Job 34:20 Cross References - new

  20 H7281 In a moment H4191 [H8799] they shall die, H5971 and the people H1607 [H8792] shall be troubled H2676 H3915 at midnight, H5674 [H8799] and pass away: H47 and the mighty H5493 [H8686] shall be taken away H3027 without hand.

Exodus 12:29-30

  29 H2677 H3915 And it came to pass, that at midnight H3068 the LORD H5221 [H8689] smote H1060 all the firstborn H776 in the land H4714 of Egypt, H1060 from the firstborn H6547 of Pharaoh H3427 [H8802] that sat H3678 on his throne H1060 to the firstborn H7628 of the captive H1004 H953 that was in the dungeon; H1060 and all the firstborn H929 of cattle.
  30 H6547 And Pharaoh H6965 [H8799] rose H3915 in the night, H5650 he, and all his servants, H4714 and all the Egyptians; H1419 and there was a great H6818 shriek H4714 in Egypt; H1004 for there was not a house H4191 [H8801] where there was not one dead.

1 Samuel 25:37-39

  37 H1242 But it came to pass in the morning, H3196 when the wine H3318 [H8800] had left H5037 Nabal, H802 and his wife H5046 [H8686] had told H1697 him these things, H3820 that his heart H4191 [H8799] died H7130 within H68 him, and he became as a stone.
  38 H6235 And it came to pass about ten H3117 days H3068 after, that the LORD H5062 [H8799] smote H5037 Nabal, H4191 [H8799] that he died.
  39 H1732 And when David H8085 [H8799] heard H5037 that Nabal H4191 [H8804] was dead, H559 [H8799] he said, H1288 [H8803] Blessed H3068 be the LORD, H7378 [H8804] that hath pleaded H7379 the cause H2781 of my reproach H3027 from the hand H5037 of Nabal, H2820 [H8804] and hath kept H5650 his servant H7451 from evil: H3068 for the LORD H7725 [H8689] hath returned H7451 the evil H5037 of Nabal H7218 upon his own head. H1732 And David H7971 [H8799] sent H1696 [H8762] and talked H26 with Abigail, H3947 [H8800] to take H802 her to himself for a wife.

1 Samuel 26:10

  10 H1732 David H559 [H8799] said H3068 furthermore, As the LORD H2416 liveth, H3068 the LORD H5062 [H8799] shall smite H3117 him; or his day H935 [H8799] shall come H4191 [H8804] to die; H3381 [H8799] or he shall descend H4421 into battle, H5595 [H8738] and perish.

Job 12:19

  19 H3212 [H8688] He leadeth H3548 princes H7758 away spoiled, H5557 [H8762] and overthroweth H386 the mighty.

Job 36:20

  20 H7602 [H8799] Desire H3915 not the night, H5971 when people H5927 [H8800] are cut off in their place.

Psalms 73:19

  19 H8047 How are they brought into desolation, H7281 as in a moment! H5486 [H8804] they are utterly H8552 [H8804] consumed H1091 with terrors.

Isaiah 10:16-19

  16 H113 Therefore shall the Sovereign, H136 H3068 [H8676] the Sovereign H6635 of hosts, H7971 [H8762] send H4924 among his fat ones H7332 leanness; H3519 and under his glory H3344 [H8799] he shall burn H3350 a burning H784 like the burning of a fire.
  17 H216 And the light H3478 of Israel H784 shall be for a fire, H6918 and his Holy One H3852 for a flame: H1197 [H8804] and it shall burn H398 [H8804] and devour H7898 his thorns H8068 and his briers H259 in one H3117 day;
  18 H3615 [H8762] And shall consume H3519 the glory H3293 of his forest, H3759 and of his fruitful field, H5315 both breath H1320 and flesh: H5263 [H8802] and they shall be as when a standardbearer H4549 [H8800] fainteth.
  19 H7605 And the rest H6086 of the trees H3293 of his forest H4557 shall be few, H5288 that a child H3789 [H8799] may write them.

Isaiah 30:13

  13 H5771 Therefore this perversity H6556 shall be to you as a breach H5307 [H8802] ready to fall, H1158 [H8737] swelling out H7682 [H8737] in a high H2346 wall, H7667 whose breaking H935 [H8799] cometh H6597 suddenly H6621 at an instant.

Isaiah 30:30-33

  30 H3068 And the LORD H1935 shall cause his glorious H6963 voice H8085 [H8689] to be heard, H7200 [H8686] and shall show H5183 the lighting down H2220 of his arm, H2197 with the indignation H639 of his anger, H3851 and with the flame H398 [H8802] of a devouring H784 fire, H5311 with scattering, H2230 and tempest, H68 H1259 and hailstones.
  31 H6963 For through the voice H3068 of the LORD H804 shall the Assyrian H2865 [H8735] be beaten down, H5221 [H8686] who smote H7626 with a rod.
  32 H3605 And in every place H4145 where the grounded H4294 staff H4569 shall pass, H3068 which the LORD H5117 [H8686] shall lay H8596 upon him, it shall be with tabrets H3658 and harps: H4421 and in battles H8573 of shaking H3898 [H8738] will he fight with it.
  33 H8613 For Tophet H6186 [H8803] is ordained H865 of old; H4428 yea, for the king H3559 [H8717] it is prepared; H6009 [H8689] he hath made it deep H7337 [H8689] and large: H4071 the pile H784 of it is fire H7235 [H8687] and much H6086 wood; H5397 the breath H3068 of the LORD, H5158 like a stream H1614 of brimstone, H1197 [H8802] doth kindle it.

Isaiah 37:36

  36 H4397 Then the messenger H3068 of the LORD H3318 [H8799] went forth, H5221 [H8686] and smote H4264 in the camp H804 of the Assyrians H3967 an hundred H8084 and eighty H2568 and five H505 thousand: H7925 [H8686] and when they arose early H1242 in the morning, H4191 [H8801] behold, they were all dead H6297 bodies.

Isaiah 37:38

  38 H7812 [H8693] And it came to pass, as he was worshipping H1004 in the house H5268 of Nisroch H430 his god, H152 that Adrammelech H8272 and Sharezer H1121 his sons H5221 [H8689] smote H2719 him with the sword; H4422 [H8738] and they escaped H776 into the land H780 of Armenia: H634 and Esarhaddon H1121 his son H4427 [H8799] reigned in his stead.

Daniel 2:34

  34 H2370 H1934 [H8751] Thou sawest H5705 till H69 a stone H1505 [H8728] was cut out H3809 without H3028 hands, H4223 [H8754] which smote H6755 the image H5922 upon H7271 his feet H6523 that were of iron H2635 and clay, H1855 0 and broke H1994 them H1855 [H8684] to pieces.

Daniel 2:44-45

  44 H3118 And in the days H581 of these H4430 kings H426 shall the God H8065 of heaven H6966 [H8681] set up H4437 a kingdom, H5957 H3809 which shall never H2255 [H8721] be ruined: H4437 and the kingdom H3809 shall not H7662 [H8721] be left H321 to other H5972 people, H1855 [H8681] but it shall break in pieces H5487 [H8681] and consume H3606 all H459 these H4437 kingdoms, H1932 and it H6966 [H8748] shall stand H5957 for ever.
  45 H3606 H6903 Forasmuch as H2370 [H8754] thou sawest H69 that the stone H1505 [H8728] was cut out H2906 of the mountain H3809 without H3028 hands, H1855 [H8684] and that it broke in pieces H6523 the iron, H5174 the brass, H2635 the clay, H3702 the silver, H1722 and the gold; H7229 the great H426 God H3046 [H8684] hath made known H4430 to the king H4101 what H1934 [H8748] shall come to pass H311 after H1836 this: H2493 and the dream H3330 is certain, H6591 and the interpretation H540 [H8683] of it sure.

Daniel 5:30

  30 H3916 In that night H1113 was Belshazzar H4430 the king H3779 of the Chaldeans H6992 [H8752] slain.

Zechariah 4:6

  6 H6030 [H8799] Then he answered H559 [H8799] and spoke H559 [H8800] to me, saying, H1697 This is the word H3068 of the LORD H2216 to Zerubbabel, H559 [H8800] saying, H2428 Not by might, H3581 nor by power, H7307 but by my spirit, H559 [H8804] saith H3068 the LORD H6635 of hosts.

Matthew 25:6

  6 G1161 { And G3319 at mid G3571 night G2906 there was a cry G1096 [G5754] made, G2400 [G5628] Behold, G3588 the G3566 bridegroom G2064 [G5736] cometh; G1831 [G5737] go ye out G1519 to G529 meet G846 him.}

Luke 12:20

  20 G1161 { But G2316 God G2036 [G5627] said G846 to him, G878 Thou mindless, G5026 this G3571 night G4675 thy G5590 breath G523 [G5719] shall be required G575 from G4675 thee: G1161 then G5101 whose G2071 [G5704] shall those things be, G3739 which G2090 [G5656] thou hast provided?}

Luke 17:26-29

  26 G2532 { And G2531 as G1096 [G5633] it was G1722 in G2250 the days G3575 of Noah, G3779 so G2071 [G5704] shall it be G2532 also G1722 in G2250 the days G5207 of the Son G444 of man.}
  27 G2068 [G5707] { They ate, G4095 [G5707] they drank, G1060 [G5707] they married wives, G1547 [G5712] they were given in marriage, G891 until G2250 the day G3739 that G3575 Noah G1525 [G5627] entered G1519 into G2787 the ark, G2532 and G2627 the flood G2064 [G5627] came, G2532 and G622 [G5656] destroyed G537 them all.}
  28 G3668 { Likewise G2532 also G5613 as G1096 [G5633] it was G1722 in G2250 the days G3091 of Lot; G2068 [G5707] they ate, G4095 [G5707] they drank, G59 [G5707] they bought, G4453 [G5707] they sold, G5452 [G5707] they planted, G3618 [G5707] they built;}
  29 G3739 G1161 { But G2250 the same day G3091 that Lot G1831 [G5627] went G575 from G4670 Sodom G1026 [G5656] it rained G4442 fire G2532 and G2303 brimstone G575 from G3772 heaven, G2532 and G622 [G5656] destroyed G537 them all.}

Acts 12:23

  23 G1161 And G3916 immediately G32 the messenger G2962 of the Lord G3960 [G5656] smote G846 him, G473 G3739 because G1325 [G5656] he gave G3756 not G2316 God G1391 the glory: G2532 and G1096 [G5637] he was G4662 eaten by worms, G1634 [G5656] and died.

1 Thessalonians 5:2

  2 G1063 For G846 you yourselves G1492 [G5758] know G199 exactly G3754 that G3588 the G2250 day G2962 of the Lord G3779 so G2064 [G5736] cometh G5613 as G2812 a thief G1722 in G3571 the night.

2 Peter 2:3

  3 G2532 And G1722 through G4124 covetousness G4112 they shall with deceptive G3056 words G1710 [G5695] exploit G5209 you: G3739 whose G2917 judgment G1597 now of a long time G691 [G5719] lingereth G3756 not, G2532 and G846 their G684 loss G3573 [G5719] shall slumber G3756 not.

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