1 Samuel 25

  1 H8050 And Samuel H4191 [H8799] died; H3478 and all the Israelites H6908 [H8735] were gathered together, H5594 [H8799] and lamented H6912 [H8799] him, and buried H1004 him in his house H7414 at Ramah. H1732 And David H6965 [H8799] arose, H3381 [H8799] and went down H4057 to the wilderness H6290 of Paran.
  2 H376 And there was a man H4584 in Maon, H4639 whose possessions H3760 were in Carmel; H376 and the man H3966 was very H1419 great, H7969 and he had three H505 thousand H6629 sheep, H505 and a thousand H5795 goats: H1494 [H8800] and he was shearing H6629 his sheep H3760 in Carmel.
  3 H8034 Now the name H376 of the man H5037 was Nabal; H8034 and the name H802 of his wife H26 Abigail: H802 and she was a woman H2896 of good H7922 understanding, H3303 and of a beautiful H8389 countenance: H376 but the man H7186 was churlish H7451 and evil H4611 in his doings; H3614 and he was of the house of Caleb.
  4 H1732 And David H8085 [H8799] heard H4057 in the wilderness H5037 that Nabal H1494 [H8802] was shearing H6629 his sheep.
  5 H1732 And David H7971 [H8799] sent H6235 ten H5288 young men, H1732 and David H559 [H8799] said H5288 to the young men, H5927 [H8798] Go up H3760 to Carmel, H935 [H8804] and go H5037 to Nabal, H7592 H7965 [H8804] and greet H8034 him in my name:
  6 H559 [H8804] And thus shall ye say H2416 to him that liveth H7965 in prosperity, Peace H7965 be both to thee, and peace H1004 be to thy house, H7965 and peace be to all that thou hast.
  7 H8085 [H8804] And now I have heard H1494 [H8802] that thou hast shearers: H7462 [H8802] now thy shepherds H3637 [H8689] who were with us, we hurt H3972 them not, neither was there any thing H6485 [H8738] missing H3117 to them, all the while H3760 they were in Carmel.
  8 H7592 [H8798] Ask H5288 thy young men, H5046 [H8686] and they will show H5288 thee. Therefore let the young men H4672 [H8799] find H2580 favour H5869 in thine eyes: H935 [H8804] for we come H2896 in a good H3117 day: H5414 [H8798] give, H4672 [H8799] I pray thee, whatever cometh H3027 to thine hand H5650 to thy servants, H1121 and to thy son H1732 David.
  9 H1732 And when David's H5288 young men H935 [H8799] came, H1696 [H8762] they spoke H5037 to Nabal H8034 in the name H1732 of David, H1697 according to all these words, H5117 [H8799] and ceased.
  10 H5037 And Nabal H6030 [H8799] answered H1732 David's H5650 servants, H559 [H8799] and said, H1732 Who is David? H1121 and who is the son H3448 of Jesse? H7231 [H8804] there are many H5650 servants H3117 in these days H6555 [H8693] that break away H376 every man H6440 from H113 his master.
  11 H3947 [H8804] Shall I then take H3899 my bread, H4325 and my water, H2878 and my flesh H2873 [H8804] that I have killed H1494 [H8802] for my shearers, H5414 [H8804] and give H582 it to men, H3045 [H8804] whom I know not from where they are?
  12 H1732 So David's H5288 young men H2015 [H8799] turned H1870 their way, H7725 [H8799] and went again, H935 [H8799] and came H5046 [H8686] and told H1697 him all these sayings.
  13 H1732 And David H559 [H8799] said H582 to his men, H2296 [H8798] Gird ye on H376 every man H2719 his sword. H2296 [H8799] And they girded on H376 every man H2719 his sword; H1732 and David H2296 [H8799] also girded on H2719 his sword: H5927 [H8799] and there went up H310 after H1732 David H702 about four H3967 hundred H376 men; H3967 and two hundred H3427 [H8804] abode H3627 by the baggage.
  14 H259 But one H5288 of the young men H5046 [H8689] told H26 Abigail, H5037 Nabal's H802 wife, H559 [H8800] saying, H1732 Behold, David H7971 [H8804] sent H4397 messengers H4057 from the wilderness H1288 [H8763] to greet H113 our master; H5860 [H8799] and he railed at them.
  15 H582 But the men H3966 were very H2896 good H3637 [H8717] to us, and we were not hurt, H6485 [H8804] neither missed H3972 we any thing, H3117 as long as H1980 [H8694] we were conversant H7704 with them, when we were in the fields:
  16 H2346 They were a wall H3915 to us both by night H3119 and day, H3117 all the while H7462 [H8802] we were with them keeping H6629 the sheep.
  17 H3045 [H8798] Now therefore know H7200 [H8798] and see H6213 [H8799] what thou wilt do; H7451 for evil H3615 [H8804] is determined H113 against our master, H1004 and against all his household: H1100 for he is such a worthless H1121 man, H1696 [H8763] that a man cannot speak to him.
  18 H26 Then Abigail H4116 [H8762] made haste, H3947 [H8799] and took H3967 two hundred H3899 loaves, H8147 and two H5035 bottles H3196 of wine, H2568 and five H6629 sheep H6213 [H8803] ready dressed, H2568 and five H5429 measures H7039 of roasted H3967 grain, and an hundred H6778 clusters of raisins, H3967 and two hundred H1690 cakes H7760 [H8799] of figs, and laid H2543 them on donkeys.
  19 H559 [H8799] And she said H5288 to her servants, H5674 [H8798] Go on H6440 at the face of H935 [H8802] me; behold, I come H310 after H5046 [H8689] you. But she told H376 not her husband H5037 Nabal.
  20 H7392 [H8802] And it was so, as she rode H2543 on the donkey, H3381 [H8802] that she came down H5643 by the covert H2022 of the mountain, H1732 and, behold, David H582 and his men H3381 [H8802] came down H7125 [H8800] toward H6298 [H8799] her; and she met them.
  21 H1732 Now David H559 [H8804] had said, H8267 Surely in vain H8104 [H8804] have I kept H2088 all that this H4057 fellow hath in the wilderness, H3972 so that nothing H6485 [H8738] was missed H7725 [H8686] of all that pertained to him: and he hath repaid H7451 me evil H2896 for good.
  22 H3541 So H3254 [H8686] and more H6213 [H8799] also do H430 God H341 [H8802] to the enemies H1732 of David, H7604 [H8686] if I leave H5704 of all that pertain to him by H1242 the morning H216 light H8366 H7023 [H8688] any male person.
  23 H26 And when Abigail H7200 [H8799] saw H1732 David, H4116 [H8762] she hasted, H3381 [H8799] and got off H2543 the donkey, H5307 [H8799] and fell H639 before H1732 David H6440 on her face, H7812 [H8691] and bowed H776 herself to the earth,
  24 H5307 [H8799] And fell H7272 at his feet, H559 [H8799] and said, H113 Upon me, my sovereign, H5771 upon me let this perversity H519 be: and let thy handmaid, H1696 [H8762] I pray thee, speak H241 in thy hearing, H8085 [H8798] and hear H1697 the words H589 of thy handmaid.
  25 H7760 [H8799] Let H113 not my sovereign, H3820 I pray thee, regard H1100 this worthless H376 man, H5037 even Nabal: H8034 for as his name H5037 is, so is he; Nabal H8034 is his name, H5039 and folly H519 is with him: but I thy handmaid H7200 [H8804] saw H5288 not the young men H113 of my sovereign, H7971 [H8804] whom thou didst send.
  26 H113 Now therefore, my sovereign, H3068 as the LORD H2416 liveth, H5315 and as thy breath H2416 liveth, H3068 seeing the LORD H4513 [H8804] hath withheld H935 [H8800] thee from coming H1818 to shed blood, H3467 [H8687] and from liberating H3027 thyself with thy own hand, H341 [H8802] now let thy enemies, H1245 [H8764] and they that seek H7451 evil H113 to my sovereign, H5037 be as Nabal.
  27 H1293 And now this blessing H8198 which thy handmaid H935 [H8689] hath brought H113 to my sovereign, H5414 [H8738] let it even be given H5288 to the young men H1980 H7272 [H8693] that follow H113 my sovereign.
  28 H5375 [H8798] I pray thee, forgive H6588 the revolt H519 of thy handmaid: H3068 for the LORD H6213 [H8800] will certainly H6213 [H8799] make H113 my sovereign H539 [H8737] a sure H1004 house; H113 because my sovereign H3898 [H8737] fighteth H4421 the battles H3068 of the LORD, H7451 and evil H4672 [H8735] hath not been found H3117 in thee all thy days.
  29 H120 Yet a man H6965 [H8799] hath risen H7291 [H8800] to pursue H1245 [H8763] thee, and to seek H5315 thy breath: H5315 but the breath H113 of my sovereign H6887 [H8803] shall be bound H6872 in the bundle H2416 of life H3068 with the LORD H430 thy God; H5315 and the breaths H341 [H8802] of thy enemies, H7049 [H8762] them shall he sling out, H8432 H3709 as from the middle H7050 of a sling.
  30 H3068 And it shall come to pass, when the LORD H6213 [H8799] shall have done H113 to my sovereign H2896 according to all the good H1696 [H8765] that he hath spoken H6680 [H8765] concerning thee, and shall have appointed H5057 thee ruler H3478 over Israel;
  31 H6330 That this shall be no grief H4383 to thee, nor offence H3820 of heart H113 to my sovereign, H8210 [H8800] either that thou hast shed H1818 blood H2600 without cause, H113 or that my sovereign H3467 [H8687] hath liberated H3068 himself: but when the LORD H3190 [H8689] shall have dealt well H113 with my sovereign, H2142 [H8804] then remember H519 thy handmaid.
  32 H1732 And David H559 [H8799] said H26 to Abigail, H1288 [H8803] Blessed H3068 be the LORD H430 God H3478 of Israel, H7971 [H8804] who sent H3117 thee this day H7125 [H8800] to meet me:
  33 H1288 [H8803] And blessed H2940 be thy advice, H1288 [H8803] and blessed H3607 [H8804] be thou, who hast kept H3117 me this day H935 [H8800] from coming H1818 to shed blood, H3467 [H8687] and from liberating H3027 myself with my own hand.
  34 H199 For in very deed, H3068 as the LORD H430 God H3478 of Israel H2416 liveth, H4513 [H8804] who hath kept me back H7489 [H8687] from hurting H3884 thee, except H4116 [H8765] thou hadst hasted H935 [H8799] and come H7125 [H8800] to meet H3498 [H8738] me, surely there had not been left H5037 to Nabal H1242 by the morning H216 light H8366 H7023 [H8688] any male person.
  35 H1732 So David H3947 [H8799] received H3027 from her hand H935 [H8689] that which she had brought H559 [H8804] him, and said H5927 [H8798] to her, Return H7965 in peace H1004 to thy house; H7200 [H8798] see, H8085 [H8804] I have hearkened H6963 to thy voice, H5375 [H8799] and have accepted H6440 thy person.
  36 H26 And Abigail H935 [H8799] came H5037 to Nabal; H4960 and, behold, he held a feast H1004 in his house, H4960 like the feast H4428 of a king; H5037 and Nabal's H3820 heart H2896 was merry H3966 within him, for he was very H7910 drunk: H5046 [H8689] therefore she told H1697 him nothing, H6996 less H1419 or more, H1242 until the morning H216 light.
  37 H1242 But it came to pass in the morning, H3196 when the wine H3318 [H8800] had left H5037 Nabal, H802 and his wife H5046 [H8686] had told H1697 him these things, H3820 that his heart H4191 [H8799] died H7130 within H68 him, and he became as a stone.
  38 H6235 And it came to pass about ten H3117 days H3068 after, that the LORD H5062 [H8799] smote H5037 Nabal, H4191 [H8799] that he died.
  39 H1732 And when David H8085 [H8799] heard H5037 that Nabal H4191 [H8804] was dead, H559 [H8799] he said, H1288 [H8803] Blessed H3068 be the LORD, H7378 [H8804] that hath pleaded H7379 the cause H2781 of my reproach H3027 from the hand H5037 of Nabal, H2820 [H8804] and hath kept H5650 his servant H7451 from evil: H3068 for the LORD H7725 [H8689] hath returned H7451 the evil H5037 of Nabal H7218 upon his own head. H1732 And David H7971 [H8799] sent H1696 [H8762] and talked H26 with Abigail, H3947 [H8800] to take H802 her to himself for a wife.
  40 H5650 And when the servants H1732 of David H935 [H8799] had come H26 to Abigail H3760 to Carmel, H1696 [H8762] they spoke H559 [H8800] to her, saying, H1732 David H7971 [H8804] hath sent H3947 [H8800] us to thee, to take H802 thee to him for a wife.
  41 H6965 [H8799] And she arose, H7812 [H8691] and bowed H639 herself on her nose H776 to the earth, H559 [H8799] and said, H519 Behold, let thy handmaid H8198 be a servant H7364 [H8800] to wash H7272 the feet H5650 of the servants H113 of my sovereign.
  42 H26 And Abigail H4116 [H8762] hasted, H6965 [H8799] and arose, H7392 [H8799] and rode H2543 upon a donkey, H2568 with five H5291 damsels H1980 [H8802] of hers that went H7272 after H3212 [H8799] her; and she went H310 after H4397 the messengers H1732 of David, H802 and became his wife.
  43 H1732 David H3947 [H8804] also took H293 Ahinoam H3157 of Jezreel; H8147 and they were also both H802 of them his wives.
  44 H7586 But Saul H5414 [H8804] had given H4324 Michal H1323 his daughter, H1732 David's H802 wife, H6406 to Phalti H1121 the son H3919 of Laish, H1554 who was of Gallim.