2 Kings 1:11 Cross References - KJV_Strongs

  11 H7725 Again [H8799]   H7971 also he sent [H8799]   H312 unto him another H8269 captain H2572 of fifty H2572 with his fifty H6030 . And he answered [H8799]   H1696 and said [H8762]   H376 unto him, O man H430 of God H4428 , thus hath the king H559 said [H8804]   H3381 , Come down [H8798]   H4120 quickly.

Numbers 16:41

  41 H4283 But on the morrow H5712 all the congregation H1121 of the children H3478 of Israel H3885 murmured [H8735]   H4872 against Moses H175 and against Aaron H559 , saying [H8800]   H4191 , Ye have killed [H8689]   H5971 the people H3068 of the LORD.

1 Samuel 6:9

  9 H7200 And see [H8804]   H5927 , if it goeth up [H8799]   H1870 by the way H1366 of his own coast H1053 to Bethshemesh H6213 , then he hath done [H8804]   H1419 us this great H7451 evil H3045 : but if not, then we shall know [H8804]   H3027 that it is not his hand H5060 that smote [H8804]   H4745 us: it was a chance H1961 that happened to us [H8804]  .

1 Samuel 22:17-19

  17 H4428 And the king H559 said [H8799]   H7323 unto the footmen [H8801]   H5324 that stood [H8737]   H5437 about him, Turn [H8798]   H4191 , and slay [H8685]   H3548 the priests H3068 of the LORD H3027 ; because their hand H1732 also is with David H3045 , and because they knew [H8804]   H1272 when he fled [H8802]   H1540 , and did not shew [H8804]   H241   H5650 it to me. But the servants H4428 of the king H14 would [H8804]   H7971 not put forth [H8800]   H3027 their hand H6293 to fall [H8800]   H3548 upon the priests H3068 of the LORD.
  18 H4428 And the king H559 said [H8799]   H1673 to Doeg H5437 , Turn [H8798]   H6293 thou, and fall [H8798]   H3548 upon the priests H1673 . And Doeg H130 the Edomite H5437 turned [H8735]   H6293 , and he fell [H8799]   H3548 upon the priests H4191 , and slew [H8686]   H3117 on that day H8084 fourscore H2568 and five H376 persons H5375 that did wear [H8802]   H906 a linen H646 ephod.
  19 H5011 And Nob H5892 , the city H3548 of the priests H5221 , smote [H8689]   H6310 he with the edge H2719 of the sword H376 , both men H802 and women H5768 , children H3243 and sucklings [H8802]   H7794 , and oxen H2543 , and asses H7716 , and sheep H6310 , with the edge H2719 of the sword.

Proverbs 29:12

  12 H4910 If a ruler [H8802]   H7181 hearken [H8688]   H1697 to lies H8267   H8334 , all his servants [H8764]   H7563 are wicked.

Isaiah 26:11

  11 H3068 LORD H3027 , when thy hand H7311 is lifted up [H8804]   H2372 , they will not see [H8799]   H2372 : but they shall see [H8799]   H954 , and be ashamed [H8799]   H7068 for their envy H5971 at the people H784 ; yea, the fire H6862 of thine enemies H398 shall devour [H8799]   them.

Isaiah 32:7

  7 H3627 The instruments H3596 also of the churl H7451 are evil H3289 : he deviseth [H8804]   H2154 wicked devices H2254 to destroy [H8763]   H6041 the poor [H8675]   H6035   H8267 with lying H561 words H34 , even when the needy H1696 speaketh [H8763]   H4941 right.

Jeremiah 5:3

  3 H3068 O LORD H5869 , are not thine eyes H530 upon the truth H5221 ? thou hast stricken [H8689]   H2342 them, but they have not grieved [H8804]   H3615 ; thou hast consumed [H8765]   H3985 them, but they have refused [H8765]   H3947 to receive [H8800]   H4148 correction H6440 : they have made their faces H2388 harder [H8765]   H5553 than a rock H3985 ; they have refused [H8765]   H7725 to return [H8800]  .

Matthew 2:16

  16 G5119 Then G2264 Herod G1492 , when he saw [G5631]   G3754 that G1702 he was mocked [G5681]   G5259 of G3097 the wise men G3029 , was exceeding G2373 wroth [G5681]   G2532 , and G649 sent forth [G5660]   G337 , and slew [G5627]   G3956 all G3816 the children G1722 that were in G965 Bethlehem G2532 , and G1722 in G3956 all G3725 the coasts G846 thereof G575 , from G1332 two years old G2532 and G2736 under G2596 , according G5550 to the time G3739 which G198 he had diligently enquired [G5656]   G3844 of G3097 the wise men.

Luke 22:63-64

  63 G2532 And G435 the men G4912 that held [G5723]   G2424 Jesus G1702 mocked [G5707]   G846 him G1194 , and smote [G5723]   him .
  64 G2532 And G4028 when they had blindfolded [G5660]   G846 him G5180 , they struck [G5707]   G846 him G4383 on the face G2532 , and G1905 asked [G5707]   G846 him G3004 , saying [G5723]   G4395 , Prophesy [G5657]   G5101 , who G2076 is it [G5748]   G3817 that smote [G5660]   G4571 thee?

John 18:5-12

  5 G611 They answered [G5662]   G846 him G2424 , Jesus G3480 of Nazareth G2424 . Jesus G3004 saith [G5719]   G846 unto them G1473 , I G1510 am [G5748]   G1161 he . And G2455 Judas G2532 also G3588 , which G3860 betrayed [G5723]   G846 him G2476 , stood [G5715]   G3326 with G846 them.
  6 G5613 As soon G3767 then G2036 as he had said [G5627]   G846 unto them G3754 , G1473 I G1510 am [G5748]   G565 he, they went [G5627]   G1519 backward G3694   G2532 , and G4098 fell [G5627]   G5476 to the ground.
  7 G3767 Then G1905 asked he [G5656]   G846 them G3825 again G5101 , Whom G2212 seek ye [G5719]   G1161 ? And G2036 they said [G5627]   G2424 , Jesus G3480 of Nazareth.
  8 G2424 Jesus G611 answered [G5662]   G2036 , I have told [G5627]   G5213 you G3754 that G1473 I G1510 am [G5748]   G1487 he : if G3767 therefore G2212 ye seek [G5719]   G1691 me G863 , let [G5628]   G5128 these G5217 go their way [G5721]  :
  9 G2443 That G3056 the saying G4137 might be fulfilled [G5686]   G3739 , which G2036 he spake [G5627]   G3754 , G1537 Of G846 them G3739 which G1325 thou gavest [G5758]   G3427 me G3756 have I G622 lost [G5656]   G3762 none.
  10 G3767 Then G4613 Simon G4074 Peter G2192 having [G5723]   G3162 a sword G1670 drew [G5656]   G846 it G2532 , and G3817 smote [G5656]   G749 the high priest's G1401 servant G2532 , and G609 cut off [G5656]   G846 his G1188 right G5621 ear G1161 . G1401 The servant's G3686 name G2258 was [G5713]   G3124 Malchus.
  11 G3767 Then G2036 said [G5627]   G2424 Jesus G4074 unto Peter G906 , Put up [G5628]   G4675 thy G3162 sword G1519 into G2336 the sheath G4221 : the cup G3739 which G3962 my Father G1325 hath given [G5758]   G3427 me G4095 , shall I G3378 not G4095 drink [G5632]   G846 it?
  12 G3767 Then G4686 the band G2532 and G5506 the captain G2532 and G5257 officers G2453 of the Jews G4815 took [G5627]   G2424 Jesus G2532 , and G1210 bound [G5656]   G846 him,

Acts 4:16-17

  16 G3004 Saying [G5723]   G5101 , What G4160 shall we do [G5692]   G5125 to these G444 men G1063 ? for G3754 that G3303 indeed G1110 a notable G4592 miracle G1096 hath been done [G5754]   G1223 by G846 them G5318 is manifest G3956 to all them G2730 that dwell [G5723]   G2419 in Jerusalem G2532 ; and G3756 we cannot G1410   [G5736]   G720 deny [G5664]   it .
  17 G235 But G3363 that G1268 it spread [G5686]   G3363 no G1909 further G4119   G1519 among G2992 the people G547 , let us straitly G546 threaten [G5672]   G846 them G2980 , that they speak [G5721]   G3371 henceforth G3367 to no G444 man G1909 in G5129 this G3686 name.

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.