Luke 2:11 Cross References - AKJV_Strongs

  11 G5088 For to you is born G4594 this G4594 day G4172 in the city G1138 of David G4990 a Savior, G3739 which G5547 is Christ G2962 the Lord.

Genesis 3:15

  15 H7896 And I will put H342 enmity H996 between H802 you and the woman, H996 and between H2233 your seed H2233 and her seed; H7779 it shall bruise H7218 your head, H7779 and you shall bruise H6119 his heel.

Genesis 49:10

  10 H7626 The scepter H5493 shall not depart H3063 from Judah, H2710 nor a lawgiver H996 from between H7272 his feet, H5704 until H3588 H7886 Shiloh H935 come; H3349 and to him shall the gathering H5971 of the people be.

Psalms 2:2

  2 H4428 The kings H776 of the earth H3320 set H7336 themselves, and the rulers H3245 take counsel H3162 together, H5921 against H3068 the LORD, H5921 and against H4899 his anointed, saying,

Isaiah 9:6

  6 H3206 For to us a child H3205 is born, H1121 to us a son H5414 is given: H4951 and the government H7926 shall be on his shoulder: H8034 and his name H7121 shall be called H6382 Wonderful, H3289 Counselor, H1368 The mighty H410 God, H5703 The everlasting H1 Father, H8269 The Prince H7965 of Peace.

Daniel 9:24-26

  24 H7657 Seventy H7620 weeks H2852 are determined H5971 on your people H6944 and on your holy H5892 city, H3607 to finish H6588 the transgression, H2856 and to make an end H2403 of sins, H3722 and to make reconciliation H5771 for iniquity, H935 and to bring H5769 in everlasting H6664 righteousness, H2856 and to seal H2377 up the vision H5030 and prophecy, H4886 and to anoint H6944 the most H6944 Holy.
  25 H3045 Know H7919 therefore and understand, H4161 that from the going H4161 forth H1697 of the commandment H7725 to restore H1129 and to build H3389 Jerusalem H4899 to the Messiah H5057 the Prince H7651 shall be seven H7620 weeks, H8346 and three score H8147 and two H7620 weeks: H7339 the street H1129 shall be built H7725 again, H2742 and the wall, H5916 even in troublous H6256 times.
  26 H310 And after H8346 three score H8147 and two H7620 weeks H4899 shall Messiah H3772 be cut H5971 off, but not for himself: and the people H5057 of the prince H935 that shall come H7843 shall destroy H5892 the city H6944 and the sanctuary; H7093 and the end H7858 thereof shall be with a flood, H7093 and to the end H4421 of the war H8074 desolations H2782 are determined.

Matthew 1:16

  16 G2384 And Jacob G1080 begat G2501 Joseph G435 the husband G3137 of Mary, G3739 of whom G1080 was born G2424 Jesus, G3588 who G3004 is called G5547 Christ.

Matthew 1:21

  21 G5088 And she shall bring G5088 forth G5207 a son, G2564 and you shall call G3686 his name G2424 JESUS: G4982 for he shall save G2992 his people G266 from their sins.

Matthew 16:16

  16 G4613 And Simon G4074 Peter G611 answered G2036 and said, G1488 You are G5547 the Christ, G5207 the Son G2198 of the living G2316 God.

Matthew 16:20

  20 G5119 Then G1291 charged G3101 he his disciples G2036 that they should tell G3762 no G3367 man G2424 that he was Jesus G5547 the Christ.

Luke 1:43

  43 G4159 And what G5124 is this G3384 to me, that the mother G2962 of my Lord G2064 should come to me?

Luke 1:69

  69 G1453 And has raised G2768 up an horn G4991 of salvation G3624 for us in the house G3816 of his servant G1138 David;

Luke 2:4

  4 G2501 And Joseph G2532 also G305 went G1056 up from Galilee, G4172 out of the city G3478 of Nazareth, G1519 into G2449 Judaea, G4172 to the city G1138 of David, G3748 which G2564 is called G965 Bethlehem; G1223 (because G3624 he was of the house G3965 and lineage G1138 of David:)

Luke 2:26

  26 G5537 And it was revealed G40 to him by the Holy G4151 Ghost, G1492 that he should not see G2288 death, G4250 before G2228 G1492 he had seen G2962 the Lord’s G5547 Christ.

Luke 20:41-44

  41 G2036 And he said G4459 to them, How G2036 say G5547 they that Christ G1138 is David’s G5207 son?
  42 G1138 And David G846 himself G3004 said G976 in the book G5568 of Psalms, G2962 The LORD G2036 said G2962 to my Lord, G2521 Sit G1537 you on G1188 my right hand,
  43 G2193 Till G5087 I make G4675 your G2190 enemies G5286 your footstool.
  44 G1138 David G2564 therefore calls G2962 him Lord, G4459 how G2532 is he then G5207 his son?

John 1:41

  41 G4413 He first G2147 finds G80 his own brother G4613 Simon, G3004 and said G2147 to him, We have found G3323 the Messias, G3739 which G3177 is, being interpreted, G5547 the Christ.

John 1:45

  45 G5376 Philip G2147 finds G3482 Nathanael, G3004 and said G2147 to him, We have found G3739 him, of whom G3475 Moses G3551 in the law, G4396 and the prophets, G1125 did write, G2424 Jesus G3478 of Nazareth, G5207 the son G2501 of Joseph.

John 4:42

  42 G3004 And said G1135 to the woman, G3765 Now G4100 we believe, G1223 not because G2981 of your saying: G191 for we have heard G1492 him ourselves, and know G3778 that this G230 is indeed G5547 the Christ, G4990 the Savior G2889 of the world.

John 6:69

  69 G4100 And we believe G1097 and are sure G1488 that you are G5547 that Christ, G5207 the Son G2198 of the living G2316 God.

John 7:25-27

  25 G3767 Then G3004 said G5100 some G2414 of them of Jerusalem, G3778 Is not this G3739 he, whom G2212 they seek G615 to kill?
  26 G2396 But, see, G2980 he speaks G3954 boldly, G3004 and they say G3762 nothing G758 to him. Do the rulers G1097 know G230 indeed G3778 that this G230 is the very G5547 Christ?
  27 G235 However, G1492 we know G5126 this G4159 man from where G3752 he is: but when G5547 Christ G2064 comes, G3762 no G3762 man G1097 knows G4159 from where he is.

John 7:41

  41 G243 Others G3004 said, G3778 This G5547 is the Christ. G243 But some G3004 said, G5547 Shall Christ G2064 come G1056 out of Galilee?

John 11:27

  27 G3004 She said G3483 to him, Yes, G2962 Lord: G4100 I believe G1488 that you are G5547 the Christ, G5207 the Son G2316 of God, G3588 which G2064 should come G1519 into G2889 the world.

John 20:31

  31 G5023 But these G1125 are written, G4100 that you might believe G2424 that Jesus G5547 is the Christ, G5207 the Son G2316 of God; G4100 and that believing G2192 you might have G2222 life G1722 through G3686 his name.

Acts 2:36

  36 G3767 Therefore G3956 let all G3624 the house G2474 of Israel G1097 know G806 assuredly, G2316 that God G4160 has made G5126 the same G2424 Jesus, G3739 whom G4717 you have crucified, G2532 both G2962 Lord G5547 and Christ.

Acts 5:31

  31 G2316 Him has God G5312 exalted G1188 with his right G5495 hand G747 to be a Prince G4990 and a Savior, G1325 for to give G3341 repentance G2474 to Israel, G859 and forgiveness G266 of sins.

Acts 10:36

  36 G3056 The word G3739 which G649 God sent G5207 to the children G2474 of Israel, G2097 preaching G1515 peace G2424 by Jesus G5547 Christ: G2962 (he is Lord G3956 of all:)

Acts 17:3

  3 G1272 Opening G3908 and alleging, G5547 that Christ G1163 must G3958 needs have suffered, G450 and risen G450 again G3498 from the dead; G3778 and that this G2424 Jesus, G3739 whom G2605 I preach G5547 to you, is Christ.

1 Corinthians 15:47

  47 G4413 The first G444 man G1093 is of the earth, G5517 earthy; G1208 the second G444 man G2962 is the Lord G3772 from heaven.

Galatians 4:4-5

  4 G3753 But when G4138 the fullness G5550 of the time G2064 was come, G2316 God G1821 sent G1821 forth G5207 his Son, G1096 made G1135 of a woman, G1096 made G5259 under G3551 the law,
  5 G1805 To redeem G5259 them that were under G3551 the law, G618 that we might receive G5206 the adoption G5206 of sons.

Philippians 2:11

  11 G3956 And that every G1100 tongue G1843 should confess G2424 that Jesus G5547 Christ G2962 is Lord, G1391 to the glory G2316 of God G3962 the Father.

Philippians 3:8

  8 G235 Yes G3304 doubtless, G2233 and I count G3956 all G2209 things but loss G5242 for the excellency G1108 of the knowledge G5547 of Christ G2424 Jesus G2962 my Lord: G3739 for whom G2192 I have G2210 suffered G2210 the loss G3956 of all G2233 things, and do count G4657 them but dung, G2770 that I may win G5547 Christ,

Colossians 2:6

  6 G3767 As you have therefore G3880 received G5547 Christ G2424 Jesus G2962 the Lord, G4043 so walk you in him:

2 Timothy 1:9-10

  9 G3588 Who G4982 has saved G2564 us, and called G40 us with an holy G2821 calling, G2596 not according G2041 to our works, G2596 but according G2398 to his own G4286 purpose G5485 and grace, G3588 which G1325 was given G5547 us in Christ G2424 Jesus G4253 before G166 the world began,
  10 G3568 But is now G5319 made G5319 manifest G2015 by the appearing G4990 of our Savior G2424 Jesus G5547 Christ, G2673 who has abolished G2288 death, G5461 and has brought G2222 life G861 and immortality G5461 to light G1223 through G2098 the gospel:

Titus 2:10-14

  10 G3557 Not purloining, G1731 but showing G3956 all G18 good G4102 fidelity; G2885 that they may adorn G1319 the doctrine G2316 of God G4990 our Savior G3956 in all things.
  11 G5485 For the grace G2316 of God G4992 that brings salvation G2014 has appeared G3956 to all G444 men,
  12 G3811 Teaching G720 us that, denying G763 ungodliness G2886 and worldly G1939 lusts, G2198 we should live G4996 soberly, G1346 righteously, G2153 and godly, G3588 in this G3568 present G165 world;
  13 G4327 Looking G3107 for that blessed G1680 hope, G1391 and the glorious G2015 appearing G3173 of the great G2316 God G4990 and our Savior G2424 Jesus G5547 Christ;
  14 G3739 Who G1325 gave G1438 himself G3084 for us, that he might redeem G3956 us from all G458 iniquity, G2511 and purify G1438 to himself G4041 a peculiar G2992 people, G2207 zealous G2570 of good G2041 works.

Titus 3:4-7

  4 G3753 But after G5544 that the kindness G5363 and love G2316 of God G4990 our Savior G2014 toward man appeared,
  5 G2041 Not by works G1343 of righteousness G3739 which G4160 we have done, G2596 but according G1656 to his mercy G4982 he saved G3067 us, by the washing G3824 of regeneration, G342 and renewing G40 of the Holy G4151 Ghost;
  6 G3739 Which G1632 he shed G1909 on G4146 us abundantly G1223 through G2424 Jesus G5547 Christ G4990 our Savior;
  7 G1344 That being justified G5485 by his grace, G1096 we should be made G2818 heirs G2596 according G1680 to the hope G166 of eternal G2222 life.

1 John 4:14

  14 G2300 And we have seen G3140 and do testify G3962 that the Father G649 sent G5207 the Son G4990 to be the Savior G2889 of the world.

1 John 5:1

  1 G3956 Whoever G3588 G4100 believes G2424 that Jesus G5547 is the Christ G1080 is born G2316 of God: G3956 and every G25 one that loves G1080 him that begat G25 loves G2532 him also G1080 that is begotten of him.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.