2 Samuel 7:7 Cross References - new

  7 H1980 [H8694] In all the places in which I have walked H1121 with all the sons H3478 of Israel H1696 [H8765] have I spoken H1697 a word H259 with any H7626 of the tribes H3478 of Israel, H6680 [H8765] whom I commanded H7462 [H8800] to feed H5971 my people H3478 Israel, H559 [H8800] saying, H1129 [H8804] Why do ye not build H1004 me an house H730 of cedar?

Leviticus 26:11-12

  11 H5414 [H8804] And I will set H4908 my tabernacle H8432 among H5315 you: and my breath H1602 [H8799] shall not abhor you.
  12 H1980 [H8694] And I will walk H8432 among H1961 [H8799] you, and will be H430 your God, H1961 [H8799] and ye shall be H5971 my people.

Deuteronomy 23:14

  14 H3068 For the LORD H430 thy God H1980 [H8693] walketh H7130 in the midst H4264 of thy camp, H5337 [H8687] to deliver H5414 [H8800] thee, and to give up H341 [H8802] thy enemies H6440 at the face of H4264 thee; therefore shall thy camp H6918 be holy: H7200 [H8799] that he may see H6172 no unclean H1697 thing H7725 [H8804] in thee, and turn away H310 from thee.

2 Samuel 5:2

  2 H865 H8032 Also in time past, H7586 when Saul H4428 was king H3318 [H8688] over us, thou wast he that leddest out H935 [H8688] and broughtest in H3478 Israel: H3068 and the LORD H559 [H8799] said H7462 [H8799] to thee, Thou shalt feed H5971 my people H3478 Israel, H5057 and thou shalt be a captain H3478 over Israel.

1 Chronicles 17:6

  6 H1980 [H8694] Wherever I have walked H3478 with all Israel, H1696 [H8765] have I spoken H1697 a word H259 to any H8199 [H8802] of the judges H3478 of Israel, H6680 [H8765] whom I commanded H7462 [H8800] to feed H5971 my people, H559 [H8800] saying, H1129 [H8804] Why have ye not built H1004 me an house H730 of cedars?

Psalms 78:71-72

  71 H310 From following H5763 [H8802] the ewes great with young H935 [H8689] he brought H7462 [H8800] him to feed H3290 Jacob H5971 his people, H3478 and Israel H5159 his inheritance.
  72 H7462 [H8686] So he fed H8537 them according to the integrity H3824 of his heart; H5148 [H8686] and guided H8394 them by the skilfulness H3709 of his palms.

Isaiah 40:11

  11 H7462 [H8799] He shall feed H5739 his flock H7462 [H8802] like a shepherd: H6908 [H8762] he shall gather H2922 the lambs H2220 with his arm, H5375 [H8799] and carry H2436 them in his bosom, H5095 [H8762] and shall gently lead H5763 [H8802] those that are with young.

Jeremiah 3:15

  15 H5414 [H8804] And I will give H7462 [H8802] you shepherds H3820 according to my heart, H7462 [H8804] who shall feed H1844 you with knowledge H7919 [H8687] and understanding.

Jeremiah 23:4

  4 H6965 [H8689] And I will set H7462 [H8802] shepherds H7462 [H8804] over them who shall feed H3372 [H8799] them: and they shall fear H2865 [H8735] no more, nor be dismayed, H6485 [H8735] neither shall they be lacking, H5002 [H8803] saith H3068 the LORD.

Ezekiel 34:2

  2 H1121 Son H120 of man, H5012 [H8734] prophesy H7462 [H8802] against the shepherds H3478 of Israel, H5012 [H8734] prophesy, H559 [H8804] and say H559 [H8804] to them, Thus saith H136 the Sovereign H3069 LORD H7462 [H8802] to the shepherds; H1945 Woe H7462 [H8802] be to the shepherds H3478 of Israel H7462 [H8802] that do feed H7462 [H8802] themselves! should not the shepherds H7462 [H8799] feed H6629 the flocks?

Ezekiel 34:15

  15 H7462 [H8799] I will feed H6629 my flock, H7257 [H8686] and I will cause them to lie down, H5002 [H8803] saith H136 the Sovereign H3069 LORD.

Ezekiel 34:23

  23 H6965 [H8689] And I will set up H259 one H7462 [H8802] shepherd H7462 [H8804] over them, and he shall feed H5650 them, even my servant H1732 David; H7462 [H8799] he shall feed H7462 [H8802] them, and he shall be their shepherd.

Micah 5:4

  4 H5975 [H8804] And he shall stand H7462 [H8804] and feed H5797 in the strength H3068 of the LORD, H1347 in the majesty H8034 of the name H3068 of the LORD H430 his God; H3427 [H8804] and they shall abide: H1431 [H8799] for now shall he be great H657 to the ends H776 of the earth.

Matthew 2:6

  6 G2532 And G4771 thou G965 Bethlehem, G1093 in the land G2448 of Judah, G1488 [G5748] art G3760 not G1646 the least G1722 among G2232 the princes G2448 of Judah: G1063 for G1537 out of G4675 thee G1831 [G5695] shall come G2233 [G5740] a Governor, G3748 that G4165 [G5692] shall rule G3450 my G2992 people G2474 Israel.

John 21:15-17

  15 G3767 So G3753 when G709 [G5656] they had dined, G2424 Jesus G3004 [G5719] saith G4613 to Simon G4074 Peter, G4613 { Simon, G2495 son of Jonas, G25 [G5719] lovest thou G3165 me G4119 more than G5130 these? G3004 [G5719] } He saith G846 to him, G3483 Yea, G2962 Lord; G4771 thou G1492 [G5758] knowest G3754 that G5368 [G5719] I am fond of G4571 thee. G3004 [G5719] He saith G846 to him, G1006 [G5720] { Feed G3450 my G721 lambs.}
  16 G3004 [G5719] He saith G846 to him G3825 again G1208 the second time, G4613 { Simon, G2495 son of Jonas, G25 [G5719] lovest thou G3165 me? G3004 [G5719] } He saith G846 to him, G3483 Yea, G2962 Lord; G4771 thou G1492 [G5758] knowest G3754 that G5368 [G5719] I am fond of G4571 thee. G3004 [G5719] He saith G846 to him, G4165 [G5720] { Feed G3450 my G4263 sheep.}
  17 G3004 [G5719] He saith G846 to him G5154 the third time, G4613 { Simon, G2495 son of Jonas, G5368 [G5719] art thou fond G3165 of me? G4074 } Peter G3076 [G5681] was grieved G3754 because G2036 [G5627] he said G846 to him G5154 the third time, G5368 [G5719] { Art thou fond G3165 of me? G2532 } And G2036 [G5627] he said G846 to him, G2962 Lord, G4771 thou G1492 [G5758] knowest G3956 all things; G4771 thou G1097 [G5719] knowest G3754 that G5368 [G5719] I am fond of G4571 thee. G2424 Jesus G3004 [G5719] saith G846 to him, G1006 [G5720] { Feed G3450 my G4263 sheep.}

Acts 20:28

  28 G4337 [G5720] Take heed G3767 therefore G1438 to yourselves, G2532 and G3956 to all G4168 the flock, G1722 over G3739 which G40 the Holy G4151 Spirit G5087 [G5639] hath made G5209 you G1985 overseers, G4165 [G5721] to feed G3588 the G1577 congregation G2316 of God, G3739 which G4046 [G5668] he hath purchased G1223 with G2398 his own G129 blood.

Acts 21:28

  28 G2896 [G5723] Crying out, G435 Men G2475 of Israel, G997 [G5720] help: G3778 This G2076 [G5748] is G444 the man, G1321 [G5723] that teacheth G3956 all G3837 men every where G2596 against G2992 the people, G2532 and G3551 the law, G2532 and G5126 this G5117 place: G5037 and G2089 further G1521 [G5627] hath brought G1672 Hellenes G2532 also G1519 into G2411 the temple, G2532 and G2840 [G5758] hath made common G5127 this G40 holy G5117 place.

1 Peter 5:1

  1 G4245 The elders G1722 who are among G5213 you G3870 [G5719] I exhort, G3588 who G4850 am also an elder, G2532 and G3144 a witness G3804 of the sufferings G5547 of Anointed, G2532 and also G2844 a partner G1391 of the glory G3195 [G5723] that shall G601 [G5745] be revealed:

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.