Deuteronomy 20:18 Cross References - new

  18 H3925 [H8762] That they may not teach H6213 [H8800] you to do H8441 after all their abominations, H6213 [H8804] which they have done H430 to their gods; H2398 [H8804] so should ye sin H3068 against the LORD H430 your God.

Exodus 23:33

  33 H3427 [H8799] They shall not dwell H776 in thy land, H2398 [H8686] lest they make thee to sin H5647 [H8799] against me: for if thou shalt serve H430 their gods, H4170 it will surely be a snare to thee.

Exodus 34:16

  16 H3947 [H8804] And thou take H1323 of their daughters H1121 to thy sons, H1323 and their daughters H2181 [H8804] go astray H310 after H430 their gods, H2181 0 and make H1121 thy sons H2181 [H8689] go astray H310 after H430 their gods.

Deuteronomy 7:4-5

  4 H5493 [H8686] For they will turn away H1121 thy son H310 from following H5647 [H8804] me, that they may serve H312 other H430 gods: H639 so will the anger H3068 of the LORD H2734 [H8804] be kindled H8045 [H8689] against you, and desolate H4118 thee suddenly.
  5 H6213 [H8799] But thus shall ye deal H5422 [H8799] with them; ye shall tear down H4196 their altars, H7665 [H8762] and break down H4676 their images, H1438 [H8762] and cut down H842 their groves, H8313 [H8799] and burn H6456 their graven images H784 with fire.

Deuteronomy 12:30-31

  30 H8104 [H8734] Take heed H5367 [H8735] to thyself that thou be not snared H310 by following H310 them, after H8045 [H8736] that they are desolated H6440 from the face of H1875 [H8799] thee; and that thou enquire H430 not after their gods, H559 [H8800] saying, H1471 How did these nations H5647 [H8799] serve H430 their gods? H6213 [H8799] even so will I do H1571 likewise.
  31 H6213 [H8799] Thou shalt not do H3068 so to the LORD H430 thy God: H8441 for every abomination H3068 to the LORD, H8130 [H8804] which he hateth, H6213 [H8804] have they done H430 to their gods; H1121 for even their sons H1323 and their daughters H8313 [H8799] they have burnt H784 in the fire H430 to their gods.

Deuteronomy 18:19

  19 H376 And it shall come to pass, that whoever H8085 [H8799] will not hearken H1697 to my words H1696 [H8762] which he shall speak H8034 in my name, H1875 [H8799] I will require it of him.

Joshua 23:13

  13 H3045 [H8799] Know H3045 [H8800] for a certainty H3068 that the LORD H430 your God H3254 [H8686] will no more H3423 [H8687] drive out H1471 any of these nations H6440 from the face of H6341 you; but they shall be snares H4170 and traps H7850 to you, and scourges H6654 in your sides, H6796 and thorns H5869 in your eyes, H6 [H8800] until ye perish H2896 from off this good H127 soil H3068 which the LORD H430 your God H5414 [H8804] hath given you.

Judges 2:3

  3 H559 [H8804] Therefore I also said, H1644 [H8762] I will not drive them out H6440 from the face of H6654 you; but they shall be as thorns in your sides, H430 and their gods H4170 shall be a snare to you.

Psalms 106:34-40

  34 H8045 [H8689] They did not desolate H5971 the peoples, H3068 concerning whom the LORD H559 [H8804] commanded them:
  35 H6148 [H8691] But were mingled H1471 among the nations, H3925 [H8799] and learned H4639 their works.
  36 H5647 [H8799] And they served H6091 their idols: H4170 which were a snare to them.
  37 H2076 [H8799] Yea, they sacrificed H1121 their sons H1323 and their daughters H7700 to demons,
  38 H8210 [H8799] And shed H5355 innocent H1818 blood, H1818 even the blood H1121 of their sons H1323 and of their daughters, H2076 [H8765] whom they sacrificed H6091 to the idols H3667 of Canaan: H776 and the land H2610 [H8799] was polluted H1818 with blood.
  39 H2930 [H8799] Thus were they defiled H4639 with their own works, H2181 [H8799] and went astray H4611 with their own deeds.
  40 H639 Therefore was the anger H3068 of the LORD H2734 [H8799] kindled H5971 against his people, H8581 [H8762] insomuch that he abhorred H5159 his own inheritance.

1 Corinthians 15:33

  33 G4105 0 Be G3361 not G4105 [G5744] mislead: G2556 bad G3657 company G5351 [G5719] corrupteth G5543 good G2239 habits.

2 Corinthians 6:17

  17 G1352 Therefore G1831 [G5628] come out G1537 from G3319 among G846 them, G2532 and G873 [G5682] be ye separate, G3004 [G5719] saith G2962 the Lord, G2532 and G680 [G5732] touch G3361 not G169 the unclean G2504 thing; and G1523 [G5695] I will receive G5209 you,

Ephesians 5:11

  11 G2532 And G4790 0 have G3361 no G4790 [G5720] fellowship G175 with the unfruitful G2041 works G4655 of darkness, G1161 but G3123 G2532 rather G1651 [G5720] reprove them.

2 Thessalonians 3:14

  14 G1161 And G1536 if any man G5219 [G5719] obeyeth G3756 not G2257 our G3056 word G1223 by G1992 this epistle, G4593 [G5732] signify G5126 that G2532 man, and G4874 0 do G3361 not G4874 [G5732] intermingle with G846 him, G2443 that G1788 [G5652] he may be ashamed.

1 Timothy 6:5

  5 G3859 Perverse disputings G444 of men G1311 [G5772] of utterly corrupt G3563 minds, G2532 and G650 [G5772] defrauded G225 of the truth, G3543 [G5723] supposing G4200 gain G1511 [G5750] to be G2150 piety: G575 from G5108 such G868 [G5737] withdraw thyself.

2 Timothy 2:17-18

  17 G2532 And G846 their G3056 word G2192 G3542 [G5692] will eat G5613 as G1044 doth a gangrene: G3739 of whom G2076 [G5748] is G5211 Hymenaeus G2532 and G5372 Philetus;
  18 G3748 Who G4012 concerning G225 the truth G795 [G5656] have erred, G3004 [G5723] saying G386 that the resurrection G1096 [G5755] is past G2235 already; G2532 and G396 [G5719] overthrow G4102 the faith G5100 of some.

Revelation 18:3-5

  3 G3754 For G3956 all G1484 nations G4095 [G5758] have drunk G1537 of G3631 the wine G2372 of the rage G846 of her G4202 fornication, G2532 and G935 the kings G1093 of the earth G4203 [G5656] have fornicated G3326 with G846 her, G2532 and G1713 the merchants G1093 of the earth G4147 [G5656] have become rich G1537 from out of G3588 the G1411 power G846 of her G4764 delicacies.
  4 G2532 And G191 [G5656] I heard G243 another G5456 voice G1537 from G3772 heaven, G3004 [G5723] saying, G1831 [G5628] Come G1537 out of G846 her, G3450 my G2992 people, G3363 0 that G4790 0 ye be G3363 not G4790 [G5661] partakers G846 of her G266 sins, G2532 and G3363 0 that G2983 [G5632] ye receive G3363 not G1537 of G846 her G4127 plagues.
  5 G3754 For G846 her G266 sins G190 G2853 [G5656] have reached G891 to G3772 heaven, G2532 and G2316 God G3421 [G5656] hath remembered G846 her G92 wrong doings.

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