Daniel 8:23 Cross References - new

  23 H319 And in the latter time H4438 of their kingdom, H6586 [H8802] when the transgressors H8552 [H8687] are come to the full, H4428 a king H5794 of strong H6440 face, H995 [H8688] and understanding H2420 dark sentences, H5975 [H8799] shall stand up.

Genesis 15:16

  16 H7243 But in the fourth H1755 generation H2008 they shall come here H7725 [H8799] again: H5771 for the perversity H567 of the Amorites H2008 is not yet H8003 full.

Numbers 24:24

  24 H6716 And ships H3027 shall come from the coast H3794 of Chittim, H6031 [H8765] and shall afflict H804 Asshur, H6031 [H8765] and shall afflict H5677 Eber, H8 and he also shall be lost H5703 for ever.

Deuteronomy 28:50

  50 H1471 A nation H5794 of strong H6440 face, H5375 [H8799] which shall not regard H6440 the person H2205 of the old, H2603 [H8799] nor show favour H5288 to the young:

Ezekiel 38:8

  8 H7227 After many H3117 days H6485 [H8735] thou shalt be visited: H319 in the latter H8141 years H935 [H8799] thou shalt come H776 into the land H7725 [H8796] that is brought back H2719 from the sword, H6908 [H8794] and is gathered H7227 out of many H5971 people, H2022 against the mountains H3478 of Israel, H8548 which have been always H2723 dry: H3318 [H8717] but it is brought forth H5971 out of the peoples, H3427 [H8804] and they shall all dwell H983 in safety.

Ezekiel 38:16

  16 H5927 [H8804] And thou shalt come H5971 against my people H3478 of Israel, H6051 as a cloud H3680 [H8763] to cover H776 the land; H319 it shall be in the latter H3117 days, H935 [H8689] and I will bring H776 thee against my land, H1471 that the nations H3045 [H8800] may know H6942 [H8736] me, when I shall be sanctified H1463 in thee, O Gog, H5869 before their eyes.

Daniel 7:8

  8 H1934 H7920 [H8754] I considered H7162 the horns, H431 and, behold, H5559 [H8754] there came up H997 among H317 them another H2192 little H7162 horn, H6925 H4481 before H8532 whom there were three H4481 of H6933 the first H7162 horns H6132 [H8725] plucked up by the roots: H431 and, behold, H1668 in this H7162 horn H5870 were eyes H5870 like the eyes H606 of a man, H6433 and a mouth H4449 [H8743] speaking H7260 great things.

Daniel 7:11

  11 H1934 H2370 [H8754] I beheld H116 then H4481 because H7032 of the voice H7260 of the great H4406 words H7162 which the horn H4449 [H8743] spoke: H1934 H2370 [H8754] I beheld H5705 even till H2423 the beast H6992 [H8752] was slain, H1655 and his body H7 [H8717] made lost, H3052 [H8753] and given H3346 to the burning H785 flame.

Daniel 7:20

  20 H5922 And of H6236 the ten H7162 horns H7217 that were in his head, H317 and of the other H5559 [H8754] which came up, H4481 H6925 and before H8532 whom three H5308 [H8754] fell; H7162 even of that horn H1797 that H5870 had eyes, H6433 and a mouth H4449 [H8743] that spoke H7260 very great things, H2376 whose look H4481 0 was more H7229 stout H4481 than H2273 his fellows.

Daniel 7:25

  25 H4449 [H8741] And he shall speak H4406 great words H6655 against H5943 the most High, H1080 [H8741] and shall wear out H6922 the saints H5946 of the most High, H5452 [H8748] and think H8133 [H8682] to change H2166 times H1882 and laws: H3052 [H8725] and they shall be given H3028 into his hand H5705 until H5732 a time H5732 and times H6387 and the dividing H5732 of time.

Daniel 8:9-12

  9 H259 And out of one H3318 [H8804] of them came forth H4704 a little H7161 horn, H3499 which became exceeding H1431 [H8799] great, H5045 toward the south, H4217 and toward the east, H6643 and toward the pleasant land.
  10 H1431 [H8799] And it grew great, H6635 even to the host H8064 of heaven; H5307 [H8686] and it cast down H6635 some of the host H3556 and of the stars H776 to the earth, H7429 [H8799] and stamped upon them.
  11 H1431 [H8689] Yea, he magnified H8269 himself even to the prince H6635 of the host, H8548 and by him the daily H7311 H7311 [H8717] sacrifice was taken away, H4349 and the place H4720 of his sanctuary H7993 [H8717] was cast down.
  12 H6635 And an host H5414 [H8735] was given H8548 him against the daily H6588 sacrifice by reason of revolt, H7993 [H8686] and it cast down H571 the truth H776 to the earth; H6213 [H8804] and it continued, H6743 [H8689] and prospered.

Daniel 8:25

  25 H7922 And through his policy H4820 also he shall cause deceit H6743 [H8689] to prosper H3027 in his hand; H1431 [H8686] and he shall magnify H3824 himself in his heart, H7962 and by peace H7843 [H8686] shall decay H7227 many: H5975 [H8799] he shall also stand up H8269 against the Prince H8269 of princes; H7665 [H8735] but he shall be broken H657 without H3027 hand.

Daniel 10:14

  14 H935 [H8804] Now I have come H995 [H8687] to make thee understand H7136 [H8799] what shall befall H5971 thy people H319 in the latter H3117 days: H2377 for yet the vision H3117 is for many days.

Daniel 11:21

  21 H3653 And in his estate H5975 [H8804] shall stand up H959 [H8737] a vile person, H5414 [H8804] to whom they shall not give H1935 the honour H4438 of the kingdom: H935 [H8804] but he shall come H7962 in peaceably, H2388 [H8689] and obtain H4438 the kingdom H2519 by flatteries.

Daniel 11:24

  24 H935 [H8799] He shall enter H7962 peaceably H4924 even upon the best places H4082 of the province; H6213 [H8804] and he shall do H1 that which his fathers H6213 [H8804] have not done, H1 nor his fathers' H1 fathers; H967 [H8799] he shall scatter H961 among them the prey, H7998 and spoil, H7399 and riches: H2803 H4284 [H8762] yea, and he shall plot H4013 against the strong holds, H6256 even for a time.

Matthew 23:32

  32 G4137 0 { Fill G5210 ye G4137 [G5657] up G2532 then G3358 the measure G5216 of your G3962 fathers.}

1 Thessalonians 2:16

  16 G2967 [G5723] Forbidding G2248 us G2980 [G5658] to speak G1484 to the nations G2443 that G4982 [G5686] they may be saved, G1519 to G378 [G5658] fill up G846 their G266 sins G3842 always: G1161 for G3709 the wrath G5348 [G5656] is come G1909 upon G846 them G1519 to G5056 the uttermost.

2 Thessalonians 2:9-11

  9 G3739 Even him, whose G3952 presence G2076 [G5748] is G2596 according to G1753 the working G4567 of the adversary G1722 in G3956 all G1411 power G2532 and G4592 signs G2532 and G5579 lying G5059 wonders,
  10 G2532 And G1722 in G3956 every G539 deception G3588   G93 of injustice G1722 in G3588 the ones G622 [G5730] being made lost; G473 because G3739 that G1209 [G5662] they received G3756 not G3588 the G26 love G3588 of the G225 truth, G1519 that G3588   G846 they G4982 [G5683] might be saved.
  11 G2532 And G5124 for this G1223 cause G2316 God G3992 [G5692] shall send G846 them G1753 a working G4106 of delusion, G1519 that G846 they G4100 [G5658] should believe G5579 a lie:

1 Timothy 4:1

  1 G1161 Now G4151 the Spirit G3004 [G5719] speaketh G4490 expressly, G3754 that G1722 in G5306 the latter G2540 seasons G5100 some G868 [G5695] shall depart from G4102 the faith, G4337 [G5723] giving heed G4108 to seducing G4151 spirits, G2532 and G1319 teachings G1140 of demons;

Revelation 13:11-14

  11 G2532 And G1492 [G5627] I beheld G243 another G2342 beast G305 [G5723] coming up G1537 out of G1093 the earth; G2532 and G2192 [G5707] he had G1417 two G2768 horns G3664 like G721 a lamb, G2532 and G2980 [G5707] he spoke G5613 as G1404 a dragon.
  12 G2532 And G4160 [G5719] he exerciseth G3956 all G1849 the authority G4413 of the first G2342 beast G1799 before G846 him, G2532 and G4160 [G5719] causeth G1093 the earth G2532 and G2730 [G5723] them who dwell G1722 in G846 it G2443 to G4352 [G5661] worship G4413 the first G2342 beast, G3739 G846 whose G2288 deadly G4127 wound G2323 [G5681] was healed.
  13 G2532 And G4160 [G5719] he doeth G3173 great G4592 signs, G2532 so G2443 that G4160 [G5725] he maketh G4442 fire G2597 [G5721] come down G1537 from G3772 heaven G1519 on G1093 the earth G1799 in the sight G444 of men,
  14 G2532 And G4105 [G5719] leadeth astray G2730 [G5723] them that dwell G1909 on G1093 the earth G1223 by G4592 the means of those signs G3739 which G846 he G1325 [G5681] was given G4160 [G5658] to do G1799 in the sight G2342 of the beast; G3004 [G5723] saying G2730 [G5723] to them that dwell G1909 on G1093 the earth, G4160 [G5658] that they should make G1504 an image G2342 to the beast, G3739 which G2192 [G5719] had G4127 the wound G3162 by a sword, G2532 and G2198 [G5656] lived.

Revelation 19:20

  20 G2532 And G3588 the G2342 beast G4084 [G5681] was taken, G2532 and G3326 with G5127 him G3588 the G5578 false prophet G4160 [G5660] that wrought G4592 signs G1799 before G846 him, G1722 with G3739 which G4105 [G5656] he led astray G2983 [G5631] them that had received G3588 the G5480 mark G3588 of the G2342 beast, G2532 and G4352 [G5723] them that worshipped G846 his G1504 image. G1417 These both G906 [G5681] were cast G2198 [G5723] alive G1519 into G3588 the G3041 pond G3588   G4442 of fire G3588   G2545 [G5746] burning G1722 with G2303 brimstone.

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.