Judges 18:17-24

  17 G2532 Then G305 [8ascended G3588 1the G4002 2five G435 3men G3588   G4198 4going G2679.2 5to survey G3588 6the G1093 7land]; G2532 and G1904 coming G1563 there, G2983 they took G3588 the G1099.3 carved image, G2532 and G3588 the G2186.5 ephod, G2532 and G3588 the G2324.1 teraphim, G2532 and G3588 the G5560.8 molten image . G2532 And G3588 the G2409 priest G4739.3 was set up G3844 by G3588 the G2374 door G3588 of the G4440 gatehouse, G2532 and G3588 the G1812 six hundred G435 men G3588   G4024 were girded with G4632 weapons G4170.1 for warfare.
  18 G2532 And G3778 when these G1525 entered G1519 into G3624 the house G* of Micah, G2532 and G2983 took G3588 the G1099.3 carved image, G2532 and G3588 the G2186.5 ephod, G2532 and G3588 the G2324.1 teraphim, G2532 and G3588 the G5560.8 molten image, G2532 that G2036 [3said G4314 4to G1473 5them G3588 1the G2409 2priest], G5100 What G1473 do you do? G4160  
  19 G2532 And G2036 they said G4314 to G1473 him, G2973.1 Be silent, G2007 place G3588   G5495 your hand G1473   G1909 over G3588   G4750 your mouth, G1473   G2532 and G2064 come G3326 with G1473 us! G2532 and G1510.8.2 you will be G1473 to us G1519 for G3962 a father G2532 and G1519 for G2409 a priest. G3361 Is it not G957 better G1510.1 for you to be G1473   G2409 a priest G3624 of the house G435 [2man G1520 1of one], G2228 or G1096 for you to be G1473   G2409 priest G5443 of a tribe G2532 and G4772 kin G1722 in G* Israel?
  20 G2532 And G18.2 it was good G3588 to the G2588 heart G3588 of the G2409 priest. G2532 And G2983 he took G3588 the G2186.5 ephod, G2532 and G3588 the G2324.1 teraphim, G2532 and G3588 the G1099.3 carved image, G2532 and G3588 the G5560.8 molten image, G2532 and G1525 entered G1722 into G3319 the midst G3588 of the G2992 people.
  21 G2532 And G1994 they turned G2532 and G565 went forth, G2532 and G5087 put G3588 the G5043 children, G2532 and G3588 the G2934.3 property, G2532 and G3588 the G922 load G1715 before G1473 them.
  22 G1473 And they G1161   G3118.2 were far G575 from G3624 the house G* of Micah, G2532 and G2400 behold, G* Micah G2532 and G3588 the G435 men G3588   G1722 in G3588 the G3614 houses, G3588   G3326 near G3588 the G3624 house G* of Micah G2896 cried out, G2532 and G2638 they overtook G3588 the G5207 sons G* of Dan.
  23 G2532 And G994 they yelled G4314 to G5207 the sons G* of Dan. G2532 And G1994 [4turned G3588 1the G5207 2sons G* 3of Dan] G3588   G4383 their faces, G1473   G2532 and G2036 they said G3588 to G* Micah, G5100 What G1510.2.3 is it G1473 to you G3754 that G2896 you cry out?
  24 G2532 And G2036 he said, G3588 The G2316 gods G3739 which G4160 I made G2983 you took, G2532 and G3588 the G2409 priest, G2532 and G565 you departed. G2532 And G5100 what is there G1473 to me G2089 still? G2532 And G5100 what G3778 is this G1473 you say to me, G3004   G5100 Why G3778 is this G2896 that you cry out?
  17 G2532 και G305 ανέβησαν G3588 οι G4002 πέντε G435 άνδρες G3588 οι G4198 πορευόμενοι G2679.2 κατασκέψασθαι G3588 την G1093 γην G2532 και G1904 επελθόντες G1563 εκεί G2983 έλαβον G3588 το G1099.3 γλυπτόν G2532 και G3588 το G2186.5 εφούδ G2532 και G3588 το G2324.1 θεραφίμ G2532 και G3588 το G5560.8 χωνευτόν G2532 και G3588 ο G2409 ιερεύς G4739.3 εστηλωμένος G3844 παρά G3588 τη G2374 θύραν G3588 του G4440 πυλώνος G2532 και G3588 οι G1812 εξακόσιοι G435 άνδρες G3588 οι G4024 περιεζωσμένοι G4632 σκεύη G4170.1 πολεμικά
  18 G2532 και G3778 ούτοι G1525 εισήλθον G1519 εις G3624 οίκον G* Μιχά G2532 και G2983 έλαβον G3588 το G1099.3 γλυπτόν G2532 και G3588 το G2186.5 εφούδ G2532 και G3588 το G2324.1 θεραφίν G2532 και G3588 το G5560.8 χωνευτόν G2532 και G2036 είπε G4314 προς G1473 αυτούς G3588 ο G2409 ιερεύς G5100 τι G1473 υμείς ποιείτε G4160  
  19 G2532 και G2036 είπαν G4314 προς G1473 αυτόν G2973.1 κώφευσον G2007 επίθες G3588 την G5495 χείρά σου G1473   G1909 επί G3588 το G4750 στόμα σου G1473   G2532 και G2064 ελθέ G3326 μεθ΄ G1473 ημών G2532 και G1510.8.2 έση G1473 ημίν G1519 εις G3962 πατέρα G2532 και G1519 εις G2409 ιερέα G3361 μη G957 βέλτιον G1510.1 είναί σε G1473   G2409 ιερέα G3624 οίκου G435 ανδρός G1520 ενός G2228 η G1096 γενέσθαι σε G1473   G2409 ιερέα G5443 φυλής G2532 και G4772 συγγενείας G1722 εν G* Ισραήλ
  20 G2532 και G18.2 ηγαθύνθη G3588 η G2588 καρδία G3588 του G2409 ιερέως G2532 και G2983 έλαβε G3588 το G2186.5 εφούδ G2532 και G3588 το G2324.1 θεραφίν G2532 και G3588 το G1099.3 γλυπτόν G2532 και G3588 το G5560.8 χωνευτόν G2532 και G1525 εισήλθεν G1722 εν G3319 μέσω G3588 του G2992 λαού
  21 G2532 και G1994 επέστρεψαν G2532 και G565 απήλθον G2532 και G5087 έθηκαν G3588 την G5043 τέκνα G2532 και G3588 την G2934.3 κτήσιν G2532 και G3588 το G922 βάρος G1715 έμπροσθεν G1473 αυτών
  22 G1473 αυτοί δε G1161   G3118.2 εμάκρυναν G575 από G3624 οίκου G* Μιχά G2532 και G2400 ιδού G* Μιχά G2532 και G3588 οι G435 άνδρες G3588 οι G1722 εν G3588 ταις G3614 οικίαις G3588 ταις G3326 μετά G3588 του G3624 οίκου G* Μιχά G2896 έκραζον G2532 και G2638 κατέλαβον G3588 τους G5207 υιούς G* Δαν
  23 G2532 και G994 εβόησαν G4314 προς G5207 υιούς G* Δαν G2532 και G1994 επέστρεψαν G3588 οι G5207 υιοί G* Δαν G3588 τα G4383 πρόσωπα αυτών G1473   G2532 και G2036 είπον G3588 προς G* Μιχά G5100 τι G1510.2.3 εστί G1473 σοι G3754 ότι G2896 έκραξας
  24 G2532 και G2036 είπε G3588 τους G2316 θεούς G3739 ους G4160 εποίησα G2983 ελάβετε G2532 και G3588 τον G2409 ιερέα G2532 και G565 απήλθετε G2532 και G5100 τι G1473 μοι G2089 έτι G2532 και G5100 τι G3778 τούτό G1473 μοι λέγετε G3004   G5100 τι G3778 τούτο G2896 κράζεις
    17 G2532 CONJ και G305 V-AAI-3P ανεβησαν G3588 T-NPM οι G4002 N-NUI πεντε G435 N-NPM ανδρες G3588 T-NPM οι G4198 V-PMPNP πορευομενοι   V-AMN κατασκεψασθαι G3588 T-ASF την G1065 N-ASF γην   V-AAPNP επελθοντες G1563 ADV εκει G2983 V-AAI-3P ελαβον G3588 T-ASN το   A-ASN γλυπτον G2532 CONJ και G3588 T-ASN το   N-PRI εφουδ G2532 CONJ και G3588 T-ASN το   N-PRI θεραφιν G2532 CONJ και G3588 T-ASN το   A-ASN χωνευτον G2532 CONJ και G3588 T-NSM ο G2409 N-NSM ιερευς   V-RMPNS εστηλωμενος G3844 PREP παρα G3588 T-DSF τη G2374 N-DSF θυρα G3588 T-GSM του G4440 N-GSM πυλωνος G2532 CONJ και G3588 T-NPM οι G1812 A-NPM εξακοσιοι G435 N-NPM ανδρες G3588 T-NPM οι G4024 V-RMPNP περιεζωσμενοι G4632 N-APN σκευη   A-APN πολεμικα
    18 G2532 CONJ και G3778 D-NPM ουτοι G1525 V-AAI-3P εισηλθον G1519 PREP εις G3624 N-ASM οικον   N-PRI μιχα G2532 CONJ και G2983 V-AAI-3P ελαβον G3588 T-ASN το   A-ASN γλυπτον G2532 CONJ και G3588 T-ASN το   N-PRI εφουδ G2532 CONJ και G3588 T-ASN το   N-PRI θεραφιν G2532 CONJ και G3588 T-ASN το   A-ASN χωνευτον G2532 CONJ και   V-AAI-3S ειπεν G4314 PREP προς G846 D-APM αυτους G3588 T-NSM ο G2409 N-NSM ιερευς G5100 I-ASN τι G4771 P-NP υμεις G4160 V-PAI-2P ποιειτε
    19 G2532 CONJ και   V-AAI-3P ειπαν G4314 PREP προς G846 D-ASM αυτον   V-AAD-2S κωφευσον G2007 V-AAD-2S επιθες G3588 T-ASF την G5495 N-ASF χειρα G4771 P-GS σου G1909 PREP επι G3588 T-ASN το G4750 N-ASN στομα G4771 P-GS σου G2532 CONJ και G2064 V-AAD-2S ελθε G3326 PREP μεθ G1473 P-GP ημων G2532 CONJ και G1510 V-FMI-2S εση G1473 P-DP ημιν G1519 PREP εις G3962 N-ASM πατερα G2532 CONJ και G1519 PREP εις G2409 N-ASM ιερεα G3165 ADV μη G957 A-NSN βελτιον G1510 V-PAN ειναι G4771 P-AS σε G2409 N-ASM ιερεα G3624 N-GSM οικου G435 N-GSM ανδρος G1519 A-GSM ενος G2228 CONJ η G1096 V-PMN γινεσθαι G4771 P-AS σε G2409 N-ASM ιερεα G5443 N-GSF φυλης G2532 CONJ και G4772 N-GSF συγγενειας G1722 PREP εν G2474 N-PRI ισραηλ
    20 G2532 CONJ και   V-API-3S ηγαθυνθη G3588 T-NSF η G2588 N-NSF καρδια G3588 T-GSM του G2409 N-GSM ιερεως G2532 CONJ και G2983 V-AAI-3S ελαβεν G3588 T-ASN το   N-PRI εφουδ G2532 CONJ και G3588 T-ASN το   N-PRI θεραφιν G2532 CONJ και G3588 T-ASN το   A-ASN γλυπτον G2532 CONJ και G3588 T-ASN το   A-ASN χωνευτον G2532 CONJ και G1525 V-AAI-3S εισηλθεν G1722 PREP εν G3319 A-DSN μεσω G3588 T-GSM του G2992 N-GSM λαου
    21 G2532 CONJ και G1994 V-AAI-3P επεστρεψαν G2532 CONJ και G565 V-AAI-3P απηλθαν G2532 CONJ και G5021 V-AAI-3P εταξαν G3588 T-ASF την   N-ASF πανοικιαν G2532 CONJ και G3588 T-ASF την   N-ASF κτησιν G846 D-GSM αυτου G3588 T-ASF την G1741 A-ASF ενδοξον G1715 PREP εμπροσθεν G846 D-GPM αυτων
    22 G846 D-GPM αυτων G1161 PRT δε   V-RAPGP μεμακρυγκοτων G575 PREP απο G3588 T-GSM του G3624 N-GSM οικου   N-PRI μιχα G2532 CONJ και G2400 INJ ιδου   N-PRI μιχα G2532 CONJ και G3588 T-NPM οι G435 N-NPM ανδρες G3588 T-NPM οι G4862 PREP συν G3588 T-DSM τω G3624 N-DSM οικω G3326 PREP μετα   N-PRI μιχα G2896 V-IAI-3P εκραζον   PREP κατοπισω G5207 N-GPM υιων   N-PRI δαν
    23 G2532 CONJ και G1994 V-AAI-3P επεστρεψαν G3588 T-NPM οι G5207 N-NPM υιοι   N-PRI δαν G3588 T-APN τα G4383 N-APN προσωπα G846 D-GPM αυτων G2532 CONJ και   V-AAI-3P ειπαν G4314 PREP προς   N-PRI μιχα G5100 I-NSN τι G1510 V-PAI-3S εστιν G4771 P-DS σοι G3754 CONJ οτι G2896 V-AAI-2S εκραξας
    24 G2532 CONJ και   V-AAI-3S ειπεν   N-PRI μιχα G3754 CONJ οτι G3588 T-ASN το   A-ASN γλυπτον G1473 P-GS μου G3739 R-ASN ο G4160 V-AAI-1S εποιησα G1683 D-DSM εμαυτω G2983 V-AAI-2P ελαβετε G2532 CONJ και G3588 T-ASM τον G2409 N-ASM ιερεα G2532 ADV και G565 V-AAI-2P απηλθατε G2532 CONJ και G5100 I-NSN τι G1473 P-DS εμοι G2089 ADV ετι G2532 CONJ και G5100 I-ASN τι G3778 D-ASN τουτο G3004 V-PAI-2P λεγετε G1473 P-DS μοι G5100 I-ASN τι G3778 D-ASN τουτο G2896 V-PAI-2S κραζεις
HOT(i) 17 ויעלו חמשׁת האנשׁים ההלכים לרגל את הארץ באו שׁמה לקחו את הפסל ואת האפוד ואת התרפים ואת המסכה והכהן נצב פתח השׁער ושׁשׁ מאות האישׁ החגור כלי המלחמה׃ 18 ואלה באו בית מיכה ויקחו את פסל האפוד ואת התרפים ואת המסכה ויאמר אליהם הכהן מה אתם עשׂים׃ 19 ויאמרו לו החרשׁ שׂים ידך על פיך ולך עמנו והיה לנו לאב ולכהן הטוב היותך כהן לבית אישׁ אחד או היותך כהן לשׁבט ולמשׁפחה בישׂראל׃ 20 וייטב לב הכהן ויקח את האפוד ואת התרפים ואת הפסל ויבא בקרב העם׃ 21 ויפנו וילכו וישׂימו את הטף ואת המקנה ואת הכבודה לפניהם׃ 22 המה הרחיקו מבית מיכה והאנשׁים אשׁר בבתים אשׁר עם בית מיכה נזעקו וידביקו את בני דן׃ 23 ויקראו אל בני דן ויסבו פניהם ויאמרו למיכה מה לך כי נזעקת׃ 24 ויאמר את אלהי אשׁר עשׂיתי לקחתם ואת הכהן ותלכו ומה לי עוד ומה זה תאמרו אלי מה׃
IHOT(i) (In English order)
  17 H5927 ויעלו that went H2568 חמשׁת And the five H376 האנשׁים men H1980 ההלכים   H7270 לרגל to spy out H853 את   H776 הארץ the land H935 באו came in H8033 שׁמה thither, H3947 לקחו took H853 את   H6456 הפסל   H853 ואת   H646 האפוד and the ephod, H853 ואת   H8655 התרפים and the teraphim, H853 ואת   H4541 המסכה and the molten image: H3548 והכהן and the priest H5324 נצב stood H6607 פתח in the entering H8179 השׁער of the gate H8337 ושׁשׁ with the six H3967 מאות hundred H376 האישׁ men H2296 החגור appointed H3627 כלי with weapons H4421 המלחמה׃ of war.
  18 H428 ואלה And these H935 באו went H1004 בית house, H4318 מיכה into Micah's H3947 ויקחו and fetched H853 את   H6459 פסל the carved image, H646 האפוד the ephod, H853 ואת   H8655 התרפים and the teraphim, H853 ואת   H4541 המסכה and the molten image. H559 ויאמר Then said H413 אליהם unto H3548 הכהן the priest H4100 מה them, What H859 אתם ye? H6213 עשׂים׃ do
  19 H559 ויאמרו And they said H2790 לו החרשׁ unto him, Hold thy peace, H7760 שׂים lay H3027 ידך thine hand H5921 על upon H6310 פיך thy mouth, H1980 ולך and go H5973 עמנו with H1961 והיה us, and be H1 לנו לאב to us a father H3548 ולכהן and a priest: H2896 הטוב better H1961 היותך for thee to be H3548 כהן a priest H1004 לבית unto the house H376 אישׁ man, H259 אחד of one H176 או or H1961 היותך that thou be H3548 כהן a priest H7626 לשׁבט unto a tribe H4940 ולמשׁפחה and a family H3478 בישׂראל׃ in Israel?
  20 H3190 וייטב was glad, H3820 לב heart H3548 הכהן And the priest's H3947 ויקח and he took H853 את   H646 האפוד the ephod, H853 ואת   H8655 התרפים and the teraphim, H853 ואת   H6459 הפסל and the graven image, H935 ויבא and went H7130 בקרב in the midst H5971 העם׃ of the people.
  21 H6437 ויפנו So they turned H1980 וילכו and departed, H7760 וישׂימו and put H853 את   H2945 הטף the little ones H853 ואת   H4735 המקנה and the cattle H853 ואת   H3520 הכבודה and the carriage H6440 לפניהם׃ before
  22 H1992 המה when they H7368 הרחיקו were a good way H1004 מבית from the house H4318 מיכה of Micah, H582 והאנשׁים   H834 אשׁר that H1004 בבתים in the houses H834 אשׁר   H5973 עם near H1004 בית house H4318 מיכה to Micah's H2199 נזעקו were gathered together, H1692 וידביקו and overtook H853 את   H1121 בני the children H1835 דן׃ of Dan.
  23 H7121 ויקראו And they cried H413 אל unto H1121 בני the children H1835 דן of Dan. H5437 ויסבו And they turned H6440 פניהם their faces, H559 ויאמרו and said H4318 למיכה unto Micah, H4100 מה What H3588 לך כי aileth thee, that H2199 נזעקת׃ thou comest with such a company?
  24 H559 ויאמר And he said, H853 את   H430 אלהי my gods H834 אשׁר which H6213 עשׂיתי I made, H3947 לקחתם Ye have taken away H853 ואת   H3548 הכהן and the priest, H1980 ותלכו and ye are gone away: H4100 ומה and what H5750 לי עוד have I more? H4100 ומה and what H2088 זה this H559 תאמרו ye say H413 אלי unto H4100 מה׃ me, What
  17 H2568 And the five H582 men H1980 [H8802] that went H7270 [H8763] to spy out H776 the land H5927 [H8799] went up, H935 [H8804] and came in H3947 [H8804] there, and took H6459 the graven image, H646 and the ephod, H8655 and the teraphim, H4541 and the molten image: H3548 and the priest H5324 [H8737] stood H6607 in the entrance H8179 of the gate H8337 with the six H3967 hundred H376 men H2296 [H8803] that were appointed H3627 with weapons H4421 of war.
  18 H935 [H8804] And these went H4318 into Micah's H1004 house, H3947 [H8799] and brought H6459 the carved image, H646 the ephod, H8655 and the teraphim, H4541 and the molten image. H559 [H8799] Then said H3548 the priest H6213 [H8802] to them, What do ye?
  19 H559 [H8799] And they said H2790 [H8685] to him, Hold thy peace, H7760 [H8798] lay H3027 thine hand H6310 upon thy mouth, H3212 [H8798] and go H1961 [H8800] with us, and be to us H1 a father H3548 and a priest: H2896 is it better H3548 for thee to be a priest H1004 to the house H259 of one H376 man, H3548 or that thou shouldest be a priest H7626 to a tribe H4940 and a family H3478 in Israel?
  20 H3548 And the priest's H3820 heart H3190 [H8799] was glad, H3947 [H8799] and he took H646 the ephod, H8655 and the teraphim, H6459 and the graven image, H935 [H8799] and went in H7130 the midst H5971 of the people.
  21 H6437 [H8799] So they turned H3212 [H8799] and departed, H7760 [H8799] and put H2945 the little ones H4735 and the cattle H3520 and the possessions H6440 at the face of them.
  22 H7368 [H8689] And when they were a good way H1004 from the house H4318 of Micah, H582 the men H1004 that were in the houses H4318 near to Micah's H1004 house H2199 [H8738] were gathered together, H1692 [H8686] and overtook H1121 the sons H1835 of Dan.
  23 H7121 [H8799] And they called H1121 to the sons H1835 of Dan. H5437 [H8686] And they turned H6440 their faces, H559 [H8799] and said H4318 to Micah, H2199 [H8738] What aileth thee, that thou comest with such a company?
  24 H559 [H8799] And he said, H3947 [H8804] Ye have taken away H430 my gods H6213 [H8804] which I made, H3548 and the priest, H3212 [H8799] and ye have gone away: H559 [H8799] and what have I more? and what is this that ye say to me, What aileth thee?
Vulgate(i) 17 at illi qui ingressi fuerant domum iuvenis sculptile et ephod et therafin atque conflatile tollere nitebantur et sacerdos stabat ante ostium sescentis viris fortissimis haut procul expectantibus 18 tulerunt igitur qui intraverant sculptile ephod et idola atque conflatile quibus dixit sacerdos quid facitis 19 cui responderunt tace et pone digitum super os tuum venique nobiscum ut habeamus te patrem et sacerdotem quid tibi melius est ut sis sacerdos in domo unius viri an in una tribu et familia in Israhel 20 quod cum audisset adquievit sermonibus eorum et tulit ephod et idola ac sculptile et cum eis profectus est 21 qui cum pergerent et ante se ire fecissent parvulos et iumenta et omne quod erat pretiosum 22 iamque a domo Michae essent procul viri qui habitabant in aedibus Michae conclamantes secuti sunt 23 et post tergum clamare coeperunt qui cum respexissent dixerunt ad Micham quid tibi vis cur clamas 24 qui respondit deos meos quos mihi feci tulistis et sacerdotem et omnia quae habeo et dicitis quid tibi est
Clementine_Vulgate(i) 17 At illi, qui ingressi fuerant domum juvenis, sculptile, et ephod, et theraphim, atque conflatile tollere nitebantur, et sacerdos stabat ante ostium, sexcentis viris fortissimis haud procul expectantibus. 18 Tulerunt igitur qui intraverant sculptile, ephod, et idola, atque conflatile. Quibus dixit sacerdos: Quid facitis? 19 Cui responderunt: Tace et pone digitum super os tuum: venique nobiscum, ut habeamus te patrem, ac sacerdotem. Quid tibi melius est, ut sis sacerdos in domo unius viri, an in una tribu et familia in Israël? 20 Quod cum audisset, acquievit sermonibus eorum, et tulit ephod, et idola, ac sculptile, et profectus est cum eis. 21 Qui cum pergerent, et ante se ire fecissent parvulos ac jumenta, et omne quod erat pretiosum, 22 et jam a domo Michæ essent procul, viri qui habitabant in ædibus Michæ conclamantes secuti sunt, 23 et post tergum clamare cœperunt. Qui cum respexissent, dixerunt ad Micham: Quid tibi vis? cur clamas? 24 Qui respondit: Deos meos, quos mihi feci, tulistis, et sacerdotem, et omnia quæ habeo, et dicitis: Quid tibi est?
Wycliffe(i) 17 while sixe hundrid strongeste men abideden not fer. 18 Therfor thei that entriden token the grauun ymage, ephod, and idols, and the yotun ymage; to whiche the preest seide, What doen ye? 19 To whom thei answeriden, Be thou stille, and putte the fyngur on thi mouth, and come with vs, that we haue thee fadir and preest. What is betere to thee, that thou be preest in the hows of o man, whether in o lynage and meynee in Israel? 20 And whanne he hadde herd this, he assentide to `the wordis of hem, and he took the ephod, and ydols, and the grauun ymage, and yede forth with hem. 21 And whanne thei yeden, and hadden maad the litle children, and werk beestis, and al thing that was preciouse, to go bifor hem; 22 and whanne thei weren now fer fro `the hows of Mychas, men that dwelliden in the housis of Mychas, crieden togidere, and sueden, 23 and bigunnun to crye `aftir the bak. Whiche whanne thei hadden biholde, seiden to Mychas, What wolt thou to thee? whi criest thou? 24 Which answeride, Ye han take awey my goddis whiche Y made to me, and the preest, and alle thingis whiche Y haue; and ye seien, What is to thee?
Coverdale(i) 17 And the fyue men that were gone out to spye ye londe, wete vp, and came thither, and toke the ymage, the ouerbody cote, & the molten Idols. In the meane whyle stode ye prest at the gate, with the sixe hundreth readye harnessed. 18 Now wha these were come in to Michas house, and toke the ymage, the ouerbody cote, and the molten Idols, the prest sayde vnto them: What do ye? 19 They answered him: Holde thy peace, and laye thine hande vpon thy mouth, and go with vs, yt thou mayest be oure father & prest. Is it better for the to be prest in one mans house, then amonge a whole trybe & kynred in Israel? 20 This pleased the prest well, & he toke both the ouerbody cote, and the Idols, and the ymage, and came in amonge the people. 21 And whan they turned them and wente thence, they sent their children, and catell, and soch precious thynges as they had, before them. 22 Whan they were come farre now from the house of Micha, the men yt were in Michas houses gathered the together by Michas house, & folowed ye childre of Dan, and cried vpon the childre of Dan. 23 They turned their faces aboute, and sayde vnto Micha: What ayleth the, yt thou makest soch a crienge? 24 He answered: Ye haue taken awaye my goddes, and the prest, & are goinge yor waie, and what haue I behynde? What is here? And yet ye saye vnto me: What ayleth the?
MSTC(i) 17 And the five men that went to spy out the land, went in thither and took the carved image and the ephod, the graven image, and the image of metal. And the priest stood in the entering of the gate with the six hundred men that were armed unto battle, 18 while the other went to Micah's house, and fetched the carved image, the ephod, the graven image and the image of metal. Then said the priest unto them, "What do ye?" 19 And they answered him, "Hold thy peace, and put thine hand upon thy mouth, and come with us, and be unto us a father and a priest. Whether is it better for thee to be a priest? Unto the house of one man, or to be priest unto a tribe or a kindred in Israel?" 20 And the priest was glad and took the ephod and the images, and the graven image, and went with the people. 21 And they turned and departed, and put the children, the cattle and their costly things before them. 22 When they were a good way from the house of Micah, the men that were in the houses that were by Micah's house, made an outcry, and followed after the children of Dan and called unto them. 23 And they turned their faces, and said unto Micah, "What aileth thee, that thou makest an outcry?" 24 And he said, "Ye have taken away my gods which I made, and also the priest, and go your ways with them! And what have I more? How then say ye unto me, 'What aileth thee?'"
Matthew(i) 17 And the fyue men that wente to spye out the land, wente in thether & toke the kerued Image, and the Ephod the kerued Image, and the Image of metal. And the priest stode in the enteringe of the gate with the syxe hundred men that were armed vnto battel, 18 while the other went to Micahs house, and fet the kerued Image, the Ephod, the kerued Image and the Image of metall. Then said the priest vnto them: what do ye? 19 and they answered hym, holde thy peace, and put thyne hande vpon thy mouth, and come wyth vs, and be vnto vs a father and a prieste, whether is it better for the to be a prieste vnto the house of one man, or to be prieste vnto a trybe or a kynred in Israell? 20 And the preste was glad, and toke the Ephod and the Images, and the grauen Image, and wente wyth the people. 21 And they turned and departed, and put the chyldren, the catel and their costlye thynges before them. 22 When they were a good waye from the house of Micah, the men that were in the houses that were by Micahs house, made an outcrye, and folowed after the children of Dan & called vnto them. 23 And they turned their faces & sayde vnto Micah, what ayleth the, that thou makeste an outcrye: 24 And he sayde, ye haue taken away my Goddes which I made and also the priest, and go youre wayes with them: And what haue I more, how then saye ye vnto me, what ayleth the?
Great(i) 17 And the fyue men that went to spye out the lande, went in thyther and toke the kerued Image, and the Ephod, Theraphim, and the ymage of metall. And the preste stode in the enterynge of the gate with the syxe hundred men that were armed vnto batayl, 18 whyle the other wente into Michas house, and fet the kerued ymage, the Ephod, Theraphim, and the ymage of metall. Then sayd the preste vnto them: what do ye? 19 They answered hym: holde thy peace, laye thyne hande vpon thy mouth, and come with vs, to be oure father & preste. Is it better for the to be a preste vnto the house of one man, then to be a prest vnto a trybe or a kynred in Israell? 20 And the preste was glad and toke the Ephod, and Theraphim, and the grauen ymage, & went with the people. 21 And they turned and departed, and put the chyldren, the catell and their other substaunce before them. 22 And when they were a good waye from the house of Micah, the men that were in the houses, and in Micahs house, made an oute crye, and folowed after the chyldren of Dan, and called vnto them. 23 And they turned their faces, and sayde vnto Micah: what ayleth the, that thou makest an out crye? 24 And he sayd: ye haue taken awaye my goddes whych I made, and also the preste, and go your wayes with them. And what haue I more? how then saye ye vnto me, what ayleth the?
Geneva(i) 17 Then the fiue men that went to spie out the land, went in thither, and tooke the grauen image and the Ephod, and the Teraphim, and the molten image: and the Priest stoode in the entring of the gate with the sixe hundreth men, that were appointed with weapons of warre, 18 And the other went into Michahs house and fet the grauen image, the Ephod, and the Teraphim, and the molten image. Then saide the Priest vnto them, What doe ye? 19 And they answered him, Holde thy peace: lay thine hande vpon thy mouth, and come with vs to be our father and Priest. Whether is it better that thou shouldest be a Priest vnto ye house of one man, or that thou shouldest be a Priest vnto a tribe and to a familie in Israel? 20 And the Priestes heart was glad, and hee tooke the Ephod and the Teraphim, and the grauen image, and went among the people. 21 And they turned and departed, and put the children, and the cattell, and the substance before them. 22 When they were farre off from the house of Michah, the men that were in the houses neere to Michahs house, gathered together, and pursued after the children of Dan, 23 And cryed vnto the children of Dan: who turned their faces, and said vnto Michah, What ayleth thee, that thou makest an outcrie? 24 And hee saide, Yee haue taken away my gods, which I made, and the Priest, and go your wayes: and what haue I more? howe then say ye vnto me, what ayleth thee?
Bishops(i) 17 And the fiue men that went to spye out the lande, went in thyther, & toke the graue image, & the Ephod, Theraphim, and the moulten image: (And the priest stoode in the entryng of the gate with the sixe hundred men that were appointed with weapons of warre. 18 Whyle the other went into Micahs house, and fet the carued image, the Ephod, Theraphim, and the moulten image: Then saide the priest vnto them, what do ye 19 They aunswered hym: Holde thy peace, lay thine hande vpon thy mouth, and come with vs, to be our father and priest: Is it better for thee to be a priest vnto the house of one man, then to be a priest vnto a tribe or kynred in Israel 20 And the priestes hearte was glad, and toke the Ephod, and Theraphim, and the grauen image, and went in the middest of the people 21 And they turned and departed, and put the children, the catell, and their other substaunce before them 22 And whe they were a good way from the house of Micah, the men that were in the houses neare to Micahs house, gathered together, & folowed after the children of Dan 23 And called vnto them, and they turned their faces, & said vnto Micah: What ayleth thee, that thou makest an outcrye 24 And he sayd: Ye haue taken away my goddes which I made, and also ye priest, and go your wayes: and what haue I more? How then saye ye vnto me, What ayleth thee
DouayRheims(i) 17 But they that were gone into the house of the young man, went about to take away the graven god, and the ephod, and the theraphim, and the molten god, and the priest stood before the door, the six hundred valiant men waiting not far off. 18 So they that were gone in took away the graven thing, the ephod, and the idols, and the molten god, And the priest said to them: What are you doing? 19 And they said to him: Hold thy peace, and put thy finger on thy mouth, and come with us, that we may have thee for a father, and a priest. Whether is better for thee, to be a priest in the house of one man, or in a tribe and family in Israel? 20 When he heard this, he agreed to their words, and took the ephod, and the idols, and the graven god, and departed with them. 21 And when they were going forward, and had put before them the children and the cattle, and all that was valuable, 22 And were now at a distance from the house of Michas, the men that dwelt in the houses of Michas gathering together followed them, 23 And began to shout out after them. They looked back, and said to Michas: What aileth thee? Why dost thou cry? 24 And he answered: You have taken away my gods which I have made me, and the priest, and all that I have, and do you say: What aileth thee?
KJV(i) 17 And the five men that went to spy out the land went up, and came in thither, and took the graven image, and the ephod, and the teraphim, and the molten image: and the priest stood in the entering of the gate with the six hundred men that were appointed with weapons of war. 18 And these went into Micah's house, and fetched the carved image, the ephod, and the teraphim, and the molten image. Then said the priest unto them, What do ye? 19 And they said unto him, Hold thy peace, lay thine hand upon thy mouth, and go with us, and be to us a father and a priest: is it better for thee to be a priest unto the house of one man, or that thou be a priest unto a tribe and a family in Israel? 20 And the priest's heart was glad, and he took the ephod, and the teraphim, and the graven image, and went in the midst of the people. 21 So they turned and departed, and put the little ones and the cattle and the carriage before them. 22 And when they were a good way from the house of Micah, the men that were in the houses near to Micah's house were gathered together, and overtook the children of Dan. 23 And they cried unto the children of Dan. And they turned their faces, and said unto Micah, What aileth thee, that thou comest with such a company? 24 And he said, Ye have taken away my gods which I made, and the priest, and ye are gone away: and what have I more? and what is this that ye say unto me, What aileth thee?
KJV_Cambridge(i) 17 And the five men that went to spy out the land went up, and came in thither, and took the graven image, and the ephod, and the teraphim, and the molten image: and the priest stood in the entering of the gate with the six hundred men that were appointed with weapons of war. 18 And these went into Micah's house, and fetched the carved image, the ephod, and the teraphim, and the molten image. Then said the priest unto them, What do ye? 19 And they said unto him, Hold thy peace, lay thine hand upon thy mouth, and go with us, and be to us a father and a priest: is it better for thee to be a priest unto the house of one man, or that thou be a priest unto a tribe and a family in Israel? 20 And the priest's heart was glad, and he took the ephod, and the teraphim, and the graven image, and went in the midst of the people. 21 So they turned and departed, and put the little ones and the cattle and the carriage before them. 22 And when they were a good way from the house of Micah, the men that were in the houses near to Micah's house were gathered together, and overtook the children of Dan. 23 And they cried unto the children of Dan. And they turned their faces, and said unto Micah, What aileth thee, that thou comest with such a company? 24 And he said, Ye have taken away my gods which I made, and the priest, and ye are gone away: and what have I more? and what is this that ye say unto me, What aileth thee?
  17 H2568 And the five H582 men H1980 that went [H8802]   H7270 to spy out [H8763]   H776 the land H5927 went up [H8799]   H935 , and came in [H8804]   H3947 thither, and took [H8804]   H6459 the graven image H646 , and the ephod H8655 , and the teraphim H4541 , and the molten image H3548 : and the priest H5324 stood [H8737]   H6607 in the entering H8179 of the gate H8337 with the six H3967 hundred H376 men H2296 that were appointed [H8803]   H3627 with weapons H4421 of war.
  18 H935 And these went [H8804]   H4318 into Micah's H1004 house H3947 , and fetched [H8799]   H6459 the carved image H646 , the ephod H8655 , and the teraphim H4541 , and the molten image H559 . Then said [H8799]   H3548 the priest H6213 unto them, What do [H8802]   ye?
  19 H559 And they said [H8799]   H2790 unto him, Hold thy peace [H8685]   H7760 , lay [H8798]   H3027 thine hand H6310 upon thy mouth H3212 , and go [H8798]   H1961 with us, and be to us [H8800]   H1 a father H3548 and a priest H2896 : is it better H3548 for thee to be a priest H1004 unto the house H259 of one H376 man H3548 , or that thou be a priest H7626 unto a tribe H4940 and a family H3478 in Israel?
  20 H3548 And the priest's H3820 heart H3190 was glad [H8799]   H3947 , and he took [H8799]   H646 the ephod H8655 , and the teraphim H6459 , and the graven image H935 , and went in [H8799]   H7130 the midst H5971 of the people.
  21 H6437 So they turned [H8799]   H3212 and departed [H8799]   H7760 , and put [H8799]   H2945 the little ones H4735 and the cattle H3520 and the carriage H6440 before them.
  22 H7368 And when they were a good way [H8689]   H1004 from the house H4318 of Micah H582 , the men H1004 that were in the houses H4318 near to Micah's H1004 house H2199 were gathered together [H8738]   H1692 , and overtook [H8686]   H1121 the children H1835 of Dan.
  23 H7121 And they cried [H8799]   H1121 unto the children H1835 of Dan H5437 . And they turned [H8686]   H6440 their faces H559 , and said [H8799]   H4318 unto Micah H2199 , What aileth thee, that thou comest with such a company [H8738]  ?
  24 H559 And he said [H8799]   H3947 , Ye have taken away [H8804]   H430 my gods H6213 which I made [H8804]   H3548 , and the priest H3212 , and ye are gone away [H8799]   H559 : and what have I more? and what is this that ye say [H8799]   unto me, What aileth thee?
Thomson(i) 17 the five men, who had gone to spy the land, went up and entered the house of Micah, 18 while the priest was standing there, and took the graven image, and the ephod, and the theraphin, and the molten image. And when the priest said to them, What are you doing? 19 they said to him, Hold thy peace, Put thy hand on thy mouth and come with us, and be to us a father and a priest. Is it better for thee to be the priest of the house of one man, than to be the priest of a tribe, and of the house of a community of Israel? 20 And the priest's heart was delighted. So he took the ephod, and the theraphin, and the graven, and the molten image, and went into the midst of1 the people. 21 And they turned and went away, and sent the children, and the cattle, and the heavy baggage before them. 22 And when they were at a considerable distance from the house of Micah, behold Micah and the men, the families adjacent to Micah's house, uttered the shout of war and overtook the Danites. 23 Upon which the sons of Dan turned about and said to Micah, What is the matter with thee that thou hast raised the shout of war? 24 And Micah said, Because you have taken my graven image, which I made, and the priest; and have gone away. What more could have happened to me? Why then do you say to me, Why dost thou shout?
Webster(i) 17 And the five men that went to explore the land went up, and came in thither, and took the graven image, and the ephod, and the teraphim, and the molten image: and the priest stood in the entrance of the gate with the six hundred men that were appointed with weapons of war. 18 And these went into Micah's house, and brought the carved image, the ephod, and the teraphim, and the molten image. Then said the priest to them, What do ye? 19 And they said to him, Hold thy peace, lay thy hand upon thy mouth, and go with us, and be to us a father and a priest: Is it better for thee to be a priest to the house of one man, or that thou shouldst be a priest to a tribe and a family in Israel? 20 And the priest's heart was glad, and he took the ephod, and the teraphim, and the graven image, and went in the midst of the people. 21 So they turned and departed, and put the little ones, and the cattle, and the furniture before them. 22 And when they were a good way from the house of Micah, the men that were in the houses near to Micah's house were collected, and overtook the children of Dan. 23 And they cried to the children of Dan. And they turned their faces, and said to Micah, What aileth thee, that thou comest with such a company? 24 And he said, Ye have taken away my gods which I made, and the priest, and ye have gone away: and what have I more? and what is this that ye say to me, What aileth thee?
  17 H2568 And the five H582 men H1980 [H8802] that went H7270 [H8763] to spy out H776 the land H5927 [H8799] went up H935 [H8804] , and came in H3947 [H8804] there, and took H6459 the graven image H646 , and the ephod H8655 , and the teraphim H4541 , and the molten image H3548 : and the priest H5324 [H8737] stood H6607 in the entrance H8179 of the gate H8337 with the six H3967 hundred H376 men H2296 [H8803] that were appointed H3627 with weapons H4421 of war.
  18 H935 [H8804] And these went H4318 into Micah's H1004 house H3947 [H8799] , and brought H6459 the carved image H646 , the ephod H8655 , and the teraphim H4541 , and the molten image H559 [H8799] . Then said H3548 the priest H6213 [H8802] to them, What do ye?
  19 H559 [H8799] And they said H2790 [H8685] to him, Hold thy peace H7760 [H8798] , lay H3027 thy hand H6310 upon thy mouth H3212 [H8798] , and go H1961 [H8800] with us, and be to us H1 a father H3548 and a priest H2896 : is it better H3548 for thee to be a priest H1004 to the house H259 of one H376 man H3548 , or that thou shouldest be a priest H7626 to a tribe H4940 and a family H3478 in Israel?
  20 H3548 And the priest's H3820 heart H3190 [H8799] was glad H3947 [H8799] , and he took H646 the ephod H8655 , and the teraphim H6459 , and the graven image H935 [H8799] , and went in H7130 the midst H5971 of the people.
  21 H6437 [H8799] So they turned H3212 [H8799] and departed H7760 [H8799] , and put H2945 the little ones H4735 and the cattle H3520 and the possessions H6440 before them.
  22 H7368 [H8689] And when they were a good way H1004 from the house H4318 of Micah H582 , the men H1004 that were in the houses H4318 near to Micah's H1004 house H2199 [H8738] were gathered together H1692 [H8686] , and overtook H1121 the children H1835 of Dan.
  23 H7121 [H8799] And they cried H1121 to the children H1835 of Dan H5437 [H8686] . And they turned H6440 their faces H559 [H8799] , and said H4318 to Micah H2199 [H8738] , What aileth thee, that thou comest with such a company?
  24 H559 [H8799] And he said H3947 [H8804] , Ye have taken away H430 my gods H6213 [H8804] which I made H3548 , and the priest H3212 [H8799] , and ye have gone away H559 [H8799] : and what have I more? and what is this that ye say to me, What aileth thee?
Brenton(i) 17 And the five men who went to spy out the land went up, and entered into the house of Michaias, and the priest stood. 18 And they took the graven image, and the ephod, and the theraphin, and the molten image; and the priest said to them, What are ye doing? 19 And they said to him, Be silent, lay thine hand upon thy mouth, and come with us, and be to us a father and a priest: is it better for thee to be the priest of the house of one man, or to be the priest of a tribe and house for a family of Israel? 20 And the heart of the priest was glad, and he took the ephod, and the theraphin, and the graven image, and the molten image, and went in the midst of the people. 21 So they turned and departed, and put their children and their property and their baggage before them. 22 they went some distance from the house of Michaias, and, behold, Michaias and the men in the houses near Michaias' house, cried out, and overtook the children of Dan. 23 And the children of Dan turned their face, and said to Michaias, What is the matter with thee that thou hast cried out? 24 And Michaias said, Because ye have taken my graven image which I made, and my priest, and are gone; and what have I remaining? and what is this that ye say to me, Why criest thou?
Brenton_Greek(i) 17 Καὶ ἀνέβησαν οἱ πέντε ἄνδρες οἱ πορευθέντες κατασκέψασθαι τὴν γῆν, καὶ εἰσῆλθον ἐκεῖ εἰς οἶκον Μιχαία, καὶ ὁ ἱερεὺς ἑστώς· 18 Καὶ ἔλαβον τὸ γλυπτὸν καὶ τὸ ἐφὼδ καὶ τὸ θεραφὶν καὶ τὸ χωνευτόν· καὶ εἶπε πρὸς αὐτοὺς ὁ ἱερεὺς, τί ὑμεῖς ποιεῖτε; 19 Καὶ εἶπαν αὐτῷ, κώφευσον, ἐπίθες τὴν χεῖρά σου ἐπὶ τὸ στόμα σου, καὶ δεῦρο μεθʼ ἡμῶν, καὶ γένου ἡμῖν εἰς πατέρα καὶ εἰς ἱερέα· μὴ ἀγαθὸν εἶναί σε ἱερέα οἴκου ἀνδρὸς ἑνὸς, ἢ γενέσθαι σε ἱερέα φυλῆς καὶ οἴκου εἰς δῆμον Ἰσραήλ; 20 Καὶ ἠγαθύνθη ἡ καρδία τοῦ ἱερέως, καὶ ἔλαβε τὸ ἐφὼδ καὶ τὸ θεραφὶν καὶ τὸ γλυπτὸν καὶ τὸ χωνευτὸν, καὶ ἦλθεν ἐν μέσῳ τοῦ λαοῦ.
21 Καὶ ἐπέστρεψαν καὶ ἀπῆλθαν, καὶ ἔθηκαν τὰ τέκνα καὶ τὴν κτῆσιν καὶ τὸ βάρος ἔμπροσθεν αὐτῶν.
22 Αὐτοὶ ἐμάκρυναν ἀπὸ οἴκου Μιχαία, καὶ ἰδοὺ Μιχαίας καὶ οἱ ἄνδρες οἱ ἐν ταῖς οἰκίαις ταῖς μετὰ οἴκου Μιχαία ἐβόησαν, καὶ κατελάβοντο τοὺς υἱοὺς Δάν. 23 Καὶ ἐπέστρεψαν οἱ υἱοὶ Δὰν τὸ πρόσωπον αὐτῶν, καὶ εἶπαν τῷ Μιχαίᾳ, τί ἐστί σοι, ὅτι ἐβόησας; 24 Καὶ εἶπε Μιχαίας, ὅτι τὸ γλυπτόν μου, ὃ ἐποίησα, ἐλάβετε, καὶ τὸν ἱερέα, καὶ ἐπορεύθητε· καὶ τί μοι ἔτι; καὶ τί τοῦτο λέγετε πρὸς μὲ, τί κράζεις;
Leeser(i) 17 And the five men that had gone to spy out the land went up, and came in thither, and took the graven image, and the ephod, and the teraphim, and the molten image; and the priest stood in the entrance of the gate with the six hundred men that were girded with the weapons of war. 18 And these went into Micah’s house, and took the graven image, the ephod, and the teraphim, and the molten image; and the priest said unto them, What are ye doing? 19 And they said unto him, Be still, lay thy hand upon thy mouth, and go with us, and become to us a father and a priest: is it better that thou be a priest unto the house of one man, or that thou be a priest unto a tribe and a family in Israel? 20 And the priest’s heart became glad, and he took the ephod, and the teraphim, and the graven image, and came into the midst of the people. 21 And they turned and went away, and placed the little ones and the cattle and the heavy things before them. 22 When they were at a distance from the house of Micah, the men that were in the houses near to Micah’s house were called together, and they overtook the children of Dan. 23 And they called unto the children of Dan, who turned their faces, and said unto Micah, What aileth thee, that thou hast called out thy people? 24 And he said, My god which I made have ye taken away, and the priest, and are gone away; and what have I more? and what is this ye say unto me, What aileth thee?
YLT(i) 17 yea, the five men, those going to traverse the land, go up—they have come in thither—they have taken the graven image, and the ephod, and the teraphim, and the molten image—and the priest is standing at the opening of the gate, and the six hundred men who are girded with weapons of war— 18 yea, these have entered the house of Micah, and take the graven image, the ephod, and the teraphim, and the molten image; and the priest saith unto them, `What are ye doing?' 19 and they say to him, `Keep silent, lay thy hand on thy mouth, and go with us, and be to us for a father and for a priest: is it better thy being a priest to the house of one man, or thy being priest to a tribe and to a family in Israel?' 20 And the heart of the priest is glad, and he taketh the ephod, and the teraphim, and the graven image, and goeth into the midst of the people, 21 and they turn and go, and put the infants, and the cattle, and the baggage, before them. 22 They have been far off from the house of Micah—and the men who are in the houses which are near the house of Micah have been called together, and overtake the sons of Dan, 23 and call unto the sons of Dan, and they turn round their faces, and say to Micah, `What—to thee that thou hast been called together?' 24 And he saith, `My gods which I made ye have taken, and the priest, and ye go; and what to me more? and what is this ye say unto me, What—to thee!'
JuliaSmith(i) 17 And the five men having gone to search the land will go up; they will come in there; they took the carved thing and the ephod, and the teraphim and the molten thing: and the priest stood at the door of the gate, and the six hundred men girded with weapons of war. 18 And these came in to Micah's house, and they will take the carved thing, the ephod, and the teraphim, and the molten thing; and the priest will say to them, What are ye doing? 19 And they will say to him, Be silent; put thy hand upon thy mouth and go with us, and be to us for father and for priest: is it good for thee to be priest to the house of one man, or for thee to be priest to a tribe and to a family in Israel? 20 And the priest's heart will be joyous, and he will take the ephod, and the teraphim, and the carved thing, and will go in the midst of the people. 21 And they will turn and go and put the little ones and the cattle and the wealth before them. 22 They were far off from the house of Micah, and the men that were in the houses which were with the house of Micah, were called together, and they will overtake the sons of Dan. 23 And they will call to the sons of Dan, and they will turn their faces and say to Micah, What to thee that thou criedst out? 24 And he will say, My gods which I made, ye took away, and the priest, and ye will go: and what to me yet? and what this ye will say to me, What to thee?
Darby(i) 17 And the five men that had gone to spy out the land went up, entered in thither, [and] took the graven image, and the ephod, and the teraphim, and the molten image; and the priest stood at the entrance of the gate with the six hundred men that were girded with weapons of war. 18 And these came into Micah`s house, and took the carved image, the ephod, and the teraphim, and the molten image. And the priest said to them, What do ye? 19 And they said to him, Hold thy peace, lay thy hand upon thy mouth, and go with us, and be to us a father and a priest. Is it better for thee to be a priest for the house of one man, or to be priest for a tribe and a family in Israel? 20 Then the priest`s heart was glad, and he took the ephod, and the teraphim, and the graven image, and went in the midst of the people. 21 And they turned and departed, and put the little ones and the cattle and the baggage before them. 22 They were already far from the house of Micah, when the men that were in the houses near to Micah`s house were gathered together, and overtook the children of Dan. 23 And they cried to the children of Dan. And they turned their faces, and said to Micah, What aileth thee, that thou comest with such a company? 24 And he said, Ye have taken away my gods which I made, and the priest, and ye are gone away; and what have I more? and what is this that ye say to me, What aileth thee?
ERV(i) 17 And the five men that went to spy out the land went up, and came in thither, and took the graven image, and the ephod, and the teraphim, and the molten image: and the priest stood by the entering of the gate with the six hundred men girt with weapons of war. 18 And when these went into Micah’s house and fetched the graven image, the ephod, and the teraphim, and the molten image, the priest said unto them, What do ye? 19 And they said unto him, Hold thy peace, lay thine hand upon thy mouth, and go with us, and be to us a father and a priest: is it better for thee to be priest unto the house of one man, or to be priest unto a tribe and a family in Israel? 20 And the priest’s heart was glad, and he took the ephod, and the teraphim, and the graven image, and went in the midst of the people. 21 So they turned and departed, and put the little ones and the cattle and the goods before them. 22 When they were a good way from the house of Micah, the men that were in the houses near to Micah’s house were gathered together, and overtook the children of Dan. 23 And they cried unto the children of Dan. And they turned their faces, and said unto Micah, What aileth thee, that thou comest with such a company? 24 And he said, Ye have taken away my gods which I made, and the priest, and are gone away, and what have I more? and how then say ye unto me, What aileth thee?
ASV(i) 17 And the five men that went to spy out the land went up, and came in thither, and took the graven image, and the ephod, and the teraphim, and the molten image: and the priest stood by the entrance of the gate with the six hundred men girt with weapons of war. 18 And when these went into Micah's house, and fetched the graven image, the ephod, and the teraphim, and the molten image, the priest said unto them, What do ye? 19 And they said unto him, Hold thy peace, lay thy hand upon thy mouth, and go with us, and be to us a father and a priest: is it better for thee to be priest unto the house of one man, or to be priest unto a tribe and a family in Israel? 20 And the priest's heart was glad, and he took the ephod, and the teraphim, and the graven image, and went in the midst of the people.
21 So they turned and departed, and put the little ones and the cattle and the goods before them. 22 When they were a good way from the house of Micah, the men that were in the houses near to Micah's house were gathered together, and overtook the children of Dan. 23 And they cried unto the children of Dan. And they turned their faces, and said unto Micah, What aileth thee, that thou comest with such a company? 24 And he said, ye have taken away my gods which I made, and the priest, and are gone away, and what have I more? and how then say ye unto me, What aileth thee?
  17 H2568 And the five H582 men H1980 that went H7270 to spy out H776 the land H5927 went up, H935 and came in H3947 thither, and took H6459 the graven image, H646 and the ephod, H8655 and the teraphim, H4541 and the molten image: H3548 and the priest H5324 stood H6607 by the entrance H8179 of the gate H8337 with the six H3967 hundred H376 men H2296 girt H3627 with weapons H4421 of war.
  18 H935 And when these went H4318 into Micah's H1004 house, H3947 and fetched H6459 the graven image, H646 the ephod, H8655 and the teraphim, H4541 and the molten image, H3548 the priest H559 said H6213 unto them, What do ye?
  19 H559 And they said H2790 unto him, Hold thy peace, H7760 lay H3027 thy hand H6310 upon thy mouth, H3212 and go H1961 with us, and be to us H1 a father H3548 and a priest: H2896 is it better H3548 for thee to be priest H1004 unto the house H259 of one H376 man, H3548 or to be priest H7626 unto a tribe H4940 and a family H3478 in Israel?
  20 H3548 And the priest's H3820 heart H3190 was glad, H3947 and he took H646 the ephod, H8655 and the teraphim, H6459 and the graven image, H935 and went in H7130 the midst H5971 of the people.
  21 H6437 So they turned H3212 and departed, H7760 and put H2945 the little ones H4735 and the cattle H3520 and the goods H6440 before them.
  22 H7368 When they were a good way H1004 from the house H4318 of Micah, H582 the men H1004 that were in the houses H4318 near to Micah's H1004 house H2199 were gathered together, H1692 and overtook H1121 the children H1835 of Dan.
  23 H7121 And they cried H1121 unto the children H1835 of Dan. H5437 And they turned H6440 their faces, H559 and said H4318 unto Micah, H2199 What aileth thee, that thou comest with such a company?
  24 H559 And he said, H3947 ye have taken away H430 my gods H6213 which I made, H3548 and the priest, H3212 and are gone away, H559 and what have I more? and how then say ye unto me, What aileth thee?
JPS_ASV_Byz(i) 17 And the five men that went to spy out the land went up, and came in thither, and took the graven image, and the ephod, and the teraphim, and the molten image; and the priest stood by the entrance of the gate with the six hundred men girt with weapons of war. 18 And when these went into Micah's house, and fetched the graven image of the ephod, and the teraphim, and the molten image, the priest said unto them: 'What do ye?' 19 And they said unto him: 'Hold thy peace, lay thy hand upon thy mouth, and go with us, and be to us a father and a priest; is it better for thee to be priest unto the house of one man, or to be priest unto a tribe and a family in Israel?' 20 And the priest's heart was glad, and he took the ephod, and the teraphim, and the graven image, and went in the midst of the people. 21 So they turned and departed, and put the little ones and the cattle and the goods before them. 22 When they were a good way from the house of Micah, the men that were in the houses near to Micah's house were gathered together, and overtook the children of Dan. 23 And they cried unto the children of Dan. And they turned their faces, and said unto Micah: 'What aileth thee, that thou comest with such a company?' 24 And he said: 'Ye have taken away my god which I made, and the priest, and are gone away, and what have I more? and how then say ye unto me: What aileth thee?'
Rotherham(i) 17 Then went up the five men who had been to spy out the land, they came in thither, they took the graven image, and the ephod, and the teraphim, and the molten image,––now, the priest, was standing at the entrance of the gate, with the six hundred men who were begirt with weapons of war. 18 But, when, these, had entered the house of Micah, and taken the graven image and the ephod, and the teraphim, and the molten image, the priest said unto them, What are ye doing? 19 And they said unto him––Hold thy peace, lay thy hand upon thy mouth, and go with us, and become to us a father and a priest,––is it better that thou be priest to the house of one man, or that thou be priest to a tribe and to a family in Israel? 20 Then was the heart of the priest glad, and he took the ephod, and the teraphim, and the graven image,––and came into the midst of the people. 21 So they turned, and went their way,––and put the little ones, and the cattle, and the goods, before them. 22 They, had gone a good way from the house of Micah, when, the men that were in the houses near to the house of Micah, were called out and overtook the sons of Dan. 23 And they called unto the sons of Dan, who turned their faces,––and said unto Micah, What aileth thee, that thou hast called out thy neighbours? 24 And he said––My gods which I had made, ye have taken away, and the priest, and have departed, and what have I more? How then is it that ye can say unto me, What aileth thee?
CLV(i) 17 yea, the five men, those going to traverse the land, go up--they have come in thither--they have taken the graven image, and the ephod, and the teraphim, and the molten image--and the priest is standing at the opening of the gate, and the six hundred men who are girded with weapons of war-. 18 yea, these have entered the house of Micah, and take the graven image, the ephod, and the teraphim, and the molten image; and the priest said unto them, `What are you doing?. 19 and they say to him, `Keep silent, lay your hand on your mouth, and go with us, and be to us for a father and for a priest:is it better your being a priest to the house of one man, or your being priest to a tribe and to a family in Israel?. 20 And the heart of the priest is glad, and he takes the ephod, and the teraphim, and the graven image, and goes into the midst of the people, 21 and they turn and go, and put the infants, and the cattle, and the baggage, before them. 22 They have been far off from the house of Micah--and the men who [are] in the houses which [are] near the house of Micah have been called together, and overtake the sons of Dan, 23 and call unto the sons of Dan, and they turn round their faces, and say to Micah, `What--to you that you have been called together?. 24 And he said, `My elohims which I made you have taken, and the priest, and you go; and what to me more? and what [is] this you say unto me, What--to you!.
BBE(i) 17 Then the five men who had gone to make a search through the land, went in and took the pictured image and the ephod and the family gods and the metal image; and the priest was by the doorway with the six hundred armed men. 18 And when they went into Micah's house and took out the pictured image and the ephod and the family gods and the metal image, the priest said to them, What are you doing? 19 And they said to him, Be quiet; say nothing, and come with us and be our father and priest; is it better for you to be priest to one man's house or to be priest to a tribe and a family in Israel? 20 Then the priest's heart was glad, and he took the ephod and the family gods and the pictured image and went with the people. 21 So they went on their way again, putting the little ones and the oxen and the goods in front of them. 22 When they had gone some way from the house of Micah, the men from the houses near Micah's house came together and overtook the children of Dan, 23 Crying out to them. And the Danites, turning round, said to Micah, What is your trouble, that you have taken up arms? 24 And he said, You have taken my gods which I made, and my priest, and have gone away; what is there for me now? Why then do you say to me, What is your trouble?
MKJV(i) 17 And the five men who went up to spy out the land came in there, and took the engraved image and the ephod and the household gods, and the molten image. And the priest stood at the entrance of the gate with the six hundred men who were dressed with weapons of war. 18 And these went into Micah's house and brought out the carved image, the ephod, and the household gods, and the molten image. And the priest said to them, What are you doing? 19 And they said to him, Be quiet, lay your hand on your mouth and go with us, and be to us a father and a priest. Is it better for you to be a priest to the house of one man, or that you be a priest to a tribe and a family in Israel? 20 And the priest's heart was glad, and he took the ephod, and the household gods, and the carved image, and went in the midst of the people. 21 And they turned and departed, and put the little ones and the cattle and the valuables before them. 22 They had gone far away from the house of Micah, and the men in the houses near Micah's house had been called together and had overtaken the sons of Dan. 23 And they cried to the sons of Dan. And they turned their faces and said to Micah, What ails you, that you have been called together? 24 And he said, You have taken away my gods which I made, and the priest, and you have gone away. And what more do I have? And what is this you say to me, What ails you?
LITV(i) 17 And the five men, those who went to spy out the land came in there, and they took the graven image, and the ephod, and the household idols, and the casted image. And the priest was standing at the opening of the gate, and the six hundred men who were girded with weapons of war. 18 And when these went into the house of Micah and took the graven image, the ephod, and the household idols, and the casted image, even the priest said to them, What are you doing? 19 And they said to him, Be quiet! Lay your hand on your mouth, and go with us, and be a father and a priest to us. Is it better for you to be a priest for one man's house, or for you to be a priest to a tribe and a family in Israel? 20 And the heart of the priest was glad. And he took the ephod, and the household idols, and the graven image, and went among the people. 21 And they turned and departed, and put the little ones, and the livestock, and the valuables before them. 22 They had gone far away from Micah's house, and the men who were in the houses near Micah's house had been called together, and had overtaken the sons of Dan. 23 And they called to the sons of Dan, and they turned their faces and said to Micah, What ails you, that you have been called together? 24 And he said, You have taken my gods which I made, and the priest, and you are leaving, and what more do I have? What is this you say to me, What ails you?
ECB(i) 17 and the five men who go to spy the land ascend and come in thither; and take the sculptile and the ephod and the teraphim and the molten: and the priest stations himself in the opening of the portal with the six hundred men girt with instruments of war: 18 and they go in the house of Michah Yah and take the sculptile and the ephod and the teraphim and the molten. And the priest says to them, What work you? 19 And they say to him, Hush! Set your hand on your mouth and come with us and become to us a father and a priest: is it better for you to be a priest to the house of one man? Or that you be a priest to a scion and a family in Yisra El? 20 And the heart of the priest is well-pleased; and he takes the ephod and the teraphim and the sculptile and goes midst the people: 21 and they turn face and go and set the toddlers and the chattel and the honorable at their face. 22 And they become far removed from the house of Michah Yah; and the men in the houses near the house of Michah Yah cry out and adhere to the sons of Dan 23 - and they cry out to the sons of Dan. And they turn their faces and say to Michah Yah, What is it to you, that you cry out? 24 And he says, You take the elohim I worked and the priest and you go! What more have I? What is this that you say to me, What - to you?
ACV(i) 17 And the five men who went to spy out the land went up, and came in there, and took the graven image, and the ephod, and the teraphim, and the molten image. And the priest stood by the entrance of the gate with the six hundred men girded with weapons of war. 18 And when these went into Micah's house, and fetched the graven image, the ephod, and the teraphim, and the molten image, the priest said to them, What do ye? 19 And they said to him, Hold thy peace, lay thy hand upon thy mouth, and go with us, and be to us a father and a priest. Is it better for thee to be priest to the house of one man, or to be priest to a tribe and a family in Israel? 20 And the priest's heart was glad, and he took the ephod, and the teraphim, and the graven image, and went in the midst of the people. 21 So they turned and departed, and put the little ones and the cattle and the goods before them. 22 When they were a good way from the house of Micah, the men who were in the houses near to Micah's house were gathered together, and overtook the sons of Dan. 23 And they cried out to the sons of Dan. And they turned their faces, and said to Micah, What troubles thee that thou come with such a company? 24 And he said, ye have taken away my gods which I made, and the priest, and have gone away, and what have I more? And how do ye then say to me, What troubles thee?
WEB(i) 17 The five men who went to spy out the land went up, and came in there, and took the engraved image, the ephod, the teraphim, and the molten image; and the priest stood by the entrance of the gate with the six hundred men armed with weapons of war. 18 When these went into Micah’s house, and took the engraved image, the ephod, the teraphim, and the molten image, the priest said to them, “What are you doing?” 19 They said to him, “Hold your peace, put your hand on your mouth, and go with us. Be a father and a priest to us. Is it better for you to be priest to the house of one man, or to be priest to a tribe and a family in Israel?” 20 The priest’s heart was glad, and he took the ephod, the teraphim, and the engraved image, and went with the people. 21 So they turned and departed, and put the little ones, the livestock, and the goods before them. 22 When they were a good way from the house of Micah, the men who were in the houses near Micah’s house gathered together and overtook the children of Dan. 23 As they called to the children of Dan, they turned their faces, and said to Micah, “What ails you, that you come with such a company?” 24 He said, “You have taken away my gods which I made, and the priest, and have gone away! What more do I have? How can you ask me, ‘What ails you?’”
  17 H2568 The five H582 men H1980 who went H7270 to spy out H776 the land H5927 went up, H935 and came in H3947 there, and took H6459 the engraved image, H646 and the ephod, H8655 and the teraphim, H4541 and the molten image: H3548 and the priest H5324 stood H6607 by the entrance H8179 of the gate H8337 with the six H3967 hundred H376 men H2296 girt H3627 with weapons H4421 of war.
  18 H935 When these went H4318 into Micah's H1004 house, H3947 and fetched H6459 the engraved image, H646 the ephod, H8655 and the teraphim, H4541 and the molten image, H3548 the priest H559 said H6213 to them, "What are you doing?"
  19 H559 They said H2790 to him, "Hold your peace, H3027 put your hand H6310 on your mouth, H3212 and go H1961 with us, H1961 and be to us H1 a father H3548 and a priest. H2896 Is it better H3548 for you to be priest H1004 to the house H259 of one H376 man, H3548 or to be priest H7626 to a tribe H4940 and a family H3478 in Israel?"
  20 H3548 The priest's H3820 heart H3190 was glad, H3947 and he took H646 the ephod, H8655 and the teraphim, H6459 and the engraved image, H935 and went in H7130 the midst H5971 of the people.
  21 H6437 So they turned H3212 and departed, H7760 and put H2945 the little ones H4735 and the livestock H3520 and the goods H6440 before them.
  22 H7368 When they were a good way H1004 from the house H4318 of Micah, H582 the men H1004 who were in the houses H4318 near to Micah's H1004 house H2199 were gathered together, H1692 and overtook H1121 the children H1835 of Dan.
  23 H7121 They cried H1121 to the children H1835 of Dan. H5437 They turned H6440 their faces, H559 and said H4318 to Micah, H2199 "What ails you, that you come with such a company?"
  24 H559 He said, H3947 "You have taken away H430 my gods H6213 which I made, H3548 and the priest, H3212 and have gone away, H559 and what more do I have? How then do you say to me, ‘What ails you?'"
NHEB(i) 17 The five men who went to spy out the land went up, and came in there, and took the engraved image, and the ephod, and the teraphim, and the molten image: and the priest stood by the entrance of the gate with the six hundred men armed with weapons of war. 18 And these went into Micah's house, and took the engraved image, the ephod, and the teraphim, and the molten image. And the priest said to them, "What are you doing?" 19 They said to him, "Hold your peace, lay your hand on your mouth, and go with us, and be to us a father and a priest. Is it better for you to be priest to the house of one man, or to be priest to a tribe and a family in Israel?" 20 The priest's heart was glad, and he took the ephod, and the teraphim, and the engraved image, and the molten image, and went in the midst of the people. 21 So they turned and departed, and put the little ones and the livestock and the goods before them. 22 They were some distance from the house of Micah, and look, Micah and the men who were in the houses near Micah's house gathered together and overtook the people of Dan. 23 They cried to the people of Dan. They turned their faces, and said to Micah, "What's wrong with you, that you come with such a company?" 24 He said, "You have taken away my gods which I made for myself, and the priest, and have gone away, and what more do I have? How then do you say to me, 'What's wrong with you?'"
AKJV(i) 17 And the five men that went to spy out the land went up, and came in thither, and took the graven image, and the ephod, and the teraphim, and the molten image: and the priest stood in the entering of the gate with the six hundred men that were appointed with weapons of war. 18 And these went into Micah's house, and fetched the carved image, the ephod, and the teraphim, and the molten image. Then said the priest to them, What do you? 19 And they said to him, Hold your peace, lay your hand on your mouth, and go with us, and be to us a father and a priest: is it better for you to be a priest to the house of one man, or that you be a priest to a tribe and a family in Israel? 20 And the priest's heart was glad, and he took the ephod, and the teraphim, and the graven image, and went in the middle of the people. 21 So they turned and departed, and put the little ones and the cattle and the carriage before them. 22 And when they were a good way from the house of Micah, the men that were in the houses near to Micah's house were gathered together, and overtook the children of Dan. 23 And they cried to the children of Dan. And they turned their faces, and said to Micah, What ails you, that you come with such a company? 24 And he said, You have taken away my gods which I made, and the priest, and you are gone away: and what have I more? and what is this that you say to me, What ails you?
  17 H2568 And the five H582 men H1980 that went H7270 to spy H776 out the land H5927 went H935 up, and came H8033 in thither, H3947 and took H6459 the graven H646 image, and the ephod, H8655 and the teraphim, H4541 and the molten H3548 image: and the priest H5324 stood H6607 in the entering H8179 of the gate H8337 with the six H3967 hundred H376 men H2296 that were appointed H3627 with weapons H4421 of war.
  18 H428 And these H935 went H4318 into Micah’s H1004 house, H3947 and fetched H6459 the carved H646 image, the ephod, H8655 and the teraphim, H4541 and the molten H559 image. Then said H3548 the priest H4100 to them, What H6213 do you?
  19 H559 And they said H2790 to him, Hold H2790 your peace, H7760 lay H3027 your hand H6310 on your mouth, H3212 and go H1 with us, and be to us a father H3548 and a priest: H2896 is it better H3548 for you to be a priest H1004 to the house H259 of one H376 man, H176 or H3548 that you be a priest H7626 to a tribe H4940 and a family H3478 in Israel?
  20 H3548 And the priest’s H3820 heart H3190 was glad, H3947 and he took H646 the ephod, H8655 and the teraphim, H6459 and the graven H935 image, and went H7130 in the middle H5971 of the people.
  21 H6437 So they turned H3212 and departed, H7760 and put H2945 the little H4735 ones and the cattle H3520 and the carriage H6440 before them.
  22 H7368 And when they were a good H1004 way from the house H4318 of Micah, H582 the men H1004 that were in the houses H5973 near H4318 to Micah’s H1004 house H2199 were gathered H1692 together, and overtook H1121 the children H1835 of Dan.
  23 H7121 And they cried H1121 to the children H1835 of Dan. H5437 And they turned H6440 their faces, H559 and said H4318 to Micah, H4100 What H2199 ails you, that you come H2199 with such a company?
  24 H559 And he said, H3947 You have taken H430 away my gods H834 which H6213 I made, H3548 and the priest, H3212 and you are gone H4100 away: and what H5750 have I more? H4100 and what H2088 is this H559 that you say H4100 to me, What ails you?
KJ2000(i) 17 And the five men that went to spy out the land went up, and came in there, and took the graven image, and the ephod, and the household gods, and the molten image: and the priest stood in the entrance of the gate with the six hundred men that were armed with weapons of war. 18 And these went into Micah's house, and took the carved image, the ephod, and the household gods, and the molten image. Then said the priest unto them, What are you doing? 19 And they said unto him, Hold your peace, lay your hand upon your mouth, and go with us, and be to us a father and a priest: is it better for you to be a priest to the house of one man, or that you be a priest to a tribe and a family in Israel? 20 And the priest's heart was glad, and he took the ephod, and the household gods, and the graven image, and went in the midst of the people. 21 So they turned and departed, and put the little ones and the cattle and the goods in front of them. 22 And when they were a good way from the house of Micah, the men that were in the houses near to Micah's house were gathered together, and overtook the children of Dan. 23 And they cried unto the children of Dan. And they turned their faces, and said unto Micah, What ails you, that you come with such a company? 24 And he said, you have taken away my gods which I made, and the priest, and you are gone away: and what have I more? and what is this that you say unto me, What ails you?
UKJV(i) 17 And the five men that went to spy out the land went up, and came in thither, and took the graven image, and the ephod, and the teraphim, and the molten image: and the priest stood in the entering of the gate with the six hundred men that were appointed with weapons of war. 18 And these went into Micah's house, and fetched the carved image, the ephod, and the teraphim, and the molten image. Then said the priest unto them, What do all of you? 19 And they said unto him, Hold your peace, lay your hand upon your mouth, and go with us, and be to us a father and a priest: is it better for you to be a priest unto the house of one man, or that you be a priest unto a tribe and a family in Israel? 20 And the priest's heart was glad, and he took the ephod, and the teraphim, and the graven image, and went in the midst of the people. 21 So they turned and departed, and put the little ones and the cattle and the carriage before them. 22 And when they were a good way from the house of Micah, the men that were in the houses near to Micah's house were gathered together, and overtook the children of Dan. 23 And they cried unto the children of Dan. And they turned their faces, and said unto Micah, What disturbs you, that you come with such a company? 24 And he said, All of you have taken away my gods which I made, and the priest, and all of you are gone away: and what have I more? and what is this that all of you say unto me, What disturbs you?
  17 H2568 And the five H582 men H1980 that went H7270 to spy out H776 the land H5927 went up, H935 and came in H3947 there, and took H6459 the engraved image, H646 and the ephod, H8655 and the teraphim, H4541 and the molten image: H3548 and the priest H5324 stood H6607 in the entering H8179 of the gate H8337 with the six H3967 hundred H376 men H2296 that were appointed H3627 with weapons H4421 of war.
  18 H935 And these went H4318 into Micah's H1004 house, H3947 and fetched H6459 the carved image, H646 the ephod, H8655 and the teraphim, H4541 and the molten image. H559 Then said H3548 the priest H6213 to them, What do you
  19 H559 And they said H2790 to him, Hold your peace, H7760 lay H3027 your hand H6310 upon your mouth, H3212 and go H1961 with us, and be to us H1 a father H3548 and a priest: H2896 is it better H3548 for you to be a priest H1004 to the house H259 of one H376 man, H3548 or that you be a priest H7626 to a tribe H4940 and a family H3478 in Israel?
  20 H3548 And the priest's H3820 heart H3190 was glad, H3947 and he took H646 the ephod, H8655 and the teraphim, H6459 and the engraved image, H935 and went in H7130 the middle H5971 of the people.
  21 H6437 So they turned H3212 and departed, H7760 and put H2945 the little ones H4735 and the cattle H3520 and the carriage H6440 before them.
  22 H7368 And when they were a good way H1004 from the house H4318 of Micah, H582 the men H1004 that were in the houses H4318 near to Micah's H1004 house H2199 were gathered together, H1692 and overtook H1121 the sons H1835 of Dan.
  23 H7121 And they cried H1121 to the sons H1835 of Dan. H5437 And they turned H6440 their faces, H559 and said H4318 to Micah, H2199 What ails you, that you come with such a company?
  24 H559 And he said, H3947 You have taken away H430 my gods H6213 which I made, H3548 and the priest, H3212 and you are gone away: H559 and what have I more? and what is this that you say to me, What ails you?
EJ2000(i) 17 And the five men that went to spy out the land went up and went in there and took the graven image and the ephod, and the teraphim and the molten image while the priest stood in the entrance of the gate with the six hundred men that were armed with weapons of war. 18 So they entered into Micah’s house and took the graven image the ephod and the teraphim and the molten image. Then the priest said unto them, What are you doing? 19 And they said unto him, Silence, lay thy hand upon thy mouth and go with us to be our father and priest; is it better for thee to be a priest unto the house of one man or that thou be a priest unto a tribe and a family of Israel? 20 And the priest’s heart was glad, and he took the ephod and the teraphim and the graven image and went in the midst of the people. 21 So they turned and departed and put the little ones and the cattle and the baggage before them. 22 And when they were a good way from the house of Micah, the men that were in the houses near to Micah’s house were gathered together and overtook the sons of Dan. 23 And they cried unto the sons of Dan. And these turned their faces and said unto Micah, What ails thee that thou dost come with such a company? 24 And he said, Ye have taken away my gods which I made and the priest, and ye are gone away; and what is left to me? And why do ye say unto me, What ails thee?
CAB(i) 17 And the five men who went to spy out the land went up, and entered into the house of Micah, and the priest stood. 18 And they took the graven image, and the ephod, and the theraphin, and the molten image; and the priest said to them, What are you doing? 19 And they said to him, Be silent, lay your hand upon your mouth, and come with us, and be to us a father and a priest: is it better for you to be the priest of the house of one man, or to be the priest of a tribe and house for a family of Israel? 20 And the heart of the priest was glad, and he took the ephod, and the theraphin, and the graven image, and the molten image, and went in the midst of the people. 21 So they turned and departed, and put their children and their property and their baggage before them. 22 They went some distance from the house of Micah, and behold, Micah and the men in the houses near Micah's house cried out, and overtook the children of Dan. 23 And the children of Dan turned their face, and said to Micah, What is the matter with you that you have cried out? 24 And Micah said, Because you have taken my graven image which I made, and my priest, and have gone; and what have I remaining? And what is this that you say to me, Why do you cry?
LXX2012(i) 17 And the five men who went to spy out the land went up, and entered into the house of Michaias, and the priest stood. 18 And they took the graven image, and the ephod, and the theraphin, and the molten image; and the priest said to them, What are you⌃ doing? 19 And they said to him, Be silent, lay your hand upon your mouth, and come with us, and be to us a father and a priest: [is it] better for you to be the priest of the house of one man, or to be the priest of a tribe and house for a family of Israel? 20 And the heart of the priest was glad, and he took the ephod, and the theraphin, and the graven image, and the molten image, and went in the midst of the people. 21 So they turned and departed, and put their children and their property and their baggage before them. 22 They went some distance from the house of Michaias, and, behold, Michaias and the men in the houses near Michaias' house, cried out, and overtook the children of Dan. 23 And the children of Dan turned their face, and said to Michaias, What is the matter with you that you have cried out? 24 And Michaias said, Because you⌃ have taken my graven image which I made, and my priest, and are gone; and what have I remaining? and what [is] this [that] you⌃ say to me, Why crie you?
NSB(i) 17 The five spies went straight into the house. They took the wooden idol covered with silver, the other idols, and the ephod. The priest stayed at the gate with the six hundred armed men. 18 The men went into Micah’s house and took the sacred objects. The priest asked them: »What are you doing?« 19 They told him: »Be quiet. Do not say a word. Come with us and be our priest and adviser. Is it better for you to be a priest to the house of one man, or to be a priest to a tribe and a family in Israel?« 20 This filled the priest with joy. He took the sacred objects and went along with them. 21 They turned around and started off, with their children, their livestock, and their belongings going ahead. 22 They traveled a good way from the house when Micah gathered his neighbors for battle. They caught up with the Danites. 23 They shouted at them. The Danites turned around and asked Micah, »What is the problem? Why have you gathered such a company?« 24 Micah answered: »What do you mean? You take my priest and the gods that I made, and walk off! What do I have left?«
ISV(i) 17 the five men who had gone to scout out the land arrived, entered Micah’s home and confiscated the carved image, the ephod, the household idols, and the cast image. Meanwhile, the priest stood outside by the entrance to the gate with the 600 men armed with military weapons. 18 After they went into Micah’s home and took possession of the carved image, the ephod, the household idols, and the cast image, the priest challenged them. “What are you doing?” he asked them.
19 They told him, “Shut up and keep quiet. Come with us and be our spiritual father and priest. It’s better for you, isn’t it, to be a priest to an entire tribe and family in Israel than to be priest to the home of one man?”
20 The priest was happy to oblige, so he took the ephod, the household idols, and the carved image and went along with the army. 21 Then they turned around and left, sending their little ones, their livestock, and their valuables on ahead. 22 When they had been gone a short distance from Micah’s home, some of Micah’s neighbors assembled a search party and overtook the descendants of Dan. 23 They yelled at the descendants of Dan, who turned around to face Micah and asked, “What’s wrong with you? You’ve assembled together…?”
24 Micah replied, “You took my gods that I crafted, along with the priest, and left! What do I have left? So what’s with this ‘What’s wrong with you?’”
LEB(i) 17 And the five men that went to spy out the land went up, and they entered there and took the carved divine image, ephod, teraphim, and the molten image. The priest was standing at the entrance of the gate with the six hundred men armed with the weapons of war. 18 When these went to Micah's house, they took the divine carved image, ephod, the teraphim, and the molten image, and the priest asked them, "What are you doing?" 19 And they said to him, "Keep quiet! Put your hand on your mouth and come with us and be for us a father and a priest. Is it better being a priest for a house of one man or being a priest for a tribe and clan in Israel?" 20 The priest accepted the offer,* and he took the ephod, teraphim, and molten image and went along with the people. 21 And they turned* and went and put the little children, the livestock, and the valuable property in front of them. 22 When they were at a distance from the house, Micah and the men who were in the houses that were near the house of Micah cried out, and they overtook the descendants* of Dan. 23 And they called to the descendants* of Dan, who turned around to face them, and they said to Micah, "What is the matter with you that you assembled together?" 24 He said, "You took away my gods that I had made, and the priest, and then you go away. What is now left for me? How can you say to me, 'What is the matter?'"
BSB(i) 17 And the five men who had gone to spy out the land went inside and took the graven image, the ephod, the household idols, and the molten idol, while the priest stood at the entrance of the gate with the six hundred armed men. 18 When they entered Micah’s house and took the graven image, the ephod, the household idols, and the molten idol, the priest said to them, “What are you doing?” 19 “Be quiet,” they told him. “Put your hand over your mouth and come with us and be a father and a priest to us. Is it better for you to be a priest for the house of one person or a priest for a tribe and family in Israel?” 20 So the priest was glad and took the ephod, the household idols, and the graven image, and went with the people. 21 Putting their small children, their livestock, and their possessions in front of them, they turned and departed. 22 After they were some distance from Micah’s house, the men in the houses near Micah’s house mobilized and overtook the Danites. 23 When they called out after them, the Danites turned to face them and said to Micah, “What is the matter with you that you have called out such a company?” 24 He replied, “You took the gods I had made, and my priest, and went away. What else do I have? How can you say to me, ‘What is the matter with you?’”
MSB(i) 17 And the five men who had gone to spy out the land went inside and took the graven image, the ephod, the household idols, and the molten idol, while the priest stood at the entrance of the gate with the six hundred armed men. 18 When they entered Micah’s house and took the graven image, the ephod, the household idols, and the molten idol, the priest said to them, “What are you doing?” 19 “Be quiet,” they told him. “Put your hand over your mouth and come with us and be a father and a priest to us. Is it better for you to be a priest for the house of one person or a priest for a tribe and family in Israel?” 20 So the priest was glad and took the ephod, the household idols, and the graven image, and went with the people. 21 Putting their small children, their livestock, and their possessions in front of them, they turned and departed. 22 After they were some distance from Micah’s house, the men in the houses near Micah’s house mobilized and overtook the Danites. 23 When they called out after them, the Danites turned to face them and said to Micah, “What is the matter with you that you have called out such a company?” 24 He replied, “You took the gods I had made, and my priest, and went away. What else do I have? How can you say to me, ‘What is the matter with you?’”
MLV(i) 17 And the five men who went to spy out the land went up and came in there and took the graven image and the ephod and the household-idol and the molten image. And the priest stood by the entrance of the gate with the six hundred men girded with weapons of war. 18 And when these went into Micah's house and fetched the graven image, the ephod and the household-idol and the molten image, the priest said to them, What do you* say?
19 And they said to him, Hold your peace, lay your hand upon your mouth and go with us and be to us a father and a priest. Is it better for you to be priest to the house of one man, or to be priest to a tribe and a family in Israel? 20 And the priest's heart was glad and he took the ephod and the household-idol and the graven image and went in the midst of the people.
21 So they turned and departed and put the little ones and the cattle and the goods before them. 22 When they were a good way from the house of Micah, the men who were in the houses near to Micah's house were gathered together and overtook the sons of Dan.
23 And they cried out to the sons of Dan. And they turned their faces and said to Micah, What troubles you that you come with such a company? 24 And he said, you* have taken away my gods which I made and the priest and have gone away and what have I more? And how do you* then say to me, What troubles you?
VIN(i) 17 The five men who had gone to spy out the land went in there and took the engraved image, the ephod, the household gods and the molten image; and the priest stood by the entrance of the gate with the six hundred armed men. 18 When these men went into Micah's house and fetched the engraved image, the ephod, the household gods and the molten image, the priest said to them, What are you doing? 19 They told him: "Be quiet. Do not say a word. Come with us and be our priest and adviser. Is it better for you to be a priest to the house of one man, or to be a priest to a tribe and a family in Israel?" 20 The priest's heart was glad, and he took the ephod, the household gods and the engraved image, and went with the people. 21 And they turned and went and put the little children, the livestock, and the valuable property in front of them. 22 When they had been gone a short distance from Micah's home, some of Micah's neighbors assembled a search party and overtook the Danites. 23 They shouted after the Danites, who turned round and said to Micah, What is the matter with you that you come with such a company? 24 He said, “You have taken away my gods which I made, and the priest, and have gone away! What more do I have? How can you ask me, 'What ails you?'”
  17 H3548 Und H2568 die fünf H582 Männer H776 , die das Land H7270 zu erkunden H2296 ausgezogen waren H935 , gingen H5927 hinauf H1980 und kamen dahin H3947 ; und nahmen H6459 das Bild H646 , den Leibrock H8655 , das Heiligtum und Abgott H6607 . Dieweil stund der Priester vor dem Tor H8337 bei den sechshundert H3627 Gerüsteten mit ihrem Harnisch .
  18 H1004 Als nun jene ins Haus H4318 Michas H935 kommen waren H3548 und H3947 nahmen H6459 das Bild H646 , den Leibrock H8655 , das Heiligtum und Abgott H559 , sprach H6213 der Priester zu ihnen: Was machet ihr?
  19 H559 Sie H1961 antworteten ihm: Schweig und H6310 halte das Maul H3548 zu und H3027 zeuch mit uns H2790 , daß du H1 unser Vater H3548 und H7760 Priester seiest. Ist H2896 dir‘s besser H376 , daß du in des einigen Mannes H1004 Hause H3212 Priester seiest, oder unter H259 einem H3548 ganzen Stamm und H7626 Geschlecht H3478 in Israel ?
  20 H3820 Das gefiel H3190 dem Priester wohl H3548 , und H3947 nahm H646 beide den Leibrock H8655 , das Heiligtum und Bild H935 und kam H7130 mit unter H5971 das Volk .
  21 H7760 Und H6437 da sie sich H3212 wandten und hinzogen H2945 , schickten sie die Kindlein H4735 und das Vieh H3520 und was sie Köstliches H6440 hatten, vor ihnen her.
  22 H7368 Da sie nun ferne H4318 von Michas H1004 Haus H2199 kamen, schrieen H582 die Männer H1004 , so in den Häusern H4318 waren bei Michas H1004 Hause H1692 , und folgten H1121 den Kindern H1835 Dan nach und riefen den Kindern Dan.
  23 H7121 Sie H6440 aber wandten ihr Antlitz H5437 um H1121 und H559 sprachen H4318 zu Micha H2199 : Was ist dir, daß du also ein Geschrei machest?
  24 H559 Er antwortete H430 : Ihr habt meine Götter H559 genommen, die ich gemacht hatte H3548 , und H3212 den Priester und ziehet hin H3947 , und was habe H6213 ich nun mehr? Und ihr fraget noch, was mir fehle?
Luther1912(i) 17 Und die fünf Männer, die das Land zu erkunden ausgezogen waren, gingen hinauf und kamen dahin und nahmen das Bild, den Leibrock, die Hausgötzen und den Abgott. Dieweil stand der Priester vor dem Tor bei den sechshundert Gerüsteten mit ihren Waffen. 18 Als nun jene ins Haus Michas gekommen waren und nahmen das Bild, den Leibrock, die Hausgötzen und den Abgott, sprach der Priester zu ihnen: Was macht ihr? 19 Sie antworteten ihm: Schweige und halte das Maul zu und ziehe mit uns, daß du unser Vater und Priester seist. Ist dir's besser, daß du in des einen Mannes Haus Priester seist oder unter einem ganzen Stamm und Geschlecht in Israel? 20 Das gefiel dem Priester wohl, und er nahm den Leibrock, die Hausgötzen und das Bild und kam mit unter das Volk. 21 Und da sie sich wandten und hinzogen, schickten sie die Kindlein und das Vieh und was sie Köstliches hatten, vor sich her. 22 Da sie nun fern von Michas Haus kamen, wurden die Männer zuhauf gerufen, die in den Häusern waren bei Michas Haus, und folgten den Kindern Dan nach und riefen den Kindern Dan. 23 Sie aber wandten ihr Antlitz um und sprachen zu Micha: was ist dir, daß du also zuhauf kommst? 24 Er antwortete: Ihr habt meine Götter genommen, die ich gemacht hatte, und den Priester und ziehet hin; und was habe ich nun mehr? Und ihr fragt noch, was mir fehle?
  17 H2568 Und die fünf H582 Männer H776 , die das Land H7270 zu erkunden H1980 ausgezogen H5927 waren, gingen hinauf H935 und kamen dahin H3947 und nahmen H6459 das Bild H646 , den Leibrock H8655 , die Hausgötzen H4541 und den Abgott H5324 . Dieweil stand H3548 der Priester H6607 vor H8179 dem Tor H8337 H3967 bei den H376 H2296 Gerüsteten H3627 H4421 mit ihren Waffen .
  18 H1004 Als nun jene ins Haus H4318 Michas H935 gekommen H3947 waren und nahmen H6459 das Bild H646 , den Leibrock H8655 , die Hausgötzen H4541 und den Abgott H559 , sprach H3548 der Priester H6213 zu ihnen: Was macht ihr?
  19 H559 Sie antworteten H2790 ihm: Schweige H3027 H7760 und halte H6310 das Maul H3212 zu und ziehe H1961 mit uns, daß du unser H1 Vater H3548 und Priester H2896 seist. Ist dir’s besser H259 , daß du in des einen H376 Mannes H1004 Haus H3548 Priester H7626 seist oder unter einem ganzen Stamm H4940 und Geschlecht H3478 in Israel ?
  20 H3820 H3190 Das gefiel H3548 dem Priester H3947 wohl, und er nahm H646 den Leibrock H8655 , die Hausgötzen H6459 und das Bild H935 und kam H7130 mit H5971 unter das Volk .
  21 H6437 Und da sie sich wandten H3212 und hinzogen H7760 , schickten H2945 sie die Kindlein H4735 und das Vieh H3520 und was sie Köstliches H6440 hatten, vor sich her.
  22 H7368 Da sie nun fern H4318 von Michas H1004 Haus H7368 kamen H582 , wurden die Männer H2199 zuhauf H1004 gerufen, die in den Häusern H4318 waren bei Michas H1004 Haus H1692 , und folgten H1121 den Kindern H1835 Dan H7121 nach und riefen H1121 den Kindern H1835 Dan .
  23 H5437 Sie aber wandten H6440 ihr Antlitz H559 um und sprachen H4318 zu Micha H2199 : Was ist dir, daß du also zuhauf kommst?
  24 H559 Er antwortete H430 : Ihr habt meine Götter H3947 genommen H6213 , die ich gemacht H3548 hatte, und den Priester H3212 und ziehet H559 hin; und was habe ich nun mehr? Und ihr fragt noch, was mir fehle?
ELB1871(i) 17 Und die fünf Männer, die gegangen waren, das Land auszukundschaften, stiegen hinauf, gingen hinein und nahmen das geschnitzte Bild und das Ephod und die Teraphim und das gegossene Bild. Und der Priester und die sechshundert Mann, die mit Kriegsgerät umgürtet waren, standen am Eingang des Tores. 18 Als jene nämlich in das Haus Michas gingen und das geschnitzte Bild, das Ephod und die Teraphim und das gegossene Bild wegnahmen, da sprach der Priester zu ihnen: Was tut ihr? 19 Und sie sprachen zu ihm: Schweige! lege deine Hand auf deinen Mund und gehe mit uns, und sei uns ein Vater und ein Priester. Ist es besser für dich, Priester zu sein für das Haus eines einzelnen Mannes, oder Priester zu sein für einen Stamm und für ein Geschlecht in Israel? 20 Da wurde das Herz des Priesters froh, und er nahm das Ephod und die Teraphim und das geschnitzte Bild und ging mitten unter das Volk. 21 Und sie wandten sich und zogen weg und stellten die Kinder und das Vieh und die wertvollen Dinge voran. 22 Sie waren schon fern vom Hause Michas, da versammelten sich die Männer, die in den Häusern waren, die beim Hause Michas standen, und ereilten die Kinder Dan. 23 Und sie riefen den Kindern Dan zu; und diese wandten ihr Angesicht um und sprachen zu Micha: Was ist dir, daß du dich versammelt hast? 24 Und er sprach: Meine Götter, die ich gemacht hatte, habt ihr genommen und den Priester, und seid weggezogen; und was habe ich noch? und wie sprechet ihr denn zu mir: Was ist dir?
ELB1905(i) 17 Und die fünf Männer, die gegangen waren, das Land auszukundschaften, stiegen hinauf, gingen hinein und nahmen das geschnitzte Bild und das Ephod und die Teraphim und das gegossene Bild. Und der Priester und die sechshundert Mann, die mit Kriegsgerät umgürtet waren, standen am Eingang des Tores. 18 Als jene nämlich in das Haus Michas gingen und das geschnitzte Bild, das Ephod und die Teraphim und das gegossene Bild wegnahmen, da sprach der Priester zu ihnen: Was tut ihr? 19 Und sie sprachen zu ihm: Schweige! Lege deine Hand auf deinen Mund und gehe mit uns, und sei uns ein Vater und ein Priester. Eig. zum Vater und zum Priester Ist es besser für dich, Priester zu sein für das Haus eines einzelnen Mannes, oder Priester zu sein für einen Stamm und für ein Geschlecht in Israel? 20 Da wurde das Herz des Priesters froh, und er nahm das Ephod und die Teraphim und das geschnitzte Bild und ging mitten unter das Volk. 21 Und sie wandten sich und zogen weg und stellten die Kinder und das Vieh und die wertvollen Dinge voran. 22 Sie waren schon fern vom Hause Michas, da versammelten sich die Männer, die in den Häusern waren, die beim Hause Michas standen, und ereilten die Kinder Dan. 23 Und sie riefen den Kindern Dan zu; und diese wandten ihr Angesicht um und sprachen zu Micha: Was ist dir, daß du dich versammelt hast? 24 Und er sprach: Meine Götter, die ich gemacht hatte, habt ihr genommen und den Priester, und seid weggezogen; und was habe ich noch? Und wie sprechet ihr denn zu mir: Was ist dir?
  17 H2568 Und die fünf H582 Männer H1980 , die gegangen H935 waren H776 , das Land H7270 auszukundschaften H5927 , stiegen hinauf H3947 , gingen hinein und nahmen H6459 das geschnitzte Bild H4541 und das Ephod und die Teraphim und das gegossene Bild H3548 . Und der Priester H8337 -H3967 und die sechshundert H376 Mann H2296 , die mit Kriegsgerät umgürtet waren H5324 , standen H6607 am Eingang H8179 des Tores .
  18 H1004 Als jene nämlich in das Haus H4318 Michas H6459 gingen und das geschnitzte Bild H4541 , das Ephod und die Teraphim und das gegossene Bild H559 wegnahmen, da sprach H3548 der Priester H6213 zu H935 ihnen: Was tut ihr ?
  19 H559 Und sie sprachen H7760 zu ihm: Schweige! Lege H3027 deine Hand H6310 auf deinen Mund H3212 und gehe H259 mit uns, und sei uns ein H1 Vater H3548 und ein Priester H2896 . Ist es besser H3548 für dich, Priester H2790 zu sein H1004 für das Haus H376 eines einzelnen Mannes H3548 , oder Priester H1961 zu sein H7626 für einen Stamm H4940 und für ein Geschlecht H3478 in Israel ?
  20 H3820 Da wurde das Herz H3548 des Priesters H935 froh, und er H3947 nahm H6459 das Ephod und die Teraphim und das geschnitzte Bild H7130 und ging mitten unter H5971 das Volk .
  21 H6440 Und sie H6437 wandten sich H3212 und zogen H7760 weg und stellten H2945 die Kinder H4735 und das Vieh und die wertvollen Dinge voran.
  22 H7368 Sie waren schon fern H1004 vom Hause H4318 Michas H1692 , da versammelten sich H582 die Männer H1004 , die in den Häusern H1004 waren, die beim Hause H4318 Michas H2199 standen, und H1121 ereilten die Kinder H1835 Dan .
  23 H2199 Und H7121 sie riefen H1121 den Kindern H1835 Dan H6440 zu; und diese wandten ihr Angesicht H5437 um H559 und sprachen H4318 zu Micha : Was ist dir, daß du dich versammelt hast?
  24 H559 Und er H559 sprach H430 : Meine Götter H6213 , die ich gemacht hatte H3548 , habt ihr genommen und den Priester H3212 , und seid weggezogen; und was habe ich noch H3947 ? Und wie sprechet ihr denn zu mir: Was ist dir?
DSV(i) 17 Maar de vijf mannen, die gegaan waren om het land te verspieden, gingen op, kwamen daarhenen in, en namen weg het gesneden beeld, en den efod, en de terafim, en het gegoten beeld; de priester nu bleef staan aan de deur van de poort, met de zeshonderd mannen, die met krijgswapenen aangegord waren. 18 Als die nu ten huize van Micha waren ingegaan, en het gesneden beeld, den efod, en de terafim, en het gegoten beeld weggenomen hadden, zo zeide de priester tot hen: Wat doet gijlieden? 19 En zij zeiden tot hem: Zwijg, leg uw hand op uw mond, en ga met ons, en wees ons tot een vader en tot een priester! Is het beter, dat gij een priester zijt voor het huis van een man, of dat gij een priester zijt voor een stam, en een geslacht in Israël? 20 Toen werd het hart van den priester vrolijk, en hij nam den efod, en de terafim, en het gesneden beeld, en hij kwam in het midden des volks. 21 Alzo keerden zij zich, en togen voort; en zij stelden de kinderkens, en het vee, en de bagage voor zich. 22 Als zij nu verre van Micha's huis gekomen waren, zo werden de mannen, zijnde in de huizen, die bij het huis van Micha waren, bijeengeroepen, en zij achterhaalden de kinderen van Dan. 23 En zij riepen de kinderen van Dan na; dewelke hun aangezichten omkeerden, en zeiden tot Micha: Wat is u, dat gij bijeengeroepen zijt? 24 Toen zeide hij: Gijlieden hebt mijn goden, die ik gemaakt had, weggenomen, mitsgaders den priester, en zijt weggegaan; wat heb ik nu meer? Wat is het dan, dat gij tot mij zegt: Wat is u?
  17 H2568 Maar de vijf H582 mannen H1980 H8802 , die gegaan waren H776 om het land H7270 H8763 te verspieden H5927 H8799 , gingen op H935 H8804 , kwamen H8033 daarhenen H3947 H8804 in, [en] namen weg H6459 het gesneden beeld H646 , en den efod H8655 , en de terafim H4541 , en het gegoten beeld H3548 ; de priester H5324 H8737 nu bleef staan H6607 aan de deur H8179 van de poort H8337 H3967 , met de zeshonderd H376 mannen H3627 H4421 , die met krijgswapenen H2296 H8803 aangegord waren.
  18 H428 Als die H1004 nu ten huize H4318 van Micha H935 H8804 waren ingegaan H6459 , en het gesneden beeld H646 , den efod H8655 , en de terafim H4541 , en het gegoten beeld H3947 H8799 weggenomen hadden H559 H8799 , zo zeide H3548 de priester H413 tot H4100 hen: Wat H6213 H8802 doet H859 gijlieden?
  19 H559 H8799 En zij zeiden H2790 H8685 tot hem: Zwijg H7760 H8798 , leg H3027 uw hand H5921 op H6310 uw mond H3212 H8798 , en ga H5973 met H1961 H8804 ons, en wees H1 ons tot een vader H3548 en tot een priester H2896 ! Is het beter H3548 , dat gij een priester H1961 H8800 zijt H1004 voor het huis H259 van een H376 man H3548 , of dat gij een priester H8800 zijt boeten H7626 voor een stam H4940 , en een geslacht H3478 in Israel?
  20 H3190 H0 Toen werd H3820 het hart H3548 van den priester H3190 H8799 vrolijk H3947 H8799 , en hij nam H646 den efod H8655 , en de terafim H6459 , en het gesneden beeld H935 H8799 , en hij kwam H7130 in het midden H5971 des volks.
  21 H6437 H8799 Alzo keerden zij zich H3212 H8799 , en togen voort H7760 H8799 ; en zij stelden H2945 de kinderkens H4735 , en het vee H3520 , en de bagage H6440 voor zich.
  22 H1992 Als zij H7368 H0 nu verre H4480 van H4318 Micha's H1004 huis H7368 H8689 gekomen waren H582 , zo werden de mannen H1004 , zijnde in de huizen H834 , die H5973 bij H4318 het huis H1004 van Micha H2199 H8738 waren, bijeengeroepen H1692 H8686 , en zij achterhaalden H1121 de kinderen H1835 van Dan.
  23 H7121 H8799 En zij riepen H1121 de kinderen H1835 van Dan H413 na H6440 ; dewelke hun aangezichten H5437 H8686 omkeerden H559 H8799 , en zeiden H4318 tot Micha H4100 : Wat H3588 is u, dat H2199 H8738 gij bijeengeroepen zijt?
  24 H559 H8799 Toen zeide hij H430 : Gijlieden hebt mijn goden H834 , die H6213 H8804 ik gemaakt had H3947 H8804 , weggenomen H3548 , mitsgaders den priester H3212 H8799 , en zijt weggegaan H4100 ; wat H5750 heb ik nu meer H4100 ? Wat H2088 is het H413 dan, dat gij tot H559 H8799 mij zegt H4100 : Wat is u?
Giguet(i) 17 Et les cinq hommes, qu’on avait envoyés d’abord à la découverte, étaient entrés chez Michas, où le prêtre se trouvait. 18 Ceux-ci saisirent l’éphod, et les théraphim, et la sculpture et l’ouvrage en fonte, et le prêtre leur dit: Que faites-vous? 19 Et ils lui dirent: Garde le silence, mets ta main sur ta bouche; viens avec nous, sois pour nous un père et un prêtre; ne vaut-il pas mieux pour toi être le prêtre d’une tribu et de la maison d’une famille d’Israël, que le prêtre de la maison dun seul homme? 20 Le coeur du prêtre se réjouit; il prit l’éphod, et les théraphim, et la sculpture et l’ouvrage en fonte, et il se rendit au milieu de la troupe en armes. 21 22 Ils étaient déjà à une certaine distance de la maison de Michas, quand Michas et les hommes des maisons voisines de la maison de Michas, jetant de grands cris, atteignirent les fils de Dan. 23 Les fils de Dan firent volte-face, et ils dirent à Michas: Qu’as-tu? Pourquoi jettes-tu ces cris? 24 Et Michas répondit: Vous avez pris la sculpture que j’avais faite; vous emmenez le prêtre, et que me reste-t-il? Comment pouvez-vous me dire: Pourquoi jettes-tu ces cris?
DarbyFR(i) 17 Et les cinq hommes qui étaient allés pour explorer le pays montèrent, entrèrent là, et prirent l'image taillée, et l'éphod, et les théraphim, et l'image de fonte. Et le sacrificateur se tenait à l'entrée de la porte, ainsi que les six cents hommes qui étaient ceints de leurs armes de guerre. 18 Et ceux-là entrèrent dans la maison de Michée, et prirent l'image taillée, et l'éphod, et les théraphim, et l'image de fonte; et le sacrificateur leur dit: Que faites-vous? 19 Et ils lui dirent: Tais-toi, mets ta main sur ta bouche, et viens avec nous, et sois pour nous un père et un sacrificateur. Vaut-il mieux pour toi d'être sacrificateur de la maison d'un homme seul, ou d'être sacrificateur d'une tribu et d'une famille en Israël? 20 Et le coeur du sacrificateur s'en réjouit, et il prit l'éphod, et les théraphim, et l'image taillée, et il s'en alla au milieu du peuple. 21 Et ils se tournèrent, et s'en allèrent, et mirent devant eux les petits enfants, et les troupeaux, et les choses précieuses. 22 Quand ils furent assez loin de la maison de Michée, les hommes qui étaient dans les maisons voisines de celle de Michée furent assemblés à grands cris, et ils atteignirent les fils de Dan. 23 Et ils crièrent aux fils de Dan; et eux tournèrent leurs visages, et dirent à Michée: Qu'as-tu, que tu aies rassemblé ces gens? 24 Et il dit: Vous avez pris mes dieux que j'ai faits, et le sacrificateur, et vous vous en êtes allés; et que me reste-t-il? Et comment me dites-vous: Qu'as-tu?
Martin(i) 17 Mais les cinq hommes qui étaient allés pour reconnaître le pays, montèrent et entrèrent dans la maison, et prirent l'imagé taillée, l'Ephod, les Théraphims, et l'image de fonte, pendant que le Sacrificateur était à l'entrée de la porte, avec les six cents hommes armés. 18 Etant donc entrés dans la maison de Mica, ils prirent l'image taillée, l'Ephod, les Théraphims, et l'image de fonte. Et le Sacrificateur leur dit : Que faites-vous ? 19 Et ils lui dirent : Tais-toi, et mets ta main sur ta bouche, et viens avec nous, et sois-nous pour père et pour Sacrificateur. Lequel te vaut-il mieux, d'être Sacrificateur de la maison d'un homme seul, ou d'être Sacrificateur d'une Tribu et d'une famille en Israël ? 20 Et le Sacrificateur en eut de la joie en son cœur, et ayant pris l'Ephod, les Théraphims, et l'image taillée, il se mit au milieu du peuple. 21 Après quoi ils retournèrent et reprirent leur chemin, et mirent devant eux les petits enfants, le bétail, et le bagage. 22 Et quand ils furent loin de la maison de Mica, ceux qui demeuraient dans les maisons voisines de celle de Mica furent assemblés à grand cri; et ils atteignirent les enfants de Dan. 23 Et ils crièrent après eux; mais eux tournant visage dirent à Mica : Qu'as-tu, que tu te sois ainsi écrié pour amasser des gens ? 24 Il répondit : Vous avez enlevé mes dieux que j'avais faits, vous avez pris le Sacrificateur, et vous en êtes allés. Et que me reste-t-il ? Comment donc me dites-vous : Qu'as-tu ?
Segond(i) 17 Et les cinq hommes qui étaient allés pour explorer le pays montèrent et entrèrent dans la maison; ils prirent l'image taillée, l'éphod, les théraphim, et l'image en fonte, pendant que le prêtre était à l'entrée de la porte avec les six cents hommes munis de leurs armes de guerre. 18 Lorsqu'ils furent entrés dans la maison de Mica, et qu'ils eurent pris l'image taillée, l'éphod, les théraphim, et l'image en fonte, le prêtre leur dit: Que faites-vous? 19 Ils lui répondirent: Tais-toi, mets ta main sur ta bouche, et viens avec nous; tu nous serviras de père et de prêtre. Vaut-il mieux que tu serves de prêtre à la maison d'un seul homme, ou que tu serves de prêtre à une tribu et à une famille en Israël? 20 Le prêtre éprouva de la joie dans son coeur; il prit l'éphod, les théraphim, et l'image taillée, et se joignit à la troupe. 21 Ils se remirent en route et partirent, en plaçant devant eux les enfants, le bétail et les bagages. 22 Comme ils étaient déjà loin de la maison de Mica, les gens qui habitaient les maisons voisines de celle de Mica se rassemblèrent et poursuivirent les fils de Dan. 23 Ils appelèrent les fils de Dan, qui se retournèrent et dirent à Mica: Qu'as-tu, et que signifie ce rassemblement? 24 Il répondit: Mes dieux que j'avais faits, vous les avez enlevés avec le prêtre et vous êtes partis: que me reste-t-il? Comment donc pouvez-vous me dire: Qu'as-tu?
  17 H2568 Et les cinq H582 hommes H1980 qui étaient allés H8802   H7270 pour explorer H8763   H776 le pays H5927 montèrent H8799   H935 et entrèrent H8804   H3947 dans la maison ; ils prirent H8804   H6459 l’image taillée H646 , l’éphod H8655 , les théraphim H4541 , et l’image en fonte H3548 , pendant que le prêtre H5324 était H8737   H6607 à l’entrée H8179 de la porte H8337 avec les six H3967 cents H376 hommes H2296 munis H8803   H3627 de leurs armes H4421 de guerre.
  18 H935 Lorsqu’ils furent entrés H8804   H1004 dans la maison H4318 de Mica H3947 , et qu’ils eurent pris H8799   H6459 l’image taillée H646 , l’éphod H8655 , les théraphim H4541 , et l’image en fonte H3548 , le prêtre H559 leur dit H8799   H6213  : Que faites H8802  -vous ?
  19 H559 Ils lui répondirent H8799   H2790  : Tais H8685   H7760 -toi, mets H8798   H3027 ta main H6310 sur ta bouche H3212 , et viens H8798   H1961 avec nous ; tu nous serviras H8800   H1 de père H3548 et de prêtre H2896 . Vaut-il mieux H3548 que tu serves de prêtre H1004 à la maison H259 d’un seul H376 homme H3548 , ou que tu serves de prêtre H7626 à une tribu H4940 et à une famille H3478 en Israël ?
  20 H3548 Le prêtre H3190 éprouva de la joie H8799   H3820 dans son cœur H3947  ; il prit H8799   H646 l’éphod H8655 , les théraphim H6459 , et l’image taillée H935 , et se joignit H8799   H7130   H5971 à la troupe.
  21 H6437 Ils se remirent en route H8799   H3212 et partirent H8799   H7760 , en plaçant H8799   H6440 devant H2945 eux les enfants H4735 , le bétail H3520 et les bagages.
  22 H7368 Comme ils étaient déjà loin H8689   H1004 de la maison H4318 de Mica H582 , les gens H1004 qui habitaient les maisons H1004 voisines de celle H4318 de Mica H2199 se rassemblèrent H8738   H1692 et poursuivirent H8686   H1121 les fils H1835 de Dan.
  23 H7121 Ils appelèrent H8799   H1121 les fils H1835 de Dan H5437 , qui se retournèrent H8686   H6440   H559 et dirent H8799   H4318 à Mica H2199  : Qu’as-tu, et que signifie ce rassemblement H8738   ?
  24 H559 Il répondit H8799   H430  : Mes dieux H6213 que j’avais faits H8804   H3947 , vous les avez enlevés H8804   H3548 avec le prêtre H3212 et vous êtes partis H8799   H559  : que me reste-t-il ? Comment donc pouvez-vous me dire H8799   : Qu’as-tu ?
SE(i) 17 Y subiendo los cinco hombres que habían ido a reconocer la tierra, entraron allá, y tomaron la imagen de talla, y el efod, y los terafines, y la imagen de fundición, mientras estaba el sacerdote a la entrada de la puerta con los seiscientos hombres armados de armas de guerra. 18 Entrando, pues, aquellos en la casa de Micaía, tomaron la imagen de talla, el efod, y el terafin, y la imagen de fundición. Y el sacerdote les dijo: ¿Qué hacéis vosotros? 19 Y ellos le respondieron: Calla, pon la mano sobre tu boca, y vente con nosotros, para que seas nuestro padre y sacerdote. ¿Es mejor que seas tú sacerdote en casa de un hombre solo, que de una tribu y familia de Israel? 20 Y se alegró el corazón del sacerdote; el cual tomando el efod y los terafines, y la imagen, se vino entre la gente. 21 Y ellos tornaron y se fueron; y pusieron los niños, y el ganado y el bagaje, delante de sí. 22 Y cuando ya se habían alejado de la casa de Micaía, los hombres que habitaban en las casas cercanas a la casa de Micaía, se juntaron, y siguieron a los hijos de Dan. 23 Y dando voces a los de Dan, éstos volvieron sus rostros, y dijeron a Micaía: ¿Qué tienes que has juntado gente? 24 Y él respondió: Mis dioses que yo hice, que lleváis juntamente con el sacerdote, y os vais; ¿qué más me queda? ¿Y a qué propósito me decís: Qué tienes?
ReinaValera(i) 17 Y subiendo los cinco hombres que habían ido á reconocer la tierra, entraron allá, y tomaron la imagen de talla, y el ephod, y el teraphim, y la imagen de fundición, mientras estaba el sacerdote á la entrada de la puerta con los seiscientos hombres armados de armas de guerra. 18 Entrando pues aquellos en la casa de Michâs, tomaron la imagen de talla, el ephod, y el teraphim, y la imagen de fundición. Y el sacerdote les dijo: ¿Qué hacéis vosotros? 19 Y ellos le respondieron: Calla, pon la mano sobre tu boca, y vente con nosotros, para que seas nuestro padre y sacerdote. ¿Es mejor que seas tú sacerdote en casa de un hombre solo, que de una tribu y familia de Israel? 20 Y alegróse el corazón del sacerdote; el cual tomando el ephod y el teraphim, y la imagen, vínose entre la gente. 21 Y ellos tornaron y fuéronse; y pusieron los niños, y el ganado y el bagaje, delante de sí. 22 Y cuando ya se habían alejado de la casa de Michâs, los hombres que habitaban en las casas cercanas á la casa de Michâs, se juntaron, y siguieron á los hijos de Dan. 23 Y dando voces á los de Dan, éstos volvieron sus rostros, y dijeron á Michâs: ¿Qué tienes que has juntado gente? 24 Y él respondió: Mis dioses que yo hice, que lleváis juntamente con el sacerdote, y os vais: ¿qué más me queda? ¿y á qué propósito me decís: Qué tienes?
JBS(i) 17 Y subiendo los cinco hombres que habían ido a reconocer la tierra, entraron allá, y tomaron la imagen de talla, y el efod, y los terafines, y la imagen de fundición, mientras estaba el sacerdote a la entrada de la puerta con los seiscientos hombres armados de armas de guerra. 18 Entrando, pues, aquellos en la casa de Micaía, tomaron la imagen de talla, el efod, y el terafín, y la imagen de fundición. Y el sacerdote les dijo: ¿Qué hacéis vosotros? 19 Y ellos le respondieron: Calla, pon la mano sobre tu boca, y vente con nosotros, para que seas nuestro padre y sacerdote. ¿Es mejor que seas tú sacerdote en casa de un hombre solo, que de una tribu y familia de Israel? 20 Y se alegró el corazón del sacerdote; el cual tomando el efod y los terafines, y la imagen, se vino entre la gente. 21 Y ellos tornaron y se fueron; y pusieron los niños, y el ganado y el bagaje, delante de sí. 22 Y cuando ya se habían alejado de la casa de Micaía, los hombres que habitaban en las casas cercanas a la casa de Micaía, se juntaron, y siguieron a los hijos de Dan. 23 Y dando voces a los de Dan, éstos volvieron sus rostros, y dijeron a Micaía: ¿Qué tienes que has juntado gente? 24 Y él respondió: Mis dioses que yo hice, que lleváis juntamente con el sacerdote, y os vais; ¿qué más me queda? ¿Y a qué propósito me decís: Qué tienes?
Albanian(i) 17 pesë burrat që kishin vajtur të vëzhgonin vendin u ngjitën lart, hynë në shtëpi, morën shëmbëlltyrën e gdhendur, efodin, shtëpinë e idhujve dhe figurën prej metali të shkrirë. Prifti rrinte para portës bashkë me gjashtëqind njerëzit e armatosur mirë për luftë. 18 Kur këta hynë në shtëpinë e Mikahut dhe morën shëmbëlltyrën e gdhendur, efodin, shtëpinë e idhujve dhe figurën prej metali të shkrirë, prifti u tha atyre: "Ç'po bëni kështu?". 19 Ata iu përgjegjën: "Hesht, vëre dorën mbi gojë, eja me ne, dhe do të jesh për ne një atë dhe një prift. Ç'është më mirë për ty, të jesh prifti i shtëpisë së një njeriu të vetëm apo të jesh prifti i një fisi ose të një familjeje në Izrael?". 20 Kështu prifti ndjeu një gëzim në zemrën e tij; mori efodin, shtëpinë e idhujve dhe shëmbëlltyrën e gdhendur dhe u bashkua me ata njerëz. 21 Atëherë rifilluan marshimin, duke vënë para fëmijët, bagëtinë dhe orenditë. 22 Kur ishin larguar nga shtëpia e Mikahut, burrat që banonin në shtëpitë afër asaj të Mikahut u mblodhën dhe ndoqën bijtë e Danit. 23 U bërtitën pastaj bijve të Danit. Këta u kthyen dhe i thanë Mikahut: "Çfarë ke që ke mbledhur këta njerëz?". 24 Ai u përgjegj: "Morët me vete perënditë që i kisha bërë unë dhe priftin, dhe ikët. Tani ç'më mbetet? Si mund të më thoni: "Çfarë ke?".
RST(i) 17 Пять же человек, ходивших осматривать землю, пошли, вошли туда, взяли истукан и ефод и терафим и литый кумир. Священник стоял у ворот с теми шестьюстами человек, препоясанных воинским оружием. 18 Когда они вошли в дом Михи и взяли истукан, ефод, терафим и литый кумир, священник сказал им: что вы делаете? 19 Они сказали ему: молчи, положи руку твою на уста твои и иди с нами и будь у нас отцом и священником; лучше ли тебе быть священником в доме одного человека, нежели быть священником в колене или в племени Израилевом? 20 Священник обрадовался, и взял ефод, терафим и истукан, и пошел с народом. 21 Они обратились и пошли, и отпустили детей, скот и тяжести вперед. 22 Когда они удалились от дома Михи, жители домов соседних с домом Михи собрались и погнались за сынами Дана, 23 и кричали сынам Дана. Сыны Дановы оборотились и сказали Михе: что тебе, что ты так кричишь? 24 (Миха) сказал: вы взяли богов моих, которых я сделал, и священника,и ушли; чего еще более? как же вы говорите: что тебе?
Arabic(i) 17 فصعد الخمسة الرجال الذين ذهبوا لتجسّس الارض ودخلوا الى هناك واخذوا التمثال المنحوت والافود والترافيم والتمثال المسبوك. والكاهن واقف عند مدخل الباب مع الست مئة الرجل المتسلحين بعدة الحرب. 18 وهؤلاء دخلوا بيت ميخا وأخذوا التمثال المنحوت والافود والترافيم والتمثال المسبوك. فقال لهم الكاهن ماذا تفعلون. 19 فقالوا له اخرس. ضع يدك على فمك واذهب معنا وكن لنا ابا وكاهنا. أهو خير لك ان تكون كاهنا لبيت رجل واحد ام ان تكون كاهنا لسبط ولعشيرة في اسرائيل. 20 فطاب قلب الكاهن واخذ الافود والترافيم والتمثال المنحوت ودخل في وسط الشعب. 21 ثم انصرفوا وذهبوا ووضعوا الاطفال والماشية والثقل قدامهم. 22 ولما ابتعدوا عن بيت ميخا اجتمع الرجال الذين في البيوت التي عند بيت ميخا وادركوا بني دان 23 وصاحوا الى بني دان فالتفتوا وقالوا لميخا ما لك صرخت. 24 فقال. آلهتي التي عملت قد اخذتموها مع الكاهن وذهبتم فماذا لي بعد. وما هذا تقولون لي مالك.
Bulgarian(i) 17 Тогава петимата мъже, които бяха отишли да огледат земята, отидоха, влязоха там и взеха изваяния идол и ефода, и домашните идоли, и излетия идол. А свещеникът стоеше при входа на портата с шестстотинте мъже, препасани с военни оръжия. 18 И когато те влязоха в къщата на Михей и изнесоха изваяния идол, ефода и домашните идоли, и излетия идол, свещеникът им каза: Какво правите? 19 А те му казаха: Мълчи! Сложи ръката си на устата си и ела с нас, и ни бъди отец и свещеник. По-добре ли е за теб да бъдеш свещеник на дома на един човек, или да бъдеш свещеник на едно племе и на един род в Израил? 20 И сърцето на свещеника се зарадва и той взе ефода и домашните идоли, и изваяния идол, и отиде сред народа. 21 Тогава те се обърнаха и потеглиха и сложиха пред себе си децата и добитъка и ценните неща. 22 А когато се бяха отдалечили от къщата на Михей, мъжете от къщите, близки до къщата на Михей, се събраха и настигнаха синовете на Дан. 23 И извикаха към синовете на Дан и те обърнаха лицата си и казаха на Михей: Какво ти е, че си събрал такова множество? 24 А той каза: Взели сте ми боговете, които си направих, и свещеника и сте тръгнали. И какво повече ми остава? И как ми казвате: Какво ти е?
Croatian(i) 17 ona petorica što su išla izviđati zemlju uđoše, uzeše efod, terafe i ljeveni idol, a svećenik stajaše na pragu pokraj šest stotina naoružanih ljudi. 18 Kad su ušli u Mikinu kuću i uzeli efod, terafe, rezani i ljeveni idol, svećenik im reče: "Što to radite?" 19 "Šuti", odgovoriše mu. "Stavi ruku na usta i hajde s nama. Bit ćeš nam otac i svećenik. Zar ti je bolje biti svećenikom u kući jednog čovjeka nego da budeš svećenikom jednog plemena i roda u Izraelu?" 20 Svećenik se obradova; uze on efod, terafe i rezani i ljeveni idol te ode s ljudima. 21 Vrativši se na put kojim su krenuli, odoše pustivši naprijed žene i djecu, stoku i dragocjenosti. 22 Bijahu već daleko od Mikine kuće, kad gle - ljudi što življahu u susjednim kućama, blizu Mikine, uzbunili se i krenuli u potjeru za Danovcima. 23 Kada počeše vikati za Danovim sinovima, oni se obazreše i rekoše Miki: "Što ti je? Što ste se skupili?" 24 On odgovori: "Uzeli ste moga boga koga sam sebi načinio i svećenika te odlazite. A što ostaje meni? I još mi kažete: 'Što ti je?'"
BKR(i) 17 A šedše pět mužů, kteříž chodili k shlédnutí země, vešli tam a vzali rytinu a efod a terafim a slitinu; kněz pak stál u vrat brány s šesti sty muži oděnými v zbroji. 18 A ti, kteříž vešli do domu Míchova, vzali rytinu, efod a terafim, a slitinu. I řekl jim kněz: Což to děláte? 19 Kteříž odpověděli: Mlč, vlož ruku svou na ústa svá a poď s námi, a budeš nám za otce a za kněze. Což jest lépe tobě, knězem-li býti v domě jednoho člověka, či býti knězem pokolení a čeledi v Izraeli? 20 I zradovalo se srdce kněze, a vzav efod a terafim a rytinu, šel u prostřed lidu toho. 21 A obrátivše se odešli, a pustili napřed děti a dobytek, a což měli dražšího. 22 Když pak opodál byli od domu Míchova, tedy muži, kteříž bydlili v domích blízkých domu Míchova, shromáždili se a honili syny Dan. 23 I volali za syny Dan. Kteříž ohlédše se, řekli Míchovi: Cožtě, že jsi jich tolik shromáždil? 24 Odpověděl: Bohy mé, kteréž jsem udělal, vzali jste, i kněze, a odcházíte. Což pak již budu míti? A ještě se ptáte: Coť jest?
Danish(i) 17 Og de fem Mænd, som vare udgangne til at bespejde Landet, gik op, de kom derhen, de toge det udskaarne Billede og Livkjortlen og Husguderne og det støbte Billede; og Præsten stod for Indgangen til Porten og de seks Hundrede Mænd, som vare omgjordede med Krigsvaaben. 18 Og der disse vare komne I Mikas Hus og havde taget det udskaarne Billede, Livkjortlen og Husguderne og det støbte Billede, da sagde Præsten til dem: Hvad gøre I? 19 Og de svarede ham: Ti, læg din Haand paa din Mund og gak med os, og vær vor Fader og Præst; er det bedre, at du er Præst for een Mands Hus, eller at du er Præst for en Stamme og for en Slægt i Israel? 20 Og Præstens Hjerte blev vel til Mode, og han tog Livkjortlen og Husguderne og det udskaarne Billede, og han kom midt iblandt Folket. 21 Og de vendte sig og gik bort; og de satte de smaa Børn og Kvæget, og hvad de havde at føre, foran. 22 Der de vare langt fra Mikas Hus, da bleve de Mænd, som vare i Husene ved Mikas Hus, sammenkaldte, og de indhentede Dans Børn. 23 Og de raabte til Dans Børn, og de vendte sig om, og de sagde til Mika: Hvad fattes dig, at du og de andre ere sammenkaldte? 24 Og han sagde: I have taget mine Guder, som jeg havde, gjort, og Præsten, og I gaa bort; og hvad har jeg ydermere? hvi sige I da til mig: Hvad fattes dig?
CUV(i) 17 窺 探 地 的 五 個 人 走 進 去 , 將 雕 刻 的 像 、 以 弗 得 、 家 中 的 神 像 , 並 鑄 成 的 像 , 都 拿 了 去 。 祭 司 和 帶 兵 器 的 六 百 人 , 一 同 站 在 門 口 。 18 那 五 個 人 進 入 米 迦 的 住 宅 , 拿 出 雕 刻 的 像 、 以 弗 得 、 家 中 的 神 像 , 並 鑄 成 的 像 , 祭 司 就 問 他 們 說 : 你 們 做 甚 麼 呢 ? 19 他 們 回 答 說 : 不 要 作 聲 , 用 手 摀 口 , 跟 我 們 去 罷 ! 我 們 必 以 你 為 父 、 為 祭 司 。 你 作 一 家 的 祭 司 好 呢 ? 還 是 作 以 色 列 一 族 一 支 派 的 祭 司 好 呢 ? 20 祭 司 心 裡 喜 悅 , 便 拿 著 以 弗 得 和 家 中 的 神 像 , 並 雕 刻 的 像 , 進 入 他 們 中 間 。 21 他 們 就 轉 身 離 開 那 裡 , 妻 子 、 兒 女 、 牲 畜 、 財 物 都 在 前 頭 。 22 離 米 迦 的 住 宅 已 遠 , 米 迦 的 近 鄰 都 聚 集 來 , 追 趕 但 人 , 23 呼 叫 但 人 。 但 人 回 頭 問 米 迦 說 : 你 聚 集 這 許 多 人 來 做 甚 麼 呢 ? 24 米 迦 說 : 你 們 將 我 所 做 的 神 像 和 祭 司 都 帶 了 去 , 我 還 有 所 剩 的 麼 ? 怎 麼 還 問 我 說 做 甚 麼 呢 ?
  17 H7270 窺探 H776 H2568 的五 H582 個人 H5927 H935 進去 H6459 ,將雕刻的像 H646 、以弗得 H8655 、家中的神像 H4541 ,並鑄成的像 H3947 ,都拿了去 H3548 。祭司 H2296 和帶 H4421 H3627 H8337 的六 H3967 H376 H5324 ,一同站在 H8179 H6607 口。
  18 H935 那五個人進入 H4318 米迦 H1004 的住宅 H3947 ,拿出 H6459 雕刻的像 H646 、以弗得 H8655 、家中的神像 H4541 ,並鑄成的像 H3548 ,祭司 H559 就問他們說 H6213 :你們做甚麼呢?
  19 H559 他們回答說 H2790 :不要作聲 H3027 ,用手 H7760 H6310 H3212 ,跟我們去 H1961 罷!我們必以你為 H1 H3548 、為祭司 H259 。你作一 H1004 H3548 的祭司 H2896 H3478 呢?還是作以色列 H4940 一族 H7626 一支派 H3548 的祭司好呢?
  20 H3548 祭司 H3820 H3190 裡喜悅 H3947 ,便拿 H646 著以弗得 H8655 和家中的神像 H6459 ,並雕刻的像 H935 ,進入 H5971 他們 H7130 中間。
  21 H6437 他們就轉身 H3212 離開 H2945 那裡,妻子、兒女 H4735 、牲畜 H3520 、財物 H7760 都在 H6440 前頭。
  22 H4318 離米迦 H1004 的住宅 H7368 已遠 H4318 ,米迦 H1004 H2199 近鄰都聚集來 H1692 ,追趕 H1835 H1121 人,
  23 H7121 呼叫 H1835 H1121 H5437 。但人回 H6440 H4318 問米迦 H559 H2199 :你聚集這許多人來做甚麼呢?
  24 H559 米迦說 H6213 :你們將我所做 H430 的神像 H3548 和祭司 H3947 都帶了 H559 H559 ,我還有所剩的麼?怎麼還問我說做甚麼呢?
CUVS(i) 17 窥 探 地 的 五 个 人 走 进 去 , 将 雕 刻 的 象 、 以 弗 得 、 家 中 的 神 象 , 并 铸 成 的 象 , 都 拿 了 去 。 祭 司 和 带 兵 器 的 六 百 人 , 一 同 站 在 门 口 。 18 那 五 个 人 进 入 米 迦 的 住 宅 , 拿 出 雕 刻 的 象 、 以 弗 得 、 家 中 的 神 象 , 并 铸 成 的 象 , 祭 司 就 问 他 们 说 : 你 们 做 甚 么 呢 ? 19 他 们 回 答 说 : 不 要 作 声 , 用 手 摀 口 , 跟 我 们 去 罢 ! 我 们 必 以 你 为 父 、 为 祭 司 。 你 作 一 家 的 祭 司 好 呢 ? 还 是 作 以 色 列 一 族 一 支 派 的 祭 司 好 呢 ? 20 祭 司 心 里 喜 悦 , 便 拿 着 以 弗 得 和 家 中 的 神 象 , 并 雕 刻 的 象 , 进 入 他 们 中 间 。 21 他 们 就 转 身 离 幵 那 里 , 妻 子 、 儿 女 、 牲 畜 、 财 物 都 在 前 头 。 22 离 米 迦 的 住 宅 已 远 , 米 迦 的 近 邻 都 聚 集 来 , 追 赶 但 人 , 23 呼 叫 但 人 。 但 人 回 头 问 米 迦 说 : 你 聚 集 这 许 多 人 来 做 甚 么 呢 ? 24 米 迦 说 : 你 们 将 我 所 做 的 神 象 和 祭 司 都 带 了 去 , 我 还 冇 所 剩 的 么 ? 怎 么 还 问 我 说 做 甚 么 呢 ?
  17 H7270 窥探 H776 H2568 的五 H582 个人 H5927 H935 进去 H6459 ,将雕刻的象 H646 、以弗得 H8655 、家中的神象 H4541 ,并铸成的象 H3947 ,都拿了去 H3548 。祭司 H2296 和带 H4421 H3627 H8337 的六 H3967 H376 H5324 ,一同站在 H8179 H6607 口。
  18 H935 那五个人进入 H4318 米迦 H1004 的住宅 H3947 ,拿出 H6459 雕刻的象 H646 、以弗得 H8655 、家中的神象 H4541 ,并铸成的象 H3548 ,祭司 H559 就问他们说 H6213 :你们做甚么呢?
  19 H559 他们回答说 H2790 :不要作声 H3027 ,用手 H7760 H6310 H3212 ,跟我们去 H1961 罢!我们必以你为 H1 H3548 、为祭司 H259 。你作一 H1004 H3548 的祭司 H2896 H3478 呢?还是作以色列 H4940 一族 H7626 一支派 H3548 的祭司好呢?
  20 H3548 祭司 H3820 H3190 里喜悦 H3947 ,便拿 H646 着以弗得 H8655 和家中的神象 H6459 ,并雕刻的象 H935 ,进入 H5971 他们 H7130 中间。
  21 H6437 他们就转身 H3212 离开 H2945 那里,妻子、儿女 H4735 、牲畜 H3520 、财物 H7760 都在 H6440 前头。
  22 H4318 离米迦 H1004 的住宅 H7368 已远 H4318 ,米迦 H1004 H2199 近邻都聚集来 H1692 ,追赶 H1835 H1121 人,
  23 H7121 呼叫 H1835 H1121 H5437 。但人回 H6440 H4318 问米迦 H559 H2199 :你聚集这许多人来做甚么呢?
  24 H559 米迦说 H6213 :你们将我所做 H430 的神象 H3548 和祭司 H3947 都带了 H559 H559 ,我还有所剩的么?怎么还问我说做甚么呢?
Esperanto(i) 17 Kaj la kvin viroj, kiuj iris, por esplorrigardi la landon, eniris tien kaj prenis la figuron kaj la efodon kaj la domajn diojn kaj la idolon. Dume la pastro staris antaux la pordego, kun la sescent viroj, zonitaj per bataliloj. 18 Kiam tiuj eniris en la domon de Mihxa, kaj prenis la figuron, la efodon, la domajn diojn, kaj la idolon, la pastro diris al ili:Kion vi faras? 19 Sed ili diris al li:Silentu, metu vian manon sur vian busxon; kaj iru kun ni kaj estu por ni patro kaj pastro; cxu pli bone estas por vi esti pastro por la domo de unu homo, ol esti pastro por tribo kaj gento en Izrael? 20 Kaj tio bone placxis al la pastro, kaj li prenis la efodon kaj la domajn diojn kaj la figuron kaj iris inter la popolon. 21 Kaj ili turnigxis kaj iris, kaj sendis la infanojn kaj la brutojn kaj la pakajxojn antaux sin. 22 Kiam ili malproksimigxis de la domo de Mihxa, la homoj, kiuj estis en la domoj najbaraj de Mihxa, kun krio kolektigxis kaj kuris post la Danidoj. 23 Kaj ili kriis al la Danidoj; kaj cxi tiuj turnis siajn vizagxojn, kaj diris al Mihxa:Kio estas al vi, ke vi faras krion? 24 Kaj li diris:Miajn diojn, kiujn mi faris, vi forprenis, kaj ankaux la pastron, kaj vi foriris; kaj kio ankoraux estas al mi? kial do vi demandas, kio estas al mi?
Finnish(i) 17 Ja ne viisi miestä, jotka olivat menneet vakoomaan maata, menivät ylös ja tulivat sinne sisälle, ja ottivat kuvan, päällisvaatteen, pyhyyden ja epäjumalan. Ja pappi seisoi portilla kuudensadan sota-aseilla varustettuin miesten tykönä. 18 Kuin ne olivat tulleet Miikan huoneesen ja ottivat kuvan, päällisvaatteen, pyhyyden ja epäjumalat, sanoi pappi heille: mitä te teette? 19 He vastasivat häntä: ole vaiti ja pidä suus kiinni, ja tule meidän kanssamme, ja ole meidän isämme ja pappimme: onko se parempi, ettäs olet pappi yhden miehen huoneessa, kuin koko sukukunnassa Israelissa? 20 Ja papin mieli oli hyvä, ja otti sekä päällisvaatteen, pyhyyden ja kuvan, ja meni kansan keskelle. 21 Ja kuin he käänsivät itsensä ja menivät matkaansa, asettivat he pienet lapset ja karjan ja kaikkein kalliimmat tavaransa, menemään edellänsä. 22 Kuin he olivat taamma joutuneet Miikan huoneesta, kokoontuivat ne miehet, jotka niissä huoneissa olivat, jotka olivat Miikan huoneen tykönä, ja ajoivat Danin lapsia takaa, 23 Ja huusivat Danin lapsille; ja he käänsivät kasvonsa ja sanoivat Miikalle: mikä sinun on, ettäs niin huudat? 24 Hän vastasi: te olette ottaneet minun jumalani, jotka minä tehnyt olen, ja papin, ja menneet matkaanne: ja mitä minulla nyt enää on? Ja te sanotte vielä sitte minulle: mikä sinun on?
FinnishPR(i) 17 Ja ne viisi miestä, jotka olivat käyneet vakoilemassa maata, nousivat taloon, menivät sisään ja ottivat veistetyn jumalankuvan ja kasukan ja kotijumalat ja valetun jumalankuvan, mutta pappi ja ne kuusisataa sota-aseilla varustettua miestä seisoivat portin oven edessä. 18 Kun he menivät Miikan taloon ja ottivat veistetyn jumalankuvan ja kasukan ja kotijumalat ja valetun jumalankuvan, niin pappi kysyi heiltä: "Mitä te teette?" 19 He vastasivat hänelle: "Vaikene, pidä suusi kiinni ja lähde meidän kanssamme ja tule meidän isäksemme ja papiksemme. Onko parempi ollaksesi pappina yhden miehen talossa kuin Israelin heimon ja sukukunnan pappina?" 20 Silloin pappi tuli hyville mielin, ja hän otti kasukan ja kotijumalat ja veistetyn jumalankuvan ja meni väen keskeen. 21 Sitten he kääntyivät jatkamaan matkaansa ja panivat vaimot ja lapset sekä karjan ja kuormaston kulkemaan edellänsä. 22 He olivat ehtineet vähän matkaa Miikan talosta, kun Miikan talon lähitalojen miehet kutsuttiin koolle, ja he pääsivät daanilaisten kintereille. 23 Ja he huusivat daanilaisille; nämä kääntyivät ja kysyivät Miikalta: "Mikä sinun on, kun väkesi on noin kutsuttu koolle?" 24 Hän vastasi: "Te olette ottaneet minun jumalani, jotka minä olen teettänyt, ja papin, ja menette matkoihinne. Mitä on minulla enää jäljellä? Ja kuinka te vielä kysytte minulta: 'Mikä sinun on'?"
Haitian(i) 17 Senk mesye yo te voye al vizite peyi a antre nan kay la, yo pran estati a, zidòl wogatwa yo ak estati an bwa ki kouvri ak ajan an. Prèt la menm te rete bò pòt devan an ak sisan sòlda ame yo. 18 Lè prèt la wè senk mesye yo ki t'ap soti lakay Mika a ak estati a, zidòl wogatwa yo ak estati an bwa kouvri ak ajan an, li di yo: -Sa n'ap fè la a? 19 Yo reponn li: -Pe bouch ou, monchè! Ou pa bezwen di anyen! Vin avèk nou, w'a sèvi nou konseye, w'a prèt nou tou. Sa ou pi pito: prèt fanmi yon grenn moun osinon prèt tout yon branch fanmi nan pèp Izrayèl la? 20 Sa te fè kè prèt la kontan. Li pran zidòl la, estati an bwa a, ak lòt zidòl wogatwa yo, epi l' ale ansanm ak yo. 21 Mesye yo reprann chemen yo, y' al fè wout yo. Yo fè timoun yo pran devan ansanm ak bèt yo ak tout lòt bagay yo. 22 Yo te deja kite kay Mika a yon bèl ti bout, lè moun nan vwazinaj kay Mika yo sanble. Yo tanmen rapouswiv moun Dann yo. 23 Yo t'ap rele dèyè yo. Moun Dann yo vire, yo mande Mika: -Sa ki genyen? Pouki tout moun sa yo dèyè nou an? 24 Mika reponn yo: -N'ap mande m' sa ki genyen menm? Nou fin vòlò estati zidòl yo, ansanm ak prèt mwen an epi n' al fè wout nou. Ak kisa nou kite m' la a?
Hungarian(i) 17 És az az öt férfiú, a ki a föld kikémlelésére ment volt el, mikor felment és megérkezett oda, elvette a faragott képet, az efódot, a teráfot és az öntött bálványt; a pap pedig ott állott a kapu elõtt a hadiszerszámokkal felkészült hatszáz férfiúval. 18 Mikor pedig ezek a Míka házához bementek és elvették a faragott képet, az efódot, a teráfot és az öntött bálványt, monda nékik a pap: Mit míveltek? 19 Azok pedig mondának néki: Hallgass, tedd kezed ajakadra, és jõjj el velünk, és légy nékünk atyánk és papunk. Melyik jobb, hogy egy ember házának légy papja, vagy hogy Izráelben egy nemzetségnek és háznépnek légy papja? 20 És örvendett ezen a papnak szíve, és elvitte az efódot és a teráfot és a faragott képet, és velök a nép közé ment. 21 És megfordulván elvonultak, magok elõtt küldve a gyermekeket, a barmokat és drágaságaikat. 22 Mikor pedig már messze jártak a Míka házától, a férfiak, a kik a Míka házának szomszédságában laktak, összegyûltek, és utána mentek a Dán fiainak. 23 És utánok kiáltoztak a Dán fiainak. Azok pedig visszafordulván mondának Míkának: Mi bajod van, hogy [így] felsereglettél? 24 És monda: Isteneimet vettétek el, a melyeket készíttettem, és papomat, és elmentetek, hát mim van még egyebem? és [mégis] azt mondjátok nékem: mi bajom van?
Indonesian(i) 17 Kelima mata-mata itu langsung masuk ke dalam rumah, lalu mengambil patung kayu yang berlapis perak itu bersama dengan patung-patung lainnya, dan efod. Pemuda Lewi itu sedang berdiri dengan keenam ratus prajurit itu di pintu gerbang. 18 Ketika kelima orang itu masuk ke rumah Mikha dan mengambil efod serta patung-patung berhala itu, pemuda Lewi itu bertanya, "Apa ini yang kalian lakukan?" 19 Mereka menjawab, "Diam! Jangan bertanya. Ikut saja dengan kami, nanti engkau menjadi imam dan penasihat kami. Daripada menjadi imam untuk satu keluarga saja, lebih baik menjadi imam untuk satu suku!" 20 Pemuda Lewi itu senang dengan saran itu. Jadi, ia mengambil efod dan patung-patung berhala itu lalu ikut dengan mereka. 21 Kemudian rombongan itu meneruskan perjalanan mereka, didahului oleh anak-anak, ternak dan barang-barang mereka. 22 Ketika mereka sudah jauh, Mikha memanggil tetangga-tetangganya lalu bersama-sama mengejar orang-orang suku Dan itu. Setelah dekat dengan mereka, 23 Mikha dan orang-orangnya itu berteriak-teriak kepada mereka. Orang-orang suku Dan itu menoleh dan bertanya kepada Mikha, "Ada apa? Mengapa datang dengan begitu banyak orang?" 24 Mikha menjawab, "Kamu melarikan patung-patung saya dan imamnya, sehingga saya tidak mempunyai apa-apa lagi, lalu kamu berkata, 'Ada apa!'"
Italian(i) 17 Ma que’ cinque uomini, ch’erano andati per ispiar il paese, salirono, ed entrarono là entro, e presero la scultura, e l’Efod, e le immagini, e la statua di getto, mentre il sacerdote era arrestato all’entrata della porta, co’ seicent’uomini armati. 18 Essi adunque, essendo entrati in casa di Mica, e avendo presa la scultura, e l’Efod e le immagini, e la statua di getto, il sacerdote disse loro: Che fate voi? 19 Ed essi gli dissero: Taci; mettiti la mano in su la bocca, e vieni con noi, e siici per padre, e per sacerdote; quale è meglio per te, esser sacerdote a una casa d’un uomo, ovvero esser sacerdote a una tribù, e ad una nazione in Israele? 20 E il sacerdote se ne rallegrò nel suo cuore, e prese l’Efod, e le immagini, e la scultura, e se ne andò fra quella gente. 21 Poi i Daniti si rimisero al lor cammino, avendo posto innanzi a loro i piccoli fanciulli, ed il bestiame, e le robe. 22 Ed essendo già lungi della casa di Mica, gli uomini ch’erano nelle case vicine alla casa di Mica, si adunarono a grida, e seguitarono di presso i figliuoli di Dan. 23 E gridarono a’ figliuoli di Dan. Ed essi, voltando la faccia, dissero a Mica: Che cosa hai, che tu hai adunata la tua gente? 24 Ed egli disse: Voi avete presi i miei dii, che io avea fatti, e il sacerdote, e ve ne siete andati via. Che mi resta egli più? E come dunque mi dite voi: Che hai?
ItalianRiveduta(i) 17 Ma i cinque uomini ch’erano andati ad esplorare il paese, salirono, entrarono in casa, presero l’immagine scolpita, l’efod, gl’idoli e l’immagine di getto, mentre il sacerdote stava davanti alla porta coi seicento uomini armati. 18 E quando furono entrati in casa di Mica ed ebbero preso l’immagine scolpita, l’efod, gl’idoli e l’immagine di getto, il sacerdote disse loro: "Che fate?" 19 Quelli gli risposero: "Taci, mettiti la mano sulla bocca, vieni con noi, e sarai per noi un padre e un sacerdote. Che è meglio per te, esser sacerdote in casa d’un uomo solo, ovvero esser sacerdote di una tribù e d’una famiglia in Israele?" 20 Il sacerdote si rallegrò in cuor suo; prese l’efod, gl’idoli e l’immagine scolpita, e s’unì a quella gente. 21 Così si rimisero in cammino, mettendo innanzi a loro i bambini, il bestiame e i bagagli. 22 Com’erano già lungi dalla casa di Mica, la gente che abitava nelle case vicine a quella di Mica, si radunò e inseguì i figliuoli di Dan. 23 E siccome gridava dietro ai figliuoli di Dan, questi, rivoltatisi indietro, dissero a Mica: "Che cosa hai, che hai radunata cotesta gente?" 24 Egli rispose: "Avete portato via gli dèi che m’ero fatti e il sacerdote, e ve ne siete andati. Or che mi resta egli più? Come potete dunque dirmi: Che hai?"
Korean(i) 17 땅을 탐지하러 갔던 다섯 사람이 그리로 들어가서 새긴 신상과 에봇과 드라빔과 부어 만든 신상을 취할 때에 제사장은 병기를 육백명과 함께 문 입구에 섰더니 18 그 다섯 사람이 미가의 집에 들어가서 그 새긴 신상과 에봇과 드라빔과 부어 만든 신상을 취하여 내매 제사장이 그들에게 묻되 `너희가 무엇을 하느냐 ?' 19 그들이 그에게 이르되 `잠잠하라 네 손을 입에 대라 우리와 함께 가서 우리의 아비와 제사장이 되라 네가 한 사람의 집의 제사장이 되는 것과 이스라엘 한 지파, 한 가족의 제사장이 되는 것이 어느 것이 낫겠느냐 ?' 20 제사장이 마음에 기뻐하여 에봇과 드라빔과 새긴 우상을 취하고 그 백성 중으로 들어가니라 21 그들이 돌이켜서 어린아이들과 가축과 물품을 앞에 두고 진행하더니 22 미가의 집을 멀리 떠난 때에 미가의 이웃집 사람들이 모여서 단 자손을 따라 미쳐서는 23 단 자손을 부르는지라 그들이 낯을 돌이켜 미가에게 이르되 `네가 무슨 일로 이같이 모아가지고 왔느냐 ?' 24 미가가 가로되 `나의 지은 신들과 제사장을 취하여 갔으니 내게 오히려 있는 것이 무엇이냐 ? 너희가 어찌하여 나더러 무슨 일이냐 ? 하느냐'
Lithuanian(i) 17 Tuo metu vyrai, kurie buvo išžvalgyti krašto, įėjo į Mikajo namus ir paėmė drožtą atvaizdą, efodą, terafimą ir nulietą atvaizdą. Tuo laiku kunigas stovėjo tarpuvartėje su šešiais šimtais apsiginklavusių vyrų. 18 Jiems įsibrovus į Mikajo namus ir paėmus visus minėtus daiktus, kunigas klausė: “Ką darote?” 19 Jie atsakė jam: “Tylėk! Užsidenk ranka burną ir eik su mumis. Būk mums tėvu ir kunigu. Ar tau geriau būti kunigu vieno vyro namams, ar visos giminės Izraelyje?” 20 Kunigas nudžiugo. Jis paėmė efodą, terafimą bei drožtą atvaizdą ir įsimaišė tarp žmonių. 21 Po to jie, sustatę priekyje vaikus, galvijus ir vežimus, pasisuko ir keliavo toliau. 22 Jiems nutolus nuo Mikajo namų, Mikajo kaimynai susibūrę pasivijo danius. 23 Jie šaukė Dano vaikams, ir tie atsigręžę klausė Mikają: “Kas atsitiko, kad atėjai su tokiu būriu?” 24 Jis atsakė: “Jūs paėmėte mano dievus, kuriuos pasidariau, kunigą ir nuėjote. Kas gi man beliko? Ir dar klausiate, kas atsitiko?”
PBG(i) 17 A tak wszedłszy tam oni pięć mężów, którzy chodzili na wyszpiegowanie ziemi, wzięli obraz ryty, i Efod, i Terafim, i obraz lany; a kapłan stał przede drzwiami bramy z sześcią set mężów gotowych do boju. 18 A ci, którzy weszli do domu Michasowego, wzięli obraz ryty, Efod i Terafim, i obraz lany; i rzekł do nich kapłan: Cóż to czynicie? 19 A oni mu odpowiedzieli: Milcz, włóż rękę twą na usta twoje, a pójdź z nami, a bądź nam za ojca i za kapłana; cóżci lepiej, być kapłanem w domu męża jednego, czyli być kapłanem pokolenia i domu Izraelskiego? 20 I uradowało się serce kapłanowe, a wziąwszy Efod i Terafim, i obraz ryty, wszedł w pośrodek onego ludu. 21 A oni obróciwszy się poszli, a puścili przed sobą dziatki i bydło, i co było kosztowniejszego. 22 A gdy byli opodal od domu Michasowego, tedy mężowie, którzy mieszkali w domach bliskich domu Michasowego, zebrawszy się gonili syny Dan. 23 I wołali za synami Dan, którzy obejrzawszy się rzekli do Michasa: Cóż ci, żeś się tak skupił? 24 I odpowiedział: Bogi moje, którem sprawił, pobraliście, i kapłana, a odeszliście, i cóż więcej mieć będę? a jeszcze mówicie: Cóż ci?
Portuguese(i) 17 Mas subindo os cinco homens que haviam espiado a terra, entraram ali e tomaram a imagem esculpida, e éfode, os terafins e a imagem de fundição, ficando o sacerdote em pé à entrada da porta, com os seiscentos homens armados. 18 Quando eles entraram na casa de Mica, e tomaram a imagem esculpida, o éfode, os terafins e a imagem de fundição, perguntou-lhes o sacerdote: Que estais fazendo? 19 E eles lhe responderam: Cala-te, põe a mão sobre a boca, e vem connosco, e sê-nos por pai e sacerdote. Que te é melhor? ser sacerdote da casa dum só homem, ou duma tribo e duma geração em Israel? 20 Então alegrou-se o coração do sacerdote, o qual tomou o éfode, os terafins e a imagem esculpida, e entrou no meio do povo. 21 E, virando-se, partiram, tendo posto diante de si os pequeninos, o gado e a bagagem. 22 Estando eles já longe da casa de Mica, os homens que estavam nas casas vizinhas à dele se reuniram, e alcançaram os filhos de Dan. 23 E clamaram após os filhos de Dan, os quais, virando-se, perguntaram a Mica: Que é que tens, visto que vens com tanta gente? 24 Então ele respondeu: Os meus deuses que eu fiz, vós me tomastes, juntamente com o sacerdote, e partistes; e agora, que mais me fica? Como, pois, me dizeis: Que é que tens?
Norwegian(i) 17 Og de fem menn som hadde draget avsted for å utspeide landet, steg op og gikk inn og tok det utskårne billede og livkjortelen og husgudene og det støpte fotstykke, mens presten stod ved inngangen til porten sammen med de seks hundre fullt væbnede menn. 18 Da nu de fem menn hadde gått inn i Mikas hus og hadde tatt det utskårne billede med livkjortelen og husgudene og det støpte fotstykke, sa presten til dem: Hvad er det I gjør? 19 De sa til ham: Ti, legg din hånd på din munn og kom med oss og vær far og prest for oss! Hvad er best for dig, å være prest for en manns hus eller for en hel stamme og ætt i Israel? 20 Da blev presten vel til mote; han tok livkjortelen og husgudene og det utskårne billede og gav sig i lag med folkene. 21 Så vendte de sig og drog bort, og de lot barna og buskapen og sine eiendeler være fremst i toget. 22 Da de alt var kommet langt fra Mikas hus, blev mennene i Mikas grend kalt sammen, og de innhentet Dans barn. 23 De ropte efter Dans barn, og disse vendte sig om og sa til Mika: Hvad vil du siden du har kalt dine folk sammen? 24 Han svarte: I har tatt mine guder som jeg har gjort mig, og presten med, og har draget bort; hvad har jeg så tilbake? Hvorledes kan I da spørre mig hvad jeg vil?
Romanian(i) 17 Şi cei cinci oameni cari se duseseră să iscodească ţara, s'au suit şi au intrat în casă; au luat chipul cioplit, efodul, terafimii, şi chipul turnat, în timp ce preotul era la intrarea porţii cu cei şase sute de oameni, încinşi cu armele lor de război. 18 Cînd au intrat în casa lui Mica, şi au luat chipul cioplit, efodul, terafimii, şi chipul turnat, preotul le -a zis:,,Ce faceţi?`` 19 Ei au răspuns:,,Taci, pune-ţi mîna la gură, şi vino cu noi; să ne fii părinte şi preot. Mai bine este să fii preot la casa unui singur om, sau să fii preotul unei seminţii şi unei familii din Israel?`` 20 Preotul s'a bucurat în inima lui; a luat efodul, terafimii, şi chipul cioplit, şi s'a unit cu ceata poporului. 21 Au pornit iarăş la drum şi au plecat, punînd înaintea lor copiii, vitele şi calabalîcurile. 22 După ce se depărtaseră bine de casa lui Mica, oamenii cari locuiau în casele vecine cu a lui Mica s'au strîns şi au urmărit pe fiii lui Dan. 23 Au strigat după fiii lui Dan, cari s'au întors şi au zis lui Mica:,,Ce ai, şi ce înseamnă gloata aceasta de oameni?`` 24 El a răspuns:,,Dumnezeii mei, pe cari mi -i făcusem, mi i-aţi luat împreună cu preotul şi aţi plecat: ce-mi mai rămîne? Cum puteţi dar să-mi spuneţi:,Ce ai?``
Ukrainian(i) 17 І пішли п'ятеро тих мужів, що ходили вивідати той Край, увійшли туди, узяли різьбленого боввана, і ефода та терафи, і боввана литого. А при вході до брами стояв священик та шістсот мужа, оперезаних зброєю. 18 І ті ввійшли до Михиного дому, і взяли різьбленого боввана, ефода й терафи та боввана литого. І сказав до них той священик: Що ви робите? 19 А вони відказали йому: Мовчи! Поклади свою руку на уста свої та й іди з нами, і стань нам за отця та за священика. Чи тобі ліпше бути священиком дому одного чоловіка, чи бути тобі священиком для племени та для роду Ізраїлевого? 20 І стало добре на серці того священика, і він узяв ефода та терафи й різьбленого боввана, і ввійшов поміж народ. 21 І повернулися вони та й пішли, а дітей, і худобу, і тягар пустили перед себе. 22 Коли вони віддалилися від Михиного дому, то люди, що в домах, які разом із домом Михиним, були скликані, та й догнали Данових синів. 23 І кричали вони до Данових синів, а ті обернули обличчя свої та й сказали до Михи: Що тобі, що ти кричиш? 24 І він сказав: Ви забрали бога мого, що я зробив, та священика, та й пішли. І що мені ще? І що то ви говорите мені: що тобі?