1 Kings 22:22 Cross References - ASV_Strongs

  22 H3068 And Jehovah H559 said H559 unto him, Wherewith? And he said, H3318 I will go forth, H8267 and will be a lying H7307 spirit H6310 in the mouth H5030 of all his prophets. H559 And he said, H6601 Thou shalt entice H3201 him, and shalt prevail H3318 also: go forth, H6213 and do so.

Judges 9:23

  23 H430 And God H7971 sent H7451 an evil H7307 spirit H40 between Abimelech H1167 and the men H7927 of Shechem; H1167 and the men H7927 of Shechem H898 dealt treacherously H40 with Abimelech:

1 Samuel 16:14

  14 H7307 Now the Spirit H3068 of Jehovah H5493 departed H7586 from Saul, H7451 and an evil H7307 spirit H3068 from Jehovah H1204 troubled him.

1 Samuel 18:10

  10 H4283 And it came to pass on the morrow, H7451 that an evil H7307 spirit H430 from God H6743 came H7586 mightily upon Saul, H5012 and he prophesied H8432 in the midst H1004 of the house: H1732 and David H5059 played H3027 with his hand, H3117 as he did day by day. H7586 And Saul H2595 had his spear H3027 in his hand;

1 Samuel 19:9

  9 H7451 And an evil H7307 spirit H3068 from Jehovah H7586 was upon Saul, H3427 as he sat H1004 in his house H2595 with his spear H3027 in his hand; H1732 and David H5059 was playing H3027 with his hand.

1 Kings 22:20

  20 H3068 And Jehovah H559 said, H6601 Who shall entice H256 Ahab, H5927 that he may go up H5307 and fall H7433 at Ramoth-gilead? H559 And one said H3541 on this manner; H559 and another said H3541 on that manner.

Job 1:8-11

  8 H3068 And Jehovah H559 said H7854 unto Satan, H7760 Hast thou considered H5650 my servant H347 Job? H776 for there is none like him in the earth, H8535 a perfect H3477 and an upright H376 man, H376 one H3373 that feareth H430 God, H7451 and turneth away from evil.
  9 H7854 Then Satan H6030 answered H3068 Jehovah, H559 and said, H347 Doth Job H3372 fear H430 God H2600 for nought?
  10 H7753 Hast not thou made a hedge H1157 about him, and about H1004 his house, H5439 and about all that he hath, on every side? H1288 thou hast blessed H4639 the work H3027 of his hands, H4735 and his substance H6555 is increased H776 in the land.
  11 H199 But H7971 put forth H3027 thy hand H5060 now, and touch H1288 all that he hath, and he will renounce H6440 thee to thy face.

Job 2:4-6

  4 H7854 And Satan H6030 answered H3068 Jehovah, H559 and said, H5785 Skin H5785 for skin, H376 yea, all that a man H5414 hath will he give H5315 for his life.
  5 H199 But H7971 put forth H3027 thy hand H5060 now, and touch H6106 his bone H1320 and his flesh, H1288 and he will renounce H6440 thee to thy face.
  6 H3068 And Jehovah H559 said H7854 unto Satan, H3027 Behold, he is in thy hand; H8104 only spare H5315 his life.

Job 12:16

  16 H5797 With him is strength H8454 and wisdom; H7683 The deceived H7686 and the deceiver are his.

Psalms 109:17

  17 H157 Yea, he loved H7045 cursing, H935 and it came H2654 unto him; And he delighted H1293 not in blessing, H7368 and it was far from him.

Ezekiel 14:9

  9 H5030 And if the prophet H6601 be deceived H1696 and speak H1697 a word, H3068 I, Jehovah, H6601 have deceived H5030 that prophet, H5186 and I will stretch out H3027 my hand H8045 upon him, and will destroy H8432 him from the midst H5971 of my people H3478 Israel.

John 8:44

  44 G5210 Ye G2075 are G1537 of G3962 your father G1228 the devil, G2532 and G1939 the lusts G5216 of your G3962 father G2309 it is your will G4160 to do. G1565 He G2258 was G2476 a G443 murderer G575 from G746 the beginning, G2532 and G2476 standeth G3756 not G1722 in G225 the truth, G3754 because G2076 there is G3756 no G225 truth G1722 in G846 him. G3752 When G2980 he speaketh G5579 a lie, G2980 he speaketh G1537 of G2398 his own: G3754 for G2076 he is G5583 a liar, G2532 and G3962 the father G846 thereof.

Acts 5:3-4

  3 G1161 But G4074 Peter G2036 said, G1223 Ananias, G5101 why G4137 hath G4567 Satan G4137 filled G4675 thy G2588 heart G5574 to lie G4571   G4151 to the G40 Holy G4151 Spirit, G2532 and G3557 to keep back G575 part of G5092 the price G5564 of the land?
  4 G3306 While it remained, G3306 did it G3780 not G4671 remain thine own? G2532 and G4097 after it was sold, G5225 was it G3780 not G1722 in G4674 thy G1849 power? G5101 How G3754 is it G5087 that thou hast conceived G5124 this G4229 thing G1722 in G4675 thy G2588 heart? G5574 thou has G3756 not G5574 lied G444 unto men, G235 but G2316 unto God.

2 Thessalonians 2:9-12

  9 G3739 even he, whose G3952 coming G2076 is G2596 according G1753 to the working G4567 of Satan G1722 with G3956 all G1411 power G2532 and G4592 signs G2532 and G5579 lying G5059 wonders,
  10 G2532 and G1722 with G3956 all G539 deceit G93 of unrighteousness G1722 for G622 them that perish; G473 because G1209 they received G3756 not G26 the love G225 of the truth, G1519 that G846 they G3739 might be saved.
  11 G2532 And G1223 for G5124 this G1223 cause G2316 God G3992 sendeth G846 them G1753 a working G4106 of error, G1519 that G846 they G4100 should believe G5579 a lie:
  12 G2443 that G2919 they G3956 all G2919 might be judged G4100 who believed G3361 not G225 the truth, G235 but G2106 had pleasure G1722 in G93 unrighteousness.

1 Timothy 4:1

  1 G1161 But G4151 the Spirit G3004 saith G4490 expressly, G3754 that G1722 in G5306 later G2540 times G5100 some G868 shall fall away from G4102 the faith, G4337 giving heed to G4108 seducing G4151 spirits G2532 and G1319 doctrines G1140 of demons,

1 John 4:6

  6 G2249 We G2070 are G1537 of G2316 God: G1097 he that knoweth G2316 God G191 heareth G2257 us; G3739 he who G2076 is G3756 not G1537 of G2316 God G191 heareth G2257 us G3756 not. G1537 By G5127 this G1097 we G4151 know the spirit G225 of truth, G2532 and G4151 the spirit G4106 of error.

Revelation 12:9-10

  9 G2532 And G3173 the great G1404 dragon G906 was cast down, G744 the old G3789 serpent, G2564 he that is called G1228 the Devil G2532 and G4567 Satan, G4105 the deceiver G3650 of the whole G3625 world; G906 he was cast down G1519 to G1093 the earth, G2532 and G846 his G32 angels G906 were cast down G3326 with G846 him.
  10 G2532 And G191 I heard G3173 a great G5456 voice G1722 in G3772 heaven, G3004 saying, G737 Now G1096 is come G4991 the salvation, G2532 and G1411 the power, G2532 and G932 the kingdom G2257 of our G2316 God, G2532 and G1849 the authority G846 of his G5547 Christ: G3754 for G2725 the accuser G2257 of our G80 brethren G2598 is cast down, G3588 who G2723 accuseth G846 them G1799 before G2257 our G2316 God G2250 day G2532 and G3571 night.

Revelation 13:14

  14 G2532 And G4105 he deceiveth G2730 them that dwell G1909 on G1093 the earth G1223 by G4592 reason of the signs G3739 which G1325 it was given G846 him G4160 to do G1799 in the sight G2342 of the beast; G3004 saying G2730 to them that dwell G1909 on G1093 the earth, G4160 that they should make G1504 an image G2342 to the beast G3739 who G2192 hath G4127 the stroke G3162 of the sword G2532 and G2198 lived.

Revelation 16:13-14

  13 G2532 And G1492 I saw G1537 coming out of G4750 the mouth G1404 of the dragon, G2532 and G1537 out of G4750 the mouth G2342 of the beast, G2532 and G1537 out of G4750 the mouth G5578 of the false prophet, G5140 three G169 unclean G4151 spirits, G3664 as it were G944 frogs:
  14 G1063 for G1526 they are G4151 spirits G1142 of demons, G4160 working G4592 signs; G1607 which go forth G3739   G1607   G1909 unto G935 the kings G1093   G2532   G3650 of the whole G3625 world, G4863 to gather G846 them G1519 together unto G4171 the war G1565 of the G3173 great G2250 day G2316 of God, G3841 the Almighty.

Revelation 17:17

  17 G1063 For G2316 God G1325 did put G1519 in G846 their G2588 hearts G4160 to do G846 his G1106 mind, G2532 and G1520 to come to one G1106 mind, G2532 and G1325 to give G846 their G932 kingdom G2342 unto the beast, G891 until G4487 the words G2316 of God G5055 should be accomplished.

Revelation 20:3

  3 G2532 and G906 cast G846 him G1519 into G12 the abyss, G2532 and G2808 shut G846 it, G2808   G2532 and G4972 sealed G1883 it over G846 him, G2443 that G4105 he should deceive G1484 the nations G3361 no G2089 more, G891 until G5507 the thousand G2094 years G5055 should be finished: G2532   G3326 after G5023 this G846 he G1163 must be G3089 loosed G3398 for a little G5550 time.

Revelation 20:7

  7 G2532 And G3752 when G5507 the thousand G2094 years G5055 are finished, G4567 Satan G3089 shall be loosed G1537 out of G846 his G5438 prison,

Revelation 20:10

  10 G2532 And G1228 the devil G4105 that deceived G846 them G906 was cast G1519 into G3041 the lake G4442 of fire G2532 and G2303 brimstone, G3699 where G2342 are also the beast G2532 and G5578 the false prophet; G2532 and G928 they shall be tormented G2250 day G2532 and G3571 night G1519 for G165 ever G165 and ever.

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.