2 Kings 23:30-37

  30 G2532 And G1913 [2conducted G1473 3him G3588   G3816 1his servants] G1473   G3498 dead G1722 in G* Megiddo. G2532 And G71 they led G1473 him G1519 into G* Jerusalem, G2532 and G2290 they entombed G1473 him G1722 in G3588   G5028 his tomb G1473   G1722 in G4172 the city G* of David. G2532 And G2983 [5took G3588 1the G2992 2people G3588 3of the G1093 4land] G3588   G* Jehoahaz G5207 son G* of Josiah, G2532 and G5548 anointed G1473 him G2532 and G936 gave him reign G1473   G473 instead of G3588   G3962 his father. G1473  
  31 G5207 [2a son G1501 3 being twenty G2532 4and G5140 5three G2094 6years old G1510.7.3 1Jehoahaz was] G*   G1722 in G3588   G936 his taking reign; G1473   G2532 and G5140 three G3376 months G936 he reigned G1722 in G* Jerusalem. G2532 And G3686 the name G3588   G3384 of his mother G1473   G* was Hamutal, G2364 daughter G* of Jeremiah G1537 of G* Libnah.
  32 G2532 And G4160 he did G3588 the G4190 wicked thing G1722 in G3788 the eyes G2962 of the lord G2596 according to G3956 all G3745 as much as G4160 [2did G3588   G3962 1his fathers]. G1473  
  33 G2532 And G3179 [3moved G1473 4him G* 1Pharaoh G* 2Necho] G1722 to G* Riblah G1722 in G1093 the land G* of Hamath, G3588 so as to G3361 not G936 reign G1722 in G* Jerusalem. G2532 And G1325 he put G2209 a penalty G1909 against G3588 the G1093 land -- G1540 a hundred G5007 talents G694 of silver, G2532 and G1176 ten G5007 talents G5553 of gold.
  34 G2532 And G936 [3put to reign G* 1Pharaoh G* 2Necho] G1909 over G1473 them G3588   G* Eliakim G5207 son G* of Josiah G473 instead of G* Josiah G3588   G3962 his father, G1473   G2532 and G1994 he turned G3588   G3686 his name G1473   G* into Jehoiakim. G2532 And G3588   G* [2Jehoahaz G2983 1he took], G2532 and G520 he led him away G1473   G1519 into G* Egypt, G2532 and G599 he died G1563 there.
  35 G2532 And G3588 the G694 silver G2532 and G3588 the G5553 gold G1325 Jehoiakim gave G*   G3588   G* to Pharaoh, G4133 but G5095.1 he assessed G3588 the G1093 land G3588   G1325 to give G3588 the G694 money G1909 by G4750 the mouth G* of Pharaoh; G435 from each man G2596 according to G3588   G4934.1 his assessed value; G1473   G1325 they gave G3588 the G694 silver G2532 and G3588 the G5553 gold G3326 with G3588 the G2992 people G3588 of the G1093 land G3588   G1325 to give G3588 to G* Pharaoh G* Necho.
  36 G5207 [2a son G1501 3 being twenty G2532 4and G4002 5five G2094 6years old G* 1Jehoiakim was] G1722 in G3588   G936 his taking reign, G1473   G2532 and G1733 eleven G2094 years G936 he reigned G1722 in G* Jerusalem. G2532 And G3686 the name G3588   G3384 of his mother G1473   G* was Zebudah, G2364 daughter G* of Pedaiah G1537 of G* Rumah.
  37 G2532 And G4160 he did G3588 the G4190 wicked thing G1722 in G3788 the eyes G2962 of the lord G2596 according to G3956 all G3745 as much as G4160 [2did G3588   G3962 1his fathers]. G1473  
  30 G2532 και G1913 επεβίβασαν G1473 αυτόν G3588 οι G3816 παίδες αυτού G1473   G3498 νεκρόν G1722 εν G* Μαγεδδώ G2532 και G71 ήγαγον G1473 αυτόν G1519 εις G* Ιερουσαλήμ G2532 και G2290 έθαψαν G1473 αυτόν G1722 εν G3588 τω G5028 τάφω αυτού G1473   G1722 εν G4172 πόλει G* Δαυίδ G2532 και G2983 έλαβεν G3588 ο G2992 λαός G3588 της G1093 γης G3588 τον G* Ιωάχαζ G5207 υιόν G* Ιωσίου G2532 και G5548 έχρισαν G1473 αυτόν G2532 και G936 εβασίλευσαν αυτόν G1473   G473 αντί G3588 του G3962 πατρός αυτού G1473  
  31 G5207 υιός G1501 είκοσι G2532 και G5140 τριών G2094 ετών G1510.7.3 ην Ιωάχαζ G*   G1722 εν G3588 τω G936 βασιλεύειν αυτόν G1473   G2532 και G5140 τρεις G3376 μήνας G936 εβασίλευσεν G1722 εν G* Ιερουσαλήμ G2532 και G3686 όνομα G3588 τη G3384 μητρί αυτού G1473   G* Αμιτάλ G2364 θυγάτηρ G* Ιερεμίου G1537 εκ G* Λοβεννά
  32 G2532 και G4160 εποίησε G3588 το G4190 πονηρόν G1722 εν G3788 οφθαλμοίς G2962 κυρίου G2596 κατά G3956 πάντα G3745 όσα G4160 εποίησαν G3588 οι G3962 πατέρες αυτού G1473  
  33 G2532 και G3179 μετέστησεν G1473 αυτόν G* Φαραώ G* Νεχαώ G1722 εν G* Ρεβλαά G1722 εν G1093 γη G* Αιμάθ G3588 του G3361 μη G936 βασιλεύειν G1722 εν G* Ιερουσαλήμ G2532 και G1325 έδωκε G2209 ζημίαν G1909 επί G3588 την G1093 γην G1540 εκατόν G5007 τάλαντα G694 αργυρίου G2532 και G1176 δέκα G5007 τάλαντα G5553 χρυσίου
  34 G2532 και G936 εβασίλευσε G* Φαραώ G* Νεχαώ G1909 επ΄ G1473 αυτούς G3588 τον G* Ελιακίμ G5207 υιόν G* Ιωσίου G473 αντί G* Ιωσίου G3588 του G3962 πατρός αυτού G1473   G2532 και G1994 επέστρεψε G3588 το G3686 όνομα αυτού G1473   G* Ιωακίμ G2532 και G3588 τον G* Ιωάχαζ G2983 έλαβε G2532 και G520 απήγαγεν αυτόν G1473   G1519 εις G* Αίγυπτον G2532 και G599 απέθανεν G1563 εκεί
  35 G2532 και G3588 το G694 αργύριον G2532 και G3588 το G5553 χρυσίον G1325 έδωκεν Ιωακίμ G*   G3588 τω G* Φαραώ G4133 πλην G5095.1 ετιμογράφησε G3588 την G1093 γην G3588 του G1325 δούναι G3588 το G694 αργύριον G1909 επί G4750 στόματος G* Φαραώ G435 ανήρ G2596 κατά G3588 την G4934.1 συντίμησιν αυτού G1473   G1325 έδωκαν G3588 το G694 αργύριον G2532 και G3588 το G5553 χρυσίον G3326 μετά G3588 του G2992 λαού G3588 της G1093 γης G3588 του G1325 δούναι G3588 τω G* Φαραώ G* Νεχαώ
  36 G5207 υιός G1501 είκοσι G2532 και G4002 πέντε G2094 ετών G* Ιωακίμ G1722 εν G3588 τω G936 βασιλεύειν αυτόν G1473   G2532 και G1733 ένδεκα G2094 έτη G936 εβασίλευσεν G1722 εν G* Ιερουσαλήμ G2532 και G3686 όνομα G3588 της G3384 μητρός αυτού G1473   G* Ζαβουδά G2364 θυγάτηρ G* Φαδαϊα G1537 εκ G* Ρουμά
  37 G2532 και G4160 εποίησε G3588 το G4190 πονηρόν G1722 εν G3788 οφθαλμοίς G2962 κυρίου G2596 κατά G3956 πάντα G3745 όσα G4160 εποίησαν G3588 οι G3962 πατέρες αυτού G1473  
    30 G2532 CONJ και G1913 V-AAI-3P επεβιβασαν G846 D-ASM αυτον G3588 T-NPM οι G3816 N-NPM παιδες G846 D-GSM αυτου G3498 N-ASM νεκρον G1537 PREP εκ   N-PRI μαγεδδω G2532 CONJ και G71 V-AAI-3P ηγαγον G846 D-ASM αυτον G1519 PREP εις G2419 N-PRI ιερουσαλημ G2532 CONJ και G2290 V-AAI-3P εθαψαν G846 D-ASM αυτον G1722 PREP εν G3588 T-DSM τω G5028 N-DSM ταφω G846 D-GSM αυτου G1722 PREP εν G4172 N-DSF πολει   N-PRI δαυιδ G2532 CONJ και G2983 V-AAI-3S ελαβεν G3588 T-NSM ο G2992 N-NSM λαος G3588 T-GSF της G1065 N-GSF γης G3588 T-ASM τον   N-PRI ιωαχας G5207 N-ASM υιον G2502 N-GSM ιωσιου G2532 CONJ και G5548 V-AAI-3P εχρισαν G846 D-ASM αυτον G2532 CONJ και G936 V-AAI-3P εβασιλευσαν G846 D-ASM αυτον G473 PREP αντι G3588 T-GSM του G3962 N-GSM πατρος G846 D-GSM αυτου
    31 G5207 N-NSM υιος G1501 N-NUI εικοσι G2532 CONJ και G5140 A-GPN τριων G2094 N-GPN ετων G1510 V-IAI-3S ην   N-PRI ιωαχας G1722 PREP εν G3588 T-DSN τω G936 V-PAN βασιλευειν G846 D-ASM αυτον G2532 CONJ και   A-ASM τριμηνον G936 V-AAI-3S εβασιλευσεν G1722 PREP εν G2419 N-PRI ιερουσαλημ G2532 CONJ και G3686 N-NSN ονομα G3588 T-DSF τη G3384 N-DSF μητρι G846 D-GSM αυτου   N-PRI αμιταλ G2364 N-NSF θυγατηρ G2408 N-GSM ιερεμιου G1537 PREP εκ   N-PRI λεμνα
    32 G2532 CONJ και G4160 V-AAI-3S εποιησεν G3588 T-ASN το G4190 A-ASN πονηρον G1722 PREP εν G3788 N-DPM οφθαλμοις G2962 N-GSM κυριου G2596 PREP κατα G3956 A-APN παντα G3745 A-APN οσα G4160 V-AAI-3P εποιησαν G3588 T-NPM οι G3962 N-NPM πατερες G846 D-GSM αυτου
    33 G2532 CONJ και G3179 V-AAI-3S μετεστησεν G846 D-ASM αυτον G5328 N-PRI φαραω   N-PRI νεχαω G1722 PREP εν   N-PRI δεβλαθα G1722 PREP εν G1065 N-DSF γη   N-PRI εμαθ G3588 T-GSN του G3165 ADV μη G936 V-PAN βασιλευειν G1722 PREP εν G2419 N-PRI ιερουσαλημ G2532 CONJ και G1325 V-AAI-3S εδωκεν G2209 N-ASF ζημιαν G1909 PREP επι G3588 T-ASF την G1065 N-ASF γην G1540 N-NUI εκατον G5007 N-APN ταλαντα G694 N-GSN αργυριου G2532 CONJ και G1540 N-NUI εκατον G5007 N-APN ταλαντα G5553 N-GSN χρυσιου
    34 G2532 CONJ και G936 V-AAI-3S εβασιλευσεν G5328 N-PRI φαραω   N-PRI νεχαω G1909 PREP επ G846 D-APM αυτους G3588 T-ASM τον   N-PRI ελιακιμ G5207 N-ASM υιον G2502 N-GSM ιωσιου G935 N-GSM βασιλεως G2448 N-PRI ιουδα G473 PREP αντι G2502 N-GSM ιωσιου G3588 T-GSM του G3962 N-GSM πατρος G846 D-GSM αυτου G2532 CONJ και G1994 V-AAI-3S επεστρεψεν G3588 T-ASN το G3686 N-ASN ονομα G846 D-GSM αυτου   N-PRI ιωακιμ G2532 CONJ και G3588 T-ASM τον   N-PRI ιωαχας G2983 V-AAI-3S ελαβεν G2532 CONJ και G1533 V-AAI-3S εισηνεγκεν G1519 PREP εις G125 N-ASF αιγυπτον G2532 CONJ και G599 V-AAI-3S απεθανεν G1563 ADV εκει
    35 G2532 CONJ και G3588 T-ASN το G694 N-ASN αργυριον G2532 CONJ και G3588 T-ASN το G5553 N-ASN χρυσιον G1325 V-AAI-3S εδωκεν   N-PRI ιωακιμ G3588 T-DSM τω G5328 N-PRI φαραω G4133 ADV πλην   V-AAI-3S ετιμογραφησεν G3588 T-ASF την G1065 N-ASF γην G3588 T-GSN του G1325 V-AAN δουναι G3588 T-ASN το G694 N-ASN αργυριον G1909 PREP επι G4750 N-GSN στοματος G5328 N-PRI φαραω G435 N-NSM ανηρ G2596 PREP κατα G3588 T-ASF την   N-ASF συντιμησιν G846 D-GSM αυτου G1325 V-AAI-3P εδωκαν G3588 T-ASN το G694 N-ASN αργυριον G2532 CONJ και G3588 T-ASN το G5553 N-ASN χρυσιον G3326 PREP μετα G3588 T-GSM του G2992 N-GSM λαου G3588 T-GSF της G1065 N-GSF γης G1325 V-AAN δουναι G3588 T-DSM τω G5328 N-PRI φαραω   N-PRI νεχαω
    36 G5207 N-NSM υιος G1501 N-NUI εικοσι G2532 CONJ και G4002 N-NUI πεντε G2094 N-GPN ετων   N-PRI ιωακιμ G1722 PREP εν G3588 T-DSN τω G936 V-PAN βασιλευειν G846 D-ASM αυτον G2532 CONJ και G1733 N-NUI ενδεκα G2094 N-APN ετη G936 V-AAI-3S εβασιλευσεν G1722 PREP εν G2419 N-PRI ιερουσαλημ G2532 CONJ και G3686 N-NSN ονομα G3588 T-DSF τη G3384 N-DSF μητρι G846 D-GSM αυτου   N-PRI ιελδαφ G2364 N-NSF θυγατηρ   N-PRI φεδεια G1537 PREP εκ   N-PRI ρουμα
    37 G2532 CONJ και G4160 V-AAI-3S εποιησεν G3588 T-ASN το G4190 A-ASN πονηρον G1722 PREP εν G3788 N-DPM οφθαλμοις G2962 N-GSM κυριου G2596 PREP κατα G3956 A-APN παντα G3745 A-APN οσα G4160 V-AAI-3P εποιησαν G3588 T-NPM οι G3962 N-NPM πατερες G846 D-GSM αυτου
HOT(i) 30 וירכבהו עבדיו מת ממגדו ויבאהו ירושׁלם ויקברהו בקברתו ויקח עם הארץ את יהואחז בן יאשׁיהו וימשׁחו אתו וימליכו אתו תחת אביו׃ 31 בן עשׂרים ושׁלשׁ שׁנה יהואחז במלכו ושׁלשׁה חדשׁים מלך בירושׁלם ושׁם אמו חמוטל בת ירמיהו מלבנה׃ 32 ויעשׂ הרע בעיני יהוה ככל אשׁר עשׂו אבתיו׃ 33 ויאסרהו פרעה נכה ברבלה בארץ חמת במלך בירושׁלם ויתן ענשׁ על הארץ מאה ככר כסף וככר זהב׃ 34 וימלך פרעה נכה את אליקים בן יאשׁיהו תחת יאשׁיהו אביו ויסב את שׁמו יהויקים ואת יהואחז לקח ויבא מצרים וימת שׁם׃ 35 והכסף והזהב נתן יהויקים לפרעה אך העריך את הארץ לתת את הכסף על פי פרעה אישׁ כערכו נגשׂ את הכסף ואת הזהב את עם הארץ לתת לפרעה נכה׃ 36 בן עשׂרים וחמשׁ שׁנה יהויקים במלכו ואחת עשׂרה שׁנה מלך בירושׁלם ושׁם אמו זבידה בת פדיה מן רומה׃ 37 ויעשׂ הרע בעיני יהוה ככל אשׁר עשׂו אבתיו׃
IHOT(i) (In English order)
  30 H7392 וירכבהו carried H5650 עבדיו And his servants H4191 מת him in a chariot dead H4023 ממגדו   H935 ויבאהו and brought H3389 ירושׁלם him to Jerusalem, H6912 ויקברהו and buried H6900 בקברתו him in his own sepulcher. H3947 ויקח took H5971 עם And the people H776 הארץ of the land H853 את   H3059 יהואחז Jehoahaz H1121 בן the son H2977 יאשׁיהו of Josiah, H4886 וימשׁחו and anointed H853 אתו   H4427 וימליכו   H853 אתו   H8478 תחת   H1 אביו׃  
  31 H1121 בן old H6242 עשׂרים twenty H7969 ושׁלשׁ and three H8141 שׁנה years H3059 יהואחז Jehoahaz H4427 במלכו when he began to reign; H7969 ושׁלשׁה three H2320 חדשׁים months H4427 מלך and he reigned H3389 בירושׁלם in Jerusalem. H8034 ושׁם name H517 אמו And his mother's H2537 חמוטל Hamutal, H1323 בת the daughter H3414 ירמיהו of Jeremiah H3841 מלבנה׃  
  32 H6213 ויעשׂ And he did H7451 הרע evil H5869 בעיני in the sight H3068 יהוה of the LORD, H3605 ככל according to all H834 אשׁר that H6213 עשׂו had done. H1 אבתיו׃ his fathers
  33 H631 ויאסרהו put him in bands H6549 פרעה נכה And Pharaoh Necho H7247 ברבלה at Riblah H776 בארץ in the land H2574 חמת of Hamath, H4427 במלך that he might not reign H3389 בירושׁלם in Jerusalem; H5414 ויתן and put H6066 ענשׁ to a tribute H5921 על and put H776 הארץ the land H3967 מאה of a hundred H3603 ככר talents H3701 כסף of silver, H3603 וככר and a talent H2091 זהב׃ of gold.
  34 H4427 וימלך made H6549 פרעה נכה And Pharaoh Necho H853 את   H471 אליקים Eliakim H1121 בן the son H2977 יאשׁיהו of Josiah H8478 תחת in the room H2977 יאשׁיהו of Josiah H1 אביו his father, H5437 ויסב and turned H853 את   H8034 שׁמו his name H3079 יהויקים to Jehoiakim, H853 ואת   H3059 יהואחז Jehoahaz H3947 לקח and took H935 ויבא away: and he came H4714 מצרים to Egypt, H4191 וימת and died H8033 שׁם׃ there.
  35 H3701 והכסף the silver H2091 והזהב and the gold H5414 נתן gave H3079 יהויקים And Jehoiakim H6547 לפרעה to Pharaoh; H389 אך but H6186 העריך he taxed H853 את   H776 הארץ the land H5414 לתת to give H853 את   H3701 הכסף the money H5921 על according H6310 פי to the commandment H6547 פרעה of Pharaoh: H376 אישׁ of every one H6187 כערכו according to his taxation, H5065 נגשׂ he exacted H853 את   H3701 הכסף the silver H853 ואת   H2091 הזהב and the gold H853 את   H5971 עם of the people H776 הארץ of the land, H5414 לתת to give H6549 לפרעה נכה׃ unto Pharaoh Necho.
  36 H1121 בן old H6242 עשׂרים twenty H2568 וחמשׁ and five H8141 שׁנה years H3079 יהויקים Jehoiakim H4427 במלכו when he began to reign; H259 ואחת eleven H6240 עשׂרה eleven H8141 שׁנה years H4427 מלך and he reigned H3389 בירושׁלם in Jerusalem. H8034 ושׁם name H517 אמו And his mother's H2080 זבידה Zebudah, H1323 בת the daughter H6305 פדיה of Pedaiah H4480 מן of H7316 רומה׃ Rumah.
  37 H6213 ויעשׂ And he did H7451 הרע evil H5869 בעיני in the sight H3068 יהוה of the LORD, H3605 ככל according to all H834 אשׁר that H6213 עשׂו had done. H1 אבתיו׃ his fathers
  30 H5650 And his servants H7392 [H8686] carried him in a chariot H4191 [H8801] dead H4023 from Megiddo, H935 [H8686] and brought H3389 him to Jerusalem, H6912 [H8799] and buried H6900 him in his own burying-place. H5971 And the people H776 of the land H3947 [H8799] took H3059 Jehoahaz H1121 the son H2977 of Josiah, H4886 [H8799] and anointed H4427 [H8686] him, and made him king H1 in his father's stead.
  31 H3059 Jehoahaz H6242 was twenty H7969 and three H8141 years H1121 old H4427 [H8800] when he began to reign; H4427 [H8804] and he reigned H7969 three H2320 months H3389 in Jerusalem. H517 And his mother's H8034 name H2537 was Hamutal, H1323 the daughter H3414 of Jeremiah H3841 of Libnah.
  32 H6213 [H8799] And he did H7451 that which was evil H5869 in the eyes H3068 of the LORD, H1 according to all that his fathers H6213 [H8804] had done.
  33 H6549 And Pharaohnechoh H631 [H8799] put him in bonds H7247 at Riblah H776 in the land H2574 of Hamath, H4427 [H8800] that he might not reign H3389 in Jerusalem; H5414 [H8799] and subjected H776 the land H6066 to a tribute H3967 of an hundred H3603 talents H3701 of silver, H3603 and a talent H2091 of gold.
  34 H6549 And Pharaohnechoh H471 made Eliakim H1121 the son H2977 of Josiah H4427 [H8686] king H2977 in the stead of Josiah H1 his father, H5437 [H8686] and changed H8034 his name H3079 to Jehoiakim, H3947 0 and took H3059 Jehoahaz H3947 [H8804] away: H935 [H8799] and he came H4714 to Egypt, H4191 [H8799] and died there.
  35 H3079 And Jehoiakim H5414 [H8804] gave H3701 the silver H2091 and the gold H6547 to Pharaoh; H6186 [H8689] but he taxed H776 the land H5414 [H8800] to give H3701 the money H6310 according to the mouth H6547 of Pharaoh: H5065 [H8804] he exacted H3701 the silver H2091 and the gold H5971 from the people H776 of the land, H376 from every one H6187 according to his assessment, H5414 [H8800] to give H6549 it to Pharaohnechoh.
  36 H3079 Jehoiakim H6242 was twenty H2568 and five H8141 years H1121 old H4427 [H8800] when he began to reign; H4427 [H8804] and he reigned H259 H6240 eleven H8141 years H3389 in Jerusalem. H517 And his mother's H8034 name H2080 was Zebudah, H1323 the daughter H6305 of Pedaiah H7316 of Rumah.
  37 H6213 [H8799] And he did H7451 that which was evil H5869 in the eyes H3068 of the LORD, H1 according to all that his fathers H6213 [H8804] had done.
Vulgate(i) 30 et portaverunt eum servi sui mortuum de Mageddo et pertulerunt in Hierusalem et sepelierunt eum in sepulchro suo tulitque populus terrae Ioahaz filium Iosiae et unxerunt eum et constituerunt eum regem pro patre suo 31 viginti trium annorum erat Ioahaz cum regnare coepisset et tribus mensibus regnavit in Hierusalem nomen matris eius Amithal filia Hieremiae de Lobna 32 et fecit malum coram Domino iuxta omnia quae fecerant patres eius 33 vinxitque eum Pharao Necho in Rebla quae est in terra Emath ne regnaret in Hierusalem et inposuit multam terrae centum talentis argenti et talento auri 34 regemque constituit Pharao Necho Eliachim filium Iosiae pro Iosia patre eius vertitque nomen eius Ioiachim porro Ioahaz tulit et duxit in Aegyptum 35 argentum autem et aurum dedit Ioiachim Pharaoni cum indixisset terrae per singulos ut conferretur iuxta praeceptum Pharaonis et unumquemque secundum vires suas exegit tam argentum quam aurum de populo terrae ut daret Pharaoni Necho 36 viginti quinque annorum erat Ioiachim cum regnare coepisset et undecim annis regnavit in Hierusalem nomen matris eius Zebida filia Phadaia de Ruma 37 et fecit malum coram Domino iuxta omnia quae fecerant patres eius
Clementine_Vulgate(i) 30 Et portaverunt eum servi sui mortuum de Mageddo: et pertulerunt in Jerusalem, et sepelierunt eum in sepulchro suo. Tulitque populus terræ Joachaz filium Josiæ: et unxerunt eum, et constituerunt eum regem pro patre suo. 31 Viginti trium annorum erat Joachaz cum regnare cœpisset, et tribus mensibus regnavit in Jerusalem: nomen matris ejus Amital filia Jeremiæ de Lobna. 32 Et fecit malum coram Domino, juxta omnia quæ fecerant patres ejus. 33 Vinxitque eum Pharao Nechao in Rebla, quæ est in terra Emath, ne regnaret in Jerusalem: et imposuit mulctam terræ centum talentis argenti, et talento auri. 34 Regemque constituit Pharao Nechao Eliacim filium Josiæ pro Josia patre ejus: vertitque nomen ejus Joakim. Porro Joachaz tulit, et duxit in Ægyptum, et mortuus est ibi. 35 Argentum autem et aurum dedit Joakim Pharaoni, cum indixisset terræ per singulos, ut conferretur juxta præceptum Pharaonis: et unumquemque juxta vires suas exegit, tam argentum quam aurum, de populo terræ, ut daret Pharaoni Nechao. 36 Viginti quinque annorum erat Joakim cum regnare cœpisset, et undecim annis regnavit in Jerusalem: nomen matris ejus Zebida filia Phadaia de Ruma. 37 Et fecit malum coram Domino juxta omnia quæ fecerant patres ejus.
Wycliffe(i) 30 And `hise seruauntis baren hym deed fro Magedo, and brouyte him in to Jerusalem, and birieden hym in his sepulcre; and the puple of the lond took Joachaz, sone of Josias, and anoyntiden hym, and maden hym kyng for his fadir. 31 Joachaz was of thre and twenti yeer, whanne he bigan to regne, and he regnede thre monethis in Jerusalem; the name of his modir was Amychal, douyter of Jeremye of Lobna. 32 And he dide yuel bifor the Lord, bi alle thingis which hise fadris hadden do. 33 And Farao Nechao boond hym in Reblatha, which is in the lond of Emath, that he schulde not regne in Jerusalem; and he settide `peyne, ether raunsum, to the lond, in an hundrid talentis of siluer, and in a talent of gold. 34 And Farao Nechao made kyng Eliachim, sone of Josias, for Josias, his fadir; and he turnede the name of hym Joachym; forsothe Farao took Joachaz, and ledde hym in to Egipt. 35 Sotheli Joachym yaf siluer and gold to Farao, whanne he hadde comaundid to the lond bi alle yeeris, that it schulde be brouyt, bi the comaundement of Farao; and he reiside of ech man bi hise myytis bothe siluer and gold, of the puple of the lond, that he schulde yyue to Pharao Nechao. 36 Joachym was of fyue and twenti yeer, whanne he bigan to regne, and he regnede eleuene yeer in Jerusalem; the name of his modir was Zebida, douyter of Phadaia of Ruma. 37 And he dide yuel bifor the Lord, bi alle thingis which hise fadris hadden do.
Coverdale(i) 30 And his seruauntes caried him deed fro Megiddo, & brought him to Ierusale, & buryed him in his graue. And the people of the londe toke Ioahas the sonne of Iosias, and anoynted him, and made him kynge in his fathers steade. 31 Thre & twentye yeare olde was Ioahas wha he was made kynge, & reigned thre monethes at Ierusale. His mothers name was Hamutal ye doughter of Ieremia of Libna. 32 And he dyd yt which was euell in ye sight of ye LORDE, euen as his fathers had done. 33 But Pharao Necho toke him presoner of Reblatha in the londe of Hemath, yt he shulde not reigne at Ierusalem: & raysed a taxe vpo the londe, an hundreth taletes of siluer, & one talente of golde. 34 And Pharao Necho made Eliachim ye sonne of Iosias kynge in his father Iosias steade, & turned his name Ioachim. But Ioahas toke he, & brought him in to Egipte where he dyed. 35 And Ioachim gaue the siluer & golde vnto Pharao, yet taxed he the londe, yt he might geue ye syluer acordynge to Pharaos comaundement. Euery one amonge the people in ye londe taxed he after his abilite in siluer & golde, to geue it vnto Pharao. 36 Fyue & twentye yeare olde was Ioachim whan he was made kynge, & reigned eleuen yeares at Ierusalem. His mothers name was Sebida ye doughter of Pedaia of Ruma, 37 & he dyd euell in the sight of the LORDE, euen as his fathers had done.
MSTC(i) 30 And his servants carried him dead from Megiddo and brought him to Jerusalem and buried him in his own sepulchre. And the people of the land took Jehoahaz the son of Josiah and anointed him and made him king in his father's room. 31 And Jehoahaz was twenty three years old when he began to reign and reigned three months in Jerusalem. His mother's name was Hamutal the daughter of Jeremiah of Libnah. 32 And he did that displeased the LORD, in all things as his fathers had done. 33 And Pharaoh Neco put him in bonds at Riblah in the land of Hamath in the time of his reign in Jerusalem, and put the land to a tribute of a hundred talents of silver and a talent of gold. 34 And Pharaoh Neco made Eliakim the son of Josiah king in the room of Josiah his father, and turned his name to Jehoiakim, and took Jehoahaz away — which, when he came to Egypt, died there. 35 And Jehoiakim gave the silver and the gold to Pharaoh: howbeit, he taxed the land, to give the money at the commandment of Pharaoh and as every man was set at, so he required the silver and the gold of the people of the land, to give Pharaoh Neco. 36 Jehoiakim was twenty five years old when he began to reign, and he reigned an eleven years in Jerusalem. His mother was named Zebidah the daughter of Pedaiah of Rumah. 37 And he did that was evil-favored in the sight of the LORD, like in all things as did his fathers.
Matthew(i) 30 And his seruauntes caryed him dead from Magedo and brought him to Ierusalem, and buried him in hys owne sepulchre. And the people of the land toke Iehoahaz the sonne of Iosiah, and annoynted him and made hym kynge in hys fathers roume. 31 And Iehoahaz was .xxiij. yeare olde when he beganne to raygne, and raygned thre monethes in Ierusalem. His mothers name was Hamital the doughter of Ieremiah of Lobnah. 32 And he dyd that dyspleased the Lorde, in all thynges as his fathers hath done. 33 And Pharao Necoh put him in bondes at Reblah in the lande of Hemath in that tyme of hys raigne in Ierusalem, and put the lande to a tribute of an hundred talentes of syluer, and a talent of golde. 34 And Pharao Necoh made Eliakim the sonne of Iosiah, kynge in the roume of Iosiah hys father, and turned his name to Iehoakim and toke Iehoahaz away, whyche when he came to Egypte dyed there. 35 And Iehoakim gaue the syluer & the gold to Pharao: how be he it taxed the lande, to geue the money at the commaundement of Pharao and as euery man was set at, so he requyred the syluer and the goulde of the people of the land, to geue Pharao Necoh. 36 Iehoakim was .xxv. yeare olde, when he beganne to raygne, & he raigned .xi. yeare in Ierusalem. His mother was named Zebdah the doughter of Phadaiah of Ramah. 37 And he dyd that was euyll fauoured in the syght of the Lorde, lyke in all thynges, as dyd his fathers.
Great(i) 30 And hys seruauntes caryed hym deed from Magiddo, and brought hym to Ierusalem & buryed hym in hys awne sepulchre. And the people of the lande toke Iehoahaz the sonne of Iosia, and anoynted hym, and made hym kynge in hys fathers steade. 31 Iehoahaz was .xxiii. yere olde when he beganne to raygne, and raygned thre monethes in Ierusalem. Hys mothers name also was Hamiel the daughter of Ieremia of Libna. 32 And he dyd euell in the syght of the Lorde, accordinge to all thynges as his fathers had done. 33 And Pharao Necho put hym in bondes at Ribla in the lande of Hamath that he shulde not raygne in Ierusalem, and put the lande to a trybute of an hundred talentes of syluer and a talent of golde. 34 And Pharao Necho made Eliakim the sonne of Iosia kyng in the rowme of Iosia his father, and turned hys name to Iehoakim, and toke Iehoahaz awaye, whych when he came to Egypte, dyed there. 35 And Iehoakim gaue the syluer and the golde to Pharao: & taxed the lande, to geue the moneye accordinge to the request of Pharao: requyringe of euery man (accordynge to theyr abylite) syluer and golde: euen of the people of the lande, to geue vnto Pharao Necho. 36 Iehoakim was .xxv. yere olde when he beganne to raygne, and he raygned a .xi. yere in Ierusalem. Hys mothers name also was Zebuda the daughter of Pedaia of Ruma. 37 And he dyd that which was euell in the syght of the Lorde, accordynge to all thinge as his fathers had done.
Geneva(i) 30 Then his seruants caryed him dead from Megiddo, and brought him to Ierusalem, and buried him in his owne sepulchre. And the people of the lande tooke Iehoahaz the sonne of Iosiah, and anointed him, and made him King in his fathers steade. 31 Iehoahaz was three and twentie yeere olde when he beganne to reigne, and reigned three moneths in Ierusalem. His mothers name also was Hamutal the daughter of Ieremiah of Libnah. 32 And he did euill in the sight of the Lord, according to all that his fathers had done. 33 And Pharaoh Nechoh put him in bondes at Riblah in the lande of Hamath, while he reigned in Ierusalem, and put the lande to a tribute of an hundreth talents of siluer, and a talent of golde. 34 And Pharaoh Nechoh made Eliakim the sonne of Iosiah King in steade of Iosiah his father, and turned his name to Iehoiakim, and tooke Iehoahaz away, which when he came to Egypt, dyed there. 35 And Iehoiakim gaue the siluer and the golde to Pharaoh, and taxed the land to giue the money, according to the commadement of Pharaoh: he leuyed of euery man of the people of the lande, according to his value, siluer and golde to giue vnto Pharaoh Nechoh. 36 Iehoiakim was fiue and twentie yere olde, when he began to reigne, and he reigned eleuen yeeres in Ierusalem. His mothers name also was Zebudah the daughter of Pedaiah of Rumah. 37 And he did euill in the sight of the Lord, according to all that his fathers had done.
Bishops(i) 30 And his seruauntes carryed him dead from Megiddo, and brought him to Hierusalem, & buryed him in his owne sepulchre: And the people of the lande toke Iehoahaz the sonne of Iosia, and annoynted him, and made him king in his fathers steade 31 Iehoahaz was twentie & three yeres olde when he began to raigne, and raigned three monethes in Hierusalem: His mothers name also was Hamiel, the daughter of Ierenna of Libna 32 And he did euil in the sight of the Lord, according to all thinges as his fathers had done 33 And Pharao Necho put him in bondes at Ribla in the lande of Hamath while he raigned in Hierusalem, and put the lande to a tribute of an hundred talents of siluer, and a talent of golde 34 And Pharao Necho made Eliakim the sonne of Iosia king in the roome of Iosia his father, and turned his name to Iehoakim, and toke Iehoahaz away: which when he came to Egypt, dyed there 35 And Iehoakim gaue the siluer and the golde to Pharao, & tayed the lande, to geue the money according to the commaundement of Pharao: requiring of euery man according to their habilitie siluer and golde, euen of the people of the lande, to geue vnto Pharao Necho 36 Iehoakim was twentie & fiue yeres olde when he began to raigne, and he raigned aleuen yeres in Hierusalem: His mothers name also was Zebuda, the daughter of Pedaia of Ruma 37 And he did that which was euill in the sight of the Lord, according to al things as his fathers had done
DouayRheims(i) 30 And his servants carried him dead from Mageddo: and they brought him to Jerusalem, and buried him in his own sepulchre. And the people of the land took Joachaz, the son of Josias: and they anointed him, and made him king in his father's stead. 31 Joachaz was three and twenty years old when he began to reign, and he reigned three months in Jerusalem: the name of his mother was Amital, the daughter of Jeremias, of Lobna. 32 And he did evil before the Lord, according to all that his fathers had done. 33 And Pharao Nechao bound him at Rebla, which is in the land of Emath, that he should not reign in Jerusalem: and he set a fine upon the land, of a hundred talents of silver, and a talent of gold. 34 And Pharao Nechao made Eliacim, the son of Josias, king in the room of Josias his father: and turned his name to Joakim. And he took Joachaz away and carried him into Egypt, and he died there. 35 And Joakim gave the silver and the gold to Pharao, after he had taxed the land for every man, to contribute according to the commandment of Pharao: and he exacted both the silver and the gold of the people of the land, of every man according to his ability: to give to Pharao Nechao. 36 Joakim was five and twenty years old when he began to reign: and he reigned eleven years in Jerusalem: the name of his mother was Zebida, the daughter of Phadaia, of Ruma. 37 And he did evil before the Lord according to all that his fathers had done.
KJV(i) 30 And his servants carried him in a chariot dead from Megiddo, and brought him to Jerusalem, and buried him in his own sepulchre. And the people of the land took Jehoahaz the son of Josiah, and anointed him, and made him king in his father's stead. 31 Jehoahaz was twenty and three years old when he began to reign; and he reigned three months in Jerusalem. And his mother's name was Hamutal, the daughter of Jeremiah of Libnah. 32 And he did that which was evil in the sight of the LORD, according to all that his fathers had done. 33 And Pharaohnechoh put him in bands at Riblah in the land of Hamath, that he might not reign in Jerusalem; and put the land to a tribute of an hundred talents of silver, and a talent of gold. 34 And Pharaohnechoh made Eliakim the son of Josiah king in the room of Josiah his father, and turned his name to Jehoiakim, and took Jehoahaz away: and he came to Egypt, and died there. 35 And Jehoiakim gave the silver and the gold to Pharaoh; but he taxed the land to give the money according to the commandment of Pharaoh: he exacted the silver and the gold of the people of the land, of every one according to his taxation, to give it unto Pharaohnechoh. 36 Jehoiakim was twenty and five years old when he began to reign; and he reigned eleven years in Jerusalem. And his mother's name was Zebudah, the daughter of Pedaiah of Rumah. 37 And he did that which was evil in the sight of the LORD, according to all that his fathers had done.
KJV_Cambridge(i) 30 And his servants carried him in a chariot dead from Megiddo, and brought him to Jerusalem, and buried him in his own sepulchre. And the people of the land took Jehoahaz the son of Josiah, and anointed him, and made him king in his father's stead. 31 Jehoahaz was twenty and three years old when he began to reign; and he reigned three months in Jerusalem. And his mother's name was Hamutal, the daughter of Jeremiah of Libnah. 32 And he did that which was evil in the sight of the LORD, according to all that his fathers had done. 33 And Pharaohnechoh put him in bands at Riblah in the land of Hamath, that he might not reign in Jerusalem; and put the land to a tribute of an hundred talents of silver, and a talent of gold. 34 And Pharaohnechoh made Eliakim the son of Josiah king in the room of Josiah his father, and turned his name to Jehoiakim, and took Jehoahaz away: and he came to Egypt, and died there. 35 And Jehoiakim gave the silver and the gold to Pharaoh; but he taxed the land to give the money according to the commandment of Pharaoh: he exacted the silver and the gold of the people of the land, of every one according to his taxation, to give it unto Pharaohnechoh. 36 Jehoiakim was twenty and five years old when he began to reign; and he reigned eleven years in Jerusalem. And his mother's name was Zebudah, the daughter of Pedaiah of Rumah. 37 And he did that which was evil in the sight of the LORD, according to all that his fathers had done.
  30 H5650 And his servants H7392 carried him in a chariot [H8686]   H4191 dead [H8801]   H4023 from Megiddo H935 , and brought [H8686]   H3389 him to Jerusalem H6912 , and buried [H8799]   H6900 him in his own sepulchre H5971 . And the people H776 of the land H3947 took [H8799]   H3059 Jehoahaz H1121 the son H2977 of Josiah H4886 , and anointed [H8799]   H4427 him, and made him king [H8686]   H1 in his father's stead.
  31 H3059 Jehoahaz H6242 was twenty H7969 and three H8141 years H1121 old H4427 when he began to reign [H8800]   H4427 ; and he reigned [H8804]   H7969 three H2320 months H3389 in Jerusalem H517 . And his mother's H8034 name H2537 was Hamutal H1323 , the daughter H3414 of Jeremiah H3841 of Libnah.
  32 H6213 And he did [H8799]   H7451 that which was evil H5869 in the sight H3068 of the LORD H1 , according to all that his fathers H6213 had done [H8804]  .
  33 H6549 And Pharaohnechoh H631 put him in bands [H8799]   H7247 at Riblah H776 in the land H2574 of Hamath H4427 , that he might not reign [H8800]   H3389 in Jerusalem H5414 ; and put [H8799]   H776 the land H6066 to a tribute H3967 of an hundred H3603 talents H3701 of silver H3603 , and a talent H2091 of gold.
  34 H6549 And Pharaohnechoh H471 made Eliakim H1121 the son H2977 of Josiah H4427 king [H8686]   H2977 in the room of Josiah H1 his father H5437 , and turned [H8686]   H8034 his name H3079 to Jehoiakim H3947 , and took H3059 Jehoahaz H3947 away [H8804]   H935 : and he came [H8799]   H4714 to Egypt H4191 , and died [H8799]   there.
  35 H3079 And Jehoiakim H5414 gave [H8804]   H3701 the silver H2091 and the gold H6547 to Pharaoh H6186 ; but he taxed [H8689]   H776 the land H5414 to give [H8800]   H3701 the money H6310 according to the commandment H6547 of Pharaoh H5065 : he exacted [H8804]   H3701 the silver H2091 and the gold H5971 of the people H776 of the land H376 , of every one H6187 according to his taxation H5414 , to give [H8800]   H6549 it unto Pharaohnechoh.
  36 H3079 Jehoiakim H6242 was twenty H2568 and five H8141 years H1121 old H4427 when he began to reign [H8800]   H4427 ; and he reigned [H8804]   H259 eleven H6240   H8141 years H3389 in Jerusalem H517 . And his mother's H8034 name H2080 was Zebudah H1323 , the daughter H6305 of Pedaiah H7316 of Rumah.
  37 H6213 And he did [H8799]   H7451 that which was evil H5869 in the sight H3068 of the LORD H1 , according to all that his fathers H6213 had done [H8804]  .
Thomson(i) 30 And his servants took him up mortally wounded at Mageddo and brought him to Jerusalem, and buried him in his own tomb. And the people of the land took Joachaz son of Josias and anointed him, and made him king in his father's stead. 31 Joachaz was twenty three years old when he began to reign, and he reigned three months in Jerusalem, and his mother's name was Amital. She was a daughter of Jeremias of Lobna. 32 He did that which was evil in the sight of the Lord according to all that his forefathers had done. 33 So when Pharao Nechao was at Rablaam in the land of Emath, he removed him from reigning in Jerusalem, and imposed as a fine on the land a hundred talents of silver and a hundred talents of gold; 34 and having made Eliakim son of Josias, king of Juda, king over them in the room of his father Josias, Pharao Nechao changed his name to Joakim; and he took Joachaz and carried him to Egypt, and he died there. 35 And Joakim gave the silver and the gold to Pharao: moreover he assessed the land to give the money at the command of Pharao. Every man of rank according to his assessment gave with the people of the land silver and gold to be given to Pharao Nechao. 36 Joakim was twenty five years old when he began to reign, and he reigned eleven years in Jerusalem; and his mother's name was Jeldath. She was a daughter of Phadail of Ruma. 37 And he did evil in the sight of the Lord, according to all that his forefathers had done.
Webster(i) 30 And his servants carried him in a chariot dead from Megiddo, and brought him to Jerusalem, and buried him in his own sepulcher. And the people of the land took Jehoahaz the son of Josiah and anointed him, and made him king in his father's stead. 31 Jehoahaz was twenty and three years old when he began to reign; and he reigned three months in Jerusalem. And his mother's name was Hamutal, the daughter of Jeremiah of Libnah. 32 And he did that which was evil in the sight of the LORD, according to all that his fathers had done. 33 And Pharaoh-nechoh put him in bands at Riblah in the land of Hamath, that he might not reign in Jerusalem; and subjected the land to a tribute of a hundred talents of silver, and a talent of gold. 34 And Pharaoh-nechoh made Eliakim the son of Josiah king in the room of Josiah his father, and turned his name to Jehoiakim, and took Jehoahaz away: and he came to Egypt and died there. 35 And Jehoiakim gave the silver and the gold to Pharaoh; but he taxed the land to give the money according to the commandment of Pharaoh: he exacted the silver and the gold from the people of the land, from every one according to his taxation, to give it to Pharaoh-nechoh. 36 Jehoiakim was twenty and five years old when he began to reign; and he reigned eleven years in Jerusalem. And his mother's name was Zebudah, the daughter of Pedaiah of Rumah. 37 And he did that which was evil in the sight of the LORD, according to all that his fathers had done.
  30 H5650 And his servants H7392 [H8686] carried him in a chariot H4191 [H8801] dead H4023 from Megiddo H935 [H8686] , and brought H3389 him to Jerusalem H6912 [H8799] , and buried H6900 him in his own sepulchre H5971 . And the people H776 of the land H3947 [H8799] took H3059 Jehoahaz H1121 the son H2977 of Josiah H4886 [H8799] , and anointed H4427 [H8686] him, and made him king H1 in his father's stead.
  31 H3059 Jehoahaz H6242 was twenty H7969 and three H8141 years H1121 old H4427 [H8800] when he began to reign H4427 [H8804] ; and he reigned H7969 three H2320 months H3389 in Jerusalem H517 . And his mother's H8034 name H2537 was Hamutal H1323 , the daughter H3414 of Jeremiah H3841 of Libnah.
  32 H6213 [H8799] And he did H7451 that which was evil H5869 in the sight H3068 of the LORD H1 , according to all that his fathers H6213 [H8804] had done.
  33 H6549 And Pharaohnechoh H631 [H8799] put him in bonds H7247 at Riblah H776 in the land H2574 of Hamath H4427 [H8800] , that he might not reign H3389 in Jerusalem H5414 [H8799] ; and subjected H776 the land H6066 to a tribute H3967 of an hundred H3603 talents H3701 of silver H3603 , and a talent H2091 of gold.
  34 H6549 And Pharaohnechoh H471 made Eliakim H1121 the son H2977 of Josiah H4427 [H8686] king H2977 in the stead of Josiah H1 his father H5437 [H8686] , and changed H8034 his name H3079 to Jehoiakim H3947 0 , and took H3059 Jehoahaz H3947 [H8804] away H935 [H8799] : and he came H4714 to Egypt H4191 [H8799] , and died there.
  35 H3079 And Jehoiakim H5414 [H8804] gave H3701 the silver H2091 and the gold H6547 to Pharaoh H6186 [H8689] ; but he taxed H776 the land H5414 [H8800] to give H3701 the money H6310 according to the commandment H6547 of Pharaoh H5065 [H8804] : he exacted H3701 the silver H2091 and the gold H5971 from the people H776 of the land H376 , from every one H6187 according to his assessment H5414 [H8800] , to give H6549 it to Pharaohnechoh.
  36 H3079 Jehoiakim H6242 was twenty H2568 and five H8141 years H1121 old H4427 [H8800] when he began to reign H4427 [H8804] ; and he reigned H259 H6240 eleven H8141 years H3389 in Jerusalem H517 . And his mother's H8034 name H2080 was Zebudah H1323 , the daughter H6305 of Pedaiah H7316 of Rumah.
  37 H6213 [H8799] And he did H7451 that which was evil H5869 in the sight H3068 of the LORD H1 , according to all that his fathers H6213 [H8804] had done.
Brenton(i) 30 And his servants carried him dead from Mageddo, and brought him to Jerusalem, and buried him in his sepulchre: and the people of the land took Joachaz the son of Josias, and anointed him, and made him king in the room of his father. 31 Twenty and three years old was Joachaz when he began to reign, and he reigned three months in Jerusalem: and his mother's name was Amital, daughter of Jeremias of Lobna. 32 And he did that which was evil in the sight of the Lord, according to all that his fathers did. 33 And Pharao Nechao removed him to Rablaam in the land of Emath, so that he should not reign in Jerusalem; and imposed a tribute on the land, a hundred talents of silver, and a hundred talents of gold. 34 And Pharao Nechao made Eliakim son of Josias king of Juda king over them in the place of his father Josias, and he changed his name to Joakim, and he took Joachaz and brought him to Egypt, and he died there. 35 And Joakim gave the silver and the gold to Pharao; but he assessed the land to give the money at the command of Pharao: they gave the silver and the gold each man according to his assessment together with the people of the land to give to Pharao Nechao. 36 Twenty-five years old was Joakim when he began to reign, and he reigned eleven years in Jerusalem: and his mother's name was Jeldaph, daughter of Phadail of Ruma. 37 And he did that which was evil in the eyes of the lord, according to all that his fathers had done.
Brenton_Greek(i) 30 Καὶ ἐπεβίβασαν αὐτὸν οἱ παῖδες αὐτοῦ νεκρὸν ἐκ Μαγεδδὼ, καὶ ἤγαγον αὐτὸν εἰς Ἱερουσαλὴμ, καὶ ἔθαψαν αὐτὸν ἐν τῷ τάφῳ αὐτοῦ· καὶ ἔλαβεν ὁ λαὸς τῆς γῆς τὸν Ἰωάχαζ υἱὸν Ἰωσίου, καὶ ἔχρισαν αὐτὸν, καὶ ἐβασίλευσαν αὐτὸν ἀντὶ τοῦ πατρὸς αὐτοῦ.
31 Υἱὸς εἴκοσι καὶ τριῶν ἐτῶν ἦν Ἰωάχαζ ἐν τῷ βασιλεύειν αὐτὸν, καὶ τρίμηνον ἐβασίλευσεν ἐν Ἱερουσαλὴμ, καὶ ὄνομα τῇ μητρὶ αὐτοῦ Ἀμιτὰλ, θυγάτηρ Ἱερεμίου ἐκ Λοβνά. 32 Καὶ ἐποίησε τὸ πονηρὸν ἐν ὀφθαλμοῖς Κυρίου, κατὰ πάντα ὅσα ἐποίησαν οἱ πατέρες αὐτοῦ. 33 Καὶ μετέστησεν αὐτὸν Φαραὼ Νεχαὼ ἐν Ῥαβλαὰμ ἐν γῇ Ἐμὰθ τοῦ μὴ βασιλεύειν ἐν Ἱερουσαλὴμ, καὶ ἔδωκε ζημίαν ἐπὶ τὴν γῆν ἑκατὸν τάλαντα ἀργυρίου καὶ ἑκατὸν τάλαντα χρυσίου. 34 Καὶ ἐβασίλευσε Φαραὼ Νεχαὼ ἐπʼ αὐτοὺς τὸν Ἐλιακὶμ υἱὸν Ἰωσίου βασιλέως Ἰούδα ἀντὶ Ἰωσίου τοῦ πατρὸς αὐτοῦ· καὶ ἐπέστρεψε τὸ ὄνομα αὐτοῦ Ἰωακίμ· καὶ τὸν Ἰωάχαζ ἔλαβε καὶ εἰσήνεγκεν εἰς Αἴγυπτον, καὶ ἀπέθανεν ἐκεῖ. 35 Καὶ τὸ ἀργύριον καὶ τὸ χρυσίον ἔδωκεν Ἰωακὶμ τῷ Φαραώ, πλὴν ἐτιμογράφησε τὴν γῆν τοῦ δοῦναι τὸ ἀργύριον ἐπὶ στόματος φαραώ· ἀνὴρ κατὰ τὴν συντίμησιν αὐτοῦ ἔδωκαν τὸ ἀργύριον καὶ τὸ χρυσίον μετὰ τοῦ λαοῦ τῆς γῆς τοῦ δοῦναι τῷ Φαραὼ Νεχαώ.
36 Υἱὸς εἴκοσι καὶ πέντε ἐτῶν Ἰωακὶμ ἐν τῷ βασιλεύειν αὐτὸν, καὶ ἕνδεκα ἔτη ἐβασίλευσεν ἐν Ἱερουσαλὴμ, καὶ ὄνομα τῇ μητρὶ αὐτοῦ Ἰελδὰφ θυγάτηρ Φαδαῒλ ἐκ Ῥουμά. 37 Καὶ ἐποίησε τὸ πονηρὸν ἐν ὀφθαλμοῖς Κυρίου, κατὰ πάντα ὅσα ἐποίησαν οἱ πατέρες αὐτοῦ.
Leeser(i) 30 And his servants carried him dying in a chariot from Megiddo, and brought him to Jerusalem, and buried him in his own sepulchre. And the people of the land took Jehoachaz the son of Josiah, and anointed him, and made him king in his father’s stead. 31 Twenty and three years old was Jehoachaz when he became king; and three months did he reign in Jerusalem. And his mother’s name was Chamutal, the daughter of Jeremiah of Libnah. 32 And he did what is evil in the eyes of the Lord, all just as his fathers had done. 33 And Pharaoh-nechoh put him in fetters at Riblah in the land of Chamath, that he should not reign in Jerusalem, and imposed a fine on the land of a hundred talents of silver, and a talent of gold. 34 And Pharaoh-nechoh made Elyakim the son of Josiah king in the room of Josiah his father, and changed his name to Jehoyakim, and took Jehoachaz away: and he came to Egypt, and died there. 35 And Jehoyakim gave the silver and the gold to Pharaoh; but he taxed the land to give the money by the order of Pharaoh: from every one according to his estimation did he exact the silver and gold from the people of the land, to give it unto Pharaoh-nechoh. 36 Twenty and five years old was Jehoyakim when he became king; and eleven years did be reign in Jerusalem. And his mother’s name was Zebudah, the daughter of Pedayah of Rumah. 37 And he did what is evil in the eyes of the Lord, all just as his fathers had done.
YLT(i) 30 And his servants cause him to ride dying from Megiddo, and bring him in to Jerusalem, and bury him in his own grave, and the people of the land take Jehoahaz son of Josiah, and anoint him, and cause him to reign instead of his father.
31 A son of twenty and three years is Jehoahaz in his reigning, and three months he hath reigned in Jerusalem, and the name of his mother is Hamutal daughter of Jeremiah of Libnah, 32 and he doth the evil thing in the eyes of Jehovah, according to all that his fathers did, 33 and Pharaoh-Nechoh bindeth him in Riblah, in the land of Hamath, from reigning in Jerusalem, and he putteth a fine on the land—a hundred talents of silver, and a talent of gold. 34 And Pharaoh-Nechoh causeth Eliakim son of Josiah to reign instead of Josiah his father, and turneth his name to Jehoiakim, and Jehoahaz he hath taken away, and he cometh in to Egypt, and dieth there. 35 And the silver and the gold hath Jehoiakim given to Pharaoh; only he valued the land to give the silver by the command of Pharaoh; from each, according to his valuation, he exacted the silver and the gold, from the people of the land, to give to Pharaoh-Nechoh. 36 A son of twenty and five years is Jehoiakim in his reigning, and eleven years he hath reigned in Jerusalem, and the name of his mother is Zebudah daughter of Pedaiah of Rumah, 37 and he doth the evil thing in the eyes of Jehovah, according to all that his fathers did.
JuliaSmith(i) 30 And his servants will cause him to ride dead from Megiddo, and bring him to Jerusalem and bury him in his tomb. And the people of the land will take Jehoahaz son of Josiah, and they will anoint him and make him king instead of his father. 31 The son of twenty and three years was Jehoahaz in his reigning; and three months he reigned in Jerusalem. And his mother's name Hamutal, daughter of Jeremiah from Libnah. 32 And he will do evil in the eyes of Jehovah according to all which his fathers did. 33 And Pharaoh-Necho will bind him in Riblah in the land of Hamath, in reigning in Jerusalem; and he will give a fine upon the land, a hundred talents of silver and a talent of gold. 34 And Pharaoh-Necho will make Eliakim son of Josiah, king, instead of Josiah his father, and he will turn his name to Jehoiakim, and he took Jehoahaz: and he will come to Egypt and die there. 35 And the silver and the gold Jehoiakim gave to Pharaoh; but he estiated the land to give the silver at the mouth of Pharaoh; a man according to his estimation, he exacted the silver and the gold with the people of the land to give to Pharaoh-Necho. 36 The son of twenty and five years was Jehoiakim in his reigning, and eleven years he reigned in Jerusalem. And his mother's name Zebudah, daughter of Pedaiah of Ramah. 37 And he will do evil in the eyes of Jehovah according to all which his fathers did.
Darby(i) 30 And his servants carried him in a chariot dead from Megiddo, and brought him to Jerusalem, and buried him in his own sepulchre. And the people of the land took Jehoahaz the son of Josiah, and anointed him, and made him king in his father`s stead. 31 Jehoahaz was twenty-three years old when he began to reign; and he reigned three months in Jerusalem; and his mother`s name was Hamutal, daughter of Jeremiah of Libnah. 32 And he did evil in the sight of Jehovah, according to all that his fathers had done. 33 And Pharaoh-Nechoh had him bound at Riblah in the land of Hamath, that he might not reign in Jerusalem; and laid a tribute upon the land of a hundred talents of silver and a talent of gold. 34 And Pharaoh-Nechoh made Eliakim the son of Josiah king instead of Josiah his father, and changed his name to Jehoiakim. And he took Jehoahaz; and he came to Egypt, and died there. 35 And Jehoiakim gave the silver and the gold to Pharaoh; but he laid a proportional tax on the land to give the money according to the command of Pharaoh: he exacted the silver and the gold of the people of the land, of every one according to his estimation, to give it to Pharaoh-Nechoh. 36 Jehoiakim was twenty-five years old when he began to reign; and he reigned eleven years in Jerusalem; and his mother`s name was Zebuddah, daughter of Pedaiah of Rumah. 37 And he did evil in the sight of Jehovah, according to all that his fathers had done.
ERV(i) 30 And his servants carried him in a chariot dead from Megiddo, and brought him to Jerusalem, and buried him in his own sepulchre. And the people of the land took Jehoahaz the son of Josiah, and anointed him, and made him king in his father’s stead. 31 Jehoahaz was twenty and three years old when he began to reign; and he reigned three months in Jerusalem: and his mother’s name was Hamutal the daughter of Jeremiah of Libnah. 32 And he did that which was evil in the sight of the LORD, according to all that his fathers had done. 33 And Pharaoh-necoh put him in bands at Riblah in the land of Hamath, that he might not reign in Jerusalem; and put the land to a tribute of an hundred talents of silver, and a talent of gold. 34 And Pharaoh-necoh made Eliakim the son of Josiah king in the room of Josiah his father, and changed his name to Jehoiakim: but he took Jehoahaz away; and he came to Egypt, and died there. 35 And Jehoiakim gave the silver and the gold to Pharaoh; but he taxed the land to give the money according to the commandment of Pharaoh: he exacted the silver and the gold of the people of the land, of everyone according to his taxation, to give it unto Pharaoh-necoh. 36 Jehoiakim was twenty and five years old when he began to reign; and he reigned eleven years in Jerusalem: and his mother’s name was Zebidah the daughter of Pedaiah of Rumah. 37 And he did that which was evil in the sight of the LORD, according to all that his fathers had done.
ASV(i) 30 And his servants carried him in a chariot dead from Megiddo, and brought him to Jerusalem, and buried him in his own sepulchre. And the people of the land took Jehoahaz the son of Josiah, and anointed him, and made him king in his father's stead.
31 Jehoahaz was twenty and three years old when he began to reign; and he reigned three months in Jerusalem: and his mother's name was Hamutal the daughter of Jeremiah of Libnah. 32 And he did that which was evil in the sight of Jehovah, according to all that his fathers had done. 33 And Pharaoh-necoh put him in bonds at Riblah in the land of Hamath, that he might not reign in Jerusalem; and put the land to a tribute of a hundred talents of silver, and a talent of gold. 34 And Pharaoh-necoh made Eliakim the son of Josiah king in the room of Josiah his father, and changed his name to Jehoiakim: but he took Jehoahaz away; and he came to Egypt, and died there. 35 And Jehoiakim gave the silver and the gold to Pharaoh; but he taxed the land to give the money according to the commandment of Pharaoh: he exacted the silver and the gold of the people of the land, of every one according to his taxation, to give it unto Pharaoh-necoh.
36 Jehoiakim was twenty and five years old when he began to reign; and he reigned eleven years in Jerusalem: and his mother's name was Zebidah the daughter of Pedaiah of Rumah. 37 And he did that which was evil in the sight of Jehovah, according to all that his fathers had done.
  30 H5650 And his servants H7392 carried him in a chariot H4191 dead H4023 from Megiddo, H935 and brought H3389 him to Jerusalem, H6912 and buried H6900 him in his own sepulchre. H5971 And the people H776 of the land H3947 took H3059 Jehoahaz H1121 the son H2977 of Josiah, H4886 and anointed H4427 him, and made him king H1 in his father's stead.
  31 H3059 Jehoahaz H6242 was twenty H7969 and three H8141 years H1121 old H4427 when he began to reign; H4427 and he reigned H7969 three H2320 months H3389 in Jerusalem: H517 and his mother's H8034 name H2537 was Hamutal H1323 the daughter H3414 of Jeremiah H3841 of Libnah.
  32 H6213 And he did H7451 that which was evil H5869 in the sight H3068 of Jehovah, H1 according to all that his fathers H6213 had done.
  33 H6549 And Pharaoh-necoh H631 put him in bonds H7247 at Riblah H776 in the land H2574 of Hamath, H4427 that he might not reign H3389 in Jerusalem; H5414 and put H776 the land H6066 to a tribute H3967 of a hundred H3603 talents H3701 of silver, H3603 and a talent H2091 of gold.
  34 H6549 And Pharaoh-necoh H471 made Eliakim H1121 the son H2977 of Josiah H4427 king H2977 in the room of Josiah H1 his father, H5437 and changed H8034 his name H3079 to Jehoiakim: H3947 but he took H3059 Jehoahaz H3947 away; H935 and he came H4714 to Egypt, H4191 and died there.
  35 H3079 And Jehoiakim H5414 gave H3701 the silver H2091 and the gold H6547 to Pharaoh; H6186 but he taxed H776 the land H5414 to give H3701 the money H6310 according to the commandment H6547 of Pharaoh: H5065 he exacted H3701 the silver H2091 and the gold H5971 of the people H776 of the land, H376 of every one H6187 according to his taxation, H5414 to give H6549 it unto Pharaoh-necoh.
  36 H3079 Jehoiakim H6242 was twenty H2568 and five H8141 years H1121 old H4427 when he began to reign; H4427 and he reigned H259 eleven H8141 years H3389 in Jerusalem: H517 and his mother's H8034 name H2080 was Zebidah H1323 the daughter H6305 of Pedaiah H7316 of Rumah.
  37 H6213 And he did H7451 that which was evil H5869 in the sight H3068 of Jehovah, H1 according to all that his fathers H6213 had done.
JPS_ASV_Byz(i) 30 And his servants carried him in a chariot dead from Megiddo, and brought him to Jerusalem, and buried him in his own sepulchre. And the people of the land took Jehoahaz the son of Josiah, and anointed him, and made him king in his father's stead. 31 Jehoahaz was twenty and three years old when he began to reign; and he reigned three months in Jerusalem; and his mother's name was Hamutal the daughter of Jeremiah of Libnah. 32 And he did that which was evil in the sight of the LORD, according to all that his fathers had done. 33 And Pharaoh-necoh put him in bands at Riblah in the land of Hamath, that he might not reign in Jerusalem; and put the land to a fine of a hundred talents of silver, and a talent of gold. 34 And Pharaoh-necoh made Eliakim the son of Josiah king in the room of Josiah his father, and changed his name to Jehoiakim; but he took Jehoahaz away; and he came to Egypt, and died there. 35 And Jehoiakim gave the silver and the gold to Pharaoh; but he taxed the land to give the money according to the commandment of Pharaoh; he exacted the silver and the gold of the people of the land, of every one according to his taxation, to give it unto Pharaoh-necoh. 36 Jehoiakim was twenty and five years old when he began to reign; and he reigned eleven years in Jerusalem; and his mother's name was Zebudah the daughter of Pedaiah of Rumah. 37 And he did that which was evil in the sight of the LORD, according to all that his fathers had done.
Rotherham(i) 30 And his servants conveyed him in a chariot, dead, from Megiddo, and brought him to Jerusalem, and buried him in his own sepulchre,––and the people of the land took Jehoahaz, son of Josiah, and anointed him, and made, him, king, in his father’s stead.
31 Twenty–three years old, was Jehoahaz when he began to reign, and, three months, reigned he in Jerusalem,––and, his mother’s name, was Hamutal daughter of Jeremiah, of Libnah. 32 And he did the thing that was wicked in the eyes of Yahweh, according to all that his, fathers, had done. 33 And Pharaoh–necoh put him in bonds at Riblah, in the land of Hamath, that he might not reign in Jerusalem,––and he laid a fine upon the land, a hundred talents of silver, and a talent of gold. 34 And Pharaoh–necoh made Eliakim son of Josiah king, instead of Josiah his father, and turned his name to Jehoiakim,––and, Jehoahaz, took he away, so he entered Egypt, and died there. 35 And, the silver and the gold, did Jehoiakim give unto Pharaoh, howbeit he assessed the land, that he might give the silver at the bidding of Pharaoh,––every man, according to his assessment, exacted the silver and the gold of the people of the land, that he might give it to Pharaoh–necoh. 36 Twenty–five years old, was Jehoiakim when he began to reign, and, eleven years, reigned he in Jerusalem,––and, his mother’s name, was Zebudah daughter of Pedaiah, of Rumah. 37 And he did the thing that was wicked in the eyes of Yahweh,––according to all that, his fathers, had done.
CLV(i) 30 And his servants cause him to ride dying from Megiddo, and bring him in to Jerusalem, and bury him in his own grave, and the people of the land take Jehoahaz son of Josiah, and anoint him, and cause him to reign instead of his father. 31 A son of twenty and three years [is] Jehoahaz in his reigning, and three months he has reigned in Jerusalem, and the name of his mother [is] Hamutal daughter of Jeremiah of Libnah, 32 and he does the evil thing in the eyes of Yahweh, according to all that his fathers did, 33 and Pharaoh-Nechoh binds him in Riblah, in the land of Hamath, from reigning in Jerusalem, and he puts a fine on the land--a hundred talents of silver, and a talent of gold. 34 And Pharaoh-Nechoh causes Eliakim son of Josiah to reign instead of Josiah his father, and turns his name to Jehoiakim, and Jehoahaz he has taken away, and he comes in to Egypt, and dies there. 35 And the silver and the gold has Jehoiakim given to Pharaoh; only he valued the land to give the silver by the command of Pharaoh; from each, according to his valuation, he exacted the silver and the gold, from the people of the land, to give to Pharaoh-Nechoh. 36 A son of twenty and five years [is] Jehoiakim in his reigning, and eleven years he has reigned in Jerusalem, and the name of his mother [is] Zebudah daughter of Pedaiah of Rumah, 37 and he does the evil thing in the eyes of Yahweh, according to all that his fathers did.
BBE(i) 30 And his servants took his body in a carriage from Megiddo to Jerusalem, and put him into the earth there. And the people of the land took Jehoahaz, the son of Josiah, and put the holy oil on him and made him king in place of his father. 31 Jehoahaz was twenty-three years old when he became king, ruling in Jerusalem for three months; his mother's name was Hamutal, the daughter of Jeremiah of Libnah. 32 He did evil in the eyes of the Lord, as his fathers had done. 33 And Pharaoh-necoh put him in chains at Riblah in the land of Hamath, so that he might not be king in Jerusalem; and took from the land a tax of a hundred talents of silver and a talent of gold. 34 Then Pharaoh-necoh made Eliakim, the son of Josiah, king in place of Josiah his father, changing his name to Jehoiakim; but Jehoahaz he took away to Egypt, where he was till his death. 35 And Jehoiakim gave the silver and gold to Pharaoh, taxing the land by his orders to get the money; the people of the land had to give silver and gold, everyone as he was taxed, to make the payment to Pharaoh-necoh. 36 Jehoiakim was twenty-five years old when he became king; he was ruling in Jerusalem for eleven years; his mother's name was Zebidah, the daughter of Pedaiah of Rumah. 37 He did evil in the eyes of the Lord as his fathers had done.
MKJV(i) 30 And his servants made him ride dead in a chariot from Megiddo, and brought him to Jerusalem, and buried him in his own tomb. And the people of the land took Jehoahaz the son of Josiah, and anointed him, and made him king in his father's place. 31 Jehoahaz was twenty-three years old when he began to reign. And he reigned three months in Jerusalem. And his mother's name was Hamutal, the daughter of Jeremiah of Libnah. 32 And he did the evil in the sight of Jehovah, according to all that his fathers had done. 33 And Pharaoh-necho put him in bonds at Riblah in the land of Hamath, so that he might not reign in Jerusalem. And he put the land to a tax of a hundred talents of silver and a talent of gold. 34 And Pharaoh-necho made Eliakim the son of Josiah king in place of Josiah his father. And he changed his name to Jehoiakim, and took Jehoahaz away. And he came to Egypt and died there. 35 And Jehoiakim gave the silver and the gold to Pharaoh. But he taxed the land to give the silver according to Pharaoh's command. He exacted the silver and the gold from the people of the land, from each one according to his worth, to give it to Pharaoh-necho. 36 Jehoiakim was twenty-five years old when he began to reign. And he reigned eleven years in Jerusalem. And his mother's name was Zebudah, the daughter of Pedaiah of Rumah. 37 And he did the evil in the sight of Jehovah, according to all that his fathers had done.
LITV(i) 30 And his servants made him ride dead from Megiddo, and brought him to Jerusalem, and they buried him in his own grave. And the people of the land took Jehoahaz the son of Josiah and anointed him, and made him king in place of his father. 31 Jehoahaz was a son of twenty three years when he began to reign, and he reigned three months in Jerusalem; and the name of his mother was Hamutal the daughter of Jeremiah of Libnah. 32 And he did the evil in the eyes of Jehovah according to all that his fathers did. 33 And Pharaoh-necho bound him in Riblah, in the land of Hamath, from reigning in Jerusalem, and he put a fine on the land, a hundred talents of silver and a talent of gold. 34 And Pharaoh-necho made Eliakim the son of Josiah to reign instead of Josiah his father, and turned his name into Jehoiakim; and he took away Jehoahaz, and he came to Egypt and died there. 35 And Jehoiakim gave the silver and the gold to Pharaoh; but he taxed the land to give the silver by the mouth of Pharaoh. From each, according to his valuation, he exacted the silver and gold from the people of the land, to give to Pharaoh-necho. 36 Jehoiakim was a son of twenty five years when he began to reign, and he reigned in Jerusalem eleven years; and the name of his mother was Zebudah the daughter of Pedaiah of Rumah. 37 And he did the evil in the eyes of Jehovah according to all that his fathers did.
ECB(i) 30 And from Megiddo, his servants ride him in a chariot - dead; and bring him to Yeru Shalem and entomb him in his own tomb. And the people of the land take Yah Achaz the son of Yoshi Yah and anoint him and have him reign in the stead of his father. 31
Yah Achaz is a son of twenty-three years when he begins to reign; and he reigns three months in Yeru Shalem: and the name of his mother, Hamutal the daughter of Yirme Yah of Libnah. 32 And he works evil in the eyes of Yah Veh according to all his fathers worked. 33 And Paroh Nechoh binds him at Riblah in the land of Hamath, that he not reign in Yeru Shalem; and gives a penalty on the land - a hundred rounds of silver and a round of gold. 34 And Paroh Nechoh has El Yaqim the son of Yoshi Yah reign in the stead of Yoshi Yah his father; and turns his name to Yah Yaqim: and he takes Yah Achaz away: and he comes to Misrayim and dies there. 35 And Yah Yaqim gives the silver and the gold to Paroh; only, he appraises the land to give the silver according to the mouth of Paroh: he exacts the silver and the gold from the people of the land - from each man according to his appraisal to give to Paroh Nechoh. 36 Yah Yaqim is a son of twenty-five years when he begins to reign; and he reigns eleven years in Yeru Shalem: and the name of his mother, Zebidah the daughter of Pedah Yah of Rumah: 37 and he works evil in the eyes of Yah Veh, according to all his fathers worked.
ACV(i) 30 And his servants carried him in a chariot dead from Megiddo, and brought him to Jerusalem, and buried him in his own sepulcher. And the people of the land took Jehoahaz the son of Josiah, and anointed him, and made him king in his father's stead. 31 Jehoahaz was twenty-three years old when he began to reign, and he reigned three months in Jerusalem. And his mother's name was Hamutal the daughter of Jeremiah of Libnah. 32 And he did that which was evil in the sight of LORD, according to all that his fathers had done. 33 And Pharaoh-necoh put him in bonds at Riblah in the land of Hamath, that he might not reign in Jerusalem. And he put the land to a tribute of a hundred talents of silver, and a talent of gold. 34 And Pharaoh-necoh made Eliakim the son of Josiah king in the place of Josiah his father, and changed his name to Jehoiakim. But he took Jehoahaz away, and he came to Egypt, and died there. 35 And Jehoiakim gave the silver and the gold to Pharaoh, but he taxed the land to give the money according to the commandment of Pharaoh. He exacted the silver and the gold from the people of the land, of every one according to his taxation, to give it to Pharaoh-necoh. 36 Jehoiakim was twenty-five years old when he began to reign, and he reigned eleven years in Jerusalem. And his mother's name was Zebidah the daughter of Pedaiah of Rumah. 37 And he did that which was evil in the sight of LORD, according to all that his fathers had done.
WEB(i) 30 His servants carried him in a chariot dead from Megiddo, and brought him to Jerusalem, and buried him in his own tomb. The people of the land took Jehoahaz the son of Josiah, and anointed him, and made him king in his father’s place. 31 Jehoahaz was twenty-three years old when he began to reign; and he reigned three months in Jerusalem. His mother’s name was Hamutal the daughter of Jeremiah of Libnah. 32 He did that which was evil in Yahweh’s sight, according to all that his fathers had done. 33 Pharaoh Necoh put him in bonds at Riblah in the land of Hamath, that he might not reign in Jerusalem; and put the land to a tribute of one hundred talents of silver, and a talent of gold. 34 Pharaoh Necoh made Eliakim the son of Josiah king in the place of Josiah his father, and changed his name to Jehoiakim; but he took Jehoahaz away, and he came to Egypt and died there. 35 Jehoiakim gave the silver and the gold to Pharaoh; but he taxed the land to give the money according to the commandment of Pharaoh. He exacted the silver and the gold of the people of the land, from everyone according to his assessment, to give it to Pharaoh Necoh. 36 Jehoiakim was twenty-five years old when he began to reign, and he reigned eleven years in Jerusalem. His mother’s name was Zebidah the daughter of Pedaiah of Rumah. 37 He did that which was evil in Yahweh’s sight, according to all that his fathers had done.
  30 H5650 His servants H7392 carried him in a chariot H4191 dead H4023 from Megiddo, H935 and brought H3389 him to Jerusalem, H6912 and buried H6900 him in his own tomb. H5971 The people H776 of the land H3947 took H3059 Jehoahaz H1121 the son H2977 of Josiah, H4886 and anointed H4427 him, and made him king H1 in his father's place.
  31 H3059 Jehoahaz H6242 was twenty - H7969 three H8141 years H1121 old H4427 when he began to reign; H4427 and he reigned H7969 three H2320 months H3389 in Jerusalem: H517 and his mother's H8034 name H2537 was Hamutal H1323 the daughter H3414 of Jeremiah H3841 of Libnah.
  32 H6213 He did H7451 that which was evil H5869 in the sight H3068 of Yahweh, H1 according to all that his fathers H6213 had done.
  33 H6549 Pharaoh Necoh H631 put him in bonds H7247 at Riblah H776 in the land H2574 of Hamath, H4427 that he might not reign H3389 in Jerusalem; H5414 and put H776 the land H6066 to a tribute H3967 of one hundred H3603 talents H3701 of silver, H3603 and a talent H2091 of gold.
  34 H6549 Pharaoh Necoh H471 made Eliakim H1121 the son H2977 of Josiah H4427 king H2977 in the place of Josiah H1 his father, H5437 and changed H8034 his name H3079 to Jehoiakim: H3947 but he took H3059 Jehoahaz H3947 away; H935 and he came H4714 to Egypt, H4191 and died there.
  35 H3079 Jehoiakim H5414 gave H3701 the silver H2091 and the gold H6547 to Pharaoh; H6186 but he taxed H776 the land H5414 to give H3701 the money H6310 according to the commandment H6547 of Pharaoh: H5065 he exacted H3701 the silver H2091 and the gold H5971 of the people H776 of the land, H376 of everyone H6187 according to his taxation, H5414 to give H6549 it to Pharaoh Necoh.
  36 H3079 Jehoiakim H6242 was twenty - H2568 five H8141 years H1121 old H4427 when he began to reign; H4427 and he reigned H259 eleven H8141 years H3389 in Jerusalem: H517 and his mother's H8034 name H2080 was Zebidah H1323 the daughter H6305 of Pedaiah H7316 of Rumah.
  37 H6213 He did H7451 that which was evil H5869 in the sight H3068 of Yahweh, H1 according to all that his fathers H6213 had done.
NHEB(i) 30 His servants carried him in a chariot dead from Megiddo, and brought him to Jerusalem, and buried him in his own tomb. The people of the land took Jehoahaz the son of Josiah, and anointed him, and made him king in his father's place. 31 Jehoahaz was twenty-three years old when he began to reign; and he reigned three months in Jerusalem: and his mother's name was Hamutal the daughter of Jeremiah of Libnah. 32 He did that which was evil in the sight of the LORD, according to all that his fathers had done. 33 Pharaoh Necoh put him in bonds at Riblah in the land of Hamath, that he might not reign in Jerusalem; and put the land to a tribute of one hundred talents of silver, and a talent of gold. 34 Pharaoh Necoh made Eliakim the son of Josiah king in the place of Josiah his father, and changed his name to Jehoiakim: but he took Jehoahaz away; and he came to Egypt, and died there. 35 Jehoiakim gave the silver and the gold to Pharaoh; but he taxed the land to give the money according to the commandment of Pharaoh: he exacted the silver and the gold of the people of the land, of everyone according to his taxation, to give it to Pharaoh Necoh. 36 Jehoiakim was twenty-five years old when he began to reign; and he reigned eleven years in Jerusalem: and his mother's name was Zebidah the daughter of Pedaiah of Rumah. 37 He did that which was evil in the sight of the LORD, according to all that his fathers had done.
AKJV(i) 30 And his servants carried him in a chariot dead from Megiddo, and brought him to Jerusalem, and buried him in his own sepulcher. And the people of the land took Jehoahaz the son of Josiah, and anointed him, and made him king in his father's stead. 31 Jehoahaz was twenty and three years old when he began to reign; and he reigned three months in Jerusalem. And his mother's name was Hamutal, the daughter of Jeremiah of Libnah. 32 And he did that which was evil in the sight of the LORD, according to all that his fathers had done. 33 And Pharaohnechoh put him in bands at Riblah in the land of Hamath, that he might not reign in Jerusalem; and put the land to a tribute of an hundred talents of silver, and a talent of gold. 34 And Pharaohnechoh made Eliakim the son of Josiah king in the room of Josiah his father, and turned his name to Jehoiakim, and took Jehoahaz away: and he came to Egypt, and died there. 35 And Jehoiakim gave the silver and the gold to Pharaoh; but he taxed the land to give the money according to the commandment of Pharaoh: he exacted the silver and the gold of the people of the land, of every one according to his taxation, to give it to Pharaohnechoh. 36 Jehoiakim was twenty and five years old when he began to reign; and he reigned eleven years in Jerusalem. And his mother's name was Zebudah, the daughter of Pedaiah of Rumah. 37 And he did that which was evil in the sight of the LORD, according to all that his fathers had done.
  30 H5650 And his servants H7392 carried H4191 him in a chariot dead H4023 from Megiddo, H935 and brought H3389 him to Jerusalem, H6912 and buried H6900 him in his own sepulcher. H5971 And the people H776 of the land H3947 took H3059 Jehoahaz H1121 the son H2977 of Josiah, H4886 and anointed H4427 him, and made him king H1 in his father’s H8478 stead.
  31 H3059 Jehoahaz H6242 was twenty H7969 and three H8141 years H1121 old H4427 when he began to reign; H4427 and he reigned H7969 three H2320 months H3389 in Jerusalem. H517 And his mother’s H8034 name H2537 was Hamutal, H1323 the daughter H3414 of Jeremiah H3841 of Libnah.
  32 H6213 And he did H7451 that which was evil H5869 in the sight H3068 of the LORD, H3605 according to all H1 that his fathers H6213 had done.
  33 H6549 And Pharaohnechoh H631 put him in bands H7247 at Riblah H776 in the land H2574 of Hamath, H4427 that he might not reign H3389 in Jerusalem; H776 and put the land H6066 to a tribute H3967 of an hundred H3603 talents H3701 of silver, H3603 and a talent H2091 of gold.
  34 H6549 And Pharaohnechoh H471 made Eliakim H1121 the son H2977 of Josiah H4427 king H8478 in the room H2977 of Josiah H1 his father, H5437 and turned H8034 his name H3079 to Jehoiakim, H3947 and took H3059 Jehoahaz H935 away: and he came H4714 to Egypt, H4191 and died H8033 there.
  35 H3079 And Jehoiakim H5414 gave H3701 the silver H2091 and the gold H6547 to Pharaoh; H6186 but he taxed H776 the land H5414 to give H3701 the money H5921 according H6310 to the commandment H6547 of Pharaoh: H5065 he exacted H3701 the silver H2091 and the gold H5971 of the people H776 of the land, H376 of every H376 one H6187 according to his taxation, H5414 to give H6549 it to Pharaohnechoh.
  36 H3079 Jehoiakim H6242 was twenty H2568 and five H8141 years H1121 old H4427 when he began to reign; H4427 and he reigned H259 eleven H6240 H8141 years H3389 in Jerusalem. H517 And his mother’s H8034 name H2081 was Zebudah, H1323 the daughter H6305 of Pedaiah H7316 of Rumah.
  37 H6213 And he did H7451 that which was evil H5869 in the sight H3068 of the LORD, H3605 according to all H1 that his fathers H6213 had done.
KJ2000(i) 30 And his servants carried him in a chariot dead from Megiddo, and brought him to Jerusalem, and buried him in his own sepulcher. And the people of the land took Jehoahaz the son of Josiah, and anointed him, and made him king in his father’s stead. 31 Jehoahaz was twenty and three years old when he began to reign; and he reigned three months in Jerusalem. And his mother’s name was Hamutal, the daughter of Jeremiah of Libnah. 32 And he did that which was evil in the sight of the LORD, according to all that his fathers had done. 33 And Pharaoh-neco put him in bonds at Riblah in the land of Hamath, that he might not reign in Jerusalem; and imposed on the land a tribute of a hundred talents of silver, and a talent of gold. 34 And Pharaoh-neco made Eliakim the son of Josiah king in the place of Josiah his father, and changed his name to Johoiakim, and took Jehoahaz away: and he came to Egypt, and died there. 35 And Jehoiakim gave the silver and the gold to Pharaoh; but he taxed the land to give the money according to the commandment of Pharaoh: he exacted the silver and the gold from the people of the land, of everyone according to his taxation, to give it unto Pharaoh-neco. 36 Jehoiakim was twenty and five years old when he began to reign; and he reigned eleven years in Jerusalem. And his mother’s name was Zebidah, the daughter of Pedaiah of Rumah. 37 And he did that which was evil in the sight of the LORD, according to all that his fathers had done.
UKJV(i) 30 And his servants carried him in a chariot dead from Megiddo, and brought him to Jerusalem, and buried him in his own tomb. And the people of the land took Jehoahaz the son of Josiah, and anointed him, and made him king in his father's position. 31 Jehoahaz was twenty and three years old when he began to reign; and he reigned three months in Jerusalem. And his mother's name was Hamutal, the daughter of Jeremiah of Libnah. 32 And he did that which was evil in the sight of the LORD, according to all that his fathers had done. 33 And Pharaohnechoh put him in bands at Riblah in the land of Hamath, that he might not reign in Jerusalem; and put the land to a tribute of an hundred talents of silver, and a talent of gold. 34 And Pharaohnechoh made Eliakim the son of Josiah king in the room of Josiah his father, and turned his name to Jehoiakim, and took Jehoahaz away: and he came to Egypt, and died there. 35 And Jehoiakim gave the silver and the gold to Pharaoh; but he taxed the land to give the money according to the commandment of Pharaoh: he exacted the silver and the gold of the people of the land, of every one according to his taxation, to give it unto Pharaohnechoh. 36 Jehoiakim was twenty and five years old when he began to reign; and he reigned eleven years in Jerusalem. And his mother's name was Zebudah, the daughter of Pedaiah of Rumah. 37 And he did that which was evil in the sight of the LORD, according to all that his fathers had done.
  30 H5650 And his servants H7392 carried him in a chariot H4191 dead H4023 from Megiddo, H935 and brought H3389 him to Jerusalem, H6912 and buried H6900 him in his own tomb. H5971 And the people H776 of the land H3947 took H3059 Jehoahaz H1121 the son H2977 of Josiah, H4886 and anointed H4427 him, and made him king H1 in his father's place.
  31 H3059 Jehoahaz H6242 was twenty H7969 and three H8141 years H1121 old H4427 when he began to reign; H4427 and he reigned H7969 three H2320 months H3389 in Jerusalem. H517 And his mother's H8034 name H2537 was Hamutal, H1323 the daughter H3414 of Jeremiah H3841 of Libnah.
  32 H6213 And he did H7451 that which was evil H5869 in the sight H3068 of the Lord, H1 according to all that his fathers H6213 had done.
  33 H6549 And Pharaoh–nechoh H631 put him in bands H7247 at Riblah H776 in the land H2574 of Hamath, H4427 that he might not reign H3389 in Jerusalem; H5414 and put H776 the land H6066 to a tribute H3967 of a hundred H3603 talents H3701 of silver, H3603 and a talent H2091 of gold.
  34 H6549 And Pharaoh–nechoh H471 made Eliakim H1121 the son H2977 of Josiah H4427 king H2977 in the room of Josiah H1 his father, H5437 and turned H8034 his name H3079 to Jehoiakim, H3947 and took H3059 Jehoahaz H3947 away: H935 and he came H4714 to Egypt, H4191 and died there.
  35 H3079 And Jehoiakim H5414 gave H3701 the silver H2091 and the gold H6547 to Pharaoh; H6186 but he taxed H776 the land H5414 to give H3701 the money H6310 according to the commandment H6547 of Pharaoh: H5065 he exacted H3701 the silver H2091 and the gold H5971 of the people H776 of the land, H376 of every one H6187 according to his taxation, H5414 to give H6549 it unto Pharaoh–nechoh.
  36 H3079 Jehoiakim H6242 was twenty H2568 and five H8141 years H1121 old H4427 when he began to reign; H4427 and he reigned H259 eleven H8141 years H3389 in Jerusalem. H517 And his mother's H8034 name H2080 was Zebudah, H1323 the daughter H6305 of Pedaiah H7316 of Rumah.
  37 H6213 And he did H7451 that which was evil H5869 in the sight H3068 of the Lord, H1 according to all that his fathers H6213 had done.
EJ2000(i) 30 And his slaves carried him in a chariot dead from Megiddo and brought him to Jerusalem and buried him in his own sepulchre. Then the people of the land took Jehoahaz, the son of Josiah, and anointed him and made him king in his father’s stead. 31 ¶ Jehoahaz was twenty-three years old when he began to reign, and he reigned three months in Jerusalem. His mother’s name was Hamutal, the daughter of Jeremiah of Libnah. 32 And he did that which was evil in the sight of the LORD, according to all that his fathers had done. 33 And Pharaohnechoh put him in bonds at Riblah in the land of Hamath, as he was reigning in Jerusalem; and put the land to a tribute of one hundred talents of silver and a talent of gold. 34 Then Pharaohnechoh made Eliakim, the son of Josiah, king in the place of Josiah his father and changed his name to Jehoiakim and took Jehoahaz and carried him to Egypt, and he died there. 35 And Jehoiakim gave the silver and the gold to Pharaoh, but he caused the land to be valued to give this money according to the commandment of Pharaoh; he exacted the silver and the gold of the people of the land, of each one according to the estimation of his worth, to give it unto Pharaohnechoh. 36 Jehoiakim was twenty-five years old when he began to reign, and he reigned eleven years in Jerusalem. His mother’s name was Zebudah, the daughter of Pedaiah of Rumah. 37 And he did that which was evil in the sight of the LORD, according to all that his fathers had done.
CAB(i) 30 And his servants carried him dead from Megiddo, and brought him to Jerusalem, and buried him in his tomb. And the people of the land took Jehoahaz the son of Josiah, and anointed him, and made him king in the place of his father. 31 Jehoahaz was twenty-three years old when he began to reign, and he reigned three months in Jerusalem; and his mother's name was Hamutal, daughter of Jeremiah of Libnah. 32 And he did that which was evil in the sight of the Lord, according to all that his fathers had done. 33 And Pharaoh Necho removed him to Riblah in the land of Hamath, so that he should not reign in Jerusalem; and he imposed a tribute on the land, a hundred talents of silver, and a hundred talents of gold. 34 And Pharaoh Necho made Eliakim son of Josiah king of Judah over them, in the place of his father Josiah, and he changed his name to Jehoiakim, and he took Jehoahaz and brought him to Egypt, and he died there. 35 And Jehoiakim gave the silver and the gold to Pharaoh; but he assessed the land to give the money at the command of Pharaoh: they gave the silver and the gold, each man according to his assessment, together with the people of the land to give to Pharaoh Necho. 36 Jehoiakim was twenty-five years old when he began to reign, and he reigned eleven years in Jerusalem; and his mother's name was Zebudah, daughter of Pedaiah of Rummah. 37 And he did that which was evil in the eyes of the Lord, according to all that his fathers had done.
LXX2012(i) 30 And his servants carried him dead from Mageddo, and brought him to Jerusalem, and buried him in his sepulchre: and the people of the land took Joachaz the son of Josias, and anointed him, and made him king in the room of his father. 31 Twenty and three years old was Joachaz when he began to reign, and he reigned three months in Jerusalem: and his mother's name [was] Amital, daughter of Jeremias of Lobna. 32 And he did that which was evil in the sight of the Lord, according to all that his fathers did. 33 And Pharao Nechao removed him to Rablaam in the land of Emath, so that he should not reign in Jerusalem; and imposed a tribute on the land, a hundred talents of silver, and a hundred talents of gold. 34 And Pharao Nechao made Eliakim son of Josias king of Juda king over them in the place of his father Josias, and he changed his name [to] Joakim, and he took Joachaz and brought him to Egypt, and he died there. 35 And Joakim gave the silver and the gold to Pharao; but he assessed the land to give the money at the command of Pharao: they gave the silver and the gold [each] man according to his assessment together with the people of the land to give to Pharao Nechao. 36 Twenty-five years old [was] Joakim when he began to reign, and he reigned eleven years in Jerusalem: and his mother's name [was] Jeldaph, daughter of Phadail of Ruma. 37 And he did that which was evil in the eyes of the lord, according to all that his fathers had done.
NSB(i) 30 His servants took his body in a carriage from Megiddo to Jerusalem. They buried him there. The people of the land took Jehoahaz son of Josiah, and put the holy oil on him and made him king in place of his father. 31 Jehoahaz was twenty-three years old when he became king. He ruled in Jerusalem for three months. His mother's name was Hamutal, the daughter of Jeremiah of Libnah. 32 He did evil in the eyes of Jehovah, as his fathers had done. 33 And Pharaoh Necho put him in chains at Riblah in the land of Hamath. So that he was not king in Jerusalem. Pharaoh Necho extracted from the land a tax of a hundred talents of silver and a talent of gold. 34 Then Pharaoh Necho made Eliakim son of Josiah king in place of Josiah his father. He changed his name to Jehoiakim. He took Jehoahaz away to Egypt, where he remained till he died. 35 Jehoiakim gave the silver and gold to Pharaoh. He ordered that the land be taxed to get the money. All the people of the land had to give silver and gold in order to make the payment to Pharaoh Necho. 36 Jehoiakim was twenty-five years old when he became king. He ruled in Jerusalem for eleven years. His mother's name was Zebidah daughter of Pedaiah of Rumah. 37 He did evil in the eyes of Jehovah as his fathers had done.
ISV(i) 30 Josiah’s servants drove his corpse in a chariot from Megiddo to Jerusalem and buried him in a tomb made for him.
Jehoahaz is Anointed KingThe people of the land took Josiah’s son Jehoahaz, anointed him, and installed him as king in his father’s place. 31 Jehoahaz was 23 years old when he became king. He reigned three months in Jerusalem. His mother’s name was Hamutal. She was the daughter of Jeremiah of Libnah. 32 He practiced what the LORD considered to be evil, just as all of his ancestors had done. 33 Pharaoah Neco placed him in custody at Riblah, in the land of Hamath, so that he would not reign in Jerusalem, and imposed a tribute of 100 talents of silver and a talent of gold.
34 Jehoiakim is Made King by Pharaoh NecoPharaoh Neco installed Josiah’s son Eliakim as king to replace his father Josiah and changed his name to Jehoiakim. He transported Jehoahaz off to Egypt, where he died. 35 As a result, Jehoiakim paid the silver and gold tribute to Pharaoh, but he passed on the costs to the inhabitants of the land in taxes, in keeping with Pharaoh’s orders. He exacted the silver and gold from the people who lived in the land, from each according to his assessment, in order to pay it to Pharaoh Neco. 36 Jehoiakim was 25 years old when he became king, and he reigned for eleven years in Jerusalem. His mother was named Zebidah. She was the daughter of Pedaiah of Rumah. 37 Eliakim practiced what the LORD considered to be evil, just as his ancestors had done.
LEB(i) 30 So his servants drove him dead in a chariot from Megiddo, and they brought him to Jerusalem and buried him in his tomb. Then the people of the land took Jehoahaz the son of Josiah and anointed him and made him king in place of his father. 31 Jehoahaz was twenty-three years old when he became king, and he reigned three months in Jerusalem. The name of his mother was Hamutal the daughter of Jeremiah from Libnah. 32 He did evil in the eyes of Yahweh according to all his ancestors* had done. 33 Then Pharaoh Neco confined him at Riblah in the land of Hamath, from reigning in Jerusalem, and imposed a levy on the land of a hundred talents of silver and a talent of gold. 34 Then Pharaoh Neco made Eliakim the son of Josiah king in place of Josiah his father, and he changed his name to Jehoiakim. Then he took Jehoahaz and brought him to Egypt, and he died there. 35 The silver and the gold Jehoiakim gave to Pharaoh; however, he taxed the land to give the silver to meet the demands of Pharaoh.* Each according to assessment, he exacted payment of the silver and the gold from the people of the land to give to Pharaoh Neco. 36 Jehoiakim was twenty-five years old when he became king, and he reigned eleven years in Jerusalem. The name of his mother was Zebudah,* the daughter of Pedaiah from Rumah. 37 He did evil in the eyes of Yahweh according to all that his ancestors* had done.
BSB(i) 30 From Megiddo his servants carried his body in a chariot, brought him to Jerusalem, and buried him in his own tomb. Then the people of the land took Jehoahaz son of Josiah, anointed him, and made him king in place of his father. 31 Jehoahaz was twenty-three years old when he became king, and he reigned in Jerusalem three months. His mother’s name was Hamutal daughter of Jeremiah; she was from Libnah. 32 And he did evil in the sight of the LORD, just as his fathers had done. 33 And Pharaoh Neco imprisoned Jehoahaz at Riblah in the land of Hamath so that he could not reign in Jerusalem, and he imposed on Judah a levy of a hundred talents of silver and a talent of gold. 34 Then Pharaoh Neco made Eliakim son of Josiah king in place of his father Josiah, and he changed Eliakim’s name to Jehoiakim. But Neco took Jehoahaz and carried him off to Egypt, where he died. 35 So Jehoiakim paid the silver and gold to Pharaoh Neco, but to meet Pharaoh’s demand he taxed the land and exacted the silver and the gold from the people, each according to his wealth. 36 Jehoiakim was twenty-five years old when he became king, and he reigned in Jerusalem eleven years. His mother’s name was Zebidah daughter of Pedaiah; she was from Rumah. 37 And he did evil in the sight of the LORD, just as his fathers had done.
MSB(i) 30 From Megiddo his servants carried his body in a chariot, brought him to Jerusalem, and buried him in his own tomb. Then the people of the land took Jehoahaz son of Josiah, anointed him, and made him king in place of his father. 31 Jehoahaz was twenty-three years old when he became king, and he reigned in Jerusalem three months. His mother’s name was Hamutal daughter of Jeremiah; she was from Libnah. 32 And he did evil in the sight of the LORD, just as his fathers had done. 33 And Pharaoh Neco imprisoned Jehoahaz at Riblah in the land of Hamath so that he could not reign in Jerusalem, and he imposed on Judah a levy of a hundred talents of silver and a talent of gold. 34 Then Pharaoh Neco made Eliakim son of Josiah king in place of his father Josiah, and he changed Eliakim’s name to Jehoiakim. But Neco took Jehoahaz and carried him off to Egypt, where he died. 35 So Jehoiakim paid the silver and gold to Pharaoh Neco, but to meet Pharaoh’s demand he taxed the land and exacted the silver and the gold from the people, each according to his wealth. 36 Jehoiakim was twenty-five years old when he became king, and he reigned in Jerusalem eleven years. His mother’s name was Zebidah daughter of Pedaiah; she was from Rumah. 37 And he did evil in the sight of the LORD, just as his fathers had done.
MLV(i) 30 And his servants carried him in a chariot dead from Megiddo and brought him to Jerusalem and buried him in his own sepulcher. And the people of the land took Jehoahaz the son of Josiah and anointed him and made him king in his father's stead.
31 Jehoahaz was twenty-three years old when he began to reign and he reigned three months in Jerusalem. And his mother's name was Hamutal the daughter of Jeremiah of Libnah. 32 And he did what was evil in the sight of Jehovah, according to all that his fathers had done. 33 And Pharaoh Neco put him in bonds at Riblah in the land of Hamath, that he might not reign in Jerusalem. And he put the land to a tribute of a hundred talants of silver and a talant of gold.
34 And Pharaoh Neco made Eliakim the son of Josiah king in the place of Josiah his father and changed his name to Jehoiakim. But he took Jehoahaz away and he came to Egypt and died there. 35 And Jehoiakim gave the silver and the gold to Pharaoh, but he taxed the land to give the money according to the commandment of Pharaoh. He exacted the silver and the gold from the people of the land, of every one according to his taxation, to give it to Pharaoh Neco.
36 Jehoiakim was twenty-five years old when he began to reign and he reigned eleven years in Jerusalem. And his mother's name was Zebidah the daughter of Pedaiah of Rumah. 37 And he did what was evil in the sight of Jehovah, according to all that his fathers had done.

VIN(i) 30 So his servants drove him dead in a chariot from Megiddo, and they brought him to Jerusalem and buried him in his tomb. Then the people of the land took Jehoahaz the son of Josiah and anointed him and made him king in place of his father. 31 Jehoahaz was twenty-three years old when he became king. He ruled in Jerusalem for three months. His mother's name was Hamutal, the daughter of Jeremiah of Libnah. 32 He did evil in the eyes of the LORD, as his fathers had done. 33 And Pharaoh-neco put him in bonds at Riblah in the land of Hamath, that he might not reign in Jerusalem; and imposed on the land a tribute of a hundred talents of silver, and a talent of gold. 34 Pharaoh Necoh made Eliakim the son of Josiah king in the place of Josiah his father, and changed his name to Jehoiakim; but he took Jehoahaz away, and he came to Egypt and died there. 35 And Jehoiakim gave the silver and the gold to Pharaoh, but he taxed the land to give the money according to the commandment of Pharaoh. He exacted the silver and the gold from the people of the land, of every one according to his t 36 Jehoiakim was twenty-five years old when he became king. He ruled in Jerusalem for eleven years. His mother's name was Zebidah daughter of Pedaiah of Rumah. 37 He did evil in the eyes of the LORD as his fathers had done.
Luther1545(i) 30 Und seine Knechte führeten ihn tot von Megiddo und brachten ihn gen Jerusalem und begruben ihn in seinem Grabe. Und das Volk im Lande nahm Joahas, den Sohn Josias, und salbeten ihn und machten ihn zum Könige an seines Vaters Statt. 31 Dreiundzwanzig Jahre war Joahas alt, da er König ward, und regierete drei Monden zu Jerusalem. Seine Mutter hieß Hamutal, eine Tochter Jeremias von Libna. 32 Und tat, das dem HERRN übel gefiel, wie seine Väter getan hatten. 33 Aber Pharao-Necho fing ihn zu Riblath im Lande Hemath, daß er nicht regieren sollte zu Jerusalem; und legte eine Schätzung aufs Land, hundert Zentner Silbers und einen Zentner Goldes. 34 Und Pharao-Necho machte zum Könige Eliakim, den Sohn Josias, anstatt seines Vaters Josia und wandte seinen Namen Jojakim. Aber Joahas nahm er und brachte ihn nach Ägypten; daselbst starb er. 35 Und Jojakim gab das Silber und Gold Pharao; doch schätzte er das Land, daß er solch Silber gäbe nach Befehl Pharaos; einen jeglichen nach seinem Vermögen schätzte er am Silber und Gold unter dem Volk im Lande, daß er dem Pharao-Necho gäbe. 36 Fünfundzwanzig Jahre alt war Jojakim, da er König ward, und regierete elf Jahre zu Jerusalem. Seine Mutter hieß Sebuda, eine Tochter Pedajas von Ruma. 37 Und tat, das dem HERRN übel gefiel, wie seine Väter getan hatten.
  30 H5650 Und seine Knechte H7392 führeten ihn H4191 tot H4023 von Megiddo H935 und brachten H3389 ihn gen Jerusalem H6912 und begruben H6900 ihn in seinem Grabe H776 . Und das H5971 Volk H3947 im Lande nahm H3059 Joahas H1121 , den Sohn H2977 Josias H4427 , und salbeten ihn und machten H1 ihn zum Könige an seines Vaters Statt.
  31 H6242 Dreiundzwanzig H8141 Jahre H3059 war Joahas H1121 alt H4427 , da er König H4427 ward H7969 , und regierete drei H2320 Monden H3389 zu Jerusalem H517 . Seine Mutter H8034 hieß H2537 Hamutal H1323 , eine Tochter H3841 Jeremias von Libna .
  32 H6213 Und tat H7451 , das dem H3068 HErrn H5869 übel gefiel H1 , wie seine Väter H6213 getan hatten.
  33 H6549 Aber Pharao-Necho H776 fing ihn zu Riblath im Lande H5414 Hemath, daß er H4427 nicht regieren sollte H3389 zu Jerusalem H631 ; und legte H776 eine Schätzung aufs Land H3967 , hundert H3603 Zentner H3701 Silbers H3603 und einen Zentner H2091 Goldes .
  34 H935 Und H6549 Pharao-Necho H4427 machte H1121 zum Könige Eliakim, den Sohn H1 Josias, anstatt seines Vaters H2977 Josia H8034 und wandte seinen Namen H3079 Jojakim H3059 . Aber Joahas H3947 nahm H2977 er H3947 und brachte H5437 ihn H4714 nach Ägypten H4191 ; daselbst starb er.
  35 H3079 Und Jojakim H5414 gab H776 das H3701 Silber H2091 und Gold H6547 Pharao H6186 ; doch schätzte H5065 er H776 das Land H3701 , daß er solch Silber H5414 gäbe H6310 nach Befehl H376 Pharaos; einen jeglichen H6187 nach seinem Vermögen H3701 schätzte er am Silber H2091 und Gold H5971 unter dem Volk H6549 im Lande, daß er dem Pharao-Necho H5414 gäbe .
  36 H6242 Fünfundzwanzig H8141 Jahre H1121 alt H3079 war Jojakim H4427 , da er König H4427 ward H8141 , und regierete elf Jahre H3389 zu Jerusalem H517 . Seine Mutter H8034 hieß H2080 Sebuda H1323 , eine Tochter H6305 Pedajas H7316 von Ruma .
  37 H6213 Und tat H7451 , das dem H3068 HErrn H5869 übel gefiel H1 , wie seine Väter H6213 getan hatten.
Luther1912(i) 30 Und seine Knechte führten ihn tot von Megiddo und brachten ihn gen Jerusalem und begruben ihn in seinem Grabe. Und das Volk im Lande nahm Joahas, den Sohn Josias, und salbten ihn und machten ihn zum König an seines Vaters Statt. 31 Dreiundzwanzig Jahre war Joahas alt, da er König ward, und regierte drei Monate zu Jerusalem. Seine Mutter hieß Hamutal, eine Tochter Jeremia's von Libna. 32 Und er tat, was dem HERRN übel gefiel, wie seine Väter getan hatten. 33 Aber Pharao Necho legte ihn ins Gefängnis zu Ribla im Lande Hamath, daß er nicht regieren sollte in Jerusalem, und legte eine Schatzung aufs Land: hundert Zentner Silber und einen Zentner Gold. 34 Und Pharao Necho machte zum König Eljakim, den Sohn Josias, anstatt seines Vaters Josia und wandte seinen Namen in Jojakim. Aber Joahas nahm er und brachte ihn nach Ägypten; daselbst starb er. 35 Und Jojakim gab das Silber und das Gold Pharao. Doch schätzte er das Land, daß es solches Silber gäbe nach Befehl Pharaos; einen jeglichen nach seinem Vermögen schätzte er am Silber und Gold unter dem Volk im Lande, daß er es dem Pharao Necho gäbe. 36 Fünfundzwanzig Jahre alt war Jojakim, da er König ward, und regierte elf Jahre zu Jerusalem. Seine Mutter hieß Sebuda, eine Tochter Pedajas von Ruma. 37 Und er tat, was dem HERRN übel gefiel, wie seine Väter getan hatten.
  30 H5650 Und seine Knechte H7392 führten H4191 ihn tot H4023 von Megiddo H935 und brachten H3389 ihn gen Jerusalem H6912 und begruben H6900 ihn in seinem Grabe H5971 . Und das Volk H776 im Lande H3947 nahm H3059 Joahas H1121 , den Sohn H2977 Josias H4886 , und salbten H4427 ihn und machten ihn zum König H1 an seines Vaters Statt.
  31 H6242 H7969   H8141 Jahre H3059 war Joahas H1121 alt H4427 , da er König H4427 ward H4427 , und regierte H7969 drei H2320 Monate H3389 zu Jerusalem H517 . Seine Mutter H8034 hieß H2537 Hamutal H1323 , eine Tochter H3414 Jeremia’s H3841 von Libna .
  32 H6213 Und er tat H3068 , was dem HERRN H7451 übel H5869 gefiel H1 , wie seine Väter H6213 getan hatten.
  33 H6549 Aber Pharao Necho H631 legte ihn ins Gefängnis H7247 zu Ribla H776 im Lande H2574 Hamath H4427 , daß er nicht regieren H3389 sollte zu Jerusalem H5414 , und legte H6066 eine Schatzung H776 aufs Land H100 H3967 : H3603 Zentner H3701 Silber H3603 und einen Zentner H2091 Gold .
  34 H6549 Und Pharao Necho H4427 machte zum König H471 Eljakim H1121 , den Sohn H2977 Josias H1 , anstatt seines Vaters H2977 Josia H5437 und wandte H8034 seinen Namen H3079 in Jojakim H3059 . Aber Joahas H3947 nahm H935 er und brachte H4714 ihn nach Ägypten H4191 ; daselbst starb er.
  35 H3079 Und Jojakim H5414 gab H3701 das Silber H2091 und Gold H6547 Pharao H6186 . Doch schätzte H776 er das Land H3701 , daß er solches Silber H5414 gäbe H6310 nach Befehl H6547 Pharaos H376 ; einen jeglichen H6187 nach seinem Vermögen H5065 schätzte H3701 er am Silber H2091 und Gold H5971 unter dem Volk H776 im Lande H6549 , daß er es dem Pharao Necho H5414 gäbe .
  36 H6242 H2568   H8141 Jahre H1121 alt H3079 war Jojakim H4427 , da er König H4427 ward H4427 , und regierte H259 H6240 elf H8141 Jahre H3389 zu Jerusalem H517 . Seine Mutter H8034 hieß H2080 Sebuda H1323 , eine Tochter H6305 Pedajas H7316 von Ruma .
  37 H6213 Und er tat H3068 , was dem HERRN H7451 übel H5869 gefiel H1 , wie seine Väter H6213 getan hatten.
ELB1871(i) 30 Und seine Knechte führten ihn zu Wagen tot von Megiddo hinweg und brachten ihn nach Jerusalem; und sie begruben ihn in seinem Begräbnis. Und das Volk des Landes nahm Joahas, den Sohn Josias, und sie salbten ihn und machten ihn zum König an seines Vaters Statt. 31 Dreiundzwanzig Jahre war Joahas alt, als er König wurde, und er regierte drei Monate zu Jerusalem; und der Name seiner Mutter war Hamutal, die Tochter Jeremias, von Libna. 32 Und er tat, was böse war in den Augen Jehovas, nach allem, was seine Väter getan hatten. 33 Und der Pharao Neko setzte ihn gefangen zu Ribla im Lande Hamath, daß er nicht mehr König wäre zu Jerusalem; und er legte dem Lande eine Buße von hundert Talenten Silber und einem Talente Gold auf. 34 Und der Pharao Neko machte Eljakim, den Sohn Josias, zum König, an Josias, seines Vaters, Statt, und verwandelte seinen Namen in Jojakim; Joahas aber nahm er mit, und er kam nach Ägypten und starb daselbst. 35 Und Jojakim gab das Silber und das Gold dem Pharao; doch schätzte er das Land, um das Geld nach dem Befehle des Pharao zu geben: von dem Volke des Landes, von einem jeden nach seiner Schätzung, trieb er das Silber und das Gold ein, um es dem Pharao Neko zu geben. 36 Fünfundzwanzig Jahre war Jojakim alt, als er König wurde, und er regierte elf Jahre zu Jerusalem; und der Name seiner Mutter war Sebudda, die Tochter Pedajas, von Ruma. 37 Und er tat, was böse war in den Augen Jehovas, nach allem, was seine Väter getan hatten.
ELB1905(i) 30 Und seine Knechte führten ihn zu Wagen tot von Megiddo hinweg und brachten ihn nach Jerusalem; und sie begruben ihn in seinem Begräbnis. Und das Volk des Landes nahm Joahas, den Sohn Josias, und sie salbten ihn und machten ihn zum König an seines Vaters Statt. 31 Dreiundzwanzig [2.Chr 36] Jahre war Joahas alt, als er König wurde, und er regierte drei Monate zu Jerusalem; und der Name seiner Mutter war Hamutal, die Tochter Jeremias, von Libna. 32 Und er tat, was böse war in den Augen Jahwes, nach allem, was seine Väter getan hatten. 33 Und der Pharao Neko setzte ihn gefangen zu Ribla im Lande Hamath, daß er nicht mehr König wäre Nach and. Lesart: während er König war zu Jerusalem; und er legte dem Lande eine Buße von hundert Talenten Silber und einem Talente Gold auf. 34 Und der Pharao Neko machte Eljakim, den Sohn Josias, zum König, an Josias, seines Vaters, Statt, und verwandelte seinen Namen in Jojakim; Joahas aber nahm er mit, und er kam nach Ägypten und starb daselbst. 35 Und Jojakim gab das Silber und das Gold dem Pharao; doch schätzte er das Land, um das Geld nach dem Befehle des Pharao zu geben: von dem Volke des Landes, von einem jeden nach seiner Schätzung, trieb er das Silber und das Gold ein, um es dem Pharao Neko zu geben. 36 Fünfundzwanzig [2.Chr 36] Jahre war Jojakim alt, als er König wurde, und er regierte elf Jahre zu Jerusalem; und der Name seiner Mutter war Sebudda, Nach and. Lesart: Sebidda die Tochter Pedajas, von Ruma. 37 Und er tat, was böse war in den Augen Jahwes, nach allem, was seine Väter getan hatten.
  30 H5650 Und seine Knechte H7392 führten ihn H4191 zu Wagen tot H4023 von Megiddo H3389 hinweg und brachten ihn nach Jerusalem H935 ; und sie H6912 begruben H6900 ihn in seinem Begräbnis H5971 . Und das Volk H776 des Landes H3947 nahm H3059 Joahas H1121 , den Sohn H2977 Josias H4886 , und sie salbten H4427 ihn und machten ihn zum König H1 an seines Vaters Statt.
  31 H7969 -H6242 Dreiundzwanzig H8141 Jahre H3059 war Joahas H1121 alt H4427 , als er H4427 König H7969 wurde, und er regierte drei H2320 Monate H3389 zu Jerusalem H8034 ; und der Name H517 seiner Mutter H2537 war Hamutal H1323 , die Tochter H3841 Jeremias, von Libna .
  32 H6213 Und er tat H7451 , was böse H5869 war in den Augen H3068 Jehovas H1 , nach allem, was seine Väter H6213 getan hatten.
  33 H5414 Und der Pharao Neko setzte H631 ihn gefangen H7247 zu Ribla H776 im Lande H2574 Hamath H4427 , daß er nicht mehr König H3389 wäre zu Jerusalem H776 ; und er legte dem Lande H3967 eine Buße von hundert H3701 Talenten Silber H2091 und einem Talente Gold auf.
  34 H471 Und der Pharao Neko machte Eljakim H1121 , den Sohn H2977 Josias H4427 , zum König H2977 , an Josias H1 , seines Vaters H8034 , Statt, und verwandelte seinen Namen H3079 in Jojakim H3059 ; Joahas H3947 aber nahm H3947 er H935 mit, und er H5437 kam nach H4714 Ägypten H4191 und starb daselbst.
  35 H3079 Und Jojakim H5414 gab H3701 das Silber H2091 und das Gold H6547 dem Pharao H6186 ; doch schätzte H5065 er H776 das Land H3701 , um das Geld H6310 nach H6547 dem Befehle des Pharao H5414 zu geben H5971 : von dem Volke H776 des Landes H6187 , von einem jeden nach seiner Schätzung H3701 , trieb er das Silber H2091 und das Gold H376 ein H5414 , um es dem Pharao Neko zu geben .
  36 H2568 -H6242 -H2568 -H6242 Fünfundzwanzig H8141 Jahre H3079 war Jojakim H1121 alt H4427 , als er H4427 König H6240 wurde, und er regierte elf H8141 Jahre H3389 zu Jerusalem H8034 ; und der Name H517 seiner Mutter H1323 war Sebudda, die Tochter H6305 Pedajas H7316 , von Ruma .
  37 H6213 Und er tat H7451 , was böse H5869 war in den Augen H3068 Jehovas H1 , nach allem, was seine Väter H6213 getan hatten.
DSV(i) 30 En zijn knechten voerden hem dood op een wagen van Megiddo, en brachten hem te Jeruzalem, en begroeven hem in zijn graf; en het volk des lands nam Joahaz, den zoon Josia, en zalfden hem, en maakten hem koning in zijns vaders plaats. 31 Drie en twintig jaren was Joahaz oud, toen hij koning werd, en hij regeerde drie maanden te Jeruzalem; en de naam zijner moeder was Hamutal, de dochter van Jeremia, van Libna. 32 En hij deed dat kwaad was in de ogen des HEEREN, naar alles, wat zijn vaderen gedaan hadden. 33 Doch Farao Necho liet hem binden te Ribla in het land van Hamath, opdat hij te Jeruzalem niet regeren zou; en hij leide het land een boete op van honderd talenten zilvers en een talent gouds. 34 Ook maakte Farao Necho Eljakim, den zoon van Josia, koning, in de plaats van zijn vader Josia, en veranderde zijn naam in Jojakim; maar Joahaz nam hij mede, en hij kwam in Egypte, en stierf aldaar. 35 En Jojakim gaf dat zilver en dat goud aan Farao; doch hij schatte het land, om dat geld naar het bevel van Farao te geven; een ieder naar zijn schatting eiste hij het zilver en goud af van het volk des lands, om aan Farao Necho te geven. 36 Vijf en twintig jaren was Jojakim oud, toen hij koning werd, en regeerde elf jaren te Jeruzalem; en de naam zijner moeder was Zebudda, een dochter van Pedaja, van Ruma. 37 En hij deed dat kwaad was in de ogen des HEEREN, naar alles, wat zijn vaders gedaan hadden.
  30 H5650 En zijn knechten H7392 H0 voerden H4191 H8801 hem dood H7392 H8686 op een wagen H4480 van H4023 Megiddo H935 H8686 , en brachten H3389 hem te Jeruzalem H6912 H8799 , en begroeven H6900 hem in zijn graf H5971 ; en het volk H776 des lands H3947 H8799 nam H3059 Joahaz H1121 , den zoon H2977 van Josia H4886 H8799 , en zalfden H853 hem H4427 H0 , en maakten H853 hem H4427 H8686 koning H1 in zijns vaders H8478 plaats.
  31 H7969 Drie H6242 en twintig H8141 jaren H3059 was Joahaz H1121 oud H4427 H8800 , toen hij koning werd H4427 H8804 , en hij regeerde H7969 drie H2320 maanden H3389 te Jeruzalem H8034 ; en de naam H517 zijner moeder H2537 was Hamutal H1323 , de dochter H3414 van Jeremia H4480 , van H3841 Libna.
  32 H6213 H8799 En hij deed H7451 dat kwaad H5869 was in de ogen H3068 des HEEREN H3605 , naar alles H834 , wat H1 zijn vaderen H6213 H8804 gedaan hadden.
  33 H6549 Doch Farao Necho H631 H8799 liet hem binden H7247 te Ribla H776 in het land H2574 van Hamath H3389 , opdat hij te Jeruzalem H4427 H8800 niet regeren zou H5414 H0 ; en hij leide H776 het land H6066 een boete H5414 H8799 H5921 op H3967 van honderd H3603 talenten H3701 zilvers H3603 en een talent H2091 gouds.
  34 H4427 H0 Ook maakte H6549 Farao Necho H471 Eljakim H1121 , den zoon H2977 van Josia H4427 H8686 , koning H8478 , in de plaats H1 van zijn vader H2977 Josia H5437 H8686 , en veranderde H8034 zijn naam H3079 in Jojakim H3059 ; maar Joahaz H3947 H8804 nam hij mede H935 H8799 , en hij kwam H4714 in Egypte H4191 H8799 , en stierf H8033 aldaar.
  35 H3079 En Jojakim H5414 H8804 gaf H3701 dat zilver H2091 en dat goud H6547 aan Farao H389 ; doch H6186 H8689 hij schatte H776 het land H3701 , om dat geld H5921 naar H6310 het bevel H6547 van Farao H5414 H8800 te geven H376 ; een ieder H6187 naar zijn schatting H5065 H8804 eiste hij H3701 het zilver H2091 en goud H5971 af van het volk H776 des lands H6549 , om aan Farao Necho H5414 H8800 te geven.
  36 H2568 Vijf H6242 en twintig H8141 jaren H3079 was Jojakim H1121 oud H4427 H8800 , toen hij koning werd H4427 H8804 , en regeerde H259 H6240 elf H8141 jaren H3389 te Jeruzalem H8034 ; en de naam H517 zijner moeder H2080 was Zebudda H1323 , een dochter H6305 van Pedaja H4480 , van H7316 Ruma.
  37 H6213 H8799 En hij deed H7451 dat kwaad H5869 was in de ogen H3068 des HEEREN H3605 , naar alles H834 , wat H1 zijn vaders H6213 H8804 gedaan hadden.
Giguet(i) 30 Les serviteurs placèrent son corps sur un char, et le ramenèrent de Mageddo à Jérusalem, et ils l’ensevelirent dans son sépulcre; alors, le peuple de la terre prit Joachaz, fils de Josias; il le sacra, et il le proclama roi la place de son père. 31 ¶ Joachaz avait vingt-trois ans quand il monta sur le trône, et il régna trois mois à Jérusalem; le nom de sa mère était Amital, fille de Jérémie de Lob na. 32 Et il fit le mal aux yeux du Seigneur, comme l’avaient fait ses pères. 33 Et le Pharaon Néchao le transporta en Rablaam dans la terre d’Emath, pour qu’il ne régnât point à Jérusalem; puis, il imposa à la terre un tribut de cent talents d’argent et de cent talents d’or. 34 A sa place, le Pharaon Néchao leur donna pour roi Eliacim, fils de Josias, et il changea son nom, et il l’appela Joacin. Et il emmena Joachaz en Égypte, où il mourut. 35 Joacin donna au Pharaon de l’argent et de l’or, mais il taxa la terre pour payer le tribut au Pharaon; chacun donna de l’argent et de l’or selon sa taxe; tout le peuple donna donc le tribut au Pharaon. 36 Joacin avait vingt-cinq ans lorsqu’il monta sur le trône, et il régna onze ans à Jérusalem; sa mère se nommait Jeldaph, fille de Phadaël, de Rhuma. 37 Et il fit le mal aux yeux du Seigneur comme avaient fait tous ses aïeux.
DarbyFR(i) 30 Et de Meguiddo, ses serviteurs l'emportèrent mort sur un char, et l'amenèrent à Jérusalem, et l'enterrèrent dans son sépulcre. Et le peuple du pays prit Joakhaz, fils de Josias, et ils l'oignirent et le firent roi à la place de son père. 31
Joakhaz était âgé de vingt-trois ans lorsqu'il commença de régner; et il régna trois mois à Jérusalem; et le nom de sa mère était Hamutal, fille de Jérémie de Libna. 32 Et il fit ce qui est mauvais aux yeux de l'Éternel, selon tout ce que ses pères avaient fait. 33 Et le Pharaon Neco le lia à Ribla, dans le pays de Hamath, pour qu'il ne régnât plus à Jérusalem; et il imposa sur le pays une amende de cent talents d'argent et d'un talent d'or. 34 Et le Pharaon Neco établit roi Éliakim, fils de Josias, à la place de Josias, son père, et changea son nom en celui de Jehoïakim; et il prit Joakhaz, qui vint en Égypte et y mourut. 35 Et Jehoïakim donna l'argent et l'or au Pharaon; seulement il établit une taxe proportionnelle sur le pays, pour donner l'argent selon le commandement du Pharaon: il exigea l'argent et l'or du peuple du pays, de chacun selon son estimation, pour le donner au Pharaon Neco. 36 Jehoïakim était âgé de vingt-cinq ans lorsqu'il commença de régner; et il régna onze ans à Jérusalem; et le nom de sa mère était Zebudda, fille de Pedaia, de Ruma. 37 Et il fit ce qui est mauvais aux yeux de l'Éternel, selon tout ce que ses pères avaient fait.
Martin(i) 30 Et ses serviteurs le chargèrent mort sur un chariot de Méguiddo, et le portèrent à Jérusalem, et l'ensevelirent dans son sépulcre; et le peuple du pays prit Jéhoachaz, fils de Josias, et ils l'oignirent, et l'établirent Roi en la place de son père. 31 Jéhoachaz était âgé de vingt et trois ans, quand il commença à régner, et il régna trois mois à Jérusalem; sa mère avait nom Hamutal, fille de Jérémie de Libna. 32 Il fit ce qui déplaît à l'Eternel, comme avaient fait ses pères. 33 Et Pharaon-Néco l'emprisonna à Ribla, au pays de Hamath, afin qu'il ne régnât plus à Jérusalem; et il imposa sur le pays une amende de cent talents d'argent, et d'un talent d'or. 34 Puis Pharaon-Néco établit pour Roi Eliakim fils de Josias, en la place de Josias son père, et lui changea son nom, l'appelant Jéhojakim; et il prît Jéhoachaz, qui vint en Egypte, où il mourut. 35 Or Jéhojakim donna cet argent et cet or à Pharaon, ayant mis des taxes sur le pays pour fournir cet argent selon le commandement de Pharaon; et il leva l'argent et l'or de chacun du peuple du pays selon qu'il était taxé, pour donner à Pharaon-Néco.36 Jéhojakim était âgé de vingt-cinq ans quand il commença à régner, et il régna onze ans à Jérusalem; sa mère avait nom Zebudda, fille de Pédaja de Ruma. 36 37 Il fit ce qui déplaît à l'Eternel, comme avaient fait ses pères.
Segond(i) 30 Ses serviteurs l'emportèrent mort sur un char; ils l'amenèrent de Meguiddo à Jérusalem, et ils l'enterrèrent dans son sépulcre. Et le peuple du pays prit Joachaz, fils de Josias; ils l'oignirent, et le firent roi à la place de son père. 31 Joachaz avait vingt-trois ans lorsqu'il devint roi, et il régna trois mois à Jérusalem. Sa mère s'appelait Hamuthal, fille de Jérémie, de Libna. 32 Il fit ce qui est mal aux yeux de l'Eternel, entièrement comme avaient fait ses pères. 33 Pharaon Néco l'enchaîna à Ribla, dans le pays de Hamath, pour qu'il ne régnât plus à Jérusalem; et il mit sur le pays une contribution de cent talents d'argent et d'un talent d'or. 34 Et Pharaon Néco établit roi Eliakim, fils de Josias, à la place de Josias, son père, et il changea son nom en celui de Jojakim. Il prit Joachaz, qui alla en Egypte et y mourut. 35 Jojakim donna à Pharaon l'argent et l'or; mais il taxa le pays pour fournir cet argent, d'après l'ordre de Pharaon; il détermina la part de chacun et exigea du peuple du pays l'argent et l'or qu'il devait livrer à Pharaon Néco. 36 Jojakim avait vingt-cinq ans lorsqu'il devint roi, et il régna onze ans à Jérusalem. Sa mère s'appelait Zebudda, fille de Pedaja, de Ruma. 37 Il fit ce qui est mal aux yeux de l'Eternel, entièrement comme avaient fait ses pères.
  30 H5650 Ses serviteurs H4191 l’emportèrent mort H8801   H7392 sur un char H8686   H935  ; ils l’amenèrent H8686   H4023 de Meguiddo H3389 à Jérusalem H6912 , et ils l’enterrèrent H8799   H6900 dans son sépulcre H5971 . Et le peuple H776 du pays H3947 prit H8799   H3059 Joachaz H1121 , fils H2977 de Josias H4886  ; ils l’oignirent H8799   H4427 , et le firent roi H8686   H1 à la place de son père.
  31 H3059 ¶ Joachaz H1121 avait H6242 vingt H7969 -trois H8141 ans H4427 lorsqu’il devint roi H8800   H4427 , et il régna H8804   H7969 trois H2320 mois H3389 à Jérusalem H517 . Sa mère H8034 s’appelait H2537 Hamuthal H1323 , fille H3414 de Jérémie H3841 , de Libna.
  32 H6213 Il fit H8799   H7451 ce qui est mal H5869 aux yeux H3068 de l’Eternel H6213 , entièrement comme avaient fait H8804   H1 ses pères.
  33 H6549 Pharaon Néco H631 l’enchaîna H8799   H7247 à Ribla H776 , dans le pays H2574 de Hamath H4427 , pour qu’il ne régnât H8800   H3389 plus à Jérusalem H5414  ; et il mit H8799   H776 sur le pays H6066 une contribution H3967 de cent H3603 talents H3701 d’argent H3603 et d’un talent H2091 d’or.
  34 H6549 Et Pharaon Néco H4427 établit roi H8686   H471 Eliakim H1121 , fils H2977 de Josias H2977 , à la place de Josias H1 , son père H5437 , et il changea H8686   H8034 son nom H3079 en celui de Jojakim H3947 . Il prit H8804   H3059 Joachaz H935 , qui alla H8799   H4714 en Egypte H4191 et y mourut H8799  .
  35 H3079 Jojakim H5414 donna H8804   H6547 à Pharaon H3701 l’argent H2091 et l’or H6186  ; mais il taxa H8689   H776 le pays H5414 pour fournir H8800   H3701 cet argent H6310 , d’après l’ordre H6547 de Pharaon H6187  ; il détermina la part H376 de chacun H5065 et exigea H8804   H5971 du peuple H776 du pays H3701 l’argent H2091 et l’or H5414 qu’il devait livrer H8800   H6549 à Pharaon Néco.
  36 H3079 Jojakim H1121 avait H6242 vingt H2568 -cinq H8141 ans H4427 lorsqu’il devint roi H8800   H4427 , et il régna H8804   H259 onze H6240   H8141 ans H3389 à Jérusalem H517 . Sa mère H8034 s’appelait H2080 Zebudda H1323 , fille H6305 de Pedaja H7316 , de Ruma.
  37 H6213 Il fit H8799   H7451 ce qui est mal H5869 aux yeux H3068 de l’Eternel H6213 , entièrement comme avaient fait H8804   H1 ses pères.
SE(i) 30 Y sus siervos lo pusieron en un carro, y lo trajeron muerto de Meguido a Jerusalén, y lo sepultaron en su sepulcro. Entonces el pueblo de la tierra tomó a Joacaz hijo de Josías, y lo ungieron y lo pusieron por rey en lugar de su padre. 31 De veintitrés años era Joacaz cuando comenzó a reinar, y reinó tres meses en Jerusalén. El nombre de su madre fue Hamutal, hija de Jeremías de Libna. 32 Y él hizo lo malo en ojos del SEÑOR, conforme a todas las cosas que sus padres habían hecho. 33 Y lo echó preso Faraón Necao en Ribla en la provincia de Hamat, reinando él en Jerusalén; e impuso sobre la tierra una multa de cien talentos de plata, y uno de oro. 34 Entonces Faraón Necao puso por rey a Eliacim hijo de Josías, en lugar de Josías su padre, y le mudó el nombre en el de Joacim; y tomó a Joacaz, y lo llevó a Egipto, y murió allí. 35 Y Joacim pagó a Faraón la plata y el oro; e hizo apreciar la tierra para dar este dinero conforme al mandamiento de Faraón, sacando de cada uno, según la estimación de su hacienda, la plata y oro de todo el pueblo de la tierra, para dar a Faraón Necao. 36 De veinticinco años era Joacim cuando comenzó a reinar, y once años reinó en Jerusalén. El nombre de su madre fue Zebuda hija de Pedaías, de Ruma. 37 E hizo lo malo en ojos del SEÑOR, conforme a todas las cosas que sus padres habían hecho.
ReinaValera(i) 30 Y sus siervos lo pusieron en un carro, y trajéronlo muerto de Megiddo á Jerusalem, y sepultáronlo en su sepulcro. Entonces el pueblo de la tierra tomó á Joachâz hijo de Josías, y ungiéronle y pusiéronlo por rey en lugar de su padre. 31 De veintitrés años era Joachâz cuando comenzó á reinar, y reinó tres meses en Jerusalem. El nombre de su madre fué Amutal, hija de Jeremías de Libna. 32 Y él hizo lo malo en ojos de Jehová, conforme á todas las cosas que sus padres habían hecho. 33 Y echólo preso Faraón Nechâo en Ribla en la provincia de Hamath, reinando él en Jerusalem; é impuso sobre la tierra una multa de cien talentos de plata, y uno de oro. 34 Entonces Faraón Nechâo puso por rey á Eliacim hijo de Josías, en lugar de Josías su padre, y mudóle el nombre en el de Joacim; y tomó á Joachâz, y llevólo á Egipto, y murió allí. 35 Y Joacim pagó á Faraón la plata y el oro; mas hizo apreciar la tierra para dar el dinero conforme al mandamiento de Faraón, sacando la plata y oro del pueblo de la tierra, de cada uno según la estimación de su hacienda, para dar á Faraón Nechâo. 36 De veinticinco años era Joacim cuando comenzó á Reinar, y once años reinó en Jerusalem. El nombre de su madre fué Zebuda hija de Pedaia, de Ruma. 37 E hizo lo malo en ojos de Jehová, conforme á todas las cosas que sus padres habían hecho.
JBS(i) 30 Y sus siervos lo pusieron en un carro, y lo trajeron muerto de Meguido a Jerusalén, y lo sepultaron en su sepulcro. Entonces el pueblo de la tierra tomó a Joacaz hijo de Josías, y lo ungieron y lo pusieron por rey en lugar de su padre. 31 De veintitrés años era Joacaz cuando comenzó a reinar, y reinó tres meses en Jerusalén. El nombre de su madre fue Hamutal, hija de Jeremías de Libna. 32 Y él hizo lo malo ante los ojos del SEÑOR, conforme a todas las cosas que sus padres habían hecho. 33 Y lo echó preso el Faraón Necao en Ribla en la provincia de Hamat, reinando él en Jerusalén; e impuso sobre la tierra una multa de cien talentos de plata, y uno de oro. 34 Entonces Faraón Necao puso por rey a Eliacim hijo de Josías, en lugar de Josías su padre, y le mudó el nombre por el de Joacim; y tomó a Joacaz, y se lo llevó a Egipto, y murió allí. 35 Y Joacim pagó a Faraón la plata y el oro; e hizo apreciar la tierra para dar este dinero conforme al mandamiento del Faraón, sacando de cada uno, según la estimación de su hacienda, la plata y el oro de todo el pueblo de la tierra, para darlo a Faraón Necao. 36 De veinticinco años era Joacim cuando comenzó a reinar, y once años reinó en Jerusalén. El nombre de su madre fue Zebuda hija de Pedaías, de Ruma. 37 E hizo lo malo ante los ojos del SEÑOR, conforme a todas las cosas que sus padres habían hecho.
Albanian(i) 30 Atëherë shërbëtorët e tij e çuan të vdekur mbi një qerre nga Meghido deri në Jeruzalem, ku e varrosën në varrin e tij. Pastaj populli i vendit mori Jehoahazin, birin e Josias, e vajosi dhe e bëri mbret në vend të atit të tij. 31 Jehoahazi ishte njëzet e tre vjeç kur filloi të mbretërojë dhe e mbajti fronin tre muaj në Jeruzalem. E ëma quhej Hamutal, ishte bija e Jeremias nga Libnahu. 32 Ai bëri atë që është e keqe në sytë e Zotit, në të gjitha ashtu si kishin vepruar etërit e tij. 33 Faraoni Neko e lidhi me zinxhira në Riblah, në vendin e Hamathit, që të mos mbretëronte më në Jeruzalem, dhe i imponoi vendit një haraç prej njëqind talentesh argjendi dhe një talent ari. 34 Pastaj Faraoni Neko bëri mbret Eliakimin, birin e Josias, në vend të atit të tij Josia, dhe e ndërroi emrin e tij në Jehojakimi. Pastaj mori Jehoahazin dhe shkoi në Egjipt, ku vdiq. 35 Jehojakimi i dha Faraonit argjendin dhe arin; por për të paguar paratë sipas urdhërit të Faraonit i vuri taksa vendit. Për të paguar Faraonin Neko, ai mblodhi argjendin dhe arin nga populli i vendit nga secili në bazë të vlerësimit të pronave të tij. 36 Jehojakimi ishte njëzet e pesë vjeç kur filloi të mbretërojë dhe mbretëroi njëmbëdhjetë vjet në Jeruzalem. E ëma quhej Zebidah, ishte bija e Pedaijahut të Rumahut. 37 Ai bëri atë që është e keqe në sytë e Zotit në të gjitha ashtu si kishin vepruar etërit e tij.
RST(i) 30 И рабы его повезли его мертвого из Мегиддона, и привезли его вИерусалим, и похоронили его в гробнице его. И взял народ земли Иоахаза, сына Иосиина, и помазали его и воцарили его вместо отца его. 31 Двадцати трех лет был Иоахаз, когда воцарился, и три месяцацарствовал в Иерусалиме; имя матери его Хамуталь, дочь Иеремии, из Ливны. 32 И делал он неугодное в очах Господних во всем так, как делали отцыего. 33 И задержал его фараон Нехао в Ривле, в земле Емафской, чтобы он не царствовал в Иерусалиме, – и наложил пени на землю сто талантов серебра и талантов золота. 34 И воцарил фараон Нехао Елиакима, сына Иосиина, вместо Иосии, отцаего, и переменил имя его на Иоакима; Иоахаза же взял и отвел в Египет, где он и умер. 35 И серебро и золото давал Иоаким фараону; он сделал оценку земле, чтобы давать серебро по приказанию фараона; от каждого из народа земли, по оценке своей, он взыскивал серебро и золото для того, чтобы отдавать фараону Нехао. 36 Двадцати пяти лет был Иоаким, когда воцарился, и одиннадцать лет царствовал в Иерусалиме; имя матери его Зебудда, дочь Федаии, из Румы. 37 И делал он неугодное в очах Господних во всем так, как делали отцыего.
Arabic(i) 30 واركبه عبيده ميتا من مجدّو وجاءوا به الى اورشليم ودفنوه في قبره. فاخذ شعب الارض يهوآحاز بن يوشيا ومسحوه وملكوه عوضا عن ابيه 31 كان يهوآحاز ابن ثلاث وعشرين سنة حين ملك وملك ثلاثة اشهر في اورشليم واسم امه حموطل بنت ارميا من لبنة. 32 فعمل الشر في عيني الرب حسب كل ما عمله آباؤه. 33 واسره فرعون نخو في ربلة في ارض حماة لئلا يملك في اورشليم وغرّم الارض بمئة وزنة من الفضة ووزنة من الذهب. 34 وملّك فرعون نخو الياقيم بن يوشيا عوضا عن يوشيا ابيه وغيّر اسمه الى يهوياقيم واخذ يهوآحاز وجاء الى مصر فمات هناك. 35 ودفع يهوياقيم الفضة والذهب لفرعون الا انه قوّم الارض لدفع الفضة بأمر فرعون. كل واحد حسب تقويمه. فطالب شعب الارض بالفضة والذهب ليدفع لفرعون نخو 36 كان يهوياقيم ابن خمس وعشرين سنة حين ملك. وملك احدى عشرة سنة في اورشليم. واسم امه زبيدة بنت فداية من رومة. 37 وعمل الشر في عيني الرب حسب كل ما عمل آباؤه
Bulgarian(i) 30 И слугите му го закараха мъртъв в колесницата от Магедон и го докараха в Ерусалим, и го погребаха в собствения му гроб. А народът на страната взе Йоахаз, сина на Йосия, и го помаза, и го направи цар вместо баща му. 31 Йоахаз беше на двадесет и три години, когато се възцари, и царува три месеца в Ерусалим. Името на майка му беше Амитала, дъщеря на Еремия от Ливна. 32 Той върши зло пред ГОСПОДА според всичко, което бяха правили бащите му. 33 А фараонът Нехао го затвори в Ривла, в земята Емат, за да не царува в Ерусалим, и наложи на земята глоба от сто таланта сребро и един талант злато. 34 И фараонът Нехао постави Елиаким, сина на Йосия, за цар вместо баща му Йосия и промени името му на Йоаким. А Йоахаз взе със себе си и той дойде в Египет и там умря. 35 А Йоаким даде на фараона среброто и златото, но обложи с данък земята, за да даде парите според заповедта на фараона; от народа на земята събра среброто и златото, от всекиго според състоянието му, за да ги даде на фараона Нехао. 36 Йоаким беше на двадесет и пет години, когато се възцари, и царува единадесет години в Ерусалим. Името на майка му беше Зевуда, дъщеря на Федая от Рума. 37 Той върши зло пред ГОСПОДА, според всичко, което бяха правили бащите му.
Croatian(i) 30 Sluge njegove prenesoše mu tijelo kolima iz Megida, odvezoše ga u Jeruzalem i sahraniše u njegovoj grobnici. Sav narod zemlje primi Joahaza, sina Jošijina; pomazaše ga i proglasiše kraljem namjesto njegova oca. 31 Joahazu bijahu dvadeset i tri godine kad se zakraljio. Kraljevao je tri mjeseca u Jeruzalemu. Njegova se majka zvala Hamitah, kći Jeremije, i bila je iz Libne. 32 On je činio što je zlo u očima Jahvinim, sve kao što su činili oci njegovi. 33 Faraon Neko bacio ga je u okove u Ribli, na području Hamata, da ne vlada u Jeruzalemu i udario je na zemlju danak od stotinu talenata srebra i deset talenata zlata. 34 Faraon Neko postavio je za kralja Elijakima, sina Jošijina, na mjesto njegova oca Jošije. I ime mu je promijenio u Jojakim. A Joahaza je uzeo i odveo u Egipat te on umrije ondje. 35 Jojakim je dao faraonu srebro i zlato, ali je nametnuo zemlji porez da bi smogao svotu koju je faraon zahtijevao. Svakome je nametnuo prema njegovu stanju, uzimao srebro i zlato koje je morao davati faraonu Neku. 36 Jojakimu je bilo dvadeset i pet godina kad je postao kraljem i kraljevao je jedanaest godina u Jeruzalemu. Materi mu je bilo ime Zebida, kći Pedajina, i bila je iz Rume. 37 On je činio što je zlo u očima Jahvinim, sve kao što su činili i oci njegovi.
BKR(i) 30 Tedy služebníci jeho vloživše jej mrtvého na vůz, přivezli ho z Mageddo do Jeruzaléma, a pochovali jej v hrobě jeho. I vzal lid země Joachaza syna Joziášova, a pomazali ho, i ustanovili králem na místě otce jeho. 31 Ve třímecítma letech byl Joachaz, když počal kralovati, a kraloval tři měsíce v Jeruzalémě. Jméno matky jeho bylo Chamutal, dcera Jeremiášova z Lebna. 32 A činil to, což jest zlého před očima Hospodinovýma, všecko tak, jakž činili otcové jeho. 33 I svázal ho Farao Nécho v Ribla, v zemi Emat, když kraloval v Jeruzalémě, a uložil daň na tu zemi, sto centnéřů stříbra a centnéř zlata. 34 A ustanovil Farao Nécho za krále Eliakima syna Joziášova, na místo Joziáše otce jeho, a proměnil jméno jeho, aby sloul Joakim. Ale Joachaza vzal, kterýž, když se dostal do Egypta, umřel tam. 35 To pak zlato i stříbro dával Joakim Faraonovi; pročež šacoval obyvatele země, aby mohl dáti stříbro k rozkázaní Faraonovu. Od jednoho každého vedlé toho, jakž byl šacován, bral stříbro i zlato od lidu země, aby dal Faraonovi Néchovi. 36 V pětmecítma letech byl Joakim, když počal kralovati, a jedenácte let kraloval v Jeruzalémě. Jméno matky jeho bylo Zebuda, dcera Pedaiova z Ruma. 37 I činil to, což jest zlého před očima Hospodinovýma, podlé všeho, což činili otcové jeho.
Danish(i) 30 Og hans Tjenere førte ham død fra Megiddo og førte ham til Jerusalem og begravede ham i hans Grav; og Folket i Landet tog Joakas, Josias's Søn, og salvede ham og gjorde ham til Konge i hans Faders Sted. 31 Joakas var tre og tyve Aar gammel, der han blev Konge, og regerede tre Maaneder i Jerusalem, og hans Moders Navn var Hamutal Jeremias's Datter fra Libna. 32 Og han gjorde det, som var ondt for HERRENS Øjne, efter alt det, som hans Fædre gjorde. 33 Og Farao Neko lod ham lægge i Lænker i Ribla udi Hamaths Land, at han ikke skulde regere i Jerusalem, og han lagde en Straf paa Landet, hundrede Centner Sølv og et Gentner Guld. 34 Og Farao Neko gjorde Eliakim, Josias's Søn, til Konge i hans Faders; Josias's Sted, og omvendte hans Navn til Jojakim; men Joakas tog han med, og denne kom til Ægypten og døde der. 35 Og Jojakim gav Farao Sølvet og Guldet, men han lignede en Skat paa Landet for at kunne give Pengene efter Faraos Befaling; eftersom Skatten var lignet paa hver især, inddrev han Sølvet og Guldet af Folket i Landet for at give det til Farao Neko. 36 Jojakim var fem og tyve Aar gammel, der han blev Konge, og regerede elleve Aar i Jerusalem, og hans Moders Navn var Sebuda, Pedajas Datter fra Ruma. 37 Og han gjorde det, som var ondt for HERRENS Øjne, efter alt det, som hans Fædre havde gjort.
CUV(i) 30 他 的 臣 僕 用 車 將 他 的 屍 首 從 米 吉 多 送 到 耶 路 撒 冷 , 葬 在 他 自 己 的 墳 墓 裡 。 國 民 膏 約 西 亞 的 兒 子 約 哈 斯 接 續 他 父 親 作 王 。 31 約 哈 斯 登 基 的 時 候 年 二 十 三 歲 , 在 耶 路 撒 冷 作 王 三 個 月 。 他 母 親 名 叫 哈 慕 他 , 是 立 拿 人 耶 利 米 的 女 兒 。 32 約 哈 斯 行 耶 和 華 眼 中 看 為 惡 的 事 , 效 法 他 列 祖 一 切 所 行 的 。 33 法 老 尼 哥 將 約 哈 斯 鎖 禁 在 哈 馬 地 的 利 比 拉 , 不 許 他 在 耶 路 撒 冷 作 王 , 又 罰 猶 大 國 銀 子 一 百 他 連 得 , 金 子 一 他 連 得 。 34 法 老 尼 哥 立 約 西 亞 的 兒 子 以 利 亞 敬 接 續 他 父 親 約 西 亞 作 王 , 給 他 改 名 叫 約 雅 敬 , 卻 將 約 哈 斯 帶 到 埃 及 , 他 就 死 在 那 裡 。 35 約 雅 敬 將 金 銀 給 法 老 , 遵 著 法 老 的 命 向 國 民 徵 取 金 銀 , 按 著 各 人 的 力 量 派 定 , 索 要 金 銀 , 好 給 法 老 尼 哥 。 36 約 雅 敬 登 基 的 時 候 年 二 十 五 歲 , 在 耶 路 撒 冷 作 王 十 一 年 。 他 母 親 名 叫 西 布 大 , 是 魯 瑪 人 毘 大 雅 的 女 兒 。 37 約 雅 敬 行 耶 和 華 眼 中 看 為 惡 的 事 , 效 法 他 列 祖 一 切 所 行 的 。
  30 H5650 他的臣僕 H7392 用車 H4191 將他的屍首 H4023 從米吉多 H935 送到 H3389 耶路撒冷 H6912 ,葬在 H6900 他自己的墳墓 H776 裡。國 H5971 H4886 H2977 約西亞 H1121 的兒子 H3059 約哈斯 H1 接續他父親 H4427 作王。
  31 H3059 約哈斯 H4427 登基 H6242 的時候年二十 H7969 H8141 H3389 ,在耶路撒冷 H4427 作王 H7969 三個 H2320 H517 。他母親 H8034 名叫 H2537 哈慕他 H3841 ,是立拿人 H3414 耶利米 H1323 的女兒。
  32 H6213 約哈斯行 H3068 耶和華 H5869 眼中 H7451 看為惡 H1 的事,效法他列祖 H6213 一切所行的。
  33 H6549 法老尼哥 H631 將約哈斯鎖禁 H2574 在哈馬 H776 H7247 的利比拉 H3389 ,不許他在耶路撒冷 H4427 作王 H5414 H6066 ,又罰 H776 猶大國 H3701 銀子 H3967 一百 H3603 他連得 H2091 ,金子 H3603 一他連得。
  34 H6549 法老尼哥 H2977 立約西亞 H1121 的兒子 H471 以利亞敬 H1 接續他父親 H2977 約西亞 H4427 作王 H5437 ,給他改 H8034 H3079 叫約雅敬 H3059 ,卻將約哈斯 H3947 H935 H4714 埃及 H4191 ,他就死在那裡。
  35 H3079 約雅敬 H2091 將金 H3701 H5414 H6547 法老 H6547 ,遵著法老 H6310 的命 H776 向國民 H6186 H5414 H3701 金銀 H376 ,按著各人 H6187 的力量派定 H5065 ,索要 H2091 H3701 H5414 ,好給 H6549 法老尼哥。
  36 H3079 約雅敬 H4427 登基 H6242 的時候年二十 H2568 H8141 H3389 ,在耶路撒冷 H4427 作王 H6240 H259 H8141 H517 。他母親 H8034 名叫 H2080 西布大 H7316 ,是魯瑪人 H6305 毘大雅 H1323 的女兒。
  37 H6213 約雅敬行 H3068 耶和華 H5869 眼中 H7451 看為惡 H1 的事,效法他列祖 H6213 一切所行的。
CUVS(i) 30 他 的 臣 仆 用 车 将 他 的 尸 首 从 米 吉 多 送 到 耶 路 撒 冷 , 葬 在 他 自 己 的 坟 墓 里 。 国 民 膏 约 西 亚 的 儿 子 约 哈 斯 接 续 他 父 亲 作 王 。 31 约 哈 斯 登 基 的 时 候 年 二 十 叁 岁 , 在 耶 路 撒 冷 作 王 叁 个 月 。 他 母 亲 名 叫 哈 慕 他 , 是 立 拿 人 耶 利 米 的 女 儿 。 32 约 哈 斯 行 耶 和 华 眼 中 看 为 恶 的 事 , 效 法 他 列 祖 一 切 所 行 的 。 33 法 老 尼 哥 将 约 哈 斯 锁 禁 在 哈 马 地 的 利 比 拉 , 不 许 他 在 耶 路 撒 冷 作 王 , 又 罚 犹 大 国 银 子 一 百 他 连 得 , 金 子 一 他 连 得 。 34 法 老 尼 哥 立 约 西 亚 的 儿 子 以 利 亚 敬 接 续 他 父 亲 约 西 亚 作 王 , 给 他 改 名 叫 约 雅 敬 , 却 将 约 哈 斯 带 到 埃 及 , 他 就 死 在 那 里 。 35 约 雅 敬 将 金 银 给 法 老 , 遵 着 法 老 的 命 向 国 民 征 取 金 银 , 按 着 各 人 的 力 量 派 定 , 索 要 金 银 , 好 给 法 老 尼 哥 。 36 约 雅 敬 登 基 的 时 候 年 二 十 五 岁 , 在 耶 路 撒 冷 作 王 十 一 年 。 他 母 亲 名 叫 西 布 大 , 是 鲁 玛 人 毘 大 雅 的 女 儿 。 37 约 雅 敬 行 耶 和 华 眼 中 看 为 恶 的 事 , 效 法 他 列 祖 一 切 所 行 的 。
  30 H5650 他的臣仆 H7392 用车 H4191 将他的尸首 H4023 从米吉多 H935 送到 H3389 耶路撒冷 H6912 ,葬在 H6900 他自己的坟墓 H776 里。国 H5971 H4886 H2977 约西亚 H1121 的儿子 H3059 约哈斯 H1 接续他父亲 H4427 作王。
  31 H3059 约哈斯 H4427 登基 H6242 的时候年二十 H7969 H8141 H3389 ,在耶路撒冷 H4427 作王 H7969 叁个 H2320 H517 。他母亲 H8034 名叫 H2537 哈慕他 H3841 ,是立拿人 H3414 耶利米 H1323 的女儿。
  32 H6213 约哈斯行 H3068 耶和华 H5869 眼中 H7451 看为恶 H1 的事,效法他列祖 H6213 一切所行的。
  33 H6549 法老尼哥 H631 将约哈斯锁禁 H2574 在哈马 H776 H7247 的利比拉 H3389 ,不许他在耶路撒冷 H4427 作王 H5414 H6066 ,又罚 H776 犹大国 H3701 银子 H3967 一百 H3603 他连得 H2091 ,金子 H3603 一他连得。
  34 H6549 法老尼哥 H2977 立约西亚 H1121 的儿子 H471 以利亚敬 H1 接续他父亲 H2977 约西亚 H4427 作王 H5437 ,给他改 H8034 H3079 叫约雅敬 H3059 ,却将约哈斯 H3947 H935 H4714 埃及 H4191 ,他就死在那里。
  35 H3079 约雅敬 H2091 将金 H3701 H5414 H6547 法老 H6547 ,遵着法老 H6310 的命 H776 向国民 H6186 H5414 H3701 金银 H376 ,按着各人 H6187 的力量派定 H5065 ,索要 H2091 H3701 H5414 ,好给 H6549 法老尼哥。
  36 H3079 约雅敬 H4427 登基 H6242 的时候年二十 H2568 H8141 H3389 ,在耶路撒冷 H4427 作王 H6240 H259 H8141 H517 。他母亲 H8034 名叫 H2080 西布大 H7316 ,是鲁玛人 H6305 毘大雅 H1323 的女儿。
  37 H6213 约雅敬行 H3068 耶和华 H5869 眼中 H7451 看为恶 H1 的事,效法他列祖 H6213 一切所行的。
Esperanto(i) 30 Kaj liaj servantoj forveturigis lin mortintan el Megido kaj venigis lin en Jerusalemon kaj enterigis lin en lia tombo. Kaj la popolo de la lando prenis Jehoahxazon, filon de Josxija, kaj sanktoleis lin kaj faris lin regxo anstataux lia patro. 31 La agxon de dudek tri jaroj havis Jehoahxaz, kiam li farigxis regxo, kaj tri monatojn li regxis en Jerusalem. La nomo de lia patrino estis HXamutal, filino de Jeremia, el Libna. 32 Li agadis malbone antaux la Eternulo, tiel same kiel agadis liaj patroj. 33 Kaj Faraono Nehxo malliberigis lin en Ribla en la lando HXamat, por ke li ne regxu en Jerusalem, kaj li metis sur la landon monpunon de cent kikaroj da argxento kaj unu kikaro da oro. 34 Kaj Faraono Nehxo ekregxigis Eljakimon, filon de Josxija, anstataux lia patro Josxija, kaj sxangxis lian nomon je Jehojakim; sed Jehoahxazon li prenis kaj venigis en Egiptujon, kaj tie li mortis. 35 La argxenton kaj oron Jehojakim donis al Faraono; sed li metis tion sur la landon, ke oni donu la argxenton laux la ordono de Faraono:de cxiu laux taksado li prenis la argxenton kaj la oron de la popolo de la lando, por doni al Faraono Nehxo. 36 La agxon de dudek kvin jaroj havis Jehojakim, kiam li farigxis regxo, kaj dek unu jarojn li regxis en Jerusalem. La nomo de lia patrino estis Zebuda, filino de Pedaja, el Ruma. 37 Li agadis malbone antaux la Eternulo, tiel same, kiel agadis liaj patroj.
Finnish(i) 30 Ja hänen palveliansa veivät hänen kuolleena pois Megiddosta, ja veivät hänen Jerusalemiin ja hautasivat hänen omaan hautaansa. Ja maan kansa otti Joahaksen Josian pojan, voitelivat ja tekivät hänen kuninkaaksi isänsä siaan. 31 Kolmen ajastajan vanha kolmattakymmentä oli Joahas, kuin hän tuli kuninkaaksi, ja hallitsi kolme kuukautta Jerusalemissa. Hänen äitinsä nimi oli Hamutal, Jeremian tytär Libnasta. 32 Ja hän teki pahaa Herran edessä, niinkuin hänen esi-isänsä tehneet olivat. 33 Mutta Pharao Neko sitoi hänen kiinni Riblatissa Hamatin maalla, ettei hän hallitsisi Jerusalemissa, ja pani sakkoveron maan päälle, sata leiviskää hopiaa ja leiviskän kultaa. 34 Ja Pharao Neko teki Eliakimin Josian pojan kuninkaaksi, hänen isänsä Josian siaan, ja muutti hänen nimensä Jojakimiksi; mutta Joahaksen hän otti ja vei Egyptiin, siellä hän kuoli. 35 Ja Jojakim antoi Pharaolle hopian ja kullan; kuitenkin laski hän maan verolliseksi, antamaan hopiaa Pharaon käskyn jälkeen: itsekunkin maakunnan kansan teki hän verolliseksi voimansa perästä hopiaan ja kultaan, Pharao Nekolle antaaksensa. 36 Viidenkolmattakymmenen ajastajan vanha oli Jojakim, kuin hän kuninkaaksi tuli, ja hallitsi yksitoistakymmentä ajastaikaa Jerusalemissa: hänen äitinsä nimi oli Zebuda, Pedajan tytär Rumasta. 37 Ja hän teki pahaa Herran edessä, niinkuin hänen isänsäkin tehneet olivat.
FinnishPR(i) 30 Ja hänen palvelijansa veivät hänet kuolleena vaunuissa Megiddosta, toivat hänet Jerusalemiin ja hautasivat hänet hänen omaan hautaansa. Mutta maan kansa otti Joosian pojan Jooahaan, voiteli hänet ja teki hänet kuninkaaksi hänen isänsä sijaan. 31 Jooahas oli kahdenkymmenen kolmen vuoden vanha tullessaan kuninkaaksi, ja hän hallitsi kolme kuukautta Jerusalemissa. Hänen äitinsä oli nimeltään Hamutal, Jeremian tytär, Libnasta. 32 Ja hän teki sitä, mikä on pahaa Herran silmissä, aivan niinkuin hänen isänsä olivat tehneet. 33 Mutta farao Neko vangitutti hänet Riblassa, Hamatin maassa, ettei hän hallitsisi Jerusalemissa, ja määräsi maan maksettavaksi pakkoveron: sata talenttia hopeata ja kymmenen talenttia kultaa. 34 Ja farao Neko teki Eljakimin, Joosian pojan, kuninkaaksi hänen isänsä Joosian sijaan ja muutti hänen nimensä Joojakimiksi. Mutta Jooahaan hän otti vangiksi, ja tämä joutui Egyptiin; siellä hän kuoli. 35 Hopean ja kullan Joojakim maksoi faraolle; mutta voidakseen maksaa rahat faraon käskyn mukaan hän veroitti maata, ottaen maan kansalta, sen mukaan kuin kukin oli verotettu, hopeata ja kultaa, antaakseen farao Nekolle. 36 Joojakim oli kahdenkymmenen viiden vuoden vanha tullessaan kuninkaaksi, ja hän hallitsi Jerusalemissa yksitoista vuotta. Hänen äitinsä oli nimeltään Sebida, Pedajan tytär, Ruumasta. 37 Hän teki sitä, mikä on pahaa Herran silmissä, aivan niinkuin hänen isänsä olivat tehneet.
Haitian(i) 30 Ofisye lame wa Jozyas yo pran kadav la, yo mete l' sou yon cha soti Megido, yo mennen l' lavil Jerizalèm kote yo antere l' nan kavo li. Apre sa, pèp la pran Joakaz, pitit Jozyas, yo mete l' apa devan Bondye pou l' sèvi wa nan plas papa l'. 31 Joakaz te gen venntwazan lè li moute wa nan peyi Jida. Li gouvènen lavil Jerizalèm pandan twa mwa. Manman l' te rele Amoutal. Se te pitit fi Jeremi, moun lavil Libna. 32 Men li fè sa ki mal nan je Seyè a tankou zansèt li yo. 33 Farawon Neko fèmen l' nan prizon lavil Ribla nan zòn Amat, pou li pa gouvènen nan lavil Jerizalèm anko. Lè sa a tou, farawon an fè peyi Jida soumèt devan l'. Li fòse peyi a ba li sètmil senksan (7.500) liv ajan ak swasannkenz liv lò. 34 Apre sa, li pran Elyakim, pitit Jozyas, li mete l' wa nan plas papa l'. Lè sa a, li chanje non Elyakim, li rele l' Jojakim. Lèfini, li pran Joakaz, li mennen l' nan peyi Lejip. Se la Joakaz mouri. 35 Jojakim bay farawon Neko tout ajan ak tout lò li te mande a. Pou l' te ka jwenn yo, li te fè chak moun nan peyi a bay dapre sa yo genyen. Se konsa li te fòse pèp la bay ajan ak lò farawon Neko te mande a. 36 Jojakim te gen vennsenkan lè li moute wa peyi Jida. Li gouvènen lavil Jerizalèm pandan onzan. Manman l' te rele Zebida. Se te pitit fi Pedaja, moun lavil Wouma. 37 Men li fè sa ki mal nan je Seyè a tankou zansèt li yo.
Hungarian(i) 30 És az õ szolgái szekérre tévén õt, halva vitték el Megiddóból és Jeruzsálembe hozván, eltemeték õt az õ sírboltjába. A föld népe pedig vevé Joákházt, a Jósiás fiát, és felkenvén õt, királylyá tevé az õ atyja helyett. 31 Huszonhárom esztendõs volt Joákház, mikor uralkodni kezdett, és három hónapig uralkodott Jeruzsálemben, és az õ anyjának neve Hamutál, a Libnabeli Jeremiás leánya. 32 És gonoszul cselekedék az Úr szemei elõtt mind a szerint, a mint az õ atyái cselekedtek volt. 33 De Faraó-Nékó bilincsekbe verte õt Riblában, Hámát földjén, a mikor Jeruzsálemben királylyá lett; és az országra adót vetett, száz tálentom ezüstöt és egy tálentom aranyat. 34 És Faraó-Nékó Eliákimot, a Jósiás fiát tette királylyá, az õ atyja, Jósiás helyett, és nevét Joákimra változtatta; Joákházt pedig magával vivé, és az Égyiptomba megérkezvén, ott hala meg. 35 Az ezüstöt és az aranyat megadta ugyan Joákim a Faraónak, de az országot sarczoltatta meg, hogy megadhassa az ezüstöt a Faraó parancsolata szerint; a föld népe közül mindenkitõl az õ értéke szerint hajtott be ezüstöt és aranyat, hogy Faraó-Nékónak adja. 36 Joákim huszonöt esztendõs volt, mikor uralkodni kezdett, és tizenegy esztendeig uralkodott Jeruzsálemben; az õ anyjának neve Zébuda, a Rúmabeli Pedája leánya. 37 És gonoszul cselekedék az Úr szemei elõtt mind a szerint, a mint az õ atyái cselekedtek.
Indonesian(i) 30 (23:28) 31 Yoahas berumur 23 tahun ketika ia menjadi raja Yehuda, dan ia memerintah di Yerusalem tiga bulan lamanya. Ibunya bernama Hamutal anak Yeremia dari kota Libna. 32 Yoahas berdosa kepada TUHAN seperti leluhurnya. 33 Pemerintahan Yoahas berakhir ketika Nekho raja Mesir menawan dia di Ribla, di daerah Hamat, dan memaksa Yehuda membayar upeti kepadanya sebanyak 3.400 kilogram perak dan 34 kilogram emas. 34 Kemudian Raja Nekho mengangkat putra Yosia yang bernama Elyakim menjadi raja Yehuda, dan mengubah nama Elyakim menjadi Yoyakim. Yoahas dibawanya ke Mesir dan ia meninggal di sana. 35 Untuk membayar upeti yang dituntut oleh raja Mesir, Raja Yoyakim memungut pajak dari rakyat menurut kemampuan mereka masing-masing. 36 Yoyakim berumur 25 tahun ketika ia menjadi raja Yehuda, dan ia memerintah di Yerusalem 11 tahun lamanya. Ibunya bernama Zebuda, anak Pedaya dari kota Ruma. 37 Yoyakim berdosa kepada TUHAN seperti leluhurnya.
Italian(i) 30 Ed i suoi servitori lo misero morto sopra un carro, e lo condussero da Meghiddo in Gerusalemme, e lo seppellirono nel suo sepolcro. E il popolo del paese prese Gioachaz, figliuolo di Giosia, e l’unse, e lo costituì re, in luogo di suo padre. 31 GIOACHAZ era d’età di ventitre anni, quando cominciò a regnare; e regnò tre mesi in Gerusalemme. E il nome di sua madre era Hamutal, figliuola di Geremia da Libna. 32 Ed egli fece ciò che dispiace al Signore, interamente come aveano fatto i suoi padri. 33 E Faraone Neco l’incarcerò in Ribla, nel paese di Hamat, acciocchè non regnasse più in Gerusalemme; ed impose al paese un’ammenda di cento talenti d’argento, e d’un talento d’oro. 34 Poi Faraone Neco costituì re Eliachim, figliuolo di Giosia, in luogo di Giosia, suo padre; e gli mutò il nome in Gioiachim; e prese Gioachaz, e se ne venne in Egitto, dove Gioachaz morì. 35 Or Gioiachim diede quell’argento e quell’oro a Faraone; ma egli tassò il paese, per pagar que’ danari, secondo il comandamento di Faraone; egli trasse quell’argento, e quell’oro, da ciascuno del popolo del paese, secondo ch’egli era tassato, per darlo a Faraone Neco. 36 Gioiachim era d’età vi venticinque anni, quando cominciò a regnare; e regnò undici anni in Gerusalemme. E il nome di sua madre era Zebudda, figliuola di Pedaia, da Ruma. 37 Ed egli fece ciò che dispiace al Signore, interamente come aveano fatto i suoi padri.
ItalianRiveduta(i) 30 I suoi servi lo menaron via morto sopra un carro, e lo trasportarono da Meghiddo a Gerusalemme, dove lo seppellirono nel suo sepolcro. E il popolo del paese prese Joachaz, figliuolo di Giosia, lo unse, e lo fece re in luogo di suo padre. 31 Joachaz avea ventitre anni quando cominciò a regnare, e regnò tre mesi a Gerusalemme. Il nome di sua madre era Hamutal, figliuola di Geremia da Libna. 32 Egli fece ciò ch’è male agli occhi del l’Eterno, in tutto e per tutto come avean fatto i suoi padri. 33 Faraone Neco lo mise in catene a Ribla, nel paese di Hamath, perché non regnasse più a Gerusalemme; e impose al paese un’indennità di cento talenti d’argento e di un talento d’oro. 34 E Faraone Neco fece re Eliakim, figliuolo di Giosia, in luogo di Giosia suo padre, e gli mutò il nome in quello di Joiakim; e, preso Joachaz, lo menò in Egitto, dove morì. 35 Joiakim diede a Faraone l’argento e l’oro; ma, per pagare quel danaro secondo l’ordine di Faraone, tassò il paese; e, imponendo a ciascuno una certa tassa, cavò dal popolo del paese l’argento e l’oro da dare a Faraone Neco. 36 Joiakim avea venticinque anni quando cominciò a regnare, e regnò undici anni a Gerusalemme. Il nome di sua madre era Zebudda, figliuola di Pedaia da Ruma. 37 Egli fece ciò ch’è male agli occhi dell’Eterno, in tutto e per tutto come aveano fatto i suoi padri.
Korean(i) 30 신복들이 그 시체를 병거에 싣고 므깃도에서 예루살렘으로 돌아와서 그 묘실에 장사하니 국민이 요시야의 아들 여호아하스를 데려다가 저에게 기름을 붓고 그 부친을 대신하여 왕을 삼았더라 31 여호아하스가 위에 나아갈 때에 나이 이십 삼세라 예루살렘에서 석달을 치리하니라 그 모친의 이름은 하무달이라 립나 예레미야 의 딸이더라 32 여호아하스가 그 열조의 모든 행위대로 여호와 보시기에 악을 행하였더니 33 바로느고가 저를 하맛 땅 립나에 가두어 예루살렘에서 왕이 되지 못하게 하고 또 그 나라로 은 일백 달란트와 금 한 달란트를 벌금으로 내게 하고 34 바로느고가 요시야의 아들 엘리아김으로 그 아비 요시야를 대신하여 왕을 삼고 그 이름을 고쳐 여호야김이라 하고 여호아하스는 애굽으로 잡아갔더니 저가 거기서 죽으니라 35 여호야김이 은과 금을 바로에게 주니라 저가 바로느고의 명령대로 그에게 그 돈을 주기 위하여 나라에 부과하되 국민 각 사람의 힘대로 액수를 정하고 은금을 늑봉하였더라 36 여호야김이 왕이 될 때에 나이 이십 오세라 예루살렘에서 십 일년을 치리하니라 그 모친의 이름은 스비다라 루마 브다야의 딸이더라 37 여호야김이 그 열조의 모든 행한 일을 본받아 여호와 보시기에 악을 행하였더라
Lithuanian(i) 30 Jo tarnai parvežė jį vežime mirusį iš Megido į Jeruzalę ir palaidojo jo kape. Krašto žmonės paėmė Jehoachazą, Jozijo sūnų, ir patepė jį karaliumi jo tėvo vietoje. 31 Pradėdamas karaliauti, Jehoachazas buvo dvidešimt trejų metų ir karaliavo Jeruzalėje tris mėnesius. Jo motina buvo Hamutalė, Jeremijo duktė, iš Libnos. 32 Jis darė pikta Viešpaties akyse, kaip ir jo tėvai. 33 Faraonas Nekojas suėmė jį Ribloje, Hamato krašte, kad jis negalėtų karaliauti Jeruzalėje, o kraštui uždėjo duoklę: šimtą talentų sidabro ir talentą aukso. 34 Faraonas Nekojas paskyrė Judo karaliumi Jozijo sūnų Eljakimą jo tėvo Jozijo vietoje ir pakeitė jo vardą į Jehojakimą, o Jehoachazą nusivedė į Egiptą; ten jis ir mirė. 35 Jehojakimas atidavė sidabrą ir auksą faraonui. Jis apdėjo kraštą mokesčiais, kad galėtų sumokėti faraono uždėtą duoklę. Kiekvienas krašto gyventojas turėjo sumokėti jam paskirtą mokestį sidabru ir auksu. 36 Pradėdamas karaliauti, Jehojakimas buvo dvidešimt penkerių metų ir karaliavo Jeruzalėje vienuolika metų. Jo motina buvo vardu Zebida, Pedajo duktė, iš Rumos. 37 Jis darė pikta Viešpaties akyse, kaip ir jo tėvai.
PBG(i) 30 I przywieźli go słudzy jego umarłego z Megiddo, a przyprowadzili go do Jeruzalemu, i pogrzebli go w grobie jego. Potem wziąwszy lud onej ziemi Joachaza, syna Jozyjaszowego, pomazali go, i królem go postanowili miasto ojca jego. 31 Dwadzieścia lat i trzy miał Joachaz, gdy królować począł, a trzy miesiące królował w Jeruzalemie. A imię matki jego było Chamutal, córka Jeremijaszowa z Lebny. 32 I czynił złe przed oczyma Pańskiemi według wszystkiego, co czynili ojcowie jego. 33 I związał go Farao Necho w Rebli w ziemi Emat, gdy królował w Jeruzalemie, a ułożył dań na onę ziemię sto talentów srebra, i talent złota. 34 A królem postanowił Farao Necho Elijakima, syna Jozyjaszowego, miasto Jozyjasza, ojca jego, i odmienił imię jego, a nazwał go Joakim; ale Joachaza wziął, który, gdy przyszedł do Egiptu, tamże umarł. 35 A to srebro i złoto dawał Joakim Faraonowi; przetoż szacował ziemię, aby mógł oddawać srebro według rozkazania Faraonowego; od każdego według szacunku jego, brał srebro i złoto od ludu ziemi, aby je oddawał Faraonowi Nechowi. 36 Dwadzieścia i pięć lat miał Joakim, gdy królować począł, a jedenaście lat królował w Jeruzalemie. A imię matki jego było Zebuda, córka Fadajowa z Rumy. 37 I czynił złe przed oczyma Pańskiemi według wszystkiego, jako czynili ojcowie jego.
Portuguese(i) 30 De Megido os seus servos o levaram morto num carro, e o trouxeram a Jerusalém, onde o sepultaram no seu sepulcro. E o povo da terra tomou a Joacaz, filho de Josias, ungiram-no, e o fizeram rei em lugar de seu pai. 31 Joacaz tinha vinte e três anos quando começou a reinar, e reinou três meses em Jerusalém. O nome de sua mãe era Hamital, filha de Jeremias, de Libna. 32 Ele fez o que era mau aos olhos do Senhor, conforme tudo o que seus pais haviam feito. 33 Ora, Faraó-Necao mandou prendê-lo em Ribla, na terra de Hamat, para que não reinasse em Jerusalém; e à terra impôs o tributo de cem talentos de prata e um talento de ouro. 34 Também Faraó-Necao constituiu rei a Eliaquim, filho de Josias, em lugar de Josias, seu pai, e lhe mudou o nome em Jeoiaquim; porém levou consigo a Joacaz, que conduzido ao Egipto, ali morreu. 35 E Jeoiaquim deu a Faraó a prata e o ouro; porém impôs à terra uma taxa, para fornecer esse dinheiro conforme o mandado de Faraó. Exigiu do povo da terra, de cada um segundo a sua avaliação, prata e ouro, para o dar a Faraó-Necao. 36 Jeoiaquim tinha vinte e cinco ano quando começou a reinar, e reinou onze anos em Jerusalém. O nome de sua mãe era Zebida, filha de Pedaías, de Ruma. 37 Ele fez o que era mau aos olhos do Senhor, conforme tudo o que seus pais haviam feito.
Norwegian(i) 30 Hans tjenere kjørte ham død fra Megiddo og førte ham til Jerusalem og begravde ham i hans grav; og landets folk tok og salvet Joakas, Josias' sønn, og gjorde ham til konge i hans fars sted. 31 Joakas var tre og tyve år gammel da han blev konge, og han regjerte tre måneder i Jerusalem; hans mor hette Hamutal; hun var datter av Jirmeja og var fra Libna. 32 Han gjorde hvad ondt var i Herrens øine, aldeles som hans fedre hadde gjort. 33 Farao Neko la ham i lenker i Ribla i Hamat-landet, efterat han var blitt konge i Jerusalem, og påla landet i bøter hundre talenter sølv og én talent gull. 34 Så gjorde Farao Neko Eljakim, Josias' sønn, til konge i hans far Josias' sted og forandret hans navn til Jojakim; men Joakas tok han med sig til Egypten, og der døde han. 35 Jojakim betalte sølvet og gullet til Farao; men han måtte utligne en skatt på landet for å kunne betale den sum som Farao hadde krevd; han inndrev sølvet og gullet av landets folk efter som enhver var lignet, og betalte det så til Farao Neko. 36 Jojakim var fem og tyve år gammel da han blev konge, og han regjerte elleve år i Jerusalem; hans mor hette Sebida; hun var datter av Pedaja og var fra Ruma. 37 Han gjorde hvad ondt var i Herrens øine, aldeles som hans fedre hadde gjort.
Romanian(i) 30 Slujitorii lui l-au luat mort într'un car; l-au adus din Meghido la Ierusalim, şi l-au îngropat în mormîntul său. Şi poporul ţării a luat pe Ioahaz, fiul lui Iosia: ei l-au uns, şi l-au făcut împărat în locul tatălui său. 31 Ioahaz avea douăzeci şi trei de ani cînd s'a făcut împărat, şi a domnit trei luni la Ierusalim. Mamă-sa se chema Hamutal, fata lui Ieremia, din Libna. 32 El a făcut ce este rău înaintea Domnului, întocmai cum făcuseră părinţii lui. 33 Faraon Neco l -a pus în lanţuri la Ribla, în ţara Hamatului, ca să nu mai domnească la Ierusalim; şi a pus asupra ţării o gloabă de o sută de talanţi de argint şi de un talant de aur. 34 Şi Faraon Neco a pus împărat pe Eliachim, fiul lui Iosia, în locul tatălui său Iosia, şi i -a schimbat numele în Ioiachim. A luat pe Ioahaz, care a mers în Egipt şi a murit acolo. 35 Ioiachim a dat lui Faraon argintul şi aurul; dar a trebuit să pună bir asupra ţării ca să scoată argintul acesta, cerut de Faraon; a hotărît partea fiecăruia, şi a cerut dela poporul ţării argintul şi aurul pe care trebuia să -l dea lui Faraon Neco. 36 Ioiachim avea douăzeci şi cinci de ani cînd a ajuns împărat, şi a domnit unsprezece ani la Ierusalim. Mamă-sa se chema Zebuda, fata lui Pedaia, din Ruma. 37 El a făcut ce este rău înaintea Domnului, întocmai cum făcuseră părinţii săi.
Ukrainian(i) 30 І його раби повезли його мертвого з Меґіддо, і привезли його до Єрусалиму, і поховали його в гробівці його. А народ Краю взяв Єгоахаза, сина Йосії, і помазали його, та й настановили його царем замість його батька. 31 Єгоахаз був віку двадцяти й трьох літ, коли він зацарював, і царював в Єрусалимі три місяці. А ім'я його матері Хамуталь, дочка Єремії, з Лівни. 32 І робив він зло в Господніх очах, усе так, як робили його батьки. 33 І фараон Нехо зв'язав його в Рівлі, в гаматському краї, щоб він не царював в Єрусалимі, і наклав кару на цей край, сто талантів срібла та талант золота. 34 А царем настановив фараон Нехо Ел'якима, сина Йосії, замість батька його Йосії, і змінив ім'я його на Єгояким. А Єгоахаза він узяв, і той прибув до Єгипту та й помер там. 35 І Єгояким давав фараонові срібла та золота; тільки розклав це на Край, щоб давати те срібло на фараонів наказ, він стягав те срібло та золото з народу Краю за оцінкою землі кожного, щоб віддати фараонові Нехо. 36 Єгояким був віку двадцяти й п'яти літ, коли він зацарював, і одинадцять років царював в Єрусалимі. А ім'я його матері Зевуда, дочка Педаї, з Руми. 37 І робив він зло в Господніх очах, усе так, як робили батьки його.