9 Let his children be vagaboundes, & begg their bred: lett them seke it also out of desolate places.
10 Let the extorcioner consume all that he hath, and let straungers spoyle his laboure.
11 Let there be no man to petye hym, ner to haue compassyon vpon his fatherlesse chyldren.
12 Let his posterite be destroyed, and in the next generacyon let hys name be cleane put out.
13 Let the wickednesse of hys fathers be had in remembraunce in the syght of the Lorde, and let not the synne of his mother be done awaye.
14 Let them alwaye be before the Lorde, that he maye rote out the memoriall of them from of the earth.
15 And that because hys mynde was not to do good, but persecuted the poore helplesse man, that he myght slaye him, that was vexed at the hert
16 His delyte was in cursyng, & it shall happen vnto him: he loued not blessyng, therfore shall it be farre from him.
17 He clothed him self with cursyng lyke as with a rayment: & it shall come in to his bowels lyke water, and lyke oyle in to hys bones.
18 Lett it be vnto him as the cloke that he hath vpon him, and as the gyrdle that he is allwaye gyrded wt all.
19 Let it thus happen from the Lorde vnto myne enemyes, and to those that speake euell agaynst my soule.
20 But deale thou wt me (O Lorde God) accordyng vnto thy name, for swete is thy mercy.