2 Kings 4:1 Cross References - CKJV_Strongs

  1 H6817 Now there cried H259 a certain H802 woman H802 of the wives H1121 of the sons H5030 of the prophets H477 unto Elisha, H559 saying, H5650 Your servant H376 my husband H4191 is dead; H3045 and you know H5650 that your servant H3373 did fear H3068 the Lord: H5383 and the creditor H935 is come H3947 to take H8147 unto him my two H3206 sons H5650 to be bondmen.

Genesis 22:12

  12 H559 And he said, H7971 Lay H3027 not yours hand H413 upon H5288 the lad, H6213 neither do you H3972 any thing H6258 unto him: for now H3045 I know H3373 that you fear H430 God, H3808 seeing you have not H2820 withheld H1121 your son, H3173 your only son from me.

Leviticus 25:39-41

  39 H251 And if your brother H4134 that dwells by you be grown poor, H4376 and be sold H5647 unto you; you shall not compel H5656 him to serve H5650 as a bondservant:
  40 H7916 But as a hired servant, H8453 and as a sojourner, H5647 he shall be with you, and shall serve H8141 you unto the year H3104 of jubile:
  41 H3318 And then shall he depart H1121 from you, both he and his sons H7725 with him, and shall return H4940 unto his own family, H272 and unto the possession H1 of his fathers H7725 shall he return.

Leviticus 25:48

  48 H310 After H4376 that he is sold H1353 he may be redeemed again; H259 one H251 of his brothers H1350 may redeem him:

1 Samuel 22:2

  2 H376 And every one H4689 that was in distress, H376 and every one H5378 that was in debt, H376 and every one H4751 that was discontented, H6908 gathered H8269 themselves unto him; and he became a captain H702 over them: and there were with him about four H3967 hundred H376 men.

1 Kings 18:3

  3 H256 And Ahab H7121 called H5662 Obadiah, H1004 which was the governor of his house. H5662 (Now Obadiah H3373 feared H3068 the Lord H3966 greatly:

1 Kings 20:35

  35 H259 And a certain H376 man H1121 of the sons H5030 of the prophets H559 said H7453 unto his neighbor H1697 in the word H3068 of the Lord, H5221 Strike H376 me, I pray you. And the man H3985 refused H5221 to strike him.

2 Kings 2:3

  3 H1121 And the sons H5030 of the prophets H1008 that were at Beth–el H3318 came forth H477 to Elisha, H559 and said H3045 unto him, Know H3068 you that the Lord H3947 will take away H113 your master H7218 from your head H3117 to day? H559 And he said, H3045 Yes, I know H2814 it; hold you your peace.

2 Kings 2:5

  5 H1121 And the sons H5030 of the prophets H3405 that were at Jericho H5066 came H477 to Elisha, H559 and said H3045 unto him, Know H3068 you that the Lord H3947 will take away H113 your master H7218 from your head H3117 to day? H559 And he answered, H3045 Yes, I know H2814 it; hold you your peace.

2 Kings 4:38

  38 H477 And Elisha H7725 came again H1537 to Gilgal: H7458 and there was a famine H776 in the land; H1121 and the sons H5030 of the prophets H3427 were sitting H6440 before H559 him: and he said H5288 unto his servant, H8239 Set H1419 on the great H5518 pot, H1310 and boil H5138 stew H1121 for the sons H5030 of the prophets.

Nehemiah 5:2-5

  2 H3426 For there were H559 that said, H1121 We, our sons, H1323 and our daughters, H7227 are many: H3947 therefore we take up H1715 corn H398 for them, that we may eat, H2421 and live.
  3 H3426 Some also there were H559 that said, H6148 We have mortgaged H7704 our lands, H3754 vineyards, H1004 and houses, H3947 that we might buy H1715 corn, H7458 because of the famine.
  4 H3426 There were H559 also that said, H3867 We have borrowed H3701 money H4428 for the king's H4060 tribute, H7704 and that upon our lands H3754 and vineyards.
  5 H1320 Yet now our flesh H1320 is as the flesh H251 of our brothers, H1121 our sons H1121 as their sons: H3533 and, behold, we bring into bondage H1121 our sons H1323 and our daughters H5650 to be servants, H1323 and some of our daughters H3426 are H3533 brought unto bondage H410 already: neither is it in our power H312 to redeem them; for other men H7704 have our lands H3754 and vineyards.

Nehemiah 7:2

  2 H251 That I gave my brother H2607 Hanani, H2608 and Hananiah H8269 the ruler H1002 of the palace, H6680 charge H3389 over Jerusalem: H571 for he was a faithful H376 man, H3372 and feared H430 God H7227 above many.

Nehemiah 10:31

  31 H5971 And if the people H776 of the land H935 bring H4728 merchandise H7668 or any food H7676 on the sabbath H3117 day H4376 to sell, H3947 that we would not buy H7676 it of them on the sabbath, H6944 or on the holy H3117 day: H5203 and that we would leave H7637 the seventh H8141 year, H4853 and the exaction H3027 of every debt.

Psalms 103:11

  11 H8064 For as the heaven H1361 is high above H776 the earth, H1396 so great H2617 is his mercy H3373 toward them that fear him.

Psalms 103:17

  17 H2617 But the mercy H3068 of the Lord H5769 is from everlasting H5704 to H5769 everlasting H3373 upon them that fear H6666 him, and his righteousness H1121 unto children's H1121 sons;

Psalms 112:1-2

  1 H1984 Praise H3050 you the Lord. H835 Blessed H376 is the man H3372 that fears H3068 the Lord, H2654 that delights H3966 greatly H4687 in his commandments.
  2 H2233 His seed H1368 shall be mighty H776 upon earth: H1755 the generation H3477 of the upright H1288 shall be blessed.

Psalms 115:13

  13 H1288 He will bless H3373 them that fear H3068 the Lord, H6996 both small H1419 and great.

Psalms 147:11

  11 H3068 The Lord H7521 takes pleasure H3373 in them that fear H3176 him, in those that hope H2617 in his mercy.

Ecclesiastes 8:12

  12 H2398 Though a sinner H6213 do H7451 evil H3967 a hundred times, H748 and his days be prolonged, H3045 yet surely I know H2896 that it shall be well H3373 with them that fear H430 God, H3372 which fear H6440 before him:

Ecclesiastes 12:13

  13 H8085 Let us hear H5490 the conclusion H1697 of the whole matter: H3372 Fear H430 God, H8104 and keep H4687 his commandments: H120 for this is the whole duty of man.

Jeremiah 34:14

  14 H7093 At the end H7651 of seven H8141 years H7971 let you go H376 every man H251 his brother H5680 a Hebrew, H4376 which has been sold H5647 unto you; and when he has served H8337 you six H8141 years, H7971 you shall let him go H2670 free H1 from you: but your fathers H8085 listened H5186 not unto me, neither inclined H241 their ear.

Malachi 3:16

  16 H3373 Then they that feared H3068 the Lord H1696 spoke often H376 one H7453 to another: H3068 and the Lord H7181 listened, H8085 and heard H5612 it, and a book H2146 of memory H3789 was written H6440 before H3373 him for them that feared H3068 the Lord, H2803 and that thought H8034 upon his name.

Malachi 4:2

  2 H3373 But unto you that fear H8034 my name H8121 shall the Sun H6666 of righteousness H2224 arise H4832 with healing H3671 in his wings; H3318 and you shall go forth, H6335 and grow up H5695 as calves H4770 of the stall.

Matthew 18:25

  25 G1161 But since as G846 he G2192 had G3361 nothing G591 to pay, G846 his G2962 lord G2753 commanded G846 him G4097 to be sold, G2532 and G846 his G1135 wife, G2532 and G5043 sons, G2532 and G3956 all G3745 that G2192 he had, G2532 and G591 payment to be made.

Matthew 18:30

  30 G1161 And G2309 he would G3756 not: G235 but G565 went and G906 cast G846 him G1519 into G5438 prison, G2193 until G3739   G591 he should pay G3784 the debt.

Matthew 18:35

  35 G3779 So likewise G4160 shall G3450 my G2032 heavenly G3962 Father G4160 do G2532 also G5213 unto you, G1437 if G863 you G575 from G5216 your G2588 hearts G863 forgive G3361 not G1538 every one G846 his G80 brother G846 their G3900 trespasses.

Acts 13:26

  26 G435 Men G80 and brothers, G5207 sons G1085 of the stock G11 of Abraham, G2532 and G3588 whoever G1722 among G5213 you G5399 fears G2316 God, G5213 to you G649 is G3056 the word G3778 of this G4991 salvation G649 sent.

James 2:13

  13 G1063 For G4160 he G2920 shall have judgment G448 without mercy, G4160 that has shown G3361 no G1656 mercy; G2532 and G1656 mercy G2620 rejoices against G2920 judgment.

Revelation 15:4

  4 G5101 Who G5399 shall G3364 not G5399 fear G4571 you, G2962 O Lord, G2532 and G1392 glorify G4675 your G3686 name? G3754 for G3441 you only G3741 are holy: G3754 for G3956 all G1484 nations G2240 shall come G2532 and G4352 worship G1799 before G4675 you; G3754 for G4675 your G1345 judgments G5319 are made manifest.

Revelation 19:5

  5 G2532 And G5456 a voice G1831 came out G1537 of G2362 the throne, G3004 saying, G134 Praise G2257 our G2316 God, G3956 all G846 you his G1401 servants, G2532 and G3588 you that G5399 fear G846 him, G2532 both G3398 small G2532 and G3173 great.

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.