Romans 8:17 Cross References - WEB_Strongs

  17 G1161 and G1487 if G5043 children, G2532 then G2818 heirs; G2818 heirs G2316 of God, G1161 and G4789 joint heirs G5547 with Christ; G1512 if indeed G4841 we suffer with G1512 him, that G2532 we may also G4888 be G4888 glorified with him.

Matthew 16:24

  24 G5119 Then G2424 Jesus G2036 said G3101 to G846 his G3101 disciples, G1487 "If G5100 anyone G2309 desires G2064 to come G3694 after G3450 me, G533 let him deny G1438 himself, G2532 and G142 take up G846 his G4716 cross, G2532 and G190 follow G3427 me.

Matthew 25:21

  21 G846 "His G2962 lord G5346 said G846 to him, G2095 ‘Well done, G18 good G2532 and G4103 faithful G1401 servant. G2258 You have been G4103 faithful G1909 over G3641 a few things, G2525 I will set G4571 you G1909 over G3641 many things. G1519 Enter into G5479 the joy G2962 of G4675 your G2962 lord.'

Luke 12:32

  32 G3361 Don't G5399 be afraid, G3398 little G4168 flock, G3754 for G2106 it is G5216 your G3962 Father's G2106 good pleasure G1325 to give G5213 you G932 the Kingdom.

Luke 22:29-30

  29 G2504 I G1303 confer G5213 on you G932 a kingdom, G2531 even as G3450 my G3962 Father G1303 conferred G3427 on me,
  30 G2443 that G2068 you may eat G2532 and G4095 drink G1909 at G3450 my G5132 table G1722 in G3450 my G932 Kingdom. G2532 You G2523 will sit G1909 on G2362 thrones, G2919 judging G1427 the twelve G5443 tribes G2474 of Israel."

Luke 24:26

  26 G1163   G3780 Didn't G5547 the Christ G3958 have to suffer G5023 these things G2532 and G1525 to enter G1519 into G846 his G1391 glory?"

John 12:25-26

  25 G5368 He who loves G846 his G5590 life G622 will lose G846 it. G2532 He G3404 who hates G846 his G5590 life G1722 in G5129 this G2889 world G5442 will keep G846 it G1519 to G166 eternal G2222 life.
  26 G1437 If G5100 anyone G1247 serves G1698 me, G190 let him follow G1698 me. G2532   G3699 Where G1473 I G1510 am, G1563 there G2071 will G1699 my G1249 servant G2532 also G2071 be. G1437 If G5100 anyone G1247 serves G1698 me, G3962 the Father G5091 will G2532 honor G846 him.

John 17:24

  24 G3962 Father, G1473 I G2309 desire G2443 that G2548 they also G3739 whom G1325 you have given G3427 me G5600 be G3326 with G1700 me G3699 where G1510 I am, G2443 that G2334 they may see G1699 my G1391 glory, G3739 which G1325 you have given G3427 me, G3754 for G25 you loved G3165 me G4253 before G2602 the foundation G2889 of the world.

Acts 14:22

  22 G1991 confirming G5590 the souls G3101 of the disciples, G3870 exhorting them G1696 to continue G4102 in the faith, G2532 and G3754 that G1223 through G4183 many G2347 afflictions G2248 we G1163 must G1525 enter G1519 into G932 the Kingdom G2316 of God.

Acts 20:32

  32Now, brothers, I entrust you to God, and to the word of his grace, which is able to build up, and to give you the inheritance among all those who are sanctified.

Acts 26:18

  18 G455 to open G846 their G3788 eyes, G3588 that G1994 they may turn G575 from G4655 darkness G1519 to G5457 light G2532 and G1849 from the power G4567 of Satan G1909 to G2316 God, G846 that they G2983 may receive G859 remission G266 of sins G2532 and G2819 an inheritance G1722 among G3588 those who G37 are sanctified G4102 by faith G1519 in G1691 me.'"

Romans 5:9-10

  9 G4183 Much G3123 more G3767 then, G1344 being G3568 now G1344 justified G1722 by G846 his G129 blood, G4982 we will be saved G575 from G3709 God's wrath G1223 through G846 him.
  10 G1063 For G1487 if, G5607 while we were G2190 enemies, G2644 we were reconciled G2316 to God G1223 through G2288 the death G846 of his G5207 Son, G4183 much G3123 more, G2644 being reconciled, G4982 we will be saved G1722 by G846 his G2222 life.

Romans 5:17

  17 G1063 For G1487 if G3900 by G3900 the trespass G1520 of the one, G2288 death G936 reigned G1223 through G1520 the one; G4183 so much G3123 more G2983 will those who receive G4050 the abundance G5485 of grace G2532 and G1431 of the gift G1343 of righteousness G936 reign G1722 in G2222 life G1223 through G1520 the one, G2424 Jesus G5547 Christ.

Romans 8:3

  3 G1063 For G3588 what G3551 the law G102 couldn't do, G1722 in G3739 that G770 it was weak G1223 through G4561 the flesh, G2316 God G3992 did, sending G1438 his own G5207 Son G1722 in G3667 the likeness G266 of sinful G4561 flesh G2532 and G4012 for G266 sin, G2632 he condemned G266 sin G1722 in G4561 the flesh;

Romans 8:29-30

  29 G3754 For G3739 whom G4267 he foreknew, G4309 he G2532 also G4309 predestined G4832 to be conformed to G1504 the image G5207 of G846 his G5207 Son, G1519 that G846 he G1511 might be G4416 the firstborn G1722 among G4183 many G80 brothers.
  30 G1161   G3739 Whom G4309 he predestined, G5128 those G2532 he also G2564 called. G2532   G3739 Whom G2564 he called, G5128 those G1344 he G2532 also G1344 justified. G1161   G3739 Whom G1344 he justified, G5128 those G1392 he G2532 also G1392 glorified.

1 Corinthians 2:9

  9 G235 But G2531 as G1125 it is written, G3739 "Things which an G3788 eye G3756 didn't G1492 see, G2532 and G3756   G3775 an ear G3756 didn't G191 hear, G3756   G2532 which G3756 didn't G305 enter G1909 into G2588 the heart G444 of man, G2316 these God G2090 has prepared G3588 for those G25 who love G846 him."

1 Corinthians 3:22-23

  22 G1535 whether G3972 Paul, G1535 or G625 Apollos, G1535 or G2786 Cephas, G1535 or G2889 the world, G1535 or G2222 life, G1535 or G2288 death, G1535 or G1764 things present, G1535 or G3195 things to come. G3956 All G2076 are G5216 yours,
  23 G1161 and G5210 you G5547 are Christ's, G1161 and G5547 Christ G2316 is God's.

2 Corinthians 1:7

  7 G1492 Our hope for you is steadfast, knowing G3754 that, G5618 since G2075 you are G2844 partakers G3804 of the sufferings, G3779 so G2532 also G3874 are you of the comfort.

2 Corinthians 4:8-12

  8 G2346 We are pressed G1722 on G3956 every side, G235 yet G3756 not G4729 crushed; G639 perplexed, G235 yet G3756 not G1820 to despair;
  9 G1377 pursued, G235 yet G3756 not G1459 forsaken; G2598 struck down, G235 yet G3756 not G622 destroyed;
  10 G3842 always G4064 carrying G1722 in G4983 the body G3500 the putting to death G2962 of the Lord G2424 Jesus, G2443 that G2222 the life G2424 of Jesus G2532 may also G5319 be revealed G1722 in G2257 our G4983 body.
  11 G1063 For G2249 we G2198 who live G104 are always G3860 delivered G1519 to G2288 death G1223 for G2424 Jesus' G2443 sake, that G2222 the life G2532 also G2424 of Jesus G5319 may be revealed G1722 in G2257 our G2349 mortal G4561 flesh.
  12 G5620 So then G2288 death G3303   G1754 works G1722 in G2254 us, G1161 but G2222 life G1722 in G5213 you.

Galatians 3:29

  29 G1161   G1487 If G5210 you G5547 are Christ's, G686 then G2075 you G11 are Abraham's G4690 seed G2532 and G2818 heirs G2596 according to G1860 promise.

Galatians 4:7

  7 G5620 So G1488 you are G3765 no longer G1401 a bondservant, G235 but G5207 a son; G1161 and G1487 if G5207 a son, G2532 then G2818 an heir G2316 of God G1223 through G5547 Christ.

Ephesians 3:6

  6 G3588 that G1484 the Gentiles G1511 are G4789 fellow heirs, G2532 and G4954 fellow members of the body, G2532 and G4830 fellow partakers G846 of his G1860 promise G1722 in G5547 Christ G1223 Jesus through G2098 the Good News,

Philippians 1:29

  29 G3754 Because G5483 it has been granted G5213 to you G5228 on behalf G5547 of Christ, G3756 not G3440 only G4100 to believe G1519 in G846 him, G235 but G2532 also G3958 to suffer G1519 on G846 his G5228 behalf,

2 Timothy 2:10-14

  10 G1223 Therefore G5278 I endure G3956 all things G1223 for G1588 the chosen G1223 ones' sake, G2443 that G846 they G2532 also G5177 may G5177 obtain G4991 the salvation G3588 which is G1722 in G5547 Christ G2424 Jesus G3326 with G166 eternal G5124 glory.
  11 G3056 This saying G4103 is faithful: G1063 "For G1487 if G4880 we died with G4800 him, we will G2532 also G4800 live with him.
  12 G1487 If G5278 we endure, G4821 we will G2532 also G4821 reign with G1487 him. If G720 we deny G2548 him, he also G720 will deny G2248 us.
  13 G1487 If G569 we are faithless, G1565 he G3306 remains G4103 faithful. G1410 He G1410 can't G720 deny G1438 himself."
  14 G5279 Remind G5023 them of these things, G1263 charging G1799 them in the sight G2962 of the Lord, G3361 that they don't G3054 argue G3054 about words, G1519 to G3762 no G5539 profit, G1909 to G2692 the subverting G191 of those who hear.

Titus 3:7

  7 G2443 that, G1344 being justified G1565 by his G5485 grace, G1096 we might be made G2818 heirs G2596 according to G1680 the hope G166 of eternal G2222 life.

Hebrews 1:14

  14 G3780 Aren't G1526 they G3956 all G3010 serving G4151 spirits, G649 sent out G1519 to G3010 do service G1223 for G3588 the sake of those who G3195 will G2816 inherit G4991 salvation?

Hebrews 6:17

  17 G3739   G1722 In G2316 this way God, G1014 being determined G1925 to show G4054 more abundantly G2818 to the heirs G1860 of the promise G276 the immutability G1012 of G846 his G1012 counsel, G3315 interposed G3727 with an oath;

James 2:5

  5 G191 Listen, G3450 my G27 beloved G80 brothers. G1586   G3756 Didn't G2316 God G1586 choose G4434 those who are poor G5127 in this G2889 world G4145 to be rich G1722 in G4102 faith, G2532 and G2818 heirs G932 of the Kingdom G3739 which G1861 he promised G3588 to those who G25 love G846 him?

1 Peter 1:4

  4 G1519 to G862 an incorruptible G2532 and G283 undefiled G2817 inheritance G2532 that G263 doesn't fade away, G5083 reserved G1722 in G3772 Heaven G1519 for G5209 you,

1 Peter 4:13

  13 G235 But G2526 because G2841 you are partakers G5547 of Christ's G3804 sufferings, G5463 rejoice; G2443 that G1722 at G602 the revelation G846 of his G1391 glory G2532 you also G5463 may rejoice G21 with exceeding joy.

Revelation 3:21

  21 G846 He G3528 who overcomes, G1325 I will give G2523 to him to sit G3326 down with G1700 me G1722 on G3450 my G2362 throne, G5613 as G2504 I also G3528 overcame, G2532 and G2523 sat down G3326 with G3450 my G3962 Father G1722 on G846 his G2362 throne.

Revelation 21:7

  7 G3588 He G3528 who overcomes, G2816 I will give G3956 him these things. G2532   G2071 I will be G846 his G2316 God, G2532 and G846 he G2071 will be G3427 my G5207 son.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.