1 Kings 4:29-34

Matthew(i) 29 And God gaue Salomon wisdome & vnderstandyng excedyng muche & a large herte euen as the sande a longe by the sea bancke: 30 so that Salomons wysdome exceded the wysdom of all them of the east countreye & all the wysdome of the Egypcyans. 31 And he excelled all men in wysdome, both Ethan the Ezrahite, & Heman, Chalcol and Dorda the sonnes of Mahol. And hys name sprede abroade amonge all nacyons on euerye syde. 32 And Salomon wrote thre thousande prouerbes. And his songes were a thousande and fyue. 33 And he disputed of trees, euen from the Cedar tre that groweth in Lybanon vnto the Isope that spryngeth out of the walle. And he dysputed of beastes, foules, wormes and fyshes. 34 And there came of all nacyons to heare the wysdome of Salomon, and from all kynges of the earthe which had hearde of hys wysdome.