1 John 4:6 Cross References - WEB_Strongs

  6 G2249 We G2070 are G1537 of G2316 God. G1097 He who knows G2316 God G191 listens G2257 to us. G3739 He who G2076 is G3756 not G1537 of G2316 God G3756 doesn't G191 listen G2257 to us. G1537 By G5127 this G1097 we G4151 know the spirit G225 of truth, G2532 and G4151 the spirit G4106 of error.

Isaiah 8:20

  20 H8451 Turn to the law H8584 and to the testimony! H559 If they don't speak H1697 according to this word, H7837 surely there is no morning for them.

Isaiah 29:10

  10 H3068 For Yahweh H5258 has poured out H7307 on you a spirit H8639 of deep sleep, H6105 and has closed H5869 your eyes, H5030 the prophets; H3680 and he has covered H7218 your heads, H2374 the seers.

Hosea 4:12

  12 H5971 My people H7592 consult H6086 with their wooden idol, H5046 and answer H4731 to a stick H7307 of wood. Indeed the spirit H2183 of prostitution H8582 has led them astray, H2181 and they have been unfaithful H430 to their God.

Micah 2:11

  11 H3863 If H376 a man H1980 walking H7307 in a spirit H8267 of falsehood H3576 lies: H5197 "I will prophesy H3196 to you of wine H7941 and of strong drink;" H5197 he would be the prophet H5971 of this people.

Micah 3:8

  8 H199 But as H4390 for me, I am full H3581 of power H7307 by the Spirit H3068 of Yahweh, H4941 and of judgment, H1369 and of might, H5046 to declare H3290 to Jacob H6588 his disobedience, H3478 and to Israel H2403 his sin.

Luke 10:22

  22 G3956 Turning to the disciples, he said, "All things G3860 have been delivered G3427 to me G5259 by G3450 my G3962 Father. G2532 No G3762 one G1097 knows G5101 who G5207 the Son G2076 is, G1487 except G3361   G3962 the Father, G2532 and G5101 who G3962 the Father G2076 is, G1487 except G3361   G5207 the Son, G2532 and G1437 he to G3739 whomever G5207 the Son G1014 desires G601 to reveal him."

John 8:19

  19 G3004 They G611 said G3767 therefore G846 to him, G4226 "Where G2076 is G4675 your G3962 Father?" G2424 Jesus G611 answered, G1492 "You G1492 know G3777 neither G1691 me, G3777 nor G3450 my G3962 Father. G1487 If G1691 you knew me, G1492 you would know G302   G3450 my G3962 Father G2532 also."

John 8:45-50

  45 G1161 But G3754 because G1473 I G3004 tell G225 the truth, G3756 you don't G4100 believe G3427 me.
  46 G5101 Which G1537 of G5216 you G1651 convicts G3165 me G4012 of G266 sin? G1487 If G5101 I G3004 tell G225 the truth, G1223 why G5101   G4100 do G5210 you G3756 not G4100 believe G3427 me?
  47 G5607 He who is G1537 of G2316 God G191 hears G4487 the words G2316 of God. G1223 For G5124 this cause G5210 you G3756 don't G191 hear, G3754 because G2075 you are G3756 not G1537 of G2316 God."
  48 G3767 Then G2453 the Jews G611 answered G846 him, G2532   G2036   G3756 "Don't G2249 we G2036 say G2573 well G3754 that G4771 you G1488 are G4541 a Samaritan, G2532 and G2192 have G1140 a demon?"
  49 G2424 Jesus G611 answered, G1473 "I G3756 don't G2192 have G1140 a demon, G235 but G5091 I honor G3450 my G3962 Father, G2532 and G5210 you G818 dishonor G3165 me.
  50 G1161 But G1473 I G3756 don't G2212 seek G3450 my own G1391 glory. G2076 There is G2212 one who seeks G2532 and G2919 judges.

John 10:16

  16 G2532 I G2192 have G243 other G4263 sheep, G3739 which G2076 are G3756 not G1537 of G3778 this G833 fold. G2548   G3165 I G1163 must G71 bring G2548 them also, G2532 and G191 they will hear G3450 my G5456 voice. G1096 They will become G1520 one G4167 flock G1520 with one G4166 shepherd.

John 10:27

  27 G1699 My G4263 sheep G5456 hear G3450 my G191 voice, G2504 and I G1097 know G846 them, G2532 and G190 they follow G3427 me.

John 13:20

  20 G281 Most G281 certainly G3004 I tell G5213 you, G3588 he who G2983 receives G5100   G1437 whomever G3992 I send, G2983 receives G1691 me; G1161 and G3588 he who G2983 receives G1691 me, G2983 receives G3588 him who G3992 sent G3165 me."

John 14:17

  17 G4151 the Spirit G225 of truth, G3739 whom G2889 the world G1410 can't G3756   G2983 receive; G3754 for G3756 it doesn't G2334 see G846 him, G3761 neither G1097 knows G846 him. G1161   G5210 You G1097 know G846 him, G3754 for G3306 he lives G3844 with G5213 you, G2532 and G2071 will be G1722 in G5213 you.

John 15:26

  26 G1161   G3752 "When G3875 the Counselor G2064 has come, G3739 whom G1473 I G3992 will send G5213 to you G3844 from G3962 the Father, G4151 the Spirit G225 of truth, G3739 who G1607 proceeds G3844 from G3962 the Father, G1565 he G3140 will testify G4012 about G1700 me.

John 16:13

  13 G1161 However G3752 when G1565 he, G4151 the Spirit of G225 truth, G2064 has come, G3594 he will guide G5209 you G1519 into G3956 all G225 truth, G1063 for G2980 he will G3756 not G2980 speak G575 from G1438 himself; G235 but G3745 whatever G302   G191 he hears, G2980 he will speak. G2532 He G312 will declare G5213 to you G3588 things G2064 that are coming.

John 18:37

  37 G4091 Pilate G3767 therefore G2036 said G846 to him, G1488 "Are G4771 you G935 a king G3766 then?" G2424 Jesus G611 answered, G4771 "You G3004 say G3754 that G1473 I G1510 am G935 a king. G1519 For G5124 this reason G1473 I G1080 have been G1080 born, G2532 and G1519 for G5124 this reason G2064 I G1519 have come into G2889 the world, G2443 that G3140 I should testify G225 to the truth. G3956 Everyone G5607 who is G1537 of G225 the truth G191 listens G3450 to my G5456 voice."

John 20:21

  21 G2424 Jesus G3767 therefore G2036 said G846 to them G3825 again, G1515 "Peace G5213 be to you. G2531 As G3962 the Father G649 has sent G3165 me, G2504 even so G3992 I G5209 send you."

Romans 1:1

  1 G3972 Paul, G1401 a servant G2424 of Jesus G5547 Christ, G2822 called G1519 to G652 be an apostle, G873 set apart G2098 for the Good News G2316 of God,

Romans 11:8

  8 G2531 According as G1125 it is written, G2316 "God G1325 gave G846 them G4151 a spirit G2659 of stupor, G3788 eyes G991 that they should G3361 not G991 see, G2532 and G3775 ears G191 that they should G3361 not G191 hear, G2193 to G4594 this G2250 very day."

1 Corinthians 2:12-14

  12 G1161 But G2249 we G2983 received, G3756 not G4151 the spirit G2889 of the world, G235 but G4151 the Spirit G3588 which is G1537 from G2316 God, G2443 that G1492 we might know G3588 the things that G5483 were freely given G2254 to us G5259 by G2316 God.
  13 G3739 Which things G2532 also G2980 we speak, G3756 not G1722 in G3056 words G442 which man's G4678 wisdom G1318 teaches, G235 but G1722 which G40 the Holy G4151 Spirit G1318 teaches, G4793 comparing G4152 spiritual things G4152 with spiritual things.
  14 G1161 Now G5591 the natural G444 man G3756 doesn't G1209 receive G3588 the things G2316 of God's G4151 Spirit, G1063 for G2076 they are G3472 foolishness G846 to him, G2532 and G3756 he G1410 can't G1097 know G3754 them, because G4153 they are spiritually G350 discerned.

1 Corinthians 14:37

  37 G1487 If G5100 any man G1380 thinks himself G1511 to be G4396 a prophet, G2228 or G4152 spiritual, G1921 let him recognize G3739 the things G3754 which G1125 I write G5213 to you, G1526 that they are G1785 the commandment G2962 of the Lord.

2 Corinthians 10:7

  7 G991 Do you look G3588 at things G2596 only as G4383 they appear in front of your face? G1487 If G3982 anyone trusts G1438 in himself G1511 that he is G5547 Christ's, G3049 let him G3049 consider G5124 this G3825 again G575 with G1438 himself, G3754 that, G2532 even G2531 as G846 he G5547 is Christ's, G3779 so G2532 also G2249 we G5547 are Christ's.

2 Thessalonians 1:8

  8 G1325 giving G1557 vengeance G3361 to those who don't G1492 know G2316 God, G2532 and G3361 to those who don't G5219 obey G2098 the Good News G2257 of our G2962 Lord G2424 Jesus,

2 Thessalonians 2:9-11

  9 G3739 even he whose G3952 coming G2076 is G2596 according G1753 to the working G4567 of Satan G1722 with G3956 all G1411 power G2532 and G4592 signs G2532 and G5579 lying G5059 wonders,
  10 G2532 and G1722 with G3956 all G539 deception G93 of wickedness G1722 for G622 those who are being lost, G473 because G3756 they didn't G1209 receive G26 the love G225 of the truth, G1519 that G846 they G3739 might be saved.
  11 G2532   G1223 Because G5124 of this, G2316 God G3992 sends G846 them G1753 a working G4106 of error, G1519 that G846 they G4100 should believe G5579 a lie;

1 Timothy 4:1

  1 G1161 But G4151 the Spirit G3004 says G4490 expressly G3754 that G1722 in G5306 later G2540 times G5100 some G868 will fall away from G4102 the faith, G4337 paying attention to G4108 seducing G4151 spirits G2532 and G1319 doctrines G1140 of demons,

2 Peter 3:2

  2 G3415 that you should remember G4487 the words G4280 which were spoken before G5259 by G40 the holy G4396 prophets, G2532 and G1785 the commandments G2257 of us, G652 the apostles G2962 of the Lord G2532 and G4990 Savior:

1 John 4:1

  1 G27 Beloved, G3361 don't G4100 believe G3956 every G4151 spirit, G235 but G1381 test G4151 the spirits, G1487 whether G2076 they are G1537 of G2316 God, G3754 because G4183 many G5578 false prophets G1831 have gone out G1519 into G2889 the world.

1 John 4:4

  4 G5210 You G2075 are G1537 of G2316 God, G5040 little children, G2532 and G3528 have overcome G846 them; G3754 because G3187 greater G2076 is he G3588 who G1722 is in G5213 you G2228 than G3588 he who G1722 is in G2889 the world.

1 John 4:8

  8 G3361 He who doesn't G25 love G3756 doesn't G1097 know G2316 God, G3754 for G2316 God G2076 is G26 love.

Jude 1:17

  17 G1161 But G5210 you, G27 beloved, G3415 remember G4487 the words G4280 which have been spoken before G5259 by G652 the apostles G5259 of G2257 our G2962 Lord G2424 Jesus G5547 Christ.

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.