Hosea 6

  1 G1722 In G3588   G2347 their affliction G3719 they will rise early G4314 to G1473 me, G3004 saying, G4198 We should go G2532 and G1994 return G4314 to G2962 the lord G3588   G2316 our God, G1473   G3754 for G1473 he G726 snatched us away, G2532 and G2390 he will heal G1473 us. G3960 He shall strike, G2532 and G3448.1 he shall dress our wounds. G1473  
  2 G5197.2 He will heal G1473 us G3326 after G1417 two G2250 days, G1722 on G3588 the G2250 [2day G3588   G5154 1third] G450 we shall rise up, G2532 and G2198 we shall live G1799 before G1473 him.
  3 G2532 And G1097 we shall know, G2532 and G1377 shall pursue G3588   G1097 to know G3588 the G2962 lord . G5613 As G3722 dawn G2092 readied, G2147 we shall find G1473 him; G2532 and G2240 he shall come G1473 to us G5613 as G5205 rain G4406 early G2532 and G3797 late G3588 to the G1093 earth.
  4 G5100 What G1473 shall I do to you, G4160   G* O Ephraim? G5100 What G1473 shall I do to you, G4160   G* O Judah? G3588 For G1161   G1656 your mercy G1473   G5613 is as G3507 [2cloud G4407 1an early morning], G2532 and G5613 as G1408.1 [2dew G3720 1early morning] G4198 going away .
  5 G1223 On account of G3778 this G594.1 I mowed G1473 you G3588 by the G4396 prophets; G615 I killed G1473 them G1722 by G4487 the discourse G4750 of my mouth; G1473   G2532 and G3588   G2917 your judgment G1473   G5613 as G5457 light G1831 shall go forth.
  6 G1360 For G1656 mercy G2309 I want, G2532 and G3756 not G2378 sacrifice; G2532 and G1922 full knowledge G2316 of God G3123 rather than G3646 whole burnt-offerings.
  7 G1473 But they G1161   G1510.2.6 are G5613 as G444 a man G3845 violating G1242 covenant. G1563 There G2706 they showed disdain G1473 of me.
  8 G* Gilead G4172 is a city G2038 working G3152 vanities, G5015 disturbing G5204 water.
  9 G2532 And G3588   G2479 your strength G1473   G435 is as a man G3986.3 who is a maruader. G2928 [2hid G2409 1 The priests]; G3598 [2 in the way G5407 1they murdered] G* of Shechem; G3754 for G458 [2lawlessness G4160 1they committed] G1722 in G3588 the G3624 house G3588   G* of Israel.
  10 G1492 I beheld G5424.3 a cause for shuddering G1563 there, G4202 even the harlotry G3588   G* of Ephraim; G3392 [4are defiled G* 1Israel G2532 2and G* 3Judah].
  11 G756 Begin G5166 to gather the vintage G4572 for yourself G1722 in G3588   G1994 my returning G1473   G3588 the G161 captivity G3588   G2992 of my people! G1473  
  1 G1722 εν G3588 τη G2347 θλίψει αυτών G3719 ορθριούσι G4314 προς G1473 με G3004 λέγοντες G4198 πορευθώμεν G2532 και G1994 επιστρέψωμεν G4314 προς G2962 κύριον G3588 τον G2316 θεόν ημών G1473   G3754 ότι G1473 αυτός G726 ήρπακε G2532 και G2390 ιάσεται G1473 ημάς G3960 πατάξει G2532 και G3448.1 μοτώσει ημάς G1473  
  2 G5197.2 υγιάσει G1473 ημάς G3326 μετά G1417 δύο G2250 ημέρας G1722 εν G3588 τη G2250 ημέρα G3588 τη G5154 τρίτη G450 αναστησόμεθα G2532 και G2198 ζησόμεθα G1799 ενώπιον G1473 αυτού
  3 G2532 και G1097 γνωσόμεθα G2532 και G1377 διώξωμεν G3588 του G1097 γνώναι G3588 τον G2962 κύριον G5613 ως G3722 όρθρον G2092 έτοιμον G2147 ευρήσομεν G1473 αυτόν G2532 και G2240 ήξει G1473 ημίν G5613 ως G5205 υετός G4406 πρωϊμος G2532 και G3797 όψιμος G3588 τη G1093 γη
  4 G5100 τι G1473 σοι ποιήσω G4160   G* Εφραϊμ G5100 τι G1473 σοι ποιήσω G4160   G* Ιούδα G3588 το δε G1161   G1656 έλεος υμών G1473   G5613 ως G3507 νεφέλη G4407 πρωϊνή G2532 και G5613 ως G1408.1 δρόσος G3720 ορθρινή G4198 πορευομένη
  5 G1223 διά G3778 τούτο G594.1 απεθέρισα G1473 υμών G3588 τους G4396 προφήτας G615 απέκτεινα G1473 αυτούς G1722 εν G4487 ρήματι G4750 στόματός μου G1473   G2532 και G3588 το G2917 κρίμά σου G1473   G5613 ως G5457 φως G1831 εξελεύσεται
  6 G1360 διότι G1656 έλεος G2309 θέλω G2532 και G3756 ου G2378 θυσίαν G2532 και G1922 επίγνωσιν G2316 θεού G3123 μάλλον G3646 ολοκαυτώματα
  7 G1473 αυτοί δε G1161   G1510.2.6 εισιν G5613 ως G444 άνθρωπος G3845 παραβαίνων G1242 διαθήκην G1563 εκεί G2706 κατεφρόνησάν G1473 μου
  8 G* Γαλαάδ G4172 πόλις G2038 εργαζομένη G3152 μάταια G5015 ταράσσουσα G5204 ύδωρ
  9 G2532 και G3588 η G2479 ισχύς σου G1473   G435 ανδρός G3986.3 πειράτου G2928 έκρυψαν G2409 ιερείς G3598 οδόν G5407 εφόνευσαν G* Σίκιμα G3754 ότι G458 ανομίαν G4160 εποίησαν G1722 εν G3588 τω G3624 οίκω G3588 του G* Ισραήλ
  10 G1492 είδον G5424.3 φρικώδη G1563 εκεί G4202 πορνείαν G3588 του G* Εφραϊμ G3392 εμιάνθη G* Ισραήλ G2532 και G* Ιούδας
  11 G756 άρχου G5166 τρυγάν G4572 σεαυτώ G1722 εν G3588 τω G1994 επιστρέφειν με G1473   G3588 την G161 αιχμαλωσίαν G3588 του G2992 λαού μου G1473  
    1 G4198 V-APS-1P πορευθωμεν G2532 CONJ και G1994 V-AAS-1P επιστρεψωμεν G4314 PREP προς G2962 N-ASM κυριον G3588 T-ASM τον G2316 N-ASM θεον G1473 P-GP ημων G3754 CONJ οτι G846 D-NSM αυτος G726 V-RAI-3S ηρπακεν G2532 CONJ και G2390 V-FMI-3S ιασεται G1473 P-AP ημας G3960 V-FAI-3S παταξει G2532 CONJ και   V-FAI-3S μοτωσει G1473 P-AP ημας
    2   V-FAI-3S υγιασει G1473 P-AP ημας G3326 PREP μετα G1417 N-NUI δυο G2250 N-APF ημερας G1722 PREP εν G3588 T-DSF τη G2250 N-DSF ημερα G3588 T-DSF τη G5154 A-DSF τριτη G450 V-FMI-1P αναστησομεθα G2532 CONJ και G2198 V-FMI-1P ζησομεθα G1799 PREP ενωπιον G846 D-GSM αυτου
    3 G2532 CONJ και G1097 V-FMI-1P γνωσομεθα G1377 V-FAI-1P διωξομεν G3588 T-GSN του G1097 V-AAN γνωναι G3588 T-ASM τον G2962 N-ASM κυριον G3739 CONJ ως G3722 N-ASM ορθρον G2092 A-ASM ετοιμον G2147 V-FAI-1P ευρησομεν G846 D-ASM αυτον G2532 CONJ και G1854 V-FAI-3S ηξει G3739 CONJ ως G5205 N-NSM υετος G1473 P-DP ημιν G4406 A-NSM προιμος G2532 CONJ και G3797 A-NSM οψιμος G3588 T-DSF τη G1065 N-DSF γη
    4 G5100 I-ASN τι G4771 P-DS σοι G4160 V-FAI-1S ποιησω G2187 N-PRI εφραιμ G5100 I-ASN τι G4771 P-DS σοι G4160 V-FAI-1S ποιησω G2448 N-PRI ιουδα G3588 T-NSN το G1161 PRT δε G1656 N-NSN ελεος G4771 P-GP υμων G3739 CONJ ως G3507 N-NSF νεφελη G4407 A-NSF πρωινη G2532 CONJ και G3739 CONJ ως   N-NSF δροσος G3720 A-NSF ορθρινη G4198 V-PMPNS πορευομενη
    5 G1223 PREP δια G3778 D-ASN τουτο   V-AAI-1S απεθερισα G3588 T-APM τους G4396 N-APM προφητας G4771 P-GP υμων G615 V-AAI-1S απεκτεινα G846 D-APM αυτους G1722 PREP εν G4487 N-DPN ρημασιν G4750 N-GSN στοματος G1473 P-GS μου G2532 CONJ και G3588 T-NSN το G2917 N-NSN κριμα G1473 P-GS μου G3739 CONJ ως G5457 N-NSN φως G1831 V-FMI-3S εξελευσεται
    6 G1360 CONJ διοτι G1656 N-ASN ελεος G2309 V-PAI-1S θελω G2532 CONJ και G3364 ADV ου G2378 N-ASF θυσιαν G2532 CONJ και G1922 N-ASF επιγνωσιν G2316 N-GSM θεου G2228 CONJ η G3646 N-APN ολοκαυτωματα
    7 G846 D-NPM αυτοι G1161 PRT δε G1510 V-PAI-3P εισιν G3739 CONJ ως G444 N-NSM ανθρωπος G3845 V-PAPNS παραβαινων G1242 N-ASF διαθηκην G1563 ADV εκει G2706 V-AAI-3S κατεφρονησεν G1473 P-GS μου
    8   N-PRI γαλααδ G4172 N-NSF πολις G2038 V-PMPNS εργαζομενη G3152 A-APN ματαια G5015 V-PAPNS ταρασσουσα G5204 N-ASN υδωρ
    9 G2532 CONJ και G3588 T-NSF η G2479 N-NSF ισχυς G4771 P-GS σου G435 N-GSM ανδρος   N-GSM πειρατου G2928 V-AAI-3P εκρυψαν G2409 N-NPM ιερεις G3598 N-ASF οδον G2962 N-GSM κυριου G5407 V-AAI-3P εφονευσαν   N-PRI σικιμα G3754 CONJ οτι G458 N-ASF ανομιαν G4160 V-AAI-3P εποιησαν
    10 G1722 PREP εν G3588 T-DSM τω G3624 N-DSM οικω G2474 N-PRI ισραηλ G3708 V-AAI-1S ειδον   A-ASF φρικωδη G1563 ADV εκει G4202 N-ASF πορνειαν G3588 T-GSM του G2187 N-PRI εφραιμ G3392 V-API-3S εμιανθη G2474 N-PRI ισραηλ G2532 CONJ και G2448 N-PRI ιουδα
    11 G757 V-PMD-2S αρχου G5166 V-PAN τρυγαν G4572 D-DSM σεαυτω G1722 PREP εν G3588 T-DSN τω G1994 V-PAN επιστρεφειν G1473 P-AS με G3588 T-ASF την G161 N-ASF αιχμαλωσιαν G3588 T-GSM του G2992 N-GSM λαου G1473 P-GS μου
HOT(i) 1 לכו ונשׁובה אל יהוה כי הוא טרף וירפאנו יך ויחבשׁנו׃ 2 יחינו מימים ביום השׁלישׁי יקמנו ונחיה לפניו׃ 3 ונדעה נרדפה לדעת את יהוה כשׁחר נכון מוצאו ויבוא כגשׁם לנו כמלקושׁ יורה ארץ׃ 4 מה אעשׂה לך אפרים מה אעשׂה לך יהודה וחסדכם כענן בקר וכטל משׁכים הלך׃ 5 על כן חצבתי בנביאים הרגתים באמרי פי ומשׁפטיך אור יצא׃ 6 כי חסד חפצתי ולא זבח ודעת אלהים מעלות׃ 7 והמה כאדם עברו ברית שׁם בגדו׃ 8 גלעד קרית פעלי און עקבה מדם׃ 9 וכחכי אישׁ גדודים חבר כהנים דרך ירצחו שׁכמה כי זמה עשׂו׃ 10 בבית ישׂראל ראיתי שׁעריריה שׁם זנות לאפרים נטמא ישׂראל׃ 11 גם יהודה שׁת קציר לך בשׁובי שׁבות עמי׃
IHOT(i) (In English order)
  1 H1980 לכו Come, H7725 ונשׁובה and let us return H413 אל unto H3068 יהוה the LORD: H3588 כי for H1931 הוא he H2963 טרף hath torn, H7495 וירפאנו and he will heal H5221 יך us; he hath smitten, H2280 ויחבשׁנו׃ and he will bind us up.
  2 H2421 יחינו will he revive H3117 מימים day H3117 ביום   H7992 השׁלישׁי us: in the third H6965 יקמנו he will raise us up, H2421 ונחיה and we shall live H6440 לפניו׃ in his sight.
  3 H3045 ונדעה Then shall we know, H7291 נרדפה we follow on H3045 לדעת to know H853 את   H3068 יהוה the LORD: H7837 כשׁחר as the morning; H3559 נכון is prepared H4161 מוצאו his going forth H935 ויבוא and he shall come H1653 כגשׁם unto us as the rain, H4456 לנו כמלקושׁ as the latter H3138 יורה former rain H776 ארץ׃ unto the earth.
  4 H4100 מה what H6213 אעשׂה shall I do H669 לך אפרים O Ephraim, H4100 מה what H6213 אעשׂה shall I do H3063 לך יהודה unto thee? O Judah, H2617 וחסדכם unto thee? for your goodness H6051 כענן cloud, H1242 בקר as a morning H2919 וכטל dew H7925 משׁכים and as the early H1980 הלך׃ it goeth away.
  5 H5921 על   H3651 כן   H2672 חצבתי have I hewed H5030 בנביאים by the prophets; H2026 הרגתים I have slain H561 באמרי them by the words H6310 פי of my mouth: H4941 ומשׁפטיך and thy judgments H216 אור the light H3318 יצא׃ goeth forth.
  6 H3588 כי For H2617 חסד mercy, H2654 חפצתי I desired H3808 ולא and not H2077 זבח sacrifice; H1847 ודעת and the knowledge H430 אלהים of God H5930 מעלות׃ more than burnt offerings.
  7 H1992 והמה But they H121 כאדם   H5674 עברו have transgressed H1285 ברית the covenant: H8033 שׁם there H898 בגדו׃ have they dealt treacherously
  8 H1568 גלעד Gilead H7151 קרית a city H6466 פעלי of them that work H205 און iniquity, H6121 עקבה polluted H1818 מדם׃ with blood.
  9 H2442 וכחכי wait H376 אישׁ for a man, H1416 גדודים And as troops of robbers H2267 חבר the company H3548 כהנים of priests H1870 דרך in the way H7523 ירצחו murder H7927 שׁכמה   H3588 כי for H2154 זמה lewdness. H6213 עשׂו׃ they commit
  10 H1004 בבית in the house H3478 ישׂראל of Israel: H7200 ראיתי I have seen H8186 שׁעריריה a horrible thing H8033 שׁם there H2184 זנות the whoredom H669 לאפרים of Ephraim, H2930 נטמא is defiled. H3478 ישׂראל׃ Israel
  11 H1571 גם Also, H3063 יהודה O Judah, H7896 שׁת he hath set H7105 קציר a harvest H7725 לך בשׁובי for thee, when I returned H7622 שׁבות the captivity H5971 עמי׃ of my people.
  1 H3212 [H8798] Come, H7725 [H8799] and let us return H3068 to the LORD: H2963 [H8804] for he hath torn, H7495 [H8799] and he will heal H5221 [H8686] us; he hath smitten, H2280 [H8799] and he will bind us up.
  2 H3117 After two days H2421 [H8762] will he revive H7992 us: in the third H3117 day H6965 [H8686] will he raise us up, H2421 [H8799] and we shall live H6440 in his sight.
  3 H3045 [H8799] Then shall we know, H7291 [H8799] if we follow H3045 [H8800] on to know H3068 the LORD: H4161 his going forth H3559 [H8737] is prepared H7837 as the morning; H935 [H8799] and he shall come H1653 to us as the rain, H4456 as the latter H3384 [H8802] and former rain H776 to the earth.
  4 H669 O Ephraim, H6213 [H8799] what shall I do H3063 to thee? O Judah, H6213 [H8799] what shall I do H2617 to thee? for your mercy H1242 is as the morning H6051 cloud, H7925 [H8688] and as the early H2919 dew H1980 [H8802] it goeth away.
  5 H2672 [H8804] Therefore have I hewed H5030 them by the prophets; H2026 [H8804] I have slain H561 them by the words H6310 of my mouth: H4941 and thy judgments H216 are as the light H3318 [H8799] that goeth forth.
  6 H2654 [H8804] For I desired H2617 mercy, H2077 and not sacrifice; H1847 and the knowledge H430 of God H5930 more than burnt offerings.
  7 H120 But they like men H5674 [H8804] have transgressed H1285 the covenant: H898 [H8804] there have they dealt treacherously against me.
  8 H1568 Gilead H7151 is a city H6466 [H8802] of them that work H205 nothingness, H6121 and is polluted H1818 with blood.
  9 H1416 And as troops H2442 [H8763] of robbers wait H376 for a man, H2267 so the company H3548 of priests H7523 [H8762] murder H1870 in the way H7926 H7927 [H8677] by consent: H6213 [H8804] for they commit H2154 lewdness.
  10 H7200 [H8804] I have seen H8186 an horrible thing H1004 in the house H3478 of Israel: H2184 there is the harlotry H669 of Ephraim, H3478 Israel H2930 [H8738] is defiled.
  11 H3063 Also, O Judah, H7896 [H8804] he hath set H7105 an harvest H7725 [H8800] for thee, when I returned H7622 the captivity H5971 of my people.
Vulgate(i) 1 in tribulatione sua mane consurgunt ad me venite et revertamur ad Dominum 2 quia ipse cepit et sanabit nos percutiet et curabit nos 3 vivificabit nos post duos dies in die tertia suscitabit nos et vivemus in conspectu eius sciemus sequemurque ut cognoscamus Dominum quasi diluculum praeparatus est egressus eius et veniet quasi imber nobis temporaneus et serotinus terrae 4 quid faciam tibi Ephraim quid faciam tibi Iuda misericordia vestra quasi nubes matutina et quasi ros mane pertransiens 5 propter hoc dolavi in prophetis occidi eos in verbis oris mei et iudicia tua quasi lux egredientur 6 quia misericordiam volui et non sacrificium et scientiam Dei plus quam holocausta 7 ipsi autem sicut Adam transgressi sunt pactum ibi praevaricati sunt in me 8 Galaad civitas operantium idolum subplantata sanguine 9 et quasi fauces virorum latronum particeps sacerdotum in via interficientium pergentes de Sychem quia scelus operati sunt 10 in domo Israhel vidi horrendum ibi fornicationes Ephraim contaminatus est Israhel 11 sed et Iuda pone messem tibi cum convertero captivitatem populi mei
Clementine_Vulgate(i) 1 [In tribulatione sua mane consurgent ad me: Venite, et revertamur ad Dominum, 2 quia ipse cepit, et sanabit nos; percutiet, et curabit nos. 3 Vivificabit nos post duos dies; in die tertia suscitabit nos, et vivemus in conspectu ejus. Sciemus, sequemurque ut cognoscamus Dominum: quasi diluculum præparatus est egressus ejus, et veniet quasi imber nobis temporaneus et serotinus terræ. 4 Quid faciam tibi, Ephraim? quid faciam tibi, Juda? misericordia vestra quasi nubes matutina, et quasi ros mane pertransiens. 5 Propter hoc dolavi in prophetis; occidi eos in verbis oris mei: et judicia tua quasi lux egredientur. 6 Quia misericordiam volui, et non sacrificium; et scientiam Dei plus quam holocausta. 7 Ipsi autem sicut Adam transgressi sunt pactum: ibi prævaricati sunt in me. 8 Galaad civitas operantium idolum, supplantata sanguine. 9 Et quasi fauces virorum latronum, particeps sacerdotum, in via interficientium pergentes de Sichem: quia scelus operati sunt. 10 In domo Israël vidi horrendum: ibi fornicationes Ephraim, contaminatus est Israël. 11 Sed et Juda, pone messem tibi, cum convertero captivitatem populi mei.]
Wycliffe(i) 1 In her tribulacioun thei schulen rise eerli to me. Come ye, and turne we ayen to the Lord; 2 for he took, and schal heele vs; he schal smyte, and schal make vs hool. 3 He schal quykene vs after twei daies, and in the thridde dai he schal reise vs, and we schulen lyue in his siyt. We schulen wite, and sue, that we knowe the Lord. His goyng out is maad redi at the morewtid, and he schal come as a reyn to vs, which is timeful and lateful to the erthe. 4 Effraym, what schal Y do to thee? Juda, what schal Y do to thee? Youre merci is as a cloude of the morewtid, and as deew passynge forth eerli. 5 For this thing Y hewide in profetis, Y killide hem in the wordis of my mouth; 6 and thi domes schulen go out as liyt. For Y wolde merci, and not sacrifice, and Y wolde the kunnyng of God, more than brent sacrificis. 7 But thei as Adam braken the couenaunt; there thei trespassiden ayens me. 8 Galaad the citee of hem that worchen idol, is supplauntid with blood; and 9 as the chekis of men `that ben theues. Partener of prestis sleynge in the weie men goynge fro Sichem, for thei wrouyten greet trespasse. 10 In the hous of Israel Y siy an orible thing; there the fornicaciouns of Effraym. 11 Israel is defoulid; but also thou, Juda, sette heruest to thee, whanne Y schal turne the caitiftee of my puple.
Coverdale(i) 1 In their aduersite they shall seke me, and saye: come, let vs turne agayne to the LORDE: for he hath smytten vs, and he shal heale vs: 2 He hath wounded vs, & he shal bynde vs vp agayne: after two dayes shal he quycken vs, in the thirde daye he shal rase vs vp, so that we shal lyue in his sight. 3 Then shal we haue vnderstondinge, & endeuoure oure selues to knowe the LORDE. He shal go forth as the sprynge of the daye, and come vnto vs as the euenynge and mornynge rayne vpon the earth. 4 O Ephraim, what shal I do vnto the? O Iuda, how shal I intreate the? seynge youre loue is like a mornynge cloude, & like a dew yt goeth early awaye. 5 Therfore haue I cut downe the prophetes, & letten them be slayne for my wordes sake: so that thy punyshment shal come to light. 6 For I haue pleasure in louynge kyndnesse, and not in offerynge: Yee in the knowlege of God, more then in burntsacrifice. 7 But euen like as Adam dyd, so haue they broken my couenaunt, and set me at naught. 8 Galaad is a cite of wicked doers, of malicious people and bloudshedders. 9 The multitude of the prestes is like an heape of theues, murtherers & bloudthurstie: for they haue wrought abhominacion. 10 Horrible thinges haue I sene in the house of Israel, there playeth Ephraim the harlot, and Israel is defyled: 11 but Iuda shall haue an haruest for himself, when I returne the captiuyte of my people.
MSTC(i) 1 In their adversity they shall seek me, and say, "Come, let us turn again to the LORD: for he hath smitten us, and he shall heal us; 2 He hath wounded us, and he shall bind us up again; after two days shall he quicken us, in the third day he shall raise us up, so that we shall live in his sight. 3 Then shall we have understanding, and endeavor ourselves to know the LORD. He shall go forth as the spring of the day, and come unto us as the evening and morning rain upon the earth." 4 O Ephraim, what shall I do unto thee? O Judah, how shall I entreat thee? Seeing your love is like a morning cloud, and like a dew that goeth early away. 5 Therefore have I cut down the prophets, and let them be slain for my words' sake: so that thy punishment shall come to light. 6 For I have pleasure in loving-kindness, and not in offering: Yea in the knowledge of God, more than in burnt sacrifice. 7 But even like as Adam did, so have they broken my covenant, and set me at naught. 8 Gilead is a city of wicked doers, of malicious people and bloodshedders. 9 The multitude of the priests is like a heap of thieves, murderers and bloodthirsty: for they have wrought abomination. 10 Horrible things have I seen in the house of Israel: there playeth Ephraim the harlot, and Israel is defiled. 11 But Judah shall have a harvest for himself, when I return the captivity of my people.
Matthew(i) 1 In their aduersite they shal seke me, and said: come, let vs turne againe to the lord: for he hathe smyten vs, & he shall heale vs: 2 He hath wounde vs, & he shall bind vs vp agayne after two dayes shall he quicken vs, in the thirde day he shal rayse vs vp, so that we shal lyue in his sight. 3 Then shall we haue vnderstanding, and endeuoure oure selues to knowe the Lorde. He shall go forth as the springe of the daye, & come vnto vs as the eueninge and morninge rayne vpon the earth. 4 O Ephraim, what shal I do vnto the? O Iuda, how shall I entreate the? seynge youre loue is like a morning cloude, and lyke a dew that goeth early awaye. 5 Therfore haue I cut doune the Prophetes, and let them be slayne for my wordes sake: so that thy punyshment shall come to lyghte. 6 For I haue pleasure in louinge kindnesse, and not in offerynge: yea, in the knoweledge of God, more then in burnt sacryfyce. 7 But euen like as Adam did, so haue they broken my couenaunt, & set me at naught. 8 Galaad is a city of wycked doers, of malycious people and bloudshedders. 9 The multytude of the priestes is lyke an heape of theues murtherers and bloudthursty: for they haue wroughte abhomynacyon. 10 Horryble thinges haue I sene in the house of Israel, there playeth Ephraim the Harlot, and Israel is defyled: 11 but Iuda shall haue an haruest for hym selfe, when I returne the captyuyte of my people.
Great(i) 1 In theyr aduersite they shall erlye seke me, & saye: come, let vs turne agayne to the Lorde: for he hath smyten vs, and he shall heale vs: 2 He hath wounded vs, and he shall bynde vs vp agayne: after two dayes shall he quycken vs, in the thyrde daye he shall rayse vs vp, so that we shall lyue in hys syght. 3 Then shall we haue vnderstandynge, & endeuoure oure selues to knowe the Lorde. He shall go forth as the spryng of the daye, & come vnto vs as the euenynge and mornynge rayne vpon the earth. 4 O Ephraim, what shall I do vnto the? O Iuda, howe shall I intreate the? seyng your loue is lyke a mornyng cloude, & lyke a dewe that goeth early awaye. 5 Therfore haue I cut downe the Prophetes, and let them be slayne for my wordes sake: so that thy punishment shall come to lyght. 6 For I haue pleasure in louyng kyndnesse and not in offringe: yee, in the knowledge of God, more then in burntsacrifyce. 7 But euen lyke as Adam dyd, so haue they broken my couenaunt, and set me at naught. 8 Gilead is a cite of wicked doers of malycyous people & bloudshedders. 9 And as theues armed wayte for him that passeth by the waye: such is the councell of the prestes whych with one agreed counsell murther cruelye suche as kepe the waye: ye they dare do all vnspeakable myschefe. 10 Horryble thynges haue I sene in the house of Israel, there playeth Ephraim the harlot, & Israel is defyled: 11 yee and thou Iuda hepest an haruest for thy selfe, when I returne the captyuitie of my people.
Geneva(i) 1 Come, and let vs returne to the Lord: for he hath spoyled, and he will heale vs: he hath wounded vs, and he will binde vs vp. 2 After two dayes will he reuiue vs, and in the third day he will raise vs vp, and we shall liue in his sight. 3 Then shall we haue knowledge, and indeuour our selues to know the Lord: his going forth is prepared as the morning, and he shall come vnto vs as the raine, and as the latter raine vnto the earth. 4 O Ephraim, what shall I doe vnto thee? O Iudah, how shall I intreate thee? for your goodnesse is as a morning cloude, and as the morning dewe it goeth away. 5 Therefore haue I cut downe by the Prophets: I haue slaine them by the wordes of my mouth, and thy iudgements were as the light that goeth forth. 6 For I desired mercie, and not sacrifice, and the knowledge of God more then burnt offrings. 7 But they like men haue transgressed the couenant: there haue they trespassed against me. 8 Gilead is a citie of them that worke iniquitie, and is polluted with blood. 9 And as the eues waite for a man, so the companie of Priestes murder in the way by consent: for they worke mischiefe. 10 I haue seene vileny in the house of Israel: there is ye whoredome of Ephraim: Israel is defiled. 11 Yea, Iudah hath set a plant for thee, whiles I woulde returne ye captiuitie of my people.
Bishops(i) 1 Come, let vs turne agayne to the Lorde: for he hath smitten vs, and he shall heale vs, he hath wounded vs, and he shall binde vs vp agayne 2 After two dayes shall he quicken vs, in the thirde day he shall rayse vs vp, so that we shall liue in his sight 3 Then shall we haue vnderstanding, and endeuour our selues to knowe the Lord: he shal go foorth as the spring of the day, & come vnto vs as the rayne, and as the latter rayne vnto the earth 4 O Ephraim, what shall I do vnto thee? O Iuda, howe shall I intreate thee? for your goodnesse is lyke a morning cloude, & like a deawe that goeth early away 5 Therfore haue I cut downe the prophetes, and let them be slayne for my wordes sake, so that thy punishment shall come to light 6 For I desired mercy, and not sacrifice: and the knowledge of God more then burnt offeringes 7 But euen like as Adam did, so haue they broken my couenaunt, and set me at naught 8 Gilead is a citie of wicked doers, and [is] polluted with blood 9 And as theeues [armed] wayte for him that passeth by the way: suche is the counsell of the priestes, which with one agreed counsell murther cruelly suche as kepe the way, yea they dare do all vnspeakable mischiefe 10 Horrible thinges haue I seene in the house of Israel: there is the fornication of Ephraim, and Israel is defiled 11 Yea, and thou Iuda kepest an haruest for thy selfe, when I returne the captiuitie of my people
DouayRheims(i) 1 In their affliction they will rise early to me: Come, and let us return to the Lord. 2 For he hath taken us, and he will heal us: he will strike, and he will cure us. 3 He will revive us after two days: on the third day he will raise us up, and we shall live in his sight. We shall know, and we shall follow on, that we may know the Lord. His going forth is prepared as the morning light, and he will come to us as the early and the latter rain to the earth. 4 What shall I do to thee, O Ephraim? what shall I do to thee, O Juda? your mercy is as a morning cloud, and as the dew that goeth away in the morning. 5 For this reason have I hewed them by the prophets, I have slain them by the words of my mouth: and thy judgments shall go forth as the light. 6 For I desired mercy, and not sacrifice: and the knowledge of God more than holocausts. 7 But they, like Adam, have transgressed the covenant, there have they dealt treacherously against me. 8 Galaad is a city of workers of idols, supplanted with blood. 9 And like the jaws of highway robbers, they conspire with the priests who murder in the way those that pass out of Sichem: for they have wrought wickedness. 10 I have seen a horrible thing in the house of Israel: the fornications of Ephraim there: Israel is defiled. 11 And thou also, O Juda, set thee a harvest, when I shall bring back the captivity of my people.
KJV(i) 1 Come, and let us return unto the LORD: for he hath torn, and he will heal us; he hath smitten, and he will bind us up. 2 After two days will he revive us: in the third day he will raise us up, and we shall live in his sight. 3 Then shall we know, if we follow on to know the LORD: his going forth is prepared as the morning; and he shall come unto us as the rain, as the latter and former rain unto the earth. 4 O Ephraim, what shall I do unto thee? O Judah, what shall I do unto thee? for your goodness is as a morning cloud, and as the early dew it goeth away. 5 Therefore have I hewed them by the prophets; I have slain them by the words of my mouth: and thy judgments are as the light that goeth forth. 6 For I desired mercy, and not sacrifice; and the knowledge of God more than burnt offerings. 7 But they like men have transgressed the covenant: there have they dealt treacherously against me. 8 Gilead is a city of them that work iniquity, and is polluted with blood. 9 And as troops of robbers wait for a man, so the company of priests murder in the way by consent: for they commit lewdness. 10 I have seen an horrible thing in the house of Israel: there is the whoredom of Ephraim, Israel is defiled. 11 Also, O Judah, he hath set an harvest for thee, when I returned the captivity of my people.
KJV_Cambridge(i) 1 Come, and let us return unto the LORD: for he hath torn, and he will heal us; he hath smitten, and he will bind us up. 2 After two days will he revive us: in the third day he will raise us up, and we shall live in his sight. 3 Then shall we know, if we follow on to know the LORD: his going forth is prepared as the morning; and he shall come unto us as the rain, as the latter and former rain unto the earth. 4 O Ephraim, what shall I do unto thee? O Judah, what shall I do unto thee? for your goodness is as a morning cloud, and as the early dew it goeth away. 5 Therefore have I hewed them by the prophets; I have slain them by the words of my mouth: and thy judgments are as the light that goeth forth. 6 For I desired mercy, and not sacrifice; and the knowledge of God more than burnt offerings. 7 But they like men have transgressed the covenant: there have they dealt treacherously against me. 8 Gilead is a city of them that work iniquity, and is polluted with blood. 9 And as troops of robbers wait for a man, so the company of priests murder in the way by consent: for they commit lewdness. 10 I have seen an horrible thing in the house of Israel: there is the whoredom of Ephraim, Israel is defiled. 11 Also, O Judah, he hath set an harvest for thee, when I returned the captivity of my people.
  1 H3212 Come [H8798]   H7725 , and let us return [H8799]   H3068 unto the LORD H2963 : for he hath torn [H8804]   H7495 , and he will heal [H8799]   H5221 us; he hath smitten [H8686]   H2280 , and he will bind us up [H8799]  .
  2 H3117 After two days H2421 will he revive [H8762]   H7992 us: in the third H3117 day H6965 he will raise us up [H8686]   H2421 , and we shall live [H8799]   H6440 in his sight.
  3 H3045 Then shall we know [H8799]   H7291 , if we follow [H8799]   H3045 on to know [H8800]   H3068 the LORD H4161 : his going forth H3559 is prepared [H8737]   H7837 as the morning H935 ; and he shall come [H8799]   H1653 unto us as the rain H4456 , as the latter H3384 and former rain [H8802]   H776 unto the earth.
  4 H669 O Ephraim H6213 , what shall I do [H8799]   H3063 unto thee? O Judah H6213 , what shall I do [H8799]   H2617 unto thee? for your goodness H1242 is as a morning H6051 cloud H7925 , and as the early [H8688]   H2919 dew H1980 it goeth away [H8802]  .
  5 H2672 Therefore have I hewed [H8804]   H5030 them by the prophets H2026 ; I have slain [H8804]   H561 them by the words H6310 of my mouth H4941 : and thy judgments H216 are as the light H3318 that goeth forth [H8799]  .
  6 H2654 For I desired [H8804]   H2617 mercy H2077 , and not sacrifice H1847 ; and the knowledge H430 of God H5930 more than burnt offerings.
  7 H120 But they like men H5674 have transgressed [H8804]   H1285 the covenant H898 : there have they dealt treacherously [H8804]   against me.
  8 H1568 Gilead H7151 is a city H6466 of them that work [H8802]   H205 iniquity H6121 , and is polluted H1818 with blood.
  9 H1416 And as troops H2442 of robbers wait [H8763]   H376 for a man H2267 , so the company H3548 of priests H7523 murder [H8762]   H1870 in the way H7926 by consent [H8677]   H7927   H6213 : for they commit [H8804]   H2154 lewdness.
  10 H7200 I have seen [H8804]   H8186 an horrible thing H1004 in the house H3478 of Israel H2184 : there is the whoredom H669 of Ephraim H3478 , Israel H2930 is defiled [H8738]  .
  11 H3063 Also, O Judah H7896 , he hath set [H8804]   H7105 an harvest H7725 for thee, when I returned [H8800]   H7622 the captivity H5971 of my people.
Thomson(i) 1 In their affliction they will seek me early, saying, "Come, let us return to the Lord our God, for it is he who hath torn and he can heal us. He can smite, and into our wounds he can pour balm; 2 in two days he can restore us to health; on the third day we shall be raised up and live before him. 3 Let us acknowledge; let us continue our pursuit to know the Lord; sure as the morning we shall find him. He will come like rain for us; like the former and latter rain for the earth." 4 What shall I do for thee, Ephraim? What shall I do for thee, Juda? As for your goodness, it was like a morning cloud; like the transient dew of the morning: 5 for this cause I mowed down your prophets, I slew them with the word of my mouth, and my judgment shall go forth as light; 6 for I desire mercy rather than sacrifice, and an acknowledgment of God rather than whole burnt offerings. 7 As for them, they are like man transgressing a covenant. 8 There the city Galaad hath contemned me; it is a framer of vanities, a troubler of water, 9 and thy strength was that of a mighty robber. The priests concealed the way; they acted the murder at Sikima. Because they committed iniquity in the house of Israel, 10 I saw there the horrible fornication of Ephraim. Israel is polluted. 11 Now Juda begin an ingathering for thyself. When I bring back the captivity of my people.
Webster(i) 1 Come, and let us return to the LORD: for he hath torn, and he will heal us; he hath smitten, and he will bind us up. 2 After two days will he revive us: in the third day will he raise us up, and we shall live in his sight. 3 Then shall we know, if we follow on to know the LORD: his going forth is prepared as the morning; and he will come to us as the rain, as the latter and former rain to the earth. 4 O Ephraim, what shall I do to thee? O Judah, what shall I do to thee? for your goodness is as the morning cloud, and as the early dew it goeth away. 5 Therefore have I hewed them by the prophets; I have slain them by the words of my mouth: and thy judgments are as the light that goeth forth. 6 For I desired mercy, and not sacrifice: and the knowledge of God more than burnt-offerings. 7 But they like men have transgressed the covenant: there have they dealt treacherously against me. 8 Gilead is a city of them that work iniquity, and is polluted with blood. 9 And as troops of robbers wait for a man, so the company of priests murder in the way by consent: for they commit lewdness. 10 I have seen a horrible thing in the house of Israel: there is the prostitution of Ephraim, Israel is defiled. 11 Also, O Judah, he hath set a harvest for thee, when I returned the captivity of my people.
  1 H3212 [H8798] Come H7725 [H8799] , and let us return H3068 to the LORD H2963 [H8804] : for he hath torn H7495 [H8799] , and he will heal H5221 [H8686] us; he hath smitten H2280 [H8799] , and he will bind us up.
  2 H3117 After two days H2421 [H8762] will he revive H7992 us: in the third H3117 day H6965 [H8686] will he raise us up H2421 [H8799] , and we shall live H6440 in his sight.
  3 H3045 [H8799] Then shall we know H7291 [H8799] , if we follow H3045 [H8800] on to know H3068 the LORD H4161 : his going forth H3559 [H8737] is prepared H7837 as the morning H935 [H8799] ; and he shall come H1653 to us as the rain H4456 , as the latter H3384 [H8802] and former rain H776 to the earth.
  4 H669 O Ephraim H6213 [H8799] , what shall I do H3063 to thee? O Judah H6213 [H8799] , what shall I do H2617 to thee? for your goodness H1242 is as the morning H6051 cloud H7925 [H8688] , and as the early H2919 dew H1980 [H8802] it goeth away.
  5 H2672 [H8804] Therefore have I hewed H5030 them by the prophets H2026 [H8804] ; I have slain H561 them by the words H6310 of my mouth H4941 : and thy judgments H216 are as the light H3318 [H8799] that goeth forth.
  6 H2654 [H8804] For I desired H2617 mercy H2077 , and not sacrifice H1847 ; and the knowledge H430 of God H5930 more than burnt offerings.
  7 H120 But they like men H5674 [H8804] have transgressed H1285 the covenant H898 [H8804] : there have they dealt treacherously against me.
  8 H1568 Gilead H7151 is a city H6466 [H8802] of them that work H205 iniquity H6121 , and is polluted H1818 with blood.
  9 H1416 And as troops H2442 [H8763] of robbers wait H376 for a man H2267 , so the company H3548 of priests H7523 [H8762] murder H1870 in the way H7926 H7927 [H8677] by consent H6213 [H8804] : for they commit H2154 lewdness.
  10 H7200 [H8804] I have seen H8186 an horrible thing H1004 in the house H3478 of Israel H2184 : there is the harlotry H669 of Ephraim H3478 , Israel H2930 [H8738] is defiled.
  11 H3063 Also, O Judah H7896 [H8804] , he hath set H7105 an harvest H7725 [H8800] for thee, when I returned H7622 the captivity H5971 of my people.
Brenton(i) 1 In their affliction they will seek me early, saying, Let us go, and return to the Lord our God; for he has torn, and will heal us; (6:2) he will smite, and bind us up. 2 (6:3) After two days he will heal us: in the third day we shall arise, and live before him, and shall know him: 3 (6:4) let us follow on to know the Lord: we shall find him ready as the morning, and he will come to us as the early and latter rain to the earth. 4 (6:5) What shall I do unto thee, Ephraim? What shall I do to thee, Juda? whereas your mercy is as a morning cloud, and as the early dew that goes away. 5 (6:6) Therefore have I mown down your prophets; I have slain them with the word of my mouth: and my judgment shall go forth as the light. 6 (6:7) For I will have mercy rather than sacrifice, and the knowledge of God rather than whole-burnt-offerings. 7 (6:8) But they are as a man transgressing a covenant: 8 (6:9) there the city Galaad despised me, working vanity, troubling water. 9 (6:10) And thy strength is that of a robber: the priests have hid the way, they have murdered the people of Sicima; for they have wrought iniquity in the house of Israel. 10 (6:11) I have seen horrible things there, even the fornication of Ephraim: Israel and Juda are defiled; 11 (6:12) begin together grapes for thyself, when I turn the captivity of my people.
Brenton_Greek(i) 1 Ἐν θλίψει αὐτῶν ὀρθριοῦσι πρὸς μὲ, λέγοντες, πορευθῶμεν, καὶ ἐπιστρέψωμεν πρὸς Κύριον τὸν Θεὸν ἡμῶν, ὅτι αὐτὸς ἥρπακε, καὶ ἰάσεται ἡμᾶς· πατάξει, καὶ μοτώσει ἡμᾶς, 2 ὑγιάσει ἡμᾶς μετὰ δύο ἡμέρας· ἐν τῇ ἡμέρᾳ τῇ τρίτῃ ἐξαναστησόμεθα, καὶ ζησόμεθα ἐνώπιον αὐτοῦ, 3 καὶ γνωσόμεθα· διώξωμεν τοῦ γνῶναι τὸν Κύριον· ὡς ὄρθρον ἕτοιμον εὑρήσομεν αὐτὸν, καὶ ἥξει ὡς ὑετὸς ἡμῖν πρώϊμος καὶ ὄψιμος γῇ.
4 Τί σοι ποιήσω Ἐφραίμ; τί σοι ποιήσω Ἰούδα; τὸ δὲ ἔλεος ὑμῶν ὡς νεφέλη πρωϊνὴ, καὶ ὡς δρόσος ὀρθρινὴ πορευομένη. 5 Διὰ τοῦτο ἀπεθέρισα τοὺς προφήτας ὑμῶν· ἀπέκτεινα αὐτοὺς ἐν ῥήματι στόματός μου· καὶ τὸ κρίμα μου ὡς φῶς ἐξελεύσεται.
6 Διότι ἔλεος θέλω καὶ οὐ θυσίαν, καὶ ἐπίγνωσιν Θεοῦ ἢ ὁλοκαυτώματα. 7 Αὐτοὶ δέ εἰσιν ὡς ἄνθρωπος παραβαίνων διαθήκην· ἐκεῖ κατεφρόνησέ μου 8 Γαλαὰδ πόλις, ἐργαζομένη μάταια, ταράσσουσα ὕδωρ, 9 10 καὶ ἡ ἰσχύς σου ἀνδρὸς πειρατοῦ· ἔκρυψαν ἱερεῖς ὁδόν, ἐφόνευσαν Σίκιμα, ὅτι ἀνομίαν ἐποίησαν 10 11 ἐν τῷ οἴκῳ τοῦ Ἰσραήλ· εἶδον φρικώδη ἐκεῖ, πορνείαν τοῦ Ἐφραίμ· ἐμιάνθη Ἰσραὴλ καὶ Ἰούδα· 11 12 ἄρχου τρυγᾶν σεαυτῷ, ἐν τῷ ἐπιστρέφειν με τὴν αἰχμαλωσίαν τοῦ λαοῦ μου.
Leeser(i) 1 “Come, and let us return unto the Lord; for he hath torn, and he will heal us; he hath smitten, and he will bind up our wounds. 2 He will revive us after two days: on the third day he will raise us up, and we shall live in his presence. 3 And let us feel it, that we may strive to know the Lord; bright as the morning-dawn is his rising; and he will come as the rain unto us, as the latter rain that maketh fruitful the earth.” 4 What shall I do unto thee, O Ephraim? what shall I do unto thee, O Judah? for your piety is as a morning cloud, and as the early dew that passeth away. 5 Therefore did I hew them down by means of the prophets; I slew them by the words of my mouth: and thy punishments go forth like the light. 6 For piety I desired, and not sacrifice; and the knowledge of God, more than burnt-offerings. 7 But they, like an ordinary man, have transgressed the covenant: there have they dealt treacherously against me. 8 Gil’ad is become a city of workers of wickedness, is full of traces of blood. 9 And as troops that lie in wait for a man, so is the band of priests, they murder on the way in unison; for they commit scandalous deeds. 10 On the house of Israel have I seen a horrible thing: there is lewdness in Ephraim, Israel is become defiled. 11 Also for thee, O Judah, will a harvest be prepared, when I bring back the captivity of my people.
YLT(i) 1 `Come, and we turn back unto Jehovah, For He hath torn, and He doth heal us, He doth smite, and He bindeth us up. 2 He doth revive us after two days, In the third day He doth raise us up, And we live before Him. 3 And we know—we pursue to know Jehovah, As the dawn prepared is His going forth, And He cometh in as a shower to us, As gathered rain—sprinkling earth.'
4 What do I do to thee, O Ephraim? What do I do to thee, O Judah? Your goodness is as a cloud of the morning, And as dew rising early—going. 5 Therefore I have hewed by prophets, I have slain them by sayings of My mouth, And My judgments to the light goeth forth. 6 For kindness I desired, and not sacrifice, And a knowledge of God above burnt-offerings. 7 And they, as Adam, transgressed a covenant, There they dealt treacherously against me. 8 Gilead is a city of workers of iniquity, Slippery from blood. 9 And as bands do wait for a man, A company of priests do murder—the way to Shechem, For wickedness they have done. 10 In the house of Israel I have seen a horrible thing, There is the whoredom of Ephraim—defiled is Israel. 11 Also, O Judah, appointed is a harvest to thee, In My turning back to the captivity of My people!
JuliaSmith(i) 1 Go ye and we will turn back to Jehovah: for he rent and he will heal us; he will strike, and he will bind us up. 2 He will revive us after two days: in the third day he will raise us up and we shall live before him. 3 And we shall know, we shall pursue to know Jehovah: as the morning his going forth was prepared; and he shall come as the rain to us, as the latter rain, the early rain of the earth. 4 What shall I do to thee, O Ephraim? What shall I do to thee, O Judah? and your kindness as the cloud of the morning, and as the dew being early went away. 5 For this I cut off by the prophets; I slew them by the words of my mouth: and thy judgments the light going forth. 6 For I delighted in mercy and not sacrifice; the knowledge of God more than burnt-offerings. 7 And they as man passed by the covenant: there they acted faithlessly against me. 8 Gilead a city working vanity, defrauding from blood. 9 As troops waiting for a man, the company of priests will break in pieces the way with the shoulder: for they did wickedness. 10 In the house of Israel I saw something horrible: there the fornications to Ephraim, Israel was defiled. 11 Also, O Judah, he set a harvest for thee in my turning back the captivity of my people.
Darby(i) 1 Come and let us return unto Jehovah: for he hath torn, and he will heal us; he hath smitten, and he will bind us up. 2 After two days will he revive us; on the third day he will raise us up, and we shall live before his face; 3 and we shall know, -- we shall follow on to know Jehovah: his going forth is assured as the morning dawn; and he will come unto us as the rain, as the latter rain which watereth the earth. 4 What shall I do unto thee, Ephraim? What shall I do unto thee, Judah? For your goodness is as a morning cloud, and as the dew that early passeth away. 5 Therefore have I hewed [them] by the prophets; I have slain them by the words of my mouth: and my judgment goeth forth as the light. 6 For I delight in loving-kindness, and not sacrifice; and the knowledge of God more than burnt-offerings. 7 But they like Adam have transgressed the covenant: there have they dealt treacherously against me. 8 Gilead is a city of them that work iniquity; it is tracked with blood. 9 And as troops of robbers lie in wait for a man, so the company of priests murder in the way of Shechem; yea, they commit lewdness. 10 In the house of Israel have I seen a horrible thing: the whoredom of Ephraim is there; Israel is defiled. 11 Also, for thee, Judah, is a harvest appointed, when I shall turn again the captivity of my people.
ERV(i) 1 Come, and let us return unto the LORD: for he hath torn, and he will heal us; he hath smitten, and he will bind us up. 2 After two days will he revive us: on the third day he will raise us up, and we shall live before him. 3 And let us know, let us follow on to know the LORD; his going forth is sure as the morning: and he shall come unto us as the rain, as the latter rain that watereth the earth. 4 O Ephraim, what shall I do unto thee? O Judah, what shall I do unto thee? for your goodness is as a morning cloud, and as the dew that goeth early away. 5 Therefore have I hewed them by the prophets; I have slain them by the words of my mouth: and thy judgments are [as] the light that goeth forth. 6 For I desire mercy, and not sacrifice; and the knowledge of God more than burnt offerings. 7 But they like Adam have transgressed the covenant: there have they dealt treacherously against me. 8 Gilead is a city of them that work iniquity, it is stained with blood. 9 And as troops of robbers wait for a man, so the company of priests murder in the way toward Shechem; yea, they have committed lewdness. 10 In the house of Israel I have seen an horrible thing: there whoredom is [found] in Ephraim, Israel is defiled. 11 Also, O Judah, there is an harvest appointed for thee, when I bring again the captivity of my people.
ASV(i) 1 Come, and let us return unto Jehovah; for he hath torn, and he will heal us; he hath smitten, and he will bind us up. 2 After two days will he revive us: on the third day he will raise us up, and we shall live before him. 3 And let us know, let us follow on to know Jehovah: his going forth is sure as the morning; and he will come unto us as the rain, as the latter rain that watereth the earth.
4 O Ephraim, what shall I do unto thee? O Judah, what shall I do unto thee? for your goodness is as a morning cloud, and as the dew that goeth early away. 5 Therefore have I hewed them by the prophets; I have slain them by the words of my mouth: and thy judgments are [as] the light that goeth forth. 6 For I desire goodness, and not sacrifice; and the knowledge of God more than burnt-offerings. 7 But they like Adam have transgressed the covenant: there have they dealt treacherously against me. 8 Gilead is a city of them that work iniquity; it is stained with blood. 9 And as troops of robbers wait for a man, so the company of priests murder in the way toward Shechem; yea, they have committed lewdness. 10 In the house of Israel I have seen a horrible thing: there whoredom is [found] in Ephraim, Israel is defiled. 11 Also, O Judah, there is a harvest appointed for thee, when I bring back the captivity of my people.
  1 H3212 Come, H7725 and let us return H3068 unto Jehovah; H2963 for he hath torn, H7495 and he will heal H5221 us; he hath smitten, H2280 and he will bind us up.
  2 H3117 After two days H2421 will he revive H7992 us: on the third H3117 day H6965 he will raise us up, H2421 and we shall live H6440 before him.
  3 H3045 And let us know, H7291 let us follow H3045 on to know H3068 Jehovah: H4161 his going forth H3559 is sure H7837 as the morning; H935 and he will come H1653 unto us as the rain, H4456 as the latter H3384 rain H776 that watereth the earth.
  4 H669 O Ephraim, H6213 what shall I do H3063 unto thee? O Judah, H6213 what shall I do H2617 unto thee? for your goodness H1242 is as a morning H6051 cloud, H2919 and as the dew H7925 that goeth early H1980 away.
  5 H2672 Therefore have I hewed H5030 them by the prophets; H2026 I have slain H561 them by the words H6310 of my mouth: H4941 and thy judgments H216 are as the light H3318 that goeth forth.
  6 H2654 For I desire H2617 goodness, H2077 and not sacrifice; H1847 and the knowledge H430 of God H5930 more than burnt-offerings.
  7 H120 But they like Adam H5674 have transgressed H1285 the covenant: H898 there have they dealt treacherously against me.
  8 H1568 Gilead H7151 is a city H6466 of them that work H205 iniquity; H6121 it is stained H1818 with blood.
  9 H1416 And as troops H2442 of robbers wait H376 for a man, H2267 so the company H3548 of priests H7523 murder H1870 in the way H7926 toward Shechem; H6213 yea, they have committed H2154 lewdness.
  10 H1004 In the house H3478 of Israel H7200 I have seen H8186 a horrible thing: H2184 there whoredom H669 is found in Ephraim, H3478 Israel H2930 is defiled.
  11 H3063 Also, O Judah, H7105 there is a harvest H7896 appointed H7725 for thee, when I bring back H7622 the captivity H5971 of my people.
JPS_ASV_Byz(i) 1 'Come, and let us return unto the LORD; for He hath torn, and He will heal us, He hath smitten, and He will bind us up. 2 After two days will He revive us, on the third day He will raise us up, that we may live in His presence. 3 And let us know, eagerly strive to know the LORD, His going forth is sure as the morning; and He shall come unto us as the rain, as the latter rain that watereth the earth.' 4 O Ephraim, what shall I do unto thee? O Judah, what shall I do unto thee? for your goodness is as a morning cloud, and as the dew that early passeth away. 5 Therefore have I hewed them by the prophets, I have slain them by the words of My mouth; and thy judgment goeth forth as the light. 6 For I desire mercy, and not sacrifice, and the knowledge of God rather than burnt-offerings. 7 But they like men have transgressed the covenant; there have they dealt treacherously against Me. 8 Gilead is a city of them that work iniquity, it is covered with footprints of blood. 9 And as troops of robbers wait for a man, so doth the company of priests; they murder in the way toward Shechem; yea, they commit enormity. 10 In the house of Israel I have seen a horrible thing; there harlotry is found in Ephraim, Israel is defiled. 11 Also, O Judah, there is a harvest appointed for thee! When I would turn the captivity of My people,
Rotherham(i) 1 Come, and let us return unto Yahweh! for, he, hath torn, that he might heal us,––smitten, that he might bind us up. 2 He will bring us to life, after two days,––on the third day, will he raise us up, that we may live before him. 3 Then let us know––let us press on to know––Yahweh, Like the dawn, is his coming forth assured,––that he may come like a down–pour upon us, like the harvest–rain, [and] the seed–rain of the land.
4 What can I do unto thee, O Ephraim? What can I do unto thee, O Judah? for, your lovingkindness, is like a morning cloud, yea, like the dew, early departing! 5 For this cause, have I hewn them in pieces by the prophets, I have slain them by the sayings of my mouth,––and, my justice, as a light goeth forth. 6 For, lovingkindness, I desired, and not sacrifice,––and the knowledge of God, more than ascending–offerings. 7 But, they, like Adam, have transgressed a covenant,––There, have they dealt treacherously with me. 8 Gilead, is a city of workers of iniquity,––tracked with blood. 9 And, like liers in wait for a man, in troops, is a band of priests, on the road, will they murder towards Shechem,––because, a shameful deed, they have done. 10 In the house of Israel, have I seen a horrible thing,––there, the unchastity of Ephraim, defiled is Israel. 11 Judah too! a harvest is appointed for thee,––in that I will bring back the captivity of my people.
CLV(i) 1 Go, and we will return to Yahweh, our Elohim, for He tore to pieces, and He will heal us:He was smiting, and He will bind us up." 2 He will make us alive after two days:In the third day He will raise us up, and we shall live before Him." 3 And we shall know--we shall pursue to know Yahweh; as the dawn is prepared we shall find Him, and He will come to us as a downpour, as the latter rain and the former rain of the land." 4 What shall I do to you, Ephraim? What shall I do to you, Judah? When your kindness is as a cloud of the morning, and as the early going night mist." 5 Therefore I hew among your prophets; I kill them by the sayings of My mouth, when My judgments are as light faring forth." 6 For I desire kindness, and not sacrifice, and the knowledge of Elohim rather than ascent approaches." 7 Yet they, as a human, trespass against the covenant; there they are treacherous against Me." 8 Gilead is a town of contrivers of lawlessness; it is circumvented with blood. 9 And as raiding parties tarry for a man, the priests are hiding in the way. They are murdering, toward Shechem, for they make mischief" 10 in the house of Israel. I see a horrible thing there:The prostitution of Ephraim; Israel is defiled. 11 Moreover, Judah, a harvest is set for you. In My reversal of the captivity of My people,
BBE(i) 1 Come, let us go back to the Lord; for he has given us wounds and he will make us well; he has given blows and he will give help. 2 After two days he will give us life, and on the third day he will make us get up, and we will be living before him. 3 And let us have knowledge, let us go after the knowledge of the Lord; his going out is certain as the dawn, his decisions go out like the light; he will come to us like the rain, like the spring rain watering the earth. 4 O Ephraim, what am I to do to you? O Judah, what am I to do to you? For your love is like a morning cloud, and like the dew which goes early away. 5 So I have had it cut in stones; I gave them teaching by the words of my mouth; 6 Because my desire is for mercy and not offerings; for the knowledge of God more than for burned offerings. 7 But like a man, they have gone against the agreement; there they were false to me. 8 Gilead is a town of evil-doers, marked with blood. 9 And like a band of thieves waiting for a man, so are the priests watching secretly the way of those going quickly to Shechem, for they are working with an evil design. 10 In Israel I have seen a very evil thing; there false ways are seen in Ephraim, Israel is unclean; 11 And Judah has put up disgusting images for himself.
MKJV(i) 1 Come and let us return to Jehovah. For He has torn, and He will heal us; He has stricken, and He will bind us up. 2 After two days He will bring us to life; in the third day He will raise us up, and we shall live in His sight. 3 Then we shall know, if we follow on to know Jehovah. His going out is prepared as the morning; and He shall come to us as the rain, as the latter and former rain to the earth. 4 O Ephraim, what shall I do to you? O Judah, what shall I do to you? For your goodness is like a morning cloud, and as the early dew it goes away. 5 So I have cut them down by the prophets; I have slain them by the words of My mouth. And your judgments were as the light that goes forth. 6 For I desired mercy and not sacrifice, and the knowledge of God more than burnt offerings. 7 But, like Adam, they have broken the covenant. They have acted like traitors against Me there. 8 Gilead is a city of trouble-makers, slippery with blood marks. 9 And as troops of robbers wait for a man, the company of priests murder in the way of Shechem; for they committed wickedness. 10 I have seen a horrible thing in the house of Israel; the harlotry of Ephraim is there; Israel is defiled. 11 Also, O Judah, a harvest is appointed to you, when I return the captivity of My people.
LITV(i) 1 Come and let us return to Jehovah. For He has torn, and He will heal us. He has stricken, and He will bind us up. 2 After two days He will bring us to life. In the third day He will raise us up, and we shall live before Him. 3 Then we shall know, we who follow on to know Jehovah. His going forth is established as the dawn. And He shall come to us as the rain, as the latter and former rain to the earth. 4 O Ephraim, what shall I do to you? O Judah, what shall I do to you? For your goodness is like a morning cloud, and it goes away like the early dew. 5 So I have hewn them by the prophets; I have slain them by the words of My mouth; and your judgments have been as the light that goes forth. 6 For I desired mercy, and not sacrifice; and the knowledge of God more than burnt offerings. 7 But, like Adam, they have broken the covenant; they have acted like traitors against Me there. 8 Gilead is a city of those who work iniquity, slippery with blood marks. 9 And as troops of robbers wait for a man, the company of priests murder in the way to Shechem; for they have done wickedness. 10 I have seen a horrible thing in the house of Israel: the fornication of Ephraim is there; Israel is defiled. 11 Also, O Judah, a harvest is appointed to you, when I return the captivity of My people.
ECB(i) 1
Come, and return to Yah Veh: for he tears, and he heals us; he smites, and he binds us: 2 after two days he enlivens us; in the third day he raises us; and we live at his face. 3 And we know - we pursue to know Yah Veh: as the dawn he prepares his proceeding; and he comes to us as the downpour - as the after rain pouring to the earth. 4
O Ephrayim, what work I to you? O Yah Hudah, what work I to you? For your mercy is as a morning cloud, and as the early dew, goes away. 5 So I hew them by the prophets; I slaughter them by the sayings of my mouth: and your judgments are as the light that comes forth. 6 For I desire mercy and not sacrifice; and the knowledge of Elohim more than holocausts. 7 And they, as humanity, trespass the covenant: there they deal covertly against me. 8 Gilad is a city of doers of mischief and trips with blood: 9 and as troops await a man, a commune of priests murders in the way to Shechem: for they work intrigue. 10 I see horror in the house of Yisra El: - the whoredom of Ephrayim, Yisra El defiles. 11 Also, O Yah Hudah, I set a harvest for you when I restore the captivity of my people.
ACV(i) 1 Come, and let us return to LORD, for he has torn, and he will heal us. He has smitten, and he will bind us up. 2 After two days he will revive us. On the third day he will raise us up, and we shall live before him. 3 And let us know, let us follow on to know LORD. His going forth is sure as the morning, and he will come to us as the rain, as the latter rain that waters the earth. 4 O Ephraim, what shall I do to thee? O Judah, what shall I do to thee? For your goodness is as a morning cloud, and as the dew that goes away early. 5 Therefore I have hewed them by the prophets. I have slain them by the words of my mouth. And thy judgments are as the light that goes forth. 6 For I desire mercy, and not sacrifice, and the knowledge of God more than burnt offerings. 7 But like Adam they have transgressed the covenant. There they have dealt treacherously against me. 8 Gilead is a city of those who work iniquity; it is stained with blood. 9 And as troops of robbers wait for a man, so the company of priests murder in the way toward Shechem. Yea, they have committed iniquity. 10 I have seen a horrible thing in the house of Israel. Whoredom is there in Ephraim; Israel is defiled. 11 Also, O Judah, there is a harvest appointed for thee when I bring back the captivity of my people.
WEB(i) 1 “Come! Let’s return to Yahweh; for he has torn us to pieces, and he will heal us; he has injured us, and he will bind up our wounds. 2 After two days he will revive us. On the third day he will raise us up, and we will live before him. 3 Let’s acknowledge Yahweh. Let’s press on to know Yahweh. As surely as the sun rises, Yahweh will appear. He will come to us like the rain, like the spring rain that waters the earth.” 4 “Ephraim, what shall I do to you? Judah, what shall I do to you? For your love is like a morning cloud, and like the dew that disappears early. 5 Therefore I have cut them to pieces with the prophets; I killed them with the words of my mouth. Your judgments are like a flash of lightning. 6 For I desire mercy, and not sacrifice; and the knowledge of God more than burnt offerings. 7 But they, like Adam, have broken the covenant. They were unfaithful to me, there. 8 Gilead is a city of those who work iniquity; it is stained with blood. 9 As gangs of robbers wait to ambush a man, so the company of priests murder on the path toward Shechem, committing shameful crimes. 10 In the house of Israel I have seen a horrible thing. There is prostitution in Ephraim. Israel is defiled. 11 “Also, Judah, there is a harvest appointed for you, when I restore the fortunes of my people.
  1 H3212 "Come, H7725 and let us return H3068 to Yahweh; H2963 for he has torn H7495 us to pieces, and he will heal H5221 us; he has injured H2280 us, and he will bind up our wounds.
  2 H3117 After two days H2421 he will revive H7992 us. On the third H3117 day H6965 he will raise us up, H2421 and we will live H6440 before him.
  3 H3045 Let us acknowledge H7291 Yahweh. Let us press H3045 on to know H3068 Yahweh. H3559 As surely H7837 as the sun rises, H3068 Yahweh H935 will appear. He will come H3384 to us like the rain, H4456 like the spring H3384 rain H776 that waters the earth."
  4 H669 "Ephraim, H6213 what shall I do H3063 to you? Judah, H6213 what shall I do H2617 to you? For your love H1242 is like a morning H6051 cloud, H2919 and like the dew H1980 that disappears H7925 early.
  5 H2672 Therefore I have cut H5030 them to pieces with the prophets; H2026 I killed H561 them with the words H6310 of my mouth. H4941 Your judgments H216 are like a flash H216 of lightning.
  6 H2654 For I desire H2617 mercy, H2077 and not sacrifice; H1847 and the knowledge H430 of God H5930 more than burnt offerings.
  7 H120 But they, like Adam, H5674 have broken H1285 the covenant. H898 They were unfaithful to me, there.
  8 H1568 Gilead H7151 is a city H6466 of those who work H205 iniquity; H6121 it is stained H1818 with blood.
  9 H2442 As gangs of robbers wait H2442 to ambush H376 a man, H2267 so the company H3548 of priests H7523 murder H1870 in the way H7926 toward Shechem, H6213 committing H2154 shameful crimes.
  10 H1004 In the house H3478 of Israel H7200 I have seen H8186 a horrible thing. H2184 There is prostitution H669 in Ephraim. H3478 Israel H2930 is defiled.
  11 H3063 "Also, Judah, H7105 there is a harvest H7896 appointed H7725 for you, when I restore H7622 the fortunes H5971 of my people.
NHEB(i) 1 "Come, and let us return to the LORD; for he has torn us to pieces, and he will heal us; he has injured us, and he will bind up our wounds. 2 After two days he will revive us. On the third day he will raise us up, and we will live before him. 3 Let us acknowledge the LORD. Let us press on to know the LORD. As surely as the sun rises, The LORD will appear. He will come to us like the rain, like the spring rain that waters the earth." 4 "Ephraim, what shall I do to you? Judah, what shall I do to you? For your love is like a morning cloud, and like the dew that disappears early. 5 Therefore I have cut them to pieces with the prophets; I killed them with the words of my mouth, and my judgment goes forth as the light. 6 For I desire mercy, and not sacrifice; and the knowledge of God more than burnt offerings. 7 But they, like Adam, have broken the covenant. They were unfaithful to me, there. 8 Gilead is a city of evildoers; it is stained with blood. 9 As gangs of robbers wait to ambush a man, so the company of priests murder in the way toward Shechem, committing shameful crimes. 10 In the house of Israel I have seen a horrible thing. There is prostitution in Ephraim. Israel is defiled. 11 "For you also, Judah, there is a harvest appointed for you, when I restore the fortunes of my people.
AKJV(i) 1 Come, and let us return to the LORD: for he has torn, and he will heal us; he has smitten, and he will bind us up. 2 After two days will he revive us: in the third day he will raise us up, and we shall live in his sight. 3 Then shall we know, if we follow on to know the LORD: his going forth is prepared as the morning; and he shall come to us as the rain, as the latter and former rain to the earth. 4 O Ephraim, what shall I do to you? O Judah, what shall I do to you? for your goodness is as a morning cloud, and as the early dew it goes away. 5 Therefore have I hewed them by the prophets; I have slain them by the words of my mouth: and your judgments are as the light that goes forth. 6 For I desired mercy, and not sacrifice; and the knowledge of God more than burnt offerings. 7 But they like men have transgressed the covenant: there have they dealt treacherously against me. 8 Gilead is a city of them that work iniquity, and is polluted with blood. 9 And as troops of robbers wait for a man, so the company of priests murder in the way by consent: for they commit lewdness. 10 I have seen an horrible thing in the house of Israel: there is the prostitution of Ephraim, Israel is defiled. 11 Also, O Judah, he has set an harvest for you, when I returned the captivity of my people.
  1 H3212 Come, H7725 and let us return H3068 to the LORD: H2963 for he has torn, H7495 and he will heal H5221 us; he has smitten, H2280 and he will bind us up.
  2 H3117 After two days H2421 will he revive H7992 us: in the third H3117 day H6965 he will raise H2421 us up, and we shall live H6440 in his sight.
  3 H3045 Then shall we know, H7291 if we follow H3045 on to know H3068 the LORD: H4161 his going H4161 forth H3559 is prepared H7837 as the morning; H935 and he shall come H1653 to us as the rain, H4456 as the latter H3138 and former H3384 rain H776 to the earth.
  4 H669 O Ephraim, H4100 what H6213 shall I do H3063 to you? O Judah, H4100 what H6213 shall I do H2617 to you? for your goodness H1242 is as a morning H6051 cloud, H7925 and as the early H2919 dew H1980 it goes away.
  5 H5921 Therefore H3651 H2672 have I hewed H5030 them by the prophets; H2026 I have slain H561 them by the words H6310 of my mouth: H4941 and your judgments H216 are as the light H3318 that goes H3318 forth.
  6 H2654 For I desired H2617 mercy, H2077 and not sacrifice; H1847 and the knowledge H430 of God H5930 more than burnt offerings.
  7 H120 But they like men H5674 have transgressed H1285 the covenant: H8033 there H898 have they dealt treacherously against me.
  8 H1568 Gilead H7151 is a city H6466 of them that work H205 iniquity, H6121 and is polluted H1818 with blood.
  9 H1416 And as troops H2442 of robbers wait H376 for a man, H2267 so the company H3548 of priests H7523 murder H1870 in the way H7926 by consent: H6213 for they commit H2154 lewdness.
  10 H7200 I have seen H8186 an horrible H1004 thing in the house H3478 of Israel: H8033 there H2184 is the prostitution H669 of Ephraim, H3478 Israel H2930 is defiled.
  11 H1571 Also, H3063 O Judah, H7896 he has set H7105 an harvest H7725 for you, when I returned H7622 the captivity H5971 of my people.
KJ2000(i) 1 Come, and let us return unto the LORD: for he has torn, and he will heal us; he has smitten, and he will bind us up. 2 After two days will he revive us: on the third day he will raise us up, and we shall live in his sight. 3 Let us know, let us press on to know the LORD: his going forth is prepared as the morning; and he shall come unto us as the rain, as the latter and former rain unto the earth. 4 O Ephraim, what shall I do unto you? O Judah, what shall I do unto you? for your goodness is as a morning cloud, and as the early dew it goes away. 5 Therefore have I hewn them by the prophets; I have slain them by the words of my mouth: and your judgments are as the light that goes forth. 6 For I desired mercy, and not sacrifice; and the knowledge of God more than burnt offerings. 7 But they like men have transgressed the covenant: there have they dealt treacherously against me. 8 Gilead is a city of them that work iniquity, and is defiled with blood. 9 And as bands of robbers wait for a man, so the company of priests murder in the way by consent: for they commit lewdness. 10 I have seen a horrible thing in the house of Israel: there is the harlotry of Ephraim, Israel is defiled. 11 Also, O Judah, he has appointed a harvest for you, when I return the captives of my people.
UKJV(i) 1 Come, and let us return unto the LORD: for he has torn, and he will heal us; he has smitten, and he will bind us up. 2 After two days will he revive us: in the third day he will raise us up, and we shall live in his sight. 3 Then shall we know, if we follow on to know the LORD: his going forth is prepared as the morning; and he shall come unto us as the rain, as the latter and former rain unto the earth. 4 O Ephraim, what shall I do unto you? O Judah, what shall I do unto you? for your goodness is as a morning cloud, and as the early dew it goes away. 5 Therefore have I hewed them by the prophets; I have slain them by the words of my mouth: and your judgments are as the light that goes forth. 6 For I desired mercy, and not sacrifice; and the knowledge of God more than burnt offerings. 7 But they like men have transgressed the covenant: there have they dealt treacherously against me. 8 Gilead is a city of them that work iniquity, and is polluted with blood. 9 And as troops of robbers wait for a man, so the company of priests murder in the way by consent: for they commit lewdness. 10 I have seen an horrible thing in the house of Israel: there is the whoredom of Ephraim, Israel is defiled. 11 Also, O Judah, he has set an harvest for you, when I returned the captivity of my people.
  1 H3212 Come, H7725 and let us return H3068 unto the Lord: H2963 for he has torn, H7495 and he will heal H5221 us; he has struck, H2280 and he will bind us up.
  2 H3117 After two days H2421 will he revive H7992 us: in the third H3117 day H6965 he will raise us up, H2421 and we shall live H6440 in his sight.
  3 H3045 Then shall we know, H7291 if we follow H3045 on to know H3068 the Lord: H4161 his going forth H3559 is prepared H7837 as the morning; H935 and he shall come H1653 unto us as the rain, H4456 as the latter H3384 and former rain H776 unto the earth.
  4 H669 O Ephraim, H6213 what shall I do H3063 unto you? O Judah, H6213 what shall I do H2617 unto you? for your goodness H1242 is as a morning H6051 cloud, H7925 and as the early H2919 dew H1980 it goes away.
  5 H2672 Therefore have I hewed H5030 them by the prophets; H2026 I have slain H561 them by the words H6310 of my mouth: H4941 and your judgments H216 are as the light H3318 that goes forth.
  6 H2654 For I desired H2617 mercy, H2077 and not sacrifice; H1847 and the knowledge H430 of God H5930 more than burnt offerings.
  7 H120 But they like men H5674 have transgressed H1285 the covenant: H898 there have they dealt treacherously against me.
  8 H1568 Gilead H7151 is a city H6466 of them that work H205 iniquity, H6121 and is polluted H1818 with blood.
  9 H1416 And as troops H2442 of robbers wait H376 for a man, H2267 so the company H3548 of priests H7523 murder H1870 in the way H7926 by consent: H6213 for they commit H2154 lewdness.
  10 H7200 I have seen H8186 a horrible thing H1004 in the house H3478 of Israel: H2184 there is the whoredom H669 of Ephraim, H3478 Israel H2930 is defiled.
  11 H3063 Also, O Judah, H7896 he has set H7105 a harvest H7725 for you, when I returned H7622 the captivity H5971 of my people.
EJ2000(i) 1 ¶ Come, and let us return unto the LORD; for he has torn, and he will heal us; he has smitten, and he will bind us up. 2 After two days he shall give us life: in the third day he will resurrect us, and we shall live in his sight. 3 And we shall know and follow on in knowing the LORD; his going forth is prepared as the dawn; and he shall come unto us as the rain, as the latter and former rain unto the earth. 4 ¶ O Ephraim, what shall I do unto thee? O Judah, what shall I do unto thee? Your mercy is as a morning cloud, and as the early dew it goes away. 5 Therefore I have hewed them by the prophets; I have slain them by the words of my mouth: that thy righteousness be as the light that goes forth. 6 For I desired mercy, and not sacrifice; and the knowledge of God more than burnt offerings. 7 But they have transposed the covenant as of men: there they have rebelled against me. 8 Gilead is a city of those that work iniquity and is polluted with blood. 9 And as troops of robbers wait for a man, so the council of priests murder in the way by common accord; for they put the abomination into effect. 10 I saw uncleanness in the house of Israel: there Ephraim played the harlot, Israel defiled herself. 11 Also, Judah placed a plant in thee when I had turned the captivity of my people.
CAB(i) 1 In their affliction they will seek Me early, saying, Let us go, and return to the Lord our God; for He has torn, and will heal us; He will smite, and bind us up. 2 After two days He will heal us: in the third day we shall arise, and live before Him, and shall know Him. 3 Let us follow on to know the Lord: we shall find Him ready as the morning, and He will come to us as the early and latter rain to the earth. 4 What shall I do unto you, Ephraim? What shall I do to you, Judah? For your mercy is as a morning cloud, and as the early dew that goes away. 5 Therefore have I mown down your prophets; I have slain them with the word of My mouth; and My judgment shall go forth as the light. 6 For I desire mercy rather than sacrifice, and the knowledge of God rather than whole burnt offerings. 7 But they are as a man transgressing a covenant. 8 There the city Gilead despised Me, working vanity, troubling water. 9 And your strength is that of a robber: the priests have hid the way, they have murdered the people of Shechem; for they have wrought iniquity in the house of Israel. 10 I have seen horrible things there, even the fornication of Ephraim. Israel and Judah are defiled; 11 begin together grapes for yourself, when I turn the captivity of My people.
LXX2012(i) 1 In their affliction they will seek me early, saying, Let us go, and return to the Lord our God; for he has torn, and will heal us; 2 he will strike, and bind us up. 3 After two days he will heal us: in the third day we shall arise, and live before him, and shall know [him]: 4 let us follow on to know the Lord: we shall find him ready as the morning, and he will come to us as the early and latter rain to the earth. 5 What shall I do to you, Ephraim? What shall I do to you, Juda? whereas your mercy is as a morning cloud, and as the early dew that goes away. 6 Therefore have I mown down your prophets; I have slain them with the word of my mouth: and my judgment shall go forth as the light. 7 For I will [have] mercy rather than sacrifice, and the knowledge of God rather than whole burnt offerings. 8 But they are as a man transgressing a covenant: 9 there the city Galaad despised me, working vanity, troubling water. 10 And your strength [is that] of a robber: the priests have hid the way, they have murdered [the people of] Sicima; for they have wrought iniquity in the house of Israel. 11 I have seen horrible [things] there, [even] the fornication of Ephraim: Israel and Juda are defiled; 12 begin together grapes for yourself, when I turn the captivity of my people.
NSB(i) 1 »Come, and let us return to Jehovah. He has torn us to pieces but he will heal us. He has wounded us but he will bandage us. 2 »He will revive us after two days. He will raise us up on the third day that we will live before him. 3 »Let us get to know Jehovah! Let us press on (run after) (follow) to get to know him. As surely as the sun rises he will appear. He will come to us like the winter rains, like the spring rains that water the earth.« 4 »What can I do with you, Ephraim? What can I do with you, Judah? Your love is like the morning mist, like the early dew that disappears. 5 »Therefore I cut you in pieces by my prophets. I have killed you with the words of my mouth. My judgments flashed like lightning upon you. 6 »I desire loving-kindness (mercy), not sacrifice, and knowledge of God rather than burnt offerings. 7 »Like Adam, they have broken the covenant. They were unfaithful to me there. 8 »Gilead is a city of wicked men, stained with blood. 9 »As marauders lie in ambush for a man, so do bands of priests. They murder on the road to Shechem, committing shameful crimes. 10 »I have seen a horrible thing in the house of Israel. There Ephraim is given to prostitution and Israel is defiled. 11 »Also for you, O Judah, a harvest is appointed.«
ISV(i) 1 A Call for Israel to Repent “Come, let us return to the LORD; even though he has torn us, he will heal us. Even though he has wounded us, he will bind our wounds. 2 After two days, he will restore us to life, on the third day he will raise us up, and we will live in his presence. 3 Let us know, let us pursue knowledge of the LORD; his coming is as certain as the dawn. He will come to us like the rain, like the autumn and spring rains come on the earth. 4 “What am I to do with you, Ephraim? What am I to do with you, Judah? Your love is like a morning rain cloud— it passes away like the morning dew. 5 Therefore I cut them to pieces by the prophets, killing them by the words from my mouth. The verdict against you shines like a beacon. 6 For it is love that I seek, and not sacrifice; knowledge of God more than burnt offerings. 7 “But like Adam, they broke the covenant; in this they have acted deceitfully against me. 8 Gilead is a lawless town; it is polluted by bloodshed. 9 Like a gang of thieves that stalk a man, priests commit murder along the road to Shechem, committing shameful crimes. 10 I have seen a horrible evil in the house of Israel— Ephraim’s promiscuity. Israel is defiled. 11 “So, Judah, a harvest has been appointed for you when I restore my people from captivity.”
LEB(i) 1 Come, let us return to Yahweh; because it is he who has torn, and he will heal us; he has struck us down and will bind us up. 2 He will revive us after two days; on the third day he will raise us up, that we may live in his presence.* 3 Let us know, let us press on to know Yahweh; his rising is sure like the dawn. He will come like the showers to us, like the spring rain that waters the earth. 4 What will I do with you, O Ephraim? What will I do with you, O Judah? Your love is like a morning cloud, like the dew that goes away early in the morning. 5 Therefore, I have hewn them by the prophets; I have killed them by the words of my mouth, and my judgment* goes forth like the light. 6 Because I desire steadfast love and not sacrifice, and knowledge of God rather than burnt offerings. 7 But like Adam, they transgressed the covenant; there they dealt faithlessly with me. 8 Gilead is a city of evil, a cunning city because of blood.* 9 Like bandits lying in wait, so is a band of priests; they murder on the road to Shechem; indeed, they commit a monstrous crime. 10 In the house of Israel I have seen something horrible; Ephraim's unfaithfulness is there. Israel is defiled. 11 For you also, O Judah, a harvest is appointed, when I restore the fortunes of my people,
BSB(i) 1 Come, let us return to the LORD. For He has torn us to pieces, but He will heal us; He has wounded us, but He will bind up our wounds. 2 After two days He will revive us; on the third day He will raise us up, that we may live in His presence. 3 So let us know—let us press on to know the LORD. As surely as the sun rises, He will appear; He will come to us like the rain, like the spring showers that water the earth. 4 What shall I do with you, O Ephraim? What shall I do with you, O Judah? For your loyalty is like a morning mist, like the early dew that vanishes. 5 Therefore I have hewn them by the prophets; I have slain them by the words of My mouth, and My judgments go forth like lightning. 6 For I desire mercy, not sacrifice, and the knowledge of God rather than burnt offerings. 7 But they, like Adam, have transgressed the covenant; there they were unfaithful to Me. 8 Gilead is a city of evildoers, tracked with footprints of blood. 9 Like raiders who lie in ambush, so does a band of priests; they murder on the way to Shechem; surely they have committed atrocities. 10 In the house of Israel I have seen a horrible thing: Ephraim practices prostitution there, and Israel is defiled. 11 Also for you, O Judah, a harvest is appointed, when I restore My people from captivity.
MSB(i) 1 Come, let us return to the LORD. For He has torn us to pieces, but He will heal us; He has wounded us, but He will bind up our wounds. 2 After two days He will revive us; on the third day He will raise us up, that we may live in His presence. 3 So let us know—let us press on to know the LORD. As surely as the sun rises, He will appear; He will come to us like the rain, like the spring showers that water the earth. 4 What shall I do with you, O Ephraim? What shall I do with you, O Judah? For your loyalty is like a morning mist, like the early dew that vanishes. 5 Therefore I have hewn them by the prophets; I have slain them by the words of My mouth, and My judgments go forth like lightning. 6 For I desire mercy, not sacrifice, and the knowledge of God rather than burnt offerings. 7 But they, like Adam, have transgressed the covenant; there they were unfaithful to Me. 8 Gilead is a city of evildoers, tracked with footprints of blood. 9 Like raiders who lie in ambush, so does a band of priests; they murder on the way to Shechem; surely they have committed atrocities. 10 In the house of Israel I have seen a horrible thing: Ephraim practices prostitution there, and Israel is defiled. 11 Also for you, O Judah, a harvest is appointed, when I restore My people from captivity.
MLV(i) 1 Come and let us return to Jehovah, for he has torn and he will heal us. He has struck and he will bind us up. 2 After two days he will revive us. On the third day he will raise us up and we will live before him. 3 And let us know, let us follow on to know Jehovah. His going forth is sure as the morning and he will come to us as the rain, as the latter rain that waters the earth.
4 O Ephraim, what shall I do to you? O Judah, what shall I do to you? For your* goodness is as a morning cloud and as the dew that goes away early. 5 Therefore I have hewed them by the prophets. I have slain them by the words of my mouth. And your judgments are as the light that goes forth.
6 For I desire mercy and not sacrifice and the knowledge of God more than burnt offerings. 7 But like Adam they have transgressed the covenant. There they have dealt treacherously against me.
8 Gilead is a city of wickedness; it is stained with blood. 9 And as troops of robbers wait for a man, so the company of priests murder in the way toward Shechem. Yes, they have committed wickedness. 10 I have seen a horrible thing in the house of Israel. Prostitution is there in Ephraim; Israel is defiled. 11 Also, O Judah, there is a harvest appointed for you when I bring back the captivity of my people.

VIN(i) 1 "Come, and let us return to the LORD; for he has torn us to pieces, and he will heal us; he has injured us, and he will bind up our wounds. 2 After two days will He revive us, on the third day He will raise us up, that we may live in His presence. 3 Let us acknowledge the LORD. Let us press on to know the LORD. As surely as the sun rises, The LORD will appear. He will come to us like the rain, like the spring rain that waters the earth." 4 "What can I do with you, Ephraim? What can I do with you, Judah? Your love is like the morning mist, like the early dew that disappears. 5 "Therefore I cut you in pieces by my prophets. I have killed you with the words of my mouth. My judgments flashed like lightning upon you. 6 For I desire mercy, and not sacrifice, and the knowledge of God rather than burnt-offerings. 7 "Like Adam, they have broken the covenant. They were unfaithful to me there. 8 "Gilead is a city of wicked men, stained with blood. 9 "As marauders lie in ambush for a man, so do bands of priests. They murder on the road to Shechem, committing shameful crimes. 10 "I have seen a horrible thing in the house of Israel. There Ephraim is given to prostitution and Israel is defiled. 11 For you also, O Judah, a harvest is appointed, when I restore the fortunes of my people,
Luther1545(i) 1 Kommt, wir wollen wieder zum HERRN! Denn er hat uns zerrissen, er wird uns auch heilen; er hat uns geschlagen, er wird uns auch verbinden. 2 Er macht uns lebendig nach zween Tagen, er wird uns am dritten Tage aufrichten, daß wir vor ihm leben werden. 3 Dann werden wir acht darauf haben und fleißig sein, daß wir den HERRN erkennen. Denn er wird hervorbrechen wie die schöne Morgenröte und wird zu uns kommen wie ein Regen, wie ein Spätregen, der das Land feuchtet. 4 Wie will ich dir so wohl tun, Ephraim! Wie will ich dir so wohl tun, Juda! Denn die Gnade, so ich euch erzeigen will, wird sein wie eine Tauwolke des Morgens und wie ein Tau, der frühmorgens sich ausbreitet. 5 Darum schlage ich sie durch die Propheten und töte sie durch meines Mundes Rede, daß dein Recht ans Licht komme. 6 Denn ich habe Lust an der Liebe und nicht am Opfer und am Erkenntnis Gottes und nicht am Brandopfer. 7 Aber sie übertreten den Bund, wie Adam; darin verachten sie mich. 8 Denn Gilead ist eine Stadt voll Abgötterei und Blutschulden, 9 Und die Priester samt ihrem Haufen sind wie die Ströter, so da lauern auf die Leute und würgen auf dem Wege, der gen Sichem gehet; denn sie tun, was sie wollen. 10 Ich sehe im Hause Israel, da mir vor grauet; denn da huret Ephraim, so verunreiniget sich Israel. 11 Aber Juda wird noch eine Ernte vor sich haben, wenn ich meines Volks Gefängnis wenden werde.
  1 H3212 Kommt H7725 , wir wollen wieder H3068 zum HErrn H5221 ! Denn er H2963 hat uns zerrissen H7495 , er wird uns auch heilen H2280 ; er hat uns geschlagen, er wird uns auch verbinden .
  2 H2421 Er macht uns lebendig H3117 nach zween Tagen H7992 , er wird uns am dritten H3117 Tage H6965 aufrichten H2421 , daß wir H6440 vor ihm leben werden.
  3 H3045 Dann werden wir acht darauf haben H3068 und fleißig sein, daß wir den HErrn H3045 erkennen H3384 . Denn er H4161 wird hervorbrechen H7291 wie die H7837 schöne Morgenröte H3559 und wird zu H935 uns kommen H1653 wie ein Regen H4456 , wie ein Spätregen H776 , der das Land feuchtet.
  4 H6213 Wie will ich dir so wohl tun H669 , Ephraim H6213 ! Wie will ich dir so wohl tun H3063 , Juda H2617 ! Denn die Gnade H1980 , so ich euch H1242 erzeigen will, wird sein wie eine Tauwolke des Morgens H2919 und wie ein Tau H7925 , der frühmorgens sich ausbreitet.
  5 H2672 Darum schlage H5030 ich sie durch die Propheten H3318 und H2026 töte H561 sie durch meines Mundes Rede H6310 , daß H4941 dein Recht H216 ans Licht komme.
  6 H2654 Denn ich habe Lust H2617 an der Liebe H2077 und nicht am Opfer H1847 und am Erkenntnis H430 Gottes H5930 und nicht am Brandopfer .
  7 H5674 Aber sie übertreten H1285 den Bund H120 , wie Adam H898 ; darin verachten sie mich.
  8 H1568 Denn Gilead H7151 ist eine Stadt H6466 voll H205 Abgötterei H6121 und H1818 Blutschulden,
  9 H376 Und H2267 die Priester H1416 samt ihrem Haufen H2442 sind wie die Ströter, so da lauern H3548 auf die Leute und H7523 würgen H1870 auf dem Wege H7926 , der gen Sichem H6213 gehet; denn sie tun H2154 , was sie wollen .
  10 H7200 Ich sehe H1004 im Hause H3478 Israel H669 , da mir vor grauet; denn da huret Ephraim H3478 , so verunreiniget sich Israel .
  11 H3063 Aber Juda H7105 wird noch eine Ernte H7896 vor sich H5971 haben, wenn ich meines Volks H7622 Gefängnis H7725 wenden werde.
Luther1912(i) 1 Kommt, wir wollen wieder zum HERRN; denn er hat uns zerrissen, er wird uns auch heilen; er hat uns geschlagen, er wird uns auch verbinden. 2 Er macht uns lebendig nach zwei Tagen; er wird uns am dritten Tag aufrichten, daß wir vor ihm leben werden. 3 Dann werden wir acht darauf haben und fleißig sein, daß wir den HERRN erkennen. Denn er wird hervorbrechen wie die schöne Morgenröte und wird zu uns kommen wie ein Regen, wie ein Spätregen, der das Land feuchtet. 4 Was soll ich dir tun, Ephraim? was soll ich dir tun, Juda? Denn eure Liebe ist wie eine Morgenwolke und wie ein Tau, der frühmorgens vergeht. 5 Darum schlage ich sie durch die Propheten und töte sie durch meines Mundes Rede, daß mein Recht wie das Licht hervorkomme. 6 Denn ich habe Lust an der Liebe, und nicht am Opfer, und an der Erkenntnis Gottes, und nicht am Brandopfer. 7 Aber sie übertreten den Bund wie Adam; darin verachten sie mich. 8 Denn Gilead ist eine Stadt voll Abgötterei und Blutschulden. 9 Und die Priester samt ihrem Haufen sind wie die Räuber, so da lauern auf die Leute und würgen auf dem Wege, der gen Sichem geht; denn sie tun, was sie wollen. 10 Ich sehe im Hause Israel, davor mir graut; denn da hurt Ephraim und verunreinigt sich Israel. 11 Aber auch Juda wird noch eine Ernte vor sich haben, wenn ich meines Volks Gefängnis wenden werde.
  1 H3212 Kommt H7725 , wir wollen wieder H3068 zum HERRN H2963 ; denn er hat uns zerrissen H7495 , er wird uns auch heilen H5221 ; er hat uns geschlagen H2280 , er wird uns auch verbinden .
  2 H2421 Er macht uns lebendig H3117 nach zwei Tagen H7992 ; er wird uns am dritten H3117 Tage H6965 aufrichten H6440 , daß wir vor H2421 ihm leben werden.
  3 H3045 Dann werden wir acht H3045 darauf haben H7291 und fleißig H3068 sein, daß wir den HERRN H3045 erkennen H3559 . Denn er wird H4161 hervorbrechen H7837 wie die schöne Morgenröte H935 und wird zu uns kommen H1653 wie ein Regen H4456 H3384 , wie ein Spätregen H776 , der das Land feuchtet.
  4 H6213 Was soll ich dir tun H669 , Ephraim H6213 ? was soll ich dir tun H3063 , Juda H2617 ? Denn eure Liebe H1242 H6051 ist wie eine Morgenwolke H2919 und wie ein Tau H7925 , der frühmorgens H1980 vergeht .
  5 H2672 Darum schlage H5030 ich sie durch die Propheten H2026 und töte H6310 sie durch meines Mundes H561 Rede H4941 , daß mein Recht H216 wie das Licht H3318 hervorkomme .
  6 H2654 Denn ich habe Lust H2617 an der Liebe H2077 , und nicht am Opfer H1847 , und an der Erkenntnis H430 Gottes H5930 , und nicht am Brandopfer .
  7 H120 Aber sie H5674 übertreten H1285 den Bund H120 wie Adam H898 ; darin verachten sie mich.
  8 H1568 Denn Gilead H7151 ist eine Stadt H6466 voll H205 Abgötterei H1818 H6121 und Blutschulden .
  9 H3548 H2267 Und die Priester H1416 samt ihrem Haufen H2442 sind wie die Räuber, so da lauern H376 auf die Leute H7523 und würgen H1870 auf dem Wege H2154 H6213 , der gen Sichem geht; denn sie tun H7927 H7926 , was sie wollen .
  10 H7200 Ich sehe H1004 im Hause H3478 Israel H8186 , davor mir graut H2184 ; denn da hurt H669 Ephraim H2930 und verunreinigt H3478 sich Israel .
  11 H3063 Aber auch Juda H7896 wird H7105 noch eine Ernte H7896 vor sich haben H5971 , wenn ich meines Volks H7622 Gefängnis H7725 wenden werde.
ELB1871(i) 1 Kommt und laßt uns zu Jehova umkehren; denn er hat zerrissen und wird uns heilen, er hat geschlagen und wird uns verbinden. 2 Er wird uns nach zwei Tagen wieder beleben, am dritten Tage uns aufrichten; und so werden wir vor seinem Angesicht leben. 3 So laßt uns Jehova erkennen, ja, laßt uns trachten nach seiner Erkenntnis! Sein Hervortreten ist sicher wie die Morgendämmerung; und er wird für uns kommen wie der Regen, wie der Spätregen die Erde benetzt." 4 Was soll ich dir tun, Ephraim, was soll ich dir tun, Juda, da eure Frömmigkeit wie die Morgenwolke ist und wie der Tau, der früh verschwindet? 5 Darum habe ich sie behauen durch die Propheten, habe sie getötet durch die Worte meines Mundes; und mein Gericht geht hervor wie das Licht. 6 Denn an Frömmigkeit habe ich Gefallen und nicht am Schlachtopfer, und an der Erkenntnis Gottes mehr als an Brandopfern. 7 Sie aber haben den Bund übertreten wie Adam, haben dort treulos gegen mich gehandelt. 8 Gilead ist eine Stadt von Übeltätern, voll Blutspuren. 9 Und wie ein Straßenräuber auflauert, so die Rotte der Priester; sie morden auf dem Wege nach Sichem, ja, sie verüben Schandtat. 10 Im Hause Israel habe ich Schauderhaftes gesehen: daselbst ist Ephraims Hurerei, Israel hat sich verunreinigt. 11 Auch über dich, Juda, ist eine Ernte verhängt, wenn ich die Gefangenschaft meines Volkes wenden werde.
ELB1905(i) 1 »Kommt und laßt uns zu Jahwe umkehren; denn er hat zerrissen und wird uns heilen, er hat geschlagen und wird uns verbinden. 2 Er wird uns nach zwei Tagen wieder beleben, am dritten Tage uns aufrichten; und so werden wir vor seinem Angesicht leben. 3 So laßt uns Jahwe erkennen, ja, laßt uns trachten nach seiner Erkenntnis! Sein Hervortreten ist sicher wie die Morgendämmerung; und er wird für uns kommen wie der Regen, wie der Spätregen die Erde benetzt.« 4 Was soll ich dir tun, Ephraim, was soll ich dir tun, Juda, da eure Frömmigkeit wie die Morgenwolke ist und wie der Tau, der früh verschwindet? 5 Darum habe ich sie behauen durch die Propheten, habe sie getötet durch die Worte meines Mundes; und mein Gericht geht hervor wie das Licht. 6 Denn an Frömmigkeit habe ich Gefallen und nicht am Schlachtopfer, und an der Erkenntnis Gottes mehr als an Brandopfern. 7 Sie aber haben den Bund übertreten wie Adam, haben dort treulos gegen mich gehandelt. 8 Gilead ist eine Stadt von Übeltätern, voll Blutspuren. 9 Und wie ein Straßenräuber auflauert, so die Rotte der Priester; sie morden auf dem Wege nach Sichem, ja, sie verüben Schandtat. 10 Im Hause Israel habe ich Schauderhaftes gesehen: daselbst ist Ephraims Hurerei, Israel hat sich verunreinigt. 11 Auch über dich, Juda, ist eine Ernte verhängt, wenn ich die Gefangenschaft meines Volkes wenden werde.
  1 H3212 "Kommt H3068 und laßt uns zu Jehova H7725 umkehren H5221 ; denn er H2963 hat zerrissen H7495 und wird uns heilen H2280 , er hat geschlagen und wird uns verbinden .
  2 H3117 Er wird uns nach zwei Tagen H7992 wieder beleben, am dritten H3117 Tage H6965 uns aufrichten H2421 ; und so werden wir H6440 vor seinem Angesicht H2421 leben .
  3 H3068 So laßt uns Jehova H3045 erkennen H7291 , ja, laßt uns trachten nach H3045 seiner Erkenntnis! Sein Hervortreten ist H935 sicher wie die Morgendämmerung; und er H1653 wird für uns kommen wie der Regen H4456 , wie der Spätregen H776 die Erde benetzt."
  4 H2617 Was soll ich H6213 dir tun H669 , Ephraim H6213 , was soll ich dir tun H3063 , Juda H1980 , da eure Frömmigkeit wie die Morgenwolke ist und H2919 wie der Tau H1242 , der früh verschwindet?
  5 H2026 Darum habe ich sie H5030 behauen durch die Propheten H561 , habe sie getötet durch die Worte H6310 meines Mundes H4941 ; und mein Gericht H3318 geht hervor H216 wie das Licht .
  6 H2617 Denn an Frömmigkeit habe ich H2654 Gefallen und nicht H2077 am Schlachtopfer H1847 , und an der Erkenntnis H430 Gottes H5930 mehr als an Brandopfern .
  7 H5674 Sie aber haben H1285 den Bund H120 übertreten wie Adam, haben dort treulos gegen mich gehandelt.
  8 H1568 Gilead H7151 ist eine Stadt H205 von Übeltätern H6466 , voll Blutspuren.
  9 H6213 Und H376 wie ein H2267 Straßenräuber auflauert, so die Rotte der Priester H7523 ; sie morden H1870 auf dem Wege H7926 nach Sichem, ja, sie verüben Schandtat.
  10 H1004 Im Hause H3478 Israel H7200 habe ich Schauderhaftes gesehen H669 : daselbst ist Ephraims H2184 Hurerei H3478 , Israel H2930 hat sich verunreinigt .
  11 H3063 Auch über dich, Juda H7725 , ist H7105 eine Ernte H5971 verhängt, wenn ich die Gefangenschaft meines Volkes wenden werde.
DSV(i) 1 Komt en laat ons wederkeren tot den HEERE, want Hij heeft verscheurd, en Hij zal ons genezen; Hij heeft geslagen, en Hij zal ons verbinden. 2 Hij zal ons na twee dagen levend maken; op den derden dag zal Hij ons doen verrijzen, en wij zullen voor Zijn aangezicht leven. 3 Dan zullen wij kennen, wij zullen vervolgen, om den HEERE te kennen; Zijn uitgang is bereid als de dageraad; en Hij zal tot ons komen als een regen, als de spade regen en vroege regen des lands. 4 Wat zal Ik u doen, o Efraïm! wat zal Ik u doen, o Juda! dewijl uw weldadigheid is als een morgenwolk, en als een vroegkomende dauw, die henengaat. 5 Daarom heb Ik hen behouwen door de profeten; Ik heb ze gedood door de redenen Mijns monds; en uw oordelen zullen voortkomen aan het licht. 6 Want Ik heb lust tot weldadigheid, en niet tot offer; en tot de kennis Gods, meer dan tot brandofferen. 7 Maar zij hebben het verbond overtreden als Adam; daar hebben zij trouwelooslijk tegen Mij gehandeld. 8 Gilead is een stad van werkers der ongerechtigheid; zij is betreden van bloed. 9 Gelijk de benden der straatschenders op iemand wachten, alzo is het gezelschap der priesteren; zij moorden op den weg naar Sichem, waarlijk, zij doen schandelijke daden. 10 Ik zie een afschuwelijke zaak in het huis Israëls; aldaar is Efraïms hoererij, Israël is verontreinigd. 11 Ook heeft hij u, o Juda! een oogst gezet, als Ik de gevangenen Mijns volks wederbracht.
  1 H3212 Komt H7725 en laat ons wederkeren H3068 tot den HEERE H2963 , want Hij heeft verscheurd H7495 , en Hij zal ons genezen H5221 ; Hij heeft geslagen H2280 , en Hij zal ons verbinden.
  2 H3117 Hij zal ons na twee dagen H2421 levend maken H7992 ; op den derden H3117 dag H6965 zal Hij ons doen verrijzen H6440 , en wij zullen voor Zijn aangezicht H2421 leven.
  3 H3045 Dan zullen wij kennen H7291 , wij zullen vervolgen H3068 , om den HEERE H3045 te kennen H4161 ; Zijn uitgang H3559 is bereid H7837 als de dageraad H935 ; en Hij zal tot ons komen H1653 als een regen H4456 , als de spade H3384 regen [en] vroege H776 regen des lands.
  4 H6213 Wat zal Ik u doen H669 , o Efraim H6213 ! wat zal Ik u doen H3063 , o Juda H2617 ! dewijl uw weldadigheid H1242 is als een morgen H6051 wolk H7925 , en als een vroegkomende H2919 dauw H1980 , die henengaat.
  5 H2672 Daarom heb Ik hen behouwen H5030 door de profeten H2026 ; Ik heb ze gedood H561 door de redenen H6310 Mijns monds H4941 ; en uw oordelen H3318 zullen voortkomen H216 [aan] het licht.
  6 H2654 Want Ik heb lust H2617 tot weldadigheid H2077 , en niet tot offer H1847 ; en tot de kennis H430 Gods H5930 , meer dan tot brandofferen.
  7 H1285 Maar zij hebben het verbond H5674 overtreden H120 als Adam H898 ; daar hebben zij trouwelooslijk tegen Mij gehandeld.
  8 H1568 Gilead H7151 is een stad H6466 van werkers H205 der ongerechtigheid H6121 ; zij is betreden H1818 van bloed.
  9 H1416 Gelijk de benden H2442 der straatschenders H376 op iemand H2267 wachten, [alzo] is het gezelschap H3548 der priesteren H7523 ; zij moorden H1870 [op] den weg H7926 H7927 naar Sichem H6213 , waarlijk, zij doen H2154 schandelijke daden.
  10 H7200 Ik zie H8186 een afschuwelijke zaak H1004 in het huis H3478 Israels H669 ; aldaar is Efraims H2184 hoererij H3478 , Israel H2930 is verontreinigd.
  11 H3063 Ook heeft hij u, o Juda H7105 ! een oogst H7896 gezet H7622 , als Ik de gevangenen H5971 Mijns volks H7725 wederbracht.
Giguet(i) 1 ¶ Allons et retournons au Seigneur notre Dieu; car c’est Lui qui nous a pris, et Il nous guérira; Il nous a frappés, et Il pansera nos blessures. 2 En deux jours, Il nous rendra la santé; le troisième jour, nous nous lèveront et nous vivrons devant Lui, 3 et nous Le connaîtrons; notre désir sera de connaître le Seigneur; nous Le trouverons prêt dès l’aurore; Il viendra à nous, comme à la terre les pluies du matin et du soir. 4 ¶ Que te ferai-je, Éphraïm? Que te ferai-Je, Juda? Ta miséricorde est comme le brouillard de matin, comme la rosée du soir. 5 À cause de cela J’ai moissonné vos prophètes; Je les ai tués d’un mot de Ma bouche, et Mon jugement apparaîtra comme la lumière, 6 parce que Je préfère la miséricorde aux sacrifices, et al connaissance de Dieu aux holocaustes. 7 Mais ils sont comme l’homme qui viole l’alliance; c’est là que m’a méprisé 8 Galaad, ville qui fabrique des choses vaines, ville qui trouble l’eau, 9 et sa force est celle d’un pirate. Les prêtres ont caché des embûches sur la voie; ils ont tué Sichem; ils ont commis des crimes 10 en la maison d’Israël; là J’ai vu des choses horribles: la prostitution d’Éphraïm, la souillure d’Israël et de Juda. 11 Commence à vendanger pour toi-même, tandis que Je ramènerai Mon peuple de la captivité.
DarbyFR(i) 1
Venez, retournons à l'Éternel, car lui a déchiré, et il nous guérira; il a frappé, et il bandera nos plaies. 2 Dans deux jours, il nous fera vivre; au troisième jour, il nous mettra debout, et nous vivrons devant sa face, 3 et nous connaîtrons et nous nous attacherons à connaître l'Éternel. Sa sortie est préparée comme l'aube du jour; et il viendra à nous comme la pluie, comme la pluie de la dernière saison arrose la terre. 4
Que te ferai-je, Éphraïm? Que te ferai-je, Juda? Votre piété est comme la nuée du matin et comme la rosée qui s'en va de bonne heure. 5 C'est pourquoi je les ai hachés par les prophètes, je les ai tués par les paroles de ma bouche... Et mon jugement sort comme la lumière. 6 Car j'ai aimé la bonté, et non le sacrifice, et la connaissance de Dieu plus que les holocaustes; 7 mais eux, comme Adam, ont transgressé l' alliance; là ils ont agi perfidement envers moi. 8 Galaad est une ville d'ouvriers d'iniquité, couverte de traces de sang. 9 Et comme les troupes de voleurs guettent un homme, la bande des sacrificateurs assassine sur le chemin de Sichem; car ils commettent des infamies. 10 J'ai vu des choses horribles dans la maison d'Israël: là est la prostitution d'Éphraïm! Israël s'est souillé! 11 Pour toi aussi, Juda, une moisson t'est assignée, quand je rétablirai les captifs de mon peuple.
Martin(i) 1 Venez, diront-ils, et retournons à l'Eternel, car c'est lui qui a déchiré, mais il nous guérira; il a frappé, mais il nous bandera nos plaies. 2 Il nous aura remis en vie dans deux jours, et au troisième jour il nous aura rétablis, et nous vivrons en sa présence. 3 Car nous connaîtrons l'Eternel, et nous continuerons à le connaître; son lever se prépare comme celui du point du jour, et il viendra à nous comme la pluie, comme la pluie de la dernière saison qui humecte la terre. 4 Que te ferai-je, Ephraïm ? que te ferai-je, Juda ? puisque votre piété est comme une nuée du matin, comme une rosée du matin qui s'en va. 5 C'est pourquoi je les ai charpentés par mes Prophètes, je les ai tués par les paroles de ma bouche, et mes jugements sur eux seront comme la lumière qui se lève. 6 Car je prends plaisir à la miséricorde, et non point aux sacrifices; et à la connaissance de Dieu, plus qu'aux holocaustes. 7 Mais ils ont transgressé l'alliance, comme si elle eût été d'un homme, en quoi ils se sont portés perfidement contre moi. 8 Galaad est une ville d'ouvriers d'iniquité, rusée à tuer. 9 Et comme les bandes des voleurs attendent quelqu'un, ainsi les Sacrificateurs, après avoir comploté, tuent les gens sur le chemin, du côté de Sichem; car ils exécutent leurs méchants desseins. 10 J'ai vu une chose infâme dans la maison d'Israël; là est la prostitution d'Ephraïm, Israël en est souillé. 11 Aussi Juda te moissonnera, quand je ramènerai mon peuple captif.
Segond(i) 1 Venez, retournons à l'Eternel! Car il a déchiré, mais il nous guérira; Il a frappé, mais il bandera nos plaies. 2 Il nous rendra la vie dans deux jours; Le troisième jour il nous relèvera, Et nous vivrons devant lui. 3 Connaissons, cherchons à connaître l'Eternel; Sa venue est aussi certaine que celle de l'aurore. Il viendra pour nous comme la pluie, Comme la pluie du printemps qui arrose la terre. 4 Que te ferai-je, Ephraïm? Que te ferai-je, Juda? Votre piété est comme la nuée du matin, Comme la rosée qui bientôt se dissipe. 5 C'est pourquoi je les frapperai par les prophètes, Je les tuerai par les paroles de ma bouche, Et mes jugements éclateront comme la lumière. 6 Car j'aime la piété et non les sacrifices, Et la connaissance de Dieu plus que les holocaustes. 7 Ils ont, comme le vulgaire, transgressé l'alliance; C'est alors qu'ils m'ont été infidèles. 8 Galaad est une ville de malfaiteurs, Elle porte des traces de sang. 9 La troupe des sacrificateurs est comme une bande en embuscade, Commettant des assassinats sur le chemin de Sichem; Car ils se livrent au crime. 10 Dans la maison d'Israël j'ai vu des choses horribles: Là Ephraïm se prostitue, Israël se souille. 11 A toi aussi, Juda, une moisson est préparée, Quand je ramènerai les captifs de mon peuple.
  1 H3212 ¶ Venez H8798   H7725 , retournons H8799   H3068 à l’Eternel H2963  ! Car il a déchiré H8804   H7495 , mais il nous guérira H8799   H5221  ; Il a frappé H8686   H2280 , mais il bandera H8799   nos plaies.
  2 H2421 Il nous rendra la vie H8762   H3117 dans deux jours H7992  ; Le troisième H3117 jour H6965 il nous relèvera H8686   H2421 , Et nous vivrons H8799   H6440 devant lui.
  3 H3045 Connaissons H8799   H7291 , cherchons H8799   H3045 à connaître H8800   H3068 l’Eternel H4161  ; Sa venue H3559 est aussi certaine H8737   H7837 que celle de l’aurore H935 . Il viendra H8799   H1653 pour nous comme la pluie H3384 , Comme la pluie H8802   H4456 du printemps H776 qui arrose la terre.
  4 H6213 ¶ Que te ferai H8799   H669 -je, Ephraïm H6213  ? Que te ferai H8799   H3063 -je, Juda H2617  ? Votre piété H6051 est comme la nuée H1242 du matin H2919 , Comme la rosée H7925 qui bientôt H8688   H1980 se dissipe H8802  .
  5 H2672 C’est pourquoi je les frapperai H8804   H5030 par les prophètes H2026 , Je les tuerai H8804   H561 par les paroles H6310 de ma bouche H4941 , Et mes jugements H3318 éclateront H8799   H216 comme la lumière.
  6 H2654 Car j’aime H8804   H2617 la piété H2077 et non les sacrifices H1847 , Et la connaissance H430 de Dieu H5930 plus que les holocaustes.
  7 H120 Ils ont, comme le vulgaire H5674 , transgressé H8804   H1285 l’alliance H898  ; C’est alors qu’ils m’ont été infidèles H8804  .
  8 H1568 Galaad H7151 est une ville H6466 de malfaiteurs H8802   H205   H6121 , Elle porte des traces H1818 de sang.
  9 H2267 La troupe H3548 des sacrificateurs H1416 est comme une bande H2442 en embuscade H8763   H376   H7523 , Commettant des assassinats H8762   H1870 sur le chemin H7926 de Sichem H8677   H7927   H6213  ; Car ils se livrent H8804   H2154 au crime.
  10 H1004 Dans la maison H3478 d’Israël H7200 j’ai vu H8804   H8186 des choses horribles H669  : Là Ephraïm H2184 se prostitue H3478 , Israël H2930 se souille H8738  .
  11 H3063 A toi aussi, Juda H7105 , une moisson H7896 est préparée H8804   H7725 , Quand je ramènerai H8800   H7622 les captifs H5971 de mon peuple.
SE(i) 1 Venid y volvámonos al SEÑOR; que él arrebató, y nos curará; hirió, y nos vendará. 2 Nos dará vida después de dos días; al tercer día nos resucitará, y viviremos delante de él. 3 Y conoceremos, y proseguiremos en conocer al SEÑOR, como el alba está aparejada su salida, y vendrá a nosotros como la lluvia, como la lluvia tardía y temprana a la tierra. 4 ¿Qué haré a ti, Efraín? ¿Qué haré a ti, oh Judá? La misericordia vuestra es como la nube de la mañana, y como el rocío que de madrugada viene. 5 Por esta causa los corté con los profetas, con las palabras de mi boca los maté; para que tu justicia sea como luz que sale. 6 Porque misericordia quise, y no sacrificio; y conocimiento de Dios más que holocaustos. 7 Mas ellos, traspasaron el pacto como de hombre; allí se rebelaron contra mí. 8 Galaad, ciudad de obradores de iniquidad, ensuciada de sangre. 9 Y como ladrones que esperan a algún varón, concilio de sacerdotes que de común acuerdo mata en el camino, porque ponen en efecto la abominación. 10 En la Casa de Israel vi suciedad; allí fornicó Efraín, se contaminó Israel. 11 También, Judá, puso en ti una planta, habiendo yo vuelto la cautividad de mi pueblo.
ReinaValera(i) 1 VENID y volvámonos á Jehová: que él arrebató, y nos curará; hirió, y nos vendará. 2 Darános vida después de dos días: al tercer día nos resucitará y viviremos delante de él. 3 Y conoceremos, y proseguiremos en conocer á Jehová: como el alba está aparejada su salida, y vendrá á nosotros como la lluvia, como la lluvia tardía y temprana á la tierra. 4 ¿Qué haré á ti, Ephraim? ¿Qué hare á ti, oh Judá? La piedad vuestra es como la nube de la mañana, y como el rocío que de madrugada viene. 5 Por esta causa corté con los profetas, con las palabras de mi boca los maté; y tus juicios serán como luz que sale. 6 Porque misericordia quise, y no sacrificio; y conocimiento de Dios más que holocaustos. 7 Mas ellos, cual Adam, traspasaron el pacto: allí prevaricaron contra mí. 8 Galaad, ciudad de obradores de iniquidad, ensuciada de sangre. 9 Y como ladrones que esperan á algún hombre, así junta de sacerdotes mancomunadamente mata en el camino: porque ponen en efecto la abominación. 10 En la casa de Israel he visto suciedad: allí fornicó Ephraim, se contaminó Israel: 11 También Judá puso en ti una planta, habiendo yo vuelto la cautividad de mi pueblo.
JBS(i) 1 Venid y volvámonos al SEÑOR; que él arrebató, y nos curará; hirió, y nos vendará. 2 Nos dará vida después de dos días; al tercer día nos resucitará, y viviremos delante de él. 3 Y conoceremos, y proseguiremos en conocer al SEÑOR, como el alba está aparejada su salida, y vendrá a nosotros como la lluvia, como la lluvia tardía y temprana a la tierra. 4 ¿Qué haré a ti, Efraín? ¿Qué haré a ti, oh Judá? La misericordia vuestra es como la nube de la mañana, y como el rocío que de madrugada desvanece. 5 Por esta causa los corté con los profetas, con las palabras de mi boca los maté; para que tu justicia sea como luz que sale. 6 Porque misericordia quise, y no sacrificio; y conocimiento de Dios más que holocaustos. 7 Mas ellos, traspasaron el pacto como de hombre; allí se rebelaron contra mí. 8 Galaad, ciudad de obradores de iniquidad, ensuciada de sangre. 9 Y como ladrones que esperan a algún varón, concilio de sacerdotes que de común acuerdo mata en el camino, porque ponen en efecto la abominación. 10 En la Casa de Israel vi suciedad; allí fornicó Efraín, se contaminó Israel. 11 También, Judá, puso en ti una planta, habiendo yo vuelto la cautividad de mi pueblo.
Albanian(i) 1 Ejani, të kthehemi tek Zoti, sepse ai na ka copëtuar, por do të na shërojë; na ka goditur, por do të na mbështjellë. 2 Mbas dy ditësh do të na japë përsëri jetë, ditën e tretë do të na ringjallë dhe ne do të jetojmë në prani të tij. 3 E njohim Zotin, të përpiqemi ta njohim më mirë; ardhja e tij është e sigurt si agimi. Ai do të na vijë si shiu, si shiu i fundit dhe i parë mbi tokë. 4 "Çfarë duhet të bëj me ty, o Efraim? Çfarë duhet të bëj me ty, o Judë? Dashuria juaj është si një re e mëngjesit, si vesa që në mëngjes zhduket shpejt. 5 Prandaj i kam prerë me anë të profetëve, i kam vrarë me fjalët e gojës sime dhe gjykimet e mia për ju janë si drita që lind. 6 Sepse unë dëshiroj mëshirë dhe jo flijimet, dhe njohjen e Perëndisë më shumë se olokaustet. 7 Por, si Adami, ata kanë shkelur besëlidhjen, kanë vepruar me mashtrim ndaj meje. 8 Galaadi është një qytet keqbërësish dhe i përlyer me gjak. 9 Ashtu si bandat e cubave rrinë në pritë për një njeri, kështu një turmë priftërinjsh masakron në rrugën e Sikemit, kryen gjëra të kobshme. 10 Në shtëpinë e Izraelit pashë diçka të neveritshme: atje kurvërohet Efraimi, atje ndotet Izraeli. 11 Edhe për ty, o Judë, është rezervuar një korrje, kur do ta kthej popullin tim nga robëria".
RST(i) 1 В скорби своей они с раннего утрабудут искать Меня и говорить: „пойдем и возвратимся к Господу! ибо Он уязвил – и Он исцелит нас, поразил – и перевяжет наши раны; 2 оживит нас через два дня, в третий день восставит нас, и мы будем жить пред лицем Его. 3 Итак познаем, будем стремиться познать Господа; как утренняя заря – явление Его, и Он придет к нам, как дождь, как поздний дождь оросит землю". 4 Что сделаю тебе, Ефрем? что сделаю тебе, Иуда? благочестие ваше, как утренний туман и как роса, скоро исчезающая. 5 Посему Я поражал через пророков и бил их словами уст Моих, и судМой, как восходящий свет. 6 Ибо Я милости хочу, а не жертвы, и Боговедения более, нежели всесожжений. 7 Они же, подобно Адаму, нарушили завет и там изменили Мне. 8 Галаад – город нечестивцев, запятнанный кровью. 9 Как разбойники подстерегают человека, так сборище священников убивают на пути в Сихем и совершают мерзости. 10 В доме Израиля Я вижу ужасное; там блудодеяние у Ефрема, осквернился Израиль. 11 И тебе, Иуда, назначена жатва, когда Я возвращу плен народаМоего.
Arabic(i) 1 هلم نرجع الى الرب لانه هو افترس فيشفينا. ضرب فيجبرنا. 2 يحيينا بعد يومين. في اليوم الثالث يقيمنا فنحيا امامه. 3 لنعرف فلنتتبع لنعرف الرب. خروجه يقين كالفجر. يأتي الينا كالمطر. كمطر متاخر يسقي الارض 4 ماذا اصنع بك يا افرايم. ماذا اصنع بك يا يهوذا. فان احسانكم كسحاب الصبح وكالندى الماضي باكرا. 5 لذلك اقرضهم بالانبياء اقتلهم باقوال فمي والقضاء عليك كنور قد خرج 6 اني اريد رحمة لا ذبيحة ومعرفة الله اكثر من محرقات. 7 ولكنهم كآدم تعدّوا العهد. هناك غدروا بي. 8 جلعاد قرية فاعلي الاثم مدوسة بالدم. 9 وكما يكمن لصوص لانسان كذلك زمرة الكهنة في الطريق يقتلون نحو شكيم. انهم قد صنعوا فاحشة. 10 في بيت اسرائيل رأيت أمرا فظيعا. هناك زنى افرايم. تنجس اسرائيل. 11 وانت ايضا يا يهوذا قد أعدّ لك حصاد عندما ارد سبي شعبي
Bulgarian(i) 1 Елате, и нека се върнем при ГОСПОДА, защото Той разкъса, и Той ще ни изцели; Той удари, и Той ще ни превърже. 2 След два дни ще ни съживи, на третия ден ще ни издигне и ще живеем пред Него. 3 Нека познаваме, нека се стремим към познаването на ГОСПОДА! Явяването Му е сигурно както зората, ще дойде при нас като дъжд, както късният дъжд напоява земята. 4 Какво да ти направя, Ефреме? Какво да ти направя, Юда? Защото добротата ви е като утринния облак и като росата, която рано изчезва. 5 Затова ги изсякох чрез пророците, убих ги с думите на устата Си и присъдите ви се явяват като светлината. 6 Защото милост искам, а не жертва; и познаване на Бога — повече от всеизгаряния. 7 Но те като Адам престъпиха завета, там постъпиха невярно към Мен. 8 Галаад е град на вършещи беззаконие, опетнен е с кръв. 9 И както разбойници причакват човек, така е дружината свещеници — убиват по пътя към Сихем, да, вършат безчестие. 10 Ужас видях в израилевия дом — там е блудството на Ефрем, Израил е омърсен. 11 И за теб, Юда, е определена жетва, когато върна народа Си от плен.
Croatian(i) 1 "Hajde, vratimo se Jahvi! On je razderao, on će nas iscijeliti: on je udario, on će nam poviti rane; 2 poslije dva dana oživit će nas, trećeg će nas dana podignuti i mi ćemo živjeti pred njim. 3 Težimo da upoznamo Jahvu: k'o zora pouzdan mu dolazak. On će nam doći poput dažda jesenskog, poput kiše proljetne što natapa zemlju." 4 Što za tebe mogu učiniti, Efrajime? Što za tebe mogu učiniti, Judo? K'o oblak jutarnji ljubav je vaša, k'o rana rosa koje nestaje. 5 Zato sam ih preko proroka sjekao i ubijao riječima usta svojih; al' sud će tvoj izaći k'o svjetlost. 6 Jer ljubav mi je mila, ne žrtve, poznavanje Boga, ne paljenice. 7 Al' oni su kod Adama prekršili Savez i ondje mene iznevjerili. 8 Gilead je grad zlikovački, pun krvavih tragova. 9 Družba je svećenička kao zasjeda razbojnička: ubijaju na šekemskom putu; odista, sramotu počinjaju! 10 Strahotu vidjeh u domu Izraelovu; Efrajim se ondje bludu odaje i skvrni se Izrael. 11 I tebi sam, Judo, žetvu odredio kad okrenem udes naroda svoga.
BKR(i) 1 V úzkosti své ráno hledati mne budou: Poďte, a navraťme se k Hospodinu; nebo on uchvátil a zhojí nás, ubil a uvíže rány naše. 2 Obživí nás po dvou dnech, dne třetího vzkřísí nás, a budeme živi před oblíčejem jeho, 3 Tak abychom znajíce Hospodina, více poznávati se snažovali; nebo jako jitřní svitání jest vycházení jeho, a přijde nám jako déšť jarní a podzimní na zemi. 4 Což mám činiti s tebou, ó Efraime? Což mám činiti s tebou, ó Judo, ano vaše dobrota jest jako oblak ranní, a jako rosa jitřní pomíjející? 5 Protož otesával jsem skrze proroky, zbil jsem je řečmi úst svých, aby soudů tvých světlo vzešlo. 6 Nebo milosrdenství oblibuji a ne obět, a známost Boha více než zápaly. 7 Ale oni smlouvu mou jako lidskou přestoupili, a tu se mi zpronevěřili. 8 Galád město činitelů nepravosti, plné šlepějí krvavých. 9 Rota pak kněžstva jsou jako lotři, kteříž na někoho čekají na cestě, kudyž se jde do Sichem; nebo zúmyslnou nešlechetnost páší. 10 V domě Izraelském vidím hroznou věc: Tam smilstvím Efraimovým poškvrňuje se Izrael. 11 Ano i u tebe, ó Judo, vsadil rouby, když jsem já zase vedl zajatý lid svůj.
Danish(i) 1 Kommer og lader os vende om til HERREN; thi han har sønderrevet og vil læge os; har han slaget, vil han forbinde os. 2 Han skal gøle os levende efter to Dage; paa den tredje Dag skal han oprejse os, at vi maa leve for hans Ansigt. 3 Og vi ville kende, jage efter at kende HERREN, som Morgenrøden er hans Opgang vis; og han skal komme til os som Regnen, som Sildigregnen, der væder Jorden. 4 Hvad skal jeg gøre ved dig, Efraim? hvad skal jeg gøre ved dig, Juda? da eders Kærlighed er som en Sky om Morgenen og som Duggen, der aarle gaar bort. 5 Derfor huggede jeg bort ved Profeterne, ihjelslog dem ved min Munds Taler; og Dommene over dig komme for Lyset. 6 Thi jeg har Lyst til Miskundhed og ikke til Offer og til Gudskundskab mer end Brændofre. 7 Men de have overtraadt Pagten ligesom Adam; der ere de blevne troløse imod mig. 8 Gilead er en Misdæderstad, fuld af Blodspor. 9 Som en Stimand lurer, saaledes og en Flok Præster; de myrde paa Vejen til Sikem, thi skændige Ting have de begaaet. 10 Israels Hus har jeg set gruelige Ting; der har Efraim bedrevet Hor, Israel er besmittet. 11 Ogsaa Juda over dig er bestemt en Høst, naar jeg omvender mit Folks Fangenskab.
CUV(i) 1 來 罷 , 我 們 歸 向 耶 和 華 ! 他 撕 裂 我 們 , 也 必 醫 治 ; 他 打 傷 我 們 , 也 必 纏 裹 。 2 過 兩 天 他 必 使 我 們 甦 醒 , 第 三 天 他 必 使 我 們 興 起 , 我 們 就 在 他 面 前 得 以 存 活 。 3 我 們 務 要 認 識 耶 和 華 , 竭 力 追 求 認 識 他 。 他 出 現 確 如 晨 光 , 他 必 臨 到 我 們 像 甘 雨 , 像 滋 潤 田 地 的 春 雨 。 4 主 說 : 以 法 蓮 哪 , 我 可 向 你 怎 樣 行 呢 ? 猶 大 啊 , 我 可 向 你 怎 樣 做 呢 ? 因 為 你 們 的 良 善 如 同 早 晨 的 雲 霧 , 又 如 速 散 的 甘 露 。 5 因 此 , 我 藉 先 知 砍 伐 他 們 , 以 我 口 中 的 話 殺 戮 他 們 ; 我 施 行 的 審 判 如 光 發 出 。 6 我 喜 愛 良 善 ( 或 譯 : 憐 恤 ) , 不 喜 愛 祭 祀 ; 喜 愛 認 識   神 , 勝 於 燔 祭 。 7 他 們 卻 如 亞 當 背 約 , 在 境 內 向 我 行 事 詭 詐 。 8 基 列 是 作 孽 之 人 的 城 , 被 血 沾 染 。 9 強 盜 成 群 , 怎 樣 埋 伏 殺 人 , 祭 司 結 黨 , 也 照 樣 在 示 劍 的 路 上 殺 戮 , 行 了 邪 惡 。 10 在 以 色 列 家 , 我 見 了 可 憎 的 事 ; 在 以 法 蓮 那 裡 有 淫 行 , 以 色 列 被 玷 污 。 11 猶 大 啊 , 我 使 被 擄 之 民 歸 回 的 時 候 , 必 有 為 你 所 命 定 的 收 場 。
  1 H3212 來罷 H7725 ,我們歸 H3068 向耶和華 H2963 !他撕裂 H7495 我們,也必醫治 H5221 ;他打 H2280 傷我們,也必纏裹。
  2 H3117 過兩天 H2421 他必使我們甦醒 H7992 ,第三 H3117 H6965 他必使我們興起 H6440 ,我們就在他面前 H2421 得以存活。
  3 H3045 我們務要認識 H3068 耶和華 H7291 ,竭力追求 H3045 認識 H4161 他。他出現 H3559 H7837 如晨光 H935 ,他必臨到 H1653 我們像甘雨 H3384 ,像滋潤 H776 田地 H4456 的春雨。
  4 H669 主說:以法蓮 H6213 哪,我可向你怎樣行 H3063 呢?猶大 H6213 啊,我可向你怎樣做 H2617 呢?因為你們的良善 H1242 如同早晨 H6051 的雲霧 H7925 ,又如速 H1980 H2919 的甘露。
  5 H5030 因此,我藉先知 H2672 砍伐 H6310 他們,以我口中 H561 的話 H2026 殺戮他們 H4941 ;我施行的審判 H216 如光 H3318 發出。
  6 H2654 我喜愛 H2617 良善(或譯:憐恤 H2077 ),不喜愛祭祀 H1847 ;喜愛認識 H430  神 H5930 ,勝於燔祭。
  7 H120 他們卻如亞當 H5674 H1285 H898 ,在境內向我行事詭詐。
  8 H1568 基列 H6466 是作 H205 H7151 之人的城 H1818 ,被血 H6121 沾染。
  9 H1416 強盜成群 H2442 ,怎樣埋伏 H376 殺人 H3548 ,祭司 H2267 結黨 H7926 H7927 ,也照樣在示劍 H1870 的路上 H7523 殺戮 H6213 ,行了 H2154 邪惡。
  10 H3478 在以色列 H1004 H7200 ,我見了 H8186 可憎的事 H669 ;在以法蓮 H2184 那裡有淫行 H3478 ,以色列 H2930 被玷污。
  11 H3063 猶大 H7622 啊,我使被擄 H5971 之民 H7725 歸回的時候 H7896 ,必有為你所命定 H7105 的收場。
CUVS(i) 1 来 罢 , 我 们 归 向 耶 和 华 ! 他 撕 裂 我 们 , 也 必 医 治 ; 他 打 伤 我 们 , 也 必 缠 裹 。 2 过 两 天 他 必 使 我 们 甦 醒 , 第 叁 天 他 必 使 我 们 兴 起 , 我 们 就 在 他 面 前 得 以 存 活 。 3 我 们 务 要 认 识 耶 和 华 , 竭 力 追 求 认 识 他 。 他 出 现 确 如 晨 光 , 他 必 临 到 我 们 象 甘 雨 , 象 滋 润 田 地 的 春 雨 。 4 主 说 : 以 法 莲 哪 , 我 可 向 你 怎 样 行 呢 ? 犹 大 啊 , 我 可 向 你 怎 样 做 呢 ? 因 为 你 们 的 良 善 如 同 早 晨 的 云 雾 , 又 如 速 散 的 甘 露 。 5 因 此 , 我 藉 先 知 砍 伐 他 们 , 以 我 口 中 的 话 杀 戮 他 们 ; 我 施 行 的 审 判 如 光 发 出 。 6 我 喜 爱 良 善 ( 或 译 : 怜 恤 ) , 不 喜 爱 祭 祀 ; 喜 爱 认 识   神 , 胜 于 燔 祭 。 7 他 们 却 如 亚 当 背 约 , 在 境 内 向 我 行 事 诡 诈 。 8 基 列 是 作 孽 之 人 的 城 , 被 血 沾 染 。 9 强 盗 成 群 , 怎 样 埋 伏 杀 人 , 祭 司 结 党 , 也 照 样 在 示 剑 的 路 上 杀 戮 , 行 了 邪 恶 。 10 在 以 色 列 家 , 我 见 了 可 憎 的 事 ; 在 以 法 莲 那 里 冇 淫 行 , 以 色 列 被 玷 污 。 11 犹 大 啊 , 我 使 被 掳 之 民 归 回 的 时 候 , 必 冇 为 你 所 命 定 的 收 场 。
  1 H3212 来罢 H7725 ,我们归 H3068 向耶和华 H2963 !他撕裂 H7495 我们,也必医治 H5221 ;他打 H2280 伤我们,也必缠裹。
  2 H3117 过两天 H2421 他必使我们甦醒 H7992 ,第叁 H3117 H6965 他必使我们兴起 H6440 ,我们就在他面前 H2421 得以存活。
  3 H3045 我们务要认识 H3068 耶和华 H7291 ,竭力追求 H3045 认识 H4161 他。他出现 H3559 H7837 如晨光 H935 ,他必临到 H1653 我们象甘雨 H3384 ,象滋润 H776 田地 H4456 的春雨。
  4 H669 主说:以法莲 H6213 哪,我可向你怎样行 H3063 呢?犹大 H6213 啊,我可向你怎样做 H2617 呢?因为你们的良善 H1242 如同早晨 H6051 的云雾 H7925 ,又如速 H1980 H2919 的甘露。
  5 H5030 因此,我藉先知 H2672 砍伐 H6310 他们,以我口中 H561 的话 H2026 杀戮他们 H4941 ;我施行的审判 H216 如光 H3318 发出。
  6 H2654 我喜爱 H2617 良善(或译:怜恤 H2077 ),不喜爱祭祀 H1847 ;喜爱认识 H430  神 H5930 ,胜于燔祭。
  7 H120 他们却如亚当 H5674 H1285 H898 ,在境内向我行事诡诈。
  8 H1568 基列 H6466 是作 H205 H7151 之人的城 H1818 ,被血 H6121 沾染。
  9 H1416 强盗成群 H2442 ,怎样埋伏 H376 杀人 H3548 ,祭司 H2267 结党 H7926 H7927 ,也照样在示剑 H1870 的路上 H7523 杀戮 H6213 ,行了 H2154 邪恶。
  10 H3478 在以色列 H1004 H7200 ,我见了 H8186 可憎的事 H669 ;在以法莲 H2184 那里有淫行 H3478 ,以色列 H2930 被玷污。
  11 H3063 犹大 H7622 啊,我使被掳 H5971 之民 H7725 归回的时候 H7896 ,必有为你所命定 H7105 的收场。
Esperanto(i) 1 Ni iru, ni revenu al la Eternulo; cxar Li dissxiris, sed Li ankaux resanigos nin, Li frapis, kaj Li ankaux bandagxos niajn vundojn. 2 Li revivigos nin post du tagoj; en la tria tago Li restarigos nin, kaj ni vivos antaux Li. 3 Kaj ni havos scion, kaj ni penos koni la Eternulon. Li eliros, kiel bela matenrugxo; Li venos al ni, kiel pluvo, kiel printempa pluvo, kiu malsekigas la teron. 4 Kion Mi faru al vi, ho Efraim? Kion Mi faru al vi, ho Jehuda? Via pieco estas kiel matena nebulo, kaj kiel roso, kiu frue malaperas. 5 Tial Mi hakas per la profetoj, Mi mortigas ilin per la vortoj el Mia busxo; kaj justeco koncerne vin eliros kiel lumo. 6 CXar Mi deziras bonfaradon, sed ne oferon, kaj konadon de Dio Mi preferas ol bruloferojn. 7 Sed ili rompis la interligon, kiel Adam, kaj ili defalis de Mi. 8 Gilead estas urbo de malbonaguloj, makulita de sango. 9 Kiel bando da embuskantoj la anaro de la pastroj pereigas tiujn, kiuj iras al SXehxem; abomenindajxon ili faras. 10 En la domo de Izrael Mi vidas terurajxon:tie malcxastas Efraim, malpurigxas Izrael. 11 Sed ankaux Jehuda havos rikolton, kiam Mi revenigos la forkaptitojn de Mia popolo.
Finnish(i) 1 Kuulkaat ja palatkaamme Herran tykö; sillä hän on meitä repinyt, hän myös meidät parantaa; hän on meitä lyönyt, hän myös meitä sitoo. 2 Hän tekee meitä eläväksi kahden päivän perästä; kolmantena päivänä hän meitä virvoittaa, niin että me saamme elää hänen edessänsä. 3 Niin me otamme siitä vaarin, ja sitä pyytelemme, että me Herran tuntisimme; sillä hän koittaa niinkuin kaunis aamurusko, ja hän tulee meille niinkuin sade, niinkuin ehtoosade aikanansa maan päälle. 4 Mitä minun pitäis sinulle Ephraim tekemän? Mitä minun pitäis sinulle Juuda tekemän? Teidän jumalisuutenne on niinkuin aamullinen pilvi, ja niinkuin varhainen kaste, joka pois raukee. 5 Sentähden vuoleskelen minä heitä prophetain kautta, ja kuoletan heitä minun suuni sanoilla, että sinun Jumalas sanat ilmaantuisivat. 6 Sillä minulle kelpaa armo ja ei uhri; Jumalan tunto ja ei polttouhri. 7 Mutta he käyvät sen liiton ylitse niinkuin Adam; siinä he ovat petollisesti tehneet minua vastaan. 8 Sillä Gilead on kaupunki vääryyttä ja veren vikoja täynnä. 9 Papit ovat joukkoinensa niinkuin ryövärit, jotka väijyvät; he murhaavat Sikemin tiellä; sillä he tekevät, mitä he tahtovat. 10 Minä näen Israelin huoneessa, jota minä kauhistun; sillä Ephraim tekee huorin, ja Israel saastuttaa itsensä. 11 Juuda on myös sinulle pannut elon ajan, kuin minä kansani vankiuden palautan.
FinnishPR(i) 1 Tulkaa, palatkaamme Herran tykö, sillä hän on raadellut meitä, ja parantaa meidät, hän on lyönyt meitä, ja sitoo meidät. 2 Hän tekee meidät eläviksi kahden päivän kuluttua, kolmantena päivänä hän meidät herättää, ja me saamme elää hänen edessänsä. 3 Niin tuntekaamme, pyrkikäämme tuntemaan Herra: hänen nousunsa on varma kuin aamurusko, hän tulee meille kuin sade, kuin kevätsade, joka kostuttaa maan. 4 Mitä on minun tehtävä sinulle, Efraim, mitä on minun tehtävä sinulle, Juuda, kun teidän rakkautenne on kuin aamun pilvi, kuin varhain haihtuva kaste? 5 Sentähden minä olen antanut heille iskuja profeettain kautta, olen kuolettanut heitä suuni sanoilla. Ja sinun tuomiosi nousevat kuin aamun valo. 6 Sillä laupeutta minä haluan enkä uhria, ja Jumalan tuntemista enemmän kuin polttouhreja; 7 mutta he ovat ihmisten tavalla rikkoneet liiton: siinä he ovat olleet minulle uskottomat. 8 Gilead on pahantekijäin kaupunki, täynnä veren jälkiä. 9 Ja väijyväisten rosvojen kaltainen on pappien joukko: he murhaavat Sikemin tiellä; ilkitöitä he tekevät. 10 Israelin heimon keskuudessa minä olen nähnyt kauhistuttavia tekoja: siellä on Efraimin haureus, Israel on itsensä saastuttanut. 11 Myös sinun varallesi, Juuda, on asetettu elonleikkuu, silloin kun minä käännän kansani kohtalon.
Haitian(i) 1 Pèp la di: -Annou wè non! Ann tounen al jwenn Seyè a! Se li menm ki blese nou, se li menm ankò ki ka geri nou! Se li ki mete san nou deyò, se li ki ka mete renmèd sou malenng nou yo. 2 Apre de jou, l'a ban nou lavi ankò. Sou twazyèm jou a, l'a fè nou kanpe ankò, n'a viv ankò devan je l'. 3 N'a konnen Seyè a, n'a toujou chache konnen Seyè a pi byen. Tankou nou sèten solèy la gen pou l' leve, konsa tou nou sèten n'ap jwenn li. Tankou nou sèten lapli gen pou l' wouze latè lè sezon l' rive, konsa tou nou sèten l'ap vin jwenn nou. 4 Seyè a di: -Nou menm moun Efrayim, kisa pou m' fè ak nou? Nou menm moun Jida, kisa pou m' fè ak nou? Nou renmen m', se vre. Men se pou yon ti tan. Ou ta di yon ti nwaj ki pase anvan solèy leve. Wi, tankou lawouze ki disparèt anvan solèy fin leve. 5 Se poutèt sa mwen voye pwofèt mwen yo pou manyè pini nou. Mwen mete pawòl nan bouch yo ki ta kont pou touye nou. Mwen fè nou konnen sa mwen vle nou fè, mwen mete l' aklè devan nou. 6 Mwen ta pito wè nou renmen m' tout bon pase pou n'ap fè tout ofrann bèt sa yo ban mwen. Mwen ta pito wè nou chache konnen m' vre, mwen menm Bondye nou an, pase pou n'ap boule tout bèt sa yo pou mwen. 7 Men, yo menm, rive yo rive Adam, yo pa kenbe kontra mwen te pase ak yo a. Lamenm, yo vire do ban mwen, yo pa kenbe pawòl yo. 8 Galarad se yon lavil ki plen moun k'ap fè mechanste. Kote ou pase, se mak san moun yo touye. 9 Prèt yo menm, se tankou yon bann ansasen k'ap veye moun sou granchemen. Sou tout wout ki mennen lavil Sichèm, se touye y'ap touye moun. Yo konnen byen pwòp tou sa y'ap fè a mal. Atousa yo fè l'. 10 Mwen wè yo fè nan peyi Izrayèl la yon bagay ki fè m' tranble: Moun Efrayim yo lage kò yo nan sèvi zidòl. Moun Izrayèl yo ap fè bagay ki mete yo nan kondisyon yo pa ka fè sèvis pou mwen. 11 Men, pou nou menm tou, moun peyi Jida, mwen fikse yon jou pou pini nou pou tou sa nou fè, lè m'a fè moun yo depòte yo tounen nan peyi yo.
Hungarian(i) 1 Jertek, térjünk vissza az Úrhoz, mert õ szaggatott meg és õ gyógyít meg minket; megsebesített, de bekötöz minket! 2 Megelevenít minket két nap mulva, a harmadik napon feltámaszt minket, hogy éljünk az õ színe elõtt. 3 Ismerjük hát el, törekedjünk megismerni az Urat. Az õ kijövetele bizonyos, mint a hajnal, és eljõ hozzánk, mint az esõ, mint a késõi esõ, a mely megáztatja a földet. 4 Mit cselekedjem veled Efraim? Mit cselekedjem veled Júda? Hiszen szeretetetek olyan, mint a reggeli felhõ és mint a korán múló harmat. 5 Azért vertem meg a próféták által és megölöm õket az én számnak beszédivel. Bizony, a te ítéleteid olyanok, mint a kelõ nap. 6 Mert szeretetet kivánok én és nem áldozatot: az Istennek ismeretét inkább, mintsem égõáldozatokat. 7 De õk, mint Ádám, áthágták a szövetséget; ott cselekedtek hûtlenül ellenem. 8 Gileád a gonosztevõk városa, vérrel van bemocskolva. 9 És miképen tolvajok leselkednek, úgy [tesz] a papok szövetkezete; gyilkolnak a sikemi úton; bizony, gonosz dolgokat cselekesznek. 10 Rettenetes dolgokat látok Izráel házában. Ott van Efraim paráználkodása; meg van fertõztetve Izráel. 11 Júda! a te számodra is készített aratást, mikor fordítok az én népemnek fogságán.
Indonesian(i) 1 Orang-orang Israel berkata, "Mari kita kembali kepada TUHAN. Dialah yang menyakiti kita, tapi Dia juga yang akan menyembuhkan. Dia yang melukai, tapi Dia juga yang akan membalut luka-luka kita. 2 Dalam dua atau tiga hari ini Ia akan menyembuhkan kita, dan kita akan hidup di dalam perlindungan-Nya. 3 Karena itu marilah kita berusaha untuk sungguh-sungguh mengenal TUHAN. Ia pasti akan datang kepada kita seperti datangnya fajar, dan seperti hujan yang membasahi bumi pada akhir musim hujan." 4 Tetapi TUHAN berkata, "Hai Israel dan Yehuda! Aku harus berbuat apa dengan kamu? Cintamu kepada-Ku cepat hilang seperti kabut atau embun di pagi hari. 5 Itu sebabnya Aku mengutus nabi-nabi-Ku untuk menyampaikan kepadamu keputusan-Ku bahwa kamu harus dihukum dan dibinasakan. Yang Aku inginkan dari kamu sudah terang dan jelas: 6 Aku lebih suka kamu mengenal Aku dan selalu mengasihi Aku, daripada kamu membakar dan mempersembahkan kurban kepada-Ku. 7 Tapi seperti di Adam, kamu mengingkari janjimu dengan Aku. 8 Gilead adalah kota yang penuh dengan penjahat dan pembunuh. 9 Imam-imam di kota itu seperti sekelompok perampok yang menghadang orang yang lewat. Di jalan yang menuju ke tempat suci di Sikhem pun mereka melakukan pembunuhan! Semua kejahatan itu mereka lakukan dengan sengaja. 10 Di Israel Aku melihat sesuatu yang mengerikan: umat-Ku menajiskan dirinya dengan menyembah berhala. 11 Mengenai kamu, hai orang Yehuda, Aku telah menetapkan waktunya untuk menghukum kamu juga karena perbuatanmu."
Italian(i) 1 VENITE, e convertiamoci al Signore; perciocchè egli ha lacerato, ed altresì ci risanerà; egli ha percosso, altresì ci fascerà le piaghe. 2 Infra due giorni egli ci avrà rimessi in vita; nel terzo giorno egli ci avrà risuscitati, e noi viveremo nel suo cospetto. 3 E conoscendo il Signore, proseguiremo a conoscerlo ancora; la sua uscita sarà stabilmente ordinata, come quella dell’alba; ed egli verrà a noi come la pioggia, come la pioggia della stagion della ricolta, che innaffia la terra. 4 Che ti farò, o Efraim? che ti farò, o Giuda? conciossiachè la vostra pietà sia simile ad una nuvola mattutina, ed alla rugiada, la qual viene la mattina, e poi se ne va via. Perciò, io li ho asciati per li profeti; 5 li ho uccisi per le parole della mia bocca; e i tuoi giudicii, o Israele, ti sono stati pronunziati al levar del sole. 6 Perciocchè io gradisco benignità, e non sacrificio; e il conoscere Iddio, anzi che olocausti. 7 Ma essi hanno trasgredito il patto, come Adamo; ecco là, si son portati dislealmente inverso me. 8 Galaad è una città di operatori d’iniquità; è segnata di sangue. 9 E come gli scherani aspettano gli uomini, così la compagnia de’ sacerdoti uccide le persone in su la strada, verso Sichem; perciocchè han commesse scelleratezze. 10 Io ho veduto nella casa d’Israele una cosa orribile; ivi è la fornicazione di Efraim, Israele si è contaminato. 11 Ancora porrà Giuda delle piante in te, quando io ritrarrò di cattività il mio popolo.
ItalianRiveduta(i) 1 E diranno: "Venite, torniamo all’Eterno perch’egli ha lacerato, ma ci risanerà; ha percosso, ma ci fascerà. 2 In due giorni ci ridarà la vita; il terzo giorno ci rimetterà in piedi, e noi vivremo alla sua presenza. 3 Conosciamo l’Eterno, sforziamoci di conoscerlo! Il suo levarsi è certo, come quello dell’aurora; egli verrà a noi come la pioggia, come la pioggia di primavera che annaffia la terra". 4 Che ti farò, o Efraim? Che ti farò o Giuda? La vostra pietà è come una nuvola mattutina, come la rugiada che di buon’ora scompare. 5 Per questo li taglio colla scura dei profeti, li uccido con le parole della mia bocca, e il mio giudizio verrà fuori come la luce. 6 Poiché io amo la pietà e non i sacrifizi, e la conoscenza di Dio anziché gli olocausti. 7 Ma essi, come Adamo, han trasgredito il patto, si son condotti perfidamente verso di me. 8 Galaad è una città d’operatori d’iniquità, e coperta d’orme di sangue. 9 Come una banda di briganti aspetta la gente, così fa la congrega de’ sacerdoti: assassinano sulla via di Sichem, commettono scelleratezze. 10 Nella casa d’Israele ho visto cose orribili: là è la prostituzione d’Efraim! là Israele si contamina. 11 A te pure, o Giuda, una mèsse è assegnata, quando io ricondurrò dalla cattività il mio popolo.
Korean(i) 1 오라 우리가 여호와께로 돌아가자 여호와께서 우리를 찢으셨으나 도로 낫게 하실 것이요 우리를 치셨으나 싸매어 주실 것임이라 2 여호와께서 이틀 후에 우리를 살리시며 제 삼일에 우리를 일으키시리니 우리가 그 앞에서 살리라 3 그러므로 우리가 여호와를 알자 힘써 여호와를 알자 그의 나오심은 새벽 빛같이 일정하니 비와 같이, 땅을 적시는 늦은 비와 같이 우리에게 임하시리라 하리라 4 에브라임아 내가 네게 어떻게 하랴 유다야 내가 네게 어떻게 하랴 너희의 인애가 아침 구름이나 쉬 없어지는 이슬 같도다 5 그러므로 내가 선지자들로 저희를 치고 내 입의 말로 저희를 죽였노니 내 심판은 발하는 빛과 같으니라 6 나는 인애를 원하고 제사를 원치 아니하며 번제보다 하나님을 아는 것을 원하노라 7 저희는 아담처럼 언약을 어기고 거기서 내게 패역을 행하였느니라 8 길르앗은 행악자의 고을이라 피발자취가 편만하도다 9 강도떼가 사람을 기다림같이 제사장의 무리가 세겜 길에서 살인하니 저희가 사악을 행하였느니라 10 내가 이스라엘 집에서 가증한 일을 보았나니 거기서 에브라임은 행음하였고 이스라엘은 더럽혔느니라 11 유다여 내가 내 백성의 사로잡힘을 돌이킬 때에 네게도 추수할 일을 정하였느니라
Lithuanian(i) 1 Eikime, sugrįžkime pas Viešpatį: Jis mus sudraskė­Jis ir pagydys; Jis sumušė­Jis ir aptvarstys. 2 Jis atgaivins mus po dviejų dienų, trečią dieną pakels, kad gyventume Jo akivaizdoje. 3 Stenkimės pažinti Viešpatį. Kaip aušra Jis pasirodys ir ateis pas mus kaip lietus, kaip vėlyvas ir ankstyvas lietus į žemę. 4 “Ką darysiu tau, Efraimai? Ką darysiu tau, Judai? Jūsų gerumas kaip rytmečio migla, kaip rasa, kuri greitai išnyksta. 5 Aš tašiau juos per pranašus, žudžiau savo burnos žodžiais. Tavo teismai yra kaip nušvintanti šviesa. 6 Aš noriu gailestingumo, o ne aukos, ir Dievo pažinimo labiau, negu deginamųjų aukų. 7 Jie kaip žmonės sulaužė sandorą, buvo man neištikimi. 8 Gileadas yra piktadarių miestas, suteptas krauju. 9 Kaip tykojanti plėšikų gauja­tokie yra kunigai, kurie žudo einančius į Sichemą ir elgiasi bjauriai. 10 Izraelio namuose mačiau baisių dalykų: ten paleistuvauja Efraimas, susitepęs Izraelis. 11 Tau, Judai, taip pat paruošta pjūtis, kai parvesiu savo tautos ištremtuosius”.
PBG(i) 1 W utrapieniu swojem rano mię szukać będą, mówiąc: Pójdźcie, a nawróćmy się do Pana; bo on porwał, a uzdrowi nas; uderzył, i zawiąże rany nasze; 2 Ożywi nas po dwóch dniach, a dnia trzeciego wzbudzi nas, i żyć będziemy przed obliczem jego. 3 Tedy poznawszy Pana starać się będziemy, abyśmy go więcej poznali; bo wyjście jego jako ranna zorza zgotowane jest, a przyjdzie nam jako deszcz na wiosnę i w jesieni na zimę. 4 Cóż mam czynić z tobą, o Efraimie? cóż mam czynić z tobą, o Judo? gdyż miłosierdzie wasze jest jako obłok poranny a jako rosa rano przemijająca. 5 Dlatego ociosywałem ich przez proroków, zabijałem ich słowy ust moich, aby światłość sądów twoich weszła. 6 Bo miłosierdzia chcę, a nie ofiary, a znajomości Bożej więcej, niż całopalenia. 7 Ale oni przestąpili przymierze moje, jako ludzkie, a temci wystąpili przeciwko mnie. 8 Galaad jest miastem czyniących nieprawość, pełne stóp krwawych. 9 A jako zbójcy czynią, którzy na kogo czyhają na drodze, kędy chodzą do Sychem, tak czyni rota kapłanów; bo umyślnie niecnotę płodzą. 10 W domu Izraelskim widzę sprosność; tam się wszeteczeństwem Efraimowem splugawił Izrael; 11 I w tobie, o Judo! Efraim żniwo położył, gdym Ja zaś przywrócił pojmany lud mój.
Portuguese(i) 1 Vinde, e tornemos para o Senhor, porque ele despedaçou e nos sarará; fez a ferida, e no-la atará. 2 Depois de dois dias nos ressuscitará: ao terceiro dia nos levantará, e viveremos diante dele. 3 Conheçamos, e prossigamos em conhecer ao Senhor; a sua saída, como a alva, é certa; e ele a nós virá como a chuva, como a chuva serôdia que rega a terra. 4 Que te farei, ó Efraim? que te farei, ó Judá? porque o vosso amor é como a nuvem da manhã, e como o orvalho que cedo passa. 5 Por isso os abati pelos profetas; pela palavra da minha boca os matei; e os meus juízos a teu respeito sairão como a luz. 6 Pois misericórdia quero, e não sacrifícios; e o conhecimento de Deus, mais do que os holocaustos. 7 Eles, porém, como Adão, transgrediram o pacto; nisso eles se portaram aleivosamente contra mim. 8 Guilead é cidade de malfeitores, está manchada de sangue. 9 Como hordas de salteadores que espreitam alguém, assim é a companhia dos sacerdotes que matam no caminho para Siquém; sim, cometem a vilania. 10 Vejo uma coisa horrenda na casa de Israel; ali está a prostituição de Efraim; Israel está contaminado. 11 Também para ti, ó Judá, está determinada uma ceifa. Ao querer eu trazer do cativeiro o meu povo,
Norwegian(i) 1 Kom, la oss vende om til Herren! For det er han som har sønderrevet, men han vil også læge oss; han slo, men han vil også forbinde oss. 2 Han vil gjøre oss levende efter to dager; på den tredje dag vil han opreise oss, og vi skal leve for hans åsyn. 3 Så la oss lære å kjenne Herren, la oss med iver søke å lære ham å kjenne! Hans opgang er så viss som morgenrøden, og han kommer til oss som regnet, som et vårregn som væter jorden. 4 Hvad skal jeg gjøre med dig, Efra'im? Hvad skal jeg gjøre med dig, Juda? For eders kjærlighet er som en morgensky, lik duggen som tidlig går bort. 5 Derfor har jeg hugget løs på dem ved profetene, drept dem ved min munns ord, og dommene over dig fór ut som et lyn. 6 For jeg har lyst til kjærlighet og ikke til slaktoffer, og til gudskunnskap mere enn til brennoffer. 7 Men de har brutt pakten, likesom Adam; der har de vært troløse mot mig. 8 Gilead er en by med ugjerningsmenn, full av blodspor. 9 Og lik en røverskare som lurer på folk, er hele presteflokken; de myrder på veien til Sikem; ja, skammelige ting har de gjort. 10 I Israels hus har jeg sett grufulle ting; der driver Efra'im hor, der er Israel blitt urent. 11 Også for dig, Juda, er det fastsatt en høst, når jeg gjør ende på mitt folks fangenskap.
Romanian(i) 1 ,,Veniţi, să ne întoarcem la Domnul! Căci El ne -a sfîşiat, dar tot El ne va vindeca; El ne -a lovit, dar tot El ne va lega rănile. 2 El ne va da iarăş viaţa în două zile; a treia zi ne va scula, şi vom trăi înaintea Lui. 3 Să cunoaştem, să căutăm să cunoaştem pe Domnul! Căci El se iveşte ca zorile dimineţei, şi va veni la noi ca o ploaie, ca ploaia de primăvară, care udă pămîntul!`` - 4 Ce să-ţi fac, Efraime? Ce să-ţi fac, Iudo? Evlavia voastră este ca norul de dimineaţă, şi ca roua care trece curînd. 5 Deaceea îi voi biciui prin prooroci, îi voi ucide prin cuvintele gurii Mele, şi judecăţile Mele vor străluci ca lumina! 6 Căci bunătate voiesc, nu jertfe, şi cunoştinţă de Dumnezeu mai mult decît arderi de tot! 7 Dar ei au călcat legămîntul, ca oricare om de rînd; şi nu Mi-au fost credincioşi atunci. 8 Galaadul este o cetate de nelegiuiţi, plină de urme de sînge! 9 Ceata preoţilor este ca o ceată de tîlhari, care stă la pîndă, săvîrşind omoruri pe drumul Sihemului; da, se dedau la mişelii. 10 În casa lui Israel am văzut lucruri grozave: acolo Efraim curveşte, Israel se spurcă. 11 Şi ţie, Iudo, îţi este pregătit un seceriş, cînd voi aduce înapoi pe robii de război ai poporului Meu!
Ukrainian(i) 1 Ходіть, і вернімось до Господа, бо Він пошматував і нас вилікує, ударив і нас перев'яже! 2 Оживить він нас до двох день, а третього дня нас поставить, і будемо жити ми перед обличчям Його. 3 І пізнаймо, намагаймось пізнати ми Господа! Міцно поставлений прихід Його, мов зірниці, і Він прийде до нас, немов дощ, немов дощ весняний, що напоює землю. 4 Що, Єфреме, зроблю Я тобі, що зроблю тобі, Юдо? Бо ваша любов, немов хмара поранку, і мов та роса, що зникає уранці, 5 тому Я тесав їх пророками, позабивав їх прореченням уст Своїх, і суд Мій, як світло те, вийде. 6 Бо Я милости хочу, а не жертви, і Богопізнання більше від цілопалень. 7 Вони заповіта Мого порушили, мов той Адам, вони там Мене зрадили. 8 Ґілеад, місто злочинців, повне кривавих слідів. 9 І як той розбишака чигає, так ватага священиків на дорозі в Сихем учиняють розбій, бо злочин учиняють вони. 10 У домі Ізраїля бачу жахливе, там блуд у Єфрема, занечистивсь Ізраїль. 11 Також, Юдо, для тебе жнива приготовлені, як Я долю народу Свого поверну!