1 John 3:5 Cross References - KJV_Strongs

  5 G2532 And G1492 ye know [G5758]   G3754 that G1565 he G5319 was manifested [G5681]   G2443 to G142 take away [G5661]   G2257 our G266 sins G2532 ; and G1722 in G846 him G2076 is [G5748]   G3756 no G266 sin.

Isaiah 53:4-12

  4 H403 Surely H5375 he hath borne [H8804]   H2483 our griefs H5445 , and carried [H8804]   H4341 our sorrows H2803 : yet we did esteem [H8804]   H5060 him stricken [H8803]   H5221 , smitten [H8716]   H430 of God H6031 , and afflicted [H8794]  .
  5 H2490 But he was wounded [H8775]   H6588 for our transgressions H1792 , he was bruised [H8794]   H5771 for our iniquities H4148 : the chastisement H7965 of our peace H2250 was upon him; and with his stripes H7495 we are healed [H8738]  .
  6 H6629 All we like sheep H8582 have gone astray [H8804]   H6437 ; we have turned [H8804]   H376 every one H1870 to his own way H3068 ; and the LORD H6293 hath laid [H8689]   H5771 on him the iniquity of us all.
  7 H5065 He was oppressed [H8738]   H6031 , and he was afflicted [H8737]   H6605 , yet he opened [H8799]   H6310 not his mouth H2986 : he is brought [H8714]   H7716 as a lamb H2874 to the slaughter H7353 , and as a sheep H6440 before H1494 her shearers [H8802]   H481 is dumb [H8738]   H6605 , so he openeth [H8799]   H6310 not his mouth.
  8 H3947 He was taken [H8795]   H6115 from prison H4941 and from judgment H7878 : and who shall declare [H8787]   H1755 his generation H1504 ? for he was cut off [H8738]   H776 out of the land H2416 of the living H6588 : for the transgression H5971 of my people H5061 was he stricken.
  9 H5414 And he made [H8799]   H6913 his grave H7563 with the wicked H6223 , and with the rich H4194 in his death H6213 ; because he had done [H8804]   H2555 no violence H4820 , neither was any deceit H6310 in his mouth.
  10 H2654 Yet it pleased [H8804]   H3068 the LORD H1792 to bruise [H8763]   H2470 him; he hath put him to grief [H8689]   H7760 : when thou shalt make [H8799]   H5315 his soul H817 an offering for sin H7200 , he shall see [H8799]   H2233 his seed H748 , he shall prolong [H8686]   H3117 his days H2656 , and the pleasure H3068 of the LORD H6743 shall prosper [H8799]   H3027 in his hand.
  11 H7200 He shall see [H8799]   H5999 of the travail H5315 of his soul H7646 , and shall be satisfied [H8799]   H1847 : by his knowledge H6662 shall my righteous H5650 servant H6663 justify [H8686]   H7227 many H5445 ; for he shall bear [H8799]   H5771 their iniquities.
  12 H2505 Therefore will I divide [H8762]   H7227 him a portion with the great H2505 , and he shall divide [H8762]   H7998 the spoil H6099 with the strong H6168 ; because he hath poured out [H8689]   H5315 his soul H4194 unto death H4487 : and he was numbered [H8738]   H6586 with the transgressors [H8802]   H5375 ; and he bare [H8804]   H2399 the sin H7227 of many H6293 , and made intercession [H8686]   H6586 for the transgressors [H8802]  .

Hosea 14:2

  2 H3947 Take [H8798]   H1697 with you words H7725 , and turn [H8798]   H3068 to the LORD H559 : say [H8798]   H5375 unto him, Take away [H8799]   H5771 all iniquity H3947 , and receive [H8798]   H2896 us graciously H7999 : so will we render [H8762]   H6499 the calves H8193 of our lips.

Matthew 1:21

  21 G1161 And G5088 she shall bring forth [G5695]   G5207 a son G2532 , and G2564 thou shalt call [G5692]   G846 his G3686 name G2424 JESUS G1063 : for G846 he G4982 shall save [G5692]   G846 his G2992 people G575 from G846 their G266 sins.

Luke 23:41

  41 G2532 And G2249 we G3303 indeed G1346 justly G1063 ; for G618 we receive [G5719]   G514 the due reward G3739 of our G4238 deeds [G5656]   G1161 : but G3778 this man G4238 hath done [G5656]   G3762 nothing G824 amiss.

Luke 23:47

  47 G1161 Now G1543 when the centurion G1492 saw [G5631]   G1096 what was done [G5637]   G1392 , he glorified [G5656]   G2316 God G3004 , saying [G5723]   G3689 , Certainly G3778 this G2258 was [G5713]   G1342 a righteous G444 man.

John 1:29

  29 G1887 The next day G2491 John G991 seeth [G5719]   G2424 Jesus G2064 coming [G5740]   G4314 unto G846 him G2532 , and G3004 saith [G5719]   G2396 , Behold G286 the Lamb G2316 of God G3588 , which G142 taketh away [G5723]   G266 the sin G2889 of the world.

John 1:31

  31 G2504 And I G1492 knew [G5715]   G846 him G3756 not G235 : but G2443 that G5319 he should be made manifest [G5686]   G2474 to Israel G1223 , therefore G5124   G2064 am G1473 I G2064 come [G5627]   G907 baptizing [G5723]   G1722 with G5204 water.

John 8:46

  46 G5101 Which G1537 of G5216 you G1651 convinceth [G5719]   G3165 me G4012 of G266 sin G1161 ? And G1487 if G3004 I say [G5719]   G225 the truth G1302 , why G4100 do G5210 ye G3756 not G4100 believe [G5719]   G3427 me?

John 14:30

  30 G3765 Hereafter G2980 I will G3765 not G2980 talk [G5692]   G4183 much G3326 with G5216 you G1063 : for G758 the prince G5127 of this G2889 world G2064 cometh [G5736]   G2532 , and G2192 hath [G5719]   G3756   G3762 nothing G1722 in G1698 me.

Romans 3:24-26

  24 G1344 Being justified [G5746]   G1432 freely G846 by his G5485 grace G1223 through G629 the redemption G1722 that is in G5547 Christ G2424 Jesus:
  25 G3739 Whom G2316 God G4388 hath set forth [G5639]   G2435 to be a propitiation G1223 through G4102 faith G1722 in G846 his G129 blood G1519 , to G1732 declare G846 his G1343 righteousness G1223 for G3929 the remission G265 of sins G4266 that are past [G5761]   G1722 , through G463 the forbearance G2316 of God;
  26 G4314 To G1732 declare G1722 , I say, at G3568 this G2540 time G846 his G1343 righteousness G1519 : that G1511 he might be [G5750]   G1342 just G2532 , and G1344 the justifier [G5723]   G846 of him G4102 which believeth G1537 in G2424 Jesus.

2 Corinthians 5:21

  21 G1063 For G4160 he hath made [G5656]   G266 him to be sin G5228 for G2257 us G3588 , who G1097 knew [G5631]   G3361 no G266 sin G2443 ; that G2249 we G1096 might be made [G5741]   G1343 the righteousness G2316 of God G1722 in G846 him.

Ephesians 5:25-27

  25 G435 Husbands G25 , love [G5720]   G1438 your G1135 wives G2531 , even as G5547 Christ G2532 also G25 loved [G5656]   G1577 the church G2532 , and G3860 gave [G5656]   G1438 himself G5228 for G846 it;
  26 G2443 That G846 he G37 might sanctify [G5661]   G2511 and cleanse it [G5660]   G3067 with the washing G5204 of water G1722 by G4487 the word,
  27 G2443 That G3936 he might present [G5661]   G846 it G1438 to himself G1741 a glorious G1577 church G3361 , not G2192 having [G5723]   G4696 spot G2228 , or G4512 wrinkle G2228 , or G5100 any G5108 such thing G235 ; but G2443 that G5600 it should be [G5753]   G40 holy G2532 and G299 without blemish.

1 Timothy 1:15

  15 G4103 This is a faithful G3056 saying G2532 , and G514 worthy G3956 of all G594 acceptation G3754 , that G5547 Christ G2424 Jesus G2064 came [G5627]   G1519 into G2889 the world G4982 to save [G5658]   G268 sinners G3739 ; of whom G1473 I G1510 am [G5748]   G4413 chief.

1 Timothy 3:16

  16 G2532 And G3672 without controversy G3173 great G2076 is [G5748]   G3466 the mystery G2150 of godliness G2316 : God G5319 was manifest [G5681]   G1722 in G4561 the flesh G1344 , justified [G5681]   G1722 in G4151 the Spirit G3700 , seen [G5681]   G32 of angels G2784 , preached [G5681]   G1722 unto G1484 the Gentiles G4100 , believed on [G5681]   G1722 in G2889 the world G353 , received up [G5681]   G1722 into G1391 glory.

Titus 2:14

  14 G3739 Who G1325 gave [G5656]   G1438 himself G5228 for G2257 us G2443 , that G3084 he might redeem [G5672]   G2248 us G575 from G3956 all G458 iniquity G2532 , and G2511 purify [G5661]   G1438 unto himself G4041 a peculiar G2992 people G2207 , zealous G2570 of good G2041 works.

Hebrews 1:3

  3 G3739 Who G5607 being [G5752]   G541 the brightness G1391 of his glory G2532 , and G5481 the express image G846 of his G5287 person G5037 , and G5342 upholding [G5723]   G3956 all things G4487 by the word G846 of his G1411 power G4160 , when he had G2512   G1223 by G1438 himself G4160 purged [G5671]   G2512   G2257 our G266 sins G2523 , sat down [G5656]   G1722 on G1188 the right hand G3172 of the Majesty G1722 on G5308 high;

Hebrews 4:15

  15 G1063 For G2192 we have [G5719]   G3756 not G749 an high priest G3361 which cannot G1410   [G5740]   G4834 be touched with the feeling [G5658]   G2257 of our G769 infirmities G1161 ; but G3985 was G2596 in G3956 all points G3985 tempted [G5772]   [G5625]   G3987   [G5772]   G2596 like G3665 as G5565 we are, yet without G266 sin.

Hebrews 7:26

  26 G1063 For G5108 such G749 an high priest G4241 became [G5707]   G2254 us G3741 , who is holy G172 , harmless G283 , undefiled G5563 , separate [G5772]   G575 from G268 sinners G2532 , and G1096 made [G5637]   G5308 higher than G3772 the heavens;

Hebrews 9:26

  26 G1893 For then G1163 must [G5713]   G846 he G4178 often G3958 have suffered [G5629]   G575 since G2602 the foundation G2889 of the world G1161 : but G3568 now G530 once G1909 in G4930 the end G165 of the world G5319 hath he appeared [G5769]   G1519 to G115 put away G266 sin G1223 by G2378 the sacrifice G846 of himself.

Hebrews 9:28

  28 G3779 So G5547 Christ G530 was once G4374 offered [G5685]   G1519 to G399 bear [G5629]   G266 the sins G4183 of many G553 ; and unto them that look [G5740]   G846 for him G3700 shall he appear [G5701]   G1537   G1208 the second time G5565 without G266 sin G1519 unto G4991 salvation.

1 Peter 1:20

  20 G3303 Who verily G4267 was foreordained [G5772]   G4253 before G2602 the foundation G2889 of the world G1161 , but G5319 was manifest [G5685]   G1909 in G2078 these last G5550 times G1223 for G5209 you,

1 Peter 2:22

  22 G3739 Who G4160 did [G5656]   G3756 no G266 sin G3761 , neither G1388 was guile G2147 found [G5681]   G1722 in G846 his G4750 mouth:

1 Peter 2:24

  24 G3739 Who G846 his own self G399 bare [G5656]   G2257 our G266 sins G1722 in G846 his own G4983 body G1909 on G3586 the tree G2443 , that G2198 we G581 , being dead [G5637]   G266 to sins G2198 , should live [G5661]   G1343 unto righteousness G3739 : by G846 whose G3468 stripes G2390 ye were healed [G5681]  .

1 Peter 3:18

  18 G3754 For G5547 Christ G2532 also G530 hath once G3958 suffered [G5627]   G4012 for G266 sins G1342 , the just G5228 for G94 the unjust G2443 , that G4317 he might bring [G5632]   G2248 us G2316 to God G2289 , being put to death [G5772]   G3303   G4561 in the flesh G1161 , but G2227 quickened [G5685]   G4151 by the Spirit:

1 John 1:2

  2 G2532 (For G2222 the life G5319 was manifested [G5681]   G2532 , and G3708 we have seen [G5758]   G2532 it, and G3140 bear witness [G5719]   G2532 , and G518 shew [G5719]   G5213 unto you G166 that eternal G2222 life G3748 , which G2258 was [G5713]   G4314 with G3962 the Father G2532 , and G5319 was manifested [G5681]   G2254 unto us;)

1 John 1:7

  7 G1161 But G1437 if G4043 we walk [G5725]   G1722 in G5457 the light G5613 , as G846 he G2076 is [G5748]   G1722 in G5457 the light G2192 , we have [G5719]   G2842 fellowship G3326 one with another G240   G2532 , and G129 the blood G2424 of Jesus G5547 Christ G846 his G5207 Son G2511 cleanseth [G5719]   G2248 us G575 from G3956 all G266 sin.

1 John 2:1

  1 G3450 My G5040 little children G5023 , these things G1125 write I [G5719]   G5213 unto you G3363 , that G264 ye sin [G5632]   G3363 not G2532 . And G1437 if G5100 any man G264 sin [G5632]   G2192 , we have [G5719]   G3875 an advocate G4314 with G3962 the Father G2424 , Jesus G5547 Christ G1342 the righteous:

1 John 4:9-14

  9 G1722 In G5129 this G5319 was manifested [G5681]   G26 the love G2316 of God G1722 toward G2254 us G3754 , because G2316 that God G649 sent [G5758]   G846 his G3439 only begotten G5207 Son G1519 into G2889 the world G2443 , that G2198 we might live [G5661]   G1223 through G846 him.
  10 G1722 Herein G5129   G2076 is [G5748]   G26 love G3754 , not G3756 that G2249 we G25 loved [G5656]   G2316 God G235 , but G3754 that G846 he G25 loved [G5656]   G2248 us G2532 , and G649 sent [G5656]   G846 his G5207 Son G2434 to be the propitiation G4012 for G2257 our G266 sins.
  11 G27 Beloved G1487 , if G2316 God G3779 so G25 loved [G5656]   G2248 us G2249 , we G3784 ought [G5719]   G2532 also G25 to love [G5721]   G240 one another.
  12 G3762 No man G2300 hath seen [G5766]   G2316 God G4455 at any time G1437 . If G25 we love [G5725]   G240 one another G2316 , God G3306 dwelleth [G5719]   G1722 in G2254 us G2532 , and G846 his G26 love G2076 is [G5748]   G5048 perfected [G5772]   G1722 in G2254 us.
  13 G1722 Hereby G5129   G1097 know we [G5719]   G3754 that G3306 we dwell [G5719]   G1722 in G846 him G2532 , and G846 he G1722 in G2254 us G3754 , because G1325 he hath given [G5758]   G2254 us G1537 of G846 his G4151 Spirit.
  14 G2532 And G2249 we G2300 have seen [G5766]   G2532 and G3140 do testify [G5719]   G3754 that G3962 the Father G649 sent [G5758]   G5207 the Son G4990 to be the Saviour G2889 of the world.

Revelation 1:5

  5 G2532 And G575 from G2424 Jesus G5547 Christ G4103 , who is the faithful G3144 witness G4416 , and the first begotten G1537 of G3498 the dead G2532 , and G758 the prince G935 of the kings G1093 of the earth G25 . Unto him that loved [G5660]   G2248 us G2532 , and G3068 washed [G5660]   G2248 us G575 from G2257 our G266 sins G1722 in G846 his own G129 blood,

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.