1 Chronicles 28:2-29:17

  2 H1732 Then David H4428 the king H6965 stood up [H8799]   H7272 upon his feet H559 , and said [H8799]   H8085 , Hear [H8798]   H251 me, my brethren H5971 , and my people H3824 : As for me, I had in mine heart H1129 to build [H8800]   H1004 an house H4496 of rest H727 for the ark H1285 of the covenant H3068 of the LORD H1916 , and for the footstool H7272   H430 of our God H3559 , and had made ready [H8689]   H1129 for the building [H8800]  :
  3 H430 But God H559 said [H8804]   H1129 unto me, Thou shalt not build [H8799]   H1004 an house H8034 for my name H376 , because thou hast been a man H4421 of war H8210 , and hast shed [H8804]   H1818 blood.
  4 H3068 Howbeit the LORD H430 God H3478 of Israel H977 chose [H8799]   H1004 me before all the house H1 of my father H4428 to be king H3478 over Israel H5769 for ever H977 : for he hath chosen [H8804]   H3063 Judah H5057 to be the ruler H1004 ; and of the house H3063 of Judah H1004 , the house H1 of my father H1121 ; and among the sons H1 of my father H7521 he liked [H8804]   H4427 me to make me king [H8687]   H3478 over all Israel:
  5 H1121 And of all my sons H3068 , (for the LORD H5414 hath given [H8804]   H7227 me many H1121 sons H977 ,) he hath chosen [H8799]   H8010 Solomon H1121 my son H3427 to sit [H8800]   H3678 upon the throne H4438 of the kingdom H3068 of the LORD H3478 over Israel.
  6 H559 And he said [H8799]   H8010 unto me, Solomon H1121 thy son H1129 , he shall build [H8799]   H1004 my house H2691 and my courts H977 : for I have chosen [H8804]   H1121 him to be my son H1 , and I will be his father.
  7 H3559 Moreover I will establish [H8689]   H4438 his kingdom H5769 for ever H2388 , if he be constant [H8799]   H6213 to do [H8800]   H4687 my commandments H4941 and my judgments H3117 , as at this day.
  8 H5869 Now therefore in the sight H3478 of all Israel H6951 the congregation H3068 of the LORD H241 , and in the audience H430 of our God H8104 , keep [H8798]   H1875 and seek [H8798]   H4687 for all the commandments H3068 of the LORD H430 your God H3423 : that ye may possess [H8799]   H2896 this good H776 land H5157 , and leave it for an inheritance [H8689]   H1121 for your children H310 after H5704 you for H5769 ever.
  9 H8010 And thou, Solomon H1121 my son H3045 , know [H8798]   H430 thou the God H1 of thy father H5647 , and serve [H8798]   H8003 him with a perfect H3820 heart H2655 and with a willing H5315 mind H3068 : for the LORD H1875 searcheth [H8802]   H3824 all hearts H995 , and understandeth [H8688]   H3336 all the imaginations H4284 of the thoughts H1875 : if thou seek [H8799]   H4672 him, he will be found [H8735]   H5800 of thee; but if thou forsake [H8799]   H2186 him, he will cast thee off [H8686]   H5703 for ever.
  10 H7200 Take heed [H8798]   H3068 now; for the LORD H977 hath chosen [H8804]   H1129 thee to build [H8800]   H1004 an house H4720 for the sanctuary H2388 : be strong [H8798]   H6213 , and do [H8798]   it .
  11 H1732 Then David H5414 gave [H8799]   H8010 to Solomon H1121 his son H8403 the pattern H197 of the porch H1004 , and of the houses H1597 thereof, and of the treasuries H5944 thereof, and of the upper chambers H6442 thereof, and of the inner H2315 parlours H1004 thereof, and of the place H3727 of the mercy seat,
  12 H8403 And the pattern H7307 of all that he had by the spirit H2691 , of the courts H1004 of the house H3068 of the LORD H3957 , and of all the chambers H5439 round about H214 , of the treasuries H1004 of the house H430 of God H214 , and of the treasuries H6944 of the dedicated things:
  13 H4256 Also for the courses H3548 of the priests H3881 and the Levites H4399 , and for all the work H5656 of the service H1004 of the house H3068 of the LORD H3627 , and for all the vessels H5656 of service H1004 in the house H3068 of the LORD.
  14 H2091 He gave of gold H4948 by weight H2091 for things of gold H3627 , for all instruments H5656 of all manner of service H3627 ; silver also for all instruments H3701 of silver H4948 by weight H3627 , for all instruments H5656 of every kind of service:
  15 H4948 Even the weight H4501 for the candlesticks H2091 of gold H5216 , and for their lamps H2091 of gold H4948 , by weight H4501 for every candlestick H5216 , and for the lamps H4501 thereof: and for the candlesticks H3701 of silver H4948 by weight H4501 , both for the candlestick H5216 , and also for the lamps H5656 thereof, according to the use H4501 of every candlestick.
  16 H4948 And by weight H2091 he gave gold H7979 for the tables H4635 of shewbread H7979 , for every table H3701 ; and likewise silver H7979 for the tables H3701 of silver:
  17 H2889 Also pure H2091 gold H4207 for the fleshhooks H4219 , and the bowls H7184 , and the cups H2091 : and for the golden H3713 basons H4948 he gave gold by weight H3713 for every bason H4948 ; and likewise silver by weight H3713 for every bason H3701 of silver:
  18 H4196 And for the altar H7004 of incense H2212 refined [H8794]   H2091 gold H4948 by weight H2091 ; and gold H8403 for the pattern H4818 of the chariot H3742 of the cherubims H6566 , that spread out [H8802]   H5526 their wings, and covered [H8802]   H727 the ark H1285 of the covenant H3068 of the LORD.
  19 H3068 All this, said David, the LORD H7919 made me understand [H8689]   H3791 in writing H3027 by his hand H4399 upon me, even all the works H8403 of this pattern.
  20 H1732 And David H559 said [H8799]   H8010 to Solomon H1121 his son H2388 , Be strong [H8798]   H553 and of good courage [H8798]   H6213 , and do [H8798]   H3372 it : fear [H8799]   H2865 not, nor be dismayed [H8735]   H3068 : for the LORD H430 God H430 , even my God H7503 , will be with thee; he will not fail [H8686]   H5800 thee, nor forsake [H8799]   H3615 thee, until thou hast finished [H8800]   H4399 all the work H5656 for the service H1004 of the house H3068 of the LORD.
  21 H4256 And, behold, the courses H3548 of the priests H3881 and the Levites H5656 , even they shall be with thee for all the service H1004 of the house H430 of God H4399 : and there shall be with thee for all manner of workmanship H5081 every willing H2451 skilful man H5656 , for any manner of service H8269 : also the princes H5971 and all the people H1697 will be wholly at thy commandment.
  1 H1732 Furthermore David H4428 the king H559 said [H8799]   H6951 unto all the congregation H8010 , Solomon H1121 my son H259 , whom alone H430 God H977 hath chosen [H8804]   H5288 , is yet young H7390 and tender H4399 , and the work H1419 is great H1002 : for the palace H120 is not for man H3068 , but for the LORD H430 God.
  2 H3559 Now I have prepared [H8689]   H3581 with all my might H1004 for the house H430 of my God H2091 the gold H2091 for things to be made of gold H3701 , and the silver H3701 for things of silver H5178 , and the brass H5178 for things of brass H1270 , the iron H1270 for things of iron H6086 , and wood H6086 for things of wood H7718 ; onyx H68 stones H4394 , and stones to be set H6320 , glistering H68 stones H7553 , and of divers colours H3368 , and all manner of precious H68 stones H7893 , and marble H68 stones H7230 in abundance.
  3 H7521 Moreover, because I have set my affection [H8800]   H1004 to the house H430 of my God H3426 , I have H5459 of mine own proper good H2091 , of gold H3701 and silver H5414 , which I have given [H8804]   H1004 to the house H430 of my God H4605 , over and above H3559 all that I have prepared [H8689]   H6944 for the holy H1004 house,
  4 H7969 Even three H505 thousand H3603 talents H2091 of gold H2091 , of the gold H211 of Ophir H7651 , and seven H505 thousand H3603 talents H2212 of refined [H8794]   H3701 silver H2902 , to overlay [H8800]   H7023 the walls H1004 of the houses withal :
  5 H2091 The gold H2091 for things of gold H3701 , and the silver H3701 for things of silver H4399 , and for all manner of work H3027 to be made by the hands H2796 of artificers H5068 . And who then is willing [H8693]   H4390 to consecrate [H8763]   H3027 his service H3117 this day H3068 unto the LORD?
  6 H8269 Then the chief H1 of the fathers H8269 and princes H7626 of the tribes H3478 of Israel H8269 , and the captains H505 of thousands H3967 and of hundreds H8269 , with the rulers H4428 of the king's H4399 work H5068 , offered willingly [H8691]  ,
  7 H5414 And gave [H8799]   H5656 for the service H1004 of the house H430 of God H2091 of gold H2568 five H505 thousand H3603 talents H7239 and ten thousand H150 drams H3701 , and of silver H6235 ten H505 thousand H3603 talents H5178 , and of brass H8083 eighteen H7239   H505 thousand H3603 talents H3967 , and one hundred H505 thousand H3603 talents H1270 of iron.
  8 H68 And they with whom precious stones H4672 were found [H8737]   H5414 gave [H8804]   H214 them to the treasure H1004 of the house H3068 of the LORD H3027 , by the hand H3171 of Jehiel H1649 the Gershonite.
  9 H5971 Then the people H8055 rejoiced [H8799]   H5068 , for that they offered willingly [H8692]   H8003 , because with perfect H3820 heart H5068 they offered willingly [H8694]   H3068 to the LORD H1732 : and David H4428 the king H8055 also rejoiced [H8804]   H1419 with great H8057 joy.
  10 H1732 Wherefore David H1288 blessed [H8762]   H3068 the LORD H5869 before H6951 all the congregation H1732 : and David H559 said [H8799]   H1288 , Blessed [H8803]   H3068 be thou, LORD H430 God H3478 of Israel H1 our father H5704 , for H5769 ever H5769 and ever.
  11 H3068 Thine, O LORD H1420 , is the greatness H1369 , and the power H8597 , and the glory H5331 , and the victory H1935 , and the majesty H8064 : for all that is in the heaven H776 and in the earth H4467 is thine; thine is the kingdom H3068 , O LORD H4984 , and thou art exalted [H8693]   H7218 as head above all.
  12 H6239 Both riches H3519 and honour H6440 come of thee H4910 , and thou reignest [H8802]   H3027 over all; and in thine hand H3581 is power H1369 and might H3027 ; and in thine hand H1431 it is to make great [H8763]   H2388 , and to give strength [H8763]   unto all.
  13 H430 Now therefore, our God H3034 , we thank [H8688]   H1984 thee, and praise [H8764]   H8597 thy glorious H8034 name.
  14 H5971 But who am I, and what is my people H6113 , that we should be [H8799]   H3581 able H5068 to offer so willingly [H8692]   H3027 after this sort? for all things come of thee, and of thine own H5414 have we given [H8804]   thee.
  15 H1616 For we are strangers H6440 before H8453 thee, and sojourners H1 , as were all our fathers H3117 : our days H776 on the earth H6738 are as a shadow H4723 , and there is none abiding.
  16 H3068 O LORD H430 our God H1995 , all this store H3559 that we have prepared [H8689]   H1129 to build [H8800]   H1004 thee an house H6944 for thine holy H8034 name H3027 cometh of thine hand, and is all thine own.
  17 H3045 I know [H8804]   H430 also, my God H974 , that thou triest [H8802]   H3824 the heart H7521 , and hast pleasure [H8799]   H3476 in uprightness H4339 . As for me, in the uprightness H3824 of mine heart H5068 I have willingly offered [H8694]   H7200 all these things: and now have I seen [H8804]   H8057 with joy H5971 thy people H4672 , which are present [H8738]   H5068 here, to offer willingly [H8692]   unto thee.