
  1 G2455 Jude, G1401 the slave G2424 of Jesus G5547 Anointed, G1161 and G80 brother G2385 of Jacob, G3588 to the ones G37 [G5772] having been sanctified G1722 in G2316 God G3962 the Father, G2532 and G5083 [G5772] kept G2424 in Jesus G5547 Anointed, G2822 and called:
  2 G1656 Mercy G5213 to you, G2532 and G1515 peace, G2532 and G26 love, G4129 [G5684] be multiplied.
  3 G27 Beloved, G4160 [G5734] when I gave G3956 all G4710 diligence G1125 [G5721] to write G5213 to you G4012 concerning G2839 the common G4991 salvation, G2192 [G5627] I had G318 necessity G1125 [G5658] to write G5213 to you, G3870 [G5723] and exhort G1864 [G5738] you that ye should earnestly contend G4102 for the faith G530 which was once G3860 [G5685] delivered G40 to the holy ones.
  4 G1063 For G5100 certain G444 men G3921 [G5656] have crept in unawares, G3588 those G3819 of old G4270 [G5772] having been written about beforehand G1519 to G5124 this G2917 judgment, G765 irreverent men, G3346 [G5723] transposing G3588 the G5485 grace G2257 of our G2316 God G1519 into G766 lasciviousness, G2532 and G720 [G5740] denying G3441 the only G1203 Master G2316 God, G2532 and G2257 our G2962 Lord G2424 Jesus G5547 Anointed.
  5 G1014 [G5736] I will G1161 therefore G5279 0 put G5209 you G5279 [G5658] in remembrance, G5209 though ye G530 once G1492 [G5761] knew G5124 this, G3754 that G3588 the G2962 Lord, G4982 [G5660] having saved G2992 the people G1537 from out of G1093 the land G125 of Egypt, G1208 afterward G622 [G5656] made lost G3588 those G4100 [G5660] believing G3361 not.
  6 G5037 And G3588 the G32 messengers G5083 [G5660] who kept G3361 not G1438 their G746 proper abode, G235 but G620 [G5631] left G2398 their own G3613 habitation, G5083 [G5758] he hath reserved G126 in everlasting G1199 bonds G5259 under G2217 gloom G1519 to G2920 the judgment G3173 of the great G2250 day.
  7 G5613 Even as G4670 Sodom G2532 and G1116 Gomorrah, G2532 and G4172 the cities G4012 about G846 them G3664 G5125 in like G5158 manner, G1608 [G5660] giving themselves over to gross immorality, G2532 and G565 [G5631] going G3694 after G2087 strange G4561 flesh, G4295 [G5736] are set forth for G1164 an example, G5254 [G5723] suffering G1349 the vengeance G166 of age-during G4442 fire.
  8 G3305 However, G3668 likewise G2532 also, G3778 these G1797 [G5740] dreaming ones, G3303 indeed G3392 [G5719] defile G4561 the flesh, G1161 and G114 [G5719] despise G2963 dominion, G1161 and G987 [G5719] speak evil G1391 of glorious things.
  9 G1161 Yet G3413 Michael G3588 the G743 chief messenger, G3753 when G1252 [G5734] contending G3588 with the G1228 slanderer G1256 [G5711] he dialogued G4012 about G3588 the G4983 body G3475 of Moses, G5111 [G5656] dared G3756 not G2018 [G5629] bring against him G988 a railing G2920 accusation, G235 but G2036 [G5627] said, G2962 The Lord G2008 [G5659] rebuke G4671 thee.
  10 G1161 But G3778 these G987 [G5719] speak evil G3745 G3303 of those things which G1492 [G5758] they know G3756 not: G1161 but G3745 what G1987 [G5736] they know G5447 naturally, G5613 as G249 brute G2226 beasts, G1722 in G5125 those things G5351 [G5743] they corrupt themselves.
  11 G3759 Woe G846 to them! G3754 for G4198 [G5675] they have gone G3588 in the G3598 way G2535 of Cain, G2532 and G1632 [G5681] run greedily after G3588 the G4106 delusion G903 of Balaam G3408 for a wage, G2532 and G622 [G5639] were lost G3588 in the G485 gainsaying G2879 of Korah.
  12 G3778 These G1526 [G5748] are G4694 reefs G1722 in G5216 your G26 feasts of love, G4910 [G5740] when they feast G5213 with you, G4165 [G5723] feeding G1438 themselves G870 without fear: G3507 clouds G504 they are without water, G4064 [G5746] carried about G5259 by G417 winds; G5352 late autumn G1186 trees, G175 without fruit, G1364 twice G599 [G5631] dead, G1610 [G5685] plucked out by the roots;
  13 G66 Wild G2949 waves G2281 of the sea, G1890 [G5723] foaming out G1438 their own G152 shame; G4107 wandering G792 stars, G3739 to whom G5083 [G5769] is reserved G2217 the gloom G4655 of darkness G1519 into G3588 the G165 age.
  14 G1161 And G1802 Enoch G2532 also, G1442 the seventh G575 from G76 Adam, G4395 [G5656] prophesied G5125 of these, G3004 [G5723] saying, G2400 [G5628] Behold, G2962 the Lord G2064 [G5627] cometh G1722 with G3461 ten thousands G846 of his G40 holy ones,
  15 G4160 [G5658] To execute G2920 judgment G2596 upon G3956 all, G2532 and G1827 [G5658] to convict G3956 all G765 that are irreverent G846 among them G4012 of G3956 all G846 their G763 irreverent G2041 deeds G3739 which G764 [G5656] they have irreverently committed, G2532 and G4012 of G3956 all G4642 their hard G3739 speeches which G765 irreverent G268 sinners G2980 [G5656] have spoken G2596 against G846 him.
  16 G3778 These G1526 [G5748] are G1113 murmurers, G3202 complainers, G4198 [G5740] walking G2596 after G846 their own G1939 lusts; G2532 and G846 their G4750 mouth G2980 [G5719] speaketh G5246 great swelling G4383 words, having men's persons G2296 [G5723] in admiration G5484 for favour G5622 of profit.
  17 G1161 But, G27 beloved, G3415 [G5682] remember G5210 ye G4487 the utterances G3588 which G4280 [G5772] were spoken before G5259 by G652 the apostles G2257 of our G2962 Lord G2424 Jesus G5547 Anointed;
  18 G3754 How G3754 that G3004 [G5707] they told G5213 you G2071 [G5704] there should be G1703 mockers G1722 in G2078 the last G5550 time, G4198 [G5740] who should walk G2596 after G1438 their own G763 ungodly G1939 lusts.
  19 G3778 These G1526 [G5748] are G592 [G5723] they who separate G1438 themselves, G5591 breathical, G2192 [G5723] having G3361 not G4151 the Spirit.
  20 G1161 But G5210 ye, G27 beloved, G2026 [G5723] building up G1438 yourselves G5216 on your G40 most holy G4102 faith, G4336 [G5740] praying G1722 in G40 Holy G4151 Spirit,
  21 G5083 [G5657] Keep G1438 yourselves G1722 in G26 the love G2316 of God, G4327 [G5740] looking for G1656 the mercy G2257 of our G2962 Lord G2424 Jesus G5547 Anointed G1519 to G166 age-during G2222 life.
  22 G2532 And G3303 indeed G3739 of some G1653 [G5720] have mercy, G1252 [G5734] judging thoroughly:
  23 G1161 And G3739 others G4982 [G5720] save G1722 with G5401 fear, G726 [G5723] pulling G1537 them out of G4442 the fire; G3404 [G5723] hating G2532 even G3588 the G5509 garment G4695 [G5772] having been spotted G575 from G3588 the G4561 flesh.
  24 G1161 Now G1410 [G5740] to him that is able G5442 [G5658] to keep G5209 G846 [G5625] you G679 from falling, G2532 and G2476 [G5658] to present G299 you faultless G2714 before the presence G846 of his G1391 glory G1722 in G20 exultation,
  25 G2316 To God G3441 the only G4680 wise, G2257 our G4990 Saviour, G1391 be glory G2532 and G3172 majesty, G2904 might G2532 and G1849 authority, G2532 both G3568 now G2532 and G1519 into G3956 all G3588 the G165 ages. G281 Amen.