Matthew 9

  1 G2532 And G1684 he entered [G5631]   G1519 into G4143 a ship G1276 , and passed over [G5656]   G2532 , and G2064 came [G5627]   G1519 into G2398 his own G4172 city.
  2 G2532 And G2400 , behold [G5628]   G4374 , they brought [G5707]   G846 to him G3885 a man sick of the palsy G906 , lying [G5772]   G1909 on G2825 a bed G2532 : and G2424 Jesus G1492 seeing [G5631]   G846 their G4102 faith G2036 said [G5627]   G3885 unto the sick of the palsy G5043 ; Son G2293 , be of good cheer [G5720]   G4675 ; thy G266 sins G863 be forgiven [G5769]   G4671 thee.
  3 G2532 And G2400 , behold [G5628]   G5100 , certain G1122 of the scribes G2036 said [G5627]   G1722 within G1438 themselves G3778 , This G987 man blasphemeth [G5719]  .
  4 G2532 And G2424 Jesus G1492 knowing [G5631]   G846 their G1761 thoughts G2036 said [G5627]   G2444 , Wherefore G1760 think [G5736]   G5210 ye G4190 evil G1722 in G5216 your G2588 hearts?
  5 G1063 For G5101 whether G2076 is [G5748]   G2123 easier G2036 , to say [G5629]   G266 , Thy sins G863 be forgiven [G5769]   G4671 thee G2228 ; or G2036 to say [G5629]   G1453 , Arise [G5669]   G2532 , and G4043 walk [G5720]  ?
  6 G1161 But G2443 that G1492 ye may know [G5762]   G3754 that G5207 the Son G444 of man G2192 hath [G5719]   G1849 power G1909 on G1093 earth G863 to forgive [G5721]   G266 sins G5119 , (then G3004 saith he [G5719]   G3885 to the sick of the palsy G1453 ,) Arise [G5685]   G142 , take up [G5657]   G4675 thy G2825 bed G2532 , and G5217 go [G5720]   G1519 unto G4675 thine G3624 house.
  7 G2532 And G1453 he arose [G5685]   G565 , and departed [G5627]   G1519 to G846 his G3624 house.
  8 G1161 But G3793 when the multitudes G1492 saw [G5631]   G2296 it, they marvelled [G5656]   G2532 , and G1392 glorified [G5656]   G2316 God G3588 , which G1325 had given [G5631]   G5108 such G1849 power G444 unto men.
  9 G2532 And as G2424 Jesus G3855 passed forth [G5723]   G1564 from thence G1492 , he saw [G5627]   G444 a man G3004 , named [G5746]   G3156 Matthew G2521 , sitting [G5740]   G1909 at G5058 the receipt of custom G2532 : and G3004 he saith [G5719]   G846 unto him G190 , Follow [G5720]   G3427 me G2532 . And G450 he arose [G5631]   G190 , and followed [G5656]   G846 him.
  10 G2532 And G1096 it came to pass [G5633]   G2424 , as Jesus G345 sat at meat [G5740]   G1722 in G3614 the house G2532 , G2400 behold [G5628]   G4183 , many G5057 publicans G2532 and G268 sinners G2064 came [G5631]   G4873 and sat down [G5711]   G846 with him G2532 and G846 his G3101 disciples.
  11 G2532 And G5330 when the Pharisees G1492 saw [G5631]   G2036 it, they said [G5627]   G846 unto his G3101 disciples G1302 , Why G2068 eateth [G5719]   G5216 your G1320 Master G3326 with G5057 publicans G2532 and G268 sinners?
  12 G1161 But G2424 when Jesus G191 heard [G5660]   G2036 that, he said [G5627]   G846 unto them G2192 , They that be [G5719]   G2480 whole [G5723]   G5532 need G3756 not G2395 a physician G235 , but G2192 they that are [G5723]   G2560 sick.
  13 G1161 But G4198 go ye [G5679]   G3129 and learn [G5628]   G5101 what G2076 that meaneth [G5748]   G2309 , I will [G5719]   G1656 have mercy G2532 , and G3756 not G2378 sacrifice G1063 : for G2064 I am G3756 not G2064 come [G5627]   G2564 to call [G5658]   G1342 the righteous G235 , but G268 sinners G1519 to G3341 repentance.
  14 G5119 Then G4334 came [G5736]   G846 to him G3101 the disciples G2491 of John G3004 , saying [G5723]   G1302 , Why G2249 do we G2532 and G5330 the Pharisees G3522 fast [G5719]   G4183 oft G1161 , but G4675 thy G3101 disciples G3522 fast [G5719]   G3756 not?
  15 G2532 And G2424 Jesus G2036 said [G5627]   G846 unto them G3361 , Can G1410   [G5736]   G5207 the children G3567 of the bridechamber G3996 mourn [G5721]   G1909 , as long as G3745   G3566 the bridegroom G2076 is [G5748]   G3326 with G846 them G1161 ? but G2250 the days G2064 will come [G5695]   G3752 , when G3566 the bridegroom G522 shall be taken [G5686]   G575 from G846 them G2532 , and G5119 then G3522 shall they fast [G5692]  .
  16 G1161   G3762 No man G1911 putteth [G5719]   G1915 a piece G46 of new G4470 cloth G1909 unto G3820 an old G2440 garment G1063 , for G4138 that which is put in to fill it up G142 taketh [G5719]   G846   G575 from G2440 the garment G2532 , and G4978 the rent G1096 is made [G5736]   G5501 worse.
  17 G3761 Neither G906 do men put [G5719]   G3501 new G3631 wine G1519 into G3820 old G779 bottles G1490 : else G779 the bottles G4486 break [G5743]   G2532 , and G3631 the wine G1632 runneth out [G5743]   G2532 , and G779 the bottles G622 perish [G5698]   G235 : but G906 they put [G5719]   G3501 new G3631 wine G1519 into G2537 new G779 bottles G2532 , and G297 both G4933 are preserved [G5743]  .
  18 G846 While he G2980 spake [G5723]   G5023 these things G846 unto them G2400 , behold [G5628]   G2064 , there came [G5631]   G1520 a certain G758 ruler G4352 , and worshipped [G5707]   G846 him G3004 , saying [G5723]   G3754 , G3450 My G2364 daughter G737 is even now G5053 dead [G5656]   G235 : but G2064 come [G5631]   G2007 and lay [G5628]   G4675 thy G5495 hand G1909 upon G846 her G2532 , and G2198 she shall live [G5695]  .
  19 G2532 And G2424 Jesus G1453 arose [G5685]   G190 , and followed [G5656]   G846 him G2532 , and G846 so did his G3101 disciples.
  20 G2532 And G2400 , behold [G5628]   G1135 , a woman G131 , which was diseased with an issue of blood [G5723]   G1427 twelve G2094 years G4334 , came [G5631]   G3693 behind G680 him, and touched [G5662]   G2899 the hem G846 of his G2440 garment:
  21 G1063 For G3004 she said [G5707]   G1722 within G1438 herself G1437 , If G680 I may G3440 but G680 touch [G5672]   G846 his G2440 garment G4982 , I shall be whole [G5701]  .
  22 G1161 But G2424 Jesus G1994 turned him about [G5651]   G2532 , and G1492 when he saw [G5631]   G846 her G2036 , he said [G5627]   G2364 , Daughter G2293 , be of good comfort [G5720]   G4675 ; thy G4102 faith G4982 hath made G4571 thee G4982 whole [G5758]   G2532 . And G1135 the woman G4982 was made whole [G5681]   G575 from G1565 that G5610 hour.
  23 G2532 And G2424 when Jesus G2064 came [G5631]   G1519 into G758 the ruler's G3614 house G2532 , and G1492 saw [G5631]   G834 the minstrels G2532 and G3793 the people G2350 making a noise [G5746]  ,
  24 G3004 He said [G5719]   G846 unto them G402 , Give place [G5720]   G1063 : for G2877 the maid G599 is G3756 not G599 dead [G5627]   G235 , but G2518 sleepeth [G5719]   G2532 . And G2606 they laughed G846 him G2606 to scorn [G5707]  .
  25 G1161 But G3753 when G3793 the people G1544 were put forth [G5681]   G1525 , he went in [G5631]   G2902 , and took [G5656]   G846 her G5495 by the hand G2532 , and G2877 the maid G1453 arose [G5681]  .
  26 G2532 And G5345 the fame G3778 hereof G1831 went abroad [G5627]   G1519 into G3650 all G1565 that G1093 land.
  27 G2532 And G2424 when Jesus G3855 departed [G5723]   G1564 thence G1417 , two G5185 blind men G190 followed [G5656]   G846 him G2896 , crying [G5723]   G2532 , and G3004 saying [G5723]   G5207 , Thou Son G1138 of David G1653 , have mercy [G5657]   G2248 on us.
  28 G1161 And G2064 when he was come [G5631]   G1519 into G3614 the house G5185 , the blind men G4334 came [G5656]   G846 to him G2532 : and G2424 Jesus G3004 saith [G5719]   G846 unto them G4100 , Believe ye [G5720]   G3754 that G1410 I am able [G5736]   G4160 to do [G5658]   G5124 this G3004 ? They said [G5719]   G846 unto him G3483 , Yea G2962 , Lord.
  29 G5119 Then G680 touched he [G5662]   G846 their G3788 eyes G3004 , saying [G5723]   G2596 , According G5216 to your G4102 faith G1096 be it [G5676]   G5213 unto you.
  30 G2532 And G846 their G3788 eyes G455 were opened [G5681]   G2532 ; and G2424 Jesus G1690 straitly charged [G5662]   G846 them G3004 , saying [G5723]   G3708 , See [G5720]   G3367 that no man G1097 know [G5720]   it .
  31 G1161 But G1831 they, when they were departed [G5631]   G1310 , spread abroad G846 his G1310 fame [G5656]   G1722 in G3650 all G1565 that G1093 country.
  32 G1161 As G846 they G1831 went out [G5740]   G2400 , behold [G5628]   G4374 , they brought [G5656]   G846 to him G2974 a dumb G444 man G1139 possessed with a devil [G5740]  .
  33 G2532 And G1140 when the devil G1544 was cast out [G5685]   G2974 , the dumb G2980 spake [G5656]   G2532 : and G3793 the multitudes G2296 marvelled [G5656]   G3004 , saying [G5723]   G3754 , G3763 It was never G3779 so G5316 seen [G5648]   G1722 in G2474 Israel.
  34 G1161 But G5330 the Pharisees G3004 said [G5707]   G1544 , He casteth out [G5719]   G1140 devils G1722 through G758 the prince G1140 of the devils.
  35 G2532 And G2424 Jesus G4013 went about [G5707]   G3956 all G4172 the cities G2532 and G2968 villages G1321 , teaching [G5723]   G1722 in G846 their G4864 synagogues G2532 , and G2784 preaching [G5723]   G2098 the gospel G932 of the kingdom G2532 , and G2323 healing [G5723]   G3956 every G3554 sickness G2532 and G3956 every G3119 disease G1722 among G2992 the people.
  36 G1161 But G1492 when he saw [G5631]   G3793 the multitudes G4697 , he was moved with compassion [G5675]   G4012 on G846 them G3754 , because G2258 they fainted [G5713]   G1590   [G5772]   G2532 , and G4496 were scattered abroad [G5772]   G5616 , as G4263 sheep G2192 having [G5723]   G3361 no G4166 shepherd.
  37 G5119 Then G3004 saith [G5719]   G846 he unto his G3101 disciples G2326 , The harvest G3303 truly G4183 is plenteous G1161 , but G2040 the labourers G3641 are few;
  38 G1189 Pray ye [G5676]   G3767 therefore G2962 the Lord G2326 of the harvest G3704 , that G1544 he will send forth [G5632]   G2040 labourers G1519 into G846 his G2326 harvest.
  1 G2532 και And G1684 (G5631) εμβας Having Entered G1519 εις Into G3588 το The G4143 πλοιον Ship G1276 (G5656) διεπερασεν He Passed Over G2532 και And G2064 (G5627) ηλθεν Came G1519 εις   G3588 την To G2398 ιδιαν His Own G4172 πολιν City.
  2 G2532 και And G2400 (G5628) ιδου Behold, G4374 (G5707) προσεφερον They Brought G846 αυτω To Him G3885 παραλυτικον A Paralytic G1909 επι On G2825 κλινης A Bed G906 (G5772) βεβλημενον Lying; G2532 και And G1492 (G5631) ιδων   G3588 ο Seeing G2424 ιησους   G3588 την Jesus G4102 πιστιν   G846 αυτων Their Faith G2036 (G5627) ειπεν Said G3588 τω To The G3885 παραλυτικω Paralytic, G2293 (G5720) θαρσει Be Of Good Courage, G5043 τεκνον Child; G863 (G5769) αφεωνται Have Been Forgiven G4671 σοι   G3588 αι Thee G266 αμαρτιαι   G4675 σου Thy Sins.
  3 G2532 και And G2400 (G5628) ιδου Lo, G5100 τινες Some G3588 των Of The G1122 γραμματεων Scribes G2036 (G5627) ειπον Said G1722 εν In G1438 εαυτοις Themselves, G3778 ουτος This "man" G987 (G5719) βλασφημει Blasphemes.
  4 G2532 και And G1492 (G5631) ιδων   G3588 ο Perceiving G2424 ιησους   G3588 τας Jesus G1761 ενθυμησεις   G846 αυτων Their Thoughts, G2036 (G5627) ειπεν Said, G2444 ινα τι Why G5210 υμεις Ye G1760 (G5736) ενθυμεισθε Think G4190 πονηρα Evil G1722 εν   G3588 ταις In G2588 καρδιαις   G5216 υμων Your Hearts?
  5 G5101 τι   G1063 γαρ For Which G2076 (G5748) εστιν Is G2123 ευκοπωτερον Easier, G2036 (G5629) ειπειν To Say, G863 (G5769) αφεωνται Have Been Forgiven G4671 σοι   G3588 αι Thee G266 αμαρτιαι "thy" Sins, G2228 η Or G2036 (G5629) ειπειν To Say, G1453 (G5669) εγειραι Arise G2532 και And G4043 (G5720) περιπατει Walk?
  6 G2443 ινα   G1161 δε But That G1492 (G5762) ειδητε Ye May Know G3754 οτι That G1849 εξουσιαν Authority G2192 (G5719) εχει Has G3588 ο The G5207 υιος   G3588 του Son G444 ανθρωπου Of Man G1909 επι On G3588 της The G1093 γης Earth G863 (G5721) αφιεναι To Forgive G266 αμαρτιας Sins : G5119 τοτε Then G3004 (G5719) λεγει He Says G3588 τω To The G3885 παραλυτικω Paralytic, G1453 (G5685) εγερθεις Having Arisen, G142 (G5657) αρον Take Up G4675 σου   G3588 την Thy G2825 κλινην Bed, G2532 και And G5217 (G5720) υπαγε Go G1519 εις   G3588 τον To G3624 οικον House G4675 σου Thy.
  7 G2532 και And G1453 (G5685) εγερθεις Having Arisen G565 (G5627) απηλθεν He Went Away G1519 εις   G3588 τον To G3624 οικον   G846 αυτου His House.
  8 G1492 (G5631) ιδοντες   G1161 δε And Having Seen G3588 οι The G3793 οχλοι Crowds G2296 (G5656) εθαυμασαν Wondered, G2532 και And G1392 (G5656) εδοξασαν   G3588 τον Glorified G2316 θεον God, G3588 τον Who G1325 (G5631) δοντα Gave G1849 εξουσιαν Authority G5108 τοιαυτην   G3588 τοις Such G444 ανθρωποις To Men.
  9 G2532 και And G3855 (G5723) παραγων   G3588 ο Passing G2424 ιησους Jesus G1564 εκειθεν Thence G1492 (G5627) ειδεν Saw G444 ανθρωπον A Man G2521 (G5740) καθημενον Sitting G1909 επι At G3588 το The G5058 τελωνιον Tax Office, G3156 ματθαιον Matthew G3004 (G5746) λεγομενον Called, G2532 και And G3004 (G5719) λεγει Says G846 αυτω To Him, G190 (G5720) ακολουθει Follow G3427 μοι Me. G2532 και And G450 (G5631) αναστας Having Arisen G190 (G5656) ηκολουθησεν He Followed G846 αυτω Him.
  10 G2532 και And G1096 (G5633) εγενετο It Came To Pass G846 αυτου At His G345 (G5740) ανακειμενου Reclining "at Table" G1722 εν In G3588 τη The G3614 οικια House, G2532 και That G2400 (G5628) ιδου Behold, G4183 πολλοι Many G5057 τελωναι Tax Gatherers G2532 και And G268 αμαρτωλοι Sinners G2064 (G5631) ελθοντες Having Come G4873 (G5711) συνανεκειντο   G3588 τω Were Reclining "at Table" With G2424 ιησου Jesus G2532 και   G3588 τοις And G3101 μαθηταις   G846 αυτου His Disciples.
  11 G2532 και And G1492 (G5631) ιδοντες Having Seen "it" G3588 οι The G5330 φαρισαιοι Pharisees G2036 (G5627) ειπον   G3588 τοις Said G3101 μαθηταις   G846 αυτου To His Disciples, G1302 διατι Why G3326 μετα With G3588 των The G5057 τελωνων Tax Gatherers G2532 και And G268 αμαρτωλων Sinners G2068 (G5719) εσθιει   G3588 ο Eats G1320 διδασκαλος   G5216 υμων Your Teacher?
  12 G3588 ο   G1161 δε But G2424 ιησους Jesus G191 (G5660) ακουσας Having Heard G2036 (G5627) ειπεν He Said G846 αυτοις To Them, G3756 ου Not G5532 χρειαν Need G2192 (G5719) εχουσιν Have G3588 οι They Who G2480 (G5723) ισχυοντες Are Strong G2395 ιατρου Of A Physician, G235 αλλ But G3588 οι They Who G2560 κακως Ill G2192 (G5723) εχοντες Are.
  13 G4198 (G5679) πορευθεντες   G1161 δε But Having Gone G3129 (G5628) μαθετε Learn G5101 τι What G2076 (G5748) εστιν Is, G1656 ελεον Mercy G2309 (G5719) θελω I Desire, G2532 και And G3756 ου Not G2378 θυσιαν Sacrifice : G3756 ου Not G1063 γαρ For G2064 (G5627) ηλθον I Came G2564 (G5658) καλεσαι To Call G1342 δικαιους Righteous "ones" G235 αλλ But G268 αμαρτωλους Sinners G1519 εις To G3341 μετανοιαν Repentance.
  14 G5119 τοτε Then G4334 (G5736) προσερχονται Come Near G846 αυτω To Him G3588 οι The G3101 μαθηται Disciples G2491 ιωαννου Of John, G3004 (G5723) λεγοντες Saying, G1302 διατι Why G2249 ημεις We G2532 και And G3588 οι The G5330 φαρισαιοι Pharisees G3522 (G5719) νηστευομεν Do Fast G4183 πολλα   G3588 οι Much, G1161 δε But G3101 μαθηται Disciples G4675 σου   G3756 ου Thy G3522 (G5719) νηστευουσιν Fast Not?
  15 G2532 και And G2036 (G5627) ειπεν Said G846 αυτοις   G3588 ο To Them G2424 ιησους   G3361 μη Jesus, G1410 (G5736) δυνανται Can G3588 οι The G5207 υιοι Sons G3588 του Of The G3567 νυμφωνος Bridechamber G3996 (G5721) πενθειν   G1909 εφ Mourn G3745 οσον While G3326 μετ With G846 αυτων Them G2076 (G5748) εστιν Is G3588 ο The G3566 νυμφιος Bridegroom? G2064 (G5695) ελευσονται Will Come G1161 δε But G2250 ημεραι Days G3752 οταν When G522 (G5686) απαρθη Will Have Been Taken Away G575 απ From G846 αυτων Them G3588 ο The G3566 νυμφιος Bridegroom, G2532 και And G5119 τοτε Then G3522 (G5692) νηστευσουσιν They Will Fast.
  16 G3762 ουδεις   G1161 δε But No One G1911 (G5719) επιβαλλει Puts G1915 επιβλημα A Piece G4470 ρακους Of Cloth G46 αγναφου Unfulled G1909 επι On G2440 ιματιω   G3820 παλαιω An Old Garment : G142 (G5719) αιρει Takes Away G1063 γαρ   G3588 το For G4138 πληρωμα   G846 αυτου Its Filling Up G575 απο From G3588 του The G2440 ιματιου Garment, G2532 και And G5501 χειρον A Worse G4978 σχισμα Rent G1096 (G5736) γινεται Takes Place.
  17 G3761 ουδε Nor G906 (G5719) βαλλουσιν Put They G3631 οινον Wine G3501 νεον New G1519 εις Into G779 ασκους Skins G3820 παλαιους   G1487 ει   G1161 δε Old, G3361 μηγε Otherwise G4486 (G5743) ρηγνυνται Are Burst G3588 οι The G779 ασκοι Skins, G2532 και And G3588 ο The G3631 οινος Wine G1632 (G5743) εκχειται Is Poured Out, G2532 και And G3588 οι The G779 ασκοι Skins G622 (G5698) απολουνται Will Be Destroyed; G235 αλλα But G906 (G5719) βαλλουσιν They Put G3631 οινον Wine G3501 νεον New G1519 εις The G779 ασκους Skins G2537 καινους New, G2532 και And G297 αμφοτερα Both G4933 (G5743) συντηρουνται Are Preserved Together.
  18 G5023 ταυτα   G846 αυτου These Things G2980 (G5723) λαλουντος As He Is Speaking G846 αυτοις To Them, G2400 (G5628) ιδου Behold, G758 αρχων A Ruler G2064 (G5631) ελθων Having Come G4352 (G5707) προσεκυνει Did Homage G846 αυτω To Him, G3004 (G5723) λεγων   G3754 οτι   G3588 η Saying, G2364 θυγατηρ   G3450 μου My Daughter G737 αρτι Just Now G5053 (G5656) ετελευτησεν Has Died; G235 αλλα But G2064 (G5631) ελθων Having Come G2007 (G5628) επιθες   G3588 την Lay G5495 χειρα   G4675 σου Thy Hand G1909 επ Upon G846 αυτην Her, G2532 και And G2198 (G5695) ζησεται She Shall Live.
  19 G2532 και And G1453 (G5685) εγερθεις   G3588 ο Having Arisen G2424 ιησους Jesus G190 (G5656) ηκολουθησεν Followed G846 αυτω Him, G2532 και   G3588 οι And G3101 μαθηται   G846 αυτου His Disciples.
  20 G2532 και And G2400 (G5628) ιδου Behold, G1135 γυνη A Woman G131 (G5723) αιμορροουσα Having Had A Flux Of Blood G1427 δωδεκα Twelve G2094 ετη Years, G4334 (G5631) προσελθουσα Having Come G3693 οπισθεν Behind G680 (G5662) ηψατο Touched G3588 του The G2899 κρασπεδου   G3588 του Border G2440 ιματιου   G846 αυτου Of His Garment.
  21 G3004 (G5707) ελεγεν   G1063 γαρ For She Said G1722 εν Within G1438 εαυτη Herself, G1437 εαν If G3440 μονον Only G680 (G5672) αψωμαι   G3588 του I Shall Touch G2440 ιματιου Garment G846 αυτου His G4982 (G5701) σωθησομαι I Shall Be Cured.
  22 G3588 ο   G1161 δε But G2424 ιησους Jesus G1994 (G5651) επιστραφεις Having Turned G2532 και And G1492 (G5631) ιδων Having Seen G846 αυτην Her G2036 (G5627) ειπεν He Said, G2293 (G5720) θαρσει Be Of Good Courage, G2364 θυγατερ   G3588 η Daughter; G4102 πιστις   G4675 σου Thy Faith G4982 (G5758) σεσωκεν Hath Cured G4571 σε Thee. G2532 και And G4982 (G5681) εσωθη Was Cured G3588 η The G1135 γυνη Woman G575 απο   G3588 της From G5610 ωρας   G1565 εκεινης That Hour.
  23 G2532 και And G2064 (G5631) ελθων   G3588 ο Having Come G2424 ιησους Jesus G1519 εις Into G3588 την The G3614 οικιαν House G3588 του Of The G758 αρχοντος Ruler, G2532 και And G1492 (G5631) ιδων Having Seen G3588 τους The G834 αυλητας Flute Players G2532 και And G3588 τον The G3793 οχλον Crowd G2350 (G5746) θορυβουμενον Making A Tumult,
  24 G3004 (G5719) λεγει Says G846 αυτοις To Them, G402 (G5720) αναχωρειτε Withdraw, G3756 ου Not G1063 γαρ For G599 (G5627) απεθανεν Is Dead G3588 το The G2877 κορασιον Damsel, G235 αλλα But G2518 (G5719) καθευδει Sleeps. G2532 και And G2606 (G5707) κατεγελων They Laughed At G846 αυτου Him.
  25 G3753 οτε   G1161 δε But When G1544 (G5681) εξεβληθη Had Been Put Out G3588 ο The G3793 οχλος Crowd, G1525 (G5631) εισελθων Having Entered G2902 (G5656) εκρατησεν   G3588 της He Took Hold G5495 χειρος   G846 αυτης Of Her Hand, G2532 και And G1453 (G5681) ηγερθη Arose G3588 το The G2877 κορασιον Damsel.
  26 G2532 και And G1831 (G5627) εξηλθεν   G3588 η Went Out G5345 φημη   G3778 αυτη This Report G1519 εις Into G3650 ολην   G3588 την All G1093 γην Land G1565 εκεινην That.
  27 G2532 και And G3855 (G5723) παραγοντι Passing On G1564 εκειθεν   G3588 τω Thence G2424 ιησου Jesus, G190 (G5656) ηκολουθησαν Followed G846 αυτω Him G1417 δυο Two G5185 τυφλοι Blind "men", G2896 (G5723) κραζοντες Crying G2532 και And G3004 (G5723) λεγοντες Saying, G1653 (G5657) ελεησον Have Pity On G2248 ημας Us, G5207 υιε Son G1138 δαβιδ Of David.
  28 G2064 (G5631) ελθοντι   G1161 δε And Having Come G1519 εις Into G3588 την The G3614 οικιαν House, G4334 (G5656) προσηλθον Came G846 αυτω To Him G3588 οι The G5185 τυφλοι Blind "men", G2532 και And G3004 (G5719) λεγει Says G846 αυτοις   G3588 ο To Them G2424 ιησους Jesus, G4100 (G5720) πιστευετε Believe Ye G3754 οτι That G1410 (G5736) δυναμαι I Am Able G5124 τουτο This G4160 (G5658) ποιησαι To Do? G3004 (G5719) λεγουσιν They Say G846 αυτω To Him, G3483 ναι Yea, G2962 κυριε Lord.
  29 G5119 τοτε Then G680 (G5662) ηψατο   G3588 των He Touched G3788 οφθαλμων   G846 αυτων Their Eyes, G3004 (G5723) λεγων Saying, G2596 κατα   G3588 την According To G4102 πιστιν   G5216 υμων Your Faith G1096 (G5676) γενηθητω Be It G5213 υμιν To You.
  30 G2532 και And G455 (G5681) ανεωχθησαν Were Opened G846 αυτων   G3588 οι Their G3788 οφθαλμοι Eyes; G2532 και Not G1690 (G5662) ενεβριμησατο Strictly Charged G846 αυτοις   G3588 ο Them G2424 ιησους Jesus, G3004 (G5723) λεγων Saying, G3708 (G5720) ορατε See G3367 μηδεις No One G1097 (G5720) γινωσκετω Let Know "it"
  31 G3588 οι   G1161 δε But They G1831 (G5631) εξελθοντες Having Gone Out G1310 (G5656) διεφημισαν Made Known G846 αυτον Him G1722 εν In G3650 ολη   G3588 τη All G1093 γη Land G1565 εκεινη That.
  32 G846 αυτων   G1161 δε And As They G1831 (G5740) εξερχομενων Were Going Out, G2400 (G5628) ιδου Behold, G4374 (G5656) προσηνεγκαν They Brought G846 αυτω To Him G444 ανθρωπον A Man G2974 κωφον Dumb, G1139 (G5740) δαιμονιζομενον Possessed By A Demon.
  33 G2532 και And G1544 (G5685) εκβληθεντος Having Been Cast Out G3588 του The G1140 δαιμονιου Demon, G2980 (G5656) ελαλησεν Spake G3588 ο The G2974 κωφος Dumb. G2532 και And G2296 (G5656) εθαυμασαν Wondered G3588 οι The G3793 οχλοι Crowds, G3004 (G5723) λεγοντες   G3754 οτι Saying, G3763 ουδεποτε Never G5316 (G5648) εφανη Was It Seen G3779 ουτως Thus G1722 εν   G3588 τω In G2474 ισραηλ Israel.
  34 G3588 οι   G1161 δε But The G5330 φαρισαιοι Pharisees G3004 (G5707) ελεγον Said, G1722 εν By G3588 τω The G758 αρχοντι Prince G3588 των Of The G1140 δαιμονιων Demons G1544 (G5719) εκβαλλει He Casts Out G3588 τα The G1140 δαιμονια Demons.
  35 G2532 και And G4013 (G5707) περιηγεν   G3588 ο Went About G2424 ιησους Jesus G3588 τας The G4172 πολεις Cities G3956 πασας All G2532 και And G3588 τας The G2968 κωμας Villages, G1321 (G5723) διδασκων Teaching G1722 εν   G3588 ταις In G4864 συναγωγαις   G846 αυτων Their Synagogues, G2532 και And G2784 (G5723) κηρυσσων Proclaiming G3588 το The G2098 ευαγγελιον Glad Tidings G3588 της Of The G932 βασιλειας Kingdom, G2532 και And G2323 (G5723) θεραπευων Healing G3956 πασαν Every G3554 νοσον Disease G2532 και And G3956 πασαν Every G3119 μαλακιαν Bodily Weakness G1722 εν Among G3588 τω The G2992 λαω People.
  36 G1492 (G5631) ιδων   G1161 δε And Having Seen G3588 τους The G3793 οχλους Crowds G4697 (G5675) εσπλαγχνισθη He Was Moved With Compassion G4012 περι For G846 αυτων Them, G3754 οτι Because G2258 (G5713) ησαν They Were G1590 (G5772) εκλελυμενοι Wearied G2532 και And G4496 (G5772) ερριμμενοι Cast Away G5616 ωσει As G4263 προβατα Sheep G3361 μη Not G2192 (G5723) εχοντα Having G4166 ποιμενα A Shepherd.
  37 G5119 τοτε Then G3004 (G5719) λεγει   G3588 τοις He Says G3101 μαθηταις   G846 αυτου To His Disciples, G3588 ο The G3303 μεν Indeed G2326 θερισμος Harvest G4183 πολυς "is" Great, G3588 οι   G1161 δε But The G2040 εργαται Workmen G3641 ολιγοι "are" Few;
  38 G1189 (G5676) δεηθητε Supplicate G3767 ουν Therefore G3588 του The G2962 κυριου Lord G3588 του Of The G2326 θερισμου Harvest, G3704 οπως That G1544 (G5632) εκβαλη He May Send Out G2040 εργατας Workmen G1519 εις   G3588 τον Into G2326 θερισμον   G846 αυτου His Harvest.