9 Let his children be fatherlesse, and his wife a widowe.
10 Let his children be vagabonds and beg and seeke bread, comming out of their places destroyed.
11 Let the extortioner catch al that he hath, and let the strangers spoile his labour.
12 Let there be none to extend mercie vnto him: neither let there be any to shewe mercie vpon his fatherlesse children.
13 Let his posteritie be destroied, and in the generation following let their name be put out.
14 Let the iniquitie of his fathers bee had in remembrance with the Lord: and let not the sinne of his mother be done away.
15 But let them alway be before the Lord, that he may cut off their memorial from ye earth.
16 Because he remembred not to shew mercie, but persecuted the afflicted and poore man, and the sorowfull hearted to slay him.
17 As he loued cursing, so shall it come vnto him, and as he loued not blessing, so shall it be farre from him.
18 As he clothed himselfe with cursing like a rayment, so shall it come into his bowels like water, and like oyle into his bones.
19 Let it be vnto him as a garment to couer him, and for a girdle, wherewith he shalbe alway girded.
20 Let this be the rewarde of mine aduersarie from the Lord, and of them, that speake euill against my soule.