2 Chronicles 20:21 Cross References - new

  21 H3289 [H8735] And when he had consulted H5971 with the people, H5975 [H8686] he appointed H7891 [H8789] singers H3068 to the LORD, H1984 [H8764] and that should praise H1927 the beauty H6944 of holiness, H3318 [H8800] as they went out H6440 at the face of H2502 [H8803] the army, H559 [H8802] and to say, H3034 [H8685] Praise H3068 the LORD; H2617 for his mercy H5769 endureth to the age.

1 Chronicles 13:1-2

  1 H1732 And David H3289 [H8735] consulted H8269 with the captains H505 of thousands H3967 and of hundreds, H5057 and with every leader.
  2 H1732 And David H559 [H8799] said H6951 to all the congregation H3478 of Israel, H2895 [H8804] If it seemeth good H3068 to you, and that it is of the LORD H430 our God, H7971 [H8799] let us send H6555 [H8799] abroad H251 to our brethren H7604 [H8737] every where, that are left H776 in all the land H3478 of Israel, H3548 and with them also to the priests H3881 and Levites H5892 who are in their cities H4054 and common lands, H6908 [H8735] that they may assemble to us:

1 Chronicles 16:29

  29 H3051 [H8798] Give H3068 to the LORD H3519 the glory H8034 due to his name: H5375 [H8798] bring H4503 an offering, H935 [H8798] and come H6440 at the face of H7812 [H8690] him: worship H3068 the LORD H1927 in the beauty H6944 of holiness.

1 Chronicles 16:34

  34 H3034 [H8685] O give thanks H3068 to the LORD; H2896 for he is good; H2617 for his mercy H5769 endureth to the age.

1 Chronicles 16:41

  41 H1968 And with them Heman H3038 and Jeduthun, H7605 and the rest H1305 [H8803] that were chosen, H5344 [H8738] who were mentioned H8034 by name, H3034 [H8687] to give thanks H3068 to the LORD, H2617 because his mercy H5769 endureth to the age;

2 Chronicles 5:13

  13 H2690 H2690 [H8764] It came even to pass, as the trumpeters H7891 [H8789] and singers H259 were as one, H259 to make one H6963 sound H8085 [H8687] to be heard H1984 [H8763] in praising H3034 [H8687] and thanking H3068 the LORD; H7311 [H8687] and when they lifted up H6963 their voice H2689 with the trumpets H4700 and cymbals H3627 and instruments H7892 of music, H1984 [H8763] and praised H3068 the LORD, H2896 saying, For he is good; H2617 for his mercy H5769 endureth to the age: H1004 that then the house H4390 [H8804] was filled H6051 with a cloud, H1004 even the house H3068 of the LORD;

2 Chronicles 7:3

  3 H1121 And when all the sons H3478 of Israel H7200 [H8802] saw H784 how the fire H3381 [H8800] came down, H3519 and the glory H3068 of the LORD H1004 upon the house, H3766 [H8799] they bowed H639 themselves with their noses H776 to the earth H7531 upon the pavement, H7812 [H8691] and worshipped, H3034 [H8687] and praised H3068 the LORD, H2896 saying, For he is good; H2617 for his mercy H5769 endureth to the age.

2 Chronicles 7:6

  6 H3548 And the priests H5975 [H8802] stood H4931 at their posts: H3881 the Levites H3627 also with instruments H7892 of music H3068 of the LORD, H1732 which David H4428 the king H6213 [H8804] had made H3034 [H8687] to praise H3068 the LORD, H2617 because his mercy H5769 endureth to the age, H1732 when David H1984 [H8763] praised H3027 by their hand; H3548 and the priests H2690 H2690 [H8688] sounded trumpets H3478 before them, and all Israel H5975 [H8802] stood.

2 Chronicles 29:25-30

  25 H5975 [H8686] And he set H3881 the Levites H1004 in the house H3068 of the LORD H4700 with cymbals, H5035 with psalteries, H3658 and with harps, H4687 according to the commandment H1732 of David, H1410 and of Gad H4428 the king's H2374 envisioner, H5416 and Nathan H5030 the prophet: H4687 for so was the commandment H3027 of H3068 the LORD H3027 by H5030 his prophets.
  26 H3881 And the Levites H5975 [H8799] stood H3627 with the instruments H1732 of David, H3548 and the priests H2689 with the trumpets.
  27 H2396 And Hezekiah H559 [H8799] commanded H5927 [H8687] to offer H5930 the burnt offering H4196 upon the altar. H6256 And when H5930 the burnt offering H2490 [H8689] began, H7892 the song H3068 of the LORD H2490 [H8689] began H2689 also with the trumpets, H3627 and with the instruments H3027 ordained by H1732 David H4428 king H3478 of Israel.
  28 H6951 And all the congregation H7812 [H8693] worshipped, H7892 and the singers H7891 [H8789] sang, H2689 and the trumpeters H2690 H2690 [H8688] sounded: H5930 and all this continued until the burnt offering H3615 [H8800] was finished.
  29 H3615 [H8763] And when they had finished H5927 [H8687] offering, H4428 the king H4672 [H8737] and all that were present H3766 [H8804] with him bowed H7812 [H8691] themselves, and worshipped.
  30 H3169 Moreover Hezekiah H4428 the king H8269 and the princes H559 [H8799] commanded H3881 the Levites H1984 [H8763] to sing praise H3068 to the LORD H1697 with the words H1732 of David, H623 and of Asaph H2374 the envisioner. H1984 [H8762] And they sang praises H8057 with gladness, H6915 [H8799] and they bowed their heads H7812 [H8691] and worshipped.

2 Chronicles 30:21

  21 H1121 And the sons H3478 of Israel H4672 [H8737] that were present H3389 at Jerusalem H6213 [H8799] kept H2282 the feast H4682 of unleavened bread H7651 seven H3117 days H1419 with great H8057 gladness: H3881 and the Levites H3548 and the priests H1984 [H8764] praised H3068 the LORD H3117 day H3117 by day, H5797 singing with loud H3627 instruments H3068 to the LORD.

Ezra 3:10-11

  10 H1129 [H8802] And when the builders H3245 [H8765] laid the foundation H1964 of the temple H3068 of the LORD, H5975 [H8686] they set H3548 the priests H3847 [H8794] in their apparel H2689 with trumpets, H3881 and the Levites H1121 the sons H623 of Asaph H4700 with cymbals, H1984 [H8763] to praise H3068 the LORD, H3027 after the hands H1732 of David H4428 king H3478 of Israel.
  11 H6030 [H8799] And they sang together by course H1984 [H8763] in praising H3034 [H8687] and giving thanks H3068 to the LORD; H2896 because he is good, H2617 for his mercy H5769 endureth to the age H3478 toward Israel. H5971 And all the people H7321 [H8689] shouted H1419 with a great H8643 shout, H1984 [H8763] when they praised H3068 the LORD, H3245 0 because the foundation H1004 of the house H3068 of the LORD H3245 [H8717] was laid.

Nehemiah 12:27

  27 H2598 And at the dedication H2346 of the wall H3389 of Jerusalem H1245 [H8765] they sought H3881 the Levites H4725 out of all their places, H935 [H8687] to bring H3389 them to Jerusalem, H6213 [H8800] to keep H2598 the dedication H8057 with gladness, H8426 both with thanksgivings, H7892 and with singing, H4700 with cymbals, H5035 psalteries, H3658 and with harps.

Psalms 29:2

  2 H3051 [H8798] Give H3068 to the LORD H3519 the glory H8034 due to his name; H7812 [H8690] worship H3068 the LORD H1927 in the beauty H6944 of holiness.

Psalms 50:2

  2 H6726 Out of Zion, H4359 the perfection H3308 of beauty, H430 God H3313 [H8689] hath shined.

Psalms 90:17

  17 H5278 And let the beauty H3068 of the LORD H430 our God H3559 [H8786] be upon us: and establish H4639 thou the work H3027 of our hands H4639 upon us; yea, the work H3027 of our hands H3559 [H8786] establish thou it.

Psalms 96:9

  9 H7812 [H8690] O worship H3068 the LORD H1927 in the beauty H6944 of holiness: H2342 [H8798] fear H6440 at the face of H776 him, all the earth.

Psalms 106:1

  1 H1984 [H8761] Praise H3050 ye the LORD. H3034 [H8685] O give thanks H3068 to the LORD; H2896 for he is good: H2617 for his mercy H5769 endureth to the age.

Psalms 107:1

  1 H3034 [H8685] O give thanks H3068 to the LORD, H2896 for he is good: H2617 for his mercy H5769 endureth to the age.

Psalms 136:1-26

  1 H3034 [H8685] O give thanks H3068 to the LORD; H2896 for he is good: H2617 for his mercy H5769 endureth to the age.
  2 H3034 [H8685] O give thanks H430 to the God H430 of gods: H2617 for his mercy H5769 endureth to the age.
  3 H3034 [H8685] O give thanks H113 to the Sovereign H113 of lords: H2617 for his mercy H5769 endureth to the age.
  4 H6213 [H8802] To him who alone doeth H1419 great H6381 [H8737] wonders: H2617 for his mercy H5769 endureth to the age.
  5 H8394 To him that by intelligence H6213 [H8802] made H8064 the heavens: H2617 for his mercy H5769 endureth to the age.
  6 H7554 [H8802] To him that stretched out H776 the earth H4325 above the waters: H2617 for his mercy H5769 endureth to the age.
  7 H6213 [H8802] To him that made H1419 great H216 lights: H2617 for his mercy H5769 endureth to the age:
  8 H8121 The sun H4475 to rule H3117 by day: H2617 for his mercy H5769 endureth to the age:
  9 H3394 The moon H3556 and stars H4475 to rule H3915 by night: H2617 for his mercy H5769 endureth to the age.
  10 H5221 [H8688] To him that smote H4714 Egypt H1060 in their firstborn: H2617 for his mercy H5769 endureth to the age:
  11 H3318 [H8686] And brought out H3478 Israel H8432 from among H2617 them: for his mercy H5769 endureth to the age:
  12 H2389 With a strong H3027 hand, H5186 [H8803] and with an outstretched H2220 arm: H2617 for his mercy H5769 endureth to the age.
  13 H1504 [H8802] To him who divided H5488 the Red H3220 sea H1506 into parts: H2617 for his mercy H5769 endureth to the age:
  14 H3478 And made Israel H5674 [H8689] to pass through H8432 its midst: H2617 for his mercy H5769 endureth to the age:
  15 H5287 [H8765] But overthrew H6547 Pharaoh H2428 and his army H5488 in the Red H3220 sea: H2617 for his mercy H5769 endureth to the age.
  16 H3212 [H8688] To him who led H5971 his people H4057 through the wilderness: H2617 for his mercy H5769 endureth to the age.
  17 H5221 [H8688] To him who smote H1419 great H4428 kings: H2617 for his mercy H5769 endureth to the age:
  18 H2026 [H8799] And slew H117 famous H4428 kings: H2617 for his mercy H5769 endureth to the age:
  19 H5511 Sihon H4428 king H567 of the Amorites: H2617 for his mercy H5769 endureth to the age:
  20 H5747 And Og H4428 king H1316 of Bashan: H2617 for his mercy H5769 endureth to the age:
  21 H5414 [H8804] And gave H776 their land H5159 for an inheritance: H2617 for his mercy H5769 endureth to the age:
  22 H5159 Even an inheritance H3478 to Israel H5650 his servant: H2617 for his mercy H5769 endureth to the age.
  23 H2142 [H8804] Who remembered H8216 us in our low estate: H2617 for his mercy H5769 endureth to the age:
  24 H6561 [H8799] And hath torn H6862 us from our constricters: H2617 for his mercy H5769 endureth to the age.
  25 H5414 [H8802] Who giveth H3899 food H1320 to all flesh: H2617 for his mercy H5769 endureth to the age.
  26 H3034 [H8685] O give thanks H410 to the God H8064 of heaven: H2617 for his mercy H5769 endureth to the age.

Proverbs 11:14

  14 H8458 Where no counsel H5971 is, the people H5307 [H8799] fall: H7230 but in the abundance H3289 [H8802] of counsellors H8668 there is safety.

Jeremiah 33:11

  11 H6963 The voice H8342 of joy, H6963 and the voice H8057 of gladness, H6963 the voice H2860 of the bridegroom, H6963 and the voice H3618 of the bride, H6963 the voice H559 [H8802] of them that shall say, H3034 [H8685] Praise H3068 the LORD H6635 of hosts: H3068 for the LORD H2896 is good; H2617 for his mercy H5769 endureth to the age: H935 [H8688] and of them that shall bring H8426 the sacrifice of praise H1004 into the house H3068 of the LORD. H7725 [H8686] For I will cause to return H7622 the captives H776 of the land, H7223 as at the first, H559 [H8804] saith H3068 the LORD.

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