Acts 4:19 Cross References - AKJV_Strongs

  19 G4074 But Peter G2491 and John G611 answered G2036 and said G1487 to them, Whether G1342 it be right G1799 in the sight G2316 of God G191 to listen G3123 to you more G2228 than G2316 to God, G2919 judge you.

Exodus 1:17

  17 H3205 But the midwives H3372 feared H430 God, H6213 and did H4428 not as the king H4714 of Egypt H1696 commanded H2421 them, but saved H3206 the men children H2421 alive.

1 Kings 12:30

  30 H2088 And this H1697 thing H1961 became H2403 a sin: H5971 for the people H3212 went H6440 to worship before H259 the one, H1835 even to Dan.

1 Kings 14:16

  16 H5414 And he shall give H3478 Israel H1558 up because H2403 of the sins H3379 of Jeroboam, H834 who H2398 did sin, H834 and who H3478 made Israel H2398 to sin.

1 Kings 21:11

  11 H582 And the men H5892 of his city, H2205 even the elders H2715 and the nobles H834 who H3427 were the inhabitants H5892 in his city, H6213 did H348 as Jezebel H7971 had sent H3789 to them, and as it was written H5612 in the letters H834 which H7971 she had sent to them.

1 Kings 22:14

  14 H4321 And Micaiah H559 said, H3068 As the LORD H2416 lives, H3588 what H3068 the LORD H559 said H1696 to me, that will I speak.

2 Kings 16:15

  15 H4428 And king H271 Ahaz H6680 commanded H223 Urijah H3548 the priest, H559 saying, H1419 On the great H4196 altar H6999 burn H1242 the morning H5930 burnt H6153 offering, and the evening H4503 meat offering, H4428 and the king’s H5930 burnt H4503 sacrifice, and his meat offering, H5930 with the burnt H3605 offering of all H5971 the people H776 of the land, H4503 and their meat offering, H5262 and their drink H2236 offerings; and sprinkle H3605 on it all H1818 the blood H5930 of the burnt H3605 offering, and all H1818 the blood H2077 of the sacrifice: H5178 and the brazen H4196 altar H1239 shall be for me to inquire by.

2 Chronicles 26:16-20

  16 H2394 But when he was strong, H3820 his heart H1361 was lifted H7843 up to his destruction: H4603 for he transgressed H3068 against the LORD H430 his God, H935 and went H413 into H1964 the temple H3068 of the LORD H6999 to burn H6999 incense H4196 on the altar H7004 of incense.
  17 H5838 And Azariah H3548 the priest H935 went H310 in after H8084 him, and with him fourscore H3548 priests H3068 of the LORD, H2428 that were valiant H1121 men:
  18 H5975 And they withstood H5818 Uzziah H4428 the king, H559 and said H5818 to him, It appertains not to you, Uzziah, H6999 to burn H6999 incense H3068 to the LORD, H3548 but to the priests H1121 the sons H175 of Aaron, H6942 that are consecrated H6999 to burn H6999 incense: H3318 go H4720 out of the sanctuary; H4603 for you have trespassed; H3808 neither H3519 shall it be for your honor H3068 from the LORD H430 God.
  19 H5818 Then Uzziah H2196 was wroth, H4730 and had a censer H3027 in his hand H6999 to burn H6999 incense: H2196 and while he was wroth H3548 with the priests, H6883 the leprosy H2224 even rose H4696 up in his forehead H6440 before H3548 the priests H1004 in the house H3068 of the LORD, H5921 from beside H7004 the incense H4196 altar.
  20 H5838 And Azariah H7218 the chief H3548 priest, H3605 and all H3548 the priests, H6437 looked H2009 on him, and, behold, H6879 he was leprous H4696 in his forehead, H926 and they thrust H8033 him out from there; H1931 yes, himself H1765 hurried H1571 also H3318 to go H3588 out, because H3068 the LORD H5060 had smitten him.

Psalms 58:1

  1 H5329 To the chief H5329 Musician, H516 Altaschith, H4387 Michtam H1732 of David. H552 Do you indeed H1696 speak H6664 righteousness, H482 O congregation? H8199 do you judge H4339 uprightly, H1121 O you sons H120 of men?

Daniel 3:18

  18 H2006 But if H3046 not, be it known H4430 to you, O king, H6399 that we will not serve H426 your gods, H3809 nor H5457 worship H1722 the golden H6755 image H1768 which H6966 you have set up.

Daniel 6:10

  10 H1768 Now H1768 when H1841 Daniel H3046 knew H3792 that the writing H7560 was signed, H5954 he went H1005 into his house; H3551 and his windows H6606 being open H5952 in his chamber H5049 toward H3390 Jerusalem, H1289 he kneeled H1291 on his knees H8532 three H2166 times H3118 a day, H6739 and prayed, H3029 and gave thanks H6925 before H426 his God, H5648 as he did H4481 aforetime.

Hosea 5:11

  11 H669 Ephraim H6231 is oppressed H7533 and broken H4941 in judgment, H3588 because H2974 he willingly H1980 walked H310 after H6673 the commandment.

Amos 7:16

  16 H6258 Now H8085 therefore hear H1697 you the word H3068 of the LORD: H559 You say, H5012 Prophesy H5921 not against H3478 Israel, H5197 and drop H5921 not your word against H1004 the house H3446 of Isaac.

Micah 6:16

  16 H2708 For the statutes H6018 of Omri H8104 are kept, H3605 and all H4639 the works H1004 of the house H256 of Ahab, H3212 and you walk H4156 in their counsels; H5414 that I should make H8047 you a desolation, H3427 and the inhabitants H8322 thereof an hissing: H5375 therefore you shall bear H2781 the reproach H5971 of my people.

Matthew 22:21

  21 G3004 They say G2541 to him, Caesar’s. G5119 Then G3004 said G591 he to them, Render G3767 therefore G2541 to Caesar G2541 the things which are Caesar’s; G2316 and to God G2316 the things that are God’s.

John 7:24

  24 G2919 Judge G2596 not according G3799 to the appearance, G2919 but judge G1342 righteous G2920 judgment.

Acts 5:29

  29 G1161 Then G4074 Peter G652 and the other apostles G611 answered G2036 and said, G1163 We ought G3980 to obey G2316 God G3123 rather G2228 than G444 men.

1 Corinthians 10:15

  15 G3004 I speak G5429 as to wise G2919 men; judge G3739 you what G5346 I say.

2 Corinthians 4:2

  2 G550 But have renounced G2927 the hidden G152 things of dishonesty, G4043 not walking G3834 in craftiness, G3366 nor G1389 handling G3056 the word G2316 of God G1389 deceitfully; G5321 but by manifestation G225 of the truth G4921 commending G1438 ourselves G3956 to every G444 man’s G4893 conscience G1799 in the sight G2316 of God.

Ephesians 6:1

  1 G5043 Children, G5219 obey G5216 your G1118 parents G2962 in the Lord: G5124 for this G1342 is right.

1 Timothy 2:3

  3 G5124 For this G2570 is good G587 and acceptable G1799 in the sight G2316 of God G4990 our Savior;

Hebrews 11:23

  23 G4102 By faith G3475 Moses, G1080 when he was born, G2928 was hid G5150 three G5150 months G3962 of his parents, G1360 because G1492 they saw G791 he was a proper G3813 child; G5399 and they were not afraid G935 of the king’s G1297 commandment.

James 2:4

  4 G2532 Are you not then G1252 partial G1438 in yourselves, G1096 and are become G2923 judges G4190 of evil G1261 thoughts?

Revelation 13:3-10

  3 G1492 And I saw G3391 one G2776 of his heads G4969 as it were wounded G2288 to death; G2288 and his deadly G4127 wound G2323 was healed: G3650 and all G1093 the world G2296 wondered G3694 after G2342 the beast.
  4 G4352 And they worshipped G1404 the dragon G3739 which G1325 gave G1849 power G2342 to the beast: G4352 and they worshipped G2342 the beast, G3004 saying, G5101 Who G3664 is like G2342 to the beast? G5101 who G1410 is able G4170 to make G4170 war with him?
  5 G1325 And there was given G4750 to him a mouth G2980 speaking G3173 great G988 things and blasphemies; G1849 and power G1325 was given G4160 to him to continue G5062 forty G1417 and two G3376 months.
  6 G455 And he opened G4750 his mouth G988 in blasphemy G4314 against G2316 God, G987 to blaspheme G3686 his name, G4633 and his tabernacle, G4637 and them that dwell G3772 in heaven.
  7 G1325 And it was given G4160 to him to make G4171 war G40 with the saints, G3528 and to overcome G1849 them: and power G1325 was given G1909 him over G3956 all G5443 kindreds, G1100 and tongues, G1484 and nations.
  8 G3956 And all G2730 that dwell G1093 on the earth G4352 shall worship G3739 him, whose G3686 names G1125 are not written G976 in the book G2222 of life G721 of the Lamb G4969 slain G2602 from the foundation G2889 of the world.
  9 G1487 If G1536 any G2192 man have G3775 an ear, G191 let him hear.
  10 G4863 He that leads G161 into captivity G5217 shall go G1519 into G161 captivity: G615 he that kills G3162 with the sword G1163 must G615 be killed G3162 with the sword. G5602 Here G5281 is the patience G4102 and the faith G40 of the saints.

Revelation 14:9-12

  9 G5154 And the third G32 angel G190 followed G3004 them, saying G3173 with a loud G5456 voice, G1487 If G1536 any G4352 man worship G2342 the beast G1504 and his image, G2983 and receive G5480 his mark G3359 in his forehead, G2228 or G5495 in his hand,
  10 G846 The same G4095 shall drink G3631 of the wine G2372 of the wrath G2316 of God, G3588 which G2767 is poured G194 out without G194 mixture G1722 into G4221 the cup G3709 of his indignation; G928 and he shall be tormented G4442 with fire G2303 and brimstone G1799 in the presence G40 of the holy G32 angels, G1799 and in the presence G721 of the Lamb:
  11 G2586 And the smoke G929 of their torment G305 ascends G165 up for ever G165 and ever: G2192 and they have G3756 no G372 rest G2250 day G2532 nor G3571 night, G3588 who G4352 worship G2342 the beast G1504 and his image, G1536 and whoever G2983 receives G5480 the mark G3686 of his name.
  12 G5602 Here G5281 is the patience G40 of the saints: G5602 here G5083 are they that keep G1785 the commandments G2316 of God, G4102 and the faith G2424 of Jesus.

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