2 Corinthians 5:15 Cross References - Webster_Strongs

  15 G2532 And G599 [G5627] that he died G5228 for G3956 all G2443 , that G2198 [G5723] they who live G2198 0 should G3371 not henceforth G2198 [G5725] live G1438 to themselves G235 , but G599 [G5631] to him who died G5228 for G846 them G2532 , and G1453 [G5685] rose again.

2 Kings 5:17

  17 H5283 And Naaman H559 [H8799] said H5414 [H8714] , Shall there not then, I pray thee, be given H5650 to thy servant H6776 two H6505 mules H4853 ' burden H127 of earth H5650 ? for thy servant H6213 [H8799] will henceforth offer H5930 neither burnt offering H2077 nor sacrifice H312 to other H430 gods H3068 , but to the LORD.

Ezekiel 16:6

  6 H5674 [H8799] And when I passed H7200 [H8799] by thee, and saw H947 [H8711] thee polluted H1818 in thy own blood H559 [H8799] , I said H1818 to thee when thou wast in thy blood H2421 [H8798] , Live H559 [H8799] ; yea, I said H1818 to thee when thou wast in thy blood H2421 [H8798] , Live.

Ezekiel 37:9

  9 H559 [H8799] Then said H5012 [H8734] he to me, Prophesy H7307 to the wind H5012 [H8734] , prophesy H1121 , son H120 of man H559 [H8804] , and say H7307 to the wind H559 [H8804] , Thus saith H136 the Lord H3069 GOD H935 [H8798] ; Come H702 from the four H7307 winds H7307 , O breath H5301 [H8798] , and breathe H2026 [H8803] upon these slain H2421 [H8799] , that they may live.

Ezekiel 37:14

  14 H5414 [H8804] And shall put H7307 my spirit H2421 [H8804] in you, and ye shall live H3240 [H8689] , and I shall place H127 you in your own land H3045 [H8804] : then shall ye know H3068 that I the LORD H1696 [H8765] have spoken H6213 [H8804] it, and performed H5002 [H8803] it, saith H3068 the LORD.

Habakkuk 2:4

  4 H5315 Behold, his soul H6075 [H8795] who is lifted up H3474 [H8804] is not upright H6662 in him: but the just H2421 [H8799] shall live H530 by his faith.

Zechariah 10:9

  9 H2232 [H8799] And I will sow H5971 them among the people H2142 [H8799] : and they shall remember H4801 me in far countries H2421 [H8804] ; and they shall live H1121 with their children H7725 [H8804] , and turn again.

Luke 1:74

  74 G1325 [G5629] That he would grant G2254 to us G4506 [G5685] , that we being delivered G1537 out of G5495 the hand G2257 of our G2190 enemies G3000 [G5721] might serve G846 him G870 without fear,

John 3:15-16

  15 G3363 0 { That G3956 whoever G4100 [G5723] believeth G1519 in G846 him G622 0 should G3363 not G622 [G5643] perish G235 , but G2192 [G5725] have G166 eternal G2222 life.}
  16 G1063 { For G2316 God G3779 so G25 [G5656] loved G2889 the world G5620 , that G1325 [G5656] he gave G846 his G3439 only begotten G5207 Son G2443 , that G3956 whoever G4100 [G5723] believeth G1519 in G846 him G622 0 should G3361 not G622 [G5643] perish G235 , but G2192 [G5725] have G166 everlasting G2222 life.}

John 5:24

  24 G281 { Verily G281 , verily G3004 [G5719] , I say G5213 to you G3754 , G191 [G5723] He that heareth G3450 my G3056 word G2532 , and G4100 [G5723] believeth G3992 [G5660] on him that sent G3165 me G2192 [G5719] , hath G166 everlasting G2222 life G2532 , and G2064 0 shall G3756 not G2064 [G5736] come G1519 into G2920 condemnation G235 ; but G3327 [G5758] hath passed G1537 from G2288 death G1519 to G2222 life.}

John 6:57

  57 G2531 { As G2198 [G5723] the living G3962 Father G649 [G5656] hath sent G3165 me G2504 , and I G2198 [G5719] live G1223 by G3962 the Father G2532 : so G5176 [G5723] he that eateth G3165 me G2548 , even he G2198 [G5695] shall live G1223 by G1691 me.}

Romans 6:2

  2 G3361 G1096 [G5636] By no means G4459 . How G3748 shall we, that G599 [G5627] are dead G266 to sin G2198 [G5692] , live G2089 any longer G1722 in G846 it?

Romans 6:6

  6 G1097 [G5723] Knowing G5124 this G3754 , that G2257 our G3820 old G444 man G4957 [G5681] is crucified with G2443 him, that G4983 the body G266 of sin G2673 [G5686] may be destroyed G3371 0 , that henceforth G2248 we G1398 0 should G3371 not G1398 [G5721] serve G266 sin.

Romans 6:11-13

  11 G3779 Likewise G3049 [G5737] reckon G5210 ye G2532 also G1438 yourselves G1511 [G5750] to be G3498 dead G3303 indeed G266 to sin G1161 , but G2198 [G5723] alive G2316 to God G1722 through G2424 Jesus G5547 Christ G2257 our G2962 Lord.
  12 G936 0 Let G3361 not G266 sin G3767 therefore G936 [G5720] reign G1722 in G5216 your G2349 mortal G4983 body G1519 , that G5219 [G5721] ye should obey G846 it G1722 in G846 its G1939 lusts.
  13 G3366 Neither G3936 [G5720] yield ye G5216 your G3196 members G3696 as instruments G93 of unrighteousness G266 to sin G235 : but G3936 [G5657] yield G1438 yourselves G2316 to God G5613 , as G2198 [G5723] those that are alive G1537 from G3498 the dead G2532 , and G5216 your G3196 members G3696 as instruments G1343 of righteousness G2316 to God.

Romans 8:2

  2 G1063 For G3551 the law G4151 of the Spirit G2222 of life G1722 in G5547 Christ G2424 Jesus G1659 0 hath made G3165 me G1659 [G5656] free G575 from G3551 the law G266 of sin G2532 and G2288 death.

Romans 8:6

  6 G1063 For G5427 0 to be G4561 carnally G5427 minded G2288 is death G1161 ; but G5427 0 to be G4151 spiritually G5427 minded G2222 is life G2532 and G1515 peace.

Romans 8:10

  10 G1161 And G1487 if G5547 Christ G1722 is in G5213 you G4983 G3303 , the body G3498 is dead G1223 because G266 of sin G1161 ; but G4151 the Spirit G2222 is life G1223 because G1343 of righteousness.

Romans 12:1

  1 G3870 [G5719] I beseech G5209 you G3767 therefore G80 , brethren G1223 , by G3628 the mercies G2316 of God G3936 [G5658] , that ye present G5216 your G4983 bodies G2198 [G5723] a living G2378 sacrifice G40 , holy G2101 , acceptable G2316 to God G5216 , which is your G3050 reasonable G2999 service.

Romans 14:7-9

  7 G1063 For G3762 none G2257 of us G2198 [G5719] liveth G1438 to himself G2532 , and G3762 no man G599 [G5719] dieth G1438 to himself.
  8 G1063 For G1437 G5037 whether G2198 [G5725] we live G2198 [G5719] , we live G2962 to the Lord G1437 G5037 ; and whether G599 [G5725] we die G599 [G5719] , we die G2962 to the Lord G1437 G5037 : whether G2198 [G5725] we live G3767 therefore G1437 G5037 , or G599 [G5725] die G2070 [G5748] , we are G2962 the Lord's.
  9 G1063 For G1519 to G5124 this G5547 end Christ G2532 both G599 [G5627] died G2532 , and G450 [G5627] rose G2532 , and G326 [G5656] revived G2443 , that G2961 [G5661] he might be Lord G2532 both G3498 of the dead G2532 and G2198 [G5723] the living.

1 Corinthians 6:19-20

  19 G2228 What G1492 [G5758] ? know ye G3756 not G3754 that G5216 your G4983 body G2076 [G5748] is G3485 the temple G40 of the Holy G4151 Spirit G1722 who is in G5213 you G3739 , which G2192 [G5719] ye have G575 from G2316 God G2532 , and G2075 [G5748] ye are G3756 not G1438 your own?
  20 G1063 For G59 [G5681] ye are bought G5092 with a price G1211 : therefore G1392 [G5657] glorify G2316 God G1722 in G5216 your G4983 body G2532 , and G1722 in G5216 your G4151 spirit G3748 , which G2076 [G5748] are G2316 God's.

1 Corinthians 10:33

  33 G2531 Even as G2504 I G700 [G5719] please G3956 all G3956 men in all G3361 things, not G2212 [G5723] seeking G1683 my own G4851 [G5723] profit G235 , but G3588 the {\i profit G4183 } of many G2443 , that G4982 [G5686] they may be saved.

2 Corinthians 3:6

  6 G3739 Who G2532 also G2427 0 hath made G2248 us G2427 [G5656] able G1249 ministers G2537 of the new G1242 testament G3756 ; not G1121 of the letter G235 , but G4151 of the spirit G1063 : for G1121 the letter G615 [G5719] killeth G1161 , but G4151 the spirit G2227 [G5719] giveth life.

2 Corinthians 5:16

  16 G5620 Therefore G575 G3568 henceforth G2249 we G1492 [G5758] know G3762 no man G2596 according to G4561 the flesh G1499 : though G1161 indeed G1097 [G5758] , we have known G5547 Christ G2596 according to G4561 the flesh G235 , yet G3568 now G3765 0 henceforth G1097 [G5719] we know G3765 him no more.

Galatians 2:19-20

  19 G1063 For G1473 I G1223 through G3551 the law G599 [G5627] am dead G3551 to the law G2443 , that G2198 [G5661] I may live G2316 to God.
  20 G4957 [G5769] I am crucified G5547 with Christ G1161 : nevertheless G2198 [G5719] I live G3765 ; yet not G1473 I G1161 , but G5547 Christ G2198 [G5719] liveth G1722 in G1698 me G1161 : and G3739 the life which G2198 0 I G3568 now G2198 [G5719] live G1722 in G4561 the flesh G2198 [G5719] I live G1722 by G4102 the faith G5207 of the Son G2316 of God G3588 , who G25 [G5660] loved G3165 me G2532 , and G3860 [G5631] gave G1438 himself G5228 for G1700 me.

Galatians 5:25

  25 G1487 If G2198 [G5719] we live G4151 in the Spirit G4748 0 , let us G2532 also G4748 [G5725] walk G4151 in the Spirit.

Ephesians 4:17

  17 G5124 This G3004 [G5719] I say G3767 therefore G2532 , and G3143 [G5736] testify G1722 in G2962 the Lord G5209 , that ye G3371 0 henceforth G4043 [G5721] walk G3371 not G2531 G2532 as G3062 other G1484 Gentiles G4043 [G5719] walk G1722 , in G3153 the vanity G846 of their G3563 mind,

Ephesians 5:14

  14 G1352 Therefore G3004 [G5719] he saith G1453 [G5669] , Awake thou G2518 [G5723] that sleepest G2532 , and G450 [G5628] arise G1537 from G3498 the dead G2532 , and G5547 Christ G2017 0 shall give G4671 thee G2017 [G5692] light.

Philippians 1:20-21

  20 G2596 According G3450 to my G603 earnest expectation G2532 and G1680 hope G3754 , that G1722 in G3762 nothing G153 [G5701] I shall be ashamed G235 , but G1722 that with G3956 all G3954 boldness G5613 , as G3842 always G3568 , so now G2532 also G5547 Christ G3170 [G5701] shall be magnified G1722 in G3450 my G4983 body G1535 , whether G1223 by G2222 life G1535 , or G1223 by G2288 death.
  21 G1063 For G1698 me G2198 [G5721] to live G5547 is Christ G2532 , and G599 [G5629] to die G2771 is gain.

Colossians 2:12

  12 G4916 [G5651] Buried with G846 him G1722 in G908 baptism G1722 , in G3739 which G2532 also G4891 [G5681] ye are risen with G1223 him through G4102 the faith G1753 of the operation G2316 of God G3588 , who G1453 [G5660] hath raised G846 him G1537 from G3498 the dead.

Colossians 3:1

  1 G1487 If G4891 0 ye G3767 then G4891 [G5681] were raised G5547 with Christ G2212 [G5720] , seek G507 those things which are above G3757 , where G5547 Christ G2076 G2521 [G5748] sitteth G1722 on G1188 the right hand G2316 of God.

Colossians 3:17

  17 G2532 And G3748 G3956 whatever G302 G4160 [G5725] ye do G1722 in G3056 word G2228 G1722 or G2041 deed G3956 , do all G1722 in G3686 the name G2962 of the Lord G2424 Jesus G2168 [G5723] , giving thanks G2316 to God G2532 and G3962 the Father G1223 by G846 him.

Colossians 3:23

  23 G2532 And G3956 G3748 G1437 whatever G4160 [G5725] ye do G2038 [G5737] , do G1537 G5590 it heartily G5613 , as G2962 to the Lord G2532 , and G3756 not G444 to men;

1 Thessalonians 5:10

  10 G3588 Who G599 [G5631] died G5228 for G2257 us G2443 , that G1535 , whether G1127 [G5725] we wake G1535 or G2518 [G5725] sleep G2198 [G5661] , we should live G260 together G4862 with G846 him.

Titus 2:14

  14 G3739 Who G1325 [G5656] gave G1438 himself G5228 for G2257 us G2443 , that G3084 [G5672] he might redeem G2248 us G575 from G3956 all G458 iniquity G2532 , and G2511 [G5661] purify G1438 to himself G4041 his own special G2992 people G2207 , zealous G2570 of good G2041 works.

Hebrews 13:20-21

  20 G1161 Now G2316 the God G1515 of peace G321 [G5631] , that brought again G1537 from G3498 the dead G2257 our G2962 Lord G2424 Jesus G3173 , that great G4166 shepherd G4263 of the sheep G1722 , through G129 the blood G166 of the everlasting G1242 covenant,
  21 G2675 0 Make G5209 you G2675 [G5659] perfect G1722 in G3956 every G18 good G2041 work G1519 to G4160 [G5658] do G846 his G2307 will G4160 [G5723] , working G1722 in G5213 you G2101 that which is wellpleasing G846 in his G1799 sight G1223 , through G2424 Jesus G5547 Christ G3739 ; to whom G1391 be glory G1519 for G165 ever G165 and ever G281 . Amen.

1 Peter 1:14-15

  14 G5613 As G5218 obedient G5043 children G3361 , not G4964 [G5730] fashioning yourselves according to G4386 the former G1939 lusts G1722 in G5216 your G52 ignorance:
  15 G235 But G2596 as G2564 [G5660] he who hath called G5209 you G40 is holy G2532 , so G1096 [G5676] be G846 ye G40 holy G1722 in G3956 all G391 your behaviour;

1 Peter 4:2-4

  2 G1519 That G980 0 he G3371 no longer G980 [G5658] should live G1954 the rest G5550 of his time G1722 in G4561 the flesh G1939 to the lusts G444 of men G235 , but G2307 to the will G2316 of God.
  3 G1063 For G5550 the time G3928 [G5756] past G979 of our life G713 may suffice G2254 us G2716 [G5664] to have wrought G2307 the will G1484 of the Gentiles G4198 [G5768] , when we walked G1722 in G766 lasciviousness G1939 , lusts G3632 , excess of wine G2970 , revellings G4224 , drinking parties G2532 , and G111 abominable G1495 idolatries:
  4 G1722 In G3739 which G3579 [G5743] they think it strange G5216 that ye G4936 [G5723] run G3361 not G1519 with them to G846 the same G401 flood G810 of dissipation G987 [G5723] , speaking evil of you:

1 Peter 4:6

  6 G1063 For G1519 for G5124 this cause G2097 [G5681] was the gospel preached G2532 also G3498 to them that are dead G2443 , that G2919 G3303 [G5686] they might be judged G2596 according to G444 men G4561 in the flesh G1161 , but G2198 [G5725] live G2596 according to G2316 God G4151 in the spirit.

1 John 4:9

  9 G1722 In G5129 this G5319 [G5681] was revealed G26 the love G2316 of God G1722 toward G2254 us G3754 , because G2316 that God G649 [G5758] sent G846 his G3439 only begotten G5207 Son G1519 into G2889 the world G2443 , that G2198 [G5661] we might live G1223 through G846 him.

Revelation 1:18

  18 G2532 { G2198 [G5723] I am he that liveth G2532 , and G1096 [G5633] was G3498 dead G2532 ; and G2400 [G5628] , behold G1510 [G5748] , I am G2198 [G5723] alive G1519 for G165 evermore G281 , Amen G2532 ; and G2192 [G5719] have G2807 the keys G86 of hell G2532 and G2288 of death.}

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.