2 Kings 2:11 Cross References - new

  11 H1980 [H8800] And it came to pass, as they still H1980 [H8802] went on, H1696 [H8763] and talked, H7393 that, behold, there appeared a chariot H784 of fire, H5483 and horses H784 of fire, H6504 [H8686] and separated H8147 H996 them; H452 and Elijah H5927 [H8799] went up H5591 by a whirlwind H8064 into heaven.

Genesis 5:24

  24 H2585 And Enoch H1980 [H8691] walked H430 with God: H430 and he was not; for God H3947 [H8804] took him.

2 Kings 2:1

  1 H3068 And it came to pass, when the LORD H5927 [H8687] would take up H452 Elijah H8064 into heaven H5591 by a whirlwind, H452 that Elijah H3212 [H8799] went H477 with Elisha H1537 from Gilgal.

2 Kings 6:17

  17 H477 And Elisha H6419 [H8691] prayed, H559 [H8799] and said, H3068 LORD, H6491 [H8798] I pray thee, open H5869 his eyes, H7200 [H8799] that he may see. H3068 And the LORD H6491 [H8799] opened H5869 the eyes H5288 of the young man; H7200 [H8799] and he saw: H2022 and, behold, the mountain H4390 [H8804] was full H5483 of horses H7393 and chariots H784 of fire H5439 around H477 Elisha.

Psalms 68:17

  17 H7393 The chariots H430 of God H7239 are twenty thousand, H505 even thousands H8136 of angels: H136 the Sovereign H5514 is among them, as in Sinai, H6944 in the holy place.

Psalms 104:3-4

  3 H7136 [H8764] Who layeth the beams H5944 of his chambers H4325 in the waters: H7760 [H8802] who maketh H5645 the clouds H7398 his chariot: H1980 [H8764] who walketh H3671 upon the wings H7307 of the wind:
  4 H6213 [H8802] Who maketh H7307 his spirits H4397 his messengers; H3857 [H8802] a flaming H784 fire H8334 [H8764] his ministers:

Ezekiel 1:4-28

  4 H7200 [H8799] And I looked, H7307 H5591 and, behold, a whirlwind H935 [H8802] came H6828 out of the north, H1419 a great H6051 cloud, H784 and a fire H3947 [H8693] infolding H5051 itself, and a brightness H5439 was about H8432 it, and from the midst H5869 of it as the colour H2830 of amber, H8432 from the midst H784 of the fire.
  5 H8432 Also from the midst H1823 of it came the likeness H702 of four H2416 living beings. H4758 And this was their appearance; H2007 they H1823 had the likeness H120 of a man.
  6 H259 And every one H702 had four H6440 faces, H259 and every one H702 had four H3671 wings.
  7 H7272 And their feet H3477 were straight H7272 feet; H3709 and the sole H7272 of their feet H3709 was like the sole H5695 of a calf's H7272 foot: H5340 [H8802] and they sparkled H5869 like the colour H7044 of burnished H5178 brass.
  8 H3027 And they had the hands H120 of a man H3671 under their wings H702 on their four H7253 sides; H702 and they four H6440 had their faces H3671 and their wings.
  9 H3671 Their wings H2266 [H8802] were joined H802 one H269 to another; H5437 [H8735] they turned H3212 [H8800] not when they went; H3212 [H8799] they went H376 every one H5676 straight H6440 forward.
  10 H1823 As for the likeness H6440 of their faces, H702 they four H6440 had the face H120 of a man, H6440 and the face H738 of a lion, H3225 on the right side: H702 and they four H6440 had the face H7794 of an ox H8040 on the left side; H702 they four H6440 also had the face H5404 of an eagle.
  11 H6440 Thus were their faces: H3671 and their wings H6504 [H8803] were stretched H4605 upward; H8147 two H376 wings of every one H2266 [H8802] were joined H376 one H376 to another, H8147 and two H3680 [H8764] covered H1472 their bodies.
  12 H3212 [H8799] And they went H376 every one H5676 straight H6440 forward: H7307 wherever the spirit H3212 [H8800] was to go, H3212 [H8799] they went; H5437 [H8735] and they turned H3212 [H8800] not when they went.
  13 H1823 As for the likeness H2416 of the living beings, H4758 their appearance H1197 [H8802] was like burning H1513 coals H784 of fire, H4758 and like the appearance H3940 of lamps: H1980 [H8693] it went up and down H2416 among the living beings; H784 and the fire H5051 was bright, H784 and out of the fire H3318 [H8802] went forth H1300 lightning.
  14 H2416 And the living beings H7519 [H8800] ran H7725 [H8800] and returned H4758 as the appearance H965 of a flash of lightning.
  15 H7200 [H8799] Now as I beheld H2416 the living beings, H259 behold one H212 wheel H776 upon the earth H681 by H2416 the living beings, H702 with his four H6440 faces.
  16 H4758 The appearance H212 of the wheels H4639 and their work H5869 was like the colour H8658 of a beryl: H702 and they four H259 had one H1823 likeness: H4758 and their appearance H4639 and their work H212 was as it were a wheel H8432 in the middle H212 of a wheel.
  17 H3212 [H8800] When they went, H3212 [H8799] they went H702 upon their four H7253 sides: H5437 [H8735] and they turned H3212 [H8800] not when they went.
  18 H1354 As for their rims, H1363 they were so high H3374 that they were dreadful; H1354 and their rims H4392 were full H5869 of eyes H5439 all around H702 them four.
  19 H2416 And when the living beings H3212 [H8800] went, H212 the wheels H3212 [H8799] went H681 by them: H2416 and when the living beings H5375 [H8736] were lifted up H776 from the earth, H212 the wheels H5375 [H8735] were lifted up.
  20 H7307 Wherever the spirit H3212 [H8800] was to go, H3212 [H8799] they went, H7307 there was their spirit H3212 [H8800] to go; H212 and the wheels H5375 [H8735] were lifted up H5980 together with H7307 them: for the spirit H2416 of the living being H212 was in the wheels.
  21 H3212 [H8800] When those went, H3212 [H8799] these went; H5975 [H8800] and when those stood, H5975 [H8799] these stood; H5375 [H8736] and when those were lifted up H776 from the earth, H212 the wheels H5375 [H8735] were lifted up H5980 together with H7307 them: for the spirit H2416 of the living being H212 was in the wheels.
  22 H1823 And the likeness H7549 of the firmament H7218 upon the heads H2416 of the living being H5869 was as the colour H3372 [H8737] of the terrible H7140 ice, H5186 [H8803] stretched forth H7218 over their heads H4605 above.
  23 H7549 And under the firmament H3671 were their wings H3477 straight, H802 the one H269 toward the other: H376 every one H8147 had two, H3680 [H8764] which covered H2007 on this side, H376 and every one H8147 had two, H3680 [H8764] which covered H2007 on that side, H1472 their bodies.
  24 H3212 [H8800] And when they went, H8085 [H8799] I heard H6963 the noise H3671 of their wings, H6963 like the noise H7227 of great H4325 waters, H6963 as the voice H7706 of the Almighty, H6963 the voice H1999 of speech, H6963 as the noise H4264 of an host: H5975 [H8800] when they stood, H7503 [H8762] they let down H3671 their wings.
  25 H6963 And there was a voice H7549 from the firmament H7218 that was over their heads, H5975 [H8800] when they stood, H7503 [H8762] and had let down H3671 their wings.
  26 H4605 And above H7549 the firmament H7218 that was over their heads H1823 was the likeness H3678 of a throne, H4758 as the appearance H5601 of a sapphire H68 stone: H1823 and upon the likeness H3678 of the throne H1823 was the likeness H4758 as the appearance H120 of a man H4605 above upon it.
  27 H7200 [H8799] And I saw H5869 as the colour H2830 of amber, H4758 as the appearance H784 of fire H5439 around H1004 within H4758 it, from the appearance H4975 of his loins H4605 even upward, H4758 and from the appearance H4975 of his loins H4295 even downward, H7200 [H8804] I saw H4758 as it were the appearance H784 of fire, H5051 and it had brightness H5439 on all sides.
  28 H4758 As the appearance H7198 of the bow H6051 that is in the cloud H3117 in the day H1653 of rain, H4758 so was the appearance H5051 of the brightness H5439 all around. H4758 This was the appearance H1823 of the likeness H3519 of the glory H3068 of the LORD. H7200 [H8799] And when I saw H5307 [H8799] it, I fell H6440 upon my face, H8085 [H8799] and I heard H6963 a voice H1696 [H8764] of one speaking.

Ezekiel 10:9-22

  9 H7200 [H8799] And when I looked, H702 behold the four H212 wheels H681 by H3742 the cherubim, H259 one H212 wheel H681 by H259 one H3742 cherub, H259 and another H212 wheel H681 by H259 another H3742 cherub: H4758 and the appearance H212 of the wheels H5869 was as the colour H8658 of a beryl H68 stone.
  10 H4758 And as for their appearances, H702 they four H259 had one H1823 likeness, H212 as if a wheel H8432 had been in the midst H212 of a wheel.
  11 H3212 [H8800] When they went, H3212 [H8800] they went H702 upon their four H7253 sides; H5437 [H8735] they turned H3212 [H8800] not as they went, H4725 but to the place H7218 where the head H6437 [H8799] looked H3212 H310 [H8799] they followed H5437 [H8735] it; they turned H3212 [H8799] not as they went.
  12 H1320 And their whole flesh, H1354 and their backs, H3027 and their hands, H3671 and their wings, H212 and the wheels, H4392 were full H5869 of eyes H5439 on every side, H212 even the wheels H702 that they four had.
  13 H212 As for the wheels, H7121 [H8795] it was called H241 to them in my hearing, H1534 O wheel.
  14 H259 And every one H702 had four H6440 faces: H259 the first H6440 face H6440 was the face H3742 of a cherub, H8145 and the second H6440 face H6440 was the face H120 of a man, H7992 and the third H6440 the face H738 of a lion, H7243 and the fourth H6440 the face H5404 of an eagle.
  15 H3742 And the cherubim H7426 [H8735] were lifted up. H2416 This is the living being H7200 [H8804] that I saw H5104 by the river H3529 of Chebar.
  16 H3742 And when the cherubim H3212 [H8800] went, H212 the wheels H3212 [H8799] went H681 by them: H3742 and when the cherubim H5375 [H8800] lifted up H3671 their wings H7311 [H8800] to mount up H776 from the earth, H212 the same wheels H1992 also H5437 [H8735] turned H681 not from beside them.
  17 H5975 [H8800] When they stood, H5975 [H8799] these stood; H7311 [H8800] and when they were lifted up, H7426 [H8735] these lifted up H7307 themselves also: for the spirit H2416 of the living being was in them.
  18 H3519 Then the glory H3068 of the LORD H3318 [H8799] departed H4670 from off the threshold H1004 of the house, H5975 [H8799] and stood H3742 over the cherubim.
  19 H3742 And the cherubim H5375 [H8799] lifted up H3671 their wings, H7426 [H8735] and mounted up H776 from the earth H5869 in my eyes: H3318 [H8800] when they went out, H212 the wheels H5980 also were beside H5975 [H8799] them, and every one stood H6607 at the door H6931 of the east H8179 gate H3068 of the LORD'S H1004 house; H3519 and the glory H430 of the God H3478 of Israel H4605 was over them above.
  20 H2416 This is the living being H7200 [H8804] that I saw H430 under the God H3478 of Israel H5104 by the river H3529 of Chebar; H3045 [H8799] and I knew H3742 that they were the cherubim.
  21 H259 Every one H702 had four H6440 faces H259 each, H259 and every one H702 four H3671 wings; H1823 and the likeness H3027 of the hands H120 of a man H3671 was under their wings.
  22 H1823 And the likeness H6440 of their faces H1992 was the same H6440 faces H7200 [H8804] which I saw H5104 by the river H3529 of Chebar, H4758 their appearances H3212 [H8799] and themselves: they went H376 every one H5676 straight H6440 forward.

Habakkuk 3:8

  8 H3068 Was the LORD H2734 [H8804] displeased H5104 against the rivers? H639 was thy anger H5104 against the rivers? H5678 was thy wrath H3220 against the sea, H7392 [H8799] that thou didst ride H5483 upon thy horses H4818 and thy chariots H3444 of salvation?

Zechariah 3:8

  8 H8085 [H8798] Hear H3091 now, O Joshua H1419 the high H3548 priest, H7453 thou, and thy companions H3427 [H8802] that sit H6440 at the face of H582 thee: for they are men H4159 wondered at: H935 [H8688] for, behold, I will bring forth H5650 my servant H6780 the BRANCH.

Zechariah 6:1-8

  1 H7725 [H8799] And I turned, H5375 [H8799] and lifted up H5869 mine eyes, H7200 [H8799] and saw, H2009 and, behold, H3318 0 there came H702 four H4818 chariots H3318 [H8802] out H8147 from between two H2022 mountains; H2022 and the mountains H2022 were mountains H5178 of brass.
  2 H7223 In the first H4818 chariot H122 were red H5483 horses; H8145 and in the second H4818 chariot H7838 black H5483 horses;
  3 H7992 And in the third H4818 chariot H3836 white H5483 horses; H7243 and in the fourth H4818 chariot H1261 spotted H554 and bay H5483 horses.
  4 H6030 [H8799] Then I answered H559 [H8799] and said H4397 to the messenger H1696 [H8802] that talked H113 with me, What are these, my sovereign?
  5 H4397 And the messenger H6030 [H8799] answered H559 [H8799] and said H702 to me, These are the four H7307 spirits H8064 of the heavens, H3318 [H8802] which go forth H3320 [H8692] from standing H113 before the Sovereign H776 of all the earth.
  6 H7838 The black H5483 horses H3318 [H8802] which are in it go forth H6828 into the north H776 land; H3836 and the white H3318 [H8804] go forth H310 after H1261 them; and the spotted H3318 [H8804] go forth H8486 toward the south H776 land.
  7 H554 And the bay H3318 [H8804] went forth, H1245 [H8762] and sought H3212 [H8800] to go H1980 [H8692] that they might walk to and fro H776 through the earth: H559 [H8799] and he said, H3212 [H8798] Go from here, H1980 [H8690] walk to and fro H776 through the earth. H1980 [H8691] So they walked to and fro H776 through the earth.
  8 H9001 Then H2199 [H8686] he cried out H854 beside H9030 me, H9001 and H1696 [H8762] spoke H413 to H9030 me, H559 [H8800] saying, H7200 [H8798] See, H9009 these H3318 [H8802] that go H413 toward H6828 the north H776 land H5117 0 have caused H9020 my H7307 spirit H5117 [H8689] to rest H9003 in H6828 the north H776 land.

Mark 16:19

  19 G3303 So G3767 then G3326 after G2962 the Lord G2980 [G5658] had spoken G846 to them, G353 [G5681] he was received up G1519 into G3772 heaven, G2532 and G2523 [G5656] sat G1537 on G1188 the right hand G2316 of God.

Hebrews 1:14

  14 G1526 [G5748] Are they G3780 not G3956 all G3010 ministering G4151 spirits, G649 [G5746] being sent G1519 in G1248 service G1223 on account of G3588 the ones G3195 [G5723] being about to G2816 [G5721] inherit G4991 salvation?

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