H7272 , den Weg daselbst verlieren; und H5128 fällt wieder H582 und schießt dahin von den Leuten .
  5 H784 Man bringet auch Feuer H3318 unten aus H776 der Erde H3899 , da doch oben Speise auf wächst.
  6 H5601 Man findet Saphir H68 an etlichen Orten und H6083 Erdenklöße H4725 , da H2091 Gold ist.
  7 H5410 Den Steig H5861 kein Vogel H3045 erkannt H344 hat und kein Geiersauge H5869 gesehen .
  8 H1121 Es haben die stolzen Kinder H1869 nicht drauf getreten H7826 , und ist kein Löwe H5710 drauf gegangen .
  9 H7971 Auch legt H3027 man die Hand H2496 an die Felsen H8328 und H2022 gräbet die Berge um.
  10 H1234 Man H2975 reißet Bäche H6697 aus den Felsen H3366 ; und alles, was köstlich H7200 ist H5869 , siehet das Auge .
  11 H5104 Man wehret dem Strom H1065 des Wassers H3318 und H8587 bringet, das verborgen H216 drinnen ist, ans Licht .
  12 H370 Wo H2451 will man aber Weisheit H4672 finden H4725 , und wo ist die Stätte H998 des Verstandes ?
  13 H3045 Niemand weiß H582 , wo sie H6187 liegt H4672 , und wird H776 nicht funden im Lande H2416 der Lebendigen .
  14 H8415 Der Abgrund H559 spricht: Sie H3220 ist in mir nicht; und das Meer H559 spricht: Sie ist nicht bei mir.
  15 H5458 Man kann nicht Gold H5414 um sie geben H3701 , noch Silber H8254 darwägen H4242 , sie zu bezahlen .
  16 H5541 Es gilt H211 ihr nicht gleich ophirisch H3800 Gold H3368 oder köstlicher H7718 Onyx H5601 und Saphir .
  17 H2091 Gold H3627 und Demant mag ihr nicht gleichen, noch um sie gülden Kleinod H8545 wechseln .
  18 H2142 Ramoth und Gabis achtet H2451 man nicht. Die Weisheit H4901 ist höher zu wägen H6443 denn Perlen .
  19 H3568 Topasius aus Mohrenland H6186 wird ihr nicht gleich geschätzt H2889 , und das reinste H3800 Gold H5541 gilt ihr nicht gleich.
  20 H935 Woher kommt H2451 denn die Weisheit H370 , und wo H4725 ist die Stätte H998 des Verstandes ?
  21 H5869 Sie ist verhohlen vor den Augen H2416 aller Lebendigen H5956 , auch verborgen H5775 den Vögeln H8064 unter dem Himmel .
  22 H4194 Die Verdammnis und der Tod H559 sprechen H8085 : Wir haben H241 mit unsern Ohren H8088 ihr Gerücht gehöret.
  23 H430 GOtt H995 weiß H1870 den Weg H4725 dazu und kennet ihre Stätte .
  24 H7098 Denn er siehet die Enden H776 der Erde H5027 und schauet H8064 alles, was unter dem Himmel H7200 ist .
  25 H7307 Da er dem Winde H4948 sein Gewicht H6213 machte H8505 und setzte H4325 dem Wasser H4060 sein gewisses Maß,
  26 H4306 da er dem Regen H2706 ein Ziel H6213 machte H2385 und dem Blitz H6963 und Donner H1870 den Weg,
  27 H7200 da sah H3559 er sie und erzählete sie, bereitete sie und erfand sie;
  28 H559 und sprach H120 zum Menschen H3374 : Siehe, die Furcht H136 des HErrn H5493 , das ist H2451 Weisheit H7451 , und meiden das Böse H998 , das ist Verstand .
Luther1912(i) 1 Es hat das Silber seine Gänge, und das Gold, das man läutert seinen Ort. 2 Eisen bringt man aus der Erde, und aus den Steinen schmelzt man Erz. 3 Man macht der Finsternis ein Ende und findet zuletzt das Gestein tief verborgen. 4 Man bricht einen Schacht von da aus, wo man wohnt; darin hangen und schweben sie als die Vergessenen, da kein Fuß hin tritt, fern von den Menschen. 5 Man zerwühlt unten die Erde wie mit Feuer, darauf doch oben die Speise wächst. 6 Man findet Saphir an etlichen Orten, und Erdenklöße, da Gold ist. 7 Den Steig kein Adler erkannt hat und kein Geiersauge gesehen; 8 es hat das stolze Wild nicht darauf getreten und ist kein Löwe darauf gegangen. 9 Auch legt man die Hand an die Felsen und gräbt die Berge um. 10 Man reißt Bäche aus den Felsen; und alles, was köstlich ist, sieht das Auge. 11 Man wehrt dem Strome des Wassers und bringt, das darinnen verborgen ist, ans Licht. 12 Wo will man aber die Weisheit finden? und wo ist die Stätte des Verstandes? 13 Niemand weiß, wo sie liegt, und sie wird nicht gefunden im Lande der Lebendigen. 14 Die Tiefe spricht: "Sie ist in mir nicht"; und das Meer spricht: "Sie ist nicht bei mir". 15 Man kann nicht Gold um sie geben noch Silber darwägen, sie zu bezahlen. 16 Es gilt ihr nicht gleich ophirisch Gold oder köstlicher Onyx und Saphir. 17 Gold und Glas kann man ihr nicht vergleichen noch um sie golden Kleinod wechseln. 18 Korallen und Kristall achtet man gegen sie nicht. Die Weisheit ist höher zu wägen denn Perlen. 19 Topaz aus dem Mohrenland wird ihr nicht gleich geschätzt, und das reinste Gold gilt ihr nicht gleich. 20 Woher kommt denn die Weisheit? und wo ist die Stätte des Verstandes? 21 Sie ist verhohlen vor den Augen aller Lebendigen, auch den Vögeln unter dem Himmel. 22 Der Abgrund und der Tod sprechen: "Wir haben mit unsern Ohren ihr Gerücht gehört." 23 Gott weiß den Weg dazu und kennt ihre Stätte. 24 Denn er sieht die Enden der Erde und schaut alles, was unter dem Himmel ist. 25 Da er dem Winde sein Gewicht machte und setzte dem Wasser sein gewisses Maß; 26 da er dem Regen ein Ziel machte und dem Blitz und Donner den Weg: 27 da sah er sie und verkündigte sie, bereitete sie und ergründete sie 28 und sprach zu den Menschen: Siehe, die Furcht des HERRN, das ist Weisheit; und meiden das Böse, das ist Verstand.
  1 H3426 Es hat H3701 das Silber H4161 seine Gänge H2091 , und das Gold H2212 , das man läutert H4725 , seinen Ort .
  2 H1270 Eisen H3947 bringt H6083 man aus der Erde H68 , und aus den Steinen H6694 schmelzt H5154 man Erz .
  3 H7760 Man macht H2822 der Finsternis H7093 ein Ende H2713 und findet H8503 zuletzt H68 das Gestein H652 tief H6757 verborgen .
  4 H6555 Man bricht H5158 einen Schacht H1481 von da aus, wo man wohnt H7911 ; darin hangen und schweben sie als die Vergessenen H7272 , da kein Fuß H1809 hin tritt H5128 , fern H582 von den Menschen .
  5 H2015 Man zerwühlt H776 unten die Erde H784 wie mit Feuer H3899 , darauf doch oben die Speise H3318 wächst .
  6 H5601 H68 Man findet Saphir H4725 an etlichen Örtern H6083 , und Erdenklöße H2091 , da Gold ist.
  7 H5410 Den Steig H5861 kein Adler H3045 erkannt H344 H5869 hat und kein Geiersauge H7805 gesehen;
  8 H7830 H1121 es hat das stolze Wild H1869 nicht darauf getreten H7826 und ist kein Löwe H5710 darauf gegangen .
  9 H7971 Auch legt H3027 man die Hand H2496 an die Felsen H2015 und gräbt H2022 H8328 die Berge H2015 um .
  10 H1234 Man reißt H2975 Bäche H6697 aus den Felsen H3366 ; und alles, was köstlich H7200 ist, sieht H5869 das Auge .
  11 H2280 Man wehrt H5104 dem Strome H1065 des Wassers H3318 und bringt H8587 , das darinnen verborgen H216 ist, ans Licht .
  12 H370 Wo H2451 will man aber die Weisheit H4672 finden H4725 ? und wo ist die Stätte H998 des Verstandes ?
  13 H582 Niemand H3045 weiß H6187 , wo sie liegt H4672 , und sie wird nicht gefunden H776 im Lande H2416 der Lebendigen .
  14 H8415 Die Tiefe H559 spricht H3220 : »Sie ist in mir nicht«; und das Meer H559 spricht : »Sie ist nicht bei mir«.
  15 H5458 Man kann nicht Gold H5414 um sie geben H3701 noch Silber H8254 darwägen H4242 , sie zu bezahlen .
  16 H5541 Es gilt H211 ihr nicht gleich ophirisch H3800 Gold H3368 oder köstlicher H7718 Onyx H5601 und Saphir .
  17 H2091 Gold H2137 und Glas H6186 kann man ihr nicht vergleichen H6337 noch um sie golden H3627 Kleinod H8545 wechseln .
  18 H7215 Korallen H6443 und Kristall H2142 achtet H2142 man gegen sie nicht H2451 . Die Weisheit H4901 ist höher zu wägen H1378 denn Perlen .
  19 H6357 Topas H3568 aus Mohrenland H6186 wird ihr nicht gleich H5541 geschätzt H2889 , und das reinste H3800 Gold gilt ihr nicht gleich.
  20 H370 Woher H935 kommt H2451 denn die Weisheit H4725 ? und wo ist die Stätte H998 des Verstandes ?
  21 H5956 Sie ist verhohlen H5869 vor den Augen H2416 aller Lebendigen H5641 , auch verborgen H5775 den Vögeln H8064 unter dem Himmel .
  22 H11 Der Abgrund H4194 und der Tod H559 sprechen H241 : »Wir haben mit unsern Ohren H8088 ihr Gerücht H8085 gehört .
  23 H430 Gott H995 weiß H1870 den Weg H3045 dazu und kennt H4725 ihre Stätte .
  24 H5027 Denn er sieht H7098 die Enden H776 der Erde H7200 und schaut H8064 alles, was unter dem Himmel ist.
  25 H7307 Da er dem Winde H4948 sein Gewicht H6213 machte H8505 und setzte H4325 dem Wasser H4060 sein gewisses Maß;
  26 H4306 da er dem Regen H2706 ein Ziel H6213 machte H2385 und dem Blitz H6963 und Donner H1870 den Weg :
  27 H7200 da sah H5608 er sie und verkündigte H3559 sie, bereitete H2713 sie und ergründete sie
  28 H559 und sprach H120 zum Menschen H3374 : Siehe, die Furcht H136 des HERRN H2451 , das ist Weisheit H5493 ; und meiden H7451 das Böse H998 , das ist Verstand .
ELB1871(i) 1 Denn für das Silber gibt es einen Fundort, und eine Stätte für das Gold, das man läutert. 2 Eisen wird hervorgeholt aus der Erde, und Gestein schmelzt man zu Kupfer. 3 Er hat der Finsternis ein Ende gesetzt, und durchforscht bis zur äußersten Grenze das Gestein der Finsternis und des Todesschattens. 4 Er bricht einen Schacht fern von dem Wohnenden; die von dem Fuße Vergessenen hangen hinab, fern von den Menschen schweben sie. 5 Die Erde, - aus ihr kommt Brot hervor, und ihr Unteres wird zerwühlt wie vom Feuer. 6 Ihr Gestein ist der Sitz des Saphirs, und Goldstufen sind darin. 7 Ein Pfad, den der Raubvogel nicht kennt, und den das Auge des Habichts nicht erblickt hat; 8 den die wilden Tiere nicht betreten, über den der Löwe nicht hingeschritten ist. 9 Er legt seine Hand an das harte Gestein, wühlt die Berge um von der Wurzel aus. 10 Kanäle haut er durch die Felsen, und allerlei Köstliches sieht sein Auge. 11 Er dämmt Flüsse ein, daß sie nicht durchsickern, und Verborgenes zieht er hervor an das Licht. 12 Aber die Weisheit, wo wird sie erlangt? und welches ist die Stätte des Verstandes? 13 Kein Mensch kennt ihren Wert, und im Lande der Lebendigen wird sie nicht gefunden. 14 Die Tiefe spricht: Sie ist nicht in mir, und das Meer spricht: Sie ist nicht bei mir. 15 Geläutertes Gold kann nicht für sie gegeben, und Silber nicht dargewogen werden als ihr Kaufpreis. 16 Sie wird nicht aufgewogen mit Gold von Ophir, mit kostbarem Onyx und Saphir. 17 Gold und Glas kann man ihr nicht gleichstellen, noch sie eintauschen gegen ein Gerät von gediegenem Golde. 18 Korallen und Krystall kommen neben ihr nicht in Erwähnung; und der Besitz der Weisheit ist mehr wert als Perlen. 19 Nicht kann man ihr gleichstellen den Topas von Äthiopien; mit feinem Golde wird sie nicht aufgewogen. 20 Die Weisheit nun, woher kommt sie, und welches ist die Stätte des Verstandes? 21 Denn sie ist verborgen vor den Augen aller Lebendigen, und vor den Vögeln des Himmels ist sie verhüllt. 22 Der Abgrund und der Tod sagen: Mit unseren Ohren haben wir ein Gerücht von ihr gehört. 23 Gott versteht ihren Weg, und er kennt ihre Stätte. 24 Denn er schaut bis zu den Enden der Erde; unter dem ganzen Himmel sieht er. 25 Als er dem Winde ein Gewicht bestimmte, und die Wasser mit dem Maße abwog, 26 als er dem Regen ein Gesetz bestimmte und eine Bahn dem Donnerstrahl: 27 da sah er sie und tat sie kund, er setzte sie ein und durchforschte sie auch. 28 Und zu dem Menschen sprach er: Siehe, die Furcht des Herrn ist Weisheit, und vom Bösen weichen ist Verstand.
ELB1905(i) 1 Denn für das Silber gibt es einen Fundort, und eine Stätte für das Gold, das man läutert. 2 Eisen wird hervorgeholt aus der Erde, Anderswo: Staub und Gestein schmelzt man zu Kupfer. 3 Er dh. der Mensch hat der Finsternis ein Ende gesetzt, und durchforscht bis zur äußersten Grenze das Gestein der Finsternis und des Todesschattens. 4 Er bricht einen Schacht fern von dem Wohnenden; die von dem Fuße Vergessenen hangen hinab, fern von den Menschen schweben sie. 5 Die Erde, aus ihr kommt Brot hervor, und ihr Unteres wird zerwühlt wie vom Feuer. 6 Ihr Gestein ist der Sitz des Saphirs, und Goldstufen sind darin. Eig. sind ihm [dem Sitze des Saphirs] eigen 7 Ein Pfad, den der Raubvogel nicht kennt, und den das Auge des Habichts O. Geiers nicht erblickt hat; 8 den die wilden Tiere W. die Söhne des Stolzes nicht betreten, über den der Löwe nicht hingeschritten ist. 9 Er dh. der Mensch legt seine Hand an das harte Gestein, wühlt die Berge um von der Wurzel aus. 10 Kanäle haut er durch die Felsen, und allerlei Köstliches sieht sein Auge. 11 Er dämmt Flüsse ein, daß sie nicht durchsickern, und Verborgenes zieht er hervor an das Licht. 12 Aber die Weisheit, wo wird sie erlangt? Und welches ist die Stätte des Verstandes? 13 Kein Mensch kennt ihren Wert, Eig. das was ihr gleichkommt und im Lande der Lebendigen wird sie nicht gefunden. 14 Die Tiefe spricht: Sie ist nicht in mir, und das Meer spricht: Sie ist nicht bei mir. 15 Geläutertes Gold kann nicht für sie gegeben, und Silber nicht dargewogen werden als ihr Kaufpreis. 16 Sie wird nicht aufgewogen mit Gold von Ophir, mit kostbarem Onyx und Saphir. 17 Gold und Glas kann man ihr nicht gleichstellen, noch sie eintauschen gegen ein Gerät von gediegenem Golde. 18 Korallen und Kristall kommen neben ihr nicht in Erwähnung; und der Besitz der Weisheit ist mehr wert als Perlen. 19 Nicht kann man ihr gleichstellen den Topas von Äthiopien; mit feinem Golde wird sie nicht aufgewogen. 20 Die Weisheit nun, woher kommt sie, und welches ist die Stätte des Verstandes? 21 Denn sie ist verborgen vor den Augen aller Lebendigen, und vor den Vögeln des Himmels ist sie verhüllt. 22 Der Abgrund S. die Anm. zu [Ps 88,11] und der Tod sagen: Mit unseren Ohren haben wir ein Gerücht von ihr gehört. 23 Gott versteht ihren Weg, O. den Weg zu ihr und er kennt ihre Stätte. 24 Denn er schaut bis zu den Enden der Erde; unter dem ganzen Himmel sieht er. 25 Als er dem Winde ein Gewicht bestimmte, und die Wasser mit dem Maße abwog, 26 als er dem Regen ein Gesetz bestimmte und eine Bahn dem Donnerstrahl: 27 da sah er sie und tat sie kund, O. durchzählte sie er setzte sie ein O. stellte sie hin und durchforschte sie auch. 28 Und zu dem Menschen sprach er: Siehe, die Furcht des Herrn ist Weisheit, und vom Bösen weichen ist Verstand.
  1 H3426 Denn H3701 für das Silber H4725 gibt es einen Fundort, und eine Stätte H2091 für das Gold H2212 , das man läutert .
  2 H1270 Eisen H6083 wird hervorgeholt aus der Erde H68 , und Gestein H6694 schmelzt man zu Kupfer.
  3 H2822 Er hat der Finsternis H7093 ein Ende H7760 gesetzt H68 , und durchforscht bis zur äußersten Grenze das Gestein H652 der Finsternis und des Todesschattens.
  4 H6555 Er bricht H5158 einen Schacht H7911 fern von dem Wohnenden; die von dem Fuße Vergessenen H582 hangen hinab, fern von den Menschen H5128 schweben sie .
  5 H776 Die Erde H3318 - aus H3899 ihr kommt Brot H2015 hervor, und ihr Unteres wird zerwühlt H784 wie vom Feuer .
  6 H68 Ihr Gestein ist der Sitz des Saphirs, und Goldstufen sind darin.
  7 H5869 Ein Pfad, den der Raubvogel nicht kennt, und den das Auge H3045 des Habichts nicht erblickt hat;
  8 H7826 den die wilden Tiere nicht betreten, über den der Löwe H1869 nicht hingeschritten ist .
  9 H3027 Er legt seine Hand H2022 an das harte Gestein, wühlt die Berge H2015 um H8328 von der Wurzel H7971 aus .
  10 H6697 Kanäle haut er durch die Felsen H7200 , und allerlei Köstliches sieht H5869 sein Auge .
  11 H5104 Er dämmt Flüsse ein, daß sie nicht durchsickern, und H3318 Verborgenes zieht er hervor H216 an das Licht .
  12 H2451 Aber die Weisheit H370 , wo H4672 wird H4725 sie erlangt? Und welches ist die Stätte H998 des Verstandes ?
  13 H582 Kein Mensch H3045 kennt H776 ihren Wert, und im Lande H2416 der Lebendigen H4672 wird sie nicht gefunden .
  14 H8415 Die Tiefe H559 spricht H3220 : Sie ist nicht in mir, und das Meer H559 spricht : Sie ist nicht bei mir.
  15 H5458 Geläutertes Gold H5414 kann nicht für sie gegeben H3701 , und Silber H8254 nicht dargewogen werden als ihr Kaufpreis.
  16 H3800 Sie wird nicht aufgewogen mit Gold H211 von Ophir H7718 , mit kostbarem Onyx H3368 und H5601 Saphir .
  17 H2091 Gold H2137 und Glas H3627 kann man ihr nicht gleichstellen, noch sie eintauschen gegen ein Gerät H6337 von gediegenem Golde .
  18 H7215 Korallen H1378 und Kristall H2142 kommen neben ihr nicht H2451 in Erwähnung; und der Besitz der Weisheit H6443 ist mehr wert als Perlen .
  19 H6357 Nicht kann man ihr gleichstellen den Topas von Äthiopien; mit feinem Golde wird sie nicht aufgewogen.
  20 H2451 Die Weisheit H370 nun, woher H935 kommt H4725 sie, und welches ist die Stätte H998 des Verstandes ?
  21 H5956 Denn sie ist verborgen H5869 vor den Augen H2416 aller Lebendigen H5775 , und vor den Vögeln H8064 des Himmels ist sie verhüllt.
  22 H11 Der Abgrund H4194 und der Tod H559 sagen H241 : Mit unseren Ohren H8088 haben wir ein Gerücht H8085 von ihr gehört .
  23 H430 Gott H995 versteht H1870 ihren Weg H3045 , und er kennt H4725 ihre Stätte .
  24 H5027 Denn er H7098 schaut bis zu den Enden H776 der Erde H8064 ; unter dem ganzen Himmel H7200 sieht er.
  25 H7307 Als er dem Winde H4948 ein Gewicht H6213 bestimmte, und H4325 die Wasser mit dem Maße abwog,
  26 H6963 als er H4306 dem Regen H2706 ein Gesetz H6213 bestimmte und eine Bahn dem Donnerstrahl:
  27 H7200 da sah er sie und tat sie kund, er setzte sie ein und durchforschte sie auch.
  28 H120 Und zu dem Menschen H559 sprach H5493 er H3374 : Siehe, die Furcht H136 des Herrn H2451 ist Weisheit H7451 , und vom Bösen H998 weichen ist Verstand .
DSV(i) 1 Gewisselijk, er is voor het zilver een uitgang, en een plaats voor het goud, dat zij smelten. 2 Het ijzer wordt uit stof genomen, en uit steen wordt koper gegoten. 3 Het einde, dat God gesteld heeft voor de duisternis, en al het uiterste onderzoekt hij; het gesteente der donkerheid en der schaduw des doods. 4 Breekt er een beek door, bij dengene, die daar woont, de wateren vergeten zijnde van den voet, worden van den mens uitgeput, en gaan weg. 5 Uit de aarde komt het brood voort, en onder zich wordt zij veranderd, alsof zij vuur ware. 6 Haar stenen zijn de plaats van den saffier, en zij heeft stofjes van goud. 7 De roofvogel heeft het pad niet gekend, en het oog der kraai heeft het niet gezien. 8 De jonge hoogmoedige dieren hebben het niet betreden, de felle leeuw is daarover niet heengegaan. 9 Hij legt zijn hand aan de keiachtige rots, hij keert de bergen van den wortel om. 10 In de rotsstenen houwt hij stromen uit, en zijn oog ziet al het kostelijke. 11 Hij bindt de rivier toe, dat niet een traan uitkomt, en het verborgene brengt hij uit in het licht. 12 Maar de wijsheid, van waar zal zij gevonden worden? En waar is de plaats des verstands? 13 De mens weet haar waarde niet, en zij wordt niet gevonden in het land der levenden. 14 De afgrond zegt: Zij is in mij niet; en de zee zegt: Zij is niet bij mij. 15 Het gesloten goud kan voor haar niet gegeven worden, en met zilver kan haar prijs niet worden opgewogen. 16 Zij kan niet geschat worden tegen fijn goud van Ofir, tegen den kostelijken Schoham, en den Saffier. 17 Men kan het goud of het kristal haar niet gelijk waarderen; ook is zij niet te verwisselen voor een kleinood van dicht goud. 18 De Ramoth en Gabisch zal niet gedacht worden; want de trek der wijsheid is meerder dan der Robijnen. 19 Men kan de Topaas van Morenland haar niet gelijk waarderen; en bij het fijn louter goud kan zij niet geschat worden. 20 Die wijsheid dan, van waar komt zij, en waar is de plaats des verstands? 21 Want zij is verholen voor de ogen aller levenden, en voor het gevogelte des hemels is zij verborgen. 22 Het verderf en de dood zeggen: Haar gerucht hebben wij met onze oren gehoord. 23 God verstaat haar weg, en Hij weet haar plaats. 24 Want Hij schouwt tot aan de einden der aarde, Hij ziet onder al de hemelen. 25 Als Hij den wind het gewicht maakte, en de wateren opwoog in mate; 26 Als Hij den regen een gezette orde maakte, en een weg voor het weerlicht der donderen; 27 Toen zag Hij haar, en vertelde ze; Hij schikte ze, en ook doorzocht Hij ze. 28 Maar tot den mens heeft Hij gezegd: Zie, de vreze des HEEREN is de wijsheid, en van het kwade te wijken is het verstand.
  1 H3588 Gewisselijk H3426 , er is H3701 voor het zilver H4161 een uitgang H4725 , en een plaats H2091 voor het goud H2212 H8799 , dat zij smelten.
  2 H1270 Het ijzer H4480 wordt uit H6083 stof H3947 H8714 genomen H68 , en [uit] steen H5154 wordt koper H6694 H8799 gegoten.
  3 H7093 Het einde H7760 H8804 , [dat] [God] gesteld heeft H2822 voor de duisternis H3605 , en al H8503 het uiterste H2713 H8802 onderzoekt H1931 hij H68 ; het gesteente H652 der donkerheid H6757 en der schaduw des doods.
  4 H6555 H0 Breekt H5158 er een beek H6555 H8804 door H4480 H5973 , bij H1481 H8802 dengene, die daar woont H7911 H8737 , [de] [wateren] vergeten zijnde H4480 van H7272 den voet H4480 , worden van H582 den mens H1809 H8804 uitgeput H5128 H8804 , [en] gaan weg.
  5 H4480 Uit H776 de aarde H3318 H0 komt H3899 het brood H3318 H8799 voort H8478 , en onder H2015 H8738 zich wordt zij veranderd H3644 , alsof H784 zij vuur ware.
  6 H68 Haar stenen H4725 zijn de plaats H5601 van den saffier H6083 , en zij heeft stofjes H2091 van goud.
  7 H5861 De roofvogel H5410 heeft het pad H3808 niet H3045 H8804 gekend H5869 , en het oog H344 der kraai H3808 heeft het niet H7805 H8804 gezien.
  8 H1121 De jonge H7830 hoogmoedige dieren H3808 hebben het niet H1869 H8689 betreden H7826 , de felle leeuw H5921 is daarover H3808 niet H5710 H8804 heengegaan.
  9 H7971 H8804 Hij legt H3027 zijn hand H2496 aan de keiachtige H2015 H0 [rots], hij keert H2022 de bergen H4480 van H8328 den wortel H2015 H8804 om.
  10 H6697 In de rotsstenen H1234 H0 houwt hij H2975 stromen H1234 H8765 uit H5869 , en zijn oog H7200 H8804 ziet H3605 al H3366 het kostelijke.
  11 H2280 H0 Hij bindt H5104 de rivier H2280 H8765 toe H4480 , dat niet H1065 een traan H8587 uitkomt, en het verborgene H3318 H8686 brengt hij uit H216 in het licht.
  12 H2451 Maar de wijsheid H4480 , van H370 waar H4672 H8735 zal zij gevonden worden H335 H2088 ? En waar H4725 is de plaats H998 des verstands?
  13 H582 De mens H3045 H8804 weet H6187 haar waarde H3808 niet H3808 , en zij wordt niet H4672 H8735 gevonden H776 in het land H2416 der levenden.
  14 H8415 De afgrond H559 H8804 zegt H1931 : Zij H369 is in mij niet H3220 ; en de zee H559 H8804 zegt H369 : Zij is niet H5973 bij mij.
  15 H5458 Het gesloten goud H8478 kan voor H3808 haar niet H5414 H8714 gegeven worden H3701 , en met zilver H4242 kan haar prijs H3808 niet H8254 H8735 worden opgewogen.
  16 H3808 Zij kan niet H5541 H8792 geschat worden H3800 tegen fijn goud H211 van Ofir H3368 , tegen den kostelijken H7718 Schoham H5601 , en den Saffier.
  17 H2091 Men kan het goud H2137 of het kristal H3808 haar niet H6186 H8799 gelijk waarderen H8545 ; ook is zij [niet] te verwisselen H3627 voor een kleinood H6337 van dicht goud.
  18 H7215 De Ramoth H1378 en Gabisch H3808 zal niet H2142 H8735 gedacht worden H4901 ; want de trek H2451 der wijsheid H4480 is meerder dan H6443 der Robijnen.
  19 H6357 Men kan de Topaas H3568 van Morenland H3808 haar niet H6186 H8799 gelijk waarderen H2889 ; en bij het fijn louter H3800 goud H3808 kan zij niet H5541 H8792 geschat worden.
  20 H2451 Die wijsheid H4480 dan, van H370 waar H935 H8799 komt zij H335 H2088 , en waar H4725 is de plaats H998 des verstands?
  21 H5956 H8738 Want zij is verholen H4480 voor H5869 de ogen H3605 aller H2416 levenden H4480 , en voor H5775 het gevogelte H8064 des hemels H5641 H8738 is zij verborgen.
  22 H11 Het verderf H4194 en de dood H559 H8804 zeggen H8088 : Haar gerucht H241 hebben wij met onze oren H8085 H8804 gehoord.
  23 H430 God H995 H8689 verstaat H1870 haar weg H1931 , en Hij H3045 H8804 weet H4725 haar plaats.
  24 H3588 Want H1931 Hij H5027 H8686 schouwt H7098 tot aan de einden H776 der aarde H7200 H8799 , Hij ziet H8478 onder H3605 al H8064 de hemelen.
  25 H7307 Als Hij den wind H4948 het gewicht H6213 H8800 maakte H4325 , en de wateren H8505 H8765 opwoog H4060 in mate;
  26 H4306 Als Hij den regen H2706 een gezette orde H6213 H8800 maakte H1870 , en een weg H2385 voor het weerlicht H6963 der donderen;
  27 H227 Toen H7200 H8804 zag Hij H5608 H8762 haar, en vertelde H3559 H8689 ze; Hij schikte H1571 ze, en ook H2713 H8804 doorzocht Hij ze.
  28 H120 Maar tot den mens H559 H8799 heeft Hij gezegd H2005 : Zie H3374 , de vreze H136 des HEEREN H1931 is H2451 de wijsheid H4480 , en van H7451 het kwade H5493 H8800 te wijken H998 is het verstand.
Giguet(i) 1 ¶ Il y a des contrées où naît l’argent, d’autres où l’on épure l’or. 2 Le fer se tire du sol, et l’airain, semblable à de la pierre, est extrait des mines. 3 Le Seigneur a réglé les ténèbres; il maintient ponctuellement les limites qu’il a tracées; la roche sombre se distingue de l’ombre de la mort, 4 Le lit du torrent d’un amas de poussière; ceux qui abandonnent leur chemin s’affaiblissent, ils sont rejetés du reste des mortels. 5 Le fond du sol d’où sortira le pain a été tourmenté comme du feu. 6 Parmi ses pierres on trouve le saphir, et il y a là aussi des amas d’or. 7 Le sentier? L’oiseau ne l’a pas connu; l’œil du vautour ne s’y est point arrêté. 8 Les fils des vaniteux n’y ont point porté leurs pas; le lion n’a point passé auprès. 9 L’homme a étendu sa main jusqu’à la cime des monts, il a ouvert leurs racines. 10 Il a fendu le tourbillon des fleuves, et mon œil a vu ce qu’il y a de précieux. 11 L’homme a exploré le fond des rivières, et il a mis au jour sa puissance. 12 Mais la sagesse, où est-elle trouvée? où la science réside-t-elle? 13 L’homme n’en sait pas le chemin, nul des mortels ne l’a découvert. 14 ¶ L’abîme dit: Elle n’est point en moi; la mer a dit: Elle n’est pas avec moi. 15 On ne l’obtient pas au prix de trésors; elle ne s’échange pas contre de l’argent. 16 On ne la mettra point dans la balance avec de l’or d’Ophir, des saphirs et des onyx. 17 Ni l’or ni le cristal ne la vaudront; on ne lui égalera pas des vases d’or. 18 On oubliera éclat et grandeurs; place la sagesse au-dessus de ce qu’il y a de plus intime. 19 On ne lui comparera pas la topaze de l’Ethiopie; on ne la pèsera pas avec de l’or pur. 20 ¶ Où la sagesse a-t-elle été trouvée? En quel lieu est l’intelligence? 21 Elle a échappé aux recherches de tous les hommes; elle est cachée pour les oiseaux du ciel. 22 La perdition et la mort ont dit: Nous avons entendu parler de sa gloire. 23 Dieu seul a tracé sa voie; seul il sait où elle est. 24 Seul il voit tout sous le ciel; il connaît tout sur la terre. 25 26 27 28
DarbyFR(i) 1
Oui, il y a pour l'argent un endroit d'où on le tire, et un lieu pour l'or qu'on affine; 2 Le fer se tire de la poussière, et de la pierre fondue donne le cuivre. 3 L'homme met fin aux ténèbres et explore jusqu'à l'extrémité de tout, la pierre d'obscurité et de l'ombre de la mort. 4 On creuse un puits loin de ceux qui séjournent sur la terre; oubliés du pied de l'homme, ils sont suspendus, balancés loin des humains. 5 La terre,... d'elle sort le pain; et au-dessous, elle est bouleversée comme par le feu. 6 Ses pierres sont le lieu du saphir, et la poussière d'or s'y trouve. 7 C'est un sentier que l'oiseau de proie ne connaît pas, et que l'oeil du vautour n'a pas aperçu; 8 La bête fauve ne l'a pas foulé, le lion ne l'a pas traversé. 9 L'homme porte sa main sur le roc dur, il renverse les montagnes depuis la racine; 10 Il creuse des rivières dans les rochers; et son oeil voit tout ce qui est précieux; 11 Il enserre les fleuves pour qu'ils ne suintent pas; et il produit à la lumière les choses cachées. 12 Mais la sagesse, où la trouvera-t-on? et où est le lieu de l'intelligence? 13 Aucun mortel n'en connaît le prix, et elle ne se trouve pas sur la terre des vivants. 14
L'abîme dit: Elle n'est pas en moi; et la mer dit: Elle n'est pas chez moi. 15 Elle ne s'échange pas contre de l'or pur, et l'argent ne se pèse pas pour l'acheter. 16 On ne la met pas dans la balance avec l'or d'Ophir, avec l'onyx précieux et le saphir. 17 On ne peut lui comparer ni l'or ni le verre, ni l'échanger contre un vase d'or fin. 18 A coté d'elle le corail et le cristal ne viennent pas dans la mémoire; et la possession de la sagesse vaut mieux que les perles. 19 La topaze d'Éthiopie ne lui est pas comparée, on ne la met pas dans la balance avec l'or pur. 20
Mais la sagesse, d'où vient-elle? et où est le lieu de l'intelligence? 21 Elle est voilée aux yeux de tous les vivants, et elle est cachée aux oiseaux des cieux. 22 La destruction et la mort disent: De nos oreilles nous en avons entendu la rumeur. 23 Dieu comprend son chemin, et lui, il connaît son lieu. 24 Car lui, voit jusqu'aux bouts de la terre: sa vue s'étend sous tous les cieux. 25 Quand il fixait au vent sa pesanteur, et qu'il établissait les eaux selon leur mesure; 26 Quand il faisait une loi pour la pluie, et un chemin pour le sillon de la foudre: 27 Alors il la vit et la manifesta; il l'établit, et il la sonda aussi; 28 Et il dit à l'homme: Voici, la crainte du Seigneur, c'est là la sagesse, et se retirer du mal est l'intelligence.
Martin(i) 1 Certainement l'argent a sa veine, et l'or a un lieu d'où on le tire pour l'affiner. 2 Le fer se tire de la poussière, et la pierre étant fondue rend de l'airain. 3 Il a mis un bout aux ténèbres, tellement qu'on découvre le bout de toutes choses, même les pierres les plus cachées, et qui sont dans l'ombre de la mort. 4 Le torrent se débordant d'auprès d'un lieu habité, se jette dans des lieux où l'on ne met plus le pied, mais ses eaux se tarissent et s'écoulent par le travail des hommes. 5 C'est de la terre que sort le pain, et au dessous elle est renversée, et elle est en feu. 6 Ses pierres sont le lieu d'où l'on tire les Saphirs; on y trouve aussi la poudre d'or. 7 L'oiseau de proie n'en a point connu le sentier, et l'oeil du milan ne l'a point regardé. 8 Les fans du lion n'y ont point marché, le vieux lion n'a point passé par là. 9 L'homme met sa main aux cailloux, et renverse les montagnes jusqu'aux racines. 10 Il fait passer les ruisseaux au travers des rochers fendus, et son oeil voit tout ce qui y est de précieux. 11 Il arrête le cours des rivières, et il tire dehors et expose à la lumière ce qui est caché. 12 Mais d'où recouvrera-t-on la sagesse ? et où est le lieu de l'intelligence ? 13 L'homme ne connaît pas sa valeur, et elle ne se trouve pas dans la terre des vivants. 14 L'abîme dit : Elle n'est pas en moi; et la mer dit : Elle n'est pas avec moi. 15 Elle ne se donne point pour du fin or, et elle ne s'achète point au poids de l'argent. 16 On ne l'échange point avec l'or d'Ophir, ni avec l'Onyx précieux, ni avec le Saphir. 17 L'or ni le diamant n'approchent point de son prix, et on ne la donnera point en échange pour un vase de fin or. 18 Il ne se parlera point de corail ni de pierre précieuse; et le prix de la sagesse monte plus haut que celui des perles. 19 La topaze d'Ethiopie n'approchera point de son prix, et elle ne sera point échangée contre le pur or. 20 D'où vient donc la sagesse ? et où est le lieu de l'intelligence ? 21 Elle est couverte aux yeux de tout homme vivant, et elle est cachée aux oiseaux des cieux. 22 Le gouffre et la mort disent : Nous avons entendu de nos oreilles parler d'elle. 23 C'est Dieu qui en sait le chemin, et qui sait où elle est. 24 Car c'est lui qui voit jusqu'aux extrémités du monde, et qui regarde sous tous les cieux. 25 Quand il mettait le poids au vent, et qu'il pesait les eaux par mesure; 26 Quand il prescrivait une loi à la pluie, et le chemin à l'éclair des tonnerres; 27 Alors il la vit, et la manifesta; il la prépara, et même il la sonda jusqu'au fond. 28 Puis il dit à l'homme : Voilà, la crainte du Seigneur est la sagesse, et se détourner du mal c'est l'intelligence.
Segond(i) 1 Il y a pour l'argent une mine d'où on le fait sortir, Et pour l'or un lieu d'où on l'extrait pour l'affiner; 2 Le fer se tire de la poussière, Et la pierre se fond pour produire l'airain. 3 L'homme fait cesser les ténèbres; Il explore, jusque dans les endroits les plus profonds, Les pierres cachées dans l'obscurité et dans l'ombre de la mort. 4 Il creuse un puits loin des lieux habités; Ses pieds ne lui sont plus en aide, Et il est suspendu, balancé, loin des humains. 5 La terre, d'où sort le pain, Est bouleversée dans ses entrailles comme par le feu. 6 Ses pierres contiennent du saphir, Et l'on y trouve de la poudre d'or. 7 L'oiseau de proie n'en connaît pas le sentier, L'oeil du vautour ne l'a point aperçu; 8 Les plus fiers animaux ne l'ont point foulé, Le lion n'y a jamais passé. 9 L'homme porte sa main sur le roc, Il renverse les montagnes depuis la racine; 10 Il ouvre des tranchées dans les rochers, Et son oeil contemple tout ce qu'il y a de précieux; 11 Il arrête l'écoulement des eaux, Et il produit à la lumière ce qui est caché. 12 Mais la sagesse, où se trouve-t-elle? Où est la demeure de l'intelligence? 13 L'homme n'en connaît point le prix; Elle ne se trouve pas dans la terre des vivants. 14 L'abîme dit: Elle n'est point en moi; Et la mer dit: Elle n'est point avec moi. 15 Elle ne se donne pas contre de l'or pur, Elle ne s'achète pas au poids de l'argent; 16 Elle ne se pèse pas contre l'or d'Ophir, Ni contre le précieux onyx, ni contre le saphir; 17 Elle ne peut se comparer à l'or ni au verre, Elle ne peut s'échanger pour un vase d'or fin. 18 Le corail et le cristal ne sont rien auprès d'elle: La sagesse vaut plus que les perles. 19 La topaze d'Ethiopie n'est point son égale, Et l'or pur n'entre pas en balance avec elle. 20 D'où vient donc la sagesse? Où est la demeure de l'intelligence? 21 Elle est cachée aux yeux de tout vivant, Elle est cachée aux oiseaux du ciel. 22 Le gouffre et la mort disent: Nous en avons entendu parler. 23 C'est Dieu qui en sait le chemin, C'est lui qui en connaît la demeure; 24 Car il voit jusqu'aux extrémités de la terre, Il aperçoit tout sous les cieux. 25 Quand il régla le poids du vent, Et qu'il fixa la mesure des eaux, 26 Quand il donna des lois à la pluie, Et qu'il traça la route de l'éclair et du tonnerre, 27 Alors il vit la sagesse et la manifesta, Il en posa les fondements et la mit à l'épreuve. 28 Puis il dit à l'homme: Voici, la crainte du Seigneur, c'est la sagesse; S'éloigner du mal, c'est l'intelligence.
  1 H3426 H3701 Il y a pour l’argent H4161 une mine H2091 d’où on le fait sortir, Et pour l’or H4725 un lieu H2212 d’où on l’extrait H8799   pour l’affiner ;
  2 H1270 Le fer H3947 se tire H8714   H6083 de la poussière H68 , Et la pierre H6694 se fond H8799   H5154 pour produire l’airain.
  3 H7760 L’homme fait cesser H8804   H7093   H2822 les ténèbres H2713  ; Il explore H8802   H8503 , jusque dans les endroits les plus profonds H68 , Les pierres H652 cachées dans l’obscurité H6757 et dans l’ombre de la mort.
  4 H6555 Il creuse H8804   H5158 un puits H1481 loin des lieux habités H8802   H7272  ; Ses pieds H7911 ne lui sont plus en aide H8737   H1809 , Et il est suspendu H8804   H5128 , balancé H8804   H582 , loin des humains.
  5 H776 La terre H3318 , d’où sort H8799   H3899 le pain H2015 , Est bouleversée H8738   H784 dans ses entrailles comme par le feu.
  6 H68 Ses pierres H4725 contiennent H5601 du saphir H6083 , Et l’on y trouve de la poudre H2091 d’or.
  7 H5861 L’oiseau de proie H3045 n’en connaît H8804   H5410 pas le sentier H5869 , L’œil H344 du vautour H7805 ne l’a point aperçu H8804   ;
  8 H1121 Les plus fiers animaux H7830   H1869 ne l’ont point foulé H8689   H7826 , Le lion H5710 n’y a jamais passé H8804  .
  9 H7971 L’homme porte H8804   H3027 sa main H2496 sur le roc H2015 , Il renverse H8804   H2022 les montagnes H8328 depuis la racine ;
  10 H1234 Il ouvre H8765   H2975 des tranchées H6697 dans les rochers H5869 , Et son œil H7200 contemple H8804   H3366 tout ce qu’il y a de précieux ;
  11 H2280 Il arrête H8765   H1065 l’écoulement H5104 des eaux H3318 , Et il produit H8686   H216 à la lumière H8587 ce qui est caché.
  12 H2451 Mais la sagesse H370 , où H4672 se trouve H8735   H4725 -t-elle ? Où est la demeure H998 de l’intelligence ?
  13 H582 L’homme H3045 n’en connaît H8804   H6187 point le prix H4672  ; Elle ne se trouve H8735   H776 pas dans la terre H2416 des vivants.
  14 H8415 ¶ L’abîme H559 dit H8804   H3220  : Elle n’est point en moi ; Et la mer H559 dit H8804   : Elle n’est point avec moi.
  15 H5414 Elle ne se donne H8714   H5458 pas contre de l’or H4242 pur, Elle ne s’achète H8254 pas au poids H8735   H3701 de l’argent ;
  16 H5541 Elle ne se pèse H8792   H3800 pas contre l’or H211 d’Ophir H3368 , Ni contre le précieux H7718 onyx H5601 , ni contre le saphir ;
  17 H6186 Elle ne peut se comparer H8799   H2091 à l’or H2137 ni au verre H8545 , Elle ne peut s’échanger H3627 pour un vase H6337 d’or fin.
  18 H7215 Le corail H1378 et le cristal H2142 ne sont rien H8735   H2451 auprès d’elle : La sagesse H4901 vaut H6443 plus que les perles.
  19 H6357 La topaze H3568 d’Ethiopie H6186 n’est point son égale H8799   H3800 , Et l’or H2889 pur H5541 n’entre pas en balance H8792   avec elle.
  20 H370 ¶ D’où H935 vient H8799   H2451 donc la sagesse H4725  ? Où est la demeure H998 de l’intelligence ?
  21 H5956 Elle est cachée H8738   H5869 aux yeux H2416 de tout vivant H5641 , Elle est cachée H8738   H5775 aux oiseaux H8064 du ciel.
  22 H11 Le gouffre H4194 et la mort H559 disent H8804   H8085  : Nous en avons entendu H8804   H8088 parler H241  .
  23 H430 C’est Dieu H995 qui en sait H8689   H1870 le chemin H3045 , C’est lui qui en connaît H8804   H4725 la demeure ;
  24 H5027 Car il voit H8686   H7098 jusqu’aux extrémités H776 de la terre H7200 , Il aperçoit H8799   H8064 tout sous les cieux.
  25 H6213 Quand il régla H8800   H4948 le poids H7307 du vent H8505 , Et qu’il fixa H8765   H4060 la mesure H4325 des eaux,
  26 H6213 Quand il donna H8800   H2706 des lois H4306 à la pluie H1870 , Et qu’il traça la route H2385 de l’éclair H6963 et du tonnerre,
  27 H7200 Alors il vit H8804   H5608 la sagesse et la manifesta H8762   H3559 , Il en posa les fondements H8689   H2713 et la mit à l’épreuve H8804  .
  28 H559 Puis il dit H8799   H120 à l’homme H3374  : Voici, la crainte H136 du Seigneur H2451 , c’est la sagesse H5493  ; S’éloigner H8800   H7451 du mal H998 , c’est l’intelligence.
SE(i) 1 Ciertamente la plata tiene su oculto nacimiento, y el oro lugar de donde lo sacan. 2 El hierro es tomado del polvo, y de la piedra es fundido el metal. 3 A las tinieblas puso término; y a toda obra perfecta que él hizo, puso piedra de oscuridad y de sombra de muerte. 4 Sale el río junto al morador, y las aguas sin pie, más altas que el hombre, se fueron. 5 Tierra de la cual nace el pan, y debajo de ella estará como convertida en fuego. 6 Lugar que sus piedras serán zafiro, y tendrá polvos de oro. 7 Senda que nunca la conoció ave, ni ojo de buitre la vio; 8 nunca la pisaron animales fieros, ni león pasó por ella. 9 En el pedernal puso su mano, y trastornó los montes de raíz. 10 De los peñascos cortó ríos, y sus ojos vieron todo lo preciado. 11 Detuvo los ríos en su nacimiento, e hizo salir a luz lo escondido. 12 Mas ¿dónde se hallará la sabiduría? ¿Y dónde está el lugar de la prudencia? 13 El hombre nunca supo su valor, ni se halla en la tierra de los vivientes. 14 El abismo dice: No está en mí; y el mar dijo: Ni conmigo. 15 No se dará por oro, ni su precio será a peso de plata. 16 No puede ser apreciada con oro de Ofir, ni con ónice precioso, ni con zafiro. 17 El oro no se le igualará, ni el diamante; ni se cambiará por vaso de oro fino. 18 De coral ni de perlas no se hará mención; la sabiduría es mejor que las piedras preciosas. 19 No se igualará con ella esmeralda de Etiopía; no se podrá apreciar con oro fino. 20 ¿De dónde pues vendrá la sabiduría? ¿Y dónde esta el lugar de la inteligencia? 21 Porque encubierta está a los ojos de todo viviente, y a toda ave del cielo es oculta. 22 El infierno y la muerte dijeron: Su fama hemos oído con nuestros oídos. 23 Dios entiende el camino de ella, y él solo conoce su lugar. 24 Porque él mira hasta los fines de la tierra, y ve debajo de todo el cielo. 25 Haciendo peso al viento, y poniendo las aguas por medida; 26 cuando él hizo ley a la lluvia, y camino al relámpago de los truenos. 27 Entonces la vio él, y la tasó; la preparó y también la inquirió. 28 Y dijo al hombre: He aquí que el temor del Señor es la sabiduría, y el apartarse del mal la inteligencia.
ReinaValera(i) 1 CIERTAMENTE la plata tiene sus veneros, Y el oro lugar donde se forma. 2 El hierro se saca del polvo, Y de la piedra es fundido el metal. 3 A las tinieblas puso término, Y examina todo á la perfección, Las piedras que hay en la oscuridad y en la sombra de muerte. 4 Brota el torrente de junto al morador, Aguas que el pie había olvidado: Sécanse luego, vanse del hombre. 5 De la tierra nace el pan, Y debajo de ella estará como convertida en fuego. 6 Lugar hay cuyas piedras son zafiro, Y sus polvos de oro. 7 Senda que nunca la conoció ave, Ni ojo de buitre la vió: 8 Nunca la pisaron animales fieros, Ni león pasó por ella. 9 En el pedernal puso su mano, Y trastornó los montes de raíz. 10 De los peñascos cortó ríos, Y sus ojos vieron todo lo preciado. 11 Detuvo los ríos en su nacimiento, E hizo salir á luz lo escondido. 12 Empero ¿dónde se hallará la sabiduría? ¿Y dónde está el lugar de la prudencia? 13 No conoce su valor el hombre, Ni se halla en la tierra de los vivientes. 14 El abismo dice: No está en mí: Y la mar dijo: Ni conmigo. 15 No se dará por oro, Ni su precio será á peso de plata. 16 No puede ser apreciada con oro de Ophir, Ni con onique precioso, ni con zafiro. 17 El oro no se le igualará, ni el diamante; Ni se trocará por vaso de oro fino. 18 De coral ni de perlas no se hará mención: La sabiduría es mejor que piedras preciosas. 19 No se igualará con ella esmeralda de Ethiopía; No se podrá apreciar con oro fino. 20 ¿De dónde pues vendrá la sabiduría? ¿Y dónde está el lugar de la inteligencia? 21 Porque encubierta está á los ojos de todo viviente, y á toda ave del cielo es oculta. 22 El infierno y la muerte dijeron: Su fama hemos oído con nuestros oídos. 23 Dios entiende el camino de ella, Y él conoce su lugar. 24 Porque él mira hasta los fines de la tierra, Y ve debajo de todo el cielo. 25 Al dar peso al viento, Y poner las aguas por medida; 26 Cuando él hizo ley á la lluvia, Y camino al relámpago de los truenos: 27 Entonces la veía él, y la manifestaba: Preparóla y descubrióla también. 28 Y dijo al hombre: He aquí que el temor del Señor es la sabiduría, Y el apartarse del mal la inteligencia.
JBS(i) 1 Ciertamente la plata tiene su oculto nacimiento, y el oro lugar de donde lo refinan. 2 El hierro es tomado del polvo, y de la piedra es fundido el bronce. 3 A las tinieblas puso término; y a toda obra perfecta que él hizo, puso piedra de oscuridad y de sombra de muerte. 4 Sale el río junto al morador, y las aguas sin pie, más altas que el hombre, se fueron. 5 Tierra de la cual nace el pan, y debajo de ella estará como convertida en fuego. 6 Lugar que sus piedras serán zafiro, y tendrá polvos de oro. 7 Senda que nunca la conoció ave, ni ojo de buitre la vio; 8 nunca la pisó hijo de soberbio, ni león pasó por ella. 9 En el pedernal puso su mano, y trastornó los montes de raíz. 10 De los peñascos cortó ríos, y sus ojos vieron todo lo preciado. 11 Detuvo los ríos en su nacimiento, e hizo salir a luz lo escondido. 12 ¶ Mas ¿dónde se hallará la sabiduría? ¿Y dónde está el lugar del entendimiento? 13 El hombre nunca supo su valor, ni se halla en la tierra de los vivientes. 14 El abismo dice: No está en mí; y el mar dijo: Ni conmigo. 15 No se dará por oro, ni su precio será a peso de plata. 16 No puede ser apreciada con oro de Ofir, ni con ónice precioso, ni con zafiro. 17 El oro no se le igualará, ni el diamante; ni se cambiará por vaso de oro fino. 18 De coral ni de perlas no se hará mención; la sabiduría es mejor que las piedras preciosas. 19 No se igualará con ella esmeralda de Etiopía; no se podrá apreciar con oro fino. 20 ¿De dónde pues vendrá la sabiduría? ¿Y dónde está el lugar del entendimiento? 21 Porque encubierta está a los ojos de todo viviente, y a toda ave del cielo es oculta. 22 El infierno y la muerte dijeron: Su fama hemos oído con nuestros oídos. 23 Dios entiende el camino de ella, y él solo conoce su lugar. 24 Porque él mira hasta los fines de la tierra, y ve debajo de todo el cielo. 25 Haciendo peso al viento, y poniendo las aguas por medida; 26 cuando él hizo ley a la lluvia, y camino al relámpago de los truenos. 27 Entonces la vio él, y la tasó; la preparó y también la inquirió. 28 Y dijo al hombre: He aquí que el temor del Señor es la sabiduría, y el apartarse del mal el entendimiento.
Albanian(i) 1 "Me siguri ka një minierë për argjendin dhe një vend ku bëhet rafinimi i arit. 2 Hekuri nxirret nga toka dhe guri i shkrirë jep bakrin. 3 Njeriu i jep fund territ dhe hulumton thellësitë më të mëdha në kërkim të gurëve të varrosur në terr dhe në hijen e vdekjes. 4 Ai çel një pus larg vendbanimit, në vende të harruara nga këmbësorët; janë pezull dhe lëkunden larg njerëzve. 5 Sa për tokën, prej asaj del buka, por nga poshtë është e trazuar nga zjarri. 6 Gurët e saj janë banesa e safirëve dhe përmbajnë pluhur ari. 7 Shpendi grabitqar nuk e njeh shtegun dhe as syri i skifterit nuk e ka parë kurrë. 8 Bishat e egra nuk e kanë përshkruar dhe as luani nuk ka kaluar kurrë andej. 9 Njeriu vë dorë mbi strallin dhe i rrëzon malet nga rrënjët. 10 Hap galeri ndër shkëmbinj dhe syri i tij sheh gjithçka që është e çmuar. 11 Zë rrjedhat ujore që të mos rrjedhin, dhe nxjerr në dritë gjërat e fshehura. 12 Po ku mund ta gjesh diturinë, dhe ku është vendi i zgjuarsisë? 13 Njeriu nuk ua di vlerën dhe ajo nuk gjendet mbi tokën e të gjallëve. 14 Humnera thotë: "Nuk është tek unë"; deti thotë: "Nuk qëndron pranë meje". 15 Nuk përftohet duke e shkëmbyer me ar të rafinuar as blihet duke peshuar argjend. 16 Nuk shtihet në dorë me arin e Ofirit, me oniksin e çmuar ose me safirin. 17 Ari dhe kristali nuk mund të barazohen me të dhe nuk këmbehet me enë ari të kulluar. 18 Korali dhe kristali as që meritojnë të përmenden; vlera e diturisë është më e madhe se margaritarët. 19 Topazi i Etiopisë nuk mund të barazohet dhe nuk mund të vlerësohet me ar të kulluar. 20 Por atëherë nga rrjedh dituria dhe ku e ka selinë zgjuarsia? 21 Ajo u fshihet syve të çdo të gjalli, është e mbuluar për zogjtë e qiellit. 22 Abadoni dhe vdekja thonë: "Kemi dëgjuar të flitet për të me veshët tona". 23 Vetëm Perëndia njeh rrugën e saj, vetëm ai e di ku ndodhet, 24 sepse ai vë re skajet e tokës dhe sheh tërë ato që ndodhen nën qiejt. 25 Kur caktoi peshën e erës dhe u caktoi ujërave një masë, 26 kur bëri një ligj për shiun dhe një rrugë për vetëtimën e bubullimave, 27 atëherë pa dhe e tregoi, e vendosi dhe madje e hetoi, 28 dhe i tha njeriut: "Ja, të kesh frikë nga Zoti, kjo është dituri, dhe t'i largohesh së keqes është zgjuarsi"".
RST(i) 1 Так! у серебра есть источная жила, и у золота место, где егоплавят. 2 Железо получается из земли; из камня выплавляется медь. 3 Человек полагает предел тьме и тщательно разыскивает каменьво мраке и тени смертной. 4 Вырывают рудокопный колодезь в местах, забытых ногою, спускаются вглубь, висят и зыблются вдали от людей. 5 Земля, на которой вырастает хлеб, внутри изрыта как бы огнем. 6 Камни ее – место сапфира, и в ней песчинки золота. 7 Стези туда не знает хищная птица, и не видал ее глаз коршуна; 8 не попирали ее скимны, и не ходил по ней шакал. 9 На гранит налагает он руку свою, с корнем опрокидывает горы; 10 в скалах просекает каналы, и все драгоценное видит глаз его; 11 останавливает течение потоков и сокровенное выносит на свет. 12 Но где премудрость обретается? и где место разума? 13 Не знает человек цены ее, и она не обретается на земле живых. 14 Бездна говорит: не во мне она; и море говорит: не у меня. 15 Не дается она за золото и не приобретается она за вес серебра; 16 не оценивается она золотом Офирским, ни драгоценным ониксом, ни сапфиром; 17 не равняется с нею золото и кристалл, и не выменяешь ее на сосуды из чистого золота. 18 А о кораллах и жемчуге и упоминать нечего, и приобретение премудрости выше рубинов. 19 Не равняется с нею топаз Ефиопский; чистым золотом не оценивается она. 20 Откуда же исходит премудрость? и где место разума? 21 Сокрыта она от очей всего живущего и от птиц небесных утаена. 22 Аваддон и смерть говорят: ушами нашими слышали мы слух о ней. 23 Бог знает путь ее, и Он ведает место ее. 24 Ибо Он прозирает до концов земли и видит под всем небом. 25 Когда Он ветру полагал вес и располагал воду по мере, 26 когда назначал устав дождю и путь для молнии громоносной, 27 тогда Он видел ее и явил ее, приготовил ее и еще испытал ее 28 и сказал человеку: вот, страх Господень есть истинная премудрость, и удаление от зла – разум.
Arabic(i) 1 لانه يوجد للفضة معدن وموضع للذهب حيث يمحصونه. 2 الحديد يستخرج من التراب والحجر يسكب نحاسا. 3 قد جعل للظلمة نهاية والى كل طرف هو يفحص. حجر الظلمة وظل الموت. 4 حفر منجما بعيدا عن السكان. بلا موطئ للقدم متدلّين بعيدين من الناس يتدلدلون. 5 ارض يخرج منها الخبز اسفلها ينقلب كما بالنار. 6 حجارتها هي موضع الياقوت الازرق وفيها تراب الذهب. 7 سبيل لم يعرفه كاسر ولم تبصره عين باشق. 8 ولم تدسه اجراء السبع ولم يعده الزائر. 9 الى الصوان يمد يده. يقلب الجبال من اصولها. 10 ينقر في الصخر سربا وعينه ترى كل ثمين. 11 يمنع رشح الانهار وابرز الخفيات الى النور 12 اما الحكمة فمن اين توجد واين هو مكان الفهم. 13 لا يعرف الانسان قيمتها ولا توجد في ارض الاحياء. 14 الغمر يقول ليست هي فيّ والبحر يقول ليست هي عندي. 15 لا يعطى ذهب خالص بدلها ولا توزن فضة ثمنا لها. 16 لا توزن بذهب اوفير او بالجزع الكريم او الياقوت الازرق. 17 لا يعادلها الذهب ولا الزجاج ولا تبدل باناء ذهب ابريز. 18 لا يذكر المرجان او البلور وتحصيل الحكمة خير من اللآلئ. 19 لا يعادلها ياقوت كوش الاصفر ولا توزن بالذهب الخالص 20 فمن اين تأتي الحكمة واين هو مكان الفهم. 21 اذ أخفيت عن عيون كل حيّ وسترت عن طير السماء. 22 الهلاك والموت يقولان بآذاننا قد سمعنا خبرها. 23 الله يفهم طريقها وهو عالم بمكانها. 24 لانه هو ينظر الى اقاصي الارض. تحت كل السموات يرى. 25 ليجعل للريح وزنا ويعاير المياه بمقياس. 26 لما جعل للمطر فريضة ومذهبا للصواعق 27 حينئذ رآها واخبر بها هيأها وايضا بحث عنها 28 وقال للانسان هوذا مخافة الرب هي الحكمة والحيدان عن الشر هو الفهم
Bulgarian(i) 1 Наистина има рудници за сребро и място за пречистване на злато. 2 От земята се взема желязо и от камък мед се топи. 3 Човек е сложил край на тъмнината и издирва скалите докрай в мрака и смъртната сянка. 4 Отваря шахта далеч от човешко жилище, в места, забравени от човешки крак, висят и се люлеят, от хората далеч. 5 Земята — от нея идва хлябът, а се разравя като огън. 6 Скалите й са източника на сапфири и в нея има златен прах — 7 път, който хищна птица не познава, нито око на сокол е видяло; 8 гордите зверове не са стъпвали по него, нито лъвът е минавал над него. 9 На кремъка слага ръка, преобръща планините из основи. 10 Разсича проломи в скалите, всякакви скъпоценности гледа окото му. 11 Заприщва водните жили да не сълзят и изважда скритото на светлина. 12 Но мъдростта къде се добива? И къде е мястото на разума? 13 Човекът не познава стойността й и тя не се намира в земята на живите. 14 Бездната казва: Не е в мен. И морето казва: Не е при мен. 15 Не може да се даде за нея пречистено злато, ни сребро да се претегли като нейна цена. 16 Не може се оцени с офирско злато, със скъпоценен оникс и сапфир. 17 Злато или кристал не могат с нея да се мерят, нито да се размени с произведения от чисто злато. 18 Корали и кристали няма даже да се споменат, защото стойността на мъдростта е повече от скъпоценни камъни. 19 Етиопският топаз не може с нея да се мери, нито може да се оцени тя с чисто злато. 20 Откъде тогава идва мъдростта? И къде е мястото на разума? 21 Тя е укрита от очите на всички живи и е скрита от небесните птици. 22 Авадон и смъртта казват: С ушите си сме чули слух за нея. 23 Бог разбира пътя й, Той мястото й знае. 24 Понеже Той гледа до краищата на земята и вижда под цялото небе. 25 Щом определи тегло на ветровете и претегли с мярка водите, 26 когато направи закон за дъжда и пътека за светкавицата на гърма, 27 тогава Той я видя и я обяви; установи я и също я изследва. 28 И каза на човека: Ето, страхът от Господа, това е мъдрост, отдалечаване от зло е разум.
Croatian(i) 1 "Da, srebro ima svoja nalazišta, a zlato mjesta gdje se pročišćava. 2 Ruda željezna iz zemlje se vadi, a iz rudače rastaljene bakar. 3 Ljudi tami postavljaju granice i kopaju do najvećih dubina za kamenom u mraku zakopanim. 4 Čeljad iz tuđine rovove dube do kojih ljudska ne dopire noga, visi njišuć' se, daleko od ljudi. 5 Krilo zemlje iz kojeg kruh nam niče kao od vatre sve je razrovano. 6 Stijene njene safira su skrovišta, prašina zlatna krije se u njima. 7 Tih putova ne znaju grabljivice, jastrebovo ih oko ne opaža. 8 Zvijeri divlje njima nisu kročile niti je kada lav njima prošao. 9 Ali na kamen diže čovjek ruku te iz korijena prevraća planine. 10 U kamenu prokopava prolaze, oko mu sve dragocjeno opaža. 11 Žilama vode on tok zaustavlja; stvari skrivene nosi na vidjelo. 12 Ali otkuda nam Mudrost dolazi? Na kojemu mjestu Razum prebiva? 13 Čovjek njezina ne poznaje puta, u zemlji živih nisu je otkrili. 14 Bezdan govori: 'U meni je nema!' a more: 'Ne nalazi se kod mene!' 15 Zlatom se čistim kupiti ne može, ni cijenu njenu srebrom odmjeriti; 16 ne mjeri se ona zlatom ofirskim, ni oniksom skupim pa ni safirom. 17 Sa zlatom, staklom ne poređuje se, nit' se daje za sud od suha zlata. 18 Čemu spominjat' prozirac, koralje, bolje je steći Mudrost no biserje. 19 Što je prema njoj topaz etiopski? Ni čistim zlatom ne procjenjuje se. 20 Ali otkuda nam Mudrost dolazi? Na kojemu mjestu Razum prebiva? 21 Sakrivena je očima svih živih; ona izmiče pticama nebeskim. 22 Propast paklena i Smrt izjavljuju: 'Za slavu njenu mi smo samo čuli.' 23 Jedino je Bog put njen proniknuo, on jedini znade gdje se nalazi. 24 Jer pogledom granice zemlje hvata i opaža sve pod svodom nebeskim. 25 Kad htjede vjetru odredit težinu i mjerilom svu vodu izmjeriti, 26 kad je zakone daždu nametnuo i oblacima gromovnim putove, 27 tad ju je vidio te izmjerio, učvrstio i do dna ispitao. 28 A potom je rekao čovjeku: Strah Gospodnji - eto što je mudrost; 'Zla se kloni' - to ti je razumnost."
BKR(i) 1 Máť zajisté stříbro prameny své, a zlato místo k přehánění. 2 Železo z země vzato bývá, a kámen rozpuštěný dává měď. 3 Cíl ukládá temnostem, a všelikou dokonalost člověk vystihá, kámen mrákoty a stínu smrti. 4 Protrhuje se řeka na obyvatele, tak že ji nemůže žádný přebřesti, a svozována bývá uměním smrtelného člověka, i odchází. 5 Z země vychází chléb, ačkoli pod ní jest něco rozdílného, podobného k ohni. 6 V některé zemi jest kamení zafirové a prach zlatý, 7 K čemuž stezky nezná žádný pták, aniž ji spatřilo oko luňáka, 8 Kteréž nešlapala mladá zvěř, aniž šel po ní lev. 9 K škřemeni vztahuje ruku svou, a z kořene převrací hory. 10 Z skálí vyvodí potůčky, a všecko, což jest drahého, spatřuje oko jeho. 11 Vylévati se řekám zbraňuje, a tak cožkoli skrytého jest, na světlo vynáší. 12 Ale moudrost kde nalezena bývá? A kde jest místo rozumnosti? 13 Neví smrtelný člověk ceny její, aniž bývá nalezena v zemi živých. 14 Propast praví: Není ve mně, moře také dí: Není u mne. 15 Nedává se zlata čistého za ni, aniž odváženo bývá stříbro za směnu její. 16 Nemůže býti ceněna za zlato z Ofir, ani za onychin drahý a zafir. 17 Nevrovná se jí zlato ani drahý kámen, aniž směněna býti může za nádobu z ryzího zlata. 18 Korálů pak a perel se nepřipomíná; nebo nabytí moudrosti dražší jest nad klénoty. 19 Není jí rovný v ceně smaragd z Mouřenínské země, aniž za čisté zlato může ceněna býti. 20 Odkudž tedy moudrost přichází? A kde jest místo rozumnosti? 21 Poněvadž skryta jest před očima všelikého živého, i před nebeským ptactvem ukryta jest. 22 Zahynutí i smrt praví: Ušima svýma slyšely jsme pověst o ní. 23 Sám Bůh rozumí cestě její, a on ví místo její. 24 Nebo on končiny země spatřuje, a všecko, což jest pod nebem, vidí, 25 Tak že větru váhu dává, a vody v míru odvažuje. 26 On též vyměřuje dešti právo, i cestu blýskání hromů. 27 Hned tehdáž viděl ji, a rozhlásil ji,připravil ji, a vystihl ji. 28 Člověku pak řekl: Aj, bázeň Páně jest moudrost, a odstoupiti od zlého rozumnost.
Danish(i) 1 Thi Sølvet har sit Sted, hvorfra det kommer, og Guldet, man renser, har sit Sted. 2 Jern hentes af Støvet og Stene, som smeltes til Kobber. 3 Man gør Ende paa Mørket, og indtil det yderste ransager man de Stene, som ligge i Mørket og Dødens Skygge. 4 Man bryder en Skakt ned fra Jordboen; forglemte af Vandrerens Fod hænge de, borte fra Mennesker svæve de. 5 Af Jorden fremkommer Brød, men indeni omvæltes den som af Ild. 6 Dens Stene ere Safirens Sted, og den har Guldstøv i sig? 7 Stien derhen har ingen Rovfugl kendt, ingen Skades Øjne set. 8 De stolte Dyr have ikke betraadt den, og ingen Løve har gaaet ad den. 9 Man lægger Haand paa den haarde Flint, man omvælter Bjerge fra Roden af. 10 Man udhugger Gange i Klipperne, og Øjet ser alt det dyrebare. 11 Man binder for Strømmene, saa at ikke en Draabe siver ud, og fører de skjulte Ting frem til Lyset. 12 Men Visdomrnen - hvorfra vil man finde den? og hvor er Indsigtens Sted 13 Et Menneske kender ikke dens Værdi, og den findes ikke i de levendes Land. 14 Afgr unden siger: Den er ikke i mig, og Havet siger: Den er ikke hos mig. 15 Den kan ikke faas for det fineste Guld, ej heller dens Værdi opvejes med Sølv. 16 Den kan ikke opvejes med Guld fra Ofir, ej heller med den dyrebare Onyks og Safir. 17 Den kan ikke vurderes lige med Guld og Krystal; man kan ikke tilbytte sig den for Kar af fint Guld. 18 Koraller og Edelstene tales der ikke om; og Visdoms Besiddelse er bedre end Perler. 19 Topazer af Morland kunne ikke vurderes lige imod den; den kan ikke opvejes med det rene Guld. 20 Men Visdommen - hvorfra kommer den? og hvor er Indsigtens Sted? 21 Den er skjult for alle levendes Øjne, den er og dulgt for Fuglene under Himmelen. 22 Afgrunden og Døden sige: Kun et Rygte om den hørte vi med vore Øren. 23 Gud forstaar dens Vej, og han kender dens Sted. 24 Thi han skuer indtil Jordens Ender; han ser hen under al Himmelen. 25 Der han gav Vinden sin Vægt og bestemte Vandet dets Maal, 26 der han satte en Lov for Regnen og en Vej for Lynet, som gaar foran Torden, 27 da saa han den og kundgjorde den, beredte den, ja gennemskuede den. 28 Og han sagde til Mennesket: Se, Herrens Frygt, det er Visdom, og at vige fra det onde, det er Forstand.
CUV(i) 1 銀 子 有 礦 ; 煉 金 有 方 。 2 鐵 從 地 裡 挖 出 ; 銅 從 石 中 鎔 化 。 3 人 為 黑 暗 定 界 限 , 查 究 幽 暗 陰 翳 的 石 頭 , 直 到 極 處 , 4 在 無 人 居 住 之 處 刨 開 礦 穴 , 過 路 的 人 也 想 不 到 他 們 ; 又 與 人 遠 離 , 懸 在 空 中 搖 來 搖 去 。 5 至 於 地 , 能 出 糧 食 , 地 內 好 像 被 火 翻 起 來 。 6 地 中 的 石 頭 有 藍 寶 石 , 並 有 金 沙 。 7 礦 中 的 路 鷙 鳥 不 得 知 道 ; 鷹 眼 也 未 見 過 。 8 狂 傲 的 野 獸 未 曾 行 過 ; 猛 烈 的 獅 子 也 未 曾 經 過 。 9 人 伸 手 鑿 開 堅 石 , 傾 倒 山 根 , 10 在 磐 石 中 鑿 出 水 道 , 親 眼 看 見 各 樣 寶 物 。 11 他 封 閉 水 不 得 滴 流 , 使 隱 藏 的 物 顯 露 出 來 。 12 然 而 , 智 慧 有 何 處 可 尋 ? 聰 明 之 處 在 那 裡 呢 ? 13 智 慧 的 價 值 無 人 能 知 , 在 活 人 之 地 也 無 處 可 尋 。 14 深 淵 說 : 不 在 我 內 ; 滄 海 說 : 不 在 我 中 。 15 智 慧 非 用 黃 金 可 得 , 也 不 能 平 白 銀 為 他 的 價 值 。 16 俄 斐 金 和 貴 重 的 紅 瑪 瑙 , 並 藍 寶 石 , 不 足 與 較 量 ; 17 黃 金 和 玻 璃 不 足 與 比 較 ; 精 金 的 器 皿 不 足 與 兌 換 。 18 珊 瑚 、 水 晶 都 不 足 論 ; 智 慧 的 價 值 勝 過 珍 珠 ( 或 譯 : 紅 寶 石 ) 。 19 古 實 的 紅 璧 璽 不 足 與 比 較 ; 精 金 也 不 足 與 較 量 。 20 智 慧 從 何 處 來 呢 ? 聰 明 之 處 在 那 裡 呢 ? 21 是 向 一 切 有 生 命 的 眼 目 隱 藏 , 向 空 中 的 飛 鳥 掩 蔽 。 22 滅 沒 和 死 亡 說 : 我 們 風 聞 其 名 。 23 神 明 白 智 慧 的 道 路 , 曉 得 智 慧 的 所 在 。 24 因 他 鑒 察 直 到 地 極 , 遍 觀 普 天 之 下 , 25 要 為 風 定 輕 重 , 又 度 量 諸 水 ; 26 他 為 雨 露 定 命 令 , 為 雷 電 定 道 路 。 27 那 時 他 看 見 智 慧 , 而 且 述 說 ; 他 堅 定 , 並 且 查 究 。 28 他 對 人 說 : 敬 畏 主 就 是 智 慧 ; 遠 離 惡 便 是 聰 明 。
  1 H3701 銀子 H3426 H4161 H2212 ;煉 H2091 H4725 有方。
  2 H1270 H6083 從地裡 H3947 挖出 H5154 ;銅 H68 從石 H6694 中鎔化。
  3 H2822 人為黑暗 H7760 H7093 界限 H2713 ,查究 H652 幽暗 H6757 陰翳 H68 的石頭 H8503 ,直到極處,
  4 H1481 在無人居住 H6555 之處刨開 H5158 礦穴 H7272 ,過路的人 H7911 也想不到 H582 他們;又與人 H5128 遠離 H1809 ,懸在空中搖來搖去。
  5 H776 至於地 H3318 ,能出 H3899 糧食 H784 ,地內好像被火 H2015 翻起來。
  6 H4725 地中 H68 的石頭 H5601 有藍寶石 H2091 ,並有金 H6083 沙。
  7 H5410 礦中的路 H5861 鷙鳥 H3045 不得知道 H344 ;鷹 H5869 H7805 也未見過。
  8 H7830 狂傲的野獸 H1869 未曾行過 H1869 ;猛烈的獅子 H1869 也未曾經過。
  9 H3027 人伸手 H7971 鑿開 H2496 堅石 H2015 ,傾倒 H2022 H8328 根,
  10 H6697 在磐石中 H1234 鑿出 H2975 水道 H5869 ,親眼 H7200 看見 H3366 各樣寶物。
  11 H2280 他封閉 H5104 H1065 不得滴流 H8587 ,使隱藏的物 H3318 H216 顯露出來。
  12 H2451 然而,智慧 H370 有何處 H4672 可尋 H998 ?聰明 H4725 之處在那裡呢?
  13 H6187 智慧的價值 H582 無人 H3045 能知 H2416 ,在活人 H776 之地 H4672 也無處可尋。
  14 H8415 深淵 H559 H3220 :不在我內;滄海 H559 說:不在我中。
  15 H5458 智慧非用黃金 H5414 可得 H8254 ,也不能平 H3701 白銀 H4242 為他的價值。
  16 H211 俄斐 H3800 H3368 和貴重的 H7718 紅瑪瑙 H5601 ,並藍寶石 H5541 ,不足與較量;
  17 H2091 黃金 H2137 和玻璃 H6186 不足與比較 H6337 ;精金的 H3627 器皿 H8545 不足與兌換。
  18 H7215 珊瑚 H1378 、水晶 H2142 都不足論 H2451 ;智慧 H4901 的價值 H6443 勝過珍珠(或譯:紅寶石)。
  19 H3568 古實 H6357 的紅璧璽 H6186 不足與比較 H2889 ;精 H3800 H5541 也不足與較量。
  20 H2451 智慧 H370 從何處 H935 H998 呢?聰明 H4725 之處在那裡呢?
  21 H2416 是向一切有生命的 H5869 眼目 H5956 隱藏 H8064 ,向空中的 H5775 飛鳥 H5641 掩蔽。
  22 H11 滅沒 H4194 和死亡 H559 H8085 H8088 H241 :我們風聞其名。
  23 H430 H995 明白 H1870 智慧的道路 H3045 ,曉得 H4725 智慧的所在。
  24 H5027 因他鑒察 H776 直到地 H7098 H7200 ,遍觀 H8064 普天之下,
  25 H7307 要為風 H6213 H4948 輕重 H8505 H4060 ,又度量 H4325 諸水;
  26 H4306 他為雨露 H6213 H2706 命令 H2385 H6963 ,為雷電 H1870 定道路。
  27 H7200 那時他看見 H5608 智慧,而且述說 H3559 ;他堅定 H2713 ,並且查究。
  28 H120 他對人 H559 H3374 :敬畏 H136 H2451 就是智慧 H5493 ;遠離 H7451 H998 便是聰明。
CUVS(i) 1 银 子 冇 矿 ; 炼 金 冇 方 。 2 铁 从 地 里 挖 出 ; 铜 从 石 中 鎔 化 。 3 人 为 黑 暗 定 界 限 , 查 究 幽 暗 阴 翳 的 石 头 , 直 到 极 处 , 4 在 无 人 居 住 之 处 刨 幵 矿 穴 , 过 路 的 人 也 想 不 到 他 们 ; 又 与 人 远 离 , 悬 在 空 中 摇 来 摇 去 。 5 至 于 地 , 能 出 粮 食 , 地 内 好 象 被 火 翻 起 来 。 6 地 中 的 石 头 冇 蓝 宝 石 , 并 冇 金 沙 。 7 矿 中 的 路 鸷 鸟 不 得 知 道 ; 鹰 眼 也 未 见 过 。 8 狂 傲 的 野 兽 未 曾 行 过 ; 猛 烈 的 狮 子 也 未 曾 经 过 。 9 人 伸 手 凿 幵 坚 石 , 倾 倒 山 根 , 10 在 磐 石 中 凿 出 水 道 , 亲 眼 看 见 各 样 宝 物 。 11 他 封 闭 水 不 得 滴 流 , 使 隐 藏 的 物 显 露 出 来 。 12 然 而 , 智 慧 冇 何 处 可 寻 ? 聪 明 之 处 在 那 里 呢 ? 13 智 慧 的 价 值 无 人 能 知 , 在 活 人 之 地 也 无 处 可 寻 。 14 深 渊 说 : 不 在 我 内 ; 沧 海 说 : 不 在 我 中 。 15 智 慧 非 用 黄 金 可 得 , 也 不 能 平 白 银 为 他 的 价 值 。 16 俄 斐 金 和 贵 重 的 红 玛 瑙 , 并 蓝 宝 石 , 不 足 与 较 量 ; 17 黄 金 和 玻 璃 不 足 与 比 较 ; 精 金 的 器 皿 不 足 与 兑 换 。 18 珊 瑚 、 水 晶 都 不 足 论 ; 智 慧 的 价 值 胜 过 珍 珠 ( 或 译 : 红 宝 石 ) 。 19 古 实 的 红 璧 玺 不 足 与 比 较 ; 精 金 也 不 足 与 较 量 。 20 智 慧 从 何 处 来 呢 ? 聪 明 之 处 在 那 里 呢 ? 21 是 向 一 切 冇 生 命 的 眼 目 隐 藏 , 向 空 中 的 飞 鸟 掩 蔽 。 22 灭 没 和 死 亡 说 : 我 们 风 闻 其 名 。 23 神 明 白 智 慧 的 道 路 , 晓 得 智 慧 的 所 在 。 24 因 他 鉴 察 直 到 地 极 , 遍 观 普 天 之 下 , 25 要 为 风 定 轻 重 , 又 度 量 诸 水 ; 26 他 为 雨 露 定 命 令 , 为 雷 电 定 道 路 。 27 那 时 他 看 见 智 慧 , 而 且 述 说 ; 他 坚 定 , 并 且 查 究 。 28 他 对 人 说 : 敬 畏 主 就 是 智 慧 ; 远 离 恶 便 是 聪 明 。
  1 H3701 银子 H3426 H4161 H2212 ;炼 H2091 H4725 有方。
  2 H1270 H6083 从地里 H3947 挖出 H5154 ;铜 H68 从石 H6694 中鎔化。
  3 H2822 人为黑暗 H7760 H7093 界限 H2713 ,查究 H652 幽暗 H6757 阴翳 H68 的石头 H8503 ,直到极处,
  4 H1481 在无人居住 H6555 之处刨开 H5158 矿穴 H7272 ,过路的人 H7911 也想不到 H582 他们;又与人 H5128 远离 H1809 ,悬在空中摇来摇去。
  5 H776 至于地 H3318 ,能出 H3899 粮食 H784 ,地内好象被火 H2015 翻起来。
  6 H4725 地中 H68 的石头 H5601 有蓝宝石 H2091 ,并有金 H6083 沙。
  7 H5410 矿中的路 H5861 鸷鸟 H3045 不得知道 H344 ;鹰 H5869 H7805 也未见过。
  8 H7830 狂傲的野兽 H1869 未曾行过 H1869 ;猛烈的狮子 H1869 也未曾经过。
  9 H3027 人伸手 H7971 凿开 H2496 坚石 H2015 ,倾倒 H2022 H8328 根,
  10 H6697 在磐石中 H1234 凿出 H2975 水道 H5869 ,亲眼 H7200 看见 H3366 各样宝物。
  11 H2280 他封闭 H5104 H1065 不得滴流 H8587 ,使隐藏的物 H3318 H216 显露出来。
  12 H2451 然而,智慧 H370 有何处 H4672 可寻 H998 ?聪明 H4725 之处在那里呢?
  13 H6187 智慧的价值 H582 无人 H3045 能知 H2416 ,在活人 H776 之地 H4672 也无处可寻。
  14 H8415 深渊 H559 H3220 :不在我内;沧海 H559 说:不在我中。
  15 H5458 智慧非用黄金 H5414 可得 H8254 ,也不能平 H3701 白银 H4242 为他的价值。
  16 H211 俄斐 H3800 H3368 和贵重的 H7718 红玛瑙 H5601 ,并蓝宝石 H5541 ,不足与较量;
  17 H2091 黄金 H2137 和玻璃 H6186 不足与比较 H6337 ;精金的 H3627 器皿 H8545 不足与兑换。
  18 H7215 珊瑚 H1378 、水晶 H2142 都不足论 H2451 ;智慧 H4901 的价值 H6443 胜过珍珠(或译:红宝石)。
  19 H3568 古实 H6357 的红璧玺 H6186 不足与比较 H2889 ;精 H3800 H5541 也不足与较量。
  20 H2451 智慧 H370 从何处 H935 H998 呢?聪明 H4725 之处在那里呢?
  21 H2416 是向一切有生命的 H5869 眼目 H5956 隐藏 H8064 ,向空中的 H5775 飞鸟 H5641 掩蔽。
  22 H11 灭没 H4194 和死亡 H559 H8085 H8088 H241 :我们风闻其名。
  23 H430 H995 明白 H1870 智慧的道路 H3045 ,晓得 H4725 智慧的所在。
  24 H5027 因他鉴察 H776 直到地 H7098 H7200 ,遍观 H8064 普天之下,
  25 H7307 要为风 H6213 H4948 轻重 H8505 H4060 ,又度量 H4325 诸水;
  26 H4306 他为雨露 H6213 H2706 命令 H2385 H6963 ,为雷电 H1870 定道路。
  27 H7200 那时他看见 H5608 智慧,而且述说 H3559 ;他坚定 H2713 ,并且查究。
  28 H120 他对人 H559 H3374 :敬畏 H136 H2451 就是智慧 H5493 ;远离 H7451 H998 便是聪明。
Esperanto(i) 1 La argxento havas lokon, kie oni gxin elakiras; Kaj la oro havas lokon, kie oni gxin fandas. 2 La fero estas ricevata el polvo, Kaj el sxtono oni fandas la kupron. 3 Oni faras finon al la mallumo, Kaj rezulte oni trovas la sxtonojn el grandega mallumo. 4 Oni fosas kavon tie, kie oni logxas; Kaj tie, kie pasxas neniu piedo, ili laboras pendante, forgesitaj de homoj. 5 La tero, el kiu devenas pano, Estas trafosata sube kvazaux per fajro. 6 GXiaj sxtonoj estas loko de safiroj, Kaj terbuloj enhavas oron. 7 La vojon ne konas rabobirdo, Kaj la okulo de falko gxin ne vidis. 8 Ne pasxis sur gxi sovagxaj bestoj, Ne iris sur gxi leono. 9 Sur rokon oni metas sian manon, Oni renversas montojn de ilia bazo. 10 En rokoj oni elhakas riverojn, Kaj cxion grandvaloran vidis la okulo de homo. 11 Oni haltigas la fluon de riveroj, Kaj kasxitajxon oni eltiras al la lumo. 12 Sed kie oni trovas la sagxon? Kaj kie estas la loko de prudento? 13 La homo ne scias gxian prezon; Kaj gxi ne estas trovata sur la tero de vivantoj. 14 La abismo diras:Ne en mi gxi estas; La maro diras:GXi ne trovigxas cxe mi. 15 Oni ne povas doni por gxi plej bonan oron, Oni ne pesas argxenton page por gxi. 16 Oni ne taksas gxin per oro Ofira, Nek per multekosta onikso kaj safiro. 17 Ne valoregalas al gxi oro kaj vitro; Kaj oni ne povas sxangxi gxin kontraux vazoj el pura oro. 18 Koraloj kaj kristalo ne estas atentataj; Kaj posedo de sagxo estas pli valora ol perloj. 19 Ne valoregalas al gxi topazo el Etiopujo; Pura oro ne povas esti gxia prezo. 20 De kie venas la sagxo? Kaj kie estas la loko de prudento? 21 Kasxita gxi estas antaux la okuloj de cxio vivanta, Nevidebla por la birdoj de la cxielo. 22 La abismo kaj la morto diras: Per niaj oreloj ni auxdis nur famon pri gxi. 23 Dio komprenas gxian vojon, Kaj Li scias gxian lokon; 24 CXar Li rigardas gxis la fino de la tero, Li vidas sub la tuta cxielo. 25 Kiam Li donis pezon al la vento Kaj arangxis la akvon lauxmezure, 26 Kiam Li starigis legxon por la pluvo Kaj vojon por la fulmo kaj tondro: 27 Tiam Li vidis gxin kaj anoncis gxin, Pretigis gxin kaj esploris gxin; 28 Kaj Li diris al la homoj: Vidu, timo antaux Dio estas sagxo, Kaj evitado de malbono estas prudento.
Finnish(i) 1 Hopialla on hänen lähtemisensä, ja kullalla sia, jossa valetaan. 2 Rauta otetaan maasta, ja kivistä vaski valetaan. 3 Pimeydelle asetti hän lopun, ja kaiken täydellisyyden hän tutki, niin myös kiven, joka paksussa pimeydessä on, ja kuoleman varjon. 4 Siitä vuotaa senkaltainen osa, että ympäriasuvaiset ei taida siitä jalkaisin käydä ylitse: se tyhjetään ihmisiltä ja vuotaa pois. 5 Vilja kasvaa maasta, jonka alla se muutetaan niinkuin tuulelta. 6 Saphiri löydetään muutamista paikoista, ja maan kokkareita, joissa kultaa on. 7 Sitä polkua ei ole yksikään lintu tuntenut, eikä variksen silmä nähnyt. 8 Ne ylpiät sikiät ei ole sitä sotkuneet, eikä jalopeura käynyt sen päällä. 9 Kädellä kallioon ruvetaan, ja vuoret ylösalaisin kukistetaan. 10 Ojat lasketaan kallioista, ja kaikkein kalliimmatkin näkee silmä. 11 Virrat estetään juoksemasta, ja ne ilmoitetaan, mitkä näissä peitetyt ovat. 12 Mutta kusta taito löydetään, ja kussa on ymmärryksen sia? 13 Ei yksikään ihminen tiedä hänen siaansa, eikä löydeta elävien maasta. 14 Syvyys sanoo: ei se ole minussa, ja meri sanoo: ei se ole minun tykönäni. 15 Ei hänestä anneta kultaa, eikä hopiaa punnita sen hinnaksi. 16 Ei Ophirin kulta, eli kalliit Onikin ja Saphirin kivet ole verratut hänen kanssansa. 17 Kulta ja kallis kivi ei taideta siihen verrattaa, eikä se taideta vaihetettaa kultaisiin astioihin. 18 Ramot ja Gabis ei ole mitään sen suhteen: se pidetään kalliimpana päärlyjä. 19 Topatsi Etiopiasta ei ole siihen verrattava, ja puhtain kulta ei maksa mitään sen suhteen. 20 Kusta siis taito tulee? ja kussa on ymmärryksen sia? 21 Hän on peitetty kaikkein elävien silmistä, ja salattu taivaan linnuiltakin. 22 Kadotus ja kuolema sanovat: me olemme korvillamme kuulleet hänen sanomansa. 23 Jumala tietää hänen tiensä, ja hän tuntee hänen siansa. 24 Sillä hän katselee maan ääriin, ja näkee kaikki, mitä taivaan alla on, 25 Niin että hän antaa tuulelle hänen painonsa ja vedelle hänen mittansa. 26 Koska hän asetti sateelle määrän ja pitkäisen tulen leimauksille hänen tiensä, 27 Silloin näki hän sen ja luki sen: hän valmisti sen ja myös tutki sen, 28 Ja sanoi ihmiselle: katso, Herran pelko on taito; ja karttaa pahaa on ymmärrys.
FinnishPR(i) 1 "Hopeallakin on suonensa ja löytöpaikkansa kullalla, joka puhdistetaan; 2 rauta otetaan maasta, ja kivestä sulatetaan vaski. 3 Tehdään loppu pimeydestä, ja tutkitaan tyystin kivi, jonka synkkä pilkkopimeä peittää. 4 Kaivos louhitaan syvälle maan asujain alle; unhotettuina he riippuvat siellä ilman jalan tukea, heiluvat kaukana ihmisten ilmoilta. 5 Maasta kasvaa leipä, mutta maan uumenet mullistetaan kuin tulen voimalla. 6 Sen kivissä on safiirilla sijansa, siellä on kultahiekkaa. 7 Polkua sinne ei tiedä kotka, eikä haukan silmä sitä havaitse. 8 Sitä eivät astu ylväät eläimet, ei leijona sitä kulje. 9 Siellä käydään käsiksi kovaan kiveen, ja vuoret mullistetaan juuriaan myöten. 10 Kallioihin murretaan käytäviä, ja silmä näkee kaikkinaiset kalleudet. 11 Vesisuonet estetään tihkumasta, ja salatut saatetaan päivänvaloon. 12 Mutta viisaus-mistä se löytyy, ja missä on ymmärryksen asuinpaikka? 13 Ei tunne ihminen sille vertaa, eikä sitä löydy elävien maasta. 14 Syvyys sanoo: 'Ei ole se minussa', ja meri sanoo: 'Ei se ole minunkaan tykönäni'. 15 Sitä ei voida ostaa puhtaalla kullalla, eikä sen hintaa punnita hopeassa. 16 Ei korvaa sitä Oofirin kulta, ei kallis onyks-kivi eikä safiiri. 17 Ei vedä sille vertoja kulta eikä lasi, eivät riitä sen vaihtohinnaksi aitokultaiset kalut. 18 Koralleja ja kristalleja ei sen rinnalla mainita, ja viisauden omistaminen on helmiä kalliimpi. 19 Ei vedä sille vertoja Etiopian topaasi, ei korvaa sitä puhdas kulta. 20 Mistä siis tulee viisaus ja missä on ymmärryksen asuinpaikka? 21 Se on peitetty kaiken elävän silmiltä, salattu taivaan linnuiltakin. 22 Manala ja kuolema sanovat: 'Korvamme ovat kuulleet siitä vain kerrottavan'. 23 Jumala tietää tien sen luokse, hän tuntee sen asuinpaikan. 24 Sillä hän katsoo maan ääriin saakka, hän näkee kaiken, mitä taivaan alla on. 25 Kun hän antoi tuulelle voiman ja määräsi mitalla vedet, 26 kun hän sääti lain sateelle ja ukkospilvelle tien, 27 silloin hän sen näki ja ilmoitti, toi sen esille ja sen myös tutki. 28 Ja ihmiselle hän sanoi: 'Katso, Herran pelko-se on viisautta, ja pahan karttaminen on ymmärrystä'."
Haitian(i) 1 Gen mi n anba tè kote yo jwenn ajan. Gen kote se la yo netwaye lò. 2 Yo fouye tè pou jwenn fè. Yo fonn wòch pou jwenn kwiv. 3 Yo desann ak limyè anba tè, kote ki fè nwa anpil, yo fouye byen fon nan vant latè, mezi yo kapab. Y' al chache wòch ki kache kote ki fè nwa anpil la. 4 Byen lwen, kote moun pa ka rete, kote moun pa janm mete pye yo, moun ap fouye gwo koridò anba tè. Y'ap travay pou kont yo, ak yon kòd pase nan ren yo, y'ap balanse nan twou yo. 5 Manje soti nan tè. Men, nan zantray latè a dife fin debòde. 6 Wòch latè a gen bèl pyè safi ladan l'. Nan pousyè a yo jwenn ti grenn lò. 7 Koukou pa janm konnen chemen pou ale la. Karanklou pa janm wè kote sa a ak je l'. 8 Ni lyon, ni ankenn lòt bèt nan bwa, pa janm mete pye yo la. 9 Yo fouye nan wòch dife. Yo fè gwo twou byen fon nan pye mòn yo. 10 Yo fè gwo koridò byen long nan wòch yo. Yo jwenn tout kalite bèl pyè bijou ki koute chè. 11 Yo fouye nan sous tèt dlo yo tou. Yo mete deyò tou sa ki te kache. 12 Men, kote nou ka jwenn konesans lan? Kote bon konprann lan ye menm? 13 Lèzòm pa konnen sa pou yo fè pou yo mete men sou li. Yo pa jwenn li ankenn kote sou latè. 14 Fon lanmè a deklare li pa gen bagay konsa. Lanmè a deklare bon konprann pa lakay li. 15 Ou te mèt gen lò, ou pa ka achte l'. Ou pa ka bay lajan pou ou genyen l'. 16 Li gen plis valè pase lò peyi Ofi a. Bèl pyè oniks ak safi pa ka parèt la. 17 Yo pa ka konpare l' ni ak lò ni ak bèl kristal. Yo pa ka boukante l' pou yon bèl veso fèt an lò. 18 Pou grenn koray ak wòch kristal menm, yo pa ka parèt la. Pito ou al dèyè bon konprann pase ou ale dèyè bèl pyè lanbi. 19 Topaz peyi Letiopi pa vo anyen devan l'. Pi bon lò a pa ka konpare ak bon konprann. 20 Men, kote nou ka jwenn konesans lan? Kote bon konprann lan ye menm? 21 Pa gen moun, pa gen bèt ki ka wè l', pa menm zwazo k'ap vole nan syèl la. 22 Ata lanmò ak simityè di se tande yo tande nonmen non l'. 23 Se Bondye ase ki konn chemen an. Se li ase ki konnen kote li rete. 24 Paske Bondye wè dènye bout latè. Li voye je l', li gade tou sa ki anba syèl la. 25 Lè Bondye t'ap bay van yo pèz yo, lè li t'ap bay dlo lanmè a mezi kote pou l' rive a, 26 lè li t'ap bay lòd kote pou lapli tonbe ak chemen pou loraj yo pran lè y'ap gwonde, 27 se lè sa a li te wè bon konprann, li wè sa li vo. Li egzaminen l' byen egzaminen, li sonde l' byen sonde. 28 Apre sa, Bondye di moun konsa: -Gen krentif pou Bondye, se sa ki rele bon konprann. Vire do bay sa ki mal, men sa ki rele gen lespri.
Hungarian(i) 1 Bizony az ezüstnek bányája van, és helye az aranynak, a hol tisztítják. 2 A vasat a földbõl hozzák elõ, a követ pedig érczczé olvasztják. 3 Határt vet [az ember] a setétségnek, és átkutatja egészen és végig a homálynak és a halál árnyékának kövét. 4 Aknát tör távol a lakóktól: mintha lábukról is megfelejtkeznének, alámerülnek és lebegnek emberektõl messze. 5 Van föld, a melybõl kenyér terem, alant pedig fel van forgatva, mintegy tûz által; 6 Köveiben zafir található, göröngyeiben arany van. 7 Van ösvény, a melyet nem ismer a sas, sem a sólyom szeme nem látja azt. 8 Nem tudják azt büszke vadak, az oroszlán sem lépked azon. 9 Ráveti kezét [az ember] a kovakõre, a hegyeket tövükbõl kiforgatja. 10 A sziklákban tárnákat hasít, és minden drága dolgot meglát a szeme. 11 Elköti a folyók szivárgását, az elrejtett dolgot pedig világosságra hozza. 12 De a bölcseség hol található, és az értelemnek hol van a helye? 13 Halandó a hozzá vivõ utat nem ismeri, az élõk földén az nem található. 14 A mélység azt mondja: Nincsen az bennem; a tenger azt mondja: én nálam sincsen. 15 Színaranyért meg nem szerezhetõ, ára ezüsttel meg nem fizethetõ. 16 Nem mérhetõ össze Ofir aranyával, nem drága onikszszal, sem zafirral. 17 Nem ér fel vele az arany és gyémánt, aranyedényekért be nem cserélhetõ. 18 Korall és kristály említni sem való; a bölcseség ára drágább a gyöngyöknél. 19 Nem ér fel vele Kúsnak topáza, színaranynyal sem mérhetõ össze. 20 A bölcseség honnan jõ tehát, és hol van helye az értelemnek? 21 Rejtve van az minden élõ szemei elõtt, az ég madarai elõl is fedve van. 22 A pokol és halál azt mondják: [Csak] hírét hallottuk füleinkkel! 23 Isten tudja annak útját, õ ismeri annak helyét. 24 Mert õ ellát a föld határira, õ lát mindent az ég alatt. 25 Mikor a szélnek súlyt szerzett, és a vizeket mértékre vette; 26 Mikor az esõnek határt szabott, és mennydörgõ villámoknak útat: 27 Akkor látta és kijelentette azt, megalapította és meg is vizsgálta azt. 28 Az embernek pedig mondá: Ímé az Úrnak félelme: az a bölcseség, és az értelem: a gonosztól való eltávozás.
Indonesian(i) 1 Ada pertambangan di mana perak ditemukan; ada tempat di mana emas dimurnikan. 2 Besi digali dari dalam tanah; dari batu dilelehkan tembaga. 3 Gelap yang pekat ditembusi, tempat yang paling dalam diselidiki. Di situ, di dalam kegelapan, orang mencari batu-batuan. 4 Jauh di tempat yang tak ada penghuni, yang belum pernah diinjak dan dilalui, orang bekerja sambil bergantungan pada tali di dalam terowongan yang sunyi sepi. 5 Tanah menghasilkan pangan bagi manusia, tapi di bawah tanah itu juga, semua dibongkarbalikkan sehingga isi bumi berantakan. 6 Batu di dalam tanah mengandung nilakandi, dan debunya berisikan emas murni. 7 Burung elang tak kenal jalan ke sana, dan burung nasar pun belum pernah terbang di atasnya. 8 Belum pernah singa maupun binatang buas lainnya melalui jalan sepi yang menuju ke sana. 9 Orang menggali dalam batu yang betapa pun kerasnya, dibongkarnya gunung sampai pada akarnya. 10 Ketika ia membuat tembusan di dalam gunung batu, didapatinya permata yang sangat bermutu. 11 Sampai kepada sumber sungai-sungai ia menggali, lalu menyingkapkan apa yang tersembunyi. 12 Tetapi di manakah hikmat dapat dicari? Di manakah kita dapat belajar agar mengerti? 13 Hikmat tidak ada di tengah-tengah manusia; tak ada yang tahu nilainya yang sesungguhnya. 14 Dasar-dasar laut dan samudra berkata bahwa hikmat tidak ada padanya. 15 Hikmat tak dapat ditukar walau dengan emas murni, dan dengan perak pun tak dapat dibeli. 16 Emas dan permata yang paling berharga tidak dapat mengimbangi nilainya. 17 Emas atau kaca halus tak dapat berbanding dengannya, tak dapat dibayar dengan jambangan kencana. 18 Hikmat jauh lebih tinggi nilainya daripada merjan, kristal, atau mutiara. 19 Batu topas yang asli dan emas yang murni, kurang nilainya dari akal budi. 20 Di manakah sumbernya kebijaksanaan? Di mana kita mendapat pengertian? 21 Tak ada makhluk hidup yang pernah melihatnya, bahkan burung di udara tak menampaknya. 22 Maut dan kebinasaan pun berkata, mereka hanya mendengar desas-desus belaka. 23 Hanya Allah tahu tempat hikmat berada, hanya Dia mengetahui jalan ke sana, 24 karena Ia melihat ujung-ujung bumi; segala sesuatu di bawah langit Ia amati. 25 Ketika angin diberi-Nya kekuatan, dan ditetapkan-Nya batas-batas lautan; 26 ketika ditentukan-Nya tempat hujan jatuh, dan jalan yang dilalui kilat dan guruh; 27 pada waktu itulah hikmat dilihat-Nya, diuji-Nya nilainya, lalu diberikan-Nya restu-Nya. 28 Allah berkata kepada manusia, "Untuk mendapat hikmat, Allah harus kamu hormati. Untuk dapat mengerti, kejahatan harus kamu jauhi."
Italian(i) 1 Certo l’argento ha la sua miniera, E l’oro un luogo dove è fuso. 2 Il ferro si trae dalla polvere, E la pietra liquefatta rende del rame. 3 L’uomo ha posto un termine alle tenebre, E investiga ogni cosa infino al fine; Le pietre che son nell’oscurità e nell’ombra della morte; 4 Ove i torrenti che il piè avea dimenticati scoppiano fuori, E impediscono che niuno vi stia appresso; Poi scemano, e se ne vanno per opera degli uomini. 5 La terra, che produce il pane, Disotto è rivolta sottosopra, e pare tutta fuoco. 6 Le pietre di essa sono il luogo degli zaffiri, E vi è della polvere d’oro. 7 Niuno uccello rapace ne sa il sentiero, E l’occhio dell’avvoltoio non riguardò mai là. 8 I leoncini della leonessa non calcarono giammai que’ luoghi, Il leone non vi passò giammai. 9 L’uomo mette la mano a’ macigni; Egli rivolta sottosopra i monti fin dalla radice. 10 Egli fa de’ condotti a’ rivi per mezzo le rupi; E l’occhio suo vede ogni cosa preziosa. 11 Egli tura i fiumi che non gocciolino, E trae fuori in luce le cose nascoste. 12 Ma la sapienza, onde si trarrà ella? E dov’è il luogo dell’intelligenza? 13 L’uomo non conosce il prezzo di essa; Ella non si trova nella terra de’ viventi. 14 L’abisso dice: Ella non è in me; E il mare dice: Ella non è appresso di me. 15 Ei non si può dare oro per essa, Nè può pesarsi argento per lo prezzo suo. 16 Ella non può essere apprezzata ad oro di Ofir, Nè ad onice prezioso, nè a zaffiro. 17 Nè l’oro, nè il diamante, non posson pareggiarla di prezzo; Ed alcun vasellamento d’oro fino non può darsi in iscambio di essa. 18 Appo lei non si fa menzione di coralli, nè di perle; La valuta della sapienza è maggiore che quella delle gemme. 19 Il topazio di Etiopia non la può pareggiar di prezzo; Ella non può essere apprezzata ad oro puro. 20 Onde viene adunque la sapienza? E dove è il luogo dell’intelligenza? 21 Conciossiachè ella sia nascosta agli occhi d’ogni vivente, Ed occulta agli uccelli del cielo. 22 Il luogo della perdizione e la morte dicono: Noi abbiamo con gli orecchi solo udita la fama di essa. 23 Iddio solo intende la via di essa, E conosce il suo luogo. 24 Perciocchè egli riguarda fino all’estremità della terra, Egli vede sotto tutti i cieli. 25 Quando egli dava il peso al vento, E pesava le acque a certa misura; 26 Quando egli poneva il suo ordine alla pioggia, E la via a’ lampi de’ tuoni; 27 Allora egli la vedeva, e la contava; Egli l’ordinava, ed anche l’investigava. 28 Ma egli ha detto all’uomo: Ecco, il timor del Signore è la sapienza; E il ritrarsi dal male è l’intelligenza.
ItalianRiveduta(i) 1 Ha una miniera l’argento, e l’oro un luogo dove lo si affina. 2 Il ferro si cava dal suolo, e la pietra fusa dà il rame. 3 L’uomo ha posto fine alle tenebre, egli esplora i più profondi recessi, per trovar le pietre che son nel buio, nell’ombra di morte. 4 Scava un pozzo lontan dall’abitato; il piede più non serve a quei che vi lavorano; son sospesi, oscillano lungi dai mortali. 5 Dalla terra esce il pane, ma, nelle sue viscere, è sconvolta come dal fuoco. 6 Le sue rocce son la dimora dello zaffiro, e vi si trova della polvere d’oro. 7 L’uccello di rapina non conosce il sentiero che vi mena, né l’ha mai scorto l’occhio del falco. 8 Le fiere superbe non vi hanno messo piede, e il leone non v’è passato mai. 9 L’uomo stende la mano sul granito, rovescia dalle radici le montagne. 10 Pratica trafori per entro le rocce, e l’occhio suo scorge quanto v’è di prezioso. 11 Infrena le acque perché non gemano, e le cose nascoste trae fuori alla luce. 12 Ma la Sapienza, dove trovarla? E dov’è il luogo della Intelligenza? 13 L’uomo non ne sa la via, non la si trova sulla terra de’ viventi. 14 L’abisso dice: "Non è in me"; il mare dice: "Non sta da me". 15 Non la si ottiene in cambio d’oro, né la si compra a peso d’argento. 16 Non la si acquista con l’oro di Ofir, con l’onice prezioso o con lo zaffiro. 17 L’oro ed il vetro non reggono al suo confronto, non la si dà in cambio di vasi d’oro fino. 18 Non si parli di corallo, di cristallo; la Sapienza val più delle perle. 19 Il topazio d’Etiopia non può starle a fronte, l’oro puro non ne bilancia il valore. 20 Donde vien dunque la Sapienza? E dov’è il luogo della Intelligenza? 21 Essa è nascosta agli occhi d’ogni vivente, è celata agli uccelli del cielo. 22 L’abisso e la morte dicono: "Ne abbiamo avuto qualche sentore". 23 Dio solo conosce la via che vi mena, egli solo sa il luogo dove dimora, 24 perché il suo sguardo giunge sino alle estremità della terra, perch’egli vede tutto quel ch’è sotto i cieli. 25 Quando regolò il peso del vento e fissò la misura dell’acque, 26 quando dette una legge alla pioggia e tracciò la strada al lampo dei tuoni, 27 allora la vide e la rivelò, la stabilì ed anche l’investigò. 28 E disse all’uomo: "Ecco: temere il Signore: questa è la Sapienza, e fuggire il male è l’Intelligenza"."
Korean(i) 1 은은 나는 광이 있고 연단하는 금은 나는 곳이 있으며 2 철은 흙에서 취하고 동은 돌에서 녹여 얻느니라 3 사람이 흑암을 파하고 끝까지 궁구하여 음예와 유암 중의 광석을 구하되 4 사람 사는 곳에서 멀리 떠나 구멍을 깊이 뚫고 발이 땅에 닿지 않게 달려 내리니 멀리 사람과 격절되고 흔들흔들 하느니라 5 지면은 식물을 내나 지하는 불로 뒤집는 것 같고 6 그 돌 가운데에는 남보석이 있고 사금도 있으며 7 그 길은 솔개도 알지 못하고 매의 눈도 보지 못하며 8 위엄스러운 짐승도 밟지 못하였고 사나운 사자도 그리로 지나가지 못하였느니라 9 사람이 굳은 바위에 손을 대고 산을 뿌리까지 무너뜨리며 10 돌 가운데로 도랑을 파서 각종 보물을 눈으로 발견하고 11 시냇물을 막아 스미지 않게 하고 감취었던 것을 밝은 데로 내느니라 12 그러나 지혜는 어디서 얻으며 명철의 곳은 어디인고 13 그 값을 사람이 알지 못하나니 사람 사는 땅에서 찾을 수 없구나 14 깊은 물이 이르기를 내 속에 있지 아니하다 하며 바다가 이르기를 나와 함께 있지 아니하다 하느니라 15 정금으로도 바꿀 수 없고 은을 달아도 그 값을 당치 못하리니 16 오빌의 금이나 귀한 수마노나 남보석으로도 그 값을 당치 못하겠고 17 황금이나 유리라도 비교할 수 없고 정금 장식으로도 바꿀 수 없으며 18 산호나 수정으로도 말할 수 없나니 지혜의 값은 홍보석보다 귀하구나 19 구스의 황옥으로도 비교할 수 없고 순금으로도 그 값을 측량하지 못하리니 20 그런즉 지혜는 어디서 오며 명철의 곳은 어디인고 21 모든 생물의 눈에 숨겨졌고 공중의 새에게 가리워졌으며 22 멸망과 사망도 이르기를 우리가 귀로 그 소문은 들었다 하느니라 23 하나님이 그 길을 깨달으시며 있는 곳을 아시나니 24 이는 그가 땅 끝까지 감찰하시며 온 천하를 두루 보시며 25 바람의 경중을 정하시며 물을 되어 그 분량을 정하시며 26 비를 위하여 명령하시고 우뢰의 번개를 위하여 길을 정하셨음이라 27 그 때에 지혜를 보시고 선포하시며 굳게 세우시며 궁구하셨고 28 또 사람에게 이르시기를 주를 경외함이 곧 지혜요, 악을 떠남이 명철이라 ! 하셨느니라
Lithuanian(i) 1 “Yra sidabro gyslų ir vietų, kur gryninamas auksas. 2 Geležis kasama iš žemės. Iš akmens išlydomas varis. 3 Žmogus nustato ribą tamsai ir ieško visose įdubose rūdos­tamsos ir mirties šešėlio akmens. 4 Jis įrengia kasyklas vietose, kur nėra žengusi koja, leidžiasi į gelmes toli nuo žmonių. 5 Žemės paviršiuje užauga duona, o gelmėje žemė išrausiama kaip po gaisro. 6 Safyrą randa jos uolienose, aukso dulkės yra joje. 7 Kelio tenai nežino plėšrus paukštis, nematė jo nė vanago akis. 8 Liūto jaunikliai jų nemindo, ir liūtas tais takais nevaikštinėja. 9 Jis ištiesia ranką į kietas uolas ir kalnų pamatus kasinėja. 10 Jis iškerta upes uolose, jo akis pamato kiekvieną brangų daiktą. 11 Jis užtvenkia upes ir tai, kas jose paslėpta, iškelia į šviesą. 12 Bet kur randama išmintis, kur yra supratimo šaltinis? 13 Joks žmogus nežino jos kainos, jos nėra gyvųjų krašte. 14 Gelmė sako: ‘Ji ne pas mane’, jūra sako: ‘Jos nėra manyje’. 15 Jos negali pirkti už auksą nė įsigyti už sidabrą. 16 Negalima jos palyginti su Ofyro auksu nė su oniksu ar safyru. 17 Neprilygsta jai auksas ir krištolas ir negalima jos gauti už brangius aukso dirbinius. 18 Koralai ir perlai neverti minėti, nes išmintis brangesnė už rubinus. 19 Jai neprilygsta Etiopijos topazas, už gryną auksą jos nenupirksi. 20 Iš kur tad ateina išmintis ir kur supratimo šaltinis? 21 Ji yra paslėpta gyvųjų akims, net padangių paukščiai jos nesuranda. 22 Mirtis ir prapultis sako: ‘Mes girdėjome apie jos garsą’. 23 Dievas žino jos kelią ir vietą, kur ji yra. 24 Jis stebi visus žemės kraštus ir mato po visu dangumi. 25 Jis pasveria vėją ir išmatuoja vandenis. 26 Jis nustatė lietui laiką ir nurodė žaibui kelią. 27 Tada Jis matė ją ir paskelbė ją, paruošė ją ir ją išmėgino. 28 Žmogui Jis pasakė: ‘Viešpaties baimė yra išmintis ir šalintis nuo pikta yra supratimas’ ”.
PBG(i) 1 Mać w prawdzie srebro początki żył swoich, a złoto miejsce, kędy bywa pławione. 2 Żelazo z ziemi biorą, a z kamienia zlewają miedź. 3 Celu ciemnościom ułożonego i końca wszystkich rzeczy on dochodzi, i kamieni, które w ciemności i cieniu śmierci leżą. 4 Wyleje rzeka z miejsca swojego, tak, iż jej nikt przebyć nie może, bywa jednak zahamowana przemysłem nędznego człowieka, i odchodzi. 5 Z ziemi wychodzi chleb, chociaż pod nią coś różnego, podobnego ogniowi. 6 W niektórych miejscach jest kamień Safir, i piasek złoty; 7 A tej ścieszki ani ptak nie wie, ani jej widzało oko sępie. 8 Nie depczą po niej zwierzęta srogie, ani lew przeszedł przez nię. 9 Na krzemień ściągnął rękę swoję, wywrócił góry z korzenia; 10 Z skał wywodzi strumienie, a każdą rzecz kosztowną widzi oko jego. 11 Wylewać się rzekom nie dopuszcza, a rzeczy skryte wywodzi na jaśnię. 12 Ale mądrość gdzież może być znaleziona? a kędy jest miejsce roztropności? 13 Nie wie człowiek śmiertelny ceny jej, ani bywa znaleziona w ziemi żyjących. 14 Przepaść mówi: Niemasz jej we mnie; i morze też powiada: Niemasz jej u mnie. 15 Nie dawają szczerego złota za nię; ani odważają srebra, za odmianę jej. 16 Nie może być oszacowana za złoto Ofir, ani za Onychyn drogi, ani za Safir. 17 Nie porówna z nią złoto, ani kryształ, ani odmiana jej może być za klejnot złota szczerego. 18 Koralów i pereł nie wspomina, bo nabycie mądrości kosztowniejsze jest nad perły. 19 Nie zrówna z nią i szmaragd z ziemi etyjopskiej; ani za złoto najczystsze szacowana być może. 20 Skądże tedy mądrość pochodzi? albo gdzie jest miejsce rozumu? 21 Gdyż zakryta jest od oczu wszystkich żyjących, i przed ptastwem niebieskim zatajona jest. 22 Zginienie i śmierć rzekły: Uszyma swemi słyszałyśmy sławę jej. 23 Bóg sam rozumie drogę jej, a on wie miejsce jej. 24 Bo on na kończyny ziemi patrzy, a wszystko, co jest pod niebem, widzi. 25 Wiatrom uczynił wagę, a wody odważył pod miarą. 26 On też prawo dżdżom postanowił, a drogę błyskawicom gromów. 27 W ten czas ją widział, i głosił ją: zgotował ją, i doszedł jej. 28 Ale człowiekowi rzekł: Oto bojaźń Pańska jest mądrością, a warować się złego, jest rozumem.
Portuguese(i) 1 Na verdade, há minas donde se extrai a prata, e também lugar onde se refina o ouro: 2 O ferro tira-se da terra, e da pedra se funde o cobre. 3 Os homens põem termo às trevas, e até os últimos confins exploram as pedras na escuridão e nas trevas mais densas. 4 Abrem um poço de mina longe do lugar onde habitam; são esquecidos pelos viajantes, ficando pendentes longe dos homens, e oscilam de um lado para o outro. 5 Quanto à terra, dela procede o pão, mas por baixo é revolvida como por fogo. 6 As suas pedras são o lugar de safiras, e têm pó de ouro. 7 A ave de rapina não conhece essa vereda, e não a viram os olhos do falcão. 8 Nunca a pisaram feras altivas, nem o feroz leão passou por ela. 9 O homem estende a mão contra a pederneira, e revolve os montes desde as suas raízes. 10 Corta canais nas pedras, e os seus olhos descobrem todas as coisas preciosas. 11 Ele tapa os veios de água para que não gotejem; e tira para a luz o que estava escondido. 12 Mas onde se achará a sabedoria? E onde está o lugar do entendimento? 13 O homem não lhe conhece o caminho; nem se acha ela na terra dos viventes. 14 O abismo diz: Não está em mim; e o mar diz: Ela não está comigo. 15 Não pode ser comprada com ouro fino, nem a peso de prata se trocará. 16 Nem se pode avaliar em ouro fino de Ofir, nem em pedras preciosas de berilo, ou safira. 17 Com ela não se pode comparar o ouro ou o vidro; nem se trocara por jóias de ouro fino. 18 Não se fará menção de coral nem de cristal; porque a aquisição da sabedoria é melhor que a das pérolas. 19 Não se lhe igualará o topázio da Etiópia, nem se pode comprar por ouro puro. 20 Donde, pois, vem a sabedoria? Onde está o lugar do entendimento? 21 Está encoberta aos olhos de todo vivente, e oculta às aves do céu. 22 O Abadon e a morte dizem: Ouvimos com os nossos ouvidos um rumor dela. 23 Deus entende o seu caminho, e ele sabe o seu lugar. 24 Porque ele perscruta até as extremidades da terra, sim, ele vê tudo o que há debaixo do céu. 25 Quando regulou o peso do vento, e fixou a medida das águas; 26 quando prescreveu leis para a chuva e caminho para o relâmpago dos trovões; 27 então viu a sabedoria e a manifestou; estabeleceu-a, e também a esquadrinhou. 28 E disse ao homem: Eis que o temor do Senhor é a sabedoria, e o apartar-se do mal é o entendimento.
Norwegian(i) 1 Sølvet har jo sin grube, og gullet, som renses, sitt finnested; 2 jern hentes frem av jorden, og sten smeltes til kobber. 3 De gjør ende på mørket, og inn i de innerste kroker gransker de stener som ligger i det sorte mørke; 4 de bryter en sjakt langt borte fra menneskers bolig; der ferdes de glemt, dypt under menneskers føtter; der henger de og svever langt borte fra mennesker. 5 Av jorden kommer det brød; men inne i den blir alt veltet om som av ild. 6 Safiren har sin bolig i dens stener, og gullklumper finnes der. 7 Ingen rovfugl kjenner stien dit ned, og intet falkeøie har sett den; 8 stolte rovdyr har ikke trådt på den, ingen løve har skredet frem over den. 9 På den hårde sten legger de sin hånd, de velter hele fjell om fra grunnen av. 10 I berget sprenger de ganger, og allehånde kostelige ting får de se. 11 De demmer for dryppet av vannårene og fører skjulte ting frem i lyset. 12 Men visdommen hvor skal den finnes? Og hvor har forstanden sin bolig? 13 Intet menneske kjenner dens verd, og den finnes ikke i de levendes land. 14 Dypet sier: I mig er den ikke, og havet sier: Den er ikke hos mig. 15 Den kan ikke kjøpes for kostelig gull, og dens pris ikke opveies med sølv. 16 Den opveies ikke med Ofirs gull, med den dyre onyks og safir. 17 Gull og glass kommer ikke op imot den, og en kan ikke bytte den til sig for kar av fint gull. 18 Koraller og krystall kan ikke engang nevnes, og det å eie visdom er bedre enn perler. 19 Etiopias topas kommer ikke op imot den; den kan ikke opveies med det reneste gull. 20 Hvor kommer da visdommen fra? Og hvor har forstanden sin bolig? 21 Den er dulgt for alle levendes øine, den er skjult for himmelens fugler; 22 avgrunnen og døden sier: Bare et frasagn om den er kommet oss for øre. 23 Gud kjenner veien til den, og han vet hvor den har sin bolig. 24 For hans øie når til jordens ender; allting under himmelen ser han. 25 Da han fastsatte vindens vekt og gav vannet dets mål, 26 da han satte en lov for regnet og en vei for lynstrålen, 27 da så han visdommen og åpenbarte den, da lot han den stå frem og utforsket den. 28 Og han sa til mennesket: Se, å frykte Herren, det er visdom, og å fly det onde er forstand.
Romanian(i) 1 Argintul are o mină de unde se scoate, şi aurul are un loc de unde este scos ca să fie curăţit. 2 Ferul se scoate din pămînt, şi piatra se topeşte ca să dea arama. 3 Omul pune capăt întunerecului, cercetează, pînă în ţinuturile cele mai adînci, pietrele ascunse în negura şi în umbra morţii. 4 Sapă o fîntînă departe de locurile locuite; picioarele nu -i mai sînt de ajutor, stă atîrnat şi se clatină, departe de locuinţele omeneşti. 5 Pămîntul, de unde iese pînea, este răscolit în lăuntrul lui ca de foc, 6 pietrele lui cuprind safir, şi în el se găseşte pulbere de aur. 7 Pasărea de pradă nu -i cunoaşte cărarea. Ochiul vulturului n'a zărit -o, 8 cele mai trufaşe dobitoace n'au călcat pe ea, şi leul n'a trecut niciodată pe ea. 9 Omul îşi pune mîna pe stînca de cremene, şi răstoarnă munţii din rădăcină. 10 Sapă şanţuri în stînci, şi ochiul lui priveşte tot ce este de preţ în ele. 11 Opreşte curgerea apelor, şi scoate la lumină ce este ascuns. 12 Dar înţelepciunea unde se găseşte? Unde este locuinţa priceperii? 13 Omul nu -i cunoaşte preţul, ea nu se găseşte în pămîntul celor vii. 14 Adîncul zice:,Nu este în mine`, şi marea zice:,Nu este la mine.`; 15 Ea nu se dă în schimbul aurului curat, nu se cumpără cîntărindu-se cu argint; 16 nu se cîntăreşte pe aurul din Ofir, nici pe onixul cel scump, nici pe safir. 17 Nu se poate asemăna cu aurul, nici cu diamantul, nu se poate schimba cu un vas de aur ales. 18 Mărgeanul şi cristalul nu sînt nimic pe lîngă ea: înţelepciunea preţuieşte mai mult decît mărgăritarele. 19 Topazul din Etiopia nu este ca ea, şi aurul curat nu se cumpăneşte cu ea. 20 De unde vine atunci înţelepciunea? Unde este locuinţa priceperii? 21 Este ascunsă de ochii tuturor celor vii, este ascunsă de păsările cerului. 22 Adîncul şi moartea zic:,Noi am auzit vorbindu-se de ea.` 23 Dumnezeu îi ştie drumul, El îi cunoaşte locuinţa. 24 Căci El vede pînă la marginile pămîntului, zăreşte totul subt ceruri. 25 Cînd a rînduit greutatea vîntului, şi cînd a hotărît măsura apelor, 26 cînd a dat legi ploii, şi cînd a însemnat drumul fulgerului şi tunetului, 27 atunci a văzut înţelepciunea şi a arătat -o, i -a pus temeliile şi a pus -o la încercare. 28 Apoi a zis omului:,Iată, frica de Domnul, aceasta este înţelepciunea; depărtarea de rău, este pricepere.`
Ukrainian(i) 1 Отож, має срібло своє джерело, і є місце для золота, де його чистять, 2 залізо береться із пороху, з каменя мідь виплавляється. 3 Людина кладе для темноти кінця, і докраю досліджує все, і шукає каміння у темряві та в смертній тіні: 4 ламає в копальні далеко від мешканця; забуті ногою людини, висять місця, віддалені від чоловіка. 5 Земля хліб із неї походить, а під нею порито, немов би огнем, 6 місце сапфіру каміння її, й порох золота в ній. 7 Стежка туди не знає її хижий птах, її око орлине не бачило, 8 не ступала по ній молода звірина, не ходив нею лев. 9 Чоловік свою руку по кремінь витягує, гори від кореня перевертає, 10 пробиває у скелях канали, і все дороге бачить око його! 11 Він загачує ріки від виливу, а заховані речі виводить на світло. 12 Та де мудрість знаходиться, і де місце розуму? 13 Людина не знає ціни їй, і вона у країні живих не знаходиться. 14 Безодня говорить: Вона не в мені! і море звіщає: Вона не зо мною! 15 Щирого золота дати за неї не можна, і не важиться срібло ціною за неї. 16 Не важать за неї офірського золота, ні дорогого оніксу й сапфіру. 17 Золото й скло не рівняються в вартості їй, і її не зміняти на посуд із щирого золота. 18 Коралі й кришталь і не згадуються, а набуток премудрости ліпший за перли! 19 Не рівняється їй етіопський топаз, і не важиться золото щире за неї. 20 А мудрість ізвідки проходить, і де місце розуму? 21 Бо вона від очей усього живого захована, і від птаства небесного скрита вона. 22 Аваддон той і смерть промовляють: Ушима своїми ми чули про неї лиш чутку! 23 Тільки Бог розуміє дорогу її, й тільки Він знає місце її! 24 Бо Він аж на кінці землі придивляється, бачить під небом усім. 25 Коли Він чинив вагу вітрові, а воду утворював мірою, 26 коли Він уставу складав для дощу та дороги для блискавки грому, 27 тоді Він побачив її та про неї повів, міцно поставив її та її дослідив! 28 І сказав Він людині тоді: Таж страх Господній це мудрість, а відступ від злого це розум!