Acts 5

  1 G1161 But G5100 a certain G435 man G3686 named G367 Ananias G4862 , with G4551 Sapphira G846 his G1135 wife G4453 , sold [G5656]   G2933 a possession,
  2 G2532 And G3557 kept back [G5668]   G575 part of G5092 the price G846 , his G1135 wife G2532 also G4894 being privy [G5761]   G2532 to it, and G5342 brought [G5660]   G5100 a certain G3313 part G5087 , and laid [G5656]   G3844 it at G652 the apostles G4228 ' feet.
  3 G1161 But G4074 Peter G2036 said [G5627]   G367 , Ananias G1302 , why G4567 hath Satan G4137 filled [G5656]   G4675 thine G2588 heart G4571   G5574 to lie [G5664]   G40 to the Holy G4151 Ghost G2532 , and G3557 to keep back [G5670]   G575 part of G5092 the price G5564 of the land?
  4 G3306 Whiles it remained [G5723]   G3780 , was it not G4671 thine own G3306   [G5707]   G2532 ? and G4097 after it was sold [G5685]   G5225 , was it not [G5707]   G1722 in G4674 thine own G1849 power G5101 ? why G3754   G5087 hast thou conceived [G5639]   G5124 this G4229 thing G1722 in G4675 thine G2588 heart G5574 ? thou hast G3756 not G5574 lied [G5662]   G444 unto men G235 , but G2316 unto God.
  5 G1161 And G367 Ananias G191 hearing [G5723]   G5128 these G3056 words G4098 fell down [G5631]   G1634 , and gave up the ghost [G5656]   G2532 : and G3173 great G5401 fear G1096 came [G5633]   G1909 on G3956 all G191 them that heard [G5723]   G5023 these things.
  6 G1161 And G3501 the young men G450 arose [G5631]   G4958 , wound G846 him G4958 up [G5656]   G2532 , and G1627 carried him out [G5660]   G2290 , and buried [G5656]   him .
  7 G1161 And G1096 it was [G5633]   G5613 about G1292 the space G5140 of three G5610 hours G1292 after G2532 , when G846 his G1135 wife G3361 , not G1492 knowing [G5761]   G1096 what was done [G5756]   G1525 , came in [G5627]  .
  8 G1161 And G4074 Peter G611 answered [G5662]   G846 unto her G2036 , Tell [G5628]   G3427 me G1487 whether G591 ye sold [G5639]   G5564 the land G5118 for so much G1161 ? And G2036 she said [G5627]   G3483 , Yea G5118 , for so much.
  9 G1161 Then G4074 Peter G2036 said [G5627]   G4314 unto G846 her G5101 , How G3754 is it that G5213 ye G4856 have agreed together [G5681]   G3985 to tempt [G5658]   G4151 the Spirit G2962 of the Lord G2400 ? behold [G5628]   G4228 , the feet G2290 of them which have buried [G5660]   G4675 thy G435 husband G1909 are at G2374 the door G2532 , and G1627 shall carry G4571 thee G1627 out [G5692]  .
  10 G1161 Then G4098 fell she down [G5627]   G3916 straightway G3844 at G846 his G4228 feet G2532 , and G1634 yielded up the ghost [G5656]   G1161 : and G3495 the young men G1525 came in [G5631]   G2147 , and found [G5627]   G846 her G3498 dead G2532 , and G1627 , carrying her forth [G5660]   G2290 , buried [G5656]   G4314 her by G846 her G435 husband.
  11 G2532 And G3173 great G5401 fear G1096 came [G5633]   G1909 upon G3650 all G1577 the church G2532 , and G1909 upon G3956 as many as G191 heard [G5723]   G5023 these things.
  12 G1161 And G1223 by G5495 the hands G652 of the apostles G1096 were G4183 many G4592 signs G2532 and G5059 wonders G1096 wrought [G5633]   [G5625]   G1096   [G5711]   G1722 among G2992 the people G2532 ; (and G2258 they were [G5713]   G537 all G3661 with one accord G1722 in G4672 Solomon's G4745 porch.
  13 G1161 And G3062 of the rest G5111 durst [G5707]   G3762 no man G2853 join himself [G5745]   G846 to them G235 : but G2992 the people G3170 magnified [G5707]   G846 them.
  14 G1161 And G4100 believers [G5723]   G4369 were G3123 the more G4369 added [G5712]   G2962 to the Lord G4128 , multitudes G5037 both G435 of men G2532 and G1135 women.)
  15 G5620 Insomuch G1627 that they brought forth [G5721]   G772 the sick G2596 into G4113 the streets G2532 , and G5087 laid [G5721]   G1909 them on G2825 beds G2532 and G2895 couches G2443 , that G2579 at the least G4639 the shadow G4074 of Peter G2064 passing by [G5740]   G1982 might overshadow [G5661]   G5100 some G846 of them.
  16 G1161   G4905 There came [G5711]   G2532 also G4128 a multitude G4172 out of the cities G4038 round about G1519 unto G2419 Jerusalem G5342 , bringing [G5723]   G772 sick G2532 folks, and G3791 them which were vexed [G5746]   G5259 with G169 unclean G4151 spirits G3748 : and they G2323 were healed [G5712]   G537 every one.
  17 G1161 Then G749 the high priest G450 rose up [G5631]   G2532 , and G3956 all they G4862 that were with G846 him G3588 , (which G5607 is [G5752]   G139 the sect G4523 of the Sadducees G4130 ,) and were filled [G5681]   G2205 with indignation,
  18 G2532 And G1911 laid [G5627]   G846 their G5495 hands G1909 on G652 the apostles G2532 , and G5087 put [G5639]   G846 them G1722 in G1219 the common G5084 prison.
  19 G1161 But G32 the angel G2962 of the Lord G1223 by G3571 night G455 opened [G5656]   G5438 the prison G2374 doors G5037 , and G1806 brought G846 them G1806 forth [G5631]   G2036 , and said [G5627]  ,
  20 G4198 Go [G5737]   G2476 , stand [G5685]   G2532 and G2980 speak [G5720]   G1722 in G2411 the temple G2992 to the people G3956 all G4487 the words G5026 of this G2222 life.
  21 G1161 And G191 when they heard [G5660]   G1525 that, they entered [G5627]   G1519 into G2411 the temple G5259 early in the morning G3722   G2532 , and G1321 taught [G5707]   G1161 . But G749 the high priest G3854 came [G5637]   G2532 , and G4862 they that were with G846 him G4779 , and called G4892 the council G4779 together [G5656]   G2532 , and G3956 all G1087 the senate G5207 of the children G2474 of Israel G2532 , and G649 sent [G5656]   G1519 to G1201 the prison G71 to have G846 them G71 brought [G5683]  .
  22 G1161 But G5257 when the officers G3854 came [G5637]   G2147 , and found [G5627]   G846 them G3756 not G1722 in G5438 the prison G390 , they returned [G5660]   G1161 , and G518 told [G5656]  ,
  23 G3004 Saying [G5723]   G3754 , G1201 The prison G3303 truly G2147 found we [G5627]   G2808 shut [G5772]   G1722 with G3956 all G803 safety G2532 , and G5441 the keepers G2476 standing [G5761]   G1854 without G4253 before G2374 the doors G1161 : but G455 when we had opened [G5660]   G2147 , we found [G5627]   G3762 no man G2080 within.
  24 G1161 Now G5613 when G5037   G2409 the high priest G2532 and G4755 the captain G2411 of the temple G2532 and G749 the chief priests G191 heard [G5656]   G5128 these G3056 things G1280 , they doubted [G5707]   G4012 of G846 them G5101 whereunto G302   G5124 this G1096 would grow [G5636]  .
  25 G3854 Then came [G5637]   G5100 one G1161 and G518 told [G5656]   G846 them G3004 , saying [G5723]   G3754 , G2400 Behold [G5628]   G435 , the men G3739 whom G5087 ye put [G5639]   G1722 in G5438 prison G1526 are [G5748]   G2476 standing [G5761]   G1722 in G2411 the temple G2532 , and G1321 teaching [G5723]   G2992 the people.
  26 G5119 Then G565 went [G5631]   G4755 the captain G4862 with G5257 the officers G71 , and brought [G5627]   G846 them G3756 without G3326   G970 violence G1063 : for G5399 they feared [G5711]   G2992 the people G3363 , lest G3034 they should have been stoned [G5686]  .
  27 G1161 And G71 when they had brought [G5631]   G846 them G2476 , they set [G5627]   G1722 them before G4892 the council G2532 : and G749 the high priest G1905 asked [G5656]   G846 them,
  28 G3004 Saying [G5723]   G3853 , Did G3756 not G3852 we straitly G3853 command [G5656]   G5213 you G1321 that ye should G3361 not G1321 teach [G5721]   G1909 in G5129 this G3686 name G2532 ? and G2400 , behold [G5628]   G4137 , ye have filled [G5758]   G2419 Jerusalem G5216 with your G1322 doctrine G2532 , and G1014 intend [G5736]   G1863 to bring [G5629]   G5127 this G444 man's G129 blood G1909 upon G2248 us.
  29 G1161 Then G4074 Peter G2532 and G652 the other apostles G611 answered [G5679]   G2036 and said [G5627]   G1163 , We ought [G5748]   G3980 to obey [G5721]   G2316 God G3123 rather G2228 than G444 men.
  30 G2316 The God G2257 of our G3962 fathers G1453 raised up [G5656]   G2424 Jesus G3739 , whom G5210 ye G1315 slew [G5668]   G2910 and hanged [G5660]   G1909 on G3586 a tree.
  31 G5126 Him G2316 hath God G5312 exalted [G5656]   G846 with his G1188 right hand G747 to be a Prince G2532 and G4990 a Saviour G1325 , for to give [G5629]   G3341 repentance G2474 to Israel G2532 , and G859 forgiveness G266 of sins.
  32 G2532 And G2249 we G2070 are [G5748]   G846 his G3144 witnesses G5130 of these G4487 things G2532 ; and G1161 so is also G40 the Holy G4151 Ghost G3739 , whom G2316 God G1325 hath given [G5656]   G3980 to them that obey [G5723]   G846 him.
  33 G1161 When G191 they heard [G5660]   G1282 that, they were cut [G5712]   G2532 to the heart, and G1011 took counsel [G5711]   G337 to slay [G5629]   G846 them.
  34 G1161 Then G450 stood there up [G5631]   G5100 one G1722 in G4892 the council G5330 , a Pharisee G3686 , named G1059 Gamaliel G3547 , a doctor of the law G5093 , had in reputation G3956 among all G2992 the people G2753 , and commanded [G5656]   G4160 to put [G5658]   G652 the apostles G1854 forth G5100 a G1024 little space;
  35 G5037 And G2036 said [G5627]   G4314 unto G846 them G435 , Ye men G2475 of Israel G4337 , take heed [G5720]   G1438 to yourselves G5101 what G3195 ye intend [G5719]   G4238 to do [G5721]   G1909 as touching G5125 these G444 men.
  36 G1063 For G4253 before G5130 these G2250 days G450 rose up [G5627]   G2333 Theudas G3004 , boasting [G5723]   G1438 himself G1511 to be [G5750]   G5100 somebody G3739 ; to whom G706 a number G435 of men G5616 , about G5071 four hundred G4347 , joined themselves [G5681]   G3739 : who G337 was slain [G5681]   G2532 ; and G3956 all G3745 , as many as G3982 obeyed [G5712]   G846 him G1262 , were scattered [G5681]   G2532 , and G1096 brought [G5633]   G1519 to G3762 nought.
  37 G3326 After G5126 this man G450 rose up [G5627]   G2455 Judas G1057 of Galilee G1722 in G2250 the days G582 of the taxing G2532 , and G868 drew away [G5656]   G2425 much G2992 people G3694 after G846 him G2548 : he also G622 perished [G5639]   G2532 ; and G3956 all G3745 , even as many as G3982 obeyed [G5712]   G846 him G1287 , were dispersed [G5681]  .
  38 G2532 And G3569 now G3004 I say [G5719]   G5213 unto you G868 , Refrain [G5628]   G575 from G5130 these G444 men G2532 , and G1439 let G846 them G1439 alone [G5657]   G3754 : for G1437 if G3778 this G1012 counsel G2228 or G5124 this G2041 work G5600 be [G5753]   G1537 of G444 men G2647 , it will come to nought [G5701]  :
  39 G1161 But G1487 if G2076 it be [G5748]   G1537 of G2316 God G3756 , ye cannot G1410   [G5736]   G2647 overthrow [G5658]   G846 it G3379 ; lest haply G2147 ye be found [G5686]   G2532 even G2314 to fight against God.
  40 G1161 And G846 to him G3982 they agreed [G5681]   G2532 : and G4341 when they had called [G5666]   G652 the apostles G1194 , and beaten [G5660]   G3853 them, they commanded [G5656]   G2980 that they should G3361 not G2980 speak [G5721]   G1909 in G3686 the name G2424 of Jesus G2532 , and G630 let G846 them G630 go [G5656]  .
  41 G3767 And G4198 they departed [G5711]   G3303   G575 from G4383 the presence G4892 of the council G5463 , rejoicing [G5723]   G3754 that G2661 they were counted worthy [G5681]   G818 to suffer shame [G5683]   G5228 for G846 his G3686 name.
  42 G5037 And G2250 daily G3956   G1722 in G2411 the temple G2532 , and G2596 in every G3624 house G3973 , they ceased [G5710]   G3756 not G1321 to teach [G5723]   G2532 and G2097 preach [G5734]   G2424 Jesus G5547 Christ.
  1 G435 ανηρ But G1161 δε Man G5100 τις A Certain, G367 ανανιας Ananias G3686 ονοματι By Name, G4862 συν With G4551 σαπφειρη   G3588 τη Sapphira G1135 γυναικι Wife, G846 αυτου His G4453 (G5656) επωλησεν Sold G2933 κτημα A Possession,
  2 G2532 και And G3557 (G5668) ενοσφισατο Kept Back G575 απο From G3588 της The G5092 τιμης Value, G4894 (G5761) συνειδυιας Being Aware Of G2532 και   G3588 της "it" Also G1135 γυναικος Wife G846 αυτου His, G2532 και And G5342 (G5660) ενεγκας Having Brought G3313 μερος A Certain G5100 τι Part G3844 παρα At G3588 τους The G4228 ποδας Feet G3588 των Of The G652 αποστολων Apostles G5087 (G5656) εθηκεν Laid "it".
  3 G2036 (G5627) ειπεν   G1161 δε But Said G4074 πετρος Peter, G367 ανανια Ananias, G1302 διατι Why G4137 (G5656) επληρωσεν   G3588 ο Did Fill G4567 σατανας Satan G3588 την Thy G2588 καρδιαν   G4675 σου Heart, G5574 (G5664) ψευσασθαι To Lie To G4571 σε "for" Thee G3588 το The G4151 πνευμα Spirit G3588 το The G40 αγιον Holy, G2532 και And G3557 (G5670) νοσφισασθαι To Keep Back G575 απο From G3588 της The G5092 τιμης Value G3588 του Of The G5564 χωριου Estate?
  4 G3780 ουχι Not G3306 (G5723) μενον Remaining G4671 σοι To Thee Did G3306 (G5707) εμενεν It Remain? G2532 και And G4097 (G5685) πραθεν Having Been Sold, G1722 εν In G3588 τη Thine G4674 ση Own G1849 εξουσια Authority G5225 (G5707) υπηρχεν Was It G5101 τι   G3754 οτι " Not "? Why G5087 (G5639) εθου Didst Thou Purpose G1722 εν In G3588 τη Thy G2588 καρδια   G4675 σου Heart G3588 το This G4229 πραγμα Thing? G5124 τουτο Thou G3756 ουκ Didst G5574 (G5662) εψευσω Not Lie G444 ανθρωποις To Men, G235 αλλα But G3588 τω To G2316 θεω God.
  5 G191 (G5723) ακουων   G1161 δε And Hearing G367 ανανιας Ananias G3588 τους These G3056 λογους   G5128 τουτους Words, G4098 (G5631) πεσων Falling Down G1634 (G5656) εξεψυξεν Expired. G2532 και And G1096 (G5633) εγενετο Came G5401 φοβος Fear G3173 μεγας Great G1909 επι Upon G3956 παντας All G3588 τους Who G191 (G5723) ακουοντας Heard G5023 ταυτα These Things.
  6 G450 (G5631) ανασταντες   G1161 δε And Having Risen G3588 οι The G3501 νεωτεροι Younger "men" G4958 (G5656) συνεστειλαν Swathed G846 αυτον Him, G2532 και And G1627 (G5660) εξενεγκαντες Having Carried Out G2290 (G5656) εθαψαν Buried "him".
  7 G1096 (G5633) εγενετο   G1161 δε And It Came To Pass G5613 ως About G5610 ωρων Hours G5140 τριων Three G1292 διαστημα Afterwards G2532 και   G3588 η Also G1135 γυνη Wife, G846 αυτου His G3361 μη Not G1492 (G5761) ειδυια Knowing G3588 το What G1096 (G5756) γεγονος Had Come To Pass, G1525 (G5627) εισηλθεν Came In.
  8 G611 (G5662) απεκριθη   G1161 δε And Answered G846 αυτη   G3588 ο Her G4074 πετρος Peter, G2036 (G5628) ειπε Tell G3427 μοι Me G1487 ει If G5118 τοσουτου For So Much G3588 το The G5564 χωριον Estate G591 (G5639) απεδοσθε Ye Sold? G3588 η And G1161 δε She G2036 (G5627) ειπεν Said, G3483 ναι Yes, G5118 τοσουτου For So Much.
  9 G3588 ο   G1161 δε And G4074 πετρος Peter G2036 (G5627) ειπεν Said G4314 προς To G846 αυτην Her, G5101 τι Why "is It" G3754 οτι That G4856 (G5681) συνεφωνηθη   G5213 υμιν Ye Agreed Together G3985 (G5658) πειρασαι To Tempt G3588 το The G4151 πνευμα Spirit G2962 κυριου Of "the" Lord? G2400 (G5628) ιδου Lo, G3588 οι The G4228 ποδες Feet G3588 των Of Those Who G2290 (G5660) θαψαντων Buried G3588 τον Thy G435 ανδρα   G4675 σου Husband G1909 επι "are" At G3588 τη The G2374 θυρα Door, G2532 και And G1627 (G5692) εξοισουσιν They Shall Carry Out G4571 σε Thee.
  10 G4098 (G5627) επεσεν   G1161 δε And She Fell Down G3916 παραχρημα Immediately G3844 παρα   G3588 τους At G4228 ποδας Feet G846 αυτου His G2532 και And G1634 (G5656) εξεψυξεν Expired. G1525 (G5631) εισελθοντες   G1161 δε And Having Come In G3588 οι The G3495 νεανισκοι Young "men" G2147 (G5627) ευρον Found G846 αυτην Her G3498 νεκραν Dead; G2532 και And G1627 (G5660) εξενεγκαντες Having Carried Out G2290 (G5656) εθαψαν They Buried "her" G4314 προς   G3588 τον By G435 ανδρα Husband. G846 αυτης Her
  11 G2532 και And G1096 (G5633) εγενετο Came G5401 φοβος Fear G3173 μεγας Great G1909 εφ Upon G3650 ολην Whole G3588 την The G1577 εκκλησιαν Assembly, G2532 και And G1909 επι Upon G3956 παντας All G3588 τους Who G191 (G5723) ακουοντας Heard G5023 ταυτα These Things.
  12 G1223 δια And G1161 δε By G3588 των The G5495 χειρων Hands G3588 των Of The G652 αποστολων Apostles G1096 (G5633) εγενετο Came To Pass G4592 σημεια Signs G2532 και And G5059 τερατα Wonders G1722 εν Among G3588 τω The G2992 λαω People G4183 πολλα Many; G2532 και (and G2258 (G5713) ησαν They Were G3661 ομοθυμαδον With One Accord G537 απαντες All G1722 εν In G3588 τη The G4745 στοα Porch G4672 σολομωντος Of Solomon,
  13 G3588 των But Of G1161 δε The G3062 λοιπων Rest G3762 ουδεις No One G5111 (G5707) ετολμα Durst G2853 (G5745) κολλασθαι Join G846 αυτοις Them, G235 αλλ But G3170 (G5707) εμεγαλυνεν Magnified G846 αυτους Them G3588 ο The G2992 λαος People;
  14 G3123 μαλλον The More G1161 δε And G4369 (G5712) προσετιθεντο Were Added G4100 (G5723) πιστευοντες Believers G3588 τω To The G2962 κυριω Lord, G4128 πληθη Multitudes G435 ανδρων   G5037 τε Both Of Men G2532 και And G1135 γυναικων Women;)
  15 G5620 ωστε So As G2596 κατα In G3588 τας The G4113 πλατειας Streets G1627 (G5721) εκφερειν To Bring Out G3588 τους The G772 ασθενεις Sick, G2532 και And G5087 (G5721) τιθεναι Put G1909 επι "them" On G2825 κλινων Beds G2532 και And G2895 κραββατων Couches, G2443 ινα That G2064 (G5740) ερχομενου Coming G4074 πετρου Of Peter G2579 καν At Least G3588 η The G4639 σκια Shadow G1982 (G5661) επισκιαση Might Overshadow G5100 τινι Some One G846 αυτων Of Them.
  16 G4905 (G5711) συνηρχετο   G1161 δε And Came Together G2532 και Also G3588 το The G4128 πληθος Multitude G3588 των Of The G4038 περιξ Round About G4172 πολεων Cities G1519 εις To G2419 ιερουσαλημ Jerusalem, G5342 (G5723) φεροντες Bringing G772 ασθενεις Sick Ones G2532 και And G3791 (G5746) οχλουμενους Those Beset G5259 υπο By G4151 πνευματων Spirits G169 ακαθαρτων Unclean. G3748 οιτινες Who G2323 (G5712) εθεραπευοντο Were Healed G537 απαντες All.
  17 G450 (G5631) αναστας   G1161 δε And Having Risen Up G3588 ο The G749 αρχιερευς High Priest G2532 και And G3956 παντες All G3588 οι Those G4862 συν With G846 αυτω Him, G3588 η Which G5607 (G5752) ουσα Is "the" G139 αιρεσις Sect G3588 των Of The G4523 σαδδουκαιων Sadducees, G4130 (G5681) επλησθησαν Were Filled G2205 ζηλου With Anger,
  18 G2532 και And G1911 (G5627) επεβαλον   G3588 τας Laid G5495 χειρας Hands G846 αυτων Their G1909 επι On G3588 τους The G652 αποστολους Apostles G2532 και And G5087 (G5639) εθεντο Put G846 αυτους Them G1722 εν In "the" G5084 τηρησει Hold G1219 δημοσια Public.
  19 G32 αγγελος   G1161 δε But An Angel G2962 κυριου Of "the" Lord G1223 δια During G3588 της The G3571 νυκτος Night G455 (G5656) ηνοιξεν Opened G3588 τας The G2374 θυρας Doors G3588 της Of The G5438 φυλακης Prison, G1806 (G5631) εξαγαγων   G5037 τε And Having Brought Out G846 αυτους Them G2036 (G5627) ειπεν Said,
  20 G4198 (G5737) πορευεσθε Go Ye, G2532 και And G2476 (G5685) σταθεντες Standing G2980 (G5720) λαλειτε Speak G1722 εν In G3588 τω The G2411 ιερω Temple G3588 τω To The G2992 λαω People G3956 παντα All G3588 τα The G4487 ρηματα   G3588 της Words G2222 ζωης Of Life G3778 ταυτης This.
  21 G191 (G5660) ακουσαντες   G1161 δε And Having Heard G1525 (G5627) εισηλθον They Entered G5259 υπο At G3588 τον The G3722 ορθρον Dawn G1519 εις Into G3588 το The G2411 ιερον Temple, G2532 και And G1321 (G5707) εδιδασκον Were Teaching. G3854 (G5637) παραγενομενος   G1161 δε But Having Come G3588 ο The G749 αρχιερευς High Priest G2532 και And G3588 οι Those G4862 συν With G846 αυτω Him, G4779 (G5656) συνεκαλεσαν They Called Together G3588 το The G4892 συνεδριον Sanhedrim G2532 και And G3956 πασαν All G3588 την The G1087 γερουσιαν Elderhood G3588 των Of The G5207 υιων Sons G2474 ισραηλ Of Israel, G2532 και And G649 (G5656) απεστειλαν Sent G1519 εις To G3588 το The G1201 δεσμωτηριον Prison G71 (G5683) αχθηναι To Have G846 αυτους Them Brought.
  22 G3588 οι But G1161 δε The G5257 υπηρεται Officers G3854 (G5637) παραγενομενοι Having Come G3756 ουχ Not G2147 (G5627) ευρον Did Find G846 αυτους Them G1722 εν In G3588 τη The G5438 φυλακη Prison; G390 (G5660) αναστρεψαντες   G1161 δε And Having Returned G518 (G5656) απηγγειλαν They Reported,
  23 G3004 (G5723) λεγοντες   G3754 οτι Saying, G3588 το The G3303 μεν Indeed G1201 δεσμωτηριον Prison G2147 (G5627) ευρομεν We Found G2808 (G5772) κεκλεισμενον Shut G1722 εν With G3956 παση All G803 ασφαλεια Security, G2532 και And G3588 τους The G5441 φυλακας Keepers G1854 εξω Without G2476 (G5761) εστωτας Standing G4253 προ Before G3588 των The G2374 θυρων Doors; G455 (G5660) ανοιξαντες   G1161 δε But Having Opened, G2080 εσω Within G3762 ουδενα No One G2147 (G5627) ευρομεν We Found.
  24 G5613 ως And G1161 δε When G191 (G5656) ηκουσαν   G3588 τους They Heard G3056 λογους   G5128 τουτους These Words G3588 ο Both G5037 τε The G2409 ιερευς Priest G2532 και And G3588 ο The G4755 στρατηγος Captain G3588 του Of The G2411 ιερου Temple G2532 και And G3588 οι The G749 αρχιερεις Chief Priests G1280 (G5707) διηπορουν Were Perplexed G4012 περι Concerning G846 αυτων Them, G5101 τι   G302 αν What G1096 (G5636) γενοιτο Might Be G5124 τουτο This.
  25 G3854 (G5637) παραγενομενος   G1161 δε But Having Come G5100 τις A Certain One G518 (G5656) απηγγειλεν Reported G846 αυτοις To Them, G3004 (G5723) λεγων   G3754 οτι Saying, G2400 (G5628) ιδου Lo, G3588 οι The G435 ανδρες Men G3739 ους Whom G5087 (G5639) εθεσθε Ye Put G1722 εν In G3588 τη The G5438 φυλακη Prison G1526 (G5748) εισιν Are G1722 εν In G3588 τω The G2411 ιερω Temple G2476 (G5761) εστωτες Standing G2532 και And G1321 (G5723) διδασκοντες Teaching G3588 τον The G2992 λαον People.
  26 G5119 τοτε Then G565 (G5631) απελθων Having Gone G3588 ο The G4755 στρατηγος Captain G4862 συν With G3588 τοις The G5257 υπηρεταις Officers G71 (G5627) ηγαγεν Brought G846 αυτους Them, G3756 ου Not G3326 μετα With G970 βιας Violence, G5399 (G5711) εφοβουντο They Feared G1063 γαρ For G3588 τον The G2992 λαον People, G2443 ινα That G3361 μη They G3034 (G5686) λιθασθωσιν Might Not Be Stoned.
  27 G71 (G5631) αγαγοντες   G1161 δε And Having Brought G846 αυτους Them G2476 (G5627) εστησαν They Set "them" G1722 εν In G3588 τω The G4892 συνεδριω Sanhedrim. G2532 και And G1905 (G5656) επηρωτησεν Asked G846 αυτους Them G3588 ο The G749 αρχιερευς High Priest,
  28 G3004 (G5723) λεγων Saying, G3756 ου Not G3852 παραγγελια By A Charge G3853 (G5656) παρηγγειλαμεν Did We Charge G5213 υμιν You G3361 μη Not G1321 (G5721) διδασκειν To Teach G1909 επι   G3588 τω In G3686 ονοματι   G5129 τουτω This Name? G2532 και And G2400 (G5628) ιδου Lo, G4137 (G5758) πεπληρωκατε   G3588 την Ye Have Filled G2419 ιερουσαλημ Jerusalem G3588 της With G1322 διδαχης   G5216 υμων Your Teaching, G2532 και And G1014 (G5736) βουλεσθε Purpose G1863 (G5629) επαγαγειν To Bring G1909 εφ Upon G2248 ημας Us G3588 το The G129 αιμα   G3588 του Blood G444 ανθρωπου Of This G5127 τουτου Man.
  29 G611 (G5679) αποκριθεις   G1161 δε   G3588 ο But Answering G4074 πετρος Peter G2532 και And G3588 οι The G652 αποστολοι Apostles G2036 (G5627) ειπον Said, G3980 (G5721) πειθαρχειν To Obey G1163 (G5904) δει It Is Necessary G2316 θεω God G3123 μαλλον Rather G2228 η Than G444 ανθρωποις Men.
  30 G3588 ο The G2316 θεος God G3588 των Of G3962 πατερων Fathers G2257 ημων Our G1453 (G5656) ηγειρεν Raised Up G2424 ιησουν Jesus, G3739 ον Whom G5210 υμεις Ye G1315 (G5668) διεχειρισασθε Killed, G2910 (G5660) κρεμασαντες Having Hanged G1909 επι On G3586 ξυλου A Tree.
  31 G5126 τουτον   G3588 ο Him G2316 θεος God G747 αρχηγον A Chief G2532 και And G4990 σωτηρα Saviour G5312 (G5656) υψωσεν Exalted G3588 τη By The G1188 δεξια Right Hand G846 αυτου Of Him, G1325 (G5629) δουναι To Give G3341 μετανοιαν   G3588 τω Repentance G2474 ισραηλ To Israel G2532 και And G859 αφεσιν Remission G266 αμαρτιων Of Sins.
  32 G2532 και And G2249 ημεις We G2070 (G5748) εσμεν Are G846 αυτου Of Him G3144 μαρτυρες   G3588 των Witness G4487 ρηματων Of Things G5130 τουτων These, G2532 και And G3588 το The G4151 πνευμα Spirit G1161 δε Also G3588 το The G40 αγιον Holy, G3739 ο Which G1325 (G5656) εδωκεν   G3588 ο Gave G2316 θεος God G3588 τοις To Those G3980 (G5723) πειθαρχουσιν That Obey G846 αυτω Him.
  33 G3588 οι But G1161 δε They G191 (G5660) ακουσαντες Having Heard G1282 (G5712) διεπριοντο Were Cut "to The Heart" G2532 και And G1011 (G5711) εβουλευοντο Took Counsel G337 (G5629) ανελειν To Put To Death G846 αυτους Them.
  34 G450 (G5631) αναστας Having Risen Up G1161 δε But G5100 τις A Certain "man" G1722 εν In G3588 τω The G4892 συνεδριω Sanhedrim G5330 φαρισαιος A Pharisee, G3686 ονοματι By Name G1059 γαμαλιηλ Gamaliel, G3547 νομοδιδασκαλος A Teacher Of The Law, G5093 τιμιος Honoured G3956 παντι By All G3588 τω The G2992 λαω People, G2753 (G5656) εκελευσεν Commanded G1854 εξω Out G1024 βραχυ For A Short G5100 τι While G3588 τους The G652 αποστολους Apostles G4160 (G5658) ποιησαι To Put,
  35 G2036 (G5627) ειπεν   G5037 τε And Said G4314 προς To G846 αυτους Them, G435 ανδρες Men G2475 ισραηλιται Israelites, G4337 (G5720) προσεχετε Take Heed G1438 εαυτοις To Yourselves G1909 επι As Regards G3588 τοις These G444 ανθρωποις   G5125 τουτοις Men G5101 τι What G3195 (G5719) μελλετε Ye Are About G4238 (G5721) πρασσειν To Do;
  36 G4253 προ Before G1063 γαρ For G5130 τουτων   G3588 των These G2250 ημερων Days G450 (G5627) ανεστη Rose Up G2333 θευδας Theudas, G3004 (G5723) λεγων Affirming G1511 (G5750) ειναι To Be G5100 τινα Somebody G1438 εαυτον Himself, G3739 ω To Whom G4347 (G5681) προσεκολληθη Were Joined G706 αριθμος A Number G435 ανδρων Of Men, G5616 ωσει About G5071 τετρακοσιων Four Hundred; G3739 ος Who G337 (G5681) ανηρεθη Was Put To Death, G2532 και And G3956 παντες All G3745 οσοι As Many As G3982 (G5712) επειθοντο Were Persuaded G846 αυτω By Him G1262 (G5681) διελυθησαν Were Dispersed G2532 και And G1096 (G5633) εγενοντο Came G1519 εις To G3762 ουδεν Nothing.
  37 G3326 μετα After G5126 τουτον This One G450 (G5627) ανεστη Rose Up G2455 ιουδας Judas G3588 ο The G1057 γαλιλαιος Galilean G1722 εν In G3588 ταις The G2250 ημεραις Days G3588 της Of The G582 απογραφης Registration, G2532 και And G868 (G5656) απεστησεν Drew Away G2992 λαον People G2425 ικανον Much G3694 οπισω After G846 αυτου Him; G2548 κακεινος And He G622 (G5639) απωλετο Perished, G2532 και And G3956 παντες All G3745 οσοι As Many As G3982 (G5712) επειθοντο Were Persuaded G846 αυτω By Him G1287 (G5681) διεσκορπισθησαν Were Scattered Abroad.
  38 G2532 και   G3588 τα And G3568 νυν Now G3004 (G5719) λεγω I Say G5213 υμιν To You, G868 (G5628) αποστητε Withdraw G575 απο   G3588 των From G444 ανθρωπων These G5130 τουτων Men, G2532 και And G1439 (G5657) εασατε Let Alone G846 αυτους Them, G3754 οτι For G1437 εαν If G5600 (G5753) η Be G1537 εξ From G444 ανθρωπων   G3588 η Men G1012 βουλη This G3778 αυτη Counsel G2228 η   G3588 το Or G2041 εργον This G5124 τουτο Work, G2647 (G5701) καταλυθησεται It Will Be Overthrown;
  39 G1487 ει If G1161 δε But G1537 εκ From G2316 θεου God G2076 (G5748) εστιν It Be, G3756 ου Ye G1410 (G5736) δυνασθε Are Not Able G2647 (G5658) καταλυσαι To Overthrow G846 αυτο It, G3379 μηποτε Lest G2532 και Also G2314 θεομαχοι Fighters Against God G2147 (G5686) ευρεθητε Ye Be Found.
  40 G3982 (G5681) επεισθησαν   G1161 δε And They Were Persuaded G846 αυτω By Him; G2532 και And G4341 (G5666) προσκαλεσαμενοι Having Called To G3588 τους "them" The G652 αποστολους Apostles, G1194 (G5660) δειραντες Having Beaten G3853 (G5656) παρηγγειλαν They Enjoined "them" G3361 μη Not G2980 (G5721) λαλειν To Speak G1909 επι In G3588 τω The G3686 ονοματι   G3588 του Name G2424 ιησου Of Jesus, G2532 και And G630 (G5656) απελυσαν Released G846 αυτους Them.
  41 G3588 οι   G3303 μεν They G3767 ουν Therefore G4198 (G5711) επορευοντο Departed G5463 (G5723) χαιροντες Rejoicing G575 απο From "the" G4383 προσωπου Presence G3588 του Of The G4892 συνεδριου Sanhedrim G3754 οτι That G5228 υπερ For G3588 του The G3686 ονοματος Name G846 αυτου Of Him G2661 (G5681) κατηξιωθησαν They Were Accounted Worthy G818 (G5683) ατιμασθηναι To Be Dishonoured.
  42 G3956 πασαν   G5037 τε And Every G2250 ημεραν Day G1722 εν In G3588 τω The G2411 ιερω Temple G2532 και And G2596 κατ In The G3624 οικον Houses G3756 ουκ They G3973 (G5710) επαυοντο Ceased Not G1321 (G5723) διδασκοντες Teaching G2532 και And G2097 (G5734) ευαγγελιζομενοι Announcing The Glad Tidings - - G2424 ιησουν Jesus G3588 τον The G5547 χριστον Christ.