Matthew 11

  1 G2532 And G1096 it came to pass [G5633]   G3753 , when G2424 Jesus G5055 had made an end [G5656]   G1299 of commanding [G5723]   G846 his G1427 twelve G3101 disciples G3327 , he departed [G5627]   G1564 thence G1321 to teach [G5721]   G2532 and G2784 to preach [G5721]   G1722 in G846 their G4172 cities.
  2 G1161 Now G2491 when John G191 had heard [G5660]   G1722 in G1201 the prison G2041 the works G5547 of Christ G3992 , he sent [G5660]   G1417 two G846 of his G3101 disciples,
  3 G2036 And said [G5627]   G846 unto him G1488 , Art [G5748]   G4771 thou G2064 he that should come [G5740]   G2228 , or G4328 do we look [G5719]   G2087 for another?
  4 G2424 Jesus G611 answered [G5679]   G2532 and G2036 said [G5627]   G846 unto them G4198 , Go [G5679]   G518 and shew G2491 John G518 again [G5657]   G3739 those things which G191 ye do hear [G5719]   G2532 and G991 see [G5719]  :
  5 G5185 The blind G308 receive their sight [G5719]   G2532 , and G5560 the lame G4043 walk [G5719]   G3015 , the lepers G2511 are cleansed [G5743]   G2532 , and G2974 the deaf G191 hear [G5719]   G3498 , the dead G1453 are raised up [G5743]   G2532 , and G4434 the poor G2097 have the gospel preached to them [G5743]  .
  6 G2532 And G3107 blessed G2076 is [G5748]   G3739 he, whosoever G4624 shall G3362 not G4624 be offended [G5686]   G1722 in G1698 me.
  7 G1161 And G5130 as G4198 they departed [G5740]   G2424 , Jesus G756 began [G5662]   G3004 to say [G5721]   G3793 unto the multitudes G4012 concerning G2491 John G5101 , What G1831 went ye [G5627]   G1519 out into G2048 the wilderness G2300 to see [G5664]   G2563 ? A reed G4531 shaken [G5746]   G5259 with G417 the wind?
  8 G235 But G5101 what G1831 went ye out [G5627]   G1492 for to see [G5629]   G444 ? A man G294 clothed [G5772]   G1722 in G3120 soft G2440 raiment G2400 ? behold [G5628]   G5409 , they that wear [G5723]   G3120 soft G1526 clothing are [G5748]   G1722 in G935 kings G3624 ' houses.
  9 G235 But G5101 what G1831 went ye out [G5627]   G1492 for to see [G5629]   G4396 ? A prophet G3483 ? yea G3004 , I say [G5719]   G5213 unto you G2532 , and G4055 more G4396 than a prophet.
  10 G1063 For G3778 this G2076 is [G5748]   G4012 he, of G3739 whom G1125 it is written [G5769]   G2400 , Behold [G5628]   G1473 , I G649 send [G5719]   G3450 my G32 messenger G4253 before G4675 thy G4383 face G3739 , which G2680 shall prepare [G5692]   G4675 thy G3598 way G1715 before G4675 thee.
  11 G281 Verily G3004 I say [G5719]   G5213 unto you G1722 , Among G1084 them that are born G1135 of women G1453 there hath G3756 not G1453 risen [G5769]   G3187 a greater than G2491 John G910 the Baptist G1161 : notwithstanding G3398 he that is least G1722 in G932 the kingdom G3772 of heaven G2076 is [G5748]   G3187 greater than G846 he.
  12 G1161 And G575 from G2250 the days G2491 of John G910 the Baptist G2193 until G737 now G932 the kingdom G3772 of heaven G971 suffereth violence [G5743]   G2532 , and G973 the violent G726 take G846 it G726 by force [G5719]  .
  13 G1063 For G3956 all G4396 the prophets G2532 and G3551 the law G4395 prophesied [G5656]   G2193 until G2491 John.
  14 G2532 And G1487 if G2309 ye will [G5719]   G1209 receive [G5664]   G846 it, this G2076 is [G5748]   G2243 Elias G3588 , which G3195 was for [G5723]   G2064 to come [G5738]  .
  15 G2192 He that hath [G5723]   G3775 ears G191 to hear [G5721]   G191 , let him hear [G5720]  .
  16 G1161 But G5101 whereunto G3666 shall I liken [G5692]   G5026 this G1074 generation G2076 ? It is [G5748]   G3664 like G3808 unto children G2521 sitting [G5740]   G1722 in G58 the markets G2532 , and G4377 calling [G5723]   G846 unto their G2083 fellows,
  17 G2532 And G3004 saying [G5723]   G832 , We have piped [G5656]   G5213 unto you G2532 , and G3738 ye have G3756 not G3738 danced [G5662]   G2354 ; we have mourned [G5656]   G5213 unto you G2532 , and G2875 ye have G3756 not G2875 lamented [G5668]  .
  18 G1063 For G2491 John G2064 came [G5627]   G3383 neither G2068 eating [G5723]   G3383 nor G4095 drinking [G5723]   G2532 , and G3004 they say [G5719]   G2192 , He hath [G5719]   G1140 a devil.
  19 G5207 The Son G444 of man G2064 came [G5627]   G2068 eating [G5723]   G2532 and G4095 drinking [G5723]   G2532 , and G3004 they say [G5719]   G2400 , Behold [G5628]   G444 a man G5314 gluttonous G2532 , and G3630 a winebibber G5384 , a friend G5057 of publicans G2532 and G268 sinners G2532 . But G4678 wisdom G1344 is justified [G5681]   G575 of G846 her G5043 children.
  20 G5119 Then G756 began he [G5662]   G3679 to upbraid [G5721]   G4172 the cities G1722 wherein G3739   G4118 most G846 of his G1411 mighty works G1096 were done [G5633]   G3754 , because G3340 they repented [G5656]   G3756 not:
  21 G3759 Woe G4671 unto thee G5523 , Chorazin G3759 ! woe G4671 unto thee G966 , Bethsaida G3754 ! for G1487 if G1411 the mighty works G3588 , which G1096 were done [G5637]   G1722 in G5213 you G1096 , had been done [G5633]   G1722 in G5184 Tyre G2532 and G4605 Sidon G3340 , they would have repented [G5656]   G302 long ago G3819   G1722 in G4526 sackcloth G2532 and G4700 ashes.
  22 G4133 But G3004 I say [G5719]   G5213 unto you G2071 , It shall be [G5704]   G414 more tolerable G5184 for Tyre G2532 and G4605 Sidon G1722 at G2250 the day G2920 of judgment G2228 , than G5213 for you.
  23 G2532 And G4771 thou G2584 , Capernaum G3588 , which G5312 art exalted [G5685]   G2193 unto G3772 heaven G2601 , shalt be brought down [G5701]   G2193 to G86 hell G3754 : for G1487 if G1411 the mighty works G3588 , which G1096 have been done [G5637]   G1722 in G4671 thee G1096 , had been done [G5633]   G1722 in G4670 Sodom G302 , it would have remained G3306   [G5656]   G3360 until G4594 this day.
  24 G4133 But G3004 I say [G5719]   G5213 unto you G3754 , That G2071 it shall be [G5704]   G414 more tolerable G1093 for the land G4670 of Sodom G1722 in G2250 the day G2920 of judgment G2228 , than G4671 for thee.
  25 G1722 At G1565 that G2540 time G2424 Jesus G611 answered [G5679]   G2036 and said [G5627]   G1843 , I thank [G5731]   G4671 thee G3962 , O Father G2962 , Lord G3772 of heaven G2532 and G1093 earth G3754 , because G613 thou hast hid [G5656]   G5023 these things G575 from G4680 the wise G2532 and G4908 prudent G2532 , and G601 hast revealed [G5656]   G846 them G3516 unto babes.
  26 G3483 Even so G3962 , Father G3754 : for G3779 so G1096 it seemed [G5633]   G2107 good G4675 in thy G1715 sight.
  27 G3956 All things G3860 are delivered [G5681]   G3427 unto me G5259 of G3450 my G3962 Father G2532 : and G3762 no man G1921 knoweth [G5719]   G5207 the Son G1508 , but G3962 the Father G3761 ; neither G1921 knoweth [G5719]   G5100 any man G3962 the Father G1508 , save G5207 the Son G2532 , and he G3739 to G1437 whomsoever G5207 the Son G1014 will [G5741]   G601 reveal [G5658]   him .
  28 G1205 Come [G5773]   G4314 unto G3165 me G3956 , all G2872 ye that labour [G5723]   G2532 and G5412 are heavy laden [G5772]   G2504 , and I G373 will give G5209 you G373 rest [G5692]  .
  29 G142 Take [G5657]   G3450 my G2218 yoke G1909 upon G5209 you G2532 , and G3129 learn [G5628]   G575 of G1700 me G3754 ; for G1510 I am [G5748]   G4235 meek G2532 and G5011 lowly G2588 in heart G2532 : and G2147 ye shall find [G5692]   G372 rest G5216 unto your G5590 souls.
  30 G1063 For G3450 my G2218 yoke G5543 is easy G2532 , and G3450 my G5413 burden G2076 is [G5748]   G1645 light.
  1 G2532 και And G1096 (G5633) εγενετο It Came To Pass G3753 οτε When G5055 (G5656) ετελεσεν   G3588 ο Had Finished G2424 ιησους Jesus G1299 (G5723) διατασσων   G3588 τοις Commanding G1427 δωδεκα Twelve G3101 μαθηταις Disciples G846 αυτου His, G3327 (G5627) μετεβη He Departed G1564 εκειθεν   G3588 του Thence G1321 (G5721) διδασκειν To Teach G2532 και And G2784 (G5721) κηρυσσειν To Preach G1722 εν   G3588 ταις In G4172 πολεσιν   G846 αυτων Their Cities.
  2 G3588 ο   G1161 δε Now G2491 ιωαννης John G191 (G5660) ακουσας Having Heard G1722 εν In G3588 τω The G1201 δεσμωτηριω Prison G3588 τα The G2041 εργα Works G3588 του Of The G5547 χριστου Christ, G3992 (G5660) πεμψας Having Sent G1417 δυο   G3588 των Two G3101 μαθητων   G846 αυτου Of His Disciples,
  3 G2036 (G5627) ειπεν Said G846 αυτω To Him, G4771 συ   G1488 (G5748) ει Art Thou G3588 ο The G2064 (G5740) ερχομενος Coming "one", G2228 η Or G2087 ετερον Another G4328 (G5719) προσδοκωμεν Are We To Look For?
  4 G2532 και And G611 (G5679) αποκριθεις   G3588 ο Answering G2424 ιησους Jesus G2036 (G5627) ειπεν Said G846 αυτοις To Them, G4198 (G5679) πορευθεντες Having Gone G518 (G5657) απαγγειλατε Relate G2491 ιωαννη To John G3739 α What G191 (G5719) ακουετε Ye Hear G2532 και And G991 (G5719) βλεπετε See :
  5 G5185 τυφλοι Blind G308 (G5719) αναβλεπουσιν Receive Sight, G2532 και And G5560 χωλοι Lame G4043 (G5719) περιπατουσιν Walk; G3015 λεπροι Lepers G2511 (G5743) καθαριζονται Are Cleansed, G2532 και And G2974 κωφοι Deaf G191 (G5719) ακουουσιν Hear; G3498 νεκροι Dead G1453 (G5743) εγειρονται Are Raised, G2532 και And G4434 πτωχοι Poor G2097 (G5743) ευαγγελιζονται Are Evangelized.
  6 G2532 και And G3107 μακαριος Blessed G2076 (G5748) εστιν Is, G3739 ος   G1437 εαν   G3361 μη Whoever G4624 (G5686) σκανδαλισθη Shall Not Be Offended G1722 εν In G1698 εμοι Me.
  7 G5130 τουτων   G1161 δε But As These G4198 (G5740) πορευομενων Were Going G756 (G5662) ηρξατο   G3588 ο Began G2424 ιησους Jesus G3004 (G5721) λεγειν To Say G3588 τοις To The G3793 οχλοις Crowds G4012 περι Concerning G2491 ιωαννου John, G5101 τι What G1831 (G5627) εξηλθετε Went Ye Out G1519 εις Into G3588 την The G2048 ερημον Wilderness G2300 (G5664) θεασασθαι To Look At? G2563 καλαμον A Reed G5259 υπο By "the" G417 ανεμου Wind G4531 (G5746) σαλευομενον Shaken?
  8 G235 αλλα But G5101 τι What G1831 (G5627) εξηλθετε Went Ye Out G1492 (G5629) ιδειν To See? G444 ανθρωπον A Man G1722 εν In G3120 μαλακοις Soft G2440 ιματιοις Garments G294 (G5772) ημφιεσμενον Arrayed? G2400 (G5628) ιδου Behold, G3588 οι Those Who G3588 τα The G3120 μαλακα Soft "garments" G5409 (G5723) φορουντες Wear G1722 εν In G3588 τοις The G3624 οικοις   G3588 των Houses G935 βασιλεων Of Kings G1526 (G5748) εισιν Are.
  9 G235 αλλα But G5101 τι What G1831 (G5627) εξηλθετε Went Ye Out G1492 (G5629) ιδειν To See? G4396 προφητην A Prophet? G3483 ναι Yea, G3004 (G5719) λεγω I Say G5213 υμιν To You, G2532 και And "one" G4055 περισσοτερον More Excellent G4396 προφητου Than A Prophet.
  10 G3778 ουτος   G1063 γαρ For This G2076 (G5748) εστιν Is "he" G4012 περι Concerning G3739 ου Whom G1125 (G5769) γεγραπται It Has Been Written, G2400 (G5628) ιδου Behold, G1473 εγω I G649 (G5719) αποστελλω   G3588 τον Send G32 αγγελον   G3450 μου My Messenger G4253 προ Before G4383 προσωπου   G4675 σου Thy Face, G3739 ος Who G2680 (G5692) κατασκευασει   G3588 την Shall Prepare G3598 οδον   G4675 σου Thy Way G1715 εμπροσθεν Before G4675 σου Thee.
  11 G281 αμην Verily G3004 (G5719) λεγω I Say G5213 υμιν   G3756 ουκ To You, G1453 (G5769) εγηγερται There Has Not Risen G1722 εν Among "those" G1084 γεννητοις Born G1135 γυναικων Of Women G3187 μειζων A Greater G2491 ιωαννου Than John G3588 του The G910 βαπτιστου Baptist. G3588 ο   G1161 δε But He That "is" G3398 μικροτερος Less G1722 εν In G3588 τη The G932 βασιλεια Kingdom G3588 των Of The G3772 ουρανων Heavens G3187 μειζων Greater G846 αυτου Than He G2076 (G5748) εστιν Is.
  12 G575 απο   G1161 δε But From G3588 των The G2250 ημερων Days G2491 ιωαννου Of John G3588 του The G910 βαπτιστου Baptist G2193 εως Until G737 αρτι Now, G3588 η The G932 βασιλεια Kingdom G3588 των Of The G3772 ουρανων Heavens G971 (G5743) βιαζεται Is Taken By Violence, G2532 και And "the" G973 βιασται Violent G726 (G5719) αρπαζουσιν Seize G846 αυτην It.
  13 G3956 παντες   G1063 γαρ For All G3588 οι The G4396 προφηται Prophets G2532 και And G3588 ο The G3551 νομος Law G2193 εως Until G2491 ιωαννου John G4395 (G5656) προεφητευσαν Prophesied.
  14 G2532 και And G1487 ει If G2309 (G5719) θελετε Ye Are Willing G1209 (G5664) δεξασθαι To Receive "it", G846 αυτος He G2076 (G5748) εστιν Is G2243 ηλιας Elijah G3588 ο Who G3195 (G5723) μελλων Is About G2064 (G5738) ερχεσθαι To Come.
  15 G3588 ο He That G2192 (G5723) εχων Has G3775 ωτα Ears G191 (G5721) ακουειν To Hear, G191 (G5720) ακουετω Let Him Hear.
  16 G5101 τινι   G1161 δε But To What G3666 (G5692) ομοιωσω   G3588 την Shall I Liken G1074 γενεαν   G3778 ταυτην This Generation? G3664 ομοια Like G2076 (G5748) εστιν It Is G3808 παιδαριοις To Little Children G1722 εν In "the" G58 αγοραις Markets G2521 (G5740) καθημενοις Sitting, G2532 και And G4377 (G5723) προσφωνουσιν   G3588 τοις Calling G2083 εταιροις   G846 αυτων To Their Companions,
  17 G2532 και And G3004 (G5723) λεγουσιν Saying, G832 (G5656) ηυλησαμεν We Piped G5213 υμιν To You, G2532 και   G3756 ουκ And G3738 (G5662) ωρχησασθε Ye Did Not Dance; G2354 (G5656) εθρηνησαμεν We Mourned G5213 υμιν To You, G2532 και   G3756 ουκ And G2875 (G5668) εκοψασθε Ye Did Not Wail.
  18 G2064 (G5627) ηλθεν   G1063 γαρ For Came G2491 ιωαννης John G3383 μητε Neither G2068 (G5723) εσθιων Eating G3383 μητε Nor G4095 (G5723) πινων Drinking, G2532 και And G3004 (G5719) λεγουσιν They Say, G1140 δαιμονιον A Demon G2192 (G5719) εχει He Has.
  19 G2064 (G5627) ηλθεν Came G3588 ο The G5207 υιος   G3588 του Son G444 ανθρωπου Of Man G2068 (G5723) εσθιων Eating G2532 και And G4095 (G5723) πινων Drinking, G2532 και And G3004 (G5719) λεγουσιν They Say, G2400 (G5628) ιδου Behold, G444 ανθρωπος A Man G5314 φαγος A Glutton G2532 και And G3630 οινοποτης A Wine Bibber, G5057 τελωνων Of Tax Gatherers G5384 φιλος A Friend G2532 και And G268 αμαρτωλων Of Sinners. G2532 και And G1344 (G5681) εδικαιωθη   G3588 η Was Justified G4678 σοφια Wisdom G575 απο   G3588 των By G5043 τεκνων Children G846 αυτης Her.
  20 G5119 τοτε Then G756 (G5662) ηρξατο He Began G3679 (G5721) ονειδιζειν To Reproach G3588 τας The G4172 πολεις Cities G1722 εν In G3739 αις Which G1096 (G5633) εγενοντο Had Taken Place G3588 αι The G4118 πλεισται Most G1411 δυναμεις   G846 αυτου Of His Works Of Power, G3754 οτι   G3756 ου Because G3340 (G5656) μετενοησαν They Repented Not.
  21 G3759 ουαι Woe G4671 σοι To Thee, G5523 χοραζιν Chorazin! G3759 ουαι Woe G4671 σοι To Thee, G966 βηθσαιδαν Bethsaida! G3754 οτι For G1487 ει If G1722 εν In G5184 τυρω Tyre G2532 και And G4605 σιδωνι Sidon G1096 (G5633) εγενοντο Had Taken Place G3588 αι The G1411 δυναμεις Works Of Power G3588 αι Which G1096 (G5637) γενομεναι Have Taken Place G1722 εν In G5213 υμιν You, G3819 παλαι   G302 αν Long Ago G1722 εν In G4526 σακκω Sackcloth G2532 και And G4700 σποδω Ashes G3340 (G5656) μετενοησαν They Had Repented.
  22 G4133 πλην But G3004 (G5719) λεγω I Say G5213 υμιν To You, G5184 τυρω For Tyre G2532 και And G4605 σιδωνι Sidon G414 ανεκτοτερον More Tolerable G2071 (G5704) εσται Shall It Be G1722 εν In G2250 ημερα Day G2920 κρισεως Of Judgment G2228 η Than G5213 υμιν For You.
  23 G2532 και And G4771 συ Thou, G2584 καπερναουμ Capernaum, G3588 η Who G2193 εως To G3588 του The G3772 ουρανου Heaven G5312 (G5685) υψωθεισα Hast Been Lifted Up, G2193 εως To G86 αδου Hades G2601 (G5701) καταβιβασθηση Shalt Be Brought Down : G3754 οτι For G1487 ει If G1722 εν In G4670 σοδομοις Sodom G1096 (G5633) εγενοντο Had Taken Place G3588 αι The G1411 δυναμεις Works Of Power G3588 αι Which G1096 (G5637) γενομεναι Have Taken Place G1722 εν In G4671 σοι Thee, G3306 (G5656) εμειναν   G302 αν It Had Remained G3360 μεχρι   G3588 της Until G4594 σημερον Today.
  24 G4133 πλην But G3004 (G5719) λεγω I Say G5213 υμιν To You, G3754 οτι That G1093 γη For "the" Land G4670 σοδομων Of Sodom G414 ανεκτοτερον More Tolerable G2071 (G5704) εσται Shall It Be G1722 εν In G2250 ημερα Day G2920 κρισεως Of Judgment G2228 η Than G4671 σοι For Thee.
  25 G1722 εν At G1565 εκεινω   G3588 τω That G2540 καιρω Time G611 (G5679) αποκριθεις   G3588 ο Answering G2424 ιησους Jesus G2036 (G5627) ειπεν Said, G1843 (G5731) εξομολογουμαι I Praise G4671 σοι Thee, G3962 πατερ O Father, G2962 κυριε Lord G3588 του Of The G3772 ουρανου Heaven G2532 και And G3588 της The G1093 γης Earth, G3754 οτι That G613 (G5656) απεκρυψας Thou Didst Hide G5023 ταυτα These Things G575 απο From G4680 σοφων Wise G2532 και And G4908 συνετων Prudent, G2532 και And G601 (G5656) απεκαλυψας Didst Reveal G846 αυτα Them G3516 νηπιοις To Babes.
  26 G3483 ναι   G3588 ο Yea, G3962 πατηρ Father, G3754 οτι For G3779 ουτως Thus G1096 (G5633) εγενετο It Was G2107 ευδοκια Well Pleasing G1715 εμπροσθεν Before G4675 σου Thee.
  27 G3956 παντα All Things G3427 μοι To Me G3860 (G5681) παρεδοθη Were Delivered G5259 υπο   G3588 του By G3962 πατρος   G3450 μου My Father. G2532 και And G3762 ουδεις No One G1921 (G5719) επιγινωσκει Knows G3588 τον The G5207 υιον Son G1487 ει   G3361 μη Except G3588 ο The G3962 πατηρ Father; G3761 ουδε Nor G3588 τον The G3962 πατερα Father G5100 τις Any One G1921 (G5719) επιγινωσκει Does Know G1487 ει   G3361 μη Except G3588 ο The G5207 υιος Son, G2532 και And G3739 ω   G1437 εαν He To Whomsoever G1014 (G5741) βουληται May Will G3588 ο The G5207 υιος Son G601 (G5658) αποκαλυψαι To Reveal "him".
  28 G1205 (G5773) δευτε Come G4314 προς To G3165 με Me, G3956 παντες All G3588 οι Ye That G2872 (G5723) κοπιωντες Labour G2532 και And G5412 (G5772) πεφορτισμενοι Are Burdened, G2504 καγω And I G373 (G5692) αναπαυσω Will Give Rest G5209 υμας You.
  29 G142 (G5657) αρατε   G3588 τον Take G2218 ζυγον   G3450 μου My Yoke G1909 εφ Upon G5209 υμας You, G2532 και And G3129 (G5628) μαθετε Learn G575 απ From G1700 εμου Me, G3754 οτι For G4235 πραος Meek G1510 (G5748) ειμι I Am G2532 και And G5011 ταπεινος   G3588 τη Lowly G2588 καρδια In Heart; G2532 και And G2147 (G5692) ευρησετε Ye Shall Find G372 αναπαυσιν   G3588 ταις Rest G5590 ψυχαις   G5216 υμων To Your Souls.
  30 G3588 ο   G1063 γαρ For G2218 ζυγος   G3450 μου My Yoke G5543 χρηστος Easy G2532 και   G3588 το And G5413 φορτιον Burden G3450 μου My G1645 ελαφρον Light G2076 (G5748) εστιν Is.