Jonah 1:7 Cross References - new

  7 H559 [H8799] And they said H376 every one H7453 to another, H3212 [H8798] Come, H5307 [H8686] and let us cast H1486 lots, H3045 [H8799] that we may know H7945 for whose cause H7451 this evil H5307 [H8686] is upon us. So they cast H1486 lots, H1486 and the lot H5307 [H8799] fell H3124 upon Jonah.

Numbers 32:23

  23 H6213 [H8799] But if ye will not do so, H2398 [H8804] behold, ye have sinned H3068 against the LORD: H3045 [H8798] and be sure H2403 your sin H4672 [H8799] will find you out.

Joshua 7:10

  10 H3068 And the LORD H559 [H8799] said H3091 to Joshua, H6965 [H8798] Arise; H5307 [H8802] why liest H6440 thou thus upon thy face?

Joshua 7:13-18

  13 H6965 [H8798] Rise, H6942 [H8761] sanctify H5971 the people, H559 [H8804] and say, H6942 [H8690] Sanctify H4279 yourselves for to morrow: H559 [H8804] for thus saith H3068 the LORD H430 God H3478 of Israel, H2764 There is an secluded thing H7130 in the midst H3478 of thee, O Israel: H3201 [H8799] thou canst H6965 [H8800] not stand H6440 at the face of H341 [H8802] thy enemies, H5493 [H8687] until ye take away H2764 the secluded thing H7130 from among you.
  14 H1242 In the morning H7126 [H8738] therefore ye shall be brought H7626 according to your tribes: H7626 and it shall be, that the tribe H3068 which the LORD H3920 [H8799] taketh H7126 [H8799] shall come H4940 according to their families; H4940 and the family H3068 which the LORD H3920 [H8799] shall take H7126 [H8799] shall come H1004 by households; H1004 and the household H3068 which the LORD H3920 [H8799] shall take H7126 [H8799] shall come H1397 man H1397 by man.
  15 H3920 [H8737] And it shall be, that he that is taken H2764 with the secluded thing H8313 [H8735] shall be burnt H784 with fire, H5674 [H8804] he and all that he hath: because he hath transgressed H1285 the covenant H3068 of the LORD, H6213 [H8804] and because he hath wrought H5039 folly H3478 in Israel.
  16 H3091 So Joshua H7925 [H8686] rose early H1242 in the morning, H7126 [H8686] and brought H3478 Israel H7626 by their tribes; H7626 and the tribe H3063 of Judah H3920 [H8735] was taken:
  17 H7126 [H8686] And he brought H4940 the family H3063 of Judah; H3920 [H8799] and he took H4940 the family H2227 of the Zarhites: H7126 [H8686] and he brought H4940 the family H2227 of the Zarhites H1397 man H1397 by man; H2067 and Zabdi H3920 [H8735] was taken:
  18 H7126 [H8686] And he brought H1004 his household H1397 man H1397 by man; H5912 and Achan, H1121 the son H3756 of Carmi, H1121 the son H2067 of Zabdi, H1121 the son H2226 of Zerah, H4294 of the tribe H3063 of Judah, H3920 [H8735] was taken.

Joshua 22:16-20

  16 H559 [H8804] Thus saith H3605 the whole H5712 company H3068 of the LORD, H4604 What treachery H4603 [H8804] is this that ye have committed H430 against the God H3478 of Israel, H7725 [H8800] to turn away H3117 this day H310 from following H3068 the LORD, H1129 [H8800] in that ye have built H4196 you an altar, H4775 [H8800] that ye might rebel H3117 this day H3068 against the LORD?
  17 H5771 Is the perversity H6465 of Peor H4592 too little H2891 [H8694] for us, from which we are not cleansed H3117 until this day, H5063 although there was a plague H5712 in the company H3068 of the LORD,
  18 H7725 [H8799] But that ye must turn away H3117 this day H310 from following H3068 the LORD? H4775 [H8799] and it will be, seeing ye rebel H3117 to day H3068 against the LORD, H4279 that to morrow H7107 [H8799] he will burst out in rage H3605 towards H3605 the whole H5712 company H3478 of Israel.
  19 H389 However, H776 if the land H272 of your possession H2931 is unclean, H5674 [H8798] then pass ye over H776 to the land H272 of the possession H3068 of the LORD, H3068 in which the LORD'S H4908 tabernacle H7931 [H8804] dwelleth, H270 [H8734] and take possession H8432 among H4775 [H8799] us: but rebel H3068 not against the LORD, H408 nor H4775 [H8799] rebel H1129 [H8800] against us, in building H4196 you an altar H1107 besides H4196 the altar H3068 of the LORD H430 our God.
  20 H5912 Did not Achan H1121 the son H2226 of Zerah H4603 [H8804] commit H4604 a treachery H2764 in the secluded thing, H7110 and splintering rage H1961 [H8804] fall H5921 upon H3605 all H5712 the company H3478 of Israel? H376 and that man H1478 [H8804] expired H259 not alone H5771 in his perversity.

Judges 7:13-14

  13 H1439 And when Gideon H935 [H8799] had come, H376 behold, there was a man H5608 [H8764] that told H2472 a dream H7453 to his friend, H559 [H8799] and said, H2492 [H8804] Behold, I dreamed H2472 a dream, H6742 H6742 [H8675] and, lo, a cake H8184 of barley H3899 bread H2015 [H8693] rolled H4264 into the host H4080 of Midian, H935 [H8799] and came H168 to a tent, H5221 [H8686] and smote H5307 [H8799] it that it fell, H2015 H4605 [H8799] and overturned H168 it, that the tent H5307 [H8804] lay flat.
  14 H7453 And his friend H6030 [H8799] answered H559 [H8799] and said, H2719 This is nothing else except the sword H1439 of Gideon H1121 the son H3101 of Joash, H376 a man H3478 of Israel: H3027 for into his hand H430 hath God H5414 [H8804] given H4080 Midian, H4264 and all the host.

Judges 20:9-10

  9 H1697 But now this shall be the thing H6213 [H8799] which we will do H1390 to Gibeah; H1486 we will go up by lot against it;
  10 H3947 [H8804] And we will take H6235 ten H582 men H3967 of an hundred H7626 throughout all the tribes H3478 of Israel, H3967 and an hundred H505 of a thousand, H505 and a thousand H7233 out of ten thousand, H3947 [H8800] to fetch H6720 provisions H5971 for the people, H6213 [H8800] that they may do, H935 [H8800] when they come H1387 to Gibeah H1144 of Benjamin, H5039 according to all the folly H6213 [H8804] that they have wrought H3478 in Israel.

1 Samuel 10:20-21

  20 H8050 And when Samuel H7626 had caused all the tribes H3478 of Israel H7126 [H8686] to come near, H7626 the tribe H1144 of Benjamin H3920 [H8735] was taken.
  21 H7626 When he had caused the tribe H1144 of Benjamin H7126 [H8686] to come near H4940 by their families, H4940 the family H4309 of Matri H3920 [H8735] was taken, H7586 and Saul H1121 the son H7027 of Kish H3920 [H8735] was taken: H1245 [H8762] and when they sought H4672 [H8738] him, he could not be found.

1 Samuel 14:38-39

  38 H7586 And Saul H559 [H8799] said, H5066 [H8798] Come ye H1988 here, H6438 all the chief H5971 of the people: H3045 [H8798] and know H7200 [H8798] and see H4100 what H2403 this sin H3117 hath been this day.
  39 H3068 For, as the LORD H2416 liveth, H3467 [H8688] who liberateth H3478 Israel, H3426 though it is H3129 in Jonathan H1121 my son, H4191 [H8800] he shall surely H4191 [H8799] die. H5971 But there was not a man among all the people H6030 [H8802] that answered him.

1 Samuel 14:41-42

  41 H7586 Therefore Saul H559 [H8799] said H3068 to the LORD H430 God H3478 of Israel, H3051 [H8798] Give H8549 a perfect H7586 lot. And Saul H3129 and Jonathan H3920 [H8735] were taken: H5971 but the people H3318 [H8804] escaped.
  42 H7586 And Saul H559 [H8799] said, H5307 [H8685] Cast H3129 lots between me and Jonathan H1121 my son. H3129 And Jonathan H3920 [H8735] was taken.

Esther 3:7

  7 H7223 In the first H2320 month, H2320 that is, the month H5212 Nisan, H8147 H6240 in the twelfth H8141 year H4428 of king H325 Ahasuerus, H5307 [H8689] they cast H6332 Pur, H1486 that is, the lot, H6440 at the face of H2001 Haman H3117 from day H3117 to day, H2320 and from month H2320 to month, H8147 H6240 to the twelfth H2320 month, that is, the month H143 Adar.

Job 10:2

  2 H559 [H8799] I will say H433 to God, H7561 [H8686] Do not condemn H3045 [H8685] me; show H7378 [H8799] me why thou contendest with me.

Psalms 22:18

  18 H2505 [H8762] They part H899 my garments H5307 [H8686] among them, and cast H1486 lots H3830 upon my vesture.

Proverbs 16:33

  33 H1486 The lot H2904 [H8714] is cast H2436 into the lap; H4941 but its whole disposing H3068 is from the LORD.

Isaiah 41:6-7

  6 H5826 [H8799] They helped H376 every one H7453 his neighbour; H559 [H8799] and every one said H251 to his brother, H2388 [H8798] Be of good courage.
  7 H2796 So the carpenter H2388 [H8762] encouraged H6884 [H8802] the goldsmith, H2505 [H8688] and he that smootheth H6360 with the hammer H1986 [H8802] him that smote H6471 the anvil, H559 [H8802] saying, H2896 It is ready H1694 for the soldering: H2388 [H8762] and he fastened H4548 it with nails, H4131 [H8735] that it should not be moved.

Matthew 27:35

  35 G1161 And G4717 [G5660] they impaled G846 him, G1266 [G5668] and parted G846 his G2440 garments, G906 [G5723] casting G2819 lots: G2443 that G4137 [G5686] it might be fulfilled G3588 which G4483 [G5685] was spoken G5259 by G4396 the prophet, G1266 [G5668] They parted G3450 my G2440 garments G1438 among them, G2532 and G1909 upon G3450 my G2441 vesture G906 [G5627] they cast G2819 lots.

Acts 1:23-26

  23 G2532 And G2476 [G5627] they appointed G1417 two, G2501 Joseph G2564 [G5746] called G923 Barsabas, G3739 who G1941 [G5681] was surnamed G2459 Justus, G2532 and G3159 Matthias.
  24 G2532 And G4336 [G5666] they prayed, G2036 [G5627] and said, G4771 Thou, G2962 Lord, G2589 who knowest the hearts G3956 of all G322 [G5657] men, show G3739 G1520 which G1537 of G5130 these G1417 two G1586 [G5668] thou hast chosen,
  25 G2983 [G5629] That he may take G2819 part G5026 of this G1248 service G2532 and G651 apostleship, G1537 from G3739 which G2455 Judas G3845 [G5627] walked contrary to, G4198 [G5677] that he might go G1519 to G2398 his own G5117 place.
  26 G2532 And G1325 [G5656] they gave forth G846 their G2819 lots; G2532 and G2819 the lot G4098 [G5627] fell G1909 upon G3159 Matthias; G2532 and G4785 [G5681] he was numbered G3326 with G1733 the eleven G652 apostles.

Acts 13:19

  19 G2532 And G2507 [G5631] when he had put down by force G2033 seven G1484 nations G1722 in G1093 the land G5477 of Canaan, G2624 0 he divided G846 their G1093 land G846 to them G2624 [G5656] by lot.

1 Corinthians 4:5

  5 G5620 Therefore G2919 [G5720] judge G3361 G5100 nothing G4253 before G2540 the season, G2193 G302 until G2962 the Lord G2064 [G5632] shall come, G3739 who G2532 will both G5461 [G5692] bring to light G2927 the hidden things G4655 of darkness, G2532 and G5319 [G5692] will reveal G1012 the counsels G2588 of the hearts: G2532 and G5119 then G1538 shall every man G1096 [G5695] have G1868 high praise G575 from G2316 God.

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