Psalms 109:9-20

  9 G1096 Let [2become G3588   G5207 1his sons] G1473   G3737 orphans, G2532 and G3588   G1135 his wife G1473   G5503 a widow!
  10 G4531 In being shaken up, G3339.2 let [2change residence G3588   G5207 1his sons], G1473   G2532 and G1871 let them beg! G1544 Let them be cast out G1537 from G3588   G3623.1 their areas! G1473  
  11 G1830 Let [2search out G1157 1 the money-lender] G3956 all G3745 as much as G5224 exists G1473 to him, G2532 and G1283 let [2plunder G245 1strangers] G3588   G4192 his toils! G1473  
  12 G3361 Let there not G5224 exist G1473 to him G483.1 a shielder, G3366 nor G1096 let there be G3629 one pitying G3588   G3737 his orphans! G1473  
  13 G1096 Let [2be G3588   G5043 1his children] G1473   G1519 given for G1841.5 devastation! G1722 In G1074 [2generation G1520 1one] G1813 let [2be wiped away G3588   G3686 1his name]! G1473  
  14 G363 May [4be called to mind G3588 1the G458 2lawlessness G3588   G3962 3of his fathers] G1473   G1725 before G2962 the lord; G2532 and G3588 [2the G266 3sin G3588   G3384 4of his mother G1473   G3361 5not G1813 1may] be wiped away.
  15 G1096 Let them be G1726 before G2962 the lord G1275 always! G2532 and G1842 may [2be utterly destroyed G1537 3from G1093 4 the land G3588   G3422 1their memorial]. G1473  
  16 G446.2 Because G3756 he did not G3403 remember G4160 to perform G1656 mercy, G2532 but G2614 pursued G444 [4man G3993 1a needy G2532 2and G4434 3poor], G2532 and G2660 vexing G3588 the G2588 heart G3588   G2289 to kill him .
  17 G2532 And G25 he loved G2671 a curse, G2532 and G2240 it shall come G1473 to him; G2532 and G3756 he did not G2309 want G2129 a blessing, G2532 and G3118.2 it shall be far G575 from G1473 him.
  18 G2532 And G1746 he put on G2671 the curse G5613 as G2440 a cloak, G2532 and G1525 it entered G5616 as G5204 water G1519 into G3588   G1458.3 his insides, G1473   G2532 and G5616 as G1637 oil G1722 in G3588   G3747 his bones. G1473  
  19 G1096 Let it be G1473 to him G5613 as G2440 a cloak G3739 which G4016 he puts around, G2532 and G5616 as G2223 a belt G3739 which G1275 he always G4024 girds himself!
  20 G3778 This is G3588 the G2041 work G3588 of the ones G1736.1 slandering G1473 me G3844 by G2962 the lord, G2532 and G3588 the ones G2980 speaking G4190 evil G2596 against G3588   G5590 my soul. G1473  
  9 G1096 γενηθήτωσαν G3588 οι G5207 υιοί αυτού G1473   G3737 ορφανοί G2532 και G3588 η G1135 γυνή αυτού G1473   G5503 χήρα
  10 G4531 σαλευόμενοι G3339.2 μεταναστήτωσαν G3588 οι G5207 υιοί αυτού G1473   G2532 και G1871 επαιτησάτωσαν G1544 εκβληθήτωσαν G1537 εκ G3588 των G3623.1 οικοπέδων αυτών G1473  
  11 G1830 εξερευνησάτω G1157 δανειστής G3956 πάντα G3745 όσα G5224 υπάρχει G1473 αυτώ G2532 και G1283 διαρπασάτωσαν G245 αλλότριοι G3588 τους G4192 πόνους αυτού G1473  
  12 G3361 μη G5224 υπαρξάτω G1473 αυτώ G483.1 αντιλήπτωρ G3366 μηδέ G1096 γενηθήτω G3629 οικτίρμων G3588 τοις G3737 ορφανοίς αυτού G1473  
  13 G1096 γενηθήτω G3588 τα G5043 τέκνα αυτού G1473   G1519 εις G1841.5 εξολόθρευσιν G1722 εν G1074 γενεά G1520 μία G1813 εξαλειφθείη G3588 το G3686 όνομα αυτού G1473  
  14 G363 αναμνησθείη G3588 η G458 ανομία G3588 των G3962 πατέρων αυτού G1473   G1725 έναντι G2962 κυρίου G2532 και G3588 η G266 αμαρτία G3588 της G3384 μητρός αυτού G1473   G3361 μη G1813 εξαλειφθείη
  15 G1096 γενηθήτωσαν G1726 εναντίον G2962 κυρίου G1275 διαπαντός G2532 και G1842 εξολοθρευθείη G1537 εκ G1093 γης G3588 το G3422 μνημόσυνον αυτών G1473  
  16 G446.2 ανθ΄ ων G3756 ουκ G3403 εμνήσθη G4160 ποιήσαι G1656 έλεος G2532 και G2614 κατεδίωξεν G444 άνθρωπον G3993 πένητα G2532 και G4434 πτωχόν G2532 και G2660 κατανενυγμένον G3588 τη G2588 καρδία G3588 του G2289 θανατώσαι
  17 G2532 και G25 ηγάπησε G2671 κατάραν G2532 και G2240 ήξει G1473 αυτώ G2532 και G3756 ουκ G2309 ηθέλησεν G2129 ευλογίαν G2532 και G3118.2 μακρυνθήσεται G575 απ΄ G1473 αυτού
  18 G2532 και G1746 ενεδύσατο G2671 κατάραν G5613 ως G2440 ιμάτιον G2532 και G1525 εισήλθεν G5616 ωσεί G5204 ύδωρ G1519 εις G3588 τα G1458.3 έγκατα αυτού G1473   G2532 και G5616 ωσεί G1637 έλαιον G1722 εν G3588 τοις G3747 οστέοις αυτού G1473  
  19 G1096 γενηθήτω G1473 αυτώ G5613 ως G2440 ιμάτιον G3739 ο G4016 περιβάλλεται G2532 και G5616 ωσεί G2223 ζώνη G3739 ην G1275 διαπαντός G4024 περιζώννυται
  20 G3778 τούτο G3588 το G2041 έργον G3588 των G1736.1 ενδιαβαλλόντων G1473 με G3844 παρά G2962 κυρίου G2532 και G3588 των G2980 λαλούντων G4190 πονηρά G2596 κατά G3588 της G5590 ψυχής μου G1473  
    9 G1096 V-APD-3P [108:9] γενηθητωσαν G3588 T-NPM οι G5207 N-NPM υιοι G846 D-GSM αυτου G3737 A-NPM ορφανοι G2532 CONJ και G3588 T-NSF η G1135 N-NSF γυνη G846 D-GSM αυτου G5503 N-NSF χηρα
    10 G4531 V-PMPNP [108:10] σαλευομενοι   V-AAD-3P μεταναστητωσαν G3588 T-NPM οι G5207 N-NPM υιοι G846 D-GSM αυτου G2532 CONJ και   V-AAD-3P επαιτησατωσαν G1544 V-APD-3P εκβληθητωσαν G1537 PREP εκ G3588 T-GPM των   A-GPM οικοπεδων G846 D-GPM αυτων
    11 G1830 V-AAD-3S [108:11] εξερευνησατω G1157 N-NSM δανειστης G3956 A-APN παντα G3745 A-APN οσα G5225 V-PAI-3S υπαρχει G846 D-DSM αυτω   V-AAD-3P διαρπασατωσαν G245 A-NPM αλλοτριοι G3588 T-APM τους G4192 N-APM πονους G846 D-GSM αυτου
    12 G3165 ADV [108:12] μη G5225 V-AAD-3S υπαρξατω G846 D-DSM αυτω   N-NSM αντιλημπτωρ G3366 CONJ μηδε G1096 V-APD-3S γενηθητω G3629 A-NSM οικτιρμων G3588 T-DPM τοις G3737 A-DPM ορφανοις G846 D-GSM αυτου
    13 G1096 V-APD-3S [108:13] γενηθητω G3588 T-NPN τα G5043 N-NPN τεκνα G846 D-GSM αυτου G1519 PREP εις   N-ASF εξολεθρευσιν G1722 PREP εν G1074 N-DSF γενεα G1519 A-DSF μια G1813 V-APD-3S εξαλειφθητω G3588 T-NSN το G3686 N-NSN ονομα G846 D-GSM αυτου
    14 G363 V-APO-3S [108:14] αναμνησθειη G3588 T-NSF η G458 N-NSF ανομια G3588 T-GPM των G3962 N-GPM πατερων G846 D-GSM αυτου G1725 PREP εναντι G2962 N-GSM κυριου G2532 CONJ και G3588 T-NSF η G266 N-NSF αμαρτια G3588 T-GSF της G3384 N-GSF μητρος G846 D-GSM αυτου G3165 ADV μη G1813 V-APO-3S εξαλειφθειη
    15 G1096 V-APD-3P [108:15] γενηθητωσαν G1725 PREP εναντι G2962 N-GSM κυριου G1223 PREP δια G3956 A-GSM παντος G2532 CONJ και   V-APO-3S εξολεθρευθειη G1537 PREP εκ G1065 N-GSF γης G3588 T-NSN το G3422 N-NSN μνημοσυνον G846 D-GPM αυτων
    16 G473 PREP [108:16] ανθ G3739 R-GPM ων G3364 ADV ουκ G3403 V-AAI-3S εμνησθη G3588 T-GSN του G4160 V-AAN ποιησαι G1656 N-ASN ελεος G2532 CONJ και G2614 V-AAI-3S κατεδιωξεν G444 N-ASM ανθρωπον G3993 N-ASM πενητα G2532 CONJ και G4434 N-ASM πτωχον G2532 CONJ και G2660 V-RMPAS κατανενυγμενον G3588 T-DSF τη G2588 N-DSF καρδια G3588 T-GSN του G2289 V-AAN θανατωσαι
    17 G2532 CONJ [108:17] και G25 V-AAI-3S ηγαπησεν G2671 N-ASF καταραν G2532 CONJ και G1854 V-FAI-3S ηξει G846 D-DSM αυτω G2532 CONJ και G3364 ADV ουκ G2309 V-AAI-3S ηθελησεν G2129 N-ASF ευλογιαν G2532 CONJ και   V-FPI-3S μακρυνθησεται G575 PREP απ G846 D-GSM αυτου
    18 G2532 CONJ [108:18] και G1746 V-AMI-3S ενεδυσατο G2671 N-ASF καταραν G3739 PRT ως G2440 N-ASN ιματιον G2532 CONJ και G1525 V-AAI-3S εισηλθεν G3739 PRT ως G5204 N-NSN υδωρ G1519 PREP εις G3588 T-ASN τα   N-APN εγκατα G846 D-GSM αυτου G2532 CONJ και G5616 PRT ωσει G1637 N-ASN ελαιον G1722 PREP εν G3588 T-DPN τοις G3747 N-DPN οστεοις G846 D-GSM αυτου
    19 G1096 V-APD-3S [108:19] γενηθητω G846 D-DSM αυτω G3739 PRT ως G2440 N-ASN ιματιον G3739 R-ASN ο G4016 V-PMI-3S περιβαλλεται G2532 CONJ και G5616 PRT ωσει G2223 N-NSF ζωνη G3739 R-ASF ην G1223 PREP δια G3956 A-GSM παντος G4024 V-PMI-3S περιζωννυται
    20 G3778 D-ASN [108:20] τουτο G3588 T-ASN το G2041 N-ASN εργον G3588 T-GPM των   V-PAPGP ενδιαβαλλοντων G1473 P-AS με G3844 PREP παρα G2962 N-GSM κυριου G2532 CONJ και G3588 T-GPM των G2980 V-PAPGP λαλουντων G4190 A-APN πονηρα G2596 PREP κατα G3588 T-GSF της G5590 N-GSF ψυχης G1473 P-GS μου
HOT(i) 9 יהיו בניו יתומים ואשׁתו אלמנה׃ 10 ונוע ינועו בניו ושׁאלו ודרשׁו מחרבותיהם׃ 11 ינקשׁ נושׁה לכל אשׁר לו ויבזו זרים יגיעו׃ 12 אל יהי לו משׁך חסד ואל יהי חונן ליתומיו׃ 13 יהי אחריתו להכרית בדור אחר ימח שׁמם׃ 14 יזכר עון אבתיו אל יהוה וחטאת אמו אל תמח׃ 15 יהיו נגד יהוה תמיד ויכרת מארץ זכרם׃ 16 יען אשׁר לא זכר עשׂות חסד וירדף אישׁ עני ואביון ונכאה לבב למותת׃ 17 ויאהב קללה ותבואהו ולא חפץ בברכה ותרחק ממנו׃ 18 וילבשׁ קללה כמדו ותבא כמים בקרבו וכשׁמן בעצמותיו׃ 19 תהי לו כבגד יעטה ולמזח תמיד יחגרה׃ 20 זאת פעלת שׂטני מאת יהוה והדברים רע על נפשׁי׃
IHOT(i) (In English order)
  9 H1961 יהיו be H1121 בניו Let his children H3490 יתומים fatherless, H802 ואשׁתו and his wife H490 אלמנה׃ a widow.
  10 H5128 ונוע be continually vagabonds, H5128 ינועו be continually vagabonds, H1121 בניו Let his children H7592 ושׁאלו and beg: H1875 ודרשׁו let them seek H2723 מחרבותיהם׃ also out of their desolate places.
  11 H5367 ינקשׁ catch H5383 נושׁה Let the extortioner H3605 לכל all H834 אשׁר that H962 לו ויבזו spoil H2114 זרים he hath; and let the strangers H3018 יגיעו׃ his labor.
  12 H408 אל none H1961 יהי Let there be H4900 לו משׁך to extend H2617 חסד mercy H408 ואל unto him: neither H1961 יהי let there be H2603 חונן any to favor H3490 ליתומיו׃ his fatherless children.
  13 H1961 יהי be H319 אחריתו Let his posterity H3772 להכרית cut off; H1755 בדור in the generation H312 אחר following H4229 ימח be blotted out. H8034 שׁמם׃ let their name
  14 H2142 יזכר be remembered H5771 עון Let the iniquity H1 אבתיו of his fathers H413 אל with H3068 יהוה the LORD; H2403 וחטאת the sin H517 אמו of his mother H408 אל and let not H4229 תמח׃ be blotted out.
  15 H1961 יהיו Let them be H5048 נגד before H3068 יהוה the LORD H8548 תמיד continually, H3772 ויכרת that he may cut off H776 מארץ of them from the earth. H2143 זכרם׃ the memory
  16 H3282 יען Because H834 אשׁר that H3808 לא not H2142 זכר he remembered H6213 עשׂות to show H2617 חסד mercy, H7291 וירדף but persecuted H376 אישׁ man, H6041 עני the poor H34 ואביון and needy H5218 ונכאה   H3824 לבב in heart. H4191 למותת׃ that he might even slay
  17 H157 ויאהב As he loved H7045 קללה cursing, H935 ותבואהו so let it come H3808 ולא not H2654 חפץ unto him: as he delighted H1293 בברכה in blessing, H7368 ותרחק so let it be far H4480 ממנו׃ from
  18 H3847 וילבשׁ As he clothed H7045 קללה himself with cursing H4055 כמדו like as with his garment, H935 ותבא so let it come H4325 כמים like water, H7130 בקרבו into his bowels H8081 וכשׁמן and like oil H6106 בעצמותיו׃ into his bones.
  19 H1961 תהי Let it be H899 לו כבגד unto him as the garment H5844 יעטה covereth H4206 ולמזח him, and for a girdle H8548 תמיד continually. H2296 יחגרה׃ wherewith he is girded
  20 H2063 זאת this H6468 פעלת the reward H7853 שׂטני of mine adversaries H853 מאת   H3068 יהוה the LORD, H1696 והדברים and of them that speak H7451 רע evil H5921 על against H5315 נפשׁי׃ my soul.
  9 H1121 Let his sons H3490 be fatherless, H802 and his wife H490 a widow.
  10 H1121 Let his sons H5128 [H8800] be continually H5128 [H8799] vagabonds, H7592 [H8765] and beg: H1875 [H8804] let them seek H9006 from H9028 their H2723 dry places.
  11 H5383 [H8802] Let the extortioner H5367 [H8762] catch H2114 [H8801] all that he hath; and let strangers H962 [H8799] spoil H3018 his labour.
  12 H4900 [H8802] Let there be none to extend H2617 mercy H2603 [H8802] to him: neither let there be any to favour H3490 his fatherless children.
  13 H319 Let his posterity H3772 [H8687] be cut off; H1755 and in the generation H312 following H8034 let their name H4229 [H8735] be blotted out.
  14 H5771 Let the perversity H1 of his fathers H2142 [H8735] be remembered H3068 with the LORD; H2403 and let not the sin H517 of his mother H4229 [H8735] be blotted out.
  15 H3068 Let them be before the LORD H8548 continually, H3772 [H8686] that he may cut off H2143 the memory H776 of them from the earth.
  16 H2142 [H8804] Because that he remembered H6213 [H8800] not to show H2617 mercy, H7291 [H8799] but persecuted H6041 the poor H34 and needy H376 man, H4191 [H8788] that he might even slay H3512 [H8737] the broken H3824 in heart.
  17 H157 [H8799] As he loved H7045 cursing, H935 [H8799] so let it come H2654 [H8804] to him: as he delighted H1293 not in blessing, H7368 [H8799] so let it be far from him.
  18 H3847 [H8799] As he clothed H7045 himself with cursing H4055 like as with his garment, H935 [H8799] so let it come H7130 into his bowels H4325 like water, H8081 and like oil H6106 into his bones.
  19 H899 Let it be to him as the garment H5844 [H8799] which covereth H4206 him, and for a belt H2296 [H8799] with which he is girded H8548 continually.
  20 H6468 Let this be the reward H7853 [H8802] of my adversaries H3068 from the LORD, H1696 [H8802] and of them that speak H7451 evil H5315 against my breath.
Vulgate(i) 9 sint filii eius pupilli et uxor eius vidua 10 instabiles vagentur liberi eius et mendicent et quaerantur in parietinis suis 11 scrutetur exactor universa quae habet et diripiant alieni laborem eius 12 non sit qui eius misereatur nec qui clemens sit in pupillos eius 13 fiat novissimum eius interitus in generatione altera deleatur nomen eius 14 redeat in memoria iniquitas patrum eius apud Deum et iniquitas matris eius ne deleatur 15 sit contra Dominum semper et intereat de terra memoria eorum 16 eo quod non est recordatus facere misericordiam 17 et persecutus est virum inopem et pauperem et conpunctum corde ut interficeret 18 et dilexit maledictionem quae veniet ei et noluit benedictionem quae elongabitur ab eo et indutus est maledictione quasi vestimento suo et ingredietur quasi aqua in viscera eius et quasi oleum in ossa eius 19 sit ei quasi pallium quo circumdatur et quasi cingulum quo semper accingitur 20 haec est retributio his qui adversantur mihi a Domino et qui loquuntur malum contra animam meam
Coverdale(i) 9 Let his children be vagabundes, and begg their bred: let them seke it, as they that be destroyed. 10 Let the extorcioner cosume all that he hath, and let straungers spoyle his laboure. 11 Let there be no man to petie, ner to haue compassion vpon his fatherlesse children. 12 Let his ende be destruccion, and in the nexte generacion let his name be clene put out. 13 Let the wickednesse of his fathers be had in remembraunce in the sight of the LORDE, and let not the synne of his mother be done awaye. 14 Let them be allwaye before the LORDE, but as for the memoriall of them selues, let it perish from out of the earth. 15 And that because his mynde was not to do good, but persecuted the poore helplesse, and him that was vexed at the herte, to slaye him. 16 His delite was in cursynge, and therfore shall it happe vnto him: he loued not blessynge, and that shall be farre fro him. 17 He clothed him self with cursynge like as with a rayment: yee it wente in to his bowels like water, and like oyle in to his bones. 18 Let it be vnto him as the cloke that he hath vpon him, and as the gyrdle that he is gyrded withall. 19 Let it thus happen from the LORDE vnto myne enemies, and to those that speake euell agaynst my soule. 20 But deale thou with me (o LORDE God) acordinge vnto thy name, for swete is thy mercy.
MSTC(i) 9 Let his children be fatherless, and his wife a widow. 10 Let his children be vagabonds, and beg their bread; let them seek it also out of desolate places. 11 Let the extortioner consume all that he hath; and let stranger spoil his labour. 12 Let there be no man to pity him, nor to have compassion on his fatherless children. 13 Let his posterity be destroyed; and in the next generation let his name be clean put out. 14 Let the wickedness of his fathers be had in remembrance in the sight of LORD; and let not the sin of his mother be done away. 15 Let them be always before the LORD, that he may root out the memorial of them from off the earth; 16 and that, because his mind was not to do good, but persecuted the poor helpless, and him that was vexed at the heart, to slay him. 17 His delight was in cursing, and therefore shall it happen unto him; he loved not blessing, therefore shall it be far from him. 18 He clothed himself with cursing like as with a raiment: yea it went into his bowels like water, and like oil into his bones. 19 Let it be unto him as the cloak that he hath on him, and as the girdle that he is girded withal. 20 Let it thus happen from the LORD unto mine enemies, and to those that speak evil against my soul.
Matthew(i) 9 Let hys chyldren be fatherlesse, and hys wyfe a wydowe. 10 Let his children be vagabaundes, and bege their breade: lette them seke it, as they that be destroyed. 11 Let the extorcioner consume al that he hath and let straungers spoyle his laboure. 12 Let ther be no man to pytye, ner to haue compassyon vpon his fatherles chyldren. 13 Let hys ende be destruccyon, & in the next generacion let his name be cleane put oute. 14 Let the wickednesse of his fathers be had in remembraunce in the syght of the Lorde & and let not the synne of hys mother be done awaye. 15 Let them alway be before the Lorde, but as for the memoryall of them selues, let it perysh from out of the earth. 16 And that because hys mynde was not to do good. but persecuted the poore helplesse, and hym that was vexed at the harte, to slay hym. 17 Hys delyte was in cursynge, and therfore shall it happen vnto hym: he loued not blessynge and that shall be far from hym. 18 He clothed hym selfe wyth cursynge lyke as wyth a rayment: yea it wente into hys bowels lyke water, and lyke oile into his bone 19 Let it be vnto hym as the cloke that he hath vpon hym, and as the gyrdle that he is gyrded with al. 20 Let it thus happen from the Lorde vnto myne enemyes, and to those that speake euel agaynst my soule.
Great(i) 9 Let his children be vagaboundes, & begg their bred: lett them seke it also out of desolate places. 10 Let the extorcioner consume all that he hath, and let straungers spoyle his laboure. 11 Let there be no man to petye hym, ner to haue compassyon vpon his fatherlesse chyldren. 12 Let his posterite be destroyed, and in the next generacyon let hys name be cleane put out. 13 Let the wickednesse of hys fathers be had in remembraunce in the syght of the Lorde, and let not the synne of his mother be done awaye. 14 Let them alwaye be before the Lorde, that he maye rote out the memoriall of them from of the earth. 15 And that because hys mynde was not to do good, but persecuted the poore helplesse man, that he myght slaye him, that was vexed at the hert 16 His delyte was in cursyng, & it shall happen vnto him: he loued not blessyng, therfore shall it be farre from him. 17 He clothed him self with cursyng lyke as with a rayment: & it shall come in to his bowels lyke water, and lyke oyle in to hys bones. 18 Lett it be vnto him as the cloke that he hath vpon him, and as the gyrdle that he is allwaye gyrded wt all. 19 Let it thus happen from the Lorde vnto myne enemyes, and to those that speake euell agaynst my soule. 20 But deale thou wt me (O Lorde God) accordyng vnto thy name, for swete is thy mercy.
Geneva(i) 9 Let his children be fatherlesse, and his wife a widowe. 10 Let his children be vagabonds and beg and seeke bread, comming out of their places destroyed. 11 Let the extortioner catch al that he hath, and let the strangers spoile his labour. 12 Let there be none to extend mercie vnto him: neither let there be any to shewe mercie vpon his fatherlesse children. 13 Let his posteritie be destroied, and in the generation following let their name be put out. 14 Let the iniquitie of his fathers bee had in remembrance with the Lord: and let not the sinne of his mother be done away. 15 But let them alway be before the Lord, that he may cut off their memorial from ye earth. 16 Because he remembred not to shew mercie, but persecuted the afflicted and poore man, and the sorowfull hearted to slay him. 17 As he loued cursing, so shall it come vnto him, and as he loued not blessing, so shall it be farre from him. 18 As he clothed himselfe with cursing like a rayment, so shall it come into his bowels like water, and like oyle into his bones. 19 Let it be vnto him as a garment to couer him, and for a girdle, wherewith he shalbe alway girded. 20 Let this be the rewarde of mine aduersarie from the Lord, and of them, that speake euill against my soule.
Bishops(i) 9 Let his chyldren be fatherlesse: and his wyfe a wydowe 10 Let his children be vagaboundes and go a begging: and let them seeke [foode] out of their barren groundes 11 Let the extortioner bryng into his snare all that he hath: and let straungers spoyle his labour 12 Let there be no man to shewe hym any gentlenes: nor to haue compassion vpon his fatherlesse children 13 Let his posteritie come to destruction: and in the next generation let his name be cleane put out 14 Let the wyckednes of his fathers be had in remembraunce in the sight of God: and let not the sinne of his mother be wyped away 15 Let them be alway before God: that he may roote out the memorial of them from the earth 16 Because that he remembred not to do good: but he persecuted the afflicted and poore man, and hym whose heart was broken with sorow, that he might take his life from hym 17 His delight was in cursing, and it shal happen vnto him: he loued not blessing, therfore it hath ben farre from him 18 He clothed hym selfe with cursing, as with his garment: and it hath entred into his bowels like water, and like oyle into his bones 19 Let it be vnto hym as the garment that he is wrapt in: and as the gyrdle that he is alway gyrded withall 20 Let this rewarde be from God vnto myne aduersaries: and vnto those that speake euill against my soule
DouayRheims(i) 9 May his children be fatherless, and his wife a widow. 10 Let his children be carried about vagabonds, and beg; and let them be cast out of their dwellings. 11 May the usurer search all his substance: and let strangers plunder his labours. 12 May there be none to help him: nor none to pity his fatherless offspring. 13 May his posterity be cut off; in one generation may his name be blotted out. 14 May the iniquity of his fathers be remembered in the sight of the Lord: and let not the sin of his mother be blotted out. 15 May they be before the Lord continually, and let the memory of them perish from the earth: 16 Because he remembered not to shew mercy, 17 But persecuted the poor man and the beggar; and the broken in heart, to put him to death. 18 And he loved cursing, and it shall come unto him: and he would not have blessing, and it shall be far from him. And he put on cursing, like a garment: and it went in like water into his entrails, and like oil in his bones. 19 May it be unto him like a garment which covereth him; and like a girdle with which he is girded continually. 20 This is the work of them who detract me before the Lord; and who speak evils against my soul.
KJV(i) 9 Let his children be fatherless, and his wife a widow. 10 Let his children be continually vagabonds, and beg: let them seek their bread also out of their desolate places. 11 Let the extortioner catch all that he hath; and let the strangers spoil his labour. 12 Let there be none to extend mercy unto him: neither let there be any to favour his fatherless children. 13 Let his posterity be cut off; and in the generation following let their name be blotted out. 14 Let the iniquity of his fathers be remembered with the LORD; and let not the sin of his mother be blotted out. 15 Let them be before the LORD continually, that he may cut off the memory of them from the earth. 16 Because that he remembered not to shew mercy, but persecuted the poor and needy man, that he might even slay the broken in heart. 17 As he loved cursing, so let it come unto him: as he delighted not in blessing, so let it be far from him. 18 As he clothed himself with cursing like as with his garment, so let it come into his bowels like water, and like oil into his bones. 19 Let it be unto him as the garment which covereth him, and for a girdle wherewith he is girded continually. 20 Let this be the reward of mine adversaries from the LORD, and of them that speak evil against my soul.
KJV_Cambridge(i) 10 Let his children be continually vagabonds, and beg: let them seek their bread also out of their desolate places. 11 Let the extortioner catch all that he hath; and let the strangers spoil his labour. 12 Let there be none to extend mercy unto him: neither let there be any to favour his fatherless children. 13 Let his posterity be cut off; and in the generation following let their name be blotted out. 14 Let the iniquity of his fathers be remembered with the LORD; and let not the sin of his mother be blotted out. 15 Let them be before the LORD continually, that he may cut off the memory of them from the earth. 16 Because that he remembered not to shew mercy, but persecuted the poor and needy man, that he might even slay the broken in heart. 17 As he loved cursing, so let it come unto him: as he delighted not in blessing, so let it be far from him. 18 As he clothed himself with cursing like as with his garment, so let it come into his bowels like water, and like oil into his bones. 19 Let it be unto him as the garment which covereth him, and for a girdle wherewith he is girded continually. 20 Let this be the reward of mine adversaries from the LORD, and of them that speak evil against my soul. 9 Let his children be fatherless, and his wife a widow.
  9 H1121 Let his children H3490 be fatherless H802 , and his wife H490 a widow.
  10 H1121 Let his children H5128 be continually [H8800]   H5128 vagabonds [H8799]   H7592 , and beg [H8765]   H1875 : let them seek [H8804]   H2723 their bread also out of their desolate places.
  11 H5383 Let the extortioner [H8802]   H5367 catch [H8762]   H2114 all that he hath; and let the strangers [H8801]   H962 spoil [H8799]   H3018 his labour.
  12 H4900 Let there be none to extend [H8802]   H2617 mercy H2603 unto him: neither let there be any to favour [H8802]   H3490 his fatherless children.
  13 H319 Let his posterity H3772 be cut off [H8687]   H1755 ; and in the generation H312 following H8034 let their name H4229 be blotted out [H8735]  .
  14 H5771 Let the iniquity H1 of his fathers H2142 be remembered [H8735]   H3068 with the LORD H2403 ; and let not the sin H517 of his mother H4229 be blotted out [H8735]  .
  15 H3068 Let them be before the LORD H8548 continually H3772 , that he may cut off [H8686]   H2143 the memory H776 of them from the earth.
  16 H2142 Because that he remembered [H8804]   H6213 not to shew [H8800]   H2617 mercy H7291 , but persecuted [H8799]   H6041 the poor H34 and needy H376 man H4191 , that he might even slay [H8788]   H3512 the broken [H8737]   H3824 in heart.
  17 H157 As he loved [H8799]   H7045 cursing H935 , so let it come [H8799]   H2654 unto him: as he delighted [H8804]   H1293 not in blessing H7368 , so let it be far [H8799]   from him.
  18 H3847 As he clothed [H8799]   H7045 himself with cursing H4055 like as with his garment H935 , so let it come [H8799]   H7130 into his bowels H4325 like water H8081 , and like oil H6106 into his bones.
  19 H899 Let it be unto him as the garment H5844 which covereth [H8799]   H4206 him, and for a girdle H2296 wherewith he is girded [H8799]   H8548 continually.
  20 H6468 Let this be the reward H7853 of mine adversaries [H8802]   H3068 from the LORD H1696 , and of them that speak [H8802]   H7451 evil H5315 against my soul.
Thomson(i) 9 Let his children be fatherless and his wife a widow. 10 Let his sons be vagabonds and beg: let them be cast out from their dwellings. 11 Let an extortioner seize all that he hath; and strangers make spoil of his labours. 12 Let there be none to help him; nor any to compassionate his orphan children. 13 Let his children be for destruction; In one generation let his name be blotted out. 14 Let the iniquity of his fathers be remembered before the Lord; and let not the sin of his mother be blotted out. 15 Let them be continually before the Lord. And let the memorial of them be cut off from the earth: 16 because he did not remember to shew mercy; but persecuted a man needy and afflicted: to put to death one who was broken hearted. 17 As he loved cursing, let it come on him: as he delighted not in blessing let it be far from him. 18 As he clothed himself with cursing as with a mantle; and it came like water in his bowels; and like oil into his bones: 19 let it be to him as the mantle which covereth him: and as the girdle with which he is continually girded." 20 From the Lord is this work of them who traduce me: and of them who speak evil against my soul.
Webster(i) 9 Let his children be fatherless, and his wife a widow. 10 Let his children be continually vagabonds, and beg: let them seek their bread also out of their desolate places. 11 Let the extortioner catch all that he hath; and let strangers spoil his labor. 12 Let there be none to extend mercy to him: neither let there be any to favor his fatherless children. 13 Let his posterity be cut off; and in the generation following let their name be blotted out. 14 Let the iniquity of his fathers be remembered with the LORD; and let not the sin of his mother be blotted out. 15 Let them be before the LORD continually, that he may cut off the memory of them from the earth. 16 Because that he remembered not to show mercy, but persecuted the poor and needy man, that he might even slay the broken in heart. 17 As he loved cursing, so let it come to him: as he delighted not in blessing, so let it be far from him. 18 As he clothed himself with cursing like as with his garment, so let it come into his bowels like water, and like oil into his bones. 19 Let it be to him as the garment which covereth him, and for a girdle with which he is girded continually. 20 Let this be the reward of my adversaries from the LORD, and of them that speak evil against my soul.
  9 H1121 Let his children H3490 be fatherless H802 , and his wife H490 a widow.
  10 H1121 Let his children H5128 [H8800] be continually H5128 [H8799] vagabonds H7592 [H8765] , and beg H1875 [H8804] : let them seek H2723 their bread also out of their desolate places.
  11 H5383 [H8802] Let the extortioner H5367 [H8762] catch H2114 [H8801] all that he hath; and let strangers H962 [H8799] spoil H3018 his labour.
  12 H4900 [H8802] Let there be none to extend H2617 mercy H2603 [H8802] to him: neither let there be any to favour H3490 his fatherless children.
  13 H319 Let his posterity H3772 [H8687] be cut off H1755 ; and in the generation H312 following H8034 let their name H4229 [H8735] be blotted out.
  14 H5771 Let the iniquity H1 of his fathers H2142 [H8735] be remembered H3068 with the LORD H2403 ; and let not the sin H517 of his mother H4229 [H8735] be blotted out.
  15 H3068 Let them be before the LORD H8548 continually H3772 [H8686] , that he may cut off H2143 the memory H776 of them from the earth.
  16 H2142 [H8804] Because that he remembered H6213 [H8800] not to show H2617 mercy H7291 [H8799] , but persecuted H6041 the poor H34 and needy H376 man H4191 [H8788] , that he might even slay H3512 [H8737] the broken H3824 in heart.
  17 H157 [H8799] As he loved H7045 cursing H935 [H8799] , so let it come H2654 [H8804] to him: as he delighted H1293 not in blessing H7368 [H8799] , so let it be far from him.
  18 H3847 [H8799] As he clothed H7045 himself with cursing H4055 like as with his garment H935 [H8799] , so let it come H7130 into his bowels H4325 like water H8081 , and like oil H6106 into his bones.
  19 H899 Let it be to him as the garment H5844 [H8799] which covereth H4206 him, and for a belt H2296 [H8799] with which he is girded H8548 continually.
  20 H6468 Let this be the reward H7853 [H8802] of my adversaries H3068 from the LORD H1696 [H8802] , and of them that speak H7451 evil H5315 against my soul.
Brenton(i) 9 (108:9) Let his children be orphans, and his wife a widow. 10 (108:10) Let his children wander without a dwelling-place, and beg: let them be cast out of their habitations. 11 (108:11) Let his creditor exact all that belongs to him: and let strangers spoil his labours. 12 (108:12) Let him have no helper; neither let there be any one to have compassion on his fatherless children. 13 (108:13) Let his children be given up to utter destruction: in one generation let his name be blotted out. 14 (108:14) Let the iniquity of his fathers be remembered before the Lord; and let not the sin of his mother be blotted out. 15 (108:15) Let them be before the Lord continually; and let their memorial be blotted out from the earth. 16 (108:16) Because he remembered not to shew mercy, but persecuted the needy and poor man, and that to slay him that was pricked in the heart. 17 (108:17) He loved cursing also, and it shall come upon him; and he took not pleasure in blessing, so it shall be removed far from him. 18 (108:18) Yea, he put on cursing as a garment, and it is come as water into his bowels, and as oil into his bones. 19 (108:19) Let it be to him as a garment which he puts on, and as a girdle with which he girds himself continually. 20 (108:20) This is the dealing of the Lord with those who falsely accuse me, and of them that speak evil against my soul.
Brenton_Greek(i) 9 Γενηθήτωσαν οἱ υἱοὶ αὐτοῦ ὀρφανοὶ, καὶ ἡ γυνὴ αὐτοῦ χήρα. 10 Σαλευόμενοι μεταναστήτωσαν οἱ υἱοὶ αὐτοῦ, καὶ ἐπαιτησάτωσαν, ἐκβληθήτωσαν ἐκ τῶν οἰκοπέδων αὐτῶν. 11 Ἐξερευνησάτω δανειστὴς πάντα ὅσα ὑπάρχει αὐτῷ, καὶ διαρπασάτωσαν ἀλλότριοι τοὺς πόνους αὐτοῦ. 12 Μὴ ὑπαρξάτω αὐτῷ ἀντιλήπτωρ, μηδὲ γενηθήτω οἰκτίρμων τοῖς ὀρφανοῖς αὐτοῦ. 13 Γενηθήτω τὰ τέκνα αὐτοῦ εἰς ἐξολόθρευσιν, ἐν γενεᾷ μιᾷ ἐξαλειφθείη τὸ ὄνομα αὐτοῦ. 14 Ἀναμνησθείη ἡ ἀνομία τῶν πατέρων αὐτοῦ ἔναντι Κυρίου, καὶ ἡ ἁμαρτία τῆς μητρὸς αὐτοῦ μὴ ἐξαλειφθείη. 15 Γενηθήτωσαν ἐναντίον Κυρίου διαπαντὸς, καὶ ἐξολοθρευθείη ἐκ γῆς τὸ μνημόσυνον αὐτῶν.
16 Ἀνθʼ ὧν οὐκ ἐμνήσθη ποιῆσαι ἔλεος, καὶ κατεδίωξεν ἄνθρωπον πένητα καὶ πτωχὸν, καὶ κατανενυγμένον τῇ καρδίᾳ τοῦ θανατῶσαι. 17 Καὶ ἠγάπησε κατάραν, καὶ ἥξει αὐτῷ, καὶ οὐκ ἠθέλησεν εὐλογίαν, καὶ μακρυνθήσεται ἀπʼ αὐτοῦ. 18 Καὶ ἐνεδύσατο κατάραν ὡς ἱμάτιον, καὶ εἰσῆλθεν ὡσεὶ ὕδωρ εἰς τὰ ἔγκατα αὐτοῦ, καὶ ὡσεὶ ἔλαιον ἐν τοῖς ὀστέοις αὐτοῦ. 19 Γενηθήτω αὐτῷ ὡς ἱμάτιον ὃ περιβάλλεται, καὶ ὡσεὶ ζώνη ἣν διαπαντὸς περιζώννυται. 20 Τοῦτο τὸ ἔργον τῶν ἐνδιαβαλλόντων με παρὰ Κυρίου, καὶ τῶν λαλούντων πονηρὰ κατὰ τῆς ψυχῆς μου.
Leeser(i) 9 Let his children be fatherless, and his wife a widow. 10 Let his children be continually moving about, and beg, and let them seek their bread out of their ruined places. 11 Let the creditor lay snares after all that he hath, and let strangers plunder his labor. 12 Let him have none that extendeth kindness, and let there be none that is gracious to his fatherless children. 13 Let his posterity be cut off: in another generation let their name be blotted out. 14 Let the iniquity of his fathers be remembered by the Lord, and let the sin of his mother not be blotted out. 15 Let them be before the Lord continually, that he may cut off from the earth their memory. 16 For the reason that he remembered not to show kindness; but persecuted the poor and needy man, and the grieved in heart to put him to death. 17 As he loved cursing, so let it come over him: and as he delighted not in blessing, so let it be far from him. 18 And he clothed himself with cursing as with his garment, and it cometh like water within him, and like oil into his bones. 19 Let it be unto him as a garment in which he wrappeth himself, and for a girdle let him be continually girded with it. 20 Let this be the reward of my accusers from the Lord, and of those that speak evil against my soul.
YLT(i) 9 His sons are fatherless, and his wife a widow. 10 And wander continually do his sons, Yea, they have begged, And have sought out of their dry places. 11 An exactor layeth a snare for all that he hath, And strangers spoil his labour. 12 He hath none to extend kindness, Nor is there one showing favour to his orphans. 13 His posterity is for cutting off, In another generation is their name blotted out. 14 The iniquity of his fathers Is remembered unto Jehovah, And the sin of his mother is not blotted out. 15 They are before Jehovah continually, And He cutteth off from earth their memorial. 16 Because that he hath not remembered to do kindness, And pursueth the poor man and needy, And the smitten of heart—to slay, 17 And he loveth reviling, and it meeteth him, And he hath not delighted in blessing, And it is far from him. 18 And he putteth on reviling as his robe, And it cometh in as water into his midst, And as oil into his bones. 19 It is to him as apparel—he covereth himself, And for a continual girdle he girdeth it on. 20 This is the wage of mine accusers from Jehovah, And of those speaking evil against my soul.
JuliaSmith(i) 9 His sons shall be orphans, and his wife a widow. 10 And shaking his sons shall wander about, and they asked and sought from their desolations. 11 The creditor shall lay snares for all which is to him, and strangers shall plunder his labor. 12 There shall not be to him any drawing out mercy, and there shall not be any compassionating to his orphans 13 His descendants shall be for cutting off; in the later generation their name shall be wiped off. 14 The iniquity of his fathers will be in remembrance to Jehovah, and the sins of his mother shall not be wiped of 15 They shall be before Jehovah always, and their remembrance shall be cut off from the earth. 16 Because he remembered not to do mercy, and he will pursue the poor and needy man to slay the dejected of heart. 17 And he will love cursing, and it shall come to him: and he delighted not in praise, and it shall be far from him. 18 And he will put on cursing as his garment, and it shall come into his midst as water, and as oil into his bones. 19 It shall be to him as the garment shall cover him, and for a girdle it shall gird him always. 20 This the doing of those lying in wait for me from Jehovah, and speaking evil against my soul.
Darby(i) 9 Let his sons be fatherless, and his wife a widow; 10 Let his sons be vagabonds and beg, and let them seek [their bread] far from their desolate places; 11 Let the usurer cast the net over all that he hath, and let strangers despoil his labour; 12 Let there be none to extend kindness unto him, neither let there be any to favour his fatherless children; 13 Let his posterity be cut off; in the generation following let their name be blotted out: 14 Let the iniquity of his fathers be remembered with Jehovah, and let not the sin of his mother be blotted out; 15 Let them be before Jehovah continually, that he may cut off the memory of them from the earth: 16 Because he remembered not to shew kindness, but persecuted the afflicted and needy man, and the broken in heart, to slay him. 17 And he loved cursing; so let it come unto him. And he delighted not in blessing; and let it be far from him. 18 And he clothed himself with cursing like his vestment; so let it come into his bowels like water, and like oil into his bones; 19 Let it be unto him as a garment with which he covereth himself, and for a girdle wherewith he is constantly girded. 20 Let this be the reward of mine adversaries from Jehovah, and of them that speak evil against my soul.
ERV(i) 9 Let his children be fatherless, and his wife a widow. 10 Let his children be vagabonds, and beg; and let them seek [their bread] out of their desolate places. 11 Let the extortioner catch all that he hath; and let strangers make spoil of his labour. 12 Let there be none to extend mercy unto him; neither let there be any to have pity on his fatherless children. 13 Let his posterity be cut off; in the generation following let their name be blotted out. 14 Let the iniquity of his fathers be remembered with the LORD; and let not the sin of his mother be blotted out. 15 Let them be before the LORD continually, that he may cut off the memory of them from the earth. 16 Because that he remembered not to shew mercy, but persecuted the poor and needy man, and the broken in heart, to slay [them]. 17 Yea, he loved cursing, and it came unto him; and he delighted not in blessing, and it was far from him. 18 He clothed himself also with cursing as with his garment, and it came into his inward parts like water, and like oil into his bones. Let it be unto him as the raiment 19 wherewith he covereth himself, and for the girdle wherewith he is girded continually. 20 This is the reward of mine adversaries from the LORD, and of them that speak evil against my soul.
ASV(i) 9 Let his children be fatherless,
And his wife a widow. 10 Let his children be vagabonds, and beg;
And let them seek [their bread] out of their desolate places. 11 Let the extortioner catch all that he hath;
And let strangers make spoil of his labor. 12 Let there be none to extend kindness unto him;
Neither let there be any to have pity on his fatherless children. 13 Let his posterity be cut off;
In the generation following let their name be blotted out. 14 Let the iniquity of his fathers be remembered with Jehovah;
And let not the sin of his mother be blotted out. 15 Let them be before Jehovah continually,
That he may cut off the memory of them from the earth; 16 Because he remembered not to show kindness,
But persecuted the poor and needy man,
And the broken in heart, to slay [them]. 17 Yea, he loved cursing, and it came unto him;
And he delighted not in blessing, and it was far from him. 18 He clothed himself also with cursing as with his garment,
And it came into his inward parts like water,
And like oil into his bones. 19 Let it be unto him as the raiment wherewith he covereth himself,
And for the girdle wherewith he is girded continually. 20 This is the reward of mine adversaries from Jehovah,
And of them that speak evil against my soul.
  9 H1121 Let his children H3490 be fatherless, H802 And his wife H490 a widow.
  10 H1121 Let his children H5128 be H5128 vagabonds, H7592 and beg; H1875 And let them seek H2723 their bread out of their desolate places.
  11 H5383 Let the extortioner H5367 catch H2114 all that he hath; And let strangers H962 make spoil H3018 of his labor.
  12 H4900 Let there be none to extend H2617 kindness H2603 unto him; Neither let there be any to have pity H3490 on his fatherless children.
  13 H319 Let his posterity H3772 be cut off; H1755 In the generation H312 following H8034 let their name H4229 be blotted out.
  14 H5771 Let the iniquity H1 of his fathers H2142 be remembered H3068 with Jehovah; H2403 And let not the sin H517 of his mother H4229 be blotted out.
  15 H3068 Let them be before Jehovah H8548 continually, H3772 That he may cut off H2143 the memory H776 of them from the earth;
  16 H2142 Because he remembered H6213 not to show H2617 kindness, H7291 But persecuted H6041 the poor H6041 and needy H376 man, H3512 And the broken H3824 in heart, H4191 to slay them.
  17 H157 Yea, he loved H7045 cursing, H935 and it came H2654 unto him; And he delighted H1293 not in blessing, H7368 and it was far from him.
  18 H3847 He clothed H7045 himself also with cursing H4055 as with his garment, H935 And it came H7130 into his inward H4325 parts like water, H8081 And like oil H6106 into his bones.
  19 H899 Let it be unto him as the raiment H5844 wherewith he covereth H4206 himself, And for the girdle H2296 wherewith he is girded H8548 continually.
  20 H6468 This is the reward H7853 of mine adversaries H3068 from Jehovah, H1696 And of them that speak H7451 evil H5315 against my soul.
JPS_ASV_Byz(i) 9 Let his children be fatherless, and his wife a widow. 10 Let his children be vagabonds, and beg; and let them seek their bread out of their desolate places. 11 Let the creditor distrain all that he hath; and let strangers make spoil of his labour. 12 Let there be none to extend kindness unto him; neither let there be any to be gracious unto his fatherless children. 13 Let his posterity be cut off; in the generation following let their name be blotted out. 14 Let the iniquity of his fathers be brought to remembrance unto the LORD; and let not the sin of his mother be blotted out. 15 Let them be before the LORD continually, that He may cut off the memory of them from the earth. 16 Because that he remembered not to do kindness, but persecuted the poor and needy man, and the broken in heart he was ready to slay. 17 Yea, he loved cursing, and it came unto him; and he delighted not in blessing, and it is far from him. 18 He clothed himself also with cursing as with his raiment, and it is come into his inward parts like water, and like oil into his bones. 19 Let it be unto him as the garment which he putteth on, and for the girdle wherewith he is girded continually.' 20 This would mine adversaries effect from the LORD, and they that speak evil against my soul.
Rotherham(i) 9 Let his children become fatherless, and his wife a widow; 10 Let his children, wander about, and beg, Let them be driven out of their ruins; 11 Let the creditor take aim at all that he hath, and let strangers prey on the fruit of his toil; 12 Let him have no one to continue lovingkindness, and there be none to favour his fatherless children; 13 Let his posterity be for cutting off, In another generation, let their name be wiped out; 14 Remembered be the iniquity of his fathers against Yahweh, and, the sin of his mother, let it not be wiped out; 15 Let them be before Yahweh continually, and let the memory of them, be cut off out of the earth. 16 Because that he remembered not to show lovingkindness, but pursued the man that was oppressed and needy, that, the downhearted, he might slay. 17 Because he loved cursing, May it have come upon him, Because he delighted not in blessing, May it have kept far from him; 18 Because he clothed himself in cursing as his outer garment, therefore may it have entered like water into his inward part, and like oil into his bones; 19 Be it his, as a garment he shall wrap round him, and for a girdle he shall, at all times, gird on: 20 This, be the reward of mine accusers, from Yahweh, even of them who are speaking wrongfully against my life.
CLV(i) 9 May his sons become orphans, And his wife a widow." 10 May his sons rove, yea rove so that they must beg, And may they be driven out from their deserted homes." 11 May the creditor confiscate all that he has, And may aliens plunder the fruit of his labor." 12 There must not be anyone being indulgent with kindness to him, And there must not be anyone showing grace to his orphans." 13 May his posterity be cut off; In the generation following, may his name be wiped out." 14 May the depravity of his fathers be remembered before Yahweh, And the sin of his mother, let it not be wiped out." 15 Let these be in front of Yahweh continually, And let their family's remembrance be cut off from the earth, 16 Because he did not remember to show kindness, And he persecuted the humbled man and the needy one And the sore of heart, to put him to death." 17 He loved malediction; may it come back on him. He has not delighted in blessing; may it stay far from him. 18 He clothed himself with malediction as his coat; May it enter within him like water, And like oil into his bones." 19 May it be upon him like a cloak with which he is muffled, And like a cordon that he girds about him continually." 20 May this be the wage for my adversaries from Yahweh, And for those speaking evil against my soul."
BBE(i) 9 Let his children have no father, and his wife be made a widow. 10 Let his children be wanderers, looking to others for their food; let them be sent away from the company of their friends. 11 Let his creditor take all his goods; and let others have the profit of his work. 12 Let no man have pity on him, or give help to his children when he is dead. 13 Let his seed be cut off; in the coming generation let their name go out of memory. 14 Let the Lord keep in mind the wrongdoing of his fathers; and may the sin of his mother have no forgiveness. 15 Let them be ever before the eyes of the Lord, so that the memory of them may be cut off from the earth. 16 Because he had no mercy, but was cruel to the low and the poor, designing the death of the broken-hearted. 17 As he took pleasure in cursing, so let it come on him; and as he had no delight in blessing, let it be far from him. 18 He put on cursing like a robe, and it has come into his body like water, and into his bones like oil. 19 Let it be to him as a robe which he puts on, let it be like a band which is round him at all times. 20 Let this be the reward given to my haters from the Lord, and to those who say evil of my soul.
MKJV(i) 9 Let his sons be fatherless, and his wife a widow. 10 Let his sons always beg and be vagabonds, and seek food out of their ruins. 11 Let the money-lender lay a snare for all that is his; and let strangers take the fruit of his labor. 12 Let there be none to give mercy to him; nor any to favor his fatherless children. 13 Let his posterity be cut off; and in the generation following let their name be blotted out. 14 Let the iniquity of his fathers be remembered to Jehovah; and let not the sin of his mother be blotted out. 15 Let them be always before Jehovah, that He may cut off their memory from the earth, 16 because he did not remember to do mercy, but persecuted the poor and needy man, and sought to kill the broken-hearted. 17 Yea, he loved cursing, so let it come to him; he delighted not in blessing, and it was far from him. 18 As he clothed himself with cursing, as with his robe, so let it come into his bowels like water, and like oil into his bones. 19 Let it be to him as the robe which covers him, and for a girdle with which he is always clothed. 20 This is the reward of my foes from Jehovah, and of them who speak evil against my soul.
LITV(i) 9 his sons be orphans, and his wife a widow; 10 and let his sons always beg and wander, and seek food out of their ruins; 11 let the moneylender lay a snare for all that is his; and let strangers plunder his labor; 12 let there be none giving mercy to him; nor any to have pity on his orphans; 13 let his posterity be cut off; let their name be blotted out in the following generation; 14 let the iniquity of his fathers be remembered to Jehovah; and let not the sin of his mother be blotted out; 15 let them be always before Jehovah, so that He may cut off the memory of them from the earth; 16 because he did not remember to do mercy; and persecuted the poor and needy man; even to kill the broken-hearted. 17 Yea, he loved cursing, and it came to him; he also had no pleasure in blessing, and it was far from him. 18 As he clothed himself with cursing, as with a robe, even it came into his bowels like water, and like oil into his bones. 19 Let it be to him as a garment he wraps in, and for a girdle that he always girds on. 20 This is the reward of my foes from Jehovah, and of those who speak evil against my soul.
ECB(i) 9 and his sons become orphans and his woman a widow: 10 in wandering, that his sons wander; yes, ask; and seek from their parched areas. 11 The exactor snares all he has and the strangers plunder his labor; 12 neither is there any to draw out mercy to him nor any to grant charism to his orphans: 13 his posterity becomes cut off; and in another generation their name is wiped out: 14 the perversity of his fathers is remembered to Yah Veh; and the sin of his mother is not wiped out; 15 they become in front of Yah Veh continually to cut off their memorial from the earth: 16 because he remembered not to work mercy and pursued the humble and needy man to deathify the dejected in heart. 17 As he loves to abase, thus it approaches him; as he delights not in blessing, so be it far from him: 18 he enrobes abasing as tailoring, thus it enters his inwards as water - as ointment into his bones: 19 so be it as the clothes that cover him and for a girdle to continually gird: 20 this is for the deeds of my satans from Yah Veh and for them who word evil against my soul.
ACV(i) 9 Let his sons be fatherless, and his wife a widow. 10 Let his sons be vagabonds, and beg, and let them seek out of their desolate places. 11 Let a creditor exact all that he has, and let strangers make spoil of his labor. 12 Let there be none to extend kindness to him, nor let there be any to have pity on his fatherless sons. 13 Let his posterity be cut off. In the generation following let their name be blotted out. 14 Let the iniquity of his fathers be remembered with LORD, and let not the sin of his mother be blotted out. 15 Let them be before LORD continually, that he may cut off the memory of them from the earth, 16 because he did not remember to show kindness, but persecuted the poor and needy man, and the broken in heart, to kill. 17 Yea, he loved cursing, and it came to him. And he did not delight in blessing, and it was far from him. 18 He also clothed himself with cursing as with his garment, and it came into his inward parts like water, and like oil into his bones. 19 Let it be to him as the raiment with which he covers himself, and for the belt with which he is girded continually. 20 This is the reward of my adversaries from LORD, and of those who speak evil against my soul.
WEB(i) 9 Let his children be fatherless, and his wife a widow. 10 Let his children be wandering beggars. Let them be sought from their ruins. 11 Let the creditor seize all that he has. Let strangers plunder the fruit of his labor. 12 Let there be no one to extend kindness to him, neither let there be anyone to have pity on his fatherless children. 13 Let his posterity be cut off. In the generation following let their name be blotted out. 14 Let the iniquity of his fathers be remembered by Yahweh. Don’t let the sin of his mother be blotted out. 15 Let them be before Yahweh continually, that he may cut off their memory from the earth; 16 because he didn’t remember to show kindness, but persecuted the poor and needy man, the broken in heart, to kill them. 17 Yes, he loved cursing, and it came to him. He didn’t delight in blessing, and it was far from him. 18 He clothed himself also with cursing as with his garment. It came into his inward parts like water, like oil into his bones. 19 Let it be to him as the clothing with which he covers himself, for the belt that is always around him. 20 This is the reward of my adversaries from Yahweh, of those who speak evil against my soul.
  9 H1121 Let his children H3490 be fatherless, H802 and his wife H490 a widow.
  10 H1121 Let his children H5128 be wandering H5128 beggars. H7592   H1875 Let them be sought H2723 from their ruins.
  11 H5383 Let the creditor H5367 seize H2114 all that he has. Let strangers H962 plunder H3018 the fruit of his labor.
  12 H4900 Let there be no one to extend H2617 kindness H2603 to him, neither let there be anyone to have pity H3490 on his fatherless children.
  13 H319 Let his posterity H3772 be cut off. H1755 In the generation H312 following H8034 let their name H4229 be blotted out.
  14 H5771 Let the iniquity H1 of his fathers H2142 be remembered H3068 by Yahweh. H2403 Don't let the sin H517 of his mother H4229 be blotted out.
  15 H3068 Let them be before Yahweh H8548 continually, H3772 that he may cut off H2143 their memory H776 from the earth;
  16 H2142 because he didn't remember H6213 to show H2617 kindness, H7291 but persecuted H6041 the poor H34 and needy H376 man, H3512 the broken H3824 in heart, H4191 to kill them.
  17 H157 Yes, he loved H7045 cursing, H935 and it came H2654 to him. He didn't delight H1293 in blessing, H7368 and it was far from him.
  18 H3847 He clothed H7045 himself also with cursing H4055 as with his garment. H935 It came H7130 into his inward H4325 parts like water, H8081 like oil H6106 into his bones.
  19 H899 Let it be to him as the clothing H5844 with which he covers H4206 himself, for the belt H8548 that is always H2296 around him.
  20 H6468 This is the reward H7853 of my adversaries H3068 from Yahweh, H1696 of those who speak H7451 evil H5315 against my soul.
NHEB(i) 9 Let his children be fatherless, and his wife a widow. 10 Let his children be wandering beggars. Let them be sought from their ruins. 11 Let the creditor seize all that he has. Let strangers plunder the fruit of his labor. 12 Let there be none to extend kindness to him, neither let there be any to have pity on his fatherless children. 13 Let his posterity be cut off. In the generation following let their name be blotted out. 14 Let the iniquity of his fathers be remembered by the LORD. Do not let the sin of his mother be blotted out. 15 Let them be before the LORD continually, that he may cut off the memory of them from the earth; 16 because he did not remember to show kindness, but persecuted the poor and needy man, the broken in heart, to kill them. 17 Yes, he loved cursing, and it came to him. He did not delight in blessing, and it was far from him. 18 He clothed himself also with cursing as with his garment. It came into his inward parts like water, like oil into his bones. 19 Let it be to him as the clothing with which he covers himself, for the belt that is always around him. 20 This is the reward of my adversaries from the LORD, of those who speak evil against my soul.
AKJV(i) 9 Let his children be fatherless, and his wife a widow. 10 Let his children be continually vagabonds, and beg: let them seek their bread also out of their desolate places. 11 Let the extortionist catch all that he has; and let the strangers spoil his labor. 12 Let there be none to extend mercy to him: neither let there be any to favor his fatherless children. 13 Let his posterity be cut off; and in the generation following let their name be blotted out. 14 Let the iniquity of his fathers be remembered with the LORD; and let not the sin of his mother be blotted out. 15 Let them be before the LORD continually, that he may cut off the memory of them from the earth. 16 Because that he remembered not to show mercy, but persecuted the poor and needy man, that he might even slay the broken in heart. 17 As he loved cursing, so let it come to him: as he delighted not in blessing, so let it be far from him. 18 As he clothed himself with cursing like as with his garment, so let it come into his bowels like water, and like oil into his bones. 19 Let it be to him as the garment which covers him, and for a girdle with which he is girded continually. 20 Let this be the reward of my adversaries from the LORD, and of them that speak evil against my soul.
  9 H1121 Let his children H3490 be fatherless, H802 and his wife H490 a widow.
  10 H1121 Let his children H5128 be continually vagabonds, H7592 and beg: H1875 let them seek H2723 their bread also out of their desolate places.
  11 H5383 Let the extortionist H5367 catch H3605 all H2114 that he has; and let the strangers H962 spoil H3018 his labor.
  12 H408 Let there be none H4900 to extend H2617 mercy H408 to him: neither H2603 let there be any to favor H3490 his fatherless children.
  13 H319 Let his posterity H3772 be cut H1755 off; and in the generation H312 following H8034 let their name H4229 be blotted out.
  14 H5771 Let the iniquity H1 of his fathers H2142 be remembered H3068 with the LORD; H2403 and let not the sin H517 of his mother H4229 be blotted out.
  15 H5048 Let them be before H3068 the LORD H8548 continually, H3772 that he may cut H2143 off the memory H776 of them from the earth.
  16 H3282 Because H2142 that he remembered H6213 not to show H2617 mercy, H7291 but persecuted H6041 the poor H34 and needy H376 man, H4191 that he might even slay H5218 the broken H3824 in heart.
  17 H157 As he loved H7045 cursing, H935 so let it come H2654 to him: as he delighted H1293 not in blessing, H7368 so let it be far from him.
  18 H3847 As he clothed H7045 himself with cursing H4055 like as with his garment, H935 so let it come H7130 into his bowels H4325 like water, H8081 and like oil H6106 into his bones.
  19 H899 Let it be to him as the garment H5844 which covers H4206 him, and for a girdle H2296 with which he is girded H8548 continually.
  20 H2063 Let this H6468 be the reward H7853 of my adversaries H3068 from the LORD, H1696 and of them that speak H7451 evil H5921 against H5315 my soul.
KJ2000(i) 9 Let his children be fatherless, and his wife a widow. 10 Let his children be continually vagabonds, and beg: let them seek their bread also out of their desolate places. 11 Let the extortioner catch all that he has; and let the strangers spoil his labor. 12 Let there be none to extend mercy unto him: neither let there be any to favor his fatherless children. 13 Let his posterity be cut off; and in the generation following let their name be blotted out. 14 Let the iniquity of his fathers be remembered with the LORD; and let not the sin of his mother be blotted out. 15 Let them be before the LORD continually, that he may cut off the memory of them from the earth. 16 Because he remembered not to show mercy, but persecuted the poor and needy man, that he might even slay the broken in heart. 17 As he loved cursing, so let it come unto him: as he delighted not in blessing, so let it be far from him. 18 As he clothed himself with cursing as with his garment, so let it come into his body like water, and like oil into his bones. 19 Let it be unto him as the garment which covers him, and for a belt with which he is girded continually. 20 Let this be the reward of my adversaries from the LORD, and of them that speak evil against my soul.
UKJV(i) 9 Let his children be fatherless, and his wife a widow. 10 Let his children be continually vagabonds, and beg: let them seek their bread also out of their desolate places. 11 Let the extortionist catch all that he has; and let the strangers spoil his labour. 12 Let there be none to extend mercy unto him: neither let there be any to favour his fatherless children. 13 Let his posterity be cut off; and in the generation following let their name be blotted out. 14 Let the iniquity of his fathers be remembered with the LORD; and let not the sin of his mother be blotted out. 15 Let them be before the LORD continually, that he may cut off the memory of them from the earth. 16 Because that he remembered not to show mercy, but persecuted the poor and needy man, that he might even slay the broken in heart. 17 As he loved cursing, so let it come unto him: as he delighted not in blessing, so let it be far from him. 18 As he clothed himself with cursing like with his garment, so let it come into his bowels like water, and like oil into his bones. 19 Let it be unto him as the garment which covers him, and for a girdle wherewith he is girded continually. 20 Let this be the reward of mine adversaries from the LORD, and of them that speak evil against my soul.
  9 H1121 Let his sons H3490 be fatherless, H802 and his wife H490 a widow.
  10 H1121 Let his sons H5128 be continually H5128 vagabonds, H7592 and beg: H1875 let them seek H2723 their bread also out of their desolate places.
  11 H5383 Let the extortioner H5367 catch H2114 all that he has; and let the strangers H962 plunder H3018 his labor.
  12 H4900 Let there be none to extend H2617 mercy H2603 unto him: neither let there be any to favor H3490 his fatherless sons.
  13 H319 Let his posterity H3772 be cut off; H1755 and in the generation H312 following H8034 let their name H4229 be blotted out.
  14 H5771 Let the iniquity H1 of his fathers H2142 be remembered H3068 with the Lord; H2403 and let not the sin H517 of his mother H4229 be blotted out.
  15 H3068 Let them be before the Lord H8548 continually, H3772 that he may cut off H2143 the memory H776 of them from the earth.
  16 H2142 Because that he remembered H6213 not to show H2617 mercy, H7291 but persecuted H6041 the poor H34 and needy H376 man, H4191 that he might even kill H3512 the broken H3824 in heart.
  17 H157 As he loved H7045 cursing, H935 so let it come H2654 unto him: as he delighted H1293 not in blessing, H7368 so let it be far from him.
  18 H3847 As he clothed H7045 himself with cursing H4055 like as with his garment, H935 so let it come H7130 into his bowels H4325 like water, H8081 and like oil H6106 into his bones.
  19 H899 Let it be unto him as the garment H5844 which covers H4206 him, and for a belt H2296 with which he is girded H8548 continually.
  20 H6468 Let this be the reward H7853 of my adversaries H3068 from the Lord, H1696 and of them that speak H7451 evil H5315 against my soul.
EJ2000(i) 9 Let his children be fatherless and his wife a widow. 10 Let his children be continually vagabonds and beg; let them seek their bread out of their desolate places. 11 Let the extortioner catch all that he has, and let the strangers spoil his labour. 12 Let there be no one to extend mercy unto him: neither let there be any to favour his fatherless children. 13 Let his posterity be cut off, and in the generation following let their name be blotted out. 14 Let the iniquity of his fathers be remembered with the LORD, and let not the sin of his mother be blotted out. 15 Let them be before the LORD continually, that he may cut off the memory of them from the earth. 16 Because he did not remember to show mercy but persecuted the man who is poor in spirit and destitute and broken in heart, that he might slay him. 17 As he loved the curse, so let it come unto him; as he delighted not in the blessing, so let it be far from him. 18 As he clothed himself with the curse like as with his garment, and it entered into his bowels like water and like oil into his bones. 19 Let it be unto him as the garment which covers him and for a girdle wherewith he is girded continually. 20 Let this be the reward from the LORD of those who spoke falsely against me and of those that speak evil against my soul.
CAB(i) 9 Let his children be orphans, and his wife a widow. 10 Let his children wander without a dwelling place and beg; let them be cast out of their habitations. 11 Let his creditor exact all that belongs to him; and let strangers spoil his labors. 12 Let him have no helper; neither let there be anyone to have compassion on his fatherless children. 13 Let his children be given up to utter destruction; in one generation let his name be blotted out. 14 Let the iniquity of his fathers be remembered before the Lord; and let not the sin of his mother be blotted out. 15 Let them be before the Lord continually; and let their memorial be blotted out from the earth. 16 Because he remembered not to show mercy, but persecuted the needy and poor man, that he might even slay the broken in heart. 17 He loved cursing also, and it shall come upon him; and he took not pleasure in blessing, so it shall be removed far from him. 18 Yea, he put on cursing as a garment, and it has come as water into his bowels, and as oil into his bones. 19 Let it be to him as a garment which he puts on, and as a girdle with which he girds himself continually. 20 This is the dealing of the Lord with those who falsely accuse me, and of them that speak evil against my soul.
NSB(i) 9 Let his children become fatherless and his wife a widow. 10 Let his children wander around and beg. Let them seek help far from their ruined homes. 11 Let a creditor take everything he owns. Let strangers steal what he has worked for. 12 Let no one be kind to him anymore. Let no one show any pity to his fatherless children. 13 Let his descendants be cut off and their family name be wiped out by the next generation. 14 Let Jehovah remember the guilt of his ancestors and not wipe out his mother's sin. 15 Let their guilt and sin always remain on record in front of Jehovah. Let Jehovah remove every memory of him from the earth, 16 for he did not remember to be kind. He drove oppressed, needy, and brokenhearted people to their graves. 17 He loved to put curses on others, so he, too, was cursed. He did not like to bless others, so he never received a blessing. 18 He wore cursing as though it were clothing; so cursing entered his body like water and his bones like oil. 19 Let cursing be his clothing, a belt he always wears. 20 This is how Jehovah rewards those who accuse me, those who say evil things against me.
ISV(i) 9 May his children become fatherless, and his wife a widow. 10 May his children roam around begging, seeking food while driven far from their ruined homes. 11 May creditors seize all his possessions, and may foreigners loot the property he has acquired. 12 May no one extend gracious love to him, or show favor to his fatherless children. 13 May his descendants be eliminated, and their memory be erased from the next generation. 14 May his ancestors’ guilt be remembered in the LORD’s presence, and may his mother’s guilt not be erased. 15 May what they have done be continually in the LORD’s presence; and may their memory be excised from the earth. 16 For he didn’t think to extend gracious love; he harassed to death the poor, the needy, and the broken hearted. 17 He loved to curse—may his curses return upon him! He took no delight in blessing others— so may blessings be far from him. 18 He wore curses like a garment— may they enter his inner being like water and his bones like oil. 19 May those curses wrap around him like a garment, or like a belt that one always wears. 20 May this be the way the LORD repays my accuser, those who speak evil against me.
LEB(i) 9 Let his children be orphans, and his wife a widow, 10 and let his children wander aimlessly and beg, and let them plead from their ruins. 11 Let the creditor seize all that is his, and let strangers plunder his property. 12 Let there be none who extend to him loyal love, nor any who pities his orphans. 13 Let his descendants* be cut off. Let their name be blotted out in the next generation. 14 Let the iniquity of his ancestors* be remembered before Yahweh, and let the sin of his mother not be blotted out. 15 Let them be before Yahweh continually, that he may cut off their* memory from the earth, 16 because he did not remember to show loyal love, but he pursued anyone,* poor or needy or brokenhearted, to slay them. 17 Because he loved cursing, let it come upon him. Because he did not delight in blessing, let it be far from him. 18 Because he wore a curse as his robe, let it enter his body* like water, and into his bones like oil. 19 May it be for him like a garment in which he wraps, and a belt he continually wears.* 20 Let this be the punishment for my accusers from Yahweh, even those who speak evil against my life.
BSB(i) 9 May his children be fatherless and his wife a widow. 10 May his children wander as beggars, seeking sustenance far from their ruined homes. 11 May the creditor seize all he owns, and strangers plunder the fruits of his labor. 12 May there be no one to extend kindness to him, and no one to favor his fatherless children. 13 May his descendants be cut off; may their name be blotted out from the next generation. 14 May the iniquity of his fathers be remembered before the LORD, and the sin of his mother never be blotted out. 15 May their sins always remain before the LORD, that He may cut off their memory from the earth. 16 For he never thought to show kindness, but pursued the poor and needy and brokenhearted, even to their death. 17 The cursing that he loved, may it fall on him; the blessing in which he refused to delight, may it be far from him. 18 The cursing that he wore like a coat, may it soak into his body like water, and into his bones like oil. 19 May it be like a robe wrapped about him, like a belt tied forever around him. 20 May this be the LORD’s reward to my accusers, to those who speak evil against me.
MSB(i) 9 May his children be fatherless and his wife a widow. 10 May his children wander as beggars, seeking sustenance far from their ruined homes. 11 May the creditor seize all he owns, and strangers plunder the fruits of his labor. 12 May there be no one to extend kindness to him, and no one to favor his fatherless children. 13 May his descendants be cut off; may their name be blotted out from the next generation. 14 May the iniquity of his fathers be remembered before the LORD, and the sin of his mother never be blotted out. 15 May their sins always remain before the LORD, that He may cut off their memory from the earth. 16 For he never thought to show kindness, but pursued the poor and needy and brokenhearted, even to their death. 17 The cursing that he loved, may it fall on him; the blessing in which he refused to delight, may it be far from him. 18 The cursing that he wore like a coat, may it soak into his body like water, and into his bones like oil. 19 May it be like a robe wrapped about him, like a belt tied forever around him. 20 May this be the LORD’s reward to my accusers, to those who speak evil against me.
MLV(i) 9 Let his sons be fatherless and his wife a widow. 10 Let his sons be vagabonds and beg and let them seek out of their desolate places. 11 Let a creditor exact all that he has and let strangers make spoil of his labor.
12 Let there be none to prolong kindness to him, nor let there be any to have pity on his fatherless sons. 13 Let his posterity be cut off. Let their name be blotted out in the following generation.
14 Let the iniquity of his fathers be remembered with Jehovah and do not let the sin of his mother be blotted out.
15 Let them be before Jehovah continually, that he may cut off the memory of them from the earth, 16 because he did not remember to show kindness, but persecuted the poor and needy man and the broken in heart, to kill.
17 Yes, he loved cursing and it came to him. And he did not delight in blessing and it was far from him.
18 He also clothed himself with cursing as with his garment and it came into his inward parts like water and like oil into his bones. 19 Let it be to him as the garments with which he covers himself and for the belt with which he is girded continually.
20 This is the reward of my adversaries from Jehovah and of those who speak evil against my soul.
VIN(i) 9 May his children be fatherless, and his wife a widow. 10 may his children be wandering beggars, let them be sought from their ruins. 11 Let the creditor seize all that he has. Let strangers plunder the fruit of his labor. 12 May no one extend gracious love to him, or show favor to his fatherless children. 13 Let his descendants be cut off. Let their name be blotted out in the next generation. 14 Let the iniquity of his ancestors be remembered before the LORD, and let the sin of his mother not be blotted out. 15 let them be always before the LORD, so that He may cut off the memory of them from the earth; 16 For he didn't think to extend gracious love; he harassed to death the poor, the needy, and the broken hearted. 17 Yea, he loved cursing, and it came to him; he also had no pleasure in blessing, and it was far from him. 18 He put on cursing like a robe, and it has come into his body like water, and into his bones like oil. 19 May those curses wrap around him like a garment, or like a belt that one always wears. 20 May this be the way the LORD repays my accuser, those who speak evil against me.
Luther1545(i) 9 Seine Kinder müssen Waisen werden und sein Weib eine Witwe. 10 Seine Kinder müssen in der Irre gehen und betteln und suchen, als die verdorben sind. 11 Es müsse der Wucherer aussaugen alles, was er hat; und Fremde müssen seine Güter rauben. 12 Und niemand müsse ihm Gutes tun, und niemand erbarme sich seiner Waisen. 13 Seine Nachkommen müssen ausgerottet werden; ihr Name müsse im andern Glied vertilget werden. 14 Seiner Väter Missetat müsse gedacht werden vor dem HERRN, und seiner Mutter Sünde müsse nicht ausgetilget werden. 15 Der HERR müsse sie nimmer aus den Augen lassen, und ihr Gedächtnis müsse ausgerottet werden auf Erden, 16 darum daß er so gar keine Barmherzigkeit hatte, sondern verfolgte den Elenden und Armen und den Betrübten, daß er ihn tötete. 17 Und er wollte den Fluch haben, der wird ihm auch kommen; er wollte des Segens nicht, so wird er auch ferne von ihm bleiben. 18 Und zog an den Fluch wie sein Hemd; und ist in sein Inwendiges gegangen wie Wasser und wie Öl in seine Gebeine. 19 So werde er ihm wie ein Kleid, das er anhabe, und wie ein Gürtel, da er sich allewege mit gürte. 20 So geschehe denen vorn HERRN, die mir wider sind, und reden Böses wider meine Seele.
  9 H1121 Seine Kinder H3490 müssen Waisen H802 werden und sein Weib H490 eine Witwe .
  10 H1121 Seine Kinder H5128 müssen H2723 in der Irre gehen und H7592 betteln H1875 und suchen, als die verdorben sind.
  11 H5383 Es müsse der Wucherer H5367 aussaugen H2114 alles, was er hat; und Fremde H3018 müssen seine Güter H962 rauben .
  12 H2617 Und niemand müsse ihm Gutes H4900 tun H2603 , und niemand erbarme H3490 sich seiner Waisen .
  13 H319 Seine Nachkommen H3772 müssen ausgerottet werden H8034 ; ihr Name H312 müsse im andern H1755 Glied H4229 vertilget werden .
  14 H1 Seiner Väter H2142 Missetat müsse gedacht H4229 werden H3068 vor dem HErrn H2403 , und H517 seiner Mutter H5771 Sünde müsse nicht ausgetilget werden.
  15 H3068 Der HErr H8548 müsse sie nimmer H2143 aus den Augen lassen, und ihr Gedächtnis H3772 müsse ausgerottet werden H776 auf Erden,
  16 H376 darum daß er H2142 so gar H2617 keine Barmherzigkeit H6213 hatte H7291 , sondern verfolgte H34 den Elenden H6041 und Armen H3512 und den Betrübten H4191 , daß er ihn tötete .
  17 H2654 Und er wollte H7045 den Fluch H157 haben H935 , der wird ihm auch kommen H1293 ; er wollte des Segens H7368 nicht, so wird er auch ferne von ihm bleiben.
  18 H4055 Und H3847 zog H7130 an H7045 den Fluch H935 wie sein Hemd; und ist H4325 in sein Inwendiges gegangen wie Wasser H8081 und wie Öl H6106 in seine Gebeine .
  19 H899 So werde er ihm wie ein Kleid H5844 , das er anhabe H4206 , und wie ein Gürtel H8548 , da er sich allewege H2296 mit gürte .
  20 H6468 So geschehe H3068 denen vorn HErrn H7853 , die mir wider sind H1696 , und reden H7451 Böses H5315 wider meine SeeLE .
Luther1912(i) 9 Seine Kinder müssen Waisen werden und sein Weib eine Witwe. 10 Seine Kinder müssen in der Irre gehen und betteln und suchen, als die verdorben sind. 11 Es müsse der Wucherer aussaugen alles, was er hat; und Fremde müssen seine Güter rauben. 12 Und niemand müsse ihm Gutes tun, und niemand erbarme sich seiner Waisen. 13 Seine Nachkommen müssen ausgerottet werden; ihr Name werde im andern Glied vertilgt. 14 Seiner Väter Missetat müsse gedacht werden vor dem HERRN, und seiner Mutter Sünde müsse nicht ausgetilgt werden. 15 Der HERR müsse sie nimmer aus den Augen lassen, und ihr Gedächtnis müsse ausgerottet werden auf Erden, 16 darum daß er so gar keine Barmherzigkeit hatte, sondern verfolgte den Elenden und Armen und Betrübten, daß er ihn tötete. 17 Und er wollte den Fluch haben, der wird ihm auch kommen; er wollte den Segen nicht, so wird er auch ferne von ihm bleiben. 18 Er zog an den Fluch wie sein Hemd; der ist in sein Inwendiges gegangen wie Wasser, und wie Öl in seine Gebeine; 19 So werde er ihm wie ein Kleid, das er anhabe, und wie ein Gürtel, mit dem er allewege sich gürte. 20 So geschehe denen vom HERRN, die mir zuwider sind und reden Böses wider meine Seele.
  9 H1121 Seine Kinder H3490 müssen Waisen H802 werden und sein Weib H490 eine Witwe .
  10 H1121 Seine Kinder H5128 müssen H5128 in der Irre H5128 gehen H7592 und betteln H1875 und suchen H2723 , als die verdorben sind.
  11 H5383 Es müsse der Wucherer H5367 aussaugen H2114 alles, was er hat; und Fremde H3018 müssen seine Güter H962 rauben .
  12 H2617 Und niemand müsse ihm Gutes H4900 tun H2603 , und niemand erbarme H3490 sich seiner Waisen .
  13 H319 Seine Nachkommen H3772 müssen ausgerottet H8034 werden; ihr Name H312 werde im andern H1755 Glied H4229 vertilgt .
  14 H1 Seiner Väter H5771 Missetat H2142 müsse gedacht H3068 werden vor dem HERRN H517 , und seiner Mutter H2403 Sünde H4229 müsse nicht ausgetilgt werden.
  15 H3068 Der HERR H8548 müsse sie nimmer H8548 aus den Augen lassen H2143 , und ihr Gedächtnis H3772 müsse ausgerottet H776 werden auf Erden,
  16 H2142 darum, daß er so gar H2617 keine Barmherzigkeit H6213 hatte H7291 , sondern verfolgte H34 den Elenden H6041 und Armen H3824 H3512 H376 und den Betrübten H4191 , daß er ihn tötete .
  17 H157 Und er wollte H7045 den Fluch H157 haben H935 , der wird ihm auch kommen H2654 ; er wollte H1293 den Segen H2654 nicht H7368 , so wird er auch ferne H7368 von ihm bleiben .
  18 H3847 Er zog H3847 an H7045 den Fluch H4055 wie sein Hemd H935 ; der ist H7130 in sein Inwendiges H935 gegangen H4325 wie Wasser H8081 , und wie Öl H6106 in seine Gebeine;
  19 H899 so werde er ihm wie ein Kleid H5844 , das er anhabe H4206 , und wie ein Gürtel H8548 , mit dem er allewege H2296 sich gürte .
  20 H6468 So geschehe H3068 denen vom HERRN H7853 , die mir zuwider H1696 sind und reden H7451 Böses H5315 wider meine Seele .
ELB1871(i) 9 Seine Söhne seien Waisen, und sein Weib eine Witwe! 10 Und mögen seine Söhne umherschweifen und betteln und fern von ihren verwüsteten Wohnungen nach Brot suchen! 11 Der Wucherer umgarne alles, was er hat, und Fremde mögen rauben seine Arbeit! 12 Er habe niemand, der ihm Güte bewahre, und es sei niemand, der seinen Waisen gnädig sei! 13 Seine Nachkommen mögen ausgerottet werden; im folgenden Geschlecht erlösche ihr Name! 14 Gedacht werde vor Jehova der Ungerechtigkeit seiner Väter, und nicht werde ausgelöscht die Sünde seiner Mutter! 15 Sie seien beständig vor Jehova, und er rotte ihr Gedächtnis aus von der Erde! 16 Darum daß er nicht gedachte, Güte zu üben, und verfolgte den elenden und armen Mann, und den, der verzagten Herzens war, um ihn zu töten. 17 Und er liebte den Fluch, so komme er auf ihn! und er hatte kein Gefallen an Segen, so sei er fern von ihm! 18 Und er zog den Fluch an wie sein Kleid, so dringe er wie Wasser in sein Inneres und wie Öl in seine Gebeine! 19 Er sei ihm wie ein Gewand, in das er sich hüllt, und zu einem Gürtel, womit er stets sich gürtet! 20 Das sei der Lohn meiner Widersacher von seiten Jehovas, und derer, die Böses reden wider meine Seele!
ELB1905(i) 9 Seine Söhne seien Waisen, und sein Weib eine Witwe! 10 Und mögen seine Söhne umherschweifen und betteln und fern von ihren verwüsteten Wohnungen W. ihren Trümmern nach Brot suchen! 11 Der Wucherer umgarne alles, was er hat, und Fremde mögen rauben seine Arbeit! S. die Anm. zu [Ps 105,44] 12 Er habe niemand, der ihm Güte bewahre, Eig. fortdauern lasse und es sei niemand, der seinen Waisen gnädig sei! O. und seine Waisen niemand, der ihnen gnädig sei 13 Seine Nachkommen mögen ausgerottet werden; im folgenden Geschlecht erlösche ihr Name! 14 Gedacht werde vor Jahwe der Ungerechtigkeit seiner Väter, und nicht werde ausgelöscht die Sünde seiner Mutter! 15 Sie seien beständig vor Jahwe, und er rotte ihr Gedächtnis aus von der Erde! 16 Darum daß er nicht gedachte, Güte zu üben, und verfolgte den elenden und armen Mann, und den, der verzagten Herzens war, um ihn zu töten. 17 Und er liebte den Fluch, so komme er auf ihn! Und er hatte kein Gefallen an Segen, so sei er fern von ihm! 18 Und er zog den Fluch an wie sein Kleid, so dringe er O. und er kam auf ihn... und er war fern von ihm... und er drang usw wie Wasser in sein Inneres und wie Öl in seine Gebeine! 19 Er sei ihm wie ein Gewand, in das er sich hüllt, und zu einem Gürtel, womit er stets sich gürtet! 20 Das sei der Lohn meiner Widersacher von seiten Jahwes, und derer, die Böses reden wider meine Seele!
  9 H1121 Seine Söhne H3490 seien Waisen H802 , und sein Weib H490 eine Witwe!
  10 H2723 Und H1121 mögen seine Söhne H7592 umherschweifen und betteln H1875 und fern von ihren verwüsteten Wohnungen nach Brot suchen!
  11 H5383 Der Wucherer H2114 umgarne alles, was er hat, und Fremde H962 mögen rauben H3018 seine Arbeit!
  12 H2617 Er habe niemand, der ihm Güte H3490 bewahre, und es sei niemand, der seinen Waisen H2603 gnädig sei!
  13 H319 Seine Nachkommen H3772 mögen ausgerottet werden H1755 ; im folgenden Geschlecht H8034 erlösche ihr Name!
  14 H2142 Gedacht H4229 werde H3068 vor Jehova H1 der Ungerechtigkeit seiner Väter H2403 , und nicht werde ausgelöscht die Sünde H517 seiner Mutter!
  15 H8548 Sie H3068 seien beständig vor Jehova H2143 , und er rotte ihr Gedächtnis H3772 aus H776 von der Erde!
  16 H2142 Darum daß er nicht gedachte H2617 , Güte H6213 zu H7291 üben, und verfolgte H34 den elenden H6041 und armen H376 Mann H3824 , und den, der verzagten Herzens H4191 war, um ihn zu töten.
  17 H935 Und er H7045 liebte den Fluch H157 , so komme er auf ihn! Und er hatte H1293 kein Gefallen an Segen H7368 , so sei er fern von ihm!
  18 H935 Und er H3847 zog H7045 den Fluch H4055 an wie sein Kleid H4325 , so dringe er wie Wasser H7130 in H8081 sein Inneres und wie Öl H6106 in seine Gebeine!
  19 H4206 Er sei ihm wie ein Gewand, in das er sich hüllt, und zu einem Gürtel H8548 , womit er stets H2296 sich gürtet!
  20 H6468 Das sei der Lohn H7853 meiner Widersacher H3068 von seiten Jehovas H7451 , und derer, die Böses H1696 reden H5315 wider meine Seele!
DSV(i) 9 Dat zijn kinderen wezen worden, en zijn vrouw weduwe. 10 En dat zijn kinderen hier en daar omzwerven, en bedelen, en de nooddruft uit hun verwoeste plaatsen zoeken. 11 Dat de schuldeiser aansla al wat hij heeft, en dat de vreemden zijn arbeid roven. 12 Dat hij niemand hebbe, die weldadigheid over hem uitstrekke, en dat er niemand zij, die zijn wezen genadig zij. 13 Dat zijn nakomelingen uitgeroeid worden; hun naam worde uitgedelgd in het andere geslacht. 14 De ongerechtigheid zijner vaderen worde gedacht bij den HEERE, en de zonde zijner moeder worde niet uitgedelgd. 15 Dat zij gedurig voor den HEERE zijn; en Hij roeie hun gedachtenis uit van de aarde. 16 Omdat hij niet gedacht heeft weldadigheid te doen, maar heeft den ellendigen en den nooddruftigen man vervolgd, en den verslagene van hart, om hem te doden. 17 Dewijl hij den vloek heeft liefgehad, dat die hem overkome, en geen lust gehad heeft tot den zegen, zo zij die verre van hem. 18 En hij zij bekleed met den vloek, als met zijn kleed, en dat die ga tot in het binnenste van hem als het water, en als de olie in zijn beenderen. 19 Die zij hem als een kleed, waarmede hij zich bedekt, en tot een gordel, waarmede hij zich steeds omgordt. 20 Dit zij het werkloon mijner tegenstanders van den HEERE, en dergenen, die kwaad spreken tegen mijn ziel.
  9 H1121 Dat zijn kinderen H3490 wezen H802 worden, en zijn vrouw H490 weduwe.
  10 H1121 En dat zijn kinderen H5128 H8800 hier en daar H5128 H8799 omzwerven H7592 H8765 , en bedelen H2723 , en [de] [nooddruft] uit hun verwoeste plaatsen H1875 H8804 zoeken.
  11 H5383 H8802 Dat de schuldeiser H5367 H8762 aansla H2114 H8801 al wat hij heeft, en dat de vreemden H3018 zijn arbeid H962 H8799 roven.
  12 H2617 Dat hij niemand hebbe, die weldadigheid H4900 H8802 [over] [hem] uitstrekke H3490 , en dat er niemand zij, die zijn wezen H2603 H8802 genadig zij.
  13 H319 Dat zijn nakomelingen H3772 H8687 uitgeroeid worden H8034 ; hun naam H4229 H8735 worde uitgedelgd H312 in het andere H1755 geslacht.
  14 H5771 De ongerechtigheid H1 zijner vaderen H2142 H8735 worde gedacht H3068 bij den HEERE H2403 , en de zonde H517 zijner moeder H4229 H8735 worde niet uitgedelgd.
  15 H8548 Dat zij gedurig H3068 voor den HEERE H3772 H0 zijn; en Hij roeie H2143 hun gedachtenis H3772 H8686 uit H776 van de aarde.
  16 H2142 H8804 Omdat hij niet gedacht heeft H2617 weldadigheid H6213 H8800 te doen H6041 , maar heeft den ellendigen H34 en den nooddruftigen H376 man H7291 H8799 vervolgd H3512 H8737 , en den verslagene H3824 van hart H4191 H8788 , om [hem] te doden.
  17 H7045 Dewijl hij den vloek H157 H8799 heeft liefgehad H935 H8799 , dat die hem overkome H2654 H8804 , en geen lust gehad heeft H1293 tot den zegen H7368 H8799 , zo zij die verre van hem.
  18 H3847 H8799 En hij zij bekleed H7045 met den vloek H4055 , als met zijn kleed H935 H8799 , en dat die ga H7130 tot in het binnenste H4325 van hem als het water H8081 , en als de olie H6106 in zijn beenderen.
  19 H899 Die zij hem als een kleed H5844 H8799 , [waarmede] hij zich bedekt H4206 , en tot een gordel H8548 , waarmede hij zich steeds H2296 H8799 omgordt.
  20 H6468 Dit zij het werkloon H7853 H8802 mijner tegenstanders H3068 van den HEERE H7451 , en dergenen, die kwaad H1696 H8802 spreken H5315 tegen mijn ziel.
Giguet(i) 9 Que ses fils deviennent orphelins, et sa femme veuve. 10 Que ses enfants errent sans asile, qu’ils mendient, qu’ils soient chassés de leurs habitations. 11 Qu’un usurier extorque tout son bien, et que des étrangers bâtissent sur ses travaux. 12 Qu’il ne lui reste personne pour protecteur, personne qui ait pitié de ses orphelins. 13 Que ses enfants aillent à leur perte, et qu’en une seule génération son nom soit effacé. 14 Que le souvenir de l’iniquité de ses pères revive devant le Seigneur; et que le péché de sa mère ne soit point effacé. 15 Qu’ils soient toujours devant le Seigneur, et que leur mémoire périsse sur la terre, 16 En punition de ce qu’il n’a point songé à faire miséricorde, 17 Et qu’il a poursuivi, pour le mettre à mort, un homme pauvre, mendiant, et plein de componction. 18 Il a aimé la malédiction, et elle viendra sur lui; il n’a point désiré la bénédiction, et elle s’éloignera de lui. Il s’est revêtu de la malédiction comme d’une tunique, et elle a pénétré comme l’eau dans ses entrailles, comme l’huile dans ses os. 19 Qu’elle soit pour lui comme le manteau dont il s’enveloppe, et comme la ceinture dont il est ceint toujours. 20 Telle sera la peine de ceux qui me calomnient devant Dieu, et qui disent des méchancetés contre mon âme.
DarbyFR(i) 9 Que ses fils soient orphelins, et sa femme veuve; 10 Que ses fils soient vagabonds, et qu'ils mendient, et qu'ils aillent quêtant loin de leurs demeures en ruines. 11 Que l'usurier jette le filet sur tout ce qui est à lui, et que les étrangers pillent le fruit de son travail; 12 Qu'il n'y ait personne qui étende sa bonté sur lui, et qu'il n'y ait personne qui use de grâce envers ses orphelins; 13 Que sa postérité soit retranchée; que, dans la génération qui suivra, leur nom soit effacé; 14 Que l'iniquité de ses pères revienne en mémoire devant l'Éternel, et que le péché de sa mère ne soit point effacé; 15 Qu'ils soient continuellement devant l'Éternel, et qu'il retranche leur mémoire de la terre; 16 Parce qu'il ne s'est point souvenu d'user de bonté, et qu'il a persécuté l'affligé et le pauvre, et celui qui a le coeur brisé, pour le faire mourir. 17 Et il a aimé la malédiction: -qu'elle vienne sur lui! Et il n'a pas pris plaisir à la bénédiction: -qu'elle soit loin de lui! 18 Et qu'il soit revêtu de la malédiction comme de sa robe; et qu'elle entre au dedans de lui comme de l'eau, et dans ses os comme de l'huile; 19 Qu'elle lui soit comme un vêtement dont il se couvre, et comme une ceinture qui le ceigne continuellement. 20 Telle soit, de par l'Éternel, la récompense de mes adversaires et de ceux qui parlent en mal contre mon âme.
Martin(i) 9 Que ses enfants soient orphelins, et sa femme veuve; 10 Et que ses enfants soient entièrement vagabonds, et qu'ils mendient et quêtent en sortant de leurs maisons détruites. 11 Que le créancier usant d'exaction attrape tout ce qui est à lui, et que les étrangers butinent tout son travail. 12 Qu'il n'y ait personne qui étende sa compassion sur lui, et qu'il n'y ait personne qui ait pitié de ses orphelins. 13 Que sa postérité soit exposée à être retranchée; que leur nom soit effacé dans la race qui le suivra. 14 Que l'iniquité de ses pères revienne en mémoire à l'Eternel, et que le péché de sa mère ne soit point effacé. 15 Qu'ils soient continuellement devant l'Eternel; et qu'il retranche leur mémoire de la terre; 16 Parce qu'il ne s'est point souvenu d'user de miséricorde, mais il a persécuté l'homme affligé et misérable, dont le coeur est brisé, et cela pour le faire mourir. 17 Puisqu'il a aimé la malédiction, que la malédiction tombe sur lui; et parce qu'il n'a point pris plaisir à la bénédiction, que la bénédiction aussi s'éloigne de lui. 18 Et qu'il soit revêtu de malédiction comme de sa robe, et qu'elle entre dans son corps comme de l'eau, et dans ses os comme de l'huile. 19 Qu'elle lui soit comme un vêtement dont il se couvre, et comme une ceinture, dont il se ceigne continuellement. 20 Telle soit de part l'Eternel la récompense de mes adversaires, et de ceux qui parlent mal de moi.
Segond(i) 9 Que ses enfants deviennent orphelins, Et sa femme veuve! 10 Que ses enfants soient vagabonds et qu'ils mendient, Qu'ils cherchent du pain loin de leur demeure en ruines! 11 Que le créancier s'empare de tout ce qui est à lui, Et que les étrangers pillent le fruit de son travail! 12 Que nul ne conserve pour lui de l'affection, Et que personne n'ait pitié de ses orphelins! 13 Que ses descendants soient exterminés, Et que leur nom s'éteigne dans la génération suivante! 14 Que l'iniquité de ses pères reste en souvenir devant l'Eternel, Et que le péché de sa mère ne soit point effacé! 15 Qu'ils soient toujours présents devant l'Eternel, Et qu'il retranche de la terre leur mémoire, 16 Parce qu'il ne s'est pas souvenu d'exercer la miséricorde, Parce qu'il a persécuté le malheureux et l'indigent, Jusqu'à faire mourir l'homme au coeur brisé! 17 Il aimait la malédiction: qu'elle tombe sur lui! Il ne se plaisait pas à la bénédiction: qu'elle s'éloigne de lui! 18 Qu'il revête la malédiction comme son vêtement, Qu'elle pénètre comme de l'eau dans son intérieur, Comme de l'huile dans ses os! 19 Qu'elle lui serve de vêtement pour se couvrir, De ceinture dont il soit toujours ceint! 20 Tel soit, de la part de l'Eternel, le salaire de mes ennemis, Et de ceux qui parlent méchamment de moi!
  9 H1121 Que ses enfants H3490 deviennent orphelins H802 , Et sa femme H490 veuve !
  10 H1121 Que ses enfants H5128 soient vagabonds H8800   H5128   H8799   H7592 et qu’ils mendient H8765   H1875 , Qu’ils cherchent H8804   H2723 du pain loin de leur demeure en ruines !
  11 H5383 Que le créancier H8802   H5367 s’empare H8762   H2114 de tout ce qui est à lui, Et que les étrangers H8801   H962 pillent H8799   H3018 le fruit de son travail !
  12 H4900 Que nul ne conserve H8802   H2617 pour lui de l’affection H2603 , Et que personne n’ait pitié H8802   H3490 de ses orphelins !
  13 H319 Que ses descendants H3772 soient exterminés H8687   H8034 , Et que leur nom H4229 s’éteigne H8735   H1755 dans la génération H312 suivante !
  14 H5771 Que l’iniquité H1 de ses pères H2142 reste en souvenir H8735   H3068 devant l’Eternel H2403 , Et que le péché H517 de sa mère H4229 ne soit point effacé H8735   !
  15 H8548 Qu’ils soient toujours H3068 présents devant l’Eternel H3772 , Et qu’il retranche H8686   H776 de la terre H2143 leur mémoire,
  16 H2142 Parce qu’il ne s’est pas souvenu H8804   H6213 d’exercer H8800   H2617 la miséricorde H7291 , Parce qu’il a persécuté H8799   H6041 le malheureux H34 et l’indigent H4191 , Jusqu’à faire mourir H8788   H376 l’homme H3824 au cœur H3512 brisé H8737   !
  17 H157 Il aimait H8799   H7045 la malédiction H935  : qu’elle tombe H8799   H2654 sur lui ! Il ne se plaisait H8804   H1293 pas à la bénédiction H7368  : qu’elle s’éloigne H8799   de lui !
  18 H3847 Qu’il revête H8799   H7045 la malédiction H4055 comme son vêtement H935 , Qu’elle pénètre H8799   H4325 comme de l’eau H7130 dans son intérieur H8081 , Comme de l’huile H6106 dans ses os !
  19 H899 Qu’elle lui serve de vêtement H5844 pour se couvrir H8799   H4206 , De ceinture H8548 dont il soit toujours H2296 ceint H8799   !
  20 H3068 Tel soit, de la part de l’Eternel H6468 , le salaire H7853 de mes ennemis H8802   H1696 , Et de ceux qui parlent H8802   H7451 méchamment H5315 de moi !
SE(i) 9 Sean sus hijos huérfanos, y su mujer viuda. 10 Y anden sus hijos vagabundos, y mendiguen; y procuren de sus desiertos. 11 Enrede el acreedor todo lo que tiene, y extraños saqueen su trabajo. 12 No tenga quien le haga misericordia; ni haya quien tenga compasión de sus huérfanos. 13 Su posteridad sea talada; en segunda generación sea raído su nombre. 14 Venga en memoria cerca del SEÑOR la maldad de sus padres, y el pecado de su madre no sea borrado. 15 Estén siempre delante del SEÑOR, y él corte de la tierra su memoria. 16 Por cuanto no se acordó de hacer misericordia, y persiguió al varón pobre, y menesteroso, y quebrantado de corazón, para matarlo. 17 Y amó la maldición, y ésta le sobrevino; y no quiso la bendición, y ella se alejó de él. 18 Y se vistió de maldición como de su vestido, y entró como agua en sus entrañas, y como aceite en sus huesos. 19 Séale como vestido con que se cubra, y en lugar del cinto con que se ciña siempre. 20 Este sea el pago de parte del SEÑOR de los que me calumnian, y de los que hablan mal contra mi alma.
ReinaValera(i) 9 Sean sus hijos huérfanos, Y su mujer viuda. 10 Y anden sus hijos vagabundos, y mendiguen; Y procuren su pan lejos de sus desolados hogares. 11 Enrede el acreedor todo lo que tiene, Y extraños saqueen su trabajo. 12 No tenga quien le haga misericordia; Ni haya quien tenga compasión de sus huérfanos. 13 Su posteridad sea talada; En segunda generación sea raído su nombre. 14 Venga en memoria cerca de Jehová la maldad de sus padres, Y el pecado de su madre no sea borrado. 15 Estén siempre delante de Jehová, Y él corte de la tierra su memoria. 16 Por cuanto no se acordo de hacer misericordia, Y persiguió al hombre afligido y menesteroso Y quebrantado de corazón, para matar lo. 17 Y amó la maldición, y vínole; Y no quiso la bendición, y ella se alejó de él. 18 Y vistióse de maldición como de su vestido, Y entró como agua en sus entrañas, Y como aceite en sus huesos. 19 Séale como vestido con que se cubra, Y en lugar de cinto con que se ciña siempre. 20 Este sea el pago de parte de Jehová de los que me calumnian, Y de los que hablan mal contra mi alma.
JBS(i) 9 Sean sus hijos huérfanos, y su mujer viuda. 10 Y anden sus hijos vagabundos, y mendiguen; y procuren de sus desiertos. 11 Enrede el acreedor todo lo que tiene, y extraños saqueen su trabajo. 12 No tenga quien le haga misericordia; ni haya quien tenga compasión de sus huérfanos. 13 Su posteridad sea talada; en segunda generación sea raído su nombre. 14 Venga en memoria cerca del SEÑOR la iniquidad de sus padres, y el pecado de su madre no sea borrado. 15 Estén siempre delante del SEÑOR, y él corte de la tierra su memoria. 16 Por cuanto no se acordó de hacer misericordia, y persiguió al varón pobre en espíritu, y menesteroso, y quebrantado de corazón, para matarlo. 17 Y amó la maldición, y ésta le sobrevino; y no quiso la bendición, y ella se alejó de él. 18 Y se vistió de maldición como de su vestido, y entró como agua en sus entrañas, y como aceite en sus huesos. 19 Séale como vestido con que se cubra, y en lugar del cinto con que se ciña siempre. 20 Este sea el pago de parte del SEÑOR de los que me calumnian, y de los que hablan mal contra mi alma.
Albanian(i) 9 Bijtë e tij mbetshin jetimë dhe gruaja e tij e ve. 10 U bëfshin endacakë dhe lypsarë bijtë e tij dhe e kërkofshin ushqimin larg shtëpive të tyre të rrënuara. 11 Fajdexhiu i marrtë të gjitha pasuritë e tij dhe të huajtë i vjedhshin frytin e mundit të tij. 12 Askush mos pastë mëshirë për të dhe askujt mos i ardhtë keq për jetimët e tij. 13 U shkatërrofshin pasardhësit e tij; në brezin e dytë emri i tyre u shoftë. 14 U kujtoftë para Zotit paudhësia e etërve të tij dhe mëkati i nënës së tij mos u shoftë. 15 U dalshin gjithnjë mëkatet e tyre para Zotit, me qëllim që ai të zhdukë nga toka kujtimin e tyre. 16 Sepse atij nuk i shkoi ndër mend të kishte dhemshuri, por e ka përndjekur të varfërin, nevojtarin dhe atë që ishte zemërthyer deri sa t'u shkaktonte vdekjen. 17 Mbasi e ka dashur mallkimin, rëntë ai mbi të; dhe mbasi nuk është kënaqur me bekimin, ky u largoftë prej tij. 18 Mbasi u mbulua me mallkim si me një rrobe, i hyftë ai si ujë në trupin e tij dhe si vaj në kockat e tij; 19 Qoftë për të si një rrobe që e mbulon dhe si një brez që e lidh përjetë. 20 Qoftë ky nga ana e Zotit shpërblimi për kundërshtarët e mi dhe për ata që flasin keq kundër meje.
RST(i) 9 (108:9) дети его да будут сиротами, и жена его – вдовою; 10 (108:10) да скитаются дети его и нищенствуют, и просят хлеба изразвалин своих; 11 (108:11) да захватит заимодавец все, что есть у него, и чужие да расхитят труд его; 12 (108:12) да не будет сострадающего ему, да не будет милующего сирот его; 13 (108:13) да будет потомство его на погибель, и да изгладится имя их в следующем роде; 14 (108:14) да будет воспомянуто пред Господом беззаконие отцов его, и грех матери его да не изгладится; 15 (108:15) да будут они всегда в очах Господа, и да истребит Он память их на земле, 16 (108:16) за то, что он не думал оказывать милость, но преследовал человека бедного и нищего и сокрушенного сердцем, чтобы умертвить его; 17 (108:17) возлюбил проклятие, – оно и придет на него; не восхотел благословения, – оно и удалится от него; 18 (108:18) да облечется проклятием, как ризою, и да войдет оно, как вода, во внутренность его и, как елей, в кости его; 19 (108:19) да будет оно ему, как одежда, в которую он одевается, и как пояс, которым всегда опоясывается. 20 (108:20) Таково воздаяние от Господа врагам моим и говорящим злое надушу мою!
Arabic(i) 9 ‎ليكن بنوه ايتاما وامرأته ارملة‎. 10 ‎ليته بنوه تيهانا ويستعطوا. ويلتمسوا خبزا من خربهم‎. 11 ‎ليصطد المرابي كل ما له ولينهب الغرباء تعبه‎. 12 ‎لا يكن له باسط رحمة ولا يكن مترأف على يتاماه‎. 13 ‎لتنقرض ذريته. في الجيل القادم ليمح اسمهم‎. 14 ‎ليذكر اثم آبائه لدى الرب ولا تمح خطية امه‎. 15 ‎لتكن امام الرب دائما وليقرض من الارض ذكرهم‎. 16 ‎من اجل انه لم يذكر ان يصنع رحمة بل طرد انسانا مسكينا وفقيرا‏ والمنسحق القلب ليميته‎. 17 ‎واحب اللعنة فأتته ولم يسر بالبركة فتباعدت عنه‎. 18 ‎ولبس اللعنة مثل ثوبه فدخلت كمياه في حشاه وكزيت في عظامه‎. 19 ‎لتكن له كثوب يتعطف به وكمنطقة يتنطق بها دائما‎. 20 ‎هذه اجرة مبغضيّ من عند الرب واجرة المتكلمين شرا على نفسي
Bulgarian(i) 9 Синовете му нека бъдат сираци и жена му — вдовица! 10 Нека синовете му всякога се скитат и просят, и нека търсят хляб далеч от порутените си жилища! 11 Нека заемодателят впримчи целия му имот и нека чужденци разграбят труда му! 12 Нека няма кой да простре милост към него, нито жалост — към сирачетата му! 13 Нека потомството му бъде изтребено и нека се изличи името им в следващото поколение! 14 Нека се помни пред ГОСПОДА беззаконието на бащите му и нека не се изличи грехът на майка му! 15 Нека бъдат винаги пред ГОСПОДА и Той да отсече спомена им от земята, 16 защото той не си спомни да окаже милост, а преследваше бедния и сиромаха, и съкрушения по сърце, за да го убие. 17 Той обичаше проклинането — нека го постигне; и не се наслаждаваше на благославянето — нека се отдалечи от него! 18 Той облече проклятието като своя дреха, затова нека влезе като вода във вътрешностите му и като масло в костите му! 19 Нека му стане като дреха, с която се покрива, и пояс, с който постоянно се опасва. 20 Това е наградата от ГОСПОДА на противниците ми и на онези, които говорят зло против душата ми.
Croatian(i) 9 Djeca njegova nek' postanu siročad, a njegova žena udovica! 10 Nek' mu djeca budu skitnice, prosjaci, nek' budu bačena iz opustjelih domova! 11 Nek' mu lihvar prigrabi sav posjed, tuđinci nek' razgrabe plod muke njegove! 12 Nitko ne imao prema njemu samilosti, nitko se ne smilovao siročadi njegovoj! 13 Neka mu se zatre potomstvo, u drugome koljenu neka se utrne ime njegovo! 14 Spominjao se Jahve grijeha njegovih, i grijeh njegove majke nek' se ne izbriše: 15 nek budu svagda Jahvi pred očima! Neka se sa zemlje izbriše spomen njihov!" 16 Jer se ne spomenu da čini milosrđe, već proganjaše bijedna i uboga i u smrt gonjaše čovjeka srca shrvana. 17 Prokletstvo je ljubio, pa neka ga stigne; blagoslova ne htjede, daleko nek' je od njega! 18 Prokletstvom nek' se odjene kao haljinom, neka kao voda uđe u njega i kao ulje u kosti njegove. 19 Bilo mu haljinom kojom se pokriva, pojas kojim se svagda paše! 20 Tako nek' plati Jahve tužiteljima mojim koji zlo govore protiv duše moje!
BKR(i) 9 Buďtež děti jeho sirotci, a žena jeho vdovou. 10 Buďtež běhouni a tuláci synové jeho, žebřete, vyhnáni jsouce z poustek svých. 11 Přitáhni k sobě lichevník všecko, cožkoli má, a úsilé jeho rozchvátejte cizí. 12 Nebudiž, kdo by mu chtěl milosrdenství prokázati, aniž buď, kdo by se smiloval nad sirotky jeho. 13 Potomci jeho z kořen vyťati buďte, v druhém kolenu vyhlazeno buď jméno jejich. 14 Přijdiž na pamět nepravost předků jeho před Hospodinem, a hřích matky jeho nebuď shlazen. 15 Buďtež před Hospodinem ustavičně, až by vyhladil z země památku jejich, 16 Proto že nepamatoval, aby činil milosrdenství, ale protivenství činil člověku chudému a nuznému a sevřenému bolestí srdce, aby jej zamordoval. 17 Poněvadž miloval zlořečení, nechať přijde na něj; neměl líbosti v požehnání, nechať se vzdálí od něho. 18 A tak budiž oblečen v zlořečenství jako v svůj oděv, a ať vejde do vnitřností jeho jako voda, a jako olej do kostí jeho. 19 Budiž jemu to jako plášť k přiodívání, a jako pás k ustavičnému opasování. 20 Taková mzda přijdiž mým protivníkům od Hospodina, a mluvícím zlé věci proti duši mé.
Danish(i) 9 Hans Børn vorde faderløse og hans Hustru Enke! 10 Og lad hans Børn vanke hid og did og lad hans Børn vanke hid og did og tigge, og lad dem fra deres øde Hjem søge om Føde! 11 Lad Aagerkarlen kaste Garn ud efter alt det, han hor, og fremmede røve Frugten af hans Arbejde. 12 Lad ham ikke finde nogen, som bevarer Miskundhed imod ham, og ingen forbarme sig over hans faderløse! 13 Hans Fremtid vorde afskaaren, deres Navn vorde udslettet i andet Led! 14 Hans Fædres Misgerning vorde ihukommet hos HERREN og hans Moders Synd ikke udslettet! 15 De være HERREN altid for Øje, og han udrydde deres Ihukommelse af Jorden; 16 fordi han ikke kom i Hu at gøre Miskundhed, men forfulgte en elendig og en fattig Mand og den, som var bedrøvet i Hjertet, for at dræbe ham. 17 Han elskede ham, og han havde ikke Lyst til Velsignelse, og den blev ogsaa langt fra ham. 18 Og han iførte sig Forbandelse som sit Klædebon, og den kom ind i ham som Vand og som Olie i hans Ben. 19 Den vorde ham som et Klædebon, hvilket han ifører sig og som et Bælte hvilket han altid ombinder sig med. 20 Dette er Lønnen fra HERREN til dem, som staa mig imod, og som tale ondt imod min Sjæl!
CUV(i) 9 願 他 的 兒 女 為 孤 兒 , 他 的 妻 子 為 寡 婦 ! 10 願 他 的 兒 女 漂 流 討 飯 , 從 他 們 荒 涼 之 處 出 來 求 食 ! 11 願 強 暴 的 債 主 牢 籠 他 一 切 所 有 的 ! 願 外 人 搶 他 勞 碌 得 來 的 ! 12 願 無 人 向 他 延 綿 施 恩 ! 願 無 人 可 憐 他 的 孤 兒 ! 13 願 他 的 後 人 斷 絕 , 名 字 被 塗 抹 , 不 傳 於 下 代 ! 14 願 他 祖 宗 的 罪 孽 被 耶 和 華 紀 念 ! 願 他 母 親 的 罪 過 不 被 塗 抹 ! 15 願 這 些 罪 常 在 耶 和 華 面 前 , 使 他 的 名 號 斷 絕 於 世 ! 16 因 為 他 不 想 施 恩 , 卻 逼 迫 困 苦 窮 乏 的 和 傷 心 的 人 , 要 把 他 們 治 死 。 17 他 愛 咒 罵 , 咒 罵 就 臨 到 他 ; 他 不 喜 愛 福 樂 , 福 樂 就 與 他 遠 離 ! 18 他 拿 咒 罵 當 衣 服 穿 上 ; 這 咒 罵 就 如 水 進 他 裡 面 , 像 油 入 他 的 骨 頭 。 19 願 這 咒 罵 當 他 遮 身 的 衣 服 , 當 他 常 束 的 腰 帶 ! 20 這 就 是 我 對 頭 和 用 惡 言 議 論 我 的 人 從 耶 和 華 那 裡 所 受 的 報 應 。
  9 H1121 願他的兒女 H3490 為孤兒 H802 ,他的妻子 H490 為寡婦!
  10 H1121 願他的兒女 H5128 漂流 H7592 H2723 飯,從他們荒涼之處 H1875 出來求食!
  11 H5383 願強暴的債主 H5367 牢籠 H2114 他一切所有的!願外人 H962 H3018 他勞碌得來的!
  12 H4900 願無人向他延綿 H2617 施恩 H2603 !願無人可憐 H3490 他的孤兒!
  13 H319 願他的後人 H3772 斷絕 H8034 ,名字 H4229 被塗抹 H312 ,不傳於下 H1755 代!
  14 H1 願他祖宗 H5771 的罪孽 H3068 被耶和華 H2142 紀念 H517 !願他母親 H2403 的罪過 H4229 不被塗抹!
  15 H8548 願這些罪常 H3068 在耶和華 H2143 面前,使他的名號 H3772 斷絕 H776 於世!
  16 H2142 因為他不想 H6213 H2617 H7291 ,卻逼迫 H6041 困苦 H34 窮乏 H3512 的和傷 H3824 H376 的人 H4191 ,要把他們治死。
  17 H157 他愛 H7045 咒罵 H935 ,咒罵就臨到 H2654 他;他不喜愛 H1293 福樂 H7368 ,福樂就與他遠離!
  18 H7045 他拿咒罵 H4055 當衣服 H3847 穿上 H4325 ;這咒罵就如水 H935 H7130 他裡面 H8081 ,像油 H6106 入他的骨頭。
  19 H5844 願這咒罵當他遮 H899 身的衣服 H8548 ,當他常 H2296 H4206 的腰帶!
  20 H7853 這就是我對頭 H7451 和用惡言 H1696 議論 H5315 我的人 H3068 從耶和華 H6468 那裡所受的報應。
CUVS(i) 9 愿 他 的 儿 女 为 孤 儿 , 他 的 妻 子 为 寡 妇 ! 10 愿 他 的 儿 女 漂 流 讨 饭 , 从 他 们 荒 凉 之 处 出 来 求 食 ! 11 愿 强 暴 的 债 主 牢 笼 他 一 切 所 冇 的 ! 愿 外 人 抢 他 劳 碌 得 来 的 ! 12 愿 无 人 向 他 延 绵 施 恩 ! 愿 无 人 可 怜 他 的 孤 儿 ! 13 愿 他 的 后 人 断 绝 , 名 字 被 涂 抹 , 不 传 于 下 代 ! 14 愿 他 祖 宗 的 罪 孽 被 耶 和 华 纪 念 ! 愿 他 母 亲 的 罪 过 不 被 涂 抹 ! 15 愿 这 些 罪 常 在 耶 和 华 面 前 , 使 他 的 名 号 断 绝 于 世 ! 16 因 为 他 不 想 施 恩 , 却 逼 迫 困 苦 穷 乏 的 和 伤 心 的 人 , 要 把 他 们 治 死 。 17 他 爱 咒 骂 , 咒 骂 就 临 到 他 ; 他 不 喜 爱 福 乐 , 福 乐 就 与 他 远 离 ! 18 他 拿 咒 骂 当 衣 服 穿 上 ; 这 咒 骂 就 如 水 进 他 里 面 , 象 油 入 他 的 骨 头 。 19 愿 这 咒 骂 当 他 遮 身 的 衣 服 , 当 他 常 束 的 腰 带 ! 20 这 就 是 我 对 头 和 用 恶 言 议 论 我 的 人 从 耶 和 华 那 里 所 受 的 报 应 。
  9 H1121 愿他的儿女 H3490 为孤儿 H802 ,他的妻子 H490 为寡妇!
  10 H1121 愿他的儿女 H5128 漂流 H7592 H2723 饭,从他们荒凉之处 H1875 出来求食!
  11 H5383 愿强暴的债主 H5367 牢笼 H2114 他一切所有的!愿外人 H962 H3018 他劳碌得来的!
  12 H4900 愿无人向他延绵 H2617 施恩 H2603 !愿无人可怜 H3490 他的孤儿!
  13 H319 愿他的后人 H3772 断绝 H8034 ,名字 H4229 被涂抹 H312 ,不传于下 H1755 代!
  14 H1 愿他祖宗 H5771 的罪孽 H3068 被耶和华 H2142 纪念 H517 !愿他母亲 H2403 的罪过 H4229 不被涂抹!
  15 H8548 愿这些罪常 H3068 在耶和华 H2143 面前,使他的名号 H3772 断绝 H776 于世!
  16 H2142 因为他不想 H6213 H2617 H7291 ,却逼迫 H6041 困苦 H34 穷乏 H3512 的和伤 H3824 H376 的人 H4191 ,要把他们治死。
  17 H157 他爱 H7045 咒骂 H935 ,咒骂就临到 H2654 他;他不喜爱 H1293 福乐 H7368 ,福乐就与他远离!
  18 H7045 他拿咒骂 H4055 当衣服 H3847 穿上 H4325 ;这咒骂就如水 H935 H7130 他里面 H8081 ,象油 H6106 入他的骨头。
  19 H5844 愿这咒骂当他遮 H899 身的衣服 H8548 ,当他常 H2296 H4206 的腰带!
  20 H7853 这就是我对头 H7451 和用恶言 H1696 议论 H5315 我的人 H3068 从耶和华 H6468 那里所受的报应。
Esperanto(i) 9 Liaj infanoj estu orfoj, Kaj lia edzino estu vidvino. 10 Liaj infanoj vagadu, Kaj ili petu kaj sercxu apud siaj ruinoj. 11 Kreditoro forprenu cxion, kion li havas; Kaj fremduloj disrabu lian laboron. 12 Neniu faru al li ion bonan; Kaj ne trovigxu kompatanto por liaj orfoj. 13 Lia idaro estu kondamnita al ekstermo; En la dua generacio elvisxigxu ilia nomo. 14 La malbonago de liaj patroj rememorigxu al la Eternulo, Kaj la peko de lia patrino ne elvisxigxu. 15 Ili estu cxiam antaux la Eternulo, Kaj Li ekstermu la memoron pri ili de sur la tero. 16 Pro tio, ke li ne memoris fari bonfarojn, Kaj ke li persekutis mizerulon kaj malricxulon kaj korsuferanton, Por lin mortigi. 17 Li amis malbenon, kaj gxi venis sur lin; Li ne volis benon, kaj gxi malproksimigxis de li. 18 Li metis sur sin malbenon, kiel veston; Kaj gxi penetris en lian internon, kiel akvo, Kaj en liajn ostojn, kiel oleo. 19 GXi estu por li kiel vesto, per kiu li sin kovras, Kaj kiel zono, kiun li cxiam portas cxirkaux si. 20 Tia estas de la Eternulo la agado kontraux miaj kontrauxuloj, Kaj kontraux tiuj, kiuj parolas malbonon kontraux mia animo.
Finnish(i) 9 Hänen lapsensa olkoon orvot, ja hänen emäntänsä leski. 10 Käykään hänen lapsensa kulkiana, ja kerjätkään, ja etsikään elatuksensa köyhyydessänsä. 11 Kaikki mitä hänellä on, korkorahainen ottakoon, ja muukalaiset repikään hänen hyvyytensä. 12 Älköön kenkään hänelle hyvää tehkö, eikä yksikään armahtako hänen orpojansa. 13 Hänen sukunsa olkoon hävitetty: heidän nimensä olkoon toisessa polvessa pyyhitty pois. 14 Hänen isäinsä pahat teot tulkaan muistoksi Herran edessä, ja hänen äitinsä synti ei pidä pyyhittämän pois. 15 Olkoon ne alati Herran kasvoin edessä, ja hukkukoon heidän muistonsa maan päältä, 16 Ettei hänellä ensinkään laupiutta ollut, vaan vainosi raadollista ja köyhää, ja murheellista tappaaksensa. 17 Ja hän tahtoi kirousta, sen myös pitää hänelle tuleman: ei hän tahtonut siunausta, sen pitää myös hänestä kauvas erkaneman. 18 Ja hän puki kirouksen päällensä niinkuin paitansa ja se meni hänen sisällyksiinsä niinkuin vesi, ja hänen luihinsa niinkuin öljy. 19 Se olkoon hänelle niinkuin vaate, jolla hän itsensä verhottaa, ja niinkuin vyö, jolla hän aina itsensä vyöttää. 20 Aivan näin tapahtukoon heille Herralta, jotka ovat minua vastaan, ja puhuvat pahoin minun sieluani vastaan.
FinnishPR(i) 9 Tulkoot hänen lapsensa orvoiksi ja hänen vaimonsa leskeksi. 10 Kierrelkööt hänen lapsensa alati kerjäten, anelkoot kaukana kotinsa raunioilta. 11 Anastakoon koronkiskuri kaiken hänen omansa, ja riistäkööt vieraat hänen vaivannäkönsä. 12 Älköön kukaan osoittako hänelle laupeutta, älköönkä kukaan armahtako hänen orpojansa. 13 Hänen jälkeläisensä hävitkööt sukupuuttoon, pyyhittäköön heidän nimensä pois toisessa polvessa. 14 Hänen isiensä rikkomukset pysykööt Herran muistossa, älköönkä hänen äitinsä syntiä pyyhittäkö pois. 15 Olkoot ne Herran edessä alati, ja hävittäköön hän heidän muistonsa maan päältä. 16 Sillä se mies ei ajatellutkaan tehdä laupeutta, vaan vainosi kurjaa ja köyhää ja sydämen tuskassa olevaa, tappaaksensa hänet. 17 Hän rakasti kirousta, ja se kohtasi häntä; hän ei huolinut siunauksesta, ja se väistyi hänestä kauas. 18 Hän puki kirouksen yllensä niinkuin vaatteensa, ja se meni hänen sisuksiinsa niinkuin vesi ja hänen luihinsa niinkuin öljy. 19 Se olkoon hänellä viittana, johon hän verhoutuu, ja vyönä, johon hän aina vyöttäytyy. 20 Tämä olkoon Herralta minun vainoojaini palkka ja niiden, jotka puhuvat pahaa minua vastaan.
Haitian(i) 9 Se pou pitit li yo rete san papa. Se pou madanm li vin vèv. 10 Se pou pitit li yo tounen vakabon k'ap mande. Se pou yo mete yo deyò nan vye kay kraze kote yo rete a. 11 Se pou moun ki te prete l' lajan mete men sou tou sa ki pou li. Se pou etranje piye rekòt jaden li. 12 Se pou pesonn pa zanmi l' ankò. Se pou pesonn pa gen pitye pou pitit li kite. 13 Se pou tout pitit pitit li yo mouri. Se pou timoun k'ap vini yo bliye non li. 14 Se pou Seyè a toujou chonje tou sa zansèt li yo te fè ki mal, pou l' pa janm padonnen peche manman l' yo. 15 Se pou Seyè a pa janm bliye peche yo te fè. Se pou li fè moun bliye yo nèt sou latè, 16 paske li pa janm chonje gen pitye pou pesonn. Li pèsekite malere yo, endijan yo, moun ki san sekou, jouk li touye yo. 17 Li renmen bay madichon. Se pou madichon tonbe sou li. Li pa renmen bay benediksyon. Se pou pesonn pa ba li benediksyon. 18 Tout kò l' se madichon! Se pou madichon pase l' nan san. Se pou madichon antre nan tout zo nan kò l'. 19 Se pou madichon kouvri l' tankou dra. Se pou madichon mare nan ren l' tankou yon sentiwon. 20 Se konsa pou Seyè a pini moun ki pa vle wè m' yo, moun k'ap pale m' mal yo.
Hungarian(i) 9 Fiai legyenek árvákká, a felesége pedig özvegygyé. 10 És bujdossanak az õ fiai és kolduljanak, és elpusztult helyeiktõl távol keressenek [eledelt.] 11 Foglalja le minden jószágát az uzsorás, és idegenek ragadozzák el szerzeményét. 12 Ne legyen néki, a ki kegyelmet mutasson [iránta,] és ne legyen, a ki könyörüljön az õ árváin! 13 Veszszen ki az õ maradéka; a második nemzedékben töröltessék el a nevök! 14 Atyáinak álnoksága emlékezetben legyen az Úr elõtt, és anyjának bûne el ne töröltessék! 15 Mindenkor az Úr elõtt legyenek, és emlékezetök is veszszen ki e földrõl, 16 A miatt, hogy nem gondolt arra, hogy kegyelmet gyakoroljon és üldözte a szegény és nyomorult embert, és a megkeseredett szívût, hogy megölje. 17 Mivelhogy szerette az átkot, azért érte el õt; és mivel nem volt kedve az áldáshoz, azért távozék az el õ tõle. 18 Úgy öltözte fel az átkot, mint a ruháját, azért ment beléje, mint a víz, és az õ csontjaiba, mint az olaj. 19 Legyen az néki palástul, a melybe beburkolódzik, és övül, a melylyel mindenkor övezze magát. 20 Ez legyen jutalmok az Úrtól az én vádolóimnak, és a kik rosszat beszélnek az én lelkemre.
Indonesian(i) 9 Biarlah anak-anaknya menjadi yatim, dan istrinya menjadi janda. 10 Biarlah anak-anaknya menjadi pengemis yang mengembara, dan diusir dari reruntuhan rumahnya. 11 Biarlah segala miliknya disita oleh penagih utang, dan hasil jerih payahnya dirampas orang. 12 Jangan ada yang baik hati kepadanya, atau menyayangi anak-anak yang ditinggalkannya. 13 Biarlah seluruh keturunannya dibinasakan, dan namanya dilupakan oleh angkatan yang kemudian. 14 Biarlah kejahatan leluhurnya tetap diingat TUHAN, dan dosa ibunya tidak dihapuskan. 15 Biarlah dosa mereka selalu diingat TUHAN, dan tak ada yang mengenang mereka di bumi. 16 Sebab orang itu tak pernah ingat untuk menunjukkan kasih sayang. Ia menganiaya orang miskin dan sengsara, dan membunuh orang yang tak berdaya. 17 Ia suka mengutuk; biarlah ia sendiri kena kutuk! Ia tidak suka memberi berkat, biarlah tak ada berkat untuk dia! 18 Baginya mengutuk itu perbuatan biasa, sama seperti mengenakan pakaiannya. Biarlah kutuk itu merembes seperti air ke badannya, dan seperti minyak ke dalam tulang-tulangnya. 19 Biarlah kutuk itu menutupi dia seperti pakaian, dan selalu melingkari dia seperti ikat pinggang. 20 TUHAN, jatuhkanlah hukuman itu atas penuduhku, atas orang yang bicara jahat tentang aku.
Italian(i) 9 Sieno i suoi figliuoli orfani, E la sua moglie vedova. 10 E vadano i suoi figliuoli del continuo vagando; E mendichino, ed accattino, uscendo fuor de’ lor casolari. 11 L’usuraio tenda la rete a tutto ciò ch’egli ha; E rubino gli strani le sue fatiche. 12 Non siavi alcuno che stenda la sua benignità inverso lui; E non vi sia chi abbia pietà de’ suoi orfani. 13 Sieno distrutti i suoi discendenti; Sia cancellato il lor nome nella seconda generazione. 14 Sia ricordata l’iniquità de’ suoi padri appo il Signore; E il peccato di sua madre non sia cancellato. 15 Sieno que’ peccati del continuo nel cospetto del Signore; E stermini egli d’in su la terra la memoria di essi. 16 Perciocchè egli non si è ricordato d’usar benignità, Ed ha perseguitato l’uomo povero, ed afflitto, E tribolato di cuore, per ucciderlo. 17 Poichè egli ha amata la maledizione, vengagli; E poichè non si è compiaciuto nella benedizione, allontanisi ella da lui. 18 E sia vestito di maledizione, come del suo manto; Ed entri quella come acqua nelle sue interiora, E come olio nelle sue ossa. 19 Siagli quella a guisa di vestimento, del quale egli sia avvolto; Ed a guisa di cintura, della quale sempre sia cinto. 20 Tal sia, da parte del Signore, la ricompensa de’ miei avversari, E di quelli che parlano male contro all’anima mia.
ItalianRiveduta(i) 9 Siano i suoi figliuoli orfani e la sua moglie vedova. 10 I suoi figliuoli vadan vagando e accattino, e cerchino il pane lungi dalle loro case in rovina. 11 Getti l’usuraio le sue reti su tutto ciò ch’egli ha, e gli stranieri faccian lor preda delle sue fatiche. 12 Nessuno estenda a lui la sua benignità, e non vi sia chi abbia pietà de’ suoi orfani. 13 La sua progenie sia distrutta; nella seconda generazione sia cancellato il loro nome! 14 L’iniquità dei suoi padri sia ricordata dall’Eterno, e il peccato di sua madre non sia cancellato. 15 Sian quei peccati del continuo davanti all’Eterno, e faccia egli sparire dalla terra la di lui memoria, 16 perch’egli non si è ricordato d’usar benignità, ma ha perseguitato il misero, il povero, il tribolato di cuore per ucciderlo. 17 Egli ha amato la maledizione, e questa gli è venuta addosso; non si è compiaciuto nella benedizione, ed essa si tien lungi da lui. 18 S’è vestito di maledizione come della sua veste, ed essa è penetrata come acqua, dentro di lui, e come olio, nelle sue ossa. 19 Siagli essa come un vestito di cui si cuopra, come una cintura di cui sia sempre cinto! 20 Tal sia, da parte dell’Eterno, la ricompensa dei miei avversari, e di quelli che proferiscono del male contro l’anima mia.
Korean(i) 9 그 자녀는 고아가 되고 그 아내는 과부가 되며 10 그 자녀가 유리 구걸하며 그 황폐한 집을 떠나 빌어먹게 하소서 11 고리대금하는 자로 저의 소유를 다 취하게 하시며 저의 수고한 것을 외인이 탈취하게 하시며 12 저에게 은혜를 계속할 자가 없게 하시며 그 고아를 연휼할 자도 없게 하시며 13 그 후사가 끊어지게 하시며 후대에 저희 이름이 도말되게 하소서 14 여호와는 그 열조의 죄악을 기억하시며 그 어미의 죄를 도말하지마시고 15 그 죄악을 항상 여호와 앞에 있게 하사 저희 기념을 땅에서 끊으소서 16 저가 긍휼히 여길 일을 생각지 아니하고 가난하고 궁핍한 자와 마음이 상한 자를 핍박하여 죽이려 한 연고니이다 17 저가 저주하기를 좋아하더니 그것이 자기에게 임하고 축복하기를 기뻐 아니하더니 복이 저를 멀리 떠났으며 18 또 저주하기를 옷 입듯하더니 저주가 물같이 그 내부에 들어가며 기름 같이 그 뼈에 들어갔나이다 19 저주가 그 입는 옷 같고 항상 띠는 띠와 같게 하소서 20 이는 대적 곧 내 영혼을 대적하여 악담하는 자가 여호와께 받는 보응이니이다
Lithuanian(i) 9 Jo vaikai tepalieka našlaičiais ir žmona­našle. 10 Elgetomis ir benamiais tegu tampa jo vaikai, tebūna jie išmesti iš savų sunaikintų namų. 11 Skolintojas tepasiglemžia jo turtą ir svetimieji jo uždarbį teišgrobsto. 12 Nė vienas jo tenesigaili ir tenebūna kas užjaustų jo našlaičius. 13 Jo palikuonys tesunyksta. Kitoje kartoje teišdyla jų vardas. 14 Viešpats teatsimena jo tėvų kaltes, ir jo motinos nuodėmė tenebūna išdildyta. 15 Tegu nuolat Viešpats juos stebi, kad nuo žemės nušluotų jų atminimą. 16 Nes neparodė jis gailestingumo, bet persekiojo beturtį ir vargšą, kėsinosi nužudyti sudužusį širdyje. 17 Jis mėgo prakeikimą, tegu jis užklumpa jį; jis nemėgo palaiminimo, tebūna jis toli nuo jo. 18 Jis apsivilko prakeikimu kaip drabužiu, todėl kaip vanduo jis teįsisunkia į kūną, kaip aliejus į kaulus. 19 Jis tebūna jam kaip drabužis, kuris dengia jo kūną, kaip juosta, kuria jis susijuosia. 20 Taip tegul užmoka Viešpats mano priešininkams ir tiems, kurie kalba pikta prieš mane.
PBG(i) 9 Niech dzieci jego będą sierotami, a żona jego wdową. 10 Niech będą biegunami i tułaczami synowie jego, niech żebrzą, a niech żebrzą wychodząc z pustek swoich. 11 Niech lichwiarz załapi wszystko, co jest jego, a niech obcy rozchwycą pracę jego. 12 Niech nie będzie ktoby mu miłosierdzie pokazał, niech nie będzie, ktoby się zmiłował nad sierotami jego. 13 Potomkowie jego niech z korzenia wycięci będą; w drugiem pokoleniu niech będzie wygładzone imię ich. 14 Niech przyjdzie na pamięć nieprawość przodków jego przed Panem, a grzech matki jego niechaj nie będzie zgładzony. 15 Niech będą przed Panem ustawicznie, ażby wygładził z ziemi pamiątkę ich, 16 Przeto, że nie pamiętał, aby czynił miłosierdzie, ale prześladował człowieka nędznego i ubogiego,a tego,który był serca utrapionego, chciał zamordować. 17 Ponieważ umiłował przeklęstwo, niechże przyjdzie na niego; niechciał błogosławieństwa niechże będzie oddalone od niego. 18 A tak niech będzie obleczony w przeklęstwo, jako w szatę swoję; a niech wnijdzie jako woda we wnętrzności jego, a jako olej w kości jego. 19 Niech mu to będzie jako płaszcz do przodziania, a jako pas dla ustawicznego opasywania. 20 Takowa zapłata niech będzie przeciwnikom moim od Pana, i tym, którzy źle mówią przeciwko duszy mojej.
Portuguese(i) 9 Fiquem órfãos os seus filhos, e viúva a sua mulher! 10 Andem errantes os seus filhos, e mendiguem; esmolem longe das suas habitações assoladas. 11 O credor lance mão de tudo quanto ele tenha, e despojem-no os estranhos do fruto do seu trabalho! 12 Não haja ninguém que se compadeça dele, nem haja quem tenha pena dos seus órfãos! 13 Seja extirpada a sua posteridade; o seu nome seja apagado na geração seguinte! 14 Esteja na memória do Senhor a iniquidade de seus pais; e não se apague o pecado de sua mãe! 15 Antes estejam sempre perante o Senhor, para que ele faça desaparecer da terra a memória deles! 16 Porquanto não se lembrou de usar de benignidade; antes perseguiu o varão aflito e o necessitado, como também o quebrantado de coração, para o matar. 17 Visto que amou a maldição, que ela lhe sobrevenha! Como não desejou a bênção, que ela se afaste dele! 18 Assim como se vestiu de maldição como dum vestido, assim penetre ela nas suas entranhas como água, e em seus ossos como azeite! 19 Seja para ele como o vestido com que ele se cobre, e como o cinto com que sempre anda cingido! 20 Seja este, da parte do Senhor, o galardão dos meus adversários, e dos que falam mal contra mim!
Norwegian(i) 9 La hans barn bli farløse og hans hustru enke, 10 og la hans barn flakke omkring og tigge, og la dem gå som tiggere fra sine ødelagte hjem! 11 La ågerkaren kaste garn ut efter alt det han har, og fremmede røve frukten av hans arbeid! 12 La ham ikke finne nogen som bevarer miskunnhet imot ham og la ingen forbarme sig over hans farløse barn! 13 La hans fremtid bli avskåret, deres navn bli utslettet i det annet ættledd! 14 Hans fedres misgjerning bli ihukommet hos Herren, og hans mors synd bli ikke utslettet! 15 De være alltid for Herrens øine, og han utrydde deres minne av jorden, 16 fordi han ikke kom i hu å gjøre barmhjertighet, men forfulgte en mann som var fattig og elendig og bedrøvet i hjertet, og vilde drepe ham. 17 Han elsket forbannelse, og den kom over ham; han hadde ikke lyst til velsignelse, og den blev langt borte fra ham; 18 han klædde sig i forbannelse som sin klædning, og den trengte som vann inn i hans liv og som olje i hans ben. 19 La den være ham som et klædebon som han dekker sig med, og som et belte som han alltid omgjorder sig med! 20 Dette være mine motstanderes lønn fra Herren, og deres som taler ondt imot min sjel!
Romanian(i) 9 Să -i rămînă copiii orfani, şi nevastă-sa văduvă! 10 Copiii lui să umble fără niciun căpătîi şi să cerşească, să-şi caute pînea departe de locuinţa lor dărîmată! 11 Cel ce l -a împrumutat, să -i pună mîna pe tot ce are, şi străinii să -i jăfuiască rodul muncii lui! 12 Nimeni să nu mai ţină la el, şi nimeni să n'aibă milă de orfanii lui! 13 Urmaşii lui să fie nimiciţi, şi să li se stîngă numele în neamul următor! 14 Nelegiuirea părinţilor săi să rămînă ca aducere aminte înaintea Domnului, şi să nu se şteargă păcatul mamei lui! 15 Domnul să -i aibă totdeauna înaintea ochilor, ca să le şteargă pomenirea de pe pămînt, 16 pentrucă nu şi -a adus aminte să facă îndurare, pentrucă a prigonit pe cel nenorocit şi pe cel lipsit, pînă acolo încît să omoare pe omul cu inima zdrobită! 17 Îi plăcea blestemul: să cadă asupra lui! Nu -i plăcea binecuvîntarea: să se depărteze de el! 18 Se îmbracă cu blestemul cum se îmbracă cu haina lui, îi pătrunde ca apa înlăuntrul lui, ca untdelemnul în oase! 19 Deaceea, să -i slujească de veşmînt ca să se acopere, de încingătoare cu care să fie totdeauna încins! 20 Aceasta să fie, din partea Domnului, plata vrăjmaşilor mei, şi a celor ce vorbesc cu răutate de mine!
Ukrainian(i) 9 Бодай діти його стали сиротами, а жінка його удовою! 10 і хай діти його все мандрують та жебрають, і нехай вони просять у тих, хто їх руйнував! 11 Бодай їм тенета розставив лихвар на все, що його, і нехай розграбують чужі його працю! 12 Щоб до нього ніхто милосердя не виявив, і бодай не було його сиротам милости! 13 Щоб на знищення стали нащадки його, бодай було скреслене в другому роді ім'я їхнє! 14 Беззаконня батьків його хай пам'ятається в Господа, і хай не стирається гріх його матері! 15 Нехай будуть вони перед Господом завжди, а Він нехай вирве з землі їхню пам'ять, 16 ворог бо не пам'ятав милосердя чинити, і напастував був людину убогу та бідну, та серцем засмучену, щоб убивати її! 17 Полюбив він прокляття, бодай же на нього воно надійшло! і не хотів благословення, щоб воно віддалилось від нього! 18 Зодягнув він прокляття, немов свою одіж, просякло воно, як вода, в його нутро, та в кості його, мов олива! 19 Бодай воно стало йому за одежу, в яку зодягнеться, і за пояс, що завжди він ним підпережеться! 20 Це заплата від Господа тим, хто мене обмовляє, на душу мою наговорює зло!