1 Kings 4:29-34

  29 G2532 And G1325 the lord gave G2962   G5428 intellect G3588   G* to Solomon G2532 and G4678 [3wisdom G4183 2great G4970 1exceedingly], G2532 and G5559.2 an increase G2588 in heart, G5613 as G3588 the G285 sand G3588   G3844 by G3588 the G2281 sea.
  30 G2532 And G4129 Solomon multiplied G*   G4970 exceedingly G5228 over G3588 the G5428 intellect G3956 of all G744 the ancient G444 men, G2532 and G5228 above G3956 all G5429 the intelligent ones G* of Egypt.
  31 G2532 And G4679 he discerned G5228 above G3956 all G3588   G444 men; G2532 and G4679 he discerned G5228 above G* Ethan G3588 the G* Ezrahite, G2532 and G3588   G* Heman, G2532 and G3588   G* Chalcol, G2532 and G* Darda, G5207 sons G* of Mahol. G2532 And G1 [2became famous G96   G3588   G3686 1his name] G1473   G1722 among G3956 all G3588 the G1484 nations G2945 round about.
  32 G2532 And G2980 he spoke G5140 three G5505 thousand G3850 parables. G2532 And G1510.7.6 [3were G5603 2odes G1473 1his] G4000 five thousand.
  33 G2532 And G2980 he spoke G4012 concerning G3588 the G3586 timbers G575 from G3588 the G2748 cedars G3588   G1722 in G3588   G* Lebanon, G2532 and G2193 unto G3588 the G5301 hyssop G3588   G1607 coming forth G1537 from G3588 the G5109 wall. G2532 And G2980 he spoke G4012 concerning G3588 the G2934 cattle, G2532 and G4012 concerning G3588 the G4071 winged creatures, G2532 and G4012 concerning G3588 the G2062 reptiles, G2532 and G4012 concerning G3588 the G2486 fishes.
  34 G2532 And G3854 [4came to him G3956 1all G3588 2the G2992 3peoples] G191 to hear G3588 the G4678 wisdom G* of Solomon. G2532 And G2983 he took G1435 gifts G3844 from G3956 all G3588 the G935 kings G3588 of the G1093 earth, G3745 as many as G191 heard G3588   G4678 his wisdom. G1473  
  29 G2532 και G1325 έδωκε κύριος G2962   G5428 φρόνησιν G3588 τω G* Σολομώντι G2532 και G4678 σοφίαν G4183 πολλήν G4970 σφόδρα G2532 και G5559.2 χύμα G2588 καρδίας G5613 ως G3588 η G285 άμμος G3588 η G3844 παρά G3588 την G2281 θάλασσαν
  30 G2532 και G4129 επληθύνθη Σολομώντος G*   G4970 σφόδρα G5228 υπέρ G3588 την G5428 φρόνησιν G3956 πάντων G744 αρχαίων G444 ανθρώπων G2532 και G5228 υπέρ G3956 πάντας G5429 φρονίμους G* Αιγύπτου
  31 G2532 και G4679 εσοφίσατο G5228 υπέρ G3956 πάντας G3588 τους G444 ανθρώπους G2532 και G4679 εσοφίσατο G5228 υπέρ G* Αιθάμ G3588 τον G* Εζραϊτην G2532 και G3588 τον G* Αιμάν G2532 και G3588 τον G* Χαλκάλ G2532 και G* Δαρδαέ G5207 υιούς G* Μαχώλ G2532 και G1 εγένετο G96   G3588 το G3686 όνομα αυτού G1473   G1722 εν G3956 πάσι G3588 τοις G1484 έθνεσι G2945 κύκλω
  32 G2532 και G2980 ελάλησε G5140 τρεις G5505 χιλιάδας G3850 παραβολάς G2532 και G1510.7.6 ήσαν G5603 ωδαί G1473 αυτού G4000 πεντακισχίλιαι
  33 G2532 και G2980 ελάλησεν G4012 περί G3588 των G3586 ξύλων G575 από G3588 της G2748 κέδρου G3588 της G1722 εν G3588 τω G* Λιβάνω G2532 και G2193 έως G3588 της G5301 υσσώπου G3588 της G1607 εκπορευομένης G1537 εκ G3588 του G5109 τοίχου G2532 και G2980 ελάλησε G4012 περί G3588 των G2934 κτηνών G2532 και G4012 περί G3588 των G4071 πετεινών G2532 και G4012 περί G3588 των G2062 ερπετών G2532 και G4012 περί G3588 των G2486 ιχθύων
  34 G2532 και G3854 παρεγίνοντο G3956 πάντες G3588 οι G2992 λαοί G191 ακούσαι G3588 της G4678 σοφίας G* Σολομώντος G2532 και G2983 ελάμβανε G1435 δώρα G3844 παρά G3956 πάντων G3588 των G935 βασιλέων G3588 της G1093 γης G3745 όσοι G191 ήκουον G3588 της G4678 σοφίας αυτού G1473  
    29 G2532 CONJ [5:9] και G1325 V-AAI-3S εδωκεν G2962 N-NSM κυριος G5428 N-ASF φρονησιν G3588 T-DSM τω   N-PRI σαλωμων G2532 CONJ και G4678 N-ASF σοφιαν G4183 A-ASF πολλην G4970 ADV σφοδρα G2532 CONJ και   N-ASN χυμα G2588 N-GSF καρδιας G3739 CONJ ως G3588 T-NSF η G285 N-NSF αμμος G3588 T-NSF η G3844 PREP παρα G3588 T-ASF την G2281 N-ASF θαλασσαν
    30 G2532 CONJ [5:10] και G4129 V-API-3S επληθυνθη   N-PRI σαλωμων G4970 ADV σφοδρα G5228 PREP υπερ G3588 T-ASF την G5428 N-ASF φρονησιν G3956 A-GPM παντων G744 A-GPM αρχαιων G444 N-GPM ανθρωπων G2532 CONJ και G5228 PREP υπερ G3956 A-APM παντας G5429 A-APM φρονιμους G125 N-GSF αιγυπτου
    31 G2532 CONJ [5:11] και G4679 V-AMI-3S εσοφισατο G5228 PREP υπερ G3956 A-APM παντας G3588 T-APM τους G444 N-APM ανθρωπους G2532 CONJ και G4679 V-AMI-3S εσοφισατο G5228 PREP υπερ   N-PRI γαιθαν G3588 T-ASM τον   N-ASM εζραιτην G2532 CONJ και G3588 T-ASM τον   N-PRI αιμαν G2532 CONJ και G3588 T-ASM τον   N-PRI χαλκαλ G2532 CONJ και   N-PRI δαρδα G5207 N-APM υιους   N-PRI μαλ
    32 G2532 CONJ [5:12] και G2980 V-AAI-3S ελαλησεν   N-PRI σαλωμων G5153 A-APF τρισχιλιας G3850 N-APF παραβολας G2532 CONJ και G1510 V-IAI-3P ησαν G3592 N-NPF ωδαι G846 D-GSM αυτου G4000 A-NPF πεντακισχιλιαι
    33 G2532 CONJ [5:13] και G2980 V-AAI-3S ελαλησεν G4012 PREP περι G3588 T-GPN των G3586 N-GPN ξυλων G575 PREP απο G3588 T-GSF της   N-GSF κεδρου G3588 T-GSF της G1722 PREP εν G3588 T-DSM τω G3030 N-DSM λιβανω G2532 CONJ και G2193 PREP εως G3588 T-GSF της G5301 N-GSF υσσωπου G3588 T-GSF της G1607 V-PMPGS εκπορευομενης G1223 PREP δια G3588 T-GSM του G5109 N-GSM τοιχου G2532 CONJ και G2980 V-AAI-3S ελαλησεν G4012 PREP περι G3588 T-GPN των G2934 N-GPN κτηνων G2532 CONJ και G4012 PREP περι G3588 T-GPN των G4071 N-GPN πετεινων G2532 CONJ και G4012 PREP περι G3588 T-GPN των G2062 N-GPN ερπετων G2532 CONJ και G4012 PREP περι G3588 T-GPM των G2486 N-GPM ιχθυων
    34 G2532 CONJ [5:14] και G3854 V-IMI-3P παρεγινοντο G3956 A-NPM παντες G3588 T-NPM οι G2992 N-NPM λαοι G191 V-AAN ακουσαι G3588 T-GSF της G4678 N-GSF σοφιας   N-PRI σαλωμων G2532 CONJ και G2983 V-IAI-3S ελαμβανεν G1435 N-APN δωρα G3844 PREP παρα G3956 A-GPM παντων G3588 T-GPM των G935 N-GPM βασιλεων G3588 T-GSF της G1065 N-GSF γης G3745 A-NPM οσοι G191 V-IAI-3P ηκουον G3588 T-GSF της G4678 N-GSF σοφιας G846 D-GSM αυτου G2532 CONJ [5:14α] και G2983 V-AAI-3S ελαβεν   N-PRI σαλωμων G3588 T-ASF την G2364 N-ASF θυγατερα G5328 N-PRI φαραω G1438 D-DSM εαυτω G1519 PREP εις G1135 N-ASF γυναικα G2532 CONJ και G1521 V-AAI-3S εισηγαγεν G846 D-ASF αυτην G1519 PREP εις G3588 T-ASF την G4172 N-ASF πολιν   N-PRI δαυιδ G2193 PREP εως G4931 V-AAN συντελεσαι G846 D-ASM αυτον G3588 T-ASM τον G3624 N-ASM οικον G2962 N-GSM κυριου G2532 CONJ και G3588 T-ASM τον G3624 N-ASM οικον G1438 D-GSM εαυτου G2532 CONJ και G3588 T-ASN το G5038 N-ASN τειχος G2419 N-PRI ιερουσαλημ G5119 ADV [5:14β] τοτε G305 V-AAI-3S ανεβη G5328 N-PRI φαραω G935 N-NSM βασιλευς G125 N-GSF αιγυπτου G2532 CONJ και   V-AMI-3S προκατελαβετο G3588 T-ASF την   N-PRI γαζερ G2532 CONJ και   V-AAI-3S ενεπυρισεν G846 D-ASF αυτην G2532 CONJ και G3588 T-ASM τον   N-ASM χανανιτην G3588 T-ASM τον   V-PAPAS κατοικουντα G1722 PREP εν   N-PRI μεργαβ G2532 CONJ και G1325 V-AAI-3S εδωκεν G846 D-APF αυτας G5328 N-PRI φαραω G651 N-APF αποστολας G2364 N-DSF θυγατρι G846 D-GSM αυτου G1135 N-DSF γυναικι   N-PRI σαλωμων G2532 CONJ και   N-PRI σαλωμων G3618 V-AAI-3S ωκοδομησεν G3588 T-ASF την   N-PRI γαζερ
HOT(i) 29 (5:9) ויתן אלהים חכמה לשׁלמה ותבונה הרבה מאד ורחב לב כחול אשׁר על שׂפת הים׃ 30 (5:10) ותרב חכמת שׁלמה מחכמת כל בני קדם ומכל חכמת מצרים׃ 31 (5:11) ויחכם מכל האדם מאיתן האזרחי והימן וכלכל ודרדע בני מחול ויהי שׁמו בכל הגוים סביב׃ 32 (5:12) וידבר שׁלשׁת אלפים משׁל ויהי שׁירו חמשׁה ואלף׃ 33 (5:13) וידבר על העצים מן הארז אשׁר בלבנון ועד האזוב אשׁר יצא בקיר וידבר על הבהמה ועל העוף ועל הרמשׂ ועל הדגים׃ 34 (5:14) ויבאו מכל העמים לשׁמע את חכמת שׁלמה מאת כל מלכי הארץ אשׁר שׁמעו את חכמתו׃
IHOT(i) (In English order)
  29 H5414 ויתן gave H430 אלהים And God H2451 חכמה wisdom H8010 לשׁלמה Solomon H8394 ותבונה and understanding H7235 הרבה much, H3966 מאד exceeding H7341 ורחב and largeness H3820 לב of heart, H2344 כחול even as the sand H834 אשׁר that H5921 על on H8193 שׂפת shore. H3220 הים׃ the sea
  30 H7235 ותרב excelled the wisdom H2451 חכמת wisdom H8010 שׁלמה And Solomon's H2451 מחכמת the wisdom H3605 כל of all H1121 בני the children H6924 קדם of the east country, H3605 ומכל and all H2451 חכמת   H4714 מצרים׃ of Egypt.
  31 H2449 ויחכם For he was wiser H3605 מכל than all H120 האדם men; H387 מאיתן   H250 האזרחי the Ezrahite, H1968 והימן and Heman, H3633 וכלכל and Chalcol, H1862 ודרדע and Darda, H1121 בני the sons H4235 מחול of Mahol: H1961 ויהי was H8034 שׁמו and his fame H3605 בכל in all H1471 הגוים nations H5439 סביב׃ round about.
  32 H1696 וידבר And he spoke H7969 שׁלשׁת three H505 אלפים thousand H4912 משׁל proverbs: H1961 ויהי were H7892 שׁירו and his songs H2568 חמשׁה and five. H505 ואלף׃ a thousand
  33 H1696 וידבר And he spoke H5921 על of H6086 העצים trees, H4480 מן from H730 הארז the cedar tree H834 אשׁר that H3844 בלבנון in Lebanon H5704 ועד even unto H231 האזוב the hyssop H834 אשׁר that H3318 יצא springeth out H7023 בקיר of the wall: H1696 וידבר he spoke H5921 על also of H929 הבהמה beasts, H5921 ועל and of H5775 העוף fowl, H5921 ועל and of H7431 הרמשׂ creeping things, H5921 ועל and of H1709 הדגים׃ fishes.
  34 H935 ויבאו And there came H3605 מכל of all H5971 העמים people H8085 לשׁמע to hear H853 את   H2451 חכמת the wisdom H8010 שׁלמה of Solomon, H853 מאת   H3605 כל all H4428 מלכי kings H776 הארץ of the earth, H834 אשׁר which H8085 שׁמעו had heard of H853 את   H2451 חכמתו׃ his wisdom.
  29 H430 And God H5414 [H8799] gave H8010 Solomon H3966 H7235 [H8687] great H2451 wisdom H8394 and understanding, H7341 and largeness H3820 of heart, H2344 even as the sand H3220 that is on the sea H8193 shore.
  30 H8010 And Solomon's H2451 wisdom H7235 [H8799] excelled H2451 the wisdom H1121 of all the sons H6924 of the east country, H2451 and all the wisdom H4714 of Egypt.
  31 H2449 [H8799] For he was wiser H120 than all men; H387 than Ethan H250 the Ezrahite, H1968 and Heman, H3633 and Chalcol, H1862 and Darda, H1121 the sons H4235 of Mahol: H8034 and his fame H5439 was in all the surrounding H1471 nations.
  32 H1696 [H8762] And he spoke H7969 three H505 thousand H4912 proverbs: H7892 and his songs H505 were a thousand H2568 and five.
  33 H1696 [H8762] And he spoke H6086 of trees, H730 from the cedar tree H3844 that is in Lebanon H231 even to the hyssop H3318 [H8802] that springeth out H7023 of the wall: H1696 [H8762] he spoke H929 also of beasts, H5775 and of fowls, H7431 and of creeping things, H1709 and of fishes.
  34 H935 [H8799] And there came H5971 of all people H8085 [H8800] to hear H2451 the wisdom H8010 of Solomon, H4428 from all kings H776 of the earth, H8085 [H8804] who had heard H2451 of his wisdom.
Vulgate(i) 29 dedit quoque Deus sapientiam Salomoni et prudentiam multam nimis et latitudinem cordis quasi harenam quae est in litore maris 30 et praecedebat sapientia Salomonis sapientiam omnium Orientalium et Aegyptiorum 31 et erat sapientior cunctis hominibus sapientior Aethan Ezraita et Heman et Chalcal et Dorda filiis Maol et erat nominatus in universis gentibus per circuitum 32 locutus est quoque Salomon tria milia parabolas et fuerunt carmina eius quinque et mille 33 et disputavit super lignis a cedro quae est in Libano usque ad hysopum quae egreditur de pariete et disseruit de iumentis et volucribus et reptilibus et piscibus 34 et veniebant de cunctis populis ad audiendam sapientiam Salomonis et ab universis regibus terrae qui audiebant sapientiam eius
Clementine_Vulgate(i) 29 Dedit quoque Deus sapientiam Salomoni, et prudentiam multam nimis, et latitudinem cordis quasi arenam quæ est in littore maris. 30 Et præcedebat sapientia Salomonis sapientiam omnium Orientalium et Ægyptiorum, 31 et erat sapientior cunctis hominibus: sapientior Ethan Ezrahita, et Heman, et Chalcol, et Dorda filiis Mahol: et erat nominatus in universis gentibus per circuitum. 32 Locutus est quoque Salomon tria millia parabolas: et fuerunt carmina ejus quinque et mille. 33 Et disputavit super lignis a cedro quæ est in Libano, usque ad hyssopum quæ egreditur de pariete: et disseruit de jumentis, et volucribus, et reptilibus, et piscibus. 34 Et veniebant de cunctis populis ad audiendam sapientiam Salomonis, et ab universis regibus terræ qui audiebant sapientiam ejus.
Wycliffe(i) 29 Also God yaf to Salomon wisdom, and prudence ful myche, and largenesse of herte, as the soond which is in the brenke of the see. 30 And the wisdom of Solomon passide the wisdom of alle eest men, and Egipcians; 31 and he was wisere than alle men; he was wisere than Ethan Esraite, and than Eman, and than Cacal, and than Dorda, the sones of Maol; and he was named among alle folkis bi cumpas. 32 And Salomon spak thre thousynde parablis, and hise songis weren fyue thousynde; 33 and he disputide of trees fro a cedre which is in the Lyban, `til to the ysope that goith out of the wal; he disputide of werk beestis, and briddis, and crepynge beestis, and fischis. 34 And thei camen fro alle puplis to here the wisdom of Salomon, and fro alle kyngis of erthe, that herden his wisdom.
Coverdale(i) 29 And God gaue Salomon maruelous greate wy?dome and vnderstondinge, and a large hert, as the sonde that lyeth vpon ye See shore: 30 so that the wy?dome of Salomon was greater then the wy?dome of all the children towarde the south and of all ye Egipcians. 31 And he was wyser then all men, yee wyser then Ethan the Esrahite, Heman, Chalcal, and Darda, the sonnes of Mahol: and had a greate name amonge all the Heythe on euery syde. 32 And he spake thre thousande prouerbes, & his songes were a thousande & fyue. 33 And he spake of trees, from ye Ceder of Libanus vnto the Isope yt groweth out of ye wall: he talked also of catell, of foules, of wormes, of fishes. 34 And there came of all nacions to heare ye wy?dome of Salomon, and there came of all the kynges of ye earth, which had herde of his wy?dome.
MSTC(i) 29 And God gave Solomon wisdom and understanding exceeding much and a large heart, even as the sand along by the sea bank: 30 so that Solomon's wisdom exceeded the wisdom of all them of the East country and all the wisdom of the Egyptians. 31 And he excelled all men in wisdom, both Ethan the Ezrahite, and Heman, Calcol and Darda the sons of Mahol. And his name spread abroad among all nations on every side. 32 And Solomon wrote three thousand proverbs. And his songs were a thousand and five. 33 And he disputed of trees, even from the Cedar tree that groweth in Lebanon unto the Hyssop that springeth out of the wall. And he disputed of beasts, fowls, worms, and fishes. 34 And there came of all nations to hear the wisdom of Solomon, and from all kings of the earth which had heard of his wisdom.
Matthew(i) 29 And God gaue Salomon wisdome & vnderstandyng excedyng muche & a large herte euen as the sande a longe by the sea bancke: 30 so that Salomons wysdome exceded the wysdom of all them of the east countreye & all the wysdome of the Egypcyans. 31 And he excelled all men in wysdome, both Ethan the Ezrahite, & Heman, Chalcol and Dorda the sonnes of Mahol. And hys name sprede abroade amonge all nacyons on euerye syde. 32 And Salomon wrote thre thousande prouerbes. And his songes were a thousande and fyue. 33 And he disputed of trees, euen from the Cedar tre that groweth in Lybanon vnto the Isope that spryngeth out of the walle. And he dysputed of beastes, foules, wormes and fyshes. 34 And there came of all nacyons to heare the wysdome of Salomon, and from all kynges of the earthe which had hearde of hys wysdome.
Great(i) 29 And God gaue Salomon wysdome and vnderstandynge exceadynge moche, and a large hert, euen as the sand that is on the see shore: 30 and Salomons wysdome excelled the wysdome of all the chyldren of the east contrey, and all the wysdome of Egipt. 31 For he was wyser then all men, yee then, Ethan the Ezrahite, and Heman, Chalcol, & Darda the sonnes of Mahol. And his name was spoken of thorowe out all nacyons on euery syde. 32 And Salomon spake thre thousand prouerbes. And his songes were a thousand and fyue. 33 And he spake of trees, euen from the Cedar tre that groweth in Libanon, vnto the Isope that spryngeth out of the wall. He spake also of beastes, of foules, of wormes, and of fysshes. 34 And there came of all nacyons to heare the wysdome of Salomon, and from all kynges of the earth, which had hearde of hys wysdome.
Geneva(i) 29 And God gaue Salomon wisdome and vnderstanding exceeding much, and a large heart, euen as the sand that is on the sea shore, 30 And Salomons wisdome excelled the wisedome of all the children of the East and all the wisedome of Egypt. 31 For he was wiser then any man: yea, then were Ethan the Ezrahite, the Heman, then Chalcol, then Darda the sonnes of Mahol: and he was famous throughout all nations round about. 32 And Salomon spake three thousand prouerbs: and his songs were a thousand and fiue. 33 And he spake of trees, from the cedar tree that is in Lebanon, euen vnto the hyssope that springeth out of the wall: he spake also of beasts, and of foules, and of creeping thinges, and of fishes. 34 And there came of all people to heare the wisedome of Salomon, from all Kings of the earth, which had heard of his wisedome.
Bishops(i) 29 And God gaue Solomon wysdome and vnderstanding exceeding much, and a large heart, euen as the sand that is on the sea shore 30 And Solomons wysdome excelled the wysedome of all the children of the east countrey, and al the wisdome of Egypt 31 For he was wiser then al men, yea then Ethan the Ezrahite, and Heman, Chalcol, and Darda the sonnes of Mahol: And his name was spoken of throughout all nations on euery syde 32 And Solomon spake three thousande prouerbes: And his songes were a thousande and fiue 33 And he spake of trees, euen from the Cedar tree that groweth in Libanon, vnto the Isope that springeth out of the wall: He spake also of beastes, of foules, of wormes, and of fishes 34 And there came of all nations to heare the wysdome of Solomon, and from all kinges of the earth, which had heard of his wysdome
DouayRheims(i) 29 And God gave to Solomon wisdom, and understanding exceeding much, and largeness of heart, as the sand that is on the sea shore. 30 And the wisdom of Solomon surpassed the wisdom of all the Orientals, and of the Egyptians; 31 And he was wiser than all men: wiser than Ethan, the Ezrahite, and Heman, and Chalcol, and Dorda, the sons of Mahol, and he was renowned in all nations round about. 32 Solomon also spoke three thousand parables: and his poems were a thousand and five. 33 And he treated about trees, from the cedar that is in Libanus, unto the hyssop that cometh out of the wall: and he discoursed of beasts, and of fowls, and of creeping things, and of fishes. 34 And they came from all nations to hear the wisdom of Solomon, and from all the kings of the earth, who heard of his wisdom.
KJV(i) 29 And God gave Solomon wisdom and understanding exceeding much, and largeness of heart, even as the sand that is on the sea shore. 30 And Solomon's wisdom excelled the wisdom of all the children of the east country, and all the wisdom of Egypt. 31 For he was wiser than all men; than Ethan the Ezrahite, and Heman, and Chalcol, and Darda, the sons of Mahol: and his fame was in all nations round about. 32 And he spake three thousand proverbs: and his songs were a thousand and five. 33 And he spake of trees, from the cedar tree that is in Lebanon even unto the hyssop that springeth out of the wall: he spake also of beasts, and of fowl, and of creeping things, and of fishes. 34 And there came of all people to hear the wisdom of Solomon, from all kings of the earth, which had heard of his wisdom.
KJV_Cambridge(i) 29 And God gave Solomon wisdom and understanding exceeding much, and largeness of heart, even as the sand that is on the sea shore. 30 And Solomon's wisdom excelled the wisdom of all the children of the east country, and all the wisdom of Egypt. 31 For he was wiser than all men; than Ethan the Ezrahite, and Heman, and Chalcol, and Darda, the sons of Mahol: and his fame was in all nations round about. 32 And he spake three thousand proverbs: and his songs were a thousand and five. 33 And he spake of trees, from the cedar tree that is in Lebanon even unto the hyssop that springeth out of the wall: he spake also of beasts, and of fowl, and of creeping things, and of fishes. 34 And there came of all people to hear the wisdom of Solomon, from all kings of the earth, which had heard of his wisdom.
  29 H430 And God H5414 gave [H8799]   H8010 Solomon H2451 wisdom H8394 and understanding H3966 exceeding H7235 much [H8687]   H7341 , and largeness H3820 of heart H2344 , even as the sand H3220 that is on the sea H8193 shore.
  30 H8010 And Solomon's H2451 wisdom H7235 excelled [H8799]   H2451 the wisdom H1121 of all the children H6924 of the east country H2451 , and all the wisdom H4714 of Egypt.
  31 H2449 For he was wiser [H8799]   H120 than all men H387 ; than Ethan H250 the Ezrahite H1968 , and Heman H3633 , and Chalcol H1862 , and Darda H1121 , the sons H4235 of Mahol H8034 : and his fame H1471 was in all nations H5439 round about.
  32 H1696 And he spake [H8762]   H7969 three H505 thousand H4912 proverbs H7892 : and his songs H505 were a thousand H2568 and five.
  33 H1696 And he spake [H8762]   H6086 of trees H730 , from the cedar tree H3844 that is in Lebanon H231 even unto the hyssop H3318 that springeth out [H8802]   H7023 of the wall H1696 : he spake [H8762]   H929 also of beasts H5775 , and of fowl H7431 , and of creeping things H1709 , and of fishes.
  34 H935 And there came [H8799]   H5971 of all people H8085 to hear [H8800]   H2451 the wisdom H8010 of Solomon H4428 , from all kings H776 of the earth H8085 , which had heard [H8804]   H2451 of his wisdom.
Thomson(i) 29 And the Lord gave Solomon understanding and very comprehensive knowledge; and the effusions of his heart were like the sand on the sea shore; 30 so that Solomon far excelled the wisdom of all the ancients and all the wise men of Egypt. 31 He gave specimens of wisdom beyond all men; far beyond Gaithan the Zarite, and Ainan, and Chelkad and Darala, the sons of Mal. 32 He uttered three thousand parables, and his odes were five thousand. 33 He spoke of trees from the cedar which is on Lebanon, to the hyssop which springeth out of the wall. He spoke also of cattle, and of fowls, and of reptiles, and of fishes. 34 And there came of all people to hear the wisdom of Solomon, and from all the kings of the earth who heard the fame thereof. And Solomon took to wife the daughter of Pharao, and brought her to the city of David until he built the house of the Lord, and his own house, and the wall of Jerusalem: and Pharao king of Egypt, came up and took Gazer, and burned it, and subdued the Chananites who dwelt in Mergab, and gave them as a portion to his daughter, Solomon's wife, and Solomon rebuilt Gazer.
Webster(i) 29 And God gave Solomon great wisdom and understanding, and largeness of heart, even as the sand that is on the sea-shore. 30 And Solomon's wisdom excelled the wisdom of all the children of the east country, and all the wisdom of Egypt. 31 For he was wiser than all men; than Ethan the Ezrahite, and Heman, and Chalcol, and Darda, the sons of Mahol: and his fame was in all the surrounding nations. 32 And he spoke three thousand proverbs: and his songs were a thousand and five. 33 And he spoke of trees, from the cedar tree that is in Lebanon even to the hyssop that springeth out of the wall: he spoke also of beasts, and of fowls, and of creeping animals, and of fishes. 34 And there came of all people to hear the wisdom of Solomon, from all kings of the earth, who had heard of his wisdom.
  29 H430 And God H5414 [H8799] gave H8010 Solomon H3966 H7235 [H8687] great H2451 wisdom H8394 and understanding H7341 , and largeness H3820 of heart H2344 , even as the sand H3220 that is on the sea H8193 shore.
  30 H8010 And Solomon's H2451 wisdom H7235 [H8799] excelled H2451 the wisdom H1121 of all the children H6924 of the east country H2451 , and all the wisdom H4714 of Egypt.
  31 H2449 [H8799] For he was wiser H120 than all men H387 ; than Ethan H250 the Ezrahite H1968 , and Heman H3633 , and Chalcol H1862 , and Darda H1121 , the sons H4235 of Mahol H8034 : and his fame H5439 was in all the surrounding H1471 nations.
  32 H1696 [H8762] And he spoke H7969 three H505 thousand H4912 proverbs H7892 : and his songs H505 were a thousand H2568 and five.
  33 H1696 [H8762] And he spoke H6086 of trees H730 , from the cedar tree H3844 that is in Lebanon H231 even to the hyssop H3318 [H8802] that springeth out H7023 of the wall H1696 [H8762] : he spoke H929 also of beasts H5775 , and of fowls H7431 , and of creeping things H1709 , and of fishes.
  34 H935 [H8799] And there came H5971 of all people H8085 [H8800] to hear H2451 the wisdom H8010 of Solomon H4428 , from all kings H776 of the earth H8085 [H8804] , who had heard H2451 of his wisdom.
Brenton(i) 29 And the Lord gave understanding to Solomon, and very much wisdom, and enlargement of heart, as the sand on the seashore. 30 And Solomon abounded greatly beyond the wisdom of all the ancients, and beyond all the wise men of Egypt. 31 And he was wiser than all other men: and he was wiser than Gaethan the Zarite, and than Aenan, and than Chalcad and Darala the son of Mal. 32 And Solomon spoke three thousand proverbs, and his songs were five thousand. 33 And he spoke of trees, from the cedar in Libanus even to the hyssop which comes out through the wall: he spoke also of cattle, and of birds, and of reptiles, and of fishes. 34 And all the nations came to hear the wisdom of Solomon, and ambassadors from all the kings of the earth, as many as heard of his wisdom. (4:34A) And Solomon took to himself the daughter of Pharao to wife, and brought her into the city of David until he had finished the house of the Lord, and his own house, and the wall of Jerusalem. (4:34B) Then went up Pharao the king of Egypt, and took Gazer, and burnt it and the Chananite dwelling in Mergab; and Pharao gave them as a dowry to his daughter the wife of Solomon: and Solomon rebuilt Gazer.
Brenton_Greek(i) 29 Καὶ ἔδωκε Κύριος φρόνησιν τω Σαλωμὼν καὶ σοφίαν πολλὴν σφόδρα καὶ χύμα καρδίας, ὡς ἡ ἄμμος ἡ παρὰ τὴν θάλασσαν. 30 Καὶ ἐπληθύνθη Σαλωμὼν σφόδρα ὑπὲρ τὴν φρόνησιν πάντων ἀρχαίων ἀνθρώπων, καὶ ὑπὲρ πάντας φρονίμους Αἰγύπτου. 31 Καὶ ἐσοφίσατο ὑπὲρ πάντας τοὺς ἀνθρώπους· καὶ ἐσοφίσατο ὑπὲρ Γαιθὰμ τὸν Ζαρίτην, καὶ τὸν Αἰμὰν, καὶ τὸν Χαλκὰδ καὶ Δαράδα υἱοὺς Μάλ. 32 Καὶ ἐλάλησε Σαλωμὼν τρισχιλίας παραβολὰς, καὶ ἦσαν ᾠδαι αὐτοῦ πεντακισχίλιαι 33 Καὶ ἐλάλησεν ὑπὲρ τῶν ξύλων ἀπὸ τῶς κέδρου τῆς ἐν τῷ Λιβάνω, καὶ ἕως τῆς ὑσσώπου τῆς ἐκπορευομένης διὰ τοῦ τοίχου· καὶ ἐλάλησε περὶ τῶν κτηνῶν καὶ περὶ τῶν πετεινῶν καὶ περὶ τῶν ερπετῶν καὶ περὶ τῶν ἰχθύων 34 Καὶ παρεγίνοντο πάντες οἱ λαοὶ ἀκοῦσαι τῆς σοφίας Σαλωμών· καὶ παρὰ πάντων τῶν βασιλέων τῆς γῆς, ὅσοι ἤκουον τῆς σοφίας αὐτοῦ·
Καὶ ἔλαβε Σαλωμὼν τὴν θυγατέρα Φαραὼ αὑτῷ εἰς γυωαῖκα, καὶ εἰσήγαγεν αὐτὴν εἰς τὴν πόλιν Δαυὶδ ἕως συντελέσαι αὐτὸν τὸν οἶκον Κυρίου, καὶ τὸν οἶκον ἑαυτοῦ, καὶ τὸ τεῖχος Ἱερουσαλήμ· τότε ἁνέβη φαραὼ βασιλεὺς Αἰγύπτου, καὶ προκατελάβετο τὴν Γαζὲρ, καὶ ἐνεπύρισεν αὐτὴν, καὶ τὸν Χανανίτην τὸν κατοικοῦντα ἐν Μεργάβ· καὶ ἔδωκεν αὐτὰς Φαραὼ ἀποστολὰς θυγατρὶ αὐτοῦ γυναικὶ Σαλωμών· καὶ Σαλωμὼν ᾠκοδόμησε τὴν Γαζέρ.
Leeser(i) 29 (5:9) And God gave unto Solomon wisdom and understanding exceedingly much, and largeness of heart, even as the sand that is on the sea-shore. 30 (5:10) And Solomon’s wisdom excelled the wisdom of all the children of the east country, and all the wisdom of Egypt. 31 (5:11) And he was wiser than all men; than Ethan the Ezrachite, and Heman, and Kalkol, and Darda’, the sons of Machol: and his name was spread among all the nations round about. 32 (5:12) And he spoke three thousand proverbs; and his songs were a thousand and five. 33 (5:13) And he spoke concerning the trees, from the cedar-tree that is on the Lebanon even unto the hyssop that springeth out of the wall; he spoke also concerning the beasts, and concerning the fowl, and concerning the creeping things, and concerning the fishes. 34 (5:14) And men came from all the people to hear the wisdom of Solomon, from all the kings of the earth, who had heard of his wisdom.
YLT(i) 29 And God giveth wisdom to Solomon, and understanding, very much, and breadth of heart, as the sand that is on the edge of the sea; 30 and the wisdom of Solomon is greater than the wisdom of any of the sons of the east, and than all the wisdom of Egypt; 31 and he is wiser than all men, than Ethan the Ezrahite, and Heman, and Chalcol, and Darda, sons of Mahol, and his name is in all the nations round about. 32 And he speaketh three thousand similes, and his songs are five, and the chief one; 33 and he speaketh concerning the trees, from the cedar that is in Lebanon, even unto the hyssop that is coming out in the wall, and he speaketh concerning the cattle, and concerning the fowl, and concerning the creeping things, and concerning the fishes, 34 and there come out of all the peoples to hear the wisdom of Solomon, from all kings of the earth who have heard of his wisdom.
JuliaSmith(i) 29 And God will give wisdom to Solomon, and understanding exceeding much, and breadth of heart as the sand which is upon the lip of the sea. 30 And the wisdom of Solomon will be multiplied above the wisdom of all the sons of the east, and above all the wisdom of Egypt 31 And he will be wise above all men; above Ethan the Ezrahite, and Heman and Chalcol and Darda, sons of Mahol: and his name will be in all the nations round about 32 And he will speak three thousand parables: and his songs will be five and a thousand. 33 And he will speak concerning the woods, from the cedar which is in Lebanon, even to the hyssop which went forth on the wall: and he will speak upon the cattle, and upon the birds, and upon the creeping things, and upon the fishes. 34 And there will come from all peoples to hear the wisdom of Solomon, from all the kings of the earth who heard his wisdom.
Darby(i) 29 And God gave Solomon wisdom and very great understanding and largeness of heart, even as the sand that is on the sea-shore. 30 And Solomon`s wisdom excelled the wisdom of all the sons of the east, and all the wisdom of Egypt. 31 For he was wiser than all men; than Ethan the Ezrahite, and Heman, and Calcol, and Darda, the sons of Mahol; and his fame was in all the nations round about. 32 And he spoke three thousand proverbs; and his songs were a thousand and five. 33 And he spoke of the trees, from the cedar-tree that is on Lebanon even to the hyssop that springs out of the wall; he spoke also of cattle, and of fowls, and of creeping things, and of fishes. 34 And there came of all peoples to hear the wisdom of Solomon, from all the kings of the earth who had heard of his wisdom.
ERV(i) 29 And God gave Solomon wisdom and understanding exceeding much, and largeness of heart, even as the sand that is on the sea shore. 30 And Solomon’s wisdom excelled the wisdom of all the children of the east, and all the wisdom of Egypt. 31 For he was wiser than all men; than Ethan the Ezrahite, and Heman, and Calcol, and Darda, the sons of Mahol: and his fame was in all the nations round about. 32 And he spake three thousand proverbs: and his songs were a thousand and five. 33 And he spake of trees, from the cedar that is in Lebanon even unto the hyssop that springeth out of the wall: he spake also of beasts, and of fowl, and of creeping things, and of fishes. 34 And there came of all peoples to hear the wisdom of Solomon, from all kings of the earth, which had heard of his wisdom.
ASV(i) 29 And God gave Solomon wisdom and understanding exceeding much, and largeness of heart, even as the sand that is on the sea-shore. 30 And Solomon's wisdom excelled the wisdom of all the children of the east, and all the wisdom of Egypt. 31 For he was wiser than all men; than Ethan the Ezrahite, and Heman, and Calcol, and Darda, the sons of Mahol: and his fame was in all the nations round about. 32 And he spake three thousand proverbs; and his songs were a thousand and five. 33 And he spake of trees, from the cedar that is in Lebanon even unto the hyssop that springeth out of the wall; he spake also of beasts, and of birds, and of creeping things, and of fishes. 34 And there came of all peoples to hear the wisdom of Solomon, from all kings of the earth, who had heard of his wisdom.
  29 H430 And God H5414 gave H8010 Solomon H2451 wisdom H8394 and understanding H3966 exceeding H7235 much, H7341 and largeness H3820 of heart, H2344 even as the sand H3220 that is on the H8193 sea-shore.
  30 H8010 And Solomon's H2451 wisdom H7235 excelled H2451 the wisdom H1121 of all the children H6924 of the east, H2451 and all the wisdom H4714 of Egypt.
  31 H2449 For he was wiser H120 than all men; H387 than Ethan H250 the Ezrahite, H1968 and Heman, H3633 and Calcol, H1862 and Darda, H1121 the sons H4235 of Mahol: H8034 and his fame H1471 was in all the nations H5439 round about.
  32 H1696 And he spake H7969 three H505 thousand H4912 proverbs; H7892 and his songs H505 were a thousand H2568 and five.
  33 H1696 And he spake H6086 of trees, H730 from the cedar H3844 that is in Lebanon H231 even unto the hyssop H3318 that springeth out H7023 of the wall; H1696 he spake H929 also of beasts, H5775 and of birds, H7431 and of creeping things, H1709 and of fishes.
  34 H935 And there came H5971 of all peoples H8085 to hear H2451 the wisdom H8010 of Solomon, H4428 from all kings H776 of the earth, H8085 who had heard H2451 of his wisdom.
JPS_ASV_Byz(i) 29 (5:9) And God gave Solomon wisdom and understanding exceeding much, and largeness of heart, even as the sand that is on the sea-shore. 30 (5:10) And Solomon's wisdom excelled the wisdom of all the children of the east, and all the wisdom of Egypt. 31 (5:11) For he was wiser than all men: than Ethan the Ezrahite, and Heman, and Calcol, and Darda, the sons of Mahol; and his fame was in all the nations round about. 32 (5:12) And he spoke three thousand proverbs; and his songs were a thousand and five. 33 (5:13) And he spoke of trees, from the cedar that is in Lebanon even unto the hyssop that springeth out of the wall; he spoke also of beasts, and of fowl, and of creeping things, and of fishes. 34 (5:14) And there came of all peoples to hear the wisdom of Solomon, from all kings of the earth, who had heard of his wisdom.
Rotherham(i) 29 And God gave wisdom unto Solomon, and discernment, and very great largeness of heart,––like the sand that is on the shore of the sea: 30 so that, the wisdom of Solomon, excelled, the wisdom of all the sons of the East,––and all the wisdom of the Egyptians, 31 so that he was wiser than any man––than Ethan the Ezrahite, and Heman and Calcol and Darda, sons of Mahol,––and it came to pass that, his name, was throughout all the nations round about. 32 And he spake three thousand proverbs,––and it came to pass that, his songs, were a thousand and five. 33 And he discoursed of trees––from the cedar that is in Lebanon, even unto the hyssop, that springeth out in the wall,––and he discoursed of beasts and of birds, and of creeping things, and of fishes. 34 And there came in, of all the peoples, to hear the wisdom of Solomon––of all the kings of the earth, who heard his wisdom.
CLV(i) 29 And Elohim gives wisdom to Solomon, and understanding, very much, and breadth of heart, as the sand that [is] on the edge of the sea;" 30 and the wisdom of Solomon is greater than the wisdom of any of the sons of the east, and than all the wisdom of Egypt;" 31 and he is wiser than all men, than Ethan the Ezrahite, and Heman, and Chalcol, and Darda, sons of Mahol, and his name is in all the nations round about. 32 And he speaks three thousand similes, and his songs [are] five, and the chief one;" 33 and he speaks concerning the trees, from the cedar that [is] in Lebanon, even unto the hyssop that is coming out in the wall, and he speaks concerning the cattle, and concerning the fowl, and concerning the creeping things, and concerning the fishes, 34 and there come out of all the peoples to hear the wisdom of Solomon, from all kings of the earth who have heard of his wisdom.
BBE(i) 29 And God gave Solomon a great store of wisdom and good sense, and a mind of wide range, as wide as the sand by the seaside. 30 And Solomon's wisdom was greater than the wisdom of all the people of the East and all the wisdom of Egypt. 31 For he was wiser than all men, even than Ethan the Ezrahite, and Heman and Calcol and Darda, the sons of Mahol; and he had a great name among all the nations round about. 32 He was the maker of three thousand wise sayings, and of songs to the number of a thousand and five. 33 He made sayings about all plants, from the cedar in Lebanon to the hyssop hanging on the wall; and about all beasts and birds and fishes and the small things of the earth. 34 People came from every nation to give ear to the wisdom of Solomon, from all the kings of the earth who had word of his wisdom.
MKJV(i) 29 And God gave Solomon exceeding great wisdom and understanding, and largeness of heart, even as the sand that is on the seashore. 30 And Solomon's wisdom was greater than the wisdom of all the sons of the east, and all the wisdom of Egypt. 31 For he was wiser than all men; than Ethan the Ezrahite, and Heman, and Chalcol, and Darda, the sons of Mahol. And his fame was in all nations all around. 32 And he spoke three thousand proverbs, and his songs were a thousand and five. 33 And he spoke of trees, from the cedar tree in Lebanon even to the hyssop that springs out of the wall. He spoke also of beasts and of birds, and of creeping things, and of fish. 34 And there came from all the people, to hear the wisdom of Solomon, from all the kings of the earth, who had heard of his wisdom.
LITV(i) 29 And God gave Solomon exceeding great wisdom and understanding, and largeness of heart, even as the sand that is on the lip of the sea. 30 And Solomon's wisdom was greater than the wisdom of all the sons of the east, and than all the wisdom of Egypt. 31 For he was wiser than all men; wiser than Ethan the Ezrahite, and Heman, and Chalcol, and Darda, the sons of Mahol. And his name was in all nations all around. 32 And he spoke three thousand proverbs, and his songs were a thousand and five. 33 And he spoke of trees, from the cedar tree in Lebanon, even to the hyssop that springs out of the wall. He spoke also of beasts and of birds, and of creeping things, and of fish. 34 And there came some from all the people to hear the wisdom of Solomon, from all the kings of the earth who had heard of his wisdom.
ECB(i) 29
And Elohim gives Shelomoh wisdom and discernment mightily abounding; and broadness of heart as the sand on lip of the sea: 30 and the wisdom of Shelomoh abounds above the wisdom of all the sons of the east land and all the wisdom of Misrayim: 31 and he enwisens above all humanity - of Ethan the Zerachiy and Heman and Kalkol and Darda the sons of Machol: and his fame is all around the goyim: 32 and he words three thousand proverbs and his songs a thousand and five: 33 he words of trees from the cedar tree in Lebanon even to the hyssop emerging from the wall: he words of animals and of flyers and of creepers and of fishes: 34 and from all people they come to hear the wisdom of Shelomoh - from all sovereigns of the earth, to hear of his wisdom.
ACV(i) 29 And God gave Solomon exceedingly much wisdom and understanding, and largeness of heart, even as the sand that is on the sea-shore. 30 And Solomon's wisdom excelled the wisdom of all the sons of the east, and all the wisdom of Egypt. 31 For he was wiser than all men: than Ethan the Ezrahite, and Heman, and Calcol, and Darda, the sons of Mahol. And his fame was in all the nations round about. 32 And he spoke three thousand proverbs, and his songs were a thousand and five. 33 And he spoke of trees, from the cedar that is in Lebanon even to the hyssop that springs out of the wall. He spoke also of beasts, and of birds, and of creeping things, and of fishes. 34 And there came of all peoples to hear the wisdom of Solomon, from all kings of the earth who had heard of his wisdom.
WEB(i) 29 God gave Solomon abundant wisdom and understanding, and very great understanding, even as the sand that is on the seashore. 30 Solomon’s wisdom excelled the wisdom of all the children of the east and all the wisdom of Egypt. 31 For he was wiser than all men; than Ethan the Ezrahite, Heman, Calcol, and Darda, the sons of Mahol: and his fame was in all the nations all around. 32 He spoke three thousand proverbs; and his songs numbered one thousand five. 33 He spoke of trees, from the cedar that is in Lebanon even to the hyssop that grows out of the wall; he also spoke of animals, of birds, of creeping things, and of fish. 34 People of all nations came to hear the wisdom of Solomon, sent by all kings of the earth, who had heard of his wisdom.
  29 H430 God H5414 gave H8010 Solomon H2451 wisdom H8394 and understanding H3966 exceeding H7235 much, H7341 and very great H3820 understanding, H2344 even as the sand H3220 that is on the H3220 seashore.
  30 H8010 Solomon's H2451 wisdom H7235 excelled H2451 the wisdom H1121 of all the children H6924 of the east, H2451 and all the wisdom H4714 of Egypt.
  31 H2449 For he was wiser H120 than all men; H387 than Ethan H250 the Ezrahite, H1968 and Heman, H3633 and Calcol, H1862 and Darda, H1121 the sons H4235 of Mahol: H8034 and his fame H1471 was in all the nations H5439 all around.
  32 H1696 He spoke H7969 three H505 thousand H4912 proverbs; H7892 and his songs H505 were one thousand H2568 five.
  33 H1696 He spoke H6086 of trees, H730 from the cedar H3844 that is in Lebanon H231 even to the hyssop H3318 that springs out H7023 of the wall; H1696 he spoke H929 also of animals, H5775 and of birds, H7431 and of creeping things, H1709 and of fish.
  34 H935 There came H5971 of all peoples H8085 to hear H2451 the wisdom H8010 of Solomon, H4428 from all kings H776 of the earth, H8085 who had heard H2451 of his wisdom.
NHEB(i) 29 God gave Solomon wisdom and exceptional insight, and very great understanding, even as the sand that is on the seashore. 30 Solomon's wisdom excelled the wisdom of all the people of the east, and all the wisdom of Egypt. 31 For he was wiser than all men; than Ethan the Ezrahite, and Heman, and Calcol, and Darda, the sons of Mahol: and his fame was in all the nations all around. 32 He spoke three thousand proverbs; and his songs were one thousand five. 33 He spoke of trees, from the cedar that is in Lebanon even to the hyssop that springs out of the wall; he spoke also of animals, and of birds, and of crawling creatures, and of fish. 34 There came of all peoples to hear the wisdom of Solomon, from all kings of the earth, who had heard of his wisdom.
AKJV(i) 29 And God gave Solomon wisdom and understanding exceeding much, and largeness of heart, even as the sand that is on the sea shore. 30 And Solomon's wisdom excelled the wisdom of all the children of the east country, and all the wisdom of Egypt. 31 For he was wiser than all men; than Ethan the Ezrahite, and Heman, and Chalcol, and Darda, the sons of Mahol: and his fame was in all nations round about. 32 And he spoke three thousand proverbs: and his songs were a thousand and five. 33 And he spoke of trees, from the cedar tree that is in Lebanon even to the hyssop that springs out of the wall: he spoke also of beasts, and of fowl, and of creeping things, and of fishes. 34 And there came of all people to hear the wisdom of Solomon, from all kings of the earth, which had heard of his wisdom.
  29 H430 And God H5414 gave H8010 Solomon H2451 wisdom H8394 and understanding H3966 exceeding H7235 much, H7341 and largeness H3820 of heart, H2344 even as the sand H5921 that is on H3220 the sea H8193 shore.
  30 H8010 And Solomon’s H2451 wisdom H7227 excelled H2451 the wisdom H3605 of all H1121 the children H6924 of the east H3605 country, and all H2451 the wisdom H4714 of Egypt.
  31 H2449 For he was wiser H3605 than all H120 men; H387 than Ethan H250 the Ezrahite, H1968 and Heman, H3633 and Chalcol, H1862 and Darda, H1121 the sons H4235 of Mahol: H8034 and his fame H3605 was in all H1471 nations H5439 round about.
  32 H1696 And he spoke H7969 three H505 thousand H4912 proverbs: H7892 and his songs H505 were a thousand H2568 and five.
  33 H1696 And he spoke H6086 of trees, H730 from the cedar H6086 tree H3844 that is in Lebanon H231 even to the hyssop H3318 that springs H7023 out of the wall: H1696 he spoke H929 also of beasts, H5775 and of fowl, H7431 and of creeping H1709 things, and of fishes.
  34 H935 And there came H3605 of all H5971 people H8085 to hear H2451 the wisdom H8010 of Solomon, H3605 from all H4428 kings H776 of the earth, H834 which H8085 had heard H2451 of his wisdom.
KJ2000(i) 29 And God gave Solomon wisdom and exceedingly great understanding, and largeness of heart, even as the sand that is on the seashore. 30 And Solomon’s wisdom excelled the wisdom of all the children of the east country, and all the wisdom of Egypt. 31 For he was wiser than all men; than Ethan the Ezrahite, and Heman, and Calcol, and Darda, the sons of Mahol: and his fame was in all nations round about. 32 And he spoke three thousand proverbs: and his songs were a thousand and five. 33 And he spoke of trees, from the cedar tree that is in Lebanon even unto the hyssop that springs out of the wall: he spoke also of beasts, and of fowl, and of creeping things, and of fishes. 34 And there came of all people to hear the wisdom of Solomon, from all kings of the earth, who had heard of his wisdom.
UKJV(i) 29 And God gave Solomon wisdom and understanding exceeding much, and largeness of heart, even as the sand that is on the sea shore. 30 And Solomon's wisdom excelled the wisdom of all the children of the east country, and all the wisdom of Egypt. 31 For he was wiser than all men; than Ethan the Ezrahite, and Heman, and Chalcol, and Darda, the sons of Mahol: and his fame was in all nations round about. 32 And he spoke three thousand proverbs: and his songs were a thousand and five. 33 And he spoke of trees, from the cedar tree that is in Lebanon even unto the hyssop that springs out of the wall: he spoke also of beasts, and of fowl, and of creeping things, and of fishes. 34 And there came of all people to hear the wisdom of Solomon, from all kings of the earth, which had heard of his wisdom.
  29 H430 And God H5414 gave H8010 Solomon H2451 wisdom H8394 and understanding H3966 exceedingly H7235 much, H7341 and largeness H3820 of heart, H2344 even as the sand H3220 that is on the sea H8193 shore.
  30 H8010 And Solomon's H2451 wisdom H7235 excelled H2451 the wisdom H1121 of all the sons H6924 of the east country, H2451 and all the wisdom H4714 of Egypt.
  31 H2449 For he was wiser H120 than all men; H387 than Ethan H250 the Ezrahite, H1968 and Heman, H3633 and Chalcol, H1862 and Darda, H1121 the sons H4235 of Mahol: H8034 and his fame H1471 was in all nations H5439 round about.
  32 H1696 And he spoke H7969 three H505 thousand H4912 proverbs: H7892 and his songs H505 were a thousand H2568 and five.
  33 H1696 And he spoke H6086 of trees, H730 from the cedar tree H3844 that is in Lebanon H231 even unto the hyssop H3318 that springs out H7023 of the wall: H1696 he spoke H929 also of animals, H5775 and of bird, H7431 and of creeping things, H1709 and of fish.
  34 H935 And there came H5971 of all people H8085 to hear H2451 the wisdom H8010 of Solomon, H4428 from all kings H776 of the earth, H8085 which had heard H2451 of his wisdom.
EJ2000(i) 29 ¶ And God gave Solomon exceedingly great wisdom and intelligence and magnanimity of heart, even as the sand that is on the sea shore. 30 And Solomon’s wisdom excelled the wisdom of all the sons of the east and all the wisdom of the Egyptians. 31 For he was wiser than all men, than Ethan, the Ezrahite, and Heman and Chalcol and Darda, the sons of Mahol; and he was named in all nations round about. 32 And he spoke three thousand proverbs: and his songs were a thousand and five. 33 And he spoke of trees, from the cedar tree that is in Lebanon even unto the hyssop that springs out of the wall. He also spoke of animals and of fowl and of serpents and of fishes. 34 And they came from all peoples to hear the wisdom of Solomon, from all kings of the earth, who had heard of his wisdom.
CAB(i) 29 And the Lord gave understanding to Solomon, and very much wisdom, and enlargement of heart, as the sand on the seashore. 30 And Solomon abounded greatly beyond the wisdom of all the ancients, and beyond all the wise men of Egypt. 31 And he was wiser than all other men; and he was wiser than Ethan the Ezrahrite, and than Heman, and than Chalcol and Darda the son of Mahol. 32 And Solomon spoke three thousand proverbs, and his songs were five thousand. 33 And he spoke of trees, from the cedar in Lebanon even to the hyssop which comes out through the wall: he spoke also of cattle, and of birds, and of reptiles, and of fish. 34 And all the nations came to hear the wisdom of Solomon, and ambassadors from all the kings of the earth, as many as heard of his wisdom. And Solomon took to himself the daughter of Pharaoh as wife, and brought her into the City of David until he had finished the house of the Lord, and his own house, and the wall of Jerusalem. Then he went up to Pharaoh the king of Egypt, and took Gazer, and burnt it and the Canaanite dwelling in Mergab; and Pharaoh gave them as a dowry to his daughter the wife of Solomon; and Solomon rebuilt Gazer.
LXX2012(i) 29 And the Lord gave understanding to Solomon, and very much wisdom, and enlargement of heart, as the sand on the seashore. 30 And Solomon abounded greatly beyond the wisdom of all the ancients, and beyond all the wise men of Egypt. 31 And he was wiser than all [other] men: and he was wiser than Gaethan the Zarite, and [than] Aenan, and [than] Chalcad and Darala the son of Mal. 32 And Solomon spoke three thousand proverbs, and his songs were five thousand. 33 And he spoke of trees, from the cedar in Libanus even to the hyssop which comes out through the wall: he spoke also of cattle, and of birds, and of reptiles, and of fishes. 34 And all the nations came to hear the wisdom of Solomon, and [ambassadors] from all the kings of the earth, as many as heard of his wisdom. And Solomon took to himself the daughter of Pharao to wife, and brought her into the city of David until he had finished the house of the Lord, and his own house, and the wall of Jerusalem. Then went up Pharao the king of Egypt, and took Gazer, and burnt it and the Chananite dwelling in Mergab; and Pharao gave them as a dowry to his daughter the wife of Solomon: and Solomon rebuilt Gazer.
NSB(i) 29 God gave Solomon great wisdom and insight, and knowledge too great to be measured. 30 Solomon was wiser than the wise men of the East or the wise men of Egypt. 31 He was the wisest of all men. He was wiser than Ethan the Ezrahite, and Heman, Calcol, and Darda, and the sons of Mahol. His fame spread throughout all the neighboring countries. 32 He wrote three thousand proverbs and more than a thousand songs. 33 He spoke of trees and plants, from the Lebanon cedars to the hyssop that grows on walls. He talked about animals, birds, reptiles, and fish. 34 Kings all over the world heard of his wisdom and sent people to listen to the Wisdom of Solomon.
ISV(i) 29 Solomon’s FameGod gave Solomon wisdom and great discernment. His insights were as numerous as sand on the seashore. 30 Solomon was wiser than any of the eastern leaders and wiser than anyone in Egypt. 31 He was wiser than anyone of his day—wiser than Ethan the Ezrahite, Heman, and wiser than Mahol’s sons Calcol and Darda.
His reputation was known throughout the surrounding nations. 32 Solomon wrote 3,000 proverbs and 1,005 songs. 33 He described trees—everything from cedars that grow in Lebanon to hyssop that grows on a garden wall. He described animals, birds, reptiles, and fish. 34 People came from everywhere to hear Solomon’s advice. Every king on the earth heard of his wisdom.
LEB(i) 29 God gave wisdom to Solomon and very great discernment, as well as breadth of understanding,* as the sand which is on the edge of the seashore. 30 The wisdom of Solomon was greater than the wisdom of all the people* of the east and more than all the wisdom of Egypt. 31 He was wiser than all the men: Ethan the Ezrahite; Heman, Calcol, and Darda the children of Mahol; and he was very well known.* 32 He spoke three thousand proverbs, and his songs were one thousand and five. 33 He spoke concerning the trees, from the cedar which is in Lebanon up to the hyssop which grows on the wall; he also spoke concerning the animals, concerning the birds, concerning the creeping things, and concerning the fish. 34 They came from all the nations to hear the wisdom of Solomon; from all the kings of the earth who had heard of his wisdom.
BSB(i) 29 And God gave Solomon wisdom, exceedingly deep insight, and understanding beyond measure, like the sand on the seashore. 30 Solomon’s wisdom was greater than that of all the men of the East, greater than all the wisdom of Egypt. 31 He was wiser than all men—wiser than Ethan the Ezrahite, and wiser than Heman, Calcol, and Darda, the sons of Mahol. And his fame spread throughout the surrounding nations. 32 Solomon composed three thousand proverbs, and his songs numbered a thousand and five. 33 He spoke of trees, from the cedar in Lebanon to the hyssop growing in the wall, and he taught about animals, birds, reptiles, and fish. 34 So men of all nations came to listen to Solomon’s wisdom, sent by all the kings of the earth, who had heard of his wisdom.
MSB(i) 29 And God gave Solomon wisdom, exceedingly deep insight, and understanding beyond measure, like the sand on the seashore. 30 Solomon’s wisdom was greater than that of all the men of the East, greater than all the wisdom of Egypt. 31 He was wiser than all men—wiser than Ethan the Ezrahite, and wiser than Heman, Calcol, and Darda, the sons of Mahol. And his fame spread throughout the surrounding nations. 32 Solomon composed three thousand proverbs, and his songs numbered a thousand and five. 33 He spoke of trees, from the cedar in Lebanon to the hyssop growing in the wall, and he taught about animals, birds, reptiles, and fish. 34 So men of all nations came to listen to Solomon’s wisdom, sent by all the kings of the earth, who had heard of his wisdom.
MLV(i) 29 And God gave Solomon exceedingly much wisdom and understanding and largeness of heart, even as the sand that is on the sea-shore. 30 And Solomon's wisdom excelled the wisdom of all the sons of the east and all the wisdom of Egypt. 31 For he was wiser than all men: than Ethan the Ezrahite and Heman and Calcol and Darda, the sons of Mahol. And his fame was in all the nations all around.
32 And he spoke three thousand proverbs and his songs were a thousand and five. 33 And he spoke of trees, from the cedar that is in Lebanon even to the hyssop that springs out of the wall. He spoke also of beasts and of birds and of creeping things and of fishes.
34 And there came of all peoples to hear the wisdom of Solomon, from all kings of the earth who had heard of his wisdom.

VIN(i) 29 God gave Solomon wisdom and exceptional insight, and very great understanding, even as the sand that is on the seashore. 30 And Solomon's wisdom was greater than the wisdom of all the sons of the east, and than all the wisdom of Egypt. 31 For he was wiser than all men; than Ethan the Ezrahite, and Heman, and Chalcol, and Darda, the sons of Mahol: and his fame was in all the surrounding nations. 32 He spoke three thousand proverbs; and his songs numbered one thousand five. 33 He spoke of trees and plants, from the Lebanon cedars to the hyssop that grows on walls. He talked about animals, birds, reptiles, and fish. 34 People of all nations came to hear the wisdom of Solomon, sent by all kings of the earth, who had heard of his wisdom.
Luther1545(i) 29 Und Gott gab Salomo sehr große Weisheit und Verstand und getrost Herz wie Sand, der am Ufer des Meeres liegt, 30 daß die Weisheit Salomos größer war denn aller Kinder gegen Morgen und aller Ägypter Weisheit. 31 Und war weiser denn alle Menschen, auch weiser denn die Dichter, Ethan, der Esrahiter, Heman, Chalkol und Darda; und war berühmt unter allen Heiden umher. 32 Und er redete dreitausend Sprüche, und seiner Lieder waren tausend und fünf. 33 Und er redete von Bäumen, von der Zeder an zu Libanon bis an den Ysop, der aus der Wand wächst. Auch redete er von Vieh, von Vögeln, von Gewürm, von Fischen. 34 Und es kamen aus allen Völkern, zu hören die Weisheit Salomos, von allen Königen auf Erden, die von seiner Weisheit gehöret hatten.
ELB1871(i) 29 Und Gott gab Salomo Weisheit und sehr große Einsicht, und Weite des Herzens, wie der Sand, der am Ufer des Meeres ist. 30 Und die Weisheit Salomos war größer als die Weisheit aller Söhne des Ostens und als alle Weisheit Ägyptens. 31 Und er war weiser als alle Menschen, als Ethan, der Esrachiter, und Heman und Kalkol und Darda, die Söhne Machols. Und sein Name war unter allen Nationen ringsum. 32 Und er redete dreitausend Sprüche, und seiner Lieder waren 1005. 33 Und er redete über die Bäume, von der Ceder, die auf dem Libanon ist, bis zum Ysop, der an der Mauer herauswächst; und er redete über das Vieh und über die Vögel und über das Gewürm und über die Fische. 34 Und man kam aus allen Völkern, um die Weisheit Salomos zu hören, von allen Königen der Erde her, die von seiner Weisheit gehört hatten.
DSV(i) 29 En God gaf Salomo wijsheid en zeer veel verstand, en een wijd begrip des harten, gelijk zand, dat aan den oever der zee is. 30 En de wijsheid van Salomo was groter dan de wijsheid van al die van het oosten, en dan alle wijsheid der Egyptenaren; 31 Ja, hij was wijzer dan alle mensen; dan Ethan, de Ezrahiet, en Heman, en Chalcol, en Darda, de zonen van Mahol; en zijn naam was onder alle heidenen rondom. 32 En hij sprak drie duizend spreuken; daartoe waren zijn liederen duizend en vijf. 33 Hij sprak ook van de bomen, van den cederboom af, die op den Libanon is, tot op den hysop, die aan den wand uitwast; hij sprak ook van het vee, en van het gevogelte, en van de kruipende dieren, en van de vissen. 34 En van alle volken kwamen er, om de wijsheid van Salomo te horen, van alle koningen der aarde, die van zijn wijsheid gehoord hadden.
  29 H430 En God H5414 H8799 gaf H8010 Salomo H2451 wijsheid H3966 en zeer H7235 H8687 veel H8394 verstand H3820 , en een wijd begrip des harten H2344 , gelijk zand H834 , dat H5921 aan H8193 den oever H3220 der zee is.
  30 H2451 En de wijsheid H8010 van Salomo H7235 H8799 was groter H4480 dan H2451 de wijsheid H3605 van al H1121 die H6924 van het oosten H4480 , en dan H3605 alle H2451 wijsheid H4714 der Egyptenaren;
  31 H2449 H8799 Ja, hij was wijzer H4480 dan H3605 alle H120 mensen H4480 ; dan H387 Ethan H250 , de Ezrahiet H1968 , en Heman H3633 , en Chalcol H1862 , en Darda H1121 , de zonen H4235 van Mahol H8034 ; en zijn naam H1961 H8799 was H3605 onder alle H1471 heidenen H5439 rondom.
  32 H1696 H8762 En hij sprak H7969 drie H505 duizend H4912 spreuken H1961 H8799 ; daartoe waren H7892 zijn liederen H505 duizend H2568 en vijf.
  33 H1696 H8762 Hij sprak H5921 ook van H6086 de bomen H4480 , van H730 den cederboom H834 af, die H3844 op den Libanon H5704 is, tot op H231 den hysop H834 , die H7023 aan den wand H3318 H8802 uitwast H1696 H8762 ; hij sprak H5921 ook van H929 het vee H5921 , en van H5775 het gevogelte H5921 , en van H7431 de kruipende H5921 [dieren], en van H1709 de vissen.
  34 H4480 En van H3605 alle H5971 volken H935 H8799 kwamen er H2451 , om de wijsheid H8010 van Salomo H8085 H8800 te horen H4480 , van H3605 alle H4428 koningen H776 der aarde H834 , die H2451 van zijn wijsheid H8085 H8804 gehoord hadden.
Giguet(i) 29 ¶ Et le Seigneur avait doué Salomon d’une grande intelligence, d’une grande sagesse, et d’une richesse de coeur abondante comme le sable du rivage de la mer. 30 La sagesse de Salomon s’accrut et surpassa celle des anciens, celle de tous les sages de l’Égypte. 31 Et il était le plus sage des hommes; il était plus sage que Géthan le Zarite, qu’Enan, que Chalcad et que Darala, fils de Mahol. 32 Et il dit trois mille proverbes et cinq mille cantiques. 33 Et il disserta sur tous les arbres, depuis le cèdre du Liban jusqu’à l’hysope qui sort des murailles; il parla de tous les quadrupèdes, de tous les oiseaux, de tous les reptiles et de tous les poissons. 34 Et tous les peuples venaient pour entendre la sagesse de Salomon; et combien y eut-il de rois de la terre qui vinrent entendre la sagesse de Salomon! Et Salomon avait épousé la fille du Pharaon d’Égypte; il l’avait amenée dans la ville de David, en attendant qu’il eût achevé le temple du Seigneur, ainsi que son propre palais et les remparts de Jérusalem. Alors, le Pharaon vint d’Égypte; il prit Gazer et il la livra aux flammes; il extermina le Chananéen qui habitait Mergab, et il donna ces conquêtes à sa fille, femme de Salomon, et Salomon rebâtit Gazer.
DarbyFR(i) 29
Et Dieu donna à Salomon de la sagesse et une très-grande intelligence, et un coeur large comme le sable qui est sur le bord de la mer. 30 Et la sagesse de Salomon était plus grande que la sagesse de tous les fils de l'orient et toute la sagesse de l'Égypte. 31 Et il était plus sage qu'aucun homme, plus qu'Éthan, l'Ezrakhite, et qu'Héman, et Calcol, et Darda, les fils de Makhol. Et sa renommée était répandue parmi toutes les nations, à l'entour. 32 Et il proféra trois mille proverbes, et ses cantiques furent au nombre de mille et cinq. 33 Et il parla sur les arbres, depuis le cèdre qui est sur le Liban, jusqu'à l'hysope qui sort du mur; et il parla sur les bêtes, et sur les oiseaux, et sur les reptiles, et sur les poissons. 34 Et de tous les peuples on venait pour entendre la sagesse de Salomon, de la part de tous les rois de la terre qui avaient entendu parler de sa sagesse.
Martin(i) 29 Et Dieu donna de la sagesse à Salomon; et une fort grande intelligence, et une étendue d'esprit aussi grande que celle du sable qui est sur le bord de la mer. 30 Et la sagesse de Salomon était plus grande que la sagesse de tous les Orientaux, et que toute la sagesse des Egyptiens. 31 Il était même plus sage que quelque homme que ce fût, plus qu'Ethan Ezrahite, qu'Héman, que Calcol, et que Dardah, les fils de Mahol; et sa réputation se répandit dans toutes les nations d'alentour. 32 Il prononça trois mille paraboles, et fit cinq mille cantiques. 33 Il a aussi parlé des arbres, depuis le cèdre qui est au Liban, jusqu'à l'hysope qui sort de la muraille; il a aussi parlé des bêtes, des oiseaux, des reptiles, et des poissons. 34 Et il venait des gens d'entre tous les peuples pour entendre la sagesse de Salomon; et de la part de tous les Rois de la terre qui avaient entendu parler de sa sagesse.
Segond(i) 29 Dieu donna à Salomon de la sagesse, une très grande intelligence, et des connaissances multipliées comme le sable qui est au bord de la mer. 30 La sagesse de Salomon surpassait la sagesse de tous les fils de l'Orient et toute la sagesse des Egyptiens. 31 Il était plus sage qu'aucun homme, plus qu'Ethan, l'Ezrachite, plus qu'Héman, Calcol et Darda, les fils de Machol; et sa renommée était répandue parmi toutes les nations d'alentour. 32 Il a prononcé trois mille sentences, et composé mille cinq cantiques. 33 Il a parlé sur les arbres, depuis le cèdre du Liban jusqu'à l'hysope qui sort de la muraille; il a aussi parlé sur les animaux, sur les oiseaux, sur les reptiles et sur les poissons. 34 Il venait des gens de tous les peuples pour entendre la sagesse de Salomon, de la part de tous les rois de la terre qui avaient entendu parler de sa sagesse.
  29 H430 ¶ Dieu H5414 donna H8799   H8010 à Salomon H2451 de la sagesse H7235 , une très H8687   H3966 grande H8394 intelligence H3820 , et des connaissances H7341 multipliées H2344 comme le sable H8193 qui est au bord H3220 de la mer.
  30 H2451 La sagesse H8010 de Salomon H7235 surpassait H8799   H2451 la sagesse H1121 de tous les fils H6924 de l’Orient H2451 et toute la sagesse H4714 des Egyptiens.
  31 H2449 Il était plus sage H8799   H120 qu’aucun homme H387 , plus qu’Ethan H250 , l’Ezrachite H1968 , plus qu’Héman H3633 , Calcol H1862 et Darda H1121 , les fils H4235 de Machol H8034  ; et sa renommée H1471 était répandue parmi toutes les nations H5439 d’alentour.
  32 H1696 Il a prononcé H8762   H7969 trois H505 mille H4912 sentences H505 , et composé mille H2568 cinq H7892 cantiques.
  33 H1696 Il a parlé H8762   H6086 sur les arbres H730 , depuis le cèdre H3844 du Liban H231 jusqu’à l’hysope H3318 qui sort H8802   H7023 de la muraille H1696  ; il a aussi parlé H8762   H929 sur les animaux H5775 , sur les oiseaux H7431 , sur les reptiles H1709 et sur les poissons.
  34 H935 Il venait H8799   H5971 des gens de tous les peuples H8085 pour entendre H8800   H2451 la sagesse H8010 de Salomon H4428 , de la part de tous les rois H776 de la terre H8085 qui avaient entendu parler H8804   H2451 de sa sagesse.
SE(i) 29 Y dio Dios a Salomón sabiduría, y prudencia muy grande, y magnanimidad de corazón, como la arena que está a la orilla del mar. 30 Que fue mayor la sabiduría de Salomón que la de todos los orientales, y que toda la sabiduría de los egipcios. 31 Y aun fue más sabio que todos los hombres; más que Etán ezraíta, y que Hemán y Calcol y Darda, hijos de Mahol; y fue nombrado entre todas las naciones de alrededor. 32 Y propuso tres mil parábolas; y sus versos fueron cinco mil. 33 También disertó de los árboles, desde el cedro del Líbano hasta el hisopo que nace en la pared. Asimismo disertó de los animales, de las aves, de las serpientes, y de los peces. 34 Y venían de todos los pueblos a oír la sabiduría de Salomón, y de todos los reyes de la tierra, donde había llegado la fama de su sabiduría.
ReinaValera(i) 29 Y dió Dios á Salomón sabiduría, y prudencia muy grande, y anchura de corazón como la arena que está á la orilla del mar. 30 Que fué mayor la sabiduría de Salomón que la de todos los orientales, y que toda la sabiduría de los Egipcios. 31 Y aun fué más sabio que todos los hombres; más que Ethán Ezrahita, y que Emán y Calchôl y Darda, hijos de Mahol: y fué nombrado entre todas las naciones de alrededor. 32 Y propuso tres mil parábolas; y sus versos fueron mil y cinco. 33 También disertó de los árboles, desde el cedro del Líbano hasta el hisopo que nace en la pared. Asimismo disertó de los animales, de las aves, de los reptiles, y de los peces. 34 Y venían de todos los pueblos á oir la sabiduría de Salomón, y de todos los reyes de la tierra, donde había llegado la fama de su sabiduría.
JBS(i) 29 Y dio Dios a Salomón sabiduría, e inteligencia muy grande, y magnanimidad de corazón, como la arena que está a la orilla del mar. 30 Que fue mayor la sabiduría de Salomón que la de todos los hijos del oriente, y que toda la sabiduría de los egipcios. 31 Y aun fue más sabio que todos los hombres; más que Etán, el ezraíta, y que Hemán, Calcol y Darda, hijos de Mahol; y fue nombrado entre todas las naciones de alrededor. 32 Y propuso tres mil proverbios; y sus canciones fueron mil cinco. 33 También disertó de los árboles, desde el cedro del Líbano hasta el hisopo que nace en la pared. Asimismo disertó de los animales, de las aves, de las serpientes, y de los peces. 34 Y venían de todos los pueblos a oír la sabiduría de Salomón, y de todos los reyes de la tierra, donde había llegado la fama de su sabiduría.
Albanian(i) 29 Perëndia i dha Salomonit dituri, zgjuarsi të madhe dhe një mëndje të hollë si rëra që është në bregun e detit. 30 Dhe dituria e Salomonit ia kaloi diturisë të të gjithë bijve të Lindjes dhe tërë diturisë të Egjiptasve. 31 Ai ishte më i ditur se çdo njeri tjetër: më tepër se Ezrahiti Ethan; më tepër se Hemani, se Kakoli dhe se Darda, bijtë e Maholit; dhe fama e tij u përhap në të gjitha kombet e afërta. 32 Shqiptoi tre mijë proverba dhe kantikët e tij qenë një mijë e pesëqind. 33 Foli edhe për drurët, nga kedri i Libanit deri në isopin që mbin nga muri; foli gjithashtu për kafshët, për zogjtë, për rrëshqanorët dhe për peshqit. 34 Nga të gjithë popujt vinin njerëz për të dëgjuar diturinë e Salomonit; ata ishin të dërguar nga tërë mbretërit e dheut që kishin dëgjuar të flitej për diturinë e tij.
RST(i) 29 И дал Бог Соломону мудрость и весьма великий разум, и обширный ум, как песок на берегу моря. 30 И была мудрость Соломона выше мудрости всех сыноввостока и всей мудрости Египтян. 31 Он был мудрее всех людей, мудрее и Ефана Езрахитянина, и Емана, и Халкола, и Дарды, сыновей Махола, и имя его было в славе у всех окрестных народов. 32 И изрек он три тысячи притчей, и песней его было тысяча и пять; 33 и говорил он о деревах, от кедра, что в Ливане, до иссопа, вырастающего из стены; говорил и о животных, и о птицах, и о пресмыкающихся, и о рыбах. 34 И приходили от всех народов послушать мудрости Соломона, от всех царей земных, которые слышали о мудрости его.
Arabic(i) 29 واعطى الله سليمان حكمة وفهما كثيرا جدا ورحبة قلب كالرمل الذي على شاطئ البحر. 30 وفاقت حكمة سليمان حكمة جميع بني المشرق وكل حكمة مصر. 31 وكان احكم من جميع الناس من ايثان الازراحي وهيمان وكلكول ودردع بني ماحول. وكان صيته في جميع الامم حواليه. 32 وتكلم بثلاثة آلاف مثل. وكانت نشائده الفا وخمسا. 33 وتكلم عن الاشجار من الارز الذي في لبنان الى الزوفا النابت في الحائط. وتكلم عن البهائم وعن الطير وعن الدبيب وعن السمك. 34 وكانوا يأتون من جميع الشعوب ليسمعوا حكمة سليمان من جميع ملوك الارض الذين سمعوا بحكمته
Bulgarian(i) 29 И Бог даде на Соломон мъдрост и изключително голям разум, и широта на сърцето като пясъка на морския бряг. 30 И мъдростта на Соломон надмина мъдростта на всичките източни жители и цялата египетска мъдрост. 31 И той беше по-мъдър от всички хора — от езраеца Етан и от Еман, и от Халкол, и от Дарда, синовете на Маол; и името му беше известно сред всичките околни народи. 32 Той изрече три хиляди притчи, а песните му бяха хиляда и пет. 33 Той говори и за дърветата — от ливанския кедър чак до исопа, който никне по стената; говори и за животните, за птиците, за влечугите и за рибите. 34 И от всички народи идваха да чуят мъдростта на Соломон, от всички царе на света, които бяха чули за неговата мъдрост.
BKR(i) 29 Nadto dal Bůh moudrost Šalomounovi a prozřetelnost velikou náramně, a širokost mysli, jako jest písku na břehu mořském. 30 Nebo větší byla moudrost Šalomounova, než moudrost všech národů východních, a než všeliká moudrost Egyptských. 31 Nýbrž moudřejší byl nad všecky lidi, až i nad Etana Ezrachitského, též nad Hémana, a Kalkole i Darda, syny Máchol, a rozneslo se jméno jeho po všech národech vůkol. 32 Složil také tři tisíce přísloví, a písniček jeho bylo tisíc a pět. 33 Vypsal též i o stromích, počna od cedru, kterýž jest na Libánu, až do mchu, kterýž roste na zdi; psal i o hovadech a o ptácích, a zeměplazích a o rybách. 34 Protož přicházeli ze všech národů poslouchati moudrosti Šalomounovy, i ode všech králů země, kteříž slyšeli o moudrosti jeho.
Danish(i) 29 Gud gav Salomo Visdom og saare megen Indsigt og en omfattende Forstand, som Sand, der er ved Havets Bred. 30 Og Salomos Visdom var større en alle Østerlændernes Visdom og end alle Ægypternes Visdom. 31 Og han var visere end alle Mennesker, end Esrahiteren Ethan, og Heman og Kalkol og Darda, Mahols Sønner, og hans Navn var berømt hos alle Hedninger trindt omkring. 32 Og han fremsatte tre Tusinde Ordsprog, og hans Sange vare Tusinde og fem. 33 Og han talede om Træerne fra Cederen, som er paa Libanon, og indtil Isopen, som vokser ud af Væggen; og han talede om Dyrene og om Fuglene og om krybende Dyr og om Fiskene. 34 Og man kom fra alle Folk for at høre Salomos Visdom, fra alle Konger paa Jorden, som havde hørt om hans Visdom.
CUV(i) 29 神 賜 給 所 羅 門 極 大 的 智 慧 聰 明 和 廣 大 的 心 , 如 同 海 沙 不 可 測 量 。 30 所 羅 門 的 智 慧 超 過 東 方 人 和 埃 及 人 的 一 切 智 慧 。 31 他 的 智 慧 勝 過 萬 人 , 勝 過 以 斯 拉 人 以 探 , 並 瑪 曷 的 兒 子 希 幔 、 甲 各 、 達 大 的 智 慧 。 他 的 名 聲 傳 揚 在 四 圍 的 列 國 。 32 他 作 箴 言 三 千 句 , 詩 歌 一 千 零 五 首 。 33 他 講 論 草 木 , 自 利 巴 嫩 的 香 柏 樹 直 到 牆 上 長 的 牛 膝 草 , 又 講 論 飛 禽 走 獸 、 昆 蟲 水 族 。 34 天 下 列 王 聽 見 所 羅 門 的 智 慧 , 就 都 差 人 來 聽 他 的 智 慧 話 。
  29 H430 H5414 賜給 H8010 所羅門 H3966 H7235 H2451 的智慧 H8394 聰明 H7341 和廣大 H3820 的心 H3220 ,如同海 H2344 沙不可測量。
  30 H8010 所羅門 H2451 的智慧 H7235 超過 H6924 東方 H1121 H4714 和埃及人 H2451 的一切智慧。
  31 H2449 他的智慧 H120 勝過萬人 H250 ,勝過以斯拉人 H387 以探 H4235 ,並瑪曷 H1121 的兒子 H1968 希幔 H3633 、甲各 H1862 、達大 H8034 的智慧。他的名聲 H5439 傳揚在四圍 H1471 的列國。
  32 H1696 他作 H4912 箴言 H7969 H505 H7892 句,詩歌 H505 一千 H2568 零五首。
  33 H1696 他講論 H6086 草木 H3844 ,自利巴嫩 H730 的香柏樹 H7023 直到牆 H231 上長的牛膝草 H1696 ,又講論 H5775 飛禽 H929 走獸 H7431 、昆蟲 H1709 水族。
  34 H776 天下 H4428 列王 H8085 聽見 H8010 所羅門 H2451 的智慧 H5971 ,就都差人 H935 H8085 H2451 他的智慧話。
CUVS(i) 29 神 赐 给 所 罗 门 极 大 的 智 慧 聪 明 和 广 大 的 心 , 如 同 海 沙 不 可 测 量 。 30 所 罗 门 的 智 慧 超 过 东 方 人 和 埃 及 人 的 一 切 智 慧 。 31 他 的 智 慧 胜 过 万 人 , 胜 过 以 斯 拉 人 以 探 , 并 玛 曷 的 儿 子 希 幔 、 甲 各 、 达 大 的 智 慧 。 他 的 名 声 传 扬 在 四 围 的 列 国 。 32 他 作 箴 言 叁 千 句 , 诗 歌 一 千 零 五 首 。 33 他 讲 论 草 木 , 自 利 巴 嫩 的 香 柏 树 直 到 墙 上 长 的 牛 膝 草 , 又 讲 论 飞 禽 走 兽 、 昆 虫 水 族 。 34 天 下 列 王 听 见 所 罗 门 的 智 慧 , 就 都 差 人 来 听 他 的 智 慧 话 。
  29 H430 H5414 赐给 H8010 所罗门 H3966 H7235 H2451 的智慧 H8394 聪明 H7341 和广大 H3820 的心 H3220 ,如同海 H2344 沙不可测量。
  30 H8010 所罗门 H2451 的智慧 H7235 超过 H6924 东方 H1121 H4714 和埃及人 H2451 的一切智慧。
  31 H2449 他的智慧 H120 胜过万人 H250 ,胜过以斯拉人 H387 以探 H4235 ,并玛曷 H1121 的儿子 H1968 希幔 H3633 、甲各 H1862 、达大 H8034 的智慧。他的名声 H5439 传扬在四围 H1471 的列国。
  32 H1696 他作 H4912 箴言 H7969 H505 H7892 句,诗歌 H505 一千 H2568 零五首。
  33 H1696 他讲论 H6086 草木 H3844 ,自利巴嫩 H730 的香柏树 H7023 直到墙 H231 上长的牛膝草 H1696 ,又讲论 H5775 飞禽 H929 走兽 H7431 、昆虫 H1709 水族。
  34 H776 天下 H4428 列王 H8085 听见 H8010 所罗门 H2451 的智慧 H5971 ,就都差人 H935 H8085 H2451 他的智慧话。
Esperanto(i) 29 Kaj Dio donis al Salomono sagxon kaj tre multe da prudento kaj tre multe da spirito, kiel la sablo cxe la maro. 30 Kaj la sagxeco de Salomono estis pli granda, ol la sagxeco de cxiuj orientanoj kaj ol la tuta sagxeco de Egiptujo. 31 Kaj li estis pli sagxa, ol cxiuj homoj, pli ol Etan la Ezrahxido, kaj Heman kaj Kalkol kaj Darda, filoj de Mahxol; kaj li estis fama inter cxiuj popoloj cxirkauxe. 32 Kaj li eldiris tri mil sentencojn; kaj la nombro de liaj kantoj estis mil kaj kvin. 33 Kaj li parolis pri la arboj, de la cedro, kiu estas sur Lebanon, gxis la hisopo, kiu elkreskas el la muro; kaj li parolis pri la brutoj kaj la birdoj kaj la rampajxoj kaj la fisxoj. 34 Kaj oni venadis el cxiuj popoloj, por auxskulti la sagxecon de Salomono, de cxiuj regxoj de la tero, kiuj auxdis pri lia sagxeco.
Finnish(i) 29 Ja Jumala antoi Salomolle viisauden ja sangen suuren ymmärryksen, niin myös rohkian sydämen, niinkuin sannan meren rannalla, 30 Niin että Salomon taito oli suurempi kuin kaikkein itäisen maan lasten ja Egyptiläisten taito. 31 Ja hän oli taitavampi kaikkia ihmisiä, ja taitavampi kuin Etan Estrahilainen, ja Heman, ja Kalkol, ja Darda, Makolin pojat, ja hänen nimensä oli kuuluisa ympäri kaikkein pakanain, 32 Ja puhui kolmetuhatta sananlaskua; ja hänen virsiänsä oli tuhannen ja viisi, 33 Ja puhui myös puista, sedristä, joka on Libanonissa, hamaan isoppiin asti, joka seinästä kasvaa. Niin puhui hän myös eläimistä, linnuista, matelevaisista ja kaloista. 34 Ja kaikista kansoista tultiin kuulemaan Salomon taitoa, ja kaikilta maan kuninkailta, jotka olivat kuulleet hänen taidostansa.
FinnishPR(i) 29 Ja Jumala antoi Salomolle viisautta ja ymmärrystä ylen runsaasti ja älyä niin laajalti, kuin on hiekkaa meren rannalla, 30 niin että Salomon viisaus oli suurempi kuin kaikkien Idän miesten ja kaikkien egyptiläisten viisaus. 31 Hän oli viisaampi kaikkia ihmisiä, viisaampi kuin esrahilainen Eetan ja Heeman, Kalkol ja Darda, Maaholin pojat; ja hänen nimensä tuli kuuluksi kaikkien ympärillä olevien kansojen keskuudessa. 32 Ja Salomo sepitti kolmetuhatta sananlaskua, ja hänen laulujansa oli tuhatviisi. 33 Hän puhui puista, Libanonin setripuusta alkaen isoppiin asti, joka kasvaa seinän vieressä. Hän puhui myös karjaeläimistä, linnuista, matelijoista ja kaloista. 34 Ja Salomon viisautta tultiin kuulemaan kaikista kansoista, kaikkien maan kuninkaiden luota, jotka olivat kuulleet hänen viisaudestansa.
Haitian(i) 29 Bondye te bay Salomon anpil lespri, anpil bon konprann ak yon konesans nou pa ka mezire. 30 Salomon te gen plis bon konprann pase tout moun ki gen bon konprann nan peyi bò solèy leve yo, osinon pase tout moun ki gen bon konprann nan peyi Lejip. 31 Li te gen plis bon konprann pase tout moun, pase Etan, moun lavil Ezrak, pase Eman, Kalkòl ak Dada, pitit gason Makòl yo. Nan tout peyi ki toupre peyi Izrayèl la yo t'ap nonmen non Salomon. 32 Li te ekri twamil (3.000) pwovèb ak mil senk (1.005) chante pou pi piti. 33 Li fè bèl pawoli sou pyebwa ak tout kalite plant, depi pye sèd peyi Liban yo jouk lyann izòp ki pouse sou miray. Li pale tou sou bèt kat pat, sou zwazo, sou bèt ki trennen sou vant ak sou pwason. 34 Moun te soti toupatou pou vin tande Salomon ap pale. Ata wa tout lòt peyi latè yo te pran nouvèl jan li te gen anpil bon konprann. Yo menm tou yo te voye moun vin tande l'.
Hungarian(i) 29 És az Isten adott bölcseséget Salamonnak és igen nagy értelmet és mély szívet, mint a fövény, mely a tenger partján van. 30 Úgy hogy a Salamon bölcsesége nagyobb volt, mint a napkelet minden fiainak bölcsesége és Égyiptomnak egész bölcsesége. 31 Sõt bölcsebb volt minden embereknél, [még] az Ezráhita Ethánnál is és Hémánnál, Kálkólnál és Dardánál, a Máhol fiainál; és híre neve vala minden nemzetségek között köröskörül. 32 És szerze háromezer példabeszédet, és az õ énekeinek [száma] ezer és öt volt. 33 Szólott a fákról is, a Libánon czédrusfájától az izsópig, a mely a falból nevekedik ki; és szólott a barmokról, a madarakról, a csúszó- mászó állatokról és a halakról is. 34 És jõnek vala minden népek közül, hogy hallgassák a Salamon bölcseségét; a földnek minden királyaitól, a kik hallották vala az õ bölcseségét.
Indonesian(i) 29 Allah memberikan kepada Salomo hikmat, dan pengetahuan yang luar biasa, serta pengertian yang amat dalam. 30 Di negeri-negeri timur dan di Mesir tak ada orang yang lebih pandai dari dia. 31 Ia benar-benar terpandai dari semua orang. Ia melebihi Etan orang Ezrahi, Heman, Kalkol dan Darda anak-anak Mahol. Nama Salomo terkenal di mana-mana di negeri-negeri sekeliling kerajaannya. 32 Ada 3.000 pepatah dan lebih dari seribu nyanyian yang dikarangnya. 33 Ia sanggup berbicara tentang pohon-pohon dan tanaman-tanaman--dari pohon cemara Libanon sampai kepada rerumput hisop yang tumbuh pada dinding-dinding batu. Ia berbicara juga mengenai binatang-binatang, seperti misalnya unggas, binatang melata dan ikan. 34 Raja-raja di seluruh dunia mendengar tentang kepandaian Salomo sehingga mereka mengutus orang kepadanya untuk mendengarkan dia.
Italian(i) 29 E IDDIO diede sapienza a Salomone, e grandissimo senno, ed un animo capace di tante cose, quant’è la rena ch’è in sul lito del mare. 30 E la sapienza di Salomone fu maggiore che la sapienza di tutti gli Orientali, e che tutta la sapienza degli Egizi; 31 talchè egli era più savio che alcun altro uomo; più ch’Etan Ezrahita, e che Heman, e che Calcol e che Darda, figliuoli di Mahol; e la sua fama andò per tutte le nazioni d’ogn’intorno. 32 Ed egli pronunziò tremila sentenze; ed i suoi cantici furono in numero di mille e cinque. 33 Parlò eziandio degli alberi, dal cedro ch’è nel Libano, fino all’isopo che nasce nella parete; parlò anche delle bestie, e degli uccelli, e de’ rettili, e de’ pesci. 34 E da tutti i popoli, da parte di tutti i re della terra, che aveano udito parlare della sapienza di Salomone, si veniva per udire la sua sapienza.
ItalianRiveduta(i) 29 E Dio diede a Salomone sapienza, una grandissima intelligenza e una mente vasta com’è la rena che sta sulla riva del mare. 30 E la sapienza di Salomone superò la sapienza di tutti gli Orientali e tutta la sapienza degli Egiziani. 31 Era più savio d’ogni altro uomo, più di Ethan l’Ezrahita, più di Heman, di Calcol e di Darda, figliuoli di Mahol; e la sua fama si sparse per tutte le nazioni circonvicine. 32 Pronunziò tremila massime e i suoi inni furono in numero di mille e cinque. 33 Parlò degli alberi, dal cedro del Libano all’issopo che spunta dalla muraglia; parlò pure degli animali, degli uccelli, dei rettili, dei pesci. 34 Da tutti i popoli veniva gente per udire la sapienza di Salomone, da parte di tutti i re della terra che avean sentito parlare della sua sapienza.
Korean(i) 29 하나님이 솔로몬에게 지혜와 총명을 심히 많이 주시고 또 넓은 마음을 주시되 바닷가의 모래 같이 하시니 30 솔로몬의 지혜가 동양 모든 사람의 지혜와 애굽의 모든 지혜보다 뛰어난지라 31 저는 모든 사람보다 지혜로와서 예스라 사람 에단과, 마홀의 아들 헤만과 갈골과, 다르다보다 나으므로 그 이름이 사방 모든 나라에 들렸더라 32 저가 잠언 삼천을 말하였고 그 노래는 일천 다섯이며 33 저가 또 초목을 논하되 레바논 백향목으로부터 담에 나는 우슬초까지 하고 저가 또 짐승과 새와 기어 다니는 것과 물고기를 논한지라 34 모든 민족 중에서 솔로몬의 지혜의 소문을 들은 천하 모든 왕 중에서 그 지혜를 들으러 왔더라
Lithuanian(i) 29 Dievas suteikė Saliamonui išmintį ir nepaprastą sumanumą bei tokį širdies platumą, kaip smėlis jūros pakrantėje. 30 Saliamono išmintis pranoko visų rytiečių ir egiptiečių išmintį. 31 Jis buvo išmintingesnis už visus žmones, net už ezrahitą Etaną ir Hemaną, Kalkolą bei Dardą, Maholo sūnus. Jis buvo garsus visose aplinkinėse tautose. 32 Jis sukūrė tris tūkstančius patarlių ir tūkstantį penkias giesmes. 33 Jis kalbėjo apie medžius, nuo Libano kedrų iki yzopų, kurie auga ant sienų, apie žvėris, paukščius, roplius ir žuvis. 34 Iš visų tautų ateidavo pasiklausyti Saliamono išminties, nuo visų žemės karalių, kurie girdėjo apie jo išmintį.
PBG(i) 29 Nadto dał Bóg Salomonowi mądrość i roztropność bardzo wielką, a przestronność serca, jako piasek, który jest na brzegu morskim. 30 Albowiem większa była mądrość Salomonowa, niżli mądrość wszystkich narodów wschodnich, i niżli wszelka mądrość Egipczanów. 31 Owszem mędrszym był nad wszystkie ludzie, aż i nad Etana Ezrahytę, i nad Hemana, i Chalkola, i Darda, syny Maholowe; a był sławny u wszystkich narodów okolicznych. 32 Nadto złożył trzy tysiące przypowieści, a pieśni jego było tysiąc i pięć. 33 Rozprawiał też o drzewach, począwszy od cedru, który jest na Libanie, aż do hizopu, który wyrasta z ściany. Mówił też o zwierzętach i o ptakach, i o gadzinach, i o rybach. 34 Przetoż przychodzili ze wszystkich narodów słuchać mądrości Salomonowej, i od wszystkich królów ziemi, którzy słyszeli o mądrości jego.
Portuguese(i) 29 Ora, Deus deu a Salomão sabedoria, e muitíssimo entendimento, e conhecimentos múltiplos, como a areia que está na praia do mar. 30 A sabedoria de Salomão era maior do que a de todos os do Oriente e do que toda a sabedoria dos egípcios. 31 Era ele ainda mais sábio do que todos os homens, mais sábio do que Etan, o ezraíta, e do que Hemam, Calcol e Darda, filhos de Maol; e a sua fama correu por todas as nações em redor. 32 Proferiu ele três mil provérbios, e foram os seus cânticos mil e cinco. 33 Dissertou a respeito das árvores, desde o cedro que está no Líbano até o hissopo que brota da parede; também dissertou sobre os animais, as aves, os répteis e os peixes. 34 De todos os povos vinha gente para ouvir a sabedoria de Salomão, e da parte de todos os reis da terra que tinham ouvido da sua sabedoria.
Norwegian(i) 29 Gud gav Salomo visdom og overmåte megen innsikt og en forstand vidt omfattende som sanden på havets bredd. 30 Salomos visdom var større enn alle Østens barns visdom og all egypternes visdom. 31 Han var visere enn alle mennesker - visere enn esrahitten Etan og Mahols sønner Heman og Kalkol og Darda, og hans navn var kjent blandt alle hedningefolkene rundt omkring. 32 Han laget tre tusen ordsprog, og hans sanger var et tusen og fem. 33 Han talte om trærne, fra sederen på Libanon til isopen som vokser ut på veggen, og han talte om dyrene og om fuglene og om krypet og om fiskene. 34 Og de kom fra alle folk for å høre Salomos visdom, fra alle jordens konger som hadde hørt om hans visdom.
Romanian(i) 29 Dumnezeu a dat lui Solomon înţelepciune, foarte mare pricepere, şi cunoştinţe multe ca nisipul de pe ţărmul mării. 30 Înţelepciunea lui Solomon întrecea înţelepciunea tuturor fiilor Răsăritului şi toată înţelepciunea Egiptenilor. 31 El era mai înţelept decît orice om, mai mult decît Etan, Ezrahitul, mai mult decît Heman, Calcol şi Darda, fiii lui Mahol; şi faima lui se răspîndise printre toate neamurile, deprimprejur. 32 A rostit trei mii de pilde, şi a alcătuit o mie cinci cîntări. 33 A vorbit despre copaci, dela cedrul din Liban pînă la isopul care creşte pe zid, a vorbit deasemenea despre dobitoace, despre pasări, despre tîrîtoare şi despre peşti. 34 Veneau oameni din toate popoarele să asculte înţelepciunea lui Solomon, din partea tuturor împăraţilor pămîntului cari auziseră vorbindu-se de înţelepciunea lui.