Ezekiel 28:13 Cross References - ASV_Strongs

  13 H5731 You were in Eden, H1588 the garden H430 of God; H3368 every precious H68 stone H4540 was your covering, H124 the sardius, H6357 the topaz, H3095 and the diamond, H8658 the beryl, H7718 the onyx, H3471 and the jasper, H5601 the sapphire, H5306 the emerald, H1304 and the carbuncle, H2091 and gold: H4399 the workmanship H8596 of your tabrets H5345 and of your pipes H3117 was in you; in the day H1254 that you were created H3559 they were prepared.

Genesis 2:8

  8 H3068 And Jehovah H430 God H5193 planted H1588 a garden H6924 eastward, H5731 in Eden; H8033 and there H7760 he put H120 the man H834 whom H3335 he had formed.

Genesis 2:11-12

  11 H8034 The name H259 of the first H6376 is Pishon: H1931 that H5437 is it which compasseth H776 the whole land H2341 of Havilah, H834 where H2091 there is gold;
  12 H2091 and the gold H1931 of that H776 land H2896 is good: H916 there is bdellium H7718 and the onyx H68 stone.

Genesis 3:23-24

  23 H3068 therefore Jehovah H430 God H7971 sent him forth H1588 from the garden H5731 of Eden, H5647 to till H127 the ground H3947 from whence he was taken.
  24 H1644 So he drove out H120 the man; H7931 and he placed H6924 at the east H1588 of the garden H5731 of Eden H3742 the Cherubim, H3858 and the flame H2719 of a sword H1870 which turned every way, H8104 to keep H1870 the way H6086 of the tree H2416 of life.

Genesis 13:10

  10 H3876 And Lot H5375 lifted up H5869 his eyes, H7200 and beheld H3603 all the Plain H3383 of the Jordan, H4945 that it was well watered H6440 every where, before H3068 Jehovah H7843 destroyed H5467 Sodom H6017 and Gomorrah, H1588 like the garden H3068 of Jehovah, H776 like the land H4714 of Egypt, H935 as thou goest H6820 unto Zoar.

Exodus 28:17-20

  17 H4390 And thou shalt set H4396 in it settings H68 of stones, H702 four H2905 rows H68 of stones: H2905 a row H124 of sardius, H6357 topaz, H1304 and carbuncle H259 shall be the first H2905 row;
  18 H8145 and the second H2905 row H5306 an emerald, H5601 a sapphire, H3095 and a diamond;
  19 H7992 and the third H2905 row H3958 a jacinth, H7618 an agate, H306 and an amethyst;
  20 H7243 and the fourth H2905 row H8658 a beryl, H7718 and an onyx, H3471 and a jasper: H7660 they shall be inclosed H2091 in gold H4396 in their settings.

Exodus 39:10-21

  10 H4390 And they set H702 in it four H2905 rows H68 of stones. H2905 A row H124 of sardius, H6357 topaz, H1304 and carbuncle H259 was the first H2905 row;
  11 H8145 and the second H2905 row, H5306 an emerald, H5601 a sapphire, H3095 and a diamond;
  12 H7992 and the third H2905 row, H3958 a jacinth, H7618 an agate, H306 and an amethyst;
  13 H7243 and the fourth H2905 row, H8658 a beryl, H7718 an onyx, H3471 and a jaspar: H4142 they were inclosed H4396 in inclosings H2091 of gold H4865 in their settings.
  14 H68 And the stones H8034 were according to the names H1121 of the children H3478 of Israel, H8147 twelve, H8034 according to their names; H6603 like the engravings H2368 of a signet, H376 every one H8034 according to his name, H8147 for the twelve H7626 tribes.
  15 H6213 And they made H2833 upon the breastplate H8333 chains H1383 like cords, H5688 of wreathen H4639 work H2889 of pure H2091 gold.
  16 H6213 And they made H8147 two H4865 settings H2091 of gold, H8147 and two H2091 gold H2885 rings, H5414 and put H8147 the two H2885 rings H8147 on the two H7098 ends H2833 of the breastplate.
  17 H5414 And they put H8147 the two H5688 wreathen chains H2091 of gold H8147 in the two H2885 rings H7098 at the ends H2833 of the breastplate.
  18 H8147 And the other two H7098 ends H8147 of the two H5688 wreathen H5688 chains H5414 they put H8147 on the two H4865 settings, H5414 and put H3802 them on the shoulder-pieces H646 of the ephod, H4136 in the H6440 forepart thereof.
  19 H6213 And they made H8147 two H2885 rings H2091 of gold, H7760 and put H8147 them upon the two H7098 ends H2833 of the breastplate, H8193 upon the edge H5676 thereof, which was toward the side H646 of the ephod H1004 inward.
  20 H6213 And they made H8147 two H2885 rings H2091 of gold, H5414 and put H8147 them on the two H3802 shoulder-pieces H646 of the ephod H4295 underneath, H4136 in H6440 the forepart H5980 thereof, close H4225 by the coupling H4605 thereof, above H2805 the skilfully woven band H646 of the ephod.
  21 H7405 And they did bind H2833 the breastplate H2885 by the rings H2885 thereof unto the rings H646 of the ephod H6616 with a lace H8504 of blue, H2805 that it might be upon the skilfully woven band H646 of the ephod, H2833 and that the breastplate H2118 might not be loosed H646 from the ephod; H3068 as Jehovah H6680 commanded H4872 Moses.

Isaiah 14:11

  11 H1347 Thy pomp H3381 is brought down H7585 to Sheol, H1998 and the noise H5035 of thy viols: H7415 the worm H3331 is spread H8438 under thee, and worms H4374 cover thee.

Isaiah 23:16

  16 H3947 Take H3658 a harp, H5437 go about H5892 the city, H2181 thou harlot H7911 that hast been forgotten; H3190 make sweet H5059 melody, H7235 sing many H7892 songs, H2142 that thou mayest be remembered.

Isaiah 30:32

  32 H3605 And every stroke H4145 of the appointed H4294 staff, H3068 which Jehovah H4569 shall H5117 lay H8596 upon him, shall be with the sound of tabrets H3658 and harps; H4421 and in battles H8573 with the brandishing H3898 of his arm will he fight with them.

Isaiah 51:3

  3 H3068 For Jehovah H5162 hath comforted H6726 Zion; H5162 he hath comforted H2723 all her waste places, H7760 and hath made H4057 her wilderness H5731 like Eden, H6160 and her desert H1588 like the garden H3068 of Jehovah; H8342 joy H8057 and gladness H4672 shall be found H8426 therein, thanksgiving, H6963 and the voice H2172 of melody.

Isaiah 54:11-12

  11 H6041 O thou afflicted, H5590 tossed with tempest, H5162 and not comforted, H7257 behold, I will set H68 thy stones H6320 in fair colors, H3245 and lay thy foundations H5601 with sapphires.
  12 H7760 And I will make H8121 thy pinnacles H3539 of rubies, H8179 and thy gates H68 of carbuncles, H1366 and all thy border H2656 of precious H68 stones.

Ezekiel 21:30

  30 H7725 Cause it to return H8593 into its sheath. H4725 In the place H1254 where thou wast created, H776 in the land H4351 of thy birth, H8199 will I judge thee.

Ezekiel 26:13

  13 H1995 And I will cause the noise H7892 of thy songs H7673 to cease; H6963 and the sound H3658 of thy harps H8085 shall be no more heard.

Ezekiel 27:16

  16 H758 Syria H5503 was thy merchant H7230 by reason of the multitude H4639 of thy handiworks: H5414 they traded H5801 for thy wares H5306 with emeralds, H713 purple, H7553 and broidered work, H948 and fine linen, H7215 and coral, H3539 and rubies.

Ezekiel 27:22

  22 H7402 The traffickers H7614 of Sheba H7484 and Raamah, H7402 they were thy traffickers; H5414 they traded H5801 for thy wares H7218 with the chief H1314 of all spices, H3368 and with all precious H68 stones, H2091 and gold.

Ezekiel 28:15

  15 H8549 You were perfect H1870 in your ways H3117 from the day H1254 that you were created, H5766 until unrighteousness H4672 was found in you.

Ezekiel 31:8-9

  8 H730 The cedars H1588 in the garden H430 of God H6004 could not hide H1265 it; the fir-trees H1819 were not like H5589 its boughs, H6196 and the plane-trees H6288 were not as its branches; H6086 nor was any tree H1588 in the garden H430 of God H1819 like H3308 unto it in its beauty.
  9 H6213 I made H3303 it fair H7230 by the multitude H1808 of its branches, H6086 so that all the trees H5731 of Eden, H1588 that were in the garden H430 of God, H7065 envied it.

Ezekiel 36:35

  35 H559 And they shall say, H1977 This H776 land H8074 that was desolate H1588 is become like the garden H5731 of Eden; H2720 and the waste H8074 and desolate H2040 and ruined H5892 cities H1219 are fortified H3427 and inhabited.

Joel 2:3

  3 H784 A fire H398 devoureth H6440 before H310 them; and behind H3852 them a flame H3857 burneth: H776 the land H1588 is as the garden H5731 of Eden H6440 before H310 them, and behind H8077 them a desolate H4057 wilderness; H6413 yea, and none hath escaped them.

Revelation 2:7

  7 G2192 He that hath G3775 an ear, G191 let him hear G5101 what G4151 the Spirit G3004 saith G1577 to the churches. G846 To him G3528 that overcometh, G1325 to him will I give G5315 to eat G1537 of G3586 the tree G2222 of life, G3739 which G2076 is G1722 in G3319 the G3857 Paradise G2316 of God.

Revelation 17:4

  4 G2532 And G1135 the woman G4016 was arrayed G4209 in purple G2532 and G2847 scarlet, G2532 and G5558 decked G5557 with gold G2532 and G5093 precious G3037 stone G2532 and G3135 pearls, G2192 having G1722 in G846 her G5495 hand G5552 a golden G4221 cup G1073 full G946 of abominations, G2532 even G168 the unclean G846 things of her G4202 fornication,

Revelation 21:19-20

  19 G2532   G2310 The foundations G5038 of the wall G4172 of the city G2885 were adorned G3956 with all manner G5093 of precious G3037 stones. G4413 The first G2310 foundation G2393 was jasper; G1208 the second, G4552 sapphire; G5154 the third, G5472 chalcedony; G5067 the fourth, G4665 emerald;
  20 G3991 the fifth, G4557 sardonyx; G1623 the sixth, G4556 sardius; G1442 the seventh, G5555 chrysolite; G3590 the eighth, G969 beryl; G1766 the ninth, G5116 topaz; G1182 the tenth, G5556 chrysoprase; G1734 the eleventh, G5192 jacinth; G1428 the twelfth, G271 amethyst.

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