1 Kings 8:12-50

  12 H8010 Then Solomon H559 said, H3068 "Yahweh H559 has said H7931 that he would dwell H6205 in the thick darkness.
  13 H1129 I have surely H1129 built H1004 you a house H2073 of habitation, H4349 a place H2073 for you to dwell in H5769 forever."
  14 H4428 The king H5437 turned H6440 his face H5437 about, H1288 and blessed H6951 all the assembly H3478 of Israel: H6951 and all the assembly H3478 of Israel H5975 stood.
  15 H559 He said, H1288 "Blessed H3068 is Yahweh, H430 the God H3478 of Israel, H1696 who spoke H6310 with his mouth H1732 to David H1 your father, H3027 and has with his hand H4390 fulfilled H559 it, saying,
  16 H3117 ‘Since the day H5971 that I brought my people H3478 Israel H3318 out H4714 of Egypt, H977 I chose H5892 no city H7626 out of all the tribes H3478 of Israel H1129 to build H1004 a house, H8034 that my name H977 might be there; but I chose H1732 David H5971 to be over my people H3478 Israel.'
  17 H3824 "Now it was in the heart H1732 of David H1 my father H1129 to build H1004 a house H8034 for the name H3068 of Yahweh, H430 the God H3478 of Israel.
  18 H3068 But Yahweh H559 said H1732 to David H1 my father, H3282 ‘Whereas H3824 it was in your heart H1129 to build H1004 a house H8034 for my name, H2895 you did well H3824 that it was in your heart.
  19 H7535 Nevertheless, H1129 you shall not build H1004 the house; H1121 but your son H3318 who shall come forth out H2504 of your body, H1129 he shall build H1004 the house H8034 for my name.'
  20 H3068 Yahweh H6965 has established H1697 his word H1696 that he spoke; H6965 for I have risen up H1732 in the place of David H1 my father, H3427 and I sit H3678 on the throne H3478 of Israel, H3068 as Yahweh H1696 promised, H1129 and have built H1004 the house H8034 for the name H3068 of Yahweh, H430 the God H3478 of Israel.
  21 H7760 There I have set H4725 a place H727 for the ark, H1285 in which is the covenant H3068 of Yahweh, H3772 which he made H1 with our fathers, H3318 when he brought them out H776 of the land H4714 of Egypt."
  22 H8010 Solomon H5975 stood H6440 before H4196 the altar H3068 of Yahweh H5048 in the presence of H6951 all the assembly H3478 of Israel, H6566 and spread forth H3709 his hands H8064 toward heaven;
  23 H559 and he said, H3068 "Yahweh, H430 the God H3478 of Israel, H430 there is no God H8064 like you, in heaven H4605 above, H776 or on earth H8104 beneath; who keep H1285 covenant H2617 and loving kindness H5650 with your servants, H1980 who walk H6440 before H3820 you with all their heart;
  24 H8104 who have kept H5650 with your servant H1732 David H1 my father H1696 that which you promised H1696 him. Yes, you spoke H6310 with your mouth, H4390 and have fulfilled H3027 it with your hand, H3117 as it is this day.
  25 H3068 Now therefore, may Yahweh, H430 the God H3478 of Israel, H8104 keep H5650 with your servant H1732 David H1 my father H1696 that which you have promised H559 him, saying, H3772 ‘There shall not fail H376 you a man H6440 in my sight H3427 to sit H3678 on the throne H3478 of Israel, H7535 if H1121 only your children H8104 take heed H1870 to their way, H3212 to walk H6440 before H1980 me as you have walked H6440 before me.'
  26 H430 "Now therefore, God H3478 of Israel, H1697 please let your word H539 be verified, H1696 which you spoke H5650 to your servant H1732 David H1 my father.
  27 H430 But will God H552 in very deed H3427 dwell H776 on the earth? H8064 Behold, heaven H8064 and the heaven H8064 of heavens H3557 can't contain H637 you; how much less H1004 this house H1129 that I have built!
  28 H6437 Yet have respect H8605 for the prayer H5650 of your servant, H8467 and for his supplication, H3068 Yahweh H430 my God, H8085 to listen H7440 to the cry H8605 and to the prayer H5650 which your servant H6419 prays H6440 before H3117 you this day;
  29 H5869 that your eyes H6605 may be open H1004 toward this house H3915 night H3117 and day, H4725 even toward the place H559 of which you have said, H8034 ‘My name H8085 shall be there;' to listen H8605 to the prayer H5650 which your servant H6419 shall pray H4725 toward this place.
  30 H8085 Listen H8467 to the supplication H5650 of your servant, H5971 and of your people H3478 Israel, H6419 when they shall pray H4725 toward this place. H8085 Yes, hear H8064 in heaven, H3427 your dwelling H4725 place; H8085 and when you hear, H5545 forgive.
  31 H376 "If a man H2398 sins H7453 against his neighbor, H423 and an oath H5375 is laid H422 on him to cause him to swear, H935 and he comes H423 and swear H6440 before H4196 your altar H1004 in this house;
  32 H8085 then hear H8064 in heaven, H6213 and do, H8199 and judge H5650 your servants, H7561 condemning H7563 the wicked, H5414 to bring H1870 his way H7218 on his own head, H6663 and justifying H6662 the righteous, H5414 to give H6666 him according to his righteousness.
  33 H5971 "When your people H3478 Israel H5062 are struck down H6440 before H341 the enemy, H2398 because they have sinned H7725 against you; if they turn again H3034 to you, and confess H8034 your name, H6419 and pray H2603 and make supplication H1004 to you in this house:
  34 H8085 then hear H8064 in heaven, H5545 and forgive H2403 the sin H5971 of your people H3478 Israel, H7725 and bring them again H127 to the land H5414 which you gave H1 to their fathers.
  35 H8064 "When the sky H6113 is shut up, H4306 and there is no rain, H2398 because they have sinned H6419 against you; if they pray H4725 toward this place, H3034 and confess H8034 your name, H7725 and turn H2403 from their sin, H6031 when you afflict them:
  36 H8085 then hear H8064 in heaven, H5545 and forgive H2403 the sin H5650 of your servants, H5971 and of your people H3478 Israel, H3384 when you teach H2896 them the good H1870 way H3212 in which they should walk; H5414 and send H4306 rain H776 on your land, H5414 which you have given H5971 to your people H5159 for an inheritance.
  37 H7458 "If there is famine H776 in the land, H1698 if there is pestilence, H7711 if there is blight, H3420 mildew, H697 locust H2625 or caterpillar; H341 if their enemy H6887 besieges H776 them in the land H8179 of their cities; H5061 whatever plague, H4245 whatever sickness there is;
  38 H8605 whatever prayer H8467 and supplication H120 is made by any man, H5971 or by all your people H3478 Israel, H376 who shall each H3045 know H5061 the plague H3824 of his own heart, H6566 and spread forth H3709 his hands H1004 toward this house:
  39 H8085 then hear H8064 in heaven, H3427 your dwelling H4349 place, H5545 and forgive, H6213 and do, H5414 and render H376 to every man H1870 according to all his ways, H3824 whose heart H3045 you know; H3045 (for you, even you only, know H3824 the hearts H1121 of all the children H120 of men;)
  40 H3372 that they may fear H3117 you all the days H2416 that they live H6440 in H127 the land H5414 which you gave H1 to our fathers.
  41 H5237 "Moreover concerning the foreigner, H5971 who is not of your people H3478 Israel, H935 when he shall come out H7350 of a far H776 country H4616 for H8034 your name's sake
  42 H8085 (for they shall hear H1419 of your great H8034 name, H2389 and of your mighty H3027 hand, H5186 and of your outstretched H2220 arm); H935 when he shall come H6419 and pray H1004 toward this house;
  43 H8085 hear H8064 in heaven, H3427 your dwelling H4349 place, H6213 and do H5237 according to all that the foreigner H7121 calls H5971 to you for; that all the peoples H776 of the earth H3045 may know H8034 your name, H3372 to fear H5971 you, as do your people H3478 Israel, H3045 and that they may know H1004 that this house H1129 which I have built H7121 is called H8034 by your name.
  44 H5971 "If your people H3318 go out H4421 to battle H341 against their enemy, H1870 by whatever H7971 way you shall send H6419 them, and they pray H3068 to Yahweh H1870 toward H5892 the city H977 which you have chosen, H1004 and toward the house H1129 which I have built H8034 for your name;
  45 H8085 then hear H8064 in heaven H8605 their prayer H8467 and their supplication, H6213 and maintain H4941 their cause.
  46 H2398 If they sin H120 against you (for there is no man H2398 who doesn't sin), H599 and you are angry H5414 with them, and deliver H341 them to the enemy, H7617 so that they carry them away H7617 captive H6440 to H776 the land H341 of the enemy, H7350 far H7138 off or near;
  47 H7725 yet if they shall repent H776 in the land H7617 where they are carried captive, H7725 and turn H2603 again, and make supplication H776 to you in the land H7617 of those who carried them captive, H559 saying, H2398 ‘We have sinned, H5753 and have done perversely; H7561 we have dealt wickedly;'
  48 H7725 if they return H3824 to you with all their heart H5315 and with all their soul H776 in the land H341 of their enemies, H7617 who carried them captive, H6419 and pray H1870 to you toward H776 their land, H5414 which you gave H1 to their fathers, H5892 the city H977 which you have chosen, H1004 and the house H1129 which I have built H8034 for your name:
  49 H8085 then hear H8605 their prayer H8467 and their supplication H8064 in heaven, H3427 your dwelling H4349 place, H6213 and maintain H4941 their cause;
  50 H5545 and forgive H5971 your people H2398 who have sinned H6588 against you, and all their transgressions H6586 in which they have transgressed H5414 against you; and give H7356 them compassion H6440 before H7617 those who carried them captive, H7355 that they may have compassion on them